Catalytic hydrodesulfurization of fuel oil by Kenneth J Green A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at Montana State College Montana State University © Copyright by Kenneth J Green (1952) Abstract: This investigation was conducted to determine operating variables in the catalytic hydrodesulfurization of number one and number three fuel oils obtained from a high-sulfur-containing Oregon Basin, Wyoming crude. Desulfurization was carried out in pilot plant equipment capable of holding 100 ml of catalyst and operable at pressures up to 500 psig, The catalysts investigated were eyclocel (activated bauxite) and molybdenum oxide and sulfide. The variables temperature, pressure, and space velocity were studied using hydrogen or hydrogen-methane gas mixtures, Desulfurization was considered satisfactory when the sulfur content of number three oil was reduced from 2,2 percent to below 0,5 percent and of the number one oil from 1,1 percent to below 0,5 percent. When number three fuel oil was desulfurized over cydocel the percent sulfur of the product oil increased from an initial 1.1 to 1.9 after 100 hours. Cydocel was air regenerated after desulfurization of number three fuel oil and the catalyst regained its original activity, Number one fuel oil was desulfurized to below 0,5 percent sulfur content for a total time of 178 hours and there was no noticeable deactivation of the catalyst. The effect of pressure during desulfurization of number three fuel oil using molybdenum sulfide catalyst indicated that increased pressure affected increased sulfur removal from the oil. Number three fuel oil with less than 0,5 percent sulfur content was produced at 500 psig and 300 psig, but could not be produced at 200 psig or below. Hydrogen-methane gas mixtures were used during desulfurization of number three fuel oil over molybdenum sulfide, When the percent methane in the mixture was increased the sulfur removal from the oil decreased. Oil with less than 0,5 percent sulfur content was produced using hydrogen-methane mixtures which contained five percent, 15 percent, and 25 percent methane respectively, but could not be produced at space velocities above 0.45 using a mixture containing 40 percent methane, No appreciable carbon deposition on the catalyst was found during this study. The effect of carbon burn-off from molybdenum sulfide was studied after desulfurization with a heavy gas oil. The gas oil was used in a deliberate attempt to make carbon lay-down on the catalyst. After burning the carbon off with air the activity of the catalyst doubled (as measured by grams of sulfur removed per gram of catalyst). CATALYTIC HIDRODESULFURIZATION OF FUEL OIL ty KENNETH J. GREEN \X A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering at Montana State College Approved: Head 9 Major Department// Ghairman9- Examining Gomm/tee iean9 G^duatelDivision Bozeman 9 Montana August 9 1952 FV//.'’(j/r 'I /\f3 7 f -2TABLE OF CONTENTS page ABSTRACT...................................... ........................... 3 I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . ................ . . . . . . . . . II Thermodynamic Calculations............ 6 III Equipment, Methods, and M a t e r i a l s .......... 8 A. Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S B, Methods ..................... Ce Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 . . . . IV Sample Calculations . ............. V Discussion of Results . . . . . . . . . . . 4 10 13 ........... . . . . . . . . . 1 5 A. Desulfurization of Fuel Oils Using Cyclocel Catalyst. . . . . B, Effect of Pressure on the Desulfurization of Fuel Oil 15 Using Molybdenum Sulfide Catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 C. Effect of Methane-Hydrogen Mixtures on Fuel Oil Desulfurization Using Molybdenum Sulfide Catalyst . . . . . . D, I? Effects of Gas Oil Desulfurization and Air Regeneration on Molybdenum Sulfide Catalyst.............. 19 VI Summary .................................. VII Acknowledgement . . . . . VIII Literature Cited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 IX A p p . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 e n d i 103331 x 25 ABSTRACT This investigation was conducted to determine operating variables in the catalytic hydrodesulfurization of number one and number three fuel oils obtained from a high-sulfur-containing Oregon Basin 3 Wyoming crudee De­ sulfurization was carried out in pilot plant equipment capable of holding 100 ml of catalyst and operable at pressures up to $00 psig, The catalysts investigated were eyclqeel (activated bauxite) and molybdenum oxide and sulfide. The variables temperature 3 pressure 3 and space velocity were studied using hydrogen or hydrogen-methane gas mixtures„ Desulfurization was considered, satisfactory when the sulfur content of number three oil was reduced from 2 ,2 percent to below' 0 ,5 percent and of the number one oil from 1 .1 percent to below 0 ,5 percent. When number three fuel oil was desulfurized over c y d o c e l the percent sulfur of the product oil increased from an initial 1,1 to 1,9 after 100 hours, C y d o c e l was air regenerated after desulfurization of number three fuel oil and the catalyst regained its original activity. Number one fuel oil was desulfurized to below 0 ,5 percent sulfur,content for a total time of 178 hours and there was no noticeable deactivation of the catalyst. The effect of pressure during desulfurization of number three fuel oil using molybdenum sulfide catalyst indicated that increased pressure affected increased sulfur removal from the oil. Number three fuel oil with less than 0 .5 percent sulfur content was produced at 560 psig and 300 psig 3 but could not be produced at 200 psig or below. . '. Hydrogen-methane gas mixtures were used during desulfurization of number three fuel oil over■molybdenum sulfide, When the percent methane in the mixture was increased the sulfur removal from the oil decreased. Oil with less than 0 .5 percent sulfur content was produced using hydrogen- " methane mixtures which contained five percent 3 15 percent 3 and 25 percent methane respectively, but could not be produced at space velocities above 0.45 using a mixture containing 40 percent methane. No appreciable carbon deposition on the catalyst was found during this study. The effect of carbon burn-off from molybdenum sulfide w a s .studied after desulfurization with a heavy gas oil. The gas oil was used in a deliberate attempt to make carbon lay-down on the catalyst. After burn­ ing the carbon off with air the activity of the catalyst doubled (as measured by grams of sulfur removed per gram of catalyst). I INTRODUCTION With the depletion of high-quality low sulfur Crudes5 petroleum refin­ ers have been forced to turn to crudes with higher sulfur content. variety of sulfur compounds-have been found in petroleum. A large Elemental sulfur5 hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans5 thioethers5 disulfides2 and thiopheness have been found in the various fractions. It was the purpose of this-research to determine the conditions for the catalytic desulfurization of number one andrnumber' three fuel oils. .'3 .