Relationships between activity patterns and foraging strategies of Yellowstone grizzly bears by Albert L Harting A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biological Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Albert L Harting (1985) Abstract: Eleven grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) were radiotracked in Yellowstone National Park and vicinity in 1981 and 1982. Principal objectives of the study were 1: to examine the daily and seasonal activity patterns of Yellowstone grizzlies and to determine what influence certain temporal and environmental factors had on these activity patterns and 2: to examine the interrelationships of food habits, habitat use, movements, and activity patterns. Two methods for rating the quality of a bear’s occupied habitat were employed. One method considered the abundance, diversity, and relative value to grizzlies of the vegetation occurring at field-checked relocation sites. The second method utilized existing habitat maps and a spatial information computer package to identify the habitats surrounding relocation points. These habitat types were then rated according to a system of Habitat Importance Values developed by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study. Theoretical aspects of grizzly bear foraging strategies and predatory habits were also considered. Environmental factors which had a significant effect on grizzly bear activity patterns were temperature, precipitation, and cloud cover. Some of the influence of environmental variables on bear activity could be explained according to their probable effect on olfactory perception. Temporal factors found to be important were season and time of day (diel period). Grizzlies in this study were primarily crepuscular and . nocturnal but individual bears differed significantly in their activity patterns. Individual differences in grizzly bear food habits and habitat use were reflected in their characteristic activity patterns and movements. Bears which occupied vegetatively poor habitat appeared to be more reliant on "supplemental" food sources (meat or garbage) than bears in rich mesic areas. The use of trained bear dogs to retrace grizzly bear movements proved to be a valuable adjunct to traditional research tactics. RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ACTIVITY PATTERNS AND FORAGING STRATEGIES OF YELLOWSTONE GRIZZLY BEARS by Albert L. Harting, Jr. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biological Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY' Bozeman, Montana March 1985 APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Albert L. Harting This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. 7 . / ? Sr 6 chairperson. Graduate Committee Date Approved for the Major Department 2S hbn;ary , IcISS Date Z Ak % Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean ill STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment requirments of a master's degree at Montana State University, that the of I agree the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules Library. the of Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgement of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis may be granted by my major professor, or in his absence, by the Director of Libraries when, in the opinion of either, the proposed use of the material in this thesis is for scholarly purposes. or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signal Date Any copying V ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am sincerely grateful to the following people for their contributions to this study. My major professor. Dr. H. D. Picton, was the source of many valuable insights which were success of this project. Study, first opportunity proposed and possible. Dr. Drs. of the R. Knight, Interagency Grizzly Bear project and R. L. Eng and R. E. Moore reviewed the manuscript and made many constructive suggestions. Services, to provided the research I without which the study would not have been funds the R. critical Ms. Georgia Ziemba, MSU Computing was extremely helpful with the statistical analysis aspects the study. I am especially grateful to Dave Mattson, IGBS, for providing me with his preliminary data pertaining to grizzly bear food habits and habitat use. The fieldworkers who assisted me with collection, especially thanks for remaining enthusiastic despite the long sleep, and oftentimes dreary conditions. deserve Finally, credit I cooperation Harting, providing S. Rhodes, to My wife, give me ongoing Linda, many lack of R. Vaughan and L. Lobos inspiration as only throughout this project. deserve hours, they wish to thank my family for their enduring managed assistance. for Terry Jones and Kevin data knew patience My parents and my uncle, encouragement and how. and Frank financial and son, Aaron, contended with the many long absences and mysterious moods which every graduate student surely knows. I vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES................................. '.............. viii LIST OF FIGURES............................................... x ABSTRACT...................................................... xii INTRODUCTION.................................................. I STUDY AREA.................................................... 3 Administrative Context.................. Geological Background....................................... Vegetation Zones............................................ Study Area Sub-Units..... ................................... Gneiss Creek/Hebgen Lake Sub-area........................ Nez Perce Cr./Firehole River Sub-area.,.................. Blackball Plateau/Washburn Range Sub-area....... Climatology................................................. 3 3 5 7 8 9 9 10 METHODS................................. 12 Data Collection.......................................... Trapping and Radio-Tracking........................ Activity Monitoring...................................... Habitat Use and Scat Data Collection..................... Dog Tracking.................................... Data Analysis............................................... Activity Data............................................ Community Site Data Analysis............................. Computer Relocation Habitat Scans............. Scat Data Analysis....................................... Minimum Daily Movements and Home Range Estimates......... 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 20 23 24 RESULTS....................................................... 25 Activity Data............................................... Temperature.............................................. Precipitation and Ground Moisture.......... Wind Speed................................... J.......... Cloud Coyer.............................................. Seasonal and Monthly Effects............................. 25 25 28 28 30 30 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued Page. Time of Day Effects...................................... Seasonal Activity Patterns by Diel Period............ Individual Bear Patterns............................. Community Site Analysis........ Relocation Habitat Scans.......................... Scat Analysis............................... Movements and Home Range Use....... .................. Tracking Grizzlies with Bear Dogs....................... 32 35 38 42 44 46 48 49 DISCUSSION.................. .'................................. 52 Activity Patterns........................................... Diel Patterns.................................... Seasonal Activity Levels................................. Environmental (Weather) Effects............... Energetic Agendas of the Primary Study Bears................ Bear 59.................................................. Bear 38.................................................. Bear 50.......... Bear 15........... Bear 76.................................................. Grizzly Bear Foraging Strategies............................ Theoretical Considerations of Grizzly Predation on Ungulates.... ................... Tracking Grizzlies with Trained Bear Dogs................... 52 52 53 55 62 63 66 67 69 72 75 80 82 CONCLUSIONS................................ 85 LITERATURE CITED......................... 88 APPENDICES............................. 95 Appendix A - Community Site Field Form...................... Appendix B - Tables of Habitat Parameter Values and Community Site Data........ 96 99 viii LIST OF TABLES Page Table I. Scientific names and abbreviations for habitat types referred to in the text...................... Table 2. Distribution of activity records by bear, year................................ season, 7 and 13 Table 3. Age, sex, and monitoring period for the five primary study bears............................................ 13 Table 4. Mean values for Food Value (FV), Understory Cover (C ), Understory Species Diversity (H ), and Community Si£e Quality Index (CSQ) for Bears 15,U 38, 50, 59, and 76.... .................................................. 43 Table 5. Grizzly bear Area Food Scores (FS )^ mean amount of Edge per relocation scan circle (E), mean Habitat Diversity in scan circles ( H ) , and Relocation Habitat Richness scores (RHR)................................. 44 Table 6. Mean Scat Values (SV) scores for the primary study bears.............................................. 46 Table 7. Scat summary for primary study bears: percent "digestible" diet volume and percent frequency occurrence for important diet item groups............... 47 Table 8. Consecutive minimum daily movements (km) for the five primary study bears................................ 49 Table 9. Short 49 term home ranges for the primary study bears... Table 10. Energetic efficiencies (EE), characteristic contagiousness (A ), and monthly preference values for the most important diet items of Yellowstone grizzlies as used in the community site and scat quality analyses....................................... 100 Table 11. Monthly Food Values (FV) of the most important items of Yellowstone grizzlies as used in community site analyses....... 101 diet the ix LIST OF TABLES— Continued Page Table 12. Unit area importance values (IVU's) used to score habitat types for habitat richness analysis............ 102 Table 13. Community site scores for Food Value (FV), Understory Cover (C ), Understory Species Diversity (H ), and CommunityuSite Quality (CSQ)................. V ........ 103 X LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure I. Map of the study area.......... ........................ Figure 2. 4 Relationship between temperature (in C) and probability of bear activity............................ 26 Relationship between temperature (in probability of bear activity in spring. and ..... 26 Figure 4. Relationship between temperature (in C) and probability of bear activity in summer..... ......... 27 Figure 3. Figure 5. C) Relationship between temperature (in C) and probability of bear activity in fall................... 27 Figure 6. Relationship between precipitation type and probability of bear activity....... ................... 29 Figure 7. Relationship between ground moisture and of bear activity.................. 29 probability Figure 8. Relationship between wind speed (in km/hr) and probability of bear activity......................... 31 Figure 9. Relationship between cloud cover and probability of bear activity......................................... 31 Figure 10. Relationship between month and and the probability of bear activity............... 33 Figure 11. Relationship between diel period and probability of bear activity annually and seasonally................. 33 Figure 12. Probability of bear activity according to hour of the day annually......... 34 Figure 13. Probability of bear activity according to hour of the day in spring.......................... 36 Figure 14. Probability of bear activity according to hour of the day in summer............................. 37 xi LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Page Figure 15. Probability of bear activity according to hour of the day in fall. ......................................... 39 Figure 16. Overall probability of activity for the five primary study bears........................................... 40 Figure 17. Probability of activity according to diel period for all monitored bears (including all activity records from all bears from both monitoring years) and for primary study bears #76 and #59...................... 40 Figure 18. Probability of activity according to diel period for primary study bears #50, #38, and #15................. 41 Figure 19. Probability of activity according to diel period for Bear 50 annually and by season...................... . 42 xli ABSTRACT Eleven grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) were radiotracked in Yellowstone National Park and vicinity in 1981 and 1982. Principal objectives of the study were I: to examine the daily and seasonal activity patterns of Yellowstone grizzlies and to determine what influence certain temporal and environmental factors had on these activity patterns and 2: to examine the interrelationships of food habits, habitat use, movements, and activity patterns. Two methods for rating the quality of a bear’s occupied habitat were employed. One method considered the abundance, diversity, and relative value to grizzlies of the vegetation occurring at field-checked relocation sites. The second method utilized existing habitat maps and a spatial information computer package to identify the habitats surrounding relocation points. These habitat types were then rated according to a system of Habitat Importance Values developed by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study. Theoretical aspects of grizzly bear foraging strategies and predatory habits were also considered. Environmental factors which had a significant effect on grizzly bear activity patterns were temperature, precipitation, and cloud cover. Some of the influence of environmental variables on bear activity could be explained according to their probable effect on olfactory perception, Temporal factors found to be important were season and time of day (diel period). Grizzlies in this study were primarily crepuscular and .nocturnal but individual bears differed significantly in their activity patterns. Individual differences in grizzly bear food habits and habitat use were reflected in their characteristic activity patterns and movements. Bears which occupied vegetatively poor habitat appeared to be more reliant on "supplemental" food sources (meat or garbage) than bears in rich mesic areas. The use of trained bear dogs to retrace grizzly bear movements proved to be a valuable adjunct to traditional research tactics. I INTRODUCTION Prior studies of the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) in the Yellowstone ecosystem have contributed a wealth of data pertaining to the food habits, habitat use, and general ecology of this * population 1981; (Mealey 1975; Graham 1978; Craighead and Mitchell 1982; Kendall 1981; Knight et al. Knight et 1984). al. These data provided the framework within which present management strategies were developed. less But certain, as the welfare of the Yellowstone grizzlies appears management decisions become increasingly complex and a need for data of still finer resolution becomes apparent. Recently, expanding Schleyer (1983) grizzlies with Sizemore Two prior forage (lake, examined respect to the studies temporal patterns and of Yellowstone environmental variables. dealt partially with grizzly bear in three physiographically distinct and valley/plateau), occupied a protein food niche. requirements of an feeding and felt that bears. foraging Mealey (1975) found that Yellowstone grizzlies mountain, maintained activity behavior. (1980) also studied the activity patterns of grizzly strategies. to emphasis has been placed on bear appeared "economies" bears mainly Sizemore (1980) computed the energetic individual grizzlies and described how energy balance by utilizing reserve fat to these bears supplement the available foraging opportunity. i 2 None of the studies cited above have attempted to correlate from bear food patterns for overview of habits and habitat use with data individual the bears. on This study sought grizzly bear's activity bear to data activity provide pattern/foraging an strategy complex. The specific objectives of this study were: 1. To examine the daily and seasonal activity patterns of Yellowstone grizzlies, and to determine how these patterns fluctuated between individual bears and under different environmental conditions. 2. To determine how a given bear's activity patterns, movements, food habits, patterns and habitat use were interrelated, and to contrast individual to see how variation along one parameter appeared to affect the others. 3. To develop a conceptual overview of grizzly bear foraging strategies with reference to established optimal foraging theories. 