Effects of spring top-dressing phosphorus on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by Charles Randal Phillips A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Soils Montana State University © Copyright by Charles Randal Phillips (1972) Abstract: Three repetitions of fifteen treatments were laid out on a cooperator's winter wheat field in spring, following the fall planting. The cooperator was asked to drill in P fertilizer at seeding in the fall and to manage the planting as he normally would After the plots were laid out, plant and soil samples were taken and the fertilizer was spread. Soil temperatures, precipitation, and evaporation measurements were made throughout the growing season. Eighty-one sites were considered, 40 from the 1970 and 41 from the 1971 growing seasons. For both years the top-dressing resulted in an overall increase in yield of 2.1 bushels/acre and an overall decrease in protein percentage of 0.05%. Of the sites 69.1% showed an average yield increase of 3.6 bushels/acre; 4.9% showed no change; and 26.5% showed an average decrease of 1.5 bushels/acre. Of the sites 30.9% showed an average increase in percent protein of 0.48%; 25.9% showed no change; and 43.2% showed an average decrease of 0.45%. Simple correlations were run on change of yield and of percent protein versus percent P in the plant tissue collected at growth stage 2 to 3 (Peekes' stage), ppm P (0-6") im the soil, ppm P (6"-12") in the soil, and ppm P (0-12") in the soil. For the combined data of 1970 and 1971 the highest correlation was found between change of grain yield versus ppm P (0-6") in the soil (r = -0.256). The lowest correlation was found between change of percent protein versus ppm P (6"-12") in the soil (r = +0.070) Of all 24 correlations only two were found to be significant, change of grain yield versus ppm P (6"-12") in the soil, 1971 (r = -0.470), and change of grain protein percentage versus % P in plant tissue at Feekes stage 3, 1970 (r = -0.469). _______ppm P (6"-12") An expression, ppm p (0-6") - ppm P (6"-12"), increased the significance of the 1971 data to the 2% level; unfortunately it was poorly correlated with the 1970 data and the combined data had an insignificant r value. Because the expression was only qualitative, it was proposed that it should be multiplied by the ppm P (0-12") in the soil in order to make it quantitative. This new expresssion increased the r value of the 1971 data to 0.622, more than highly significant, and also increased the 1970 correlation. For both years combined the correlation was significant at the 3% level. Another significant correlation was found between percent P in the plant tissue at the two leaf stage versus the ppm P (0-6") in the soil. In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. professor, or, EFFECTS OF SPRING TOP-DRESSING PHOSPHORUS ON WINTER WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L,) by CHARLES RANDAL PHILLIPS A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Soils Approved: Head, Major Department MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana June, 1972 HiiACKNOWLEDGMENT It is with great pleasure that I thank those who so willingly helped to make this thesis possible. Unfortunately I cannot acknowledge all contributors by name, but their guidance is sincerely appreciated. ! My thanks are extended to: Dr. James R. Sims, my major professor, who supplied the research problem, guided me through the problem, and was always available to help in any academic or personal problem. Dr. Earl 0. Skogley, Dr. Gerald A. Nielsen, and Dr. Lark Carter, the other members of my committee, who patiently waited for this thesis and always were willing to help in any way possible. (For example-,. Dr. Skogley patched up. a hole in our old Falcon.) Grant Jackson, Bernie Schaff, and Vince Haby who accompanied me on trips to the field. They were always ready to help me off the floor, if, as once happened, a bed should decide to lay on me. Ijarbld Holton, Ray Choriki, Dr. Roger Wilson, Dr. Charles Smith, County extension agents, personnel of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Stations, the Soil Conservation Service, and the Agricul­ tural Research Service. Their field work provided valuable data . that was used within this thesis. Homer Metcalf who was always available for advice during the eafly morning hours. -ivTruman Massee and others like him who took time to discuss the thesis problem and to make helpful suggestions. My wife, Dawn, who has typed a major portion and has been involved in every aspect of this thesis. Charles Phillips -vTABLE OF CONTENTS VITA................................................. ....... Page ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................ iii TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................... v LIST OF TABLES.............................................. vi LIST OF FIGURES............................. vii ABSTRACT............................................... x INTRODUCTION................................................ I REVIEW OF LITERATURE................................ 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS............... ........................' Experimental design.................................... RESULTS AND DISCUSSION...................................... Phosphorus in the planttissue........................... Phosphorus in thesoil...I............................... Phosphorus in planttissue versus phosphorus in the soil 16 . 21 25 ^7 44 80 SUMMARY......... 84 CONCLUSIONS................................................. 88 APPENDIX #.................... .............................. 90 LITERATURE CITED... ........................................... 105 -V l - LIST OF TABLES • Table Page 1 Listing of cooperators, locations, and soil series........ 19 2 Soil analysis, plant tissue analysis, and yield and protein content................... ......... ............. . 26 3 Overall grain yield and grain protein percentage changes... 31 4 Values of the correlation coefficient (r) for the indicated simple correlations ................................'........ 36 Analysis of variance...... ............................. 91 5 -viiLIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Location of the fertilizer sites 1970 and 1971......... 17 2 Plot diagram - 1971 nitrogen top-dressing studies...... 22 3 1970 correlation of A yield versus % P in plant at Feekes stage 3 ........................................ 37 1971 correlation of yield versus % P in plant at Feekes stage 3 .. ..................................... 38 1970 and 1971 correlation of Yield versus % P in plant at Feekes stage 3 ........................... . 39 1970 correlation of ^ Feekes stage 3 ...... 40 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 % protein versus 7» P in plant at 1971 correlation of A % protein versus 7» P in plant at Feekes stage 3 ........................................ 41 1970 and 1971 correlation of aL protein versus % P in plant at Feekes stage 3 .... ......................... 42 1970 correlation of ^ yield versus available phosphorus in soil (0-6")....... 44 1970 correlation of ^ yield versus available phosphorus in soil (6"-12")__ '................................... 45 1970 correlation of yield versus available phosphorus in soil (0-12")....................................... 46 1971 correlation of yield Versus available phosphorus in soil (0-6")................. •••..................... 47 1971 correlation of ^ yield versus available1phosphorus in soil (6"—12")............. .............. '.......... 48 1971 correlation of ^ yield versus available phosphorus in soil (0-12")....................................... 49 -viiiList of Figures (Continued) Figure 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Page 1970 and 1971 correlation of & yield versus available phosphorus in soil (0-6")............................ 50 1970 and 1971 correlation of & yield versus available phosphorus in soil (6"-12").......................... 51 1970 and 1971 correlation of A yield versus available phosphours in soil (0-12")........................... 52 1970 correlation of A % protein versus available phosphorus in soil (0-6")......................... . .. 53 1970 correlation of A % protein versus available phosphorus in soil (6"-12").......................... 54 1970 correlation of A % protein versus available phosphorus in soil (0-12")....................... 55 1971 correlation of A, % protein versus available phosphorus in soil (0-6")............................. 56 1971 correlation of A % protein versus available phosphorus in soil (6"-12").......................... 57 1971 correlation of A % protein versus available phosphorus in soil (0-12")........................... 58 1970 and 1971 correlation of A % protein versus available phosphorus in soil (0-6").................. 59 1970 and 1971 correlation of A, % protein versus available phosphorus in soil (6"-12")................... 60 1970 and 1971 correlation of A %■ protein versus available phosphorus in soil (0-12").............. 1970 correlation of A yield versus expression (I).... 61 66 -ixLisfc of Figures " '(Continued) Figure Page 28 1971 correlation of ^ yield versus expression (I)..... 29 1970 and 1971 correlation of 67 yield versus expression (1) ..................................... •........ 68 30 1970 correlation o f p r o t e i n versus expression (I).... 69 31 1971 correlation of % protein versus expression (I).. 70 32 1970 and 1971 correlation of 7o- protein versus expresion (I).......................................... 71 33 1970 correlation of yield versus expression (2). 74 34 1971 correlation of 4^. yield versus expression (2). 75 35 1970 and 1971 correlation of yield versus expression (2 ) ..................................... 76 1970 correlation of % protein difference versus expression (2)......................................... 77 36 % protein versus expression (2).. 37 1971 correlation of ^ 38 1970 and 1971 correlation of ^ 7= protein versus expression (2)......................................... 79 1970 correlation of % f in plant, Feekes- stage 3 versus available soil P (0-6")............................... 81 1971 correlation of % P in plant, Feekes stage 3 versus available soil P (0-6")............................... 82 1970 and 1971 correlation of % P in plant, Feekes stage 3 versus available soil P (0-6")................ 83 39 40 41 78 ABSTRACT Three repetitions of fifteen treatments were laid out on a coop­ erator's winter wheat field in spring, following the fall planting. The cooperator was asked to drill in P fertilizer at seeding in the fall and to manage the planting as he normally would. After the plots were laid out, plant and soil samples were taken and the fertilizer was spread. Soil temperatures, precipitation, and eva­ poration measurements were made throughout the growing season. Eighty-one sites were considered, 40 from the 1970 and 41 from the 1971 growing seasons. For both years the top-dressing resulted in an overall in­ crease in yield of 2.1 bushels/acre and an overall decrease in protein percentage of 0.05%. Of the sites 69.1% showed an average yield increase of 3.6 bushels/acre; 4.9% showed no change; and 26.5% showed an average decrease of 1.5 bushels/acre. Of the sites 30.9% showed an average increase in percent protein of 0.48%; 25.9% showed no change; and 43.2% showed an average decrease of 0.45%. Simple correlations were run on change of yield and of per­ cent protein versus percent P in the plant tissue collected at growth stage 2 to 3 (Peekes' stage), ppm P (0-6") in the soil, ppm P (6"-12") in the soil, and ppm P (0-12") in the soil. For the combined data of 1970 and 1971 the highest correlation was found between change of grain yield versus ppm P (0-6") in the soil (r = -0.256). The lowest correlation was found between change of percent protein versus ppm P (6"-12") in the soil (r = +0.070). Of all 24 correlations only two were found to be significant, change of grain yield versus ppm P (6"-12") in the soil, 1971 (r = -0.470), and change of grain protein percentage versus % P in plant tissue at Feekes stage 3, 1970 (r = -0.469). ______ ppm P (6"-12") An expression, ppm p (0-6") - ppm P (6"-12"), increased the significance of the 1971 data to the 2% level; unfortunately it was poorly correlated with the 1970 data and the combined data had an insignificant r value. Because the expression was only quali­ tative, it was proposed that it should be multiplied by the ppm P (0-12") in the soil in order to make it quantitative. This