The Trout fishery on a reach of the upper Yellowstone River, Montana, during 1982 by Larry Dean Javorsky A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Fish and Wildlife Management Montana State University © Copyright by Larry Dean Javorsky (1984) Abstract: A creel survey was conducted to determine fisherman use and harvest on the fishery in a 9.2 kilometer reach of the upper Yellowstone River from March 22 through September 19, 1982. Locals, non-local residents and nonresidents comprised 39, 34 and 27%, respectively, of the 860 anglers interviewed. Anglers fished a total of 3942 hours during the study period, expending 2046 hours (52%) on weekend-holidays and 1896 hours (48%) on weekdays. Of the hours fished, 55% were attributed to boat fishermen and 45% to shore anglers. Boat anglers landed trout at a rate of 0.83/hour and kept 37% of their catch. About 93% of their harvest was taken between July 12 and September 5. Shore fishermen had a 0.40 trout/hour landing rate, and kept 48% of the trout they landed. The total harvest of 978 trout by both boat and bank fishermen was composed of 58% brown, 24% rainbow and 18% cutthroat trout. Nearly 83% of the brown, 71% of the rainbow and 37% of the cutthroat trout harvested were age III and older. Mean lengths and weights of creeled brown and rainbow trout were significantly larger than those for cutthroat trout in all age classes. The harvest accounted for 64, 23, and 32% of the summer mortalities in brown, rainbow and cutthroat trout, respectively, when an estimated handling loss of 5% was included. Big, McDonald Spring, Mill, Mol Heron, Cedar and Tom Miner creeks were all found to contain spawning cutthroat trout, with the largest runs occurring in the latter two streams. Recaptures of tagged cutthroat trout indicated substantial movement up- and down stream in the Yellowstone River both to and from tributaries used for spawning. THE TROUT F I S HE RY ON A REACH OF THE UPPER YELLOWSTONE R I V E R , MONTANA, DURING 1 9 8 2 by LARRY DEAN JAVORSKY A th e s is subm itted in p a r t i a l fu lf illm e n t of the r e q u i r e m e n ts f o r the degree of M aster of Science in Fish and W ildlife Management MONTANA STATE UNI VERS I TY Bozeman, M ontana June 1984 APPROVAL of a thesis Larry subm itted Dean by Javorsky This thesis h a s b e e n r e a d by e a c h member o f the t h e s i s co m m ittee and h a s b e e n f o u n d t o be s a t i s f a c t o r y regarding content, English usage, form at, citations, bibliographic sty le, and c o n s i s t e n c y , and i s r e a d y f o r s u b m is s io n to the C o lle g e of G ra d u a te S t u d i e s . Approved Approved Da t e for for the the Major College of Graduate Departm ent G raduate Dean Studies iii STATEMENT OF P E R M I S S I O N TO U S E In of the State it presenting requirem ents U niversity, available B rief to quotations special I thesis for agree that under from thesis this reproduction professor, L ibraries or when, of the copying or financial perm ission. Sig n a t u r e of for this in his in the gain of shall is are may opinion the not be of shall the make L ibrary. allow able that w ithout accurate quotation from or granted b y my by D irector the either, scholarly m aterial be of Montana made. absence, for at Library rules extensive thesis m aterial use is fulfillm ent degree provided source ' partial the borrow ers of Perm ission in a m aste r's perm ission, acknowledgment use this in allow ed the w ithout of proposed purposes. this major thesis An y for my w r i t t e n V ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would individuals study to the study and and M. Kaya Chris Clancey, and equipm ent provided Dr. Lynn of Parks, data analyses. Trout Montana Trout provided Special thanks who allow ed helped to appreciation who are supported and the goes of Mr. Fish, Burkhal te r programming C ooperative those through the work and Fishery Foundation for project. landowners wh o property, and enjoyable. My their t o my f a m i l y me and D alton for field Pic ton manpower, funding to the needed the encouraged directed m anuscript. and extended make also Montana the D. this of Departm ent Dr. U nlim ited, access the follow ing bring Gould Harold computer The U nit, R. much w i t h analysis. Research graciously Montana with to the preparation Irby, helped assistance statistical in reviewed the thank who h e l p e d W illiam R. critically and sincerely assisted Drs. Calvin to organizations com pletion. m anuscript. W ildlife like and many throughout friends my a c a d e m i c career. And lastly, thanks to what strive I the I living to wish God, understand to extend whose and my design desire most and to sincere creation preserve. is vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page V I T A ............................................................................................................................... ......... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................. v LIST OF T A B L E S ...................................................................................................... v i i LIST OF F I G U R E S ................................... ..... ^ A B S T R A C T ............................................................................................................. I NTRODUCTI ON . ix . x ....................... D E S C R I P T I O N OF STUDY AREA I ............................................................. M E T H O D S .............................................. C r e e l S u r v e y .................................................................................................. Fish P opulation Param eters ........................................................ 3 9 9 11 R E S U L T S ...........................................................................................................................13 C r e e l S u r v e y ......................................................................................................... 13 I n t e r v i e w s ................................... * ................................................... 13 Fishing Pressure . 15 C a t c h R a t e s ....................................................................................................18 N u m b e r s o f F i s h L a n d e d a n d C r e e l e d ...............................20 A g e a n d S i z e o f T r o u t H a r v e s t e d ............................................. 22 T ro u t P o p u l a t i o n E s t i m a t e s and M o r t a l i t y R a te s . 25 C u t t h r o a t T ro u t SpawningA c t i v i t y ....................................... 27 DISCUSSION .............................................. 30 LI TERATURE C I T E D ................................................................................ 39 A P P E N D I X .......................................................................................................................... 