Succession in riparian communities of the lower Yellowstone River, Montana by Keith Webster Boggs A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biological Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Keith Webster Boggs (1984) Abstract: Riparian plant communities of the lower Yellowstone River between Glendive and Sidney, Montana, were studied during the Summers of 1980 and 1981. These communities originally colonized sand and gravel bars deposited along the River channel. New sand deposits were invaded by Salix spp. and Populus deltoides Marsh. seedlings. This original community developed sequentially to willow thickets, to young cottonwood forests, and to mature cottonwood forests after about 3, 7, 34 and 92 years, respectively. While the mature cottonwood community is usually replaced by a grassland community (principally Agropyron smithii Rydb.) via a shrub community (Rosa woodsii Lindl. and Symphori-carpos occidental is Hook.), it may be replaced by a Fraxinus Pennsylvania Marsh. plant community. Numbers of species with constancies of over 60% rose from 12 in the seedling community to. 18 in the mature cottonwood community and declined to 13 in the grassland. Composition changes are documented in releve tables. Populus deltoides density fell rapidly from 48/M2at 3 years to 0.02/M2 at 92 years; Salix spp. disappeared still more rapidly, with declines from 10/nr at 3 years to near 0/m2 at 34 years. Aboveground biomass rose from 0.2 kg/m2 at 3 years to 30 kg/nr at 60 years and declined to less than 0.5 kg/m2 in near-climax grasslands; most of the large mass observed at mid-sere is living wood.. Belowground biomass rose from about 7 kg/m2 at 3 years to over 30 kg/nr at 90 years and declined to about 19 kg/m2 in grasslands; over half of this biomass was soil organic, matter in every community. Root/shoot ratios declined from 3/1 in the seedling community to 1/2 in the mature cottonwood community and rose again to 10/1 in the grassland. K, Na and N contents of the communities and ecosystem rose and fell with the rise and fall in its biomass. In contrast, P rose more rapidly in early succession and continued to rise slowly through the grassland stage. Management implications of logging and altered Streamflow are discussed. © COPYRIGHT by Keith Webster Boggs 1984 Al I Rights Reserved SUCCESSION IN RIPARIAN COMMUNITIES OF THE LOWER YELLOWSTONE RIVER, MONTANA by Keith Webster Boggs A thesis submitted in p a r tia l f u l f i ll m e n t o f the requirements fo r the degree of Master of Science in Biological Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana June 1984 APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Keith Webster Boggs This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be sa tis fac to ry regarding content, English usage, format, c it a t io n s , bibliographic s t y le , and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. iT Iw or n s j Date ' I' Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department Date Head, Major Department Approved for the College o f Graduate Studies 3 Date Xa Graduate Dean STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO'USE In presenting this thesis in p a r tia l f u l f i ll m e n t o f the require­ ments fo r a master's degree a t Montana State U niversity, I agree that the Library shall make i t availa b le to borrowers under rules of the Library. B rie f quotations from this thesis are allowable without spec­ ia l permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission fo r extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis may be granted by my major professor, or in his/her absence, by the Director of Libraries when, in the opinion of e it h e r , the proposed use o f the material is fo r scholarly purposes. Any copying or use pf the material in this thesis fo r fin an cial gain shall pot be allowed without my w ritte n permission. \ Signature Date iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to my major professor. Dr. Theodore W. Weaver I I I , and to Dr. Richard J. Mackie for t h e ir advice and in te r e s t in this study and t h e ir constructive c ritic is m o f the manuscript. I am also grateful to Dr. John H. Rumely fo r his help during the study and c r i t ­ ical review of the manuscript. I thank Gary Dusek fo r his important assistance and advice during my two f i e l d seasons o f c o lle c tin g data and Dr. Jim Pickett fo r reviewing the manuscript. I thank my w ife, S a lly , fo r her assistance and encouragement throughout the course of this study. F in a lly , I thank the Montana State Department of Fish, W ild lif e and Parks fp r providing funds and equipment needed to carry out this project. \ *. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES......................... ............................................................................ vi LIST QF FIGURES.................................................................................... ix . ABSTRACT:.............................................................................. x INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... I DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA................................................................................... ? MATERIALS AND METHODS...................................................................... 9 Species Composition............................................... S ite Age....................................... .................................................................. Stand Height........ ................ Plant Cover................................... ...................... .......................................... Density o f Wopdy P lants.................................! .......................... ............. Aboveground Biomass----- '................................................. Aboveground Dead Biomass..................................................; ...................... Belowground Biomass..................................................................................... System Nutrient Mass................................................................................... RESULTS AND DISCUSSION........................................................... Grassland Sere Community Descriptions......................... .................., . Green Ash Sere Community Descriptions.................... Peach-leaved Willow Community Descriptions................ Evidence for Successional R elations...................... Species Numbers.................................................................................... Density of Trees and Shrubs........................................... '....................... Discussion of Serai Causes and Relations......................................... Changes in Aboveground Biomass Through Succession.................... Changes in Belowground Biomass Through Succession....................... Changes in Nutrient Content Through S u c c e s s io n ...,..................... 9 IO 10 10. 11 12 14 16 18 20 23 29 30 ?1 33 .33 35 37 41 42 MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS............................................................................ 49 LITERATURE CITED............................ 5p APPENDIX...................................................................... ’ ............................................. '5 5 vi L I S T O f TABLES Tabl e Page I. Coverage {%) pf Common Sppcies in Ten Communities. 2. Plpnt Coverage, Species Richness and Community Height in Nine Community Types o f the Lowpr Yellowstone River Floodplain___ . .. 3. 4. V Mean Age and Diameter of Popul us del toides Trees Found in Four Community T y p e s .... 1 32 . Density (number/100 m2 ) of Woody Plant Specie? in Nine Community T y p e s . . . , ........... 34 5. Locations o f Stand? Studies..................................... K R Vu 6. Composite Vascular Plant Species1 L is t of the Lower Yellowstone River Floodplain........ ............. ........................... 57 Ages of Representative Populus deltoides and S alix f l u v i a t i l i s in Stands' S t u d i e s ! . : : : . . . ' ........ .......... 6? Elevation (m), Relptiye tp the River Surface, pf Stands S tudied!.......... ............................................... 1 r . .............................r t . . f 63 Height (m) 1 o f the Upper Canppy Surface and Diameter (cm)^ o f Ropulus deltoides in Stands Studied................... 64 7. 8. 9. 10. Presence {% Coverage) 1 p f Spegie$ in the Seedling Community Type. ...................................................... ;. 11. Presence (% Coverage) of Species in the Thickett Community Type...................................................... 67 Presence (% Coverage) of Species in the Young Cottonwood Community Type................................. 69 Presence (% Coverage) pf Species in the Mature Cottonwood Community Type............................... 71 12. 13. v ii LIST OF TABLES— Continued Table 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Page Presence (% Coverage) o f Species in the Shrub Community Type............................................................................... 73 Presence (% Coverage) of Species in the Grassland Communi ty Type........................... .............................. .................... 75 Presence (% Coverage), of Species in the Green Ash Community Type................................................................................. 77 Presence (% Coverage) of Species in the Willow-Shrub, Peach-Leaved Willow and MarshCommunityTypes..................... 79 Density (number/10 m^) o f Trees, by Diameter Class1 , in the Seedling and Thickett Community Types........................... .81 19. Density (number/1000 m2 ) of Trees, by Digmeter Class, in the Yogng Cottonwood and Mature Cottonwood Community Types........ ................ ........................................ . . ; ' ............ 82 20. Density (number/10 m2) of Trees, by Diameter Class, in the Shrub Community Type....................................................... 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 83 Density (number/1000 m2) of Trees, by Diameter Class, in the Green Ash, Willow-Shrub and Peach-Leaved Willow Community Types.............................................................................. 84 Density /ngmber/lOO m2 ) Qf Shrubs, by Canopy Diameter C lass', in the Young Cottonwood and Mature Cottonwood Community Types............................................... 86 Density (number/100 m2) o f Class, in the Shrub and p Density (number/100 m ) of Class, in the Green Ash Leaved Willow Community Shrubs, by Canopy Diameter Grassland Community Types........ 88 Shrubs, by Canopy Diameter Willow-Shrub and PeachTypes...................... 90 I 9 Constants and Estimates of Relative Error fo r Regressions Relating Logarithm Plant Weights to Their Logarithm D ia m e t e r s ...,..................................................... 92 viii L I S T OF TABLES— C o n t in u e d Table 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Page 2 Bulk Density (g/m ) of Soils from Three Horizons in Seven Community Types'.......................................................... 93 Elemental Contents (%) of Riparian Plants of the Lower Yellowstone R iv e r ! ............................................................ 94 Organic Matter Contents (%) of Soils,from Three Horizons in Seven Community Types ....................................... 96 Kjeldahl Nitrogen Contents {%) of Soils from Three Horizons in Seven Community Types ................................. .. 97 Total Phosphorus Content (%) of Soils in Three Horizons in Seven Community Types'.......................................................... 98 Bicarbonate Extractable Phosphorus Contents [%>) of Soils in Three Horizons in SevenCommunity Types!.............. 99 Ammonium Acetate Extractable Potassium Content (%) of Soils from Three Horizons in Seven CommunityT y p e s !... Ammonium Acetate Extractable Sodium Content (meq/lOOg) , of Soils from Three Horizons in Seven Community Types O Biomass (g/m ) Present in the Sandbar and Seedling Community Types............................................................................... 0 Biomass (g/m ) Present in the Thickett and Young Cottonwood Community Types........................................................ 2 Biomass (g/m ) Present in the Mature Cottonwood and Shrub Community Types.................................................................. P Biomass (g/m ) Present in the Grassland Community Type... 100 101 102 103 105 107 ix / ' L I S T OF FIGURES Figure L Page Map o f the Study Area Showing Locations of Specific Study S it e s .................................................................... 3 Mean, Maximum and Minimum Yellowstone River Flow (cubic m/sec) a t Sidney, MT in the 1910-1980 Period (USGS 1910-1980).............................................................. 4 The Average Monthly Temperature and P recipitatio n at Glendive, MT ( Ruffner 1 971)................................................ 7 Flow Chart Summarizing Successional Changes Observed in the Lower Yellowstone River Floodplain......................... ' 21 5. Age^Range and Physiognomy o f Community Types.......................... 22 6. Th? Elevations of the Soil Surface Above the Yellowstone Riyer Surface fo r Communities o f Increasing Age................................................................................. 24 Height of the Upper Canopy Surface, Relative to the Ground Surface, in Communities o f Increasing Age............. 26 Above and Belowground Biomasses o f Communities o f Increasing Age, Grassland Sere............................................. 3? Abovegrounfl Masses o f S alix s pp., Populus d e lto id e s , Shrubs and Herbs in Communities o f Increasing Age, Grassland Sere...................................................................... 40 Total Ecosystem Contents of Organic Matter, Phpsphorus, Nitrpgen, Sodium and Potassium.............................................. 451 Elemental Contents of Living Plants as Related to System Age............................. '.......................................................... 47 2. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. X ABSTRACT Riparian plant communities o f the lower Yellowstone River between Glendive and Sidney, Montana, were studied during the Summers of 1980 and 1981. These communities o r ig in a lly colonized sand and gravel bars deposited along the River channel. New sand deposits were invaded by Salix spp. and Populus deltoides Marsh, seedlings. This orig inal community developed sequentially to willow th ic k e ts , to young cotton­ wood fo re s ts , and to mature cottonwood forests a f t e r about 3 , 7 , 34 and 92 years, resp ectively. While the mature cottonwood community is usually replaced by a grassland community (p r in c ip a lly Agropyron sm ithii Rydb.) via a shrub community ( Rosa woodsi i L in d l. and Symphoricarpos occidental is Hook.), i t may be replaced by a Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh, plant community. Numbers of species with constancies of over 60% rose from 12 in the seedling community to. 18 in the mature cottonwood community and declined to 13 in the grassland. Composition changes are documented,,!'n releve tables. Populus deltoides density f e l l rapidly from 48/nT a t 3 years to 0.02/m2 at 92 years; Salix spp. disappeared s t i l l , more ra p id ly , with declines from 10/m2 a t 3 years to near 0/m2 a t 34 y ears. Aboveground biomass rose from 0.2 kg/m2 at 3 years to 30 kg/m2 a t 60 years and declined to less than 0.5 kg/m2 in near-climax grasslands; most of the large mass observed a t mid-sere is liv in g wood.. Belowground biomass rose from about 7 kg/m2 a t '3 years to over 30 kg/rrr a t 90 years and declined to about 19 kg/m2 in grasslands; over hq lf of this biomass was soil organic, matter in every community. Root/shoot ratios declined from 3/1 in the seedling community to 1/2 in the mature cottonwood community and rose again to 10/1 in the grassland. K, Na and N contents o f the communities and ecosystem rose and f e l l with the ris e and f a l l in it s biomass. In contrast, P rose more rapidly in early succession and continued to ris e slowly through the grassland stage. Management implications of logging and altered StreamfTow are discussed. I INTRODUCTION Recent studies of w h ite -ta ile d deer ( Odocoileus v irg in ia n u s ) on the lower Yellowstone River ( Dusek 1981) required information about the rip a ria n communities. A previous study of the area provided only qual­ i t a t i v e data concerning plant communities (Stevens et a l . 1978). The extent to which data from studies of s im ila r floodplain vegetation in other lo c a l it ie s ( E v e ritt 1968, Hosner and Minckler 1963, Johnson et a l . 1976, Keammerer et a l . 