Newsletter Date: July 2013 Communication, Media & Theatre Arts Alumni Chapter Newsletter Our Alumni Are Honored Con nuing a tradi on of recogni on of our CMTA alumni, three of our graduates were recognized during the 52nd Annual EMU Alumni Associa on Alumni Awards ceremony on May, 11. Not only was this the eighth consecu ve year in which our alumni were celebrated, it was the second me in six years that we had three alumni recognized at the event out of the seven EMU recipients. In all, 24 of our CMTA alumni have been recognized over the years of this pres gious event. This year’s recipients were Suzie Staley‐Schlo (’01, 04), John Rutherford (’95) and Annmarie (Mungo) Simonson (’82). Suzie was recognized in the Outstanding Young Alumna category for her volunteer work and youth advocacy efforts for the past 11 years. She does youth mentoring at The Henry Ford and Wayne‐Westland Schools. Suzie holds two CMTA degrees and is currently working on her Educa onal Leadership Specialist degree at Eastern. John Rutherford, Suzie Staley‐Schlo and Annmarie Simonson John was recognized in the Alumnus Achievement category for his outstanding career in secondary educa on. He has received numerous awards while teaching wri ng and theater to over 15,000 students at Groves H.S. in Birmingham, Michigan. John is a Hall of Fame member of the Michigan Educa onal Theatre Associa on and most recently was chosen the Crea ve Wri ng Teacher of the Year by the Michigan Council for Teachers of English. own na onal championship in Persuasive Speaking in 1981. Chosen in the Alumna Achievement category, Annmarie’s con nual advocacy for EMU Forensics was noted, as was her success as Vice President of Enterprise Li ga on for USAA insurance. She is rated ‘AV Preeminent;’ the highest ra ng for ethical standards and legal ability. These three outstanding alumni were joined at the celebra on by more than twenty family members and friends from the CMTA department. Annmarie, John and Suzie: our hear elt respect, apprecia on and congratula ons for the people you are and how well you have represented CMTA and EMU for so many years. Annmarie transferred to EMU in her junior year in order to par cipate on our highly‐ successful Forensics team. She was part of two na onal championship teams and won her 1 ScoƩ Reynolds Comes Home alumnus who has succeeded greatly at his cra of television wri ng, having been a writer/ producer for the very popular Show me television series Dexter. The day before commencement, Sco Reynolds, ’95, came back Sco was kind enough to spend to EMU in late April of this year several hours with CMTA as an honored guest in both students, friends and faculty Quirk and the Convoca on talking about his wri ng Center. While he didn’t find his experiences and how he made it way easily around a renovated from Ypsilan to the glitz and and reconfigured campus he glamor of California. hasn’t seen for quite a while, he did find his way into the minds In both his talk in Quirk and his and hearts of many students, speech in the filled Convoca on friends, faculty and alumni. Center, Sco talked about the steps he took, the breaks he got, Sco was chosen as the and the hard work he did to Commencement speaker at this become successful in his year’s morning celebra on on television career. In his talk and April 28. He was chosen as an his speech, Sco provided a vision of what can be done when someone believes in himself and relentlessly pursues his passion. As such, Sco was prac cal, inspira onal and very engaging. See Sco : h p:// video_subset.php?m=264 Congratula ons on your success, Sco . Come back to campus again soon! 2 CMTA Alumni Serve on the EMU FoundaƟon improve the campus. The EMU Founda on was created in 1989 by the EMU Regents, and is governed by an independent Board of Trustees that elects its own officers. All trustees serve as volunteers. Molly Luempert‐Coy There is something about CMTA grads that propels them into the world of helping others. We see this all the me when we talk to our alumni. Several of our alumni have been very involved with the EMU Founda on; a very worthy use of their me and skills. The Founda on exists to raise money for the university in order to fund scholarships, support our programs and help United States as well as foreign na ons. Four CMTA alumni are currently on the Bud Schimmelpfenneg Founda on Board of Trustees. Most In addi on to fundraising recently elected is Molly exclusively on behalf of EMU, Luempert‐Coy (’91). Brenda the EMU Founda on manages Alten (’88) came on the Board in the endowed assets of the University. Through investments 2007. Bud Schimmelpfenneg and fundraising, the endowment (’68) is an emeritus member who