43 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Page The n u m b e r s a n d p e r c e n t a g e s ( i n p a r e n t h e s e s ) of an g lers in terv iew ed using v ario u s types o f b a i t s on t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e R i v e r i n 1 9 8 2 . . . 14 The estim ated numbers of hours f is h e d by s h o re and b o a t f is h e r m e n i n each s tr a tu m on the Yellow s tone River in 1982 ( 90% confidence in te r v a ls in paren th eses) ....................... 16 The estim ated numbers of hours f i s h e d by a n g l e r s d u rin g w e e k e n d -h o lid a y s and weekdays i n e a c h s t r a t u m on t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e R i v e r in 1982 (90% confidence intervals in parentheses) ............................................................................................ 17 Estim ated catch ra te s ( tro u t/h r) for fish l a n d e d a n d c r e e l e d by s h o r e a n d b o a t a n g l e r s on t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e R i v e r i n 1 982 ................................... 19 Estim ates of sh o re and b o a t R i v e r i n 1982 20 fish lan d e d and f i s h e r m e n on t h e creeled by Y ellow stone Estim ated numbers of trout creeled by anglers on t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e R i v e r d u r i n g t h e study period in 1982 (80% confidence in te r v a ls in p aren th eses) . 21 E s t i m a t e d h a r v e s t by a n g l e r s on t h e Yellow­ stone River during w eekend-holidays and weekdays of the study p e rio d in 1982 ( 80% confidence in te r v a ls inp aren th eses) . . . . . 23 Age c o m p o s i t i o n and mean l e n g t h s (cm) and w eights (g) of trout harvested from the study s e c t i o n on t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e River in 1982 (sam ple size in brackets; 90% confidence in te r v a ls in parentheses) ....................... 24 Spring and f a l l population estim ates and summer m o r t a l i t y r a t e s o f a g e I I and older trout in the stu d y s e c t i o n of the Yellow­ stone River in 1982 (80% confidence i n t e r v a l s in p a r e n th e s e s ) ( C la n c ey , C. 1984, p e r s . comrnun.) ...................................................................................... 26 v iii 10. 11. D a t a c o l l e c t e d on s p a w n i n g cutthroat trout in s e le c te d t r i b u t a r y stream s of the Y ellow ­ stone River in 1983 ( 90% confidence i n t e r v a l s i n p a r e n t h e s e s ) ......................................................... 28 The c o u n t t i m e s e s t a b l i s h e d f o r e a c h s t r a t u m i n 1982 ( M o u n t a in S t a n d a r d Time) ................................... 44 ix LIST OF F I GURE S Figure I. 2. Page Me a n w ater discharge in the Yellows tone R i v e r a t a g a g e s i t e 1 2 km b e l o w t h e s t u d y section ........................................................................................................ 5 Map o f 6 the study area X ABSTRACT A creel survey was conducted to determ ine fisherm an use and h a r v e s t on t h e f i s h e r y in a 9.2 kilom eter reach of the upper Y ellow stone River from M arch 22 t h r o u g h S e p t e m b e r 1 9 , 1 9 8 2 . L ocals, non-local residents and n o n r e s id e n ts co m p rised 39, 34 a n d 27%, respectively, o f t h e 860 a n g l e r s i n t e r v i e w e d . Anglers fished a t o t a l of 3942 h o u rs d u r in g the stu d y period, e x p e n d i n g 2 0 4 6 h o u r s (52%) on w e e k e n d - h o l i d a y s a n d 1896 hours (48%) on w e e k d a y s . Of t h e h o u r s fished, 55% were attributed to b o a t f is h e rm e n and 45% to shore anglers. Boat anglers landed trout at a rate of 0.83/hour a n d k e p t 37% o f t h e i r c a t c h . A b o u t 93% of their h a r v e s t w a s t a k e n b e t w e e n J u l y 12 a n d September 5. Shore fish erm en had a 0.40 t r o u t /h o u r la n d in g r a t e , and kept 48% of the t r o u t they landed. The total harvest of 978 t r o u t by b o t h b o a t a n d b a n k fisherm en was composed of 58% brown, 24% rainbow and 18% cutthroat trout. N e a r l y 83% o f t h e b r o w n , 71% o f the rainbow a n d 37% o f t h e c u t t h r o a t t r o u t h a r v e s t e d were age I I I and o l d e r . Mean l e n g t h s a n d w e i g h t s o f c r e e l e d brown and rain b o w t r o u t were s i g n i f i c a n t l y l a r g e r than those for c u tth ro a t tro u t in a l l age classes. The harvest a c c o u n te d f o r 64, 23, a n d 32% o f t h e summer m ortalities in brown, rainbow and cutthroat trout, r e s p e c t i v e l y , w h e n a n e s t i m a t e d h a n d l i n g l o s s o f 5% w a s included. B i g , M c D o n a l d S p r i n g , M i l l , Mo l H e r o n , C e d a r a n d Tom M i n e r c r e e k s w e r e a l l f o u n d t o c o n t a i n s p a w n i n g c u t t h r o a t t r o u t , w ith the l a r g e s t ru n s o c c u r r in g in the latter two s t r e a m s . R e c a p tu re s of tagged cutthroat t r o u t i n d i c a t e d s u b s t a n t i a l m o v e m e n t u p - a n d do wn s t r e a m in the Y e llo w s to n e R iv e r b o th to and from tributaries used fo r spawning. I I NTRODUCTI ON The contain upper 23% o f ribbon trout apparent M ontana's stream increase decade has become concerned trout has been particular which is The a state concerns Departm ent undertake first strain of two survey Interview s upper in the this fishery prompted creel conducted during in Y ellow stone indicated heavy 9.5 in interview s incidence catch population. trout in and 1975). near The km s e c t i o n of the 1 9 7 8 - 1 9 7 9. with of boat rainbow compared This It the river to could, cutthroat relatively according along the use and L ivingston, was conducted near in Corwin largely a the low num bers to The areas showed trout to 1974. constituted and Montana of of upper fisherm en, and the fisherm an survey the 1970's. several second was of clarki) , summer town There (MDFWP) the the the 1980). Parks surveys to on ( Salmo (H olton and last River. concern An groups w ell-being trout blue the fishing of W ildlife of in Yellow stone on (Berg and upper of River 1980). angler fisherm en Montana Springs state bank of a fish lim ited was pressure cutthroat Fish, with harvest on of (km) Clancey effects interest about and and the the Y ellow stone 723 k i l o m e t e r s local of the fishing about populations of (V incent in caused Y ellow stone the reaches of high creel in the investigators, 2 indicate and a Clancey The and data bank on Y ellow stone it to the River concurrent by of the upper Y ellow stone with MDFWP p e r s o n n e l . from March 22 south from trout (Vincent * system to 19, 9.2 estim ates several survey 1982 July 26, were establish harvest MDFWP. in Creel 12 and to L ivingston, the River was unstudied of of September June use population cutthroat to project on a n personnel of work overexploitation fisherm an fish activities survey this fisherm en the section to 1980). purpose baseline boat susceptibility of both km r e a c h of and relate made on The the spawning tributaries of also assessed work was conducted and 1983. the spawning 3 D E S C R I P T I O N OF STUDY AREA The Y ellow stone Wyoming and N ational to It total and where courses The m eters runs, ( m) about 1400 and approxim ately lies on 106.4 m ^/second ( s) w ater tem perature or from r south on It of km wide the east consists a gradient a gage 1983) site of of 1 . 