1975, Ware 1949, Weaver 1960, Wikum and Wali 1974, Wilson 1970) could be applied to the lower Yellowstone River floodplain required determination. Thq objectives o f th is study were to id e n tify major rip a ria n plant community types, q u a lit a t iv e ly and q u a n tita tiv e ly describe them, and describe t h e ir successional relatio n s h ip s . Community type descriptions were to include stand age, species l i s t s with coverage estimates, woody plant d ensities, and plant and soil biomass and nu trien t mass. The re ­ sults of this study should be useful in the management o f r iv e r flow, w i l d l i f e and a g ric u ltu re on the flo o d p la in . Funding was provided by the Montana Department of Fish, W ild life and Parks under Federal Aid in W ild lif e Restoration, Montana Project W-12Q-R- I^ and 13 and to a lesser extent by a Montana State University Faculty C re a tiv ity Grant (#2-6000-690). 2 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA The Yellowstone River originates, in northwestern Wyoming and flows north into Montana. I t turns east and crosses the southern portion of Montana (Figure I ) , then joins the Missouri River in western North Dakota. All major t r ib u ta r ie s of the Yellowstone River have t h e ir origins in Wyoming and flow north. The t r ib u t a r ie s , in the order in which they enter the Yellowstone, are the Clark Fork o f the Yellowstone River, the Bighorn River, the Tongue River and the Powder River. The P to ta l drainage area o f approximately 179,000 km is nearly equally divided between Montana and Wyoming, with less than 1% lying in North Dakota (Stevens et a l . 1978). The Y ellow tail dam on the Bighorn River forms the only major reservoir in the Yellowstone drainage system. Study sites were located on a 72 km stretch of floodplain between Glendive and Sidney, Montana (Figure I ) . are lis t e d in Table 5. Specific study s it e locations Elevations w ithin the study area varied from 625 m above sea level a t Glendive to 577 m a t Sidney. The Yellowstone River's main channel length in the study area is 101 km. Streamflow measurements obtained from a gauging station near Sidney (USGS Water Resources Data for Montana 1910 to 1980) show that the mean discharge is highest during the months of May, June and July and decreases dram atically between August and April (Figure 2 ) . age maximum discharge also peaks in May, June and July. Ayer^ The highest STUDY LOCATION COUNTY LINE RIVER ROAD TOWN . IO MILES , DAWSON CO. LENDIVE Figure I . Map of the study area showing locations of s pecific study s ite s . 2400 /// Figure 2. Mean, maximum and minimum Yellowstone River flow (nr/sec) at Sidney, MT, in the 1910-1980 period (USGS, 1910-1980). 5 flow ever recorded was 4,502 m3/s on June 2, 1921 and lowest flow was 13 m3/s on April 17, 1961. The lower Yellowstone Valley lie s along the western margin of the W illis to n Basin, a "broad shelf-low r e l i e f '1 geologic feature (A lden 1932). Marine sediments were deposited in the W illis to n Basin during the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and early T e r tia r y times. The Fort Union Formation, the la t e s t sediment la y e r, was formed during the Paleocene Eppch (Veseth and Montagne 1980) and consists of soft nopmarine floodplain pediments derived from erosion o f western Montana during the Laramide orogeny. During the Pleistocene continental g la c ia tio n , a lobe o f glac ial ice blocked the River v a lle y a t Intake, impounding the River flow to form a glac ial lake with re su ltant deposition o f fin e sediments upstream (A lden 1932). The landscape of the W illis t e n Basin now consists p f gently r o l l r ing h i l l s , wide v a lle y s , and f l a t divides with sandstone and c lin ker beds forming ridges and buttes (Veseth and Montagne 1980). Erosion by the Yellowstone River has formed a broad f l a t floodplain with an aver­ age width of 4.4 km in the study a rea . distance downstream. The floodplain broadens with The narrowest segment in the study area was 2.4 km at Glendive, the widest was 8.0 km a t Elk Is la n d . Soils on the floodplain and low terraces are of the TremblesHavrelon-Lohler association. This association is described by Pescado and Brockmann (1980) as "deep, nearly level and gently sloping, well drained and moderately well drained fin e sandy loams, s i l t loams, s i l t y clay loams, and clays underlain by s t r a t i f i e d fin e sandy Ipam to s i l t y 6 ql^y alluvium". This soil association forms a substrate fo r the plant communities id e n tifie d below. ' In the Riyer, i n i t i a l sedimentation leading to the formation of permanent land normally occurs with the formation of point bars. These o rig inate on convex curves within the confines of the r iv e r channel. The opposing concave bank is c ut, providing sediment fo r deposition on qonvex curves downstream ( Matthes 1941). l a t e r a l l y across the flo o d p la in . The channel thus meanders The channel width remains constant as vegetation colonizes the point bars and islands. Surface heights of pew deposits ris e as sediments are deposited on them by waters flowing over theip a t high-water times.: The lower Yellowstone River passes through a region which has a semi-arid climate (Thornwai t e 1941). Climatic records f o r Glendive i l l u s t r a t e the p re c ip ita tio n and temperature fluctuations o f the region (Figure 3, Ruffner 1971). Average monthly p re c ip ita tio n is highest in early summers with 8.1 cm f a l l i n g in June, and drops during winters to 0,8 cm in December. The average annual p re c ip ita tio n is 30 to 35 cm. Temperatures flu ctu ate about an average monthly high of 23.7 degrees C in July to an average monthly low of minus 7.4 degrees C in February. The present floodplain is occupied mainly by deciduous forests, grasslands and cultiva te d land. Immediately adjacent to the River, g a lix spp. and Populus deltpides Marsh, (willow and cottonwood) seed­ lings and thickets are dominant. Mature Populus deltpides stands, grasslands (p r in c ip a lly Agropyron sm ithii Rydb.) and shrublands ( Rosa woodsii L in d l. and Symphoricarpos occidental is Hook.) are scattered throughout the flo odplain. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. (Green Ash) AVERAGE PRECIPITATION CM AVE. PPTN. AVE • TEMP. F M A M S O N MONTH Figure 3. The average monthly temperature and p re c ip ita tio n at Glendive, MT (Ruffner 1971). The v e rtic a l scales are adjusted so evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation whenever the temperature lin e rises above the p re c ip ita tio n lin e (Walter 1973). 8 stands are commonly found at the edge o f the flo odplain. whiph also ocpur here, were not s tudied. Marshes, The semi-arid climate domin­ ates floodplain vegetation where deep soil deposits l i f t the soil sur­ face well above the water ta b le , but ground water and flooding have 3 s ig n ific a n t e ffe c t where soil deposits are shallow. Man's impact on the floodplain vegetation stems mainly from a g r i­ c ultu ral use. Many once-forested lands, shrublands have been cleared fo r c u lt iv a t io n . and grasslands Most land not c u ltiva te d is used by sheep or c a t t l e . I 9 MATERIALS AND METHODS Reconnaissance during the early Summer of 1980 id e n t if ie d 12 mejor physiognomic plant community types. Seventy sites representing the pi^'Pr communities were selected fo r a n a ly s is . These were: 19 in the "Sandbar" type, 9 "seedling" type, 8 "thicket" type, 9 "young cotton­ wood" type, $ "mature cottonwood" type, 9 "shrub" type, 9 "grassland" type, 7 "cireen ash" type, 3 "willow-shrub" type and I "peach-leaved willow" type. A species l i s t "rparsh" community types. (Table 6 ) was also made fo r three Stand selection c r i t e r i a were th a t each s ite represented one of the major community types indicated above, and that the sites showed no evidence of disturbance by f i r e , logging, recent gfdzing or other a g ric u ltu ra l use. Measurements were taken to charac­ t e r iz e each community type with respect to species composition, age, soil height, stand s t r a t i f i c a t i o n and height, community composition (qover and/or d e n s ity ), biomass and n u trie n t masses. Species Composition rr-l ” 1------------------ Complete plant species l i s t s were kept for a l l s it e s . Species ep-* countered in sites not sampled, including marshes, were separately recorded, S c ie n tific names of plants follow Booth (1972) and Booth and Wright (1966) o r, fo r species not lis t e d by Booth, Van Bruggen (1976). I 10 Site Age The age o f forested sites was estimated by counting the annual rings o f the largest Populus deltoides present. Growth rings were observed by cutting seedlings and saplings, or coring older trees at breast h e ig h t. Four years were added to each core count to compensate for the time the tree took to grow to breast height (Wilson 1970). Stand Height The height o f the soil surface above the River water level was determined with a level and measuring tape. Since spil elevations were recorded a t d iffe r e n t times o f the summer and since the River level varied throughout the summer, soil elevations are only approxi­ mate indicators o f true height p f the soil above the ^iyer le v e l. Plant Cpver Horizental cover was recprded fo r understory, shrub and overstory plants op a transect crossing the community perpendicular to the River. Graminpids, forbs, Artemisia ludeviciana N u t t ., Tpxicodendron rydbergii (Small) Greene, and vines were sampled with s ix ty step-points and presented as percent cover (Evans and Love 1957). Shrub cover was measured by c alculatin g canopy coverage ( p i . r 2 ) of each shrub present in density plpfs (described below), summing and expressing the shrub coverage as a percent of the tptal plpt area. ages were based upon ocular estimates. Tree and sapling cover­ 11 Density of Moody Plants Plots to sample the density of tree and willow species were located a t three equally-spaced points on the cover transect. The number of trees and willows o f each species was recorded in each p lo t. Seed­ lin g s , saplings and trees were defined by basal diameter as fo llo w s : seedlings were less than or equal to 0.5 cm, saplings were less than or equal to 6 cm, and trees were greater than 6 cm. Basal diameter was recorded fo r a l l saplings and the diameter a t breast height (dbh) was recorded fo r a l l tree s . Plot sizes used in various communities were as follows; seedling community I x 0.5 m; th ic k e t community 2 % 3 m; young cqttonwoqd community 5 x 5 m ; mature cottonwood community 20 x 20 m; shrub community I x 5 m; willow-shrub community 4 x 10 m; the green ash and peach,leaved willow plots were 4 x 30 m.: T h irty meter ash, willow plots were cut short i f 2Q trees were recorded before 4 x 30 m was reached and the actual plot length was recorded. Density plots fo r shrubs (except Artemisia ludoviciana, Toxico- • dendron rydbergij and vines) were also placed a t equidistant points . along the transect. The minimum size of each plot was I x 5 m an<i the maximum size was 2 x 20 m, depending on which came f i r s t : 20 total Shrubs or a maximum area of 40 square meters. Each shrub's crown diam, eter was recorded! in one-decimeter units as the average o f the widest crgwn measure and the crown measure perpendicular to i t a t it s mid­ point. Standing dead shrubs were not counted. 12 Aboveground Biomass Biomass was measured only in communities representing the sandbar through grassland sere. Time lim ita tio n s prohibited measurements in the willow-shrub, peach-leaved willpw and green ash communities. Biomasses o f graminoids, forbs, Artemisia ludoviciana. Toxicoden­ dron rydbergii and vines were measured by harvest methods. AU material in fiv e I x 0.5 m plots equally spaced along the cover transect was clipped a t ground le v e l, combined, dried to constant weight at 60 de­ grees C and weighed. Biomasses of Populus deltoides and S alix spp. were measured s im ila r ly in the seedling community. Tree and shrub biomasses were estimated by summing the weights of individual plants in each density p lo t. Because only a lim ite d number of shrubs and trees could be harvested, weights of trees were determined from regressions r e la tin g weights o f plant parts to a plant dimension (Whittaker and Woodwell 1968a). The method is outlined in the followr ing six paragraphs. Large, medium and small specimens o f the shrubs Symphoricarpps occidental i s , Rosa woodsii and Artemisia cana Nutt, were collected in each o f three s it e s . Crown diameter was measured and each shrub was separated into leaves, wood (branches) less than 0.5 cm in diameter and wood greater than 0.5 cm in diameter. These components were dried and weighed and t h e ir weights were regressed against crown diametgr (Weaver 1977). Nine specimens each o f Salix f l u v i a t i l i s Nutt, and Sa lix amygdaloides Anders, were collected from, three locations. The basal diameter 13 of each Salix individual was recorded. Sa lix spp. were separated into leaves, wopql less than I cm in diameter and wood greater than I cm in diameter. Each component was then dried and weighed. Subsamples o f . the la rg e r specimens were used to determine the dry weight/wet weight ratios needed to convert wet weights to dry weights. S im ila rly , f iv e small Populus deltoides from the seedling and th ic k e t communities were measured fo r basal diameter and the dbh of f iv e Populus deltoides collected from the young cottonwood and mature cottonwood communities were measured. A ll specimens were separated into leaves, wood less than I cm in diameter, wood greater than I cm and less than 10 cm, wood greater than 10 cm in diameter, and weighed while wet. Subsamples were used to determine dry weight. Dry weights wpre regressed against diameters, For each species, the logarithm o f dry weight wap regressed against the logarithm o f diameter to create the graphs needed to e s t i ­ mate weights from an e a s ily measured diameter (Whittaker and Woodwell 1968a). The regression parameters used to predict plant part masses are presented in Table 25 according to the formula y=mx+b where y=loglO o f the part weight in grams, b=the y in te rc e p t, m=the change in mass with changing diameter and X=IoglO of the plant diameter in cm. Plant diameter was canopy diameter for shrubs, basal trunk diameter fo r Salix spp. and small (0-6 cm basal diameter) Populus d e lto id e s , and diameter at breast height fo r Populus deltoides la rger than 6 cm basal diameter. To measure the closeness o f f i t between two variables along a regression l i n e , the c orrelation c o e ffic ie n t ( r , Snedecor and Cochran 14 1980) and the estimate o f r e la t iv e error for a logarithmic regression (E, Whittaker and Woodwell 1968a) were calculated (Table 25). Total biomass estimates of trees and shrubs in communities older than the th ic k e t community are underestimated s lig h t ly because in f r e ­ quently encountered species such as Juniperus scopulorum Sarg., Elaeagnus a n q u s tifo lia L . , Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Ribes spp. and Cornus sto lo n ife ra Michx. were not included. Aboveground Qead Biomass L i t t e r mass was measured by harvesting three I x 0.5 m plots equally spaced along the cover tran sect, drying and weighing. L itte r included a ll dead organic m atter, including leaves and dead wood less than 10 cm in diameter lying on the ground or standing in the plot and reasonably d is t in c t from the underlying s o i l , Weights o f dead Populus d e lto id e s , whether standing or lying on the ground, were estimated by m ultiplying t h e ir pre-death weights, estimated with the weight-diameter regressions determined as described above, by a fa c to r correcting fo r loss due to decomposition and sub­ trac tin g weights of branches apparently lo s t to the l i t t e r component described above. This method is elaborated below. To correct fo r decomposition, the dead trees were assigned to one o f three categories: ro tte n , h a lf-r o tte n or s o lid . The wood o f rotten trees was weathered, rotted and could be kicked 9part; h a lf-r o tte n trees exhibited a t le a s t some sign of ro t but the woqd could not be kicked apart; solid trees showed no outward evidence o f r o t . Three to f iv e samples fo r the 1-10 cm and greater than 10 cm diameter size 15 classes were collected from the ro tte n , h a lf-r o tte n and so lid categpr? ie s . The samples were dried and weighed, t h e ir volumes were determined and wood density (gm/cc) was calculated. each category was calculated. A mean for a ll the samples in. The r a tio o f ro tte n , h a lf-r o tte n or solid wopd cjensity to l i v e wood density provided a fa c to r used to correct fo r decomposition. Tp correct fo r loss of branches, dead trees were recorded as branchless (only the bole o f the tree present), hal^branched (the bole plus about h a lf of the branches present) or fully-branched (the bole and most o f the crown present). Weights o f trees in the branchless category were calculated as wood greater than 10 cm in diameter from the Populus deltoides regression lin e s . Weights of trees in the h a lf- branched category included the to ta l o f wood greater than 10 cm plus one-half o f the 1-10 cm size class. Weights of trees in the f u l l y r branched category included a l l wood la rg e r than I cm in diameter. If the dbh o f the tree was less than I dm, f u l l y branched included a l l the 1-10 cm diameter wood, half-branched equaled three-fourths of the IrlO cm wood and branchless equaled one h a lf o f the 1-10 cm wood. The weights of individual dead Populus deltoides in the density plots were then determined by f i r s t calculating the weight o f each dead tree as i f i t were a liv e by using the Populus deltoides tree regres­ sions. Depending on which category the tree was recorded in - b r a n c h ­ less, half-branched or fully-branched.