new expresssion increased the r value of the 1971 data to 0.622, more than highly significant, and also increased the 1970 correlation. For both years combined the correlation was significant at the 3% level. Another significant correlation was found between percent P in the plant tzissue at the two leaf stage versus the ppm P (0-6") in the soil. INTRODUCTION Wheat is one of the most important food crops of the world. At a time when world overpopulation is a threat to every person's security, any work helping to increase the grain yield and/or the quality of the grain is a forward step in alleviating world hunger. A soil fertility problem with annual crops is to obtain knowledge concerning the crops' deficiencies soon enough to remedy the problem. The purpose of this study was a preliminary investigation into the effects of spring top-dressing phosphorus on winter wheat that had some phosphorus drilled in with the seed. The effects on yield and protein changes and a possible method to diagnose nutrient deficiencies were investigated in order to indicate the value of further research. This study was actually part of a larger study on the effects of spring top-dressing nitrogen on winter wheat, spring wheat, and barley. For this reason only two phosphorus treatments, zero and forty pounds per acre, are considered in this study. During 1970 and 1971 about one hundred-twenty plots were laid out; but due to hail damage, cooperators harvesting the plots, and due to the fact that not all plots were winter wheat, only eightyone sites are included within this study. LITERATURE REVIEW WHEAT RESPONSES TO PHOSPHORUS The value of phosphorus fertilization on small grains is well documented„ Many investigators have reported increased grain yields along with decreases in the protein percentage in the grain. Ames and Boltz (1917) in Ohio reported that wheat grown during twenty years of field experiments on soils supplied with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium produced the largest, grain yields but did not produce grain with the highest percent protein. Where only nitrogen and phosphorus were supplied, a lower grain yield but a higher grain protein percentage than the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium treatment were recorded. When phosphorus alone was supplied, an increase in grain yield was reported, but there was a decrease over the check plot in grain protein percentage. Highest grain protein percentages were obtained on soils deficient in available phosphorus and well supplied with available nitrogen. Murphy (1930) in Oklahoma reported larger grain yields with phosphorus fertilizers; but with the introduction of phosphorus, whether by itself, with nitrogen, or with potassium, the grain protein percentage decreased. Phosphorus fertilizers in two successive years decreased the grain protein percentage nearly two percent below the check plots. -3Ellis (1934) in Canada during the cropping years 1929, 1930, and 1931 found that many of the soils in grain growing areas of Manitoba, although high in nitrogen and phosphorus, showed a yield response to phosphorus fertilization, Geddes et al (1939) explained that these soils were low in available phosphorus. They also reported that during the growing seasons of 1930 and 1931, the grain protein percentage of spring wheat decreased an average of 0,16 percent and 0,14 percent. Also, there was no evidence of any increase in the phosphorus content of the wheat plant due to the application of triple superphosphate singly or in combination with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, Twenty years of fertility trials in Kansas (1911-1930) indicated that superphosphate had little value on crops other than wheat and alfalfa. Wheat grown in a sixteen year rotation and wheat grown continuously showed increased grain yields due to all fertilizers. Wheat grown in a three year rotation with corn and cowpeas responded only to superphosphate fertilizer. Superphosphate fertilizers decreased the grain protein percentage of wheat in all the cropping systems used (Throckmorton and Duley, 1935). Colwell (1946) in Mexico recorded grain yield increases from phosphorus fertilizers on sixty percent of his wheat plots. The •? -4 average increase was 6.6 bushels/acre with the application of 71.4 pounds of PgO^/acre. Smith et al (1949), investigating fertilizer effects on yield of wheat forage on an upland and a bottomland soil in east Texas, found that phosphorus fertilizers increased the forage yields. Thirty pounds of P 2 C>5 /acre increased the yield of the upland soil five times that of the bottomland soil. A second application of 30 pounds of PgO^Zacre increased the yield of the upland soil slightly and increas­ ed the yield of the bottomland soil to that of the upland soil. Although the increases in yield were statistically significant, the actual increases were so small that they were of little practical value. In Kansas, during the cropping years of 1949 and 1950, fertility tests with hard red winter wheat showed increases in grain yield with all treatments that included phosphorus fertilizers. Phosphorus, included in the treatment with nitrogen, decreased the grain protein percentage (Gingrich and Smith, 1953 and Williams and Smith, 1954). Rennie (1956) found that with thirty field experiments on wheat in Saskatchewan the grain protein percentage was unaffected by nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers but varied greatly as a result of soil or climatic conditions. -5PHOSPHORUS IN MONTANA According to Heid and Larson (1969) very little data, pertaining to fertilizer response on either dryland or irrigated i soils for the state of Montana, has been published.• What has been published should be referred to with caution. Nygard (1931, 1932);, Burke, Nygard, and Martin (1933), Green (1935)j Green and Harrington (1936) and Post (1941) were some of the early investigators of phosphorus deficiencies in Montana soils. Nygard (1932) reported that, during the cropping years 1930 and 1931, wheat on ten irrigated plots showed an average of 5.1 bushels/acre or 13.4 percent grain yield increase with phosphorus fertilizers. Of 493 soil samples collected from, twenty-seven counties and tested by the Winogradsky (Azotobacter) test, 300 showed a deficiency in available phosphorus. In 1932 (Burke, Nygard, and Martin, 1933) treble superphosphate and ammonium phosphate increased winter wheat grain yields as much as 9.22 bushels/acre, and 14.63 bushels/acre respectively. In 1934 (Green, 1935) no significant grain yield increases were reported. Eight out of twenty-four test plots in 1935 showed an average increase in spring and winter wheat grain yields of 8.8 bushels/acre (Green and Harrington, 1936). Post (1941) did not report any significant yield increases during 1940. Wilson (1970) reported significant -6increases in grain yields of winter wheat due to phosphorus fertilization at two locations during the cropping years 1968 and 1969. One fertilizer treatment, 2.5 pound of phosphorus and 5 pounds of nitrogen starter fertilizer and 20 pounds of phosphorus and 60 pounds of nitrogen broadcasted, in 1968 gave over 100 percent yield increase as did the fertilizer treatment, 2.5 pound of phosphorus and 5 pounds of nitrogen starter and 20 pounds of phosphoirus and 20 pounds of nitrogen broadcasted, in 1969. Fertilizer use in Montana has increased at a faster rate since 1959 than it has for all the United States, wheat receiving the largest share. However, the rate of application in Montana lags behind the average for all the United States (Held and Larson, 1969). PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZER PLACEMENT Phosphorus fertilizer placement has been found to be almost as important in increasing fertilizer use efficiency as simple application has been in increasing yields. Prior to 1928, at various times during the settlement of the Canadian plains, experi­ ments were conducted with the application of commercial fertilizers to cereals by the broadcast method. The results were not economically good enough to recommend fertilizers for general use. When a grain and fertilizer drill was introduced in 1928, it proved to be a major contribution toward gaining larger grain yields. -I - Subsequent trials with phosphate fertilizers began the widespread fertilization of cereals on the Canadian prairies (Ellis, 1934). Duley (1930) in Kansas, comparing drilled-in phosphorus fertilizers with broadcasted phosphorus fertilizers for the cropping years 1928 and 1929, found that drilled-in superphosphate increased yields by more than 7 bushels/acre over the broadcasted superphosphate. This yield increase was as great as the yield increase of broadcasted phosphorus fertilizer over the check plot. In North Dakota, Norum and Young (1950) found that at least twice as much, and sometimes as high as three to four times as much, phosphate fertilizer is necessary if you broadcast rather than drill in the fertilizer. Also, wheat competes more effectively with weeds when the fertilizer is drilled in rather than broadcasted. Using a modified Mitschdrlich equation, Bray (1958) and Vavra and Bray (1959) derived an efficiency coefficient fob broadcasted phosphorus fertilizers and for drilled-in phosphorus fertilizers. The coefficients were 0.0088 and 0.0178j indicating that drilled-in phosphorus fertilizers were twice as efficient as broadcasted phosphorus fertilizers. Lutz et al (1961) reported that for eight fertilizer plots of winter wheat across the states of Mississippi and Virginia, " 8 - broadcasting and then disking in the phosphorus fertilizer before planting was only 60 percent as effective in increasing yields as drilling in the phosphorus with the seed. Top dressing the phosphorus fertilizer after the plants were two inches tall was only 53 percent as effective as drilling in the phosphorus with the seed. Singh (1962) in India, placing fertilizer with wheat at varying depths, found maximum utilization of superphosphate at a six-inch depth. In Montana field tests, during.1967, 1968 and 1969, showed comparable results with 90 pounds of phosphorus broadcasted and thirty pounds of phosphorus drilled in with the seed (Wilson, 1970). WHEAT UPTAKE OF PHOSPHORUS The nutrient requirements of wheat cannot be considered only in terms of total amount necessary. Rather, the requirements should be considered in terms of the necessity during successive stages of plant development. It appears that phosphorus is required during the early stages of growth. Brenchley and Hall (1909) wrote that during the later part of the life of the wheat plant the production of fresh material ceases and the chief process going on is the translocation of accumulated material from the stem and the leaves to the grain. ■They observed in field experiments, during the cropping years of 1907 and 1908, that phosphorus uptake continued -9until a week before harvesting. Geriche (1925) reported that only a four-week period of time was necessary for the uptake of phosphorus. Plants exposed the first four weeks to a complete nutrient solution and then transferred to a solution devoid of phosphorus, yielded more than plants maintained the entire time in a complete nutrient solution. According to Brenchley (1929), phosphorus uptake by barley steadily increases in direct proportion to the length of time the plant is exposed to phosphorus at the beginning of growth. Sufficient phosphorus for maximum growth was absorbed during the first six weeks. Knowles and Watkins (1931) examined in the field the nutrient composition of winter wheat at nine different growth stages. They concluded.that the plant attained its maximum quantity of phosphorus two weeks before harvest. Within seven weeks the plant had taken up 91 percent of its phosphorus. In Kansas, using a hard red winter wheat and a soft winter wheat, planted the first five days of October, during the cropping years of 1931 to 1935, Miller (1939) reported that plants absorbed from 12 percent to 25 percent of their phosphorus by the first of March. Following this date, the absorption of phosphorus was rapid. In one case 48.5 percent of the phosphorus in the plant was absorbed -10during the four weeks following April 27. In another case, during the month following May 4, 55.6 percent of the total phosphorus entered the plant. With one exception, the amount of phosphorus in one hundred plants reached its maximum at harvest. There were, how­ ever, unexplained decreases in the amount of phosphorus at numerous times. Miller concluded that phosphorus is absorbed by the