The utilization of all the colostrum produced by a dairy herd for feeding the calves by Earl J Peace A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Dairy Production Montana State University © Copyright by Earl J Peace (1953) Abstract: Thirty-six Holstein calves were fed in three groups from birth for eighty days. Group I was fed colostrum and whole milk intermittently, Group II was fed whole Holstein milk intermittently from different, cows, and Group III was fed whole Holstein milk from one cow continuously. Colostrum was substituted for milk by equal weight in Group I with no scouring effect due to the colostrum. The calves, at the beginning of every sixteen-day cycle, were changed from their regular milk to 100 percent first milking colostrum. Total digestible nutrients were computed for each calf every four days for the milk, hay, and grain. The calves were weighed every four days. Analysis based on total digestible nutrients consumed and gains in weight indicate no significant difference between the groups. The results reveal that considerable saleable milk can be saved if the surplus colostrum is utilized in feeding calves. THE UTILIZATION OF ALL THE COLOSTRUM PRODUCED BI A DAIRY HERD FOR FEEDING THE CALVES by ■ EARL J. PEACE A THESISSubmitted to the Graduate Faculty . i» partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Dairy Production at Montana State .College Approved: -Kbad3 Maj o K Department Chairman 3 Examining Cdmmittee Bozeman 3 Montana January 3 1953 'f/ V. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITIE P A G E ..................................................... I TABLE OF C O N T E N T S ............................................ 2 LIST OF T A B L E S ................................................ 3 LIST OF F I G U R E S ............................................... 6 A C K N O W I E D G M E N T S ............................................... 7 A B S T R A C T ....................................................... 8 INTRODUCTION ................................................... 9 REVIEW OF L I T E R A T U R E .......................................... 11 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ......................................... 30 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS .......................................... Ul DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ........................................ 8U C O N C L U S I O N S ................................................... 86 LITERATURE C I T E D ............................................... 8? APPENDIX . ..................................................... 97 10673(5 3 LIST OF TABLES Table I. Page Specific Gravity .and Concentration of Various, Colostrum and Early. Milk from Samples of 111.Cows of. -Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey, and Guernsey Breeds ........ . . . . . . . . . . . e 0 2o Percent of Albumin and Globulin in Colostrum 3e The Essential ."Amino Acids in Colostrum and Milk Proteins. Samples from Fifteen Cows, Percent of Total Protein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Effect of Colostrum on Blood Plasma Vitamin A and Carotene of Calves for the First Week . . . . . . . . . . 16 Uo $0 6«, 7o 8. 9o IOo Ho e c . . . . . 12 The Carotene Content of Cows’. Colostrum and Milk .at Successive Milkings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The Vitamin A,Content of Cows’ Colostrum and Milk at Successive Milkings .......................... .. 13 17 17 Effect of"Feeding Various Milks Upon the Blood of Newborn Calves ^ . 21 Apparent Coefficients of Digestion of Colostrum and.Milk Constituents Fed to Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Calves Raised on a Colostrum Substitute . . . . . . . . . . . . 2U Group I Feeding"Schedule by Period, Days, and Type of Milk Fed 0 . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30*a . . . Group II Feeding S1Chedule by Period, Days, and Type of Milk Fed © . . . • . .- » . . * . . $ . . . . . . .■© 12 0 Group III Feeding Schedule by Period, Days, and Type of Milk Fed . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 0 Blood Plasma Values for Calf 810 .......... ...... IUo Blood Plasma Values for Calf 822 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15© Blood Plasma Values for Calf Ul2 . . . . . . . . . 16© Blood Plasma Values for Calf 3U 6 . . . 31 32 .. Ul Ul . ., . . ■©, U2 U2 Table 17o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 834 18e Blood Plasma Values for Calf 849 19o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4ll 20o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4l4 21c Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4l5 22o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4l8 23o Blood Plasnm Values for Calf 423 24c Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4o4 2^c Blood Plasma Values for Calf 811 26c Blood Plasma Values for Calf 8l4 27* Blood Plasma Values for Calf.341 28c Blood Plasma Values for Galf 8l5> 29o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 30* Blood Plasma Values for Calf 340 31o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4l6 32* Blood Plasma Values for Calf 8^9 33o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 417 34c Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4l9 3^o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 421 36o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4o£ 8£6 37 0 Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4l3 380 Blood Plasma Values for Calf 409 39* Blood Plasma Values for Calf 4lO 5 Table_____ Page 835 53 111* Blood Plasma Values for Calf 871 5i| '1|2. Blood Plasma Values for Calf i|02 li3o Blood Plasma Values for Calf 1|03 55 Wi 0 Blood Plasma Values for Calf 1|07 . IlO0 Blood Plasma Values for Calf ^ U5e Blood Plasma Values for Calf 3U5 e 56 1|6» Blood Plasma Values for Calf 1|20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 1|7. Blood Plasma Values for Calf l|2l| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 1|8. Average Daily Milk Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 1*9e Average Daily Total Digestible Nutrients Consumed in Milk, Hay, and Grain .......................... . 59 5 0 0 Saleable Milk Consumed Per Calf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 51 0 Saleable Milk Saved Per Calf ..................... .. 60 52. Calcium Consumed Daily .................................... .. 6l 53» Phosphorus Consumed Daily 62 51|. Carotene and Vitamin A in Colostrum and Milk . . . . . . . . 63 55« Average Weights 61* .............................. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56. Average Daily Gain . . ...................... 65 57« Total Digestible Nutrients Consumed Per Found of Gaxn 73 ■58. Feed and Weight Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7^ 59« Summary of Average Daily Gain in Relation to Time of Colostrum .............................. .. 81 Incidence of Scours in Relation to Time of Scrubbing Barnr® . . . . . . . ........ .. 82 60o ......... LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1» Group I-F. Growth and Consumption Curves * * 2o Group I-Ee Growth and Consumption Curves « . 3o Group II-Fo Ito Group H - E e 5® Group III-F0 Growth and Consumption Curves » 66 Group III-Mo Growth and Consumption Curves ® 7o Blood Plasma Fxtamxn J3L 8® Blood Plasma Carotene « « « • • * . e « o * . 9o Blood Plasma Calcium Levels » Growth and Consumption Curves » Growth and Consumption Curves « o e o e o e o e ® ® * IOo Blood Plasma Phosphorus Levels 0 «. ««*<>« **«,.» * „ H o Age of Calves in Group I TMhen Scoured or Loose 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express appreciation to the following for their guidance and help in conducting this experiment«, Dr* E« A* Keyes for aid in setting up and guidance in conducting the experiment and the preparation of the manuscript* D r e J e A* Nelson for assistance in the procurement of the calves' used in this study* Mr* John E e Brence for the vitamin A and carotene analysis of the milk and suggestions for care of the colostrum* Dr* John W* Safford for suggestions and aid in controlling dis­ ease and maintaining the health of the calves* 8 ABSTRACT Thirty-six Holstein calves were fed in for eighty days® Group I was fed colostrum mittently^ "..Group II was fed whole Holstein different cows, and Group III was fed whole cow continuously® three groups from birth . and whole milk inter­ milk intermittently from Holstein milk from one Colostrum was substituted for milk b y equal weight in Group I with no scouring effect due to-the. colostrum. The. calves, at the beginning of every sixteen-day cycle, were changed from their regular milk to 100 percent first milking colostrum® ... . Total digestible nutrients, were computed for each calf every four days for the milk, hay, and grain® The calves were weighed every four days® Analysis based on. total digestible nutrients consumed and gains in weight indicate no significant difference, between the groups® The results reveal that considerable saleable milk can be saved if the surplus colostrum is utilized in feeding calves® INTRODUCTION Milk is the main cash crop of the dairy fanner* Most dairy calves are fed normal whole saleable.milk starting immediately after the colostrum feeding period and sometimes con­ tinuing up to six months of age* If a satisfactory substitute of less value than milk can be used as a replacement for feeding calves, the dairy farmer could market more milk and thus increase his income* Many dairymen who market Grade A milk do not separate any of it. They find it much simplier to feed saleable whole milk to young calves regardless of the expense* Shortening the milk feeding period by the use of dry calf starters is probably the most popular present day method of overcoming the high consumption of marketable whole milk* Colostrum is not marketable. wasted* On many dairy farms it is'usually If a satisfactory method of calf feeding could be devised to utilize colostrum, it would result in saving Grade A whole milk that could be sold* Allen (3) found that during the first three days following calving a cow will produce approximately l*lj? times the birth weight of the calf in colostrum* 9h pounds An average Holstein calf will weigh approximately at birth, according to Eckles (25)« produce about 108 pounds of colostrum* Therefore, its dam will If the calf is started b y feeding 8 percent of the body weight of the calf in colostrum daily during the first three days and the remaining 85 pounds can be 10 satisfactorily substituted for whole milk pound for pound, there would be 8£> pounds of saleable whole milk saved for every cow freshening in the herd* Several investigators have fed colostrum continuously (I, 86, 93) to calvest, However, this requires the colostrum to be Stordde This stucfy- was undertaken to determine if all the colostrum pro­ duced by the dairy herd can be used to feed calves without incurring the problem of storing the colostrum* In this investigation, an attempt was made to determine if it is economical, feasible, and practical to feed all surplus colostrum produced to calves intermittently as a substitute for whole normal milk during the milk feeding period* factors considered were whether colostrum possesses any particular growth-promoting properties not contained in whole milk. Other 11 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ' Colostrum is generally considered, according to Sutton and Kaeser (93), to be the secretion produced by the cow during the first three days following parturition* Studies of the principal consti­ tuents during the transition period from colostrum to normal milk indicate rapid changes at first, with relatively smaller changes after the third day (32, 39» Zhs 6£, 66, 72, 7hf 80, 82)« In this discussion the term '"colostrum" will refer to all secretion obtained during the first four days following parturition* The Food and Drug Department (99) has defined milk as "«.,the • whole, fresh lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of ' one or more healthy cows, excluding that obtained within fifteen days before or five days after calving or such longer period as may be necessary to render the milk practically colostrum-free• This definition implies that the secretion produced by. a cow the first five days after calving is a mixture of colostrum and milk® The constituents of the secretion as shown in Table. I show a continuous progression from colostrum to milk* The constituents on the first day represent colostrum, whereas on the fourth day they very nearly repre­ sent milk. In most cases, colostrum contained more nutrients than normal milk due to a higher concentration of proteins, minerals," and sometimes fat. Considerable variation was found in values for yield and for the properties of colostrum collected from different individuals at the same postpartal period* Fat was the most variable constituent®. 