The selection of optimal break points in piecewise linear function analysis by Haifie Loo Lai A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Industrial Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Haifie Loo Lai (1973) Abstract: Methods are presented which optimally select the break points of a piecewise linear function used to approximate a nonlinear functional. On one hand, given the analytic functions which are to be approximated by piecewise linear functions, and the number of segments of the linear function, break points are selected so as to minimize the total absolute difference between the analytic function and the approximating piecewise linear functions. On the other hand, given a table of raw data values presented in ordered array, which are to be fitted by piecewise linear functions, break points are selected at the largest value of the independent variable such that no infeasibility is incurred. Infeasibility occurs whenever the deviation of the observed data from the fitted linear segment exceeds a prescribed value K, the maximum allowable deviation specified. These break-point search methods are compatible with and incorporated into the usual method of separable programming to obtain more precise approximating solutions. In presenting th$s thesis {n partial fulfillment of the require­ ments for an advanced Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may' be granted by my major-professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries'. It is understood that any copying or publi­ cation of this thesis.for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Date THE SELECTION OF OPTIMAL BREAK POINTS IN PIECEWISE LINEAR FUNCTION ANALYSIS by HAIFIE LOO LAI A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Industrial Engineering Approved: Head, Major Department MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana December, 1973 iii ' ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer gratefully acknowledges Dr. D. W. Boyd for his invalu­ able advice in structuring this research. Special thanks to Dr. D. F . Gibson and Dr. W. R. Taylor for their contribution in examining this research. Finally, to my husband, Ching-E, for his patience and encourage­ ment in fulfilling this assignment. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page VITA............ ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.......................... ■..................... iii. LIST OF TABLES................................. . ............... v LIST OF F I G U R E S ........ ........................ .■............ vi ABSTRACT.................................. .. '.................. vii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION. . . ....................... •......... .. CHAPTER II: DEVELOPMENT OF BREAK POINT SEARCH METHOD FOR THE SEPARABLE CONVEX FUNCTION.......................... The Approximation of a Separable Function ............... Discussion and Adaptation of the Solution Technique to Separable Convex Programming. . .................■......... .. Extensions to Further Grid Refinement ..................... . . CHAPTER III: ANALYSIS OF RAW DATA.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fitting One-Dimensional Raw-Data............ Extension to n-Dimensional Raw Data Analysis.............. CHAPTER IV: APPLICATION OF THE SOLUTION TECHNIQUE TO THE SEPARABLE CONVEX PROGRAMMING P R O B L E M .......... Illustrative Example I . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . Illustrative Example 2 ................ ...................... . CHAPTER V: CONCLUDING DISCUSSION ............ H cN in The Problem C l a s s ........ ...................... Summary of Past Work.......... * ....................... Purpose of this Study . ................... ................ I 7 7 21 28 33 33 51 54 54 68 . . . . . . . . . 74 APPENDICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Appendix I: Definition of Convexity.............. Appendix II: Numerical Solution Method of Nonlinear Equations. Appendix III: MFOR LP Tableau and the Program Output of Illustrative Example I...................................... Appendix IV: Computer Program to Search for the Optimal Break Points. ............................................... Appendix V: Solution Obtained from the Differential Algorithm. BIBLIOGRAPHY........... .................................... .. . 81 82 85 89 95 97 V LIST OF TABLES Table . ' . • Page 3-1 CONSTRAINT I AND MINIMIZATION. ■................................. 48 3-2 CONSTRAINT I AND MAXIMIZATION. .............. 3-3 CONSTRAINT RELATIONSHIPS OF x, 48 AND d2 . .................. 49 3-4 CONSTRAINT I .................... ...........................49 3-5 CONSTRAINT 2 '.......... .............. .............. 50 4- 1 VALUES OF Cy5X1)WHEN X 0 IS SETTO " 0 " ......................... 70 4-2 VALUES OF (y,x ) WHEN X^ IS SETTO " 0 " ......................... 70 4-3 OPTIMAL BREAK POINTS, SLOPES AND INTERCEPTS OF f (x ) AND f2 (x2) ............ '........................... .. .......... 70 i vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure. Page 2-1 Piecewise Linear Approximation of an Arbitrary ConcaveConvex Function......................... .................... 8 2-2 Histogram Approximation of 2-3 Piecewise Linear Approximation of x 2-4 Piecewise Linear Approximation of x 2-5 Piecewise Linear Approximation 2-6 Approximation of f .(x.) by f^ (x.) ................. .......... 24 2-7 Piecewise Linear Approximation 8 ................................ of x 2 2 2 Using One Break Point . . 10 Using Two Break Points. . 12 Using ThreeBreak Points. 15 of f (x) by f ( x ) ............... 26 2-8 Grid Refinement When x Lies on the Break Line. 2-9 Grid Refinement When x Lies Within an Interval . .30 . . . . . . . . 2-10 Grid Refinement When x Lies on the First Interval........ 30 . . 32 2- 11 Grid Refinement When x Lies on the Last Breaking Line..........32 3- 1 Break Point Shift. ...................... 36 3-2 Intercept Shift.......................................... . . 38 3-3 Approximation by Finite Slope........... . 3-4 38 Linear Approximationof a Continuous Nonlinear Process . . . . 40 3- 5 Linear Approximation of a Discontinuous Nonlinear Process. . . 45 4- 1 Piecewise Linear Approximation of f^(x^) ............... .. . 67 4-2 Piecewise Linear Approximation of fgCxg) • ........ . .... 4-3 Piecewise Linear Approximation of y = f ^ ( x ^ ) ............ . . 7l 4-4 Piecewise Linear Approximation of y = . . . . . . . . . 67 71 ABSTRACT Methods are presented which optimally select the break points of a piecewise linear function used to approximate a nonlinear functional,. On one hand,■given the analytic functions which are to be approximated by piecewise linear functions, and the number of segments of the linear function, break points are selected so as to minimize the total abso­ lute difference between the analytic function and the approximating piecewise linear functions. On the other hand, given a table of raw data values presented in ordered array, which are to be fitted by piecewise linear functions, break points are selected at the largest value of the independent variable such that no infeasibility is incurred. Infeasibility occurs whenever the deviation of the observed data from the fitted linear segment exceeds a prescribed value K, the maximum allowable deviation specified. These break-point search methods are ■compatible with and incorporated into the usual method of separable programming to obtain more precise approximating solutions. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Problem Class Mathematical programming covers an extensive area composed of a great variety of problems for which numerous methods have been developed for solving particular classes of problems. One important class of problems occurs in nonlinear programming in which the objective function and each of the constraints consist of separable functions. That is, minimize (maximize) F= If.(x.) J=Ij j n subject to I g ..(x ){£, =, l>b j=l J 3 x. > 0 J “ where i = I, 2 , ..., m; j = I, 2, ,' n. Such problems can be solved by replacing the functions f^ (x_.) and g ..(x.) with polygonal approximations. 1J I ■ That is, each function is approximated by straight line segments between selected points. Hence, the original nonlinear programming problem is transformed into a linear programming problem so that an approximate solution can be obtained by a slight modification of the simplex method. Thus, for the problem stated above, the linear programming counterpart is, 2 minimize (maximize) F= Ji f .(x.) j=l J 3 n subject to J g ..(x ){£ , =, ^}b J 3 j=l x. > 0 J where i = I, 2 , . m; j = I, 2 , ..., n; f (Xj) is the polygonal approximation to the' function f^(x^.); and g^(x^) is the polygonal approximation to the function • The key concept of this special technique is that a separable concave (convex) function of a single variable can be approximated as closely as desired by piecewise linear functions. In fact, second order conditions for the existence of an optimum require that all of the f .(x.) be concave (convex) functions when the objective is to maximize J l n (minimize) J f .(x.). j=l J 3 Summary of Past Work • Previous studies have resulted in the development of algorithms for ■jthe separable convex programming problem. For example, Charnes and ;iLemke (6) and Miller (18) have developed linear approximation methods. The main feature of these methods is to linearize the nonlinear func­ tions on a grid of points spanning a suitable portion of the space of the problem. T T T (x-, x0, . 1 2 I 2 T T Let X , X , ..., X be a collection of n-vectors (X x ))• n = Any point x. of this collection may be written as .1 3 x. = 1 T £ A x. where t=1 1 JiX = 1 for all t. 't Then, given any function f (x) , 1 2 the linearization of f (x) on the grid x , x , through the approximation f (x) = J X f (x ). x T is attained Thus, any nonlinear pro­ gramming problem becomes a linear problem in the new variable At if f (x) is replaced throughout by its representation above. The nonlinear programming problem can now be stated in the approximate form: Maximize (minimize) ^Atf(xt) t subject to ^At = I, At >_ 0 ^Atg .(Xt){<_, =, >_}0 for all i. The transformed problem can be solved by the usual simplex method. Another similar method for the solution of the separable convex programming problem is presented by Hillier and Lieberman (13), and also makes use of a linear programming approximation of the original non­ linear programming problem. f .(x.), to the true curve 3 3 S. . . + S m X., + 3k 3k However, the approximation function f .(x.), is constructed as f.(x.) = s 3 3 3 3 3 x + . ‘+ s . .x. .; where s is the slope of the piece3m3 3m3 3k wise linear approximating function. The original variable, x^ , is broken into m. segments at the breakpoints, b., . 