råáîÉêëáíó=çÑ=pìêêÉó= `~êÉÉêë=pÉêîáÅÉ= ÜííéWLLïïïKëìêêÉóK~ÅKìâLÅ~êÉÉêë= = gçÄ=pÉÉâáåÖW=^ÇîÉêíáëÉÇ=s~Å~åÅáÉë= = s~Å~åÅó=pçìêÅÉë=Ñçê=dê~Çì~íÉ=mçëáíáçåë=~åÇ=fåíÉêåëÜáéë= Careers Service Vacancy Site www.surrey.prospects.ac.uk Prospects (website and directory) www.prospects.ac.uk/jobs_and_work_experience.htm Directory available free of charge from the Careers Service Targetjobs (website and directory) www.targetjobs.co.uk Directory available free of charge from the Careers Service Inside Careers (website and directories) www.insidecareers.co.uk Directories available free of charge from the Careers Service www.top100graduateemployers.com Directory available free of charge from the Careers Service Times Top 100 Graduate Employers (website and directory) LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/studentjobs Wikijob www.wikijob.co.uk Gradcracker www.gradcracker.com/ (science/engineering/technology) Milkround www.milkround.co.uk Monster www.monster.co.uk Totaljobs www.totaljobs.com Surrey Jobs www.surreyjobs.info (public sector jobs in Surrey) Graduate Jobs South www.graduatejobsouth.co.uk GradsKent www.gradskent.com Jobonline London area http://jobonline.thecareersgroup.co.uk Fish4Jobs www.fish4.co.uk Law Careers.Net www.lawcareers.net (Vacancies in the legal sector) Psychologists Appointments www.psychapp.co.uk Jobs in the Civil Service https://jobsstatic.civilservice.gov.uk/csjobs.html Jobs in Local Government www.jobsgopublic.com Jobs in the NHS www.jobs.nhs.uk Jobs in Higher Education www.jobs.ac.uk Jobs at UniS https://jobs.surrey.ac.uk/index.html STEP London Internships for students and graduates www.careers.lon.ac.uk/output/Page822.asp Graduate Talent Pool – Internships for recent graduates http://graduatetalentpool.direct.gov.uk www.unitemps.co.uk `~êÉÉê=péÉÅáÑáÅ=s~Å~åÅó=páíÉë= = Often these sites will be particularly useful for candidates with significant previous experience but may also include entry level jobs. You can find these by searching for the relevant Occupational Profile on the Prospects- go to: www.prospects.ac.uk/links/occupations After navigating to your chosen career select “Employer and Vacancy Sources” oÉÖáçå~ä=dê~Çì~íÉ=s~Å~åÅó=~åÇ=mä~ÅÉãÉåí=páíÉë=lìíëáÇÉ=íÜÉ= pçìíÜ=b~ëí== Cornwall www.gradcornwall.co.uk/ East of England http://www.gradseast.co.uk/ Ireland (NI and ROI) http://gradireland.com/graduate-jobs Scotland http://www.talentscotland.com/gppgraduates South West of England www.gradsouthwest.com/ Wales www.gowales.co.uk/ West Midlands http://www.graduateadvantage.co.uk/ Yorkshire www.graduatesyorkshire.co.uk/ oÉÅêìáíãÉåí=^ÖÉåÅáÉë= www.rec.uk.com/jobseeker Search for suitable agencies using the Find an Agency link fåíÉêå~íáçå~ä=s~Å~åÅáÉë= International Jobs Online: http://jobs.thecareersgroup.co.uk/international Useful information if you looking to work outside the UK: www.surrey.ac.uk/careers/current/work/abroad/index.htm www.prospects.ac.uk/country_profiles.htm `~ëì~ä=ïçêâ=L=qÉêã=íáãÉ=àçÄë= www.unitemps.co.uk www.studentjobs.co.uk http://jobseekers.direct.gov.uk www.e4s.co.uk www.gumtree.co.uk www.indeed.co.uk http://surrey.prospects.ac.uk http://surrey.fish4jobs.co.uk/ http://jobonline.thecareersgroup.co.uk/ www.studentgems.com sçäìåíÉÉêáåÖ=lééçêíìåáíáÉë= = = = www.do-it.org www.surreydomore.co.uk. www.ussu.co.uk/yourunion/volunteering. 