Filter ripening sequence reduction by physical and chemical variation of backwashing by Kelly Orville Cranston A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Kelly Orville Cranston (1987) Abstract: The period of initial effluent quality degradation from water filtration systems is known to reduce the overall water quality produced by a filter plant. A limited amount of work has been conducted in the past to describe this phenomenon and to develop methods to reduce it. The research undertaken for this thesis was intended to further describe the mechanisms of the initial effluent degradation period and to investigate alternative methods of reducing it. The research project utilized a dual media, in-line pilot filtration plant with varied primary coagulants and raw water sources. The effects of various coagulants injected into the backwash water and the variation of several physical aspects of backwashing on the initial effluent degradation periods were investigated. From the data gathered in this research a more comprehensive theory concerning the mechanisms and timing of events occuring in the initial period of degradation has been developed. The following generalizations concerning the results can be made: 1. The backwash coagulant yielding the best results was generally the same as the primary coagulant system. 2. The optimum time of injection of this coagulant into the backwash water corresponded to the time required to completely displace the backwash water into the filter unit. 3. The backwashing volume required to minimize the initial degradation period is that required to displace the retained particles of filtration out of the filter unit. 4. Variation of the remnant volume above the media does not affect the magnitude of the initial period of degradation, only the timing at which events occur. In systems utilizing backwash coagulants, increasing this volume can enhance the effects of the backwash coagulants. 5. Incremental opening of a filter unit can substantially reduce the magnitude of the initial period of degradation when compared to an instantaneously opened filter. FILTER RIPEETING SEQUENCE REDUCTION BY PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL VARIATIONS OF BACKWASHING by Kelly Orville Cranston A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana January, 1987 ■ main u b . ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Kelly Orville Cranston This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, Engl i s h usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Date Chairperson, Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. from this thesis are allowable without Brief quotations special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgement of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of this thesis may be granted by my major professor, his absence, by the Director of Libraries when, or in in the opinion of e i t h e r , the proposed use of the material is for scholar Iy purposes. Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date TABLE OF CONTENTS Page APPROVAL........ ii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE........................ TABLE OF CONTENTS...... .................... . . :...... . LIST OF TABLES......................... LIST OF FIGURES........................ ........ ........ ABSTRACT.................................... iii iv vii viii xi CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION...... I 2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES............................. 4 3. FILTER RIPENING: A LITERATURE REVIEW.......... 6 Backwash........... Filter Ripening Theory....................... Filter Media Preconditioning During Backwash 6 8 13 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH................... Experimental Methods......................... Experiments Conducted . . ...................... A. Polymer as Primary Coagulant...... 1. Polymer in Backwash Wat e r ...... 2. Alum in Backwash Water..... . 3. Variation of Backwash Volume... 4. Variation of Injection Time.... 5. Polymer Overdosing Effects.... 6. Variation of Remnant Volume.... 7. Operation o f .Pre-ripened Filter B . Alum as Primary Coagulant.......... 1. Polymer in Backwash Water..... 2. 'Alum in Backwash Water......... 3. Alum/polymer in Backwash Water. 16 16 24 26 26 27 27 27 27 " 28 28 30 30 30 30 V 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. C. D. E. 5. Variation of Injection Time.... Variation of Backwash Volume... Variation, of Remnant Volume.... Backwash Effluent Turbidity.... Zeta Potential of Influent.... Operation of Pre-ripened Filter Injection Above Media......... Zeta Potential of Backwash Effluent..................... Alum/polymer as Primary Coagulant.. 1. Polymer in Backwash Water. ..... 2. Alum in Backwash Water....... 3. Alum/polymer in Backwash Water. Tracer Studies...................... 1 . Variation of Remnant Volume.... 2. Continuous Dye Injection at Station C ....................... 3. Backwash Tracer of Pilot Plant. 4. Tracers on Filters at Bozeman Plant........................... Pilot Studies at Bozeman Plant..... 1. Polymer in Backwash Water..... 2. Alum in Backwash Water..... . . . 3. Alum/polymer in Backwash Water. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.................... ..... Development of a Revised Filter Ripening Theory........................................ The Remnant Stage.............. '........ Influent Mixing and Particle Stabilization Stage................ . . . . Filter Media Conditioning Stage....... Results And Evaluation of the Use of Backwash Coagulants.... ..................... The Polymer Experiments' A-I and A - 2 . .. . The Alum Experiments B- I , B- 2 , and B-3. The Alum/polymer Experiments C - I , C-2, and C - 3 ..... '___ '.............. ......... The Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Study Experiments E-I , E-2 , and E - 3 ..... . . . . Backwash Coagulant Summary..... .'...... Optimizing Backwash Coagulant Injection Time Variation of Remnant Volume Above Med i a.... Variation of the Backwash Water Volume..... 6. PRACTICAL APPLICATION SUMMARY................ Optimum Backwash Coagulants. ................. Optimum Injection Time of Backwash Coagulants.................................... 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 40 54 60 64 65 74 84 88 98 99 103 105 HO HO 112 vi O p t i m u m B a c k w a s h V o l u m e ...... Optimization of Remnant Volume.............. Incremental Filter Opening........... 7. CONCLUSIONS........ 112 113 113 115 REFERENCES CITED....................................... 119 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY................................... 122 V i - vii /' I LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Pilot Plant Filter Media Size Distribution... 16 2. Bentonite Particle Size Distribution........... 18 I N sT viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure ' 1. Characteristics ofInitial Effluent Quality..... 9 2. Laboratory Pilot Filtration PlantSchematic........ 17 3. Particle Size Distribution for Min-u-sil 3 0 ..... 19 4. Actual Pilot Plant Effluent Turbidity Strip Chart 22 5. Pilot Plant Schematic at Bozeman Water Treatment Plant............................... ............... 25 Pilot Plant Filter Unit Measurements and Detention times.................................... 29 Proposed Characteristics of Initial Effluent Degradation................... ;................... 38 Varia t i o n of -Remnant V o l u m e Above Filter ' Media. Experiments A- 6, B- 6 and D - 1 .......... 42 Filter Ripening Sequence at Bozeman Water Treatment Plant with Tracer Study................ 45 Filter Ripening Sequence at Helena Water Treatment Plant with Instantaneous and Incremental Filter Opening......................... 49 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Page 11;■ Variation of Backwashing Volume. Experiments A-3 , B-5 , and B-7 ................................ 12. 13. 14. 15. 51 Zeta Potential of Backwash Effluent Particles. Experiment B - I l ................................. 53 Zeta Potential of Influent Particles Compared to Effluent Turbidity. Experiment B - 8 .......... 56 Coagulant Injection Above and Below Filter Media. Experiment B - I O ....... '......................... 59 Operation of Pre-ripened Filter with Polymer as Primary Coagulant. Experiment A -8............ 61 ix 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Operation of Pre-ripened Filter with Alum as Primary Coagulant. Experiment B - 9 .. .............. Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum Dose in ' Polymer Primary System. Experiment A-2 ..........■ 62 66 Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Polymer Primary System During Winter Season. Experiment A-Ia.............................. -.... 68 Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Polymer Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment A - I b .................................... 69 Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Polymer Primary System During Autumn Season. Experiment A-I c.... ........... 70 Backwash Coagulant Optimization Summary with Polymer Primary Coagulant System................... 71 Polymer Overdosing of Backwash Water During Winter Season. Experiment A - 5 .................... 73 Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Alum Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment B- 1 ......... 75 Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum Dose in Alum Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment B - 2 ..................................... 77 Variation of Remnant Volume Above Filter Media with Alum Primary Coagulant. Experiment B-.6..... 80 Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum/polymer 20:1 Dose in Alum Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment B - 3 ........................... 81 Backwash Coagulant Optimization Summary for Alum Primary Coagulant System........ ................. 83 Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Alum/polymer 20:1 Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment C - I ........................... 86 Backwash Coagulant Optimization Summary for . Alum/polymer 20:1 Primary Coagulant System........ 87 x30. Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum Dose in Alum/polymer 20:1 Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment C - 2 .....................",..... 89 31. ' Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum/polymer Dose in Alum/polymer 20:1 Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment C- 3............ ........ 90 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Determination of Optimum Eackwash Polymer Dose in Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Influent System During Autumn Season. Experiment E - I .... ....... 92 Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum Dose in Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Influent System During Autumn Season. Experiment E-2... ......... 93 Backwash Coagulant Optimization Summary With Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Influent System.... 94 Determination of.Optimum Backwash Alum/polymer 20:1 Dose in Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Influent System During Autumn. Experiment E-3... 95 Optimization of Backwash Coagulant Injection Time with Polymer as Primary and Backwash Coagulant Systems. Experiment A-4 ......................... 100 Optimization of Backwash Coagulant Injection Time with Alum as Primary and Backwash Coagulant Systems. Experiment B - 4 ......................... 101 Summary of Optimization of Backwash Coagulant Injection T i m e ..................................... 102 Variation of the Volume of Backwash Water with Polymer as Primary Coagulant. Experiment A-3.. 107 Variation of the Volume of Backwash Water with Alum as Primary Coagulant. Experiment B - 5 ...... 108 xi ABSTRACT The period of initial effluent quality degradation from water f i l t r a t i o n systems is known to reduce the o v e r a l l water quality produced by a filter plant. A limited amount of work has been conducted in the past to describe this p h e n o m e n o n and to d e v e l o p m e t h o d s to r e d u c e it. The research undertaken for this thesis was intended to further describe the mechanisms of the initial effluent degradation period and to i n v e s t i g a t e a l t e r n a t i v e methods of reducing it . The research project util i z e d a dual media, in-line pilot filtration plant with varied primary coagulants and raw water sources. The effects of various coagulants injected into the backwash water and the variation of s e v e r a l physical aspects of backwashing on the initial effluent degradation periods were investigated. From the data gathered in this research a more comprehensive theory concerning the mechanisms and timing of events occuring in the initial period of degradation has been developed. The following generalizations concerning the results can be made: 1. The backwash coagulant yielding the best, results was generally the same as the primary coagulant system. 2. The o p t i m u m ti m e of i n j e c t i o n of th i s c o a g u l a n t into the backwash water corresponded to the time required to completely displace the backwash water into the filter unit. 3. The tackwashing volume required to minimize the initial degradation period is that required to displace the retained particles of filtration out of the filter unit. 4. Vari a t i o n of the remnant volu m e above the media does not a f f e c t the m a g n i t u d e of the i n i t i a l p e r i o d of degradation, only the timing at which events occur. In systems u t i l i z i n g backwash coagulants, increasing this volume can enhance the effects of the backwash coagulants. 5. Incremental opening of a filter unit can substantially reduce the magnitude of the initial period of degradation when compared to an instantaneously opened filter. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Operators of municipal water f iltration plants have long recognized turbidity units. a brief immediately period following of increased backwashing of effluent the filter Research has indicated that the period of initial effluent degradation is a function of the remnant water remaining in the filter at the end of backwash [3] and/or a function of the influent [7]. The subsequent period of effluent quality improvement, or "filter ripening" has been related to the accumulation of influent particles within the pores of the media resulting in increased capture of further particles that an [10, 12], Additional research has also suggested increased transport of potentially pathogenic microorganisms through the filter unit [9] may be associated with the initial initial period subsequent period of of effluent effluent impro v e m e n t is to degradation. quality be The degradation termed in the and current research as the "filter ripening sequence". Several methods have been suggested and researched to reduce or remove the period of poor quality effluent from filter effluent. The most important methods considered have 2 been the addition backwash water of p o l y e l e c t r o l y t e s and quality effluent. "filtering to (polymers) waste" of the to the poorest The addition of polymers to the backwash water has been suggested as a means of "preconditioning" the filter by adsorption of the polymer to the filter media [5, 8, 15]. The adsorbed significant Iy reduce polymers have been shown to the effluent turbidity in the initial stages of filtr a t i o n [5, 8, 15]. The use of a "filter to waste" period at the beginning of a filter run can also be effective in restricting the initial period of poor quality effluent. However, due to the significant length of the filter ripening sequence, sometimes two hours or more [4], the "filter consumption reduce to period of raw water. or remove developed waste" may Therefore research the filter ripening in a manner minimizing induce an excess conducted to sequence should be the consumption of raw water. A literature review revealed that the use of backwash coagulants other than polymers, physical or the variation of several parameters of backwashing, to reduce the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence, has not been extensively this thesis researched. was present knowledge. The current conducted to fill experimental some of the work for gaps in 3 As a result of the experimental work conducted in the current research project, and from a review of previous theories, a more encompassing hypothesis has been developed on the mechanisms of the filter ripening sequence. also been developed concerning the variation Data has of physical and chemical parameters of backwashing to determine their importance in affecting this phenomenon. som e methods have bee n determined for From this data, the optimized reduction of the initial period of effluent degradation. 