-■- • - The maximum allowable sulfur specification for fuel oil was to be 0.5 pAr cent. Sulfur compounds in kerosene and fuel oil may give rise to objection­ able odor5 corrosive action on metals5 poor Stability5 and are responsible for acrid fumes on burning (3). A considerable number of methods are in existence for the-removal of sulfur from light distillates. .A few of these methods which commercial use are the Unisol process 5 the Solutizer ■ and Tannin Solutizer processes 5 hypochlorite treatment 5 Gray desulfuriza: ' -y . . tion 5 and- treatment with- bauxite catalysts.- In addition to these proces­ ses 5 hydrogen sulfide can be removed by caustic scrubbing,, and certain other sulfur compounds are removed during sulfuric acid treatment. Gener­ ally Speaking 5 sulfur compounds are distributed.'"in-lar-ger percentages in . the higher boiling petroleum fractions. -When the above-methods are used to desulfurize high boiling petroleum fractions-the sulfur compounds are either not removed to the desired percentage or the losses- are excessive. One method used to remove a large portion of the sulfur--compounds in higher boiling fractions,, without excessive, charge Iosses 5 is catalytic decomposi­ tion in the presence of hydrogen® The mechanism of desulfurization in the presence of hydrogen is one of destructive dehydrogenations whereby the sulfur compound is converted to a hydrocarbon and hydrogen sulfide„ Three catalysts which have been used for hydrodesulfurization of petroleum are cobalt molybdate (2 )«, molybdenum oxide (6 )3 and-molybdenum sulfide (6 )e Any desulfurization process used commercially must be economical® In an attempt to find an economical process 9 Koski (4), and Munro (6 )s O '■ • made an initial study on the following catalysts; • Bauxite 9 molybdenum sul= fide9 molybdenum oxide9 tungstic Oxide9 nickel oxide9 cobalt molybdate9 and chromic oxide® In addition an extensive study on the life of molybdenum' sulfide catalyst was- made (6 )® This life study was- discontinued•after 2010 hours--of-successful desulfurization of number three fuel oil* . . Because of its . long life the following conditions using molybdenum sulfide were studied and the results are reported in this thesis; ■ (l)-Effect of pressure; (2) effect of using mixtures of hydrogen and methane; (3 ) effect of t h e •desulfurization . of a heavy gas oil; (4) effect of air regeneration®. f sulfurisation using cyelocel catalyst was studied* ■ In addition hydrode- II THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS- Tabulated thermodynamic data and calculations are presented in Tables I-V of the appendix. Four reaction mechanisms were postulated for desulfurization of fuel oil by molybdenum sulfide catalyst. All or some of these reactions may occur in the overall-desulfurization, ... (1) MoS^ -^5» (2) c Z1h^13 (g) (3) M6S2 + Q4H4Stg) + 3H2(g) ->- MoS3 + ,C4Hiotg) U) MoS 3 + H2tg) - S - MoS 2 + H2S tg) 2MoSp + Sp^.g) (Thiophene) + ^ 2(g) ^ H2S (g) ^10(g) (n-butane) The first reaction was considered because sulfur was produced when the catalyst was heated. The calculations from reaction number -two provide in­ formation about the-ease o f .destructive hydrogenation of sulfur compounds, ■Thiophene boils at 84°C and is not present in- number-three fuel oil, but higher alkyl thiophenes-with higher boiling points are- present. was considered in the -absence of--thermodynamic•dat§ on higher Thiophene- alkyl thio­ phenes , Results calculated- from thiophene-should, in most cases, approximate 'Ti , ■ '' the results that -would be obtained from-higher-alkyl thiophenes„ In the third reaction the sulfur compounds i n .the oil convert MoS^ to . MoS^o In the fourth reaction -MoS^ is reacted -with-'hydrogen and reduced to MoS 2 and H2S (g)0- catalyst, according ■torthe-mechanism, acts as a carrier of sulfur from the oil to the- H-5S that- is expelled. All of these-reactions are thermodynamlcallypossible at the operating i-i.y conditions of 410°G and 34 atmospheres. The following free energies will, to some degree, show the feasibility of thesq reactions. ;= : ■- s, Reaction• F at 25q C Gal/mol_____________ ______ F at 375°C Gal/mol I +25,700 +9,575 2 -41,300 -14,560 3 —365640 4 —4,660 1 - 21,330 ”9,341 The results-of the calculations are tabulated in Tables■I-V» The calculations help to confirm the postulated mechanism for desulfurization* The calculations are not, however? of much value when used to fix the proper conditions under which.the overall reaction should be run* This is because the equilibrium constants are all very the practical operating range 0 ' ' Practical desulfurization of fuel oil must be carried out at tempera.■ tures below incipient carbon to carbon cracking if the product oil is to i\ ■- '.I have the same- boiling point range as the charge oil* The energy between a carbon to carbon bond (58*6 KCal/mol)" is -only "slightly higher than that for a carbon to sulfur bond (54*5 KCal/mol)® Fronrthis analysis it is evident that any thermal cracking of the carbon to' -sulfur *-bond- would" be accompanied - . >■". • by considerable- carbon to carbon- cracking*":" This'-'l's- substantiated by data (8 ) on the thermal cracking of sulfur stocks which showed that 75 per cent of the sulfur remained in the residue* The temperature -for-catalytic- desulfurization of fuel oil must therefore be-below thermal cracking temperatures and the catalyst must be selective in its action* =“8= III-' E Q U i m E N V METHODS, AND A» MATERIALS ' EQUIPMENT . A schematic diagram of the-reactor is shown in Figure I 0 The reactor consisted of a 16 inch length of one-and-one-half inch O e D 0 extra strong black pipe reduced with reducing couplings to three-fourth inch at the top and one-half inch at -the-bottom. The top ofT.the reactor was fitted with a union, two crosses, and an assembly of valves for hydrogen inlet, oil in­ let, oil feed bleed line, and air for regeneration* A thermowell tube ex­ tended from the cross- at the top down the vertical axis of the reactor to i within one inch of the bottom. The thermowell- tube- was -made from $ inch black pipe. The tube-was.capped-at the bottom, and three thermocouples were inserted from the top. The hot -•junctions ,of the thermocouples were adjustable to any--desired- position in the reactor. The botom of the -reactor .- tee* was fitted with-a-one-half inch union and a ' There was a pressure gage and a valve fitted from the tee. During part of the investigation- -a -Grove spring loaded -back pressure valve was .. . . . . 'I .. . used, A Mason-Neilan air-to-close valve,controlled by a Fisher Wizard ' -- • Controller, was used during the- remainder- of -the investigation. The heating elements consisted of three 33 foot lengths of beaded Nichrome- wire- which- were supplied with current from H O volt auto transformers. ’•-I" tape, The-coils-were-wound-on■the-reactor pver.'a layer ef asbestos ' r'-'l ■" Another--Iayer of -asbestos-tape was wound-over'the wire and an inch layer of magnesia mud was placed over the final layer of asbestos tape. One-eighth inch alundum-balls were used as the pre-heat medium. The pre-heat section extended for 10 inches from the top of the reactor, -The catalyst bed was located below -the pre-heat section-and-below the catalyst bed a layer of alundum balls extended to the bottom of the reactor» Auxiliary equipment consisted of a high pressure piston type pump, ■Precision -Scientific wet -test-meters, water cooled- copper-tube condensers, -hydrogen cylinders-with pressure regulators,- receiver-flasks-,- and alkali scrubberso Iron-eonstantan thermocouples were, used-in conjunction with a Leeds and Northrup indicating potentiometer-for temperature' measurement« Analysis of the exit gas was made in a low temperature fractionation column ...10Bo M E T H O D S ........ .■Control and measurement of process variables were conducted as summar­ ized in the following paragraphs„ I0 Sampling and Space Velocity; intervals o Samples were taken at eight-hour Space velocity calculations.were made over the eight hour sampling periods and were based on the weight of charge oil and the weight of catalysto 2, Space velocity was controlled by pump-adjustments„ Temperature; Temperatures were measured-with iron cqnstantan thermocouples in conjunction with a Leeds and -Northrup indicating potentio­ meter, Thermdcoupies were placed near both ends of the catalyst section, and one was placed mid-way in the pre-heat section. The temperature in the pro-heat section was maintained at approximately -90°C below the temperature in the catalyst section. Temperatures were controlled by adjustment of the power input to the heating elements with auto-transformers, An average of the two temperatures in the catalyst section was recorded at l$-minute intervals and these readings were averaged over a-period of eight hours, 3 , ■Hydrogen Rate; Hydrogen rate was maintained by control of the ! pressure differential across the reactor. The actual hydrogen input was not measured'but'a relative hydrogen rate was measured by metering the vol­ ume of exit gases, .As seen by gas analysts"data-the build u p of non-conden- sable hydrocarbons in the exit gas was- not--more-than" 3 per- -cent--per cycle. Before the exit gases were measured, hydrogen sulfide was removed by a caustic wash. Exit gas meter readings were recorded every 15 minutes, and the total exit gas over an eight-hour period was used to calculate the hydrogen-to-oil ratio. I =aXlea= 4« Pressures The pressure was controlled by proper -adjustment of the back pressure valve on the reactor* 5» Air Regenerations passed over it* The catalyst w a s ■heated to 450°C and air was Once the regeneration had begun the temperature was main­ tained below 550°C by proper adjustment of the air rate* 6 „ Sulfur Analysis; lamp method (X ) 0 Sulfur content of the oil was determined by the This method involves the combustion of a weighed sample of oil and the absorption of the sulfur dioxide produced in- a known amount .of alkalio The excess alkali is determined by titration with a suitable acid and indicator. The gas oil used in the regeneration study run was too viscous to be analyzed directly by the lamp method so a modification of this method was used. The gas oil was diluted with an approximately equal weight of number one fuel oil which had a known sulfur content. The diluted gas oil was then analyzed by the conventional methoql. The per cent sulfur I in the gas oil was calculated from the analysis of the mixture. *■>12“ C. MATERIALS ' The following catalysts ‘were used in this study: 1» Bauxite (Cyclocel)e 10/30 mesh* Code number SB-2446-51* Produced by the Porocel Corporation, 2* Molybdenum Sulfide* This catalyst consists of 15 per cent MoS^ impregnated on alumina and pelleted into one-eighth inch-pellets» L321-42* Produced by t h e 'Harshaw- Chemical Company* Three commercial grades of oil were uses» A eS eT eM e distillation data for these oils are presented in Table V I e I0 2„ 3» Number three fuel oil, a* Boiling point range# 460-660°F„ b» Specific gravity, ©»875» cc Sulfur content, 2„19 per cent, Number one fuel oil* a» Boiling-point range, 204-495°F» b* Specific gravity, 0,832, c, Sulfur content, 1,09 per cent® Gas oil* a, _ Boiling point ■range, 580=750°?» b, - • Specific gravity^,-0^,925* c, Code number Mo-x- Sulfur content, 2,85 per cent* 1• IV SAMPLE ■CALCULATIONS - Data for the following calculations were taken from the mixture study run Table XIII* Number three fuel oil which contained 2»19 per cent sulfur and one-hundred grams of catalyst were- used* Sample No6 Total Sample % Liters ' Sample Weight Sulfur Exit Time Grams Gas ______________ Kr*___________:..-______________________ __________ ________ 22 8 A6 533 0*340 1022 Ave 6 Temp 6 0C ______ 410 Calculation of Space Velocity: Assume weight loss of charge oil is seven per cento Per cent loss was calculated from data obtained over periods of two to four days® Calculation is based on weight of charge oil. _________533 (lo0 -®© 7 ) x 8 x 100 = 0.716 - grams oil (per gram of catalyst) per hour. B6 Calculation of Exit Gas to Gil Ratios It was assumed that all exit gases metered were saturated with water vapor. Data: Room temperature = 24°G Barometric pressure = 641 ram Hg Vapor pressure of water at 24°G = 22»4 mm Hg Partial pressure of exit gas = 641.4 " 22.4 = 619 mm Hg 619 x 273 760 273 + 24 x 1022 x (l60, - .07) '= 1.34 533 I „34 = Liters exit gas at S e T 0 -P0 per gram charge oil C 0 ■ Calculation of Grams of Sulfur Removed Per Gram of Catalyst Per Eight Hours: 533 x O 00219 - 533 x .0634 (1,0 - 0.07) _______ 100 = »1074 This value was calculated on the assumption that all of the oil reported as per cent loss was free from sulfur. The per cent error in this figure has a maximum value of 4.13. D0 -Calculation of Per Cent Losses; Data: Kgm influent oil Kgm effluent oil = 20.916 = 19.3635 Specific gravity of number three oil at 70°F = 0.875 Specific gravity of product oil at 70°F = 0.850 20.916 - 19.3631 x 100 20.915 - 7 .4 3 per cent - loss on weight basis 20.916 0.875 - 19.3635 0.850 x 100 20.916 =. 4 .6 per cent 0*875 = loss on volume basis “3.5”1 ■V. A» DISCUSSION OF RESULTS DESULFURIZATION OF FUEL OILS USING CYCLOCEL AS A CATALYST This study was made to obtain information on catalyst Iife 5 and the effect of hydrogen rate oh desulfurization with cyclocel catalyst« Both number one and number three fuel oils were used® Tabulated data for this run are Table Vll® The effect of desulfurization on catalyst life is shown in Figure 2® •Number three fuel oil was first .passed over the catalyst for 160 hours» During this time the reaction conditions were kept constant 5 and the sulfur content of the effluent oil increased from 1*22 per cent at eight hours to I e945 per cent at 160 hours* The catalyst was then regenerated with air 9 and number three fuel oil was again passed over the catalyst* After air regeneration the sulfur content of the effluent oil increased, from 1*29 per cent at eight hours to 1*80 per cent at 120 hours* As seen in Figure 2 the rate of decrease in activity was about the same before and after the first air regeneration* The near coincidence of the two curves (Figure 2) which show catalyst activity as a function of time 9 indicates that the first air regeneration did not alter the level of Z sulfur removal* After desulfurization of number three fuel oil the catalyst w a s ,re­ generated with air a second time* ized over the catalyst* .Number one fuel oil was then desulfur­ As seen in Figure 2 number one fuel oil was de­ sulfurized for 168 hours with no noticeable deactivation of the catalyst* Charge losses were 2*38 weight per cent for number three fuel oil,and 1*23 weight per cent for number one fuel oil. The charge losses indicate that m o r e .cracking occurred during number three fuel oil desulfurization which undoubtedly caused more carbon deposition on the catalyst. For this reason number three fuel oil propably caused deactivation of the Catalyst5.while number one fuel oil did not. Number three fuel oil is more susceptible to cracking since it is heavier than number one fuel oil* Temperature 5 space velocity, and pressure were kept constant for desulfurization of both number one and .number three fuel oils, . . . . . . Figure 3 shows the effect of hydrogen rate on desulfurization of..num.