12 Variability in secretions from different.individuals decreased as transition to normal milk progressed. Table I shews specific gravity, total solids, solids-not-fat, total protein and ash decreased rapidly during the first three days, but only a relatively small decrease ■was noticed throughout the remainder of the transition period (32, 66, 72, ?U, 80, 82). Lactose changed in approximately an inverse ratio to the other constituents. Table I. %■■■' I 1,062 2 IoOliS 1,038 .1,035 1.03b 1.03b S & 6 k 7 & 8 15 & 16 27 & 28 The first milking postpartum is about Specific Gravity and Concentrations of Various Constituents .i n .Colostrum and. Early Milk from Samples of 1 1 1 -Goes of Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey, and Guernsey Breeds (66) Humber of Specific Milking ' Gravity 3 39» 1.033 1,032 Solids % SolidsNot-Fat % ' i 25.3 20.b 15.5 .IboS'. Ibob IboS lb.3 13 o9 2f> percent total solids. Fat 5.7 5.6 bo7 b,6. b,6 b.8 b.9 %■ 19.3 lb.S 10.8 b.8 Total .. Protein 9 .9 9.8 9.7 9 .b 9.1 l6.o 10.0 5.7 ' b.5 b.2 bel 3.6 3.3 Lactose Ash % 2.b 3.5 .b.3 b.6 b .8 b, 9 b.9 5.o % 1.16 1.02 0.91 0.86 . 0.8b 0,8b 0.81 0.79 This is rapidly reduced to about l£ percent on the second day. Parish, e t „a l (66) found that on an energy basis proteins con­ tribute two to three times more to the total nutritional value of colostrum than to that of normal milk. sticky consistency. Albumin gives colostrum a thick The immunizing functions of colostrum are closely associated with the protein globulins. albumin and globulin in colostrum. Table 2 shows the percent of 13 Percent of Albumin and Globulin in Colostrum (?6) Table 2, Time After Calving At Once Albumin & Globulin % il*3U 6 Hrs. 12 H ra 2h Hrs. 30 Hrs. 2,98 1*18 1©20 6*30 36 Hra 1*03 W Hra 72 ffi 0.97 0,99 Hibbs 5 et al (39)'found there was no significant difference in the composition of colostrum between cows that freshened normally and those which developed milk fever* The qualitative and quantitative distribution of fatty acids in the fat from colostrum collected during the first four days after parturition closely resembles that customarily found for mature cow milk fat, according to Baldwin, et al (9)« Table 3 shows that there was no essential difference between the amino acid pattern of the.first colostrum and that obtained 2k hours postpartum. (23, 72)» Table 3® The."Essential Amino, Acids in Colostrum and Milk Proteins* Samples from Fifteen Cows, Percent of Total Protein (23). Colostrum Amino Acid Arginine Histidine. Isoleucine Eeucine lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Threonine Tryptophane Valine 0 Hours ____ 2U Hours %■ U®89 % Ue 82 2.63 2.76 2 .85 5o32 8 0 UO 7 .# 1,80 U.26 7*U3 .1,76 8*31 Milk 60 Days % U.07 Terminal % 3.99 2 .8 0 2.76 6*69 8.57 9.58 6. 8U 8.72 . 7.65 1.88 7.89 2.18 7.51 2.33 U,6l 7*U5 U. 7 1 U.66 1,50 7.36 Uo80 . 5.Uo 1*66 8*17 1.36 7.U9 lit The high protein content of colostrum is due to its high content of globulin* Shttqn and Esh (91) found that colostrum globulin is similar but not the same as blood globulin which carries the pro­ tective antibodies* Colostrum is also a'potent source of riboflavin (91)* Immune globulins are absent in the blood of newborn calves but are present ,in. colostrum and have appeared in the circulation of the newborn as early as three hours after feeding colostrum, according to Smith and Little (85)o EBnith (83) reported that the principal proteins of milk, casein, and B lactoglobulin or lactalbumin are present only in the mammary secretion, and these proteins are distinct from any known plasma proteins® Casein 1is the only milk protein which on coagulation forms a curd in the stomach® Espe (27) stated that why milk should be so low in globulin and high in casein is difficult to explain un­ less it is important physiologically to the calf that a curd mass form in the stomach and act as a reserve food supply until the rumen begins to function® Parrish, et al (6U) reported that the decrease in concentrations of the protein fractions of mammary secretions during the transition period tend to follow a logarithmic curve for the first four to six milkings* In general, the longer the dry period of the cow, the more potent the colostrum, according to SUttoti (91)® Parrish, et al (6U) found that feeding low and high protein rations for the seven weeks . previous to parturition does not effect a significant difference in the levels of total protein, of casein, and of albumin-globulin fractions of colostrum and early milk* A simple turbidity test for serum has been developed® This test was sensitive to the presence of the immune lactoglobulins after in­ gestion by a newborn calf of 200 ml® of the non-fatty fraction of the colostrum, according to Aischafferiburg (7)* Immune lacto globulins are not present in the blood serum at birth. It has been observed that levels of vitamin A and carotenoids generally are high in the initial colostra! fat® Vitamin A is fre­ quently 10 to 100 times greater than in later milk® about seventy times greater (17, 66)® They decrease rapidly as the mammary secretions change to normal milk (17, 71, 73, 88, And carotene is 22, 30, 39» b&9 5>7» 65, .89, 90, 9U, 92). The vitamin A content of blood plasma of the calf is low at birth but at the end of twenty-four hours usually shows about a fivefold increase with the intake of colostrum (10, Ul, 1|3 , 26, 60, 98)«, Maximum vitamin A and carotene values are shown at about three days of age, after which there is a gradual decrease (Ul, 26, 60, 93)« Peirce (68) reported that the mean concentration of vitamin A. in the blood plasma of lambs increased from before nursing to as much as Table h 70 8 ug. per ug. -per 100 100 ml. at birth and ml® following: nursing® shows the effect of colostrum on blood plasma vitamin A, and carotene of calves for the first week® The intake of colostrum probably gives the calf a chance to build 16 Table Iu Effect of Colostrum on Blood Plasma ,Vitamin tene of Calves for the First Week (£6) Age (days) . Number of Calves Vitamin A 17 17 2 . 16 .17 . 16 15 6 16 7 13 h 100 ml. 1»8 lh©9 17 oh 18 ©8 .19.ol 18»7 17oh .16®^ 3o3 . 15o6 16® 8 15.9 . 15^0 ih.h 13.2 13.8 up a considerable reserve of vitamin A in the liver© Caro­ Carotene .ug© / .0 I . 2 3 . A9 and if the calf does not receive the colostrum, that reserve is not built up and may have considerable to do with the health of the calf during the first two • months of life before hay is consumed to any great extent© Cases have been noted b y Moore and Berry (5>6) in which fthe colostrum was apparently consumed but neither blood plasma nor carotene values showed an increase© vitamin A, These calves died from in­ fection© ■« Both vitamin A and carotene decrease markedly in the cow blood plasma at the time of parturition and beginning lactation© The maximum decrease in blood plasma carotene is reached one week follow­ ing parturition and amounts to nearly f?0 percent of the three week prepartum level© The maximum decrease in blood plasma vitamin A is reached three days following parturition and is over prepartum level© 5>0 percent of the The total output of vitamin A and carotene in the colostrum during the first three days postpartum was found b y Sutton (9h) 17 to average ij.8,8do mg® of vitamin A and 5>6*5>00 mg® of carotene® When the dam is fed supplemental vitamin A. or feeds high in vita­ min. A before calving, an increase is shown in the blood plasma levels of vitamin Ai and in the calves A. there is also a greater liver storage of vitamin (2hi 60, 91)® The decrease of vitamin A. and carotenoid content of colostra! fat was rapid during the first eight milkings, both following a similar logarithmic pattern® Tables 5 and 6 show the carotene and vitamin A content of cows’ colostrum and milk at successive milkings® Table 5» The Carotene Content, of Cows’ Colostrum and Milk at Succes­ sive Milkings (9f>) (ug« / 100 ml.) Number. I Breed .. Ayrshire Guernsey Holstein Jersey Brown Swiss All Breeds Table 6. 2 3 I* 7. 8 9 10 102 058 063 038 0l*2 037 129 102 089 061* 067 063 5 6 S 373 86U 289 335 U97 393 172 123 1*72 260 170 173 .. 113 . 098 085 057 0t*2 01*2 01*1 288 .180 185 .11*8 155 093 065 060 1*20 209 109 109 087 066 053 01*1 • 35 h73 329 9 7 182 136 113. 090 069 057 052 035 052 039 01*6 20 025 052. 030 0l*3 01*1 olil The Vitamin A Cdntent c>f Cows’ Colostrum and Milk at Successive Milkings (95>) (ug® / lOO ml®) Breed Ayrshire Guernsey Holstein Jersey . Brown Swiss All.Breeds 6 8 Successive Milkings iI Number. of Corns I 6 8 9 7 , 5 35 2 182 ...212. 279 129 169 129 136. ia 3U8 2k7 21*0 162 3 Successive Milkings .,1* .5 .6 .7 8. 098 055 073 097 9.. 10 20 117 .086 075 105 120 098 071* 01*2 0l*8 039 036 038 . 01*8 • • ol*o 033 032 027 026 027 021 068 0i*9 01*2 ol*5. ol*5 01*2. 01*5 097 081* 068 01*1* 01*1* .039. 052. . 070 051* ol*l*. 039 035 027 051 096 079 068 051 01*6 038 037 035' ol*o • \ 18 Occasionally, cows parturient for the first time secrete atypical colostrum in which vitamin A. and carotenoids are nearly twice as high as normal (17» 3L, 38, 6^)« There is no marked difference, according to Moore and Berry (£6), in Vitamin A content of the blood plasma at comparable ages between breeds of dairy calves, except that the carotene content of the blood plasma of the Jersey and Guernsey is three to four times higher than that of the Holstein* Butter churned from cream obtained from colostrum produced during the summer contains up to 3,5)00 I 6U 6 of carotene and vitamin A j ItOO IeU 6 of vitamin D, and 900 I 8U 6 of vitamin E per gram. This butter was used as a vitamin supplement and also to treat digestive disorders (Itli5 79) c Parrish, et al (63) reported that vitamin A and carotenoids are concentrated primarily in the fat® Thomas, et al (96) found indications that on certain diets plasma vitamin A. levels were not a reliable indicator of intake* Calves placed on a diet deficient in carotene and vitamin A showed the blood plasma level increased temporarily— for four to twenty-four days--and remained above levels 1that existed when on the adequate diet, according to Thomas (96). The.National Research Council (98) stated that healthy calves under one year of age show 6 to 8 mge inorganic phosphorus per 100 mle of blood serum. The plasma phosphate content of the calf at birth is higher than 19 that of the dam. Calves* blood phosphorus increases until about six months, when a decrease sets in and continues until a normal range for . mature cattle is reached (U, h2s 5>E>, 6l, 71, 100). Anderson (4) reported that normal dairy calves under one month of age had about £. 20,mg. inorganic phosphorus per 100 and 12 to l£ mg. calcium per 100 ml® blood plasma. ml. blood plasma Samples were taken during the summer, fall, and winter months. Malan (lj.8) found the inorganic blood phosphorus of nine calves to average £.2 mg. per 100 ml. at birth. at one week, 6.8 at two weeks, 6.7 at five weeks, per 100 6.8 7.2 These calves averaged 6.3 mg. at three weeks, 6.7 at four weeks, at six weeks, 6.7 at seven weeks, and 6.6 . mg. ml. of blood at eight weeks® Johnson (38) investigated twenty-six calves ranging from one to seven months of age and averaging lu2 months and found that they had 6.U2 per mg. inorganic phosphorus per 100 100 ml. with a range of £®U to 7®U Hgi ml. blood plasma.. Frequent and large fluctuations occur from day to day (37, 6l)» The inorganic blood phosphate in individual cattle may vary considerably from hour to hour, even when the blood is drawn under apparently iden­ tical conditions (61). The ingestion of carbohydrates causes a decrease in blood phos­ phates (36, £0, 6l, 69, 87). phosphate of cattle (6l, 37). Exercise causes marked changes in blood Feeding (other than carbohydrates) has a small but significant effect on the inorganic phosphate content. 