4. To research. explore the feasibility of using trained bear dogs in bear 3 STUDY AREA Administrative Context The study area was located in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem of Wyoming and Montana and included parts of Yellowstone National Park and contiguous National Forest land (Figure I). All of Yellowstone Park and much of the remainder of the study area have been as "Management designated Situation I" grizzly habitat in accordance with the grizzlies' threatened status under the Endangered Species Act (87 stat 884, 16U.S.C. habitat 1531-1543). maintenance This designation specifies that "grizzly and improvement... and grizzly-human minimization will receive the highest management priority. decisions habitat will favor the needs of the grizzly bear Management when and other land use values compete." (USFS and NPS Service Grizzly Bear Policy stipulates that management will be designed to "I. populations and, 2. minimize grizzly 1979) Park perpetuate wild, conflict The policies free-ranging grizzly conflicts between humans and bear grizzly bears by reducing man-generated food sources and by regulating visitor distribution." Geological Background The present episodes ultimately, of landscape of Yellowstone was produced sedimentation, faulting, volcanic by repeated activity and, glaciation (Keefer 1972). Two major types of bedrock were G A L L A T IN N A T L . FO R. Y E LLO W S T O N E PARK BO U N DAR Y I MT. WASHBURN WEST YELLOWSTONE' OLD FAfTVFUL B R ID G E R -T E T O N N A T L . F O R . SUB-AREAS KILOMETERS Figure I. Map of the study area 5 formed during periods of exceptional volcanic action in the Cenozoic era. The Absaroka bedrock was formed from major eruptions in the early Eocene which buried Yellowstone beneath thousands of feet of ash and lava. The Absaroka rocks were primarily andesite and basalt. The other major bedrock type- the Yellowstone volcahics- was three cycles period. ago a accompanying caldera pyroclastic activity in the Quaternary in major eruption formation of of rhyolitic pumice the 2600 square the central portion of the Park. and ash kilometer ago. Plateau These Rhyolite, Eaton et al. flows were but principally the some basalt flows have also been may be the seminal stage of a fourth flow 75,000 so-called identified. (1975) suggested that the present hydrothermal Yellowstone the Yellowstone Lava continued to rhyolite, years and ring fracture zones encircling the caldera until roughly years in intense during The most recent of these cycles climaxed about 600,000 with from of deposited activity volcanic cycle rather than the final phase of the third. Yellowstone was glaciated at least three times. of these, The most the Pinedale glaciation, occurred 25,000 to 8,500 years ago and covered up to 90% of the present Yellowstone Park. the recent receding Pinedale glaciers eventually burst causing Dams formed by catastrophic flooding, the results of which are still evident in many areas. ■' Vegetation Zones Although glaciation and erosion have redistributed and altered the composition of the original Absaroka and Yellowstone deposits, the 6 present vegetation appears to depend in large part on the bedrock type. underlying Despain (1973) described three major vegetation within Yellowstone National Park. zones The lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) zone appears to be strongly associated with poor soils of Quaternary rhyolite pine origins. occasional sites. (m) It spruce This and is (Picea) dominated by climax and fir (Abies) lodgepole occurring in favorable zone typically occurs at elevations of 2320-2560 receives relatively low (51-102 with meters centimeters, cm) annual is positively associated with the richer precipitation. The spruce-fir zone Absaroka (andesitic) volcanic soils. Mature stands may be dominated by either spruce albicaulis). or fir or, near Successionally in the understory and, timberline, whitebark pine (Pinus young stages include both spruce and fir frequently, vigorous stands of lodgepole pine. This zone occurs above 2560 m and generally receives greater than 102 cm annual precipitation. The third major vegetation zone is the Douglas-fir menziesii) zone. (Pseudotsuga This, zone is characterized by Douglas-fir as the dominant forest overstory with some spruce, fir, lodgepole, and aspen (Populus Big sagebrush tremuloides) tridentata) overlies sediments and mixed and in favorable sites. mixed grasses are common in open areas. depths of glacial till and a bedrock granite at elevations of precipitation is generally less than 51 cm. of 1830-2320 (Artemesia This zone Quaternary m. Annual 7 Study Area Sub-Units Grizzly bears were radiotracked throughout much of the western and northcentral portions of Yellowstone Park at various times during this study. principal the However, many of the data were collected in three subareas (Figure I). Habitat types described below follow classification of Mueggler and Stewart (1980) for grassland and shrubland and Steele et al. (1979) for forested areas as identified by Despain (1984) in Yellowstone Park (Table I). Table I. Scientific names and abbreviations for habitat types referred to in the text. Habitat types follow the systems of Mueggler and Stewart (1980) for grassland and shrubland and Steele et al. (1979) for forest types. Forest habitat types: ABLA/VAS C-VAS C ABLA/VASC-CARU ABLA/VASC-PIAL ABLA/CACA PIEN/EQAR ABLA/THOC ABLA/CAGE ABLA/LIBO-VASC ABLA/VAGL-VAGL ABLA/CARU PICO/CARO PICO/PUTR PSME/SYAL PSME/CARU PIAL/VASG Abies lasiocarpa / Vaccinium scoparium-V.scoparium A. lasiocarpa / V^_ scoparium-Calamagrostis rubescens A. lasiocarpa / Vj_ scoparium-Pinus albicaulis A. lasiocarpa / Calamagrostis canadensis Picea engelmannii / Equisetum arvense A. lasiocarpa / Thalictrum occidentale A. lasiocarpa / Carex geyeri A. lasiocarpa / Linnea borealis-V.scoparium A. lasiocarpa / Vj_ globulare-V.globulare A. lasiocarpa / C^ rubescens Pinus contorts / Carex rossii P. contorts / Purshia tridentata Pseodotsuga menziesii / Symphoricarpos albus P. menziesii / Cj_ rubescens P . albicaulis / V . scoparium Non-forest habitat types: FEID/AGSP FEID/AGCA FEID/AGCA-GEVI FEID/DBCE DECE/Carex spp. ARTR/FEID ARTR/FEID-GEVI Festuca idahoensis / Agropyron spicatum F . idahoensis / A 1. caninum F . idahoensis / A^ caninum-Geranium viscosissimum F . idahoensis / Deschampsia caespitosa D . caespitosa / Carex spp. Artemisia tridentata / F^ idahoensis A. tridentata / F . idahoensis-G. viscosissimum 8 Gneiss Creek/Hebgen Lake Sub-Area This area lies along the western boundary of Yellowstone Park and adjacent parts of the Gallatin National Forest. west by Hebgen Gallatin Range. notably area Lake and on the east by the It is dissected by several Gneiss Creek, Cougar Creek, It is bounded on the southern major end of the drainages, most and Teepee Creek. Most of the is dominated by climax lodgepole pine with bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata) understory (PICO/PUTR habitat type) at elevations of 19802440 m. occur Large marshy areas with thick stands of willow (Salix along the lower reaches of Gneiss around Hebgen Lake. are more complex occurring with the lodgepole. (VASC and CARU phases), of aspen Cougar with spruce and and fir commonly Common habitat types include ABLA/VASC ABLA/THOC and other ABLA habitats. are found throughout the area. meadows are located along many of the creek bottoms. areas Creek, The northern and eastern portions of this subarea topographically stands Creek, spp.) Mesic Scattered grass/forb Sub-xeric open with sparse to moderately-dense stands of big sagebrush in the ARTR/FEID habitat type (GEVI phase) are found along certain ridges and southern exposures. Bear-human conflicts are a major concern in this area. Residential and summer homes are scattered along Duck Creek and around Hebgen Lake. fishing. the area. Both Cougar Creek and Duck Creek are popular Several campgrounds and summer resorts are also located for in 9 Nez Perce Cr./Firehole River Sub-area This central within subarea part the Central is located north of Old Faithful of Yellowstone Park. and ABLA/CAGE. the The majority of this vast lodgepole-pine zone in the western Plateau. in west- area reaches lies of the The most abundant habitat types are ABLA/VASC-VASC Serai stages of both types are dominated by lodgepole pine. Engelmann Spruce (Picea engelmanii) and subalpine fir are also common in pockets. the overstory. Nez Perce Creek, the major waterways. Whitebark pine is present in isolated Sentinel Creek and the Firehole River are Wet forests consisting of several habitat types occur along these streams. The ABLA/CARU habitat type is common. Lower Geyser Basin lies in the center of this range from about 2320 m over most of the area to a maximum of 2600 on Mary thermal Creek Mountain. sub-area. The Human activity is restricted Elevations primarily to areas around the geyser basin and to fishing along Nez and the Firehole. m the Perce The Grand Loop road also passes through the center of this sub-area. Blackball Plateau/Washburn Range Sub-area This is the largest of the three sub-areas. high peaks It encompasses and alpine tundra of the Washburn Range and the rolling, grassy slopes along Antelope Creek and in the Blackball Plateau. of this sub-area Yellowstone River, types the lies within the spruce-fir the Douglas-fIr zone. ABLA/CARU and PSME/SYAL and, along The most abundant are ABLA/VASC-VASC and ABLA/VASC-PIAL. ABLA/THOC, zone the Much the habitat Other common types are habitats. Whitebark pine I 10 occurs at mid to high elevations in a number of locations. xeric Large sub- meadows of grasses and various forbs with scattered pockets timber are present in the Blacktail Plateau and Antelope Creek Common grassland habitats are the ARTR/FEID, GEVI types. of areas. FEID/AGSP and FEID/AGCA- The elevation ranges from 2075 m in the Blackball Plateau to 3125 m on Mount Washburn. Climatology Temperature and precipitation data were abstracted from summaries for the "Yellowstone reporting stations at Mammoth, Drainage, Wyoming" Tower Falls, division Old Faithful, (with and Lake in Yellowstone Park and at Crandall Creek and Clark east of the park, Snow survey data were collected at Canyon, annual Norris, NOAA 1980-82). West Yellowstone, and Lupine Creek (SCS 1983). Snowfall for December 1980 through April 1981 (winter preceding the first field season) was below the long term mean. above normal. winter/early The Temperatures for the same period were well snowpack spring 1981 (in water equivalent inches) was well below normal at all for light growing late reporting stations . (means of 54% and 55% of the long-term average in March April, 4.1% and respectively). Heavy rains in May and June compensated for the snow pack season so that cumulative precipitation (May through July) was 28.9% for the above primary normal. Temperatures for this period also averaged slightly above normal. The remainder of the first field season (August and September) was hot and dry, with temperatures averaging 6.9% above the norm and precipitation 50% below normal. 11 Precipitation (winter the December 1981 through April snowpack averaged 8.1% below the long term in March and April was 102% and 117%, long-term average. means. of the Precipitation for the May to July 1982 period slightly (3.3%) below normal so that overall available the period Cumulative respectively, for the primary growing season was at or above normal. of 1982 preceding the second field season) was 37.5% above normal and temperatures only for moisture The remainder second field season (August and September) was unusually (precipitation 32.9% above normal) with temperatures was averaging wet 5.0% above normal. Despite the the apparent contrasts between the weather patterns 1981 and 1982 field seasons, timing of phenological appeared to be fairly similar for both years. late for development Peak succulence was in May to June and most plants were in flower or fruit by early to mid July. The similar phenology during the two years may relate to the fact that many of the important bear forage species were high altitude perennials which characteristically have a climate-species function of about two years (Picton pers. comm.). transfer METHODS Data Collection Trapping and Radio-Tracking Grizzly bears were trapped by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBS) or by National Park Service (NPS) personnel using traps or Aldrich foot snares. Eleven different radiotracked during various phases of the study. bears were culvert grizzlies were Data from all eleven used in the activity pattern analyses. Five bears were selected (according to the acquired data base and the availability of prior data for each bear) for a more detailed analysis of the activity pattern/habitat use interaction (Tables 2 and 3). The routine location aerial of instrumented bears was first surveys by IGBS personnel. A determined temporary from monitoring station was subsequently established at a suitable vantage point the "target" bear. hand-held, elevated second tracking Several different tracking systems were used. two-element radio-tracking. and near Yagi antenna was generally used for A ground A truck-mounted 4-element Yagi antenna which could be rotated 5 m above the cargo bed was (1982) field season. used during This system proved useful while night­ from roads or when slight elevation changes provided a improved signal. the much 13 Table 2. Distribution of activity records by bear, season, and year. Each activity record represents one monitoring period, ranging from 10 minutes to 2 hours, during which the bear's activity status was determined. Bear No. Spr 15 38 50 59 76 others total 0 75 40 0 0 0 115 1981 Summ Fall 56 97 78 0 0 49 280 24 0 50 0 0 54 128 * Spr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1982 Summ 0 0 0 44 124 151 319 Fall 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Both Years Spr Summ Fall 0 75 40 0 0 0 115 56 97 78 44 124 200 599 24 0 50 0 0 54 128 A Spring=March-May; Summer=June-August; Fall=September-October Table 3. Age, sex, and monitoring period for the five primary study bears . Ages given represent age when bear was monitored for this study. Bear # Age 15 38 50 59 76 Sex 11 10 AdJ 4 2 Monitored Yr. and Season(s) 1982 :summ, fall'*' 1981:spr,summ 1981:spr,summ,fall 1982:summ 1982:summ F2 F F F I Bear 15 was also tracked with trained bear dogs in 1981. 2 None of the females radiotracked during the study were by cubs. accompanied 3 Ad=Adult of undetermined age (5 yrs or older) Activity Monitoring All of the study bears except #15 were equipped with tilt collars (Telonics, Inc.) designed movements of the head. to indicate activity status according to Frequent fluctuations from one pulse mode to the other suggested that a bear was active. with a standard (non-tilt) collar. Bear #15 was instrumented His activity status was 14 ascertained via the "integrity" of the erratic signal strength, regarded as probable investigators indicator have signal. Such factors obvious directionality changes, indicators of activity. found that this method was However, often of activity (Lindzey and Meslow 1976; etc., an as were other unreliable Garshelis and Pelton 1980). Activity was occasionally determined from direct observation. At regular intervals, generally hourly during the day and bihourIy at night, the bear's signal was monitored for a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes. During each monitoring session, the bear's level was recorded using one of five activity designations: mostly inactive divided between intermittent with active brief intermittent and inactive quiet spells, activity periods, activity inactive, spurts, mostly evenly active and entirely active (erratic mode with shifts almost constantly). These were later reduced to two categories, active or inactive, to facilitate analysis. data on precipitation, direction analyzed and to During each monitoring period, cloud cover, ground cover, wind velocity, wind temperature were collected. determine their influence, These data if any, on were bear later activity patterns. Habitat Use and Scat Data Collection The range precise location of the study bears was determined by triangulation situations approximate integrity, whenever possible. During the generally precluded triangulation fixes, position was deduced from single intervening topography, etc. bearing night, close field thus the bear's fixes, signal Locations derived from these 15 latter indices were considerably less reliable than triangulation fixes and the resultant data were treated accordingly. Once the bear had vacated an area, site and investigators returned to the searched for feeding activity, additional evidence of bear activity. scats, day beds, A "community and site any analysis" (Appendix I) was conducted according to the procedures outlined by the IGBS (Knight encountered. et al. When 1984) at all locations where bear activity no bear sign was found, believed to be accurate, These analyses included but radio fixes were community site analyses were also completed. a determination of habitat type following Mueggler and Stewart (1980) for grasslands and shrublands and et al. was (1977) for forested areas. Pfister Species lists were prepared at all community sites. Cover