= T'-v':; ber one fuel oil. The hydrogen rate, down to a certain critical point 5 has very little effect on sulfur removal. The point, where hydrogen rate begins to effect sulfur removal was not determined experimentally 5 but was found by .extrapolation of the curve in Figure 3« The level of sulfur' removal ■ v.-: dropped abruptly when the use of hydrogen was discontinued* - The catalyst however, did effect some sulfur removal when hydrogen was not.used. Temper­ ature and space velocity were hot studied as process variables*. ' B, THE EFFECT OF PRESSURE ON "THE DESULFURIZATION OF FUEl OIL USING MOLYBDENUM SULFIDE CATALYST ■ V"'' " I1V-. ■ : The effect of pressure on the. desulfurization of number three fuel., oil was studied at $00, 30 0 , 200 , 100 , and zero psig using a M o S ^ .catalyst* Tables VIII and IX and Figure 4 shew the. effect of pressure on sulfur re­ moval* Each pressure was investigated for an on-stream-time of 64 to 96 hours* The investigation at each, pressure was discontinued when the per cent sulfur in the effluent oil remined constant for 20 to 50 hours * ■ ■■ . "■ ;V' ■ ■" ■ The decrease in the activity of the catalyst as a function of time was neglected during this study “17Figure 4 and Table IX show the decrease in sulfur removal when pres=sure was decreased* Oil with less than G„5 per cent sulfur content was produced at 500 psig with a space velocity of Q 035 and at 300 psig with a space velocity of 0,70« At 200 psig, and below, oil with less than 0.5 per cent sulfur content could not be produced at space velocities above 0 *5 » This study clearly shows that increased reaction pressures, at the temperatures used, give greater sulfur removals C0 THE EFFECT OF METHME=HIDROGEKf MIXTURES ON FUEL OIL 'DESULFURIZATION USING MOLYBDENUM SULFIDE CATALYST ■ _ . f When fuel oil is desulfurized, using molybdenum sulfide catalyst, I : methane and ethane are formed* Data have shown that the build-up of meth­ ane and ethane in the exit gases is less than three per cent per pass* Because hydrogen is relatively expensive and the separation of light-hydro­ carbons from hydrogen is difficult, it is desirable that t h e fexit gases be recycled* The purpose of this study was to determine the build-up of hydrocarbons per cycle and how much methane can be tolerated in the recycle §cLS o The following ga.s mixtures were obtained from the Mathespn Chemical Company* Approximate Analysis: a. 5# GH^, 95# Hg b. 15# CH^, 85# Hg e. 25 # GH^, 85# Hg d. 40# GH^, 60# Hg A test was made on each of the mixtures at $00 psig, made on the five per cent and 1 $ per cent mixtures at 300 2$ per cent, and 40 per cent mixtures at 200 psig. A run was then psig, and on the The tests under $00 psig were run 16 to 24 hours and are inconclusive because it sometimes takes 30 to $0 hours for the catalyst to come to conditions of constant sulfur removal. Number three fuel oil was used exclusively in this study. A plot of sulfur removal versus per cent methane in the mixtures is shown in Figure $. Complete tabulated data, analysis of exit gas and a summary of the effect of gas mixtures on desulfurization are presented in Tables X-XII. ,. Figure $ shows a decrease in sulfur removal as the percent methane in the gas mixtures was increased. The decrease of sulfur removal was small when five per cent and 1 $ per cent methane mixtures were used, but the crease de­ became proportionally larger when mixtures containing 2 $ per cent and 40 per cent methane were used. An increase in the percentage of methane in the mixture 'effectively lowers the partial pressure of hydrogen in the reaction.. As seen"'previous­ ly in the pressure study run, a decrease of pressure gave a decrease'in sulfur removal. Both the pressure study run and the mixture study run ■substantiated the importance of the partial pressure of hydrogen in the desulfurization reaction. By adjustment of the space velocity, oil with less than 0,5 per cent sulfur content was produced at $00 psig using gas mixtures which'contained five per cent, 1$ per cent, and 2$ per cent methane, TOien a mixture con­ taining 40 per cent methane was used, oil with less than 0 .5 per cent I, . **.''• ™19,a • , sulfur content could not be produced at space velocities above 0*5* Space velocities below 0*5 were not investigated* The analysis of the exit gas is tabulated in Table X I * TAIhen 100 per cent hydrogen was charged the build up of methane and ethane was generally ■ over three per cent per pass* When gas mixtures containing methane were used the build up of methane and ethane ranged from 0*1 per cent to 2*5 per cent; with an average of about one per cent* AU exit gas samples were collected over a period of approximately one hour and were taken when the gas .flow was constant* D. THE EFFECTS OF GAS OIL DESULFURIZATION AND A B REGENERATION'ON MOLYBDENUM SULFIDE CATALYST ' In the work done on molybdenum sulfide catalyst; regeneration of the catalyst was never needed* Since there is always a possibility of deacti­ vation of the catalyst <, information concerning air regeneration was de­ sired* A heavy gas oil with a specific gravity of 0*925 and a sulfur con­ tent of 2*£5 per cent was passed over the catalyst to see if -some deacti­ vation due to carbon lay-down might occur* After treatment with gas oil; number three fuel oil was passed over the catalyst to evaluate activity on the basis of previous data obtained with number three fuel oil* The con­ ditions used for gas oil and number three fuel oil desulfurization.were the same* Data from this study are tabulated in Table XlII* I The sequence of operations followed during this study is as followss I* Gas oil was charged for 160 hours* 2 , Number three fuel oil was charged for 71 hours* 3* Gas oil was charged for 96 hours* eaSOics 4. Number three fuel oil was charged for 64 hours e 5o Catalyst was air-regenerated* 6 » Number three fuel oil was charged for 88 hours* Gas oil was first passed over the catalyst for 160 hours and no de­ activation occurred as evidenced by the sulfur content of the effluent gas oil* Number three fuel oil was then passed over the catalyst and the per cent sulfur in the effluent oil gave proof that the catalyst had not been deactivated* Gas oil was again passed over the catalyst and after a period of 96 hours there was