Partial-betweenness convexity by John Richard Ellefson A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Mathematics Montana State University © Copyright by John Richard Ellefson (1963) Abstract: Five postulates are given which are used to define a betweenness relation on a set. Examples are given which show the relation is a generalization of the betweenness usually associated with real vector space on the one hand and lattices on the other. Convex subsets are then defined on the set and shown to be of finite character. The extreme points of a convex subset and maximal convex sets are next defined and some of their properties developed. The convex hull of a subset is proved to be equal to the intersection of the maximal convex subsets. PARTIAL-BETWEENNESS CONVEXITY by JOHN RIGHARB ELLEFSON A thesis submitted to the Graduate'Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements:for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Mathematics Approved: Hea^/j, Major Department Chairman, Examining Committee Bean, Graduate Division ■ MONTANA STATE COLLEGE Bozeman, Montana June, 1963 TABLE OF CONTENTS . Page A B S T R A C T » » I N T R O D U C T I O N « « o O O ■ • O • „ « . O O O © O 0 * O O 0 O * O O I . T H E P O S T U L A T E S 2 . C O N V E X 3 , E X T R E M E P O I N T S O 4 „ M A X I M A L C O N V E X S E T S 5 o C O M M E N T A R Y L I T E R A T U R E S E T S . o » o C O N S U L T E D O O © © O © O © © © O © © © e O b © © © © O O e O O © © O O O O O © © O © O © • © © © ° © I v O © © O © © I © © _ O © © © © © 3 O O © © O O © © O 9 O © © O © © O O O © 1 6 O O © O © © © O O © O 2 0 0 O O 0 O O © © © © O © © © © O © © 2 4 ' O O O O O e © © © Q 0 © © 0 O © O © 2 5 ill ABSTRACT Five postulates are given which are used to define a betweenness relation on a set. Examples are given which show the relation is a generalization of the betweenness usually associated with real vector space on the one hand and lattices on the other. Convex subsets are then defined on the set and shown to be of finite character. The extreme points of a convex subset and maximal convex sets are next defined and some of their properties developed. The convex hull of a subset is proved to be equal to the inter­ section of the maximal convex subsets. iv INTRODUCTION In,order to define convexity in a set, it is necessary to have some means of determining when a given element is between two other elements» Conversely, if we are able to determine when a point is between two other points, we can define convex­ ity 0 Exactly what is meant by "between* in the above state­ ments depends on the set containing the given elements,. If the set is a real vector space, betweenness is usually taken as be­ ing a member of the line segment determined by two vectors« If the set is a lattice, betweenness can be taken as greater than the join:and less than the meet of two elementso It is also possible* to postulate certain properties for bhe betweenness relation and let these determine what betweenness is to mean* I The latter procedure is followed in our case* Once we have a betweenness, we are able to define what is'meant by a convex set* Convex sets are, usually assumed to have certain properties, and it is necessary to demonstrate these properties in order to earn the full right to the name,, I IniSeetibns 2, 3, and 4 these properties are developed without commentary, which makes it easier to refer to the theorems, propositions, etc*, when they are mentioned ii| Section 5» We will express "the element as b is between a and c" abco' The union of two sets will either b$ written out or we will use u placed between the sets* Small Roman letters will be used for elements of sets; and capital Roman letters *™2*” will be used for sebs^owith t’he exception of single-element Sets9 which will be designated by small Roman letters with bars over them* - - In Section I an example is given which contains numbers9 and no attempt is made to distinguish between the numbers and vectorse There is little danger of confusioi^, since it is ob­ vious what is to be proved and how it is to T^iq d©ne<> I I, Let E