4 CHAPTER 2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The o v e r a l l further affect describe the the filter media, in-line this objec t i v e physical ripening filtration phenomena will of this research project is to and chemical sequence unit. phenomena which of a deep-bed, dual A better understanding of allow development of methods to reduce the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. The" individual research objectives are as follows: 1. Develop physical a more and encompassing chemical hypothesis phenomena which to describe define the the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. 2. Determine the most effe c t i v e backwash coagulant to reduce the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence used; for each of the three primary c oagulant systems polymer, aluminum. sulfate, and aluminum s u l f a t e / p o l y m e r combination. The optimum dosages of each coagulant for will be determined Bozeman, Montana tap water. The each system using.the seasonal variations of the optimum dosages of backwash polymer will be described. 3. Determine the optimum time for the injection of coagulant into the backwash water with respect to completion 5 of the backwashing phase. 4. Determine the effect on the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence of changing the volume above the filter during 5. media into which the remnant water is displaced backwash. Determine the effect on the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence of changing the total volume of backwash water 6. used to backwash the filter at a given rate. Link the results of the laboratory pilot plant study to the Bozeman, Mon t a n a Water Treatment Plant in terms of the reduction ripening of the sequence. magnitude and duration The pilot plant will of the filter be transported to the BWTP so it may util i z e the same raw influent derived direct Iy from the plant's flocculation units. 6 CHAPTER 3 FILTER RIPENING: A LITERATURE REVIEW Backwash During the operation of a deep-bed filter unit, a point is reached in which either the water head above.the filter media has built Up to an excessive l e v e l , or an increase in the effluent turbidity occurs. At this time, the filter is taken off line and backwashed. The backwash is conducted by r e v e r s i n g the flow of water through the filter in order to remove the particulate material and chemical coagulant floes held within the filter media. been shown by Amirtharajah This backwash process has [1] to be most efficient for removal of attached particles from the media when the media bed is f luidized from 30 to 50%. when the drag sufficient to force of suspend position of expansion. the the water media The f l u idization occurs against grains in the media is a particular The drag forces which fluidize the bed have been e m p i r i c a l l y expla i n e d by Fair et al [6] as a function of the. v e l o c i t y of the fluid through the bed and the expanded porosity of the bed. Le L I- f (I)- I Where:. Ve = wash rate as superficial velocity Vs = bed grain settling velocity q = 0.2 to 0.3, depending on the shape of the media grains and the flow regime. f = porosity of the packed bed Le = expanded bed depth Studies L = packed bed depth by Amirtharajah [1] have shown that during backwash, particle collisions are insignificant in terms of removing attached particles from the media grains. The major mechanism of cleaning has been determined to be the hydrodynamic shear that occurs around the particle while it is in the backwash f lowstream. This maximum shear occurs within a size graded media at bed expansions of 30 to 50%. In general, backwashing alone is fairly effective in removing part i c l e s and floes from within the pores of the filter media. the use of Studies by Regan [13], however, indicate that air scour provides better removal grains. Air scour in a d d i t i o n to a w a t e r backwash of particles attached to the media is g e n e r a l l y not used in the United States, though a surface wash is frequently used to break up mud b a l l s and caked mud which occur on top of the filter media during filtration. 8 Filter Ripening Theory Work conducted by Amirtharajah and.Wetstein [3] showed that the initial effluent quality from a filter used over several filtration runs could be divided into three periods; the lag period, the rising limb culminating in two turbidity p e a k s , and a long receding limb (Figure I). Amirtharajah and Wetstein [3] proposed that the lag period was due to the clear backwash water in the under drains up to the bottom of the media, during the rising collisions of limb was the due to p articles settling media at derived the end of backwash, and the receding limb was due to the dispersion of the media derived particles fro m the filter and the accumulation of particles in the media pores. Recent work by Francois and Van Haute altered filter Amirtharajah ripening and Wetstein’s [3] sequence. They [7] has somewhat description concluded of the that the peak turbidity is more related to the influent water (they say 95%) than to the remnant water as Amirtharajah and Wetstein had proposed. that Francois and Van Haute go further to explain the ripening period of the filter coincides with a change in pore structure of the filter bed. initial turbidity breakthrough to the They relate the breakdown of the i n i t i a l l y placed weak hydroxide floes within the pores of the media due to the rapid increase of v e l o c i t y gradients EFFLUENT QUALITY (TURBIDITY) CLEAN BACKWASH WATER FUNCTION OF BACKWASH REMNANTS FUNCTION OF INFLUENT RECEDING LIMB RISING LIMBs WITHIN MEDIA I I ABOVE MEDIA BELOW M EDIA Figure I. Characteristics of Initial Effluent Quality. 10 as p articles begin to accumulate. floes are scoured amounts. back Francois overdosing the filter run will and primary into Van The loos e l y deposited suspension Haute coagulant also at in considerable discovered the that beginning of a decrease the ripening peak and shorten the time for it to occur. They attribute this to an increased blocking rate of the pores and dead zones. The primary peak of degradation is thus assumed to be due to a lack of filter efficiency because of an inadequate pore structure and passage of the initial weak floes through the filter media. The rate of pore blocking is suggested to be strongly influenced by the chemical treatment of the raw water. Studies by Payatakes et al [12] and O'Melia and Ali [11] have shown that the improving phase of filter ripening is due to the a c c u m u l a t i o n of particles within the media flow channels. Payatakes [12] used visual data to show that the main mechanism causing alteration of the geometry of the flow channels within the filter media was This throat clog g i n g resulted in an throat increase clogging. of local capture efficiency explaining the improving phase of filter ripening. The study by O'Melia and Ali [11] using a polymer coagulant system, mathematically related the improving phase of f i l t r a t i o n to the a c c u m u l a t i o n of particles and the formation of dendrites and particle chains within pores. The c o n s t a n t l y a c c u m u l a t i n g particles within the 11 media are thought to continually improve the effluent quality by the improved capture of influent particles by the dendrites. From this extension improving of work the phase O ’M e l i a particle and Ali capture of filter ripening. [11] deve l o p e d theory to model an the The equation not only includes the c o l l e c t o r efficiency of the original filter grain, but it also displays the collector efficiency of the filter grain and its associated particles collected during filtration. (2 ) Where: np = Collection efficiency of a retained particle. nr = Single collector efficiency of a particle and its retained particles. Ap = Collector efficiency factor of retained particle. Diameter of suspended particle. dp N = Number of particles that act as collectors A = Collision efficiency factor. dc = Diameter of collector n = Single collector efficiency 12 A further equation was developed based on a mass balance about a differential volume element of the filter in which the removal retained varies particles with time. act This as c o l l e c t o r s equation so that is modified by simplifying assumptions and numerically integrated as a step function. coefficients E x perimental and for data was calibration used to estimate the of the .model. .. Though the resulting equation is somewhat emperical, it does correspond well with data collected on experiments during their study. - - ^ x n x A x (1 -f) x I + np x Ap x B x vo x dp^ (3 ) 4; Where: ni = x Xno x A te Particle - ( 4 x ( 1 - f) x nr ^ concentration -I xOic)) I in the depth L at time i . Single collector removal (nr i-1) efficiency for for the (i-1) time step. Particle retention fraction on media. B te = Depth in media. L no = Initial particle concentration. Bed porosity. f vo Time = Fluid velocity. 13 A rational Payatakes approach to interpreting-the and 0'M e l i a would be to assume studies that by in actual plant operation, the methods of accumulation they described, dendrites versus pore clogging, will act synergisticalIy in varying degrees of importance to provide increased effluent quality during the improving stages of the filter ripening sequence. that a It wou l d be difficult to r e a l i s t i c a l l y assume system utili z i n g alu m and a system utilizing a polymer as primary coagulants would act exactly the same in respect to formation of dendrites or pore clogging due to the varying nature of the chemicals. Filter Media Preconditioning During Backwash Beginning with the study by Harris [8] in 1970, researchers have primarily polymers, looked into the use of several coagulants, added into the backwash water in order to reduce the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. These studies have assumed that portion of the beneficial effects of adding at least a a polymer into the backwash water would be the adsorption of the polymer onto the grains of the filter media. The adsorbed polymer would subsequently improve the capability of the filter to remove the particles initially passing through the filter, 14 quickly clogging the pores, thus reducing the transport of particles through the filter. Studies by Yapijakis [15], plants for the 100 mgd Croton N.Y. City water addition of a small Newark conducted using the pilot N.J. treatment and for plants, the 300 mgd showed that the amount of polymer (0.15 mg/1) to the backwash water s u b s t a n t i a l l y reduced the duration of the filter ripening sequence. The studies by H a r r i s [8] indicated that similar results could be obtained using a polymer dose of 0.10 mg/1. Further study by Yapijakis [11] indicated that when polymer had been added to the backwash water, the settling characteristics of the backwashed floes displaced to the settling basins was much improved. The study by Francois and Van Haute [7] was conducted on a pilot plant flocculating domestic waste water with alum in c onjuction with a non-ionic polymer. During the last 15 minutes of the backwashing cycle, the polymer was added to the backwash water. These studies showed similar results to the previous r e s e a r c h e r s ; both a decrease in the initial degradation peak and a decrease filter ripening period. in the duration of the They attribute this effect to the abil i t y of poly m e r s to form larger floes than hydroxides, thus filling the pores of the filter media earlier reducing the time required for ripening. 15 A study by Chen [5] concerning the preconditioning of a filter during backwash, again indicated an improvement in the effluent quality in cases where polymer was added to the backwash water. Another focus of the study was to determine if filter preconditioning during backwash would also reduce the concentration filter. of microorganisms passing through the Klebsiella was added into the influent water and a determination of the quantities passing through the filter during normal filtr a t i o n and during preconditioning were made. This study did not show a very good c orrelation in removal turbidity efficiency between in the runs where the filter microorganisms and the bed preconditioning was used. Logsdon's study [9] concerning the same microorganisms, including Giardia1 did show an increase of microbes passing through the filter in the initial stages, filter ripening sequence progressed. decreasing as the It is possible that when preconditioning is used to improve the initial effluent from the filter in terms of turbidity, that a similar improvement will occur with the removal of microbes. 16 CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH Experimental Methods The experiments for this study were conducted using the in-line, dual media filtration pilot plant in the Montana State University Environmental Engineering Laboratory. pilot plant filter (Figure plexiglass unit with a 2) consists of The a 6" by media of anthracite coal and sand. Pilot Plant Filter Media Size Distribution [14]. Table I. SIZE CHARACTERISTIC (effective size) SAND COAL 0.46 0.86 DlO (mm) D60 (mm) 0.62 1.25 . D90 (mm) 0.70 1.52 1.35 1.46 Uniformity coefficient The gpm/sq. 6" plant was contin u o u s l y ft. using a raw water operated at a rate of 4 "mixed within the pilot plant unit, composed of tap water with bentonite for the polymer studies and tap water with a silica clay (Min-u-sil 30) as the turbidity source for the alum studies. The primary reason for different turbidity sources was that the polymer 17 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. INFLUENT WATER (TAP) A RT IFICIAL WAT ER PREPARATION T URBIDITY FEED PRIMARY C OA GULANT FEED RAPID MIX UNIT DUAL M EDIA FILTER UNIT BACKWASH W ATER (TAP) B ACKWASH C OA GULANT FEED KOMAX STATIC MIXER HACH SCATTER 4 TURBID IM E TE R HEWLE T T- P AC KA R D STRIP CHART RECORDER AIR SCOUR INJECTION Figure 2. Laboratory Pilot Filtration Plant Schematic. 