has served the Founda on had a market value of $51.4 for many years. In addi on, million as of June 30, 2012. Patrick Barry, Jr. (’71, ’73), will serve as the EMU Alumni Associa on’s representa ve on the Board for the next two years. Leaving the Board in June was Dale Heydlauff (’78) who served with dis nc on for many years, including recently as the vice‐chair. Patrick Barry Jr. Our endowment is composed of more than 650 individual accounts that are invested to produce income, which is distributed to EMU based on a percentage of the 12‐quarter average market value. The EMU Founda on also maintains a database containing approximately 150,000 alumni living in all states across the Brenda (Dempsey) Alten Dale Heydlauff 3 Alumni Updates Steve Fekete, ’12, has just been accepted to graduate school in Los Angeles. He recently moved there and is looking for connec ons with any EMU/CMTA alumni in the area. If you wish to contact Steve, let us know and we’ll assist. Dr. Brendan Kelly was recently ap‐ pointed the Vice‐President for Ad‐ vancement at the University of West Florida where he has been teaching, chairing the department and coaching forensics. Congratula ons, Brendan! Jahmeel Powers is leaving next month for the Disney College Program where he will be studying and working from September ‐ January. Dr. Joe Misiewicz is now President and CEO of the Indiana Broadcasters Associa on. It was a pre y short ‘re rement’ for Joe! Brenda (Dempsey) Alten, ’88, is currently the Director of Corporate Internal Communica ons for the J.M. Smucker Company in Orrville, Ohio. She has been with Smucker her en re career a er earning her MA from Miami University in 1989. She has held a variety of posi ons that u lize her communica ons background, including recrui ng, sales, marke ng, public rela ons and company spokesperson. Brenda is currently in her sixth year as an EMU Founda ons Board Trustee and assumes the chairmanship of the Trusteeship Commi ee and will be the Vice‐Chair of the Board star ng July 1. Patrick J. Barry, Jr., ’71, ’73, was elected President‐Elect of the EMU Alumni Associa on in April. Pat will serve for the next six years as president‐elect, then president and then past‐president. Pat has been on the Board for six years during which he chaired the Recogni on and Awards commi ee for the past four years. Pat taught high school speech and English for 33 years and returned home to EMU to teach in the our department eight years ago. He helped found the CMTA Alumni Chapter, the university’s largest chapter, and has chaired it for the past eight years. Pat starts his 43rd year of teaching this fall and con nues to be excited to teach in the department that changed his life. 4 Alumni Updates John Capecci, Ph.D., is a communica on trainer and writer with over twenty years’ experience coaching, teaching and delivering public presenta ons and communica on training programs, as well as providing crea ve and professional wri ng services to a wide range of clients. With a background in communica on theory, performance and literature, John is co‐author (with Timothy Cage) of Living Proof: Telling Your Story to Make a Difference ‐ Essen al Skills for Advocates and Spokespersons. This new text was released in March of this year. ( He is also co‐editor (with CMTA alumna Irene Ziegler) of a best‐selling series of monologue anthologies for actors and students. He has published essays on the use of personal narra ves for educa on and advocacy (most notably in the areas of HIV educa on and heart disease), presenta on skills training, narra ve technique and popular culture. John has developed and conducted custom training programs for health professionals and advocates, educators, spokespersons, senior execu ves, ar sts and museum professionals, designers, non‐profit leadership, and marke ng/pr agencies. His home base for his consultancy and training work is Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can learn more about John at You can see a clip of John by going to h p://‐Capecci/e/ B004GONBDY. Dennis Cockrum has a co‐starring role in the movie Gangster Squad, which is currently available on DVD. He has a recurring role on the Show me series Shameless as character Terry Milkovich. Earlier this year, Dennis appeared in a Volkswagen commercial that aired on the Super Bowl pre‐game show. Dennis has had a role as a convict on The Mentalist (‘Red and Itchy’ episode) and was an auc oneer on Castle (‘Your Secret’s Safe with Me’ episode). In addi on to all his film and TV work, Dennis is teaching Fundamentals of Ac ng and Ac ng for the Camera at Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut, California where CMTA alumnus Richard Strand is the Theatre Chair. 