no change in the sulfur content of the effluent gas oil, , . After the second treatment with gas oil, number three fuel oil was again passed over the catalyst. This time the desulfurization with number three fuel oil indicated that the catalyst had the lowest level of sulfur removal (as measured by grams sulfur removed per gram of catalyst) of any molybdenum sulfide catalyst tested. The catalyst was then air-regenerated at temperatures varying between 440 and 550oC, During the regeneration the odor of sulfur dioxide was noted in the exit gases, . After air regeneration number three fuel oil with a sulfur content of 0 ,0 2 per cent was produced when a space velocity of about 0*4 was used* •The space velocity was gradually increased to about one and ,the per,,cent sulfur in the oil increased to about 0,15, ' This increase in-.activity is shown graphically in Figure 6 , The activity of the Catalybt 5 as measured by grams of sulfur removed per gram of Catalyst 5 doubled after air regener­ ation “ Previous to air-regeneration 21 ~ the best results had been obtained at a space velocity of 0 .9 which resulted effluent oil with a sulfur content of 0.45 per cent. After air regeneration number three fuel oil was desulfur­ ized for an on-stream time of 88 hours with no apparent deactivation of the catalyst. As seen in Figure 6 the rate of increased sulfur removal had just begun'to level off when the run was ended. The charge Iosses 5 on a weight basis 5 were 6.23 per cent for the gas oil and 5.68 per cent for number three fuel oil. This:indicates that more cracking occurred during gas oil desulfurization. VI SUMMARY The results indicate that cyclocel catalyst can be air-regenerated without apparent effect on catalyst activity* Number one fuel oil was de­ sulfurized using cyclocel for an on stream time of 175 hours 5 and during this time the catalyst did not decrease in activity® Sulfur removal with molybdenum sulfide catalyst decreased with de­ creased reactor pressure* Number three fuel oil with a sulfur content of less than 0*5 per cent was produced at 500 psig, and 300 psig, but could not be produced at 200 psig or below, with liquid hourly space velocities above 0 *5 * VJhen gas mixtures were used which contain'ed hydrogen and methane the %' ■ ; sulfur removal, using molybdenum sulfide catalyst, decreased with increases in the concentration of methane® Number three fuel oil with a sulfur con­ tent of less than 0*5 per cent was produced with hydrogen-methane mixtures which contained five per cent, 15 per cent, and 25 per cent methane* With a mixture containing 40 per cent methane, oil with less than.0*5 per cent sulfur content could not be produced* Using molybdenum sulfide.the maxi­ mum build-up of methane and ethane in the exit gas was 3*5 per cent per pass* Air regeneration of molybdenum sulfide was very successful* The cata­ lyst activity, as measured by grams of sulfur removed per gram of catalyst, doubled after air regeneration* -23VII ACKNOlfJLEDGEMENT The author acknowledges with thanks the courtesy of the Husky Oil 'Company=, who sponsored the fellowship under which this work was carried out „ ■=24“ VIII LITERATURE CITED (1) A 0 S a T 0 M c STANDARDS ON PETROLEUM AND LUBRICANTS, American Society for Testive Materials, Philadelphia, P a 0, p e 272 (1941)« (2) Berg, Clyde, Trans 0 .Am, Inst 0 of Chem 0 Engr,, 42, No, 4 9 665=680 (1946). (3) Byrns, A, C 0, Bradley, W, E 0, and Lee, M 0 W,, Ind 0 Eng 0 Chem0, 35» 1160(1943). (4) Koski, O 0 H 0, M 0 S 0 Thesis, Montana State College (1952 ) 0 (5) Lange, N 0 A 0, HANDBOOK OF CHEMISTRY, Sixth Edition, Handbook Publish­ ers,. Ihc0, Sandusky, Ohio, (1946) <. (6 ) Munro, B e L 0, M e S 0 Thesis, Montana State College (1952)® (7) Perry, J0 H 0, CHEMICAL ENGINEERS HANDBOOK, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York, N 0 Y„, Third Edition (1950). (8 ) Sachanen, A., CONVERSION OF PETROLEUM, Reinhold"Publishing Company,* New York, N 0 Y., p. 216, Second Edition, (1948)« (9) United States Bureau of Mines Bulletin N o 0 406. n APPENDIX page Table I Thermodynamic Calculations for the Reactions 2MoS^ — 2M 0S 2 "t" Sg^g^ o * e e » e o a e o e e o Table II Thermodynamic Calculations for the Reaction; C^H^S(g) + 4H2(g) — Table III + ®» » « Thermodynamic Calculations for the Reaction; MoS2 + C^H^S(g) + 3 % ”-5s»- MoS^ + ^4%o(s) ««*<> Table H Thermodynamic Calculations for the Reaction; MoS^ +' g) ' r^Sf" M 0 S 2 H 2® (S ) ” e a o e e e o * ® Table V General Thermodynamic Data . . . . . . . . . . . . Table VI A, S, Te M 0 Distillation Data. . . . . . . , . e . Table VII Tabulated Data for Cyclocel Study Run. ........... Table VIII Tabulated Data for Pressure Study Run. . . . . . Table IX Effect of Pressure on Desulfurization 0 . . . . . . Table X Tabulated Data for Mixture Study Run . . . . . . . Table XI Analysis of 'Exit Gas From Mixture Study Run, * . . Table XII Effect of Gas Mixtures on Desulfurization. . . , . Table XIII Tabulated Data for Regeneration Study Run . . . . Figure I Diagram of Reactor Figure 2 Activity vs On Stream Tine for Cyclocel Catalyst . Figure 3 Activity vs Gas Rate for Cycloeel Catalyst . . . . Figure 4 Sulfur Removal vs Pressure for Molybdenum. SulfideCatalyst e o o 0 0 » e e o e e o e o c d o e o o o Figure 5 Sulfur Removal vs % Methane in Methane=-Hydrogen Mixtures for Molybdenum Sulfide Catalyst Figure 6 Effect of Gas Oil Treatment and A i r .Regeneration on Molybdenum Sulfide Catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . o o o o o e e e o o e e e o o . 49 e”26 es» TABLE I THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS FOR THE REACTION; 2M 0 S3 — ZMbSg + 3 ^ \ ^ 6H29s = 41.44 KOal/Mol; A S39g = 52.81 CalAvIol = A = 45,580 + 13.24TlnT + 2.13 x IQ-3 T 2 - 143.OT = C a l M l ft Pressure Atm. Temp. oc '■ 25 - 13.24T - 2 .1 3 X IO-3T2 = C a l M l Free Energy ■F Equilibrium Constant Keq Percent Conversion CalMl •I 100 250 375 500.. 1000 25 100 45»580 AHt 50 25,700 22,075 1.3 x 10-19 1.25 x. 10-13 14,962 5,6l x 107 9,575 4,352 -12,970 5 .8 8 x IO" 4 .0592 165 O O 0.95 1 2 .0 35. 9.5.5 O O 0.7 5.0 250 375 500 3 0 .0 1000 75.0 «=27‘ •TABLE II THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS FOR THE REACTION: G4 H4 S(g) + 4H 2 (g) C4 H4 Cg) + H2S(g) A H2^g = - 6 2 .40 K G a i ykol^S2Og = -70.78 Caiykol A H ij 55 -58,914 - 9.21T - 1 2 .2 4 x 10 " 3 t 2 = 13.07 X 10" 6 t 3 = Calykol A Frj - -58,914 + 3.5T + 1 2 .2 5 X 10 “3 t 2 -- 6 .5 3 X 10"6t 3 + 9.21TlnT = Calykol Temp0 OC 25 Pressure Atm I -24500 -14560 -.4 5 9 0 +37600 375 500 1000 25 100 250 -41300 • -35900 100 250 Percent Conversion Equilibrium Constant Free Energy F Caiykoi V. ... .1 0 0 2.59 x ig3° 100 1 .0 x 10 Z} 1.78 x IO1^ 8.035 % IO 4 ... 7 0 .0 0 .5 20 4.13 x 10 “ ' 100 ' ipo' 99e9 IO 375 98 .5 ' 500 , . 1000 25 50 ' 100 500 1000 100 100 . ' 99.5 97.2 19.0 . 1000 375 92.7 2.0 • 100 250 375 500 25 100 250 99.6 94.75 ' 100 . ' , , 100 100 100 99*6 97.5 27.0 . 