13 could not e f f e c t i v e l y remove the M i n - u - s i l and the alu m could not e f f e c t i v e l y remove the bentonite with the given water. The particle size distribution for the Min- u - s i l 30 was determined by Trusler [17] using a standard hydrometer (ASTM D 422) for the weight distribution, image analyzer 3). for the particle and an Omnimet count distribution (Figure The bentonite particle distribution was supplied by Wyo-Ben Inc. and follows: Table 2. Bentonite Particle Size Distribution Screen size # 200 (0.074 mm) 80 % # 325 (0.045 mm) 50 to 60 % The blended unit to % passing a rapid mix raw water was pumped from the mixing unit r e s p e c t i v e coagulants; where it was blen d e d with 3.5 mg/1 Cat Floc TL polymer, mg/1 alum, or 16:0.8 mg/1 a l u m / polymer combination. respective primary coagulant dosages were optimized the 19 The by varying the dosages, administered to the pil o t plant under c o n t r o l l e d conditions. From the rapid mix unit the water passed into the filter unit. The filtered water then passed through the underdrains and the full flow vol u m e passed through a Hach Scatter 4 turbidimeter where turbidity was 19 PERCENTAGE FINER o % BY WEIGHT • % BY NUMBER PARTICLE Figure 3. SIZE (/m ) Particle Size Distribution for Min-u-sil 30. (Trusler 14) 20 c o n t i n u o u s l y monitored and recorded on a Hewlett - P a c k a r d strip chart. The flowrate was routinely checked by timed displacement. Although the maximum recommended flow through the Hach turbidimeter is about I liter/min., trial runs indicated that under actual flow conditions of up to 4 liters/min. the turbidity m easurements could be made with a good degree of accuracy. Following a cycle of filtration, which generally was 50 minutes, the filter was backwashed. The backwashes were conducted as follows: 1. The filter media was air-scoured for I minute in order to remove a buildup of coagulant bal l s on top of the media. 2. The b a c k w a s h water was circulated through the turbidimeter bypassing the filter until the backwash water turbidity stabilized. 3. The filter media was then backwashed for a period of 5 minutes at a p p r o x i m a t Iy 21 gpm/sq. ft. (30% expansion [I]). 4. At the end of backwash, again c irculated the backwash influent water was through the turbidimeter and the turbidity monitored until it stabilized. 5. At the same monitored, time the pilot the backwash water was being plant was operated bypassing the 21 filter in order to stabilize the turbidity coagulant dosages in the filter unit influent. and This generally took about 3 minutes. 6. Upon stabilization influent, of the backwash and the the valves were switched to bring the filter unit on-line to the turbidimeter. sequence water was monitored with The filter ripening the Hewlett-Packard strip chart. 7. During experiments where coagulants were injected into the backwash water, the coagulant was introduced into the backwash water means of a S i g m a finger at the base of the media by pump. Thi s water passed through a Komax static mixing unit before it reached the filter. During the experiments, infl u e n t control. temperature, flowrates, pH, and turbidity were routi n e l y monitored All measurements of c oagulant for quality dosages were determined by timed displacement into a graduated cylinder. Influent turbidities were determined from grab samples using a Hach 2100A. nephelometer. F o l l o w i n g monitoring of the filter ripening sequence with the strip c h a r t , (see Figure 4 for actual chart data for experiment B - 2) the v a l u e s from the strip chart were plotted on standard graph paper, time versus turbidity. The o > O 2 Ua2" - t= —i -O en > I— 3> • Oi-IZ IO —I EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) IQ 70 ^ C= —- Z I-* Ja I— * J » Z « IN)□ -Pa O 3 IQ m CO ^ —• "O m o IN) J » —I O 3 O J a i-i IN) <C CH m —• CO Ja O PN -Pa J a O Ja IN) 3 CPi LO ^ -I Z 3> CO z Ja I- C= 3= cn 3= o CO 3 a O IN) CO LQ Figure 4. Actual Pilot Plant Effluent Turbidity Strip Chart. IN) IN) 23 area under the curves being proportional to the total mass of part ic les passing through the filter during the given time period. The plotted curves were then planimetered to a predetermined time where the turbidity had stabilized to the final value. approximately Each curve was planimetered in two separate cycles of three passes around the area. these two cycles varied by more than 2%, the area If was planimetered again. For ea c h series of run s utilizing a particular coagulant, sufficient pilot plant runs were conducted and recorded until similar filter ripening curves were obtained. At this point varying dosages of coagulants were injected into the backwash water as p r e v i o u s l y d e s c r i b e d , with low dosages tested first followed by higher dosages to prevent the "memory effect" noted by earlier researchers [15]. The . p l o t t e d curves fr o m the s e pl an im ete red as p r e v i o u s l y described. ru n s we r e th en The value s of area obtained from these curves were compared to the control run area and were plotted on graph paper as a percent of the control area plotted points optimum dosage versus backwash del ineate a of co agu lan t coagulant curve, which to be added water under the given conditions. dosage. These determines the to the backwash The curve also gives an indication of the improvement in effluent quality which can 24 be obtained backwash by adding given dosages of coagulant to the water. A pilot plant study was conducted at the Bozeman Water Treatment Plant (BWTP) using the same filter unit as in the pilot plant studies (see Figure 5). At the BWTP the pilot plant was operated using the water from the f l o e culators leading to the plant filtration siphoned from the flocculaters into units. This the pilot water was filter unit. The turbidity was monitored using the same Hach Scatter 4 t u rbidimeter and strip chart as used in the pilot studies. The unit was backwashed with water from the B W T P , the same water used at the plant for backwashing. These procedures were conducted in exactly the same manner as tests conducted in the laboratory pilot plant for comparison of results. Experiments Conducted The following is a list of the experiments conducted to determine the effects of varying operating parameters and backwash c oagulants filter ripening on the magnitude and duration of the sequence, the and filter to delineate boundaries of ripening alphanumeric labeling of these experiments index the related figures in the text. the physical sequence. The is also used to 25 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Figure BOZEMAN WATER TRE AT M EN T PLANT FLOCCULATOR DUAL M EDIA PILOT PLANT FILTER UNIT BACKWASH C OA GULANT FEED KOMAX STATIC MIXER HACH SCATTER 4 TUR BI D IM E TE R HEWLIT T- P AC KA R D STRIP CHART RECORDER SURFACE SCRUB WATER INJECTION 5. Pilot Plant Schematic at Bozeman Water Treatment Plant. 26 A. Polymer as primary coagulant Th i s set of , experiments was conducted using.the laboratory pilot plant with Cat Floc TL, a medium molecular weight cationic p o l ye lec tro ly te, at a dose of 3.5 mg/1 as the primary coagulant for direct filtration. I. Pol ym er in Backwash Water This set of experiments was conducted by injecting varying dosages of polymer (Cat Floc TL) into the backwash water for the full 5 minute backwash duration. The dosages used started at the s m all es t value increased in dosage with subsequent experiments. and The dosages of polymer injected into the backwash water were determined by measuring the time required to pump a particlular volume from a graduated cylinder. Due to the variati on of the water quality during the y e a r , the tests were conducted over three seasons as follows: a. Winter/spring. were b. Twenty-nine pilot plant runs conducted. Summer. Nineteen pilot plant runs were conducted. c. Early fall. conducted. Twelve pilot plant runs were 27 2. Alu m in Backwash Water This set of experiments was conducted in the summer season with the same methods as described above. Eighteen pilot plant runs were conducted. 3. Var ia ti on Th i s control set of experiments conditions backwash water. was of Backwash Volu me was conducted with no coagul ant s added under to the The volume used to backwash the filter varied by using increasingly shorter time periods to backwash the filter at the standard 21 gpm/sq. rate. 4. ft. Six pilot plant runs were conducted. Var ia ti on of Injection Time This set of experiments was conducted during the winter season by injecting the optimum dose of polymer determined in Experiment A-Ia into the backwash water at varying times backwash phase. 5 minutes, with respect to the end of The polymer was injected for the full then the last 4,3,2,1 and 0.5 minutes backwashing. Nine pilot plant runs were conducted. 5. Ov erd osi ng Pol ym er the of Effects During the winter it was noticed that with very small doses of polymer added to the tap water, a fog of overdosing form ed, which turbidity of the water. quickly, increased the A series of experiments were conducted involving displacement of known quantities of 28 polymer mixed with the backwash water into the turbidimeter and subsequent monitoring of the turbidity of this water in the turbidimeter, under static conditions over a given time period. 6. V a ri ati on of Remnant V o l u m e Th i s series setting the heights above of backwash the shown on Figure 6. experiments discharge filter was conducted valve media. at These by different heights are Varying this height above the media has the effect of varying the remnant volume left above the media f o l l o w i n g backwash. Six pilot plant runs were conducted. 7. Operation of Pre-ripened Filter This operating series of the filter experiments plant was conducted as p r e v i o u s l y described until the filter had ripened to a stable effluent. this point drained the out water standing above the this top portion without visible media. was The filter unit was then filled with backwash water containing no all media At of the filter unit by means of a v a l v e dir ect ly above the media. backwashed by of the filter disturbing pa rti cle s were the above coagulant and the media was ripened media until removed from above the At this time the filter was brought back on 29 FILTER DATA I .D. = 6"x6" Area = 0.25 feet sq. Flowrate = 4 qpm/ft. sq. Velocity = 0.535 f t/min. 14.38 min COAL T Figure 6. HACH TURBIDIMETER Pilot Plant Filter Unit Measurements and Detention times. 30 • line and the results monitored. were B. Two pilot plant runs conducted. Alum as Primary Coagulant 1. Pol ym er in Backwash Water This series of experiments was conducted in the sam e m a n n e r as the polymer primary experiments previously described. were conducted. 2. Alu m coagulant Six pilot plant runs in Backwash water This series of experiments was conducted in the sam e m a n n e r as the polymer primary experiments previously described. Ten pilot plant runs were conducted. 3. A l u m / po lymer in Backwash Water This experiment coagulant determined the optimum a l u m / p o l y m e r (20:1) dose using Cat Floc TL, injected into the backwash water to reduce the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. Nine pilot plant runs were conducted. 4. Var ia ti on of Injection The optimum dose Time of al u m determined in B - 2 was used in the backwash water of these experiments. pilot plant runs were conducted. 5. Variation of Backwash Volume Four pilot plant runs were conducted. Five 31 6. Variation of Remnant Vol um e Pilot plant runs with and without the optimum dose of alum coagulant in the backwash water were conducted. Twenty pilot plant runs were conducted. 7. Backwash Effluent Turbidity During the ba ckwash of the filter unit samples were taken at 30 second time intervals from the overflow gutter of the pilot plant. monitored for turbidity These samples were using the Ha c h 2 10 0 A nephelometer. 8. Zeta Potential of Influent - These experiments manner as described in A - 7. A series for were conducted the polymer of tests were without the optimum dose in the same primary coagulant conducted with of alum coagulant in B-2 injected into the backwash water. and determined Four pilot plant runs were conducted. 9. Operation of Pre-ripened Filter This series manner as A-8. 10. of tests was conducted in the same Two pilot plant runs were conducted. Injection Above Media This series of experiments was conducted in the same manner backwash as previously injection described experiments except for that the other instead of injecting the backwash coa gul ant bel ow the media, it 32 was injected into the filter unit abo ve the media. This experiment was designed to minimize the contact time of the backwash coagula nt with the filter media. Two pilot plant runs were conducted. 11. Zeta Potential Effluent of Backwash Effluent samples were obtained from the backwash water effluent at 30 second intervals. were monitored .previously for turbidity described. Two These samples and Zeta Potential pilot plant runs as were . conducted. C. Alum/polymer (Cat Floc TL) 20:1 as Primary Coagulant 1. Pol ym er This in Backwash Water experiment determined the optimum polymer dose injected into the backwash water to reduce the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence under summer conditions. Six pilot plant runs were conducted. 2. Alu m in Backwash Water This injected experiment determined int o backwash the the optimum alum dose water to r e duc e the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence under summer co n dt i o n s . conducted. Eight pilot plant runs were 33 3. Alum/polymer in Backwash Water This experiment determined the optimum alum/polymer (Cat Floc TL) 20:1 dose, injected in to the backwash water the filter to reduce the magnitude arid duration of ripening sequence under summer conditions. Seven pilot plant runs were conducted. Tracer Studies 1. Vari a t i o n of Remnant Vol u m e At each depth interval above the media used in the prev i o u s experiments where the remnant water volume above the media was varied, 'a dye trace was conducted. A slug of Rhodamine WT was . injected into the inlet of the filter unit. The effluent dye concentrations were sampled in the Hach scatter 4 turbidimeter after the fluid had passed through the filter unit. in al l The flowrate of the dye trace studies was maintained gpm/ft.sq.' The dye samples were kept in a water bath approximately filtered at 4 the same to stabilize temperature as the water the concentration values being to be determined with the flouromenter. Dye concentrations were determined using a Turner Flourometer and recorded in ppb. 2. Four pilot plant runs were conducted. Continuous Dye Iniection at Station "C" A dye trace was conducted while the filter unit was 34 operating with the influent at the 4.17' station above the media. During these tests, Ehodamine Wt dye was c o n t i nu ou sly injected into the rapid mix unit of the filter plan t. conducted Effluent on samples dye we r e taken from the Hach turbidimeter at regular time intervals. conducted measuring concentrations One pilot plant run was the dye concentration as it was injected into the filter unit, and after stabilization of the eff lue nt dye concentration, the dye injection was stopped and a test was conducted to determine the displacement time of the dye from the filter. All dye tracer studies were conducted at the same 4 gpm/ft sq. flow rat e as used in the filtra tio n experiments. Two pilot plant runs were conducted. 