5-3.5 provide 12 km b e l o w the characteristics. at km^. 56 w ith 1975). 2-12 M ountains west. major Yellow stone km a Res. 1975). from elevation for ( Berg 18 its Dakota. last upper in to Nat. the U.S. lies the pools, km ( B e r g 9197 of near County North Dept. about Absaroka Range in the the chem ical interm ittently on V alley ( US GS m in one continental records section physical it here and per Published study and river by G allatin riffle s, km ( M o n t a n a the Park northeastw ard River is Montana through 1085 section flanked the M issouri Paradise Living s to n . and in study in valley is 1976), undammed r i v e r s River the it Northwest Yellow stone southcentral northw ard length The. into in through continues with Cons. originates northw ard and L ivingston, confluence Its flow s Park G ardiner. River years 3.35 the gage Average between site, 1981 river and discharge k m y e a r . October follow ing The 1897 to the and The is drains recorded 1982 was average September 1982 4 was 7.5 C, w ith a maximum o f 1 9 . 5 °C a n d m i n i m u m of 0.0°C. For was the 738.9 mean the the study minimum flow was 216.1 m ^/s. the 1982 study period average to m ^/s, of flow during 1982 period water ranged 8.1, and 3.5 to is from oxygen m illigram s(m g)/liter(l) or T urbidity was about turbidity units) during high period ranged to 33 m g / 1 Nelson, three during w ater at Major norm ally high w ater. tributaries are include creeks, mg/1 and substrates, are flow profile water Hardness CaCO^ ) M iner, characterized relatively rose high of 7.7 12.0 to 38 NTU during the during low w a te r study section creeks. sand above Cedar by The (nephelom etric Spring Those to the saturation. study with I. from 9.0 112% but flow September from year, the Figure to NTU (as peak pH r a n g e d to stream s Tom in ranged a n d many m a c r o p h y t e s . B ig, and McDonald low -gradient M ill, m ^/s, the below and 29.2 2.0 June. HO was March 98 the from Armstrong bottom s in the shown 1 7 .5 °C, dissolved 1982 The tem perature from in and the and cobble All silt section Mo l and gradients, are Heron gravel and few m acrophytes. The Bridge Leven survey section on M o n t a n a Access Site State (Figure extended Highway 2). from 476 The to the M ill the river Lower here Creek Loch averaged 1981/N <0 /" \1 9 8 0 E Ju n e Figure I. Mean w a t e r d i s c h a r g e i n t h e below the stu d y s e c t i o n . August Y ellow stone River September at a gage site 12 km 6 LIVINGSTON MONTANA STUDY SECTION Emigrant Cedar Creek (•Corwin Sp rin g s Tom Miner Creek GARDINER Figure 2. Map of the study area. 7 about 60 m gradient, and wide, and had boulders 1975). a R iparian forbs. owned approxim ately bottom interspersed w ith ( SaJ Lj Lx) , Land a d j a c e n t and used substrate vegetation (P opulus) , w illow and had of gravel was prim arily the for m/ k m large and is grazing, (Berg cottonw ood shrubs, section of cobble sand m ainly and v a rio u s to 2.1 grasses privately farm ing and ■h o m e s i t e s . Fishing three MDFWP. Bridge and a access shoreline had The approxim ately 0.4 parking concrete Access Loch Site Leven frontage and to m ountain ( Salmo tru tta ) , trout. Y ellow stone the and an landow ners in found fac ilitie s and Loch km trout Non-game the are the (SJ l fish longnose Leven section. of river 0 . 5 - km o f gave areas. study ( P r o so plum w i l l i a m s o n i ) , rainbow was had occasionally certain and and additional also in Site study 1.0 lot, up- bridge the the approxim ately access, commonly Access at of both by Creek parking walk Camping end provided M ill small from located northern fisherm en w hitefish cutthroat upper the a Fishing were was The could res t rooms. ramp Private Gamefish ramp, km d o w n s t r e a m direct shore boat fisherm en contained easem ent. access at a section S ites. Paradise and boat study Access where downstream. a the Fishing facility lim ited to area brown gairdneri) , reported dace from are trout and the (Rhinichthys 8 ca t a r ac t a e ) , w hite sucker platyrhynchus) (Berg 1975). longnose ( C. and sucker ( Ca t o s t o m u s com m ersoni), the m ottled m ountain sculpin ca t o s t o m u s ) , sucker ( Cottus ( C. bairdi) 9 METHODS Creel A from creel survey March method 22 used to was Survey conducted September ^ a s m odified on 19, after the study 1982. that section The of sampling Neuhold and Lu (1957). The study consisting of subdivided into for weekend are given w hile days to at than days per week per sub s t r a t u m . Weekend containing first Sunday. A ll three dates was of strata further and all one strata etc.) had Day, days. days holidays contained contained 9 days. The sub s t r a t u m were surveyed, substratum survey 13 weekdays restrictions Tuesday, 5 for each weekday the sub s t r a ta weekend subsequent holidays week were had which stratum The w ithout in with Memorial into 11. with (Monday, one holidays. surveyed random Each substrata, and those divided each. Table the Day, was substrata be chosen two days Weekday 3 2 weeks in days, period 4 and was days, The wa s first (I) (2) except Da y survey randomly between were, s u r v e y e d . no m o t e each surveyed Independence alternating holidays that 10 day only of once for those and Labor day of chosen. with Saturday This the and method 10 Insured all that holidays, The the were fishing daylight hours (hr) counts counts day of on e a c h time or four starting The time of day in that in itial count used, to used after the during which Numbers separately points took less time each of in on the anglers the and shore section was period in are shorelines were and to day length. survey count tim es count Table latest were reverted count tim es 11. were was recorded made from binoculars, and which was day for all considered to be an 92% o f on either next The first fishing Over these the from conduct, the varying follow ing count be conducted of the 7x35 intervals the on boats could many count in and of the for in itia l using length as and at Each from Five tim e. 45 m i n u t e s count. 