20 On ah energy basis, colostrum proteins contribute two to three times'more to the total nutritive value of colostrum than do the proteins of normal milke 0®5> times On the other hand, lactose contributed 2o5 to as much to the total energy in milk as it did in colostrum, whereas fat in the milk constituted energy than it did in colostrum* 10 to 5>0 percent more of the total The ratio of ash to total solids was higher in milk than in colostrum*. Colostrum from the Holsteins and Jerseys, according to Parrish, et al (66) has an energy content of about twice that of normal milk® •Colostrum from JSyrshires and Guernseys has an energy content of about lo£ times that of later milk* There was an immediate- increase in the blood serum gamma globulin of calves following the ingestion of colostrum during the first twentyfour hours of life*- If these materials were fed to calves after they had reached twenty-four hours of age, there was no measurable increase in this serum protein, according to Hansen, et al (33)® Table 7 shows the effect upon the blood plasma of calves receiving milk or colostrum at varying ages* Parrish, et al (66) stated that, based on equal weights of dry matter, milk has an energy value either the same as or higher than colostrum* If the calf nurses and, as usual, does not empty the mammacy gland, it receives the secretion of lower fat content in a variable quantity, according to Parrish, et al (62). JLpparent absorption of vitamin A at all periods was greater than 21 Table 7« Effect .of Feeding Various Milks Upon the Blood. Plasma o f 'New­ born CalVds (IiO). Results are Expressed ,as Grams of Nitro­ gen in 100 mlo of Blood. ............................. Total Nitrogen Calf A - Receiving Colostrum 3> hrso after birth. N o 'colostrum Age 11 hr. - 6 hr. after colostrum I day 2 days Globulin Albumin Nph-Prdt. Nitrogen 0.167 ' 0 .3 7 6 ' ' 0.053 '' 0.280 0.053 0.505 0.210 0.765 0.053 0.656 0.053 0.253 0*596 0*838 1.028 0 .9 6 2 Calf B - Tiyhole-Milk First, Colo strum at 21 Hours 5 hra. - nothing 21 hrs. — 16.hrs. after whole milk 26.hrs.- 5.hrs. after, colostrum li3 hrS0- 17 hrs. after colostrum 0,o668. 0.216 0.222 U days 0.687 0 .3 1 2 0 .3 3 2 0.595 0.625 ■ 0.6U7 0. 0 ,6 6 8 0.6U3 0.197 0.157 0.350. 0.U15 .0 . 3 6 3 0.332 0.605 0.633 0.632 . OoiUi 0 .3 9 0 0 .1 7 3 . 0.386 0 .3 6 3 . .0 . 3 9 3 . 0.07U 0.07U o.o53 0.053 o.o53 ' Calf G - Mother .Milked Continuously At birth 6 hrs. - "No.milk 17 hrs. after nursing U7 hrso old, 2U after nursing 2 days 3 days that of carotenoids* 0 .6 1 1 0 .2 3 1 .0.-183 0.223 0.225 The averages were 80 to 96 0 .3 6 7 0.323 0.OU8 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.053 percent for vitamin A and UO to 60 percent for carotenoids, according to Parrish, et al (62 )0 Table 8 shows the apparent coefficients of digestion of colostrum and milk constituents fed to calves* Table 8« Apparent Coefficients of Digestion of Colostrum and Milk Constituents Fed to Calves (62)<» Days After Calving- Protein Ether Extract Carbohydrates Ash I and 2 3 and U % 93. 97 98 95 % 85 95 97 97 , 5 and 10 90 98 99 95 IU and 18 . ■ % .,. 93 97 100 ■ 100 22 According to the literature reviewed, no satisfactory substi­ tute for colostrum has been found® Mortality is undoubtedly a better measure of the immunizing fractions in colostrum® Feeding colostrum to newborn mammals was found to decrease enormously mortality (lit, 76)® The death ex­ tremely high among animals which do,not receive colostrum; this indi­ cated that it is. essential for newborn calves to receive colostrum (8, lit, 26, ItO, 70, 8!t, 85, 103)® - Although Howe (ItO) in 1921 stated that the most common explan­ ation of the value of colostrum is that it acts as a purgative, Ehrlich (26) in 1892 found that newborn mammals can directly absorb the immune bodies from colostrum® Colostrum serves the special function of increasing the resis­ tance of newborn calves to infectious disease (8, Ih, 7.0, 76, 8h)® Smith (83) has shown this b y the high concentration of immune lactoglobulins in the colostrum which ares absent in newborn calves (I4.O, 70, 85) but which have appeared in the circulation as early as three hours . after, feeding colostrum® These lactoglobulins pass from the intesti- nal tract of the calf to its blood stream, where they may persist for many months (Bh, 85)® The immune lactoglobulins of bovine milk and colostrum have been isolated and compared with respect to their physi­ cal and chemical properties® Ragsdale and Brody (70) reported that globulins and. immune bodies pass into the blood of newborn calves unchanged in the alimentary canal® 23 Smith (8U) stated that intestinal infections are among the major causes of death among newborn calves# It is against these in­ fections that colostrum gives protection® The serum of a newborn calf does not possess any gamma globulin, -and this appears only after the ingestion of colostrum (36, Colostral 79)« immune globulin is different from colostral gamma globulin® The protein which appears in the blood stream of the calf after inges­ tion of colostrum possesses the electrophoretic mobility of the immune lactoglobulin and not that of gamma globulin® Smith (81*) reported that in a calf fed colostrum only during the first day of its life, the immune component at twenty days had decreased to about one-half its initial concentration and persisted there for many months® This calf showed a large amount of colostral globulin after two days, which thereafter decreased steadily* Calves fed two pounds of the non­ fatty fraction of colostrum followed by the standard diet based on dried skim milk grew normally, according to Aschaffenburg, et al (6)® . ---— : • •. ■ •• . ' ' '' ■-*/*« Ihen calves are fed colostrum during the first twenty-four hours of life, a n immediate increase in the blood serum globulins occurs, but after they reach twenty-four hours of age, no measurable increase in the serum protein was observed by Hansen, et al (33)« Calves have been raised without colostrum, using as a substitute skim milk with 25,000 I JJe vitamin nicotinic acid. (33, 3£)«. A. supplemented with ascorbic and Table 9 shows that this amount of vitamin A. produced blood levels similar to the colostrum fed calves (35, UO). 2k . Table. 9» Calves Raised on & I Colostrum Substitute (35)) 2 * 3 10,000 I «U, Vit. A VittA Only Treatment Humber ..of calves. Blood Plasma vit. A Concentrate ug/100 m L . Birth... 1-2 Days. 6-llj. D a y s . Ho* cases diarrhea. Ho* cases given sulfathiazole Ho* cases survived Percent Survival Hicotihic Acid 6 3 2 U*5 —*■ 3 . 3 I 33 $ 5 $0 U .9 ■ 11 9 5 3 • 6 5 25*000 IJJ* Vit A " •‘ ColoHicostrum Hicotinic and tinic Acid & • "Whole VittA. Biotin Milk Only Acid 13 6. 12 . U 7 9 69 - 16 7 •■ •- t h .k .10 11 11 9 h 12 6 86 75 10 10 — ■ 5 •. • . — k 100 Sschaffenburg (5) reported that calves receiving only reconstituted colostra! powder failed to grow satisfactorily and many of .them died* Gamble, et al (31) had partial success from feeding blood serum from animals of the same species* Blood serum contains antibodies similar to those found in colostrum and gives a passive resistance to disease* In calves without access to colostrum, the various blood serum fractions do not approach normal values until about eight weeks of age, •according to Hansen (33)« Bustad, et al (Ilj.) removed pigs from the mother at birth and placed them on a synthetic milk diet containing all the known vitamins with plasma or serum as colostrum* two days*. Hone ,survived longer than twenty- A*, severe diarrhea developed in all the pigs, however* taining extremely sanitary conditions made it possible to raise Main­ 82^25 22 percent of the pigs born in a control laboratory without any colostrum, according to Young, et al (103)» This, substantiated by the raising of human babies without colostrum, indicates the major, function of colostrum is to give a resistance to disease and that to raise young mammals without colostrum, extremely sanitary conditions are necessary® The average pH.of first colostrum from fifty-seven cows was with a range of 6*00 to 6*61* 6®28 The pH of the early postpartum mammary secretion from twenty cows was found b y McIntyre, et al (2U) to increase gradually from an average of 6*32 in the first colostrum to 6*20 in the milk produced fourteen days after calving® Pasteurization does not change the properties of colostrum to any appreciable extent, according to Ragsdale and. Brody (70)« However, it is advisable to pasteurize at a low temperature, since proteins coagulate at high temperatures* '■Easkowski, et al (lj.6) discovered the presence of large amounts of trypsin inhibitor in bovine'colostrum* This offers an explanation for the mechanism of transmission of the immune globulins from the colostrum to the blood. Howe (Ii-O) stated that it explains how the immune globulins can escape proteolytic digestion, particularly if one takes into account the low gastric acidity in the stomach of the newborn and consequently the impaired peptic digestion* In comparing the tocopherol concentration of the first mammary secretion with that of the eighth day, it was found that for cows receiving no supplemental tocopherols, the average level'of these 26 ' substances was seven times higher in the first lactation than in the later. Decreases in concentrations were logarithmic for the first four days (63, 93). Colostrum stored in a frozen condition is entirely satisfactory as a substitute for marketable milk for feeding calves during a%y part of the.milk feeding period, according to Allen, et al (2)® ' Crawford (16) stated that hydrogen peroxide, when added to milk, will prevent spoilage for an extended time (l6)» "Winger Process" milk is preserved for human consumption b y adding hydrogen peroxide (6?)® . Milk with the addition of O eI to 0.15 percent hydrogen pero­ xide kept three to four times as long as milk which was pasteurized one-half hour at 70° C® The same milk without bydrpgen peroxide spoiled regularly in twenty-four to forty-eight hours, according to Mueller (58)« Hydrogen peroxide must be of high purity, of 30 percent concentration, stable and free from lead, arsenic, or any other heavy metals. Add 0.2 percent of hydrogen peroxide b y weight to the milk and stir thoroughly (28). Mainardi (4?) stated that milk centrifuged and preserved with hydrogen peroxide constitutes a. practical and economical method for preserving milk. Feeding experiments demonstrate that calves fed with hydrogen peroxide preserved milk .show normal increases in weight. Much attention has been given to keeping the colostrum in a sweet condition until fed, but sour milk which is somewhat comparable to colostrum has been fed with good results (21, 49, 77» 78). If the 27 colostrum could be fed within seven to ten days, there is little need to keep it sweet. Sweet cows * milk is capable of neutralizing to a great extent the acid of the gastric juice, and in this way seriously impairing normal digestive functions (k93 52, 53$ 77$ 78, 81). Souring of the milk does not affect the nutritive value" of the milk to any extent (97)» Fermented milks are considered to be of some thera­ peutic value in special diets, and they do have increased digestibility, according to a statement b y the National Dairy Council (59)« Dann (21) found that soft curd milk, buttermilk and evaporated milk travel farther more rapidly and disappear more quickly in the intestines than does hard curd milk. Curd tension has received much' attention as an important factor in feeding calves. There are several ways of reducing.curd tension, such as adding water (101), boiling (13), and acidifying (20). Weight gains of calves fed colostrum continuously closely paralleled those of whole milk calves (lp., 86), when the amount of colostrum fed was based bn its dry matter content. Comparing continuous colostrum feeding with conventional feeding caused a greater incidence of scours among the calves in the colostrum group. The feces were abnormally soft for a longer period than were those in the whole milk group® Apparently the extra antibodies of immunizing fractions which are contained in colostrum did not prevent scours, but the mortality was less. Jacobson, et al (Ul) reported on one trial that five out of twenty-six Calves on whole milk died, while no colostrum-fed calves died. 28 Undiluted, colostrum has been fed continuously for nine weeks with good results» Calves getting colostrum made a pound gain on 805 pounds of colostrum, whereas those fed a conventional way required 10»6 pounds of milk for one pound of gain. Calves fed colostrum by Smith (86) appeared sleek and typical of whole milk calves. The rate of gain was essentially the same. Extending the colostrum feeding