5 Alumni Updates Karen Germain worked in Detroit for 10 yeas in automo ve marke ng and strategy a er gradua ng from EMU. She then relocated to London to study and secured her MBA in Interna onal Strategy and Management. She went on to work for a UK government‐backed company focused on energy and climate change. Since that posi on, Karen has moved into a posi on at a London‐based consul ng firm where she leads consul ng prac ces with a focus on energy. Any ex‐pats living in London like to form an alumni chapter? Dan Mathis remains all ‘green and white’, but has moved his affilia on with those colors to East Lansing, Michigan. Dan received his undergraduate degree from EMU, which included a minor in Communica on. He then pursued his MA in Higher Educa on Administra on from MSU. Upon comple on of that degree, Dan returned to EMU as an Assistant Director of the EMU Alumni Associa on. Shortly a er returning here, he was promoted to Interim Execu ve Director of Alumni Rela ons. Dan served admirably in that role un l January of this year when he le EMU to assume the role of Director of Major Market Engagement at MSU; he leads alumni engagement ac vi es for the west side of Michigan and throughout the Midwest. Lorraine McKnight, ’95, earned her degree in Communica on and Business and graduated with the knowledge that in order to do the career she really wished, she needed to earn an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, which she did in 1998, here at Eastern. Lorraine worked in sales‐related jobs for 15 years un l she applied for a career counseling posi on here at EMU. She has been helping students in our University Advising & Career Development for 13 years. Lorraine is now a Senior Career Coach and says that “when payday comes around, I think to myself ‘I can’t believe I get paid to do something that I love’.” 6 Alumni Updates Robin No earned his MA in Developmental Drama/Theatre For The Young in 1984. He created The Performing Arts Company, an educa onal and community theatre program within the Gull Lake Community Schools, in 1987. He con nues with the Company today as its Director. He and his wife, Nancy, have two daughters, both of whom are aspiring educators. Claudia Wier was accepted into the PhD program at Canada’s York University as an interna onal student in the fall, 2012. She earned a pres gious Trillium Scholarship, which pays tui on and $40,000 (Canadian) for each of her four years in the program. She is currently in Venice, Italy, looking in archives for informa on on the 16th century commedia dell’arte actors involved in the commercial opera produc ons there. She also just received an American Society for Theatre Research award to provide funding for her current research in Venice. ALUMNI CONNECTION Whether you were an EMU Eagle or Huron, please drop us a line and let us know what you are doing today! Your CMTA friends and instructors would love to know! Send your update to: 7 CMTA Department News CMTA Supports the Heart Walk Several CMTA students, friends, faculty and alumni par cipated in this year’s Washtenaw County Heart Walk in order to raise funds for healthy hearts. The event was held at Washtenaw Community College and was heavily supported by EMU. CMTA walkers were part of the Team College of Arts and Sciences. May 19th dawned bright and crisp and perfect for such an event. EMU dignitaries began the event and were supported by several of our theater students who sang the Na onal Anthem. It was a good day for the walkers, the event, and hopefully, those who will benefit from their interest and dedica on. Most Valuable Professors Honored by the Men’s Basketball Team! Dr. Doris Fields Ray Quiel Dr. Chris ne Tanner Congratula ons Jenny Koppera! She has been selected as the US representa ve to the ASSITEJ Interna onal Directors’ Seminar in Germany this summer! The seminar will take place from July 1st‐6th in conjunc on with TheatreGrueneSosse ( and is designed for approximately 25 par cipants (20 selected globally & 5 from Germany) Congratulations Tori! MFA student and graduate assistant in the Office of Academic Service‐Learning Tori Tomalia has received this year's Ron Collins Graduate Assistant Awards. The Ronald W. Collins Award recognizes exemplary scholarly and/or crea ve ac vity in a graduate student assistant and is awarded yearly. This year's presenta on was at the Graduate Research Fair recep on at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 18th. 8 CMTA Department News On Thursday, January 31, Jack Kay served as respondent for the Wayne State University Humani es Center Marilyn Williamson Endowed Dis nguished Faculty Fellowship Inaugural Presenta on. He cri qued the work of