CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORM STUDENT #: DATE NAME (PRINT):_____________________________________________________________ Last First Initial LOCAL ADDRESS: Street City State Zip Street ) City State Zip LOCAL PHONE: HOME ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: ( CLASS STANDING: FRESH. MAJOR: MINOR: SOPH. JR. G.P.A. SR. (OVERALL) EXPECTED GRADUATION DATE: Please number the jobs in the order of preference.(1=Highest) (Example: The box numbered 1 will be the job you desire most.) Dispensing Stockroom Receptionist Office Aide Laboratory Prep Trainee/Assistant Secretarial Trainee/Asst. Microcomputer Lab Assistant Laboratory Teaching Asst. Purchasing Trainee Assistant Approximately how many hrs/wk would you like to work?______________________ Are you work study approved? If yes, how much? How did you hear about these jobs? WORK HISTORY: Employer Duties/responsibilities Dates worked ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ (Please complete the back of this form) Computer Courses or Chemistry Courses You Have Taken (indicate the college if not EMU): Course # Grade Sem/Yr Instructor Course # Can you type?________ If yes, list WPM________ Computer experience: ______IBM ______MacIntosh Grade Sem/Yr Instructor _____Windows Indicate your schedule for the _______Semester. Show your classes by Department and course number (example: CHM 371). Write a "w" in those times when you will be available for work. Hours 8:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:30-9:30 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE --------------------------------------------------------------------------Interviewed: __________ W - 4 Card Recv'd: ________ CWS Card Recv'd:________ 1st day: _________ Wage: ______ Last day: _________ Auth. Hrs: _______ P-36 no. ___________ disk: Word 6.0 doc:emplappII Friday