3 is defined as the k 3 3& til segment of x_.. The new variable, x 3k , The problem is then transformed to: 4 Maximize (Minimize) subject to £( Ji s ^ x ^ ) j k=l j (xjmj) i S =» 0 for all i Xjk < V > for all j , k. xJ k ^ 0 In both cases, the closeness to which the linearized solution approximates the optimum is determined by the fineness of the grid. If the chosen grid is fine enough in the neighborhood of the solution, answers of suitable accuracy can be obtained. After the linear programming approximation is solved, if a more precise answer is needed, a grid refinement process can be used. The algorithm for grid refinement described by Dantzig (8) starts with the computing of coefficients for each term of the approximating func­ tions, for x = 0, 0.5, I, with grid size 0*5. Upon solving the first linear programming approximation, halve the grid size and compute coefficients for only those new values which are adjacent to the current solution for x. Thus, on the second piecewise approximation, if the previous solution were x = 0 , compute the coefficient at x = 0.25, discarding the value at x = I; if x = 0.5 compute coefficients .at 0.25 and 0.75, and discard the values at 0 and I; if the solution x is a weighted average of two grid points 0 and.0.5, then include a grid 5 value of x at .25 and discard the value at I, etc. In this way, for each successive piecewise approximation problem, coefficients are computed for at.most three values of each x and such that the range of x is halved each time. It was pointed out that successive values of x obtained in this manner will stay within the.range established by prev­ ious cycles. . Another grid refinement procedure is described by Alloin (2). 1 2 T Suppose that a grid x , x , ..., x is given, and the associated linear programming approximation ; I 2 T' is solved, yielding A , A , ..., A and the dual solution u^, u^, ..., u^. When refinement of the grid is needed, of several possible points that might be adjoined to the given grid as a further refinement to obtain a better solution, which point would the simplex method choose as contributing the most to the solution? suggested that the decomposition procedure can be applied. He The procedure is to evaluate the reduced cost for each new column of the linear pro­ gramming problem and to choose the one with largest reduced cost. equivalently, x unconstrained). Or is the maximizing value of f.(x.) - /u.g..(x.), (x. J J ^ iJ J J Thus, a new column which tightens the grid is con­ structed, a new variable is added, and the simplex method again employed to find a new solution to the expanded linear programming problem. Purpose of This Study The survey of past work reveals that the approximation techniques used in all the existing algorithms are simply based upon judicious 6 selection of the break points of the piecewise linear function rather than selection via a stated criterion. Hence, development of a solution- technique to include "non-subjective" selection of break points is believed to be useful. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to develop some criterion for the optimal segmentation of f^Cx^) for piecewise linear approximation. The solution technique is also to be adaptable to the usual separable convex programming approach. Closely related to this problem is the analysis of raw data which exhibit no interactions between independent variables. .A method is sought by which to analyze the objective function and constraints, which may show strong nonlinearities, while still in raw-data form. The development of solution techniques for separable convex func­ tions and for the raw-data form of the problem is presented in Chapter II and Chapter III, respectively. Chapter IV contains two illustrative examples, one for the separable convex programming problem, and another for the analysis of raw data. A summary discussion and suggestions are presented in Chapter V. \ CHAPTER II DEVELOPMENT OF BREAK POINT SEARCH METHOD FOR THE SEPARABLE CONVEX FUNCTION The Approximation of a Separable Function Consider the case where the given function can be written in the form f(x1 , X JL z i x ) = f- Cx1) + f0 (x_) + . . . + f (x ), where n i i Z z n n f .(x.) is a specified function of x. only, for j = I, 2, 3 3 3 n. Thus, f(x^, x^, ..., x^) is called a "separable" function, since it can be ' written as a finite sum of separate terms, each of which involves only a single variable. • An approximation technique is available for obtaining a solution to the problem having such a separable objective function. This tech­ nique involves reducing the problem to a linear programming problem by approximating each f^Cx^) by several piecewise linear functions. sider, for example, the function sketched in Figure 2-1. Con­ The piecewise lfeiear approximation is given by f(x) where the s's represent the slopes of the approximating lines and the b ’s represent the break points selec­ ted to give the desired degree of approximation. When f(x) is differen­ tiable, the value df(x)/dx can be plotted against x as in Figure 2-2. The area under the df(x)/dx curve may be used to represent f(x) and the histogram used to represent df(x)/dx. I, 2 , By choosing appropriate b / s n) , the absolute difference |f(x) - f(x) | can be made as small as desired; thus effecting a suitable approximation. That is, an appropriate criterion to determine the suitability of a specific (i = f(x) 8 Figure 2-1. Piecewise Linear Approximation of an Arbitrary ConcaveConvex Function Figure 2-2. Histogram Approximation of df/dx 9 approximation is to solve for the break points by minimizing the abso­ lute value of the total difference between the linear approximating lines and the true curve. 2 For example, given f (x) = x . Let x be bounded by 0 let the curve be approximated by two linear functions. x 10 and Then, the break point can be determined by minimizing the following function (see Figure 2-3): Minimize -L 2 2 ,, /Is1X - X Idx + /Is1X 1 + S2 (x - X1) - x dx (I) where X 1 is the break point, and S1 and s, are the slopes of the correspending linear functions. By definition, S1 = f (X1)Zx1 = X1 2 X1 2, V xi■X1- Then by convexity, 2 Z1 = /Is1X - x |dx = / (x.x - x )dx 1 O 0 - 6. Therefore, minimize X2=IO = X1Zb + / (S1X1 + s2x - S2X1 - x )dx = - ^x1 + IOx1 + ^s2xJ “ IOSgX1 + SOs2 - 1000Z3 ----------- (2-1) Since s f(x ) - f(x ) = — -----------2 Xg-X1 100 - x 2 = — rr----- = 10 + x., substitute into equaIO-X1 I tion 2-1 to obtain the following equation: z(1) = Sx1 - SOx1 + 500Z3 (2- 2 ) 10 f(x) x „=10 Figure 2-3. Piecewise Linear Approximation of x Using One Break Point 11 Take the derivative with respect to obtain the minimum. and set it equal to zero to Thus, (2-3) IOx^ - 50 = 0 . . x, = 5 , s„ = 10 + x. = 15. 1 2 I 10 > 0. Check the second derivative: Therefore, x^ = 5 is the desired minimum. 32,(1) 2 O A-Ji = The break point is at x = 5, and the two approximating linear functions are 5x for the first segment and -50 + 15x for the second segment. For the same function above, when three linear functions are used to approximate the curve, the objective becomes to minimize the following function (see Figure 2-4): x fP) - L o Minimize Z' = / |s^x - x |dx + Ov x 2I /|s^x^ + S 2 (x - x^) - x |dx iI v- X3=IO + Jjs1X 1 + S 2 (x2 - X1) + s3 (x - X2) - x IdJ X2 V A straightforward way to minimize the above function is simply to take the derivatives with respect to the unknowns, X1 and X2 , and set them equal to zero. Thus, the following simultaneous nonlinear equations are obtained. -X2 + Zx1X2 -xix2 + °*^X1 - 50 + l°x2 = 0 (2-4) (2-5) 12 f(x) Figure 2-4. Piecewise Linear Approximation of x 2 Using Two Break Points 13 Solve the above equations to obtain 20 exceeds 10, the bounding value of x. = O.Sx^, x^ = 20, or 6 .66. = Hence, 6.66 is chosen and x^ = 3.33. It may be noted that when the given function is more complicated 2 than the parabola x , simultaneous nonlinear equations which are diffi­ cult to solve will be obtained. An alternative way to find the minimum is therefore desirable. Assume that the minimum value of + z^ is known for x^ = K, where K is assumed to be the optimal second breakpoint. to minimize z , (the minimum of z + z_) + . , 2 s3(x - x2) - x Idx must be minimized. / Then, in order + s 2(x2 - xV + x 2~k If in the previous solution, x 2 = K is used instead of 10, equations 2-2 and 2-3 will be of the form: (2-6) (2-7) Kx 1 - K /2 Solving for X 1 in terms of K, then X 1 = 0.5 K leads to s 2 = K + X 1 = 1.5K. Therefore, the minimum value of z^ and Z2 in terms of K can be determined from equation 2-6 as the 3 minimum of z^"^ = 2 (0.5K) + — (0.5K) = 0.042K , and X3=IO 0.042k + / Is1X1 + s2(x2 - X1) + s3(x - x2) - x |dx V k (2-8) 14 100 - x, Similarly s, 10 - x. 10 + K . Equation 2-8 can be written as z (2) = -0.125K3 + 5K2 - 5OK + 166.7 Take the derivative with respect to K and set it equal to zero to obtain the minimum. Hence, -0.375K2 + IOK - 50 = 0 K = 6.66 or 20 K = 20 exceeds 10, the bounding value of K, and hence must be discarded. 32 z ^ (2) Since --- x — = 5 > 0 at K = 6 .66, z has been minimized. Therefore, BK X 2 = K = 6 .66, X 1 = 0.5K = 3.33. The break points are at x ^ = 3.33 and x 2 = 6 .66, and are the same as the values obtained by using the previous direct method. In like manner, if four linear approximating lines are desired, the same technique can be applied to x now is to minimize z = J |s O + (see Figure 2-5) . (3) X1 z ^ 2 x2 x - X 2 1dx + 1 >____________> JJs1X + s (x - x ) - x |d) X1 1 1 2 I v----------- ---------- - Jjs1X 1 + S 2 (x2 - X1) + s3 (x - X2) - X2 Jdi 2v The objective 15 Figure 2-5. Piecewise Linear Approximation of x Points Using Three Break 16 V 10 2 Ix1X1 + S2 Cx2 - X1) + S 3 Cx3 - X2) + S ^ C x - x ) - x |dx + ] First, using the direct method by taking the derivatives with respect to the unknowns, X1 , X2 , X3 , and setting them equal to zero yields the following simultaneous nonlinear equations: ■ ¥1 + xIx2 = 0 ( 2 "9) -X1X2 + ^x1 - ^x 3 + X 2X 3 = 0 ------------------------- ;--------- C2-10) -X2X 3 + -|x2 - 50 + IOx3 = 0 ------------------------------------ (2-11) 2 Solve the above equations for X1 = O 1Sx3, X 3 = ^ X 3 , and X 3 = 15, or 7.5. 15 exceeds 10, the bounding value of x. Hence, X 3 = 7.5 is chosen, X 3 = 5 and X1 = 2.5. Now, solve for the minimum by the alternative step-by-step method. If X 3 of the previous solution is some fixed value less than 10, then the value of K in terms of X3 is again obtained from the minimum of *3 2 JIs1X1 + S3 Cx3 - X1) + S3Cx - X2) - x Idx. Similarly S 3 = x =K X 3 + K, andZthe above expression can be transformed to: Z1 + Z2 + -0.125K3 + 0.SK2X 3 - 0.5Kx2 + 0.167x3 ------------------------- (2-12) Take the derivative with respect to K and set it equal to zero: 17 -0.375K - 0.5x^ + Kx 3 0 (2-13) Solve for K in terms of x„ to obtain K = 0.666x, x 3 - The minimum value of (minimum o f z^+ Z3) + 3 0.020x 3. / I s^x1 + S 3 Ox3 - x^) + S3 Ox - X3) - x |dx e q u a l s X-=K (3) z Thus, z can be written as follows: x =10 4 0 . 020x 3 + / I s 1X1 + S3Ox3 - X1 ) + S3Cx - - 0 . 