INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION Council Working Group for the Elaboration of the Draft Strategic Plan and the Draft Financial Plan, 2008-2011 Document: WG-SP-FP-06/37 28 June 2006 English GENEVA, 27 and 28 JUNE 2006 PORTUGUESE COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT FINANCIAL PLAN I Introduction 1.1 The present memorandum contains the comments of the Portuguese delegation on the Draft Financial Plan and the new documents presented to the Council Working Group for the elaboration of the Draft Strategic Plan and the Draft Financial Plan, for the period 2008-2011. 1.2 Consistently with the position taken during the 2006 Council in April and after an analysis of the revised figures, Portugal has the following introductory comments: II • The documents presented now show an effort to address some of the issues on the Draft Financial Plan made at the Council; • The revisions made do not represent however significant improvements of form or substance, as compared to the original document; • Due to the implementation yet in progress of the project for the linkage between strategic, operational and financial planning (KPI project), the document cannot reflect the benefits which the project will bring to the quality of the planning and management of ITU. Comments on Draft Financial Plan 2.1 We would like to comment in more detail on a number of shortcomings in the preparation, of the draft financial plan: Linkage of plans 2.2 As stated in the draft document under discussion “The main purpose of the Financial Plan is to translate in monetary terms the objectives and their relative priorities set forth in the Strategic Plan” and its primary objective is ”to allow Member States to know at the end of the PP the framework of their financial commitments for the 2008-2011 timeframe”. -22.3 However, it has been broadly recognized that the current financial plan does not establish a clear linkage between strategy, operations and financial requirements and this lead to the requirement of implementation of a project which was expected to be completed before the PP. The missing link lays in the fact that it is not clear how the operational activities serve as the bridge between strategy and finance. 2.4 On the other hand, ITU has made significant improvements to the quality of the Operational Plans. These documents define in detail the activities to be carried out by the sectors and the GS and they contain sufficient information to determine the linkage between the strategies approved, the activities proposed and the quantification of resources needed to calculate financial requirements. 2.5 Therefore, we believe that the information available in the Operational Plans should be formally used as the basis to prepare the Financial Plan as now they can be used as the bridge between strategic and budgetary and financial planning. Process for the calculation of the Contributory Unit 2.6 In order to adopt more effective management principles and to take advantage of the existing Results Based Budgeting (RBB), the ITU planning systems should become a central part of the management process, rather that the continuation of the administrative practice of working on the basis of a renewal of existing activities. Moreover, planning should allow for identifying how all the ITU revenues are allocated. On the other hand the calculation of the financial requirements should be based on a bottom up approach and this can be only achieved if the calculations are based on the quantification of resources required established by the Operational Plans and their linkage with the Strategic Plan. The Financial Plan should also show the allocation of revenues to the Sectors and then it should be possible to monitor performance of the Sectors, based on their capacity to obtain contributions for their activities, their achievement of cost recovery objectives and the percentage of their budgets that have to be financed by resources of the general budget coming from contributions of the Member States. Basis for estimates and forecast for the current financial period 2.7 ITU does not follow the practice of preparing forecasts and, due to the timing requirements for the preparation of plans at the various levels, has continuously followed a practice of comparing the proposals with past plans rather than with current performance. If the periods 2000-2003 and 2004-2007 are considered, discussions and decisions were mislead by that practice. Even if only the current period is considered, the financial plan 2004-2007 presents a level of budget realisation substantially below the estimates in revenues and expenses in the first two years. In spite of that, ITU has not presented any study of the impact of this performance in the current budget period, assuming that expenditures in the last two years will be largely in excess of the preceding two years. Even considering that there are events that can provide some explanation for these facts such as untimely recognition of transactions and no-recurring events such as the PP 06, the estimates and comparisons can be highly misleading and the ITU assumptions and calculations need to be properly supported. Therefore the proposed draft financial plan should be, among other things, supported by a forecast for the period 2003-2007. -3- Efficiency measures 2.8 In the last years ITU has been operating under a rapid changing environment in terms of technological evolution, competition of other organisations and more recently the introduction of new management tools and technologies. In the case of the later, the implementation of RBB, ICT tools and others do not represent by themselves an improvement unless all the related implications are taken in consideration. To give just an example, these systems and tools would not be justified unless they are used to improve the quality of management. Another example is the need to rapidly implement Results-Based Management (RBM) in the ITU. RBM represents a logical step beyond RBB, a process which has evolved from decisions taken by the 2002 Plenipotentiary Conference to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of the management and administration of the Union as a whole. Since 2002 considerable progress has been achieved in this regard and based on this foundation, the ITU can now focus on improving performance (achieving results) to supplement the important work clearly achieved in the area of budgeting and programming aspects of management. 2.9 The above finds its justification in the necessity to improve transparency, productivity and effectiveness, decentralizing responsibility and increasing accountability. None of these subjects are addressed in the Draft Financial Plan as ITU management considers that the “Union has reached the limits of what can be realized for the optimisation of resources”. 2.10 This assumption is difficult to accept as a valuable one for the preparation of the Draft Financial Plan, as there are clearly significant opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce costs, and this should be considered in the Draft Financial Plan. ITU Telecom 2.11 ITU Telecom activities have been developed as a black box. That was not a serious problem in periods when there were significant profits on these activities simply by doing them. Recent experiences show that these activities although being still an opportunity represent a risk and require a different approach particularly giving them more transparency and incorporating them in ITU subject to the same control measures of the Sectors. The cost allocation methodology in use should be implemented to ITU Telecom. 2.12 Except to incorporating an estimated result into the revenues of ITU, there is not other information concerning ITU Telecom in the Draft Financial Plan. III Recommendations 3.1 Due to the mentioned shortcomings, we believe the draft financial plan does not contain yet the substantive information necessary to form an opinion concerning the level of the contributory unit required for the period 2008-2011. As a consequence, it is not a sound basis to fix the financial commitments to be made by the Member States vis a vis the activities of the Union. -4- 3.2 In view of the above, the Portuguese delegation has the following recommendations • ITU should give priority to the necessity of establishing a clear linkage between Strategy, Operations and Finance and the Draft Financial Plan should reflect this position. IT should demonstrate clearly the linkage between the three levels. If the linkage is not clearly established in this Plan, it means that another four years will be lost as against the objectives established in Marrakesh. This can only be achieved by giving priority to the implementation of the related project which according to the report of the Project Team is now delayed. • The Draft Financial Plan should be based on a reconciliation between the manpower requirements as defined in the Operational Plans and the levels of staff that are being proposed by the Sectors and the GS. • ITU should develop a forecast for the current period based on the actual results for 2004-2005 and the actual performance for 2006 and the estimates until the end of the current budgetary period. • ITU should be instructed to give priority to implementation of the KPI project as the elements necessary for the preparation of the linkage can be prepared until the PP. Elements of the Project that have to be developed after the PP, should not delay the work that needs to be done now to benefit from the new approach in the next period. • ITU should develop a study to determine the impact of efficiency measures it has to implement to increase efficiency and reduce costs. • ITU Telecom should be dealt with as the Sectors, to be covered in the Draft Financial Plan with the same details and transparency used for the other Sectors. 3.3 As a final comment, the Portuguese Administration considers that there has been a significant improvement arising from the work done with regard to the strategic planning; however, the work must continue and it is our understanding that improvements outlined in the preceding paragraphs can be gradually introduced, some until the Plenipotentiary Conference, others in the next four years period until PP10. ___________