Ammonia removal from secondary effluent by selective ion exchange with clinoptilolite by David Irvin McCready A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Civil Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by David Irvin McCready (1974) Abstract: The objective of this study was to provide information necessary for the application of .selective ion exchange to large, scale operation in wastewater treatment. The ammonia-nitrogen removal processes are described. The advantages and disadvantages of each process are listed. Low temperature (4°C) and high temperature'(33°) exhaustion may be predicted by Figure 16. The clinoptilolite weight loss after 100 cycles of exhaustion and regeneration ranged from 0.31 to 0.56 percent per cycle for regenerant pH of 11.0 to 12.5• There was 2.3 percent permanent loss' of exchange capacity after 100 cycles. Organic fouling temporarily reduced exchange capacity by 11 percent. The least cost of regeneration occurs with the reuse of calcium oxide regenerant. At pH 11.5 the cost is $0,030/1000 gallons with 0.24 lb NaCl/galion. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying ■ of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is inderstood that any copying or publication on this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature^l^rV/truQ^s.nOKn/i MC D a t e . 30 . r4- AMMONIA REMOVAL' FROM SECONDARY EFFLUENT BY SELECTIVE ION EXCHANGE WITH CLINOPTILOLITE by ■ • DAVID IRVIN MCCREADY ' A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of. MASTER OF SCIENCE in Civil Engineering Approved: Cha i r m amyExamining Committee 1A Head/ Major Department Graduate Dean ■ MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana December, 1974 iii ACKNOWLE DGHENT . This investigation was conducted under a training grant from the U. S . Environmental Protection Agency.administered by Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. Special thanks are due Professor Robert L. Sanks. Professor Glen L. Martin, Assistant Professor Takashi Asano, Professor T. T. Williams, Professor A. Hayden Ferguson, and fellow graduate students are thanked for their aid, criticism, and suggestions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page VITA ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . . . . . . . id ............ ■ . .............. . TABLE OF C O N T E N T S ................. LIST OF TABLES . . ........ . . . ... . . . ■'iv . .'.......... ■ . .... . .'. . . . . . . . . viii LIST OF F I G U R E S .............• ............... .. . . . . . iii .. . . . . . . ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONCLUSIONS x xii . . ................. ^ xiii Chapter I. INTRODUCTION . . ............. . Objectives ........................... Limitations. . . . . . . . . 3 . '............ . . 3 Symbols . . .................................. .. II. AMMONIA-NITROGEN REMOVAL M E T H O D S ................. Ammonia Stripping ^ . 4 . . . 5 ................. ■ ........ .. 6 Biological Nitrification-Denitrification Breakpoint Chlorination Selective Ion Exchange Land Disposal ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............................. Algae Harvesting 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conventional Ion Exchange . .: . . . . . . . Reverse O s m o s i s .......... I . . . ............. 17 23 23 25 28 32 V Chapter Page Electrodialysis ................... •................. Electro-oxidation ■Distillation .111. ........ J . . . . . . . . . . . Previous Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... S t a b i l i t y ................... .. Ion Exchange Capacity 40 . . . . . 40 . . . . . ; 47 . ; ............... . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . ........ Regeneration . . . . . . . ....... EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT AND METHODS . . ............... .......... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . E q u i p m e n t ...................................... ; . . Dual Media f i l t e r ................................. . Ion exchange reactors Feedwater storage Pumps . . Temperature control Sample collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’................ ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 48 49. 53 .......... Rejuvenation of Fouled Clinoptilolite Regenerant Renovation 38 38 Structural Properties and Source ........ IV. . .......... SELECTIVE ION EXCHANGE LITERATURE Exhaustion 35 . 55 57 58 61 '6.1.61 61 61 62 . . . . . 62 . . . . . ; 62 Weight measurement. 63 Analysis 63 .................................... vi Chapter Page . Materials . Feedwater ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . '. . ..... .... . . . . . .. . . . 63 ' ' 63 ' Synthetic wastewater . . . ...' . . ., .... . 63 Clinoptilolite V.. ..... . .... LONG TERM S T U D I E S ........ .. . . .. .Procedure Results . ... . . 69. '. . . . . ■. . 69 ; . 69 ................. ................ .. . 71 Reduction of Ammonia Exchange Capacity During Cyclic. Operation . . . . . . .. . .. . . . i .Procedure ReSUltS 74 ................................ .. . 75 The EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE.ON EXCHANGE EFFICIENCY 80 . ' . . . . « e . . . - Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPTIMIAZTION OF REGENERATION . . . . . . . 83 , 86 .. . . Chemical c o s t s ............ 86 Clinoptilolite Costs ........ . . . . • . ' Regenerant Renovation Costs. .......... .. Regenerant Chemical Requirements . ■ ..... . ... R e s u l t s ..................... ................ VII. . ; . . . ... Effect of Regenerant pH on Attrition Rate VI.. ‘ I , Bozeman municipal wastewater . . ........ ....,.• . . . 88 . .88 89 vii Chapter Page Regenerant Mixing andStorage Costs Costs Without RegenerantReuse 92 . . . ............. 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costs .With Regenerant Reuse, .'........ .. .'.......... Cost of Regeneration by Computer Program . . . . . . . 95 ^ R E F E R E N C E S ................... L .......... ’.......... APPENDIX A ......................... ............................ 112 APPENDIX B ........................................ .... .......... APPENDIX C ..................... ................... ............ 119 9 ^ viii . LIST OF TABLES Table Page I « Nitrogen Concentrations in Raw Domestic Wastewater . . . ■2. Comparison of Nitrogen Removal Processes I . . . . . . . 10 3. Capital and Operating Costs for Breakpoint Chlorination. 11 4. Capital and Operating Costs for Spray Irrigation . . . 29 5. Reverse Osmosis Nitrogen Removal Efficiencies . . . 33 6 . Previous Investigations of A m m o n i a .................. 7. . ' .42 Method for Determination of the Ammonia Exchange Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 8 . Analytical Methods ............ '................ . 50 64 9. Average Characteristics of Bozeman Secondary Effluent .' 66 10. Typical Characteristics of the Synthetic Wastewater Produced from Bozeman Tapwater ................... . 68 11. 12. 13. 14. Operating Characteristics for the Long Term Attrition S t u d y ...................... ............. .. 70 Effect of Long Term Cyclic Exhaustion on Ammonia Exchange C a p a c i t y ......... ........................... 77 Results from McLaren and Farquhar Temperature Effect S t u d y .......................... ...................... 81 Operating Characteristics for the Temperature Effects Study . ............. .............. .................. ' .82 15. Cost of Chemicals andClinoptilolite. . . . . . . . . 87 16. Amount of ChemicalsRequired 91 17. Amount.of Chemicals Required for Cyclic Calcium Oxide Regenerant. M a k e u p ........ •.............. . forRegeneration ......... 93 ix Table. 18. Page ' Amount of Chemicals Required for Cyclic Sodium ■ Hydroxide Regenerant Makeup ........... .. 19. Capital Cost of Regenerant Storage Tank 20. Capital Cost of Regenerant Mixing Tank 96 . 21. 'Minimum Costs of Clinoptilolite Regeneration . . ,. 22. 94 : Capital Cost for Brine Disposal by Evaporation -Pond ■ . . 97 . 100 • . . 101 . . X LIST OF FIGURES ■ Figure Page I. The Effects of pH and Temperature on the Distribution of Ammonia and Ammonium Ion in Water . . . . . . . . . 7 '2. Ammonia S t r i p p i n g ........ .......... ,.................. 9 3. Biological Nitrification and Denitrification. . . . . . ' 1‘ 16 I 4. 5. A Residual Chlorine Curve Showing a Typical B r e a k p o i n t .................... ......... ............ .. 19 Carbon Adsorption (40 Minutes Detention) 22 6 . Mixed Media or Sand Filtration . . . . 7. . ... . . ... ... 26 Microstraining ............ 8 . Reverse. Osmosis 9. . ............ 31 ......................................... 34 E l e c t r o d i a l y s i s ............... ... .......... .. 37 ' 10. Variation of Ammonia Exchange Capacity with Competing Cation Concentration...................... 52 11. Relative Effect, of pH onAmmonia Exchange Capacity . . . 54 12. Exchange Capacity Versus 56 13. Schematic Illustration for Column Exhaustion with Bozeman Wastewater . . . . . . ............... ; . . . 14. 15. 16., 17. pH ...................... Comparison of Total Attrition Rates with Regenerant Solutions of pH 7.6, 11.0, 11.5, 12.0 and 12.5 . . . The Effect of Short Term Cyclic Exhaustion on, Ammonia Exchange Capacity ................... . 67 . . . . . 73 78 Breakthrough Curves for 4, 23, and 33°C Influent Synthetic W a s t e w a t e r .................. . 84 Volume of Regenerant Required for 95 Per .Cent . Ammonia Elution .................................... . 90 xi Figure 18. 19. Page Cost of Calcium Oxide Regeneration Without Regenerant R e u s e ................................... • 98 Cost of Sodium Hydroxide Regeneration Without Regenerant R e u s e ............................... ; '. 99 20. Cost of Calcium Oxide Regeneration With Regenerant R e u s e ..................... '.............. 103 21. Cost of Sodium Hydroxide Regeneration With Regenerant R e u s e ...............■ ................... . 104 xii ABSTRACT ' The objective of this study was to' provide information necessary for the application of .selective ion exchange to large, scale operation in wastewater treatment. The ammonia-nitrogen removal processes are described. The advantages and disadvantages of each process are listed. Low temperature (4°C) and high temperature'(33°) exhaustion may be predicted by Figure 16. The clinoptilolite weight loss after 100 cycles of exhaustion and regeneration ranged from 0.51 to .0 ' . 5 6 percent per cycle for regenerant pH of 11.0 to 12.5- There was 2'.3 percent permanent loss', of exchange capacity after 100 cycles. Organic fouling temporarily reduced exchange capacity by 11 percent.. The least cost of regeneration occurs with the reuse of calcium oxide regenerant. At pH 11.5 the cost is $0,050/1000 gallons w.ith 0.24 lb NaCl/gallon. ■' ■■ ■ CONCLUSIONS " Selective ion exchange has several advantages for. the removal of nitrogen from wastewater including: ature on removal efficiency, and (3) favorable economics. (I) little effect of low temper­ (2) almost complete removal of ammonia, The objective, of this investigation was to provide information necessary for using clinoptilolite for ammonia removal in large scale operations. The following conclusions were made regarding long term cyclic operation of clinoptilolite ion exchange columns: (I) The attrition rate for the zone of maximum weight loss (the bottom of the exchange bed for upflow exhaustion) will range from 0.31 to 0.56 percent per cycle for regenerant pH levels of 11.0 to 12.5. . (2) Regeneration at pH 11.5 is the maximum caustic level for minimum attrition, at lower pH levels regeneration is less efficient and the attrition rate does not decrease significantly. (3) Exposure to 100 cycles of exhaustion with dometic waste- water and regeneration at pH 11.0 and 12,5 resulted in 2.3 percent’ permanent loss of ammonia exchange capacity. * (4) Organic fouling of clinoptilolite can cause tip to- 11-per- , cent temporary loss of exchange capacity in cyclic exhaustion with filtered secondary effluent unless proper backwashing prior to regeneration is practiced every cycle. xiv The effect of feedwater temperature on clinoptilolite column exhaustion is summarized as follows: (5) Optimum conditions for exhaustion occur at room temper- o Exhaustion at temperatures ranging from 33.C resulted in ature. 12.5 to 16 percent change of feedwater volume treated and 0.10 to 0.14 mg/H NH j - N change of ammonia leakage concentrations. ' Low and high temperature exhaustion performance can be predicted for the given conditions using Figure 16. The following conclusions were made regarding the cost of clinoptilolite regeneration. (6) Minimum regeneration cost results with the reuse of calcium oxide regenerant. At pH 11.5■the regeneration cost is $0.030/1000 gallons. (7) The cost of sodium chloride, $0.012/lb, is a large pro­ portion of the regeneration costs both with and without regenerant reuse. • CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Historically, wastewater treatment consisted of removal of settIeabIe solids, biodegradable organics, and bacteria. But the in­ creasing Intensity of water reuse coupled with increased public re­ action to degradation of aquatic environments has resulted in regula­ tions for the eventual removal of nitrogen, especially ammonia. Table I lists the range of nitrogen concentrations in raw domestic wastewater. TABLE I NITROGEN CONCENTRATIONS IN RAW DOMESTIC WASTEWATER (AFTER METCALF AND EDDY, 1972 [35]) Nitrogen type concentration, mg/£ as N organic 8-35 ammonia 12-50 nitrite >0 nitrate >0 Organic nitrogen, generally in the form of urea, is readily hydro­ lyzed to ammonia during wastewater treatment [35]. Although there is some nitrogen removal during conventional biological treatment, it is not great enough to have a marked effect on the effluent quality. Future federal effluent standards will limit the ammonia-nitro­ gen concentration in treated wastewater either directly by ammonia con­ centration standards or indirectly by Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 2 standards. Rfeasons to limit, thfe wastewater ammonia-nitrogen ' concentration are: (I.) Low concentrations of ammonia are toxic to fish and. other . aquatic life.. Concentrations as low,,as 2.5 mg/f, NH^-N may be toxic to salmonids [35]. (2) Ammonia corrodes p.ortland cement concrete■and metals such, as copper and brass.