147x 3 + Sx3 - SOx - X3) + s^(x - X3) - x Idi + 500/3 with X 3 = K = 0.GbSx3 and X 1 = 0.5K = O-Sx3 = O-SSSx3 . Take the derivative with respect to X 3 and set it equal to zero to obtain the minimum. Hence, -O-AAlx3 + IOx3 - 50 = 0 --------------------------------------- (2-14) X 3 = 7.48, X 3 = 0.666x 3 = 4.98, X 3 = O-Sx3 = 0.333x3 = 2.49. These values are almost the same as those obtained from the direct method. The small difference is due to the round-off error in calculation. From the preceding example, one may conclude that if an additional approximating linear function is required, one can simply add one more segment and obtain new break points by modifying the previous answer. Thus, the refinement process is suitably carried out by the dynamic pro­ gramming approach. The original problem of n variables is transformed to n problems of one variable only. And at each stage, a problem of one variable is optimized. 18 The solution technique as illustrated on the previous page can be generalized to any single-variable function f (x) exhibiting convexity or concavity-. An objective function containing such terms as eX , log x, etc., can be very difficult to handle. However, any single-variable function can always be expanded in- a power series (I). That is to say, any single-variable function can always be expressed in the form of a polynomial and hence can be easily integrated and differentiated. Thus, applying the approach of the preceding example, a linear or nonlinear equation of a single variable in each stage can always be obtained and the.solution easily identified. The solution technique far is actually nothing more than a general approach to find the best approximation under the cri­ terion that the total absolute difference between the approximating function and the given function be minimized. The general approach when n linear functions are used to approxi­ mate the given function, f(x), is summarized as follows: 1. Check that the given function is convex within the region of the desired approximation. 2. Minimize z Cl) where two linear approximating functions are to be used. X1 X2 2 = / I s - X - f (x5 Idx + . J Sj-xI + s9(x - X 1 ) 0 X1 I \_______ _ _______ / z I f (x) Idx ________ „ _______________ y Z 2 19 where is the break point, and s^ are the slopes of the corresponding linear approximating functions, and x 0 is the assumed known optimal second break point. (I) Or, minimize /Ia1 + S]X - f (x)Idx + /Ia1 + S1X 1 + s2 (x - X1) - f (x)|dx when f (x) has the vertical intercept a . 3. Solve for the value of X 1 in terms of x^, and express the minimum value of Z1 + z^ in terms of x^. 4. Formulate a new objective function as the sum of the minimum of Z1 + z and the total absolute difference of the third interI z val of approximation. Then, apply the same minimization tech­ nique to solve for the value of the current unknown variable, x2, in terms of x^. 5. Formulate another new objective function as the sum of the minimum of~~z£-+ z2 + z^ and the total difference of the fourth interval of approximation. Apply the same technique to solve for the value of the current unknown, x^, in terms of x^. 6 . Repeat the formulation and minimization of the new objective function. Each time include one more interval of approximation. Thus, the relationship between X1 , x., ..., etc. is established step-by-step. When the relationship between x and 20 xn (x = K, the boundary value) is established, the problem is then solved in its entirety. This solution procedure developed for separable convex functions can also be modified to handle the case of separable nonconvex functions It is known that linear interpolation always, gives overestimation or underestimation when the given function is convex or concave, respec­ tively. If the interval of "convexity" and "concavity" for a given func tion within the boundary of desired approximation can be identified, the difficulty in determining the absolute value is removed, and the same procedure can be applied to obtain the optimal break points. .The solution procedure suggested then is to identify the interval of "convexity" by setting second derivatives greater-than or equal-to zero to obtain the bound value and similarly to identify the interval of "concavity". Then, the same technique of solving for the optimal break points can be applied to each convex and concave part of the function. This is illustrated via the following example: Given f (x) = 13 3 2 — x - -rx , where 0 < x < 10 6 2 — i p l dX 92f(x) I 2 - 3x 2 x - 3 — - 21 3f ^x) - x-3 > 0 Sx2 ~ if x > 3 ~ — - if x < 3 = x-3 < 0 ■ 9= Accordingly, the interval where convexity holds is 3 ^ x interval where concavity holds is 0 _< x 10 and the 3. The problem is then divided into two new problems: 1. 1 3 Approximate f (x) = — x o - 3 2 by linear functions on the 2 % x interval 0 ^ x ^ 3. 2. 1 3 Approximate f (x) = — x - 3 2 — :x by linear functions on the interval 3 £ x £ 10. Discussion and Adaptation of the Solution Technique to Separable Convex Programming . The development of the solution technique stems from the interative dynamic programming approach; that is, to start with a small portion of the problem and to find the optimal solution for this smaller problem. It then gradually enlarges the problem, finding the current optimal solu­ tion from the previous one, until the original problem is solved in its entirety. ' Any single-variable function can always be expanded in a power series of the form a„xn + a, x11 ■ * ■ + . . . + a .x + a , a polynomial U l n—l n approximation. Although the solution approach developed can be applied • to any single-variable function, it does have certain limitations. 22 First,.it can be applied only- to functions of a single variable. Therefore, when a separable .function is encountered, one can apply this technique to each single-r-variable sub function, separately. When a nonseparable function is encountered, only-in very rare cases can one apply this approach. However, it might be possible to use a suitable transformation of variables to transform the original non—separable function into a separable function of some new variables. let y = x^ i x^Xg + x^ . For example, This is a non-separable function since it con­ tains a-cross product term. u - w, then y = u + w + u 2 However, if we let x^ = u + w, and x^ = - w 2 + u - w = 2u + u 2 - w 2 has been trans­ formed into a separable function of the new variables u and w. cases this kind of transformation does, not work at all. In many Therefore, the technique developed is generally limited to use with separable functions. The second pitfall in this approach is the possible necessity of ■ solving for the roots of a nonlinear equation 'of polynomial form within the region 0 <_ x <_ K. But, several methods exist for finding the roots, of nonlinear equations and are presented in Appendix II. Next, consider the application of optimal break points to the separable convex programming problem: Maximize n Y f.(x.I J=I3 J : -- 23 subject to I a ..x. £ b . j=l 13 3 1 for I = I, 2 , and x. > 0 J - for 3 = I, 2 , ..., n; m: where f^ (x^) is a concave function for 3 = I, 2, n. Let nx be the number of break points for the approximating function f.(x.) (see Figure 2- 6) , and b j >bji+ b j 2 ..... I b_.v be the values of x^ at which the jk k=l Jj b is the upper bound of the value of k=l 3 x.. Also let s M (k = I, 2..... m.) be the slope of the piecewise 3k k-1 linear function when J b ^ < x^ < J b ^ p. Then, £=1 3% &=1 break points occur, and where k-l i£ xJ k-l ' ^ 3 k 3> if £=1 I k I x3,I - ^I1b3* k-l ItJH - £=1 Zb3& £=1 1£ xJ - J 1bJt for k = I, 2 , ..., m^ and 3 = I, 2, ... ,n It follows that 0 - xjk ± bjk and X. E Xjl + Xj2 + ... + X jmj 24 Xjl Figure 2-6. Xj2 Xj 3 Approximation of f_.(x^.) by f_ (x^) 25 The piecewise linear approximating function f^(x^) can be written as f.(x.) = S 11X.. + s.-x.- + ... + s. .x. .. J J Jl Jl j2 j2 jmj jmj Thus, the original problem can be reformulated as: Maximize " mJ I ( I s x ) j=l k=l 3 3 Y Y3 Z a - - W x., ) I b j=l 3 k=l 3 subject to for j = I, 2, ..., n; k = I, 2, ..., mu " d xjk i bjk and for 1 = 1 , 2 , ..., m; for j = I, 2 , ..., n. 7 X 11 > 0 k-i Jk - This transformed problem can be solved as a linear programming problem using the usual simplex method. * * * If (x^, x ^ .....) is Vl * n H the optimal solution to this problem, then x = I X 1., x = *2 * *n * I k=l It y X ri, , .... x = / X , must be the optimal solution to the approxik-i 2k n p-i nk mate form of the original problem (13). An alternative way to solve the separable programming problem was developed by Miller (18). Given the function sketched in Figure 2-7, let the range of x be 0 £ x £ K and suppose that m break points x^ have been chosen, where x_ = 0, x^ < Xg < ... < x^ = K. ^ (x) f(x) = f M k + - ^ (x) Jc x, ,/ -w;— (X " Xk} * When x^ £ x x^_+ ^, 26 f(x) x,=K Figure 2-7. Piecewise Linear Approximation of f (x) by f (x) 27 Any x in the interval x. < x < x, .. can be written as k — — k+1 (I - A)x^ for some A, where 0 <_ A x - =Sc ■ liW I. x = Ax, ,, + k+1 Subtracting x^ from both sides, + xk ' ixk - 1V ■ X(xk+i - V ' so that f(x) - £(x)k + Let A = A k+1 £<x)k+i " f<x)k Xk+1 I- ^ ---- U x ktl - Xk) - Xf(X)ktl + (I - X)f(x)k . , I -A= A k then, when x^ £ x <_ x^+ ^ there exists a unique A^ and A ^ ^ such that x * Xkxk + Xk+ixk + r and £(x) * xk£(x)k + Xk+i£(x)k+i ” lth xk + xk+i * 1 and A1 , A, ,, > 0. k k+1 — x = Hence for 0 < x < K, — — m ^ m m ^A x , f(x) = I A f(x) , I a k=0k k k=0 k k k=0 = I , and A >_ 0. k In addition, no more than two of the A^ may be positive and they must also be adjacent. Hence, for a separable programming problem, after the lineariza­ tion solution technique is applied to each single-variable function, the problem can be transformed into a linear programming problem by the procedure illustrated as follows. Suppose that for each single variable, a sequence of break points has been chosen. Assume for the moment that the same number of break points m has been chosen for each variable. Then, x. can be expressed 28 r.J 2 ^kjXl'j’ w^iere xk-j k=0 for all j , k, and the value of the break points, and J A,. - I for all j . k=0 J >_ 0 The original problem can now be transformed into: n "j T 7 A, .f, ., where f, . = f .