11). each given count. observable 1981, count all (Table beginning fisherm en therefore Interview s on of 12-16 depending follow ing stratum average instantaneous and from random ly begun all possible approxim ately than was consist account chosen count until each both days, length in itia l tim es, in itia l to day, to the was stratum earliest survey of in period adjusted stratum the weekend considered study each three and and v a r i e d the were The weekdays surveyed. hours made length. the day was during were betw een day 50% o f the entire study points. 146 fisherm en days as of the possible study were 11 interview ed individually interview ed was classified County, M ontana), Montana outside Other data number in boat), bait a non-local collected from each fishing spent and and party, the kept. Whe n measured for for determ ination. interview s length v irtually or pulled out the downstream to in fisherm en at end 1:00 each counts each and w eig h t, boat Lower of the PM) study and one not (shore type were the during taken I Access Site PM days by (at one to of also passed during of were that section) or fish number fisherm en, PM ( 1 : 0 0 substratum were scales Leven in the species of r creeled fish fisherm en Loch Park included: fisherm an, and boat in nonresident. fishing To i n c r e a s e all the of practical, o b t a i n e d ■ from contacted period of of angler (residing a fisherm an sex number (residing or mode fishing, Each resident County), used, (sunrise a local Park the age as counts. of hours caught between AM sunset) on which made. Fish Population Parameters The trout populations in studied the were 9.2 from estim ates by were brown, km s e c t i o n estim ated Personnel captured of the in of the MDFWP rainbow spring made electrofishing. given the individually and Y ellow stone River and 1982. mark The cutthroat fall of and recapture cutthroat numbered tags so trout their 12 movements could Population Clancey, methods estim ates Fisheries described McDonald Mol Heron June creeks investigate of a the were Vincent for (1971 M ill, were w ith trout e l e c t r o f i s h e d once run was electrofished at trout captured were that their twice Mr. be using 1974). Cedar, Big periodically of the which week. runs. to The evidence they AlI follow ed and during MDFWP time measured, could Chris MDFWP, week u n t i l at per weighed, movements by spawning per obtained, least recaptured. Tom M i n e r , personnel cutthroat were the and e l e c t r o f i shed 1983 spawning they computed B iologist in of if were Spring, and Ju ly creeks be m o n i t o r e d were cutthroat and tagged so in subsequent recaptures. Age determ inations were structure of the harvest the and the age creel computed from population by Mr. harvest were Selected statistically variances S tatistical by Fish during from by population w ith Snedecor differences the of or were age fish in was electrofishing for samples fish were aged in the taken author. F -tests Cochran the from The population both the and by scales. param eters t - tests calculated of Scales examined from determ ined structure C lancey. also was captured estim ates. Chris described fish made were compared using methods (1978), with MDFWP' s CCPROG p r o g r a m . significant at p<0.05. 13 "RESULTS Creel Survey Interview s Of shore and the 860 anglers and fem ales 499 Male anglers Y ellow stone River and Bighorn rivers largest with contributing Hole River River or baits com bination consisted m etal, wood, fisherm en and live 1975) to more the anglers, or more of on the (V incent (K ozakiew icz & 1979), 1975). fisherm en and and from 63% o n locals nonresidents (34 varied to were of locals 12% the 27%, in on the lower Big 1979). evenly and of those baits flies plastic, tended bait of Males contribution has about bait fisherm en. Springs residents reported were reported Hole of (42%) 80% proportions (Stevenson were of (Stevenson fisheries a rtific ia l some Big 361 13% o f been proportion The boat Corwin lower (Kozakiewicz Fisherm en using also lesser Montana Bighorn and non-local respectively). other 87% near the (39%), were has 1980), The (58%) dom inance Clancey the interview ed, com prised respectively. licensed anglers use often or divided using (Table and than either I). "hardware" other flies between and boat those live bait A rtificial (lures of m aterials). Shore hardware often less fisherm en. A lso, 14 Table I. The n u m b e r s a n d p e r c e n t a g e s ( i n p a r e n t h e s e s ) of a n g l e r s i n t e r v i e w e d using v a rio u s types o f b a i t s on t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e R iv e r i n 1982. Boat Bait type Shore A rtific ia l bait Flies Har dware Live b a it Sculpins Other Co m b i n a t i on of b a its Total in frequently guides. 9(7) 0 61(7) 174(20) 66(18) 93(25) 37 ( 2 8 ) 196(23) 366(100) 133(100) Hole guided (V incent The anglers lower than lower Big the length 1.8 the Hole the use flies frequently percent of in operated boats to 1979) length hr. 2.5 Bighorn of more to less than their the 10.5% and boat by found 77% o n on the fisherm en professional the lower upper Big Madison 1978). average was tended 860(100) boats. compares (K ozakiewicz rivers boats hardware were This 229(27 ) 200(23) 43(12) 11(3) Tw enty-nine interview ed 80(60) 7(5) 9(2 ) 163(45) private in Total 91(25) 128(35) and counterparts Guide d 58(16) 65(18) 361(99) fisherm en on Private hr River River of the This found for fishing figure shore (K ozakiewicz (Stevenson fishing day for is day for significantly fisherm en 1979) 1975). shore shore and the The on 4.2 the hr average anglers was 15 significantly on w e e k d a y s The (2.1 w ithin hr. between length the This on w e e k e n d - h o l i d a y s (1.6 hr) than day for boat hr). average anglers 1.7 lower study time of fishing section period w eekend-holidays the did was not calculated vary to be significantly and weekdays. Fishing Pressure A nglers fished section (Table 45% a n d boat of nearly 2), with anglers pressure from anglers occurred during September and the w ater Stratum the 19), 12 after the 23 17% o f and total 32% o f made up the only The 7% o f showed holidays. shore September boat and This total was 5), shore of weekdays were during of - (Figure 2) during included accounted pressure, hours for pressure although the those fished w eekend-holidays, fished sim ilar total 56% 28 fishing About and (93%) (June which greater of for it period. numbers 47% boat greatest stratum fishing study and dropped a proportionately anglers occurred the the estim ated w eekend-holidays which - study The m a j o r i t y 6 strata level the accounting (73%) Pressure Day w e e k e n d . approxim ately last water in pressure. shore the hr anglers the both cleared. (August Labor shore 55% o f the 4,000 (Table use hours by which during 3), on w e e k e n d fished boat by anglers com prised only 16 Table Stratum 2. The e s t i m a t e d n u m b e r s o f h o u r s f i s h e d by shore and b o a