■ (3) ■ . Ammonia is a plant nutrient. If the growth-limiting substance, ammonia addition will accelerate the eutrophication of lakes and streams. (4) Ammonia in natural waters is. easily oxidized to nitrites and nitrates, thus adding to the oxygen depletion of the-receiving, water. Oxygen depletion limits the type of aquatic life capable of survival.. Less desirable species of fish are associated with low oxygen levels [31]. (5) Nitrate concentrations greater than 60-150 mg/& may cause . the disease, methemoglobinemia, which can be fatal to humans and live­ stock. The 1962 United States Public Health Service standards set ■ 40 mg/5, as the allowable nitrate concentration for domestic use. (6) Ammonia reacts with chlorine during, wastewater disinfection Increasing the chlorine demand... Ammonia and oxidized forms of nitrogen in excess restrict the reuse and disposal .of. wastewater. ' . . ' 3 Objectives This study was intended to complement and complete existing knowledge of ammonia selective ion exchange using- clinoptilolite. The general objectives were to establish criteria under which the most feasible method of.ammonia removal could be chosen and to define more completely the effects of long term selective ion exchange operations. 1. The study had the following specific objectives: To compare methods of ammonia removal in such terms as cost and removal efficiency, and explain briefly each process including inherent advantages and disadvantages. 2. To compile existing knowledge from previous investigations of selective ion exchange with clinoptilolite. 3. To define the effects of long term operation, such as loss of exchange capacity, attrition rate, organic fouling and temperature effects more completely, as would be needed for large scale appli­ cation of clinoptilolite to ammonia removal. 4. To establish a method of easy computation of the minimum cost of regeneration. Limltations (I) Attrition and organic fouling studies were performed with Bozeman wastewater. tapwatcr.• Temperature effects were studied with fortified 4 (2) . Two exhaustion runs were made in each temperature range. (3) The full exchange capacity was restored to the clirioptilolite every 25 cycles during the attrition studies when the samples were heated to 600oC to destroy organic coatings. (4) ' Only 100 cycles of exhaustion and regeneration were performed in the long term studies. (5) All ammonia-nitrogen removal costs are given for a 10 MGD operation. (6) The regeneration costs of clinoptilolite were optimized for a 10 MGD operation. (7) Several assumptions, necessary for optimization of regenerant cost, are explained in Chapter VII. Symbols Symbols and abbreviations are defined in Appendix A. • CHAPTER II AMMONIA-NITROGEN REMOVAL METHODS Many processes have been developed for the removal of ammonia and the oxidized forms of nitrogen from wastewater. Selection of a given process or combination of selected processes depends on: (1) The use to be made of the treated wastwater, which normally governs the allowable nitrogen content. (2) The available means for ultimate disposal of contaminants, such as nitrogen-rich brines from reverse osmosis. (3) The process economics. (4) The other waste substances removed. Some processes remove only nitrogen, whereas others remove deleterious substances such as phosphorus and salts. The five principal ammonia-nitrogen removal methods are ammonia stripping, biological nitrification-denitrification, breakpoint chlor­ ination, selective ion exchange, and land disposal. Other methods which have been investigated for nitrogen removal are reverse osmosis, conventional ion exchange, electro-oxidation, electrodialysis, algae harvesting, and distillation. Some of th.6se methods can be combined, such as nitrification-denitrification with breakpoint .chlorination as a polishing, operation. All cost estimates for the above processes are based on a 10 MGD operation with a total ammonia-nitrogen concentration of 20 mg/ft NH^-N. 6 The cost estimates were updated to an Engineering News Record Construc­ tion Cost Index of 2200, estimated to occur in January, 1975 [22]. Ammonia Stripping The removal of ammonia from wastewater by ammonia stripping in­ volves aeration to remove dissolved ammonia gas. The solution pH must be adjusted to greater than 11.0 prior to being pumped to a stripping tower. The ammonia solution is allowed to fall downward against an upflow of air (or at right angles for a side draft system). Because ammonia release occurs at the instant water droplets are formed, towers are designed for continuous droplet formation and coalescence [18]. The circulation of air maximizes the air-water ammonia concentration differential, thus increasing the removal rate. The release of ammonia can occur only when the ammonia is in the dissolved gaseous form. The high pH is necessary to shift the equilibrium equation (I) to the right. NH4+ NH 3 + H+ (I) Figure I illustrates the relationship between pH, temperature, and the form of ammonia. Most of the ammonia can be maintained in the ammonia form by maintaining a high organic loading rate on the secondary process [21]. The ammonia extracted generally escapes into the atmosphere. wastewater pH must be lowered from approximately pH 10.5 to 8.0 with acid or other means prior to discharge. The 7 FIGURE I: THE EFFECTS OF pH AND TEMPERATURE ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF AMMONIA AND AMMONIUM ION IN WATER ( AFTER CULP AND CULP, 1971 [18]). / 8 Process advantages. (I) This is an efficient process for high ammonia concentrations (>50 m g /X NH^ - N)- at high pH (>11.0) and high temperature (>20 C). Ammonia removal efficiency of 98 per cent may occur under optimum conditions [20]. (2) This is the most economical ammonia removal method,. $0.04/1000 gallons., as shown in Figure 2 and Table 2. It requires relatively inexpensive equipment, little control, and lime for pH control is par­ tially recoverable [47], (3) . Some phosophorus removal occurs due to the high pH necessary for the process [20]. Process disadvantages. • (I) ' The high pH causes carbonate pre­ cipitation which may clog the stripping tower. In addition.the carbonate scale may be difficult to remove [18]. (2) The process removal efficiency drops to 50-60 per cent ■ for average ammonia concentrations (20 mg/Jl NH^ - N) as air temperature approaches freezing [18]. (3) Ammonia must be in the dissolved gaseous form to be removed. (4) The release of ammonia into the atmosphere may be undesir­ able in urban areas and futhermore the extracted ammonia may redissolve . in the receiving water, due to its high solubility. (5) . It is difficult to achieve low effluent ammonia conce'ntra- ■ tions, at best 10% of 2-5 mg/& NH^ - N remain in the effluent. Approx- 9 CAPI TAL COS T MIllONS OF 10.0 DOLLARS 100.0 100.0 10.0 DESI GN ENR = 2 2 0 0 , CAP ACI T Y ESI . DATE : , MGD JAN, 1975 FIGURE 2: AMMONIA STRIPPING. CAPITAL COST, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, DEBT SERVICE VS DESIGN CAPACITY (AFTER SMITH,1968 [47]). 10 TABLE 2 COMPARISON OF NITROGEN REMOVAL PROCESSES Process Removal Cost References Remarks Efficiency, Estimate* % $/1000 gal Conventional Air Stripping 50-98 0.04-.06 18 Costs for summer operation Modified Air Stripping (ARRP) 85+ 0.06-.12 28 Preliminary cost estimate NitrificationDenitrification 50-90 0.12-.13 16,18,36, 43 Conventional Ion Exchange 80-90 0.60-.70 18,36 Selective Ion Exchange 85-98 0.12-.18 Breakpoint Chlorination 100 0.09-.10 18,37,42 Breakpoint Chlorination With Carbon Adsorption 100 0,25-.26 18,37,42 Land Disposal By Spray Irrigation 0-91 0.13-.26 21,36,48 Cost dependent on location 0.04-.06 21,16 Excluding cost of algae disposal, cost dependent on location Algae Harvesting 40-60 29 Excluding costs of pretreatment and brine disposal Excluding costs of pretreatment and brine disposal May require carbon adsorption 11 TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) Process Removal Cos t Efficiency, Estimate* X 32-92 Reverse References Remarks 1,18,36 Excluding costs of $ / 1 0 0 0 gal 0.45-.50 p r e t r e a t m e n t and brine disposal Osmosis Electrodialysis 40f 0.27-.30 2,47 Electro­ oxidation 70-95 0.70-.75 37 Distillation 0-100 0.69-1.73 21 E x c l u d i n g cos t of p r e t r e a t m e n t and brine disposal Nitrous acid may e s c a p e w i t h the distillate aCost estimates are based on a 10 MGD operation with an initial 20 mg/1 NH^-N concentration.Engineering News Record Construction Index ■ 2200, estimated date January,1975. 12 imately 5-6% of this nitrogen is not in the removable form [18]. A modified ammonia gtripping system (Ammonia Removal and Recovery Process) has been developed by CH3M Engineers of Redding, California. This process eliminates the problems of carbonate precipitation, reduc­ ed efficiency at low temperature, and the escape of ammonia into the atmosphere. This process utilizes A closed air circulation system, so no carbonate precipitation can occur after the initial carbon dioxide in the system precipitates. This system can maintain high removal efficiency by exclusion of cold outside air. The ammonia is concentrat­ ed in an aqueous solution maintained at below pH 6.0 with sulfuric acid. Although the process cost is 1.5 to 2.0 times the cost of conventional stripping, costs may be reduced by the sale of ammonia for liquid fertilizer. Further process design optimization is planned by use of a pilot facility operating on lime clarified secondary effluent [28]. Biological Nitrification-Denitrification This process consists of microbiologically oxidizing all the ammonia in wastewater to, nitrates (nitrification) and then microbio­ logically reducing the nitrates to nitrogen gas (denitrification) which is released to the atmosphere. A three stage biological system is generally used although the process is adaptable to a two stage system. The first stage, which removes most of the carbonaceous BOD, can be an activated sludge or trickling filter process. The second and third stages are nitrification and denitrification units., respectively. 13 Nitrification can occur in two steps as represented in equations (3) and (4). NH4^ + 1.5 O 2 - Nitrosomonas „----- 1 NO 2 NO2- + 0.5 O 2 JiltrobacterW NO3- + 2H+ + H 2O (3) (4) Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria, such as Nitroscunonas, Nitrosococcus, Nitrosospira, Nitrocystis, and Nitrosogloes, obtain energy for cell synthesis from the oxidation of ammonia to nitrites. The nitrites then serve as an energy source for other chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria such as Nitrobacter during nitrite oxidation to nitrate [43]. Nitrification must be complete to assure complete denitrification. The basic conditions for nitrification are: dissolved oxygen, (2) 8 hours, and (3) (I) at least 0.5 mg/2, cell detention time in the reactor of at least a low reactor loading rate (<0.3 lb BOD/lb mixed liquor suspended solids-day) decreasing water temperature. [18]. Nitrification rate decreases with The reactor volume required at IO0C would be three times that required at 20°C for a complete-mix system [35] . Denitrification is an anaerobic process which occurs when facul­ tative anaerobic bacteria, such as Pseudomonas, Achromobacter. Bacillus, and Micrococcus use nitrate instead of oxygen as a hydrogen ion acceptor 14 in the election transport system [40]. Denitrification may be represented by equation (5). 4 NO3' + 4 H+ + 5 CH2O ,pseudomon^ 5 C02 + 2N2 + 7 HgO (5) During the process, nitrates are reduced to nitrogen gas and carbon compounds are oxidized. The basic requirements for denitrification are: carbon source, (2) mg/£, and (3) (I) an organic a dissolved oxygen concentration of less than 0.5 a pH of approximately 6.5 [16]. The process proceeds too slowly to be practical when utilizing the carbon remaining after secondary treatment, hence the addition of a biodegradable carbon source is necessary. Raw sewage has been added as a carbon source, but this has the limitation of adding unoxidized nitrogen compounds and additional BOD to the final effluent. Methanol is the least expensive carbon source at the present time. The denitrification rate is also temperature dependent. Denitrification can occur in three possible designs: anaerobic activated sludge, anaerobic filter, and anaerobic lagoon. An optimum removal efficiency of 90 per cent is possible with the nitrificationdenitrification system. Process advantages. (I) Ammonia and the oxidized forms of nitrogen are removed by this process. 15 (2) The conversion of wastewater nitrogen compounds into free nitrogen does not pollute the environment. (3) The costs and removal efficiency of this process are competitive with other removal processes, as shown in Figure 3 [36]. (4) The structures required "are,of simple design. (5) This system can be used to either produce a nitrified effluent or to remove nitrogen compounds. Thus the process can be constructed in steps to meet standards of the present and the future as they are required. Process disadvantages. (I) Nitrification and denitrification-; rates are reduced significantly by low wastewater temperatures. (2) The process will be difficult to control. Process failure may occur due to cell washout, short circuiting, inhibiting substances or failure to maintain anaerobic conditions in the denitrification unit. (3) The process must operate continuously to maintain microbial populations. (4) An exceptionally knowledgeable operator is required to run the process. (5) At optimum removal efficiency, 2-5. nig/Jl nitrogen remains in the final effluent. A polishing operation such,as breakpoint chlorination may be required. 16 100 O GALLONS 100.0 tre a tm e n t OF IOOO DOLLARS Ie ta l CAP I TAL TREATMENT COS T COST . MIllONS CENTS/ 6m Wt s e r y le e 1.0 10.0 DESI GN ENR : 2 2 0 0 , CAP ACI T Y EST. 100.0 , MGD DATE = J A N. , 1975 FIGURE 3: BIOLOGICAL NITRIFICATION AND DENITRIFICATION. CAPITAL COST, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, DEBT SERVICE VS DESIGN CAPACITY (AFTER MONTI AND SILBERMAN,1974 (36]). 17 Breakpoint Chlorination Breakpoint chlorination consists of using chlorine to oxidize ammonia to nitrogen gas and to reduce nitrates and nitrites to nitro­ gen gas. This process has been used extensively for the disinfection of water and wastewater, however its use to remove nitrogen from wastewater is a recent innovation. The addition of chlorine to water forms hypochlorous acid as shown in equation (6). Cl 2 + H 2O HOCl + H+ + Cl" (6) The reaction of hypochlorous acid with ammonia to form monochloramine and dichloramine is shown in equations (7) and (8), respectively. NH 3 + HOCl NH2Cl + H 2O (7) NH 3 + 2 HOCl NHCl 2 + H 3O (8) The reaction of monochloramine and dichloramine with hypochlorous acid to produce nitrogen gas is shown in equation (9) [35] . NH2Cl + NHCl 2 + HOCl N 3 + H 2O + 2H+ + 4 Cl" (9) With mole ratios of chlorine to ammonia up to 1:1, both monochloramine 18 and dichloramine are formed. function of the pH. The relative amounts of each are a Large proportions of dichloramine appear at lower pH in accordance with the equilibrium equation (10). 