(x, ) , j=l k=0 kj kj kJ J k Maximize (Minimize) subject to A, . > 0 kj “ for all j , m. J for all j ; J o Xti ' 1 and n I J I xId S1, K 1M - ' 1 » j=l k=0 kJ 1 3 kJ From the solution A m. kJ }0 for all i. of this problem, the approximate solution, x. = 3 v3 * I A, .x, ., of the original problem is obtained. k=0 J 3 This solution technique can also be applied to nonconvex problems and hence covers a more extensive area. However, the usual simplex method has to be modified to take care of the restrictions on A,.. kj For the general nonlinear programming problem, there is, in general, no way to show that the particular solution obtained is a global optimum. Extensions to Further Grid Refinement The solution obtained via the transformed linear programming prob­ lem is an approximation to the original problem. The closeness of this approximate solution to the real solution is, of course, determined by 29 the fineness of the grid. Thus, one would tend to approximate as closely as desired, or equivalently, to choose more break points to achieve a finer grid. This procedure is generally acceptable. However, a better and more efficient approach is to generate a finer grid in the neighbor­ hood of the optimum, rather than to select the many break points. A fine grid beyond the neighborhood of the optimum only increases the work of selecting optimal break points and the number of variables, so does not contribute to the refinement of the approximating solution. A procedure developed for this purpose is illustrated below. After choosing a suitable fineness of grid, the optimal break points are selected using the search method developed in this chapter. The problem is then transformed to a linear programming problem and solved by the simplex algorithm. The algorithm terminates when it reaches a local optimum, yielding the first optimal value of x. Four situations can then be identified: I. If the value of x^M e s on the break line of the approximating function, the intervals immediately preceding and following the break line are refined to four intervals by the search method, and the break points at the two ends are discarded (see Figure 2-8). ■ 2. . If the value of x lies within the interval between two break lines of the approximating function, that interval is refined to two intervals (see Figure 2-9). y Figure 2-8. 30 Grid Refinement When x Lies on the Break Line y 21 Figure 2-9. 31 Grid Refinement When x Lies Within an Interval 31 3 . •If the value of x lies before the first break line, this • interval is refined to two intervals (see Figure 2-10). 4. If the value of x lies on the last break line of the approxi­ mating function, the interval immediately preceding the break line is refined to two intervals (see Figure 2-11). Next, the second linear programming problem is formed with the value of variables restricted within the interval defined. This pro­ cedure of grid refinement can be repeated at each stage of the problem as desired. The procedure suggested above is similar to Dantzig's approach (8) for the refinement of grid point. break points. The difference is in the selection of Here, the break points are selected via the search method, whereas Dantzig only halves the grid size instead of selecting the optimal grid size. 32 y y=f(x,) 11 21 Figure 2-10. X* X Grid Refinement When x Lies on the First Interval y Figure 2-11. Grid Refinement When x Lies on the Last Breaking Line CHAPTER III ANALYSIS OF RAW DATA Fitting One-Dimensional Raw-Data A major interest for many engineering investigations is to make predictions about a dependent variable in. terms of one or more inde­ pendent variables through the analysis of data. In order to make such predictions, usually a formula or a mathematical equation is found which relates the dependent variable to certain independent variables. This chapter contains the development of a procedure to fit raw. data repre­ sentation of objective and/or constraint functions by several, straightline "functions when the data indicate a definite, curvilinear relation­ ship. Thus the original, nonlinear problem is to be transformed to a linear problem. First, the special case of a dependent variable to be predicted in terms of a single, independent variable is considered in this section. If a set of data can be represented by a straight line y = ct + Bx, where y is the dependent variable and x is the independent variable, then, for any given x, the mean of the y ’s is given by^a + Bx. Taking into consideration the possible error of measurement and the possible influence of variables other than x, then for any observed y, the regression equation can be modified to y^ = a + Bx^ + e^, where the e^'s are values of an independent, normally-distributed, random variable having 2 "zero" mean and common variance a . 2 Usually a 2 cannot be known but must 2 be estimated by S^, the unbiased estimator for a : 34 ' S S - (S )2 2 = xx yy xy e n(n - 2)S (3-1) xx n where n nIx2 S xx i=l Y 2 I ( Xi) i=l. n 2 (i=l IVi)2 S = yy n Z y, S n n n n I x y - ( I x ) ( J y )5 i=l 1=1 1=1 xy i=l - n is the number of data points, and (x^,y^) is the value of the It^ observation. Let k be the maximum allowable deviation between the observed value and the straight-line calculated value, y^ = ot + gx_. Thus, if the data can be described by y^ = ct + gx^, for feasible chance devia­ tion, 3o must be less than or equal to k; or equivalently, a <_ k/3 and 2 a 2 <_ k /9. Suppose the data at hand is best modeled by a curvilinear — __ 2 function such as y\ = a + g ^x^+ g^x^ + e^, but that nevertheless a linear predicting equation is used. Then the variance of y as calculated by equation 3-1 will be affected not only by the variance of e but 2 also by the variance of g^x . Adopt the criterion that if the constraint S 2 2 < k /9 is satisfied, the hypothesis that the data represent a e — straight line is accepted. If S 2 2 > k /9, one concludes that the data cannot be represented by a single straight line. 35 . Following the above logic, a procedure for finding the break points is next developed. These break points divide the whole, data-point set into several subsets, and within each subset a single straight line is fitted. The method proceeds as follows: Step I — Starting with the first •■ three data-points in consecu- 2 tive order, evaluate S£ for this subset.. Step 2 -- Check to see if S 2 2 <_' k /9 or not. more data point to the subset and calculate S Step 3 — 2 If "yes", add one again. 2 Repeat Step 2 until S^ becomes infeasible. 2 last, feasible data-point used to calculate S . Then, the , ' ■ is identified as the e break point for the first, straight-line segment. Step 4 — Starting with the last data-point used to calculate the 2 previous S^ and the immediate, following two data-points, calculate 2 S^ for this second subset. Then, repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the next break point is found. Step 5 — Repeat Step 4 until all the data points have been included, and the break points have been identified. Step 6 — After all the break points are found, the best straight line segment that fits the data points in each subset can then be obtained by the usual method of least squares. There is one problem incurred in the solution process, however. That is the intersections of these straight lines will not in general occur at the break points. This is illustrated in Figure 3-1. I Figure 3-1. Break Point Shift 37 One of three methods can be used to overcome this problem. first method is to shift the break points from Figure 3-1). The to x^ and x^ (see This can be done, however, only if the new break points do not create infeasibilities. That is, the maximum deviation created is still less than the prescribed value k. The second method can be applied only under certain conditions. That is, when d^ and d^ in Figure 3-2 are relatively small and the data points appear to warrant the assumption of "continuity". The intercept a^ in Figure 3-2, for the first segment, is derived via usual regression analysis. The intercept "a^" of the next segment is fixed, however, as determined by the intersection of the first pre­ dicting line and the corresponding break line as shown in Figure 3-2. Also, the regression .line is shifted to provide continuity. Similarly, the third regression line can be shifted as shown in the graph. The third method to overcome this discontinuity is by approximating the infinite-slope step with a finite slope (see Figure 3-3). Connect the last point (x ,y ) of the segment with the first point ni ni (x ,-,y .T) of the immediate following segment, where y and y n.+l "'n.+l ° 'n. 'n.+l X l I I is the calculated value of the dependent variable y when the independent variable x is x and x ,,, respectively, n. n.+l i x Thus, the problem is again transformed to a piecewise linear pro­ gramming problem and can be solved with the usual separable programming approach. If the constrained optimal value.of x lies within the above 38 y Figure 3-2. Intercept Shift n.+l Figure 3-3. Approximation by Finite Slope 39 mentioned interval of finite slope, the result is a compromise solution in a region of ambiguity, y - y . Otherwise, the solution obtained i i is a nonambiguous optimal solution to the original problem. In some instances, one might identify certain points exhibiting ■some specific property as the break points. Once these break points are identified, the straight lines which best fit the data can be obtained by minimizing the total squared deviation. .The solution procedure is best illustrated through a nonnumerical example. Given that x^ and x^ are the "best" break points for the data shown in Figure 3-4. these data? What will be the best straight lines that fit The solution method proceeds as follows: Let a- be the vertical intercept of the first straight line, b-, bg arid b^ be the slopes of the corresponding straight line for each of the segments. The objective is to minimize the total squared deviation by solving for the value of a^, b^, b^, and b y n Ihx2 ni L Therefore, minimize P 1 - B1 - + I CI1 - a1 - It1X1 - Ij2Cz 1 - X1))' i=n1+l i=0 nl+n2+n3 I, i=n^+n2+ l where <Yi " aI - bIxI - b2 (x2 - Xl> - b3 (xi - X2)} is the value of the observation, n^, n^, n^ is the number of data points in the first, second, and third subsets, respectively. 40 y Figure 3-4. Linear Approximation of a Continuous Nonlinear Process 41 In order to find the minimum of z, take derivatives with respect to a^, b^, 3z 3a and and equate to zero: I I -2 I P . i=0 2 -2 I (?! i=n +1 I -2 3z 3b I 2 3 I Of. i=n^+n2+l - *l)) "2 Z (Y i=0 I 2 -2 I - a 2 - b x )x 21VI2 [Y I=H1+! 3 I=U1-Hi2+! 3z 3b aI ~ bIxI + b 2xl _ b 2X2 “ b3^xi " x 2^ (Y1 "2 1I 2 (Y i=ni+i - a aI ” bIxI- b 2 (xi - xi ^ xi aI " bIxI + b 2xl ‘ b2x2 ‘ b 3 <Xi " x2>) - b x - b (x 0— (3-2) - x ))(x 0 -(3-3) - x ) nl+n 2+n3 - 2 (Y1 - B 1 - b 1x 1 - b 2 (x2 - X1) - b 3 (x1 - X2))(x2 - X1) i=n1+n2+l — (3-4) n 1+n2+n3 ig; = -2. Z 3 i=n+n2+l - aI - bIxI - b2 <x2 " xV ' b 3 <Xi " x2),<xi - * 2 > ' 0 — (3-5) 42 In simplifying equations 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, and 3-5, the following simultaneous linear equations are obtained: nl+n2+n3 I Y± = (ni+n2+n3^al+ ^n2+n3^xl+ ^ XiJb1+ [~(n2+ n3)x1 ni+n2 ni+n2+n3 n3X2 + . ^ xi -*b2 + (~*3X2 + ^ X1Jb i=n^+l i=n1+n2+l (3-6) n 1+tl2+n3 IX1Y1+Xi X Yi= Kn2+n3)x1+ XiIa1+ [(n2+n3>x1 1=0 i=0 i=n^+l I 2 2 + 2 XiJb1 + [-(n2 + n3)x1 + U3X ^ 3 + X1 1=0 2 x^jb, i=n1+l n 1+n 2+n 3 C-H3Xix2 + X 1 X X1Jb (3-7) i=n1+n2+l nl+n2 ^ + nJtn3 - Z ^,xiY i + xI , L I=H1+! i=n1+l ni+n2+n 3 Y i - x2 . L ^ Yi ■ [(n2 + n 3)xl i=n1+n2+l nItn2 nItn2 - H 3X3- ^ X 3Ia3 + ((n2 + nJ x 1 - D3X 1X 3 - X 1 J XiJb1 i=n1+l i=n1+l 43 nl+n2 nItn2 i=n^+l i=n^+l + [-(n2+H-Jx1+ Zn-X1X2"n3x2+ 2jti I xi Xi- L-I X1Jb2 2 [-n x x 1 + n x J nl+n2+n3 I "l+"2+"3 + x "l^2+"3 I x - x I x ]b I=Ii1-Hi2+! 