plant as it is needed. Ching-Kwei Lee (1940) wrote that, because wheat takes up most of its phosphorus supply in early stages of growth, the application of phosphate fertilizers should be considered early. application could be delayed up to thirty days. Phosphate Thereafter, a reduction of phosphate use efficiency and yield will occur. Where the phosphate was applied at later stages of. growth, more phosphoric acid was found in the straw. However, he reported that the presence of a small amount of available phosphorus in the soil made later applications of phosphatic fertilizers much more efficient. Boatwright and Haa's (1961) in Montana observed that the highest concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in spring wheat was during the stages of plant development but decreased rapidly until maturity. Irrespective of the nitrogen or phosphorus treatment, maximum phosphorus in the plant occurred by heading. Boatwright and Viets (1966) reported that at Mandan, North -11North Dakota, phosphorus absorption begins in the seedling stage, and the rate of phosphorus uptake was greatest between flag leaf and heading. The time required for graminaceous plants to reach maximum phosphorus uptake decreased with increasing phosphorus concentration. Using solution cultures, they found that phosphorus was not needed the entire life of the plant. An adequate supply of phosphorus during the first four weeks produced maximum root growth, and five weeks of adequate phosphorus produced maximum yields. When phosphorus was withheld the first two weeks, grain yields were only 42 percent of the maximum, but phosphorus accumulation was at its maximum. Even with four different levels of phosphorus fertilization, Lewis.and Quirk (1967) found a constant phosphorus uptake by wheat plants during a two-to-twelve week period. PHOSPHORUS CORRELATIONS It is very difficult to correlate phosphorus fertilization with percent phosphorus in the plant tissue. Many factors such as climate, soil type, and nutrient interactions exert a tremendous influence on the nutrient composition of the plant. Many investigators, Ames (1910), Ames and Boltz (1917), Smith, Kapp, and Potts (1949), and Rennie (1956) have reported a nitrogenphosphorus interaction. -12In Ohio, Ames (1910) observed that phosphorus applied to a phosphorus deficient soil increased the percent phosphorus in the plant along with an increase in potassium and a decrease in nitrogen. He concluded that the percent nitrogen in the wheat plant varies with the supply at its disposal and with the supply of phosphorus. Rennie (1956), with some thirty field experiments around the province of Saskatchewan, found no statistical relationship existed between grain yield and percent phosphorus in the plant. The effect of soil type or climate caused greater variations in percent phosphorus in the grain than the fertilizer treatments. Nitrogen in the soil was also responsible for variations in the phosphorus percentage in the grain. Phosphorus fertilization increased the phosphorus content of the forage only in the early stages of growth. Eck and Stewart (1959), working with winter wheat at fiftythree locations in Western Oklahoma, found that soil tests of phosphorus alone, though related to it, are of little value in predicting the yield response of wheat to phosphorus fertilization. Even with considerations of precipitation, soil moisture.at planting, temperature during the ripening period, yield level, and date of seeding along with the soil test values, the yield response of phosphorus fertilization could not be predicted. Partial regression coefficients indicated that temperature -13during the ripening period had the greatest effect on response to phosphorus while soil phosphorus level, precipitation during the growing season, yield level, soil moisture at planting, and seeding date had lesser effects. ROOT DEPTHS OF WHEAT Soil samples, being analyzed for nutrient deficiencies, generally come from the plow layer or the top six inches of soil. Although this layer supplies the plant during its early stages of development, the wheat plant does draw from deeper levels. In Utah Sanborn (1894), investigating the wheat roots in only the top twelve inches of soil, found 92 percent by weight of these roots in the top six inches. In Kansas hard red winter wheat was planted October, 1902, and at harvest time, July, 1903, it was carefully removed along with its soil in order to inspect its root profile. The first foot was filled with a fine network of roots, the largest portion of which was concentrated about two-and-a-haIf inches deep. The roots penetrated to a maximum depth of four feet, but it was concluded that the major portion of the roots were located in the top foot of soil, (Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1904). Lees (1924) in New South Wales found a number of winter wheat varieties to have roots that reached on the average as deep -14as four feet. A number of spring wheat varieties reached an average of about thirty-nine inches. Fertilizing with superphosphate increased the root length of a winter wheat variety as much as six inches and a spring wheat variety as much as eleven inches. With winter wheat on the Great Plains, Weaver (1926) found working root depths and maximum root depths of 2.3 and 2.7 feet, 3.6 and 4.4 feet, and 3.8 and 5.4 feet for the short-grass plains, the mixed prairies, and the tail-grass prairies respectively. At Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in a dark-brown, light loam Pavlychenko (1937) recorded maximum root depths for wheat, rye, and barley of 45.2 inches, 46 inches, and 46 inches respectively. Cereal crop root systems consist of' two types of roots, the primary or seminal roots and the secondary or nodal roots. The primary roots are the first to develop and will eventually penetrate to great depths. The secondary roots develop later. They do not penetrate very deep, rarely going below the first foot, and generally they grow laterally (Troughton, 1962). Weaver (1926) reported that ten days after emergence the secondary roots had still not developed, but seventy days after emergence the secondary roots were more developed than the primary roots. At this time the primary roots had a working depth of 36 inches while the secondary roots had an average length of only seven inches. -15Pavlychenko (1937) reported that forty days after emergence the deepest penetration of the secondary roots was only 5.6 inches.. -16MATERIALS AND METHODS A state-wide cooperative fertilizer top-dressing study, of which a phosphorus top-dressing study was a small segment, was begun the spring of 1970. The main purpose of the state-wide cooperative fertilizer top-dressing study was to determine the effect of spring top-dressed nitrogen on yield and quality of small grains. The main purpose of the phosphorus top-dressing was to insure that phosphorus was not limiting the expression of a nitrogen response. however, has the following three objectives: This thesis, (I) to determine the frequency and the degree of winter wheat response to the top-dressed phosphorus, (2) to determine if plant tissue tests and/or chemical soil tests can be used to predict the response of winter wheat to top-dressed phosphorus and, (3) to determine if additional experimentation with top-dressed phosphorus is warrented. Six investigators, coordinating their efforts, chose fiftyfive sites in 1970 and sixty-five sites in 1971, throughout the cereal growing areas of eastern Montana. Since only winter wheat (triticum aestivum) was considered in this study and, due to the loss of some sites from hail and prior harvesting by the cooperator, only forty sites from 1970 and forty-one sites from 1971 are considered. one sites. Figure (I) shows the location of the eighty- Twenty-six of the sites in 1971 were located in fields o x H scale of miles FIG. (I) LOCATION OF THE FERTILIZER SITES 1970 AND 1971 sites in 1970 sites in 1971 sites for both years -18ad jacent to sites in 1970. For this reason only fifty-five locations are plotted on Figure (I). Table (I) lists the location number, the cooperator, the location of the sites, and the soil series. out the thesis. The. location numbers will identify the site through­ A description of all the soil series included would make this thesis very lengthy. These descriptions may be obtained from the Plant and Soil Science Department, Montana State University. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Three replications of twelve fertilizer treatments in 1970 and three replications of fifteen fertilizer treatments in 1971 were established in a randomized block design. by 20 feet. Plot size was 10 The first twelve treatments were used by all six investigators. In 1971, treatments 13, 14, and 15 varied depending upon the desires of the particular investigator; for example, Figure (2) gives the 1971 field plot diagram for the sites studied by Dr. J. R. Sims. Although all investigators used the first twelve treatments, the spatial distribution of the treatments was not the same. As indicated on Figure (2), only treatments 40-0-25 and 40-40-25 ,were considered in this study. The fertilizer carriers were ammonium nitrate, triple superphosphate, potassium chloride, and potassium sulfate. criteria for cooperator-site selection were: The (I) some phosphorus -19- Table (I) Listing of cooperators, locations and soil series. Location No. Cooperator I 2 ■3 4 5 6 .7 8 9 10 .11 12 .13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Kelly Birkland Erickson Cooper ________Location Soil Series Keiser silty clay loam Acel silty clay loam Bainville clay loam Unnamed loam (^ypj.c Cryoboroll) Amsterdam, Gallatin Co. ■Amsterdam silt loam Bates .Sidney, Richland Co. Williams loam Albin Broadus, Powder River Co. Bainville loam Benge Bloomfield, Dawson Co. Farnuff Theilman (Not available) Fort Shaw, Teton Co. Graves Vida.loam Vida, McCone Co. Erickson Berry clay loam Rapelje, Stillwater Co. Weiler Bozeman silty clay Ft. Ellis Bozeman, Gallatin Co. Topm Turner loam Ross Terry, Prairie Co. (Not available) Holtz Fort Benton, Chouteau Co. (Not available) Denton, Fergus Co. Holgate Angela, Rosebud Co, Chama silt loam Fadhl Gilt Edge silty Torske Hardin, Big Horn Co. .clay loam (Not available) Lee Geyser, Judith Basin Co. Nerrow clay.loam Rowland Joliet, Carbon Co. Vida loam Circle, McCone Co. Kahn (Not available) Coffee Creek, Fergus Co. Nemec Coburn silty clay Pryor, Yellowstone Co. Daum Narrow clay loam Columbus, Stillwater Co. Patterson Morton silt loam Dobrowski Wibaux,-Wibaux Co. •Metcalf Moccasin, Judith Basin Co. (Not available) Unnamed (Borollic Tempel Joplin, Hill Co. Camborthid) Glasgow, Valley Co. Phillips loam Breigenzer Illiad loam ■Kremlin, Hill Co. Rolston Gildford, Hill Co, Assinniboine fine S Cetfenson £•sandy loam Scobey clay loam Christofferson Malta,.Phillips Co. Table continued. . . Hardin, Big Horn Co. . South-western Chouteau- Co. Broadview, Yellowstone Co. Willow Creek, Gallatin Co. ......................... ..... ‘ -20- Table (I) continued„ . . Location No. Cooperator 31 32 Doucette Reinowski 33 34 Halscide ■Stanton 35 Coulter 36 .37 38 39 40 41 .42 43 44 .45 46 .47 48 49 50 Obergfell Berkrum Bergstrom Katzenberger Jergenson Bates Patterson Emmons Benge Holland Erpelding Graves Dobrowski .Holtz Kelly 51 Kincaid 52 Torske 53 54 ■55 56 57 58 .59 Dyk Dyk Weller Rowland Daum Erickson Fadhl 'Location Scobey loam Assinniboine fine sandy loam •Homestead,.Roosevelt Co. (Not available) Devon .thin solum Brusett, Garfield Co. variant Cherry, dark surface Brusett, Garfield Co. •variant Ghama- silt loam Sidney, Richland Co. Kevin clay loam Cut Bank, Glacier Co. Marias clay Brady, Pondera Co. ■South-western Chouteau Co. Gerber silty clay loam Williams loam Chinook, Blaine Co. Amsterdam silt loam ■Gallatin Co. . Nerrow clay loam Columbus, Stillwater'Co. Cherry silt loam Broadus, Powder River Co. Bainville loam ■Broadus, Powder River Co, (Not available) Forsyth, Rosebud Co. (Not available) Forsyth, Rosebud Co. (Not available) Fort Shaw, Teton Co. Morton silty loam Wibaux, Wibaux Co. (Not available) Fort Benton, Chouteau Co. Keiser silty clay Hardin, Big Horn Co. loam Keiser silty clay Hardin, Big Horn Co. loam Keiser silty clay Hardin,.Big. Horn Co. loam Amsterdam silt loam Amsterdam, Gallatin Co. Amsterdam silt loam .Amsterdam, Gallatin Co. Berry clay loam Rapelje, Stillwater Co. Nerrow clay, loam Joliet, Carbon Co. Bainville clay loam Pryor, Yellowstone Co. ■Broadview, Yellowstone.Co. Bainville clay loam Chama .Angela, Rosebud Co. Table continued. . . Wagner, Phillips Co. Kremlin, Hill Co. iSoil Series -21Table (I).continued. . . Location No. Cooperator 60 61 .62 63 64 65 Nissley Obergfell Erickson Halscide Coulter Stanton 66 Bergstrom Gray Lee Metcalf Nemec Melton Franson-Bros. Kraft Lakey Elling Gregoire Rolston Reinowski 67 68 69 70 71 72 73' 74 75 76 77 ■78 79 80 81 Wayrick Kaercher Jergenson Location Bloomfield, Dawson Co. Sidney,,Richland'Co. Vida, McCone Co. ^Homestead, Roosevelt Co. Brusett, Garfield C o . . Brusett, Garfield.Co. ■Soil Series (Not available) Chama- silt loam Vida -loam (Not available) Thurlow,clay loam Devon thin solum variant Marias clay Brady, Pondera Co, Highwood, Chouteau Co. ■Acel silty clay loam ■Geyser, Judith Basin Co. (Not available) (Not available) Moccasin, Judith Basin Co. Cdffee- Cfeek, Fergus Cd. (Not available) (Not available) Denton, Fergus Co. (Not available) Dunkirk, Toole Co. (Not available) Hingham, Hill Co. Chester, Liberty Co. (Not available) ■Ruidyard, Hill Co. (Not available) ■Havre, Hill. Co. (Not available) Illiad■loam Kremlin, Hill Co. Assinniboine fine Kremlin, Hill Co. sandy loam (Not available) Havre, Hill Co. (Not available) Havre, Hill Co. Williams loam Chinook, Blaine Co. -22Location No. I 3 2 5 4 6 8 7 10 9 11 12 13 14 * 8 9 13 I 3.. ..4 10 14 — --- - - ----- ----- 11 15 2 25 26 7 6 27 28 * 2 12 15T * I 5 j ' 16 17 18 20 19 21 22 23 24 * 12 4 8 10 14 6 .9 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 * 2 8 7 15 13 5 7 38 39 40 41 42 4 11 12 6 11 I 14 5 1 Tmt. No. I 2* 3 4 5* 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 150, — 9 : Fertilizer Treatments Ibs'/A P S KoO N p?