THE POSTULATES be a non-empty set of elements for which a be­ tweenness relation satisfying the following postulates is de­ fined » a, b9 and e are elements of E» abc im- I g a, bp and c elements of E9 abc and Io blies cba» ±1 g n g only I g aeb IIIo ^ adb ITo Vo b ^ x asy stp are elements of E, abc If and y are elements of Es imply there exists an element and axc9 s in bsxo a, bp Cp tp Xp axe o bye o xty that d and Up bp Cp Xp and such,that bpCp dbco If byeo a / y B E b = c, If a, imply 3 Ho and y are elements of ghtgrie exists an e l g ^ ^ s ^ E E9 such and asb» Some of the immediate consequences of the postulates which will be needed in developing the properties of convex sets defined by the betweenness relation will be derived next* 1,1 only if If a and b are elements of E5 aba if and a 53 b, From II we see that a - a implies plies aabo a sa b and establishes the necessity. baa* which in turn im­ The.latter, combined with the given t.a b a , immediately from H o implies The sufficiency follows lo2 If a/’ .bj.t, x, and xtx ^ply and y are elements of E9 axb9 atb» Using V 9 .we see that the hypothesis implies the existence of ah element s such that stb and asa,o By I 0I 9 a = s and the conclusion follows* 1*3 aty imply Let a = x If Sls b 9 t 9 and y are elements of E9 ayb and in I «,2 and the conclusion follows immediately* The postulates and the above properties are the only ones we will use in the subsequent development» It would be interesting to investigate the implications of the postulates more thoroughly| but the central purpose is to investigate sub­ sets having "convexity properties9" and for this goal we will ■ not need further elaboration of the postulates* It is necessary, however, to assure ourselves that we are not dealing with an empty theory* To this end it seems appropriate to construct examples satisfying the postulates* Two examples will be given which show that the convex sets to be defined correspond to well-known convex sets under suitable assumptions* A third example satisfying the postulates will be given which indicates that these convex sets are more gen*=:; eral than those in the other examples* Example I * and define abc Let E be a real or complex vector spa,ee9 as meaning there are non-negative real numbers m and n such that b = ma + nb and m + n = Ie The veri­ fication of the postulates in this example is messy but essen­ tially trivialo We will not verify them here, but will pass on to a more Interesting example* Example 2 „ abe Let E be a distributive lattice* and define as meaning ordinary lattice betweenness (6 )» The veri­ fication of the first four postulates is again trivial* How­ ever, the fifth one depends on constructing the element s and, while not difficult, is not immediately obvious* We will, therefore, sketch the verification of Postulate ?» Let ab and in the lattices that be the meet and join of a We wish to show that there exists an ab ^ s ^ a + b ap - x - a + p, take a + b and sp - t - s + p bp - y ™ b + p, s ** ab + at + bt* and and s xy - t - x + y* We will This rather obviously satisfies To check the other relationship, notice that t ap - x and abp + etp,+ btp ^ to (a + b + p)t ® t bp Now y* such when we are given s ^ a .+.,b* because b We have, therefore, ab abp - sp 83 (s + p)t = (ab + a + b + p)t - because t ^ x + y ^ a + b + p * Thus Pos­ tulate V; is verified* Example 3 * and define abc Let E be a filter op as meaning ac - b ^ a or the notation is the. same as in Example 2* dual filter, or ideal, might as easily ■V- ‘ distributive lattice, a c^b^c, where We note that the have been used* The 6= first three postulates are again easy to verify; and the veri­ fication of the fourth is quite similar to that of the fifth, which we shall verify» We wish to show thait there exists an s - a or ab - s - b; we are given that bp y ^ p s Let ^ t^ x ap - x ™ a s = ab+t, sp - t - s ap - x - a and xy Assume and of or such that s'p - t ap ^ x - p, or xy ^ t ^ y 0 and bp ~ y ^ b and s = a b + t ^ a b + x ^ a b abp + tp ^ xy + tp - to s ab ^ ™ p when bp - y ^ b xy ~ t + a- a - x0 and sp = The first chain assures us