IFC Minutes (February 5, 2015) 900 Oakwood Street 330 EMU Student Center

IFC Minutes (February 5, 2015)
900 Oakwood Street
330 EMU Student Center
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Meeting Opened
7:05 pm
Officers Present
President, Vice President of Membership, Executive Vice President, Vice President of
Scholarship, Vice President of Internal Affairs, Vice President of External Affairs
Delegates Present
*note X denotes present, L denotes late,
Special Guests
Officer Reports
 President
 Instillation of new president
 Kyle Ketchabaw, the newly elected President commits himself to the continued
elevation of the fraternal community.
 Looking forward to being president.
 Jacob Butterfield to be removed from IFC Bank Account, Kyle Ketchabaw to go on.
Executive Vice President
 No Report
Vice President of Internal Affairs
 Greek Awards
 Chapter Flowers
 6 word stories
Vice President of External Affairs
 Keep posting hours
Vice President of Scholarship
 No Report
Vice President of Membership
 Phired Up
 12 pm until 5 pm in 201 pray Harrold
 From 12-2 75% of affiliated members are required to attend
 Afterwards only president and recruitment chair
Advisor Report
 No Report
Unfinished Business
Executive Vice President
Manny Pierce
Vice president of Sigma Nu. Qualifications for chapter are very similar
to that of president.
Has no problem supporting others
Plans to have members of the judicial board selected by the
beginning of the fall.
o Wants at least two representatives from each chapter.
o Put a voting body in the social policy conference.
Jake Reed
o Senior IFC
o Head of rush committee
o Attended a lot of leadership improvement opportunities
o Wants to change how glass is ran.
o Knows everyone hates talking about social policy
 Wants to hold a conference in which we can actually vote
Manny Pierce Elected by closed vote
Vice President of Internal Affairs
 Josh Franke
o Held many Leadership Position
o Gone to many leadership conferences
o Plans to make the budget better
o Maintain positional meetings
o Start a culture of proactivity.
o Event planning experience
o Wants to be transparent
o Wants to hold two events per semester to foster Greek Unity.
 Zack O’Bryan
o Studying accounting
o Great opportunity to make changes to Greek Life
o Budgeting experience
o Wants to make the budget more transparent
o Alumni relations chair
Josh Franke Elected by Closed Vote
Vice President of External Affairs
 Nate Pyle
o Wants every chapter to hold service events with other organizations inside and out
of Greek Life
o Reward system for service per month
o Record events on the website
o Wants to bring in guest speakers
o Wants to send a survey out to change Greek Week
RC Raymond
o Community Service Chairman
o Math Major
o IFC Junior Delegate
o Helped with philanthropy as well.
o Lots of availability
o Experience with event planning
o Has spoken with potential counterparts
 Greek Olympics idea
o Has been pondering better ways to advertise events
o Wants to improve on Greek Week for next year
 Incorporating the theme more.
o Making it easier to contact other service/philanthropy chairs.
o Wants to continue the service challenge.
o Wants to make more Greek-Wide events to bring the community together.
Nate Pyle elected into position by closed vote
 Nick Haywood
o President of PSP
o 2 years on e-board
o Scholarship is very important
o Wants to raise IFC GPA above all men undergraduate GPA
o Wants to make more out of NMI
 Get people more involved into what we stand for
o Wants to exhaust all options to get us as much money as possible to give a
scholarship for academics
o Wants all members of IFC a reserved room in the library.
Nick Haywood Elected into office by closed vote
New Business
Installation of new council members
Meeting Closed
Next meeting
To Be Announced.