2 NH2Cl + H+ ^=^5 NH4+ + NHCl 2 monochloramine (1Q) dichloramine Further increases in the mole ratio of chlorine to ammonia result in formation of dichloramine, as shown in equation (8) ,or the production of nitrogen gas as shown in equation (9). These reactions are essen­ tially complete when two moles of chlorine have been added for each mole of ammonia originally present. Chloramine residuals usually reach a maximum when one mole of chlorine has been added for each mole of ammonia and then decline to a minimum at the chlorine -toammonia ratio of 2:1. Further additions of chlorine produce free chlorine residuals as shown in Figure 4. Chlorination of water to the extent that all the ammonia is converted to Oxidized free nitrogen or other gases is referred to as "breakpoint chlorination" because of the peculiar character of the chlorine residual curve, as shown in Figure 4. It is generally assumed that 10 milligrams of chlorine are required per milligram of ammonia to reach the breakpoint. Nitrous oxide and nitrogen trichloride have been identified among the gaseous products of the breakpoint reaction [42}. Essentially all the ammonia can be oxidized to nitrogen gas and the production of other undesir- 19 Mole ratio, CU: NH3-N 05 I 1.5 2 Break point Combined chlorine residuals in predominance Free chlorine residual predominant 12 13 Chlorine dosage, mg/I iter FIGURE 4: A RESIDUAL CHLORINE CURVE SHOWING A TYPICAL BREAKPOINT. THE AMMONIA NITROGEN CONTENT OF THE WATER IS 1.0 MG/L (AFTER SAWYER AND MCCARTY, 1967 [42]). 20 able products can be eliminated by pH control [14] . The hydrochloric acid formed during chlorination will react with the alkalinity of the wastewater and the pH drop will be slight [35]. Process advantages; . (I) Chlorine dosage and pH are the only control necessary. (2) Production of nitrogen gas is not ecologically undesireable. (3) This process can achieve almost 100 per cent ammonia- nitrogen removal. ; • Process disadvantages. (I) • •. The presence of organics, iron (Il), or manganese (I I ) increases the chlorine demand. (2) Carbon adsorption is necessary to remove chloramines" not destroyed by chlorination, (3) . This process increases the chlorides in the effluent 200500 mg/&. This may restrict the reuse or disposal of the final effluent. (4) The cost of breakpoint chlorination ($0,092/1000 gallons), as shown in Table 3, is comparable to other removal.methods. However- the addition of carbon adsorption ($0.16/1000 gallons) as shown in Figure 5, increases, the cost beyond economic feasibility for removal of the major portion of ammonia nitrogen concentrations [36]. ' Break­ point chlorination could be used economically to-remove 2-5 mg/fi.ammonia-nitrogen remaining after less efficient but. more economical■ 2\ TABLE 3 CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS FOR BREAKPOINT CHLORINATION* (AFTER PATTERSON AND BANKER, 1971 [37]) Item Value Total Capital Costs, dollars Chlorination equipment, chlorine feed building, chlorine storage building, contact basin, earthwork, and baffles Amortized Cost*5 , dollars Capital Cost , dollars/1000 gal 532,000 49,500 0.014 Operating Costs, dollars/year Chlorine Materials Maintenance and labor Total Operating Costs, dollars/year 180,000 4,500 100,000 284,500 Operating Cost, dollars/1000 gal 0.078 Total Cost, dollars/1000 gal 0.092 *10 MGD system with 20 mg/1 NH^-N; Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index of 2200, estimated January, 1975. ^15 year life at 7% interest rate. 22 100.0 Ireolm ent 10.0 CAP I TAL TREATMENT COS T , COST , MIlLONS OF DOLLARS Ie to l CENTS ' IOOO GALLONS 100.0 100.0 DESI GN ENR : 2 2 0 0 , CAP ACI T Y EST. , MGD DATE = J A N . , 1975 FIGURE 5: CARBON ADSORPTION (40 MINUTES DETENTION). CAPITAL COST, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, DEBT SERVICE VS DESIGN CAPACITY (AFTER MONTI AND SILBERMAN.1974 [36]). 23 nitrogen removal processes. Conventional Ion Exchange Ion exchange is a unit process in which ions of a given species are displaced from an insoluble exchange material by ions of a dif­ ferent species in solution. This process is commonly used for water softening and demineralization. The chemistry of ion exchange may be represented by equation (11). NH 4 + RNA Exhaustion^ ---------Regeneration RNH 4 + N A + R represents the exchange material. (11) The sodium ion in the exchanger is displaced by the wastewater ammonium ion. Regeneration of the ex­ hausted exchange material occurs by passing a concentrated sodium solution through the exchanger to replace the ammonium ions. Prefiltration of the wastewater is necessary to prevent fouling of the exchange material. The cost of nonselective removal of nitrogen compounds ($0.65/1000 gallons) provided by conventional ion exchange resins is rarely justifiable from a pollution control standpoint [36]. The development of ion exchange processes selective for ammonium and nitrate ions is economically more feasible. Selective Ion Exchange Selective ion exchange for ammonia employs a natural zeolite, 24 clinoptilolite, selective for ammonium ions in the presence of common wastewater ions. The exhausted clinoptilolite is regenerated with an alkaline solution of sodium or calcium ions. The resultant ammonia- rich regenerant can be ammonia stripped and recycled. Selective ion exchange has an optimum ammonia removal efficiency of 98 per cent. The cost of this process, $0.12/1000 gallons with regenerant reuse,and up to $0.18/1000 gallons without regenerant reuse, is comparable to other methods [29] .. . Process advantages. ...(I) The process untilizes .inexpensive regenerant solutions of calcium1or ,sodium which may be ammonia'>stripped and recycled. (2) Clinoptilolite, a natural zeolite, occurs in extensive de­ posits and is less expensive than synthetic exchange materials. The 1971 costs were $4.70/cu ft clinoptilolite and $47.50/cu ft Amberlite IRC-84. (3) Although clinoptilolite has less exchange capacity than synthetic exchange resins its ammonium ion selectivity is compensating. Process disadvantages. (I) This process cannot remove nonion- ized ammonia or oxidized forms.of nitrogen from wastewater. (2) Prefiltration of wastewater may be necessary to prevent zeolite fouling and subsequent loss of exchange capacity. Sand f'iltfa- 25 tion costs about $0.06/1000 gallons as shown in Figure 6 [36]. (3) posed. When mineral buildup occurs, the regenerant must be dis­ Disposal of the concentrated brine may present a problem. (4) Certain design parameters, such as loss of exchange capac­ ity, were not previously documented. Land Disposal Land disposal of wastewater is a potential low cost method of nitrogen removal. (I) The three principle methods of land disposal are: rapid infiltration, (2) pverland runoff, and (3) spray irrigation. Rapid infiltration is the high-rate application of wastewater to a very porous soil. Overland runoff is the low-rate application of wastewater to rather impermeable soils with gradual wastewater per­ colation. Spray irrigation is wastewater application as irrigation water to promote plant growth with subsequent wastewater infiltration into the soil.. Spray irrigation is the land disposal system generally used, for optimum nutrient removal. Primary effluents have been successfully applied by spray irrigation. be saved. The expense of secondary treatment can ' Wastewater suspended particles are strained out, colloids and organic matter are absorbed by the soil particles, nutrients are utilized by vegetation, more complex organic compounds are decomposed by soil bacteria into simple inorganic compounds, and the ground water 26 DOLLARS 100.0 i o ta I Iro atm o n t COS T c a p i t a I coot CAP I TAL TREATMENT COST , MI LTONS CENTS' OF IOOO GALLONS IOO O 100.0 DESI GN ENR = 2 2 0 0 , CAP ACI T Y EST. DATE : , MGD J A N . , 1975 FIGURE 6: MIXED MEDIA OR SAND FILTRATION. CAPITAL COST, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, DEBT SERVICE VS DESIGN CAPACITY (AFTER MONTI AND SILBERMAN.1974 [36]). 27 is recharged. ways: (I) The majority of the nitrogen removal occurs in three soil adsorption, (2) conversion to nitrogen gas. plant uptake, and (3) biological Physical adsorption by soil particles is the principle method of removal of the ammonium ion [21]. Plant cover will remove nitrogen compounds as nitrogen is necessary for cell synthesis. Biological nitrification-denitrification (similar to the process previously mentioned) may occur if proper conditions prevail. If aerobic conditions occur, ammonia may be oxidized to nitrates by bacteria established in the soil. The soil must be allowed to rest periodically after inundation so aerobic conditions occur. Denitri- . fication, an anaerobic process,occurs during inundation, when oxygen ■ is depleted by aerobic bacteria. It also occurs in anaerobic areas created by the oxygen uptake of plant roots. convert the nitrates to nitrogen. Denitrifying bacteria As in other nitrification-denitri­ fication systems, nitrification must occur before denitrification. Nitrification is generally complete. Denitrification may not be complete due to lack of anaerobic conditions or too high hydraulic loading rate. Nitrogen removal varies from 0 to 91. percetit depending on soil type and depth, design and rate of wastewater application, and vegeta­ tion cover [47]. Cost estimates of land disposal are site specific because of the inter -relationship of such factors as land availability and location. Actual construction costs for land disposal systems are 28 not difficult to estimate,as shownin Table 4,but frequently land values exceed the construction cost or there exist tradeoffs between treatment area and pipeline costs [ 3 6 ] . . . Process advantages. (I) Although the Environmental Protection Agency requires secondary treatment.prior to spray irrigation, it may not be technically necessary. (2) The cost of the process, $0.13/1000 gallons, can be compet­ itive with other nitrogen removal processes, especially if the plant cover can be sold [21]. Process disadvantages. (I) If denitrification or plant uptake of nitrogen is not complete, the nitrogen will eventually enter the ground water or surface water. (2) Extensive storage' requirements are necesshry when spray irrigation cannot be practiced during freezing or wet weather. (3) This process may not be practical in densely populated areas because of the high.costs for land or. to low cost land. Algae Harvesting Nitrogen.may be removed from wastewater by algae harvesting. ,In this process, the soluble nitrogen is assimilated into algae cells, transformed into algal cell tissue, and subsequently removed from the 29 TABLE 4 CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS FOR SPRAY IRRIGATION* (AFTER POUND AND CRITES,1973[39]) Item Value Liquid Loading Rate, in/wk 2.5 Land Used, acres 1030 Land Required, acres*5 1240 Capital Costs0 , $ Earthwork Pumping station Transmission Distribution 100,000 200,000 600,000 1,000,000 Total Capital Cost, $ 1,900,000 Amortized Costd , $ 176,000 Capital Cost, $/1000 gal 0.048 Operating Costs, $ Labor Maintenance Power Total Operating Costs, $ 60,000 90,000 40,000 190,000 Operating Cost, $/1000 gal 0.052 Total Cost, $/1000 gal 0.100 *10 MGD system; Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index of 2200, estimated January,1975. ^20 percent additional land required for buffer zone. cCapital costs do not include land costs. ciIS year life at 7 percent interest rate. 30 wastewater. The production of algal cells may be represented by equation [12]. 106 CO2 + 81 H 2O + 16 NO3' + HPO4" + 18 H+ + sunlight — > C 106 H 181 O45 N 16 P + 150 O3 Algae can use either ammonia or nitrates. (12) This process requires shallow aerobic logoons to maximize the penetration of light. Where large quantities of nitrate are to be removed, it may be necessary to supplement the wastewater with a carbon source, such as carbon dioxide, for increased nitrate removal [21]. per cent nitrogen by weight. Algal cells are approximately ten Large amounts of algal cells must be removed to achieve the desired nitrogen removal. from the system is not easy or inexpensive. The removal of algae Sand filtration at $0.06/ 1000 gallons, as s h o w in Figure 7, could increase costs beyond economic feasibility [36, 47]. Algal cells discharged with the effluent would exert a high oxygen demand on degradation and release nutrients. Large land areas (approximately 15 acres/MGD) are required, however less land is required than for land disposal. If long periods of wastewater storage are required, land requirements will greatly increase. The nitrogen removal efficiency of this process is very dependent on the feed characteristics, climatic conditions, lagoon design, and harvesting method. The optimum removal efficiency has been estimated 31 100 O COS T , CAP I TAL TREATMENT COST , M I LLON S OF CENTS / IOOO DOLLARS GALLONS 100.0 ceplteT celt I OOO DESI GN ENR = 2 2 0 0 , CAP ACI T Y EST. , MOD DATE > J A N . , 1975 FIGURE 7: MICROSTRAININC. CAPITAL COST, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, DEBT SERVICE VS DESIGN CAPACITY (AFTER SMITH,1968 [47]). 32 as 60 per cent [16]. Higher removal efficiency may be obtained by constructing multiple ponds for series operation. Cost estimates for algae harvesting, as for land disposal, are site specific. However,, costs have been estimated as $0.04-.06/1000 gallons [21]. The popul­ arity and economic feasibility of this method will be increased if the high protein algal cells can be sold as animal feed. Process advantages. (I) The process cost is very low. Costs are competitive with those of ammonia stripping. (2) The sale of protein-rich algal cells will lower operation costs. Process disadvantages. (I) The discharge of algal cells would have a deleterious effect on the receiving water. (2) The process cannot be used in cold climates because of ' excessive storage requirements. (3) The method is presently unpopular because.of the disposal problem of the algal cells. Reverse Osmosis Reverse osmosis is a nonselective process by which water is separated from substances in solution by filtration though a semipermeable membrane at high pressure (200-700 psi). The principal use of reverse osmosis is demineralization of brackish water. The amount of demineralized water produced from the total quantity processed 33 is a function of the concentration of dissolved substances in the wastewater. Concentration of these substances occurs as water is removed during the process. Precipitates formed during concentration will coat the membrane surface and effectively reduce the water flux. The product water quality deteriorates as the recovery ratio increases above 90 per cent [I]. Recovery ratios of 80-90 per cent appear feasible in municipal wastewater renovation with proper precondition­ ing of the feed water. This preconditioning consists of coagulation- flocculation, and pH control. The nitrogen removal efficiencies list­ ed in Table 4 are a function of the operating conditions, feedwater quality, and membrane type. Intensive study is underway to find TABLE 5 REVERSE OSMOSIS NITROGEN REMOVAL EFFICIENCIES (AFTER AEROJET GENERAL CORP, 1969 [I]) Nitrogen type removal, % organic 71-92 ammonia 74-87 nitrite 45-90 nitrate 23-92 cheaper, stronger membranes to make the process competitive with other nitrogen removal methods. The cost of reverse osmosis is $0.45/1000 gallons as shown in Figure 8 [36]. 