°5 K 0 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 140 180 40 40 40 40 40 0 0 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 0 0 o ■ 25 92 25 92 25 92 25 92 25 25 92 92 25 92 25 25 92 0 92 92 100 92 135 92 135 92 135 0 0 0 30 30 ' 0 '0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 0 0 120 162 15 30 162 162 45 * Treatments considered in this thesis (2) 30 II 70 I 43 44 13 10 3I 45 * <s— FIG. 29 PLOT DIAGRAM - 1971.NITROGEN TOP-DRESSING STUDIES 1 5 Iv ^ -23was drilled with the seed, (2) the soil represented an extensive area devoted to small grain production and, (3) a recommended winter wheat variety was planted. The majority of the sites were seeded with Winalta and Cheyenne varieties with the remainder being seeded with Froid, Warrior, or Itana varieties. Tissue samples of the above ground portion of the plants at Feekes Stage 3 (Large, 1954) were taken for phosphorus analysis. Soil samples from 0-6" deep and from 6"-12" deep were taken in every other experimental unit. Soil samples for nitrate-nitrogen analysis were taken as deep as six feet in the soil at four places across the site. The experimental units were then marked, and the fertilizer spread by hand. During the growing season records were kept on the inches of precipitation and evaporation using the method of Sims and Jackson (1971). Also weekly readings of soil temperature at the fifty centimeter depth were made with a dial-stem therometer. A six-foot pit was dug and the soil profile characterized by personnel of the Soil Conservation Service. Approximately two months after setting out the site, the rows and the perimeter of the site were mowed. The cooperator was expected to spray the site for weeds at the same time he sprayed the rest of his field. -24A 50 to 60 square foot section was harvested from the center of each plot with a Jari mower I 2 and a Vogel thresher . Before threshing, the wheat bundles from each experimental unit were weighed, and the weight was recorded. Plant samples from the 0-0-0 and 180-40-25 treatments were stored in plastic bags for moisture analysis. The plant samples taken in spring were dry-ashed and analyzed for percent total phosphorus (Greweling, 1966). The soil samples were analyzed for available phosphorus using a Modified Bray Soil Test (Smith et al., 1957). Grain yield, test weight, and grain protein content were determined for each plot. Grain protein content was determined by the Udy dye method (Method 46-14) . (American Association of Cereal Chemists, 1962). The data were subjected to analysis of variance, simplelinear correlation and regression analysis, and curvilinear regression analysis using the models described by Steel and Torrie (1960). A Monroe 1766 Desk Computer was used to process the data. 1Jari Products Inc., 2938 Pillsbury, Minneapolis, Minn. 55408 O Bill's Welding, Pullman, Washington RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The grain yield and percent protein in the grain for treatments 40-0-25 and 40-40-25; the change in grain yield and in grain protein percentage due to the addition of forty pounds of elemental phos­ phorus; and the results of both the soil and the plant tissue analysis are listed for all locations in Table (2). The ppm P (0-12") in the soil reported in Table (2) is not the result of a soil analysis of the 0 to 12" soil layer but is the average of the parts per million of available soil phosphorus in the 0 to 6" layer and the 6" to 12" layer. The analyses of variance are listed in the appendix. Significant yield responses were limited to five sites in 1970, and four sites in 1971 with two of these being highly significant. significant protein response was found in 1971. No Due to only two treatments involved in the comparisons, it is very difficult to find significant differences. The following ranges for both years can be found in Table (2): grain yields from 12 to 59 bushels/acre; grain protein percentage from 9 to- 17 percent; grain yield change.s from -3.8 to +10.2 bushels/acre; grain protein percentage changes frpm -1.9 to +1.3 percent; phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes Stage 3 from 0.130 to 0.633 percent; available phosphorus in the plow layer (0-6") Table (2) Soil analysis, plant tissue analysis, and yield and protein content. Grain yield Protein ppm P^ ppm P2 ppm P2 Change Change LocaBu./A. Percentage in in % P1 (0-6") (6"-12") (0-12") tion in Grain Yield Protein in in in in Plant Soil Soil No. 40-0-25 "40-40-25 40-0-25 40-40-25 Bu./A. % Soil 1970 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. 21 22 23 24 33.26 50.ii 35.96 21.10 34. 55 47.09 28.24 32.46 22.50 28.36 36.91 59.75 27.35 24.39 26.89 56.79 31.33 17.00 34.86 27.50 23.40 .35.98 19.75 19.54 33.26 52.89 45.17 24.77 35.89 48.23 36.74 29.41 22.50 37.14 45.41 58.70 34.61 25.80 29.72 56.19 30.16 18.90 45.08 33.51 25.69 34.30 23.94 18.07 Table continued. . 12.47 13.30 10.63 13.23 14.27 12.60 14.83 15.63 13.27 13.93 12.63 10.60 11.37 13.17 13.88 14.73 12.60 13.60 10.30 13.33 11.70 12.47 13.47 14.60 12.13 13.40 11.33 13.83 14.70 12.60 13.87 15.63 13.80 13.93 12.50 10.60 11.37 12.73 12.67 14.73 12.37 13.37 9.67 13.33 11.73 12.53 13.83 14.63 0.0 2.8 9.2 3.7 1.3 1.1 8.5 -3.0 0.0 8 .8 8.5 -1.0 7.3 1.4 2.8 -0.6 -1.2 1.9 10.2 6.0 2.3 -1.7 4.2 -1,5 -0.3 0.1 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.4 -0.7 0.0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.6 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.0 .184 .264 .336 .200 .470 .434 .434 .292 .410 25 40 24 34 20 31 23 31 31 25 25 75 25 57 34 20 51 34 48 20 43 43 28 28 13 18 23 3 13 24 29 24 18 16 3 25 13 15 13 43 13 28 22 20 19 59 15 13 23 5 25 15 18 15 13 10 24 16 37 20 36 18 30 29 20 19 Table (2) Continued. . . Change Change Grain yield Protein ! Ippm P^ Loca-• Percentage in in 7= P1 (0 -6") Eu. /A. Yield Protein in tion in Grain in No. 40-0-25 40-40-25 40=0—25 40-40-25 Eu./A. ' 7= Plant Soil 1970 continued 27.80 30.10 25 15.23 26 12.97 21.30 23.27 27 33.03 27.13 28 11.70 14.97 29 35.00 30 27. 53 53.70 31 53.13 31.80 34.97 32 30.26 • 31.34 33 25.53 25.52 34 37.04 35.04 35 37.23 36 39.59 38.20 32.63 37 37.54 34.58 38 28.60 29.80 39 35.53 29.93 40 13.03 13.30 15.30 13.77 12.87 12.37 14.43 14.10 12.80 15.53 13.93 12.97 13.47 13.57 14.43 12.90 12.83 13.73 15.23 13.73 12.60 11.93 14.53 14.90 12.80 15.53 13.93 12.97 12.20 13.57 14.17 12.73 -2.3 2.3 2.0 5.9 3.3 7.5 0.6 3.2 1.1 0.0 2.0 -2.4 5.6 3.0 -1.2 5.6 -0.2 0.4 -0.1 0.0 -0.3 -0.4 0.1 0 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.3 0.0 -0.3 -0.2 1971 41 42 43 10.43 10.73 14.30 10.67 10.37 13.80 - “ 1.9 -2.7 1.6 0.2 -0.4 -0.5 49.22 47.34 41.26 43.95 29.50 31.11 = =<'-=■ Table continued. . . a o » 4» rw 0V - .130 .152 .260 .322 .310 .182 .334 .192 .408 .509 .633 .332 28 13 34 37 20 28 31 37 45 20 28 31 25 31 63 51 40 28 54 ppm P^ ppm : (6 "-12") (0-12 in Soil in Soil 15 5 15 18 3 13 10 20 21 9 24 28 12 20 20 28 5 15 20 13 42 32 10 25 18 23 10 32 a = ~ “ —"— Table (2) continued. . . Protein Grain yield Change Change ppm P2 ppm P2 ppm P2 in Percentage in Loca­ Eu. /A. 7= P1 (0-6" )(6"-12"> (0-12") in Grain Yield Protein in in tion in in No. 40-0-25 40-40-25 40-0-25 40-40-25 Eu./A. Plant Soil Soil % Soil 1971 continued 21.98 44 25.40 40.10 45. 76 45' 46 44.37 45.28 21.80 47 26.27 35.93 37.40 48 41.79 49 46.49 50 35.30 36.10 29.30 30.65 51 59.08 52 59.29 41.06 41.22 53 30.43 33.52 54 55 46.59 54.98 56 39.25 45.28 22.87 24.75 57 38.20 58 36.03 26.64 25.55 59 60 38.17 38.44 45.12 61 47.89 24.57 27.18 62 40.66 46.43 63 64 34.19 34.22 24.83 24.58 65 34.76 35.30 66 12.83 10.87 11.27 13.80 14.57 9.47 14.63 14.40 13.43 12.60 15.33 14.57 10.13 17.20 12.13 15.63 15.63 13.00 14.23 13.60 15.13 16.97 12.23 12.73 11.77 11.03 13.13 14.27 9.13 14.40 15.47 13.10 12.83 15.90 14.27 10.10 16.73 12.33 15.00 15.33 12.27 14.13 14.17 15.43 16.40 11.83 3.4 5.7 0.9 4.5 1.5 4.7 0.8 -1.4 0.2 0.2 3.1 8.4 6.0 1.9 2.2 -1,1 0.3 2.8 2.6 5.8 0.0 -0.2 0.5 -0.1 0.8 -0.2 -0.7 -0.3 -0.3 -0.2 1.1 -0.3 0.2 0.6 -0.3 0.0 -0.5 0.2 -0.6 -0.3 -0.7 -0.1 0.6 0.3 -0.6 -0.4 .388 .412 .478 .488 .439 .463 .383 .245 .387 .276 .228 .304 .384 .222 . .178 .174 .355 .370 .208 .548 .405 .487 .358 28 23 34 34 43 54 25 43 25 28 23 31 28 20 20 43 34 20 43 79 73 48 5 10 13 15 8 15 23 18 . 20 13 I 10 8 8 10 ■16 16 24 21 29 38 22 32 19 14 16 20 18 15 - - - s Table: continued. . . Table (2) continued. . . Grain yield Change Change ppm ppm P2 ppm P^ LocaEu./A,. in in % P1 (0-6") (6'-'-12") (0-12") tion Yield Protein in in in in No. 40-0-25 40-40-25 40-0-25 40-40-25 Bu./A., % Plant Soil Soil Soil 1971 continued 39.76 67' 43.74 23.83 22.78 68 37.23 69 40.05 70 26.32 .25.77 71 39.41 39.34 27.20 25.45 72 29.56 73 28.87 32.23 35.47 74 30.20 26.40 75 76 33.13 29.30 27.37 31.63 77 30.23 78 28.03 25.37 25.43 79 80 24.77 26.77 36.03 38.47 81 10.27 13.67 12.37 13.17 15.00 14.05 14.70 16.17 15.13 12.57 14.03 15.37 13.03 14.63 13.07 10.47 13.70 12.63 14.00 15.43 12.15 14.67 16.13 15.40 12.53 13; 23 15.40 14.37 15.17 13.33 4.0 -1.0 -2.8 -0.6 -0.1 -1.8 -0.7 3.2 3.8 -3.8 4.3 2.2 -0.1 2.0 2.4 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.8 0.4 -1.9 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 -0.8 0.0 1.3 0.5 0.3 .556 .297 .469 .387 .306 .321 .241 .229 .262 .224 .297 .160 .208 I/ Tissue samples from above ground portion of plants at stage three of Feekes stage„ 2/ Modified Bray Number I Test. -30from 13 to 79 ppm; available phosphorus in the sub-soil (6"-12") from I to 43 ppm; and available phosphorus in the soil (0-12") from 9 to 59 ppm. There is a strong negative correlation between grain yield. changes and protein percentage changes for the 1970 data. This suggests a possible dilution effect on grain protein due to increased yields induced by phosphorus fertilization.■ The 1971 data does not give the same negative correlation. Table (3) presents the overall results of the grain yield changes and grain protein percentage changes for both 1970 and 1971 and both years combined. Considering 1970, the average yield on the 40 sites was 31.2 bushels/acre without phosphorus and 33.9 bushels/ acre with phosphorus. The average protein percentage in the grain was 13.28 percent without phosphorus and 13.22 percent with phos­ phorus. Although there was a 0.5 percent reduction in the total protein content of the grain, increased yields gave an average 8 percent increase in total pounds of. protein per acre. Considering 1971, the average grain yield on the 41 sites was 34.1 bushels/acre without phosphorus and 35.6 bushels/acre with phosphorus. The average proteih percentage in the grain was 13.58 percent without phosphorus and 13.54 percent with phosphorus. ■Although there was a 0.2 percent reduction in the total protein content of the grain, Overall Yield 1970 % of Sites 70.0 Increase No Change 7.5 Decrease 22.5 % Protein Increase No Change Decrease Overall Yield Protein grain yield and grain protein percentage changes. 7» of Sites 25.0 37.5 37.5 Bu./A, 4.4 0,0 1.6 ■7= 0.41 0.00 0.42 2.7 bu./A. increase 0.06% decre ase 1971 7» of Sites 68.3 2.4 ■ 29.3 7> of Sites 36.6 .14.6 48.8 Eu./A. 2.9 0.0 . 