period to ten or fifteen days has produced calves with more vitality than those fed colostrum the usual three day period (I, 93), •At the Ohio Experiment Station, the general herd of calves is being fed colostrum as it is produced, according to Sutton and Kaeser (93)« Ihen colostrum is not available, the herd is fed whole Holstein milk without digestive disturbances. However, where it is available, its inclusion in the diet to the point of 100 percent of the feed caused no digestive disturbances, even when of very high test value, In weight gains, Kaeser (1*3) reports 1,76 pound daily for calves fed colostrum under this method, as compared to the usual way*- 1,£8 for calves fed Calves will not scour from colostrum (ij.3). Wise, et al (102) reported that reconstituted skim milk may serve as a liquid with which to dilute colostrum on a half and half basis. This mixture may be interchanged abruptly with some slight physiologi­ cal upsets. This mixture is slightly laxative, but nob to the extent of being objectionable. This is a good substitute to use during the 29 whole milk period® Using this system, a cow’s colostrum will last twenty to twenty-five days ,for her calf, after which skim milk or other milk substitutes may b e 'successfully used® 30 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Thirty-six dairy calves from birth to twenty-four hours of age were divided into three groups» Each group consisted of six bull and six heifer calves and were fed for an eighty day experimental period© These groups were subdivided into females and males© Group I females were designated by I-F, Group I males by I-M, Group II females by II-F 5 Group II males by II-M 5 Group III females by III-F5 and Group III males by III-Mo The calves were designated for a group b y placing consecutive num­ bers on them in the order of their arrival and applying these to. a table of random numbers (19)» . Each four consecutive days were called sections© The first four sections were grouped together and formed a complete cycle© , One cycle consisted of four sections each of four days in length or a total of sixteen days. The feeding methods were identical for each of the cycles* Group I was fed alternately colostrum and fresh Holstein whole milk ■ as indicated in Table 10 to determine the feasibility of feeding fresh colostrum when available© Group II was fed alternately fresh whole Holstein milk from one cow for a four-day period, followed by fresh whole Holstein milk from another cow for three consecutive four-day periods to determine the effect of changing from one cow’s milk to that of another® Table 11 shows the relationship of the period, days, and the feeding schedule© 30~a Table IO0 Cycle I 2 Group I Feeding Schedule by Period, Days, and Type of Milk Fed* Period «= Section A I.- U Feed B. G. D 5 - 8 9-12 13 - 16 D a m ts Colostrum Holstein Whole Milk. Holstein Whole Milk Holstein Whole Milk A. 17 - 20 21 -; 2U 25 - 28 29 - 32 Colostrum Holstein Whole Milk Holstein Whole Milk Holstein Whole Milk 33 - 36 37 - ItO id - Wt it5 - U 8 Colostrum Holstein Whole Milk Holstein Whole Milk. Holstein Whole Milk h9 - 52 53 - 56. 57 - 60 6l - 6it Colostrum Holstein Whole Milk Holstein. Whole Milk Holstein Whole Milk 65 - 68 - 72 73 - 76 . 77-80 Colostrum Holstein Whole Milk Holstein Whole Milk Holstein Whole Milk B C D 3 ■ Days A B G D h A B C D 5 A B G D- 69 31 Table 11© Group H Fed. Feeding Schedule b y Period, Days, and Type of Milk ‘Period Section Days I A B G D . I ** U 2-8 9 -1 2 13 - 16 2 A. B C D .17 20 21:— 2k 22 - 28 29 - 32 Holstein. Holstein Holstein Holstein Whole Whole Whole Whole Milk Milk Milk Milk Cow Cow Cow Cow #2 #1 #1 #1 3 A B C D 33 - 36 37 ItO U l-Itlt U2 - U8 Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Whole Whole Whole Whole Milk Milk Milk Milk Cow Cow Cow Cow #3 #1 #1 #1 A B C D U9 23 27 61 - 22 26 - 6o - 6U Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Whole Whole Whole Whole Milk Cow Milk Cow #1 Milk. Cow #1 Milk Cow #1 A B G D 65 69 73 77 - •Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Whole Whole Whole Whole Milk Milk Milk Milk Cycle ® , h Feed - 68 72 76 80 Dam? s Colostrum .Holstein Whole Milk Gow #1 Holstein Whole Milk Cow #1 Holstein Whole Milk Cow #1 Cow Cow #1 Cow #1 Cow #1 Group III was the check group and was fed a conventional method of feeding under similar conditions© It was fed.colostrum for four days, and whole Holstein milk from one cow for the remainder of the experimental period© Table 12 shows the relationship of the period, days, and the feeding schedule* The calves were fed milk or colostrum that had been carefully warmed to 98° F at 5 a*m. and p.m* They were fed milk or colostrum . in open pails* Grain, followed b y hay, was. fed immediately after the milk was < 32 Table 120 Group III Feeding Schedule by Period, Days, and Type of Milk ...........Fed,... ........ , -. . . ............ Period Cycle - I Section Days I-U A B C D 2 20 21 2U 23 - 28 33 - 36 37 - UO Ui - UU U3. — U8 . A ' B C D 3 consumed. Whole Whole Whole Whole Milk Milk Milk Milk Cow Cow Cow Cow #1 #1 #1 #1 Holstein.Whole . Holstein Whole Holstein W o l e Holstein Whole Milk Milk Milk Milk Cow Cow Cow Cow #1 #1 #1 #1 .29 - 32 B C D 'A B C D Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein ' .17 A h. Dam's Colostrum Holstein Whole.Milk Cow #1 Holstein Whole Milk Cow #1 Holstein Whole Milk Cow #1 3 - 8 9 T- 12 13 - 16 A. B C D 3 Feed •• U9 33 37 6l - 32 36 60 6U Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Whole Whole Whole Whole Milk Milk Milk Milk Cow Cow Cow Cow #1 #1 #1 #1 63 69 73 77 - 68 72 76 80 Holstein Holstein Holstein Holstein Whole Whole Whole Whole Milk Milk Milk Milk Cow Cow Gow Cow #1 #1 #1 #1 All feeds were weighed carefully. The unconsumed hay was weighed at the end of every day. Much care was exercised that the calves not receive any feed other, than the regular milk, hay, and grain that had been carefully weighed for each individual calf. The calves had fresh water available at all times except when they were tied for their regular feedings* The calves were turned loose for exercise each day except for a two or three hour period after feed­ ing. 33 Only clean dry straw was used for bedding e The stalls were care­ fully cleaned once a day, and when they were tied the manure was cleaned from under them and replaced with clean straw as necessary* The barn was fairly well lighted and ventilated® It was also used for maternity cases and other cows when it was desirable to keep them in 9 which created a few drafts when doors were opened for the cows to enter and leave® However, these cows helped to provide warmth in the b a m which had. no other source of heat® When spring came, the calves were turned out afternoons for exercise onto a dry lot® The first calves were started on experiment December 2£, 1951® Some of these calves scoured. In an attempt to keep them away from drafts, they were placed in a different part of the b a m which happened to have a wooden floor but which was near a good source of heat."While several calves were in this location, one died of an unknown cause on January 12, 1952 at six days of age and another died of white scours on January 15, 1952 at eight days of age. Since this area had a wooden floor and was impossible to disinfect satisfactorily, the calves were again moved. The healthy calves were moved back into the regular calf barn, and the sick ones were moved .when they became healthy. All calves b o m after January 19, 1952, were placed in a large stall and isolated as well as possible for about two weeks before they were moved to the general calf b a m . Four calves were started in each 3k large stall, one tied in each c o m e r * This large stall was thoroughly- scrubbed.with lye water before and after each group of calves. A serious attempt was made not to contaminate the calves in this stall or these calves with others* A pan of lye water was placed in the doorway to help prevent carrying contamination on a person's boots from one pen to another. About the time this method of starting the calves' was working satisfactorily, a high rate of general scouring appeared in the main calf herd* This was controlled when the calves were fed only three to three and one-half pounds of milk twice a day, although several of the calves weighed over 100 pounds and should -have been getting over five pounds of milk twice a day. The entire calf barn Vas thoroughly scrubbed with lye water, and on February 2it, 1952, the calves were moved into these cleaned stalls* Four days after this, there were less calves scouring than had been for several days, and on the tenth day there was a definite decrease in the incidence of scours among the calf herd (Table 60)* The last week in April, the incidence of scours rose very sharply^ until, bn May 2, 1952, one calf became ill with white scours. calf was saved, although it was not used on the experiment. This ' The next day the entire calf b a m was scrubbed with lye water, and again it produced very significant lowering of the incidence of scours* One calf died January 18, 1 9 5 2 , at eight days of age from a navel infection. Another was lost January 28, 1952, at 35 days of age due to 3? strangling* One died from an unknotm cause on March days of age* June l£s 1952* 6, 19$2, at 37 Pneumonia caused the death of a calf 13 days old on It did not appear to be ill and Tvas apparently breath­ ing and eating normally a few hours before death; A total of forty-four calves were started. thirty-eight were raised. Six were lost, and Thirty-six were used on the experiment, and the other two were raised, partly in accordance with the above agree­ ment and partly to be used for records in the event that other calves died® The colostrum was stored in covered paper containers placed in a cold storage compartment where a temperature of - 15° F was maintained® Twelve hours before feeding, it was removed from the freezer and kept at room temperature until feeding time; the milk was then rapidly, warmed to 98° F and fed at this temperature® It was fed in chronolog­ ical order, i,e®., milk produced the first day after calving was fed the first day in the colostrum feeding period, the second day's pro­ duction fed the second day, The colostrum for the first day after freshening was mixed to­ gether and saved as first day milk. The same procedure was used for the second day, the third, and the fourth day milk. The daily colostrum production for each cow was well mixed and a sample taken for analysis. * Each sample was analyzed for carotene, > - - vitamin A, fat, protein, ether extract, ash, moisture, phosphorous, and calcium. The vitamin .A and carotene determinations were made following 36 the procedure explained by Boyer, et al (Il)e The calves were seldom fed more than eight pounds of milk per , day, although many of them attained a final neeight of more* 180 pounds or All of the calves were Holsteins, and the initial weights sel­ dom were less than 90 or more than 100 pounds* With this uniform group of calves most of them were fed five to six pounds of milk daily for the first five to ten days* Most calves were getting eight pounds per day before the end of the first cycle or at sixteen days of age® It has been previously explained that most of the calves would scour when fed at the rate of one pound of milk for ten pounds of body weight. However, these calves maintained satisfactory health and growth rates when fed a smaller quantity of milk. After this tendency to scour was discovered, no calves were fed more than eight potihds of milk per day. The following grain mixture was fed for the duration of the experi­ ment: . Rolled Oats Rolled Barley Wheat Bran ' Linseed Oil Meal Salt” ■ Steam Bone Meal UO pounds 30 pounds 20 pounds 10 pounds I pound I pound After receiving their milk, the calves were immediately fed in individual feed boxes all the grain they would eat in a few minutes. They were not fed grain until they were 20 days of. age. A small representative sample was taken from several parts of each batch of feed mixed and was kept together until the final batch had been, sampled® This was thoroughly mixed, by rolling a portion 37 of the complete sample back and forth on a large piece of wrapping paper until it was well mixed* This well-mixed portion was quartered,, and one pair of opposite quarters were saved while the other pair were cast off* This procedure was continued until the whole sample had been divided in two portions, the one saved and the one cast off® Now the procedure was repeated for the portion saved, and again re­ peated several times until only one small sample remained for analysis. After the original amount had been divided once, it was jground through a coarse mill and after being divided again several times, it was ground very fine* The sample was analyzed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station Chemistry Department* tein, 8*9 The sample contained lluli percent pro­ percent water, li@0 percent ash, crude fiber, phorus, and. 6l »7 0*l£ 3*8 percent fat, percent nitrogen-free extract, 0»£l 7*2 percent percent phos- ' percent' calcium* From this, the total digestible nutrients were calculated at 73*65 percent* Since digestion coefficients for the entire ration, were not available, the coefficients were taken from Morrison (57) for the component parts of the ration* The percentage of the component part of the ration was multiplied by the digestion coefficient given by Morrison; this was done for each component of the ration and the results added* The sum gave the digestion coefficient used* 38 Example: Component parts of ration by '% Oats Barley Bran LSOM W 3# Dig® Coeff* of Protein (Morrison) . 