3. Backwash Tracer of Pilot Plant A pilot plant backwash dye trace was conducted with the influent valve at the 4.17' station above the filter media. One experiment was conducted injecting dye continuously into the backwash water with the same pump used to inject the backwash coagulants, the dyed backwash water then passed through the Komax static mixer and on through the filter unit. The dye concentrations were measured from the effluent hose at reg ula r intervals. . The other part of the experiment involved stopping the injection of dye into the 35 backwash water after the effluent dye concentration had stabilized, then measuring the effluent dye concentration as the dye was displaced from the filter unit. 4. One pilot plant run was conducted. Tracers on Filters at Bozeman Plant Two tracer studies were conducted at the Bozeman Water Treatment Plant in conjunction with work being conducted by Buc kl in [4] grant. These tracer studies were conducted by continuously injecting a solution of flour ide (sodium flou ros ili cate) into water of one of the filters at the plant. from the filter was monitored the influent The effluent for flouride conce ntr ati on by use of col orime try conducted with a Bausch and conducted Lomb to determine of a filter unit. injected effluent the spectrometer. into the Another backwash study was displacement time The flouride tracer was continuously one of the filter units concentration had stabilized. filter was conce ntr ati on backwashed and until the At this point, the flouride from the backwash gutter effluent was monitored until the end of backwashing. Turbidity was also monitored. E. Pilot Studies at Bozeman Plant This series of experiments were conducted using the 36 laboratory pilot plant which had been transferred to the Bozeman Water Treatment Plant. The influent for the pilot plant was derived from the BWTP flocculators which contained an average polymer Floc T . I. coagulant concentration of 3.5 mg/1 Cat The influent turbidity averaged about 3 NT U. Polymer in Backwash Water This experiment determined the optimum dose of polymer injected into the backwash water to reduce the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. Six pilot plant runs were conducted. , 2. Alu m in Backwash Water This experiment determined the optimum dose of alu m injected into the backwash water to reduce the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. Five pilot plant runs were conducted. 3. Alu m/polymer in Backwash Water This experiment alum/polymer reduce the ripening conducted. determined 20:1 injected magnitude sequence. and Five the optimum dose of into the backwash water duration pilot of plant the to filter runs we r e 37 CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Development of a Revised Filter Ripening Theory Analy si s of the results of these experiments has allowed improvement of the theories previously developed by Amirtharajah and Wetstein [3] and has also incorporated the ideas of O'Melia and Ali [7]. [11] and Francois and Van Haute The modified theory of filter ripening will now be explained and documented with experimental data where required. Filter ripening can be predominantly divided into three major stages: 1. The remnant 2. The influent stage. water mixing and particle stabilization stage. 3.. The filter media conditioning stage. Figure 7. depicts the proposed initial eff lue nt degradation. characteristics The figure is composed of ideas developed from the current research, B u ck li n of the [4], from Ami rtharajah and Wetstein research of [3] and from REMNANT STAGE INFLUENT MIXING AND PARTICLE STABILIZATION STAGE FILTER M EDIA CONDITIONING STAGE x EFFLUENT TURBIDITY ACCUMULATION OF PARTICLES IN FILTER MEDIA PORES u> CO BELOW MEDIA WITHIN MEDIA Figure 7. ABOVE MEDIA INFLUENT MIXING WITH ABOVE MEDIA REMNANTS INFLUENT Proposed Characteristics of Initial Effluent Degradation. 39 Francois and Van Haute [7]. The current research did not show al l of the features of the filter ripening sequence that have been noted by the oth e r researchers. The variation of results is probably due to the varying nature of in div id ual operation. fi ltr ati on A brief plants description and of ripening sequence is as follows: their the methods proposed of filter, The "remnant stage" has been shown by dye trace studies in the current research to be a function of the water remaining in the filter unit at the end of backwash. Amirt ha ra jah From the research of Buck lin [4] and and Wetstein [3], the further divided into the "lag phase", phase", remnant stage can be the "media disturbance and the "upper filter phase". The lag phase is a function of the turbidity of the backwash water which is generally is fair ly low. The period of low turbidity f o l l o w e d by a peak of turbidity, or the media disturbance phase, to which has been proposed be a function of the particles derived from the collisions of the settling media at the end of backwash, and from the shearing of particles from the media grains at the beginning of the filter run. The subsequent filter phase, period of decreasing turbidity, is a function of the volume and or upper turbidity of the remnant water remaining above the media at the end of backwash. The true effects from this period may be masked by excessive turbidity derived during the media disturbance 40 phase. The "influent mixing and particle stabi lizat ion stage", which constitutes the largest and longest peak of turbidity, is apparently due to the partial stabilization of the influent floes as they disperse into the coagulant-free backwash remnant water. not The partialIy stabilized floes will attach to the media grains as well as correct Iy treated floes, unit. thus they w i l l be transported through the filter The final period, or the "filter media conditioning stage", occurs after the partialIy stabilized particles have been displ ac ed from the filter unit, and pro pe rl y treated particles begin to accumulate within the filter media pores. The final eff lu en t quality of' the filter is therefore reached as the filter media is conditioned with the influent particles. Each portion of the filter ripening sequence will be discussed individual Iy in more detail. The Remnant Stage From the pre vious discussion, the remnant stage is r associated with the fluid remaining in the entire filter unit at the end of backwash. This fluid inc ludes that in the under d r a i n s , the filter media, and that in the remnant v o lu me above the filter media up to the backwash gutters. In Amirt ha ra jah being filter called and Wetstein's the remnant stage theory [3], consisted what of ripening sequence up to the imp ro vi ng is now the entire phase. The comparison can be made by analysis of Figure I and Figure 7. 41 The fluid in the underdrains was associated with the "lag phase", the fluid "rising limb" and remnant vo lu m e in the media was the above first the peak media associated with the and the with the of turbidity, was associated second peak of turbidity due to the exponential Iy increasing particle concentration in the fluid directly above the media up to the overflow gutter. Ex ha us t i v e conducted studies (over 190 pilot plant runs) were in this coagulants. research project utilizing three primary The results of these studies, esp ec i a l l y the polymer and alum studies, varied significantly in terms of the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. The polyme r studies A-I the beginning experiments of was and A - 2 , show an initial peak at filtration, which shown due to be through to the small scale dislodging of particles from the pilot plant piping during the opening of the fluid control valves. comparison to dye tracer The second peak is associated, studies (Figure 8), with by the remnant fluid v o l u m e remaining within and abo ve the media f o l l o w i n g backwash. The effluen t water qua lit y begins to impr ov e the instant the inf lu en t water enters the filter media. The alum and a l u m / p o l y m e r experiments, hand, show a relatively long period of on the other low turbidity, associated directly with the water in the filter unit up to OF MAX IM U M (PPB) 0L DYE CONCENTRATION M Figure 8. Variation of Remnant Volume Above Filter Media. Experiments A-6, B-6 and D-I. 43 the interface with the influent. This time period is the same length as the entire filter ripening sequence in the poly me r studies. compared to the Again dye the. length of this p e r i o d , when tracer studies on Figure 8, can be relate d to the v o l u m e of remnant water up to the interface of the influent water. turbidity, Following this initial period of low the turbidity rapidly increases as the influent water begins to enter the turbidimeter. This stage will be explained in the next section. In both the alum and polymer studies, the.lengths of the periods described have been we l l documented with a series of pilot plant runs where the remnant volumes above the filter media were varied, and B-6. ie. experiments in series A-6 From Figure 8, when the time periods of the filter ripening curves are compared with the dye tracer study D — I and with th eor eti cal detention times, indeed the remnant stages are it can be seen that directly related to the remnant fluid in the filter unit up to the backwash overflow gutter. This data, compared to data derived from the Bozeman and H e le na water treatment W e t s t e i n ’s [3] terms work [4] and Ami rtharajah does not correspond we l l of the presence and timing degradation. second earl ier plants of the initial peak and in of The data, does however correlate well with the degradation peak. The discrepancy between the 44 studies indicates that a volume of turbidity involving the first peak on the filter present in the ripening pilot plant sequence curve studies is not conducted here. The absence of this first peak may be due to the more efficient backwashing of the filter media in the current study by the use of air scour, in comparison with the other studies which did not use air scour. From the studies conducted at the Bozeman Water Treatment Plant (D-4 fl uoride tracer, Figure 9), it can be seen that the first peak of effluent degradation, though of very short duration, occurs at about the same time as the th eor eti cal detention concu re nt ly with the first presence of inf luent through the filter. time time for the The a r r i v a l early stage in filtration, detention to top of the media and passing of the inf luent at this when compared to the theoretical it to occur, indicates short-circuiting in the filter unit. The early arrival is also partially due to flowrate, the very high effluent valves are ope n completely) during the filter to waste cycle in the initial stage of filter operation. This initial peak also occurs at the same time the fi.lter to waste valve switches off and the filter eff lue nt passes appear to be sev er al to the c l e a r w e l I. Since there things occuring at the same time it would be very difficult, without further study, to determine the exact cause of the first degradation peak in the BWTP Flouride tracer - Run FLOURIDE TRACER % OF MAXIMUM - - -o Flouride tracer - Run CD ZD CO O Q i-O Turbidity - Run Cl O <3- UJ ?. Turbidity - Run I u c OJ 4->-IO) +->4O Ol-I- -I - ? = 4 . 5 n pm/ft. sq = 3.4 qpm/ft. sq CU +-> I— Figure 'O +-1 9 Filter Ripening Sequence at Bozeman Water Treatment Plant with Tracer Study. 46 filter units. however, Some limiting assumptions to narrow down the possibilities. can be made, Due to the short duration of the initial p e a k , it can be assumed that the a r ri va l of inf lue nt at about this time is not res ponsi ble for the peak since the filter could not "ripen” fast enough to produce the peak shown. of the filter to On the other hand, waste valve the switching or the shear occuring within the filter media due to the high flo wrate at the start of the filt er run initial peak. may be r eas on abl e exp lan at io ns It is not very likely, for though possible, the that the switching of the v a l v e s could produce such a peak of turbidity. mo s t likely the filter part ic le s backwash This pe a k derived and the from beginning of the is associated media filter at the r u n , as with end of other researchers have suggested [3], The laboratory pilot plant studies, on the other hand, were conducted using an air scour phase and were relatively short in duration compared to the BWTP studies [4]. These differences can explain the lack of the initial peak in the pilot plant studies. of filtration would The air scour and short time duration allow a much smaller buildup of particles on the media grains during a cycle of filtration and backwash. Thus when the filter unit was started up again fewer particles would be dislodged than in the Bozeman 47 plant filters, and thus this initial peak would not be present. From this discussion it can be seen that the remnant stage can be further subdivided into three sub-stages which are reminiscent Wetstein [3]. of those . proposed by Amirtharajah and The "lag phase" associated with the water in the underdrains, "the media disturbance" phase associated with the dislodging of particles within the media at the end of backwash and beginning of filtration, and the "upper filter phase" associated with the remnant water remaining above the filter media at the end of backwash. During the "l a g phase" the turbidity will approximately the same as that of the backwash water. be Small peaks of turbidity can occur in this period of time due to particles dislodged in the piping by the movement of valves, as seen in the pilot plant studies. The "media disturbance phase".was not present in the pilot plant studies but was clearly seen in the data gathered at the Bozeman and Helena plants [4]. seen due to During this phase a turbidity increase may be the di slo dgi ng of particles as the media compacts and media particles collide with each other at the end of backwash [3]. off the media production. Additi ona l particles may be sheared grains as the filter is put bac k into The initial shear within the filter media pores may cause the dislodging of particles from the media grains 48 which were in stable configurations of attachment before b a c k w a s h , but which after the backwash were reoriented on the media particles, and were in unstable configurations. Upon opening of the filter, these particle configurations which are now in a new flo w r e g i m e , may try to reorient on the filter media surface.too great, into the If the initial hydraulic shear is these particles will be swept from the media and effluent. If, increased gradually, of the other h a n d , the This is these particles will have more time to reorient on the grain of attachment or attach grain. flow phenomenon, whi le difficult to another to prove in theory, is clearly shown in results from data collected at the H e le na plant [4]. At this partic ula r plant, the operators have the capability to open flow from the filters at wh a t e v e r rate they desire. A comparison of the filter ripening sequence curves derived from a filter which had been opened to full opened flow immediately, inc remental Iy depicted in Figure 10. over The a thirty with the same filter minute comparison shows difference in both magnitude and duration period are a dramatic of the curves. Since the only difference in the filter operation is the rate of opening, opening will it can safely be assumed that apply a lower shear to the particles attached on the media grains, reorient incremental or attach thus giving them more opportunity to to another media grain. Since these INCREMENTAL OPENING SCHEDULE TIME (minutes) FLOWRATE (mqd) EFFLUENT TURBIDITY O to 3 3 to 5 5 to 7 7 to 9 9 to 11 11 on Filter //7 instantaneous opening >£» VO Filter #7 incremental opening TIME (MINUTES) Figure 10. Filter Ripening Sequence at Helena Water Treatment Plant with Instantaneous and Incremental Filter Opening. 