values were estimated ocularly for each species recorded. Specimens which could not be identified at least to genus in the field specimens were were collected for verified later identification. at the Yellowstone Questionable herbarium at Plant nomenclature followed Hitchcock and Cronquist (1973). topographic and physiognomic features were also noted Mammoth. Relevant during each community site analysis. Scats of the year were routinely collected whenever encountered. Scats were analyzed for content by Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks personnel as described by Knight et al. (1980). Dog Tracking Trained obtain bear dogs were used during July 1981 in more precise data on bear microhabitat use. Two an effort to professional 16 bear hunters/guides this phase of the study. and from Oregon volunteered their time to help They brought eight of their hounds related breeds) to Yellowstone in July 1981. strategies were used. be frequented site. Such by a Two basic an tracking bears and then to track a grizzly away site was available where a rendering from bear lure for our purposes. In this plant identity and current location were generally approach was to determine the day bed location of bear triangulation, and then return the case, truck 1983). unknown. a the The was possibility were The other radio-collared following fixes morning alleviated of unpleasant encounters with the study bear. equipped with loud bells and were restrained on times. The leashes at to This the dogs all Despite these precautions, NPS officials concluded that due to inherent was preferable since periodic radio as bear's retrace the bear's overnight movements starting at the bed site. strategy to this left considerable animal fat in the topsoil which served ersatz by (Plotts One was to take the hounds to a site known overturned along Highway 191 two years previous (Schleyer accident with risks and possible visitor annoyance, the use of bear an unacceptable approach to bear research within the confines the Park. Consequently, the dogs of canine collaborators were, retired from active duty. Data Analysis Activity Data The of day. influence of temporal and environmental factors (e.g., season, temperature...) upon bear activity level time was 17 determined by assigning all non-active observations a numerical of "0" and probability all active observations a value of "I." of activity (from 0.0 to 1.0) for a was calculated. activity or Then particular value the mean variable Mean values of 0.5 indicated an equal probability of inactivity while values greater than or less than 0.5 indicated probabilities of higher or lower activity, respectively. SPSS computer statistical (Anova) level programs were used for all initial breakdowns analyses. were One-way and two-way analyses of variance differences in activity and individual bear effects. used to test for significant due to temporal, environmental, and Tukey1s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) test was used as a posthoc procedure to assess differences in individual means. Community Site Data Analysis Five bears (#15, selected for a activity patterns #38, #50, #59,and #76, Tables 2 and 3) were more in-depth analysis of (from scats), activity the interaction monitoring), food and. habitat use (from aerial between habits evidenced by community site conducted as followups to bear relocations or whenever bear sign analyses). encountered in the field. relocations Community site analyses were sites and routinely was Only those community sites associated with the five bears mentioned above were treated as follows. remaining (as Data from all were merged with existing IGBS data and applied to other ongoing analyses. Community criteria: site "quality" was evaluated according to three food value, total understory cover, and understory species I 18 diversity. Food value was determined by the density within the site of 22 most important bear food plants as determined from prior of IGBS community site and scat data, handled separately. items was also 1977-1982. the analysis Animal matter was The relative food value, FV^, of each of these 22 previously determined (Mattson, in prep.). FV^ incorporates information on the following: 1. Intrinsic energetic efficiency (EE^) of each item (subjective evaluation of energy expended to acquire characteristic bite volume versus digestible energy per bite). 2. Monthly food item preference, PF^, for item i : PFi - (Vol1 / Freq1)/PFmax where Vol^ = % of total scat volume comprised of item i, frequency of item Freq^ i occurrence in scats of the sample and maximum calculated value of (Vol^ / = % ^ max = Freq^). -I 3. group. occur Characteristic ) of a given item or This value expresses the tendency of a particular diet item to in feeding "contagiousness" (A^ aggregations. more The efficiently on premise is that a bear is a given item if it capable tends to of occur contagiously, as do certain root foods. The relative food value of a given item is, then, FV. = EE. x PF. x A."1 i i x i Since PF^ values were calculated by month, FV^ values likewise vary by -I month. are Tables of all the FV^, given in Tables 10 and 11. EE^, PF^, and A^ values used herein A more detailed derivation parameter is available in Mattson (in prep.). of each 19 Individual site, (X , food values were then weighted by their cover at each and summed to give the composite food value, FV, at each community site: FV = Total understory cover, adding ZCFV1 x C1) Cy , for each community site was found by the cover class value for shrubs to the cover class value for herbs as recorded on the community site field forms (Appendix I). The resultant value enabled a rough comparison of cover between sites. Understory species diversity, Hyf was obtained by applying the Shannon-Weaver diversity (information measure) index to all understory species (shrubs and herbs) recorded on the community site forms. All species were included regardless of whether they were known bear foods or not. Hence: = - s PiC1Oge Pi) HU where P1 = relative abundance (cover) of species i from O to 1.0. Once the values for community site food value, and understory sites, these understory cover, species diversity were calculated for three values were combined into a single all community quantitative index of community site quality (CSQ). First, each of the raw values for FV, C^, and a was converted to proportional value by dividing by the maximum value. For feedsite x: FV X C u,x H u,x = FV /FV x max = C /C u,x u,max H u,x /H u ,max Of these 3 variables food value (FV) was considered the most important 20 determinant of community site "quality," hence it was doubly relative to cover and diversity. Therefore, the weighted Community Site Quality index, CSQ, was found by: CSQ (FV x 2) + (C U 0X )+(H ) ' u,x This expression was then proportionally adjusted to a 0.0-1.0 scale by dividing by the maximum value. For community site x: CSQx - CSQxZCSQnax Finally, the mean CSQ for all community sites ascribed to a given bear was used for comparison with other bears. Computer Relocation Habitat Scans The provided community site analysis discussed in the one means of assessing the quality of habitat individual bears. which for As a second section occupied by approach, all of the radio relocations occurred between the first and last days of activity monitoring the primary study bears were subjected to an additional richness" analysis. Habitat IGBS foregoing and NPS mapping "habitat Both aerial and ground relocations were included. of Yellowstone National Park was employees from 1979 through 1982 conducted according by to the classification system of Mueggler and Stewart (1980) and Steele et al. (1979). Several hundred plots were used to delineate habitat types on airphotos. Resolution of the habitat mapping was roughly two hectares. The data were transferred to 15 minute topographic quandrangle maps and subsequently digitized to facilitate computer analysis. A spatial information computer software package was developed Wm. Hoskins for the IGBS to treat relocation habitat data. by As input. 21 this program receives the UTM coordinates for a given bear relocation. It then generates a "scan circle" of 0.5 km radius with the relocation point as center. This scan circle was used because most radio fixes were obtained during the day and, use therefore, a description of habitat based entirely on the immediate habitat in which points fell the would tend to overrepresent day bed sites. relocation The 0.5 radius partially corrects for this bias by incorporating not only relocation point proper, but also a broader area surrounding km the this point through which the bear presumably entered or left the site. Within points the scan circle, a sampling grid is created with every 88 m (for a total of ~101 points per scan circle). each scan circle, type is the number of points falling within output along with the amount of edge (E, were For each habitat interface between adjacent habitats) occurring within the scan circle. data sample pooled by season for each of the five bears The scan circle to give the proportionate use of habitats by season. The next step in this analysis was to rate the overall quality of habitat used component "unit habitat type. area importance by each bear according to the relative importance value of Mattson (in prep.) developed the concept of values" (IV^) to describe of individual habitat types to Yellowstone the relative bears. incorporate information on characteristic food items found in x, each IV^'s habitat the inherent food value of these items, the consistency with which each item is available in habitat x from year to year flux in availability), (i.e., annual the apparent preference toward habitat x for feeding on these food items (extrapolated from community site analysis 22 data) arid the diversity of feeding opportunity in habitat x. I value of many food items varies according to phonological the IV 's u are calculated on a seasonal basis- The IV 's u pertain only to the vegetative attributes of a habitat matter is handled separately. A Since stage, used type: herein animal These IVu*s are tabulated in Table 12. single "area food score" (FSq) was calculated for each of the five bears by multiplying the proportionate use of each habitat by the corresponding seasonal IV value. FSa - S (Px>1n v u(Xji)) where p . x, I IVy ^x ^ is the proportionate use of habitat x in season I and is the corresponding unit area importance value for habitat x in season i. The diversity of habitats within each scan circle was calculated using the Shannon-Weaver diversity index: Hh = - E Px (IogePx ) where px is the proportional representation of habitat x in the circle. The mean value for Hh from all scan circles for a given bear was used for comparisons. was also parameters scan The mean amount of edge, E, per observation calculated from the scan circle data. described above (area food score, Each of the habitat diversity, amount of edge) was adjusted to a 0.0-1.O scale by dividing the three and value for a given bear by the maximum value, so that for bear y: » = FS /FS a,y a,y a,max h,y E Hh,y^Hh,max E /E y max The final step in the relocation data analysis was to combine the 23 three parameters relocation habitat described above into a single expression richness (RHR). The area food score for (FS) was given double weight so that for each bear: RHR = (2 x FSa) + (E) +(H^) The resulting values were again adjusted to a 0.0 to dividing by the maximum value for RHR. 1.0 scale by For bear y: RHR =RHR /RHR y y max Scat Data Analysis Scats for the five primary study bears were analyzed item content and diet item richness. positively ascribed for diet Only those scats which could to a particular bear were included. These be were generally collected at day beds or immediately following multi-bearing radio fixes. Each scat was scored according to the energetic efficiency pl8) of individual food items found in that scat. "natural" (i.e., scat was non-garbage, The EE^ for see below) food item, (EE, every i, found in the weighted by the proportional volume of item i to derive a Scat Value (SV): SV =Z. (P1EEi) where p^ = relative proportion of item I in the energetic efficiency for item I. adjusted the scat and EE^ .= The mean SV score for each bear was to a 0.0-1.0 proportional scale by dividing the raw value by maximum value (SV/SV^ax). The adjusted values were then used to make inter-bear comparisons. The percent by volume of digestible items (i.e., after deducting 24 volumes of dirt, groups (e.g., bear. debris, forb, etc.) belonging in certain important food ungulate, shrub...) was also calculated for each "Garbage" referred to any items of human origin and was treated as "digestible" matter despite the obvious indigestibility of plastic, etc. Minimum Daily Movements and Home Range Estimates Minimum radio daily movements Were calculated from fixes. were used this analysis. underestimation for routes those and an This method can bears which tended to result in forage serious over then return to preferred bed sites previous day's relocation. as daily Both ground triangulation fixes and aerial relocations in circuitous consecutive long near the Consequently, these data are best regarded index of movement patterns rather than as an estimate of the actual distance travelled. Home range areas were calculated for the five primary study bears for the period when they were monitored only. determinant Turner of 1969). Areas were based on the the recapture point covariance matrix (Jennrich The areas thus obtained were not directly comparable since there was wide disparity in the length of the monitoring for the #50). was five different bears (from 46 days for //15 to 150 To facilitate inter-bear comparisons, divided estimate. herein. and period days for the area for each bear by the number of relocations contributing to the area The resulting "area per relocation" is used for comparisons 4 25 RESULTS Activity Data Temperature Activity annual data were grouped into 5 C blocks and analyzed and seasonal basis (Figures 2 and 3). annually temperature level (p<.001). on Anova indicated did have a significant effect on bear an that activity The temperature data yield a more-or-less bell-shaped curve with a peak activity level in the 10-15 C range and low activity at both temperature extremes. at temperatures Tukey's HSD test showed that activity above 20 C was significantly lower than activity in the 5-20 G range (p<.05). A had two-way Anova showed that jointly both season and significant variables). temperature main effects (as in the univariate Anova's for both There was also a significant interaction factor (p=.002) indicating a significant difference in bears' responses to temperature in the different seasons. Since the majority of the temperature observations (71.0%) were collected during the summer, the temperature histogram for summer (Figure 4) approximates the annual histogram with high activity temperature in extreme same general trend, data .PA the 0-20 C range and lower ranges. activity in the two The fall data (Figure 5) followed the although the activity level was lower. The spring (Figure 3) suggests a response opposite to the summer and fall 26 I-OO .90 .80 U- O >- .70 .60 •50 CD < CD O •40 •30 OC O- 20 • 10 NO- OF RECORDS 7 -SC-OC 78 196 0C-5C SC-1OC 182 119 10C-1SC 15C-20C 87 20C-25C 22 25C-30C Figure 2. Relationship between temperature (in C) and probability of bear activity. All temperature data from both monitoring years are included. % OQ < CQ O Od CL NO- OF RECORDS 25 0C-5C 49 SC-1OC 16 IOC-1SC II 15C-20C Figure 3. Relationship between temperature (in C) and probability of bear activity in spring (May). Temperature data from both years are included. 27 Figure 4. Relationship between temperature (in C) and probability of bear activity in summer (June-August). Temperature data from both years are included. I.00 .90 5 .80 .70 .60 .50 $ CD O 0£ CL .40 30 • 20 -10 NO. OF RECORDS 0C-5C 5C-10C IOC-1SC 15C-20C 20C-25C Figure 5. Relationship between temperature (in C) and probability of bear activity in fall (September). Temperature data from both years are included. 28 pattern: activity was greatest in the 0-5 C and 15-20 C ranges and much lower in the intermediate temperature ranges. Precipitation and Ground Moisture Sample sizes category. Activity categories Anova, were (i.e., all five small levels for all but were lowest precipitation were "no for rain and intermittent rain. classes were compared to the no-precipitation class. bears the the precipitation" two ."raining" Figure 6). grouped For the together and This analysis indicated that significantly less active during precipitation than there was no precipitation (p=.0032). The response to when precipitation was partially temperature-dependent, with greater activity during rain at was warm (>10 C) temperatures than at colder (<5 C) also temperatures. noted that bears tended to increase their activity onset of a rain storm as if briefly agitated, quickly tapered down. at It the and then their activity The amount of agitation seemed to be correlated with severity of the storm. Ground (p=.0431, and moisture Figure 7). had a significant effect on HSD post-hoc activity Bears were most active when the ground was dry about equally active when the ground was moist or Tukey1s bear procedure showed that no wet. two However, groups were significantly different at the .05 probability level. Wind Speed Anova revealed significant differences in bear activity levels at; different wind speeds Cp=ZOlS, Figure 8); however, the differences were relatively minor and it is doubtful that they reflect legitimate 29 I OO NO. OF RECORDS 717 NO PREClP 22 MISTING 22 RAINING 54 INTERMlTTANT RAIN 10 SNOW/HAIL Figure 6. Relationship between precipitation type and probability of bear activity. All precipitation data from both monitoring years are included. >- I-OO OF RECORDS 577 DRY 86 MOIST 157 WET 6 SNOW TRACE Figure 7. Relationship between ground moisture and probability of bear activity. All ground moisture data from both monitoring years are included. 