20% 10% W 30% 20% 10% 100% . 78 79 81 87 of 78 = of 79. = of 81 = of 87 = 31®20 23*70 16*20 8*70 79.80 The digestion coefficient for protein in the ration equals 79®80® This procedure was repeated, which gave digestion coefficients for fat 85o00 percent, fiber ii7®70.percent, and nitrogen-free extract 83®UO percent®. Using these coefficients and the analysis of the ration determined b y the Chemistry Department^ total digestible nutrients, were figured by the method stated b y Morrison. The hay was graded and described b y M. M. Kuper, Inspector Division, Production and Marketing Administration, Grain Branch, Washington 25, D. C®, as U® S® Number 3 Extra Green Mixed Hay; it had 57 percent green color, and contained .(rakings)® 16.5 percent foreign material The hay plants in the mixture consisted of clover 56*9 percent, alfalfa 22»5.percent,.and 20*6 chard grass combined* percent of bromegrass and or­ Leafiness is not a. grading factor, but the leafiness of the clover was U 6®3 percent and the leafiness of the alfalfa was 1|0®8 percent® It was observed that calves having an abundance of hay before them would consume more than when the estimated amount of consumption was placed in the manger for each calf® Therefore, about 150 percent of 39 the estimated hay the calves would eat was weighed out to them at each feeding, which assured that they would always have an abundance of good quality hay for their feeds Starting at 13 days of age they were fed hay at the regular feeding period 0 The hay came from one field the first year following seeding and was uniform throughout the experiment® The hay was sampled by taking about an inch cross-section from - every tenth bale* These flakes were stored together, and after the last bale had been sampled, the sample was chopped in a forage grinder. This was separated and ground, following the same procedure as described above in relation to sampling the grain. This sample was analyzed by the Chemistry Department, Montana Agricultural Experi­ ment Station® The hay was computed as explained previously to have U5®13 percent total digestible nutrients, 6.7 percent water, 7@5> percent ash, 13.U percent protein, 26,7 percent crude fiber, l e7'percent fat, Ui®00 percent nitrogen-free extract, 0,20 percent phosphorus, and 1,$0 percent calcium® , The hay remaining in the manger was weighed at the end of every .day. About every ten days' the total weigh-back for the day was put in a burlap sack, weighed accurately, and hung in the hay mow to dry. There is more moisture in the hay weighed back than in the original hay fed due to the saliva and moist air being expelled by the calf onto' the hay® At the close of the experiment, these sacks were weighed . Uo again and showed 6 e38 percent shrinkage* figures were reduced by gun* 6*38 Therefore> all weigh-back percent before any calculations were be­ It was this hay that was used for a sample. The final sample was taken from it by the means described above in sampling the hay. The same digestion coefficients were used as those for the hay6 All analyses were made by the Chemistry Department of the Montana Agri­ cultural Experiment Station, follows? The composition of the weigh-back is as water 6*£ percent, ash 7,2 percent', protein 12,1 percent, crude fiber 29,-3 percent, fat 1,6 percent, nitrogen-free extract U3®3 percent, phosphorus 0,17 percent, and calcium 0,75 percent® -With the exception of crude fiber these are all slightly lower than the hay, ' The calves were weighed at birth and every fourth day thereafter or at the end of every period. The calves were weighed in a crate on a 1,000 pound platform scale, „ Usually three readings were taken and the average recorded. Blood analyses were made for vitamin A, carotene, calcium, and phosphorus. days. Samples were taken on the fourth, sixteenth, and twentieth The fourth day sample followed immediately the initial colostrum feeding. The sixteenth day sample came after the twelve day fresh whole Holstein milk period and before the first intermittent colostrum feeding period. The final and twentieth day sample was taken immedi­ ately following the first intermittent colostrum feeding period. la EXPERDflSNTAL RESULTS Discussion of Individual Calves in Group I-F 6, Calf 810, a purebred Holstein, was born January 1952„ On . January 16 at 11 days of age its feces became watery, thus manifesting a scoured or diarrhea tendency. On January 22 at 17 days of age it was badly scoured; on January 31 and February 6 at 26 and 32 days of age, respectively, its feces again became watery. at 50 days of age its feces became slightly watery. blood levels. k 16 20 Table 13 shows the . Table 13. Age-Days On February 2it Blood Plasma Values for Calf 810 Vitamin A Hg. Carotene Hg. Phosphorus mg. 22 18 17 0 10 13 It.8 5®4 6.2 Calf 822, a grade Holstein, was born February 3, 1952. ary 7 at 11 days of age. its feces became watery. blood levels. k 16 20 8.6 8.6 10.8 - On Febru- Table lit shows the x Table lU» Age-Days Calcium mg. Vitamin A Hg. Blood Plasma Values for Calf 822. Carotene Hg. Phosphorus mg. 17 18 3 I 6.2 Ht 5 5.1 S o k Calcium mg. 9.U 9 Jt 9.0 Calf 1(12, a grade Holstein, was born Februaiy lU, 195>2» 8 at 2k days of age, its feces became watery, thus manifesting a scoured or diarrhea tendency® Table 15> shows the blood levels® Table 15® Vitamin A ug® Age-Days . On larch Blood Plasma Values for Calf Ul2 Carotene ug. 12 11 IU .U 16 20 Calf March U at Phosphorus mg® Calcium mg. 6®6 6®U 5el 3 3 16 10®8 8.7 10®6 3U6, a purebred Holstein, was b o r n February 2U, I1952® 8 Oh days of age its feces became slightly watery. thus mani- festing a scoured or diarrhea tendency® On March 5 and 30 at 9 and 3U days of age, respectively , its feces became watery. Table 16 shows the blood levels« Table 16® Blood Plasma Values for Calf 3U6 Age-Days Vitamin A ug® Carotene ug® U 17 3 . IU 20 Phosphorus mg. - I A XO 20 Calf 83h, a grade Holstein, was born March 23 through March 27 at IU through watery. 18 Calcium mg® 5oU 8.8 5®1 8 .5 8, 1952. From March days of age, its feces became On March 25 at 16 days of age, its body temperature was 103®6°. On March 28 at 19 days of age its feces were slightly wateryj on March 29 at 20 days of age its bocfy" temperature was 102»7° F® On April 9, h3 phlegmones appeared in the jaw, which were probably the initial stage of abscesses* to recede* Administration of anti-biotics caused the phlegmones Ori March administered* 2$ and on April 11, ten grams of sulmet were Table 17 shows the blood levels* Table 17* Age-Days Vitamin A ug* h Blood Plasma Values for Calf Carotene ug* 10 0 16 9 20 13 I 3 Calf 8U 9, 83I4. Phosphorus mg* Calcium mg* 8*0 9*2 5eU UoU a purebred Holstein, was born March 25, .1952* On April 25 and 26 at 30 and 31 days of age, it became scoured; on April 29 at 3k days of age its feces became watery and its body temperature was 103*2° Fe Table 18 shows the blood levels* Table 18* Blood Plasma Values for Calf Age-Days Vitamin A ug. Carotene ug* 1|. 17 19 17 13 13 16 20 10 8I4.9 Phosphorus mg* Calcium mg* 6.1 5*2 5*1- . 9.7 9.2 11*5 Discussion of Individual Calves in Group I-M Calf IiLl, a grade Holstein, was born February 9, 1952« On February 25 and April 9 at 16 and 60 days of age, respectively, its feces became slightly watery* Table 19 shows the blood levels* Wi Table 19* Age-Bays Vitamin A Ugi Il 25 12 22 16 20 Blood Plasma Values for Calf WLl Carotene Ugi ____ Calcium mg. Phosphorus mgb 6®1 5.0 U®6 16 3 ’, 16 f 9.W 7.6 9.2 Calf Iilii, a grade Holstein, was born February 22, 1952» February 26 at Ii days of age, its feces became slightly watery* On On March 27 at 3ii days of age it became scoured with a body temperature of 102®U0 F® Table 20 shows the blood levels® Table 20» Age-Days Il 16 . 20 Vitamin A Ugi Blood Plasma Values for Calf Iilii Carotene Ug » Phosphorus mg* I 13 lla-9 5.1 it.9 ’ 15 18 19 26 Calf WL5>* a grade Holstein, was born March 3, 19J>20 Calcium mg* 9.U 8.3 9.9 On March 5 at 2 days of age, its feces, became watery; on March 6 and 7 at 3 and U days of age, it became sCourede Gn March 26 at 23 days of age its feces were watery and its body temperature was 10i;e0o F e 7oj? grams of sulmet were administered® Table 21® Vitamin A ug» Carotene ug. Il 9 111 22 16 20 Table 21 shows- the blood levels* Blood Plasma Values for Calf itl£ Age-Days 16 On March 6, 0 17 Phosphorus 'mg. Ii»6 5.1: 5.6 Calcium mg® 8eit 9.8 8.0 Calf ltl8, a grade Holstein, was born April 16, 19^2« lU days of age, it became scoured. feces became watery. On May On May 29 at k2 Age-Days Vitamin A ug, 10 7 12 Ii 16 20 37 days of age its days of age it was constipated and had a body temperature of 10li,0° F, Table 22» 2k at On May I at Table 22 shows the blood levels. Blood Plasma Values for Calf 1+18 Carotene ug „ Phosphorus mg. Calcium mg. 10 I 10 li©6 Ii,5 5,1 IO9It 8.0 Calf li23. a grade Holstein, was born April 28, 1952» 9.2 On May I at 2 days of age its feces became slightly watery,, Table 23 shows the blood levels© Table 23» Age-Days Vitamin A. ug, Ii Hi 16. 16 20 19 Calf b25, . Blood Plasma Values for Calf ii23 Carotene ug, Phosphorus mg. 3 8 13 5.9 6.9 10.8 7.8 6,8 9.5 a grade Holstein, was born April 30, 1952* Calcium mg 0 On May 9 and Ili at 8 and 13 days of age, its feces became watery; on June 6 at 36 days of age its body temperature became 103,U 0 F»,, .There are no blood analyses available for calf li25® Discussion of Individual Calves in Group II-F Calf iiOli, a grade Holstein, was born January ii, 1952» On January ■ Table 2 b I? at 13 days of age, its feces became slightly Watexy-* shows the blood leyels© Table 2lu Age-Days Blood Plasma Values for Calf I4.0U Vitamin A Carotene ug . Uga 16 16 U 16 20 Phosphorus mg. 0 3 13 21 Calcium mg. 5.5 IOeU ■ 6.2 8.8 9.6 5.o Calf 811, a purebred Holstein, was born January 9, 1952«, On January 13 at 5 days of age, its feces became watery; on January II4 at 6 days of age it became scoured. feces again became watery. On Januaxy 31 at 23 days of age, its On January 10 through 16 and February 20 and 21 at 33 through 39 and ii3 and ItU days of age, respectively, its feces were slightly watexy. terramycin. On January lU it was given mg. Table 25 shows the blood levels. Table 25. Vitamin A Uge Age-Days Blood Plasma Values for Calf 811 Carotene ug. Phosphorus mg. Calcium • ' mg. 10.5 U 12 I 5.2 16 — •ao ■ w w . 20 17 8 6®U Calf 2^0 8lU, a purebred Holstein* was born January 13, 1952. 