50 particles are not transported out of the filter media, will accelerate the filter, the capture of influent particles they entering thus reducing the magnitude and duration of the entire filter ripening sequence. The "upper filter water above gutter. ' In stage" is associated with the remnant the filter media Amirtharajah and to the top of Wetstein's the study backwash, [3] they related the second degradation peak to the concentration of p articles in the remnant water standing above the media. From the data derived in experiments A-3, B-5, and B - 7, shown in Figure 11, it can be seen that there is a very good correlation with the overall magnitude of the filter ripening sequence when compared with the concentration of particles left in the foil owing backwash. remnant volume above media- In Figure 11, an.inflection point in the B-5 and B-7 curves occur at about 2 minutes. B - 7 curve, the From the it can be seen that this is the point at which the majority of the p articles in the.remnant volume above the media have been removed. At backwashing times less than 2 minutes, the magnitude of the B-5 curve increases dramatically due to the increased concentration of particles in the remnant volume- above the media. seen in the A-3 curve. do not reflect experiment, w i l l what be This affect is not However the A series of experiments is occurring ignored. This at the BWTP obser v a t i o n thus this tends to OO UJ O CO EXPERIMFHT B-7 Backwash effluent turbidity EXPERIMENT B-5 ALUM PRIMARY COAGULANT Variation of backwashing time at 20 liters/minute EXPERIMENT A-3 POLYMER PRIMARY COAGULANT Variation of backwashing time at 20 liters/minute r: Z= O «vJ-OD Cvi BACKWASH E FFLUEMT T URBIDITY (N O Ul O > O LO C£ CO ZD r-H O O C UI or O _ J CXj O «—I or h ro o O O U O O r-4 O CXJ --- 1 Figure 2 11. 3 4 TIME (MINUTES) 5 6 Variation of Backwashing Volume. A- 3 , B -5, and B-7. Experiments 52 verify the concerning results an increase of Amiftharajah and of turbidity during the filter ripening sequence. Wetstein this [3] portion of The increase is due to the exponentialIy increasing concentration of particles from the bottom to the top of the remnant f o l l o w i n g backwash. volu me above In the alum studies the media it was seen that this portion of the filter ripening sequence had a very low turbidity, this stage. only sl i g h t l y increasing up to the end of The polymer studies showed basically the same thing, a slight increase in turbidity as the fluid above the media was c o m p l e t Iy di splac ed through the unit. From analy sis of Figure 9 at the BWTP it can be seen that a great deal of short-circuiting occurs within the filter unit. may thus be difficult, in any large scale filter unit It to c l e a r l y define each of these three phases' proposed in the remnant stage. Another mechanism that occurs within the remnant stage which tends to increase the mob il ity of the particles remaining within the filter unit fol l o w i n g backwash, is the partial stabilization of these contact with the backwash water conducted to during backwashing. determine the Zeta Experiment B-Il was potential of particles removed from the filter unit during backwash with respect to time. Figure '12 shows the resu lts of the two experiments conducted. In both runs, as the majority of the particles 53 RUN 2 - -CK backwash effluent TURBIDITY (NTU) ZETA p o t e n t i a l (MV) RUN I TIME (MINUTES) Figure 12. Zeta Potential of Backwash Effluent Particles. Experiment B-Il. 54 in the filter unit had been displaced, had also increased. stabilization extended water. of these contact The Thi s time higher Zeta indicates particles with the Zeta potential the potential had that occurred coagulant-free partial by their backwash of these particles means that they will be less likely to be removed by attachment to the filter potential magnitude grains [10]. of the than This p articles with a lower negative phenomenon will remnant tend to increase portion of the filter the ripening sequence. Influent Mixing and Particle Stabilization Stage Following backwash and at the start of a new filtration cycle, as the infl u e n t water passes into the filter unit above the filter media, a certain portion of this water will mix with the ”coagula n t - f r e e " backwash remnant water. The dispersion of the formerly destabilized particles and floes into this water causes become some of the particles to possibly partially stabilized, or weakened, thus reducing the effectiveness of their filtration. The partial stabilization of these particles results in a major portion of the filter ripening sequence magnitude as they pass through the filter media and are displ a c e d from the filter unit. this phenomenon, In terms of the polymer studies cannot be considered 55 v a l i d when compared to the. alum or to the Bozeman plant studies since the ripening sequence ends at the end of the remnant phase and the particle stabilization stage does not occur. The alum studies, on the other hand, correlate well with the results obtained at the Bozeman and Helena water treatment plants. The analysis of the alum study_(B series) data will be thus used to explain the phenomenon of influent water mixing. E xperiments B-8 and B-IO quantify this phenomenon. plant run s were designed to In experiment B-8, were, c o n d u c t e d , two control further four pilot runs without, coag u l a n t in the backwash w a t e r , and two with coagulant. For each run the Zeta potential and turbidity were taken from grab samples obtained slightly above, the filter media during the initial stages of filtration. In Figure 13, both the Zeta potential and influent turbidity values (corrected to correspond to effluent turbidity at the turbidimeter by means of c o r r e l a t i o n with the D-I dye trace) were, plotted concurrently ripening during the sequence. the increase with effluent From control runs turbidity Figure the 13 of it can beginning of the filter be the of the effluent corresponds to the seen that turbidity diluted steadily increasing turbidity of the influent water. but At the same time, the Zeta potential, which was the most negative for the initial influent water (indicating partially EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) In ?n INFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) ZETA POTENTIAL (MV IO 20 - 6 - 8 -10 56 (137) control (138) control 12 I TIME (MINUTES) Figure 13. Zeta Potential of Influent Particles Compared to Effluent Turbidity. Experiment B-8. 57 stabilized particles) begins to decrease to the stable influent Zeta potential required for optimum filtration. This means that the particles diffusing into the remnant water become partially stabilized and thus will pass through the filter unit much more readily creating the major peak in turbidity of the filter ripening sequence. Further tests conducted using coagulant in the backwash water show the effect of a s tabilized particle dispersing into the remnant backwash water containing alum. clearly shows that, particles will water. and as expected, the Zeta potential of these decrease as they are mixed with this remnant This result corresponds Van Figure 13 Haute [7] data somewhat with the Francois indicating decreased initial degradation peaks when the influent water was overdosed with coagulant. The initial overdose would have the affect of reducing the stabilization of the influent particles as they mix with the remnant water by maintaining a more even coagulant/particle concentration ratio as this dispersion takes place. In the coagulant pilot plant runs shown in Figure in the backwash water, the initial 13, with peak occuring at about 2 minutes and dissipating by about 5 minutes, is due to the formation of aluminium hydroxide in the overdosing backwash remnant These floes may water by the micro-fIocs of coagulant. become attached to the filter media thus 58 may enhance the effects of addition of coagulant to the backwash water in producing a reduction in the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. Experiment B-IO (Figure 14) was designed to determine if the effect of coagulant introduction into the backwash water was more important as a media conditioner, or if destabilization of the stabilized particles in the influent mixing and particle stabilization stage was more important. In B - I O , the a l u m c oagulant was injected bel o w the filter media in the conducted. sam e manner as In a subsequent test, the standard tests were the coagulant was added to the backwash water only above the filter m e d i a .so that a minimum of excess coagulant would contact the filter media. In both tests, the results were essentially the same as far as reduction of the peak of the filter ripening curve was concerned. the These results indicate that the prevention of stabilization of particles during the backwashing of a filter unit by the addition of coagulants to the backwash water is probably more important, at least in alum systems, than is conditioning of the filter media by a coating coagulant. tends to of Injection of coagulant above the media also suppress the formation of the initial peak of turbidity which is due to the overdosing of coagulant in the remnant backwash water. EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PILOT INFLUENT BACKWASH PLANT TURBIDITY COAGULANT RUN NTU DOSE mq/1 2B9-1 16 0.0 2B9-2 13 0.0 2B10-1 17 18.4 2B10-2 17 17.6 2B10-1 inject below media 2B10-2 inject above media 12 Figure 14. 16 20 TIME (MINUTES) 24 28 Coagulant Injection Above and Below Filter Media. Experiment B-10. 60 ' Filter Media Conditioning Stage 0 ’M e l i a and Ali [25], Yapijakis [11], Payatakes [18], and by Francois and Van Haute [12], proposed that the a c c u m u l a t i o n of p articles within the media results in the improving phase of the filter ripening sequence, whether by dendrite formation, accumulation. conducted pore clogging, Observation using the or discrete of the numerous pilot plant in particle filtration runs this study coincide with the results of these researchers. tend to Experiments A-8 and B-9 (Figures 15 and 16) were designed to determine the r e l a t i v e importance of the a c c u m u l a t i o n of particles within the filter, or "filter media conditioning" with respect to final effluent quality. In the experiments, the filter was operated in each case until a stable effluent quality was produced. ripening, Upon the water above the media was displaced from this v o l u m e with backwash water by means of a backwashing port placed direcly above the media. back on line. and the filter quality. In all. cases, passage of the backwash water dispersed media The The filter was then brought did influent not at the interface through the signif i c a n t l y post-ripened effluent affect the effluent quality remained about the same as the i n i t i a l l y ripened effluent quality. This indicates that the conditioning of the filter media is the most important characteristic during the filter ripening / POLYMER PRIMARY COAGULANT PILOT PLANT RUN DESCRIPTION (174) No disturbance of media during displacement of fluid above media. Slight disturbance of media during displacement of fluid above media. Top 2" severly disturbed during displacement of fluid above media. Initial filter ripening sequence EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) ^r o CO o CU o CTl H C ontinuation o f filtration through post-ripened filter 6 8 10 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 15. Operation of Pre-ripened Filter with Polymer as Primary Coagulant. Experiment A-8. EFFLUENT TURBIDITY PILOT PLANT RUN 177) 2B9-1 178 2B9-2 INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU Continuation of 2B9-1 and 2B9-2 after backwashing out remnant volume above media Figure 16. Operation of Pre-ripened Filter with Alum as Primary Coagulant. Experiment B-9. 63 sequence and it is not just the dispersion of the partially stabilized influent particles from the filter unit. In the experiments which utilized c oagulants in the backwash water, A-I,.2, B-1,2,3, and C-1,2,3, it appears that an accelerated filter conditioning is taking place. It has been proposed by other researchers [8, 15] that in polymer systems a portion of the polymer added to the backwash water will adsorb to the media particles. will create This adsorbed polymer bridges and projecting dendrites within the pores of the filter and will aid in the removal of particles from the backwash water and in the initial influent as it passes through the filter, by the accele r a t i o n process of particle accumulation within the media. of the In alum systems, the alum will probably not be as likely as polymer to create the bridges between media grains and projecting dendrites. of In these systems, parti c l e s will be the accelerated due to the accumulation des t a b i l i z a t i o n of the initial influent particles which wil l->more readily attach to the media grains. , ■ . In the same framework of analysis it can be assumed that a filter plant using incremental filter opening w i l l also produce the effect of accelerated filter ripening. The partially stabilized particles which are usually sheared off the media grains at the start of the filter run under immediate opening, w i l l be retained within the media in an .64 incrementalIy opened system, thus providing an accelerated accumulation of particles. From this discussion, it can be seen that the improving phase of f i l t r a t i o n is larg e l y due to the conditioning of the filter media, both by the accum u l a t i o n within and the media by the adsorption directly to the media grains, of particles of coagulants e s p e c i a l l y with the use of polymers. ' .. Resnlts and Evaluation of the Use of Backwash Coagulants Four primary sets of experiments, coagu l a n t s and each utilizing turbidity sources, different were used to e v a l u a t e thie use of c oagulants in the backwash water as a means of reducing the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. The Aluminium sulfate (alum), four primary coagulants were: Cat Floc TL cationic polymer, a combination of alum and Cat Floc TL at a 20:1 ratio, and Cat Floc T (at the BWTP pilot study). The alum studies were conducted using an artificial water composed of tap water and a silica clay (Min-u-sil 30), while the polymer study was conducted using tap water with bentonite as the turbidity source. The primary reason for the different turbidity sources was that the polymer could not effectively remove the Min-u-sil, and 65 al u m could not e f f e c t i v e l y remove the bentonite with the given water. The "E" series of experiments conducted at the BWTP util i z e d the same raw water and primary coagulant as the plant, as it was siphoned from the flocculation unit at the plant. The use of these diverse systems of raw water, in terms of particulate matter and the different primary coagulants, gives an e x c e l l e n t insight to the workings of the ripening filter sequence. These studies wi l l be discussed individually. The Polymer Experiments A-I and A-2 In the A-2 study, to evaluate its ef f e c t i v e n e s s primary coagulant (Figure 17), it alum was added to the backwash water system. when used with a polymer From the A-2 series of graphs is apparent that a dose of alum was not found which reduced the magnitude or duration of the filter ripening sequence. known, possibly The chemical reasons for this are not due to the different mechanisms destabilization occurring in the two systems. of The pH of the water remained at about 7.5, and the temperature about 13 degrees C. throughout the test. The A-I studies, on the other hand, using polymer in the backwash water showed a significant reduction of the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence. The duration of EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) (79) (77) 81) 85) PILOT PLANT RUN PCA6 PA6 PA8 PAll INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mq/1 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 17. Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum Dose in Polymer Primary System. Experiment A-2. 67 the sequence was not reduced since the length is a direct function of the time required for the remnant water to be enti r e l y removed influent water. from the filter Experiments and its r eplacement A-la,b,c illustrate by this well (Figures 18, 19, and 20). The effective reduction of the filter ripening sequence magnitude for each polymer dose was determined by planimetering the areas under the filter ripening curves out to a time where These areas, the effluent turbidity had stabilized. as a percent of the control run area with no coag u l a n t in the backwash w a t e r , were plotted dose used. F.rom this graph (Figure 21), each coagulant could be determined. versus the the optimum dose of The optimum dosages of backwash coagulants are as follows; A-2, alum - none, A■. 1 la, polymer under winter conditions - 0.35 mg/1, • A - 1 b , polymer under summer conditions - 1.8 mg/1, A- Ic, polymer under autumn conditions - none. Since this seasons, set of experiments was conducted over three the varying effects apparent. at about 8 C , the results was about 0.35 mg/1. of the water optimum conducted to dose for the best At doses higher than this the quickly increased produced from an overdosing effect. (A - 5) w e r e became readily During the winter/spring season with the water temperature turbidity of the seasons quantify due to a fog A series of experiments the effects of this (13) (27) (25) (10) (22) (16) TURBIDITY (NTU) -PP 15 PILOT PLANT RUN PC 8 PP 15 PP 13 PP 5 PP 10 PP 7 INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU 22 - 19 20 10 18 BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mq/1 0 1.2 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.1 EFFLUENT PP 10 6 8 10 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 18. Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Polymer Primary System During Winter Season. Experiment A-Ia. PILOT plant run EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PRAV2C7 PRAV2P5 PRAV2P6 PRAV2P7 PRAV2P8 PRAV2P9 PRAV2P10 PRAV2P11 PRAV2P12 PRAV2P13 PRAV2P14 6 8 INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU 19 15 20 23 18 20 37 22 38 16 16 BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mq/1 0.0 0.17 0.17 0.34 0.085 0.6 0.9 1.3 1.6 2.0 2.5 10 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 19. Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Polymer Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment A-Ib. INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mq/1 EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PILOT PLANT RUN TIME (MINUTES) Figure 20. Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Polymer Primary System During Autumn Season. Experiment A- Ic . % OF CONTROL AREA (TOTAL CURVE TO 14 MINUTES) POLYMER AS BACKWASH COAGULANT A-Ia = winter/sprinq A-Ib = summer A-Ic = early fall ALUM AS BACKWASH COAGULANT summer 153% 9 198% 9 10.1 mg/1 Final effluent % of control POLYMER DOSE IN BACKWASH WATER mq/1 10.0 20.0 ALUM DOSE IN BACKWASH WATER mn/l Figure 21. Backwash Coagulant Optimization Summary with Polymer Primary Coagulant System. 72 overd o s i n g on the basis given polymer dosage over can be seen that of the turbidity varying time. the effects increase for a From Figure 22 it of overdosing under winter conditions with this water can be very severe, especially at higher doses and at higher standing times. As the water conditions changed and the temperature rose to about 12 C 1 the effective dose for optimum reduction of the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence changed. From the A-Ib curve (Figure 21), it can be seen that the optimum dose occurs at about 1.8 mg/1, and the overdosing effect is not present until a much higher dose is reached. The o v e r a l l e f f ectiveness of the polymer in the backwash water for the two seasons is about the s a m e . the temperature was falling, obtained. far different In autumn as results were Regard less of what dose was used, the series of tests on Figure 21 show that there is not a reduction of the magnitude or duration of the filter ripening sequence. The seasonal changes are probably due to a combination of physio-chemical characteristics of the raw water, such as t e m p e r a t u r e , hardness, color and d i s s o l v e d solids. the Bozeman water treatment plant different mountain stream sources, gets water Since from it may be possible two that variations in mixing of the two waters will effect the water quality characteristics enough to vary the results of these tests, especially with the seasonal variations included. TURBIDITY (NTU) DUE TO POLYMER OVERDOSING 73 T urbidity @ 90 minutes Tur bi d it y @ ■10 minutes T ur bidity @ 5 minutes 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 POLYMER DOSE (mg/1) IN BACKWASH WATER Figure 22. Polymer Overdosing of Backwash Water During Winter Season. Experiment A-5. 74 The Alum Experiments B - I , B-2, and B-3 These studies were conducted using polymer, alum, and a 20:1 combination of alum/polymer respectively as coagulants in the backwash water when the primary coagulant system was alum. The pH of the water remained at about 7.5 and the water temperature at about 12 to 13 degrees C. throughout the tests. In the B - I set of experiments, polymer was added to the backwash water of the alum primary coagulant system. The results of this experiment can be seen on Figure 23. The results show a significant reduction of the magnitude and of the filter ripening sequence. due to the adsorbing other media This reduction is most likely conditioning to the media grains r e s e a r c h e r s ' [8, 15]. effect of the polymer that has been described by This phenomenenon is better indicated by the "memory effect" noted by Yapijakis [15] and in studies conducted in this research project. refers to the This effect improved effluent in subsequent runs where no polymer was injected, following a filter run where polymer had been injected in to the backwash water. The most likely e x p l a n a t i o n of this o b s e r v a t i o n is the adsorption of the polymer onto the media grains. A small portion of the reduction may be due to the d e s t a b i l i z a t i o n of p a r t i a l l y stabilized particles occurring in the influent mixing phase. EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) (88) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127) PILOT PLANT RUN AC2 AP36 AP37 AP38 AP39 AP40 AP41 INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mq/1 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 23. Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Alum Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment B-I. 76 Study water. B - 2 was conducted using alum in the backwash These results are much more significant in terms of the filter ripening sequence reduction than are the polymer studies as can be seen on Figure 24. This effect has never been documented before. an initial peak of During the filter ripening sequence turbidity occurs at a p p roximately I minute, which from the data is apparently a function of the dose of alum used. This peak occurs in the remnant phase of the ripening sequence and is most likely due to overdosing of the clear backwash water with alum and the subsequent formation of m i c r o - f l o c s composed of a l u m i n i u m hydroxide. Towards the end of the remnant stage and into the influent mixing and particle d r a s t i c a l l y reduced, dispersion stage, the turbidity is compared to the control run without alum in the backwash water. Since alum is not as likely to attach to the filter media grains as is polymer, it can be assumed that most of this effect is due to the d e s t a b i l i z a t i o n of p articles which had become partial Iy stabilized in the influent mixing stage. The reduction of the filter ripening sequence magnitude is most likely due to the properly destabilized to the media grains particles, floes by particles accele r a t i n g being quickly attached the capture of further or by the strengthening of the initial a longer contact time with proposed by Francois and Van Haute [7]. the influent coagulant as The attachment of EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) I A V V \ PILOT PLANT RUN (104) A C 18 (105) AA19 (106) AA20 (107) AA21 (111) AA25 (112) AA26 (113) AA27 \ INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mg/1 \ 4 Figure 8 24. 12 16 20 TIME (MINUTES) 24 28 32 36 Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum Dose in Alum Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment B-2. 78 the micro-flocs produced by the initial overdosing of alum in the backwash water to the filter media may also provide active sites 1 within the media . a c c u m u l a t i o n of particles. experiment is the ■ further accele r a t i n g the. Another benefit seen by this substantial reduction of the final effluent turbidity which was not seen in the B-I experiments using polymer in the backwash water. Experiments B - 6 , B - 8 , and B-10, were developed to further quantify the effect of particle destabilization with alum. Experiment B-IO was planned to minimize the contact time of the al u m injected into the backwash water with the media by injecting the alum into the backwash water above the filter media. Injection of coagulant above the media a l l o w e d the remnant water containing alum to pass through the media one time versus twice for the standard experiments injecting alu m b e l o w the media. results previously described As can be seen from the in F i g u r e essentially no difference in results. 14, there is From this observation it can be assumed that in the alum systems, the reduction of the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence is primarily due to the destabilization of the influent particles which were normally partially stabilized in the influent mixing stage, and prob a b l y only m i n i m a l l y by conditioning of the filter media by contact with the backwash coagulant. 79 Experiment text, more B-8 (Figure clearly 13) as described earlier in the shows the destabilization particles occurring in this stage of filtration. demonstrates the reduction influent particles, the cases where of the Zeta of The figure potential of the in the initial stages of filtration, alum was used in the the backwash in water. Experiment B - 6, which varied the remnant v o l u m e remaining above the media following backwash, hypothesis. From Figure 25 it again demonstrates this can be seen that in the experiments where alu m c oagulant was used in the backwash water, when the remnant volume was increased, the reduction of the filter ripening sequence magnitude became greater and greater. This probably results from the greater detention time of the remnant water containing alum with the influent water and the formation of stronger floes or better destabilized particles within this stage of filtration. Study B-3 alum/polymer was conducted in a 20:1 ratio using injected a combination into water of the alum primary coagulant system. the of backwash It can be seen that very similar results are obtained as with alum alone by o bserving coagulants Figure at 26. this Thus ratio the combination of these two of al u m to polymer, does not improve the effectiveness of the reduction of the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence over the use of alum alone. The expectation was that the polymer would act' EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PILOT INFLUENT PLANT TURBIDITY RUN NTU (88) AC2 19 (91) ACS 17 (92) 2AC6 14 (93) 2AC7 19 (94) 3AC8 19 (95) 3AC9 18 (97) OACll 18 (98) O A C I2 17 (117) A A 3 1 . 14 (119) 2 A A 3 3 ? \ 17 (120) 3AA34X \ \ 20 (121) O A A 3 S y BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mc|/l 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 \ \ \ 16 FLUID DEPTH ABOVE MEDIA feet 2.17 2.17 4.17 4.17 6.17 6.17 0.17 0.17 2.17 4.17 6.17 0.17 OO O 12 16 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 25. Variation of Remnant Volume Above Filter Media with Alum Primary Coagulant. Experiment B-6. EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PILOT PLANT RUN Y /- (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mg/1 AC43 AAP44 AAP45 AAP46 AAP47 AAP48 AAP49 AAP50 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 26. Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum/polymer 20:1 Dose in Alum Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment B-3. 82 s y n e r g i s t i c a l l y with the alum, creating polymer bridging between p articles and from adsorbed polymer on the media working with the alum to provide over the sole use of alum. experiment, plant. from however an additional improvement This was not the case in this it may work in an actual filtr a t i o n As with the alum experiment B-2, a peak of turbidity overdosing occurs throughout the remnant stage as this material' is disp l a c e d out of the filter unit. this portion of the ripening sequence, Following a substantial i m p r o v e m e n t in effluent quality is obtained f o l l o w e d by a s i g n i f i c a n t l y .impr o v e d control final effluent quality over the runs. In an operating plant u t i l i z i n g alum or a l u m / p o l y m e r injection into the backwash water, The o v e r a l l effluent quality could be s u b s t a n t i a l l y improved by the follo w i n g measures; filtering of turbidity, water above coagulant effl u e n t removal to waste of the coagulant injection the the media, last quality of the coagulant I or or by stopping 2 minutes i m provement would into induced the backwash injection of. the of backwashing. be peak a result of The the or suppression of the backwash coagu l a n t induced peak of turbidity at the beginning of the filter run. Figure 27 is a graphical representation of the backwash c o a g u l a n t dose o ptimizations for each backwash coagulant. The figure shows a comparison of the areas under the filter % OF CONTROL AREA (TOTAL CURVE TO 32 MINUTES) B-I POLYMER AS BACKWASH COAGULANT B-2 ALUM AS BACKWASH COAGULANT B-3 ALUM/POLYMER 20:1 BACKWASH COAGULANT B-3 witho u t initial peak B-2 without initial peak Final effluent % of control ALUM DOSE IN BACKWASH WATER mq/1 1.0 2.0 3.0 POLYMER DOSE IN BACKWASH WATER mg/1 Figure 27. Backwash Coagulant Optimization Summary for Alum Primary Coagulant System. 