30 biological variation. Tukey's HSD test showed that no differed significantly at the .05 probability level. two groups This result may relate partially to unequal sample sizes since the range (differences in means) required for significant differences in Tukey's test becomes larger with disparate sample sizes. Cloud Cover Anova indicated that bear activity differed significantly with different degrees of cloud cover (p=t.009. Figure 9), but, as with wind speed, the differences persuasive. were not great enough to be biologically Tukey's HSD test indicated that bears were significantly less active when it was overcast than when the cloud cover was 10% or less (p<-05). Seasonal and Monthly Effects Seasonal activity data were very limited. The earliest spring observations, were roughly 45 days after den emergence and the fall observations entrance and date. were made about 30 days before the latest, average den Thus, * the activity patterns described below for May September may not accurately represent the activity program for all of spring and fall, respectively. Anova activity demonstrated levels (Figure 10). by a highly month (p<.001). significant difference in bear Activity was highest in July The activity level in July and August was significantly higher than activity in May or September (p<.05). 31 Lu O 5 OD O (XL O- NO. OF RECORDS 62 NO WIND 491 162 0 - 5 5-10 93 10-20 10 20* »ph Figure 8. Relationship between wind speed (in km/hr) and probability of bear activity. All wind speed data from both monitoring years are included. 1 .00 .90 .80 % .70 065 067 60 0.55 .50 CD < .40 CD 30 Q- 20 O CC 10 NO. OF RECORDS 259 10% OR LESS SKY COVER 220 SCATTERED CLOUDS 97 BROKEN CLOUDS 239 OVERCAST Figure 9. Relationship between cloud cover and probability of bear activity. All cloud cover data from both monitoring years are included. (Scattered clouds - 10-50% cloudy, broken clouds = 60-90% cloudy, overcast = >90% cloudy.) 32 Time of Day Effects Annual Activity Patterns The four diel time periods were defined as follows: sunrise= diurnal= sunset= nocturnal= Annually one one one one hour before to one hour after sunrise hour after sunrise to one hour before sunset hour before sunset to one hour after sunset hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise there was a highly significant difference (p<=001) bear activity levels at different times of day (Figure 11). hoc procedure active They during were revealed that bears were significantly the day than during the other most active during the two three The post- (p=.05) diel crepuscular in less divisions. periods with significantly greater activity at sunset than at night (p<.05). Bears also displayed highly significant differences in activity level according to hour of the day (p<.001, Figure 12). There were two primary period activity of afternoon. Bears peaks at 0500 and 2200 h (MDT) with an significantly early to often went through a transition phase of brief erratic This phase usually lasted from 15 minutes to hour depending on the individual bear and seemingly represented period active. of mid The lowest overall activity was at 1500 h. activity in the evening. an (p<.05) lower activity from intervening restlessness or agitation prior to becoming a consistently Schleyer (1983) described a similar "winding up" interval for his study bears in Yellowstone. 33 Figure 10. Relationship between month and and the probability of bear activity. Data from all bears and from both monitoring years are included. Spring Summer F= II Yearly Ave SUNRISE DIURNAL SUNSET NOCTURNAL Figure 11. Relationship between diel period and probability of bear activity annually and seasonally. Data from all bears and from both monitoring years are included. P r o b a b i I it y o f Ac t i v i Iy I.00 .90 .80 .70 60 50 .40 LU 30 20 -10 Ti me of Day ( M• D . T .) Legend Al I Bears Figure 12. Probability of bear activity according to hour of the day annually. Data from all bears and from both monitoring years are included. 35 Seasonal Activity Patterns by Diel Period Univariate and season levels Anovas indicated that both time of day (dial individually had significant effects (p<.001 for both variables). on period) bear activity A two-way Anova supported these results and showed that jointly time of day and season had significant effects (p<.001) on activity and that there was no interaction (p=.219). Bears period tended of (Figure to be crepuscular in all three seasons, greatest and least activity varied by season. 11), bears were about equally active at sunrise but the In spring and sunset (mean probability of activity, x,=.80 and .82, respectively) and least active at night (x=.38). The morning peak occurred at 0600 h and the evening peak at 2000-2200 h (Figure 13). low during both day and night, Bear activity was relatively but a brief period of increased activity occurred around 1100 h. In summer, bears were most active at sunrise (x=.94) active during the day (x=.60). Activity peaks occurred from 0400-0700 h and from 2100-2200 h (Figure 14). (x=.32), but generally bears became were active The lowest activity was at 1500 h often active even from 1600-1700 h at with this activity spring and fall. patterns time. activity increasing until the late evening peak noted above. grizzlies’ and least were less erratic in Bears steadily On the whole, the summer than in Non-active periods were less likely to be punctuated by periodic spurts of activity and, once they became active, grizzlies tended to remain active for longer periods. Some of this "evening out" effect was probably due to the greater sample size, in' summer. In Probabi I ity of Activity I -00 ■90 •80 •70 •60 50 -40 W Ox ■30 ■ 20 •I0 Ti me of Day (M. D . I . ) Legend All igure 13. Probability Bcors- . - Spr i ng of bear activity according to hour of bears and from both mbnitoring years are included. the day in spring (May). Data from all Probebi I i t y of Activity I - OO 90 ■80 ■70 ■60 50 •40 30 w >4 20 •I0 o O § O O O O ro o o O B I O O O O Oo O U) - o O O O I im e of V o rv U~ A Ol < r-\ f \ «7> v z v V\ w o o o o o o Day -X a> U Oo o o ro u o o iv A O O (M.D.T.) Legend AM Bears - - Summer Figure 14. Probability of bear activity according to hour of the day in summer ( J u n -Aug). all bears and from both monitoring years are included. Data from 38 fall, grizzlies during the grizzlies Activity day were most active at sunset (x=.71) and least (x=.44, Figure 11). Unlike spring wete not highly active at sunrise during the active and summer, fall (x=.46). was lowest from 1300-1700 h in early afternoon (Figure 15). Grizzlies became active beginning around 1800 h and activity reached a peak from 2200-2300 h. during The drastic activity oscillations indicated the late night (Figure 15) are probably attributable to sample size rather than to actual shifts in bear behavior. small Activity quickly tapered down after 1000 h. Individual Bear Patterns Anova revealed a significant difference in the level of the different study bears (p<.001. procedure, Tukey's HSD test, mean Figure 16). activity The post-hoc showed that the mean activity level of bears #50 and #38 was significantly lower than the mean activity level of bears #59 and #76. The activity level of individual bears varied according to period (Figures 17 and 18). period had significant significant indicating main effects (p<.001). interaction that In a two-way Anova, (p=.007) between both bear and There these was two individuals behaved differently over the diel diel also a variables four diel time periods. All of the five primary study bears were least active during the day (Figures 17 and 18). All but #15 were also highly active both crepuscular periods. Three of the bears (#15, #38, and #76) were most active at sunrise. during Bear 50 was most active at sunset and Bear 59 Probability of Activi ty I .00 90 80 .70 60 • 50 •40 • UJ VD 30 20 • 10 2400 Time of Day ( M •D •T .) Legend AI I Bears - • Fal I Figure 15. Probability of bear activity according to hour of the day in fall (Sep). bears and from both monitoring years are included. Data from all 40 I-00 NO. OF RECORDS 172 168 12* 44 80 BEAR «38 BEAR »50 BEAR »76 BEAR »59 BEAR »15 Figure 16. Overall probability of activity for the five primary study bears. All activity records from each bear are included. All Beers Beer *76 Beer *59 SUNRISE DIURNAL SUNSET NOCTURNAL Figure 17. Probability of activity according to diel period for all monitored bears (including all activity records from all bears for both monitoring years) and for primary study bears #76 and #59. 41 was active every time she was sampled except during the diurnal period. The activity pattern of grizzly #15 departed from the usual trend in several respects. He was much less active at sunset than any other bear and more active at night than any other bear except #59. showed lower than average activity during the day. data (or He also Schleyer's (1983) likewise indicated that the activity level of #15 was less equal to) the activity level of all other bears for and sunset periods. the than diurnal However, his data did not indicate unusually high activity for #15 at night. Bear #50 (Figure 19). pattern of was the only grizzly with data from all three During high spring and fall, crepuscular activity. she adhered In summer, seasons to the normal she was more nocturnal than in the other seasons. Bear Bear Bear If 5 0 *38 *15 I .in ——— —.——. SUNRISE DIURNAL SUNSET Figure 18. Probability of activity according to primary study bears #50, #38, and #15. NOCTURNAL diel period for 42 Spring Summer Fall Yearly Ave SUNRISE DIURNAL SUNSET NOCTURNAL Figure 19. Probability of activity according to diel period for 50 annually and by season. Bear Community Site Analysis Values for community site food value (FV), total understory cover (C^), understory (CSQ) for are all species diversity (Uu )» communitysites given inTable 13. and community site quality ascribed to the five primarystudy bears Mean values for each of these parameters are given in Table 4. Bear the 38 had the highest five bears. densities sites. Her mean CSQ (proportional value high FV value resulted of grasses and sedges at most of her primarily relocation of 1.00) of from high community Mean understory cover was also highest for Bear 38. Bear 76 had a mean CSQ value of .99, only slightly below that for //38. Like Bear 38, high densities of grasses, sedges, and forbs at 43 most of community #76's sites accounted for the high FV and CSQ values. Table 4. Mean values for Food Value (FV), Understory Cover (C)9 Understory Species Diversity ( H ) 9 and Community Site Quality Index (CSQ) for Bears 15,38^50,59, and 76. Values for individual community sites are given in Table 13. Bear # n FV C 15 38 50 59 76 4 8 5 5 3 Bear widely. 59 .38 .67 .41 . .59 .69 .53 .70 .50 .53 .62 .67 .64 .63 .68 .66 had the median CSQ value (.89). Several CSQ Hu U .73 1.00 .73 .89 .99 Her FV sites had medium to high densities scores of varied graminoids. V Whitebark sites; (see pine nuts however, Table feeding on were available at two of pine # 5 9 -s July nuts are only of moderate value in community mid-summer 11), and there was no direct evidence that Bear pine nuts at that time. understory diversity of the five bears, #59 had the 59 highest was mean testament to the wide variety of feeding opportunity in the mesic meadows along Antelope Creek. Bears bears 15 and 50 had equivalent mean CSQ values of .73. tended to occupy sites with a lodgepole overstory and a understory barren of most important forage species. Both sparse Grass/sedge density was very low at all but one of #15*s sites and low to moderate at all of #50's sites. Bear foods at #15's community sites consisted primarily of graminoids and mixed forbs. more plentiful at #5'0's sites, Forage species were slightly consisting of grouse whortleberry 44 (Vacclnium scoparium), several tuberous species (Claytonia and Lomatium) and various forbs and grasses. Relocation Habitat Scans Bear primary 76 received the highest area food score (FSq) of study bears (Table 5). the five Most of the relocations for #76 were made in the Blacktail Plateau area southwest of Tower Falls and in the western portion of the Washburn Range. The habitats occurring most frequently in these relocation circle scans were ABLA/VASC-PIAL (35%), .FEID/AGCA-GEVI (24%), and ABLA/VASC-VASC (18.5%). Bear 76 received the highest scores for mean habitat diversity (H^) and mean amount edge was per relocation (E). higher than of Her relocation habitat richness (RHR) score any other bear's, primarily as a result of her exceptionally high FSq score. Table 5. Grizzly bear Area Food Scores (FS ), mean amount of Edge per relocation scan circle (E), mean Habitat Diversity in scan circles (H, ), and Relocation Habitat Richness scores (RHR). All values" calculated from 0.5 km radius computer scan circles around bear relocation points. Both raw values and adjusted (proportional) values (in parentheses) are given. FS Bear 0.0210 14.1688 11.1243 17.5651 27.1866 15 38 50 59 76 Bear The E aL (.001) (.520) (.409) (.646) (1.00) 671.4 1401.1 939.2 2114.6 1662.3 RHR 5H (.32) (.66) (.44) (1.0) (.79) 0.23 0.55 0.39 0.70 0.61 (.33) (.79) (.56) (1.0) (.87) 0.652 2.490 1.818 3.292 3.660 (.18) (.68) (.50) (.90) (1.0) 59 received the second highest RHR score of the five bears. habitats with the highest frequencies in the scan ABLA/THOC (23%), circles ARTR/FEID-GEVI (20%),. and ABLA/VASC-VASC (18%). were The 45 ABLA/VASC-PIAL values, and ABLA/CACA habitats, 'also had high frequencies. both of which have Bear 59 received high the IV highest scores for habitat diversity and mean edge per relocation. Bear 38 received the median RHR score. most frequently PICO/PUTR in her scan circles were ABLA/VASC-CARU (25%), FEID/AGCA-GEVI The habitats represented and the PSME/CARU (15%). The the ARTR/FEID-GEVI habitats were also well represented. median value for area food score, (25%), habitat diversity, and Bear 38 had the and edge among the five bears. Bear 50 had a relatively low RHR score (Table 5). The three habitats occurring most frequently in her scan circles were ABLA/VASCVASC (59%), second ABLA/CARU (16%), lowest and ABLA/CAGE (15%). values for area food score, habitat Bear 50 had the diversity, and amount of edge. Bear 15 had the lowest RHR value of the five bears as well as the lowest value for the other three estimates (Table 5). Eighty-seven percent of the habitat in his scan circles was PICO/PUTR habitat with IV scores respectively. of only Eighteen entirely PICO/PUTR— hence, of .038 and .003 (FSq) feeding that the very low scores for habitat plateau and microsites scattered were Bear 15's abysmal area food Field.observations throughout the vast the indicated lodgepole around Hebgen Lake had a somewhat richer understory than area at large. fall, diversity of .001 (relative value) may slightly underestimate opportunity within his range.. moister summer the twenty-six point scans for #15 and mean amount of edge per scan circles. score in type the Nonetheless, the overall characterization of Bear 15's 46 range derived from the RHR estimate is consistent with the observer's impressions that the area was vegetatively depauperate. Scat Analysis Scats from four bears, Scat Value analysis; #15, #38, #50, and #59, were used for the £he sample size for Bear 76 was too small to reliably indicate her food habits. Bear 59 Sixty-one had percent comprised of both microsites. of forbs representations (13%), the highest mean SV of the four were of the "digestible" scat volume (Table 7). Claytonia which The scats forbs typically occur (Table 6). (see with the lanceolata (16%) and p.24) Lomatium contagiously in and was highest spp. specific Grasses and sedges comprised 34% of the scat volume were found in 88% of the scats sampled. 59's bears and There was no garbage in Bear meat accounted for only 2% of the digestible scat volume. Table 6. Mean Scat Values (SV) scores for the primary study bears. Both raw values and adjusted (proportional) values (in parentheses) are given. Bear # n 15 38 50 59 6 12 15 17 SV 0.323 0.505 0.533 0.571 (0.57) (0.88) (0.93) (1.00) 47 Table 7. Scat summary for primary study bears: percent "digestible” diet volume and percent frequency occurrence for important diet item groups. Grass/ sedge Forbs Root Shrub Garbage Meat Bear 15 (n=6) % Vol.J % Freq. 14.6 66.7 4.2 16.7 45.8 66.7 27.1 33.3 Bear 38 (n=12) % Vol. % Freq. 76.1 100.0 8.0 25.0 0.5 8.3 3.4 16.7 Bear 50 (n=15) % Vol. % Freq.' 8.1 26.7 16.2 20.0 48.4 60.0 Bear 59 (n=17) % Vol. % Freq. 33.9 88.2 1 % Volume= {(Total % 19.0 33.3 61.1 82.3 0.6 5.9 1.9 5.9 Item i) / [(nxlOO)-(Total % Debris,etc.)]