Degree Completion and Retention Plan (DCR) - updated 11/20/13 Provost’s Office is currently developing a comprehensive plan to enhance support for students’ retention and degree completion at EMU. The plan will focus on five areas of practice, process and policy that both scholarly and practitioner research have shown to have significant impact on degree completion and/or retention. These five areas are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Student Preparedness Enrollment Policies Financial Aid Policies and Incentives Advising and Student Support Curriculum Structure and Delivery In addition the plan will feature special initiatives aimed at two demographic segments of our student population: Men of Color, and Single Parents. Research has shown that targeted programmatic efforts addressing the unique circumstances/attributes of the two segments can realize extraordinary results, and many on campus are already active in championing efforts to support these two groups of students. Desired outcomes: • Increase student retention rates as well as graduation rates (measured at 4, 5 and 6 year intervals). • EMU becoming nationally recognized as a thought-leader regarding successful support strategies for increasing retention and graduation among the two identified demographic groups. Progress to date (updated 11/20/13): • Established metrics for regular reporting • Gap Analysis • Development of initial working drafts strategies in each of the seven areas of the plan. Drafts were to focus on key strategies to enhance and improve existing implementation efforts, with limited new proposals or additions. • Focus groups and electronic survey for feedback from campus in each plan area were completed. • Updated draft plan- 2nd draft posted online. • Four Open Discussion Forums were held week of October 27, 2013. The forums were directed at receiving campus feedback on a second draft version of the DCR Plan (posted online). • Received final report from Bridgeport Consulting on the Focus Groups, Survey and Discussion Forum on 11/7/13. Currently reviewing in detail. • Requested input from Faculty Senate 10/2/13 and attended three subsequent meetings to answer questions, discuss progress to date, share information. Attended SG meeting as well and received their feedback. • Visiting Student Leader Group 11/22/13. Request for Input: The Provost’s Office is requesting input from Faculty Senate about the Degree Completion and Retention (DCR plan). In particular, what aspects of the working draft strategies should remain included in a final plan? Which strategies need further development or elaboration? What additions should be made to the initial group of strategies included in the plans? We would also request to receive input regarding current efforts that are not reflected adequately in the drafts that should be recognized. Deadline by when input is required: November 20, 2013. Specific Requests/Items we have received to date from Senate: 1. Data Request: What are the differences in GPA and retention for students registered for 12 hours vs. 15 hours? Please consider carefully how the advising message is conveyed and be mindful of EMU’s mix of students. It is not a one size fits all proposition and we should not advise as if it is. (see attachment 1) 2. Please consider the mix of tenured/tenure track faculty/FT and PT lecturers as it relates to degree completion and retention. (data analysis, consideration, negotiated item) 3. Add data points/observations from EMU and research studies explicitly into the text of the plan and make data driven decisions about final plan elements, evaluation of progress and improvements to efforts going forward. 4. Include more faculty involvement in planning, evaluation, implementation processes as these efforts go forward. 5. Clarify and broaden discussion of efforts already underway in departments/schools and colleges. Keep them decentralized but connected. 6. Add more attention to non-traditional/transfer students. FTIACs are in external formulas but our population requires we think more broadly.