28 > = TABLE III THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS FOR THE REACTION: MoSg + C^H^S(g) (Thiophene) + 3Hg — MoS^ + C^H-^q (g ) (n-Butane) A H 298 = - 62,840 Cal/kol; A S 398 = - 8 ?»92 A H m = - 61,730 - I 0O 57T - „0125T2 + 1.322 x 10 " 5 t 3 ■A Temp, oc 25 ft = - 61,730 + i„057TlnT + 0OI 25 T 2 - .661 x 10 " 5t 3 + 75 T Pressure Atm. I Free Energy F Cal/Mol =36,6 4 0 •100 -33,140 250 375 500 1000 = 25,000 - 21,330 25 100 10 50 250 375 500 1000 .317 x IO" 8 97.2 0.7 0 10# 100 99.9 72.Q 2.6 looo. 250 375 500 49,970 99.6 100 .!PO. 100 25 12,240 2.5 x IOl^ 1.35 x IO 7 .323 x 10-3 100 100 99.9 99.3 ■ 18.0 . .09 500 1000 , 100 5 .0 2 x I O ^ 2 .1 0 x IO-Jf Percent Conversion 100 250 375 25 Equilibrium Constant 100 100 100 . 100 99.7 71.0 2.55 aaQjyas* TABLE 17 TI-IERMODYNAMIC CALCULATIONS FOR THE REACTION: MoS^ ) -aa^t** MoS^ "f* HgSCg) A H298 = bhO Cal/Molj A ht AFm Temp, OC AS298 = 17-14 Cal/Mol = 2 5800 - 8.147T + ,00076 T2 - „01602 X 10~5 t 2 = 2,800 - 8,147TlnT Pressure Atm. - -00076T2 Free Energy F Cal/Mol 25 100 2$0 375 $00 1000 I 2$ 100 2$0 375 $00 1000 10 2$ 50 1000 250 375 $00 1000 Equilibrium Constant K eq 2$80 2450 2200 '1400 1080 290 - 71T Percent Conversion 98:i 98;o . 97.8 .96*9 96.7 94.4 98,2 98.1 97.9 96.7 94<4 2$0 375 $00 25 „801 x 10"7 t 3 97.G 100 100 =4660 -$800 -8,019 -9,341 -10,816 —14,448 - 100 ' 98.3 98.2 98.0 97.2 96.7 94.5 98.5 98.3 98.1 97.5 96i7 94.6 TABLE V GENERAL THERMODYNAMIC Compound Critical Pressure Atm Critical Temp OK DATA*** Entropy Heat of Formation' Gal/Mol 298°K Hf KCalAlol -Heat Capacity Cp , CalAlolZ0K 298°E HgCg) MoS2 M 0 S3 . 88.9 33.2 690 373.4 (n-=Butane) 36 234** 426*1 1313 .12*8 (Thiophene)48 B0sila ■=.= O 27.82 -4.77 -29.81 11.48 -$6.27 '-29.81 31.21 69.3 49.15 74.21 54.41 15.1 15.9 - 6.947 - .200x L0"3T + *04808x10' -7.017 + 100x L0“3 t - 63.25x10-' 7.20 + 3,6x10-31 -7.017 +'100x10-31 - 63.25x103:58 x 0,3 x 10^31 19.7 + 3.15 x 10-3T *28.1 + 5.43 x 10-3r ^Calculated by analogy with available heat capacities of SnS and SnS 50 An assumption'was made that""the'difference in"heat"capacities between SnS and SnSg would be the same as the difference between MoSg and MoS^e ^ Calculated by Meissner and ReddingiS method of parachors*, - -x-SHt-Data obtained from following sources; Perry (7)».Lange ($), Hodgman (3 ) U 0S 0 Bureau of Mines Bulletin N o 0 406 (9 ), . TABLE VI . A. So To Mo' DISTILLATION DATA Husky Gas Oil Percent Over Husky #3 Fuel Oil Husky #1 Fuel Oil First Drop # 10 20 30 40 50 460°F 204°F 580°F 500 518 264 294 534 315 546 629 637 66? 680 692 702 709 60 576 70 80 90 Final Temp6 % Recovery % Sulfur 586 332 347 362 377 396 600 420 621 452 495' 98.7 , 556 566 660 98 2,19 1.09 y 718 727 7a ' 750' 92;o 2.85 «*32“' TABLE VII TABULATED DATA FOR OYCLOCEL STUDY RUN (CSR) Cyclocel catalyst used at atmospheric pressure* Husky #3 oil used from samples #l-#35« Husky #1 oil used from samples #3^“#62 Air regenerations after samples #20 and #35 Maximum charge losses were 2*38% on weight basis* Samplei Total Hours No* I 2 3. 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 8 16 . Sample ' Percent Weight Sulfur Grams 997.0 1.39 834.5 1.555 817.0 1.54 765.0 , 1.62 743.5 1*646 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 811*0 71-2*0 770*0 80 88 748.0 754.5 96 104 748*0 13 14 15 112 120 16 128 . 756.0 .779.0 788.5 796.5 17 136 ■ 801*5 18 144 19 152 160 822.0 820.5 825.0 743.0 803.5 790.5 767.0 20 21 22 23 24 25 168 176 184 192 200 811*0 26 206 585.5 27 214 784.5 28 222 29 30 31 32 33 230 238 6.246 800.0 787.5 748.0 804.0 801.0 805.0 254 262 1*22 9 11.0 1*66 1.65 1 1.705 1.735 1.76 1.80 1.832 1.8? 1*878 1.897 1.955 1.724 1*905 1.945 1.19 1.286 1.374 1*408 1.421 1.394 1.580 1.600 1.628 1.643 1.680 1.712 1.73 Average Temp. 0C Space Velocity Grams Oil Per Gram Catalyst Per Hour Liters. Exit Gas Per Gram Oil Grams Sulfur Removed Per Gram Of Catalyst Per Eight Hours 0.108 0.083 0.0635 0.0628 0.525 0.0492 0.0523 396 1*31 0.797 400 1.20 0.813 398 1*10 403 1.075 400 400 402 1*005 0.947 0.895 0.947 400 401 400 400 400 •401 400 400 400 400 400 400 " 400 . ■ 0.997 1 .0 4 0 1*07 1.00 0.937 1.010 0.985 0.992 0.984 0.994 1.115 0.980 . 1.150 1.007 1.035 0.994 1*017 401 400 1 .0 1 0 400 400 0.980 1.937 0.975 1.002 400 400 400 400 . 400 400 ■ 400 400 0.970 0.978 0.925 1*023 1.024 1.05 1.049 1.051 0.951 1.025 403 -1 ,2 6 1*020 1.007 0.955 1.028 1*028 1 .0 3 0 1 .0 1 0 1.052 0.990 0.0467 0.0461 0.0429 0,0412 0.Q380 0.0358 0.0342 0*0282 0.0270 0.023 0*0420 0.0275 0.0237 ■ 0.078 ' 0.0766 0.967 0.0681 0.972 1.040 0.0635 0,0668 0.945 ■ 1.065 0.0665 0.0518 1,090.0510 1.06 0.0478 0.99 1.095 1*08 1.115 0*0445 0.975 0.0450 1.075 0.0426 0.974 0.0409 • ” 33“ - ■TABLE VII (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR CYCLOCEL STUDY RUN (CSR) Sample No» Liters Grams Sulfur Total Sample Percent Average Space Velocity Exit Gas Removed Hours Weight Sulfur Temp Grams Oil Per Gram Per Gram Grams °C Per Gram Catalyst Per Hour 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 . 47 48 49 50 51 52 ■ 53 54. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 270 278 286 294 302 310 318 326 334 342 350 358 366 374 382 390 398 406 414 422 430 438 446 454 462 470 478 486 494 815.0 822.0 749.5 759.0 776.5 773.0 of Catalyst Per Eight Hours 1.772 1.80 0.348 0.327 0.346 400 401 40l 401 1 .0 4 2 0.975 1.053 .954 •1.141 1.07 400 0.415 402 401 •400 .988 .985 .964 .995 .955 1.01. 399 1.015 0.375 779.5 0.357 748.0 0.350 790.5 0.367 797.0 0.350 787.5 0.381 767.0 0.377 798.0 0.374 783.5 0.363 780.5■ 0.379 764.5 0.387 830.5 821.0 .403 850.5 .410 811.5 837.0 833.0 .409 .405 950.5 .582 810.5 .550 769.5 .558 581.5 .510 652.5 .532 . 754.5 756.0 Oil 399 400 400 400 400 406 400 401 400 400 400 399 400 401 396 385 400 400 401 401 1 .0 6 .965 .990 .963 1 ,0 1 .88 .995 .651 .611 .672 .665 1.005 0.990 1,017 *564 1 ,0 0 0 .662 0.995 0.975 1.06 1.046 1.083 1.035 1.065 '1.060 1.210 1.030 0.980 0.742 0.831 0.963 .690 .620 .317 .279 .276 .393 .355 .363 t j No ■ H 2Used . I 0.0380 0.0360 0.0551 0.0574 .0.0573 0.0517 0.0537 0.0567 0.0548 O .0566 0.0585 0.0554 0.0553 0.0567 0.0566 0.0551 0.0533 earn 0.0560 0.0549 *”c= 0.0562 0.645 0.0406 • 0.0411 0,0305' 0.0374 0.0418 =3 A” TABLE VIII TABULATED DATA ,FOR PRESSURE STUDY RUKf (PSR) Molybdenum sulfide catalyst and Husky #3 fuel oil used* Maximum charge losses were 5«48^ on weight basis Sample Total Sample Percent Average Space Noe Hours Weight Sulfur Tempe Velocity Grams 0G Grams Oil Per Gram Catalyst Per Hour I 2 3 4 5 6 I S 9 10 11 12 • 13 14 15 ' 16 17 IS 19 20 ' 21 22 23 24 25 26 2? 2S 29 30 31 32 33 4 12 20 2S ' .457 410 271.5 460.0 *366 410 459 „0 »401 410 410 411 410 • 410 .443.5 .405 ' 36 . 528.5 .460 502.5 .420 44 546.0 .489 52 60 552.0 .465 68 549.5 .458 76 560.0 .479 84 549.5 .622 459.0 .588 92 100 389.5 .579 108 358.0 .541 116 359.0 .554 364.0 .562 124 132 361.0 .571 140 373.5 .597 148 373.5 .624 156 376.5 .621 381.0 »626 164 361.0 .589 172 ISO . 