} x 100 2 % Freq= {(Number of scats containing Item i) / (Tot. # scats)} x 100 Bear 50 had the second highest SV score of the four bears. diet was quite unlike that of #59, the digestible remaining however. Forty-eight percent scat volume was meat of which 5% was rodent 43% was ungulate. Her Ungulate meat has one of and the of the highest energetic efficiency (EE^) values of any bear food (Table 10). Sixteen percent of the scat volume was garbage or human refuse of some sort presumably discarded by hikers and fishermen along Nez Perce Creek and in the Geyser vegetation: ursi) Basin. 19% Twenty-seven percent shrub (Vaccinium scoparium and and 8% grass/sedge. of the volume Arctostaphylos relocation (Recall that habitat both richness (RHR) scores discussed of these expressions pertain only to components of an area.) uva- The relative absence of vegetative matter in #50's diet is consistent with the low community site quality and was the (CSQ) earlier. floral 48 Bear 38 fed primarily on grasses and sedges (76%) and forbs during this study. Animal matter digestible (8%) Gfaminoids appeared in all 12 scats of the sample. (trout and ungulates) accounted for only scat volume. 3% of the The relatively high SV score of .88 for #38 reflects the high EE^ value of the graminoids. The scat sample for Bear 15 included only six scats. Six additional scats were not collected in the field because they appeared to consist of nothing but indigestible plastic and trash. obtained his from The results #15's scat analysis accord well with other indices activities (from dog tracking, and data). bears. He also had the highest volume of garbage (46% of "digestible" volume and sites scat frequency of 67%) of any bear. obtained from the resorts, around mammal) 15 had the lowest SV score (.57) had digestible residential Hebgen Lake and Duck Creek. a scat of previous years' readily Bear movement patterns, of Human areas, four refuse and Graminoids and forbs .had 27% was fishing Meat (ungulate and scat frequency of 33% and accounted for volume. the large of the relatively low volumes, comprising 15% and 4%, respectively. Movements and Home Range Use Minimum from 2.7 km for Bear 59 to 5.9 km for Bear 50 (Table 8). home ranges, from daily movements for the five primary study bears 4.90 Correlations ranged. Short term as expressed as the "area per relocation" (p.24), ranged sq km for Bear 59 to 23.13 sq km for Bear 38 (Table 9). between movement patterns and home range use are treated in the discussion section. 49 Table 8. Consecutive minimum daily five primary study bears. Bear # n 15 38 50 59 76 15 5 7 16 9 movements (km) for the Minimum Movement 4.1 4.8 5.9 2.7 5.1 Table 9. Short term home ranges for the primary study bears. Areas derived from method of Jennrich and Turner (1969) as calculated from all relocations between first and last days of activity monitoring for each bear. "Area per relocation" values (see p. 24) are used for comparisons herein. Bear # n Total Area (sq km) Area per Relocation (sq km) 333.25 485.81 335.58 161.58 322.06 12.34 23.13 7.99 4.90 11.10 27 21 42 33 29 15 38 50 59 76 Tracking Grizzlies with Bear Dogs Trained bear dogs were capable of accurately tracking bears for distances up to 15 km. Intermittent bear sign (tracks scats) verified that they were on course. hounds led would have us directly to digs, been extremely individual In several instances, day beds, difficult to or other activity locate without or the which their assistance. To was better illustrate, one tracking session during which Bear 15 followed will be described in detail. On July 15,1981, radio 50 triangulation placed #15 bedded in dense willows south of the Grayling Arm of Hebgen Lake. The following morning there was no signal him in that vicinity, dogs. and so the tracking party entered the area with the The dogs soon located #15's day bed from the previous afternoon began tracking him through the willows. followed stopped a convoluted The grizzly's route through very dense possibly bedded Twice scat. he At he appeared to have rolled around in the grass or down briefly. The bear crossed Duck wide) several times while moving through the willows. along adjacent dirt roads and cattle trails (where his very apparent) for distances up to I km. stretches. foraging brush. at isolated lodgepole "islands" and left a single one of these sites, these from Creek He (~10 m travelled tracks were More scats were found along Bear 15 eventually crossed Hwy. 191 and entered xeric lodgepole area. He followed a logging road through a a recently cut area and soon arrived at the primary road into a residential area. Here he walked along a driveway passing within 30 m of one home, waded across a nearby pond and headed north. recrossed this the highway by Grayling Creek. point at 2:30 that morning. He travelled over a ridge and A grizzly was observed at He then crossed Grayling Creek and headed south, again leaving a scat and signs of feeding activity along the way. . By the time the tracking session had progressed this far, it was mid-afternoon and the hounds had a difficult time following the trail. Subsequent radio triangulation placed #15 along Cougar Creek, km south of our last reliable dog-assisted location. about 4 Consecutive daily radio fixes would have estimated that #15 had moved a minimum of 51 7.6 km, whereas dog tracking indicated that #15 travelled at least 15.03 km. t 52 DISCUSSION Activity Patterns Diel Patterns Grizzlies were primarily crepuscular and nocturnal in this as in most other studies of grizzly bear activity patterns. Craighead Pearson early Craighead (1965) reported that Yellowstone grizzlies were nocturnal. (1975) found that Canadian grizzlies were most active in morning, (1983) late afternoon to evening, and at and night. the Schleyer described nocturnal activity for four of his study bears while the fifth, an older male, was primarily diurnal. His annual activity peaks of 0630 and 2400 correspond closely to my observed peaks of 0530 and 2300. None of the grizzlies in my study could be regarded as "diurnal." The literature perturbations observed diurnal reported of that in spring/summer bear diel Yellowstone spring that provides no consensus activity regarding patterns. grizzlies were less and fall than during seasonal Schleyer nocturnal summer. grizzlies were more active at night (March the (1983) and more Sizemore than (1980) day during through July) but all bears were active at all hours of the day during summer/fall (August until den entrance). This and study found that crepuscular activity was nocturnal described activity lowest in spring, most pronounced a pattern similar to by Garshelis and Pelton (1980) for Tennessee black that bears. 53 Like the grizzlies in Schleyer's study (1983), were less contrast grizzlies in my study nocturnal in spring and fall than during to his results, summer but, diurnal activity was also lower in in these seasons. Although nocturnal, all there magnitude of bear diel does result in and during the I believe that the disparity, as described above, for reflects differences and/or was considerable variation between the bears in the primarily not crepuscular activity during the four dial periods three seasons. grizzly of the bears in my study were activity patterns from one study individual differences in the bears merely from contrasting sampling activity patterns seem to arise from to another sampled schemes. and These individual and regional variation in food habits and habitat use and secondarily from I differences probably in sex, legitimate age class, to claim that to reproductive status. grizzlies in a extent, lesser It Yellowstone is are predominantly crepuscular However, due to attempts to describe peak activity times by hour or diel period on the and, and considerable degree of nocturnal. inter-bear variation, a seasonal basis may not be particularly meaningful. Seasonal Activity Levels Garshelis and Felton (1980) found that Tennessee black bears were inactive emergence. peak until in most of the Thereafter, June, time during the March, the month after activity level steadily increased to remained high through September, den entrance. first and then a decreased They postulated that the low activity level in 54 spring was related to high use of grasses and sedges easily obtained, were levels of activity. which, energetically insufficient to although maintain high Increased activity in summer was associated with breeding activity and foraging on berries and fruits— foods which were difficult to obtain but of high caloric value. level The moderate activity in fall was due to the necessary pre-denning weight gain and to patchier food distribution which required increased searching. Schleyer (1983) found that in Yellowstone, grizzly bear activity increased from March to an overall peak in May (although he that this peak may have resulted from a sampling bias). cautioned Seasonally, his bears were most active during the summer and least active in fall. Sizemore (1980) reported that grizzlies were during the late summer/fall period than during the spring/early summer period. Grizzly equally above active studies represented were bears probably in spring and fall. are by in my study were most active in summer and not (Monthly comparisons possible since spring a single month.) and Low activity levels related to high use of ungulate with fall were during carrion about the each spring (Cole 1972; Craighead and Sumner 1982; Knight et al. 1984). Schleyer reported that bears were significantly less active while using a carcass other times,. activity al. in summer is due in part to breeding activity ahd in part to 1980; Knight et al. 1984). 1984; (Mealey 1975; Knight Reduced activity levels during autumn correspond to increased use of pine nuts et al. at As described above for Tennessee black bears, increased time-intensive foraging on grand.noids and forbs et than (Mealey 1975; Knight Kendall 1981) and, to a lesser extent, increased use of 55 ungulates. Both sources which, days. one nuts and meat provide once located or captured, concentrated and concomitant prolonged energy can be utilized for several This explanation is not entirely satisfactory, might huts pine however, since expect that even when high energy diet items such as pine ungulates gain with are the feeding available, pre-hibernation the requisite period weight would necessitate bouts and hence elevated activity levels right up until the onset of "pre-hibernation lethargy" (Craighead and Craighead 1972). Futhermore, since most qf the meat which appears in fall scats . is acquired by predation, ' some increases in activity associated with the search and kill might be expected. Environmental (Weather) Effects There are a number of ways in which weather factors can bear activity levels. stress which behavior. maintain bears, can Moen environment by an , Unfavorable conditions may induce discomfort or be mitigated by remaining inactive or adjusting (1973) described how ungulates react to the making physiological and behavioral internal state at or near the optimal thermal adjustments condition. the situation is complicated somewhat by the fact that internal miIeau varies according physiological/metabolic phases (hibernation, transition, al. affect normal activity, (1983). Much to four and With bears’ discrete "walking hibernation" or hyperphagia) as described by Nelson, et of the observed seasonal variation in response to environmental factors assumedIy relates to these phases. Garsheliq to Pelton (1980) suggested that black bears For example, were less 56 sensitive to temperature in the fall because their "preoccupation" with foraging (hyperphagia phase) suppressed temperature effects. Certain environmental conditions might influence the of foraging affecting success, the either probability by affecting the prey directly bears* ability to detect or capture the or prey. by Any factor which augments or interferes with a bear's sensory capabilities should affect activity in this fashion. Unfortunately, reliance Bear on not a great the distance senses in grizzly bear auditory capabilities are experimental evidence is lacking. Burghardt deal is known about 1977) reported that reputed Kuckuk (1937, captive brown auditory signals at a distance of 15 meters. in to foraging be and their harems, importance. that Bacon these two behavior. although cited in Pruitt and bears responded to Grizzlies preying on elk locate bugling but vision and olfaction are of much greater (1973) and Bacon and Burghardt (1976a) senses relative good the fall might rely partially on auditory cues to bulls the were highly coordinated in concluded bear foraging behavior. Recent studies have indicated that bear vision better than once believed. is considerably Although nearsighted, black bears are able to distinguish color hues and to discriminate between simple geometric forms (Burghardt 1975; well-developed fairly keen Garshelis during and Bacon and Burghardt 1976b). The presence of a tapetum lucidum indicates that bears* night vision (Bacon and Burghardt 1976b; Cloudsley-Thompson Pelton (1980) suggested that while feeding on late summer, black bears rely on color vision to is 1961). berries locate and 57 select was berries. They felt that increased nocturnal activity in fall related to feeding on acorns which, unlike berries, were large enough to be seen at night. In general, different However, visual stimuli are subject to less variability under environmental conditions than are olfactory stimuli. such factors as cloud cover and lunar phase which affect the degree of illumination might affect grizzlies' visual perceptions and, consequently, their activity patterns. This study found that grizzlies did tend to be least active when the sky was overcast, Garshelis and Pelton (1980) reported that black bear activity were not related to cloud cover. on test stimuli discriminate did hues but levels Varying the degree of sun and shade not interfere with (Burghardt 1975; black Bacon and bears' ability to Burghardt 1976b). Schleyer (1983) examined the effect of lunar phase bn grizzly activity and found that grizzlies were most active under conditions. them intermediate light He noted that grizzly eyesight did not appear to confine to activity under maximum light conditions, such as daytime or under a full moon. Olfaction bear; is however, (Russell 1979; distances considered to be highly developed in most of the supporting evidence is purely Murie 1981). Grizzlies in often travel grizzly anecdotal considerable to ungulate carrion and their movement seems to be directed by scent (Craighead and Mitchell 1982). role the the success (Schleyer, pers. comm.). of Nuances of scent play a major grizzly Kuckuk (1937) trapping operations observed that captive bears relied primarily on olfaction to locate hidden foods. brown 58 Wright (1982) which police searching, described two distinct, dogs use are olfaction. analogous olfaction while foraging. a mobile prey to These processes, by tracking the ways in which bears might and employ "Tracking" refers to following the route of by cueing on either the residual scent itself or on the scent of disturbed earth, by the prey. but related processes of the prey crushed plants, etc., left Bears may sometimes locate ungulates and other mammalian prey in this fashion. bear detects and "Searching" refers to the process by which locates a stationary food item by following a an airborne scent trail to its source. Both olfactory processes, tracking and searching, can be affected by ambient conditions. by Budgett (1935), Wright (1982), relying heavily on earlier work described might influence olfaction. how various environmental conditions Although much of his analysis pertained to tracking mobile prey, most of the effects he described should apply to search situations as well. Moisture, strength and accumulate whether airborne longevity of or on the ground, scent. Oily components can affect of the the scent on moisture droplets and thus expose a larger surface for evaporation. Thus, based on olfactory criteria alone, grizzlies would be to expected relative be more active than average in humidity, Conversely, heavy light rain rain or moist ground conditions following will tend to wash the scent off of of a high rain. exposed surfaces and will create a negative effect for olfaction. Schleyer's (1983) observations are consistent with the effects of moisture on olfaction. predicted He found that as relative humidity 59 increased, finding to grizzlies than grizzly bear activity increased, olfactory were average enhancement. and he attributed Schleyer also reported more active than average during rain and less when there was no rain. this Precipitaion that active exceeding 1.4 