34 100 O CAP I TAL TREATMENT C OS T COST , M I LI ON S OF C E N T S / IOOO DOLLARS GALLONS 1 0 0 .0 100.0 DESI GN ENR = 2 2 0 0 , CAP ACI T Y EST. , MOD DATE i J A N . , 1975 FIGURE 8: REVERSE OSMOSIS. CAPITAL COST, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE VS DESIGN CAPACITY (AFTER MONTI AND SILBERMAN, 1974 [36]). 35 Process advantages. (I) The wastewater is demineralized. Many substances besides nitrogen are removed by this process. (2) The process is simple in design and concept. Process disadvantages. (I) Pretreatment of wastewater is •. necessary as reverse osmosis requires a high quality feed water. (2) Membranes are sensitive to pH changes, oxidizing agents, compaction under pressure, and degradation by bacteria. The membranes have a usable life of only a few months and their replacement is .. : costly. (3) '.Nitrogen removal efficiency is variable (23-92 per cent). (4) The disposal of the concentrated brine presents a.problem. Electrodialysis . Electrodialysis is a nonselective process by which wastewater substances are concentrated by the use of semi-permeable membranes. The principal use of electrodialysis is demineralization of brackish water. The application of an electrical potential between two elec.-. ■ trodes causes an electric current to pass through the wastewater solution. Cations, such as ammonium ions, migrate toward the. negative electrode and anions, such as nitrate ions, migrate to the positive electrode through the permeable membranes. The water from which these ions have been collected, flows between the membranes, and is collected ' 36 as partially demineralized water. Recycle of the partially demineral­ ized water through the system is necessary to obtain a high quality water. The amount of electrical energy and the membrane surface area required to demineralize wastewater depends on the amount and type of substances to be removed.. The process cost is thus dependent on the amount and type of substance to be removed. Approximately. 20 per cent of the feedwater is necessary to wash out the concentrated brine solutions [2]. Electrodialysis has problems similar, to those of reverse osmosis, such as chemical precipitation with membrane clogging. Pretreatment, such as chemical precipitation, filtration or carbon adsorption, will be required for low quality feedwater. The nitrogen removal efficiency for electrodialysis is about 40 per cent. But re­ cycle through the system should result in increased removal efficiency. The cost of this process is $0.27 - .30/1000 gallons as Figure 9 [47] . Process advantages, (I) This process demineralizes wastewater. Many substances besides nitrogen are removed. (2) The membranes required have a longer life (5 years) than those used in reverse osmosis. Process disadvantages. . (I) Pretreatment is necessary for low quality feed water. (2) The ultimate disposal of the concentrated brine presents a 37 1000 100.0 CapJteI DOLLARS GALLONS ^ CAP I TAL TREATMENT COS T , COST , M I LLON S OF CENTS / I OOO eperailew malntaitwMa 100.0 DESI GN ENR = 2 2 0 0 , CAP ACI T Y E ST. , MGD DATE ■ J A N . , 1975 FIGURE 9: ELECTRODIALYSIS. CAPITAL COST, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AND DEBT SERVICE VS DESIGN CAPACITY (AFTER SMITH, 1968 [47]). 38 problem. (3) Electrodialysis is two times as expensive as nitrification- denitrification or selective ion exchang. Electro-oxidation Electro-oxidation is a process by which wastewater ammonia is oxidized to nitrogen gas in an electrochemical cell. The overall reaction at the anode is a three electron exchange reaction yielding nitrogen and water as products with almost 100 per cent faradaic efficiency. The reaction may be represented by the following equation: NH 3 + 30H™ ---- » ^sN2 + 3H20 + 3e“ (13) This process appears to have a high ammonia removal efficiency (approximately 100 per cent). But in the laboratory only electrodes containing a significant amount of platinum were capable of converting ammonia to nitrogen gas. .75/1000 gallons treated. The preliminary cost estimate was $0.70 The cost of platinum electrodes is too high to make this process competitive with other methods [27]. Distil lat Ion Distillation involves driving off water vapor from wastewater by heating in a still, followed by condensation of the water vapor. A variety of distillation processes exist, such as flash, differential, and vapor compression distillation. Distillation is unfavorable as a 39 method of nitrogen removal because ammonia would be transferred to the distillate unless.the wastewater was kept at low pH. Even under acid conditions nitrous acid would escape with the distillate [14]. ' Cost estimates for distillation are $0.69 - 1.73/1000 gallons [21]. Because of high cost and low removal efficiency, distillation will not be used for nitrogen removal from wastewater. CHAPTER III SELECTIVE ION EXCHANGE LITERATURE Previous Studies Ames (1967) was the first to suggest that clinoptilolite be used to remove ammonia from waste water [9]'. The clinoptilolite replacement series of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals was the result of an early investigation [3]. The order of preference of clinoptilolite' for various ions decreases in the order, Cs+ > + Ba > +2 Sn > 4~ NA > +2 > CA 4-3 Fe > *.»4*3 Al > Rb+ > -, +2 Mg > K+ > Li + >. ™ 4+ > Ames hypothesized the more closely an ion approached cesium in size, the more selective clinoptilolite is for that ion. He also concluded that the replacement of a given cation is determined by complex relation­ ships between cation size, cation charge, electronic structure, and sometimes temperature [3]. In a later study, Ames stated the cation selectivity of clinoptilolite is due to the exchanging cations, ex­ change sites, and structural water [4]. He suggested the structural water of clinoptilolite is not as firmly bonded to the aluminosilicate framework as for other less selective zeolites. This results in a sieving effect on cations entering the clinoptilolite framework. Ames characterized the exchange kinetics of clinoptilolite by. consideration of particle and film diffusion rates [5]. The exchange capacities of various samples of clinoptilolite were determined and .. reasons for their variability were suggested ,[8]. -Syrithhtic ■ ■ 41 clinoptilolite was produced by subjecting- silica and aluminum compounds to a hydrothermal process at high temperature-(300OC) and pressure (15000 psi) [7]. No cost estimates are available, but synthetic clinoptilolite is likely to cost more than natural clinoptilolite. The results of Ames' early studies did much to characterize clinoptil­ olite and enable its later application to wastewater ammonia removal. Mercer, ejt aJL were the first to conduct small column and pilot plant studies using clinoptilolite for ammonia removal [15, 33, 34]. The potential low cost and the ammonium ion selectivity of clinoptil­ olite appeared to make this process favorable for use in ammonia re­ moval from domestic wastewater. shown in Table 6, indicated: (I) Results of the small column studies, Considerably less regenerant volume was required for sodium regeneration than for calcium regeneration. (2) A 20 percent greater volume of feedwater could be treated to breakthrough with sodium regenerated clinoptilolite.and (3) Regenerant ,solutions used and ammonia stripped for three cycles were as effective as fresh regenerant [15] . There was a 25 per cent loss of exchange capacity due to organic fouling of the clinoptilolite when unfiltered secondary effluent was used [34]. There was also a high leakage and shallow breakthrough due to channeling In the exchanger bed. Results of tests performed with the mobile pilot plant indicate: (I) The ammonia leakage prior to breakthrough could be maintained at 0.7 mg/£ NHg -N. (2) The operationof two columns in series resulted TABLE 6 PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS OF AMMONIA REMOVAL WITH CLINOPTILOLITE Reference Type of Influent Mercer • t #1 Average Influent NH3-N,mg/1 Exchange Reactor Depth, in Exhaustion Throughput to Rate , Breakthrough, BV BV/hr (Breakthrough NH3-N, mg/1) Tertiary Tertiary Clarified Rta Sewage 15.0 15.0 12.0 72 (single) 56(aeries) 56(series) 6.5-9.7 (downflow) 150 (1.0) 250 (I.0-2.0) 232 (1.4) 94 97 93 Battelle MAaorial Inatitute [151 Coagulated Secondary Untreated Secondary 11.0 24(series) 220(1.1) 98 15.0 24(single) 20 (downflow) 16.6 (upflow) Mercer et al [331 Coagulated Secondary Untreated Secondary 10.4 24(series) 16.6 (upflow) 200-360 (C/C.-0.1) Koon and Kaufman [29] Fortified Tapwater Coagulated Secondary 20.0 72(series) 180(1.7) 17.6 36(series) 16-19 (downflow) 12-15 (downflow) [341 Average N H - N Removal, Z3 140(1.5) 100-200 (0.39-.94) 97 91-97 TABLE 6 (CONTINUED) Average Influent NH3-N,nig/1 Exchange Reactor Depth, in Exhaustion Bate, BV/hr Fortified Tapwater 2.0-3.O 24(aingle) 20 (downflow) Fortified Tapwater 14.0 6.6-26.7 (downflow) 17 (single) 6.6-26.7 (downflow) Reference Type of Influent Braico 117 ] McLaren and Farquhar [32] 70.0 17 (single) Throughput to Breakthrough1BV (Breakthrough NH 3-N 1 mg/1) 300(0.50) 130-260 (2.0) 66-106 (2.0) Average N H - N Removal, ZJ 90 Hot Available 44 in a 60 percent increase in the utilized column exchange capacity. and (3) A batch regeneration technique might be-utilized in which 2 to 4 BV (Bed Volume) of regenerant were recycled through the column until saturated with ammonia,■ thei ammonia stripped immediately and reused [15]. Mercer and his co-workers concluded efficient ammonia removal combined with regenerant reuse increased .the potential for selective ion exchange. Koon and Kaufman presented a most comprehensive report■on ■ selective ion exchange characteristics, exhaustion, regeneration, theory, process performance, design.criteria, and cost estimates [29]. Clinoptilolite was investigated with, the objective of optimizing its application to ammonia removal from wastewaters. The study included multiple cycle pilot plant operations at three municipal wastewater treatment plants as well as small column studies. Particular attention was given to cation interference with exhaustion performance and with minimum cost of regeneration,. An average of 95.7 per cent ammonia re­ moval was obtained with three municipal wastes each of which contained about 20 mg/& NH^ - N. Ammonia leakage of less than 0.5 mg/2 NH^ - N is feasible but only with shorter runs and greater regeneration re- ■ quirements. The 1971 cost of ammonia removal was estimated as $0,082/ 1000 gallons with regenerant reuse. Braico evaluated the potential use of clinoptilolite for ammonia removal from fish hatchery water [17] . As ammonia is toxic, to fish in 45 concentrations as low as 2.5 .mg/5- NH^ - N, an effective means of removal is necessary for reuse of water at hatcheries. this small column study were: (I) The results of The column effluent ammonia con­ centration could be limited to 0 . 5 'mg/i NH^ - N prior to breakthrough. (2) The ammonia capacity of clinoptilolite is not linearly dependent on the influent competing ion concentration. (3)• Room temperature (23°C) investigations may be used to predict results at the temperature range of salmonid propagation (12.5°G). (4) The performance of clinoptilolite in removing ammonia was superior to that of the syn­ thetic exchangers, Amberlite 200 and Amberlite IRC - 84. and (5) The 1972 cost of .ammonia removal for a 5 MGD hatchery with influent ammonia concentration of 2.1 mg/S, NH^ - N w a s estimated to be $0.031/. 1000 gallons with regenerant reuse. Braico concluded selective ion exchange was other methods of ammonia removal from hatchery wastewater because of its lower cost, higher removal, greater control­ lability, and.compactness. ■McLaren and Farquhar further investigated the use of .clinoptil­ olite as a means of wastewater ammonia removal [32]. They performed small column studies to determine the effects of temperature, flow rate, and ammonium ion concentration on the ammonia capacity and breakthrough, characteristics. They made these conclusions: (I) The influent ammonium' ion concentration has the greatest effect on the ammonia capacity of clinoptilolite. (2) High flow rates significant- 46 Iy decrease the ammonia capacity. the ammonia capacity. (4) (3) Low temperatures do not effect The volume of..solution treated to break­ through is inversely proportional to the influent ammonium ion con­ centration, and (5) Batch equilibrium data at 23°C provides a good estimate of the ammonia capacity obtained in low temperature column operations over a wide range of ammonium ion concentrations. McLaren and Farquhar concluded the use of clinoptilolite should be considered when essentially complete ammonia removal at low temperature is re­ quired for wastewaters containing ammonium ions in concentrations up to and possibly beyond 70 mg./5, NH^ -. N. • ■ Sims and Little developed a technique utilizing clinoptilolite for improving the efficiency of the nitrification process during ' wastewater treatment [46] . Clinoptilolite, added to the activated' sludge unit, selectively adsorbs ammonium ions from the wastewater and provides a surface for the attachment of nitrifying bacteria. These bacteria oxidize ammonium ions to nitrate ions. The removal of the adsorbed, ammonium ions from the zeolite by the nitrifying bacteria regenerates the zeolite and enables repeated zeolite use. . The results of this study indicated: (I) The nitrification efficiency of the activated sludge unit was increased. (2) The activated sludge unit was better buffered against shock loads of raw sewage, and (3) effluent with a lower BOD was produced. An .'The addition of clinoptil­ olite to the activated sludge process did not require modification, in 47 design or use of the unit. It is therefore possible to adapt the activated sludge process to selective conversion of the ammonium ion to. nitrate. Structural Properties and Source Clinoptilolite is mineralogically classified as a member of the silicate group. It is defined as a hydrated aluminosilicate of univalent base which can be reversibly dehydrated to varying degrees without undergoing a change in crystal structure and which is capable of undergoing cation exchange [10]. Clinoptilolite is structurally quite similar to the zeolite heulandite. The largest known deposit of clinoptilolite in the United States is near Hector, California. John Day Formation in Oregon. There is another large deposit in the 'Clinoptilolite. is a common material found in bentonite clay deposits throughout the United States and the world [7]. Clinoptilolite is generally found with 5 to 15 per cent Impurities■such as quartz,'feldspar^ hnd clay [7]. Stoichiometrically clinoptilolite is derived from the formula (SiC^)U with periodic substitution of aluminum atoms for silica atoms with sufficient alkali metal and alkaline earth cations to maintain electroneutrality. SiO^ A1™ The zeolite framework consists of tetrahedral 5“ and AlO^. combined, into crystal structures [10]. The alkali metal and alkaline earth cations are exchanged during the ion exchange 48 process. , I The extent to which the cations within the zeolite may be ex­ changed depends on the nature of the clinoptilolite .crystal, such as . the size of the pore openings and the degree to which channels within the crystal are interconnected [43]. Because the rigid, three- dimensional crystal lattice contains definite sized' openings into the ion cages, clinoptilolite exhibits ion sieve properties to a much greater extent than conventional ion exchange resins. In more dense zeolites some ions are completely excluded -from the channels. However in the "open" zeolites, all alkali metal and alkaline earth cations have access to passageways, although partial sieving action is ob­ served due to the stripping of hydrated water from the ion as it enters the zeolite opening [44]. The preference of a zeolite for an ion is a function of the energy with which the water of hydration is bound to both the cation and the zeolite, the size of the ion, and its valence [25]. '• ,Stability. The instability of zeolites toward acids and alkalis has been long known because zeolites have been used extensively in water soften Lng. zeolites [3]. Clinoptilolite is. more acid resistant than other Treatment of clinoptilolite with acid in 1.0 N and high­ er concentrations resulted in progressive displacement of aluminum from the zeolite fromewofk leaving only hydroxylated silica [12]. 