CPC Minutes (January 22, 2015) 900 Oakwood Street 342U EMU Student Center Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Meeting Opened 7:00pm Officers Present: All Officers Present Delegates Present ΑΓΔ ΑΣΤ ΑΞΔ ΔΖ ΣΔΤ ΣΚ ΣΝΦ ΣΣΣ Senior X X X X X X X X Junior X X X X X X X X Special Guests: ­Kelly (student government event) PLEASE BE SIGNING UP YOUR CHAPTERS ­mrich7@emich.edu , she can also be reached in the student government office in room 342 Officer Reports President: ● Dates for CPC Meetings for the following semester are as follows and we will be in room 219 of Pray Harrold ○ 1/28 (Installation) ○ 2/4 ○ 2/18 ○ 3/10 ○ 3/24 ○ 4/7 (Elections) ○ 4/14 (Installation) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● **** 3/31 will be SLATE in the Greek Life Office, Senior and Junior Delegates must be present******* The Fraternity and Sorority Experience Survey must be completed as soon as possible by at least 80% of your Chapter, due date is coming up quickly! Catalyst will be 2/13 ○ a lot great programming for everyone to come out! All calendars are updated and have the most recent information on them, if you’d like to add anything like your event please let us know! Grade reports­ please pick them up during regular office hours, and sign for them UIFI­ scholarships are available ○ http://www.emich.edu/campuslife/greek­life/leaddev.php (the application is at the bottom of the page) Leadership Exchange­ applications are due by 1/29, and you need $100 ○ will get that 100 dollars back if you follow through with the conference! Apply for leadershape! ○ applications are on the greek life page Executive Vice President: ● Dates for GLASS I: ○ 1/15/16 3pm­5pm Student Center room 300 ○ 2/12/16 4pm­6pm Student Center room 310B ○ 3/11/16 4pm­6pm Snow Health Center ○ 4/8/16 3pm­5pm Student Center Kiva Room Dates for GLASS II: ○ 1/22/16 3pm­5pm Student Center room 352 ○ 2/19/16 4pm­6pm Student Center room 301 ○ 3/18/16 4pm­6pm Student Center room 310B ○ 4/15/16 3pm­5pm Student Center room 320 Dates for GLASS Recertification: 2/11/16 4pm­5pm Student Center room 301 2/18/16 4pm­5pm Student Center room 301 ● Dates for Greek Judicial Board Meetings: ○ 2/11/16 7pm­9pm ○ 3/3/16 7pm­9pm ○ 3/17/16 7pm­9pm ● Social Policy Conference will be taking place at Catalyst, please have your President and Risk Management Chair/ Social Chair present. If you have anything you’d like to discuss at the conference please send topics of interest to Braber@emich.edu ● All GLASS rosters are updated, please look over them so I know if I need to make changes ● Office Hours: ○ Tuesday 3:30pm­5:00pm ○ Thursday 3:30pm­6:00pm ○ By Appointment Vice President of Membership: ● VP of Membership Office Hours ○ Mondays and Wednesdays from 6­8 p.m ● Recruitment Meeting ○ February 2nd at 4 p.m. in room 300 of the Student Center. ● Gamma Rho Chi Applications due February 1st, the Gamma Rho Chi Icebreaker will be on March 18th from 9:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. in room 320 of the Student Center. ● Recruitment dates may be amended to September 22­25th due to having the option to better room availability, and lack of meeting conflicts. ● Meet The Greeks ○ January 27th at 7 p.m. in Phelps/Sellers Hall ● Women’s Basketball ○ Recruitment opportunity February 3rd. Email hsargent@emich.edu for more information. ● Implementing the hashtag #FindYourYellowUmbrella to advertise fall recruitment. ○ theme is “How I Met Your Mother” Vice President of Education: ● New Member Institute ○ The dates are and all meetings are in Pray Harrold : ■ Tuesday March 8th from 6­8pm ■ Wednesday March 9th from 6­8pm ■ Saturday March 12th from 12­2pm ○ The link to register: ■ https://docs.google.com/a/emich.edu/forms/d/1LVX1eyeb3p8OKfCfXDfPY9Nln tAwqGvD_1eZfGvrwj4/viewform?usp=send_f ● New Member Institute Survey ○ http://studentvoice.com/emu/newmemberinstpost ● Gamma Sigma Alpha ○ Encourage members to apply! ■ Brochure : http://gammasigmaalpha.org/wp­content/uploads/pdf/GSAbrochureNEW.pdf ○ Have interested members contact me as soon as possible! ○ Money is due February 15th. ○ Initiation is February 18th. ● Photovoice ○ Vision: "for a world in which no one is denied the opportunity to speak out and be heard." ○ Participant & Committee Meetings ■ Mon, Jan 25 at 6pm in SC Room 302 ■ Mon, Feb 29 at 6pm in SC Room 302 ● ● ■ Mon, Mar 14 at 6pm in SC Room 302 ○ Example: http://www.myacpa.org/sites/default/files/ccaps_2011_convention_Photovoice_ACPA_2 011.pdf Scholar of the Month ○ January Winner Announced→ ○ February 15 next submission due Office Hours ○ 2­3pm on Thursday ○ 2­3pm on Sunday Vice President of External Affairs: ● Office Hours: ○ Monday’s 12:00pm­2:00pm ○ Thursday 11:00am­12:00pm and 5:00pm­6:00pm ○ By Appointment ● Philanthropy Dollar Raised Form, please keep this updated over the semester ○ https://docs.google.com/a/emich.edu/forms/d/1IUyMrWHGw9vfLE8pQvS7Pp_f1tSoXU QnNpvfep0Iuog/viewform?c=0&w=1 ● Service Hours Form, please make sure you updating this. ○ https://docs.google.com/a/emich.edu/forms/d/1XBgzbGrbcU­vn_pK1kJ8ngMUBOfPntK RWnYR6QPBZZ4/viewform?c=0&w=1 ● Meeting Times for the next two meetings ○ Greek Week Captains: ■ Our first official meeting is going to be Monday, January 25th @8 pm ■ Wednesday February 10th@ 7pm ○ Philanthropy/Service Meeting ■ Monday February 1st @8pm ■ Monday February 29th @8pm ○ Sisterhood/ Social Meeting ■ Monday February 8th @8pm ■ Monday March 21st @8pm ○ Room Placements for these dates will be sent to the chairs along with meeting agendas. ● Vision will be hosting another Community Fair on Thursday Feb. 4 from 11­1pm in the ballroom ○ Come out and learn about all of the local service project you can be apart of ○ Also, get informed and get cool gifts from all the tables. ● If you’re still interested in Washi Con Volunteering it’s January 23rd from 9am to midnight ○ contact Emily Rohrer if you will be attending ■ Erohrer@emich.edu ● Volunteering opportunity for watching kids times from 1:00­2:30pm ○ Dates for upcoming volunteering are ■ Jan 21 ■ Feb 25 ● ■ March 17 ■ April 21 ■ May 19 ○ Location Presbyterian Church, 1500 Scio Church, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 ○ Contact Gretchen Farah ■ 734­995­1645 ■ gretchenfarah61@gmail.com We working out details for two fundraiser one at Superbowl and the other at ZapZone ○ If you have anything specific you’d like to see let me know. Vice President of Internal Affairs: ● Greek Awards ○ please tell seniors in chapter to be on the lookout for a google drive document for the six letter powerpoint that will presented at a senior gathering ● CPC Semester Dues ○ CPC dues for the winter semester will be applied to chapters after open recruitment has been finished and we are able to have updated rosters so please inform financial chairs to be on the lookout for that ● Delegates ○ we will have delegate training after our next meeting! It should only last an hour and it is highly suggested to have your junior delegate with you! ● Chapter of Month for February ○ Sigma Sigma Sigma ● Social Media ○ please if you are not already go follow @EMUGreekLife, it will be up and running ASAP ● Office Hours ○ Tuesday→ 11:30­12:30 ○ Thursday→ 11:00­ 12:30 ○ By Appointment Member at Large From IFC: ● Miss. Greek ○ there is a meeting on Wednesday at 8pm in the Delt House, if you have questions please contact Nate Pyle, npyle@emich.edu ● SIGN UP FOR RELAY FOR LIFe Unfinished Business: New Business: ● Amendment of Recruitment ○ September 22nd to the September 25th (this is the only date that we would be in McKinney Hall, it would be the night of Preference) ● Voting on New President ○ Alex Bakhaus Old Business: Announcements: Meeting Closed: 7:40pm