cm/day did inhibit activity in his study. Contrary to the predictions, in my study grizzly activity depressed during rain and somewhat higher (no significance at when ground was dry. the Tennessee Garshelis and Pelton (1980) p=.05) found to avoid physical discomfort. below temperatures. high is 7 C depressed activity more than rain Similarly, in my study, bear activity correct more for striking if daytime observations Rain at at higher during rain and 0.73 at 10.1 C and higher. on This relationship are excluded the low activity during the diurnal period). activity during rain then becomes 0.40 moisture noted from a mean probablity of .46 at temperatures of 0-5 C to a of .54 at temperatures of 10.1 C and higher. still bears' Garshelis and Pelton that the response to precipitation was temperature dependent. temperatures but In these latter two studies, diminished activity during precipitaion may have resulted from increased that black bears were active less than average during rain, activity increased shortly after a rain. attempts was bear activity at 0-5 C, The (to mean 0.64 at 5.1-10 C, Thus, the effect of precipitation and levels may relate to both physical discomfort and olfactory considerations. Thermal temperatures scents. factors and/or can also influence olfaction. direct sunlight hasten the evaporation However, minor Increased rate of increases in temperature can have a favorable 60 effect on olfaction by creating slight updrafts which make a scent more accessible for dispersion under light wind. The temperature response curves for the annual» periods fall) were bell-shaped with activity peaks at 10-15 C and (annual 5-10 C (summer) and lesser activity at temperatures and below the peak range. may summer, and fall relate to Decreased activity at higher time-of-day effects (highest and above temperatures temperatures occurred during midday when grizzlies were least likely to be active) and/or to the negative Decreased activity adjustment found effect of high temperature on olfactory perception. at lower temperatures may represent a to minimize thermal stress. Garshelis and similar responses to temperature in summer and behavioral Pelton (1980) fall, although their fall data indicated a much broader (20 C range) plateau of activity at intermediate temperatures. Schleyer (1983) also maximum activity at intermediate temperatures annually and in but the clear. relationship In of activity to temperature in spring, both Garshelis and fall high found summer, was less Pelton (1980) and Schleyer (1983) found that activity increased as temperature increased for most of the temperature range. to my observation temperatures ranges during and that This pattern is in marked contrast bears were least active at intermediate most active in the maximum and minimum spring. This result would not seem to temperature follow from either physiological or olfactory considerations. Thermal microgradients between the ground and the air affect scent. ground temperature can Budgett (1933) found that tracking was best when exceeded the air temperature by a few also the degrees. 61 This situation temperatures higher. than occurs naturally drop rapidly, in the early evening but ground temperatures as remain air somewhat The converse is true at dawn when the air warms more rapidly the ground. patterns is highest at Support for olfactory regulation of diel ambiguous. Schleyer (1983) found that activity sunset annually and during spring and fall. activity at sunset was about equivalent to activity at activity In was summer, sunrise. The activity peaks of Tennessee black bears occurred between 1600 and 2000 in all sunset three seasons. annually and in spring and fall, significant only in fall; than at sunset. olfaction are Grizzlies in my study were most but this active difference in summer they were more active at Hence, instrumental it appears that factors other in determining grizzly was sunrise than diel at just activity patterns. Olfaction moisture should be good in fog for tends to capture scent, and, two 2. for olfaction. I. airborne fog typically occurs when cold air moves over warmer moist ground which, favorable reasons; as described above, is Data from this study were too scant to evaluate the effects of fog on bear activity; however, Schleyer (1983) found that grizzlies were active well above average when there was fog. The winds effect of wind on olfaction depends on speed. Strong can be less favorable for olfactory searching than light because they scent. Light winds dilute scent less, the its move more air past the source and thereby but take longer to scent a given distance (Wright 1982). winds dilute the transport Thus olfactory perception 62 should be best hypothesis, strong coyotes (40 km/hr) Wells 1980). at in light moderate winds. Contrary winds than in light (10 km/hr) winds significant difference in activity levels when there high (>50 km/hr) wind. increased significant as differences wind speed in In my study, increased, activity between and no activity there any there was grizzly but of significant was generally and Schleyer (1983) collected a small amount of the total variation in grizzly activity levels versus in Perhaps the scent dilution factor only becomes important portion wind this (Bekoff data and reported that wind speed did not explain a no to are able to locate prey at greater distances very long distances. wind to were two no wind speeds (p=.05). In summary, even most, conditions. interaction number of of The of other olfaction alone does not adequately explain all, the variation in grizzly bear response to weather a complex observed responses probably result from sensory (olfactory and visual) considerations with factors including endogenous rhythms or a (Cloudsley- Thompson 1961), physiological state, and security. Energetic Agendas of the Primary Study Bears The objective of this analysis was twofold: I. To develop a conceptual overview of how a given bear’s activity patterns, movements, food habits, and habitat use interrelate and to thereby "agenda." refer gain some insight into the bear’s broad The concept of an energetic agenda is introduced energetic here to to the manner in which a bear tailors its behavior and activity 63 patterns ("Agenda" to suit its contemporaneous habitat and associated diet. implies a coarse fitting of behavior to environment and preferable to the related concept of energy budget as the is latter generally pertains to a more rigorous caloric analysis.) 2. To examine contrasting patterns exhibited by various individuals to determine how a "decision” in one arena (say a decision to feed primarily on graminoids) might influence the other variables (perhaps the overall activity level). Some due of the hypotheses profferred herein are necessarily tenuous to the small sample size, highly subjective inves" — approach but I hope that this first might provide some grist order for and further — Bear 59 Bear 59 remained in the rich mid- to high-elevation grass/forb meadows along Antelope Creek and in the Washburn Range for most of the monitoring period. She tended to make short movements within a small range and returned frequently to particular ridges and meadows. her community site quality (CSQ) and relocation habitat richness scans (RHR) indicated that she occupied high-quality habitat in of vegetative representations structure. Her scats contained Both very terms high of graminoids and forbs and her scat value index (SV) was the highest of the bears sampled. was also higher than any other bear. Bear 59's mean activity level £o(ACIe)(Afal , 64 Interpretation: Mattson (1984a) Antelope Creek, grizzlies site has suggested that in areas, such where feeding opportunity is widespread and "contagiously" adjustment are certain microsites). This such as (Perideridea gairdneri), default spatial of the many food items available in mesic abundant and well-distributed, foods, toward those foods that characteristically occur occurs because, most specific in as diverse, may make a "default" adjustment in feeding activity specific foods (i.e., areas, mesic biscuitroot whereas (Lomatiurn the sp.) site- and yampa are available only in localized areas. If a bear adjusts its behavior so that site-specific foods are accessible, most other diet items are likely to be available in adjoining Bear 59's behavior suggested just such a foraging pattern. often She observed feeding along the fingerlike ridges which ran the tributaries of Antelope Creek north of Mt. Washburn. to be selectively feeding in the rocky, where sites. Lomatium cous occurred in was between She appeared sparsely vegetated microsites dense patches (note the high -I "contagiousness" these the value, A , in Table 10). She would comb sites by digging for tubers and flipping rocks periphery travel to similar suitable a of the rocky area. While habitat, indiscriminately Although Lomatium, Bear this After several passes, different rocky microsite and fashion. commence reaching she feeding forbs seemed would in travelling between these patchy islands she quickened her pace and appeared to be on 59 until through and to grasses orient her in the feeding a of feeding interlying area. activity toward spatial orientation actually resulted from a default 65 adjustment to one of the few food sources which was not available. Her relatively small per relocation size indicate that Bear 59 area satisfy ubiquitously short mean daily movements (2.7 km) was her short-term energy demands without having to and able travel to very far. Bear 59’s foraging activities were timed on four occasions . (for a total nous of 3 1/2 hours of observation time) as she fed north of Mt. spent Washburn. on Lomatium I found that about 65% of her time was actually digging for or feeding upon tubers (the two activities were indistinguishable) while the remainder of the time was devoted to searching for suitable plants. In contrast, while travelling between Lomatium microsites, she fed continuously on grasses and forbs. extraction Thus, of Lomatium tubers appeared to be costly in terms of both energy and time as evidenced by 59's very high mean activity level. The scat analysis indicated that only 13% of Bear 596s digestible scat volume forbs, consisted grasses, and of Lomatium while 82.6% sedges. Thus, if visual consisted of other observations were representative of Bear 59*s overall foraging patterns, then she seemed to be investing substantial time to acquire relatively low volumes biscuitroot. relative of However, the high digestibility of Lomatium, especially to the graminoids (Mealey 1975), may have resulted in an underestimation of its use through scat analysis alone. High energetic use of Lomatium would not appear to be favored by a analysis. only .27, that either The energetic efficiency value for one of the five lowest values (Table 10). Lomatium It is visual estimates substantially overestimated purely is apparent Bear 59's 66 orientation to Lomatium foraging or else her high activity level was related to another as yet unidentified factor. Bear 38 Synopsis: Bear 38 remained in the Gneiss Creek/Duck Creek area for most the monitoring period. indicated Her relocation habitat richness scans of (RHR) median habitat quality and her community site quality index (CSQ) was the highest of the five bears. Scat analysis indicated very high use of grasses and sedges (76% of digestible volume) and her scat value score was fairly high. of moderate Bear 38's minimum daily movements were length but her area per relocation was much larger than any other bear. Her mean activity level was low. Interpretation: Theoretically, CSQ and RUR should provide two estimates of same parameter— the quality of a bear's occupied habitat. However, as RHR incorporates a broader area (0.5 km radius) encircling the relocation points, the two estimates may differ. the bear's Since bear 38's CSQ I ■ score was score was utilizing the richest microsites within a matrix of otherwise marginal habitat. Her moderate, the it highest would of the five bears and appear that she was her selectively RHR mean daily movement length of 4.8 km and her large area per relocation (23.1 km^) suggest that #38's preferred foraging sites were scattered throughout her range and required a moderate between favorable sites. understory cover of amount of travelling The community site analyses had a very high grasses and sedges, and her scat analysis 67 reflected correspondingly Frequency=100%). high use of grand,noids (Voliime=76%; Bear 38's relatively low mean activity level of 0.55 likewise reflected the ease with which she was able to satiate herself once having arrived at these high-density foraging sites. Bear 50 Synopsis: Bear 50 remained in the Nez Perce Greek/Firehole River area most of the monitoring period. Both her CSQ and RHR values were (second from lowest in both cases); between RHR for low however, there was less disparity her CSQ value and those of other bears than existed with value. Bear representation of 50 had a high scat meat in the diet. value score with her a high Her mean daily movements were longer than any other bear, but her area per relocation was relatively small indicating considerable travelling within a small area. Bear 50's mean activity level was the lowest for the five bears. Interpretation: When considered in terms of traditional bear forage plants, #50’s habitat was certainly depauperate. period and Her home range (for the monitoring only) was relatively homogenous (recall the low amount of edge low habitat diversity values-Table 5) with a (Table 4). sparse understory I was often baffled by the monotony and apparent lack of feeding opportunity at many of Bear 50’s relocation sites. Although animal matter vegetal feeding opportunity was limited in #50's range, was plentiful. The upper Madison River and its main tributaries, the Firehole and the Gibbon, are an important elk (Cervus 68 elaphus nelson!) winter range. Estimates for the wintering herd range from 600-850 elk (Craighead et al. 1981). A sizable 1972; Madison Cole 1972; Aune herd of bison (Bison bison) also occupies the Nez Perce/Firehole area (Meagher 1973). This area receives substantial use by grizzlies attracted to carrion and winter-weakened elk and bisonjin I the spring and early summer. A The high representation (Volume=48%; | of meat in Bear 50's .1981 scats Frequency=60%) indicated that she was relying heavily on these ungulates and, to a lesser extent, rodents for sustenance rather than was on vegetation. efficient Schleyer (1983) noted that during his study #50 at finding carrion and preyed on elk both after the elk rutting season. before and He reported that in 1980 she killed two bull elk and ate a road-killed elk and a bison. Bear activity travel 50's was long pointed suggest ungulates: Perce/Firehole that her i.e., and feeding she would consuming and grand.noids incidentally during The presence of elk and human refuse essentially an otherwise very marginal habitat. out that distances seeking elk or carrion shrubs (Vaccinium spp.), her foraging bouts. subsidized movements highly "directed" toward considerable garbage, minimum subxeric-submesic areas Mattson (1984b) (such as the area) lack a diversity of feeding opportunity and has Nez are of low value to grizzlies except when associated with ungulate ranges. Bear penchant 501s low mean activity level may also have for preying on elk. reflected her A predatory bear would be expected to adhere to an energetic agenda quite unlike that of a grazing bear. A 69 bear which is adept and efficient at finding and killing function in spurts of activity. the is periods and dispatched and the carcass of activity is activity should be abbreviated. (lower would While searching for vulnerable prey, activity bouts should be relatively prolonged, located elk but once the prey being utilized, Bear 50's low than any other bear) may be an additional the diurnal predatory adaptation since one would expect ungulates to be least susceptible to predation during the day. Bear 15 Synopsis: Bear 15 spent most of Yellowstone/Hebgen Lake area. than any other bear. the five meat. per the monitoring period in West Both his CSQ and RHR scores were lower Bear 15's scat quality score was the lowest bears and his scats contained high volumes of His the garbage mean daily movements were relatively short, of and and his area relocation was slightly larger than all bears except #38. Bear 15's mean activity level was moderate (median). Interpretation: Bear 15's behavior is of particular interest for several reasons: 1. He was the only one of the study bears which appeared to be inextricably linked to unnatural (human) food sources. 2. Additional data on his habits were available from the dog-tracking sessions and from previous year's research. 