t f is h e r m e n in each s tr a tu m on the Y ellow stone River in 1982 ( 90% confidence in te r v a l s in p a re n th e se s). Dates Shore Boat Combined I 3/22-4/4 58 11 69 2 4/5-4/18 52 23 75 3 4/19-5/2 45 75 120 4 5/3-5/16 78 63 141 5 5/17-5/30 18 14 32 6 5/31-6/13 161 12 173 7 6/14-6/27 70 0 70 8 6 /2 8 - 7 /11 183 46 229 9 7/12-7/25 156 180 336 10 7/26-8/8 216 498 714 11 8/9-8/22 263 275 538 12 8/23-9/5 306 681 987 13 9/6-9/19 189 269 458 To t a l 1795 (+252 ) 2 1 4 7 ( + 4 2 3 ) 3942(+494) 17 Table 3. The e s t i m a t e d n u m b e r s o f h o u r s f i s h e d by anglers during w eekend-holidays and weekdays i n e a c h s t r a t u m on t h e Yellow­ stone River in 1982 ( 90% confidence i n te r v a ls in p a re n th e se s). W eekend-holidays Weekday S t r a turn Shore Boat Combined I 0 11 11 58 0 58 2 21 23 44 31 0 31 3 45 75 120 0 0 0 4 60 42 102 18 21 39 5 18 14 32 0 0 0 6 56 12 68 105 0 105 7 32 0 32 38 0 38 8 138 5 143 45 41 86 9 48 72 120 108 108 216 10 114 176 290 102 322 424 11 106 173 279 157 102 259 12 140 410 550 166 271 437 13 69 186 255 120 83 203 To t a l 847 (+ 161) 1199 (+272) 2046 (+316) Shore 948 (+161) Boat 948 ( + 272 ) Combined 1896 (+316) 18 29% of the greater available use on (1979) Lyden (1975) on Catch Rates rates fisherm en the for many fish creeled as they brown brown trout either cutthroat catch rates was of all from anglers landing 4). 24-47% Again, and Total of brown significantly The catch significantly weekdays and trout. 860 trout/hr, about twice as landed than rate Landed for any landed that and shore and for than for the 0.25 rate higher differ for They catch combined not and for creeled anglers significantly on from weekdays. Boat (Table did by River trout 4). combined trout also River. a greater rainbow Hole landed (Table significantly w eekend-holidays for their or Big 0.64 fisherm en at observed creeled were creeled and lower and P roportionately was G allatin landed trout species, both the West Shore other those on interview ed respectively. hours. w eekend-holidays Kozakiew icz The fishing for had significantly creeling catch total trout rates landed trout were greater rates rate for lower landed on fish than for rates all for and not for varied fisherm en. creeled trout creeled at species . combined w eekend-holidays but of fisherm en trout boat other trout rates shore creeled landed than higher than fish. was on 19 Table 4. Estim ated catch ra te s ( tr o u t/h r ) for fish landed and c r e e l e d by shore and boat a n g l e r s on t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e R i v e r i n 1 9 8 2 . Landed Trout species Weekendholidays Weekday Shore Creeled To t a l Weekendh o l i days Weekday To t a I anglers . 17 . 26 . 20 .07 . 11 . 08 Rainbow . 10 .09 .10 .07 .05 . 06 C utthroat . 08 . 13 . 10 . 04 . 06 . 05 Combine d .35 .48 .40 .22 . 19 Boat OO 1—1 Brown anglers Brown . 42 .50 .45 .18 .25 .21 Rainbow .11 . 33 . 21 . 04 . 09 . 06 Cutthroat .17 .17 .17 .04 .04 .04 Combine d . 70 1.00 . 83 . 26 . 38 . 31 20 Numbers of Fish About 5). 41% o f Boat shore Landed all anglers fisherm en landed fish. fisherm en and trout landed but and over 57 of the trout landed Rainbow trout contributed landed fisherm en, while Shore 63% o f total The m a j o r i t y Table Trout species Brown Rainbow Cutthroat To t a I of during 5. and number the 43% o f from by trout accounted of trout Strata for trout as 8% of many the trout (Table trout less of the trout boat were brown trout 20-30% as their constituted 51% creeled. of the total both boa t an d shore added from 13-27% 37% a n d harvested harvest 9 - 1 2 creeled respectively, brown creeled cutthroat anglers the occurred and anglers, twice 67% creeled, For were about and tro u t. trout shore landed creeled About landed C reeled of (July boat anglers (Table 6). boat anglers (93%) 12 September - Estim ates of f i s h la n d e d and s h o r e a n d b o a t f i s h e r m e n on t h e River in 1982. 5), creeled by Yellow stone Shore Bo a t Combined L a n de d C r e e l e d Lande d C re e le d Landed Creeled 403 186 207 796 15 8 HO 98 366 926 335 352 1613 410 123 79 612 1329 521 559 2409 568 233 177 978 21 Table 6. Estim ated numbers of trout creeled by anglers on t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e River during the s t u d y p e r i o d i n 1982 (80% confidence in te r v a ls in p a re n th e se s). Trout Stratum Brown Rainbow Shore I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 0 0 3 0 20 3 21 17 9 22 11 0 158(+38) 1 1 0 ( + 2 8) Boat 4 0 0 12 0 3 0 0 26 159 115 79 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total Grand total Cutthroat Total anglers 4 0 4 3 2 31 3 10 29 14 43 11 4 Total species 0 0 2 9 0 12 7 5 5 0 11 43 4 8 0 6 15 2 63 13 36 51 23 76 65 8 98 ( + 3 6 ) 366(+59 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 6 11 44 6 4 0 0 12 0 3 0 2 72 187 146 164 22 anglers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 34 22 20 41 4 410(+88) 123(+37) 79(+26) 612(+99) 568(+96) 233(+46) 177(+44) 97 8 ( + 1 1 5 ) 22 which coincided with About 76% o f total during this of the time study (March 22 period but anglers due, flow s - The 11) perhaps, that period with pronounced. fishing by Strata pressure of the the for trout the low (see pressure occurred com prised only Figure and the 37% it and high was the fishing the w ater was (Figure I) and overcast. brown and rainbow trout significantly greater on w e e k d a y s by anglers were on w e e k e n d - h o l i d a y s more cutthroat than on w e e k d a y s . Ag e and Size Scales obtained the largest trout of Trout and from (Table 105 were 7). Strata harvested 1 - 8 , weather However, on shore pressure occurred of as Thirty-nine fisherm en numbers same not shore The boat the 52% o f the and 8 study by high - by showed harvest. during 31% I). but of I the harvested contained 59% o f Strata 62% o f fisherm en 9 - 1 2 harvest weather. tem peratures fisherm en and good com parison. shore boat which accounted to and fishing 2), In 2% o f harvest as percent period. July flow s boat (Table only during trend the lower m ostly when cool harvested than significantly w eekend-holidays Harvested length and creeled representations weight trout. were m easurem ents The age age IV a n d groups older were with brown 23 Table 7. E s t i m a t e d h a r v e s t by a n g l e r s on t h e Y e l l o w ­ stone River during w eekend-holidays and weekdays o f t h e s t u d y p e r i o d i n 1982 (80% confidence in te r v a ls in p a re n th ese s). Trout Fisherm an type species Rainbow Brown Cutthroa t To t a I Shore W eekend-holiday Weekday 61 ( + 2 6 ) 114(+41 ) 56(+19) 52(+22) 43(+29) 50(+2 7 ) 160 ( + 4 4 ) 2 1 6 (+5 4 ) Boa t W eekend-holiday Weekday 191(+41) 217(+76) 45 ( + 1 7 ) 75 ( + 4 1 ) 46(+21) 27 ( + 1 5 ) 282 ( + 6 1 ) 319(+87) Combine d W eekend-holiday Weekday 252 ( + 8 6 ) 331(+60) 101(+47 ) 