1.4 % 0.53 0.00 0.48 1.6 bu./A. increase 0.04% decrease 1970 & 1971 % of Sites Bu./A 69.1 3.6 4.9 0.0 26.0 1.5 % of Sites 30.9 25.9 43.2 %■ 0.48 0.00 0.45 2.1 bu. /A., increase 0.05% decrease -IE- Table (3) -32increased yields gave an average 4.4 percent increase in total pounds of protein per acre. Throughout this thesis the 40-0-25 plot is considered the control plot and the 40-40-25 plot is the plot that is being compared to the control. There was a 0-0-0 check plot that will be referred to briefly. In 1970 there were 9 sites and in 1971 11 sites that showed a decrease in yield when comparing the 40-40-25 plot with the control plot. All 9 sites from 1970 and all but 2 of the 11 sites from 1971 showed a higher yield for both the 40-40-25 plot and the control plot when compared with the 0-0-0 check plot. This indicates that these sites were deficient in nitrogen; they responded to nitrogen application, but the addition of phosphorus diluted the response to nitrogen, causing nitrogen to again be limiting. In almost all cases plots with treatments containing more nitrogen than the 40-40-25 plot showed greater yields than that of the control plot. Locations 16, 17, 22, 36, 39, 42, 68, 69, 71, 72, and 73 showed higher yields on the 60-40-25 plots than on the control plots indicating that with the addition of 40 pounds of phosphorus a corresponding addition of 20 pounds of nitrogen was necessary at these locations. Locations 24, 59, and 76 showed higher yields on the 80-40-25 plots than on the control plots , 40-0-25 , indicating. ..that, with the. addition, of 4.0 -33pounds of phosphorus a corresponding addition of 40 pounds of nitrogen was necessary at these locations. Location 70 showed higher yields on the 140-40-25 plots than on the control plots, indicating that with the addition of 40 pounds of phosphorus a corresponding addition of 100 pounds of nitrogen was necessary at this location . The above observations illustrate the necessity of balanced application of nutrients. Locations 12 and 25 showed an increase in yields with the application of any fertilizer, but their highest yields were obtained on the control plot. Locations 8 and 65 showed the highest yields on the 20-40-25 plot. Location 8 responded to all fertilizer applications while location 65 showed an increase over the 0-0-0 check plot with only the 20-40-25 treatment. showed the highest yields on the check plot. Location 51 When nitrogen and potassium, or nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were added, there was a 1.2, 2.2, and 2.6 bushels/acre decrease respectively. When nitrogen and phosphorus were added without potassium, there was a 8.3 bushels/acre decrease. Apparently both nitrogen and phosphorus were detrimental to the yields. This location did show some winter kill and was not an ideal stand. The grain protein percentage changes followed a similar pattern as that of the grain yield changes. The grain protein percentage is -34 definitely influenced by available nitrogen. Phosphorus mainly affects protein percentage to the extent that nitrogen-phosphorus interactions influence nitrogen availability and to the extent that increased yields tend to dilute the protein. In 1970 there were 14 sites and in 1971 20 sites that showed a decrease in grain protein percentage of the 40-40-25 plot compared with the control plot. All 34 sites showed a higher grain protein percentage for both the 40-40-25 plot and the control plot when compared with the check plot. Locations I, 14, 15, 17, .18, 19, 25, 27, 29, 30, 40, 42, 43 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 57, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, and 77 showed higher grain protein percentages on the 60-40-25 plots than on the control plots, indicating that with the addition of 40 pounds of phosphorus a corresponding addition of 20 pounds of nitrogen was necessary. Locations 7, 39, 48, 55, and 72 showed higher grain protein percentages on the 80-40-25 plots than on fhe control plots, indicating that at these locations the addition of 40 pounds of phosphorus required a corresponding addition of 40 pounds of nitrogen. Locations 37 and 59 showed higher grain protein percentages on the 100-40-25 plots than on the control plots, indicating that at these two locations the addition of 40 pounds of phosphorus required a corresponding addition of 60 pounds of nitrogen. -35Table (4) presents the correlation coefficients for the simple correlations of the change in grain yield and the change in grain protein percentage versus the percent phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes stage 3 and the parts per million of available soil phos­ phorus in the 0 to 6" layer, the 6" to 12" layer, and in the 0 to 12" ! layer. Out of all twenty-four correlations, two were significant at the five percent level (change in grain protein percentage versus percent phosphorus in the plant tissue in 1970 and change in grain yield versus parts per million available phosphorus in the sub-soil (6"-12".)), and two were significant at the ten percent level (change in grain yield versus parts per million available phosphorus in the plow layer (0-6"), 1970 and 1971 and change in grain yield versus parts per million available phosphorus in the soil (0-12") , 1970 and 1971.) Following Table (4) are the twenty-four graphs of the simple correlations. Each graph, besides showing the data points, is labeled with the regression equation, the regression coefficient, the mean of X, and, where the line described by the regression equation is observably different from a horizontal line, the regression line. Phosphorus in the Plant Tissue Figures 3 through 8 show the relationships found between percent Table (4) Values of the correlation coefficient (r) for the indicated simple correlations. % P in Plant -0.469 * 1971 AYield A % Protein +0.100 -0.139 ' 1970 AYield & A % Protein 1971 -‘ - +0.017 -0.194 * Significant at the 5% level. + Significant at the 10% level. ppm P. (0-6") -0.226 -0.106 ppm P, (6"-12") -0.166 +0.164 -0.236 -0.193 -0.470 * r0.130 -0.364 -0.397 ,," -0.233 + -0.147 •J -0.210 +0.070 ppm P, (0-12") -0.241 +0.012 -0.256 + -0.103 -36- 0.044 1970 AYield A % Protein A Y i e l d = -(0.001) (7= P in plant) + 2.921 r = -0.044 8- « Yield difference, Bu./A. # 4-# # 0. ** I W -~l I - 4-- - 8 * - 0 .08 4— .16 4 4-.24 1 ---------------------- ---------------------- .40 .48 7<> P in plant FIG (3) 1970 CORRELATION OF A YIELD VS 7, P IN PLANT AT FEEKES STAGE 3 1 ---------------------- .56 1 - .64 x = 0.295 A Yield = (0.002) (7o P in plant) + 0.746 r ~ 0.100 -38 Yield difference, Bu./A. 8 - - 8 - - H------- 1------- 1 ------- 1------- 1 ------- 1------- 1------- 1— .04 .12 .20 .28 .36 .44 7» P in plant FIG. (4) 1971 CORRELATION OF A YIELD VS 7= P IN PLANT AT FEEKES STAGE 3 .52 .60 A Yield (4-10 (7o P in plant) + 1.724 r = +0.017 8 -« Yield difference, Bu./A. 4 O - 4— - 8 - — -4.04 — I-------- 1--------- 1-------- 1---------(.12 .20 .28 .36 .44 4----- H 52 7<> P in plant FIG (5) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF A YIELD VS 7= P IN PLANT AT FEEKES STAGE 3 .60 x = 0.332 A 7„ Protein difference in the grain 1 .6 7° Protein = -(0.001) (7. P in plant) + 0.368 -0.469 -• 1 . 6 -' 7» P in plant FIG. (6) 1970 CORRELATION OF A 7, PROTEIN VS 7= P IN PLANT AT FEEKES STAGE 3 x = 0.295 /\ yo Protein = -(0.001) (7, P in plant) + 0.175 r = -0.139 7o Protein difference in the grain 1.6 __ .8 • - - • • • 0 - - . 8 -«. 1 .6 .. - 2.4 J---- 1_ .04 .12 .20 .28 .36 4.44 .52 7= P in plant FIG. (7) 1971 CORRELATION OF A 7» PROTEIN VS 7= P IN PLANT AT FEEKES STAGE 3 .60 x = 0.349 ^ 7« Protein difference in the grain 1.6 % Protein = -(0.001) (7= P in plant) + 0.222 r = -0.194 7» P in plant FIG. (8) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF A x = 0.332 7» PROTEIN VS 7= P IN PLANT AT FEEKES STAGE 3 -43 phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes stage 3 versus the grain yield change and the grain protein percentage change for 1970, 1971, and 1970 and 1971 combined. The relationship between changes in grain yield versus the percent phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes stage 3 is not clear• Using a curvilinear regression equation the maximum point of tfie curve is at 0.362 percent phosphorus. If a critical plant phosphorus level exists at this growth stage, this would be it. The relationship between change in grain protein percentage versus percent phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes stage 3 is a definite negative relationship. This indicates that the less phosphorus in the plant tissue, the lesser will be the protein percentage decrease with phosphorus fertilizer application. Although the relationship is not significant for both years combined, it was significant for the year 1970. If a critical phosphorus level in the plant at this growth stage can be considered for maximum protein production, a curvilinear correlation gives the point as 0.478 percent. For both years combined the average percent phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes Stage 3 was 0.332 percent. Phosphorus in the Soil Figures 9 through 26 show the relationship found between the 3 values for available soil phosphorus versus the grain yield change Yield -(0.063)(ppm P, (0-6"))+ 4.789 r = -0.226 Yield difference, Bu./A. A Soil Test FIG. (9) 1970 CORRELATION OF YIELD VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-6") 33.42 -45- Yield difference, Bu./A. ^ Y i e l d = - (0.078) (ppm P.,. (6"-12")) + 4.070 • r = -0.166 Soil Test FIG (10) 1970 CORRELATION OF A YIELD VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (6"-12") 14.72 Yield + -(0.092)(ppm P, (0-12")) + 5.158 # r = -0.241 Yield difference, Bu./A. A Soil Test FIG. (11) 1970 CORRELATION OF A YIELD VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-12") ^ Yield = -(0.039)(ppm P, (0-6")) + 3.414 r = -0.236 Yield difference, Bu./A. 8 4- I -O I — 8 ■— 12 ■4------ 1-------- L20 28 36 -4 44 52 60 ppm P, (0-6"), Bray Soil Test FIG (12) 1971 CORRELATION OF ^ YIELD VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-6") 4 ------ h 68 76 5c = 36.84 Yield = -(0.254)(ppm P, (6"-12")) + 5.189 r = -0.470 Yield difference, Bu./A. ^ +- 0 2 4------ 1------- 1--------1-------- 1------ h 6 10 14 18 22 ppm P, (6"-12"), Bray Soil Test FIG. (13) 1971 CORRELATION OF YIELD VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (6"-12") 26 x = 12.10 Yield = -(0.146)(ppm P, (0-12")) + 5.518 r = -0.364 Yield difference, Bu./A. ^ ppm P FIG. (14) 1971 CORRELATION OF A Soil Test YIELD VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-12") 22.35 A 0 Yi e V = -(0.054) (ppm P, (0-6")) + 4.283 r = -0.233 0 S 8 .. • Yield difference, Bu./A. 0 — 8 ■ • 4------- 1------- 1------- L12 20 28 36 44 52 4 -------- 1-------- 160 68 76 ppm P, (0-6"), Bray Soil Test FIG (15) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF A YIELD VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-6") x = 34.74 Yield difference, Bu./A. A Yield = -(0.101)(ppm#P, (6"-12")) + 4.010 r = -0.210 - 4 Soil FIG (16) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF A YIELD VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (6"-12") 13.74 A Yield = -(0.099)(ppm P, (0-12")) + 5.022 r = -0.256 -52 Yield difference, Bu./A. M ppm P, (0-12"), Bray Soil Test FIG. (17) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF ^ YIELD VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-12") 23.51 % Protein = -(0.003)(ppm P, (0-6")) + 0.057 r = -0.106 7» Protein difference in the grain 1 . 6- - .8 # # % » % & # 0 s # r # * t $ % % .8 - Ln I ft # • 1. 6— - 2.4. + 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 ppm P, (0-6"), Bray Soil Test FIG I UJ % # (18) 1970 CORRELATION OF % PROTEIN VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-6") 64 72 x = 33.42 ^ % Protein = (0.009)(ppm P, (6"-12")) - 0.190 r = 0.164 % Protein difference in the grain 1.6-r .8- »4 « 4 « I Ln ■O I « — 1.6- * - 2. 440 8 16 32 4? ppm P, (6"-12"), Bray Soil Test FIG. (19) 1970 CORRELATION OF % PROTEIN VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (6"-12") x = 14.72 -A. % Protein = (0.000)(ppm P, (0=12")) - 0.069 r = 0.012 % Protein difference in the grain 1.6-,- .8 - - 0 . 8■ - ■ Ul Vl — 1. 6— - 2.4 0 4- 4- 8 16 -+ 24 -I--------- h 32 40 _|---------h 48 56 ppm P, (0-12"), Bray Soil Test FIG. (20) 1970 CORRELATION OF 7» PROTEIN VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-12") x = 24.12 y\ 7o Protein = -(0.006) (ppm P, (0-6")) + 0.140 r = -0.193 7o Protein difference in the grain S . 