49 Samples of Clinoptilolite exposed for two days to a 20% sodium hydrox­ ide solution had a 70% weight loss [13]. Weight loss during this period was assumed due to attack by the alkali. Other attrition studies have been made to determine the stability of clinoptilolite in the presence of caustic solutions [29] . In small column tests. . designed to simulate 100 exhaustion and. regeneration cycles, attrition rates of 0.25, 0.35, and 0.55% per cycle were measured for exposure to pH 11.5, 12.0, and 12.5 solutions, respectively. The rates of mechan­ ical attrition (flowrate of 17 BV/hr, upflow) were 0.15, 0.25, and 0.48 per cent per cycle for exposure to pH levels of 11.5, 12.0, and 12.5, respectively. Although the attrition rate decreased after ex­ posure to 100 simulated cycles, Koon and Kaufman concluded in actual application the required replacement rate may not decrease after 100 cycles of exhaustion and regeneration [29]. Ion exchange capacity. The total exchange capacity of clinop­ tilolite ranges from 1.6 to 2.0 meq/g as measured by various invest­ igators [5, 8, 9, 13, 26]. The value of the exchange capacity depends on the method used for determination, as well as the ions involved. Koon and Kaufman's method of exchange capacity determination is de­ scribed in Table 7 [29]. 50 TABLE 7 METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF AMMONIA EXCHANGE CAPACITY (AFTER KOON AND KAUFMAN,1971 [29]) ^ - .. . 1. '. ....... . = ' Exhaust 2.0 gram samples of oven dried clinoptilolite with 0.50 M NH^Cl solution at 50 ml/hr for 48 hours. 2. Rinse samples with distilled water at 50 ml/hr for 24 hours. 3. Elute ammonia from clinoptilolite with a 0.5 M NaCl solution at pH 7.0 recycled at 50 ml/hr for 72 hours. 4. Determine the ammonia concentration of the elutant by direct nesslerization [41]. 51 Barrier found that an exchange capacity value of 1.83 meq/g corresponds to 98 per cent of the possible exchange capacity [13]. Thu s ' practically all the exchange sites in clinoptilolite are accessible to alkali-metal ions. • The acid wash employed by Arnes to - - increase the exchange capacity by dissolving acid soluble impurities within the crystal structure does not affect the exchange capacity [29]. The total exchange capacity is identical for sodium and calcium based clinoptilolite, but the breakthrough exchange.capacity is more ■ than twice as great for sodium base clinoptilolite. Structural factors which affect, both selectivity and diffusion of ions through the zeolite appear to restrict the mobility of the larger calcium' ion more than the sodium ion. This results in superior exchange•kinetics for sodium relative to calcium regardless of whether these ions are entering the zeolite or are being displaced from it [29]. The ammonia exchange capacity is of more interest than the total exchange capacity. The ammonia exchange capacity can be estimated from the cationic strength of the influent wastewater as shown in' Figure 10. Koon and Kaufman observed the ammonia exchange capacity to decrease sharply with increasing competing cation concentrations to a cationic strength of about 0.01 moles/liter [29]!. Increases in cationic strength above this value continued to decrease the exchangecapacity but to a much'lessor degree.■ . - 52 ■Total Anmonla Exchange Capacity o l i d Phase Aamonia Conce 16.4-19.0 mg/t ^-E ffe c tiv e Anmonia Exchange Capacity (to I mg/t NH3-N in e ff lu e n t) 0.005 0.01 0.015 Cationic Strength, 1/2% ]m ,:!, moles/t FIGURE 10: VARIATION OF AMMONIA EXCHANGE CAPACITY WITH COMPETING CATION CONCENTRATION (AFTER KOON AND KAUFMAN, 1971 [29]). 53 Exhaustion. The pH of wastewaters is of primary importance in removing ammonia by ion exchange. ranges from 5 - 1 0 . at high pH. The pH of domestic wastewater Ammonia is predominantly in a nonionized form Hydrogen ions compete with ammonium ions for. exchange sites at low pH. The optimum conditions for ammonia exchange.exist between pH 4.0 and 8.0 as shown in Figure'11.[29]. There is little variation in ammonia exchange between these values, but ammonia exchange decreases rapidly outside this range. Ames investigated the effect of particle size on cesium ex- . change in clinoptiltilite [3]. The breakthrough volume to C/Co = 0.05 for 18 x 60 mesh particles (U.S. Standard Sieve) was 70 percent of that for 60 x 100 mesh particles. 10 x 18 mesh particles. Leakage occurred immediately using As a balance between exchange kinetics and headless, 20 x 50 mesh particles have been used in most studies. The optimum flow rate for exhaustion, is the greatest flow rate which does . not result in a sacrifice of exchange kinetics. In studies to determine the effect of flow rate on exchange kinetics of 20 x 50 mesh, particles, the breakthrough curve became unfavorable, when the" flow, rate was increased bom 20 to 30 BV/M [15].. Hence 20 BV/hr is considered to be the maximum flow rate for clinoptilolite exhaustion. Ion exchange columns are exhausted upflow to minimize bed clogging with unfiltered wastewater. If columns are exhausted down- at Indicated pH 54 o o Z a ■M IO Z I ----- Equation 18 o normalized to pH 6.0 PO Z I <r 3= I Z cr Z cr o 2-hr equilibration a Column to saturation pH FIGURE 11: RELATIVE EFFECT OF pH ON AMMONIA EXCHANGE CAPACITY (AFTER KOON AND KAUFMAN, 1971 [29]). 55 flow to minimize mechanical attrition the feed must be of high quality. Exhaustion is continued until the ammonia leakage (the ammonia concentration in the column effluent) becomes■significant. The volume of throughput depends on the exchanger bed depth, column arrangement, initial influent ammonia concentration, competing cation concentration, pH, allowable breakthrough, flow rate, and level of regeneration. The exchange capacity of a single ion exchange column will be more completely utilized by increasing the exchanger bed depth or by operating two column's in series. In the two column series operation the second column may be completely exhausted by placing it before a freshly regenerated column. Regeneration. , The ineffectiveness of ammonia adsorption at high pH corroborates.observations that regeneration of ammonia based.clinoptilolite is best accomplished at a high pH [29]. The ammonia exchange capacities at various pH levels are shown in Figure 12. The regenerant pH is the controlling factor in determining the amount of regenerant required to remove ammonia from clinoptilolite. It is hypothesized that nonionized ammonia formed at a high pH is more able to diffuse through the zeolite pores than'the ammonium ion [29]. This coupled with- the maintenance of a maximum differential between solid arid solu­ tion phase ammonium ion concentrations at high pH results in an in­ creased rate of ammonia elution. The strength (molarity) of the re­ generant caustic is limited by the attrition rate of the clinoptilolite Ammonia Exchange Capacity, 56 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 pH FIGURE 12: AMMONIA EXCHANGE CAPACITY VERSUS pH (AFTER KOON AND KAUFMAN,1971 [29]) 57 in caustic solutions. An increase in the regenerant NaCl concentration beyond a certain value at a particular pH had no effect on the volume of regenerant required [29]. For regeneration at pH 12.0 and 12.5, no benefit was realized by using a NaCl concentration greater than 0.10 Ib/gal. In- " creasing the NaCl concentration beyond 0.17 lb/gal at pH 11.5 produced no improvement in regeneration performance. The flow rate had no effect on regeneration efficiency over the range of 4 to 20 BV/hr [29].. Flow rates of 25 BV/hr produced minor im­ pairment of regenerant performance. Regeneration at 30 BV/hr resulted in unacceptable performance as only 63 per cent of the ammonia in the zeolite was eluted with the same volume of regenerant. A freshly regenerated ion exchange column should be rinsed to remove NaCl and a caustic before use. The volume of the product rinse water required varies from 5 to 15 BV depending on the buffering capacity of the water. Clinoptilolite beds which have been exhausted. . with unfiltered secondary effluent will require backwashing before regeneration as well as rinsing. Rejuvenation of Fouled Clinoptilolite The fouling of clinoptilolite.can be minimized by adequate pretreatment , such as chemical coagulation and filtration. Ion exchange materials are too expensive to be used as wastewater filters. The 58 accumulation of colloid's on the surface of exchangers can be minimized by good backwash techniques. It may be possible to rejuvenate fouled exchangers by an acid wash followed by a caustic, NaCl wash. extensive organic fouling, a backwash with 0.25 chlorite solution may be helpful [19]. After .. 0.5 per cent hypo­ The accumulation of iron can ' be minimized by the addition of a small quantity of a reducing agent to the regenerant solution. Colloidal iron accumulated on the ex­ changer may' be removed by an acid wash. removed by a caustic wash: Colloidal silica may be. It is necessary, to limit the strength of the caustic or acid washes employed because of their previously mentioned effects to the clinoptilolite structure. Experience has shown that fouling problems are best handled by good preventive measures, i.e., water pretreatment, adequate backwashing, and early rejuvenation [30]. Regenerant Renovation Renovation of the regenerant solution is more feasible than disposal of the regenerant solution after its initial use because of the difficulty of disposal of the brine,. In most instances it is less expensive to reuse regenerant solutions than to discard after initial use. Koon and Kaufman estimated the 1971 total cost of ammonia re­ moval to be $0.134/1000 gallons where regenerant is used only once and and $0,082 with regenerant reuse [29]. 59 After regeneration of the exhausted clinoptilolite, the regen­ erant is a concentrated ammonia solution at a high pH. These condi­ tions are ideal for ammonia removal from the regenerant by ammonia stripping. The stripped regenerant solution is as efficient as fresh regenerant in restoring exchange capacity of clinoptilolite. Ammonia concentrations in the regenerant up to 14 m g /'Jl NH„ - N have no dele- 3 terious effects on regeneration [15]. sidered, regeneration costs are When regenerant reuse is con­ ..sensitive to the NaCl concentration of the regenerant and are significantly influenced by ammonia.strip­ ping costs and by pH which causes zeolite attrition. The buildup, of mineral concentration in the regenerant will require eventual disposal of the regenerant solution. Cations other than ammonia are sorbed by clinoptilolite during exhaustion with wastewater. These ions are eluted from the clinoptilolite during, regen­ eration and remain in the regenerant solution; the caustic, it is usually 90 per cent pure. If lime is used as The 10 per cent impur­ ities it contains are magnesium and other alkali salts which further increase the mineral concentration. The anion concentration also increases as chemicals are added during regenerant makeup. Disposal of the regenerant will bd necessary when the clinoptilolite is no ■ longer completely regenerated, i.e., shorter exhaustion runs or higher ammonia leakage are noticed; . Regeneration may be accomplished with two successive regenerant , 60 solutions to reduce the regenerant volume necessary [34]. Re­ circulation of the first regenerant solution through the exchange • column should continue until the solution ammonia concentration is maximized.' The ammonia concentration ought to be in excess of .600 mg/£ - N. This solution is then stripped to reduce the ammonia concentration to. less than 10 mg/ 1 NHg - N. The second freshly stripped solution used to complete regeneration ought to contain no more than 100 to 150 mg/SL NHg - N after its initial use to allow. recycle in the following exhausted column without, ammonia stripping. Regenerant renovation by electrolytic destruction of the , ammonia has been investigated [34]. This process is the same as the electro-oxidation process mentioned previously. ■ . Regenerant renovation by this process is less dependent on temperature than ammonia strip­ ing but it costs more. CHAPTER IV EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT AND METHODS The experimental phases of this study'involved exhaustion runs using synthetic wastewater and Bozeman municipal wastewater. The study utilizing the synthetic wastewater was performed in the Envir­ onmental Engineering Laboratory, Cobleigh Hall, Montana State Uni­ versity. The studies utilizing municipal wastewater were performed in the Montana State University Mobile Environmental Engineering Laboratory located at the Bozeman Wastewater Treatment, Facilities. Equipment Dual media filter. A 3 in ID Corning pyrex glass column with an 18 in. bottom layer of white sand (Permutit Company, No. Q665) and an 18 in. top layer of anthracite (Permutit Company, No. 2 size) served as a dual media filter. Ion exchange reactors. Corning pyrex glass columns served as exchange reactors in all studies. either upflow or downflow. The columns could be operated The temperature effects study utilized a 15 in.x clinopti.Iolite bed, but all other studies used a 1.4 in. x ] in.clinoptilolite bed. The exchange columns were designed to prevent loss of clinoptilolite during exhaustion