3. attacked Bear and 15 was positively identified as the grizzly killed a camper at Rainbow Point Campground on which Hebgen 70 Lake in June 1983. Hence, data pertaining to his prior habits are of special relevance to Yellowstone Bear 15’s short-term home range for the monitoring period was in predominantly bottoms PICO/PUTR habitat. adjoining Hebgen Lake, Madison River. All these CSQ and RHR scores indicate. this range, elevation, #15 He also utilized the Duck Creek, areas opportunity as the associated IV of bear management. offered affinity very Creek, limited Despite the intrinsic low rarely and the feeding values (Table 12) and Bear 151s poor ventured into mesic areas north of Hebgen Lake. tenacious Cougar willow/sedge the productivity adjoining higher Instead, he displayed a for the lowlands and ricocheted from one spot to another, occasionally "camping" in the same locale for several days at a time. Examining Bear 151s movement patterns, that he routes was intimately familiar with the whole of The followed by #15 during the dog-rtracking sessions support this deliberate He seemed to jog from one road or path to another in fashion; element his impression range. impression. directed one gains the there did not appear to be to his foraging. much random, non- His straight-line approach up residential driveway directly to the dog food bowl and his a a subsequent route to the "grease pit" on Highway 191 (see p. 16) left little doubt that he had reconnoitered these circuits previously. Incidental observations on Bear 15's day beds also suggested that he was acquainted with particular sites. It was not unusual to multiple day beds when following up on radio relocations. eight day bed sites which were examined for #15, find Out of the all but two had more 71 than had one bed for a mean of 14.8 beds per site. 62 day beds, some appearing to be several years 220 X 30 m area. a One relocation old, site within These multiple bed sites were characteristically in dense copse of trees (usually lodgepole) which afforded more than adjacent whereabouts a areas. Thus, it appeared that Bear 15 cover knew of these exceptional day bed sites and returned the to them habitually. It is unlikely that Bear 15 would have been able .to reach an energetic balance in this habitat, had he not subsidized his diet with human refuse and predation on ungulates. his scats another and accounted for 46% of the volume. six digestible Garbage appeared in 67% noted earlier, of Bear 15's scats contained such high volumes trash familiarity As that they were not collected. with his range enabled him to of of non- Bear 15's thorough efficiently exploit vulnerable sources of unnatural foods, from dog-food to dumpsters, and he was a perpetual nuisance bear in the Hebgen Lake pers. he comm.). was area (Etzwiler After monitoring of #15 was discontinued in fall 1982, trapped and relocated twice after incidents at a private campground and resort. Much of Bear 15's aberrant behavior appeared to be adapted feeding on daytime and sunset time periods and his high nocturnal activity well-suited human-related foods. His low activity level for for for avoiding detection during the times of highest the were human activity. His affinity for certain dense copses of trees for day bed sites also was closely advantageous for a associated with man. bear habitually using As noted in the discussion habitat on dog­ 72 tracking. Bear 15's mean consecutive daily movements of 4.1 km may be a major underestimate of the actual distance travelled, included deliberate as his forays visits to favored food sources along a roughly circuitous route. Bear 15 also (Volume=27%). used three Schleyer Thus, were had a considerable amount of meat Schleyer (1983) his scats reported that #15 killed an elk elk carcasses in spring 1983) in 1980. Knight (pers. comm., in also observed that #15 killed elk in previous years. it appeared that #15 opportunistically preyed on elk when vulnerable and shifted to high use of garbage and when they elk were unavailable. Bear 76 Synopsis: Bear western 76 occupied the rich meadows in the Blacktail relatively (median). #76 and part of the Washburn Range during the 1982 monitoring period. Her CSQ and RHR scores were both very high. were Plateau long and her area per Her mean daily movements relocation She had a high mean activity level. was moderate The scat sample for was not adequate to reliably indicate food habits and will not be discussed herein. Interpretation: Bear seem 76's high activity level and long daily movements consistent intuitively with expect the that high quality of in superior habitat her range. where most did One not would energetic demands could be achieved relatively easily within a small area, bears I 73 would have abbreviated periods of activity and short daily The explanation movements. for #76 *s enigmatic activity patterns may relate to her age (2 year old) and inexperience. Bear 76 was trapped along with her mother near Gardiner, as a yearling in September of 1981 and relocated Plateau. She October . remained She then to the Montana Blackball with the sow until the latter died in mid- denned alone near the northern Park boundary and remained solitary for all of the 1982 field season. In contrast, sow most Yellowstone grizzly cubs (59-64%) den with the as yearlings and are not weaned until the onset of the breeding season Mitchell 1982; which when they are about 2 1/2 years old Craighead et al. separate disadvantage from without 1974). Those bears, following (Craighead such as the sow as yearlings would seemingly the additional year of maternal and #76, be at tutelage a and consequently be less efficient at locating and securing desirable food items. This tend to weigh (Craighead are observation is supported by the fact that early less the following year than bears weaned 1972— panel discussion). weaners at 2 1/2 Age specific survival rates (P^) also notably low for two-year old grizzlies regardless of the age when weaned National (Knight Academy weaned yearlings tended to yearlings reasonable be still to and Eberhardt of Science 1974). held 1985; Craighead Hornocker (1962) a low position in the . social quite timid and apprehensive of with assume following year as well. their sow shared her that this low status et al. reported bears social rank. be that hierarchy other would 1974; and whereas It manifest is the 74 There are additional ecological considerations which played a role in #76*s behavior patterns. among of may have Baker (1982) suggests that those animal species in which the adults have a cerebral sense location (i.e., a sense of spatial orientation) many of the young undergo a period of "exploratory migration." This phase involves a series of movements along unfamiliar routes to unfamiliar destinations during which time the animal assesses the relative suitabilities the encountered habitat. with the more Baker contrasts these exploratory migrations traditional exploratory migration, of concept of "dispersal” which, includes no systematic appraisal of unlike available habitats. If young following bears simply "dispersed" dissolution from parental of the sow:cub bond and settled in territories the first available habitat, one would not expect a prolonged period of enhanced activity accompanied by long movements. If, however, young bears do engage in a phase of vigorous habitat assessment, be the norm. contribute Interference to high by resident activity levels and such behavior would adult bears frequent might movements also (USFWS 1982). Several completed continue authors the have exploratory found that even after phase of its habitat an animal evaluation it has may to visit suboptimal habitat patches to confirm and/or update its relative suitability rankings (Krebs and Cowie 1976). Then, if conditions should change, the animal can immediately expand its use of the prior Heinrich sub-optimal habitats (Smith and Sweatman 1974; 1976). Baker (1982) terms this behavior Oster and "revisiting for 75 reassessment" (RFR). Thus, increased activity in young bears may result from either exploratory migrations, RFR, or both. Bear 76's community site analyses indicated high grasses, sedges, and forbs. food but densities Were #76 feeding primarily on graminoids, items with a fairly high energetic efficiency value which must requirements, however, grasses be of ingested in large volumes to (Table meet high activity levels would be expected. 10) nutritive This did not, appear to be true for Bear #38 who consumed large volumes of and sedges Regrettably, the but lack maintained of scat data a low for mean Bear activity 76 level. precludes any substantive conclusions regarding her diet. In summary, then. Bear 76's activity and movement patterns may have resulted from any of several factors including inexperience as an early-weaned adult two year old, bears, evident high low social status and interference from stress factors in the two-year-old age class in the low survival rate of two year olds), exploratory (as and RFR movements, and, finally, dietary considerations. Grizzly Bear Foraging Strategies One theories of the aims of this study was to gather data to of optimal foraging to Yellowstone grizzlies. logistical constraints inherent in trying to gather apply the However, the contemporaneous food habit, habitat use, and activity pattern data with a single field crew were formidable. Thus, the sample size for several variables was inadequate to address the questions of optimal foraging. there is a lack of baseline physiological data specific In addition, to bears. 7b The wide disparity in the habitat attributes and diets of bears, as apparent in this study, optimal foraging meaningful. strategy suggests that a quest for a single applicable to A more productive venture, individual individual all then, bears may not be may be to examine the strategies pursued by bears in contrasting habitats and to explore the implications of these distinctions upon bear management. Although a quantitative analysis of grizzly optimal foraging strategies was not attempted, some qualitative conclusions may be tendered. The optimal foraging literature describes three forms of optimizations which an animal can pursue (Ellis et al. 1976): 1. by Time minimizers include those animals whose fitness is maximized minimizing the amount of time spent feeding to energy requirement of (Schoener 1971). satisfy a given This strategy is characteristic animals with a fixed reproductive output and of animals which must minimize foraging time to allow time for other activities, such as mate selection or predator avoidance. 2. Energy maximizers improve their fitness when net energy for a given foraging time is maximized. Animals whose seasonal reproductive output of body is a variable function size or rate of energy acquisition are likely to be energy maximizers (Schoener 1971). 3. diet Nutrient optimizers according to include those consumers which choose both energy and nutrient content (Emlen Biochemical composition and phenological stage are important their 1973). criteria for diet item selection (Ellis et al. 1976). Characteristics in Yellowstone of all three optimization strategies are evident grizzlies. Males may temporarily become time / 77 minimizers during subordinate courting to defending her reach annual an expenditure which become time of mating as males become preoccupied with locating and in breeding season. estrus and, Feeding in areas of against other males (Hornocker high density, Body and weights high energy the breeding season (Craighead and Sumner 1982). occupy ranges near human habitation may minimizers as they restrict their also foraging hypothesis, partially to certain Bear 15's lower than average level during the daytime and sunset periods this bear 1962). low due to the low energy intake the day to avoid detection. activity with are during Bears times activities females the was consistent although his overall mean activity level was special cases, and slightly above average. Other than these the concepts nutrient optimization are more applicable to bears. studies based of energy Prior food habit have concluded that grizzly bear selection of plant food on available grizzly ecosystems derived mainly Healey 1979). energy value. east from was In Yellowstone Park and of the Continental Divide this energy succulent herbaceous vegetation other (Healey 1975; grasses and succulent herbs were important in spring and early summer, and, from mid-summer (Vaccinium spp.), In areas west of the Continental Divide, is through fall, buffaloberries sugar content of huckleberries (Shepherdia canadensis), (Sorbus spp.) was critical (Martinka 1972; and Busby et al. mountain ash 1977; Mealey 1979; Sizemore 1980). Starch from underground portions of springbeauty (Claytonia spp.), temporally important biscuitroot, and other tuberous in all ecosystems (Healey 1975; species Busby et was al. 78 1977; Schallenberger and Jonkel 1979). Ungulate meat (rich in protein) and whitebark pine nuts (rich in carbohydrates and fat) are important spring and fall foods as available (Mealey 1975, 1979; Husby et al. 1977; Kendall 1981)., Evidence biochemical for diet selection based on components (i.e., lacking for the grizzly. a need for particular nutrient selection or optimization) is Mattson (pers. comm.) has speculated that in Yellowstone, the energy available from certain foods such as Equisetum arvense and Trifolium repens does not appear to adequately account for the high degree of preference demonstrated for these items. is Thus, it possible that some as yet unidentified biochemical constituent is responsible for this selection. Ellis et strategies but they al. (1976) described overlap point out that the three optimization above are not mutually exclusive to varying degrees Foraging bears depending on alternatives, the must actually attend to consumer's feeding niche. all three factors concurrently such that the energy gain per unit foraging time is maximized while also achieving an appropiate nutritional balance. A predatory bear may expend considerable energy in the search and pursuit phases of foraging so that the energetic cost!benefit ratio is critical. But composition of having meat once subdued its is generally suitable prey, to fulfill nutrient requirements along with its energy demands. on the other hand, the biochemical the bear's A grazing bear, expends only a moderate amount of energy to pursue and capture any given item. Biochemical composition, however, may vary considerably between the many available species and phenological 79 stages, and the herbivorous bear must select, the most beneficial items for digestibility, nutrient content, and energy. Optimal foraging theory distinguishes between the strategic tactical aspects of diet selection. the time minimization, manner Selection "strategies" pertain to energy maximization, options described above. and or nutrient maximization Selection "tactics" refer to the particular by which a bear endeavors to accomplish this strategy. The f food habits studies described above appear to support an energy maximization strategy for grizzlies, with protein and/or carbohydrates being the principal forms of energy bears packaging. However, individual in this study differed considerably in the tactics employed to accomplish the energy maximization strategy. The major differences in diet between, grass/sedge) number of and of factors. food items for example. Bear 38 (76% Bear 50 (8.1% grass/sedge) may be attributed within a bear’s range and the degree (learned affinities) for particular items are important. There are, has annual (Kingsley the bears* of weight gain and loss et al. of acquired undoubtedly however, limitations to the latitude which any in its dietary habits and foraging cycle a The availability and distribution characteristics preference bear to tactics. associated with The distinct hibernation 1983) and the physiological constraints imposed monogastric digestive system (Bunnell and Hamilton bracket the dietary variability. by 1983) 80 Theoretical Considerations of Grizzly Predation on Ungulates Ungulate meat, major primarily in the form of carrion, food source for Yellowstone grizzlies. constitutes a Mealey (1975) proposed that competition among grizzlies for elk meat in the spring might have a regulatory effect on the Yellowstone population. "walking dead" peaks in early spring, Use of carrion and remains high through May and then becomes relatively low throughout the summer (Mealey 1975; Knight et al. 1984). Annual variation in use of carrion is governed directly by availability (Cole 1972; 1982). 