that an element of the filter, and the second that ing our results, we see that sp ^ to ab ^ ab + t = s - b and or s is Collect­ sp ^ t ^ ab + t = s* ■ Assume If we let ap - x ^ p s'= ab, we ter and that and bp see that ab - s ^ a, - y - p and s xy ^ t ^ y 0 is an element of sp “ abp - ab ^ ab = s| the filmand once again Postulate 7 is verifiedo The remaining cases are quite similar to one or the other of the above verifications and will be assumed to avoid excess­ ive repetitiouo The use of distributive lattices in Examples 2 and 3 is necessary because the betweenness relation satisfies l*2o A theorem by Mo F t, Smiley and E» Pitcher (6 ) proves that this is necessary and sufficient for E to be a distributive lattice -7if E is a lattice. the sets E This puts somewhat of a restriction on in which our convex sets can be found, but not an overly strong one. In Example 3 we have a set which is not a lattice even though it is a subset of a lattice, which is ade­ quate for the postulates. It is very easy to construct examples showing the inde­ pendence of postulates on finite sets. However, Postulate 17 can be derived from V in a real vector space, and this raises the question of the independence of IV in a sufficiently "rich” set E. The question seems to be far from trivial and is un­ answered at present. Examples of finite sets which illustrate the independence of Postulates IV and V are Figures I and 2 below. Figure 3 is a finite set satisfying all the postulates and shows that E need not have infinitely many points. In the following figures an element between by a a and and b is said to be if it lies on the line segment determined b. Figure I x Figure 2 '--Sr=; • • ' . . Gare should be taken not to confuse thd.illustrations with the set in general» For instancee the intersection of non-parallel lines need not define a unique point; there may be other points cdmmon to the two line segments« 2» Beflnitiono of E CONVEX SETS A line segment determined by two elements is defined to be the set of all elements of are between the two given elements» If a elements, the line segment determined by denoted by and a E b and which are the b will be Ii(a»b)«, 2<>1 Remark, For any empty and is eqmal to a and b in Ep L(a,b) is not L(b,a), This follows immediately from the definition and Postulates I and II, 2.2 longs to Proposition, L(a.b)» a subset of atb x b in L( a pt) be any element of and axt. Ep and L( a Pt), Applying !<,3 we get L(apt ) , L ( a pt) a similar manner we get that if t be- L( t pb) is By definition ax b . is a subset of L(t,b) Since x L(a.pb ) , In is also a subset of whence the proposition, 2.3 longs to Proposition, L(a.b). is equal to For any a and b in Ep then the intersection of L ( a Px) if x and beL( x pb) x. Proof, means and then the union of Let was arbitrary in L ( a Pb ) p a L ( a pb), Proof, we have For any Let t be any element in the intersection. t ; belongs to both L (aPx) by definition xtb and axb. combined with axb implies and L(xpb ) p which implies Applying 1,3 we get axt This atb. using Postulate III, which Since -IQt belongs to L (b„x).,■ we have when we use II0 atX n !which implies x - t Thus we see that any element in the intersec­ tion is equal to x„ which is to say x equals the inter­ section* 2*4 if a Proposition* For any is an element of L(dgx), L(bnx) a, b, c, d9 and then the intersection of e and x in En is an element of L(apd) and L(bsc) is not empty* Proof* b = c, then First consider the case bax and dbxn in b = c which implies By definition we have b L(a»d) section is not empty* Similarly* and a 13 d or dba L(bsb) a - d* If by III and I* so the inter­ implies the intersec­ tion is not empty* Next consider the case we have bax such that and asd intersection of dcx* and and a ^ d* By definition which implies that there exists an bse* L(a*d) b ^ c Therefore* and L(b#c)* s s is contained in the which means that it is not empty* The line segments correspond to the closed intervals in the real numbers as can be seen from properties 2*1 through 2 *4 » In fact* since the usual definition of betweenness in the real numbers satisfies