or regeneration. feedwater storage. Calibrated 30 gallon polyethylene 62 containers served as reservoirs for the column influent. Pumps. a Jabscoi "Water Mule" pumped the secondary effluent to a reservoir in the Mobile Laboratory. A Sigmamotor peristaltic pump, using H in. x7/16 in.Tygon tubing, pumped the effluent through the dual media filter into another reservoir. with a Minarik W53 controller, using A 16- channel tubing pump .in.x 3/16 in.Silastic tubing, pumped the filtered effluent through the exchange columns' for ex­ haustion and the regenerant solutions for regeneration. The temperature effects study utilized a 4- channel Sage pump using V in.x 3/16 in,Silastic tubing. The Sage and 16- channel pumps were calibrated to deliver the desired flow rates during exhaustion and regeneration. The Silastic tubing could be stretched to decrease its diameter to regulate' flow so that all columns received about the same flow rate. Temperature control. An environmental cabinet capable of main­ taining uniform temperature stored the equipment and feedwater during (ho ;md 330C exhaustion studies. A Fisher Low Temperature Incubator stored the equipment and feedwater during the 40C exhaustion studies. Temperature was measured with a VWR Scientific mercury ther­ mometer accurate to + I0C. Sample collection. Exchange column effluent and wastewater samples were collected manually during constant surveillance in 300 m& 63 glass stoppered bottles. Weight measurement. The clinoptilolite and liquids were measured to 0.05% and 0.3% accuracy, respectively; Analysis.' The chemical and physical analyses, as shown-in-Table 8, were performed in accordance with Standard Methods for the Exam­ ination of Water and Wastewater and the Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual [11, 41]. The Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual methods are' similar to those in Standard Methods. Materials Feedwater. Bozeman municipal wastewater. Secondary effluent with characteristics typical of those in Table 9,was filtered, as shown in Figure 13, prior to use. Synthetic wastewater. water, simulated wastewater. Ammonium, chloride.added to Bozeman tap*Typical characteristics of the synthetic wastewater are shown in Table 10. ClliioptLlolite. Previously crushed and sieved 20 x 50 mesh (I). S . Standard Sieve) clinoptilolite from Hector, California'deposits was used in all studies. 64 TABLE 8 ANALYTICAL METHODS Analysis Alkalinity Ammonia Description a EELM- Potentiometric titration to pH 4.3 with 0.020 N H-SO. 2 4 EElM- Direct nesslerization. Measured colorimetrically with Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 20. Wastewater samples required distillation prior to nesslerization. Calcium EELM- Titrimetric with EDTA. Hydroxy napthol blue indicator. Chloride EELM- Titrimetric with Hg(NO3)2 . Diphenylcarbazene indicator. Magnesium EELM- Total hardness value less calcium value. Nitrate EELM- Phenoldisulfonic method. Measured colorimetrically with Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 20. Nitrite SM- Diazotization method. Measured colorimetrically with Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 20. Organic Nitrogen EELM- Kjeldahl digestion, distillation, then direct nesslerization. Measured colorimetrically as ammonia with Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 20. pH EELM- Potentiometrically. Measured with Corning pH meter. Potassium EELM- Flame spectrophotometry. Measured with Hitachi Perkin-Elmer Spectrophoto­ meter . Sodium EELM- Flame spectrophotometry. Measured with Hitachi Perkin-Elmer Spectrophoto­ meter. 65 TABLE 8 (CONTINUED) Analysis Total Hardness Description 3 EELM- Titrimetric with EDTA. Erichrome black i-methyl red indicator. aSM refers to Standard Methods [11]. EELM refers to Environmental Engineering Laboratory Manual [Al]. 66 TABLE 9 AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF UNFILTERED BOZEMAN SECONDARY EFFLUENT * Constituent Value Total Solids, mg/1 Total Dissolved Total Suspended 830 770 60 Settleable Solids, ml/1 b BOD (5 day, 20°C), mg/1 62 Total Nitrogen, as N mg/1 Organic Ammonia Nitrites Nitrates 20 b 20 b b Alkalinity, as CaCO^ mg/1 240 pH, units 7.3 Temperature, eC 12 Sodium, mg/1 60 Magnesium, mg/1 16 Calcium, mg/1 50 Potassium, mg/1 10 Total Cation, meq/1 4.41 Total Anion, meq/1 4.50 Composition determined from two samples August 2,1974. Value is approximately 0. Primary Clarifier Activated Sludge Secondary Clarifier Chlorination O' '-j Polyethylene Reservoir Dual Media Filter Polyethylene Reservoir Ion Exchange Columns 0 — 1 — 2 — 3 — PUMPS Jabsco Water Mule Sigmamotor Peristaltic 16 Channel Tubing FIGURE 13: SCHEMATIC ILLUSTRATION FOR COLUMl EXHAUSTION WITH BOZEMAN WASTEWATER 68 TABLE 10 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SYNTHETIC WASTEWATER PRODUCED FROM BOZEMAN TAPWATER a Constituent Concentration, mg/1 Original Ammonia as Nitrogen 0.4 Fortified 30. - 33.0 Sodium 10.0 10.0 Calcium 20.0 20.0 Magnesium 11.0 11.0 Potassium 1.0 1.0 Total Cation, meq/1 1.44 3.78 Total Anion, meq/1 1.53 3.87 a Characteristics were derived f r o m two sets of data. CHAPTER V - LONG. TERM STUDIES O The practical use of clinoptilolite for ammonia removal depends • on its performance after many cycles of exhaustion and.regeneration. Previous investigations by Koon and Kaufman [29], Mercer et^ al [15, 33, 34] and Braico [17] indicate the following potential, problems of long term operation: (1) Weight loss of clinop.tilolite due to mechanical and chemical attrition. (2) ■ Gradual.reduction in ammonia exchange capacity.. (3) Organic fouling of the clinoptilolite. Effect of Regenerant pH on Attrition Rate Procedure. Five ion exchange columns were exhausted with filtered Bozeman secondary effluent under the conditions listed in. Table 11. The column regenerated at pH.7.6, the natural pH of the topwater, served as a control. •minimize bed clogging. for 100 cycles. The. columns were exhausted upflow to The columns were exhausted arid regenerated After 25.,. 50, 75, and 100 cycles, the columns were dismantled and the clinoptilolite removed,. The ammonia exchange capacity was.determined for the.columps regenerated at pH 11.0. and 12.5 but.nrit for the columns regenerated at pH 7.6, 11.5, and 12.0. Heating the clinoptilolite. to 600°C for one hour removed organics 70 TABLE 11 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE LONG TERM ATTRITION STUDY Item Columns, number Value 5 Cllnoptllollte weight, g 20.00 Depth of zeolite bed, cm 3.5 Total cycles, number 100 Exhaustion rate, BV/hr 200(upflow) Regeneration rate, BV/hr Regenerant pH, units Regenerant volume, BV Regeneration level NaCl, lb/ cu ft zeolite NaOH, lb/ cu ft zeolite pH 7.6 pH 11.0 pH 11.5 pH 12.0 pH 12.5 Influent Cycle time, hr Exhaustion Regeneration 2 0 (downflow) 7.6,11.0,11.5,12.0,12.5 20 32.0 0 0.17 0.32 0.66 1.63 Bozeman wastewater, as shown in Table 9 5.0 1.0 71 so an accurate weight determination could be made. The columns were exhausted at 200 BV/hr upflow to simulate the effects to the bottom zone of the exchanger bed which would likely develop the maximum amount of attrition. large scale application 36 in deep. Ion exchange columns for A flow rate of 15 BV/hr results in 5.6 gpm/sq ft through the zeolite bed. So 200 BV/hr (1.5 gpm/sq ft), the maximum flow rate attainable by this system, was chosen to simulate the bottom layer. A five hour exhaustion time was chosen because it resulted in the most convenient cycle time. Exchange columns are exhausted about 6 to 8 hours during single column operation and 8 to 11 hours during series column operation in practical application. . The simulated and the actual mechanical attrition rates would be proportional to the ratio of the exhaustion cycle times. The mechanical attrition was minimized during regeneration by reduced particle movement (downflow operation), and lower flow rate (20 BV/hr). The chemical attrition due to exposure to caustic solutions causes weight loss during regeneration, thus the regener­ ation cycle time is of more importance. In practice regeneration cycle time varies from I to 2 hours, depending on flow rate. .Regeneration cycle time was one hour for this study. Results. The results of the attrition tests are shown in. 72 Figure 14. The mechanical attrition due to the friction between the clinoptilolite particles was the weight loss in the control column. The chemical attrition due to the caustic regenerant was the weight loss difference between each exchange column and the control. These results are similar to those of previous investigations, i.e., high regenerant pH resultsin high attrition rate. The small difference in the attrition rates at pH 11.0 arid 11.5.could be due to ,experi•m ental error. The clinoptilolite particles could have weaker zeolite surface bonds which are readily broken. The same type of structural bonds, farther from the particle surface, are more protected and not so readily broken. This would result in high initial weight loss with • a, decrease in the weight loss rate during cyclic exposure, as were the results of this study. Koon and Kaufman concluded that harder, more caustic resistant impurities, such as quartz and feldspar, remaining in the clinoptilolite would, also reduce the attrition rate [29]. These impurities would remain in the exchanger bed while the clinoptilolite is being broken into smaller pieces'and washed away, hence the results would be similar. No tests were made in this study to determine the presence of impurities or their weight loss. ■ ; There does not appear to be any.leveling off of the attrition rate at 100 cycles. The attrition rate would gradually reduce if the curves in Figure 14 were extended, until 0.15% per cycle is reached. 73 Weight Lose, %/cycle 0.90 Number of Cycles FIG U RE 1 4 : COMPARISON OF TOTAL A T T R IT IO N RATES FOR REGENERANT pH LEVELS OF 7 . 6 , 1 2 .5 1 1 .0 , 1 1 .5 , 1 2 .0 , AND OVER 1 0 0 CYCLES OF EXHAUSTION AND REGENERATION 74 This appears .to be the minimum attrition rate possible. These results indicate that regeneration at a pH of 11.5 is the maximum caustic level for the minimum attrition rate, at lower pH the attrition rate does not decrease significantly. The total attrition rate for the high weight loss zone will be 0.32, 0.31,.0.40, and 0.56 per cent per cycle for pH levels of 11.0, 11.5, 12.0, and 12.5,re­ spectively. The rate of mechanical attrition was relatively stable at 0.15 per cent per cycle. These results indicate zeolite replace­ ment costs are significant. This bottom zone will be completely worn away in 180 to 320 cycles. . The attrition rates for the rest of the exchanger bed are probably less than those predicted by Koon and Kaufman [29]. Reduction of Ammonia Exchange Capacity during Cyclic Operation Ion ,exchange materials'can'lose their effectiveness due to the accumulation of materials on their surfaces and in their pores. This acctnnuIutlon of material or fouling, is the result of adsorption of coJ. Ioicls or h igh molecular weight species, which are not completely removed during the normal back wash and regeneration steps. The sub­ stances that could foul clinoptilolite are iron, clay, manganese, grease, and other organic materials. The accumulation of materials reduces exchanger effectiveness by reducing the fate of ion exchange and the blocking off of exchange sites [30]. 'Exchanger fouling be­ 75 comes apparent with less column throughput, I. e., loss of exchange capacity. Procedure. tfhe exchange capacity was determined during the attrition studies, after 25 cycles for all samples. At 50, 75, and IOO cycles, the exchange capacity was determined only for the samples . regenerated at pH 11.0 and 12.5. As. it was necessary to heat the o ' ■ ■ samples to 600 C to destroy organics so that the weight could be accurately determined, the full' exchange capacity was subsequently ■ returned to the samples every. 25 cycles. These tests were performed to determine the permanent loss of exchange capacity during long term use. Ariother series of exhaustion and regeneration cycles were per­ formed to determine the temporary short term loss of exchange capacity. One exchange column, containing 20.0 g clinoptilolite, was exhausted and regenerated under the conditions listed in Table 11. erant was a 0.25M weighing NaCl solution at pH 11.5. The regen­ Samples of clinoptilolite 1.5 gram (wet) were removed from the column after 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 cycles. The ammonia exchange capacity of the wet samples was determined as shown in Table 7. The samples were then o heated to 600 C for one hour for accurate determination of their weight. Results. The results of the long term cyclic exhaustion on ■ . 