1 Z I=Ii^n2+! 1 J Ii1-Hi2-Hi3 nl+n2+n3 Z X 1Y 1 + X 2 Z Y 1 - In3X 2 - I-D1 Hi2+! i'nl+n 2+ l XjIa1 !=Ii1-Hi2+! 2 nItn2tnS I In3X1X2 - X X1Jb1 + I-H3X1xO + n x i=n1+n2+l ^ nIHi2Hi 3 nl+n2+n3 x9 I x ]b Z !=Ii1Hi2+! 1 (3-8) + [-n x J + 2x I x Z i=n1+n2+l 1 *!+"2^3 + x I x !=Ii1Hi2+! 1 nl+n2+n3 I 9 x.]b3 !=n^ n2+! --- (3-9) Solve the above system of linear equations for the values of a ^ b ^ b 2 and b 3 which minimize z. In this manner, the best linear functions that fit the data are found. All the methods considered up to this point give no guarantee that the maximum deviation of the fitted lines from the observed value will be less than the prescribed value, k. Also, if it can be assumed that the data represent a continuous process, then these methods will give reasonable approximations. 44 Now, consider the'case where the data do not represent a continuous process. Then the nonintersecting lines obtained from the above methods do represent the true situation. When such an objective function is to be optimized subject to some linear constraints, the usual linear pro­ gramming approach or local separable programming cannot be used. Hence, a methodology must be developed to handle this case and is illustrated below. Given the problem of maximizing some objective function f (x) subject to the linear constraints, a^x £ for i = I, 2 , ..., m, x ^.0 , and where the exact, objective function is not known, but must be approxi­ mated from a table of data. Assume that it is known that the objective y is a function of x, where y = f(x) must be a concave function for a maximum to exist. The break point technique is applied and the data are approximated by several linear functions as illustrated in Figure 3-5. Define a^ as the vertical intercept of the first straight line, s^,Sg and S3 as the.slopes of the corresponding straight lines, and d^ and dr, as the differences between two consecutive lines at the break point. Thus, the first segment can be represented as a^ + s^x^, the second as a^ + .s^b^ + d^ + SgXg, and the third as a^ + s^b^ + d^ + s^bg - dg + S 3X 3 where 45 y Figure 3-5. Linear Approximation of a Discontinuous Nonlinear Process 46 k-1 O if % I I hH A=I Xk k-1 I b 'A A=I x- k-1 if I b A=I k-1 A bA A=I A=I and 0 (3-10) I x < A=I k if x I I b^ A=I x A=I ifxI A=I Ib( > (3-11) dk = < if x > I b, A=I x = x^ + x^ + ... + x^, and k = I, 2, 3. Equation set 3-10 embodies two restrictions: 0 ^ x^ Ji b^ and 1. 2 . X^ = 0 whenever x^_^ < b^_^ Restriction I is in the proper format to be added to the original constraints. format. However, Restriction 2 does not fit the linear programming Fortunately, it is not necessary to add this restriction to the model. Since the assumption states that f (x) is concave, Restriction 2 is satisfied automatically. This convexity assumption implies that 47 > s2 > ••• > sJc* This fact makes it easy to see that any solution violating Restriction 2 cannot be optimal-. Hence, the -remaining problem is to transform equation set 3-11 into k linear programming constraints. To handle this, the fixed charge method can be used (12) . . Consider a fixed.charge problem. Minimize xn = Ji f .(x.) j=l 3 J kj + cjxj if X^ > 0 if Xj = 0 w h e r e f j (Xj ) s u bject to linear constraints plus k. * 0 x. >_ 0 for j = I, 2 , ..., n. The problem can be rewritten as: Minimize x = U n £ (k.y. + c.x ) j=l 3 3 J 3 subject to the original constraints plus 1. x J - My J < 0 2. 0 I y j < I where y . is an integer and M. is a very big number. 48 The reasoning for adding the two new constraints is illustrated in Table 3-1. I = 0 0 I I or 0 with respect to minimization of x H > 0 get yj Il want y^ % lfxJ CONSTRAINT I AND MINIMIZATION = 0 L-u TABLE 3-1. yj O 0 . The reasoning is illustrated in Table 3-2. TABLE 3-2. if x. CONSTRAINT I AND MAXIMIZATION want y^ > 0 I = 0 0 get y^ I or 0 0 with respect to maximization of x O yj = 1 11 0 yj - (-1. SIh For a maximization objective function, constraint I becomes x. - Applying the same logic to the example problem, the objective func­ tion can be written as y = a^ + s^x^ + d^y^ + S^ 2 - d 2y 2 + S 3X3. With respect to the maximizing criterion, y^ should equal I, when d^ exists, or equivalently, when the value of x is greater than b^; and y 2 should 49 equal I, when exists, or equivalently, when the value of x is greater • Also, y^, y ^ are integers and 0 £ ? i ’?2 — than e required conditions are summarized in Table 3-3. TABLE 3-3. if x-b^ CONSTRAINT RELATIONSHIPS OF x, d^ AND d^ want d^ if x-Cbj+b^ = O v| 0 = 0 T—I rO Il v| 0 > 0 want y^ = I > O want d^ = O = d2 want y = O = I The approach taken in the fixed charge problem can now be applied to obtain the desired constraint. Therefore, the new constraints used to take care of equation 3-11 are: (x - b1) - MCyi - I) ^ 0 (Constraint I) TABLE 3-4. CONSTRAINT I with respect to maximization of y if x-b^ want y^ get y 1 I 0 = O O Y1 = O > O I I yI = 1 50 (x - b 1 + t>2) - My 2 <_ 0 (constraint 2) TABLE 3-5. if x- (V want y 2 V CONSTRAINT 2 get y 2 0 = 0 I or 0 > 0 = I = I O Ii CS < with respect to maximization of y y2 = 1 Thus, the original problem is transformed to a mixed integer programming problem. Maximize y = a^ + s^x^ + d^y^ + s2x 2 - subject to a. ( I x.) J=Ij 3. J for i I, 2, ..., m for j I, 2, 3 1 xj - bj (I x d2y 2 + S3X3 , - b1) - - y >0 for j = I, 2, 3 j=l ( I X j=l and - bi + b 2) - My 2 <_ x. >0 J “ 0 I Vv V2 I I for j for j = I, 2, 3 I, 2, 3 51 This transformed problem can be solved by the usual simplex method of linear programming with a little care to interpret the optimal solu. 3 tion for the 0-1 requirement of y ,y . If ( J.x. - b 1) > 0 , the value j=l J . of y obtained will be I with respect to the maximization criterion, 1 3 even if. ignoring the integer restriction. If ( £ x. - b ) £ 0, y 3=1 3 obtained will be some value less than I and greater than 0 depending on the value of M submitted, if ignoring the integer restriction. In this case, the value of y should be interpreted as 0. By the same logic, 3 if ( J x. - b + b 9) > 0 , y 9 obtained will be some value less than I and j=l 3 I 4 greater than 0 depending on the value of M submitted when the integer restriction is ignored, and the actual value of y„ should be interpreted 3 2 as I. If ( J x. - b- + b 9) _< 0, the value of y 9 obtained will be 0 with 3=1 3 respect to maximization of y, even if ignoring the integer restriction. Thus, an approximate solution to the problem can be obtained. Extension to n-Dimensional Raw Data Analysis For data of several variables which exhibit nonlinear property, the situation is much more complicated. There is no direct way to approximate the general multivariable function by piecewise linear func­ tions. A limited approach to handle this is presented, however. If a set of data can be represented as a function of several variables, where no interactions occur between these independent 52 variables,* such as F(X) = F1 (X1) + f (x ) + ... + f (x ). I I 2 / n n specified function of x^ only, for j = I, 2, ..., n. f.(x.) is a j j Two approaches for approximating these data by piecewise linear functions can be deter­ mined according to the specific condition. The first approach is used when the data obtained are such that it is possible to attribute the contribution of each f.(x.) taken alone to J J F(X). In this case, the general approach suggested is to analyze each f^(x^) versus F(X) separately. The same technique developed for one­ dimensional data is used. • The situation stated above, however, is very rare in the real world. Most of the time, it is always impossible to separate the effect of two or more variables on the dependent variable. When this occurs, the approach suggested is to fit the data at hand by the sum of several polynomials first. Then, the break point search method developed for analytic functions in Chapter II is applied. One example of such a situation is when a given table of data can be represented as F(X) = f (x ) + f_(x ) where the exact expressions of X X Ii (Xi) and Z are not known yet. Z Thus, if a second degree polynomial function is assumed for f^(x^) and F3 (X3) ; then, F(X) = f^(x^) + F3 (X3) *The case where interactions between the independent variables exists is beyond the scope of inquiry being concerned only with separable functions. 53 2 = + kg + 2 + b^x^. And the coefficients, k^, a^, a^, k g , b^, and b^ can be solved by the criterion of least squares. That n is, minimize the squared deviation z, where z = Ji (F(X) . - f. (x.). 2 . i=l 1 ^2^X2^i^ ’ an<^ ^(X)^ is the It observed value of F(X), f^^l^i t^ie It^1 calculated value of f^(x^), and f g (.Xg) is the i ^ calculated value of f2 (x2). This results in six simultaneous linear equations of six unknowns, k^, a^, a2, Ic2 , b^, and b g , and hence their values can be easily obtained. Thus, the original problem has been transformed to a problem of approxi­ mating the sum of two polynomial functions by piecewise linear functions. The break point search method developed in Chapter II can then be applied. CHAPTER IV APPLICATION OF THE SOLUTION TECHNIQUE TO THE SEPARABLE CONVEX PROGRAMMING PROBLEM Two illustrative examples are presented in this chapter. One is a separable convex programming problem with both objective function and constraints in analytic form. Another is a two-dimensional convex pro­ gramming problem with the objective function represented by a table of values. Illustrative Example I Given the problem below: Maximize F(X) = f^(x^) + subject to “ xi + 6x2 ~ 2x2 '= x^ + 3Xg <_ 8 ------------------------------(Constraint I) 5x^ + 2Xg ^ 14 ---------------------- -------(Constraint 2) \ — 0 > x2 I 0 and ^ 2 ^ 2) Find the approximate solution by replacing eac^1 ^ith three linear functions. Since the objective function, F(X), is the sum of two, single3 2 variable functions, 4x^ - X^ and 6x^ - RXg, the solution technique developed in Chapter II is applicable. Step I: Find the boundary values of x^ and x^. ]_ 'From constraint I, Xg ^ 8/3 then, x- < 2 — 2, x. < 2. I — x^, substitute into constraint 2, The range of X1 and x„ is 0 < X1 < 2, 0 < X0 < 2. I z — I — — Z — ■ 55 Step 2: Check the convexity of f^(x^) and (x^). d f^ x1) -Gx1 < 0 I — for 0 < X1 < 2 — I — -4 < 0 for 0 < x„ < 2 d f2 Cx2^ — Hence, f^(x^) and are 2 ~ concave functions, ensuring that the maximum does exist. Step 3; (I) Solve for the optimal break points of the three piecewiselinear functions. For f^(x^), the break points for two piecewise-linear functions are given by and b ^ . 1) = JlAx1 - x^ - S11X1 Idx1 + j Formulate z^* b12=2 IAx1 - X 1 - Sn I^ - S 21(X1-H11)Idx S 11 = F1 (X1)Zb 11 = C A b 11 - H11Vb 11 = A - "11 sI2 = 11 f ,<b “ >- ~ b ! (l>ll) (b12 bIl) - 2b,, - b 2 Substitution yields: = 4 - - L - bI2b U H11 - i Ii b12=2 56 zi1)= I [ ° bIl (4xi " Xi " 4xi + bn xi)dx + 12(4x i " xi - 4bH + bIl x4 b= x= 2,3., I . 