434.5 .865 188 425.5 .872 403.0 .867 196 350.0 .850 204 344.0 .850 212 220 , 355.5 .871 228 398.0 .874 236. .393.0 ,909 367.0 .918 244 252 376.0 .912 260 371.0 .940 410 411 410 412 411 410 411 411 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 411 410 410 412 411 411 412 410 410 410 410 .641 .611 .610 .590 .703 .670 .726 .733 .730 .746 .732 Liters Exit Gas Per Gram Oil 1.295 ■ 1.74 2.01 1.60 1.44 1.64 1.305 1.254 1.36 1.285 1.32 . .611 1.51 .518 .476 .477 .485 .480 .496 1.92 2.085 2.05 1.82 1.97 2.06 2.16 1.98 1.90 .496 - .500 .506 .480 .577 .565 .536 .465 .457 .473 .528 ,524 .488 .500 .494 2.10 1.78 1.74 1.88 2.11 2.08 2.10 1.70 1.83 1.96 1.99 2.16 Grams Reactor Sulfur Pressure Removed P .S.I.G. Per Gram Catalyst Per Eight Hours .0880 .0879 .0861 .0830 .0962 .0934 .0975 .0999 »0998 .1007 .0909 .0775 »0660 . .0621 .0619 .0626 .0616 ' .0627 .0617 .0622 .0629 «:0608 .0610 .0599 .0568 .0499 .0489 .0499 .0457 .0540 .0498 .0513 .0496 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 .200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 " 35 " TABLE VIII (continued) TABULATED DATA FOE PRESSURE STUDY RUN (PSR) . . Sample Total Sample Percent Average Space No* Hours Weight Sulfur Temp* Velocity Grams Oil Grams 0G Per Gram Catalyst Per Hour 3& 268 2?6 284 292 300 39 40 41 308 316 324 34 35 36. 37 42. 332 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 340 348 356 364 372 380 388 352.0 401.5 0.890 1 .525 '409.5 1.390 303.0 1.60 340.0 1.663 342.0 355.0 345.5 347.5 358.5 474.0 379.0 489.0 435.5 1 .7 2 7 1.743 1.741 1.745 1.797 0.855 0.634' 0.615 0.592 414.0 0.491 453.0 0.475 410 411 411 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 411 410 0.462 2 .1 1 0.473 2.12 1.64 2.02 1.60 1.59 0 .6 2 4 0.500 0 .6 4 4 410 0.574 . 0.545 0.578 409 Liters Exit Gas Per Gram Oil 2.07 0.469 0.534 1.93 0.544 . 1,96 0.405 2.53 2.29 0.453 0.455 2.37 2.19 0.473 2.38 0.460 410 410 I 1.76 1.61 Grams ■Reactor Sulfur Pressure Removed PoS.I.G. Per Gram Catalyst Per Eight Hours 0.0489 0.0302 0.0363 0.0203 0.0208 0.0187 0.0189 0.0185 0.0186 0.0166 0.0663 0.0632 0.0821 .0.0742 0.0746 0.0803 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 500 500 500. 500 TABLE K EFFECT OF PRESSURE OH DESULFURIZATION Data obtained from pressure study run* Total Hours Percent Sulfur Space Velocity Grams Oil Per Gram Catalyst Per Hour Liters Exit Gas Per Eight Hour Period' Liters Exit Gas Per Gram of Oil Grams Reactor Sulfur Pressure Removed . PcS 0I 0G 0 ' Per Gram Catalyst Per Eight ■ Hour Period 100 .450 0 *8 $ 1000 1*2 *110 76 96 .460 .590 . 0.70 0.50 I *4 1*9 64 72 „880 1*70 1050 1050 1050 .1050 2.0 .096 .062 .050 2*2 *018 . 0*50 ' 0.47 *-Data at $00 psig was obtained from M u nro5s (6) life study run* $00* 300 200 100 0 “ 37 “ -TABLE X TABULATED DATA FOR MIXTURE STUDY RUN (MSR) . Molybdenum sulfide catalyst UsecjL Reactor pressured used, 500 psig used from samples #l-#34<> 300 psig used from samples #35“$3&, 500 psig used from samples #39”#7i»' 200 psig used from samples #72“#76, Maximum losses were 7«43% on- weight basis. Sample Total Sample Percent Average Space Velocity Hours Weight Sulfur Temp, No, °C. Grams Oil' Grams Per Gram Catalyst Per Hour I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ' 9 10 11 12 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 14 15 80 88 ' 96 104 112 120 16 128 17 18 19 137 144 152 160 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 168 176 184 192 200 208 397.5 423.5 461.5 536.0 558.5 0.221 540.0 0.340 0.312 . 0.260 0.269 0.2&8 0.236 0.308 536.0 532.0 531.0 482.0 495.5 522.0. 502.0 516.0 0.259 0.283 0.424 0.561 411 411 411 410 411 407 410 410 411 410 410 410 0,338 408 0.322 410 0 ,290 410 411 410 410 411 410 410 410 410 531.5 523.0 0.233 517.5 0.259 531.0 0.291 471.5 0.290 491.5 0.372 536.5. 0.330 533.0 0.340 519.5 0.325 516.5 0.348 500.0 0.341 511.5 0.360 27 216 519^0 28 29 224 232 516.0 0.314 503.5 0.389 0.333 409 411 410 . 410 410 410 ' Liters' Exit Gas Per Gram of Oil 0.524 ■ 0.558 0.606 0.705 0,735 1.96 1.70 1.60 0.711 1.34 I.23 1.49 0.707 0 .7 0 0 ■ 0.682 0.652 0.653 .0.680 0.660 0.678 0.700 0.68? 0.681 0,713 0,634 0.661■ 6.722 . 0.716 0,698 0.694 . 0.672 0.688 0.697 0.693 0,676 1 ,4 6 1.31 1.33 1.61 1.54 1.13 1.32 1.44 I .2 4 1.47 1.40 1.30 1.53 1.39 1.21 1.34 1.33 1.26 Grams ■Gas Used Sulfur . Removed i CH4 Per Gram of Catalyst per eight Hours .0829 iQ866 .0931 .1008 .0975 .1059 ao?! .1088 .1082 .0984 .1026 .1041 .0986 ,1024 .1073 .1082 .1059 . ,.1095 *0973 .0975 .1086 .1074 .1053 .1035 1.43 ,1004 1.53 1.371.43 I.278 .1021 .1050 .1055 »099 0 0 0 • 0 '0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 .5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 TABLE X (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR MIXTURE STUDY RUM (MSR) Sample Total Sample Percent Average Space Velocity Hours Weight Sulfur Temp. Mo. 0G Grams Oil Grams Per Gram Catalyst Per Hour 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 240 248 2$6 264 272 280 288 296 304 312 320 328 336 344 351 359 367 375 383 391 399 51 52 53 54 55 407 415 56 447 57 455 58 59 60 61 62 423 431 439 463 471 ■ 479 487 495 63 .64 $93 .65 .66 .'519 511 4 93.5 0.385 0.282 0.406 0.379 0.403 0.434 Liters Exit Gas Per Gram of Oil Grams Gas Used Sulfur Removed * Per Gram of Catalyst Per Eight Hours 410 0,663 1.295 »097 410 0.650 0.673 1.47 .1004 483.5 409 500.5 410 529.0 410 483.5 568.0 411 556.0 0.540 409 485.5 0.643 412 509.0 0.615 410 479.0 0.388 410 410 491.0 0.392 0.342 411 453.0 452.0 0.321 411 497.5 0.344 4 H 387.0 0.302 411 504.0 0.379 410 499.0 0.341 43-1 475.5 0.411 410 474.0 0.432 410 492.5 0.440 410 474.5 0.413 410 508.5 0.488 410' '494.5 0.491 409 486.5 0.441' 412 483.0 0.438 410 498.0 0.405 411 476.0 0.436 410 512.0 0.494 411 507.0 0.504 411 507.5 0.697 412 486.5 0.593 410 506.0 0.603 410 457.0 0.606 411 457.5 0.588 410 ; '460.0 0.577 Z1IO /-438.5 0.585 411 410 4 4 0 4 .5 0.488 0 .7 1 0 > 0,650 0.770 0.740 0.647 . 0.676 0.638 0.653 0.590 0.589 0.647 0.588 O.672 O .664 0.632 0.631 0.655 0.632 0.675 0.657 0*646 • 0.643 O.663 0.632 0.681 0.673 0.674 0.647 O.672 0.606 0.608 . 0.611 0.582 0.537 .0976 .1048 .0945 1 .21 ' 1.335 1.56 1.04 . .1104 1.15 1.48 1.13 1.58 1.75 • 1 .6 4 1.91 1.93 1.75 1.39 1.36 1,42 1.75 1.44 1.60 1.26 ' 1.32 1.52 1.46 ■ 1.50 1.58 1.35 1.53 1.53 1.60 1.26 1.65 . 1.84 • 1 .4 6 1.73 1.78 ' .0995 .0819 *0870 .0931 .0950 .0879 .0887 ^0963 .0895 .0983 .0992 .0910 .0900 .0932 .0909 .0937 .0907 .0917 .0912 .0958 .0901 .0939 .0924 .0827 .0844 .0873 .0783 .0796. .0805 .0762 .0744 ■ 15 15 15 15 15 5 5 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25' 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 ' TABLE X (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR MIXTURE STUDY RUN '(MSR) Sample Total Sample Percent Average Space Velocity -Hours Weight Sulfur Temp, No. Grams Oil 0C. Grams Per Gram Catalyst . Per Hour 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 535 543 551 559 56? 575 583 591 599 607 401.5 *483 377.0 .520 377.5 *545 378.5 ,779 387.0 .841 354.0 .813 341.0 .780 302.5 .866 281.5 .877 294.0 .874 410 410 410 410 410 410 409 411 410 ■410 .533 .500 .502 .503 .515 • .471 • • .453 .403 .375 .392 Liters Exit Gas Per Gram of Oil Grams Sulfur. Removed P e r ■Gram of Oil 1.82 1.94 1.88 1.87 1.88 1.99 2.08 .0741 .0684 .0676 .0588 *0578 2.40 2.44 2.15 ■ .0443 .0411 .0544 .0527 .0428 Gas Used J6 OH, 40 40 40 .40 25 25 25 40 40 40 =Zj,Qm TABLE XI ANALYSIS OF EXIT GAS FROM MIXTURE STUDY RUN Analysis of Exit Gases % Build-up %Hydroz&Hydroof HydroCarbons carbons carbons in Other Than Total CK4 Exit Gas Sample Pressure In Put Gas No. P.S.I.G. %■ Hydro- ' carbons 5% 15# 25% 40^ Stock Stock Stock Stock 500 500 500 500 300 I 2 3 4 5 (Approx.) (Approx) (Approx) (Approx) 6.5 6.5 1 6 .2 1 6 .2 . 