— some weight o f the tree was subtracted from the overall weight. The weight of each tfe e was then m u ltip lied by the appropriate dead w e ig h t/liv e weight r a tio to convert 16 these data to ro tte n ,, h a lf-r o tte n or s olid weights. A ll dead tree weights were totaled fo r each p lo t. Non-woody vegetation samples were dried in v e n tila te d ovens (60 C) fo r two wpeks, then weighed to the nearest gram. All woody biomaps collected was weighed wet in the f i e l d to the nearest gram, or poynd fo r large samples, then dried in v e n tila te d ovens (60 C) fo r four weeks and reweighed. Dry weight/wet weight ratios were calculated to convert f i e l d weights of wet wood to dry weights. Belowground Biomass Belowground biomass consisted of four categories: root crowns and large roots greater than I cm, roots I cm to 0.1 cm in diameter, f ip e r roots and soil organic matter. Due to pre-analysis grinding, soil organic matter included roots less than I cm in diameter. Weights of large roots were measured by dimension analysis (Whittaker and Woodwell 1968a). Root systems o f six Populus deltpides treps were p ither excavated or found pre-washed on gravel bars. Roots of each individual tree were separated into I to 10 cm and 10 cm or greater diameter classes, dried and weighed. Wherever systems were too large to dry, wet weights were converted to dry weights by m u lti­ plying by dry weight/wet weight ratios calculated from subsamples. logarithm weight-logarithm diameter regression pared. (Table 25) A was pre­ Weights of roots greater than I cm diameter of a l l trees in each stand were estimated in a fashion p a ra lle lin g the calculation of shoot biomasses. 17 Biomass o f roots less than I cm in diameter, soil organic matter and soil n u trien t concentrations were estimated from soil cores in the 0-10, 10-30 and 30-150 cm horizons. Five cores equally spaced along the cover transect were pooled fo r each horizon sampled. When the king tube sampler could not be driven beyond 120 cm, comparable samples were removed from the sides o f a soil p i t . Each sample was dried a t 60 degrees C, mixed, weighed and subsampled (25% by weight) fo r laboratory analysis of elements and organic material present, Biomasses of small roots (less than I cm in diameter) in the 0-1Q, 10-30 and 30-150 cm soil horizons were estimated by weighing, on an ash-fr^e basis, volumetric samples washed from soil cores and expanding th a t value appropriately. Roots la rg e r than I cm were discarded since they were separately estimated by dimension a n a ly s is . Roots and d e t r i ­ tus were washed from the samples following the methods o f Uackspn (1956), except that s o i l s were not p re sifted with a 6 mm screen. Rpots, d e tritu s and soil remaining on the washing screen were placed on pre­ weighed Whatman 42 ashless f i l t e r paper. Roots, s o il , d e tritu s and f i l t e r paper were dried a t 60 degrees C fo r two days. Roots and d e tritu s were separated into size classes less than or equal to I mm and greater than I mm in diameter. Because roots and d e tritu s greater than I mm in diameter were ra re , they were combined across a l l stands o f a type to calculate average biomass. remaining was ocularly estimated. ashed and reweighed. Percent root in the sample The e n tire sample was then weighed, Ash-free root biomass was calculated as (organic matter + f i l t e r paper + soil traces - f i l t e r paper - ash) times the percentage of root in the sample (Weaver 1982). 18 The organic matter content of soils acquired, in volumetric cores was calculated as percent organic matter (gm/100 gm) times soil bulk density times volume o f the soil layer considered. Organic matter contents were c o lo rim e tric a lly determined by the Montana State Univer­ s it y Soil Testing Laboratory a f t e r dichromgte oxidation (Sims and Haby 1970). Soil organic matter was estimated as total organic matter minus small root ( 0-1 cm diameter roots) organic matter. System Nutrient Mass Plant parts, l i t t e r and soils were analyzed for nitrogen, phos^ phorus, organic phosphorus o f s o i l , potassium and sodium by the Mpntana State University Soil Testing Laboratory. The analytical results are summarized in Appendices K, M, N, 0, P and Q. Only roots greater than I cm in diameter were removed from the soil samples, thus soil analysis also includes roots less than or equal to I cm in diameter. Soil nu trien t masses in each horizon were estimated by m u ltip ly ­ ing nu trien t concentrations (gm/100 gm) by soil bulk density by the volume o f soil in the horizon concerned. data are summarized in Table 26. Stand-rby-stand bulk density L i t t e r nutrient masses were deter­ mined by multiplying n u trien t concentrations by l i t t e r weight. Nutrient masses o f plant parts were estimated by m ultiplying the n u trien t concentration by plant part biomasses. Neither roots nor dead Populus deltoides were analyzed fo r n u trie n t contents (%). To adjust fo r t h is , fin e root contents ( 0-1 cm) were assumed to equal twig (0-1 cm) contents of Populus deltoides and coarse root contents ( I cm+) were assumed equal to those o f 1-10 cm wood. S im ila rly , n u trien t 19 content {%) in l i v e Populus deltoides wood greater than 10 cm in diam­ eter was also used as an estimate o f the n u trien t content o f dead tr e e s . Total nitrogen in both soils and plant material was measured by the Kjeldahl method (Bremner 1965). Potassium, sodium and phosphorus contents o f plant material were measured by ashing samples and deter­ mining the quantities o f elements released by spectrophotometric (P) or atomic absorption (K and Na) methods. Potassium and sodium were ex­ tracted from soils with I M ammonium acetate and measured by atomic; absorption (P ra tt 1965). Inorganic phosphorus was extracted with a I M s u lfu ric acid solution and measured spectrophotometrically (Olson and Dean 1965). Total soil phosphorus was determined by ashing, extracting with I M HgSO^ and reading spectrophotometrically (01 son and Dean 1965). Organic phosphorus was assumed to be to ta l phosphorus minus inorganic phosphorus (Saunders and Williams 1955). 20 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Riparian communities o f the Yellowstone River floodplain were re a d ily distinguishable. These ranged from bare sandbars to willow th ick e ts , to cottonwood forests and green ash forests, to grasslands. Data from my studies are used below to characterize these communities by composition, describe t h e ir serai re la tio n s h ip s , speculate on forces driving the serai changes and measure changes in ecosystem contents of organic m atter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Figures 4 and 5 summarize the successional re lations o f the 12 ' plant communities which appear in the four seres id e n t if ie d , and which w ill be described below. The sere leading to the regional dry grass­ land climax dominates the flo odplain. I t began with Populus deltoides and Sglix spp. seedlings colonizing newly-formed River sandbars to ­ gether. The Salix spp. i n i t i a l l y attained stature exceeding Populus deltoides seedlings, but they died out a f t e r about 20 y e ars .. Populus deltoides then assumed dominance but also disappeared a f t e r about IQO years because dying trees were not replaced by seedlings. Disappear­ ance of Populus deltoidgs allowed a shrub community to invade and, eventually, a grassland community to assume dominance. The green ash sere shared the sandbar through mature cottonwood communities (Figure 4) with the grassland sere but apparently has a green ash community climax. Fraxinus pennsylvanica f i r s t appeared in the young cottonwood community and s te a d ily became more common up GREEN ASH GRASSLAND WILLOW SHRUB PEACH LEAVED WILLOW SHRUB MATURE COTTONWOOD FRPE A YOUNG COTTONWOOD FRPE T H IC K E T SEEDLING SALIX > SEEDLING PODE SALIX SANDBAR Figure 4. MARSH Flow chart summarizing successional changes observed in the lower Yellowstone River flo odplain. Four l e t t e r s c ie n t if ic name abbreviations are Fraxinus pennsylvanica (FRPE) and Populus d e ltoides (PODET ------------- RIVER 3I H | YC1 40 60 MC 80 100 AGE (YRS) Figure 5 V w-s I ga Iplw 23 through the shrub community. When the Populus deltoides trees reached senescence, Fraxinus pehnsylvanica trees invaded, apparently to persist in d e f in it e ly on sites usually found near the flo odplain's edge. The peach-leaved willow sere appeared to begin when S alix spp. established without Populus deltoides on newly-formed sandbars (Figure 4). Salix amygdaloides developed into stands o f trees which would probably be replaced by a green ash community since Fraxinus Pennsyl­ v a n ia seedlings appear in the understory. Although the marsh vegetation was not analyzed, a species l i s t was compiled (Table 17). In the very long term, accumulating soil would presumably allow a green ash or grassland community to establish on these s ite s . Grassland Sere Community Descriptions The grassland sere began with the formation of sandbars along the River. The soil surface was a sand containing some gravel and debris l e f t by high water (Appendix F . l ) \ Soil height averaged 0.8 m above the River water level fo r new deposits (Figure 6 ). Populus deltoides and Salix f l u v i a t i l i s ty p ic a lly were the f i r s t plants to establish and the dominant species of the seedling community; t h e ir principal associates are lis t e d in Table I . this community averaged 3 dm (Figure 7 ) . spp. cover averaged 27%. The canopy height of Populus deltoides and Salix Forb and graminoid cpver averaged 8% and formed only a minor component o f to ta l cover in any of the communities to be described except grassland (Table 2 ) . cover was 61% sand and 4% l i t t e r . The remaining soil surface Soil height averaged 1.3 m (Figure 6 ) . 24 H X LU O < LL CC 3 CO 20 Figure 6. 40 60 80 100 AGE (YRS) The elevations of the soil surface above the Yellowstone River surface for communities of increasing age. Bar segments represent community types: sandbar (SA), seedling (SE), th ick e t (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cotton­ wood (MG), shrub (SH) and grassland (GR). 25 TABLE I E W F IP Community types TH 8 X±SE4 X±SE 2±1 SE2 Plant species YC 9 X+SE - MC 6' X+SE - SH 9 XtSE - GR 9■ XtSE W-S 3 XtSE GA 7 X+SE Polygonum coccineum (F )5 Echinochloa crusgalli (G) 1±1 + - - - - _ Rumex maritimus (F) 1+0 + - - - - _ _ _ Salix f lu v ia t ilis (Se) 5±2 Salix f lu v ia t il is (Tr) - Salix amyqdaIoides (Se) 1+1 PLW I X+SE _ - - - - - _ 30 - - - - _ . - - _ _ 5 + + - - 20+3 _ - - - - - - 40±4 + - - + 1±1 + + 1+0 + _ Salixamygdaloides (Tr) - Populus deltoides (Se) 21±3 - Populus deltoides (Tr) Melilotus o ffic in a lis (F) + l±o 66±4 + Aqropyron repens (G) - 3±1 5+2 1±1 + 1+0 3±3 Elymus canadensis (G) + 2±1 7+1 6±2 2±1 2±2 , 3+1 5*2 - Muhlenberqia racemosa (G) - 2±1 7±2 5±2 4±2 3±2 3±2 - Glycyrrhiza lepidota (F) + + 2+0 1±0 1±1 4+4 - + 2±1 2±2 1±1 + 1+1 +■ 2+2 12±8 12±10 Bromus Inermis (G)- 30 . 4±2 60 _ - 2 Toxicodendron rydberqii (S) - - + 12+3 3+1 + 2+1 1±1 23 + V itis rip a ria (V) - . - + 4+2 - - + + Ribes aureum (S) - - + + - 1±1 - + — + + 1+1 2±2 - + - + 1±1 - Parthenoclssus quinquefolia (V) - - + + Ribes setosum (S) - - - Rosa woods1i (S) - - + 12±3 Fraxinus pennsvlvanica (Se) - - + + ' Fraxinus Pennsylvania (Tr) 1±0 - 14±2 + + - 11+5 3±3 + + 9 + - - - + + Symphoricarpos occidental is (S) - - + 6±2 8+1 Ulrnus americana (Se) - - - - - - - + _ Ulmus americana (Tr) - - - - - _ - ' + . - - + + + Medicaqo lupulina (F) - Artemisia ludoviciana (S) - - +' - 6±2 58±10 _ 7+4 I - - 2+1 - + 2±i 1+1 + _ ,Artemisia cana (S) - - - - - 1+0 - _ _ Calamovil fa lo n q ifo lia (G) - + + - - 11+4 - - - Aqropyron smithii (G) 1±0 1+0 1+1 3±1 17+5 - iA common species is one which occurred in over 6.056 o f the stands of any community type. Community types are seedlings (SE), thicket (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MC), shrub (SM), grassland (GR), willow-shrub (W-S), green ash (GA) and peach-leaved ,willow (PLW). ^The number_of stands of each community type sampled. cThe mean (X) and standard error (SE) o f each species' coverage. 0Species habits are forb (F ), grass (G ), vine (V ), shrub (S ), tree seedling (Se) and tree ( T r ) . 26 hX O Z < CZD 6 0 AGE Figure 7. 8 0 100 (YRS) Height of the upper canopy surface, r e la t iv e to the ground surface, in communities o f increasing age. Bar segments represent community types: sandbar (SA), seedling (SE), thicket (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MG), shrub (SH) and grassland (GR). TABLE 2. Plant coverage, species richness and cummunity height in nine community types o f the lower Yellowstone River f lo o d p la in . This table summarizes data found in Appendices F . l through F.8 and E. Community types1 XiSE2 COVER (%) N3 Herb 9 8±2 TH XiSE 8 28i6 YC XiSE 9 MC XiSE 6 SH XiSE 9 GR XiSE 9 W-S XiSE 3 GA XiSE 7 J 3-LW XiSE I 37i3 39i5 29+6 67+3 4 4 ill 41i7 57 23i2 2i0 15+5 23i3 32 + - 20+3 5 8 il0 60 Shrub^ 27+5 + IiO 19i4 Canopy - 625 66i4 40+4 9 8 9 6 9 9 3 7 I T o ta l5 32 53 36 32 35 56 30 63 17 20%7 17 26 25 21 20 28 30 36 - 60%8 12 14 15 18 17 13 15 21 - 9 8 9 6 6 2 7 SPECIES RICHNESS N N Community height (m) 0.3+0.2 2i0 1 9 il 25i2 IiO - - 2 il 13+2 ^Community types are seedling (SE), th ic k e t (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MG), shrub (SH), grassland (GR), willow-shrub (W-S), green ash (GA) and peach-leaved 2wi11ow ( PLW). gThe mean (X) and standard error (SE) o f each species coverage. ^The number of stands o f each community type sampled. gShrub (%) coverage includes seedlings o f a ll tree and Salix spp. gThicket canopy coverage was estimated a f t e r the f a c t. ^Species richness includes the to ta l number o f plant species recorded in each stage. LThe number o f species occurring in a t le a s t 20% of the stands sampled. tiThe number of species occurring in a t le a s t 60% o f the stands sampled. - _ 28 In t h e .th ic k e t community, Salix spp. and Pop,ulus deltoides con­ tinued to t?e the dominant species. (Figure 7 ) . Canopy height increased to 2.2 m Populus deltoides and S alix spp. cover averaged 65% and herb cover increased to 28% (Table 2 ) . Only.24% of the soil surface was covered by sand due to increased l i t t e r cover. Soil height in ­ creased to an average o f 2.5 m (Figure 6 ) . The young cottonwood community was dominated by Populus deltoides tree s , since most S alix plants had died out (Table I ) . The canopy ' height (Figure 7) t r ip le d over the and canopy cover averaged 66% (Table 2 ) . The understory remained sparse, with a com­ bined herb and shrub cover o f 37% (Table 2 ) . The soil surface was mostly covered (66%) by l i t t e r and in a ll l a t e r communities i t covered the m ajority o f the soil surface not covered by vegetation. Soil height increased s u b s ta n tia lly over the th ic k e t community to 3.1 m (Figure 6 ) . The mature cottonwood community was characterized by widely-spaced towering Populus deltoides and a dense shrub-herb understory. Canopy height o f Populus deltoides increased to an average o f 24.6 m and the canopy cover f e l l to an average o f 40% (Table 2 ). Trees commonly con­ tained de^d branches and large dead trees were frequently encountered. Shrub cover increased to 19% and herb cover was 39% (Table 2 ) . Soil height increased markedly, to 3.8 m (Figure 6 ). In the shrub community, Rosa woodsi i and Symphoricarpos occident­ al is dominated, No trees were present in the stands sampled although seedlings and/or saplings of Fraxinus pennsylvanica were present at 5 o f the 9 sites (Table 14). The shrub height averaged 1.3 m and 29 shrub cover averaged 23% (Table 2 ). While few dead shrubs were ob­ served in the mature cottonwood community, ocular estimates indicated th a t 20% to 50% of the shrubs in the shrub community were dead (Table T4). Standing dead shrubs were not included in e ith e r density or coverage c a lc u la tio n s , consequently density and percent cover do not f u l l y characterize the prevailing dense shrub aspect. Herbaceous