8- - # a - . 8- I Ln I - 1 . 6. -2.48 + i ------ 1------- 1-------- 1------ 1------- •------- H 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 ppm P, (0-6"), Bray Soil Test FIG. (21) 1971 CORRELATION OF ^ % PROTEIN VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-6") 72 x = 36.84 ^ % Protein = -(0.011)(ppm P, (6"-12")) + 0.117 r = -0.130 7« Protein difference in the grain I.64- FIG. (22) 1971 CORRELATION OF A 7„ PROTEIN VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (6"-12") /\ 7= Protein = -(0.026) (ppm P, (0-12")) + 0.594 r = -0.397 % Protein difference in the grain 1.6 nr ■ 00 1 Vl - 1 . 6 - - - 2.4 --------- 1-------- 1-------- 1--------- 1----------1--------1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ppm P, (0-12"), Bray Soil Test FIG. (23) 1971 CORRELATION OF A 7= PROTEIN VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-12") 5 = 22.35 /\ 7= Protein = -(0.004) (ppm P, (0-6")) + 0.095 r = -0.147 7= Protein difference in the grain 1 . .8 # # # 0 0 +- 0 # # # # --- #--e # o « # # 0 - # # .8 I Vi VC I - 1.6 - 2. 448 Te 424 -I-32 - - - 40 1- - - - - 148 - - - - - - 561- - - - 1-64 - - ppm P, (0-6"), Bray Soil Test FIG. (24) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF A h 72 x = 34.74 % PROTEIN VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-6") 7o Protein = (0.004) (ppm P, 6"-12") - 0.104 r = 0.070 -60 7„ Protein difference in the grain ^ ppm P, (6"-12"), Bray Soil Test FIG (25) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF 7= PROTEIN VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (6''-12") /\ 7o Protein = -(0.005) (ppm P, 0-12") + 0.087 7» Protein difference in the grain 1.6 r = -0.103 .8. ♦ r ^ i r • # » . 8 .. I I - 1 .6.' - 2.4._ 3 24 + 40 -t56 ppm P , (0-12"), Bray Soil Test FIG (26) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF % PROTEIN VS AVAILABLE P IN SOIL (0-12") x = 23.51 -62and the grain protein percentage change for 1970, 1971, and 1970 and 1971 combined. In 1970 there were no significant relationships between change in grain yield or change in grain protein percentage versus available soil phosphorus. The strongest relationship was a negative relation­ ship found between change in grain yield versus available soil phosphorus (0-6"). Change in grain yield versus available soil phosphorus (0-12") was almost as strong a negative relationship. The ■ relationship between change in grain protein percentage versus available soil phosphorus in 1970 was not clear. In 1971 the relationship between change in grain yield versus available soil phosphorus (6"-12") was significant at the 5 percent level. However,a strong negative correlation was found between change in grain yield versus available soil phosphorus in the (0-6") and (0-12") soil samples. The relationships between change in grain protein percentage versus available soil phosphorus were, more definite in 1971 than in 1970 showing strong negative correlations in all three cases. Changes in grain protein percentage versus available soil phosphorus (0-12") was correlated at the eleven percent level. For both years combined there were two significant negative relationships at the ten percent level. These ware change in grain yield versus available soil phosphorus (0-6") and (0-12"). Change -63in the grain protein percentage versus the values for available soil phosphorus were very weak relationships. The fertilizer guide for dryland small grains of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extention Service, Montana State University, lists the following recommendations on phosphorus fertilization for wheat: MSU Soil test (Bray) P-PDm 0-10 10-30 30-50 50-75 >75 Rate P Broadcast Rating Very low Very low Low Medium High Ibs./A. 39.3 - 52.4 30.6 - 39.3 21.8 - 30.6 17.5 - 21.8 0 Standard procedure is to analyze the soil phosphorus on only the plow layer (0-6"). Looking at the 1970 data there were no soils in the lowest (0-10 ppm) range. This would indicate that the recommendations were fulfilled for all locations. Of the sites 45.0 percent were in the very low (10-30 ppm) range; 42.5 percent were in the low (30-50 ppm) range; and 12.5 percent were in the medium (50-75 ppm) range. The average increases for ttie three ranges were 3.9 bushels/acre, 2.0 bushels/acre, and 0.2 bushels/acre respectively. In 1971 like 1970 there were no soils in the lowest (0-10 ppm) range. Of the sites 44.0 percent were in the very low (10-30 ppm) -64range ; 40.0 percent were in the low (30-50 ppm) range; and 12.0 percent were in the, medium (50-75 ppm) range. The average increase for the three ranges were 2.0 bushels/acte,,2.5 bushels/acre, and 0.7 bushels/acre respectively. (> 75 ppm) range. One of the sites was in the high This site showed no increase in yield. Soils from the two years showed great similarity in terms of the available phosphorus; however, only 1970 data responded as would be predicted by the fertilizer guide. Since rainfall was the big variant between ypars, 1971 being the driest, this suggests that moisture should be a consideration with any recommendation. As documented in the previous literature review, wheat roots function at depths of three to six feet. In Montana, Brown (1971) reported significant water extraction by winter wheat down t0 seven feet. It could be expected that nutrient uptake would also occur I at these depths. Sub-soil phosphorus should have an effect on plant response to phosphorus fertilization. On dryland soils, where the top inches of the soil profile remain dry during a large part of the growing season, the influence of the sub-soil phosphorus may be appreciable. A system to predict crop response to phosphorus fertilizer based partially on sub-soil phosphorus may be an im­ provement over present systems based only on plow layer phosphorus. . -65Figures 27 through 32 show the relationship of grain yield change and grain protein percentage change versus the expression: _______ ppm P, (6"-12")________ ppm P, (0-6") - ppm P 5 (6"-12") To better understand this expression let us refer to the available soil phosphorus (0-6") and (6"-12") as P^ and Pg respectively. The expression can then be written as A If we consider Pg as representing the phosphorus fertility of the mineral fraction of the soil relatively unaltered by bio-forms or by man and his management practices, and if we consider P^ as the soil condition due to the activities of bio-forms and man, then as Pg becomes larger, expression (I) becomes larger and the response to applied phosphorus fertilizer should become smaller. The data in Figures 27 through 29 support this thesis. For the 1971 data, expression (I) becomes a more reliable factor than all the previously investigated factors for predicting response to phosphorus fertilizer. It is significantly correlated with the change in grain yield at the two percent level. The 1970 data shows a similar relationship but it is not statistically significant. For the 1970 data, available soil phosphorus (0-6") and 0-12") have stronger correlations with the change in grain yield than expression (I). A Yield = -(0.716)(: •) + 3.431 -0.166 1.75 FIG. (27) 1970 CORRELATION OF A 2.15 _________ppm P, (6"-12")_______ ppm P, (0-6") - ppm P, (6"-12") YIELD VS EXPRESSION (I) x = 0.984 Yield -(2.305)( ppm PT ppm P, (6 " - 12 ” )________ ) + 3.973 - ppm P, (6"-12") r = -0.524 (0- 6") -67 - Yield difference, Bu./A, ^ - 4- - _________ppm P, (6"-12") ppm P, (0-6") - ppm P, (6"-12") FIG. (28) 1971 CORRELATION OF YIELD VS EXPRESSION (I) x = 0.744 A Yield = -(1.014) (: ) + 3.472 Yield difference, Bu./A. -0.236 _________ppm P, (6"-12") ppm P, (0-6") - ppm P, (6"-12") FIG. (29) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF ^ YIELD VS EXPRESSION (I) x = 0.899 I .G-r- /\ 7o Protein (0.038)( ppm P, (6" - 12") Ppm P, (0- 6") - ppm P, (6"-12") 0.120 % Protein difference in the grain +0.338 I VD I 1 .6-- -H H-------1-------1-------1-------1-------1-------1------ f- 15 55 .95 1.35 1.75 2.15 _________ppm P, (6"-12")_______ ppm P, (0-6") - ppm P, (6"-12") FIG. (30) 1970 CORRELATION OF A % PROTEIN VS EXPRESSION (I) 2.55 2.95 3.35 x = 1.672 /\ °L Protein (0.294) (• - 0.219 -70 % Protein difference in the grain = 0.400 1 .6 - - - 2.4 ppm P, (6"-l2") FIG. (31) 1971 CORRELATION OF ^ % PROTEIN VS EXPRESSION (I) = 0.744 /\ 7, Protein (0.040) (• 0.090 7» Protein difference in the grain 0.285 1 .6 . _ - 2.4.. _________ppm P, (6"-12")_______ ppm P, (0-6") - ppm P, (6"-12") FIG. (32) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF A 7= PROTEIN VS EXPRESSION (I) 5 = 1-350 -72For the changes in the grain protein percentage, both 1970 and 1971 data show a positive significant correlation with expression (I) at the ten percent level. For both years combined the correlation is significant at the five percent level. A deficiency of expression (I) is that it is qualitative but not quantitative. For example, a soil with two parts per million phos­ phorus in the (0-6") soil layer and one part per million phosphorus in the (6"-12") soil layer will have a ratio of one. Another soil with 20 parts per million phosphorus in the (0-6") soil layer and ten parts per million phosphorus in the (6"-12") soil layer will also have a ratio of one. Another soil with 20 parts per million phos­ phorus in the (0-6") soil layer and ten parts per million phosphorus in the (6"-12") soil layer will also have a ratio of one. Thus, expression (I) should be multiplied by some factor in order to make it quantitative. A quantitative expression of the soils overall phosphorus fertility status should be an appropriate multiplier to differentiate between soils that are high and low in available phosphorus content. The overall phosphorus fertility can be expressed as ppm P (0-6") + ppm P (6"-12") 2 or using the notation from above 2 -73The new expression then becomes ( 2 ) ' Figures 33 through 38 are based on expression (2) versus grain yield changes and grain protein percentage changes. In 1970 and 1971 expresssion (2) versus grain yield changes shows the strongest negative correlation of any of the relationships examined. The 1971 correlation was more than highly-significant. Also, for both years combined expression (2) versus grain yield change shows a significant correlation at the five percent level. Expression (2) versus grain protein percentage changes does not correlate as strongly as expression (I). In both 1970 and the combined years of 1970 and"1971 the relationships were significant at the ten percent level. This result suggests that protein percentage in the grain is not associated with the quantity of phosphorus in the soil but is more closely associated with the balance of the phosphorus in the soil. In other words, as indicated by the correlations, the addition of phosphorus fertilizer that increases the available soil phosphorus in the plow layer may not necessarily affect grain protein percentage, but as the parts per million of available phosphorus in the sub-soil increases, the addition of phosphours fertilizer to the plow layer may increase the grain protein percentage. Yield difference, Bu./A. ppm P, (6"-12") (ppm P, (0-12")) (_ .) ppm P , (0-6")- ppm P , (6"-12") FIG. (33) 1970 CORRELATION OF ^ YIELD VS EXPRESSION (2) 24.45 A Y i e l d = -(0.118) (ppm P, (0-12")) ( + 4.246 Yield difference, Bu./A. -0.622 ppm P, (6"-12")_______ \ (ppm P, ( 0- 12" ) ) (. PPm P, (.0-6") - ppm 'P, (b"-i2''y FIG. (34) 1971 CORRELATION OF YIELD VS EXPRESSION (2) x = 16.76 A Yield = -#(0.050)(ppm P , (0-12"))( - ppm P - 1 2 ") ) + 3.641 Yield difference, Bu./A. -0.312 ppm P , (6"-12")_______ (ppm P, (0-12")H ppm P , (0-6'') - ppm P, (6 "-12") FIG. (35) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF YIELD VS EXPRESSION (2) x = 21.73 A % Protein = (0.002)(ppm P, ( 0- 12" ) ) ( ppm P, (6"-12")_______ x ppm P, (0-6") - ppm P, (6"-12")^ 1.6 7» Protein difference in the grain .8 0.119 0.327 _ _ « t o ___ !