84 ripening curves for each coagulant at varying dosages. Experiments B-2 and B-3 were also plotted as if the initial peak of turbidity caused w a t e r , was filtered by overdosing to waste. of the backwash From a comparison of the curves it can be seen that the B-2 and B-3 experiments both provided better results than the B-I polymer experiments. The optimization curves for B-2 and B-3 with the initial peak filtered to waste provide even better results, as from the graph it can be seen that these curves are a c t u a l l y lower than the final quality effluent line. The Alum/polymer Experiments C-I, C-2, and C-3 A series of experiments similar in polymer and alum studies described earlier, nature were to the conducted using.a combination of a l u m / p o l y m e r (Cat Floc TL 20:1) as the primary coagulant. This system util i z e d the same turbidity source (Min-u-sil 30) and tap water as the alum studies. The pH of the water remained at about 7.5 and the temperature at about 12 to 13 degrees C. throughout the tests. The exhibited control runs for. this series of experiments a higher quality effluent and a filter ripening sequence of less magnitude and duration at a lower coagulant dosage than the "B" series of experiments u tilizing alone as the primary coagulant. alum 85 In the C-I experiments (Figure 28) using polymer in the backwash water, the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence was reduced about 25%. showing the However, from analysis of Figure 29 backwash coagulant curves, it can be seen that the total reduction of the area under the curve was less than 10%. the filter considerably ripening sequence less that the total optimization The total reduction of in experiment C-I is reduction observed in the alum primary coagulant experiments B—I using polymer in the backwash water. This may be due to the polymer already present in the primary.coagulant system play i n g the major role in particle bridging within the media. The control runs of the combination system are almost exactly equivalent to the alu m primary c oagulant runs using polymer in the backwash water (Figure 23), in terms of the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. This is a further indication of the polymer in the primary coagulant system alre a d y playing a major role in- the . reduction of the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. Experiments C-2 and C-3 also exhibited the initial turbidity peak seen in experiments B-2 and B-3, due to the overdosing coagulants of the backwash but not w i t h water the alum and addition.of contrast to the B-2 and B-3 experiments, alum/polymer polymer. In the C-2 and C-3 PILOT PLANT RUN (157) (159) (160) (161) (162) INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mq/I APC15 APP17 APP18 APP19 APP20 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 28. Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Alum/polymer 20:1 Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment C-I. I % OF CONTROL AREA (TOTAL CURVE TO 32 C-3 alum/polymer C-I polymer C-3 without initial peak Final effluent % of control C-2 without initial peak 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 POLYMER DOSE IN BACKWASH WATER mq/1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ALUM DOSE IN BACKWASH WATER mg/1 (ALUM/POLYMER 20:1) Figure 29. Backwash Coagulant Optimization Summary for Alum/polymer 20:1 Primary Coagulant System. 88 experiments (Figures 30 and 31), displayed lower initial turbidity peaks than the ones using only alum. The C-2 and C-3 experiments using alum and alum/polymer respectively in results. From including the the backwash Figure initial 29 water in the turbidity show very different optimization peak the curves alum/polymer combination undoubtedly provides a more optimum reduction of the filter ripening sequence at a lower coagulant dosage than does alu m alone. However, when the initial turbidity peak is considered as filtered to waste, approximately the same. both curves are This indicates that a small amount of polymer in the backwash w a t e r , when a l u m is used as a backwash coagulant, may reduce the initial peak of overdosing. The Bozeman Water Treatment Plant E x p e r i m e n ts E-l, E-2, and E-3 The Bozeman pilot Water experiments. plant filter Treatment unit was transferred to the Plant for. thi s series of This series was conducted in a similar fashion as were the preceding experiments, but instead of filtering an a rtificial water, the influent for the pilot plant was the same influent as used in the Bozeman plant filters. This series of experiments was intended as a c omparison of EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PILOT INFLUENT TURBIDITY PLANT NTU RUN (150) APA8 (152) APAlO (153) APAll (154) APA12 (155) A P A I3 (156) APA14 (157) APC15 BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mg/1 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 30. Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum Dose in Alum/polymer 20:1 Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment C-2. EFFLUENT T URBIDITY (NTU) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) PILOT PLANT RUN APCl APAP2 APC3 APAP4 APAP5 APAP6 APAP7 INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mci/1 12 16 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 31. Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum/polymer Dose in Alum/polymer 20:1 Primary System During Summer Season. Experiment C—3. 91 • the results achieved with artificial waters in the lab to results obtained with an actual water filtered by a plant. During this series of experiments conducted in early autumn, and the water influent turbidity fluctuated between 2.5 3.9 NTU, the pH remained at about 6.7, and the water temperature fluctuated between 3 and 4 degrees C . . The plant influent was flocculated with 3.5 mg/l of Cat Floc T polymer. The 34, overall results of and 35) did not compare the with tests (Figures 32, 33, the series of polymer primary coagulant experiments (A-1 and A-2, Figures 17, 19, and 20) experiments conducted displayed in the a truncated lab. filter The lab polymer ripening sequence which ended at the culmin a t i o n of the remnant stage. study conducted using Bozeman plant water, 18, The on the other h a n d , was similar in nature to the alum and a l u m / p o l y m e r studies (B-1,2,3 and C-1,2,3) conducted in the lab as the filter ripening curves displayed the entire filter ripening sequence. This difference in results is most likely due to the differing influent turbidities at the plant and laboratory pilot plant studies. The pilot in the plant was operated in the lab with turbidities ranging from 10 to 30 NTU, the Bozeman water treatment plant influent was about 3 NTU. In resulted the pilot plant studies, in the formation of very the higher turbidity large floes in the upper EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PILOT PLANT RUN INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU (185) (186) 3. 3. BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mq/1 D-IC DYE TRACE IO KJ TIME (MINUTES) Figure 32. Determination of Optimum Backwash Polymer Dose in Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Influent System During Autumn Season. Experiment E-I. INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mq/1 EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PILOT PLANT RUN TIME (MINUTES) Figure 33. Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum Dose in Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Influent System During Autumn Season. Experiment E-2. .---- — 0 E-2 ALUM AS BACKWASH COAGULANT E-3 ALUM/POLYMER 20:1 AS BACKWASH COAGULANT =5 ^- E-3 without initial peak / ^ _ ^ / E-2 E-2 without initial peak % OF CONTROL AREA (TOTAL CURVE TO 60 MIN E-I POLYMER AS BACKWASH COAGULANT ALUM DOSE IN BACKWASH WATER mg/1 1.0 2.0 3.0 POLYMER DOSE IN BACKWASH WATER mo/1 Figure 34. Backwash Coagulant Optimization Summary With Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Influent System. INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mg/1 EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PILOT PLANT RUN TIME (MINUTES) Figure 35. Determination of Optimum Backwash Alum/polymer 20:1 Dose in Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Influent System During Autumn. Experiment E-3. 96 portion of the filter unit which quickly of the filter media. media as soon plugged as the influent the pores reached the The influent at the plant did not display these large floes, thus the accumulation of particles in the pores would occur at a much slower rate. The use of flocculators at the plant in contrast to the in-line f iltration in the laboratory study may also be another factor in the differing results. • The E-I series of experiments was polymer (Cat Floc T) in the backwash water. conducted using From Figure 32 it can be seen that the beginning of the initial turbidity peak coincides with trace study. . This the initial indicates, arrival of the D-IC dye as described before, primary peak of turbidity is a function that the of the influent. The E-I series of experiments failed to find a suitable dose of polymer added to the backwash water which would reduce the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. These results compare with the A-Ic series of experiments (Figure 20) conducted in the autumn season in the 'lab, even though the two curves are very different. It may be d ifficult to equate the results obtained in the lab using polymer in the backwash water with the results the plant for all of the curves. obtained at three seasons due to the differing nature It may be possible, however, that since a reduction in the filter ripening sequence was observed in 97 the winter and summer season tests in the lab, that similar results may be achieved at the plant during these seasons. Experiment E-2'was conducted using alum in the backwash water. initial By observation of Figure 33, it can be seen that, the peak of turbidity caused by overdosing is present. It is also apparent that some reduction of the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence is achieved by the use of alum in the backwash water. Figure 34 shows the backwash coagulant optimization curves for the E series of experiments. From the E-2 curves plot t e d in Figure 34, it can be seen that the optimum dose of alum is about 22 mg/1. to such a narrow diff i c u l t range Since this reduction is confined of for the Bozeman coagulant plant dosage, to util i z e it alum may in be the backwash water, as the changing conditions of the water most likely would affect this dose almost daily. Figure 35 shows the results for the E-3 series of experiments util i z i n g a 20:1 ratio of a l u m / p o l y m e r in the backwash water. From o b s e r v a t i o n of Figures 32 and 33 it can be seen that this coagulant reduced the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence by a moderate degree, but not as great as was achieved using alum alone. The results, however, were much more consistent in terms.of reduction of the filter ripening sequence over a wider range of coagulant dosages, making this system more feasible for 98 plant use than alu m alone. was again pres e n t , but The initial peak of turbidity it was not as large as in the In summarizing the backwash coagulant experiments, the experiments utilizing alum alone. Backwash Coagulant Summary evidence indicates that the optimum coagulant for use in the backwash water filtration. is the same coagulant used for primary This phenomenon is probably due to the effects of the backwash water remnants interfacing with the influent water in the remnant volu m e above the filter media in the initial stages of a filter run. Since the primary coagulant was (or should have been) optimized for the best quality effluent, the chemical conditions that exist at the interface of the two fluids should be the same when the same coagulant is used in the backwash water. different systems, c o agulants in the from the primary while providing some reduction in the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence, the backwash Systems utilizing optimum conditions will not necessarily provide for the maintenance of destabilized particles and the formation of stronger floes in the initial influent. The acceleration of .the a c cumulation of particles within the media is a p p a r e n t l y by far the most important aspect of the reduction of the filter ripening sequence. 99 Thus, it can be proposed that the proper physico - c h e m i c a l conditions must exist in the initial influent optimum accumulation of particles to occur. of filter polymer to the media may for the The adsorption also serve as an accelerator of particle accumulation. Optimizing the Backwash Coagulant Injection Time A series of experiments were conducted with alum and polymer as the primary coagulants (A-4 and B-4), in terms of optimizing the time backwash water. as determined of injection of .coagu l a n t into the The optimum doses of alum and/or polymer, in the backwash coagulant optimization experiments A-I and B-2 (Figures 21 and 27), were injected into the backwash water of the filter u n i t .at varying times measured from the end of the backwashing phase. of these experiments, The results as explained earlier, were plotted on graph paper as turbidity versus time (Figures 36 and 37). The areas under the curves were planimetered and compared to the initial control were injected minutes. run in which the respective coagulants into the backwash water for the full five These v a l u e s were plot t e d as percent' of control area versus time of injection from the end of the backwash. The results of these curves are plotted and compared to the dye trace D-3, in Figure 38. As was expected, in both INFLUENT POLYMER TURBIDITY INJECTION NTU TIME MIN. none full 5 min. last 4 min. last 3 min. last 2 min. last I min. last 0.5 min BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mg/1 OCT EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) PILOT PLANT RUN TIME (MINUTES) Figure 36. Optimization of Backwash Coagulant Injection Time with Polymer as Primary and Backwash Coagulant Systems. Experiment A-4. ALUM INJECTION TIME full 5 min none INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASH COAGULANT DOSE mq/1 TOT 107) (114) (115) (116) (117) PILOT PLANT RUN AA21 AA28 AA29 A A 30 AA31 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 37. Optimization of Backwash Coagulant Injection Time with Alum as Primary and Backwash Coagulant Systems. Experiment B-4. % OF MAXIM U M DYE CONCENTRATION (PPB) % OF CONTROL AREA (TOTAL CURVE TO 32MIN. ALUM, 14 MIN. POLYMER) 1 Figure 2 38. 