cover decreased to 29% (Table 2) and the soil height decreased s lig h t ly to 3..4 m (Figure 6 ). Agropyron sm ithii and Calmovilfa lo n g ifo lia (Hook) Scribn. domin­ ate the grassland community (Table I ) , where the average graminoid and forb cover was 67% as compared with a range of 8% to 39% in the e a r lie r communities (Table 2 ) . Artemisia cana Nutt, had the highest shrub per­ cent cover a t 1% (Table I ) . The average soil height dropped to 3.3 m. The grassland community apparently represents the clim a tic climax (Clements 1936). That is , i f a ll disturbances were removed from the floodplain ( e . g . , . erosion, flo odin g), vegetation s im ila r to th a t occur­ ring on adjacent p r a ir ie ( Kuchler 1964) would eventually develop. Green Ash Sere Community Descriptions In the green ash sere the sandbars through young cottonwood com­ munities were sim ilar to th a t of the grassland sere. Fraxinus pennsyl- vanica seedlings and saplings appeared, however, in the young cotton­ wood community and small trees were occasionally recorded in the mature cottonwood community. Thus, I speculate that the Fraxinus pennsylvanica seedlings would develop under the Pop.ulus deltoides fo re s t canopy and u ltim ate ly replace dying Populus d e lto id e s , ; Stands■characterizing the 30 green ash community were dominated by Fraxinus pennsylvanica tr e e s , with an average height (13.3 m) h a lf that of a mature cottonwood forest and canopy coverage (.58%) s im ila r to a vigorous cottonwood stand (Table 2). They also contained tr e e s , saplings and seedlings o f Ulmus ameri- cana L. and Acer negUndo L. Regeneration o f a l l three species was patchy, i . e . , where any seedlings occurred there were many. Elymus canadensis L . , Muhlenbergia racemosa (M ichx.) BSP., Rosa woodsi i and Symphoricarpos occidental is were the most common understory associates (Table I ) . The soil height averaged 4.3 m, the highest elevation recorded fo r any community. The willow-shrub community may be an intermediate between the cottonwood community and green ash community in ephemeral stream channel? or fla t!a n d adjacent to the River. Rosa woodsii, Symphori- carpos occidental is and Sa lix amygdaloides are the dominant species (Table I ) . In the ephemeral stream channels, Salix amygdaloides nor- mally occurs on the banks with Rosa woodsii and Symphoricarpos occident­ al is in the channel bed. Where the community occurred on level land near the River, these shrubs were intermixed. willow-shrub sites averaged 2.1 m (Table 2 ) . and herb cover 44% (Table 2 ) . The canopy height of Shrub cover averaged 15% Soil height averaged 3.9 m. Peach-leaved Willow Community Description In the peach-leaved willow stand sampled, Rosa woodsii and Bromus inermis both had high cover values and were the dominant understory species (Table I ) . I saw no Salix amygdaloides regeneration, but 31 Fraxinus pennsylvanica seedlings were common (Table 2 ) . The stands were t y p ic a lly long and narrow. Evidence fo r Successional Relations The serai scheme described above was supported by observations Of Populus deltoides ages, soil heights above the River water and over­ laps Of community composition. The most solid evidence fo r the serai scheme was provided by the annual rings of Populus deltoides trees in the various community types in which they occurred: average tree ages increased from 3 to 7 to 34 to 92 years in the seedling, thicket," young cottonwood and mature cottonwood communities, respectively (Table 3). Unfortunately, this chronology cannot be extended to other com­ munity type$. The rapid increase and then le v e lin g Of soil height through suc­ cession provided supporting evidence (Figure 6 ). Soil height would be expected to increase rapidly in e arly succession due to accumulation of sand and s i l t during flooding. Conversely, flooding o f older communi­ tie s would occur less frequently as soil height increased and less s i l t would be deposited. My data indicated that soil height increased s te a d ily in early succession from an average sandbar height of 0.8 m to 3.8 m ip the mature cottonwood community (Figure 6 ) , a to ta l change of 3.0 meters. In older communities, average ground level varied from a low of 3.3 m in the grassland community to a high o f 4.3 m in the green ash community, a difference o f only 1.0 m, r e fle c tin g a r e la t iv e ­ ly stable soil l e v e l . TABLE 3. Mean age and diameter of J3Opulus deitoides trees found in four community types. This table ,summarizes data found in Appendixes C and E. Community types I N1 Diameter (cm) XiSE XiSE XiSE 9 3.2±0.2 3 Mature Cottonwood 5 Thicket XiSE2 Age (years) 8 Young Cottonwood 6 Seedling <1.0 7 . It O - 7 3 4 .1 i3 .3 92.2+5.1 4 .3 i0 .7 2 3 . 2 i l .4 6 4 .8 i4 .4 gThe numberjof stands of each community type sampled. 3The mean (X) and standard erro r (SE) of Populus deltoides age and diameter. Basal diameter was recorded in the seedling and th ic k e t communities and diameter a t breast height was recorded in .th e young cottonwood and mature cottonwood communities. 33 Community description emphasized vegetational linkage o f success­ ive communities. To r e i t e r a t e , Salix spp. and PopuTus deltoides seed­ lings established together, with S alix spp. decadence Populus deltoides assumed dominance, and the decadence of Populus deltoides allowed establishment of a shrub community, followed by e ith e r a grassland or a green ash community. The peach-leaved willow sere began when Salix amygdaloides established on sandbars and eventually developed into a stand of peach-leaved willow trees. Species Numbers A complete l i s t o f vascular plant species in each community appears in Table 6. The to ta l number of species found (Table 2) in ­ creased from the seedling community (32) to the th ic k e t community (5 3 ), decreased to the mature cottonwood community (32) and then rose again in grassland or green ash communities (5 6 -6 3 ). In contrast, numbers of plants with high constancy (60%+, Table 2) increased from early serai communities (12-14) to young and mature cottonwood communities (19-18) and then e ith e r f e l l to the grassland community (13) or continued up­ ward to the green ash community (21) (Table 2 ) . Density o f Trees and Shrubs Populus deltoides and S alix spp. established in vast numbers on moist sandbars and died out rapidly through time (Table 4 ) . Salix f l u v i a t i l i s , which established a t densities of about nine seedlings per square meter, maintained it s numbers through the th ic k e t community but was e n t ir e ly absent at the beginning o f the young cottonwood community. TABLE 4. Density {number/100 hi ) of woody plant s:pecies an nine community types. summarizes data 'found in Appendices G.l through G, 4. Community types N2 Plant species Salix f l u v i a t i l i s Salix f l u v i a t i l i s Salix amygdalaides Salix amygdaloides Salix amygdaloides Populus deltoides Populus deltoides Populus deltoides Cornus stolo hife ra Ribes au.reum Symphoricarpos occidental is Rosa woodsi i Ribes setosum Ulmus americana Ulmus americana Fraxinus pennsyl vam'ca Fraxinus pennsylvanica Fraxinus pennsylvanica Artemisia cana -SE -9 3 X+SE (S e)* (Sa) (S e) (S a) (Ir) (Se) (S a) (Ir) ( s) ( s) ( s) ( s) ( s) (Se) (Tr) (S e) 879±279 167±71 — 4815±787 - TH 8 X±SE YC 9 X±SE MC 6 X±SE S-H 9 X+SE W-S 3 XlSE GA 7 XiSE PLW I XiSE _ 995±218 130+106 519+125 - + + 22±3 12±7 12±11 + + 2±0 + 49+31 _ _ - - 73±36 8±5 793±155 311165 _ + 18+8 _ _ _ 16141264 601168 4+3 40114 1218 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ (Sa) - _ _ _ - 30114 5651281 3121119 + _ .7 + 3+3 3l3 615+214 3261206 40+16 20+18 + 1+1 38+3 132195 73143 5±5 + 1811 3 ll 4+2 - + - (Tr) - GR . 9 XlSE This -data + - _ _ 174 40 176 _ 7 1112 47+20 - - Community types are seedling (SE), th ic k e t (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MG), 2shrub (SH), grassland (GR), willow-shrub (W-S), green ash (GA) and peach-leaved willow (PLW) nThe number_of stands of each community type sampled. ^The mean (X) and standard error (SE) of each species' density. The tree species are divided into three size classes: seedlings less than 0.5 cm basal diameter (S e ), saplings less than 6 cm basal diameter (Sa) and trees greater than 6 cm basal diameter (Tr) 35 Populus d e lto id e s , which was i n i t i a l l y more numerous (.48 plants per square meter) declined s te a d ily in density through the end of the mature cottonwood community. Several shrub species invaded as the willow thickets thinned and' disappeared when grasslands became established (Table 4 ) . The sum of t h e ir densities was zero in the th ic k e t community, rose to 1 .1 , 11.5 and 22.4 per square meter in the young cottonwood, mature cottonwood and shrub communities, resp ectively, and f e l l to 0.6 per square meter in the grassland community (Table 4 ) . Symphoricarpos occidental is and Rosa woodsii were the major shrubs in a ll but the grassland stage where Artemisia cana became established a f t e r other shrub and tree species began to disappear. In the preen ash sere, Fraxinus Pennsylvania density increased f r om 5 plants per square meter in the young cottonwood community to 88 plants per square meter in the green ash community (Table 4 ) . The highest densities o f Fraxinus pennsylvanica seedlings and saplings (132 pqr square meter) occurred in the willow-shrub community, provid­ ing evidence fo r eventual succession to green ash (see Appendix G for complete l i s t and size classes). Discussion of Serai Causes and Relations j ~ ■1 The observed serai changes apparently r e f le c t changes in water a v a ila b ility . Establishment o f Populus deltoides seedlings is depend­ ent on a moist soil surface fo r t h e ir f i r s t week of l i f e Hosner 1957). (Moss 1938, S alix f l u v i a t i l i s and S alix amygdaloides seedlings also establish glopg with Populus d e lto id e s . During Spring high water, the 36 previous year's seedlings are inundated and sometimes buried under a fresh lay e r of s i l t , however, both Populus' deltoides and Sa lix spp. seedlings can survive long periods o f inundation and send up fresh stems and leaves (.Hosner 1958). and s i l t accumulates. The seedlings s t a b iliz e the sandbars Consequently, soil height above the River level rises ra p id ly (Figure 6 ) . As the soil height rises above the River le v e l, species such as Populus deltoides and S alix f l u v i a t i l i s , which are dependent on wet substrates fo r establishment, f a i l to regenerate. The o rig in a l colon­ izers th in (Table 4) because they gradually die and do not replace themselves under t h e ir own canopies. This may be due to old age and competition fo r availa b le water, sunlight and nu trien ts. The increase in shrub cover as the Populus deltoides stand thins may have been due to lowered competition fo r av aila b le n u trie n t and water supplies. As the Populus deltoides canopy opens (Table 2 ) , increased Tight may also contribute to the increase in shrub growth. A fte r the Populus deltoides canopy disappears, the shrubs eventually decline, perhaps due to water stresses associated with increased in s o l­ ation and wind flow. Only r e l i c shrub populations appear in the grassland community. Species such as Agropyron sm ithii and Fraxinus pennsylvanica, which are not d ir e c t ly dependent on r i v e r water for growth, then may establish and subsequently dominate the vegetation. In thq green ash sere, FTaxinus pennsylvanica seed!ings f i r s t appear in the young cottonwood community and increase in density through the shrub stage. These seedlings are found to germinate 37 and grow over a wide range o f soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations and availa b le water content values (Johnson et a l . 1976), although seedling densities have been found to be higher in n u tr ie n t -r ic h , moist areas. te n t. I did not measure available moisture con­ However, I suspect that lack o f a v ailable water is the factor which prevents a more general Fraxinus pennsylvanica establishment on the flo odplain. That water which occurs is re s tric te d to areas near the flo o d p la in 's edge where runoff stored in organic-rich s oils may provide enough moisture fo r seedling growth. These sites may also be sheltered from drying winds. The willow-shrub community may be an intermediate between cotton­ wood communities and the green ash community type. These areas pos­ s ib ly are more mesic than sites occupied by other la t e successional communities due to e ith e r flooding or Spring stream flow. Fraxinus pennsylvanica seedlings and saplings are present in a ll transects ( Table 17) indicating possible; succession to a green ash community. Changes in Aboveground Biomass Through Succession Several studies have dealt with the temporal and spatial changes o f above- and belowground biomass during succession. T y p ic a lly , above­ ground biomass increased during forest succession ( Egunjobi 1979, Gosz 1980, Grier et a l . 1981, Long and Turner 1975). I studied changes in biomass in the grassland sere and also found a pattern o f increasing forest biomass as the cottonwood community aged. However, to ta l biomass f e l l in the ensuing shrub and grassland communities (Figure 8 ) . 38 MA SS ( K G / M 2) SHOOT LEAF ROOT.IMM ROOT AGE Figure 8. ( YRS) Above and belowground biomasses of communities of increasing age, grassland sere. Upper lines indicate le a f mass, total liv in g shoot mass (including leaves) and to ta l aboveground organic m atter. The lower lines indicate masses of roots with diameters less than I mm, to ta l root mass (including small ones), and total belowground organic m atter. Bar seg­ ments represent community types: sandbar (SA), seedling (SE), th ick e t (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MG), shrub (SN) and grassland (GR). 39 Total aboveground biomass rose s te a d ily from,164 grams per square meter in the seedling community to 20695 grams per square meter in the mature cottonwood■community , and then dropped to 784 and 505 grams per square meter in the shrub and grassland communities, respectively (Figure 8 ) . Total l i v e biomass (shoot plus le a f ) followed the same trend, ris in g from 118 grams per square meter in the seedling community to 19348 in mature cottonwood community and then decreasing to 140 and 169 grams per square meter in the shrub and grassland communities, respectively (Figure 8 ) . The dramatic ris e and f a l l of aboveground biomass re fle c te d the development and decline of the Populus deTtoides trees (Figure 9 ). The contribution of Populus deltoides to the to ta l aboveground l i v e bioroa^s increased from 36% in the seedling community to 99% in the mature cottonwood community, then declined due to the death and decomposition o f Populus deltoides trees and the lack o f tree regeneration (Table 4 ). Salix spp. were important only in the seedling and willow communities where they constituted 32% and 57% of aboveground biomass, respectively (Figure 9 ). Shrubs such as Rosa woodsi i and Symphoricarpos occident­ al is made only, a minor contribution to to ta l biomass u n til the shrub community, where they provided 87% o f the aboveground l i v e biomass. Shrubs also comprised 20% of the aboveground li v e biomass in the grass­ land community. Graminoid and forb biomass constituted 11% o f the to ta l li v e aboveground biomass in the seedling community, dropped to 1% in the young cpttonwood stage and increased to 80% during the grassland 40 PODE ( 2 W / 9 ») IO- SSVW 8 0 100 (YRS) Figure 9. Aboveground masses of Salix s pp., Populus delto ides, shrubs and herbs in communities of increasing age, grassland sere. Bar segments represent community types: sandbar (SA)1 seed­ ling (SE), th ic k e t (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MG), shrub (SM) and grassland (GR). 41 community (Figure 9; see Table 34 fo r a complete l i s t o f biomasses by stand and structural component). O v e ra ll, Populus deltoides dominated the seedling through mature cottonwood communities, except in the th ic k e t community where Salix f l u v i a t i l i s b r i e f l y contributed a greater percentage o f the to ta l liv e biomass. Shrubs comprised the bulk of l i v e biomass in the shrub com­ munity and graminoids dominated the grassland community (Figure 9). Biomass of wood greater than I cm in diameter and wood less than I cm in diameter followed the ris e and f a l l o f to ta l aboveground bio­ mass ( Figure 8 ) . This again was due prim a rily to the growth and decline of Populus deltoides trees (Table 4 ) . Wood greater than I cm nearly disappeared as the Populus deltoides trees died, occurring only in the main stems o f large shrubs. Wood biomass less than I cm in diam e ter persisted into the grasslands as the structural wood o f shrubs (Figure 9 ). Leaf mass varied considerably and peaked while the cotton­ wood communities were r e la t iv e ly young (Figure 8 ). Changes in Belowground Biomass Through Succession Studies of fo rest soil organic matter through time have shown rapid increases during early succession followed by s t a b iliz a t io n in l a t e r stages (Dickson and Crocker 1954c, Grier et a l . 