• - .8 ♦ * ♦ - - I "sj I - 1.6 - - - 2.4 0 4--------- 1--------- 1--------- 1--------- 1--------- 1--------- 1 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 (ppm P, ( 0- 12" ) ) ( FIG. (36) 1970 CORRELATION OF ^ ppm P, (6"-12") \ PPm P, (0-6") - ppm P, (6"-12")y 7, PROTEIN VS EXPRESSION (2) x = 40.93 A % Protein = (0.009) (ppm P, (0-12")(^ p> " °-146 7o Protein difference in the grain r = 0.274 .8 __ I OO I - 1,6 — - 2.4 -20 40 i--------- H 60 80 (ppm P, (0-12")) (ppm FIG. (37) 1971 CORRELATION OF ^ 100 ppm P , ^pm (6"-12") % PROTEIN VS EXPRESSION (2) ^---------i 120 140 ) X = ^otein - (0.002) ( p m P, (ppgl P , ( 0 ^ ) ^ r = 0.267 7o Protein difference in the grain » 2.4 A ------1 ------1----- 1----- \ ------1 ------1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 ppm P, (6''-12")_______ \ (ppm P, ( 0 - 12" ) ) ( ----------ppm P, (0-6") - ppm P, (6''-12"r FIG (38) 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF ^ % PROTEIN VS EXPRESSION (2) 140 x = 32.55 -80 Phosphorus in Plant Tissue Versus Phosphorus in the Soil An interesting positive relationship was found between the per­ cent phosphorus in the plant tissue at Peekes stage 3 and the parts per million of available phosphorus in the plow layer. In 1970 the relationship was significant at the ten percent level; in 1971 the relationship was significant at the five percent level; and for both years combined the relationship was significant at the one percent level. Figures 39, 40, and 41 show these relationships. This data suggests that after fall planting and until the following spring, the plow layer of the soil is the principal source of phosphorus for the plant. However, as the. data in Figures 27 through 38 show, sub-soil phosphorus levels do influence grain yield and grain protein responses to fertilizer additions. These data suggest that the sub-soil becomes an important source of phosphorus later in the season. + 0.167 0.414 -81 in plant 7o P in plant PM Er-e .12.. FIG. (39) ppm P , (0-6")» Bray Soil Test x = 30.39 1970 CORRELATION OF % P IN PLANT, FEEKES STAGE 3 VS AVAILABLE SOIL P (0-6") 7<> P in plant 7o P in plant 0.427 36.84 FIG. (40) 1971 CORRELATION OF 7» P IN PLANT, FEEKES STAGE 3 VS AVAILABLE SOIL P (0-6") -3 7« P in plant 7= P in plant = (3.9'10 ) (ppm P, 0-6") + 0.204 0.459 .3d _ ppm P, (0-6"), Bray Soil Test FIG. (41) x = 34.14 1970 & 1971 CORRELATION OF 7. P IN PLANT, FEEKES STAGE 3 VS AVAILABLE SOIL P (0-6") SUMMARY Throughout this thesis a spring top-dressing treatment, 40-0-25, has been referrred to as the control treatment while a spring topdressing treatment, 40-40-25, has been compared to the control treatment. A grain yield response to forty pounds of top-dressed phosphorus in the spring was evident. There was an overall grain yield increase of 2,1 bushels/acre for both years 1970 and 1971 combined, suggesting that the farmer-cooperator did not drill in sufficient starter phosphorus at planting. Even with the sites showing negative yield response, 90 percent of the cases of reduced yields with added phosphorus showed a compensating increase with the addition of more nitrogen. A response in the grain protein percentage was also evident. Although the overall protein change was very small, there were many cases of large changes, positive and negative. For both years 43.2 percent of the sites showed a decrease due to added phosphorus. When other treatments at these sites were observed, 100 percent of these sites showed increases in grain protein percentage to or above that of the control treatments, when more nitrogen was added. The overall response to phosphorus in grain protein percentage suggests that phosphorus fertilizer itself has no effect on grain protein percentage. However, where nitrogen may be limiting, -85 phosphorus fertilizer will cause nitrogen to become deficient, There will be a tendency to dilute the available nitrogen, thereby having,, with higher yields due to phosphorus fertilization, less nitrogen, overall, for protein. At 81.6 percent of the sites an overall increase in pounds of protein per acre was reported with the added phosphorus fertilizer. For both years combined on the basis of the simple correlations studied, change of grain yield with the application of phosphorus fertilizer is best correlated with available phosphorus (0-6") in the soil. Available phosphorus (0-12") in the soil follows close behind with phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes stage 3 following respectively. The change in grain protein percentage for both years is best correlated with percent phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes stage 3 followed respectively by available phosphorus in the soil (0-6"), (0-12"), and (6"-12"). Standard soil testing procedures make phosphorus fertilizer recommendations on the amount of available phosphorus in the (0-6") soil layer. The correlation betweeh chartge in yield and ppm available phosphorus (0-6") was significant at only the 10 percent level; but if more treatments of phosphorus fetilizer had been included in this study, the correlation would most likely have been higher. -86 The qualitative expression, ______ppm (6"-12") ______ ppm (0-6") - ppm (6"-12") or p2 P2 where equals ppm phosphorus (0=6") in the soil and P 2 equals ppm phosphorus (6"-12") in the soil, proved to be significantly correlated at the 5 percent level with the change in grain protein percentage for both years combined indicating that the distribution of available phosphorus in the soil may be more important than total quantity of available phosphorus. The quantitative expression, ppm P (6"-12")_______ (ppm 0-12") ppm P (.0-6") - ppm P (6"-12") or ( P + P2 2 ) where P^ equals ppm P (0-6") in the soil and Pg equals ppm P (6"~12") in the soil, proved to be significantly correlated at the 5 percent level with the change in grain yield for both years combined indica­ ting that available phosphorus distribution in the soil along with total available phosphorus in the soil is important in predicting yield response and in making phosphorus fertilizer recommendations, -87For both years combined there is more than a highly significant correlation between percent phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes stage 3 and ppm available phosphorus (0-6") in the soil. This indi­ cates the importance of available phosphorus in the (0-6") soil layer during the first six months after planting winter wheat. Apparently the (6-6") soil layer is the primary source of phosphorus during the early stages of growth. Considering the following three elements: (I) the literature indicates that the greatest amount of phosphorus is taken up during the early stages of growth, (2) the (0-6") soil layer was found to be the primary reservoir for phosphorus during the first six months after planting, and (3) the (0-6") soil layer was best correlated with the grain yield changes due to added phosphorus fertilizer recom­ mendations on available phosphorus QD-6") soil layer. However, since a better correlation was found witt) expression (2), investigations, including more soil treatments and deeper soil testing for available phosphorus, should be considered in any subsequent phosphorus studies. CONCLUSIONS 1. Early spring top-dressed phosphorus does become available to dryland wheat. . 2. Phosphorus top-dressing in the spring will increase yield and, if not applied with sufficient nitrogen, will decrease grain protein percentage. 3. The farmer-cooperator did not drill in sufficient starter phosphorus with the seed. 4. To predict yield response due to added phosphorus fertilizer, the available phosphorus in the (0-6") soil layer will provide the best results when based only on soil analysis of a given depth. When soil analysis of the (0-6") and (6"-12") layers are available, the quantitative expression. Ti - P -)A t -— ) may provide the best results. 5. To predict grain protein percentage response due to added phosphorus fertilizer, the percent phosphorus in the plant tissue at Feekes stage 3 will provide the best results. If soil analysis of both the (0-6") and (6"-12") layers are available, better results may be obtained using the qualitative expression, _______ppm P (6"-12") ppm P (0-6") - ppm P (6"-12") -89 6. The top six inches of the soil is the primary source of phosphorus during the first six months after planting. 7. During the spring and summer months, as the upper layer of the soil drys out, the (6"-12M) soil layer becomes important as a source of phosphoutus. APPENDIX -91Table (5) Analysis of Variance. Location No. I . Source of Variance d ,f. Replication 2 I Treatment Error 2 S.S, 35.21 0.00 4.02 Yield F. M.S. 17.60 8.75 0.00 0.00 2.01 Location No. 2 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S, 28.56 11.65 8.12 Yield M.S. F. 14.28 3.52 2.87 11.65 4.06 Location No. 3 Yield S.S. F. M.S. Source of Variance d.f. Replication 31.30 15.65 2 0.87 Treatment I 7.08 127.42 127.42 Error 2 35.97 17.98 Location No. 4 Source of Variance d.f. 2 Replication Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 8.20 20.13 17.57 Location No. 5 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 3.75 Location No. 6 Source of Variance d.f. Replica tion 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. '2.21 1.94 17.74 Table continued. . S.S. 2.62 2/68 Yield F. M.S. 4.10 0.47 20.13 2.29 8.79 Yield M.S. F, 0.70 1.31 1.43 2.68 1.88 Yield M.S. F. 1.10 0.12 0.22 1.94 8.87 S.S, 0.91 0.17 0.22 Protein M.S. F. 0.46 4.07 0,17 1.49 0.11 1.56 Protein M.S. F. 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.78 S.S., 2.29 0.74 1.96 • Protein M.S. F, 1.17 1.15 0.75 0.74 0.98 S.S. 0.89 0.54 0.36 Protein M.S. F, 2.48 0.45 3.00 0.54 0.18 S.S. 0.04 0.02 S.S. 0.20 0.28 0.30 S.S. Protein M.S. F. 0.10 0.67 1.86 0.28 0.15 Protein M.S. === -”™ ”== F. “"“ -92Table (5) continued. . . Location No. 7 Yield Source of Variance d.f. , S „S „ M.S. F0 Replication 2 21.03 10.51 2.12 Treatment I 109.02 109.02 22.04 * Error 2 4.95 9.89 Location No. 8 Source,of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Location No. 9 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 19.04 13.98 1.02 S.S. 9.79 0.00 29.17 Yield M 0S 0 F. 9.52 18.68 + 13.98 27.43 * 0.51 Yield M 0S. F0 4.90 0.34 0.00 0.00 14.59 Yield Location No. 10 M 0S 0 F0 S.S. Source of Variance d.f. 0.87 0.06 Replication 2 1.75 Treatment I 115.81 115.81 7.39 31.33 15.67 Error 2 Yield Location .No. .11 S.S.. M 0S o F0 d.f. Source of Variance 2.61 1.34 5.22 Replication 2 108.46 108.46 55.76 * Treatment I 1.94 Error 2 3.89 Location No. 12 Source of Variance d.f. 2 Replication Treatment I 2 Error ', Yield M 0S 0 :F 0 5.09 0.70 10,18 2.84 0.39 2.84 7.23 14.47 S.S. .D CD D ■ Table continued. . . Frotein S.S. 0.93 I i 40 0.26 S.S. co-™ ««« S oS 0 .0.09 0.43 2.01 S 0S 0 ==*= M.S. 0.46 1.40 0.13 F 00 3.53 . 10.64 +' Protein M 0S 0 F0 ”== ="a ”== Protein M 0S o F0 0.05 0.05 0.42 0743 1.01 Protein M.S, F0 ;. •<, S 0S o 0.01 0.03 0.17 Protein M 0S 0 F0 0.01 0.08 0.03 0.31 0,09 SoS 0 0.04 0.00 0.16 Protein M.S. F0 0.02 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.08 «=» «3'« •=» «= = — =, ea eo «= «= -93Table (5) continued. . . Location No. 13 ________ Yield Source of Variance d.f. M.S. s.s. Replication 2 17.59 8.79 Treatment 79.06 79.06 I Error 252.46 126.23 2 F. 0.07 0.63 Location No. 14 Source of Variance d .f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error . 2 S.S. 6.40 2.95 3.89 Yield M.S. F. 3.20 1.65 2.95 .1.52 1.94 Location No. 15 Source of Variance d.f. Replication .2 Treatment I 2 Error S.S. 37.80 11.98 37.98 Yield M.S. F. 18.90 '1.00 0.63 11.98 18.98 Location No. 16 S.S. Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 15.85 Treatment 0.53 I Error 2 242.04 Yield F. ■m :s . 0.06 7.92 0.53 0.00 121.02 Location No. 17 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I 2 Error Yield M.S. F, 5.96 13.53 0.90 2.05 2.27 Location No. 18 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Table continued. . S.S. 27.06 2.05 4.54 Yield s,s. M.S. F, 4.96 0.94 9.93 1.03 5.42 5.42 10.55 ■5.27 1» =*” ■>”1 =» =» S.S —F>— s.s. 0.13 0.28 1.10 Protein M.S. F. —=O=• a - =>™— .'Protein M.S. F. 0.12 0.06 .0.28 0.51 0.55 Protein M.S. F. ■ S.S. 3.56 0.76 0.38 0.67 ' 0.67 6.25 0.21 0.11 S.S. Protein M.S. F. <=.«<= -,”co s.s. 0.49 0.08 0.49 Protein M.S. F. 1.00 0.25 0.33 0.08 0.25 Protein M.S. F. 0.40 0.20 1.98 0.80 .0.08 0.08 0.10 0.20 = ” t= = « a. => <» " P* ” " s.s. -94Table (5) continued. . . Yield Location.No. 19 F. S.S. M.S. Source of Variance d.f. Replication 96.83 48.41 2.94 2 Treatment I 9.50 + 156.47 156,47 Error 32.92 16.46 2 Location No. 20 S.S. Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 8.18 Treatment I 53.51 161.43 Error 2 Location No. 21 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Location No. 22 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Location No. 23 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Location No. 24 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Table continued. . Yield M.S. F. 0.05 4.09 0,66 53.51 80.71 S.S. 0.06 0.60 0.58 Protein M.S. F. 0.03 0.11 2.06 0.60 0.29 S.S. Protein M.S. F. ,==*» Yield S ..S. 0.39 7.89 3.74 S.S. 48.57 4.25 84.68 S.S. 5.04 26.38 16.45 S.S. 3.76 3.24 40.16 M.S. 0.20 7.89 1.87 F. 0.10 4.22 S.S. 0.70 0.00 0.22 '"=>" Protein M.S. F. 0.35 3.15 0.01 0.00 0.11 Yield M.S. F. 24.28 0,57 0.10 4.25 42.34 0.64 0.01 0.21 Protein F. M.S. 3.00 0.32 0.01 0.06 0.11 Yield M.S. F. .0.31 ■2.52 26.38 3.21 8.22 S.S. 0.19 0,20 0.34 Protein M.S. F. 0.10 .0.55 .0.20 ■1.17 0.17 .Yield M.S. F. 1.88 0.09 0.16 3.24 20.08 S.S. 0.33 0.00 0.09 Protein .M.S. F. 0.17 3.57 0.00 0.04 0,05 S.S. -95Table (5) continued. . . S.S. 7.76 7.91 12.75 Yield M.S. Fo 3.88 0.61 7.91 1.24 6.38 S.S. 0.09 0.06 0.28 Protein M.S. F. 0.33 0.05 0.06 0.43 0.14 Location No. 26 Source of Variance d.f. 2 Replication. Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 10.72 7.71 4.57 Yield M.S. F.. 5.36 2.34 7.71 3.37 2.29 S.S. 1.84 0.28 0.52 Protein M.S. F. 0.92 .3.52 0.28 1.05 0.26 Location No. 27 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 17.60 5.80 11.80 Yield M.S. .F. 8.80 1.49 5.80 0.98 5.90 Protein M.S. F. 0.08 0.04 .0.12 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.72 • 0,36 Location No. 28 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment .I Error 2 S.S. 4.64 52.22 0.67 Yield M 9S. F. 2.32 6.93 52.22 155.86*4 .0.34 . S.S. 1.81 0.00 0.44 ProteL n M.S. F. 0.90 4.08 0.00 .0.01 .0.22 Location No. 29 Source of Variance d.f. 2 Replication Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 33.86 16.01 25.60 Yield M.S. F. 16.93 1.32 16.00 1.25 12.80 S.S. 0.72 0.11 3.20 Protein M.S. F. 0.36 0.22 0.11 0.07 1.60 Location No. 30 Source of Variance d.f. Replication .2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 2.90 83.63 12.30 Yield M.S. F. 1.45 0.24 83.63 13.59 + 6.15 S.S. 1.89 0.28 0.02 Protein M.S. F.0.94 81.00 * 0.28 24.14 * 0.01 Location No. 25 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Table continued. . s.;s. -96Table (5) continued. . . Location No. 31 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 30.60 0.48 ■ 19.60 Yield M.S. F. 15.30 1.56 0.48 0.05 9.80 Location No. 32 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment .I 2 Error Yield F. S.S, M. S . 2.96 1.48 0.09 0.93 15.04 15.04 32.44 .16.22 Location No. 33 Source of Variance d.f. Replication .2 Treatment •I Error 2 S.S. 27.66 1.75 20.50 Yield M.S. F. 13.83 1.35 0.17 1.75 10.25 Location No. 34 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 I Treatment 2 Error S.S. 8.11 0.00 2.55 Yield F, M.S.. 4.06 3.18 0.00 0.00 .1.27 Location No. 35 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 4.92 6.02 50.39 Yield "M.S. Fr. 0.10 2.46 6.02 0.24 25.20. Location No. 36 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I 2 Error l S fS. 0.14 8.33 16.56 Yield M.S. F. 0.01 0.01 8.33 1.00 8.28 Table continued. . I Protein M.S. F. S.S. 1.97 131.44** 3.94 0.02 .0.02 1.00 0.03 ■ 0.02 S.S. 4.33 0.96 0.73 Protein M.S. F. 2.16 5.93 0.96 2.63 0.36 S.S. Protein M.S. F. = ‘=a ‘=’”“ = =” S.S. •== " === === S.S. aa<= =="= S.S, ==° -■“<==> ‘“““ '"=*= Protein M.S. F. “““ =*= ” -■== Protein M.S. F, -==• -”=■= ===* Protein M.S. F. === === . -97Table (5) continued. . Yield M.S. .F. 2.23 1.22 46.48 25.38 * 1.83 ■ Protein M.S, F. 1.01 7.68 2.41 18.28 + 0.13 Location No. 37 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.'S. 4.46 46.48 Location No. 38 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Yield M.S. F. 0.59 26,05 13.03 0.60 13.14 . 13.14 44.16 22.08 Location No. 39 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S .-S. 78.60 2.16 13.11 Yield M.S. -F. 6.00 39.30 0.33 "2.16 6.56 4.48 0.11 1.01 Protein M.S. F. 4.42 2.24 0.11 0.21 0.51 Location No. 40 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Yield S.S. .M.S. ''F." 1.73 0.16 3.45 4.50 47.04 47.04 20.92 .10.46 S.S. 0.82 0.04 0.06 Protein M.S. F, 0.41 13.00 1.32 0.04 0.03 Yield M.S. F. 4.67 2.69 5.26 3.04 1.73 SJS. 0.81 0.08 0.44 Protein M.S. F. 0.40 1.83 0.08 0.37 0.22 Location No. 41 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Location No. 42 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Table continued. . . 3.66 S.S. S..S, 9.33 5.26 3.47 S.S," 76.75 10.91 20.96 Yield M.S. F. 3.66 38.38 1.04 10.91 10.48 S.S. 2.02 2.41 0.26 S.S. S.S. S.S." 0.12 0.20 3.61 Protein M.S. F0 Protein .M.S. F. 0.03 0.06 0.20 . 0.11 1.81 -98Table (5) continued. . . Location No. 43 Source of Variance d f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 . Location No. 44 Source of Variance d f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 . . . Location No. 45 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Location No. 46 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Location No. 47 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 129.70 3.89 63.37 S.S. 35.33 17.51 7.16 S.S. 26.71 48.05 0.75 S.S. 6.64 1.24 7.12 S.S. 82.54 30.02 0.71 Location No. 48 Source of Variance d.f. S.S. Replication 2 21.69 Treatment I 3.24 Error 2 125.88 Yield M.S, F. 64:85 2.05 3.89 0.12 31.68 Yield M.S. ?. 17.66 4.93 17.51 4.89 3.58 Yield M.S. F. 13.36 35.45 * 48.05 127.53** 0.38 Yield M.S. F. 3.32 0.93 1.24 0.35 3.56 Protein M.S, F. 7.74 6.79 0.38 0.33 1.14 S.S. 1.42 0.02 0.31 Protein M.S, F 0.71 4.59 0.10 0.02 0.16 S.S. 8.09 0.96 2.44 Protein M.S. F. 3.32 4.05 0.96 0.79 1.22 . 1.75 0.08 0.96 Protein M.S. F. 1.82 0.88 0.08 0.17 0.48 Yield M.S, F. 41.27 115.59** 30.02 84.07 * 0.36 S.S. 3.06 0.67 0.42 Protein M.S. F, 7.24 1.53 •0.67 3.15 0.21 M.S. 10.84 3.24 62.94 S.S. 2.84 0.14 1.11 M.S. 1.42 0.14 0.56 s,s. F. 0.17 0.05 ee Table continues. . . S.S. 15.48 0.38 2.28 ce ea ™ to a Ba F 2.56 0.24 . a CO a CO -99Table (5) continues. . . Location No. 49 __ S.S. Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 15.25 Treatment I 33.14 Error 2 23.85 Location No. 50 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Yield_______ M.S. F. 7.63 0.64 33.14 2.78 11.93 Yield S.S. 89.00 0.24 6.13 M.S. 44.50 0.24 3.06 F. 14.52 + 0.08 Location No. 51 S.S. Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 126.32 Treatment 2.73 I 46.01 Error 2 Yield M.S. F. 63.16 2.74 0.12 '2.73 23.00 Location No. 52 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Yield M.S. F. 18.86 1.24 0.00 0.07 15.20 Location No. 53 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Location No. 54 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Table continued. . . ________ Protein S.S. M.S. F. 0.13 0.06 1.05 2.70 0.17 0.17 0.12 0.06 S.S. 37.73 0.07 30.41 S.S. .1.62 0.08 1.32 S.S. 0.22 1.71 0.14 M.S. 33.80 0.04 12.83 16.90 0.04 6.42 S.S. 34.72 14.35 2.46 Protein M.S. F. 0.11 1.56 1.71 23.81 * 0.07 Protein S.S. 6.84 0.17 0.86 M.S. 3.42 0.17 0.43 F. 7.93 0.39 Protein Yield S.S. Protein M.S. F. 0.81 '1.23 0.12 0.08 0.66 F. 2.63 0.00 Yield M.S. F. 17.36 14.08 + 14.35 11.64 + 1.23 S.S. 8.49 0.08 4.65 S.S. 1.82 0.48 1.14 M.S. 4.25 0.08 2.33 F. 1.82 0.04 Protein M.S. F. 0.91 1.59 0.84 0.48 .0.57 -100Table (5) continued. . . Location No. 55 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Yield S.S. M.S. F. 2.84 1.42 0.04 105.50 105.50 2.74 77.02 38.51 Location No. 56 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 26.64 54.60 8.96 Location No. 59 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 63.86 5.26 34.02 34.44 7.08 5.06 S.S. 1.37 0.00 0.49 S.S. 4:62 0.33 0.44 Yield F. M.S. 6.80 17.22 2.80 7.08 2.53 S.S. M.S. ■ 7.80 .1.78 8.31 3.90 1.78 4.16 S.S. M.S. S.S. T, 0.94 0.43 0.82 0.60 1.36 Yield a 0 CD eI fS 0 CS S.S. 0.17 0.14 0.16 F. 0.50 6.45 . 3.22 0.11 0.11 12.77 6.38 0.02 C9 0 0 0 Protein M.S. F. 1.42 2.56 0.14 0.24 0.56 Protein M.S. F. 0.69 2.78 0.00 0.01 0.25 Protein M.S. F. 2.31 10.43 0.33 1.47 0.22 Protein S.S. 0.74 0.06 0.91 Yield S.S. Location No. 60 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Table continued. . . Yield M.S. F. 31.93 1.88 0.31 5.26 17.01 S.S. Location No. 58 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 2.84 0.14 1.11 Yield M.S..F. 2.97 13.32 54.60 : 12.18 + 4.48 S.S. Location No. 57 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 0 M.S. 0.37 0.06 0.45 F. 0.82 0.13 Protein M.S. F. • 0.41 0.60 0.60 0.88 0.68 Protein F. M.S. 1.08 0.09 0.14 1.69 0.08 -101Table (5) continued. . „ Location No. 61 ____ ____Yield________ _________ Protein M.S. M.S. F. s.s. Source of Variance d.f. F, 0.21 4.56 0.10 Replication 2 2.28 0.57 0,29 0.58 Treatment 0.81 0.81 I 11.54 11.54 0.49 ’ 47.01 23.50 2.77 ■1.39 Error 2 Yield M.S. F. 1.50 9.33 10.24 •1.64 6.22 S.S. 18.66 10.24 12.4 Protein S.S. ' M.S. •F. 0.40 0.34 0.17 0.48 1.12 0.48 0.43 0.86 4.69 0.00 17.14 Location No. 65 Source of Variance d.f. Replication •2 Treatment I Error 2 CO Table continued. . . ee s 23.80 0.09 4.68 . s Protein M.S. F. 0.10 0.16 0.14 0.21 0.64 . 0.20 0.14 1.29 0.01 0.48 0,81 Protein M.S. F. 0.01 0.02 1.18 0.48 0.41 F. SYS. M.S,i 3.88 0.22 0.24 0.75 •0.11 0.24 0.38 Yield M.S. ■ F. 11.90 5.09 0.04 0.09 2.34 S.S. s . s . Protein Yield Location No. 66 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 ■ Yield F. M.S. 2.35 0.27 0.00 0.00 8.57 s.s. Protein F. M.S. 0.26 52.33 * 3.00 0.02 0.00 0.52 0.02 .0.01 Yield Location No. 63 F. S.S. 'M.S. Source of Variance d.f. 0.03 Replication 2 5.69 2.84 0.46 Treatment 49,88 49.88 I 214.30 107.15 Error 2 Location No. 64 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I 2 Error . CA Location No. 62 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I 2 Error . s CO s S.S. • M.S. 13.92 0.43 3.59 27.84 0.43 7.18 CO CO CD • COI <=> «=o CO 0.12 op SD S CD =3 ■ » " -CS CS OS <s> •CD O= • CD F. 0.30 0.64 » •= => «=» = -102Table (5) continued. . . Location No. 67 Source' of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error" 2 Location No. 68 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 s.s. 9.63 23.76 1.40 S.S. 13.58 1.64 12.11 Yield M.S. F. 4.81 6.85 23.76 33.83 * 0.70 Yield M.S. F, 1.21 6.79 1.64 0.27 6.06 11.96 1.49 Yield M.S. "F. 39.74 53.27 * 11.96 16.03 + 0.75 Location No. 70 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 62.55 0.45 31.03 Yield M.S. F. 31.27 2.02 0.03 0.45" 15.51 Location No. 71 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I 2 Error S.S. 21.92 0.01 5.16 Yield M.S. F. 10.96 4.25 0.00 0:01 2.58 Location No. 69 Source of Variance d.f. Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 Location No. 72 Source of Variance d.f. Replication I Treatment I Error I m tm at Table continued. . . S.S. 79:48 S.S. 5.52 . 3.06 33.06 m a « 9 a■ <> ) Yield M.S. F. 0.17 5.52 3.06 0.09 33.06 eo oe —! = S.S. 0.05 0.14 0.12 Protein M.S. F» 0.03 0.44 0.14 2.25 0.06 S.S. 0.52 0.00 0.02 Protein M.S. F. 0.26 22.43 * 0.00 0.14 0.01 s.s. 0.36 0.10 0.09 s.s. 0.86 1.04 0.76 Protein ■ M,S. F. 0.43 1.13 2.73 1.04 0.38 0.28 0.74 Protein M.S. ■ F. 0.03 0.08 0.76 0.28 0.37 S.S. 0.25 3.61 7.84 Protein M.S. F. 0.03 0.25 3.61 0.46 7.84 S.S. 0.06 - Protein M.S. F. 0,18 3.86 0.11 2.28 0.05 =» ™ = - 1 -103Table (5) continued. . . Location No. 73 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 4.44 0.74 1.75 Yield M, S . F. 2.22 2. 54 0.74 0.84 0.88 S.S. 0.10 0.00 0.72 Protein M.S. F. 0.05 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.36 Location No. 74 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 0.13 15.68 8.46 Yield M.S. F. 0.06 0.02 15.68 3.71 4.23 S.S. 0.49 0.00 0.54 Protein M.S. F. 0.24 0.90 0.00 0.01 0.27 Location No. 75 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 24.79 21.66 14 71 Yield M.S. F. 12.40 :1.69 21.66 2.94 7.36 S.S. 0.79 0.17 2.72 Protein M.S. F. 0.40 0.29 0.17 0.12 1.36 Location No. 76 . Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 26.64 22.04 0.42 Yield M.S. F. 13.32 62.94 * 22.04 104.13** 0.21 S.S. 0.04 0.00 0.41 Protein M.S. F. 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.01 0.21 S.S. 3.29 0.96 0.76 Protein M.S. F. 4.33 1.65 0.96 2.53 0.38 S.S. 1.21 0.00 0.37 Protein F. MVS. 3.25 0.61 0.01 0.00 0.19 Location No. 77 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 63.31 27.31 7.30 Yield M.S. F. 31.66 8.67 27.31 7.48 .3.65 Location No. 78 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 S.S. 35.64 7.26 8.49 Yield M.S. F. 17.82 4.20 7.26 1.71 4.24 Table continued. . . S.S. -104Table (5) continued. . Location No. 81 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 104.23 0.01 6.30 S.S. 1.84 6.00 25.27 S.S. 40.33 8.88 45.24 + Significant at the 10% level * Significant at the 5% level ** Significant at the 1% level Yield M.S. 52.12 0.01 3.15 F. 16.54 + 0.00 Yield M.S. F. 0.92 0.07 6.00 0.47 12.64 Yield M.S. ■F. 20.16 0.89 8.88 0.39 22.62 CO Location No. 80 Source of Variance d.f Replication 2 Treatment I Error 2 s .s. 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MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 762 IOO 5189 9 - N378 P5k2 cop.2 I I Phillips, Charles R Effects of soring top-dressing phosphorus on winter wheat RXWrKRBr^CBBKese t i J / E W k - J J * S E R ^ 3 ' ' -?4> T c H zo N- ip W B I CMIKE PUCE = MMHERV COOKI PUCE,WA b