1 0 .6 On • January 15 at 2 days of age it became scoured; on January 16 and 17 at 3 and U days of age, its feces were watery. On February 15 at 33 days of age its feces were slightly watery; on February 18 and 19 at 36 and 37 days of age, its feces were watery. age it was scoured. On February 21 at 39 days of age its feces were watery; on February 25> at Watery 0 .On February 20 at 38 days of h3 days of age its feces were slightly On February 28 at I46 days of age it was scoured* Table 26 shows the blood levels® Table 26® Age-Days Blood Plasma Values for Calf Vitamin AL Ug . it- 8llj. Carotene ug.. .Phosphorus mg. Calcium mg. 6®0 6 0lt 7.2 ■ 8®8 9.3 9®it 16 25 20 5 .13 20 16 16 Calf 3Ul, a purebred Holstein, was born January 26, 1952® On February 2 through February U at 7 through 9 days of age, its feces contained a bloody mucus; on February 9 and 10 at lU and 15 days of age, its feces contained a bloody mucus. On February 12 at 17 days of age, its feces became watery. ' On February 2h at 18 days of age.j its feces were, slightly watery; on February 25 at 19 days of age it was scoured. On February 26 at 20 days of age, it feces were watery. On March 16 at.5Q days of age it started to shed its hair and its skin became scaly. It first shed from the head and neck and then behind the ears and between the hind legs. thickening of the skin appeared. hair started to grow again. It then shed from the booty-, and On April 13 at .78 days of age the This calf was treated with, one million units of penicillin on February 3> 9 grams of sulmet on February It, 9 grams of sulmet on February 10, and-10 grams of sulmet on February i;8 25>0 Table 27 shows the blood levels® -Table 27. Age-Days U 16 20 Blood Plasma Values for Calf 3Ul Vitamin A n g e. Carotene ug® Phosphorus mg® 12 12 18 13 I I 6®1| 7el 7.0 ■ Calcium mg. 11®% 9.7 9.6 Calf 815, a purebred Holstein, was born January 21, 1952 « On January 29 and February 25 at 8 and 35 days of age, its feces became watery® Table 28 shows the blood levels® Table 28® Vitamin A Ugo Age-Days k ' 16 16 20 16 111- Blood Plasma Values for Calf 8l5 Carotene Ugo Phosphorus mg® 8 I •3 7o0 6.2 6®lt Calf 856, a purebred Holstein, was born April I, 1952. Calcium mg® 11*0 9.0 10.8 . Immediately after the first feeding. it began bleeding very rapidly at the navel® The veterinarian tied it off, and one week later he lanced a swelling that appeared in the region of the navel® 29 days of age, its feces became watery® Table 29® Age-Days - h 16 20 On April 29.and 30 at 28 and Table 29 shows the blood levels, Blood Plasma Values for Calf 856 Vitamin A ug® Carotene ug. Phosphorus mg® 20 IU 111 0 8 21 koO Klli®6 Calcium mg. 10.0 9®2 7 ®% Discussion of Individual Calves in Group 'II-MCalf 3^0, a purebred Holstein, was born January 12, 195)2. On January lU at 3 days of age, its feces became slightly watery. On January.I^ at U days of age it became scoured and its body temperature IOU0 P® On January 16, 17, and 25>, at was 6 , and lU days of age, its feces were watery; on February 20 at UO days of age its feces were again slightly watery. umbilical rupture. On March l£ at 6 k days of age it developed an On January IJ+ and 15> it was given 250 mg. terranycin. Table.30 shows the blood levels® Table 30. Age-Days Blood Plasma Values for Calf 3^0 Vitamin A ug. 18 . 25 IU U 16 20 . Carotene Uge 0 Phosphorus mg. 5.2 6*0 6*9 16 19 Calf i|l6, a- grade Holstein, was born March 5, 1952® at 21 days of age it became scoured. Calcium mg. 8.8 11*2 9i0 On March 27 On April 10 and 11 at 35 and 36 days of age, phlegmones appeared in the jaw, which were probably the initial stage of abscesses* the phlegmones to recede. administered. Administration of anti-biotics caused On April 10, ten grams of sulmet were Table 31 shows the blood levels® 'Table 31® Age-Days Vitamin,A Ug » U 16 20 Blood Plasma Values for Calf I4.I6 Carotene - ug. • •Phosphorus mg® Calcium mg. 11 9 0 0 IleO 8.I1 5.2 99 3 5.1 8.5 8.8 Calf 859, a purebred Holstein, was born April 11, 1952«. This was a female calf used in this male grouping because there was no male available® Table 32 shows the blood levels. Table 32. Blood Plasma Values for Calf 859 Age-Days Vitamin A ug. Carotene ug. U Ul 17 20 0 31 16 20 b2 Phosphorus . mg. Calcium mg. ■ . 1|.8 6.8 10.0 10.6. Calf Itl7, a grade Holstein calf, was born April 13, 1952. On April 30 at 16 days of age, it became scoured®, Table 33 shows the blood levels® Table 33» Age-Days 'k Vitamin A ug. ' Blood Plasma Values for Calf i|17 Carotene ug. Phosphorus mg. Calcium mg® ~ 16 9 20 13 8 I 6.8 6.2 Calf Ul9> a grade Holstein, was b o m April 17, 1952» 6.8 8.8 On April 2b at 6 days of age, its feces became watery; on April 25 at 7- days of age 51 it became scoured* Table 3U shows the blood levels* Table 3^* Age-Days Vitamin. A ug* ' U 16 20 Blood Plasma Values for Calf ltl9 Carotene Ug® 0 7 7 I 6 0 Phosphorus rag® days of age it became scoured* Table 35» Age-Days Vitamin A ug*' 17 11 13 it 16 ■20 . rag* 7.8 iteit 6.7 L 8 11*0 9.0 Calf 1*21, a grade Holstein, was born April 21, 1952* 11 Calcium On May 3 at Table 35 shows the blood levels* Blood Plasma Values for Calf U21 Carotene ug * 3 3 I Phosphorus Calcium rag* rag* 13.29.0 9.U 5*5 6*2 6*6 Discussion c>f Individual Calves in Group III-F Calf 21 h0$ 9 a grade Holstein, was born January 5, 1952* at U8 days of .age, its feces became slightly watery*. On February Table 36 shows, the blood levels* Table Age-Days 36® Blood Plasma Values for Calf Uo5 Vitamin A ug* Carotene Ugi ■ Phosphorus ■ rag. Calcium rag* 0 5 3 4.8 5*3 5.0 10.3 8.5 f.7 It 11 16 16 20 17 . Calf L13, a grade Holstein, was b o m January 1$, 1952. 2 at 17 days of age, it became scoured. On March Table 37 shows the blood levels. Table 37« .Blood Plasma Values for Calf Ul3 ' Age-Days Vitamin A Carotene ng. U 16 19 19 11 20 Hg. Calcium mg. . 6.6 5 »6 5oU 8 ' 13 13 • Phosphorus mg c 9 .5 8e6 9..U Calf U09, a grade Holstein, was b o m January 16, 1952. On * age, respectively^ its January 30 and February 8 at lU and 23 days tiii feces became slightly watery. Table 38 shows the blood levels. Table 38. Age-Days U 16 20 Blood Plasma Values for Calf U09 Vitamin A Carotene Hg. Hg. 22 11 23 21 10 5 .9 I 5.2 Phosphorus mg. . Calcium mg. 8.9 8.7 6.U . Calf UlOj a grade Holstein, was b o m January 25, 1952 . 8.2. On January 28 and February 11 at. U and 18 days of age, its feces became watery. On February 18 at 25 days of age its feces contained mucus. On February 2U .at 31 days of age, its feces became slightly, watery; on February 25 through 28 at 32 through 35 days of age, its feces were watery. On February 29 through March 2 at 36 through 38 days of age, it was badly scoured. Table 39 shows the blood levels. . 53 Table 39«. Age-Days h Blood Plasma Values for Calf IfLO Vitamin A Carotene Uge Uge 21 ' 12 16 16 20 Phosphorus mg® Calcium mg® 6 6®6. 3 I 7®a Il6O 9.1 Stk 9ok Calf 835, a grade Holstein, was b o r n March 9, 19^2„ On March 12 at 2 days of.age, it became scoured; on March 17 at 7 days of age its feces became slightly watery« feces were watery. On March 2h at lit days of age, its On April 10 at 31 days of age, phlegmonss appeared in the jaw which were probably the initial stage of abscesses® Ad­ ministration of anti-biotics caused these phlegmonss to recede® On April 28 at U9 days of age, its feces were watery; on April 29 at 50 days of age it became scoured a.nd its body temperature was 106®2° F, On April 30 at 5l days ,,of age, it was badly scoured and its body temperature was 105o2° F 6 administered® On April 10, ten grams of sulmet were Table UO shows the blood levels® Table 1+0® Blood Plasma Values for Calf 835 Age-Days Vitamin A ug« k 12 0 16 20 9 9 3 5 Carotene ug® Phosphorus mg® Calcium ; mg® It®9 5.0 9.1+ Calf 871, a purebred Holstein, was .born April 27, 1952® at 3 8.8 On May. I days of age, its feces became watery and its. body temperature was IOU 0O0 F® On May U and 12 at 6 and ten days,-of age, respectively, it was badly scoured; on May. 13 through l£ at 11 through 13 days of age it was baidly scoured; on May 26 its feces were watery. Table hi shows the blood levels. Table Li. Age-Days Blood Plasma Values for*Calf 8?1 Vitamin A Uge k 12 16 16 20 12 Carotene ug. Phosphorus •mg. Calcium mg. 0 'I 0 6.0 6.2 6.3 8.5 6.2 7® 8 Discussion of Individual Calves in Group III-M Calf U02, a grade Holstein, was born December 2U, 1951® ary h On Janu­ at 11 days of age, its feces became watery; on January 9 at 16 days of age it was scoured and its body temperature was 106° On January 10, its body temperature was IOlj..3° F», and on January 11, its body temperature was 102.6° F» sulmet were administered. Table U2® Age-Days h 16 On January 10 and 11, nine grams of Table lj2 shows the blood levels. Blood Plasma Values for Calf U02 Vitamin.A ug. Carotene ug» 0 0 0 9 12 . 20 . Phosphorus mg. 6.6 hoS 5.2 Calf 1|03, a grade Holstein, was b o m January 3, 1952. Calcium mg. 10.3 9.2 10.8 On January ' IU through Io at 11 through 13 days of age, it was scoured®■ On January 22 through 23 at 19 through 20 days of age, its feces were, watery. On January 28 and 29 at 2f> and 26 days of age, respectively, it was scoured. Table b3 On January 22 and 23, nine grams of sulmet were administered. shows the blood levels. Table U3® Age-Days Blood Plasma Values for Calf U03 Vitamin A Carotene ug . ug. U 16 11 0 I 10 13 19 20 Calf hOls Phosphorus mg. Calcium mg® U.8 9.0 8.0 8.2 5.3 5.2 a grade Holstein, was born January 10, 195)2. Table Ui shows the. blood levels. Table Age-Days hh* Blood Plasma Values for Calf li.07 Vitamin A ug 6 Carotene 23 0 13 13 U 16. 'Ug6 19. 15 20 Calf Phosphorus mg. Calcium mg. 5oU 6.2 n.8 10.7 9.6 6.1 3U5, a purebred Holstein, was born Februaiy 2U, 1952 . On March I and 2 at 5 and 6. days of age, respectively, it became scoured. On March 27 and 30 at 31 and became watery. 3h days of age, respectively, its feces On March I, 7.5 grams of sulmet were administered, and on March 2, five grams of sulmet were administered. the blood levels. Table k% shows k$* Table Age-Days ■Blood Plasma Values for Calf 315 Vitamin A Carotene ug. , Uge h 16 20 ' Calf h209 10 10 11 0 3 17 Phosphorus mg« Calcium mg. Io 8 U ®6 5.2 .8.7 10«2 9.6 a grade Holstein, was born April 20, 195,2« Table 16 shows the blood levels® Table I4.6. Age-Days Vitamin A.. ug. h 16 Carotene Ugo 20 h2h, Phosphorus mg* 16 $ a grade Holstein, was b o m April 28, 195,2* 2 at 3 and U days of age, respectively, •it scoured. Calcium mge 9.2 8.8 . 8.9 5o6 7.8 .601 27 19 Il 17 ■ Calf Blood Plasma Values for Calf 120 On May I and On May I, ten grams of sulmet were administered, and on May 2, five gramsI of sulmet were administerede Table Table Age-Days hi» Vitamin A ) Uge hi shows the blood levels® Blood Plasma Values for Calf . Carotene Uge U 16 9 0 9 20 9 I 3 . hZh Phosphorus mg 0 5 .9 6.9 6 .8 Calcium mgo . 10.3 7.6 8.5 57 . Table U8 shows the average daily milk consumption is not consis­ tent at any time during the 80-day experimental period. Therefore, • the inconsistency of consumption indicates that the calves were un­ able to consume eight pounds of milk daily without scouring, although some weighed up to 180 pounds.. This apparently did not seriously affect the growth curves. This table gives the average daily milk consumed for the calves of each four day section. The statistical significance was checked using the total diges­ tible nutrients consumed by each calf for the entire period. The significance was checked according to methods of Dixon and Massey (19) at the 95 percent level using the following formula; SX2 s;2 = (Z X)2 ■ .^ N-I There was no significant difference between the total digestible nutrients in the milk consumed among the calves. The mean total digestible nutrients consumed, given in Table L9 by the groups, is 1.92 8.00 pounds per day per calf. The colostrum group was above average'for consumption} part of this can be con­ tributed to the substituting of colostrum with high total digestible nutrients for equal parts of milk during the A- sections. The A sections in group I show a considerable rise, and they return to normal in the B sections. The mean consumption for the total digestible nutrients for group II and III is 188.5 * U.5 pounds. This is much lower than Table I4.80 Average Daily Milk Consumption* Cycle Section " I-F' I-M I A B G D 2.77 2.60 2 ' A, B C D II-F II-M 6*88 2.81 6*08 6.77 6*1*0 .2.29 2 .92 6*69 7.28 6.90 6.73 7.31 6*63 6*60 ' 7.33 7.U2 7.62 6.79 7 .7 2 7.81 8*00 7 .hO 7.20 7.31 7.2o 6*88 • ■ III-F III-M 2.32 2.93 6.82 7.08 k.69 2.69 , 7.12 6,?* 7.00 7.29 7 .72 7.k2 2.9k 7 .1 9 7.10 7.k2 ,IM ■ ' 7.8# 1.96; 3 A B C D 6*08 8*00 8*00 7.92 7.88 7.28 8.00 . 7.92 7.2o 6.98 7.32 6.98 7.92 8.00 7.67. 7.83 7.71 7.38 7.77 7 .90 7 .7 2 8*17 8*13 8.19 k A B C D 7.6? 7.90 7.81 8.00 8.00 8.00 8*00 7 .72 7.00 7.2k 7.73 7 .9 0 7.83 7.92 7.81 7.79 7 .2 0 7.2k 7.9k 7 .9 6 8,27 8.33 7.28 7.92 2 A B G D 7.88 7.92 ' 8*00 8.00 7.28 8,00 ,8*00 7 083 7.96 7.83 7.96 7.71 7.96 7.83 7.67 7,83 7.77 8.00 6.92 8*00 7.96 .7.96 8*00 8*00 the mean for the total groups* Although there is some variation in the consumption, there is no significant difference between the groups* Group III-F consumed the least total digestible nutrients of all groups. Table £0 shows the amount of milk consumed less the non-saleable or colostrum* . All calves received colostrum during the first four days but group I-F and I-M received additional colostrum during the A section of all cycles or a total of 20 days and whole Holstein milk for 60 days* In this experiment, the calves in Group II. and III received over 100 pounds more milk than the calves in group I* Table £l gives $9 Table k9» Cycle Average Daily" Total Digestible Nutrients Consumed in Milk5 Hay3, and Grain. Section I-F I-M II-F II-M 1.31 .98 1.09 I=Olt' 1.12 »98 1.10 1.27 i.2o 1.08 . 