Document 13499722

For purposes of this presentation chemical spills can involve:
Not all spills can be prevented but some
can and others can be minimized by:
Practicing good housekeeping
Storing chemicals properly
Transporting chemicals safely
Dispensing chemicals carefully
Minimizing the volume of chemicals
Good Housekeeping
• Eliminate trip hazards
• Minimize clutter
Store chemicals in accord
with other college training
Transportation precautions:
Dispensing Chemicals:
• Use carts, safety containers, and
bottle carriers for transport.
• Evaluate containers for damage prior
to transport.
• Use a gas cylinder dolly for cylinders
• Use plastic coated bottles.
• Place containers in trays or
basins to catch leaks & spills.
• Dispense volatile chemicals in
a lab hood.
• Pay attention so you don’t
overfill containers.
Chemical spills can be divided into
two categories:
1. Low risk that lab workers can
clean up if prepared; and
2. All other spills.
Being prepared means:
• Knowing what spills you can clean up;
• Knowing how to properly respond to
and clean up the spill; and
• Having the materials necessary to
clean up the spill.
Lab workers should not try and clean
up spills when:
• There are injuries that require
immediate attention;
• The identity of the chemical spilled
is unknown;
• Multiple chemicals are involved;
• The chemical is highly toxic,
flammable, or reactive; or
• The spill has spread to multiple
parts of the building or is located
outside the workers lab.
-What To DoWhen a low risk spill occurs, that you are prepared to cleanup, do the following:
Alert people in the immediate area about the spill.
Avoid breathing the chemical substance.
Turn off ignition and heat sources.
Wear appropriate protective equipment.
Confine the spill as necessary.
Use appropriate spill kit materials (for example, use
neutralizers if acids or bases have been spilled)
• Collect waste & provide it to Hazardous Materials
Management (call Risk Management for details)
• Clean area with water if a solid or liquid was spilled.
- What To Do• Evacuate the area that is contaminated (this includes
contaminated air space). Be sure to warn others;
• If possible, close doors and windows as you evacuate;
• Contact Risk Management (422-4468) & provide them
with the following details:
• Location of spill
• Identity of the chemical substance - if known
• Any fire hazards related to the spill
• Your contact information
• Make yourself available to communicate with responders;
• Cordon off the contaminated area; and
• Do not enter a contaminated area until cleared to do so
by Risk Management.
Every lab that uses or stores solid or liquid chemicals needs to have
a spill kit for those substances they can clean up. The spill kit
should include:
Small dustpan and hand broom
Nitrile gloves
Vent free anti-fog goggles
Spill pads or loose sorbents
4-mil plastic zippered bags
Utility gloves
Container for storage of
materials (e.g. 5 gallon bucket)
• Neutralizing materials if using
liquid acids or bases
Spill kits need to be readily accessible and identifiable.
Some buildings/labs are equipped with a gas monitoring system. If a gas
detection alarm is triggered, do the following:
Evacuate contaminated area & call
University Police (801-422-2222).
Notify laboratory or department.
After reviewing this presentation you should:
1. Determine what spills you will be able to clean
up and how;
2. Determine who in the surrounding area you will
need to quickly notify when a spill occurs and
how you will notify them;
3. Implement any necessary spill prevention
measures; and
4. Obtain or build a proper spill kit(s)
Please share this presentation with your co-workers.