76 exchange capacity are shown in Table 12, The results of short, term cyclic exhaustion and regeneration are shown in Figure 15. After 100 cycles, there was a permanent loss of exchange capacity of 0.04 meq/g or 2.3%. The regenerant pH did not affect the loss of exchange ' capacity as the loss' was similar the pH 11.0 and 12.5, as shown in Table 12. The clinoptilolite had 0.20 meq/g or 11 per cent temporary loss of exchange capacity after 20 cycles, as shown in Figure 15. The clinoptilolite must have been fouled by organics as heating restored the exchange capicity. Heating samples at 100°C for one hour resulted in partial restoration, while heating samples at 600°C resulted almost complete restoration. The heating to 600°C caused a 5% weight loss to the clinoptilolite and changed its color from light green to light brown. The inability to restore the complete ammonia exchange capacity could be due to substances, such as iron and. manganese, irreversibly blocking pore channels. Impurities in the clinoptilolite contributing to the exchanger mass but not the exchange capacity would also cause the exchange capacity to appear reduced after 100 cycles by ■ increased fraction of. the zeolite mass. Heating clinoptilolite to restore exchange capacity would not be feasible for large.scale application. Organic fouling.causes significant temporary reduction of ammonia exchange capacity to clinoptilolite. ' Clinoptilolite did not have significant permanent loss of ammonia exchange capacity at. 100 77 TABLE 12 EFFECT OF LONG TERM CYCLIC EXHAUSTION ON AMMONIA EXCHANGE CAPACITY 8 PH 11.0 12.5 Number of Cycles Exchange Capacity, meq/g 0 1.80 25 1.78 50 1.77 75 1.79 100 1.76 0 1.80 25 1.79 50 1.77 75 1.77 100 1.76 The exchange capacity was not determined for columns regenerated at pH 7.6 , 11.5 , 12.0 . Ammonia Exchange Capacity, milliequivalents/grai 78 Number of Cycles FIGURE 15: THE EFFECT OF SHORT TERM CYCLIC EXHAUSTION ON AMMONIA EXCHANGE CAPACITY 79 cycles of exhaustion and regeneration. CHAPTER VI THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON EXCHANGE EFFICIENCY Two previous investigations sought to determine if column operation at room temperature (23°C) could be used to predict oper­ ation at low temperature. Braico concluded low temperature (12.5°C) exhaustion and regeneration was nearly the same as that at room temperature [17]. Slightly more feedwater was treated at low temper­ ature than at room temperature. due to feedwater variance. conclusion, namely: He concluded this might have been McLaren and Farquhar drew a similar low temperature exhaustion could be approximated . by room temperature exhaustion data [32]. They drew their con­ clusion partially from the data given in Table 13. There was no explanation for the results: 270 BV feedwater to breakthrough at 12°C, but 140 BV feedwater to breakthrough at 2°C. As a result of these conflicting data, it was deemed appropriate to investigate the temperature effects on ammonia exchange efficiency. Procedure An exchange column containing 200.0 grams of clinoptilolite. . was exhausted with the synthetic wastewater listed in Table 10 under the conditions listed in Table 14. made at each temperature. Only two exhaustion runs were The equipment and feedwater was stored in an environmental control cabinet to maintain a constant temperature 81 TABLE 13 RESULTS FROM MCLAREN AND FARQURAR TEMPERATURE EFFECT STUDY (AFTER MCLAREN AND FARQURAR,1974 [32]) Value Characteristic Feedwater Temperature, 0C 2 12 Ammonia Concentration, mg/1 NH^-N 14.0 14.0 Exhaustion Rate, BV/hr 13.33 13.33 Volume Treated to Breakthrough, BV (2.0 mg/1 NH 3-N) 140 270 82 TABLE 14 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE TEMPERATURE EFFECTS STUDY Item Value Cllnoptllolite weight, g 200.0 Depth of zeolite bed, cm 42.0 Exhaustion rate, BV/hr 20(downf low) Regeneration rate, bv/hr 15(upflow) Regenerant pH, units 12.5 Regenerant volume, BV 30 Rinse volume, BV 15 (distilled) Regeneration level NaCl, Ib/cu ft zeolite 32.0 NaOH, Ib/cu ft zeolite 1.63 Influent synthetic wastewater as shown in Table 10 Operating temperatures,°C 4,23,33 83 during exhaustion.' The effluent ammonia concentration was measured every 50 BV (2.5 hours) until 0.5 mg/& NH^ - N breakthrough. Care was taken to regenerate the column to the same condition, for every . exhaustion run. After regeneration the column was rinsed with distilled water. Results The results of the exhaustion tests are shown in Figure 16. Equation 14 shows the thermodynamic relationship between temper­ ature and equilibrium constant in which K = the equilibrium constant, R = the universal gas constant, T = temperature, and AF = Gibbs Free Energy. . ■ AF = -RT In K (14) For a.given Gibbs Free Energy, which must be negative for the reaction to proceed, the equilibrium constant will increase for a decrease in temperature. Based on information from McLaren and Farquhar, a temperature drop will increase the ammonia capacity of clinoptilolite when selectivcty coefficients are large [32]. A decrease in ex­ change capacity would be expected.for a temperature increase. The overall effects of temperature bn ion exchange are complex and not yet systematically studied. • In general, diffusion coefficients in ion exchangers' increase with increasing temperatures? ion-pair Effluent Ammonia Concentration, mg/1 NH 84 0.70 0.50 . Symbol 0.00 Throughput, Bed Volumes FIGURE 16: BREAKTHROUGH CURVES FOR 4, 23, AND 33 C INFLUENT SYNTHETIC WASTEWATER formation, and solvation are usually ,discouraged by -an ■.increase in ' temperature, as shown in Figure.I' [25]; Hence the selectivity would- be 'expected to decrease .with increasing .temperature.'. ' ■' ■■■■■■■ - -• ' . " ■ ■■ ■■ . . Ames reported that the effect of a temperature increase on the ' equilibrium constants was practically neglibible'between. 25°C and 70°C and exchange isotherm's at the two temperatures •were nearly identical [8], But Figure'16'shows optimum clinoptildlite exhaustion at 2'3°C. The observed phenomenon may be explained by an increasing fractidn of ! the ammonia in the N H form with decreasing solution temperature and the ion exchange columns, may. not be in true equilibrium during exhaustion. There was a 16 percent decrease in volume treated to break­ through at 33°C as compared to exhaustion at .23 C. There was a '12.5 percent decrease in volume treated to. breakthrough, at 4.C as compared. O to. exhaustion at 23 C. There is only about a 4 percent increase in- the percentage of ammonia in the N H . - form. * O' ' '' There were also higher o initial leakages, of ammonia- for the .4 C .and 33 C '.exhaustions . The 12.5 to 16 percent decrease in volume treated for.lower and higher,temperature exhaustion could be due partially to experi­ mental error., By using. Figure 16, low and high'temperature exhaustion CHAPTER VII OPTIMIZATION OF REGENERATION COST The total process cost of ammonia removal with clinoptilblite • depends on many factors, one of which is the cost of regeneration of the exhausted zeolite. The cost of regeneration depends on such factors as chemical cost, zeolite replacement rate, and regenerant recycle or disposal after initial use. Regeneration costs in this study are for a 10 MGD plant. Chemical costs Regeneration cost was previously optimized using sodium chloride with either lime (calcium oxide) or sodium hydroxide as the base [29]. Regeneration is much more efficient with sodium ions than calcium ions. sodium ions. Sodium chloride is the least expensive source of There is little change in performance between the use of sodium hydroxide or lime as the b a s e pH [29].. Lime- is much less expensive. to increase the regenerant Although the use of ..lime increases the calcium concentration in the regenerant, this has no effect on regeneration efficiency [29] .. The chemical prices listed in Table 15 were obtained from Van Water and Rogers, I n c . chemical distributers in Billings, Montana [24]. Transportation charges were. for shipping the chemicals: in bulk 140 Bozeman, Montana. a7 TABLE 15 COST OF CHEMICALS AND CLINOPTILOLITE Materials Cost Sodium Chloride Base price, $/ton 140 miles transportation, $/ton Total cost, $/ton 13.00 11.00 24.00 Lime (Calcium Oxide) Base price, $/ton 140 miles transportation, $/ton Total cost - 93% pure, $/ton Total cost per unit of CaO , $/ton 35.00 21.00 56.00 60.25 Sodium Hydroxide (50% liquid) Base price, $/ton 140 miles transportation, $/ton Total cost, $/ton Total cost per unit of NaOH, $/ton 125.00 46.00 171.00 342.00 Clinoptilolite a Base price, $/cu ft 1200 miles transportation, $/cu ft Crushing and storage , $/Cu ft Total cost per unit of product, $/cu ft 3.50 0.81 0.87 5.18 aBased on 50% recovery of clinoptilolite as 20 x 50 mesh material. bUpdated to January,1975 from estimates by Koon and Kaufman [29]. Clinoptilollte Costs Clinoptilolite is marketed by the Baroid . Division of the National Lead Company, Houston, Texas. It is only available in the -4 mesh size and the -28 mesh size [38]. As 20 x 50 mesh particles have been determined as having the most desirable qualities for ion exchange, crushing the -4 mesh size is necessary. The -4 mesh size costs $75/ton ($1 .75/cu ft) f.o.b. Newberry, California for minimum ship­ ments of 35 tons. The cost of crushing and storing 20 x 50 mesh from -4 mesh particles, updated from a previous study, was estimated as $0.87/ou ft[29]. Approximately 50% of the clinoptilolite would be re­ covered as 20 x 50 mesh particles [29]. It was assumed the clinop­ tilolite would be shipped to Bozeman, then crushed. The total cost per cubic foot of clinoptilolite is shown in Table 15. It was assumed the bottom 4 inch clinoptilolite layer or 6 per cent of a 12 ft x 15 ft x 6 ft exchange reactor would have the high attrition rate predicted in the previous chapter. The rest of the zeolite bed (94 per cent) would have an attrition rate approximately that predicted by Koon and Kaufman, as listed in Chapter III [29]. Regenerant Renovation Costs A 10 MGD treatment plant would require ammonia stripping facili­ ties capable of treating approximately 100,000 gallons of regenerant every six hours. The total treatment costs of ammonia stripping are 99 estimated as $0.08/1000 gallons from Figure 2;. : Regenerant chemical requirements ■ Koon and Kaufman have previously optimized regenerant volume, N a C l •concentration, and pH; as shown in Figure 17 [29]. The amount of chemicals for initial regenerant preparation, shown in Table 16, is derived from Figure 17. The ammonia exchange capacity of the clinoptilolite is 0.44 meq/g (9.4 eq NH.'- N/cu ft), as ,predicted from Figure 10 for an influent wastewater cationic strength of 0.006 moles/liter. T h e .exchange capacity of the clinoptilolite would be completely exhausted, during series column operation. Two schemes were considered for regeneration:,: (I) ' The regen­ erant solution is used once and disposed, and (.2) The,regenerant is.■ recycled after ammonia stripping. When the regenerant solution is used once and disposed, for solution preparation one simply adds, the amount of chemicals from Table 16 to achieve the desired pH and NaCl concentration. One proceeds similarly for the initial regenerant preparation when the regenerant is to. be recycled. Regenerant makeup ■ after ammonia stripping is,more complex. When the regenerant is reused the pH will drop both as the ammonia in the clinoptilolite is absorbed by the regenerant and as the ■ regenerant is ammonia stripped. From,data of ammonia stripping operations evaluated by Culp and Culp [18] and laboratory experiment- - Ammonia 95% Volume Regenerant Required for Elution, gal/eq NH3-N Removed pH 1 1 . 5 VO O pH 1 2 . 5 0.0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 Salt Concentration, lb NaCl/gal FIGURE 17: VOLUME OF REGENERANT REQUIRED FOR 95 PERCENT ELUTION (AFTER KOON AND KAUFMAN, 1971 [29])« 91 TABLE 16 AMOUNT OF CHEMICALS REQUIRED FOR REGENERATION Regenerant Volume of Regenerant Regenerant Required for Composition, for 95% NH3-N Elution, pH lb NaCl gal 11.5 12.0 12.5 gal eq NH3-N removed 95% NH3-N Elution, lb NaCl3 CU ft lb Ca(0H)ab lb NaOHac CU ft CU ft 0.049 42.0 19.4 0.55 0.67 0.10 28.0 26.2 0.37 0.45 0.17 23.0 36.6 0.30 0.36 0.24 17.0 38.4 0.23 0.31 0.73 17.0 116.0 0.23 0.31 0.00 32.0 0.0 0.049 25.0 11.5 0.68 0.82 0.10 21.0 19.7 0.57 0.69 0.17 16.0 25.5 0.44 0.53 0.24 15.0 33.8 0.41 0.50 0.00 17.5 0.0 e 1.43 0.049 16.0 7.4 1.10 1.34 0.10 11.0 10.4 0.76 0.92 0.17 11.0 17.6 0.76 0.92 0.24 10.0 22.6 0.69 0.84 0.73 10.0 68.6 0.69 0.84 d a9.4 equivalents NH^-N/cu ft Clinoptilolite ^0.0014, 0.0029, and 0.0073 lb C a (OH)^ / gal regenerant required for pH 11.5, 12.0, and 12.5, respectively. cO.00169, 0.0035, and 0.0087 lb NaOH/ gal regenerant required for pH 11.5, 12.0, and 12.5, respectively. ^'^Regeneration with NaOH only. 1.03 92 ation, it was estimated 32, 50, and 57 percent of the original base = requirements are necessary after ammonia stripping to increase the regenerant pH to 11.5, 12.0 and 12.5 respectively. Sodium chloride requirements for calcium oxide regenerant reuse . were estimated as the stoichiometric amount of ammonia eluted from the zeolite during regeneration (9.4 eq NH 3 - N/cu ft). Sodium chloride requirements for sodium hydroxide regenerant reuse were estimated as t h e 'stoichiometric amount of ammonia eluted from the zeolite less the equivalent amount of sodium added as sodium hydroxide to restore the original solution pH. Koon and Kaufman predicted a loss of regenerant volume due to incomplete regenerant removal from the exchanger bed after regeneration and evaporation during ammonia stripping [29]. Regenerant chemicals and volume would be lost when the regenerant remaining in the exchange column is washed away during column rinsing. would be lost during evaporation. Only regenerant volume This loss would require about 2 percent of the original regenerant chemical requirements for chemical makeup and 5 percent makeup of regenerant volume. The amount of ' chemicals required for cyclic regenerant makeup are shown in Tables I7 and 18. Regenerant mixing and storage costs A regenerant storage tank would be required for regenerant reuse. 93 TABLE 17 amount of chemicals required Sodium Chloride Calcium Hydroxide3 lb NaCl cu ft zeolite lb C a (OH)^ cu ft zeolite 0.049 2.17 0.203 0.10 2.52 0.137 0.17 3.04 0.111 0.24 3.12 0.075 0.73 7.04 0.075 0.049 1.78 0.374 0.10 2.19 0.313 0.17 2.48 0.242 0.24 2.90 0.225 0.049 1.58 0.682 0.10 1.73 0.471 0.17 2.09 0.471 0.24 2.34 0.428 0.73 4.64 0.428 Regenerant Composition d H 11.5 12.0 12.5 FOR CYCLIC CALCIUM OXIDE REGENERANT MAKEUP lb NaCl gal a Calcium oxide would be added for regenerative purposes; 1.00 lb calcium oxide produces 1.32 lb calcium hydroxide in aqueous solution. 94 TABLE 18 AMOUNT OF CHEMICALS REQUIRED FOR CYCLIC SODIUM HYDROXIDE REGENERANT MAKEUP Regenerant Composition Sodium Chloride Sodium Hydroxide lb NaCl cu ft zeolite lb NaOH cu ft zeolite pH lb NaCl gal 11.5 0.049 2.06 0.248 0.10 2.45 0.167 0.17 2.99 0.133 0.24 3.07 0.115 0.73 7.00 0.115 0.00 0.00 0.567 0.049 1.54 0.451 0.10 2.00 0.380 0.17 2.32 0.291 0.24 2.78 0.275 0.00 0.00 0.887 0.049 1.23 0.831 0.10 1.49 0.570 0.17 1.85 0.570 0.24 2.12 0.520 0.73 4.42 0.520 12.0 12.5 95 This tank could be used for regenerant mixing as well. The tank cost is estimated as $0.00045/1000 gal wastewater as shown in Table 19. Only a small regenerant mixing tank would be required if the regen­ erant is not reused. This cost is estimated as $0.00042/1000 gal wastewater, as shown in Table 20. Costs without regenerant reuse The costs of calcium oxide and sodium hydroxide regeneration without reuse are shown in Figures 18 and 19. A large proportion of the regeneration cost is due to the sodium chloride necessary for regenerant preparation as shown in the sample calculations in Appendix B. The cost of sodium chloride increases proportionately for each cost curve in Figures 18 and 1 9 as the regenerant sodium chloride concentration increases while other costs change only slightly. accounts for the curves being approximately parallel. This The minimum cost of regeneration without reuse, listed in Table 21, is with calcium oxide at pH 12.5 with 0.049 lb NaCl/gal for $0,080/1000 gallons. . The cost of regenerant brine disposal must also be considered when the regenerant is not reused. The cost of brine disposal by evaporation pond is estimated as $0,019/1000 gallons as shown in Table 22. Costs with regenerant reuse The costs.of calcium oxide and sodium hydroxide regeneration 96 TABLE 19 CAPITAL COST OF REGENERANT STORAGE TANK (AFTER PAGE,1963 [37]) Characteristic Value Tank Capacity3 , gal 250,000 Total Capital Cost*1, $ Amortized Costc , $/year Capital Cost, $/1000 gal wastewater 33,000 3,060 0.00045 Required for 25 gal regenerant/equivalent NH^-N removed. k Purchase and installation costs for a cypress tank; Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index of 2200, estimated January,1975. c 15 year life at 7% interest. 