11 I + 2b11x1 + bn x1 - 2b11- b u )dx = - ^ + b 12-2 -4bUxI+bIIxI+j Y 1 - 2bLxI Minimize 4 - 4bIl + bIl by taking the derivative of z^b^ with respect to the unknown, b ^ : - -4 + Ib21 = 0 ^ 11 1.15 b 12 2 I21 = A ^1 1 = ^=1.1, 0.575, or b^^ = 0.575b12. * /I N Thus, , the m i n i m u m of * (z^ + z^) bH z l 1} = I0 b12 (4xl " x I - s Ilx V d x I + = - j p -- 12 Extension in terms I bn of b^2> is g i v e n ^ ( 4 x l - x I - s I l b Il - S 12(X1 - b I V dxI = 0.1525b4 2 to t h r e e p i e c e w i s e - l i n e a r functions for f^(x^), requires b13 = 2 - 2 Formulate by: z^2^ = z ^ ^ + / 14x^ - x^ - s^^b^^ - s^2^b12 ~ bIl^ S13^xI “ b 12^ IdxI that 57 =11 ' * - bH =12 4 b12 b 12bll bIl ' 4 - b13 ' b 13b12 - bL =13 = 2b12 b12 b13"2 %(1) + /(4x1 - x, AfeI2 + 2b12Xl zI + 2xi - f - 4bi2xi + bi2xi 2b12 + bI2xI^dxI 2bL xI + ^ r 1 1.9025b42 - SbJ2 + AbJ2 - Ab12 + A Minimize zj by taking the derivative with respect to the unknown, b ^ : ,_(2 ) d b T T ' fI cbI2) = "4 + 8bI2 " 1 5 b L + 7 -610bL Solve equation A-I by Newton-Raphson method. I1Cb12) = 8 - SOb12 + 22.83bJ2 First guess, b j ^ = 1.5. " 0 ■(A-I) 58 1.5 - -0.0670 14.3675 1.5 + 0.0047 = 1.5047 fI(bI f ) fI(bIf) 1.5047 - fi<b(f) Thus, % 1.505. 0.0018 14.5484 1.5048 Also, by Sturm's Theorem (see Appendix II), there is exactly one real root within the range 0 <_ I 2 for equation 4-1. b12 = 1.505, the second derivative is greater than zero; hence, is minimum at b ^ = 1.505, and b^^ = 0.575 b ^ = 0.865. (2) For Ig(Xg) and two piecewise-linear functions having break points at b„, and b, 22 ' Formulate z. b 21 2 b22-2 , J |6x 2 - 2x 2 - S21X2 Jdx2 + / |6x 2 - 2x 2 - s21b b21 ° - s22(x2 - b 21)|dx S21 = f2 (b21)/b21 = 6 - 2b21 f2 (b22^ f2 (b21^ 6 - 2b22 _ 2b21 (b22 - b21) 2 - 2b, b22=2 b22=2 z21) " / C6x2 “ 2x2 - 6x2 + 2b21X2^dx2 + / C6x2 “ 2x2 “ 6b21 + 2b2] - 6x 9 + 6b01 + 2b22x2 - 2b21b 22 + 2b01x 0 - 2b91)dx 21 2 21 2 At „ 3 b Zx, ? 21 + - 3 + b 21x2 0 „ 3 ^a2 2 2 3 + b 22X2 “ 2b21b22X2 + bZlx2 b22=2 = I ‘ 4b21 + 2b21’ Minimize — - by taking the derivative with respect to the unknown, = -4 + 4b21 = 0 b21 21 _ I 2 b21 Thus, z ^ , the minimum of z ^ = 1 °'5b22 in terms of b is obtained from z^1) = - ^ b 22 + b22 " °-5b22 + °-25b22 = 0 -083b22 Then, formulate z ( 2) _ * ( 1) zo J I^X9~ S23^X3 “ b 22^ ^dx2 S2i = 6 - 2b21 S22 6 " 2b22 2 - 2b " 2b21 —s2ib2i—s22^b22~boi^ : 60 0l083bL + J ( 6x2 ~ 2x2 " 6b21 + 2b21 " 6b22 + 6b21 +2b22 " 2b21b22 + 2b21b22 2b21 - 2x 2 + 2b22 + 2b22%2)dx2 0.OSSb32 2x3 3=2 * IT - * b22=2 + 2b22*2 " *2 + b22=2 Y - 8b22 + 8b22 - 2 '23b22 Minimize Z2 by taking the derivative with respect to the unknown, b, d b T T " f2 (b22) “ "8 + 16b22 " 6 -75bL = ° b 22 = 0.717 or 1.653 d2z f ) 16 - 13.Sb22 = -6.32 > 0, when b22 = 0.717 d24 2) — jg--- = 16 - 13.Sb22 = -6.32 < 0, when b22 = 1.653 Hence, b 22 = 0.717 identifies the minimum so that b ^ = O-Sb22 = 0.3585. Step 4: Transform the problem into a linear programming problem to be solved by the usual simplex method. Evaluate the slopes of each approximating segment: sii ‘ 4 - bn 3.253 61 =12 - 4 - b12 - bI2bIl - bIl ‘ -0 -308 si3 ~2hn ~ hi2 S^1 = 6 - ~5'27 = 5.282 s 22 - 6 - 26^2 - 2b2^ - 3.848 S 23 = 2 - 2b22 = 0.566 The problem can then be written as follows: Maximize Fj(X) - SjjXjj + Sj j Xj2 + Sj3Xj3 + SjjXjj + Sj j X jj 4 S23X23 3.253x i ;l - 0.308x 12 - 5.27x^3 + 5.282x21 + ' .848x 22 + 0.566x, subject to X^1 + X12 + X 13 + 3x21 + 3x22 + Sx33 ± 8 Sx11 + Sx12 + Sx13 + 2x 21 + Zx22 + Zx23 I 14 X 11 < b 11 = 0.865 11 — 11 X12 <_ (b12-bll^ = 0,639 X 13 < (2-b12) = 0.496 x21 <_ 0.359 X22 <_ (b22_b21^ = 0,358 62 X 23 I (2-b22) = 1.283 xjk I O I Jk for j Xj for j I, 2; k I, 2, 3 and I, 2 k Step 5: Computer solution. The transformed problem was solved via the MFOR LP package for linear programming on the Sigma 7 at the Montana State University Computing Center (see Appendix III for computer output). The optimal solution as obtained is summarized below. 0.865 X21 = 0 X22 = 0 x* ^58 = 1.283 F3 (X*) = 6.8138 * x I I x* k=l X = 0.865 * X 2 Thus, the first, approximate, optimal policy for the original problem is X 3 = 0.865, x2 = 2. 63 If the approximate solution is not satisfactory, grid refinement is necessary. By the procedure suggested in Chapter II, is to be refined with respect to the two intervals (0, 0.865) and (0.865, 1.504), %2 with respect to the interval (0.717, 2) to obtain a better approxi­ mate solution. First, for f^(x^) on the interval (0, 0.865) formulate m z i bIl = / . K - X 1 - 0.865 s i i x i Id x i +1 U x 1 _ - X 1 - S i 1^ 1 - s L ( X r ^ 1 )Id , bIl ,2 4 — b S12 = 4 " ( 0 - 86 5) 2 - ( 0 . 8 6 5 ) 6 ^ - b ^ = 3.25 2 - 0 . 8 6 5 6 ^ - b ^ -0.28 - 0.323b' + 0.433b'^ , after integration and simplification. (I) -0.323 + 1.299b|2 = 0 dbIl bU - I f i I - 0-25- bh - 0-5 For f^(x^) on the interval (0.865, 1.504), formulate I I4x- — X^ — f (0.865) - s' (x 0.865)Idx 0.865 1.504 + / L x 1 - X 1 - f (0.865) - S ^ b j 1 - 0.865) - s ^ ^ - b ^ ) |dx bIl 64 fi (bii) " fi<0 -865) - 0.865 - b 1.738 - 1.504b' - b ,2 f1 (1.504) - f1 (bj1) 1.504 - b ^ ,2 3.252 - 0.865bV can be simplified to z<2) = 0.282 - 3.1 3 5 b + 2.107b^2 - 0.429b'^ --- -3.135 + 4.214b^ - 1.287b|2* = 0 b ^ = 1.15, or 2.09 Since 2.09 > 1.504, 1.15 is chosen. The refined break points for f^(x^) are at 0.5, 0.865, and 1.15. Now, for f2 (x2> on the interval (0.717, 2), formulate = / |6x„ - 2x 9 - f 9 (0.717) - s' (x9 - 0.717) |dx 0.717 + 2 ? J |6x 2 - 2x2 " f2(0-717) - s21(b21 ~ °’717) ~ S22(x2"b21)^dx b12 f2(b2i) - ^2,(0.717) b'^ 0.717 f2(2) - f2(b21) 4.566 2b21 65 2.641 - 3.486b' -3.486 + 2.566 b ^ + 1.283b ,2 21 O 1.35 b21 Similarly, the refined break points for f2<x2) are at 0.717, 1.35, and 2. The new slopes are f,(0.865) - I1(0.5) --- = 2.57 11 " 0.865 - 0.5 f1 (1.15) - f1 (0. 865) I - 12 " 0.94 1.15 - 0.865 f2 (I.35) - f2 (0. 717) I - 21 I 1.35 - 0.717 _ — 1.0/ I Q7 f2(2) - f2(1.35) 22 2 - 1.35 • = -0.7. The second approximating linear programming problem can then be formulated as: ,* Maximize F2 (X ) 8IlxIl + S12X12 + S21X21 + S22X22 + 0.94x |2 + I.87x 21 - 0.7x 22 subject to 2.57x|1 ----------------- (4-1) X^1 + X^2 + 3 x ^ + 3x^2 £ {8 - (0.5) - 3(0.717)} = 5.349 Sx^1 + 5x|2 + 2x 21 + 2x 22 U 4 - 5(0.5) - 2(0.717)} = 10.066 66 X j1 < (0.865 - 0.5) = 0.365 xj2 <_ (1.15 - 0.865) = 0.285 Xj1 <_ (1.35 - 0.717) = 0.633 xj2 < (2 - 1.35) = 0.65 Xjk I 0 for j = I, 2,; k = I, 2 where 0.5 + x' + x* = x„ 11 IZ I 0.717 + Xj1 + xj2 = x2 . This transformed problem was again solved using the linear programming algorithm. The optimal solution obtained is: Xj1 = 0.365 Xj1 = 0.633 xj* = 0.285 xj* = 0 (see Figures 4-1 and 4-2) F*(X) = 2.3897 Thus, * * *. X1 = x^j + X1j + 0.5 = 1.15 X2 = X21 + X22 + 0,717 = 1,35 Thus, the optimal solution of the original problem can be calculated by adding the "intercepts" ^(0.5) and f2 (0.717) to the value of eq. 4-1. 67 Figure 4-1. 0.865 1.15 1.504 Piecewise Linear Approximation of f^(x^) 0.359 0.717 1.35 2 Figure 4-2. Piecewise Linear Approximation of f„(x_) 68 F(XA) = F2 (XA) + F1 (O-S) + f2 (0.717) = 7.5387 * A i where X = I * ■X x 2 '1.15' The approximating solution has increased by ,1.35 0.725 and deviates by 0.040 from the optimal solution, 7.579, as obtained by a direct method of solution of the original nonlinear problem (see Appendix V) . ' Note that the optimal solution of the linear programming problem always lies oh a break line. This is due to the fact that only the extreme points of the objective function are searched by the simplex algorithm. Illustrative Example 2 Given a variable y which is dependent on two variables X1 and X2, with the restrictions that the sum of 2x1 and 3x2 must be less than or equal to 15, and the value of X1 and X2 each must be greater than or at least equal to zero. It is desired to find the value of X1 and X2 which maximizes the value of y subject to the stated restrictions. Rewritten in mathematical form, the problem can be stated as: Maximize y = f (x1$x2) subject to 2x1 + 3x2 15 X1 > 0, x2 > 0 Suppose that an analytic expression for y in terms of X1 and X2 has not been found yet, but that observed values of y, when X1 and X2 69 are set to different values, are available and as presented in Tables 4-1 and 4-2. The problem type then is that of Chapter III, and hence that solution technique is used. Step I: Find the best piecewise-linear equations of y to fit the . observed data. For y = > when is set to zero, and y = fgCx^) when x^ is set to zero, the optimal break points and the associated linear regres- • sion coefficients were solved for using the computer (see Appendix IV). Assume that the maximum allowable deviation is 4. The optimal break points, the slopes,. and the vertical intercepts at respective origins are given in Table 4-3. Close examination reveals that the intersections of the approximating lines do not occur (see Figures 4-3 and 4-4). However, the vertical gaps are so small that it can be concluded that the process exhibits continuity. Hence, the second of the three methods to overcome dis­ continuity can be applied; that is, the method of intercept shift. The ending value of the vertical intercept of the immediate preceding segment is identified as the vertical intercept of the linear equation of the current segment with the slope unchanged. Define 0 I x11 I 1.5, 0 < Xg1 I 2, 0 < X 31 £ 0.5, 0 £ x12 <_ I, 0 _< X 32 <_ 3, 0 < X 32 <_ I, 0 X^2 £ 3, 0 <_ X 32 _< 2, the linear equa­ tions in each segment of ^1 Cx1) and ^ 2 ^ 2) can determined as 9.286 + 4;857x i;l, 16.572 - 4x21, and 8.572 - 6x31; 1.000 + lO.OOOx^, 70 TABLE 4-1. VALUES OF (y,x^) WHEN x TABLE 4-2. VALUES OF (y,x ) WHEN Xj IS SET TO "0" y X2 TABLE 4-3. I ii 15 22 26 27 23 20 17 8 0 0 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OPTIMAL BREAK POINTS, SLOPES AND INTERCEPTS OF f^(x^) AND f^(x^) Segment fI txP Z Z IS SET TO "0". i (0,1.5) 2 Slope Vertical Intercept 4.857 9.286 (I.5,3.5) -4.000 22.000 3 (3.5,4) -6.000 28.000 I (0,1) 10.000 1.000 2 (1,4) 5.200 5.500 3 (4,5) 1.000 22.000 4 (5,8) -3.300 43.201 5 (8,10) -8.499 84.824 fItxI1 W Figure 4-4. Piecewise Linear Approximation of y = fgCx^) 72 11 + 5.20x22» 26.6 + » 27.6 - 3 .Sx ^ j and 17.7 - 8.499x^2» respectively. The piecewise linear function of f^(x^) can then be written as 9.286 + 4.8 5 7 x ^ - 4X 22 ~ 6x^^. In the same manner, the piecewise linear equa­ tion of f2 (X2) can be determined as 1.000 + lO.OOOx^^ + 5.20x22 + X32 ~ 3.3x^2 - 8.499x^2' Maximize The original problem can now be transformed to: y = 10.286 + 4.857x^1 - 4x^^ - 6x^^ + 10.000x2^ + 5.20x22 + X^2 - 3.3x^2 ~ 8.499x^2 subject to 2x11 + 2x21 + 2x31 + 3x^2 + + 3x32 + 3x42 + 3x52 — 15 xII - I": x21 - 2 X31 — 0,5 xI2 - 1 x22 i 3 x32 - 1 x42 - 3 x52 - 2 xJ1 I 0 XJ2 for j = I, 2, 3 for j = I, 2, 3, 4, 5 where x^ = x ^ + X21 + X 31 x2 ’ x12 + x22 + x32 + x42 + x52 73 Solve this problem via the linear programming algorithm; the optimal solution can be identified as (see Appendix IV): X12 = 1.000 X11 = 1.500 * X2I - 0 X22 = 3.000 * *31 ' 0 * x„„ = 0 * * * * X1 = X11 + X01 + X01 = 1.500 * * * * * * x0 = x01 + X00 + X00 + x,„ + X00 = 4.000 21 22 42 52 y = I(Xjj X2) = 10.286 + 32.886 43.172. 