1.17 1.07 I . A B G: D 1.18 . .92 1.07 1.21 2 A B C D 1.2lt 1.22 IeItT Ie 60 I 0ItO 1.18 IeitO 1.38 1.21 ' IeItS 1.61t 1.61 3 A B C D 1=83 1.88 2.20 2.lit 1.9lt 1.78 1.82 2.09 It A B C D 2.32 2.1t6 2.20 ■ 2.6U ' A. B C -- D 5 3.09 2.78 2.9lt 3.01 Average 2.00 2.36 2.22 2.26 2.92 2.77 2.76 2.81 1.96 .III-F III-M .90 .93 1.10 1.12 1.01 .93 i.i2 loll Ie 06 1.26. 1.36 1.21 t.99,' 1.23 i.3k' 1.38 1.29 1.38 Iek6 1.62 1.76 1.70 1.87 2.03 1=72 1.79 1.81 2.01 1.66 1=67 1.93 2=07 1.77 1.93 2.00 2=00' . ' 2.12 2.32 2.U7 2.22 2.21 2.19 2.3k 2.kl 2=10 2=23 2.kk 2.33 2=17 2=3k 2.36 2.77 2.76 2.93 3.12 2»k6 2.72 2.81 ..2.81 2.63 2.67 2.70 2.87 1.93 1.87 IeSk . 2=37 2=66 2.79 3.10 1=91 1 Table f>0© Section A B C B . Total Saleable Milk Consumed Per Calf. I-F I-M IltTeOO :Ut9.6? " l52eltl. . I31t.33 121.28 133.72 U22.28 123.16 II-F II-M 119.1t2 • lto .08 IltS.17 ■ 130.67 261.3k 122.83 121.22 122.83 131.67 278.28 III-F III-M n 2 ; 6 7 •■ "122.33 131.U8 ito .72 120.00 I2k.92 123.k2 I22.k2 262.8k - 287.12 60 112o92 and 121*00 pounds of saleable milk saved by feeding- colostrum to groups I-F and I-M5'respectively. Table 51, Saleable Milk Saved Per Galf Section I-F A B G D 112,92 . Total 112,92 , • I-M ' II-F II-Z HI-F III-M 121,00 — 121,00 — The calves weighed an average of 100 pounds each in section 2-A, In this section they were receiving 0,012^6 pounds of calcium daily, Morrison (£7) recommends that 100 pound calves receive 0,018 pounds; however, the calves were starting to eat hay, and at 28 days most calves were receiving sufficient calcium. Calcium consumed by four- day periods is. shown in Table 5>2, One hundred pound calves should receive 0,013 pounds of phosphorus daily (5>7); these calves were getting 0,00767 pounds, , At l£0 pounds, . the requirement is 0,018 pounds, and the calves were getting 0,01^70 pounds* At all times during the experiment, the calves were on a phosphorus-deficient ration based on requirements by Morrison (£7)© The phosphorus consumed during each four-day period is. shown in Table 61 Table £2» Cycle -Section I-F , . I-M & ' 106? 79U 927 I 2 3 k $ Computed Calcium Consumed Daily® ■ II-F ■. II-M III-F 1110 968 652 883 1015 1311 997 1065 1218 1011 909 887 IOlOt 1121* ' 81*9 1075 iol*5 1331 H*99 1719 2069 1096 995 1381* B C •D 1165 & 1231 B C D 1261 1^33 Utf 2 1881 1856 2606. 2395 2856 3361 . 3237 37W* A B c. D . 3031 'I4306 ■ . Pounds x 10 900 886 . 21*51* 2713. 2921* 3359 1506 21*18 171*9 21*1*0 2307 2921* 3261 2218 2261 2981 3838 310*6 2717 .3072 3258 3631* 3997 10*32 10*39 5199 . 5191* 3717 3935 1*387 1*801 A B C D U851 5611 5137 5290 5&79 5968 3508 1*059 5203 5288 5812 .A ■ B C D 7035 7073 7036 7259 6552 5962 61*33 6650 7753 5717 6218 6810 7001. 6219 6255 6559 866 11*15 2069 1*162 1*630 IU-M 1300 1373 1902 . 1+286 5969 6160 • 1*788 5620 5973 6051 6522 5191 571*3 6032 . ; . 7.673. 62 Table 53» Computed Phosphorus Consumed Daily® I-M. II-F 780 m 5h3 6a 631 619 677 527 56It ■ 6hZ Zbb 866 690 820 88S A ■ .B C D 1188 1033 1192 1172 A.. B G C A B C D Cycle Section I-F I A. B C D A B C D 2 3 h Pounds x ICT^ ' II-E ■ III-F III-M 703 570 61t6 637 515 7h2 877 586 623 572 978 715 771 8U8 790 803 860 937 6ia 669 759 799 573 725 1219 925 908 93k 9hZ 1081 910 1029 1085 1153 953 10a 951 1090 1161 1021). 1115 ip ia 1166 ll|2d 1322 13U3 llt22 1U31 122U 1269 1332 1233 13b5 1U06. 1396 113U • 1131 . 1198 1236 1185 1262 1362 H as 1231 . 1307 1265 1388 1851 1U88 1551 1570 172U lk21 ll|13 1U3U 1191 1513 1600 1708 U ao 1503 1623 1605 Ui36 1173 97k 1287 u a -i. auo 76k . 901 618 681t 6L5 756 80U 8U8 958 15a 1693 Vitamin A was found to vary from 72,12 to lj.77e25> u g a per 100 ml® of colostrum on the first day after calving® However5 all but three samples fell within a range of 130 to 190 ug® per 100 ml® The colostrum from one cow was considerably above all Others5 with ll5®79 ug® per 100 ml® over the colostrum that was second high in vitamin A® Carotene was found to vary from 71®7-> to 313®39 ug. per 100 ml® of colostrum on the first day after calving® within the range from Table $k 106®97 All but six values fell to 183*^9 ug® per 100 ml® of colostrum® shows the average carotene and vitamin A values for the first 63 four days after calving. Table 54» Carotene and Vitamin A in Colostrum and Milk (ug./lOO ml). Days After Calving Number of Samples 21 19 16 12 I 2 3 4 1-10 months 10 Vitamin A Carotene 187.06 105.49 65.44 52.27 19.54 154.31 73.75 55.60 39.17 19.86 The average initial weight was 95.51 pounds, slightly higher than the breed average. was 95.50 it 5.25 The mean of the group's average initial weights pounds. . The average final weight was 171.24 pounds, and the mean of the group's average final weights was 171.17XX 8.00 pounds. Group III-F was the lightest group. The weights taken every four days appear in TAble 55. Table 56 shows the average daily gain was very similar, with the one exception of group III-F. Group I-F averaged 0.99 pounds gain per day with group II-M following with 0.98 pounds. place with a gain of 0.97 pounds. Group I-M was in third This gives the intermittent colostrum group the greatest total gain per day. Group II-F was in fifth place with a gain of 0.95 pounds, giving this group fed whole Holstein.milk intermittently from different cows the second place in rate of gain among the major groups. The check group was lowest. group which varied greatly from the others. This is the only Based on average daily 64 Table 55» Cycle Average Weights. Sedtion Initial I I-F I-M II-F A B C D 91.92 91.75 93.75 93.92 94.92 94.67 93.75 96.83 • 97.08 98.83 98.25 96.25 97.58 98.25 100.50 100.75 100.33 102.67 103.58 106.25 2 A B C D 98.00 100.67 105.33 109.83 102.25 108.00 109.08 113.17 103.25 107.08 110.83 114.67 106.92 109.42 112.92 117.25 3 A B C D 111.58 119.08 126.17 128.58 117.83 119.75 124.00 129.75 118.50 122.83 127.08 129.58 4 A B C D 135.08 137.66 142.33 147.75 135.08 141.58 146.50 150.00 A .B C D 156.33 162.00 169.08 171.08 157.08 160.25 165.75 172.08 79.16 .99 77.41 . .98 5 ' III-F II-M III-M 97.42 90.08 90.67 92.50 91.67 90.25 89.17 91.50 92.75 93.08 93.67 97.92 101.33 106.08 97.33 99.58 103.67 109.17 123.00 127.83 132.17 135.75 . 109.08 112.83 118.33 121.58 113.67 118.17 123.67 127.33 136.00 138.58 145.25 149.5Q 140.25 145.75 151.92 156.83 127.08 133.00 136.58 146.42 131.42 136.33 142.00 147.67 155.08 160.67 167.00 174.50 161.67 168.42 173.42 179.17 145:.42 . l b . 83 160.08 163.17 150.92 158.50 162.25 167.42 76.25 .953 78.24 .978 - 65.75 .822 77.17 .963 65 Table 56. Cycle Average Daily Gain. Section I-F I-M IlrF II-M ' I -.33 .15 .46 .21 -.27 .58 .31 «43 .69 .96 .17 .63 .88 1.08 .50 1.06 .85 1.19 .73 .56 1.02 1.38 1.17 .48 1.06 1.44 .96 1.08 1.06 .63 1.44 1.21 1.08 .90 .75 .94 1.38 .81 1.13 1.17 1.38 .92 1.63 .65 1.17 1.35 1.33 1.63 1.23 .88 1.60 .65 1.67 1.06 H 3 1.38 1.02 1.23 1.38 1.42 D 2.15 1.42 1.77 .50 1.77 .79 1.38 1.58 1.40 1.40 1.58 1.88 Average .99 .97 . -95 1.21 1.69 1.25 1.44 .98 C A B C D A. B C D 4 A B C D 5 r -.10 .58 .23 .67 D 3 III-M 1 — .50 .33 .17 .56 A B 2 i n —F ,: A B C — .04 .50 .04 .25 -.23 .77 .06 .44 .77 .67 1.17 1.13 .85 1.44 .27 1.02 «44 1.88 1.77 .60 .9 6 .94 I. $8 1.54 1.23 , . 1.48 .90 2.35 -.15 2.10 1.56 .77 .90 .81 1.90 • .94 1.29 .96 gain, the colostrum group showed slightly greater gains; however, this is not a significant difference and all groups should be considered as having similar average daily gains in this experiment. Calf 835 in grotip III-F did very poorly. It weighed 94 pounds at birth and lost 5,5 pounds the first fbur days. this until it was 24 days old. It did.not regain From then on, it gained slowly, making only a 53,5 pound gain during the entire experimental time. 23.20 pounds under the average. . This is This calf scoured from the 48th day 66 to the 52nd day, but otherwise was well. This cleared up at about 52 days of age or shortly after the barn was cleaned on May 3, 1952. This calf did not eat so much hay as most of them and ate very little grain. Figures I through 6 graphically represent the growth and con­ sumption curves for each group. indicate normal growth. These curves are very uniform and The consumption curves for groups I-F and I-M on figures I and 2 kave a noticeable rise at 20, 36, 52, and 68 days; these represent the. colostrum feeding period. Table 57 gives the total digestible nutrients per pound of gain for each four-day period by groups. All groups lost weight during the first section; therefore, no values can be giveri for this period. The extremely variable values dan be accbunted for by the variation in weight. The total digestible nutrients consumed give Con­ sistently increasing vilues of a nearly uniform riate. The Weight gains however, are from negative values to 2.35 pounds per day. When the very low gains are divided into a normal consumption, they give a • high result such as in section I-G group I-F. The gain is 0.04 pound per day, and the total digestible nutrients consumed is 1.07, giving a required 26.75 total digestible nutrients per pound of gain. The average total digestible nutrients per pound of gain for each group is derived by dividing the total digestible nutrients consumed for the entire experimental period by the total gain. It has been previously stated that there is no significant &7 Pounds Growth curve Pounds Consumption curve Total digestible nutrients h 'igure I, 8 12 16 20 2 h 28 32 36 UO Wt U8 ^2 56 60 61* 68 72 76 80 Days of Age Group I-F• Growth and Consumption Curves. Each recording represents an average of the four preceding days. 68 Pounds TDN Days of Age F^=Otre ?. Gnoup I-M* Growth and Consumption Curves 69 Pounds TDN 180 170 260 150 IitO 130 120 HO 100 90 80 70 60 h figure 3« 8 12 16 20 2b 28 32 36 Group ItO Wt U8 $2 56 Days of Age II-F « 60 Growth and Consumption Curves, 61t 68 72 76 80 70 Pounds TBN Growth C -Pounds Consumption Curve Total Digestible Nutrients U 8 12 16 20 2k 28 32 Uo Ult U8 $2! $6 6o 6U 68 72 ?6 80 Days of Age Figure U» Group II-Me Growth and Consumption Curves# 71 Pounds TDN 180 170 160 150 UiO 130 120 no 100 90 80 70 60 U 8 12 16 20 2ii 28 32 36 Uo b h U8 52 56 60 61i 68 72 76 80 Days of Age Figure 5* Group III-F• Growth and Consumption Curve. 72 TDN Pounds 180 3.20 3.00 Growth Curve Pounds 2.20 2.00 Consumption Curve Total Digestible Nutrients— »" 1.20 1.00 U 8 12 16 20 2h 28 32 36 Uo UU U8 ^2 # 60 6U 68 72 76 80 Days of Age Figure 6. Group III-M. Growth and Consumption Curves 73 Table 57» Total Digestible Nutrients Consumed Per Pound of Gain Section I-F I-M 1.84 26.75 4.84 1.27 18.17 1.61 1.82 1.65 .97 1 .2 6 5.59 1.61 II-F II-M III-F III-M 2,97 6.47 2.27 1.86 5.09 6.33 2.39 5.48 3.71 2.64, A B • G D A B C D A B •. C D A B C D A B C D Average 2.36 1.42 1.66 4 .1 6 1.00 . 1.24 1.17 6.24 1.98 1.4 1.57 2.00 1.18 1.58 1.33 1.68 1.83 1.57 1.55 1.40 1.22 2.21 1.48 1.77 2.46 1.43 1.20 1.57 . 1.67 1.45 2.17 1 .76 3.22 1.68 1.78 1.40 2.23 2.56 1.83 1.45 2.07 2.91 lJ4 3.57 1.48 2.38 1.96 1.59 1.52 1.96 1.52 1.51 2.71 1.09 1.65 2.63 1.6l 2.25 1.95 1.27 1.73 i .17 1.40 2.97 3.73 2.40 ,1,91 2.-04 l.,99 3.57 3.71 * 1.75 1.45 1.55 3.78 2.14 1.96 . 1.60 1.60 1.44 . 1.96 1.66 2 . Oo 6.02 1.78 1.98 1.97 1.87 1.66 2.02 2.02 2.0$ 3.51 2.13 1.90 1.71 1.75 difference of the total digestible nutrients consumed between the groups or of the weight gains between the groups. Therefore, under the coti- ditions aA given for this experiment, there is no significant difference between the groups. The group fed colostrum, the group fed the whole Holstein milk from several cqws with frequent changes, and the group fed whole Holstein milk from on© cow continuously.were essentially the same when analysis was based on total digestible nutrients consumed as compared with gain in weight. 