97 TABLE 20 CAPITAL COST OF REGENERANT MIXING TANK (AFTER PAGE,1963 (37]) Characteristic Value Tank Capacity *, gal 2,000. Total Capital Coatb , $ 31,000 Amortized Cost^ $/year 2,840 Capital Cost, $/1000 gal wastewater 0.00042 a Mixing tank required for operation without regenerant reuse. b Purchase and installation cost for stainless steel tank; Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index of 2200, estimated January, 1975. c 15 year life at 7% interest. 98 0.90 Regeneration Cost, $/1000 gal 0.70 0.30 0.00 Regenerant Salt Concentration, lb NaCl/gal FIGURE 18: COST OF CALCIUM OXIDE(LIME) REGENERATION WITHOUT REGENERANT REUSE Regeneration Cost, $/1000 gal 99 0.20 0.0 0.1 Regenerant Salt Concentration, lb NaCl/gal FIGURE 19: COST OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE REGENERATION WITHOUT REGENERANT REUSE 100 TABLE 21 MINIMUM COSTS OF CLINOPTILOLITE REGENERATION Characteristic Calcium Oxide without Reuse Cost, $/1000 gal 0.082 pH 12.5 0.049 lb NaCl/gal Calcium Oxide with Reuse 0.030 pH 11.5 0.24 lb NaCl/gal Sodium Hydroxide without Reuse 0.112 pH 12.0 0.0 lb NaCl/gal Sodium Hydroxide with Reuse pH 11.5 0.24 lb NaCl/gal 0.038 101 TABLE 22 CAPITAL COST FOR BRINE DISPOSAL BY EVAPORATION POND (AFTER PATTERSON AND BANKER,1971,[37]) Characteristic Value Brine Disposal Ratef MGD 2.4 Land Required, acres 300 Capital Costs, $ Land^ 300,000 Earthwork and Construction 400,000 Pumping and Pipe System Total Capital Cost, $ Amortized Costf $/year Capital Costf $/1000 gal wastewater 50,000 750,000 69,000 0.014 3Required for regenerant volume of 32.0 gal/eq NH--N removed, 10 MGD wastewater treatment plant. ^Land costs estimated as $1000/acre. C15 year life at 7% interest. ^Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index of 2200, estimated January,1975. 102 with reuse are shown in Figures 20 and 21. A. large proportion of the : regeneration cost is due to the calcium oxide and sodium hydroxide costs, as well as the sodium chloride costs. As the regenerant pH increases the amount of base necessary for regenerant makeup increases. The cost curves in Figure 21 are spread more than those in Figure 20 because sodium hydroxide is six times as expensive as calcium .oxide. The minimum cost of regeneration with reuse is $ 0 , 0 3 0 / 1 0 0 0 gallons with calcium oxide at pH 1 1 . 5 using 0 . 2 4 lb NaCl/gal. These costs are the cost of regeneration per cycle. The cost of the initial regenerant solution preparation is negligible if the. regenerant is reused many times. The calcium and magnesium ions in the regenerant will precipitate as carbonates during ammonia stripping. The chloride concentration of the regenerant may increase to the point that it limits the solubility of the sodium chloride. But this would, likely.occur only after several hundred cycles of reuse. The cost of regenerant brine disposal is estimated as $0.00015/1000 gallons, when the regenerant is recycled 300 times. Cost of regeneration by computer program The computer program in Appendix C was developed to estimate the cost of regenerating clinoptilolite. in the comments. All program variables are defined The optimum values of the regenerant pH, salt concentration, and volume (program variables-PH, A, B), determined by Regeneration Cost, $/1000 gal 103 pH 11.5 Regenerant Salt Concentration, lb NaCl/gal FIGURE 20 : COST OF CALCIUM OXIDE(LIME) REGENERATION WITH REGENERANT REUSE 104 Regeneration Cost, $/1000 gal 0.10 Regenerant Salt Concentration, lb NaCl/gal FIGURE 21: COST OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE REGENERATION WITH REGENERANT REUSE 105 Koon and Kaufman, are listed in Table 16. It would be necessary to develop new Tables 15 and 16 as chemical costs (G, Al, A J , AQ) and tapwater chemical composition (C, AP) would likely change. It is also necessary to know the ammonia concentration (F) of the wastewater. If the ion exchange reactor dimensions change it will be necessary to reestimate the fractions of the zeolite beds (AN, AO) with the two attrition rates (D, E ) . All other program variables AM, AR, AS, AT, AU, A V , AW) remain constant. regenerant conditions and costs. (D, E , H, A K , AL, The program lists the REFERENCES 1. Aerojet General Corporation. Reverse Osmosis Renovation of Municipal Wastes. Dept. No. ORD 170 (Washington, 0. C.: Federal Water Quality Control Administration, 1969). 2. American Water Works Association. Water Quality and Treatment. 3rd E d ., (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971) ; 3. Ames, L. L. "The cation sieve properties of clinoptilolite." Ammerican Mineralogist 4 5 :689-700 (1960). 4. Ames, L. L. 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Fourth Environmental Engineers' ConferenceProceedings (Bozeman, Montana: Montana State University, February 15-16, 1973). I appendix 112 APPENDIX A GLOSSARY Symbol Definition BOD biochemical oxygen demand BV bed volume 0C degrees, Centigrade ENRCCl Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index g gram gpm/sq ft . gallons per minute per square foot hr . hour ID ’ inside diameter in inch i liter lb pound M molarity, moles per liter of solute meq milliequivolent MGD million gallons per day mg milligram a IzI m^ is tjgg cation concentration of the i species, 2, is the va­ lence of the particular cation milliliter 113 GLOSSARY (CONTINUED) Symbol Definition m& mill! .liter N normality, equivalents per liter of solute psi pounds per square inch QNH4 - N concentration of the ionic ammonia in the solid phase (the exchanger) 114 APPENDIX B I. Cost of calcium oxide regeneration with reuse pH 12.0 0.17 lb NaCl/gal 16.0 gal regenerant/eq NH3-N removed 0.44 lb Ca(OH)^Zcu ft zeolite 1.00 lb CaO ■ 1.32 lb Ca(OH)g ; costs were estimated using Ca(OH)2 NaCl Costs IA 5.43 eq NH3-N x 0.129 lb NaCl 1000 gal IB 2% x 0.17 lb NaCl gal x $0,012 lb NaCl x eq x $0,012 lb NaCl 16.0 gal eq NH3-N x $0.0083 1000 gal 5.4:3 eq N H - N 1000 gal $0.00354 1000 gal Ca(OH)2 costs 2A 2B 50% 2% x 0.44 Ib-Sa-(OH)„ x cu ft zeolite x $0.0228 lb Ca(OH)2 x 0.44 lb Ca(OH)„ x cu ft zeolite x $0.0228 lb Ca(OH)2 cu ft 9.4 eq x 5.43 eq NHL-N 1000 gal $0.00288 1000 gal cu ft 9.4 eq x 5.43 eq N H - N 1000 gal $0.000115 1000 gal Ammonia stripping costs 3. $0.08 1000 gal x 5.43 eg N H - N 1000 gal x 16.0 gal - $0.00694 eq NH3-N 1000 gal 115 Cllnoptllollte replacement costs 4A 6% x 0.0040 x 5.43 eg NML-N 1000 gal x cu ft x 9.4 eg $5.18 cu ft zeolite = $0.00072 1000 gal 4B 94% x 0.0035 x 5.43 eg N H - N 1000 gal x cu ft x 9.4 eg $5.18 cu ft - $0.00987 1000 gal Storage tank costs - $0.00045 1000 gal Total Cost - $0.0323 1000 gal II. Cost of calcium oxide regeneration without reuse pH 12.0 0.17 lb NaCl/gal 16.0 gal regenerant/eg NH3-N removed 0.44 lb Ca(OH)3Zcu ft zeolite NaCl cost I. 0.17 lb NaCl gal x 16.0 gal eg NH3-N $ 0.012 5.43 eg NH--N 1000 gal - $0.17710 lb NaCl 2. 0.44 lb Ca(QH )3 x cu ft zeolite $0.0228 lb Ca (OH)0 1000 gal C U ft 9.4 eg 5.43 eg N H -N 1000 gal - $0.00570 1000 gal 116 Cllnoptllollte replacement costs 3A 6% x 0.0040 x 5.43 eg N H - N 1000 gal x cu ft x $5.18 9.4 eq cu ft - $0.00072 1000 gal 3B 94% x 0.0035 x 5.43 eq N H - N 1000 gal x cu ft x $5.18 9.4 eq 1000 gal - $0.0098 1000 gal Mixing tank coat 4' Total Cost - $0.00042 1000 gal - $0.1934 1000 gal III. Cost of sodium hydroxide regeneration with reuse pH 11.5 0.24 lb NaCl/gal 17.0 gal regenerant/eq NH3-N removed 0.31 lb NaOH/cu ft zeolite NaCl costs IA 2% x 0.24 lb NaCl gal x $0.012 lb NaCl IB ( 5.43 eq N H - N 1000 gal cu ft x 9.4 eq x $0.012 lb NaCl x 17.0 gal x eq NH3-N 5.43 eg N H - N 1000 gal $0.00532 1000 gal - t 0.31 lb NaOH x 5.43 eq N H - N x cu ft 1000 gal 0 2 % + 2%) x 11.3 eg____ ]) x 0.129 lb NaCl lb NaOH eq $0.00735 1000 gal 117 NaOH costs 2A 2% x 0.31 lb NaOH C U x ft 5.43 eq N H - N 1000 gal X C U $0,171 lb NaOH 2B 32% x ft X 9.4 eq $0.00063 1000 gal 0.31 lb NaOH C U ft x 5.43 eq NH--N 1000 gal $0,171 lb NaOH X C U ft X 9.4 eq - $0.01008 1000 gal Ammonia stripping cost 3 $0.08 1000 gal x 5.43 eq N H - N 1000 gal x 17.0 gal eq NH 3" N $0.00738 1000 gal Clinoptilollte replacement costs 4A 6% x 0.0031 x 5.43 eg N H - N x cu ft x $5.18 - $0.000558 1000 gal 9.4 eq cu ft 1000 gal 4B 94% x 0.0025 x 5.43 eq NHn-N x cu ft x $5.18 - $0.00705 1000 gal 9.4 eq cu ft 1000 gal Storage tank cost 5. * Total Cost - $0.00045 1000 gal - $0.0388 1000 gal IV. Cost of sodium hydroxide regeneration without reuse pH 11.5 0.24 lb NaCl/gal 17.0 gal regenerant/eq NH3-N removed 0.31 lb NaOH/cu ft zeolite 118 NaCl cost I. 0.24 lb NaCl gal x 17.0 gal eq NH3-N x 5.43 eq N H - N 1000 gal $ 0.012 $0.26580 lb NaCl 1000 gal NaOH cost 2. 0.31 lb NaOH C U x ft cu ft x 9.4 eq 5.43 eq NH--N 1000 gal $0.171 lb NaOH x $0.0127 1000 gal Cllnoptllollte replacement costs 3A 6% x 0.0031 x 5.43 eq N H - N 1000 gal x 3B 94% x X $0.000558 ft 1000 gal 0.0035 x 5.43 eq NH--N 1000 gal $5.18 C U ft 9.4 eq $5.18 C U C U x cu ft 9.4 eq x $0.00987 ft 1000 gal Mixing tank cost $0.00987 1000 gal Total Cost $0.3044 1000 gal x 119 OOO OOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o APPENDIX C DlVlC MCCREADY CE590 NOVEMBER 1 , 1 9 7 4 OPTIMIZATION of CLINOPTILOLITE REGENERATION COST “ ■ PCLNDS OF SODIUM CHLORIDE PER GALLON OF REGENERANT ■ GALLONS OF REGENERANT PER EQUIVALENT OF AMMONIA REMOVED ■ POUNDS OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE REQUIRED PER CUBIC FOOT OF CL INOPTI LOLI TE " ATTRITION RATE FOR HIGH WEIGHT LOSS ZONE OF ThE EXCHANGER • 0 0 3 1 , . 0 0 4 0 , AND . 0 0 5 6 FOR PM 1 1 , 8 , 1 2 - 0 , AND 1 2 . 5 , RESPECTIVELY E " ATTRITION RATE FOR MAJORITY OF THE EXCHANGER • 0 0 2 5 , . 0 0 3 5 , An D . 0 0 8 5 FOR PH 1 1 . 6 , 1 2 . 0 , AND 1 2 . 6 ,RESPECTIVELY F - EQUIVALENTS OF AMMONIA PER 1000 GALLONS OF WASTEWATER,20 MO/L NH3-N O ■ CCST OF SODIUM CHLORIDE,DOLL ARS PER POUND H • RECIPROCAL OF THE AMMONIA EXCHANGE CAPACITY OF CLTNOPTILOLITE,, CUBIC FEET PER 9 . 4 EQUIVALENTS Al • COST OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE, DOLLARS PER POUND AJ - COST OF CL I NOPT I LOL I TE, DOLLARS PER CUBIC FOOT AK ■ COST OF AMMONIA STRIPPING,DOLLARS per 1000 gallons AL ■ CONVERSION FACTOR , POUNDS PER EQUIVALENT CF SODIUM CHLORIDE AM . ESTIMATE OF THE REGENERANT VOLUME LOST DURING REGENERATION AN ■ ESTIMATE OF THE FRACTION OF THE ZEOLITE BEO WITH THE HIGH ATTRITION RATE AO ■ ESTIMATE OF THE FRACTION OF THE ZEOLITE BCD WITH THE ATTRITION RATE PREDICTED BY KOON ANQ KAUFMAN AP • POUNDS OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE REQUIRED PER CUBIC FOOT OF CL I NOPTI LOLI TE AQ ■ COST OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE, DOLLARS PER POUND AR - FRACTION OF THE ORIGINAL AMOUNT OF BASE REQUIRED FOR REGENERANT MAKEUP at PH 11*5 AS • FRACTION OF THE ORIGINAL AMOUNT OF BASE REQUIRED FOR REGENERANT MAKEUP AT PH 12«0 AT ■ FRACTION OF THE ORIGINAL AMOUNT OF BAlE REQUIRED FOR REGENERANT MAKEUP AT PH 1 2 - 5 AU • EQUIVALENTS PER POUND SODIUM HYDROXIDE AV - CAPITAL COST OF REGENERANT STORAGE TANK, DOLLARS PER 1000 GAL AU ■ CAPITAL COST OF REGENERANT MIXING TANK, COLLARS PER 1000 QAL DIMENSION PHllSI20), PHl 2 0 12 0 1 , PH12BI20) F • 5.430 G ■ 0* 0 1 2 H • 0.1063 AT - 0 . 0 2 2 8 AJ ■ 5 . 1 8 AK ■ 0 . 0 8 AL ■ 0 . 1 2 9 AM ■ 0 . 0 2 AN ■ 0*06 AC - 0 . 9 4 AQ " 0 . 1 7 1 0 " A B C D 120 AS AT ALi Av AU C C C • CiSC ■ C•57 ■ 11 • 3 « C i COOAS ■ C i OOOAZ CCST CF' SODIUM HVDROxIOF REOCKER AT 10N--REU8E NRI TE 11 CS* 606 I DC 10 I • 1<5 REAOI ICS, 900 I AaBi APi DaE PHl ISI ! ) • A, H»AM, F* 0+ AP*AM,F,AQ*k+ ANvO#FvH»AJ* AO»E*FAH»AJ+ IF-I I AP»F*Ha I Am+ AR IAAU I I *AL*0+ AX*F*B/1000A ARa APaF a Haa O ♦ AV WRITEIIO816OOI PHl l SI I I a A 10 CONTINUE CO PO I • I aS RFAD(ICSiSOO) AaB aAPaDaE PHl PCf I I- Aa Raamaf » 0 a aP a AMaP a AQa Ha ANaOaF aHaa J a aOa Ca F aHa AJA ( F - i IAP aF a Ha I AMAARlAAUI I a ALaOa AKAFaB/IOOOA a S a APaF aHaa O ♦ AV NR ITE I 1 0 8 a 6C1 I PHlPC I I I a A PO CONTINUE DO SC I ■ I a 6 RFAOHCSiSOCI Aa Ba AP a D1E PHlPS I I I - AAHAAMAFAQ+ aP aaMaF aa Oa H* ANAOa F aHaa J+ aOaEaF a Ha AJ* | F . ( I APAFa Ha I AMAAR I AAU I I AALaO+ AKAFaB/ICCOA ATa APaF a Haa O ♦ AV NRITEIICB aSOPI PHlPSI I I aA 30 CONTINUE CCST OF SODIUM HVDROXIOF REGENERATION""— NO REUSE CO AC N " I A5 RFAOIICS aSOOI Ai Bi APi Di E PHl l SI I I ■ AaBa FAG a APa Ha FAAQ A ANADa F a Ha AJ A AOaE*F a Ha AJ AAW WRITE I 1 0 8 , 6 0 3 I PHl l SI I I iA 40 CONTINUE DC SC I - I aS REACI1C5 a9CCI AARiAPiDAr PHlPC I I I ■ AaHaF ag aaP a Ha F aa O a ANADaF a Ha AJ a aOa Ea F a Ha Aj aaw WRITE I 1 0 8 , 6C4 I PHlPO I I I AA SO CONTINUE CO 60 I - 1,6 READ I 1 0 5 , 9 0 0 I Ai Bi APi Di E PHlPS I I I ■ A a B a F a G a A P a h a F a a O a ANAD a F a H a AJ a AO a F a F a H a AJ AAW WRITE 1 1 0 8 , 6 0 5 I PHlPB I I I , A 6C CONTINUE COST OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE REGENERATION-— REUSE WRI TE 11 0 8 , 6 0 7 I CO 70 I " 1 , 5 R EAOH0 5 , SCOI Ai B, C O , E 121 c 1AK*F*B/1COO*C*H*F*M¥AR * av WRI TE( I OSj 6C0 ) P H l l B ( I ) ,A 70 CONTINUE DC 80 I - 1,4 RE* 0 ( 1 0 5 , 9 0 0 I A , B , C , 0 , E PHl SC( I I » AM*A*B*F,o + C»H*F,AI, AM+ AN*0¥F*H*AJAA0*E»F¥H¥AJ¥F*AL¥QA 1AK¥F¥B/ 1000¥C¥H¥F#AI*AS ♦ AV WRITE( 1 0 8 , 6 0 1 I PHl SO( I I , A 80 CONTINUE DO 90 I ■ 1,5 RFAD 11 0 3 , 9 0 0 ) A , B , C D , E PH1S5I I ) - AM¥A¥B¥F,o +C¥H¥F»A!,AM+ AN¥ D, F¥H¥AJ+AOa E¥F¥H¥AJ+F¥ AL¥Q + I AK¥F¥B/ 1000¥C¥H¥F, A1, AT ♦ AV WRl TEI 108, 60S) P Hl S S ( I ) ,A SC CONTINUE COST OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE AFGENERATI CN--NO REUSE CO 100 I - 1 , 5 READ ( 1 0 5 , 9 0 0 I A, B, C D , E PHl l BI I I - AaBaF¥ Q ♦ Ca HvF a a I ♦ anada F vhv AJ ♦ A0¥E*F*Ha AJ +AW WRITE I 1 0 8 , 6 0 3 I PHl l SI I I , A ICC CONTINUE DO HO I - 1,4 READ 11 0 5 , 9 0 0 I A , Bi Ci D, E PHlSO I I I - A , B a F a q ♦ C a H v F a a I + AN a D a F v h a AJ A AC a E a F a H a AJ ♦ AW WRITE 1 1 0 8 , 6 0 4 I PHl SC( I I ,A HO CONTINUE CO ISO I - 1,5 RF AC ( 1 0 5 , 9 0 C I A , B , C , 0 , E PHlSS I I I - A a B a F a Q + C a H a F A A I + AN a D a F v h a AJ ♦ AO a F a F a H a AJ ♦ AW WRITE I 1 0 8 , 6 0 5 I PHlSBI I I ,A ISO CONTINUE 600 FORMAT I 5 x » ' REUSE REGENERATION COST AT PH 1 1 . 5 • * / 1 0 0 0 GAL-1, F10. 1 6 , BX, 'POUNDS NACl/GAI REGENERANT-' , F I O. 6 I 601 FORMAT I 5x« 'REUSE REGENERATION COST AT pH IS-O • « / 1 0 0 0 G A L - ' , F10. 1 6 , 5X, 1POUNDS NACL/GAL REGENERANT"', F10. 6 I tCS FORMAT I bx, 'REUSE REGENERATION COST AT pH I S - S - */1000 GaL- ',Flo. 1 6 , SX, 'POUNDS NACL/GAI REGENERANT - ' , F10 . 6 I 6C3 FORMAT I 5 x , ' NO REUSE REGENERATION COST PH I l - S */1000 QAL- ', FlO •6 I i 5x,' PCUn DS NACL/GAL REGENERANT - ' , F l O . * ) 604 FORMAT! 5 x , ' NO REUSE REGENERATION COST RH 1 2 - 0 «/1000 GAL-', Fl0.6 I, 5x.'POUNDS NACL/GAL REGENERANT - ' , F 1 0 . 6 I 6C5 FORMAT I b x « ' NO REUSE REGENERATION COST ph 1 2 - 5 */1000 QAL- ', F10.6 I , 5X, 'POUNDS NACL/GAL REGENERANT - ' , F 1 0 . 6 I 606 FORMAT I IX, ' COST OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE REGENERATION-' I 607 FORMAT I IX, ' COST OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE REGENERATION-' I STOP EMO 3 1762 iuu I*+' ^ N378 M138 cop .2 McCready, David I Ammonia removal from secondary effluent by selective ion exchange ...