6,5 6 3PP 1 6 ,2 7 $00 500 500 500 200 2$.6 2$.6 8 9 10 11 12 ' 200 13 14 15 500 500 500 16' $00 43 »4 43.4 25.6. 43.4 0 0 0 0 6.5 1 6 .2 93+5 83.8 2$.6 74,4 4 2 .2 56 .6 93.9 5.75 93.4 16.3 83.0 1 7 ,0 82.2 6.9 93.1 1 6 ,2 .83.8 2$.I 74.2 27,5 71.9 44.0 55.2 43 ®4 55.3 28.3 71.2 43.8 55.4 2.$? 96.89 2.2 9 6 ,6 2.48 97.0 3.1 96.5 5,45 43.4 6.1 6,6 17.0 17.8 . 6.9 16.2 25i8 28,1 44.8 44.7 28.8 44,6 3,11 3.4 1.2 0.6$ 0.8$ 0.70 0.80 • - 0.7 =O0A-A0.1 0.8 1.6 0.4 0 0.2 0.6 2.$ ■0.8 . 1.3 0.5 1.4 1.3 3.2 0 ,8 1.4 0.54 3.11** 3.4 ** 3.0 ** 3.5 ** 1 .2 0 3.0 0.52 3.5 0,4 # There is an obvious error in this analysis. -“-a- This data was obtained from MunrotS (6) life study run. “ 41 ” TABLE XII EFFECT. OF GAS MIXTURES ON DESULFURIZATION Data obtained from mixture study run* Total Gas Mixture Hours ^CH4 0 5 15 5 15 25 40 25 40 96 88 88 16 16 88 104 24 24 Percent Sulfur =31 .32 .36 «48 ,63 .45 ■ ' .53 «82 .875 Space Velocity • Gm Oil Per Gm Catalyst Per Hour .601 *686 .678 .760 .650 .650 .53 .47 .39 Liters Exit Gas Per 8 Hr. 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 Liters G m Sulfur Reactor Pressure Gas Per Removed Per Gm Cat Gm Oil Per 8 Hr. 1.47 ' 1.36 1.38 1.10 1.30 1.40 - 1.85 ' . 2.0 2.35. .099 .104 .101 *100 .084 .0 9 2 .070 .0 5 0 .043 500 500 500 300 300 500 500 200 200 “42TABLE XIII TABULATED.DATA FOR REGENERATION STUDY RUN (RSR) .Molybdenum sulfide catalyst used. Reactor was at $00 pslg. Air regeneration after sample 0$O« Maximum charge losses for gas oil. were 6.23% on weight basis. Maximum charge losses for $3 fuel oil were 5®68% on weight basis. Sample Total Sample Percent No. Hours Weight Sulfur Grams I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 8 16 24 ' 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 • 168 176 178 183 191 199 207 215 223 385.5 1.32 508.5 1.70 521.5 1.75 525^5 1.825 525,0 1.865 559.0 1,805 604.5 1.78$ 618.5 1.921 593.0 1.90 565,0 1.89 .. 561.0 1.878 553,0 -1*840 557.5 1.810. 553,0 1.850 542.5 1.855 549.5 1.638 552.0 1.758 548.0 1.888 572.5 1.910 535.0 1.799 458.0 0.831 372.0 0.547 CU 136.5 0 .4 10 213.5 486.5 0,545 522.5 G. 56O 485.5 0.522 414.0 0.454 424.5 0.395. Average Space ' Liters Temp. Velocity Exit Gas 0G. Grams Oil Per Gram Per Gram of Oil Catalyst Per Hour 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 409 410 409 411 410 412 410 410 411 410 410 410 410 410 409 ™ 410 411 410 410 408 410 . 0.524 0.692 0.709 0.714 0.713 0.759 .0.819 ■ 0.839 0.803 0.769 0.765 0.735 0*741 0.735 0.721 0.730 0.733 0.728 0.760 0.712 0*605 0.494 0.725 0.454 0,647 0.695 0.646 0.550 0.564 Grams Sulfur Removed Per Gram Catalyst Per 8 Hr. .0687 1.89 .0713 1.43 .0703 1,39 1.40 .0671 .0648 1.45 .0719 1.29 .0790 1,25 1.18 .0723 .0714 1,91 ,0686 1.39 .0691 1.19 .0692 1.59 1.56 .0643 .0652 1.40 .0 6 0 1 1.36 1.38 .0764 .0700 1.42 .0623 1.32 1.28 .0639 lk32 .0657 1.41 . .0685 .066$ 1.91 0.903 »0656 1.90 1 .5 0 .0871 .0928 1 .4 1 .0878 1,38 1.87 .0775 .0819 1.79 ' Oil Charged ■Gas. Oil M Ii tl H ii H H I! U Il it it n ft n ' n n n ti #3 Fuel Oil IJ ti Ii t! U Il M "43” .TABLE XIIX (continued) TABULATED DATA FOR REGENERATION STUDY RUN (RSR) Sample Total Sample Percent Average Space Velocity Temp, Hours Weight Sulfur No. OQ Grams Oil Grams in Per Gram Effluent Catalyst Oil Per Hour 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ■ 57 58 59 239 420.0 0.380 *■ 496.5 247 566.0 255' 335 343 539.0 533.5 1.730 *=* 553.5 c=r‘ 469.5 mat 559.0 517.0 1.90 • «513.0 «a> 510.0 508,5 1.740 507.5 1*251 472.0 0*872 379.5 0.749 351 342,5 231 263 271 279 287 295 303 311 319 327 359 367 375 383 391 399 407 415 423 431 439 447 455 463 60 471 61 479 I,,665 0*6l6 0*616 306,5 0,618 ■ 313.5 0.618 306.0 301.5 0.650 307.0 0.556 271,0 0,0356. 293.0 0,0209 411,5 0*0343 523.0 0.0513 537.0 0*050• 624.5 0,130 771,5 0.158 794.5 0,133 784.5 0, 763.5 0.192 821.5 0.145 410 410 410 409 411 410 411 411 410 410 413 411 -X- 411 412 410 411 410 411 410 410 411 410 409 411 410 411 410 410 410 410 410 1.67 1.55 1.30 0,595 0.660 0.755 0.717 0.709' 0*736 0,625 0*743 0.68? 0,682 0,678 0.676 0.675 0.628 0 .506 0.456 0,408 0.418 0.406 0,400 0.408 0,360 0*386 0.546 0.696 0.715 0.832 I.O25 1.056 1*040 1.015 . 1.09 Liters Exit Gas Per Gram of Oil Oil Charged Grams Sulfur Removed Per Gram Catalyst Per 8 Hr* ,0884 #3 Fuel Oil Gas Oil •” it H u. 1*41 1,44 ■ 1.33 1.36 1,35 1.42 1.37. 1.25 1.62 1.09 1.54 1.95 1.99 2.45 2.13 2.48 2.53 2.32 2*69 2.52 1.76 1.35 1*31 1*21 it it » 11 . n 1* ?! , f| Mt It B ** .0556 Fuel Oil 11 *0544 n .0525 .0538 ,0524 .0505 .0544 n 11 11 ii it *0621 M .0676 .0943 IJ .1193 II .1224 H . «1374 Il 1.03 - .1678 .885 *1744 .982 ** ,1634 .915 1.000 .1791 Il ■ 11 Il Ii • U ‘ HYDtiOGEN thermow ell A BLOW-OUT LINE 3 THERMOCOUPLES OIL RESERVOIR AIR FOR REGENERATION HIGH PRESSURE PUMP PRESSURE ^GAUGE CONDENSER EXHAUST-* RECEIVING FLASK WET TEST METER HIGH PRESSURE CONTINUOUS REACTOR Figure I Diagram of Reactor X 10*2 GM SULFUR REMOVED PER GM CATALYST GM SULFUR REMOVED PER GM CATALYST PER 8 HR VS ON STREAM TIME IN HR CYGLOCEL CATALYST USED BEFORE REGENERATION (NO. 3 OIL USED) AFTER FIRST REGENERATION (NO. 3 OIL USED) AFTER SECOND REGENERATION (NO. I OIL USED) ON STREAM TIME IN HOURS Figure 2 Activity vs On Stream Time for Cyclocel Catalyst GM SULFUR REMOVED PER GM CATALYST X 10“ 65 - o - 5.5 - o o — -- O 9— GRAMS SULFUR REMOVED PER GRAM OF CATALYST PER 8 HR X I 0 " 2 VS LITERS EXIT GAS PER GRAM OF NO. I FUEL OIL. CYCLOCEL CATALYST USED. 4 .5 § 3.5 - I 2.5 — O 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 LITERS EXIT GAS PER GRAM OF OIL Figure 3 Activity vs Gas Rate for Cyclocel Catalyst 1.25 f GM SULFUR REMOVED PER GM CATALYST X IO ' CU IO - 8 - l- PRESSURE VS GM SULFUR REMOVED PER GM OF CATALYST PER 8 HOURS X IO'2 . LINES INDICATE RANGE OF VALUES FOR SPECIFIED PRESSURE 4 - 2 - I O I IOO I 200 I 300 I 400 500 PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH GAGE Figure 4 Sulfur Removal vs Pressure for Molybdenum Sulfide Catalyst 12 CU i O GM SULFUR REMOVED PER GM CATALYST X IO - 0% 5% 15% 25% 8 — 6 - GM SULFUR REMOVED PER GM CATALYST PER 8 HOUR VS PER CENT METHANE IN MIXTURE. REACTOR PRESSURE WAS 5 0 0 PSIG. LINES INDICATE RANGE OF VALUES FOR SPECIFIED MIXTURE. 40% 4 - 2 I - O IO 20 30 40 50 60 PER CENT METHANE IN MIXTURE Figure 5 Sulfur Removal vs % Methane in Methane-Hydrogen Mixtures for Molybdenum Sulfide Catalyst 16 - GM SULFUR REMOVED PER GM CATALYST PER 8 HR PERIOD VS HOURS ON STREAM TIME. NO. 3 OIL ON STREAM TIME PLOTTED. GAS OIL ON STREAM TIME NOT PLOTTED. 14 - 12 - (A) BEFORE THIS POINT CATALYST WAS GIVEN GAS OIL TREATMENT. (A-B)NO. 3 OIL TREATMENT. (B ) GAS OIL TREATMENT. (B-C) NO. 3 OIL TREATMENT. (C) AIR REGENERATION. (C-D)NO. 3 OIL TREATMENT. IO - (A) Q— O O O 8 — 6 O \ \ - 5 120 160 200 240 HOURS ON STREAM TIME Figure 6 Effect of Gas Oil Treatment and Air Regeneration on Molybdenum Sulfide Catalyst -6T- GM SULFUR REMOVED PER GM CATALYST X 10" 18 - MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 762 1001 3909 4 S578 (1824c 105551 I AUTHOR Greenf Kexmeth_J---- ------— — — TiTLECatalytic hydrodesulfurization DATE DUE — — — — -------- w .. a w « o HOVI 2 ^ m o /o _ XU'- I*- A/37S HQ¥ S S8 I S i ! 0 7 t 2 ^ y ^ v ^ - i _ _go2 ^ • & *£. ,fX ‘' Q 6 Z 4 < ^ cop- 2~ ih yi-t7 )|-i y - # 103331