our postulates* if E = R* the closed inter­ vals' will be the line segments* Definition* A convex subset of E is defined to be a 11set which contains the line segment determined by any pair of its pointso Rather than use the phrase, set of we will frequently shorten this to E," vex” or speak of ’’convex 2»5 "A is a convex sub­ nA is con­ A”* Remarko. E, 0, and any single-element set of E are all convex* 2*6 Proposition* For any a and b in E, L (a,b) is convex* Proof* t Let x any element of ment we have y . be any elements of L(x,y)* axb, which implies that L(x,y) and avb. t and L(a,b)| arbitrary, this means that 2*7 Proposition* vex sets of Proof* y E and From the definition of a line seg­ xtv* belongs to is a subset of L(a,b) Applying 1*2 we get L(a,b)* and, since L(a,b) atb, This implies that x and y are is convex* The intersection of any family of con­ is convex* Let J be the family of convex sets and any elements in the intersection* every member of J and the members of is a subset of every member of J Since J x and x and y are in are convex, L(x,y) and is, therefore, contained in the intersection demonstrating its convexity* Definition* The convex hull of any given subset of E is defined to be the intersection of all convex sets which con­ tain the given set* If A is a subset of E, the convex hull *=12*” of A will B.e denoted by 2o8 Ag6 Remark, 0C = 0 , E c = Ej an d , if x belongs to A is a subset Es x c = X, 2.9 Of Remark, If A is a subset of Es A 0. This follows immediately from the definition, 2.10 Proposition, If A is a subset of E s A c is convex. Proof, By definition, Ac is the intersection of the family of convex sets which contain vexity of 2.11 Proposition, If A JLs a subset From 2,9 we know that From 2,10 we see that Ac Proposition, is convex if and only if (Ac )c , 2.13 (Ac )G is a subset of = A c, (Ac )G , If A Ac hence the proposition, is a subset of E, then A A c = A, Proposition 2,10 shows the necessity, Ac Ac of E s is a convex subset containing and, ^therefore, contains that 2,7 implies the con­ Ac, Proof, 2.12 A, A being convex implies is a subset of A, which shows the sufficiency, Proposition, If A and B are any subsets of E, the following statements are equivalents a) The convex hull of the intersection of a subset of the intersection of b) The union of Ac and A and B is Ac and Bc, Bc is a subset of the convex "13hull of the union of c) If Proofo and B A A and is a subset of E9 let the Set Theory then implies that (A u B )c0 Bs Ac is a subset of First we shall prove a) implies b ) » are any subsets of A u Bo B» B Ae Since A in a) stand for is a subset of Statement a) is symmetrical in A and B 9 hence Statement b ) » cjo Next we shall prove that b) implies set of B9 [Au B) g Ac Statement b) implies that A and B is contained in both A and A is a sub­ is a subset of and that the latter is equal to Last we prove that c) implies a)® If Be = The intersection of Bo Statement c )9 therefore9 implies that the convex hull of the intersection of A and B is contained in both Ae and Bc and thus is in their intersection® 2®14 Theorem® If A is a convex subset of E9 A is to the union of the convex hulls of all its finite sub­ sets. Proofo imply that subset of Fe AI Let F be any finite subset of is a subset of A® A» 2®9 and 2®11 This is true for any finite therefore9 it is true for their union® If we can now show the union of the convex hulls of all finite sub-1" sets of Let A is Convep9 we shall have completed the proof® x and y be any two elements of the union® There B e0 “14“ exist finite subsets F are contained in and Fe subsets of the union of sets of (F u G) g G Ge 9 F of A G9 so according to 2 01 3 « (F u G )c 0 such that respectively» and (F u G)c p are elements of subset of and Fe and Since F and G y and G are x are sub­ and L ( x 9y) y is a are finite9 their union L ( x 9y) is a subset of the union of convex hulls of finite subsets of A whenever x and are elements of this Union9 whence the property» 2ol5 Theorem* any element of union of all ( A u p)c E9 A is any subset of then the convex hull of where For any since is convex* If L (a9p) Proof * of and Ge Therefore9 which implies that is finite; and we have shown that y F x a a and a in p L ( a 9p) p is equals the Ae0 is a subset of are elements of Therefore9 the union of all (A u p)e * A u p ranges over Ae9 E , and (A u p )c 9 L (a9p) which is a subset Inclusion the other way is demonstrated by taking an arbitrary x in (A u p)G * set of the union of the L( a 9p ) 9s and each element of shows up in an Ac A is certainly a sub­ since it is a subset of L(a9p ) * is an element of the union since it is in each can now show that the union of the L C a 9P M s Ac Obviously L ( a 9p ) * p If we Iscoenvex9 we will have inclusion the other way an d 9 therefore9 equality* Let the x L ( a 9p M s * and y be any two elements in the union of all There exist a and b in Ae such that x -15= and y are elements of Jj(a9p) We want to show that L (x9y) t L (x9y ) s is any element of and we have axp9 bvt« s in latter means that s is an element of L (apb) that Ac| t therefore5, is an element of of the union of the Since t s such that stp is an element of L ( s 9p) Lfa9P ) vs and If xty Application of 7 guar­ antees an element set of respectively» is a subset of the union» by the definition of a line segment» E L( b Pp )9 and as b » The which is Ac0 stp a sub­ implies and is, therefore, an element where a ranges over Ac0 was arbitrary, we have demonstrated convexity and proved the theoremo 3o Definition,, EXTREME POINTS An element extreme point of A x for any is in L(a,b) treme points of that e (A) of a subset if and only if a and x = a b in will be denoted by A or in E x - b is an whenever A= The set of ex­ e (A)„ It may happen is emptyo 301 set of A x Remarko If A is a subset of Es e (A) is a sub­ A0 This follows immediately from the definitiono 302 If Propositiono A is a subset of Es e(e(A)) - e (A) o Proofo of e (A)o ment of L ( a sb) which is not in there exist and a x ^ a same elements are in e (A)o e(e(A)) is a subset To show inclusion the other way, let e (A) e ( e (A))s in It follows from 3»1 that e ( e (A))o and and A b in x ^ bo Since e (A) be any ele­ x is not in such that By g d x is we see that these ands therefores that This contradicts our assumption on x x x is not in and establishes the proposition0 3=3 Proposition, If any subset of not _in B subset of is. a subset of the set of elements in E Ac and B is which are is, still convex0 Proofo are not in e (A)$ A Let Bo A0o x and y x and Since Neither x be any two elements in nor y are in y is in Ac9 B| L ( x sy) A which is a and no element "17" between sect x Bo and y can be in Bs so L (xsy) does not inter­ If it dids there would be an extreme point between elements which are distinct from it s which is a contradition* Thus we have that intersect Bs L(xsy) extreme point of Bc s x b A es is in Proof o A0 o which does not Let and B Assume that x L(asb)o A be a subset of be any subset of B Be is not in x Ac* such that is a subset of e(B)j be any If and let a ^ xs As so b ^ xs Bc x is which is contrary to the hypothesis* a and and x is a subset of Combine the results and we can conclude e (A)s Es e (Be )* be two elements of is in Ac and also our proposition® 304 • Proposition* in is a subset of x is not in We conclude the proposition* 305 e (Ac ) Theorem* Let if and only if where B be a subset of x in Be is any subset of Proof* E* implies that Then x x in Bc of such that x is is in B By theorem implies that there exists a finite subset x in Ac * The necessity will be proved first * 2*14» B A is in Fe where n Fn is the number of ele- Ii ments in and let Fn * Fm Designate the elements of be the first m elements of implies that there exists an element x is in L ( a sfn )* Since x Fn is in Fn * a .of e (A)s as 6 ° ° s>^n» Theorem 2*14 F ea^ such that it must be that “> l S “ x = a in or n - I x x = f p *since is in x = f^ or f is can repeat this proc­ times until we get that will imply that B We are finished if If not, then B0 ess x = fn o x x = fg* is in L (f^,f2), which In either case x is in and we have proved the necessityo To prove the sufficiency of the condition, assume that x is not in and b