English Professor RIchard Marback on "Appeals to uBuntu and the Ambi on for Jus ce." Jack discussed his own work on uBuntu and his interviews with South Africa Truth and Reconcilia on Commission members and cri cs Jack Kay is publishing a public blog that focuses on poli cal bu ons as a way of learning about the history and communica on strategies of poli cal elec on campaigns. Recent entries include "President Obama's Birth Cer ficate," "Wooden Nickels and LBJ," and "It's a Dog‐Eat‐Dog Campaign: Romney/Obama 2012." The blog can be visited at h p:// poli calelec onbu Congratula ons Sadaf! On co‐authoring a paper tled: “Searching, sharing, acting: How audiences assess and respond to social media messages about hazards.” The paper has been accepted for publica on by the Interna onal Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters. Also her paper: “The gendering of mobile technology in South Asia: Examining how mobile phones are used by women/girls in rural Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India”, has been accepted for presenta on at the ICA 2013 conference in London: “Challenging Communica on Research.” Congratula ons Doris! Doris is the recipient of the Ronald W. Collins Dis nguished Faculty Award for Teaching II h p:// 9 CMTA Department News TEDxEMU 2013 Don Ritzenhein presented a talk at the March 15 TEDxEMU event in Quirk Theatre. His talk was en tled, "Let's design college classrooms for student learning and not just for teachers talking". He advocated redesigning standard classrooms for more flexibility and ac ve learning. Congratula ons Phil Simmons and Ryan Lewis! Their produc on of A Li le Night Music has been named “one of the top three musicals for 2012” by Also involved in this produc on were John Seibert and Leslie Hull, as well as several EMU Theatre Alums that assisted with design and running crews. The Center for the Study of Equality and Human Rights presented a Pubic Forum Titled "Media & LGBT Visibility: The Changing Landscape of Representa on and Equality" on Monday, March 11. The Panel was comprised of: Garre Glaser (The first out na onal broadcast journalist) Max Gou ebroze (GLAAD Entertainment Media Strategist), and Dr. MaryAnn Watson (EMU Media Scholar and CMTA Professor). For more informa on about the Media Forum, upcoming events or the Center, please follow us on Facebook (/CSEHR.emu), Twi er (CSEHR_emu) or visit our web page at 10 CMTA Department News Professors Kindred and Rich are Recognized Dr. Jeanne e Kindred CMTA faculty Jeanne e Kindred and Anita Rich were recognized by the EMU Office of Academic Service‐Learning and The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Program at their year‐end celebra on at the EMU Lake House on April 19. These two organiza ons work to improve the lives of students and community members in the Ypsilan region through volunteer work. Professor Kindred, a CMTA alumna, was recognized by hosts CMTA professor Decky Alexander and Claudia Petrescu with the AS‐L Community/University Collabora on Award. Professor Rich was presented with the Dale Rice Award for Outstanding AS‐L Community Partnership for her leadership of the Six Figures Playback troupe and their work with the inmates of the Woodland Center Correc onal Facility. Congratula ons to these outstanding women for their work in be ering the lives of others! Dr. Anita Rich 2013‐14 EMU Theatre Season Preview FIDDLER ON THE ROOF THE GRAVEDIGGER: A FRANKENSTEIN PLAY Directed by Pirooz Aghssa Directed by Joseph Ze elmaier THE SHAPE OF THINGS THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER Directed by Terry Heck‐Seibert Directed by Chris ne Tanner TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD SYLVIA Directed by Meriah Sage Directed by Ken Stevens 11 2013 EMU Theatre Season Concludes The Curtain Comes Down on Another Season of EMU Theatre Just two months before, Wallace Bridges directed Wedding Band: A Love/ Hate Story in Black in White. The play was set in 1918 in South Carolina where two people are in love against all odds. Due to laws prohibi ng interracial marriage, two lovers suffer the consequences from the community. While exploring the themes of racism and violence, this love story was both moving and inspiring. You can see a clip at: Another outstanding sea‐ son of EMU Theatre con‐ cluded in June with Honk!, directed by Ken Stevens. This lively musical was about an op mis c duckling and his adventures in the barnyard and beyond. Based on the Hans Chris an Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling, the play presented a strong, posi ve message in a deligh ul manner to an h p:// audience of all ages. Learn video/index.php? more about the play: id=P262_recent h p:// watch? v=uWHqlCWL6bo&feature In February, Pirooz Aghssa began this season by direc ng Urinetown, a musical sa re which not only comments on the legal system and corporate mismanagement, but also the form of the Broadway musical. It was observant, hilarious and poignant. You can see a clip at: h p:// video/index.php? id=P253_recent Congratula ons to the pro‐ ducers, directors, actors, musicians and crew for another season of outstanding theatre. Bravo! 