Instruc3ons for accessing CITI
Training for
Human Subjects
• The first step is to establish an account with
CITI Training. This is a user-‐defined system, much like seFng up an account with
Facebook, and doesn’t require CITI to issue any thing to you.
• hJps://
New Users
Register Here
Select EMU
Create a
Create a
Create a security ques3on
Enter your name and email address
Select “No”
Choose whether or not to par3cipate in a survey about
CITI’s training program
Complete at least the three required items
The next step is to enroll in a learners’ group.
Please see the following slides for informa3on on the various learner groups for:
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), which includes a general overview module on human subjects research and care and use of animals; and
Human Subjects Research training, which is required by the University Human Subjects
Review CommiJee for faculty and students working with human subjects
See following slides for further informa3on on the group selec3ons
• If you need to do Responsible Conduct for
Research training for a class assignment or to meet funding source requirements, select op3on for item 1. You may also select an op3on for item
2, if the research involves human subjects.
• If you are working with Human Subjects , skip item 1 (RCR) and select your researcher category
(what is your role?) in sec3on 2 . For item 1, choose “ Not at this 3me .”
• For Item 2: determine your role and make a selec3on. Mark Item 1, “Not at this 3me” unless the above men3oned RCR situa3ons apply to you.
• Most Research Methods courses will only need to require Item 2: Inves3gator, Student and Faculty Mentor training. (Note: item 1 training offers many more case studies and op3onal modules.)
Select No, you are not affilia3ng with a VA Medical
First, complete the “Integrity
Then, select
“incomplete” to enter the individual lessons for this module
• The first item you will need to complete is the
“Integrity Assurance Statement.”
• Once that is complete, you will be able to select the individual lessons within the module by selec3ng the red “Incomplete” link to the right.
• Complete the module including all quizzes.
Quizzes in the CITI training program scored.
• Complete The Integrity Assurance Statement before beginning the course.
• Belmont Report and CITI Course Introduc3on
• Students in Research – SBR
• History and Ethical Principles – SBR
• Defining Research with Human Subjects – SBR
• The Regula3ons and The Social and Behavioral Sciences -‐ SBR Basic
• Ins3tu3onal Review Board (IRB) Regula3ons and Review Process
• Assessing Risk in Social and Behavioral Sciences -‐ SBR Informed Consent
• Privacy and Confiden3ality -‐ SBR
• Research With Protected Popula3ons -‐ Vulnerable Subjects: An Overview
• Research with Children – SBR
• Research in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools -‐ SBR
• Conflicts of Interest in Research Involving Human Subjects
• EMU Page
• Records-‐Based Research
• Interna3onal Research – SBR
• Vulnerable Subjects -‐ Research Involving Pregnant Women and
Fetuses in Utero
• Internet Research – SBR
• Group Harms: Research With Culturally or Medically Vulnerable
• Gene3c Research in Human Popula3ons
• Research with Prisoners – SBR
• HIPAA and Human Subjects Research
• FDA-‐Regulated Research
• Human Subjects Research at the VA
• Workers as Research Subjects-‐A Vulnerable Popula3on
• Each CITI program learner can print out their learners’ menu at any3me and provide as verifica3on of comple3on.
• While a minimum score on quizzes has not been determined by the University for most modules, your faculty member may require a certain score. Quiz scores are also indicated on the learners’ menu.
• If a CITI program learner leaves EMU, or is working with another ins3tu3on, he or she can affiliate with the new ins3tu3on and his/her training record transfers.
• Ques3ons related to Human Subjects Training, or Human Subjects Training requirements should be directed to the University Human
Subjects Review CommiJee:
• Ques3ons related to RCR training should be directed to the Office of Research