1981, Johnson et a l . 1976, Olson 1958, Switzer and Nelson 1979, Syers et a l . 1970). results showed the same trend (Figure 8 ) . My Soil organic matter rose from 3097 grams per square meter on sandbars to 29204 grams per square meter in the mature cottonwood and grassland communities ( Figure 8 ). This rapid early successional ris e in soil organic matter re fle c ts the 42 production and decomposition o f roots and, to a lesser extent, of le a f branch l i t t e r . Total belowground organic matter was especially high in the mature cottonwood community because o f biomass stored in large Populus deltoides roots and buried trunk bases. Roots alone comprised less than 10% o f belowground organic matter in a ll communities except the young cottonwood and mature cottonwood, where they constitute approximately 30% of belowground organic matter (Figure 8 ) . Masses of roots less, than I mm in diameter rose from an average of 0.22 kg per square meter in the seedling community to 1.22 kg per square meter in the grassland community. The biomass o f roots greater than I mm in diameter increased from an average of 0.13 kg per square meter in the seedling community to 7.55 kg per square meter in the mature cottonwood community, then declined to 0.49 kg per square meter in the grassland community (Figure 7 ) . A major proportion o f root bio­ mass greater than I mm in diameter consisted of Populus deltoides root crowns and buried trunk bases. Buried trunk bases were pooled with roots because of t h e ir location below the soil surface. Burial occurred during early succession when s i l t was deposited by flood waters in developing cottonwood communities. Changes in Nutrient Content Through Succession The ecosystem content of several elements was measured to determine t h e ir changes through succession. Elements studied were chosen on the basis o f ecosystem flow characteristics hypothesized below. In ­ organic solutes (sodium, potassium and phosphorus) enter the ecosystem in p re c ip ita tio n ( Duvigneud and Danaeyer-de Smet 1970), on sediments 43 (Jenny 1941) and in r iv e r solution. River deposits should accumulate rapidly in early succession when flooding is common ( Syers et a l , 1970, Switzer and Nelson 1979). As the land surface rises above the River water l e v e l , io n -ric h c a p illa ry and flood water become less a v a ila b le . S im ila r ly , with the passage o f time, these elements are f i l t e r e d by the roots, organic matter and clays in increasing amounts o f ho rizon ta lly-in te rv e n in g s o ils . Consequently, sodium, potassium and phosphorus inputs decrease through succession. As the a v a i l a b i l i t y of River and ground water decreases, stores of inorganic solutes should s t a b iliz e or even decrease i f losses from leaching, fir e s and plant harvesting exceed imputs. The rate of f a l l is hypothesized to decline from sodium to potassium to phosphorus since the binding c a p a b ility to soil p a rtic le s increases over this series (Jenny 1941). Carbon content, measured as biomass, should ris e with biomass development (Wright et a l . 1959, Switzer and Nelson 1979) in moist early successional commun­ i t i e s because carbon enters the system from the a i r and thus the source is unlimited. Actual uptake, however, is determined by water a v a i l­ a b i l i t y via stomate aperture. Water is abundant in early serai commun­ i t i e s but, as the ground level rises and the River becomes more dista n t, the community becomes more dependent on scarce r a in f a ll (Figure 3). This decrease in av aila b le water lim its carbon fix a tio n so t h a t , when community re sp iration exceeds carbon f ix a t io n , the overall community carbon content w ill f a l l toward that o f the regional climax. content was hypothesized to p a ra lle l carbon content. Nitrogen Nitrogen can enter the communities from unlimited supplies in the a i r through nitrogen f i x ­ ing prokaryotes. Since i t is covalently bound to carbon in biomass, 44 leaching should be minimal so long as to ta l biomass is increasing, However, l a t e r in succession when net organic matter decomposition occurs, the nitrogen released is v o la t iliz e d or leached from the com­ munity. These hypotheses were tested in the grassland sere. Inorganic solutes, in f a c t , rose ra p id ly in early succession and then e ith e r leached out of s t a b iliz e d . Sodium rose from a mean total mass o f 0.1/ kg per square meter in the sandbar community to 0.6 kg per square meter in the mature cottonwood community, then dropped to 0.4 kg per square meter in the grassland community (Figure 10). Potassium rose s im ila r ly from a mean to ta l mass of 50 g per square meter in the sandbar community to a high o f 348 g per square meter in the mature cottonwood community, then dropped to 235 g per square meter in the grassland community (Figure 10). The loss o f sodium and potassium in the la te serai communities was mainly from the 3-15 dm soil la y e r. They remained r e l a t iv e ly stable in the 0-3 dm layer (Appendices Q and P). Both elements may be removed from the 3-15 dm layer by leaching downward, as well as through upward wieking by plants tran s piring and/or c a p illa r y r is e . The upward wieking apparently prevents decline by re ­ plenishing the nu trien t mass in the 0-3 layer lo s t by leaching. Late in succession, loss in the 3-15 dm layer was aggravated by decomposition of organic ion exchange sites which held both sodium and potassium (Jenny 1941, Fortesque and Martin 1970). In contrast, phosphorus rose from a mean total mass o f 0.74 kg per square meter on sandbars to approximately 1.00 kg per square meter in the young cottonwood community but f a ile d to show the la t e succession decline (Figure 10) exhibited by the more mobile ions. In plant m a te ria l, a l l three inorganic solutes 45 OM/30 20 Figure 10. 40 60 AGE 80 100 ( YRS) Total ecosystem contents of organic matter (On), phosphorus ( P ) 1 nitrogen (N ) , sodium (Na) and potassium ( K ) . Totals include contents of soil and plant materials both liv in g and dead and above and below ground. Bar segments represent community types: sandbar (SA)1 seedling (SE), thicket (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MC), shrub (SH) and grassland (GR). 46 followed the gain and loss o f biomass due to storage o f the elements in woody vegetation and subsequent loss as the Populus deltoides mass decomposed (Figure 11). Ecosystem organic matter content increased r a p id ly , from a mean to ta l o f 3.1 kg per square meter in the sandbar community to 51.7 kg per square meter in the mature cottonwood community, but then decreased to 22.3 kg per square meter in the grassland community (Figure 10). If we assume that most of the organic matter is cellulose (glucose), i t is approximately 53% oxygen, 40% carbon and 7% hydrogen. Total below­ ground mass increased from 3.1 kg per square meter in the sandbar com­ munity to 30.0 kg per square meter in the mature cottonwood community (Figure 8 ) . I t then dropped when the Populus deltoides died and th e ir roots decomposed. Aboveground to ta l organic matter rose sharply as the Populus deltoides trees matured and dropped almost as sharply when the Populus deltoides senesced and shrub or grasslands invaded (Figure 8 ). Nitrogen content increased from 0.23 kg per square meter on sandbars to 0.88 kg per square meter in the mature cottonwood community (Figure 10). community. I t then f e l l to 0.74 kg per square meter in the grassland This loss in nitrogen content was p rin c ip a lly from the 3^15 dm soil layer (T a b le 29). composition of organic matter. I t was probably associated with the de­ As with the other elements, nitrogen remained r e la t iv e ly stable in the 0-3 dm layer in la t e succession. As predicted, total plant nitrogen dynamics follow the changes in organic matter (Figure 11). 47 20 40 60 AGE Figure 11. 80 100 (YRS) Elemental contents of liv in g plants as related to system age. Bar segments represent community types: seedling (SE), th ic k e t (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MG), shrub (SH) and grassland (GR). 48 In summary, the ecosystem contents of potassium, sodium, carbon and■nitrogen rose and f e l l through time. Sodium and potassium contents rose in early- succession and were then lo s t from the system as input supplies and storage capacity decreased. S im ila rly , carbon and n it r o ­ gen rose rapidly as biomass was accumulated and decreased with the demise o f the Populus deltoides tre e s . In contrast, phosphorus showed a more rapid i n i t i a l ris e and no sign o f eventual decline. I a ttrib u te the ris e in phosphorus to deposition with s i l t and the f a ilu r e to de­ c lin e to the continued t ig h t binding by the system. 49 MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Logging or burning of cottonwood communities may speed succession to s e ra iIy advanced communities such as. grasslands or green ash. This w ill occur since, i f the land surface has risen well above the River le v e l, Populus deltoides and Salix spp. seedlings cannot establish while grasses and Fraxinus pennsylvanica can. I f flooding is minimized by water impoundment or diversion, bank cutting w i ll be reduced and consequently s e ra iIy advanced communities may become more common at the expense o f early serai communities. Channelization by concrete embankments or rip -ra p would create the same r e s u lt. Under these conditions, destruction o f older communities by erosion w i ll occur less frequently and new sandy deposits needed for colonization by early serai communities w i ll be minimized. I f over-bank flooding is reduced by water impoundment or diversion, the land surface would be elevated less due to reduced s i l t deposition during high water. This may prolong the presence of plants dependent on shallow ground water. Also, River channels that are now flooded in the Spring but r e l a t iv e ly dry in the Summer may remain permanently dry, allowing permanent plant colonization. LITERATURE CITED LITERATURE CITED Al den, W. C. 1932. Physiography and g lac ial geology of eastern Montana and adjacent areas. USGS Prof. Paper 174. 133 pp. Booth, W. E. 1972. Grasses o f Montana. Dept, of Botany and Micro­ biology, Montana State U niversity, Bozeman, Montana. 305 pp. _______ , and J. C. Wright. 1966. Flora o f Montana. State U niversity, Bozeman, Montana. 305 pp. Part I I . Montana Bremner, J. 1965. Inorganic forms of nitrogen. Ini Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Edited by C. Black et a l . Amer. Soc. of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 1191-4198. Clements, F. 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E ., A. Leahey, and H. M. Rice. 1959. Chemical, morpho­ logical and mineralogical c haracteristics pf a chronosequence of soils on a llu v ia l deposits in the Northwest T e r r it o r ie s . Can. J. Soil S c i. 39: 32-43. 55 APPENDIX 56 TABLE 5 • Locations o f Stands Studied Location Number Biomass Stand Local Name I M, (N) Glendive 2 M Glendive 3 Gentry's land 4 5 6 Above intake N 7 Intake Downstream o f intake 8 N 9 M Mary's Island 10 " " 11 12 0 (N ), 0 13 14 Elk Island Crittendon Island K 15 16 Elk Island Seven Sis­ ters Island T16N, R56E, S18, SW corner o f NW 1/4 sec. T17N, R56E, S36, NW 1/4 section T17N, R56E, S17 north h a lf T17N, R56E, S5, SW corner of NW 1/4 sec. T17N, R56E, S2, NW corner o f SW 1/4 sec. T18N, R56E, S33, SW 1/4 section T18N, R57E, S31, SW corner o f NW 1/4 sec. T18N, R57E, S20, SE corner T19N, R58E, S20, SW corner o f SW 1/4 sec. T20N, R58E, S34, NW corner o f NW 1/4 sec. T20N, R58E, S27, NW 1/4 section T20N, R58E, S26, NW 1/4 section T20N, R58E, S I* , NW corner o f SE 1/4 sec. T21N, R58E, S23 L T21N, R58E, S13, corner o f SW 1/4 T21N, R58E, S12, corner of NW 1/4 M T22N, R59E, S20, SW corner T22N, R59E, S10, NW corner o f SE 1/4 sec. 17 18 Township, Range and Section Sidney SW sec. NE sec. Cqmmunity Types Examined MC*,SB, GR*, (GR*), W-S SA,SE,TH*,YC, MC1SH*,GR GA GA GA SA1SE1YC*, SB*, GR GA SA*,SE*,TH*, YC SA*,SE*,TH, YC1SH1GR GA, W-S MC*,SH*,GR* SA*,SE*,TH*, YC*,(MG*) SA1SE1TH1YC SA*,SE*,TH*, YC*,MC*,SH*, GR*,W-S.,PLW GA SA*,SE*,TH*, YC*,MC*,SH*, GR* SA1SE1TH1SH, GR YC* *Biomass was studied in community types marked with an a sterisk Community types are sandbar (SA), seedling (SE), th ic k e t ( T H ) ,‘young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MC), shrub (SB), grassland (GR), willow-shrub (W-S), green ash (GA) and peach-leaved willow (PLW) 57 TABLE 6 Composite Vascular Plant Species1 L is t o f the Lower Yellowstone River Floodplain TREES Acer negundo L. Elaeagnus angustif o l ia L. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. Jum'perus scopulorum Sarg. Populus deltoides Marsh. Salix amygdaloides Anders. Salix f l u v i a t i l i s N u tt. Ulmus americana L . p O (Frpe)d boxelder maple Russian-olive green ash (Pode) (Saam) Rocky Mountain ju nip er eastern cottonwood peach-leaved willow (S a fi) (Ulam) sandbar willow American elm SHRUBS, CACTI AND VINES Amelanchier a l n i f o l ia Nutt. Artemisia cana Nutt. (Area) Artemisia dracunculus L. Artemisia f r ig id a W illd . Artemisia liidoviciana (Arlu) Nutt. ^ Cornus Stolonifera Michx. (Cost) Coryphantha v iv ip a ria (N u tt.) B r i t t . & Brown Cotoneaster sp. Gutierrezia sarothrae ' (Pursh.) B.& R. Jum'perus horizontal is Moench. Opuntia f r a g i l is (N u tt.) Haw. Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Paqu) (L .) Planch Prunus virginiana Marsh. ( P r v i) Rhus t r ilo b a t e Nutt. (Rhtr) Ribes aureum Pursh, (Riau) Saskatoon serviceberry s ilv e r sagebrush tarragon sagebrush fringed sagebrush Louisiana sagewort red-osier dogwood cushion coryphantha cotoneaster broom snakeweed creeping juniper b r i t t l e pricklypear V irg in ia creeper common chokecherry fragrant sumac golden currant I S c ie n t ific names follow Booth (1972) and Booth and Wright (1966) or, Pfo r species not lis t e d by Booth, VanBruggen (1976). ^Common names follow Scott and Wasser (1980). dFour l e t t e r abbreviations of binomials presented in the te x t are also li s t e d . 58 TABLE 6 - - C o n t i n u e d Ribes setosum L in d l. Rosa'woodsi i L in d l. Shepherdia argentea Nutt. Symphoricarpos occidental is Hook; Tamarjx chinensis Loureiro Toxicondendron rydbergii (Small) Greene V it is r ip a r ia Michx. (Rise) ( Rowo) (Shar) (Syoc) redshoot gooseberry woods rose s ilv e r buffaloberry western snowberry (Tory) tamarisk common poison-ivy (V iri) riverbank grape GRAMINOIDS Agropyron cristatum ( I . ) crested wheatgrass Agropyron repens (L .) (Agre) Beauv. Agropyron sm ithii Rydb. (Agsm) Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Malte Agrostis alba LAgrostis diegpensis Vasey Andropdqon h a l l i i H Tack. ^eckmanhTjr syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald Bouteloua g r a c ilis (H .B .K .) Lab. Bromus inermis Leys. (Brin) Bromus .iaponicus Thunb, Calamovil fa Io n q if o lia (Calo) (Hook.) S c ribn. Carex brevior (Dew.) Macken. Carex lanuginosa Michx. D is tic h lis s t r ic t a (T o r r .) Rydb. Echinochloa c rusgalIi ( L . ) (Eccr) Beauv. E leocharis palustris ( L . ) R.& S. E lvmus canadensis L. (Elea) Elvmus iunceus Fisch. E lvmus viroinicus L. Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) B.S.P. Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees. Hordeum ,iubatum L. quackgrass western wheatgrass. slender wheatgrass redtpp beptgrass sand bluestem American sloughgrass blue grama smooth brome Japanese brome p r a ir ie sandreed inland saltgrass common barnyardgrass common spikerush Canada wildrye f o x t a il barley i 59 TABLE 6 — C o n t in u e d Juncus balticus W ind. Muhlenbprgia racemosa (Mura) (Michx.) B.S.P. Oryzppsis hymenoides (R.& S.) Ricker Panicum c a p illa re L. Phalaris arundinacea L. Poa palus tris L. Poa pratehsis L. Poa reflexa Vasey & S c r ibn. Polypogon monospeliensis ' ( L ) Desf. Scirpus americanus Pers. Scirpus v a lidus Vahl. Setaria glauca ( L . ) Beauv. Setaria v ir i d i s (L .) Beauv. Spartina g r a c ilis T r i n. Sporobolus cryptandrus (T o r r .) Gray Stipa comata T r i n . & Rupr. Stipa v ir id u la T r in . Vul pi a optoflora (W a lt.) R yd b T " B a ltic rush Indian ricegrass witchgrass panicum reed canarygrass Kentucky bluegrass American bulrush softstem bulrush yellow bristlegrass green bristlegrass a lk a li cordgrass sand dropseed needle-and-thread green needlegrass sixweeks annual Fescue FORBS Abronia fraqrans Nutt. Achillea mi11efo'li urn L. Amaranthus powelli i Wats. Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Arabis hoib o e lii Horn. Arctium lappa L . Asclepias speciosa Torr. Asclepias v e r t i c i l la ta L. Asparagus o f f i c i n a l i s L. Aster chilens is Nees. Aster ericoides L. Aster ob lonq ifolius Nutt. Aster pansus (BTake) Cronq. Bidens frondosa L. Chenopodium aI bum L. Chenopodium leptoohyllum Nutt. Chrysopsis v illo s a (Pursh.) N u tt. Cirsium arvense ( L .) Scop. Clematis I i q u s t i c i f o l ia Nutt. common yarrow western ragweed rockcress Asparagus P a c ific aster heath aster devils beggarticks lambsquarters goqsefoot s lim le a f goosefoot hairy goldenaster Canada t h i s t l e 60 TABLE 6 _ _ c o n t i n u $ d Cleome serrulata Pursh. Convolvulus sepium- L. Conyza canadensis ( L .) Cronq. Cycloloma a t r i p iic ifo liu m " (Sprang.) Coult . Equisetum arvense L. Equisetum laeyigatum A .Br. Euphorbia esula L.~~ Euphorbia glyptosperma Engelem. Galium t r i f Iorum Michx. Gaura coccinea PUrsh. Gaiira p a rv iflo ra Dougl. Glycyrrhiza lepidota (GHe) ( N u t t . ) Pursh. Gnaphalium palustre Nutt. Grindelia~squarrosa (Pursh.) D ural. Helianthus p e t iplan's Nutt. Iva a x i l l a r i s Pursh. Iva xanthifoTia Nutt. Kochia sgpparia ( L .) Schrad. Lactuca~pulchella (Pursh.) DC. Lactuca s e r r i o l a~L. Lappula echinata G i lib . Lappula redowskii (Hornem.) Greene. Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. Linum perenne L. Linum rigidum Pursh. Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh.) D. Don Lysimachia c i l i a t a L. Medieago lupulina L. (Melu) Medieago sativa L. Meliio tu s aIba Desv. Melilotus o f f i c i n a l i s ( L .) (Meof) Lam. Mentha arvensis L. Mentzelia nuda ( Pqrsh.) T.& G. Nepeta c a ta ria L. Oenothera a ! b icaul is Pursh. Oenothera biennis L. Physalis heterophylla Nees. Plantago major L. Plantago patagonica Jacq,. Rocky Mountain bqeplant bindweed Canada horseweed tunble ringwing f i e l d horsetail smooth horsetail le a fy spurge sweet-scented bedstraw s c a rle t gaura American lic o r ic e cuflycup gumweed p r a ir ie sunflower poverty sumpweed rag sumpweed f i reweed summercypress chicory lettuce p ric k ly lettuce European stickseed western stickseed p r a ir ie pepperweed rush skeletonplant black medic a lfa lfa white sweetclover yellow sweetclover f i e l d mint common clammy common woolly evening primrose groundcherry plantain plantain 61 TABLE Polygonum aviculare L. Polygonum coccirieum Muhl. (Poco) Polygonum IapathifOlium L. P o te n tilla anserina L. PotentiTla paradoxa Nutt. Psoralea argophylla Pursh. Ratibida columnifera (N u tt.) . . Woot. & Standi . Rorippa sinuata (N u tt.) Hitchc. Rumex maritimus L. ( Ruma) S a g itta ria cuneata Sheld. Salsola kali L. Sisymbrium altissimum (L .) B ritt. Sisymbrium lo e s e lii L. Smilacina s t e lla t a ( L . ) Desf. Smilax herbacea L. Solanum rostratum D ural. ■Solanum nigrum L. Solidago qiqantea A it . Solidago missouriensis' Nutt. Solidago mollis B a r t l . Solidago occidental is (N u tt.) T.& G. Sonchus asper ( L.) H i l l . Tanacetum vulqare L . Taraxacum Iaevigatum ( W illd .) DC. Thaiictrum venulosum T r e l . Thlaspi arvense L. Tradescantia occidental is ( B r i t t . ) Smyth. TragoPogon dubius Scop. T r i f o l i urn fragiferum L. Verbascum thapsus L. Verbena bracteata L.& R. Verbena hastata L. Veronica americana Schwein. Veronica catenate Penn. Viola canadensis L. Xanthium strumarium L. G-TContinued prostrate knotweed marsh knotweed curlytop ladysthumb s i Iverweed cinquefoil s i ly e r le a f scurfpea common. Russianthistle common tumblemustard s ta rry solomonplume carriopflower greenbrier buffalobur nightshade black nightshade Missouri goldenrod tansey common dandelion veiny meadowrue f i e l d pennycress p r a ir ie spiderwort yellow s a ls ify flannel mullein bracted verbena American speedwell common cocklebur 62 TABLE 7 Ages of Representative PopuTus deltoides and Salix f l u v i a t i l i s in Stands Studied^ ^ Community types Species2 Location number Seedling O Pode Safl Thicket Pode Safl Young Cottonwpod Mature Cottonwood Pode Pode I - - - - 2 2 2 4 4 6 4 3 - - 8 3 3 11 7 26 9 3 3 6 4 31 1,1 - - - - ■ 9& 12 3 3 7 5 ' - 85 13 4 2 6 6 - 14 3 3 9 9 23 95 16 4 2 7 7 43 751 17 3 2 7 4 T 18 - - - ■ - - 108 44 - 39 1Ages were determined by sectioning or coring the trees and counting gthe annual rings. ^Species are Populus deltoides (Pode) and Salix f l u v i a t i l i s ( S a f i) . Locations are id e n t if ie d in 'T a b le 5. r 63 TABLE 8 Elevation (m), Relative to the River Surface, of Stands Studied^ Community type ^ SA SE I - - - - 3.4 3.9 2 0.9 1.6 1.9 3.4 4.5 3.9 3.5 - ■ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " TH YC MC SH GR W-S 3 .5 /3 .3 ^ 3.7 GA Location number3 3 ! ■■ 4 - 5 V T 4 .0 / 4.0 T 5.0 - - 5.0 6 1.0 1.4 - 2.7 - 3.7 3.6 - - 7 - - - - - - - - 3.7 8 1.3 1.4 2.4 2.4 - - - - _ 9 0,3 1.1 ■ 1.7 3.2 - 3.6 3 1 - - TT 4.0 4.4 10 - - - -T 11 - - - - 4.1 3.0 3.1 r - 12 0.7 1.8 1.7 3.4 3.5 - - - - 13 1.0 1.6 2.9 2.9 - - - - - 14 - 1.4 3.0 2.9 3.5 2 .8 /3 .3 3.3 - - 15 0.8 - - - - - - - 4.3 16 0.8 0.9 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 2.9 17 0.4 0.7 3.0 - - 3.1 3.6 - - 18 - - 3.4 - - - - - - - . ^Elevations (s o il height) were measured with a hand level and a rod. ^Community types are. sandbar (SA), seedling (SE), th ic k e t (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MG), shrub (SH), grassland (GR), -willow-shrub (W-S), and green, ash (GA). ^Locations are id e n tifie d in Table 5 . Two transects were studied at the same l o c a l i t y . The elevations are presented in the same order as in the 'Presence o f Species' Appendix (Tables K k l 7 ). 64 TABLE 9 SE Parameter^ ht of the Upper Canopy Surface and Diameter (cm) pf Populus deltoides in Stands Studied. TH ht YC dia ht MC dia ht - 25.8 17.0 dia 0 SH W-S GA ht ht ht 1.0 1.7 I Community typed I ro 45» Height (m) ■ ■ Location number5______________________ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 - - - 0.3 - 2.0 - 3 - 0.4 - - - - - - - - - - - 2.5 2.0 0.3 r 0.8 0.3 i- 0.2 0.6 - 4 6 - - - 2.0 2.5 1.0 7 3 I - 15.3 - 23 - 80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19.9 17.3 18 22 - - - - - T - - 20.3 - - - 0.2 0.1 4.0 1.5 4 6 20.2 - - - - 17.9 - 26 - 29 - 28,5 23.8 - 60 63 _ 27.0 - 25.3 70 - 51 - - _ 21 - - 21.3/ 13.9 10.7 11,3 - , - _ 12.0 - _ - - 4.0 0.9 — r _ ■ «• _ _ I .8/ 1.7 ■ - 0.9 - - 8.7 ee 15.8 r T — W mm ^Height of the upper tree canopy surface was measured with an Abney J e v e l. ^Diameter of representative Pppulus deltoides trees used fo r age were measured a t t h e ir bases in the th ic k e t community type and a t breast -height in the young cottonwood and mature cottonwood community types. ^Community types are seedling (SE), th ic k e t (TH), young cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MC), shrub (SH), grassland (GR), willow-shrub (W-S) .and grepn ash (GA). ^Parameters are height (h t) and diameter ( d i a ) . ^Locations are id e n tifie d in Table 5. 6Two transects were studied at the same l o c a l i t y . The heights are pre­ sented in the same order as in the "Presence of Species" Appendix (Tables 10 - 17). 65 TABLE 10 Presence ( % C o v e ra g e )1 o f S p e cies Location number' Bare ground L itte r in th e S e e d lin g Community Typq 9 12 23 3 72 5 63 3 55 8 40 7 69 8 74 72 79 - - - - 37 2 18 17 + 2 15 3 2 30 2 5 25 3 12 15 + + 18 2 5 13 20 + 2 - TREE SPP. Popul us del toides $aI i x amygdaloides S alix f l u v i a t i l i s + SHRUB SPP. Artemisia I udoviciana Gutierrezia sarothrae _ + + - - + + + GRASS SPP. Agropyron repens Bouteloua g r a c ilis P is t ic h lis s t r ic t a EchinochToa crusqalI i Eleocharis palustris Elymus canadensis Eragrostis hypnoides Eragrostis peetinacea Hordeum jubatum Muhlenbergia racemosa Qryzopsis hymenoides Panicum c a p ilIare Poa pratensis Polypogon monospeliensis Setaria glauca Setaria v ir id i s Sporobol us cryptandrus - - - - - - - - - 8 2 + + 5 - + r - + + - - _ + + 2 + - - - _ - T - - - - - T - i - V - - - - + + + - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + - - T - - - - + - + - - ~ - - r - + + - + ~ - - r* - - - - - _ + •p - - - + " FORB SPP. Aster chi lens is Aster pansus Bidens frondosa Chenopodium album Cleome serrulata 1 _ - - - " ' 2 + - - - - - + - 2 - - + - - + - - 1Grass and forb coverage were estimated by the step-point m ethod, shrub cover by calculatin g canopy coverage ( p i - r 2) of each shrub present in gdensity plots., and tree coverage was based upon ocular estimates ^Locations are id e n t if ie d in Table 5 , Species found in the same community type, but not sampled. 66 TABLE 1 0 —.C o n tin u e d Location number Convolvulus sepium Conyza canadensis Cycloloma a t r i p ! ic ifo liu m Euphorbia glyptosperma Glycyrrhiza lepidota Gnaphalium palustre Grindeiia squarrosa Helianthus p e tio la ris Iva a x i l l a r i s Meli lotus alba Melilotus o f f i c i n a l i s Mentha arvensis Oenothera biennis Physalis heterophylla Polygonum aviculare Polygonum coccineum Polygonum lapathifolium P o te n tilla anserina P o te n tilla paradoxa Rorippa sinuata Rumex maritimus Salsola ka li SdlIda^o gigantea Sqlidaqo missouriensis Solidago molI i s Sonchus asper Tanacetum vulqare Vqrbena bracteata Verbena hastata Veronica catenata Xanthium strumarium I 9 12 + + - - 16 13 8 2 + - - - 2 - - - _ + - - 17 2 6 - T 14 Present + - + _ + - - - - - - - 2 + _ - + _ 2 _ _ 4 _ + - - - - - - - + 3 - - _ _ - + + - - _ - + 2 + 5 2 13 + - - - _ _ 5 - - - - - - _ + _ ■ — _ _ _ _ 2 + 3 3 + _ + + 2 + + - 3 3 - - _ — » - - - T - - - - - - - r - - - + - -r _ - - - - - + _ _ - , _ T - - - - - _ 7 + - -r + T - + + • + r r _ + + _ _ t + _ - - - + 67 TABLE 11Presence (% Coverage) o f Species in the Thicket Community Type Location number 16 8 17 2 14 13 12 Bare ground L itte r 23 75 25 38 12 75 10 74 38 43 25 27 28 43 32 45 + + + + + +. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + H+ - «■ - 3 - + - T - + - H- 2 T _ 5 _ 2 -T + 2 5 - + _ H_ 2 - 3 _ • + _ + t + 3 - 9" Present _ - TREE SPP. Populus deltoides S alix amyqdaloides Salix f l u v i a t i l i s r SHRUB AND VINE SPP. Artemisia f r iq id a Artemisia ludoviciana GRASS SPP. + - 8 2 _ + + + 3 + - 2 - w _ _ -T 2 8 r _ _ + + ■ + _ + — + _ 10 5 - 2 + . T + W . _ 3 _ • ._ - - 4r + 2 FORB SPP, Ambrosia osi lostachva Ascleoias v e r t i c i l lata Aster oblongifolius Aster oansus T 8 2 + + Aqroovron repens Aqroovron sm ithii Aqropyron trachycaulum Aqrostis dieqoensis Andropoqon h a l l i i Bromus inermis Calamovilfa lo n q ifo lia Carex brevior Carex lanuginosa D is tic h lis s t r ic t a EchinochToa crus qa lli Elvmus canadensis Hordeum iubatum Juncus balticus Muhlenberqia racemosa Phalaris arundinacea Poa spp. Poa p alu stris Poa pratensis Poa r e f l exa Polvpogon monosoeliensis Scirous americanus Scirous v a lidus Setaria v ir i d i s . Sborobol us cryptandrus r 2 + 2 2 - - - 15 68 TABLE ! ! - - Continued Location number Chenopodium aI bum Chenopodium le p to p h y llurn Cirsium arvense ' Conyza canadensis Cycloloma a t r i p li c if o li u m Equisetum arvense Equisetum laevigatum Euphorbia glyptosperma Galium triflo ru m Glycyrrhiza lepidota Gnaphalium palustre Hel ianthus peti'olaris MeliIo tu s alba MeliIo tu s o f f ic i n a l is Oenothera a l bicaul is Plantago major Plantago patagonica Polygonum lapathifolium P o te n tilla anserina P o te n tilla paradoxa Rorippa sin'uata Piumex m'aritimus Salsola~kali Sisymbrium lo e s e lii Solidago gigantea Solidago occidental is Sonchus asper Tanacetum v u lgare Taraxacum laevigatum Tradescantia occidental is Verbena bracteata Veronica americana 16 8 17 2 14 13 12 9 - - + - - - - - - - - - + - - - + - - - - - - - - 3. 3 Present - + - T - - - - + - - - - + + + - + - - _ ' _- - - - - - - + + 3 - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - + - - _ - - + 3 _ 10 - - - - _ - - 2 + - - . _ 3 2 - - - - + - 2 13 3 - 3 - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - + - + - - 2 T - - - - - - - - + - - _ - - + + - 2 - - - - + - - - - - - - - T - - + + - - I - - + - + - - + - - - - - - - - - t - ' , . 7 - - - - - + 3 7 - - - - - + _ + - + . - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - + - - - - - - - - i - - - T - + - - - - - 2 ' - 7 - - - -T - - - _ 69 TABLE 12 Presence {% C overage) Location number____________ Bare ground L itte r o f S p e c i e s i n t h e Young C o tto n w o o d Community Type 9 14 8 18 2 12 13 6 Present 2 62 16 57 . 2 82 74 13 67 2 77 3 69 20 57 3 58 - _ 65 + + 60 - + t 75 + + 75 - + 45 + + 75 +- - - '60 - + 60 + 75 + r + + + + - + + + + + + + + + - - ■ r> + T + + 8 8 + - TREE SRP. ETLaeagnus an g u stifo lia Fraxinus pennsyIvanica Juniperus scopulorum Populus del toides S alix amygdaloides I SHRUB SPP. Amelanchier aI n i f o l i a Artemisia I udoviciana Cornus s tolo nifera Parthenocissus quinquefolia Rhus t r ilo b a t e Ribes aureum Ribes setosum Rosa woodsi i Shepherdia argentea Symphoricarpos occidental is Toxicodendron rydbergii V it is rip a ria + + 2 + +• +' + I + T + + - + ~ + + 22 - 8 3 - 5 - - 7 I 5 - 8 - 2 •+ 3 5 2 + 13 2 - r 2 7 13 T - 2 - T + T + - _ r IT - + • n + + t - - - - - _ r + + - + - _ + - 2 — _ GRASS SPP. Aqropyron repens Agropyron sm ithii Agrostis aTba Bromus inermis Calamoyilfa lo n g ifo lia Carex brevior Carex lanuginosa Elymus canadensis El vmus .iunceus Elymus virginicus Muhlenbergia racemosa Poa spp. Poa palustris Poa pratensis Polypogon monosoeliensis Setaria v ir id i s - 5 15 - - - 7 2 T- - + - - 10 5 + - 3 3 - ‘ _ 2 - - _ ■ 12 _ 8 - 12 _ 13 2 - + ■ + + + 4r 70 TABLE 1 2 — C o n t in u e d L o c a tio n number________________ 9 14 IB 8 18 2 12 13 6 Present FORB $PP. Ambrosia pgilostachya Asclepias speci osa ' Asclepias v e r t i c i l la ta Aster pansus Chrysopsis v i Ilosa Cirsium arvense Clematis l i g u s t i c i f o l i a Conyza canadensis Equisetum arvense Equisetum laevigatum Euphorbia esula Glycyrrhiza lepidota Grindelia squarrosa Helianthus p e tio la ris Lactuca pulchella Medicago lupulina MeliIo tu s aIba MeliIo tu s o f f i c i n a l is Plantago major Sdl idago' gigahtea ' Thaiictrum venulosum Verbascum thapsus Viola canadensis 2 + - + - + T - T + + + — — — — — + + 2 2 + + + 7 - + - - — — — — 3 + .+ + 71 TABLE 13 Presence ( % C overage) o f S pe cies in Community Type Location number____________ Bare grpund L itte r t h e M a t u r e C o tto n w o o d I 2 - «■ 47 14 12 16 11 Present 60 63 3 85 67 2 45 - + + 50 + + + 25 + + 50 + — 4+ + + 40 30 TREE SPP. Acer negundo El agagnus T h g u s ti fol i a Fraxinus pennsyIvanica Jumperus spopplorum Populus deltoides S alix amygdaIoides + + + 45 _ - SHRUB AND VINE SPP. Artemisia Iudoviciana Cornus stolo nifera Parthjenocissus quinquefol ia Rhus t r llo b a t a Ribes~aureum Ribes setosum Rosa woodsi i ShepherdTa 'argentea Symphoricaroos occidental is Toxicodendron rydbergii V it is r ip a r ia + 2 19. + + 5 I T 5 — 7 20 13 + + + + — — 2 .2 I + T — — — + - + 14 — 7 2 3 - 4 + - 4 10 8 20 + 16 25 + - 3 - — + 2 3 2 - T 3 5 + 3 15 + 5 7 - 3 3 _ 8 5 2 2 7 3 10 13 13 - — — - ■ + + - - + - - — — - T + -* T f — _ GRASS SPP. Aqropyron repens Agropyron sm ithii Aqropvron trachvcaulurn Bromus inermis E lvmus canadensis Muhlenberoia racemosa Poa spp. Poa palustris Poa oratensis Setaria v i r id is Sti pa comata - + - - 10 2 2 11 - + + FORB SPP. Abronia fra grans Asclepias v e r t i c i l la ta Asparagus o f f i c i n a l i s + * 72 TABLE 13 --Continued Location ngmber______ ;_______________ Aster dblongifolius Cirgium arvense Euphorbia esula Euphorbia glyptosperma Glycyrrhiza lepidota Lygodesniia juncea Lysimachia ciliatum Melilotus o f f ic in a l is Ratibida columm'fera Smilax herbacea Splahvm nigrum Sol idago gig'antea Thalictrum venulosum Tragopogoh dubius 1 2 14 12 16 11 Present - + - - - - - + _ - - - - - - + + - - - - - - 2 + + - I - - - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - - 3 - - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - - + - + - + - - - - - + + - - - - , - - - - - - * • 73 TABLE 14 Presence (% Coverage) o f Species in the Shrub Community Type Location number 14 6 2 I 17 Bars grpupd L ifte r . 69 82 T 84 64 + + 16 14 11 9 Pres B4 89 95 82 80 I + - + - - _ TREE SPP, Fraxinus pennsylvanica + SHRUB AND VINE SPP. Artemisia f r iq id a Artemisia Tudoviciana + — — Coryphantha v iv ip a ria — — Opuritia' f r a q i l i s ^ Parthenocissus quinquefolia + I — — _ Rhus t r ilo b a t e + Ribes aureum + + — + Ribes setosum + Rosa woodsi i ’ 12 11 20 20 Symphoricarpos occidental is 10 9 13 6 Toxicodendron, rydberqii ' 10 2 8 V i t f s 'r i p a r i a (Dead shrubs)' - 3 - 40 20 _ + r n I + + _ + T + + 17 6 I 4 + + 3 I _ 14 3 + 14 8 + 10 14 4 7 5 _ 30 - r 25 30 + 2 5 3 + T GRASS SPP. • Aqropyron repens Aqropyron smithi i Brbmus inermis Oalambvilfa Ib n q ifo lia Elymus canadensis MuhTehberqia racemosa Poa spp. " " 1 Pba palustris Poa riratensis Setaria v ir id i s 2 12 + + — 5 + _ + 5 + + 2 8 3 3 + + 17 3 2 5 3 _ 3 2 ' 2 2 5 + 3 7 + + - - - - - + T + 2 - FORB SPP. Achillea m illefolium Ambrosia psilostachva Ascleoias soecibsa Asclepias' v e r t i c i l la ta Asparaqiis o f f i 'c i nalis Aster ericbides ' Aster pahsus + _ + 3 7 + + _ __ _ _ + + _ _ Tf - - , 3 No data fo r dead shrubs fo r the transects with dashes. - + - 74 TABLE 14— Continued Location number Cirsium arvense Conyza canadensis Euphorbia esula Glycyrrhiza Iepidota Helianthus p e tio la ris Meli lotus o f f i c i n a l i s Physalis heterophylla Polygonum avicuTare Ratibida c o lumnifera Sisymbrium lo e s e lii Smilacjna s t e lla t a Solidago gigantea Viola canadensis 14 2 6 2 I 17 16 + + 2 - 14 11 9 - • - T Present + f 75 TABLE. 