127(+26) 89(+3 I) 77(+36) 442(+103 ) 535(+75) and trout, and Mean w eights of were significantly trout (Table age rainbow 8). classes w eights age of IV equivalent-aged and older significantly the same ages. brown and older brown than Both trout had The mean rainbow rainbow trout mean counterparts trout trout age than II had of and in brown trout those were of age sim ilar, IV a n d and but age greater mean II and w eights trout of age III IV and w eights age. older significantly cutthroat Age mean II three the cutthroat significantly age all than had for w eights in trout. trout trout cutthroat greater comparable lengths II cutthroat rainbow greater age trout. brown greater Age III and rainbow than their brown trout 24 Table 8. Age c o m p o s i t i o n a n d m e a n l e n g t h s ( c m ) a n d w e i g h t s (g) of t r o u t harvested from the s t u d y s e c t i o n on t h e Y e l l o w s t o n e R i v e r i n 1982 (sample size in brackets; 90% confidence in te rv a ls in parentheses). Trout Age class Br own Percent II 17[11] III IV and 10 [ 6 ] 73[46] older species Rainbow of species' Cutthroat harvest 29 [ 5 ] 24[4] 47 [ 8 ] 6 3 [15] I 3 [3 ] 24[6] Me a n w e i g h t s II III IV a nd older 309(+53) 499(+73) 937(+54) Me a n II III IV a n d older 3 0 .4 ( + l.2) 36.8(+0.5 ) 4 5 . 1(+1. I) 305(+41) 428(+77) 721(+106) 185(+25) 366(+66) 542(+56) I e n g ths 3 0 . 9 ( + 0 . 9) 3 4 . 8 ( + 0 . 4) 4 1 . 5 ( + l .5) 2 6 . 5 ( + l .2) 3 3 . 3(+2.3) 38. 1(+1. 3) 25 were also significantly cutthroat larger than age III rainbow and trout. Trout Population Estimates and Mortality Rates Brown, and 1 9 %, in the 9). study this older Rainbow either the in age II The cutthroat than for not fall fall of 70, s umme r trout largest and be 39 trout. and Ag e rate The estimated harvest 9) of in the shown the brown, rainbow study to section. cause up to older were age trout (Table age cutthroat into 29, IV trout. groups in estimates. 15%, and cutthroat respectively, As in IV and mortality were 29% o f 52, 1982 classes II up the older of spring, brown the the trout trout. m ortality and and brown, rainbow age greatest 21, age separated and were II made spring age section. cutthroat age population 14 study the trout during 1982, classes brown of trout or the age the could comprised largest and brown spring trout cutthroat section time, trout In trout and respectively, At and rainbow of rates II the individual (Table 6) a 5% l o s s trout age had accounted trout, in for 60, (Table respectively, handling trout the classes . summer m o r t a l i t y addition, and respectively, cutthroat cutthroat In rainbow 26% g r e a t e r , calculated and of has released by been fly 26 Table Age 9. class S p rin g and f a l l p o p u l a t i o n e s t i m a t e s and summer m o r t a l i t y rates of age I I and o ld e r t r o u t in the study s e c t i o n of the Yellowstone River in 1982 (80% c o n f i ­ dence i n t e r v a l s in p a r e n t h e s e s ) (C lancey, C . 1984, p e r s . commun. ) . Spring Fall Br own S u mme r m o r t a l i t y rate trout II 609 315 48 III 468 354 24 1488 957 36 IV a n d older 2565(+364) To t a l Rainbow II and 142 4 ( + 2 2 3 ) Cutthroat II and To t a l 37 trout older Total III 16 25 ( + 2 5 6 ) older 336 (+84 ) 76 trout 754 254 66 214 102 52 968(+275) 356(+68) 63 27 and lure applied Table and fishermen to the 5, numbers fishing 32% o f rainbow ( Wydoski the and calculated age the age IV a n d the age III released m ortality cutthroat Within of 1977). trout, classes, older ond older figure computed account for mortality from 64, of is 23, brown, respectively. the brown this trout would summer If harvest trout cutthroat comprised m ortality, trout 78% o f and 58% o f m ortality. Cutthroat Trout Spawning Activity Big, McDonald Tom Miner creeks with the than 21 found latter t wo any of activity, June, peaked first week streams of spawning The sizes and the having of (Table the Tom trout cutthroat Miner trout Creek more trout were not the advent the Nearly were were trout, with last terminated 10). and most to during and Cedar cutthroat the prior began cutthroat Heron, Cutthroat mid-July, August Mol spawning streams which during the Creek contained Mill, spawner s a p i e c e . in spawning Spring, age all III not half of before the ( 9 8 %) of and spawners of in older. Cedar statistically different • Spawning distances trout to tagged cutthroat their in spawning May o f 1983 trout moved streams. in the study substantial Two cutthroat section were 28 Table 10. D a t a c o l l e c t e d on s p a w n i n g c u t t h r o a t t r o u t in selected tributary streams of the Yellows tone River i n 1983 (90% c o n f i d e n c e in te r v a ls in paren th eses). Number of t r o u t Me a n weight (g) Me a n length(cm) Cedar 7/8-7/12 I l l - y e a r old I V - y e a r o ld and o l d e r To t a l 75 21 96 409(+18) 65 8 ( + 3 3 ) 464(+23) 3 2 .I (+0.5) 38.1(+0.6) 33.4(+0.6) Tom M i n e r 7/15-7/19 I l- y e a r old I l l - y e a r old I V - y e a r old and o l d e r To t a l 4 47 10 61 104(+12) 411(+23) 688(+71) 440(+36) 2 0 . 7 ( + l.2) 33.0(+0.7) 39.3(+1.4) 33.0(+1.0) 7 150 33 190 12 3 ( + 3 7 ) 414(+13) 688(+42) 451(+19) 2 1 .2 (+ l.7) 32.6(+0.3) 36.9(+2.0) 33.1(+0.5) Creek All creeks Peak of run combined: I I -year old I l l - y e a r old I V - y e a r o ld and To t a l older 29 captured weeks spawning later. McDonald was Spring caught October of commun. ) . trout in weeks in the s a me where later . Creek Big year (1975) Creek they and Creek had one was fourth in 35 km u p s t r e a m trout week the that been marked 50 June at trout km 1983 of pers . cutthroat least as 8 in week 1984, spawning from caught of C. c o me cutthroat tagged second ( Clancey, noted had Creek cutthroat the Cedar in spawning km d o wn s t r e a m e arlier, spawning Tom M i n e r 24 Berg downstream weeks A in little marked 19 as km 2 while d o wn s t r e a m 32 30 DI S C US S I O N The fisherman of the upper and 106 trout/km, ber 19, study, the the in the section fishermen partial upstream from no this different conditions 463 in not study methods flow than on have been sections Clancey - hr/km Septem­ in this of future Livingston, comparable they under regimes, but on collected in of section hr/km were upper recorded of of (1975) in River 133 the found sections respectively. to differing Yellowstone the the conducted t h e y may on data a harvest and 919-998 previously (1980) Berg and below. 