0 * 0 CHAPTER V CONCLUDING DISCUSSION Any practical optimization problem in the real world can be classi­ fied into two categories. The first category entails knowledge about the objective function, the domain of feasibility, and the form of analytic functions and inequalities. This prior knowledge enables the use of existing mathematical programming algorithms to search for the optimum. The second category of optimization problems occurs when an analytic expression for the objective function is not available, but a specific set of values of the independent variables and the corresponding values of the objective function are available. In such circumstances, the usual approach for finding the optimum is to fit a curve to the data, followed by the application of an appropriate optimization algorithm. In both cases, selection of a proper mathematical programming algorithm is very important to the efficiency and success of the search for the optimum, as is insight of the impact the constraints have on the opti­ mum . Roughly speaking, mathematical programming can be partitioned into two main areas— linear programming and nonlinear programming. Linear programming is concerned with determining optimal decision variables for problems in which a linear objective function and constraints are involved. There are numerous practical applications of linear program­ ming throughout industry, business, as well as other areas. Very efficient algorithms are also available for solving these problems. 75 Nonlinear programming, on the other hand, is concerned with determining optimal decision variables in which nonlinear objective and/or nonlinear constraints are involved. models. There are also many nonlinear optimization However, solution techniques for nonlinear optimization prob­ lems are not as readily applicable as are linear optimization solution techniques. Although many different nonlinear programming algorithms have been developed to solve different special classes of problems, each algorithm has application only within a narrow class of problems. Therefore, the separable programming approach which offers greater generality becomes an attractive way to solve nonlinear programming problems. As pointed out by Dorn (9), a large number of practical problems have separable objective functions. or more specifically The separable programming approach, the piecewise linear approximation approach, is . actually the most universally used in practical applications. Separable programming can be used for many of the nonlinear programming problems, including the geometric programming problem as recently reported by Kochenberger, Woolsey, and McCarl (14). Although transforming the original nonlinear problem to the approximating linear problem greatly increases the number of variables, the problem can still be solved more easily and quickly due to the efficiency of the simplex algorithm. In many cases, the most valuable ' aspect of an optimization problem is not the optimal plan itself, but 76 father the resulting insight gained especially with respect to a sensi­ tivity analysis of the problem. Linear programming has the advantage that the impact of constraints on the optimum is very easy to identify. Numerous computer codes and techniques for handling" special formulations of the problem are also available. Even though there are many practical problems which are nonlinear, the simplex method has proven to be so efficient that the approximate solution given by the linear programming model is very acceptable for most of these problems. . I The search technique developed for the optimal break points of the piecewise linear function in Chapter II is amenable to the existing separable convex programming method. It helps to find a better approxi­ mation of the objective function, and hence a more precise, near opti­ mum solution can be obtained. When this search technique is applied to each stage of the approximating linear programming problem by the pro­ cedure suggested in Chapter II, it can effect a reduction in the number of iterations required to obtain the same optimal solution. The optimal break-point search technique is very easy to apply, the only difficulty involved is the determination of the roots of a single-variable nonlinear equation, which is of the same order as the objective function to be approximated. That is, if the degree of the objective function is n, then the degree of the nonlinear equation to be solved is also n (after integration and successive differentiation). For many practical problems, the degree of the objective function need 77 riot be great, and hence the solution technique is applied easily. When both the objective function and the constraints are non­ linear, questions arise as to which should one choose to select the optimal break points. The author suggests that if there is only one nonlinear constraint, one should choose the constraint as the basis for selecting the optimal break points in that the simplex method examines the extreme points of the feasibility region in locating the optimum. The result is a more precise constraint set, or equivalently, a better set of extreme points. If, however, there is more than one nonlinear constraint, then the choice is arbitrary. Having solved the first approximating linear programming problem and having some idea of the neighborhood of the optimum, successively more precise approximations can be obtained by further grid refinement. Another method to handle this situation might be mentioned in the event that the independent variable x can be expressed explicitly, (11). For example, if the given problem is: Maximize subject to f (x) = /x + a^ - Va^ bx 2 - 2x <_ c x 2. 0 Let then, y = /x + a^ - /aT x = y2 + 2/a^y + (a^ - a^) 78 bx2 - 2x = by^ + 4bZa^y3 + (ba^b - 2a^b - 2)y2 + 4(b - I)/ a ^ y + (a2 - a1)[b(a2 - a^) + -2b - 2] <_ C The transformed problem can be stated as: Maximize y A subject to and y >_ 0, by ‘ O + (4b/a^)y + (ba^b O 2a^b - 2)y + 4(b-l) /a^y £ D if y = /x + a^ - /a^ >_ 0 for all x. In this transformed problem, there is only one nonlinear function which needs to be approximated. The optimal break-point search method developed in Chapter III takes into consideration the second category of optimization problems indicated at the beginning of this chapter. The curve selected to fit the data is composed of piecewise linear functions so that the simplex algorithm can be applied and the advantages 8f linear programming struc­ ture can be attained. One natural limitation involved in this problem is the danger of extrapolation beyond the scope of observations. Unless the scope of observations is broad enough to cover the actual feasi­ bility region, a global optimum cannot be guaranteed. If the constraint set of the separable programming problem is not convex, so that there may be several extreme or locally optimum solutions, then the global optimum cannot be guaranteed by the solution procedure discussed so far. Since the linear programming algorithm - 79 searches the extreme points, it will terminate upon reaching a local optimum. algorithm. Soland (21) attacks this problem by a branch and bound The algorithm solves a sequence of problems, in each of which the objective function is convex. each of the variables x J Each of these problems restricts to a suitable subinterval of (£.,L.) and J l replaces each original objective function ip by its convex envelope* over the subinterval. The minimum of the optimal solutions over all subsets is then identified as the global minimum. A very practical advantage of separable programming is,that one can terminate at any stage of the procedure when the approximating solution becomes satisfactory. This fact constitutes one of the reasons why separable programming is gaining more and more attention. In conclusion, the purpose of this study was to develop a simple, systematic method to search for the optimal break-points of the piecewise linear function used in the separable programming problem. A future prospect for investigation is to program the break-point search method and the refinement process via the linear programming algorithm. The possibility of the direct fitting of multivariate data with piecewise linear functions might also be investigated. *Convex envelope of ijj is the highest convex function which fits below ip. APPENDICES APPENDIX I DEFINITION OF.CONVEXITY A function of a single variable, f (x), is a convex function, if, for each pair of values of x, for instance, x^ and x^, f (Ax^ + (I - AJx^) <_ Af(x^) + (I - A)f (X2) for all values of A, where 0 <_ A <_ I. f (x) is a strictly convex function if the equality sign in the above expression is removed. It is a concave function (or a strictly concave function) if this statement holds when >_. (or >) is used instead of ' . If f (x) possesses a second derivative everywhere, then f (x) is con- 2 2 vex if and only if d f (x)/d x >_ 0 for all values of x for which f (x) is defined. 2 2 Similarly, f (x) is strictly convex when d f (x)/dx when d. f (x)/dx 2 2 < 0, and strictly concave when d f (x) /dx 2 2 > 0, concave < 0.' APPENDIX II ■NUMERICAL SOLUTION METHOD OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS Determination of the Number of Real Roots for a Polynomial Equation on the Interval (a,b)— Sturm's Theorem (3) Let Fq e P (x ) be a polynomial of degree Let -F^ be the remainder n in"x, F^ in the division of F^ by F^, and sponding quotient; that is, Fq = Q^F^ - F^ and similarly, F ..., and finally F , = Q F , n-1 n n a the = Q2^2 “ J ■ Let a < b be two real numbers. and V be the number of variations in signs of the sequence of b functions F^, F^, F^5 .... evaluated at a and b , respectively. V corre­ with the convention that any nonzero con­ stant divides any polynomial exactly. Let V EP^(x). Then, > V1 and V - V1 exactly equals the number of real roots of P (x) = 0 a — b a b n on the interval (a,b). This is true for simple as well as multiple roots, but each multiple root is to be counted only once. Thus, for equation 4-1, 7.QlOb^ ~ ISb^2 + Sb^2 - 4 rO - 7-610bI2 3 - 15bL + Sb12 - 4 F1 = 22.83b12 - SOb1 2 + 8 F 2 " -5bI2 + 5 -33bI2 - 4 F 3 = 5.648b12 - 10.264 F. = -3.699b,. - 4 4 12 -16.344 ' =0 83 The sign of Fq , F^, F^, F3, F^, and F5 when equals 0, 2, respectively, are shown below b12 F0 F1 F3 F4 F5 V I I I 2 3 + I + I + + I I 2 I 0 F2 = V 3 - V q = 3 - 2 = I, and there is exactly one real root Thus, for equation 4-1 on the interval (0,2). Determination of the Value of a Root for a Polynomial Equation I. Method of False Position (3) In this method, we find experimentally, two numbers x^ and x^, as close together as possible, such that y^ = f(x^) and y^ = f (x^) are of opposite signs. the equation If f (x) is continuous, then there is a root x^ of f(x) = 0 in the interval (X^1X3). A first approximation x (1) can be derived by replacing the function y = f (x) in the interval (X^1X3) by the straight line which passes through the points (x^,y^) and (x2 ,y2) and finding the abscissa of the point where this line cuts the x axis. Thus, x ^ = x^ - ((x^ - X ^ Z C y 1 - y2) better approximation, y ^ = f(x^) is computed. To obtain an even Then, if y^ and y ^ are of opposite signs, a root lies in the interval (x^, x ^ ) . Other- .84 wise y (I) and interval (x must be of opposite signs, and a root lies in the (I) ,x^). After locating the root in this way, repeat the above procedure to obtain a closer approximation. 