12 CMTA Department News Professor Henry Aldridge Re res it with his thousands of students over nearly four decades of teaching. Students learned to love film because Henry loved film and successfully cul vated that passion in them. They For someone who wanted to learned not only in the classroom, but also on trips quietly slip away when he around the country and re red, Professor Henry Europe. Aldridge went out in quite the grand fashion, much to the admira on and apprecia on by dozens of people who were happy to celebrate such a dis nguished career. On Thursday, May 2, friends, faculty and students gathered at the Michigan Theatre to celebrate Henry’s 39 years of exemplary teaching and service to the university. Stories, funny and serious ‐‐ but all sincere ‐‐ were told by many speakers. Henry was an ‘old school’ teacher who believed in doing things the right way, including wearing a e and jacket to class. This formality in today’s casual culture did nothing to alienate him from his Those who know Henry will students. In fact, he was tell you about his love of film nominated by many of his and his willingness to share former students and received an EMU Alumni Associa on Teaching Excellence Award in 2007. Those who know Henry know of his other passion in life: playing the organ. Henry was instrumental in the refurbishing of the Michigan Theatre and it’s spectacular organ several years ago. Thousands of theatre patrons have enjoyed the theatre, the organ and Henry’s playing for many years. Henry plans to con nue to play long into his re rement. We thank Professor Aldridge for his enormous contribu on to lives of our CMTA and EMU students. Best wishes for many more years of happiness in film and music, Henry. 13 CMTA Department News Michael Marion Moves On It will be strange to walk into the Forensics Office and not see the smiling face of Assistant Forensics Team Director Michael Marion next year. It will likely be strange for Michael, as well, because he came to EMU as a student in 2001 and never le . During that me, Michael was a championship forensicator, earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and successfully helped dozens of our students reach their poten al as compe tors. And as a teacher of public speaking in the department, Michael helped hundreds of students overcome their fear of speaking and gain the skills necessary to succeed in life. Michael has taken a posi on with Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital as a supervisor in the grant wri ng program. A new posi on and a new residence are not the only new things in Michael’s life. He just recently announced to the world that he is engaged to be married. We are sad to lose Michael, not only for his skills as a coach and a teacher, but also because we will miss seeing his smiling face. But we are so happy for these posi ve changes in his life. Best wishes, Michael! Forensics Team Captures 4th Place at Na onals Another season, another Top Ten finish. In a story that never grows old, the 2012‐13 Forensics Team again celebrated a very successful season with it’s highest finish in the last several years at the Na onal Forensics Associa on championship. Traveling to Marshall University, the team took more than 20 compe tors and it paid off with a 4th place team finish. The team had an inkling of good things to come when they took only six team members to the American Forensics Associa on championship a few weeks before and came home with 11th place. 4th in Impromptu and 5th in Extemporaneous Speaking. Patrick’s high finishes alone did not take the team to such a high finish. Many of our forensicators successfully made it to the out‐rounds. You can read more about the details of the event: h p:// releases/release.php? id=1368035440 As they do every year, the team hosted their Forensics Showcase and provided several hundred observers with a sample of the high quality speaking and interpre ng that EMU has been providing for more than four decades. We congratulate all of our Forensics Team members for an outstanding season. We are happy and proud that you are carrying on the “Tradi on of Excellence.” The top finisher for EMU was junior Patrick Seick who placed 2nd in A er Dinner Speaking, 14