22 baseline Springs strictly the 429 by w h i c h 1978-1979. because of km r e a c h by p e r s o n n e l collected h r / km a n d from 9.2 collected data study, and Corwin d own s t r e a m pressure Living ston of 266-318 and data other Vincent River are on March obtained been this the assessed. harvest surveys of be have in the values fishing data River. and the will and on pressures These area covered Yellowstone other baseline pressure trout/km from become creel fishing and on consisted data use Yellowstone River population this Although harvest respectively, These MDFWP w i l l changes and Yellowstone 1982. and use using weather indicate is data less that above 31 Information population were estimates, examined for populations. m ortality reduced age primarily indicate and/or summer of in trout rate the summer mortality "light harvest (Kozakiewicz for age older that had only, in per s . Montana found on 36% f o r in t wo of studies. did not appear lowest of a n d was II ma y the and be three similar to the the lower Big Hole m ortality rates older rates closed of and fish section was subject for age the Madison to River of brown 24% trout III (Vincent the and River ( C. 1983). brown estimated than (1983) 43% ca t c h - a n d - r e l e a s e respectively lower of species trout IV a n d older to brown sections Vincent composed for summer were the group age into 1983, high 19 8 0 ) . II and being for age the population, age age 1982 and young years study commun. ) , s pawner s several the of into fish the surveys exceptionally for of stream recruitment mortality designated respectively, population area The 11-34% trout been the harvest, rate and rates" Recruitment 48/km rate and the brown study 1979). III resembled was the well-being total (Gulland 37%, the as and m ortality was This of the in spawning relatively overfishing concern. the decreased one trout trout such structures, of The and Factors stock on indications rates, fishable brown collected at trout 68 Clancey those reported in I 14 and 1984, other and 32 206/km of Madison River spring the of Big II 1981, River the ma y h a v e mean water in a average Vincent with 57 1980 to 38 m3 / s have been the was a "preferred the greatest available The higher incubation larger March 31) to year in 168 of the in the sections and and 244 of age Decker-Hess Only brown the greater period the upper trout/km the spawning this mean age flows 1980 to was 68 m ^ / s , the habitat which in 1980. that there that tended fall compared 1983) , salmonids, level higher The was discharge" in year. demonstrated optimum River 1981 during and brown and River 1982 spawning II spring following spawning (1980) for 31) of Yellowstone fall 1981, more supplied and to that reduce area. flows period of from ( USGS area spawning II 268/km for (Wells Yellowstone Rechard below were 1982). 1 5-0c tober 1981 and a due time Wesche and recruitment section provided discharges 1980 sections figures age greater (September in t wo 1982). study in of respectively temperatures flow in rivers and similar of spring Gallatin apparent in trout Similarly, ( Rehwinke I The trout the and Rehwinkel similar may in brown trout/km, Missouri than age 1982. Hole brown 1982 like in and water 1980-1981 class. 1980-1981 temperatures ma y h a v e The mean w i n t e r was 7 m3 / s during helped flow greater produce (November than the in 1- 1981- 33 1982. Furthermore, less 26 than such 28 days during and from November during 1983). and and 1982 lower temperatures the and extremely brown suitable spawning (1979) even when trout showed a 76% population spring indicated only II older could the be and age s o me trout brown time ( C. and ma y h a v e trout eggs. located and of in was in m ortalities 5 2 %, in and several reported the a not the of was study other area per s . trout in the section Montana and fall older for for the brown rivers. (1983) of spring. and than but out and III higher by V i n c e n t age understood s ummer age for 1984, rainbow the in following mortality are rate the m ortality Clancey of into m ortality trout trout flows m ortality s u mm e r between by m o v e m e n t s s ummer rainbow s umme r trout by m o v e m e n t s or the C ( USGS freezing were 18% a n n u a l explained cutthroat s a me an contradictions estimates, The rainbow area brown estimates These study lower that redds 2.0-6.5° environment. although commun.) . temperatures 1981-1982 increased and 1981, 1981-1982 of in flows ( USGS from during showed 1982, and ranged with 1980-1981, water incubating temperatures eggs of occurrence of 3 days 1981-1982 simultaneously We sc he Rainbow of March The m ortality trout only winter 0.5-5.0°C 1983). low the winter through 1981, increased the were The me a n m o n t h l y 1980-1981 Reiser during / s 1982 there for The age 34 III and trout older on brown sections of catch-and-release lower, III for older recorded age River and were similar and Kelly m ortalities were It appears, mortality rates abundance 19% of and 18% o f trout the were relative in section cutthroat pressure Clancey been 3 7 %, the effect to to of in study the were brown or Behnke the and (1977) after 47% St. Joe restrictive natural acceptable and all causes. lim its on proportion to determined. the 6). in in They section Br own comprised (Table and proportion 9) rainbow to their population. This on Springs River, more Hole 54% a n d to collected were age (Wells due trout Yellowstone trout 1980). data the for Bi g years in and 34-2% a l . of in section. harvested of et rates harvested (Table the 4-5 been population harvest the be yet on for that were the than not and figures Bjornn respectively, trout likewise 41-18% trout rainbow closure respectively cutthroat in aged with trout mortality assumed composition contrast and summer trout were However, have River rainbow therefore, Cutthroat their 38 Creek, had Madison and older regulations comparably S u mme r m o r t a l i t y 1981). III and regulations brown 1980 Decker-Hess for the respectively. and River trout the Corwin which vulnerable showed to is that fishing rainbow trout (Vincent (1971) also states and tha t 35 cutthroat trout are "highly vulnerable" to angling pressure. The trout 19 82 recruitment population and 19 83 , was As recruitment rate the in 1982 s t r e a m f I o ws River correlation between cutthroat trout McKinney (1965), The both more Yellowstone dependence and to The were six sampled of earlier study. Big, brown found below or to spawn McDonald study were which suggests of similar that also of and those flow and regime. in the their greater spawning habitat, a time Berg trout of year (5 by of River that during the (1975) or creeks reported recruitment in cutthroat trout trout by Mill A recruitment Yellowstone sampled Spring the the the dramatically. cutthroat numbers to more in 1982). affect during fluctuate higher Dr ummond to for to recruitment rainbow due higher and optimum could streams spawning The an pers . flows fry in the due 1981 that flows tributaries were flow system tributary 1983 ( USGS 28/km 1984 , higher by and can from demonstrated than for probably cutthroat and trout, fry who tendency 82 and proper levels summer in was River their when w a t e r water be the Clancey brown was into to ( C. 1980 of on fish apparent in above influence trout II estimated with Yellowstone decreased age respectively commun. ) . tributary of in an less) found during this Berg (1975), cutthroat trout 36 in the lack upper of Yellowstone suitable spawning tributary streams completely dewatered for irrigation availability flows. Also, to trout are available stream habitat, are a lim ited The 1983 in three numbers Cedar, times (1975) the number spawners noted length from a 1958 Clear attributed to than creeks and a higher did (1983) only 1983 decrease - 1966 Creek for age 4% w e r e spawning recorded 54 cutthroat in there seen were in and cm in over Berg's weight and 1973. 