e(Ac )0 If this is so, there exist elements distinct from ments a and contains x b x such that x is in L(a,b)» constitute a t'Wo-element subset of in its convex hullo By assumption, ment of the two-element set, which implies that x = This contradicts bo x The ele­ Ag x which ele­ x = a being distinct from a a or and b and establishes the theoremo 3 o6 Corollary o If ment of e(Ac ), x implies that Proofo of Ac, B and B is in Since B A is_ a subset of is any subset of E, A, x is an ele­ x then in Bc Bo is a subset of is a subset of Ag0 A and A is a subset Apply 3=5 and the conclusion followsO 3«? subset of Corollaryo If Ac 0 3 oS is a subset of E, e (Ae) is a A* Proofo in A A is a subset of 3°5 implies that Corollary= Let x Ac, is in A and any x in e(Ac) is Ao be a subset of E0 If A = e (Ac )s “19"” then for any where Av equals Proofo also in x in A An x is. not in the convex hull of minus the element in e(A), in A 7c0 x» Assume that there exists an A 7c0 By hypothesis, A 7 is a subset of We conclude that x A A* x in A which is x in implies that x is A and, by assumption, x is ds in a contradiction, hence the conclusion* A7 by 3=5$ but this is 4o Befinition0 MAXIMAL CONVEX SETS A convex subset of E is said to be a semi­ set if and only if its complement is also convex» 4<>1 Remark, semiset of 4.2 E E is a E, Remark, Definition, of The complement of a semiset of E 0 and are semisets of E, A semiset will be separate two sets if and only if one of the sets is a subset of the semi­ set and the other is a subset of the complement of the semiset, 4.3 Theorem, vex subsets of A and Es (Ellis) If A and B there exists a semiset are disjoint con­ G which separates B, Proof, Define M as the set of ordered pairs of disjoint convex subsets of spectively, (Gv8H 9 ) E which contain Induce a partial order on if and only if subset of H v, and define n G M is a subset of A (G8H) and as follows: Gv and H Consider a linearly ordered subset N B 8 re­ (G8H) is a of M8 to be the ordered pair obtained by taking the union of all the first components of elements of N as the first component and the union of all the second components of elements of N maximal for N8 as the second component. Obviously n is but we need to show that its components are disjoint. Assume there is an There exist elements a x and common to the two components. b of N such that x is an ■=21" element of the first component of of the second component of we know that a - b the first Case0 ponents of tablishes a, n or bo a fl Since b - a„ and N is an element is linearly ordered, To be definite, we will take This means that x is an element of both com™ but these are disjoint» as an element of x Ho The contradiction es­ Since N was arbitrary, we have shown that every linearly ordered subset of the par­ tially ordered set M M is not empty since has an upper bound in Mo (A,B) ZornffS lemma im­ is an element» (AffpBff) plies that there is a maximal element mains to- tieoshown that Let A ff and B ff0 (Aff U x ) c and a and A ff0 c x M0 It re­ are complementary = B ff and an element a b common to such that a respectively0 L(a,d) are elements of of B ff, L(a,d) A ff and B ff0 and L(b,e) and b (Bff u x) c common to Using 2»14 we see that there exist a L(d,x), d Bff Assume there is an element and in. B ff and and in be an element in the complement of the union of the intersection of a Aff Of course, d are elements of in A ff and L (e,x) We now apply 2of and conclude that and A ff L(b,e) and b is not emptyo and c Since are elements are, respectively, subsets of We, therefore, have the contradiction that an empty set contains a non-empty subseto It must be that at least one of the intersections we started with is empty» be definite, we can take the intersection of (Aff u x ) c To and “22“ Bt as emptyo A*p and Let B* (A^sB v ) x) c = A*» At is a subset of itselfo and mality of (A* v (AvsB v ) ^ (A^sB v)s i-s a proper subset of Therefore* (AvsB 5) - which contradicts the maxi- (AvsB v)» The contradiction tells us that Av and Bv are com­ plementary since they are disjoint and their union is the en­ tire seto They are convex