15 ■ Presence (%'Coverage) of Species in the Grassland Community Type Location number Bare groupd L itte r 6 17 7 67 2 I I 9 14 11 16 45 82 45 38 5 40 53 45 12 38 4 + - - _ I . 2 2 + I 10 + + - _ _ + I T + + + - - - Present SHRUB AND VINE SPP. Artemisia cana Artemisia dracunculus Artemisia friq id a Artemisia Iudoviciana Coryphantha Viv ipa ria Opuntia f r a q i i i s Parthenocissus quinquefolia Rosa woodsi i Symphbricarpos occidental is Toxicodendron rydberqii 2 - 2 _ ■ 3 + + + + 3 - - - _ - - + + + + - - +' I + - 2 + - - •T + + _ GRASS SPP. 10 3 3 n 5 15 _ + 15 10 - + + 2 + + - ■ T + + _ 5 + _ 10 _ _ + 20 _ + 2 20 7 8 + 28 10 _ — _ _ + + 5 + + + T + — _ _ _ _ _ ■ + _ _ 7 2 + 45 2 12 2 13 8 8 35 rr + + + 30 + + - + + I Aqropyron cristatum Agropyron repens Aqropyron smithi i Bouteloua q r a c ilis Bromus Inermist' Bromus .iaponicus Calamovilfa lo n q ifo lia Carex brevior Echinochloa crusqalI i Elymus canadensis Muhlenberqia racemosa Panicum c a p illa re Poa spp. Poa palustris Poa pratensis Setaria v ir id i s Spartina q ra c ilis Sporobblus cryptandrus Stipa comata Stipa v ir id u la Vulpia octoflo ra + 2 5 18 + + + 2 + _ _ + FORB SPP. Achillea m illefolium Amarantbus powelli i Ambrosia psiTostachva Arabis ho lboelii AscTepias speciosa + - - - + - + - - + T _ + + r- + - - + 76 TABLE 15—Continued Location number Aster oblongifolius Aster pansus Chenooodium a l bum Chenooodium leptoohyllum Conyza canadensis Euphorbia esula Glycyrrhiza lepidota Grindelia squarrosa He!ianthus p e tio la ris Heterotheca v lllo s a Iva a x i l l a r i s Kochia scoparia Lactuca pulchella Laooula echinata Laooula redowskii Leoidium densiflorum Linum oerenne Medicaoo sativa MeliIo tu s aIba MeliIo tu s o f f ic i n a l is Mentzelia nuda Nepeta cataria Oenothera biennis Physalis heteroohvlla Polygonum aviculare PsOralea argoohvlla Ratibida columnifera Rumex maritimus Salsola kali Sisymbrium altissimum Sisymbrium lo e s e lii Smilacina s t e lla t a Solanum rostratum Solidaoo gigantea Solidago mol I is Thlasoi arvense Tradescantia occidental is Traqoooqon dubius Veronica americana 6 17 + 2 + - 2 I I 9 14 11 16 Present + — + — 2 - 7 + — - + . r- 5 + + 12 - + + + 2 + + + + + + + 7 - - + + 77 TABLE 16 Presence {% Coverage) q f Species in the Green Ash Community Type Location number___________ 4 5 15 3 Bare ground L itte r - - 53 58 10 55 — 20 + + 20 + + + 70 + + - - - + + + 84 3 10 7 2 28 27 47 17 27 65 + 75 + T - - 75 + + - - - + + + + + ■ - Present - TREE SPP. Elaeagnus angustif o l ia Fraxinus pennsylvanica Juniperus scopulorum PopuTus~deltoides Sa lix amygdaloides Salix f l u v i a t i l i s Ulrnus americana 80 - r - SHRUB AND VINE SPP. Acer negundo Amelanchier aI n i f o lia Artemisia ludoviciana Cornus stolo nife ra Cotoneaster sp. Parthenocissus quinquefolia Rrunus virginiana Rhus tr ilo b a te Ribes aufeum Ribes setosum Rosa woodsi i Shepherdia argentea Symphoricarpos occidental is Toxicodendron rydbergii V it is r ip a r ia T - + - + + - - - - 2 I + I 2 5 7 I I - 28 3 2 + + + - - _ - _ - - + + 3 - - - + - ‘ - - _ - _ 2 + + - - — - - I - - - T - - I 11 + 16 2 + + + + + - - 7 - 10 + I - 3 2 17 2 8 5 + - + - - , - + I 6 - - - - _ - I - 6 + - - - - - - - _ _ GRASS SPP. Agropyron repens Agropyron sm ithii Agrostis^aTba Bromus inermis Bromus japonicus Carex brevior Carex lanuginosa Elymus~canadensis MuhTenbergia racemosa Poa spp. Poa palustris Stipa v irid u la 3 5 5 T 3 7 + + - -T 3 2 T+ 12 69 - ■ - + - + 2 _ 5 5 - 10 - - , 15 2 18 - - + -T 78 TABLE 16— Continued Location number 4 5 15 3 3 10 7 + + 3 _ + + Present FORB'SPP. ' _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ + + " - - T _ - - + 5 _ 3 _ + + - + + _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ 3 - - - _ ■ ■ 2 + ■ - - - + _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - + _ 3 3 - 3 - 5 _ + - + _ _ + - - - F- CM + + , + 2 + + + + •7 . I Achillea m illefolium Asclepias v e r t i c i l la ta Asparaqus o f f i c i n a l i s Aster pansus Chenopodium album Cirsium arvense Convolvulus sepium Euphorbia esula Galium triflo ru m Glycyrrhiza lepidota Helianthus p e tio la ris Lactuca s e r r i o l a Lappula redowskii Medicaqo lupulina Medicaqo sativa Melilotus alba MeliIo tu s o f f i c i n a l is Mentha' arvensis """ Oenothera 'al bicaul is Plantago major Rorippa sinuata Smilacina s t e lla t a Solidaqo qiqantea Taraxacum Ia e v i qatum Thalictrum venulosum Tragopoqon diibius Verbascum thapsus Viola canadensis 10 + + + + + 2 - 79 TABLE 17 Presence (% Coverage) of Species in the Willow-Shrub, Peach-Leaved Willow and Marsh Community Types Community type Willow-!Shrub Location number I _ 38 33 50 45 43 _ - 20 _ 15 + + 25 + 60 _ - 28 9 I + + _ _ _ _ - 23 23 - Bare gound L itte r 10 14 Peach-leaved willow Marsh 14 . TREE SPP. Elaeagnus a ngu stifolia Fraxinus pennsylvaniea Salix amygdaloides SHRUB AND VINE SPP. Artemisia I udoviciana Cornus stolo nife ra Parthenocissus quinquefolia Prunus virginiana Ribes setosum Rosa woodsi i Sal ix "fT'uviatil is Symphoficarpos occidental is Toxicodendron rydbergii V itis r i pari a 2 2 + + 6 9 3 + 21 2 2 2 ■ I + 7 + 8 + + 8 5 5 - 2 - 28 - - 5 5 2 - - - I - GRASS SPP. Agropyron repens Aqrostis alba Beckmannia syzigachne Bromus ine'rmis Carex lanuginosa Echinochloa crusgalIi Eleocharis palustris Elymus canadensis Muhlenberqia racemose Panicum c a p illa re Phalaris arundinacea Poa palustris Scirpus americanus Scirpus validus - 2 5 - - - - - - 3 - 3 - + + - 2 3 - - - - - - - - FORB SPP. Arctium lappa Asclepias speciosa Asclepias v e r t i c i l la ta Asparagus o f f i c i n a l i s _ + + ~ — + - ’ + _ + + +. ' 7 - + - - - - - - - 2 - - - + - r, 80 TABLE 1 7 - - C o n t i n u e d Community type Willow-Shrub Location number ■I Aster pansus Cirsium arvense Convolvulus sepium Conyza canadensis Equisetum laeviqatum Galium triflo ru m Glycyrrhiza lepidota Helianthus p e tio la ris Iva a x i l l a r i s Medicaqo sativa Melilotus o f f i c i n a l i s Mentha arvensis Plantaqo major Polyqonum coccineum P o te n tilla paradoxa S a q itta ria cuneata Sm ilacina. s t e lla t a Solidaqo mollis Solidaqo occidental is Sonchus asper Trifo liu m fraqiferum Viola canadensis Peach-leaved Willow 10 14 14 2 + 12 2 + 2 + + + + + - - - + - - - - _ - _ - + _ + - 2 - - - - - - - 12 5 2 + + _ - - - - - _ - - _ - - _ - - - - - - + - - - _ - — , 8 - Marsh - - - - - - - 2 _ + + + + + + + + TABLE 18 Density (number/10 m ) of Trees, by Diameter Class , in the Seedling and Thicket Community Types Community type Location number^ Original plot -size Species Pode^ Saam Seedling 8 17 1.5 1.5 16 1.5 9 1.5 12 1.5 13 1.5 573 - 520 533 807 207 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 „1.5 6 1.5 14 1.5 153 673 207 660 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 12 8 18 17 18 Thicket 2 14 18 18 13 18 12 18 9 18 18 6 2 I 3 I 77 13 5 3 D ia.Cl ass(cm) 0 -0.5 0.5-1 UZ 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 0-0.5 0.5-1 1-2 2-3 D - - _ 58 15 6 I I 14 3 3 I . mm 89 2 - 33 2 I - 38 17 - _ - I I • 20 -10 40 60 _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 - 90 - 10 - 10 - 20 84 2 I - I I - - I - 6 - - - - I /I - 2 I - 4-5 Safl 0-0.5 0.5-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 190 ' 70 ' 210 - 10 - 170 —■ 7 I - 90 12 2 - 15 156 50 64 26 3 2 - 93 12 _ - 86 92 24 . 9 2 - I I I I 46 2 2 - Diameter classes from 0 cm to 6 cm are basal diameters and diameters 6+ are diameters a t breast ^height. ^Locations are id e n tifie d in Table 5. Species are Acer negundo (Acne), Elaeagnus angustifol ia (E la n ), Fraxinus pennsyl vanica -(Frpe). Juniperus scopulorum (Jusc), Populus deltoides (-Rode), Salix amygdaloides (Saairi), Salix f l u v i a t i l i s ( S a f i ) and Ulmus amerlcana ( Ulam). ~ ' TABLE 19 Density (number/1000 m2 ) o f Trees, by Diameter Class, in the Young Cottonwood and Mature Cottonwood Community Types Community type Location number Original plot size Species Acne Elan Frpe Jusc Pode Saam 9 108 14 75 16 75 - _ _ _ _ Young cottonwood 8 18 2 12 120 75 92 75 13 84 6 75 2 1200 Mature cottonwood 2 14 12 16 360 1200 1200 1200 11 1200 D ia .Class(cm) 4-5 6-10 0.5-1 1-2 2-3 0-0.5 1-2 2-3 6-10 20-30 1-2 6-10 10-20 20-30 6-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 0.5-1 1-2 2-3 4-5 5-6 6-10 _ _ _ 27 13 _ - - - 13 - - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - _ - 40 - _ - _ — 49 100 19 - ■ _ _ _ - - - I I - - 5 - - - _ - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - 108 87 21 - _ _ - - 45-9 - _ - - - 17 2 2 - - 13 106 27 _ - 4 - - _ _ - - 50 7 I _ I OO rv> 3 _ _ - - _ _ _ 53 120 - - _ _ _ - - - 3 - 175 — - _ I 5 - 12 319 160 - - 120 101 20 80 53 106 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ I I 8 8 3 12 3 — I _ I 2 7 8 2 9 7 3 - _ _ - - - - - - _ - 15 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - + I I I 2 - - 1 3 6 11 3 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 I TABLE 20 p Density (number/10 m ) o f Trees, by Diameter Class, i n the Shrub Community Type Community Type Location number Original plot size Species Frpe 14' 15 6 15 2 15 I 14 Shrub 17 16 14 14 14 30 11 30 Dia.Class(cmj 0-0.5 0.5-1 5 - I - 1-2 - - - 2-3 4-5 6-10 I 2 I - - - - I - I — I I. - 28 8 - - 9 30 TABLE 21 9 Density (number/1000 m“ ) of Trees, by Diameter Class, in the Green Ash, Willow-Shrub and Peach-Leaved Willow Community Types Community type Location number Original plot size Species 4 360 Green ash 3 3 240 240 10 360 7 284 - _ - - - - - - — - 206 1289 38 8 76 105 34 42 21 - 120 3 20 25 14 11 17 3 - 5 160 15 360 _ - - 3 11 Elan 0 -0.5 0.5-1 3-4 - - 3 - Frpe 0 -0.5 0.5-1 1-2 . 2-3 3-4 5-6 6-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 218 3093 _ 25 _ _ 6 12 32 14 95 14 6 3 - 118 I - - - - 3 0.4 0.4 + - - - - + •: Jusc Ppde Peach-leaved willow 14 120 Dia.Class(cm) 0-0.5 6-10 Acne Willow-shrub I 10 14 HO 60 220 0 -0.5 6-10 10-20 4 - - I - 6-10 + + - - 8 101 3 - - 11 - 7 18 32 25 91 53 - - - - - . - - 9 5 - 3590 18 27 - 170 - 104 36 18 ' - 75 — - - - - - - - - TABLE 21 - - C o n t i n u e d Community type Location number Original plot size Species Saam Safl Olam 4 360 5 160 15 360 Green ash 3 3 240 240 10 380 7 284 . Willow-shrub I 10 14 HO 60 220 Peach-leaved willow 14 120 D ia .Class(cm) 0.5-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 0.5-1 1-2 ■0-0.520-30. _ _ _ - — - - _ - - - _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - ■- 109 - 6 11 22 - - 1285 4 — . + - 18 45 27 36 189 117 136 ■425 323 221 34 17 51 102 36 126 90 63 18 18 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 — - 36 32 - — - 8 - 42 16 - - TABLE 22 O I ,Density (number/100-m ) o f Shrubs, by Canopy Diameter Class , in the Young Cottonwood and Mature Cottonwood -Community Types Tlommunity type Locati on number O rig inal p lo t size Species 9 120 14 90 16 120 -Young cottonwood 12 2 8 18 37 L60 60. 28 13 46 6 120 I 15 Mature cottonwood 2 14 12 16 15 15 30 15 11 20 Size Class(dm) Amal ^ 0-1 - - - - 7 - - - - - T- - - - - Cost 0-1 1-2 O L-OO 3-4 5-6 - 37 2 - 14 - ' ~ - - - - - 3 - - + - “ - - - - - - - 39 8 4 2 4 - - - - - - - _ - _ - _ - Rhtr Riau 0-1 1-2 2-3 345-6 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4 5 - - - I - 4 - - - - - - - 10 - - - - 97 - - - - - - - - - - 60 20 13 13 7 .7 207 20 7 - 6 - - - 7 - - 10 10 - - - -12 9 - ■*"Canopy diameter is the average o f the widest crown measure and the crown measure perpendicular to p it a t it s m idpoint. -locations are id e n tifie d in Table 5. dSpecies a re Amelanchier a ln if o lia {Am al), Artemisia iCana (A re a ), Artemi si a dracunculus (A rd r), Artemisia ludovicfana (Arl-u), Cornus s to lo n ife ra .{-Cost), Cotoneaster sp. (Cosp)-, Pranus virg in ian a (P r-vi), Rhus tr ilo b a te (R h tr ), Ribes atireum (R ia u ), Ribes setosum (Rise) , Rosa woodsi i (Rowo) , Shepherdia argentea (Shar) and Symphoricarpos occidental is (Syoc). TABLE 22--Continued -Gommunity type Location -number O riginal ^ lo t s iz e Species ' Rowo 9 120 14 90 Y-oong cottonwood 8 18 2 J12 60. 28 37 IGO 16 120 13 46 6 120 I 15 • Tlature cottnnwnnrl 2 14 12 16 15 30 45 15 11 20 Size Class(dm) .0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 + — - ' + r- 4 4 “ - — ■ - 7-8 9-10 - 10 8 — - Shar 0-1 - I - . - - Syoc 0-1 1—2 2-3 3-4 3 I - 4 I - - 217 27 - 218 28 D-/ 5 - - 39 2 - _ 2 - 113 - 227 - 180 40 13 — - - ' - - _ 41 . —' - 102 41 4 _ - 400 234 20 7 200 80 47 13 - 30 40 47 43 13 3 7 - 874 286 47 67 - ■ 47 10 127 87 40 27 7 - 20 60 20 20 _ - 145 100 35 40 15 10 5 5 5 634 153 7 - 980 465 80 15 _ 374 60 _ - TABLE 23 Density Xnumber/100 m )■ of "Shrubs, by "Cajiapy Diameter -Class, in the "Shrub and Grass!andXommunity Type's. Community type lo c a tio n number O rig inal -p lat size Species ' Rhtr Rise Shrut 17 16 15 15 14 30 11 30 9 30 - - _ - _ - _ - 6 6 6 - - 7 - *- - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - 6 15 2 15 I ■ 15 - - - - .- - - - - - Grassland 2 6 17 I I 9 120 12-0 120 120 120 120 14 11 50 120 16 35 14 2 9 4 6 I I 83 "6 Size Class(dm) Area Ardr 14 15 D -I 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 0-1 1-2 234-5 + - - 67 47 39 8 3 2 2 “ - _ - - — — - 3 4 0-1 1-2 2 -3 3-4 - - - - - - 0-1 1-2 2-3 27 .13 - 47 20 - - 7 13 7 - 13 - 0-1 - 20 - - - 7 _ — 6 9 7 - 9 20 9 5 _ 2 2 2 2 - 20 20 12 6 - 15 15 3 - 3 - _ _ — _ _ - ‘ 7 _ - - - - “ — - T- - - TABLE 2 3 - - C o n t i n u e d Community -type Location number OrTganaJ p lo t szaze Species Rowo 14 6 15 ■ 15 2. 15 I 15 Shrub 17 16 15 15 14 30 Grassl an cl 6 1 - 7 2 1 1 9 120 1-20 120 120 120 120 11 30 9 30 293 160 123 -93 213 . 103 153 67 63 13 50 20 7 5 3 7 3 3 3 - 210 77 27 3 3 28 15 - 534 53 13 586 220 33 + - 14 11 .50 120 16 35 Saxe Glass (dm) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4 -5 5-6 6-7 400 354 73 13 - - - - - - - - - Shar 0-1 — I Syoc 0-1 1 -2 2-3 "3-4 4 -5 5-6 — 454 293 87 7 - 280 200 107 73 20 2828 2428 1067 227 260 460 20 — — - - — — - - 133 - 67 153 187 40 27 340 347 153 20 7 880 1834 133 153 46 - - - — - - - - - - 793 1272 190 240 37 43 10 20 13 3 - - + - ' - 7 - - f — - 53 29 - - 30 23 19 "5 61 17 + 2 76 26 2 7 4 - 69 9 -CO LO TABLE -2 4 p Density .(number/100 m ) o f .Shrubs, by Canopy Diameter Class, in the Green Asli Uj I Iow-Slirub and -Peach-Leaded4}i11 ow Community Types Community type LocatTon number O riginal p lo t size "Species -Araal Gost Co sp. Prvi Rhtr -Riau Green ash 3 3 120 70 4 15 5 15 15 39 - 7 8 - - . — — — r - 20 - r — - - 15 2 - 7 7 7 7 . .13 - - C -I 1-2 2-3 + — - 7 7 - _ - C -I 1-2 4-5 - 7 7 7 _ - TC 15 7 17 - _ -TIil I ow-shrub I 10 14 15. 15 15 "Peach-Iaaved wi 11 ow 14 15 Size Class(dm) 0-1 1-2 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 6-7 7-B C -I I -"2 0-1 1-2 2-3 - . . , - - - 7 14 I 40 7 14 - - - - 54 -40 33 -20 27 - - - - _ — - - - ■ _ - ' - - - — - — — . _ _ - - - _ ■~ . . _ _ -- -_ - — 4_ — - — _ - _ TABLE 24 — C o n t i n u e d -Community type Location .number O riginal p lo t s3ze Species Rise -0-1 23- Syoc 5 15 -20 67 13 34 34 13 i5reen a-sb 3 3 TG 12-0 70 15 15 39 7 17 Hi 11 ow-sTi rub I 10 14 15 15 15 Peach-leaved -willow 14 15 Size Class(dm-) 1-2 -Rowo 4 15 3 4 -0-1 1-2 2345-6 6-7 7-8 0-1 1-2 23- 3 4 5 - 3 4 -T- 7 7 3 27 40 1487 20 67 20 40 7 7 194 844 214 20 067 523 94 .7 3 20 18 ' 34 30 6 - 80 114 73 34 77 142 34 94 370 25 536 -3 87 13 133 165 59 13 101 80. 174 60 223 13 60 13 27 13 1005 1-61 30 7 101 54 27 27 54 47 20 7 47 114 80 20 7 40 47 27 34 7 7 7 7 20 13 to 9% T W E 25 Constants and E s t i m a t e s o f R e l a t i v e E r r o r ? f o r R e g r e s s i o n s R e l a t i n g L o g a r i t h m Pl a n t , W e i g h t s t;o T h g i r L o g a r i t h m P i a m g t e r s Qiamgter basis Crown qapopy Crown canopy Crqwn ganppy Trunk base Syoc Area Safl Leaf b m r E 1.46 0.23 0.93 X.73 1.44 1.59 0.30 ■ 0.47 0.92 0.86 1,73 9,07 b m r E 1.48 0.18 0.94 1.37 1.59 1.93 0.3-1 -0 .0 9 0.98 0.95 1.20 1,30 b m r E E 2.31 3.21 0.43 -0.02 0.95 0.97 1:63 1.99 2.136 ’ 0,9$% T eT Q,?9 1,39 b m r E 2.09 0.93 0.98 2.46 b 1P r E 2.53 q,7§ 0.99 I . $7 b m r •E %.53$ -1.29 0.97 1.27 b m r Trunk base Tmnk be so DBH Saam Pode Rode Woqd $ cm Wood O r, 5 cm Cqn?tant$ :Species .+ e rro r W 0.46 0,99 1.33 ' _ - =■7 - - T r - - 7 I FT 7 - - r r - - - • - r - - - - - r - Wood o -l cm Wood InlO cm Wood 10+ cm $pqts Icm+ •7 T T T -- - - - _ - T r 7 TT ■ rr T - r _ H r - - I JT 'T 2.43 0.89 0.97 2.69 3.35 1,96 0,92 1.56 2.22 1.0$ 0.97 2.99 2,9$ 0.91 0,92 1.75 2.38 0,88 0.98 2.33 2.85 0.87 0.99 1.09 1,93 -1 .7 8 ' 0.99 1.24 _ - T- - _ TT _ - -T r - - r 'T * TT - p - - 7 ir -r Tf r - _ T r - 1,87 2.83 -0 .8 5 -1.67 0.99 0.99 1.18 1.18 2.33 0.62 0.99 1.11 2,45 1.14 0.99 1,41 i 2m slopg of thg regression lin g , p = y in tercep t p f rggressipn l]n e . Tr Tf c o rre la tio n c o e ffic ie n t. E s estimate o f r e la tiv e e rro r fo r a logarithm ic regres$iQn. Ap p of 2 indicates th at the 'predicted value 31 i'es between one h a lf and twice the true value. Plant species are Rosa woodsi i (Rowo), Symphoricargos occidental is (Syqc), Artemisia cana TArqiJT S a lix f l u v i a t j l i s ( S a f i) , S alix amygdalqides (Saami2 ) "and Pppulus' del toides (Podg), ' ^ 93 TABLE 26 2 Bulk Density (g/m ) of Soils from Three Horizons in Seven Community Types1 SoilI horizon Community type^. K L 0-10 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR 0.80 0.90 1.20 1.08 0.97 0.95 0.90 1.05 1.Q5 1,89 1:31 1,31 1.55 1.10 1.25 1.25 1.24 0.99 1,21 1,29 1.19 1.25 1.25 1,23 149 0.97 1.15 1,23 1.23 1.07 1.26 1,12 1.02 1.05 10-30 cm SA SE ■ TH YC MG SH QR 1.42 1.42 0,79 1.09 1.28 1,31 1.00 0.95 0.95 1.37 1.12 0.99 0.99 1,29 0.98 0.98 1 .04 1.02 Q.9? 