136 of g GressweI I 2.7 cm in trout spawners Lake, which he harvest. concentration other creeks approximately from Y e llo w s to n e percent were of in that tributaries. trout length than suitable spawn reported 2.4 their indicate cutthroat mean run-off of km t o spawning those are indicate could C r e e k was in 35 Tom M i n e r the Cedar excessive Seventy-nine had than although ascending Tom M i n e r and years by the River spring area to which suitable Heron in the of eliminating during up spawning respectively, (1980) older, of greater study, smaller, moving of Mol in limited Ma ny after thereby even cutthroat be Yellowstone 1975), returns ma y habitat. the spawning tag system immediately (Berg for River of III age of the spawners fish, and 17% w e r e II. This spawners populations 40% o f in in the in Cedar age and IV and age structure one age class Montana. Zubik cutthroat trout 37 migrating age Hyalite IV f i s h , found 38% migrating the from 25% a g e respectively, age III, from Flathead Lake, the V and as in and 43% a g e lake. River Montana, were 13% a g e 1981, IV a n d Spawning III in cutthroat to consist fish in 1959 dominant age of and and 1982 13% a g e found VI age V he fish trout in 60% a g e I V, 1960 (Johnson 1963 ) . Furthermore, cutthroat trout time spawners. trout normally taken least 83% o f creeks were first spawners fish, (GulIan d In year an attempt populations MDFWP implemented upper in five brown, with not to all the be that a cutthroat in which these high low first year, cutthroat This mature probably third of t wo proportion escapement a result more from are River. and one After Bridge reduced sections than the determine the of overfishing Prior of the m ortality, the on t wo sections to May I , the of consisted cutthroat trout in 18 inches, date, the Park cutthroat aggregate and no regulations boundary trout in of 1984, river Yellowstone no of the over this response fishing new r e g u l a t i o n s rainbow restrictions. Emigrant to Yellowstone regulations section their indicate could were of 1980). trout the in group stated spawners. ma y which study (1971) first at older this spawn that young in Br own means of the the bait on to the the creel , 38 with no trout, the change in and bait Emigrant cutthroat rainbow 22 no trout section Fishing from the The MDFWP w i l l three areas be than the Creek on to 13 and one in inches the regulations structures of the the the on creel. to lures Yellowstone remain trout and brown Fishing in flies River unchanged the mortality than this only. downstream from populations effectiveness no and/or greater and from Bridge the populations. rainbow section Creek four determine different Pine the and Bridge monitor In brown creeled, restricted regulations Pine to allowed now for restrictions. ma y less are is regulations Bridge trout inches the rates 1983. in these of these and age 39 LI TERATURE CI TED 40 LITERATURE CITED Behnke, R. J . the genus Dept. of R e g i o n 6. 1979. Monograph of the n a t i v e SaI mo o f w e s t e r n N o r t h A m e r i c a . Interior. Fish and W ildlife 215 p p . t r o u t s of U.S. Service, Berg, R.K. 1975. Fish and g a me planning, upper Y e llo w s to n e and S h i e l d s R iver d r a i n a g e s . Fisheries Inventory and Planning, F e d . A i d . P r o j . n o . FW3-R, Job no. I - a . Montana Dept. F i s h , W i l d l i f e and P a r k s , H e l e n a . 125 p p . Bjornn, T.C., T.H. Johnson and R.F. Thurow. 1977. Angling versus n a tu r a l m o rta lity in n o rthern Idaho cutthroat trout populations. Pages 8 9 - 9 8 Ln R.A. B a r n h a r t and T.D. R o e l o t s , eds. Cat c h - a n d - r e l e a s e fishing as a management tool: P r o c e e d i n g s of the s y m p o s i u m . H u m b o l d t S t a t e U n i v . , A r e a t a , CA. Brown, C.J.D. 1971. Books. Montana S t . Drummond, R.A. and recruitment of Lake, Colorado. 389-393. Fishes of Montana. U n i v . , Bozeman. 207 T.D. 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Count Stratum Dates H ours of daylight times First Second Third Fourth Fifth I* 3/22-4/4 12 7:30 8 : 00 8:30 10:15 10 : 45 11 : 1 5 1:00 1:30 2:00 3:45 4 : 15 4:45 6:30 7 : 00 7:30 2* 4/5-4/18 13 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 1 0 : 15 10:45 11:15 11:45 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:45 4:15 4:45 5:15 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 3* 4/19-5/2 14 6:30 7:30 8:30 9 : 30 1 0 : 30 11:30 12 : 30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5 : 30 6:30 7:30 8:30 4 5/3-5/16 15 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10 : 30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 8:30 5 5/17-5/30 15 6:30 7:30 8 : 30 9:30 1 0 : 30 1 1 : 30 12 : 30 1:30 2 : 30 3 : 30 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 8:30 6 5/31-6/13 16 6:00 7:00 8:00 9 : 00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12 : 00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:00 7 : 00 8:00 9:00 7 6/14-6/27 16 6:00 7 : 00 8 : 00 9:00 9:00 10 : 00 11:00 12 : 00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:00 7 : 00 8:00 9:00 8 6/28-7/11 16 6:00 7:00 8:00 9 : 00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12 : 00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 4 : 00 5:00 6:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9 : 00 9 7/12-7/25 16 6:00 7 : 00 8:00 9:00 9:00 10 : 00 11:00 12 : 00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9 : 00 45 Table 11. Continued. Count Stratum Dates Hours of dayligh t times First Second Third Fourth Fifth 10 7/26-8/8 14 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10 : 30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2: 30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 8:30 11 8/9-8/22 14 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 1 1 : 30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6 : 30 7:30 8 : 30 12 8/23-9/5 13 7:00 8:00 9:00 10 : 00 9:30 10 : 30 11:30 12 : 30 12:00 1:00 2:00 3: 00 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 5:00 6:00 7:00 8 : 00 13 9/6-9/19 12 7:30 8:00 8:30 10:15 10:45 11:15 1:00 1:30 2:00 3:45 4:15 4:45 6:30 7:00 7:30 *Not Daylight Savings T i me MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 17 6 2 1001 4 5 6 1 I 2