1980; Craighead and Sumner Actual predation on ungulates is greatest in April and May as grizzlies prey upon malnourished animals before the herds disperse to summer ranges. June Knight et al. (Cole individual Some bears also prey on newborn calves in late May and 1972). bears Craighead and Sumner (1972) reported that apparently recalled the locations of calving areas from previous years. The degree of selectivity shown by vertebrate predators for their preferred prey (in this case, ungulates) is a function of prey density (Rolling 1965). The selectivity curve (i.e., the exclusivity feeding on preferred prey) reaches an asymptotic maximum that on the ' density alternative prey. of the preferred prey and on the items (grasses, relative to depends palatability Emlen (1966) found that predators may select profitable prey items over more preferred prey if the less forbs, etc. of of less profitable in this analysis) become very abundant the preferred items. In this context, the increased vitality and mobility of elk in late spring and summer is analogous to an effective decrease in the density of preferred prey. Concurrently, 81 spring green-up increases the relative abundance and palatability alternative foods. studies Thus, have recorded, foraging theory would predict, and of field a shift from reliance on use of ungulates to use of less profitable, but readily available forage species. Why then do some bears, such as Bear 50, and continue to prey on elk in summer and fall? are involved. vegetatively, did #50's They may occupy ranges belie this prediction A number of which although factors deficient include substantial numbers of summering ungulates, range. In these areas, the opportunity for as directed predation or chance encounter with weakened or diseased animals should be greater than where prey are more dispersed. Acquired skill is predacious tendencies. were a major factor in Knight (pers. determining a grizzly's comm.) felt that certain bears more adept at killing large mammals than others. Both #50 and #15 were inveterate predators which had displayed an enhanced capacity to kill ungulates in prior years (Schleyer 1983). One of the more interesting patterns to emerge from habit/habitat analysis was the apparent fidelity between deficient habitat, predation, had low CSQ and RHR scores. supplementary food and use of garbage. the food vegetatively Both #15 and #50 They were also the only bears to rely on items (meat or garbage) to any extent. In some I respects, these two food groups constitute very similar food sources. Both meat and garbage subsidize the available vegetal resources, contain a wide energetically food groups variety of rich. is both are The most obvious distinction between these two that meat, biochemical if obtained components, via and both predation, requires 82 considerable energy expenditure to obtain while garbage is essentially free (disregarding the possible consequences of detection). a single capture Craighead and of meat can feed a bear for days However, (Cole Sumner 1982) whereas garbage is generally less 1972; of a prize. Conclusions based on such a small sample size are tenuous, but it is tempting either to speculate that #15 and #50 were psychologically or physiologically energetically dense food items. somehow to a predisposed reliance oh The low volumes of graminoids in both bears mid-summer diets imply a "reluctance" to utilize this food group beyond what would be expected by low availability alone. possible that It is increasing the volume of graminoids in the diet also might accelerate the passage rate enough to preclude complete utilization of any meat present in the digestive tract at the same time. be Thus it may to a bear's energetic advantage to feed exclusively on meat when meat is available (Picton pers. comm.). Tracking Bears with Trained Bear Dogs Successful factors. The bear tracking freshness of using dogs depended on the scent was a especially Tracking was optimal very early in the morning. number of important. Scent faded rapidly as temperatures rose later in the day, and then it was often necessary to "work" particularly the dogs until they relocated a troublesome in xeric habitat, or rocky areas. good scent. This was such as sterile lodgepole 83 Differences scent was weak. between individual dogs were most apparent when In traditional bear hunts, the the hounds run loose in packs and those with less sensitive olfactory endowments merely follow the leader. Although experienced, all weII-seasoned eight of the dogs we bear dogs, only worked two or with were three were consistently able to follow a trail in marginal conditions. The importance of the dogmen cannot be overemphasized. Wright (1982) observed (with reference to police dogs): is the dogmaster-dog combination that operates with this degree of effectiveness, and the effectiveness depends as much upon the dogmaster's understanding of the "whats" and "hows" of smells and smelling as upon the dog's ability to do the actual sniffing. Only in this way can the dog's special capabilities be applied to full advantage and . the information he receives via his nose be transmitted to his master. It was cautious necessary for the dogmen to be especially whenever the dogs had obvious trouble following the trail. The possibility of intersecting and following the trail of a non-study bear was a serious concern. Equipping the hounds with loud bells certainly helped, but these bells were audible for a long distance and their use may have led to unnecessary disturbance of the bears and disruption of their normal routine. Despite these difficulties, exciting the use of bear dogs proved to be an adjunct to traditional research techniques. The details of bear behavior revealed by accurately tracing an individual bear's path were valuable from both an ethological. and a management perspective. Trained bear dogs can provide much finer resolution in movement and habitat use studies than is available by other means. Movement data 84 from and telemetry studies are often subject to researcher frequently (torn-up error. biased logs, these types toward digs, easily overlooked. In addition, the most topographic aberrations followups to radio conspicuous fixes feeding are activities etc.) while grazing and selective foraging are Tracking with dogs can increase the precision of studies and show which microhabitats and which in food items are being exploited. Bear program dogs could be used when an intensive trapping and telemetry was infeasible. For example, when assessing the impact of a proposed development on a grizzly population, might area need in Similarly, many to be collared to yield sufficient data specific question. substantial potential data bear Dog on dogs tracking has the localized areas might employed be in potential relatively when the to short bears to the provide time. activities particular bears are of special concern, as in cases of depredation. of CONCLUSIONS The there data imply, exists a characteristics, within the limits of small sample substantial food habits, interdependence and activity size, among patterns. that habitat Contrasting energetic "agendas" (as overtly manifested in bear behavior patterns) are likely to be associated with particular foraging tactics and these tactical programs are at least partially predictable given the contemporaneous habitat parameters. A number of outstanding questions remain to be answered by further research. 1. were Seasonal shifts in the food habit/activity pattern not adequately examined herein. complex Temporal shifts in food habits are well documented (Mealey 1975; Knight et al. 1984), as are seasonal changes 1980). in activity patterns (Schleyer 1983; Additional research will be Garshelis required to and Pelton determine the interdependence of these contemporaneous shifts. 2. To what extent were the observed patterns the actual preference as opposed to availability? use vegetatively poor habitat favorable habitats nearby? these this study? For example; by default due to a lack did of of #50 more Or if mid- to high-elevation mesic meadows with a rich grass/forb flora were available, utilize result would she preferentially meadows over the lodgepole stands she occupied during 86 3. the What additional factors might be implicated in energetic agenda provided herein observed behavior satisfactory. graminoids are of not the only and, For individual in some example, bears? The plausible cases, determining interpretations explanations they are for not thoroughly why would Bear 38 have fed primarily on and forbs and maintained a fairly low mean activity while Bear level of 59 had a similar diet yet had the highest any consequence bear? of Was the this an artifact of mean the additional variables not adequately level activity sampling probed or by a this analysis? 4. and, To what especially, extent would the differences in activity food habits and habitat use, patterns even out over time? Were the contrasting patterns merely the result of spot-sampling in the long term, wide trends? would all bears approach the observed Conversely, and, population if some bears persistently adhere to food habit and activity programs quite unlike the overall trends, this fact may have broad implications for bear management, particularly with regard to habitat preservation. Grizzly bear habitat evaluations and protective measures designed to protect areas deemed valuable to the "average" bear may neglect the welfare of certain habituation, and tactics, have marginal habitat. Yellowstone decline individuals adjustments contrived which, in through activity an energetically Recent population acquired patterns viable projection and foraging lifestyle models skills, within for the grizzlies have suggested a continuing long term (30 year) with the margin between this decline and population 87 stabilization possibly hinging on a reduction of adult female mortality by one or two bears per year (Knight and Eberhardt 1984 1985). Thus, and it would seem that management strategies cannot afford to overlook the well being of any individual bears. LITERATURE CITED 89 LITERATURE CITED Aune, K. A. 1981. Impacts of winter recreation on wildlife in a portion of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. M.S. Thesis, Montana State Univ., Bozeman. 110pp. Bacon, E . S . 1973. Investigation on perception and behavior of the American black bear (Ursus americanus). Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Tenn. Knoxville. 161 pp. _____________ , and G. M. Burghardt. 1976a. 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Forest Service and National Park Service. 1979. Guidelines for management involving grizzly bears in the greater Yellowstone area. 136 pp. Wright, R. H. 236 pp. 1982. The sense of smell. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 95 APPENDICES 96 APPENDIX A COMMUNITY SITE ANALYSIS FIELD FORM 97 Feed Site No. ______________ D a t e GRIZZLY BEAR STUDY COMMUNITY SITE ANALYSIS ______________ O b s e r v e r s ______________________ F o r e s t U T M ____________________________D r a i n a g e _______________________________________________ B e a r Flight D a t e ________________ Aerial Aspect _______________________ ° S l o p e __________T o p o g r a p h i c Area Physiognomy Habitat in between trees attach > 3 m tall s i z e _____________________ C o m m u n i t y TREES Feed Subtotal Cover Prom. Total __________________________________ point cruise Ground cover No. Elevation P o s i t i o n ______________________ measurements) Photo No. ______________ _____________________________________ _________________ D i s t a n c e to open or timber ________ s i z e _________________ cover > 3 m tall Species Total SHRUBS HERBS timber, No. T y p e _____________________________________ A v e . distance Plot (if Photo ___ _______ Feed Cover Subtotal Prom. cover < 3 m cover Subtotal forbs Subtotal call Species grass/sedge 98 Feed Site of Ant No. activity: Vial No. 50 Scat Carcass Track Gopher dig Hair Gopher cache Bed Root Claw g Sample No. Squirrel Torn dig dig Stripped Unknown Turned Torn bark cache log rock anthill Grazing dig Mushrooms Other Age of Extent activity: and size of Detailed activity Adjacent or Relative food feeding in community: associated source site: activities abundance not (.PIAL in community: cones; b e r r i e s ; root foods; c a r c a s s e s ; etc.): APPENDIX B TABLES OF HABITAT PARAMETER VALUES AND COMMUNITY SITE ANALYSIS DATA 100 Table 10. Energetic efficiencies (EE), characteristic contagiousness (A ), and monthly preference values for the most important diet items of Yellowstone grizzlies as used in the community site and scat quality analyses. All values were adapted from Mattson (in prep.). Food Item Ungulates Rodents Trout Pine nuts Anthills Graminoids Lomatium spp. Perideridia gairdneri Cirsium spp. Mushrooms Potamogeton spp. Shepherdia canadensis Claytonia lanceolata Equisetum arvense Vaccinium scoparium Vaccinium globulare Trifolium repens Taraxacum spp. Polygonum spp. Fragaria spp. Epilobium spp. Unid. Forb EE A-I .88 .27 .42 .65 .42 .73 .27 .15 .15 .92 .15 1.00 .96 .46 .81 .92 .46 .46 .69 .73 .85 .40 .99 .82 .91 .99 .41 .82 .99 .99 .74 .50 .99 .91 .99 .91 .74 .91 .82 .66 .66 .74 .58 Preference Values Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct .91 .66 .52 .54 .68 .56 .52 .41 * .31 .33 .97 .82 .39 .02 .11 .08 .23 .53 .63 .55 .22 .07 .42 .22 .40 .08 .43 .42 .36 .42 .44 .16 .78 .16 .35 .35 .55 .40 .28 .06 .38 .33 .33 .06 .48 .38 .36 .17 .35 .64 .50 .23 .32 .25 .37 .28 .47 .30 .27 .05 .16 .20 .22 .01 .07 .13 .30 .36 .26 .23 Ann .60 .54 .50 .60 ,85 .43 .78 .88 .19 .44 .40 .40 .83 .24 .48 .43 .65 .43 .14 .41 .27 1.00 .38 .34 .62 .29 .37 .24 .16 .23 .68 .55 .40 .35 .48 .25 .33 .13 .23 .33 .23 .38 .32 .06 .32 .11 .34 * Missing values result from 0.0 preference or insufficient sample. 101 Table 11. Monthly Food Values (FV) of the most important diet items of Yellowstone grizzlies as used in the community site analyses. All values adapted from Mattson (in prep.). Food Item Ungulates Rodents Trout Pine nuts Anthills Graminoids -'Lomatium spp. Perideridia gairdneri Cirsium spp. Mushrooms Potamogeton spp. -Shepherdia canadensis Claytonia lanceolata Equisetum arvense Vaccinium scoparium Vaccinium globulare Trifolium repens Taraxacum spp. 'Polygonum spp. Fragaria spp. Epilobium spp. Apr May 1 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Ann .79 .15 * .57 .12 .45 .11 .12 .53 .01 .33 .06 .01 .05 .47 .09 .06 .25 .04 .27 .11 .06 .04 •37 .03 .52 .11 .47 .13 .74 .09 .50 .03 .21 .09 .08 .04 .50 .03 .24 .57 .08 .24 .10 .04 .08 .04 .36 .16 .31 .15 .53 .04 .29 .11 ,10 .05 .06 .06 .25 .95 .16 .20 .53 .11 .11 .11 .09 .11 .00 .32 .02 .27 .02 .19 .62 .02 .38 .11 .06 .20 .09 .08 .02 .00 .12 .14 .07 .04 .18 .09 .09 .09 .07 .13 .31 . .15 .21 .54 .14 .08 .10 .16 .11 .20 .15 .28 .05 .07 .15 .12 .19 .19 .05 .12 .06 .17 * Missing values result from 0.0 preference or inadequate sample. 102 Table 12. Unit area importance values types for habitat richness types which occurred in the five primary study bears are (IVU's) used to score habitat analysis. Only those habitat computer habitat scans for the included. Forest Habitat Types: ABLA/VASC-VASC1 ABLA/VASC-CARU ABLA/VASC-PIAL ABLA/CACA^ PIEN/EQAR2 ABLA/THOC ABLA/CAGE ABLA/LIBO-VASC ABLA/VAGL-VAGL ABLA/CARU PICO/CARO PICO/PUTR PSME/SYAL PSME/CARU P!AL/VASC Spring Summer Fall .003 .018 .000 .106 .514 .004 .009 .014 .000 .000 .000 .009 .001 .003 .000 .152 .084 .467 .213 .253 .033, .010 .139 .257 .012 .000 .038 .002 .016 .229 .307 •909 .964 .660 .000 .125 .018 .000 .000 .000 .000 .003 .000 .018 .343 .000 .688 .072 .000 .036 .358 .495 .178 .356 .172 .133 .688 .000 .273 .084 .251 .208 .162 .124 .167 .201 .100 .195 .017 .062 .608 .089 .082 .000 .492 .246 .000 .026 .000 .444 .000 .200 .155 .000 .529 .000 .262 Non-forest Habitat Types: FEID/AGSP FEID/AGCA FEID/AGCA-GEVI FEID/DECE DECE/Carex spp. ARTR/FEID ARTR/FEID-GEVI 3 Dry Artemisia spp. shrubland _ Moist Artemisia spp./Potentilla shrublandJ Sedge bogs,marsh fens,wet areas Alpine tundra (high elev. rocky grassland) ScirpuS spp./Carex spp. (hot spring veg.) Salix spp./Carex spp. (at high elev.) Salix spp./Carex spp. (at low elev.) 1 When names of three species are included in the the third species gives the habitat type phase. habitat type name, 2 Corresponds to Despain1s (1984) "Wet Forest" habitat types: ABLA/CACA for high elevations and PIEN/EQAR for low elevations. 3 These types were mapped in the Gallatin National represent groupings of several habitat types. Forest and 103 Table 13. Community site scores for Food Value (FV), Understory Cover (Cu ), Understory Species Diversity (H ), and Community Site Quality (CSQ). See text for description of variables. Proportional values are given in parentheses. Site # Use Date FV C H U CSQ U 4204 4209 4210 4215 4216 4220 4221 4222 4/29 5/13 5/21 5/28 6/15 7/26 7/27 7/15 1.38 (.70) 0.84 (.43) 1.58 (.80) . 1.29 (.65) 1.58 (.80) 0.80 (.41) 1.17 (.59) 1.97(1.00) 3 (.37) 3 (.37) 4 (.50) 8(1.00) 7 (.87) 6 (.75) 7 (.87) 7 (.87) 2.04 (.55) 2.67 (.72) 2.51 (.68) 2.72 (.74) 2.37 (.64) 2.24 (.61) 3.68(1.00) 0.66 (.18) 2.32 1.95 2.78 3.04 3.11 2.18 3.05 3.05 4206 4211 4212 U cd <D 4213 PP 4214 5/4 5/31 6/1 5/28 6/3 0.44 1.41 0.72 0.78 0.72 (.22) (.72) (.36) (.40) (.36) 4 4 5 4 3 (.50) (.50) (.62) (.50) (.37) 0.51 3.04 3.05 2.54 2.47 (.14) (.83) (.83) (.69) (.67) 1.08 2.77 2.17 1.99 1.76 UO 4238 W 4239 cd 4240 0) pq 4241 8/25 8/26 8/26 9/10 0.40 0.60 1.82 0.21 (.20) (.30) (.92) (.10) 4 (.50) 3 (.37) 8(1.00) 2 (.25) 2.71 3.18 1.06 2.89 (.74) (.86) (.29) (.78) 1.64 1.83 3.13 1.23 4231 4232 4234 4235 4236 7/17 7/29 8/5 8/16 8/17 1.69 1.51 0.83 0.69 1.12 (.86) (.77) (.42) (.35) (.57) 6 6 5 2 2 3.43 1.72 3.33 1.79 2.30 (.93) (.47) (.90) (.49) (.62) 3.40 2.76 2.36 1.44 2.01 r>. 4229 M 4230 QJ 4233 PP 6/30 7/6 8/12 1.70 (.86) 1.56 (.79) 0.80 (.41) 3.26 (.89) 1.70 (.46) 2.31 (.63) 3.23 2.92 1.82 CO CO U cd (U PO O LA Os m M QJ (.75) (.75) (.62) (.25) (.25) 5 (.62) 7 (.87) 3 (.37) X MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 762 1001 4204 9 MAIN N378 H25U cop. 2