74 Table 58 compares the initial and final weights with the total, gain and percentage gain of initial weight* colostrum group in the lead. These still show the The hay, grain, and milk consumed is recorded to give a general picture of the entire feed and the relative amounts of each type eaten by the groups. ' In most cases, if a group consumed less of one feed, it consumed more of another. .consumed the most hay and sumed the most grain, and milk, and most hay. II-F III-F II-M the the least. Group II-M consumed, the least. Group least. I-F Group Group .Ir-F Group III-F II-M consumed con­ the most gained the most and consumed the gained second most and consumed the most milk; Seldom did a calf eat more than one-half pound per day at eighty ■ • days or the end qf the experiment. The calves averaged 18.19 pounds of grail} each for the total experimental period. . Table 58. Feed and Weight Comparison. I-F Initial Weight Final Weight Gain Per Calf % Gain of Ini­ tial Weight Hay Per Calf Grain Per Calf Milk Per Calf Milk Per Lb. Gain I-M II-F II-M III-F III-M 91.92 171.08 79.17 94.67 172.08 77.41 98.42 174.5 76.25 100.75 179.17 78.42 97.42 163.17 71.75 90.25 167.42 77.17 86.13 100.80 17.63 589.16 7.44 • 81.78 86.27 16.03 599.83 7.75 77.47 93.69 .22.33 582.50 7.64 77.84 94.15 12.47 606.17 7.73 73.65 76.87 22.92 584.17 8.14 "85.50 84.61 17.77 606.00 7.85 Blood plasma vitamin A values were sufficient (10, 41, 43, 56, 60, 98). They decreased.from the fourth to the sixteenth day, then in- f creased again.. Group I-M increased very rapidly from the sixteenth 75 day to the twentieth day; this was the period of colostrum feeding for this groUp. However, group. I-F was also fed colostrum, and there was a gradual.decline for the calves in this grpup. The mean blood plasma levels at 20 days of age were 14.-5 per 100 ml. 8.5 ug. Figure 7 shows blood plasma vitamin A group averages. Analyses were made by the Veterinary Research Department, Montana State College (12). The cArotene blood plasma levels increased gradually from four days of age to Sixteen and increased rapidly from 16 to 20 days of age. Group I-M increased very rapidly after 16 days of age. The mean blood plasma levels at 20 days of Age were 21. + 21. ug. per lOO ml. Figure 8 shows the blood plasma carotene group averages. Analyses were made by the Department Of Veterinary Research, Montana State College (12). The trend of the blood plasma calcium level was a shSpp decrease from 4 to 16 days of age and then a sharp increase to 20 days of age. The group averages varied from 8.9Q mg. to 9.93 mg. per 100 ml. blood plasma at 20 days of age. The mean blood plasmg levels at 20 days of age are 9.45 ± 2.05 mg. per 100 ml. of blopd plasma. Figure 9 shows the blood plasma calcium group averages. Analyses were made by the Department of Veterinary Research, Montana State College (18). • The trend of the blood plasma phosphorus level was an increase from 4 to 16 days of age and from then to 20 days of age a gradual 76 U 16 Days of Figure 7. 20 Age Blood Plasma Vitamin A (ug. per 100 ml.). I - F ________ . ------------ . I I - F ------------ < ----------- y -------------I I I - F ------------ , -------------- o I - M --------------------------------------------------I I - M --------- --------- -------- -------- I I I - M --------------------------------------------------- 77 ug. Age in Days Figure 8. Blood Plasma Carotene (ug. per 100 ml.). I-F I-M II-F II-M III-F O 0 III-M. 78 mg. 10.30 10.20 10.10 10.00 Days of Age Figure 9« Blood Plasma Calcium Level (mg. per 100 ml.) T-F I-M TT-F TT-M III-F -- o ------ 0 ------ III-M 79 decrease. The group averages varied from 5.70 mg. to .6.10 mg. per 100 ml, of blood plasma at 20 days of age. The National Research Council (93) stated that healthy calves show blood plasma levels of 6.5 mg. per 100 ml. of blood plasma. The mean blood plasma levels at 20 days of age are 5.80 mg. £■ 1.40 mg. per 100 ml. of blood plasma. Figure 10 shows the blood plasma phosphorus group averages. Analyses were made by the Department of Veterinary Research, Montana State College (29). To analyze the effect of the colostrum in group I and the frequent changes of milk in group II, Table 59 shows in which part of the cycle the calves make their greatest gain. Colostrum was fed to groups I-F and I-M during the A section of every cycle. Inboth cases the calves made normal gains of 1.01 and 0.98 pounds per day. This indicates that colostrum feeding did not hinder or promote growth during the time colostrum was being fed. The four days immediately following, or section B, was also normal, which indicates there was no immediate after effect in either group* Sections C and D show irregular growth rates; however, this probably is not due to the feeding of colostrum since section C starts four days after the calves had been returned to : their regular feed and D starts eight days after. The calves'in group II were more irregular than those in group I and indicated less gain during the section A than during later sections. However, the calves were 4 days older in each section than in the pre­ ceding section; therefore, some difference would be expected due to the BO mg. h Figure 10. I-F Blood Plasma Phosphorus Levels (mg. per 100 ml.). --- - ------ . ------ I-M II-M II-F TTT-F 16 Age in Days 0 --- o ------ III-M. 20 I Table. 59. Section A B C D Summary of Average Daily Gain in Relation to Time of Feeding Colostrum. Average of Gains made During all the A Sections, B Sections, G Sections, and D Sections. I-F I-M 1.01 1.02 1.18 .77 .98 1.02 .80 1.07 ; " II-F II-M III-F III-M .83 .88 1.08 1.02 .77 1,10 1.00 1.06 .43 1.15 1.03 1.07 .68 1.0$ I. Ol '1.09 age difference. Group III showed a greater variation than any other group with a low of 0.43 pounds per day and a high of 1.15 pounds per day. This high was exceeded by the colostrum group with 1.18 pounds per day, but the low was considerably below all others;, Correlating information from all groups. Table 5 9 does not indi­ cate a change in rate of growth due to feeding colostrum intermit­ tently either during the colostrum feeding period or immediately following the colostrum feeding period. Table 60 presents a record of the decline in scours among the calves after the barn was thoroughly scrubbed with a lye solution. This was done on February 24, 1952 and May 3, 1952. The percent of calves having a tendency to scour was decreased from 70 percent on February 24 to 11 percent on March 6. This percentage was decreased from 71 percent on Mey 3 to 11 percent on May 11. The most common explanation of colostrum is that it.acts as a purgative (40). Figure 11 shows when the calves in the colostrum group scoured in relation to the time of feeding colostrum. No 82 Table 60. Incidence of Scours in Relation to Time of Scrubbing Barn. Cleaned May 3, 1952 Cleaned February 24, 1952 Days before and After Cleaning 10 before it 9 ■I 8 Il 7 1 1 6 H 5 H 4 IB 3 it 2 H i Cleaned .1 After H 2 ii 3 H 4 Il 5 I l 6. i t 7 i t 8 I l 9 i i 10 ii 11 i i 12 Number of Calves Not Getting Full Feed Due to Scours 10 9 11 11. 12 12 13 14 13 13 14 18 16 16 10 9 10 13 10 7 3 2 3 • Total' in Calves : Herd At This Time 19 20 20 20 20 21 19 19 19 20 . 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 18 18 18 Percent of Total Having Scours Tendency 53 45 55 55 60 57 68 74 68 ■ 65 70 82 73 73 45 41 45 59 45 32 17 11 17 Number of Calves Not Getting Full Feed Due to Scours 0 2 6 4 4 5 ‘ 8 7 10 15 15 . 12 12 12 12 11 11 3 2 3 3 3 3 Total Calves in Herd At This Time 20 20 20 19 21 21 23 23 22 21 21 21 21 ' 21 21 21 .. 21 . 21 21 21 21 21 21 Percent of Total Having Scours Tendency 0 10 30 21 19 24 35 30 45 71 71 57 57 57 57 52 52 14 10 14 14 H 14 . ' correlation can be made between feeding colostrum and scouring for the calves in this experiment. Scours, or a loose condition, were noticed for twenty-one calf days in group I, twenty-three calf days in group II, and twenty-nine calf days in grotip III.' 31 810 822 0 fi / /I / / hl2 Calves in lroup I 3U6 83U / z / I Z z / / 81# U ll z UiU Ui5 / Ul 8 / U23 z / / / U25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Uo U5 5o 55 6o 65 70 75 80 Age in days Scoured Figure 11. I Loose LI Age of Calves in Group I When Scoured or Loose. Shaded Portion Indicates the Days When Colostrum was fed. . 8 4 DISCUSSION OF RESUIZFS When the calves from all groups were together in one stall, it was impossible to detect by general appearance the calves of one group from those of another. It has been stated that mortality is a better indicator of the value of colostrum than gain in weight (14» 26, 41)* 40, There were six calves that died during this experiment; none of them were from the colostrum group. However, four died at a very young age, and one died from strangling. Although the colostrum has a much higher total digestible nutrient content than milk, the greatest difference is only for the first milking. Based on equal weights of dry matter, the colostrum may be inferior to milk in energy, values (66); therefore, unless the colostrum is very viscous, it is well to substitute equal weights of milk for colo­ strum. , Promoting or retarding the growth rate could not be significantly attributed to colostrum. Feeding colostrum did not increase the inci­ dence of scours. Good hay and grain are necessary; the group which made the greatest gain also consumed the most hay. ■The group fed colostrum, the group fed whole Holstein milk from several cows with frequent changes, and the group fed whole Holstein milk from one cow continuously were essentially the same when analysis was based on total digestible nutrients consumed as compared with gain in weight. The amount of colostrum that was successfully fed to the calves indicates the amount of whole saleable milk that can be saved by feeding colostrum. The vitamin A and carotene blood plasma levels indicate a probable healthy condition. The problem of scours presented a management problem, which indi­ cates that under certain conditions calves will not thrive, whereas under good management these calves will do well even when colostrum is intermittently substituted for the milk regularly fed,' 86 CONCLUSIONS There was no visible difference between the calves fed colostrum and whole normal milk intermittently, the calves fed whole Holstein milk from several different cows with frequent changes, or the calves fed whole Holstein milk from one individual cow continuously» There was no significant difference between these three groups of calves when total digestible nutrients consumed are compared with gain in weight. Colostrum did not cause scours. 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' Archives of Biochera0 and Biophysics, 32:.449-450, 1951= APPENDIX A BORROWING CALVES 98 AGREEMENT FOR THE LOAN OF CALVES This agreement> made and entered into this One Thousand Nine Hundred and ________ . ____________ day of . by and between the Department '.of Dairy Industry, Agricultural Experiment Station, Montana State College, .party of the first part, herein after referred to as the "College," and (Name) (Address) party of the second part, hereafter known as the "Cooperator^" The College will borrow all the normal newly-born dairy calves from the herd of the Cooperator as mutually agreed upon, beginning at once and continuing until May I, 1952, and raise them for a period of 90 days. The calves will be taken at birth and returned after the 90- day milk feeding period. If a calf dies in the possession of the College, payment will be made to the Cooperator in the amount of $15 per calf that dies. The calves, will be fed in an experiment to deter­ mine the possibility of feeding colostrum as a substitute for the regular calf milk, during the milk-feeding period. The Cooperator, in consideration of the agreements of the College, does hereby agree to permit the College to obtain the calves at birth and to raise these calves for a period of 90 days, and to supply all the colostrum (milk produced during the first four days after calving) that can be spared for raising these"calves. This colostrum from each cow is to be placed in separate containers furnished by the College, and kept in a sweet condition. The College will pick up the 99 •containers each morning, In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this agree­ ment on the day, month, and year first above written, W IT N E SS: Director of Agricultural Experiment Station Gooperator V , / ^, i/ ) 106736 100 Place of Birth of Calves College 337 338 339 340. ,341 345 346 348 2» Mvron Westlake 402 408 820 822 4. Orville Oma 3. Laurence Christie 810 811 814 815 849 416 834 835 6. Boyd Boylan 5 * Paul Boylan 422 411 413 414 415 417 7 0 John Van Dyken 418 421 425 856 859 871 872 403 404 405 407 409 8. James Van Dyken 419 ‘ 410 412 420 423 424 MONTANA STATE UttfVERSITY LIBRARIES IlilIIllllllilil 3 1762 100 54 5 10673G