and* therefore* semisets» Av G equal 4<>4 and x proves the theorem» Corollary* Let be any element in A If x be any convex subset of E0 exists a semiset separating Proof» Letting If x x is, not in and is not in As As E there A» x and A are disjoint convex subsets to which we can apply 4»3o 4*5 Corollary * an extreme point of A only at Av A9 A is, any subset of E and x is then there exists a semiset meeting X0 Proof* 3*39 If Let Av equal is convex and x A and minus the extreme point„ Av By are disjoint convex sets* Apply 4<>3 and the corollary follows* 4*6 Theorem* If A is any subset of Es the intersection of all semisets which: ,contain Proof* If also a subset of A G* is a subset of any semiset From this we conclude.that Ac equals A* Cs Ac Ae is is a subset of the intersection of all semisets which contain A* “23*= To show inclusion the other way, we consider an By 4=3# there is a semiset A t* is a subset of that A taining G0 G A such that is a subset of is also a subset of A G0 x is not in A „ G A0o and which means x and can thereby con­ is not ah element of the intersection of all semisets containing 4=7 not in We have found a semiset con­ as a subset which excludes clude that x x A Theorem* as a subset c Let A be any convex subset of E0 A is equal to the convex hull of its extreme points if and only if every semiset of O M S M B H aa ad a a* Mo»aMM*MnaMM*HHMa» Proofo E so ^ aao which intersects M so asM ^sa^M M ment of y C0 a subset of that A intersects The necessity will be proved first» there exists an element such that (M n o ^ M M a a i^ o o M o ia M a a n a a M M is in Since C y G of and e (A) A e(A) G, G in (e(A))c E is also From this we can conclude Thereforep the necessity is proved* The sufficiency is proved by assuming that If this is s o s we can find an (e(A))G 0 Assume is a subset of the comple­ is a subset of by 2<,13 and 2*11* A / ( e ( A ))c 0 and a semiset e(A)o x in A A ^ (e(4))c » which is not in Apply 4«4 and we are Assured of the existence of a semiset separating ciency is proved„ x and (e(A))e 0 Therefore, the suffi­ 5o COMMENTARY Special attention is called to 2*14, for it shows that the convex sets are of finite character, and to 4#3 in which the existence of separating semisets is proved* These are in agreement with the results on a real vector space* One should recall, however, that the betweenness relation is valid for a finite set of elements* Many of the properties of convex sets in a real vector space are found for the convex sets which we have defined and justify the use of the name* The possibility that the set E has extreme points pre­ cludes defining a subset of the semisets having only one ex­ treme point* By insisting the set of extreme points of E be empty, we could define an analogy to convex cones and take the semisets which are cones as a minimal intersection basis* The betweenness relation introduced in Example 3 has the advantage of having the elements which define a line segment as the extreme points of the segment* This is not necessarily true in the betweenness relation of Example 2* If the meet and join of two elements are distinct from the elements, the line segment determined by the two elements will have no e x ­ treme points* . Since the line segments correspond to closed \ intervals in a real vector space, it makes the correspondence a closer one if all line segments have extreme points* LITERATURE CONSULTED Io L 0 Danzerp B 6 Grunbaump Vo Kleep Hellygs theorem and its relatives. Unpublished Monograph* 20 Jo Wo Ellisp A general set-separation theorem* Duke Mathe J e volo 19 (1952) ppo 417-21o — 30 So Po Franklinp Some results on order convexity„ Amere Ma t h e Monthly vol® 69 No* 5 (1963) PP® 357-9« 4o Wo Grevep Partial betweenness groups„ Math* Z 0 vol* 7& (1962) ppo 305-18. 5o Po Co Hammer, Maximal convex sets, Duke Math* J 0 vol* 22 (1955) PPo 103-6o 6 Everett Pitcher, Mo F e Smiley, Transitivities of betweenvs n Arvi 4- V\ Q z\zt TrzsT I . ____ - , . T r IHdTUPRSTTY LIBRARIES 3 1 7 6 2 IbOI3656 1 NS 78 EI54 cop .S [Ellefson, John R . PartiaI-betweenness convexity. NAMK ANP AOPWKSa -s NVWr aSaiWO ^ .V:.