2. Newton-Raphson Method (3) In this method, start with an approximation x. C D to the I the second approximation, required root x^ of the equation f (x) = 0? (2) to the root can be obtained as x. ( 2 ) where f '(x) is the derivative of f (x). further approximations x ^ \ x^\ x (1) - (f(x(1)/f'(x(i:)) Repeat the process to obtain ..., etc;, successively from the formula x^i+1^ = x ^ ^ - I(Xi) Z f (Xi) . The process converges rapidly when the numerical value of the derivative f ’(x) is large relative to f(x) in the neighborhood of the required root. MFOR LP TABLEAU (1)— ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE I 9 10 11 12 13 14 -3.253 0.308 5.217 -5.282 -3.848 -0.566 0.865 0.639 0.496 0.359 0.358 1.283 MFOR LP TABLEAU AND THE PROGRAM OUTPUT OF ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE TABLE I H-I. ( ■OPTIMAL SOLUTION (3> matrix m 32 Na m e 7 8 I 10 11 * 5 6 name 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 R. h ,.S, ITER STEPS PIVS 9BJECTIVE O -6,813845 RS 3 4 4 VALUE 6.813845 1.135000 5.675000 .865000 •639000 »496000 «359000 .358000 1.283000 value .865000 .000000 .000000 .359000 .358000 1.283000 1.135000 5.675000 ,000000 .639000 .496000 ,000000 ,000000 .000000 ... . RNs RSW O I 2 3 4 5 6 O INFEAS DETERMINANT MIN, R/CSST •000 _!•OOOOOE O 1..- .3080000 .— — . •000000 8,000000 14.000000 •865000 — . '639000 ,496000 •359000 •358000 1.283000 7 8 TRUE /COST/ ■3.253000 __ .308000 5,217000 ■5,282000 .3,848000 *•566Q00 .000000 ,000000 ,000000 .000000 . . . .000000 »000000 ,000000 ...... ,000000 ____ FRI CE __ — I.OOQOOO ...,000000.... ,000000 3.253000 ..oooooo . ,000000 5-282000 3,343000 ,566000 REDUCED ■«666000 3,000000 2,000000 ,oooooo ____,000000 •oooooo ,oooooo «000000 1.000000 . .3 ♦ 7 8 I ... . «000000 3.253000 2 ,oooooo •oooooo 4 5 5,282000 3(548000 ,566000 6 ____ R8W . «000000 . __ •308000 5,217000 •OOOOOO •oooooo •oooooo •oooooo NEW CSL SLD CSL $ _____I* - _ . ■i . TABLE III-2. MFOR LP TABLEAU (2)— ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE I Column -2.57 -0.94 -1.87 5.349 10.066 0.365 0.285 0.633 f ( (3 ) MATRIX R.H.S, ITER STgPs =IVS OBJECTIVE O M?2 r6 3 3 3 .2,389660 NAME 5 6 1 2 3 10 NAME ---J 2 3 --- A —— 5 6 7 8 9 10 VALUE 2*389660 2*800000 5*550000---.365000 «285000 *633000 ,650000 VALuE ,365000 ,285000 ,633000 ,000000 2,800000 5,550000 ,000000 «000000 ,000000 .650000 ROW RHS O I 2 3 4 T -6 0 Infeas determinant min, r/cost new ceu old •000 I.OOpOOE P__ «7000000 2 PSICE. »000000 5,349000 10.066000 «365000 *265000 ,633000 «650000 TRyE /eC9T/ ---- .2.570000 .,940000 •1.870000 •700000 •oooooo ,0 0 0 0 0 0 ,000000 •oooooo «000000 ■,oooooo _# 1,000000 ,700000 'OOOOQO________ 3.000030 »000000 8,000000 2*573000 »000000 ,'949000 tOOOOOO I*8TpOOO »000000 »000000 1.000000 REOycED R8W ------1— »000000 »000000 A . -'OOOOOO 5 »700000 I •oooooo •oooooo 2 ?»570000 •940000 !•870000 •oooooo 6 OB <» •90T!*AL solution APPENDIX IV COMPUTER PROGRAM TO SEARCH FOR THE OPTIMAL BREAK POINTS Variable Description X(I) Independent variable of the regression equation Y(I) Dependent variable of the regression equation NK Maximum allowable deviation of the observed value from the calculated value 90 LAI >578 I 1,000 P 2 *000 3 , 3,000 4 4,000 5 5.000 6 • 6.000 7.000 7 8 8.000 3 9,000 ID 10.000 11.000 11 * 12 12.000 13 13.000 14 . 14,000 15 15.000 I6 16.000 17 17.000 18 18.000 19.000 15? 20.000 20 21.000 21 • 22.000 22 23 23.000 24 24.000 25 25.000 26 26.000 27 27.000 23 23.000 29 29.000 30 .000 33 31.000 31 32 32.000 33 33.000 34 " 34.000 35 . 35.000 36 36.000 37 37,000 33 30.000 39 40 ■ 40.000 O d D 1^l 08/30/73 11:43 DIMEN5I9N x (15) Di vIEn s i 3 n y <i~ ) RE AD (135,I )N#NK READ(105,12)(X(I),Y(I )>IsI/N ) M=I 2 SJYX=O, SJYXE=O. S j y v =D. SJYYE=O. SJYXy=O' J=Y + 2 09 3 I=Y/J SJYX«5JMX+X(I) SJ y XE = S1 J MXE + X( I )■**£• SJYV =SJYV + V (I ) SJYY2=SJMY2+Y(I)#*2» 3 SJYXY=SJYXV+X(I)*Y(I) SXX=3,*SJYX2-SUYX**2, SYY=3,*SJ"Y2.SUYY**2. SXY = 3. »SuYXV-SLlYX^SJMY SE =(SXX*SYV-SXY**2.)/(3,*SXX) F = (N<**2,)/s. Ir (S E »l E •F )39 T9 6 J A =J * I B=(Y(JA)-Y(M))/(X(JA)-X(Y) ) A = ( (Y(JA)+Y(M))/2,)-B*(X(JA)+X(M))/2 W^ITEf108,13)JA,B,A M=Y + ! 39 Tg £ 4 SJ y X=SJYX-X(M) SJYX2=SJYX2-X(M)**2, S j y Y=S j MY-Y(M) SJYYE=SJMYE-Yf")*+?' SJYXy=SJMXY-XfM)*Y(M) SXX=IN»SJ"X2-S'JYX**2, S YY = IN + S'jMyE- SyMY + * 2 • SXY= IN,S JMXY-SLJYX+SJYY SE=(SXX*SYY-SXY**?.)/(IN*(lN-2)*SXX) b =s x y / s x x A = (SJYY/IN)-3#(SUYX/IN) 91 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 49 50 51 5? 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6 0 - * * • w « 61 62 63 6 4 - 65 6 6 • 67 68 69 70 71 » SC 81 - 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 41. COO 42.000 43.000 44.000 45.000 46.000 47.000 48.000 49.000 50.000 51.000 52*000 53.000 54.000 55 . 000 56*000 57.000 58.000 59.000 60,COO 61.000 62.000 63.000 64,000 65.000 6 6 . 0 0 0 67.000 6 8 .OCO 69,000 70.000 71.000 72,000 73.000 74-000 75,000 76.000 77.000 78.000 79.000 80*000 81*000 W9IT f ( 10s, 5K,SXX,SXY,SYY,SF,B, A 5 r03yAT(/,lX,'THE B R E A K p 9JNT IS A T p 3 l M V j ^ B E R '/ I//,lx#'SXX= ' , F i 0.3,2X >ISXY1 I,F l 0.3,2X ,'SYY=',F 1 0 , 3 22 *, 'SE='#510'3# / / # ! % ' 'SLS3E B =' » F 10•3#2 X # 'VERTICAL 3' INTE^CEDT A = '#F1C'3) I-((N-M+l) • LT • 2 ) GS T9 9 GS T 9 2 Y= Y * 2 INs 3 L=Y + 1 DS 7 I=L# N S J y X b S JYX+X ( I ) SjYX2=5JYX2+X(I)**2' SJYY=SJNYtY(I ) SJYYg=SUNY?+Y(I )**2' SJ ^ X y = S J N X y + X ( I) * y ( I ) IN 8 Isj+ I SXX=IN*SUYX 2 .SUNX** 2 , SYY=INtSjYYB-SyYY*»2* SXY=IN*SJYXY"SUMX,SJMY SE=(SXX*SYY»SXY**2'>/UN*(lN-a)*SXX) Ir ( S f , 3T , F ) 39 TS 8 7 CSNTINJE S YrY+IN-3 IN=I n -I GS T9 4 9 NA-N-I B s ( Y ( S i ) - Y f N A ) )/( X(N)-X(NA) ) A=Y(NA) WRjTF ( IO 8 ,10)3,X(NA),A 10 f 9R y AT( / / # IX#'SL9 p E B='#Fl0.3#2X#'VERTICAL '# 11 In t e r c e p t a at x = i #f 5,3# i = i , f i o «3) I F O R M A T (2l2) 12 F3RMAT(2F10'2) 13 FSPMAT ( / / , I X,'THE BREAK PSlNT IA AT PSINT', I' s|Um 3£R * , I 2, / / # IX, 'SLSPE B a ' ,FlO, 3, 2x, 2' V E R T I c A y INTERCEPT A = i ,f 10,3) 11 STg= END 6 92 THE BREAK POINT IS AT POINT NUMBER SXX= SXY= 3 . SOO SLOPE B= 4.857 17.000 SYY= 86.000 VERTICAL INTERCEPT A= THE BREAK POINT IS AT POINT NUMBER SXX= SXY= 12.500 3 -50.000 SE= 9.286 7 SYY= 220.001 SE= SLOPE B= -4.000 VERTICAL INTERCEPT A= SLOPE B= ♦STOP* 0 -6.000 VERTICAL INTERCEPT A AT X = 3 .500= . • THE BREAK POINT SLOPE B= ■ IS AT POINT NUMBER SXX= SXY= 5.200 THE BREAK POINT SLOPE B= 104.000 548.004 VERTICAL INTERCEPT A= SE= .900 5*500 SXX= SXY= -3.300 -66.000 SYY= 218.988 VERTICAL INTERCEPT A= IS AT POINT NUMBER 11 SXX= ' SXY= -51.000 SYY= 22.000 9 THE BREAK POINT , 1.000 VERTICAL INTERCEPT A= IS AT POINT NUMBER 6.0O1 ‘ 5 SYY= THE BREAK POINT SLOPE B= 7.000 IA AT POINT NUMBER 6 1.000 I 9.999 22.000 VERTICAL INTERCEPT A= THE BREAK POINT SLOPE B= I .333 IA AT POINT NUMBER 2 10.000 20.000 1.143 -8.499 VERTICAL INTERCEPT A= SLOPE B= ♦STOP* 0 -8.000 VERTICAL INTERCEPT A AT . .147 43.201 433.999 SLOPE B= SE = SE= .184 84.824 X=9.000= 8 000 * TABLE IV- I. MFOR LP TABLEAU— ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE 2 10 -4.857 -5.2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 C ( "S0TMAL SBLUTI8N (3> matrix R1H.S. ITER STrPS PIVS OBJECTIVE O m33 r9 4 4 4 -32. 885500 name I ^4 11 12 4 5 15 16 17 NAME I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ---- n 14 15 16 17 _________ ( VALJE 32*385500 1*500000 »000000 2*000000 •500000 "1,000000 3.000000 I.OOOOOO 3.000000 2.000000 v *lje ___ RSw____ O INT£AS DETERMINANT MIN, R/C9ST •000 3.OOOOOE 0 1.3903333 RHS P 9 I C E ___ ___ O •OOOOOO I 15*000000 --- — 2-----1*500000 3 2.OOOOOO 4 •500000 5 -- 1*000000 * 6 3*000000 7 1*000000 8 3*000000 9 2.000000 TRjE /cSST/ r.500000 ■ “ " ".4.857000 •oooooo 4.000000 •oooooo 6.000000 l.ooooocr -10.000003 3*000000 -5,200000 •oooooo •1.000000 •oooooo ..... 3*300000 •oooooo 3,499000 •oooooo •OOOOOO •oooooo ■ .OOOOOO 2*000000 •oooooo ,500000 •oooooo .oooooo ----- .000000 --«000000 .oooooo 1.000000 •OOOOOO 3.000000 •OOOOOO . 2,000000 •OOOOOO 1*733333 1*390333 *003000 _ .oooooo *000000 4.SOOOOO .000030 .333333 •*000000 .003000 ___.oooooo .000000 .oooooo ,303000 REDjjED T 'S 6 •oooooo •oooooo •OOOOOO •OOOOOO .000030 RSw “ ^OOOOOO 7.466667 9*466667 ■ ‘OOOOOO •OOOOOO 4*200000 8*500000 13*699000 1*733333 1.390333 •OOOOOO 4.SOOOOO ■OOOOOO 9 1.733333 __ *000000 -.333333 •300030 1*000000 ’ NEW CS, OLD CSL 3 4 • 2 7 S 9 ■ - I* 10 . APPENDIX V SOLUTION OBTAINED FROM THE DIFFERENTIAL ALGORITHM (22) be the constrained derivatives for m = I, 2, Let be the smallest negative derivative, and v^ be the largest positive decision derivative for which the corresponding decision variable d^ is positive. Problem solution is illustrated as follows: Step I 3 2 Maximize y = 4x^ - x^ + 6x^ - 2x^ subject to x^ + 3x^ ^ 8 Sx1 + 2Xg £ 14 X1, X2 I 0 can be transformed to: Maximize 3 y = 4x1 - X1 + 6x2 - subject to 2 (V-I) *1 + 3x2 + *3 = 8 Sx1 + 2x 2 + X 4 - 14 xI * x2’ X3’ X4 - (V-2) 0 Let X1, x2 be the decision variable and x^, x, be the state variables. 4 V1 = 4 - Ix1 = 4 ’ I when X1 = x2 = 0 v 2 = 6 - 4x 2 = 6 Vi = 0 96 = Vg = 6, thus, y can be increased by increasing while holding constant. From equation V-I, x^ can be increased by 2.67 without going beyond the feasible region. From equation V-2, x^ can be increased by 7 without going beyond the feasible region. Also, from the expression for V^, x^ can be increased at most by 1.5 in order to increase y. Hence, x = min(2.67,7,I.5) = 1.5. The constraints become x^ + 3Xg + x^ = 3.5 --------------------------------------------- (V-3) 5x ---------------------------------------------(V-4) I + 2x 2 + x. = 11 4 Step 2 = 4 - 3x^ = 4 > when x^ = 0, x^ 1.5 Vg = 6 - 4Xg = 0 Vi = 0, v^ = V1 = 4; y can be increased by increasing X1- From equation V-3, X1 can be increased by 3.5, from equation V-4, X1 can be increased by 2.2. increased at most by 1.15. y = 7.579. But from the expression of V1 , X1 can be Therefore, X1 = min(3.5,2.2,1.15) = 1.15; BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Abramowitz, M. and L. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Series, 55, 1964 , pp• 67-89. 2. Alloin, Guy, "A Simplex Method for a Class of Nonconvex Separable Problems," Management Science, Vol. 17, No. I, Sept., 1970, pp. 66-77. 3. Chakravarti, I. M., R. G. Laha, and J. 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