3 4 5 6 7 TIME (MINUTES) FROM END OF BACKWASH Summary of Optimization of Backwash Coagulant Injection Time. 102 EXPERIMENT D-3 Backwash dye trace at 20 liters/minute EXPERIMENT A-4 POLYMER PRIMARY COAGULANT Variation of time of injection of polymer 0.4 mg/1 into backwash water EXPERIMENT B-4 ALUM PRIMARY COAGULANT Variation of time of injection of alum 18 mg/1 into backwash water 103, the o p t i m a injection time is essential!, the same as the minimum time necessary for the water in the filter unit to be c o m p l e t e l y displaced b, the backwash water. indicates that the coagulant must be evenly dispersed the backwash remnant water for the optimum results achieved, in both the alum and polymer This studies. into to be This further illustrates the importance of providing the correct P h y s i c o - c h e m i c a l e n v i r o n m e n t in the upper portion of the remnant water which first contacts the i n f l u e n t water, in order to achieve the optimum reduction of the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. Variation of Remnant Volume Above MeHi= From the study B-6 (Figures 8 and 25) it is apparent that the remnant volume which is left in place above the media following backwash plays a very important role in the ac.te r i s 11 c s of the filter ripening sequence. The primary characteristic affected by this volume is the timing at which events occur within the filter ripening sequence.' From the Prior discussion concerning the filter ripening sequence theory, it was seen that the length of the remnant stage will theoretically be dependent on the length of time it takes for the remnant water to he displaced from, and the influent be displaced into, the filter unit. .This 104 time w i l l be dependent on the physical detention time and the dispersion characteristics of a particular filter unit. Data derived polymer, from the experiments involving alum and when combined with the dye trace study D-3 (Figure 8) shows conclusively that the length of the remant stage is directly proportional to the detention time and thus to the volume of water which remains above the media at the end of the backwash. In the polymer experiments A-la,b,c, 2, (Figures 17, 18, and A- 19, 20) this detention time predicted the end of remnant stage, w h i l e in the alum studies B — 1 , 2, .3, (Figures 23, 24, 26) it predicted the beginning of the particle dispersion stage. In both cases it does h o w e v e r , c l e a r l y predict the end of the remnant stage. Varying the remnant v o l u m e above the media does not appear to greatly affect the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence. the alum turbidity studies, but a however, lengthed a slight duration in decrease the in total In peak filter ripening sequence occurs with increasing v o l u m e above the media. The total number of particles passing through the filter in each case wi l l therefore be about the same. Another factor arises in the case where a coagulant is used in the backwash water. involving The alum studies were conducted injection of the optimum alum dose determined in experiment B-2 into the backwash water. It was found i n .the experiment that series B-6, (Figure. 25) the effluent 105 actually improved as the remnant volume above the media was increased. This may be attributed to better mixing of the influent water with the remnant water at their interface with an increased detention time. contains the opportunity optimum is alum developed Since the remnant water coagulant for dose, a destabilization particles at the remnant water/influent interface. better of the This is also an indication that a majority of the effects of adding alum to the backwash water can be directly attributed to the reduction of the particle dispersion phase, and not with preconditioning of the filter media with alum. In t e r m s of a plant design incorporating injection of coagulants into the backwash water, On the other hand, of increasing the depth above the media to the backwash gutters worthy endeavor. the may be a a benefit can not be seen for decreasing the vol u m e of remnant water above the media in a conventional filtration system. Variation of the Backwash Water Volume In the work of Amirtharajah and Wetstein [3] it was proposed that the magnitude of the second peak of the filter ripening sequence was proportional to the number of particles remaining above the media in the remnant water at the end of backwash. It thus could be assumed that the 106 magnitude of this curve would be reduced by a longer washing period decreasing the particle concentration in this portion of the filter unit. On the other hand, reducing the time of backwash would leave more particles in the remnant water and thus would increase the magnitude of the filter ripening, sequence. A series of experiments A - 3 , and B - 5, (Figures 39. and 40) were conducted to determine the effect of varying the total vol u m e (length of time at 20 liters /min (21 gpm/sq. ft.)) used to backwash the filter. The results of these tests, in terms of the planimetered areas under the filter ripening curve compared to a control run, were compared with the B-6/D-3 plot showing the turbidity of the effluent backwash water versus time (Figure 11). polymer A-3 studies (Figure 39) A comparison of the indicates only a small increase in the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence with a very large increase in remnant water turbidity. The alum study B - 5 , (Figure 40) on the other hand, shows a very, close correlation between the turbidity of the remnant water and the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence as seen on Figure 11. This c o rrelation c l o s e l y corresponds with the results Amirtharajah particles of and Wetstein coagulated with alum. [3] who used iron The difference in results between the alum and polymer experiments may be due to the polymers forming larger stronger floes very quickly, thus INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU BACKWASHING TIME MINUTES 107 EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) PILOT PLANT RUN BWTV2 B WT V 3 BWTV4 BWTV5 BWTV6 TIME (MINUTES) Figure 39. Variation of the Volume of Backwash Water with Polymer as Primary Coagulant. Experiment A-3. PILOT PLANT RUN BACKWASHING TIME MINUTES A C 14 AC15 AC16 AC17 108 EFFLUENT TURBIDITY (NTU) 100) 101) (102) (103) INFLUENT TURBIDITY NTU TIME (MINUTES) Figure 40. Variation of the Volume of Backwash Water with Alum as Primary Coagulant. Experiment B-5. 109 clog g i n g the media pores much more quickly than the alum destabilized particles. as noted before, other experiments sequences. Thus The series of polymer experiments, did not closely follow the results of the because the of the polymer truncated experiments filter are ripening not to be considered as important as the other experiments in terms of results. HO CHAPTER 6 PRACTICAL APPLICATION SUMMARY The data derived in this study is intended to be more closely related theory. It. is therfore only fitting that it be described, in such a mariner. to practical a p plication There are b a s i c a l l y five than to categories practical application'which can be used to optimize reduction of and the ripening sequence. magnitude pure duration of the of the filter They are as follows: 1. Optimum backwash coagulants. 2. Optimum injection time of backwash coagulants. 3. Optimum time or volume used to backwash a filter unit. 4. Optimum remnant volume left above the media following backwash. 5. Incremental filter opening. Each of these categories will be discussed individually. Optxanni Backwash Coagplants For each i n d i v i d u a l system of primary coagulant, and particle f i ltration plant, a different influent water characteristics characteristics wil l affect the type and quantity of c oagulant to be used in the backwash water for Ill optimum results. The influent water characteristics, as shown by the results of this s t u d y , can vary seasonally, thus the optimum coagulant type and dosage may be affected. Due to the v a r i a b i l i t y of each system, it is recommended that a pilot plant study be conducted on a seasonal basis to determine the optimum coagulant type and dosage to be used. In general it may be assumed that the primary coagulant system used in the plant would give the optimum results when used as a backwash coagulant. This would give a starting point for the pilot plant study. In systems where alum or a l u m / p o l y m e r are to be used in the backwash water, it is crucial that the first period of increased turbidity caused by the overd o s i n g of the backwash water with coagulant be filtered to waste. If this water is added to the clearwel I the increased coagulant dosage in this water may induce the same overdosing affect in the entire clearwelI volume. length of time required for filtering to waste can The be determined by conducting a tracer survey on the filter unit in question. The detention time required for the remnant backwash water to be displaced from the filter unit will be the time required for remo v a l of the induced turbidity of overdosing. 112 Optimum Injection Time of Backwash Coagplants It has been determined that the optimum time injection of coagulant into the backwash water is also of the same time required to displace the backwash water into the entire filter volume. This time can be determined by conducting a tracer survey on the filter unit and using the 80 to 90% displa c e m e n t injection. By injecting ..only during this period, ripening as the sequence and time coagulant required into for optimum the backwash water the maximum reduction of the filter the lowest chemical usage can be simultaneously achieved. Optimum Backwash Volume It has been determined magnitude and duration in of the this filter research ripening that sequence can be a function of turbidity remaining in the remnant abo v e the magnitude media following, backwash. of the filter ripening In sequence the order volume for the to be minimized, the turbidity of the remnant volume must also be minimized. The minimum volume of. water required reduction of the remnant turbidity is for the maximum related to the time required to effectively displace the filtration remnants out of the filter unit, with clean backwash water. be determined by a tracer survey, by m onitoring the effluent This time can or more easily determined turbidity from the backwash. 113 Once the effluent turbidity has been reduced by about 95%, no further reduction of the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence will be achieved. Optimization of Reanant Volume From this study it was determined that reducing the remnant v o l u m e above the media w i l l not have a very large effect on reduction of the magnitude of the filter ripening sequence. The reduction of this volume will only reduce the time required for the primary degradation peak to occur. On the other hand, if a plant is to be designed with the intent of adding, coagulants to the backwash water, an increase of the volume desirable. of the remnant water The increased volume above the media may be can allow a longer mixing time of the influent water with the remnant water, forming stronger floes and better reducing the magnitude d e s tabilized and duration of the sequence possibly by a substantial particles, thus filter ripening degree. It. should be noted here that the data derived from these experiments was for a direct filtration pilot plant and may not be applicable to a conventional filter plant. Incremental Filter Opening , If a filter unit is opened at a low rate of flow and very gradually increased to full flow over a pre-determined 114 period of time, occur. First, at least two beneficial mechanisms w i l l the initial influent particles which are poorly destabilized or weakly flocculated will have a better chance of adhering to the media grains as they pass through the filter due to the lower hydrodynamic shear. the parti c l e s which have remained attached grains at the opportunity end of backwashing to re-oreint will to the media have On the given media Secondly, a better grain or an adjacent grain while the hydrodynamic shear within the pores of the filter media is relatively low. part i c l e s in the filter media The accumulation of by these mechanisms accelerate the ripening of the filter unit. will 115 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS The results of this research have further described the" mechanisms of and have given methods for the control of the initial degradation of effluent quality from a backwashed deep-bed filter. The c o nclusions of this study are as follows: I. The initial effluent degradation, and subsequent effluent quality improvement, termed the "filter ripening sequence" in this research, has been further quantified in terms of the following steps: A. The remnant stage. This stage of with the associated remaining relatively remnant in the underdrains, low water turbidity of backwashing within the media, above the media to the backwash gutter. is and The particles within this stage have been partially stabilized by the coagulant-free backwash water and thus will more easily pass through the filter media. A pea k of hig h turbidity may occur within this stage due to particles sheared off of the media at the beginning of the 116 f iltration cycle, or at the end of backwash as the media particles collide with each other. B. Influent As mixing the and influent coagulant-free particle water remnant water '' stabilization disperses above the stage. into the media, the parti c l e s in the influent water which had p r e v i o u s l y been d e s t a b i l i z e d by primary coagulants wil l become partially stabilized or the floes will become weakened, a l l o w i n g these p articles to easily pass through the filter media. This mechanism results in the largest peak of turbidity in the filter ripening sequence. C. Filter media conditioning stage. This stage ripening". is also referred to as "filter This stage of the filter ripening sequence, is associated with the accumulation of particles within the pores of the media resulting in a gradual reduction in effluent turbidity until a stable effluent quality is 2. of The obtained. use of coagulants in the backwash water as a means reducing ripening magnitude sequence determined effective the that as can other backwash be and very duration effective. coagulants and filter has polymers in It appears the It besides coagulants, s i g n i f i c a n t l y more effective. of some as been are cases, though the 117 optimum coagulant type will primary coagulant be the same as that used as the for filtration. The backwash coagulants appear to work by preventing stabilization of the initial influent particles and forming stronger floes between these particles as they disperse into the backwash remnant water. Poly m e r s effect, tend to work not only by this destabi l i z a t i o n but also by adsorption to the filter media providing sites for influent particle attachment. effect of these mechanisms allows The synergistic acceleration of the a c c u m u l a t i o n of particles within the media resulting in a reduced magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence. 3. It was determined that the optimum time, for injection of coagu l a n t into the backwash water, in terms of the maximum reduction of the ripening sequence, magnitude and duration of the filter and the minimal coagulant usage, was the same time required to c o m p l e t e l y displace the filter unit volume with backwash water. 4. It was determined that the optimum volume of water used to backwash the filter, in terms of the maximum reduction of the magnitude and duration of the filter ripening sequence and the mini m a l water use, is the same as that required to displace unit. the majority of the p a r t i c l e s , . from the filter • 118 5. It was determined remaining above wi l l not have that varying the remnant vol u m e the filter media at the end of backwash a significant affect on the magnitude duration of the filter ripening sequence. or The variation of this volu m e w i l l only shift the time at which the events occur within the filter determined that in ripening direct sequence. filtration coagulants in the backwash water, It was systems also using increasing the volume of remnant water above the media can significant Iy enhance t.hs effects of the backwash coagulants. 6. 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