IT314 ITALIAN CINEMA: INDIVIDUAL PERSPECTIVES Term 1, week 10: Alternative Perspectives (iii) Io, l’altro (Mohsen Melliti, 2007) Key points: self and other; brotherhood, friendship, partnership; intercultural relationships; individual identity and social or political constructions of identity; local and global; the media; migration; multicultural Italy; postcolonial Italy; isolation; in-between-ness; masculinity; violence; dramatic and visual intensity. ‘Io, l’altro is interesting in that it is almost completely shot on a boat in Tunisian extraterritorial waters. The boat becomes a metaphor for larger personal and political dynamics taking place around questions of media, migration and terrorism. The setting, a boat on the sea, is remarkable not only because it constitutes one of those non-places described by Augé, a means of transport disconnected from national or societal identification, but also because it is an uncanny location where the ground rules of legality, hospitality and survival operate differently from on the mainland’ - Sandra Ponzanesi, ‘The Non-Places of Migrant Cinema in Europe’, Third Text [see below], p. 686. ‘The uncanny presence of the woman’s body in Melliti’s film signals a return of the repressed memory of Italian colonialism, and at the same time obliquely draws attention to the relative absence of this figure elsewhere in the contemporary cinematic imaginary’ - Áine O’Healy, ‘“[Non] è una Somala”: Deconstructing African Femininity in Italian Film’, The Italianist [see below], p. 177. Jennifer Burns H4.11 Select bibliography: Cincinelli, Sonia, I migranti nel cinema italiano (Rome: Kappa, 2009). O’Healy, Áine, ‘“[Non] è una Somala”: Deconstructing African Femininity in Italian Film’, The Italianist, 29 (2009), 175-198. Pastorino, Gloria, ‘Death by Water? Constructing the “Other” in Melliti’s Io, l’altro’, in From Terrone to Extracomunitario: New Manifestations of Racism in Contemporary Italian Cinema. Shifting Demographics and Changing Images in a Multi-Cultural Globalized Society, ed. by Grace Russo Bullaro (Leicester: Troubador; 2010), pp. 308-40. Pell, Gregory, ‘Terroni di mezzo: Dangerous Physiognomies’, in From Terrone to Extracomunitario: New Manifestations of Racism in Contemporary Italian Cinema. Shifting Demographics and Changing Images in a Multi-Cultural Globalized Society, ed. by Grace Russo Bullaro (Leicester: Troubador; 2010), pp. 178-218. Ponzanesi, Sandra, ‘Europe Adrift: Rethinking Borders, Bodies, and Citizenship from the Mediterranean’, Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings, 11:2 (2011), 67-76. ------------------------, ‘The Non-Places of Migrant Cinema in Europe’, Third Text, 26:6 (2012), 675-90. Film credits: Directed by Produced by Mohsen Melliti Aldo Arcangoli Raoul Bova Alberto Leotti Maurizio Santarelli Lorenzo Von Lorch Written by Mohsen Melliti, with David Colantoni Saverio Di Biagio Alessandro Sigalot Starring Raoul Bova Giovanni Martorana Mario Pupella Samia Zibidi Lina Besrat Assefa Mohamed Alì Music Louis Siciliano Cinematography Maurizio Calvesi Country Italy From Internet Movie Database ( Jennifer Burns H4.11