2 s~Å~åÅáÉë=áå=íÜÉ=k~íáçå~ä=mêÉëë= GRADUATE JOBS IN NEWSPAPERS CAREER AREA MON TUE Computing/IT Creative/Media/Arts G Education ES G Engineering Management WED THUR ES SAT SUN G, DT G STe ES DT G Ti I ES DT ES Ti, DT,ES DT Finance/Banking FT ES Accountancy Housing/Public Sector/Health/Charity/Social Services ES Ti FRI ES STe STe G G G HR/Personnel Hospitality ES Legal Ti ES ES Retail Sales/Marketing/PR G ES ES Science/ Technology Secretarial General Graduate DT/STe ES FT G I, IoS Ti/ST G ES ES Ti DT, ES G STe G, DT G STe DT Ti, DT, I Ti G G STe Daily Telegraph/Sunday Telegraph www.jobs.telegraph.co.uk Evening Standard www.londonjobs.co.uk Financial Times www.ft.com The Guardian http://jobs.guardian.co.uk The Independent/Independent on Sunday. A graduate job supplement is included in the paper on the last Thursday of every month. The Times/Sunday Times http://jobs.timesonline.co.uk/ Entries in the Saturday Guardian and Sunday Telegraph are often a repeat of entries in the previous week’s daily papers. Most papers still offer advertisers the option of having their vacancy appear online only or in print only, so it is worth checking both the online and print versions of the newspapers. • • • Local newspapers can be a useful source of vacancies Local libraries, especially business libraries and at universities and colleges often carry a wide range of magazines and/or periodicals useful in your job hunt. Overleaf is a list of the main magazines and periodicals for various career areas. 3 do^ar^qb=s^`^k`fbp=fk=pbib`qba=j^d^wfkbp= = Campaign www.brandrepublic.com Weekly Advertising, marketing, media Caterer and Hotelkeeper www.caterer.com Weekly Hotels and catering Chemical Engineer (ice) www.tcetoday.com Fortnightly Chemical engineering www.rsc.org Monthly Community Care www.communitycare.co.uk/Home Weekly Chemistry Social work, community and care work Computing Weekly Computing Weekly Finance, economic research www.theiet.org Monthly www.theengineer.co.uk Weekly Electrical/electronic engineering All engineering. http://jobs.thegrocer.co.uk/ Weekly Retail www.hsj.co.uk Weekly NHS Management, personnel, support services www.insidehousing.co.uk Weekly Housing www.mad.co.uk Weekly www.newscientist.com Weekly Marketing, advertising, sales, PR Wide range of science & research posts www.nature.com Weekly Focus on life science New Civil Engineer www.careersinconstruction.com Weekly Civil Engineering People Management www.peoplemanagement.co.uk Weekly Human Resource Management Retail Week www.retail-week.com Weekly www.tes.co.uk Weekly Retail School, FE teaching. Educational administration University research, lecturing, administration Chemistry in Britain (RSC) www.computingcareers.co.uk Economist www.economist.com IEE Recruitment The Engineer The Grocer Health Service Journal Inside Housing Marketing Week New Scientist Nature Times Education Supplement Times Higher Education Supplement (The Higher) www.thes.co.uk Weekly Some websites require registration or subscription. Please note – many job and internship opportunities are never advertised. For further details on how you can make your search more proactive look at our leaflet: Job Seeking – The Hidden Job Market ©=Copyright 2012, University of Surrey. This publication may not be copied without prior permission of the University of Surrey Careers Service. This version September 2012 4 5