1.34 . 1,29 1.04 1.04 1 . 19 1.19 1.04 1,19 1.45 1.15 1.15 149 1.15 1.051.07 I rI l ?0-150 qm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR 0.87 0.87 0.71 1.06 .1.09 1,10 0.84 0,7% 0.78 1.11 0.68 0.99 1,14 1,20 1,23 1.23 1.08 1.16 1.06 0.9? 1.15 141 141 1.04 1.12 1.06 143 149 1,29 1:20 0.92 0,90 0.98 1.16 1.23 • Location'3 N M Il / I 1•' J 0 ^Bulk densities were estimated hy weighing dried samples from fiv e pooled cores and dividing by the volume of the coring tube segment. Weights o f s o ils (gm/nr) in each horizon are calculated by m ultiplying by the volume o f the horizon fo r 0-10 cm =? 100,000; fo r 20-3Q cm s 200,000; fo r 30-15 cm = I , 2 0 0,Q00'. ^Community types.are sandbar (SA), seedling ( 5 | ) , th ic k e t (TH ), youncj .,cpttontyood (YC), mature cottonwood (MQ), shrub1(SH) and grassland (GR). ^Locations are id e n tifie d in Table 5: 94 TAPLE 27 Elemental Consents (%) o f Riparian Plants o f the Lower Yqllowgtone River1 P Species^ Part^ Number 4 Pod^ If ■ 0-1 1-10 10+ Safl Rqwq $yoc Area If XiSD Ash XiSD 0,20+0,04 1.32+9.03 9,P3±P.P1 9±1 0.0810.00 0.4610.08 0,03+0.01 5 il PrOOiO1Pt O.Q4+0.02 4+2 0.0610.05 3 il XlSD 5 1 . 64+p49 5 0 .42±0.11 .5 Na XlSD X1 IbSDp 4 , 4 E lements _ K 0.07±0.02 0.01+0.01 0 ,3 0 *0 4 3 0.1810.04 2 46±P.39 0.28±prp,3 1,2410.28 0.0510,03 Oil 0.65+0.29 0.0810.03 0.58+0.31 0.0310.01 3 il 0-1 5 . HO if 3 . 0,34+0.17 0 .04±01:00 0,20+0,00 9 .0 2 + 0 .QO 2i l P $34040 0.2510.06 p.35+0.06 0.02+0.00 6+1 0 -0 .5 5 0.55+0.11 0.07+0.03 0.1410.04 0.0210.00 3i0 0.5+ 5 0.32+0.07 q.Q4+Q.Q0 0,0 7 + 0 .Ojl' 9r0jl±O.OQ 2*1 If 5 1.65±0.18 0.23+0.08 1.7010.20 0.0210.00 7+1 OrrO. 5 0,48+0.06 0,05+0.01 9.99+0.11 0 ^ 2 *9 ,9 0 4+0 0.5+ § 4 ■0.3510.08 0 0410.01 : 0.7010.11 O.OliO.OO 3l0 If 5 ’ 1.8410.38 0 25 0 . 0 4 , + 4.64+0 4 3 9 .0 2 + 0 .QO 7*1 0 -0 .5 5 0.84+0.96 Q.0910.02 1.05+0,41 0.03+0.01 5 il 0.5+ 4 0.53+0.08 0.05+0.01 0.47+0.18 0.02+0.00 311 Methods used fo r determining elemental content? ere described in pBremner (.1965,' N ), Olsen and Dean (1965, P) and P ra tt (1965, K and N a), species studied were Populus deltoide? ( Pode) , S alix f l u v i a t i l j s ( S a f i) , Rosa woodsi i (Rowo), Symphoricarpps occidental i s ' (Syoc). Artemisia' cgna (A rea), Toxicodendron rydbergii (TO ry), vine and 1A r t e - • ,,mi?ia ludoviciana (ArluTT dPlant parts analyzed were leaves ( I f ) and ty/igp of the dimensions ,s p e c ifie d : 0 -0 .5 cm, 0.5+ cm, 6-1 cm, 1-10 cm, and over 10 cm. gThe number o f transect? examined. dMpan 4 standard d e v ia tio n . 95 TABLE 2 7 - C p n t i n u e d Species Part Number • N X"±SD P I+SD E lements K I+SD ■ i+so Ash ^+SD 1341 Tory 4. Vine 2 0 . 60±0.14 Arlu ,5 1,42+0,50 SE6 3 0.99±0.35 ■0.25±0.02 1.91+1.10 0.0840.02 TH 5 0.98+0.05 0.17+0.03 1.09+0.55 0,01+0 7+? YC 5 1.00±0.03 0.17+0.03 0.91+0.41 o.oi±o 8+1 MC 3 1,00+0.09 Q,14i0.O5 0.61+0.06 0,0140 74% SH 4 ■1.00±0.01 0.12+0.04 0.62+0.30 741 GR 5 0.98+0.06 0.10+0.05 0.49+0.25 0.0140 74% SE ?7 1.08+0.25 0,3040,06 Q,pB*Q.Q6 0.1340.07 114% TH 3 2.01+0.65 0.23+0.00 0.81+0.03 0,0640.04 15+3 VQ 4 0 . 19±Q.05 9,45+p.08 0 .2 5 :0 . !I! m 0,64 • ' 0.05 0.50 0.04 5 0.6840,41 0.04+0,0% Crass forb MQ I1I t t q r SH 4 1 ,9 2 + 0 .^ 0.31+0,08 GR 3 2.01+1.33 0.13+0.13 ' 1.09+1.49 •0.024o!oi 11+11 SA 2 0.46+0 0.0440.01 Pj J H O .04 0 .0 9*0.06 15+10 SE 5 0.91+0.41 0.10±0.04 0.34+0.18 0.1040.12 19412 TH . 5 P1^BlO.I? 0. Q8+Ot 02 0,23+0.05' jp.02+9 14+% YC 5 0.63±0.17 0.0740.0% 0.2040.02 0.02+0 1645 MC 4 0 .6 7 + 0 ,to p .07 + 0 .Ql 0,25+0,03 9.02+0 2048 SH 5 0.55+0.11 0.0540.01 p.2740.09 0.0240 1244 GR 5 0.94+0.15 0.07+0.Q1 0.20+0.04 0.91+0 ig+2 1143 Community types are sandbar (SA), seedling (S E ), th ic k e t (TH), young yCottonwpod (YC), mature cottonwood (MC), shrub (SH) and grassland ((?R), Fqr nitrogen, tfie number q f Ramplqs tqstqd is two in th% needling and' grassland community types. 96 TABLE 38 Orggnip M atter Qohtpnts (%) o f Sqilp from Thrpe,Hon'zpop in Sqven Community Types! Soil horizon Community typp^ ____________ • I prlO cm 'U ‘ I JM' if K I 'I I I ' I'., 'JJj Hlj'' jl JJJ 'I JI1' I . « SA SE TH YC <0.1 0.3 1.0 I,? 6 ,0 ' MQ SH GR lOnSO pm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR 30^50 ^ SE. TH YC MC SH GR 4:6 ■ . 3.1 <0.1 <0.1 I.? 1.9 2.0 2,2 Z-? 10,1 <04 0.6 0.9 r 1.5 LQ L <0.1 Q.4 <0.1 0,7 3 .Si 1.0 1.5 Location M 3 0.2 L2 L6 2.3 1.8 1.2 2.0 <0.1 40,1 l.l 1.2 Q,; L* 1.6 H L 7 . 2.1 ■ ■ . L4 L S L4 L7 Q.6 IQ ,I . <0 . 1 .Li 0.3 L ? 1.5 1.2 Q,5 0.8 1.1 1,5 1.5 Q,3 N 0 <0 , 1 L r? 1.2 0,8 2,2 2,2 3.3 40.1 1.4 L5 O r? 4-3 3:8 4.4 1.0 Q.5 1.3 . 1.6 1,5 1.6 0,6 LO 1.0 2,0 2i? ?.2 1.8 2.8 0,1 0.-2 0.2 L Q IP,I 0.2 0.6 0.9 L 0.8 1.2 0,9 LP 1Organic master contents were c p lp rim e trip a lly determined a f t e r dichror, 2mate oxidation (Sims an^ Maby J97QI). Community types are sancjbar (QA), 's e a lin g , th ig k e t (ilifi), young -cottpnv/opd (YC), mature ppttqnwood (MC), shrub (SM) and grassland (GR). ■Locations are id e n t if ie d 'in Table 5.' 97 TABLE 29 Kjeldahl Nitrogen Contents (%) o f Soils from Three Horizons in Seven Community Types-*Soil horizon •3 Community type ' K L Location M ■N 0 0-10 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .002 .019 .050 .051 .253 .149 .138 .002 .023 .014 .034 .114 .035 .062 .030 .012 .063 .089 .062 .069 .074 .010 .028 .022 .029 .073 .101 .107 .012 .039 .064 .023 .169 .167 .202 10-30 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .007 .006 .045 .068 .084 .103 .104 .012 .034 .009 .036 .062 .072 .055 .005 .036 .049 .07% .083 .057 .075 .043 .040 .048 .037 .052 .097 .080 .028 .047 .062 .020 .069 .126 .163 .009 .002 .028 .040 .020 .036 .014 .055 .053 .043 .018 .012 .026 .028 ' .039 .053 .061 .023 .017 .013 .014 .053 .044 .019 .032 .012 .008 .025 .046 .033 .043 .039 30-150 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR ■ - .056 .034 I pThe method i s d e s c r i b e d i n Br emne r ( 1 9 6 5 ) . Community t y p e s a r e s a n d b a r ( S A ) , s e e d l i n g ( S E ) , t h i c k e t ( T H ) , young , c o t t o n w o o d ( Y C ) , m a t u r e c o t t o n w o o d ( M C ) , s h r u b ( SH) and g r a s s l a n d (GR).. ^L o c atio n s a r e i d e n t i f i e d in T a b le 5. 98 TABLE 30 . Total Phosphorus Content {%) of. Soils in Three Horizons in Seven Community Types1 Soil horizon 0-10 cm Community type O Location K_______ L_______ M______ N SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .057 .05.2 ,065 .071 .090 .080 .083 10-30 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR 30-150 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .046 .065 .045 0 .085 .055 .065 .059 .032 .073 .075 .073 .073 .073 .056 .064 .048 .059 .064 .074 .072 .052 .062 .068 .058 .074 .083 .088 .037 .053 .071 .076 .076 .071 .080 .045 .071 .052 .055 .076 .065 .065 .035 .071 .067 .063 .063 .063 .065 .072 .070 .066 .061 .060 .073 .071 .060 .068 .072 .052 .064 .074 .072 .050 .046 .061 .071 .065 .069 .063 .046 .069 .055 .073 .071 .073 .059 .041 .033 .062 .066 .068 .072 .060 .048 .054 .048 .068 .064 .048 .064 .046 .048 .062 .058 .064 .062 .064 gThe method is described in Olsen and Dean (1965). Community types are sandbar (SA), seedling (SE), th ic k e t (TH), young -cottonwood (YC), mature cottonwood (MC), shrub (SH) and grassland (GR). Locations are id e n tifie d in Table 5. i 99 TABLE 31 B i c a r b o n a t e E x t r a c t a b l e Pho s ph o r u s C o n t e n t s { % ) O f 1S o i l s i n T h r e e H o r i z o n s i n Seven Community T y p e s 1 Soil hdnzoh Community type^ K L Location M N 0 -1 0 .cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .013 .009 .015 .015 .038 .031 .029 .004 .006 .005 .012 .0004 .006 .011 .0004 .020 .020 .018 .016 .013 .003 .001 . .003 .001 .007 .010 .011 10-30 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .005 .017 .017 .020 .017 ,020 .025 .005 .016 .006 .008 .023 .001 .008 .006 .009 .008 .010 .006 .006 .008 .001 .001 .005 .003 .001 .015 .011 SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .010 .005 .008 .015 .012 .014 .015 .004 .023 .004 .020 .007 .009 .010 .008 .004 .006 .012 .001 .015 .010 .00003 .001 .004 .007 .007 .001 ' .007 30-150 cm 0 .008 .007 .011 .008 .021 .019 .025 .006 .007 .009 .002 .012 .013 . .015 .002 .002 .003 .001 .003 .001 .003 i pThe met hod i s d e s c r i b e d i n P r a t t ( 1 9 6 5 ) . Community t y p e s a r e s a n d b a r ( S A ) , s e e d l i n g ( S E ) , t h i c k e t ( T H ) , young , c o t t o n w o o d ( Y C ) , m a t u r e c o t t o n w o o d ( M C ) , s h r u b ( SH) and g r a s s l a n d ( GR) . . L o c a tio n s a r e i d e n t i f i e d in T a b le 5. 100 TABLE 32 Ammonium A c e t a t e E x t r a c t a b l e P o t a s s i u m C o n t e n t ( % ) o f S o i l s f r o m T h r e e H o r i z o n s i n Seven Community T y p e s 1 Soil horizon Community type^_____________________Kj______ L Location3 M N O 0-10 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .001 .005 .015 .014 .054 .032 .036 .002 .008 .004 .031 .011 .016 .008 .002 .021 .022 .021 .014 .029 .004 .009 .010 .012 .024 .022 .029 .003 .006 .028 .012 .044 .032 .051 10-30 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .002 .003 .010 .018 .026 .020 .028 .001 .010 . .005 .010 .022 .015 .018 .001 .009 .012 .024 .018 .015 .016 .008 .010 .013 .012 .019 .027 .024 .006 .009 .016 .009 .026 .031 .039 30-150 cm SA SE ■ TH YC MC SH GR .002 .002 .007 .011 .010 .016 .014 .004 .004 .005 .016 .021 .012 .007 .002 .001 .007 .010 .021 .019 .009 .003 .004 .004 .021 .014 .006 .010 .004 .004 .006 ,011 .014 .012 .013 - T h e me t h o d i s d e s c r i b e d i n P r a t t ( 1 9 6 5 ) . ^Community t y p e s a r e s a n d b a r ( S A ) , s e e d l i n g ( S E ) , t h i c k e t ( T H ) , young - c o t t o n w o o d ( Y C ) , m a t u r e c o t t o n w o o d ( M C ) , s h r u b ( SH) and g r a s s l a n d ( G R ) . Locations are i d e n t i f i e d in Table 5. 101 .TABLE 33 Ammonium A c e t a t e E x t r a c t a b l e from Three Horizons Soil horizon Community ty p e * ' 0-10 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR • Sodium C o n t e n t ( m e q / l O O g l o f S o i l s i n Seven Community T y p e s 1 K .1 .3 .1 .2 .3 .1 .2 10-30 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .1 .1 .3 .4 .3 .2 .3 30-150 cm SA SE TH YC MC SH GR .1 .01 .6 1.1 .4 1.4 .4 . 3 L Location M .01 .3 .01 .4 .2 .1 .3 .2 .9 .3 .5 .1 .3 .01 .2 • Q1 .1 .3 • 01 .1 .1 .5 1.2 .5 .3 .2 .3 .2 .3 .7 .3 .2 .2 .3 .3 .4 .9 .2 .5 2.0 1.4 .1 .4 .03 .6 2.2 .7 .1 .2 .1 1.0 1.7 2.2 .7 .3 .3 .3 .4 1.5 .4 .3 1.2 .2 .3 .8' .4 2.2 4.1 2.2 N 0 .4 .3 .1 .01 .01 .1 .1 .2 .5 .3 .1 .3 .3 .3 pThe method i s d e s c r i b e d i n P r a t t ( 1 9 6 5 ) . ^Community t y p e s a r e s a n d b a r ( S A ) , s e e d l i n g ( S E ) , t h i c k e t ( T H ) , young ^ c o t t o n w o o d ( Y C ) , m a t u r e c o t t o n w o o d ( M C ) , s h r u b ( SH) and g r a s s l a n d ( G R ) . L o c a t i o n s a r e i d e n t i f i e d i n T a b l e 5. TABLE 34 2 Biomass ( g/m ) Present in ttie Sandbar and Seedling Community Types Community type Locati on Component K L Total Soil DM2 0— 10 cm ■ 10-30 em 30-150 cm 14-12 80 283 1049 5932 105 191 5635 Total Roots 0-1 mnr I -10 rnim - - - - - - Total L it t e r Total Herbs Grass Forb Total S a fl5 " 6 Leaves 0-1 cm Total Pode Leaves 0-1 cm Sandbar M 8 - 1917 250 196 1471 -N 0 K L 3537 125 2082 1330 2685 123 1150 1442 1572 240 283 1049 12853 422 2098 10333 -- 218 90 128 2 - - - - 44 - - - - - - — » - . - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ■- Seed! incj M N 0 5323 1500 2352 1471 6870 1502 2707 2661 8286 1-721 3681 2884 406 2%8 128 223 95 128 514 386 128 358 230 128 102 9 5 114 + + - 23 13 10 3 + 3 20 4 16 19 8 11 18 9 9 58 29 29 2 I I 17 8 9 96 48 48 11 5 6 168 84 8.4 34 17 17 28 14 14 92 46 46 ^Locations are id e n tifie d in Table 5. Organic m atter {DM) c o lo rim e tric a lly determined a f t e r d ichromate oxidation (Dims and ^1970) included roots less than one centim eter in diameter. ^Soil horizons sampled included the depths 0-10 cm, 10-30 cm and 30-150 cm. gRoots were separated into the diameter classes 0-1 mm„ 1 -1 0 -mm and 10 mm+. Shrub wood was separated into the diameter classes 0 -0 .5 cm and 0.5 cm+; for tree or gwood 0-1 em, 1-10 cm and 10 cm+. V la n t species are Dymphoricarpos occidental is (Syoc), Rosa woodsi i -(Rowo), Artemisia {A re a ), Toxicodendron rydbergii (T o ry ), Artemisia Iudoviciana (A r lu ) , S alix f l u v ia til S a lix amygdaloides (Saam) and Popolus deltoides (Pode). Haby w illow cana is F T S a fl) . TABLE 35 2 Biomass Xg/m ) Pres-ent. in tLie TLiickst and ifoung T)o-ttonwooti "Community Types K L M Total Soil -0M O-^lO cm 10-30 cm 30-150 .cm 8246 1197 1908 5141 4748 188 547 4013 15226 1976 2923 10327 Total Roots O -I mm 1-10 mm 10 mm+ 1085 786 296 3 566 249 296 21 Aboveground Dead -499 L it te r 499 Dead trees ■ - T tic k e t N Young -cottonwood M N 0 K L 7524 1476 3541 2507 12088 1-60-7 3821 6660 16962 1298 4174 11490 15436 918 2246 12272 20864 2288 3253 15323 24759 953 2383 21423 12580 377 1377 1-0826 617 254 296 67 708 392 296 20 1380 107-9 .296 ■5 6298 540 558 5200 9531 1003 558 7970 13215 977 558 11680 5673 1335 558 .3780 6046 4960 "532 532 - 144 144 - 445 445 - - 315 "315 - 1559 612 947 . -1779 514 1265 2060 1913 147 2287 301 1986 388 251 4 4 + 55 33 22 57 17 40 . 21 14 I 1.6 4 12 8 8 d8 42 6 45 38 7 _ _ _ - _ 3 + + + I • I I 11 4 5 2 + + 12 4 5 2 .3+ 2 Total Herbs Grass Fo r t . 34 34 - 17 15 2 Total Struts Syoc leaves 0 - 0 .5cm 0.5 cm+ Rowo leaves O-O-5cm 0.5 cm+ Arl u 13 - - - - _ - - _ - - _ - - - - + - - + - "0 528 558 639 I I ' 103 -.Community type Location Component OBLE -Gommtinj -ty type .locatjon Component To tal Wjj low 5 aam loaves D -I cm I cm* Safl 0-1 -cm I -cm* Jodaj Pode I -eaves 0-1 cm 1-10 -cm 10 cm+ K 112 + + 138 + * - - 40 32 40 -18 5 6 7 - Jtijcket JJ T 4r -38 5.3 . 108 30 3839 - 35--Continued Jj 0 125 I 2 ' 4 ■29 26 -63 206 * + 725 -* --*$■ ■ -559 141 159 .25:9 1-03 34 39 30 - - O _ - _ - -59 50 97 "Young cottonwood % M N K 107 ; 1:74 35.5 39 10 13 11 - __ - . 12421 579 501 3420 7821 " 15230 43.7 • 486 3477 10830 26965 ■ 891 991 6620 18463 - 8843 394 378 2675 5337 - 10122 628 533 3621 5340 TABLE 36 Biomass '{■g/m2 ) -Present in the Mature -Cottonwood and Shrub Community Types Community type Location 5Gompoflent Mature cottonwood M ' N I T< 43 K 26749 3883 6228 16638 "1609 854 755 - 1436 681 755 - 1549 794 755 - 2023 1268 755 407 407 - 867 867 - 380 380 882 882 684 684 39 29 10 8 4 4 22 16 6 14 14 5 I 4 5804 6148 15890 2417 2077 41396. 23203 4817 4240 14-146 "30020 4374 5759 19887 6967 641 946 4380 6758 542 "946 527-0 12052 ' 1036 946 10070 8757 1411 946 6400 8876 IOlS 946 6920 1320 565 755' - Aboveground -Dead - 987 987 Li t i e r Dead trees 2328 1074 1254 . 1232 795 437 1553 1237 316 632 609 23 I I - 8 8 + -19 7 12 TotaT Tierbs rfirass Jorb 8 8 ' - 30 30 + 0 18237 . 2128 5218 10891 25487 2-184 4154 19149 Total Roots 0 -1 mm 1-10 mm TO mm-+ Tl . 24493 20569 1541 1547 ■ 5078 2594 17874 16428 25804 4574 3354 17879 "Total Soil OM -Q-TD cm 10-30 cm 30-150 cm Shrub -"M I TABlTE 36 — Continued Community type lo ca tio n Component -Mature cottonwood I M N K 156 Total Shrubs .24 Syoc --leaves 0 -0 .5 e-m 34 Q. 5 cm+ 16 ^Rowo leaves 20 0 -0 .5 cm 23 0.5 cm+ 39 Tory -Ar! u - 83 7 10 5 15 17 30 24 + 44 8 11 4 5 6 10 18 - Vines 29 - - Total Pode I eaves 0-1 cm 1-10 cm 10 cm+ 15.270 T64 27-6 1790 13040 15792 244 354 2337 12857 27003 381 571 3754 22297 "0 135 11 15 7 25 30 48 - 2 17270 226 ■350 2287 14407 K 50 -4 5 2 TO 11 18 41 4 20755 303 450 2962 17040 - 113 21 29 14 12 14 23 ;S:tirub M -I - 87 ■5 7 3 18 21 32 I - - I - 0 ' 126 21 27 10 18 21 29 113 14 ' 18 7 19 23 32 168 22 * 30 14 25 30 47 - - - _ — . _ -- _ _ - _ - _ - N -I - TABLE 37 ■Biomass "t^/m ) Present i'n "the 5Gnassland Bommumty Type Community type Location Component K L Grassland M N 0 Total Soil BM B-IO cm TB-30 jcm '3 0 -1SB -cm 17251 TT778 M l2 IBO 61 13034 1648 4181 7205 170-65 2372 3611 11082 -21902 3787 5214 12901 2558-1 4641 6228 14712 €B58 1.369 4B9 1252 763 489 1529 1840 489 1951 1462 489 1939 1450 489 Total L it t e r 185 455 152 506 385 Total Herbs Brass Ferb 114 108 6 154 132 2-2 144 124 -20 -114 114 + 147 147 31 + + + 7 13 11 23 I 2 I 2 3 3 11 4 I I 64 I 2 I 5 12 13 30 47 Total Roots B -I mm .1-10 mm Total Shrubs Syoc leaves B-O .'5 cm B . 5 -cm+ Area leaves B-O.5 cm B .5 -cm+ Arl u - > I ■ I + - - — - 13 1-9 11 . 4 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Condition Nntec;