38 - 1 5.73 Lecture #38 Infinite 1-D Lattice II LAST TIME: H2+ localization ↔ tunneling: overlap bonding and antibonding orbitals R vs. a0n2 distance below top of barrier TIGHT-BINDING (Kronig-Penney) Model (see Baym pp. 116-122) 1-D ∞ lattice: 1 state per ion tunneling only between nearest neighbors ∞ H matrix E 0 −A −A E 0 H= 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O O νq H ϕ = E νq ϕ ϕ = ∞ ∑ c q νq Variational wavefunction. Minimize E. q =−∞ ∞ # of coupled equations 0 = cq (E0 – E) – A(cq–1 + cq+1) Usually solve for {cq} by setting determinant of coefficients = 0 and solving for E. Can’t do this because determinant is ∞. TRICK: expect equal probability of finding e– on each lattice site by analogy to plane wave eikx, where probability density is uniform at all sites along x, try cq = eikql xq = ql integer distance between lattice sites Notice that this is similar to free particle eikx, which seems rather strange because particle is never really free in “tight-binding” model. updated September 19, 20032:22 PM 38 - 2 5.73 Lecture #38 2 cq = 1 plug trial form for c q into 0 = c q (E 0 − E ) − A(c q −1 + c q +1 ) 0 = e ikq (E 0 − E ) − Ae ikq (e − ik + e + ik l l l l ) divide through by e ikq l ( ) 0 = E0 − E − A2 cos kl E ( k) = E0 − 2 A cos kl E(k) E 0 + 2A E0 — −π 0 l E 0 − 2A +π l k E varies continuously over an interval 4A, where A is the adjacent site interaction strength or the “tunneling integral” What happens when we look at k outside -π/l ≤ k < π/l “1st Brillouin Zone” ck = e ikq l k′ = k + ck ′ = e 2π l 2π i k + ql l (one additional wavelength per lattice spacing l) = e ikq e i 2 πq = e ikq l l wavefunction is unchanged! So if k goes outside 1st Brillouin Zone, get same ψ, so get same E nothing new! No point in allowing k to vary more widely than –π/l ≤ k ≤ π/l. updated September 19, 20032:22 PM 38 - 3 5.73 Lecture #38 Unanswered Questions: 1. How many distinct orbitals are there in a band? N-atom periodic array. Periodic Boundary conditions: longest λ = lN N possible value of λ = 2 π / k shortest λ = l 2π 2π ≤k≤ in N steps lN l –π π infinite lattice: < k < contains all the states generated l l from one state per atom. 2. What happens at E > E0 + 2A? gap – no states allowed next higher state of each atom? free particle if E > work function 3. Orbitals not states! Two spin-orbitals per orbital. Antisymmetrization. Lowest band: all spins paired. No G term. e– – e– repulsion raises overall E above that of single state of each atom Work function is smaller than single atom IP 4. How many e– does each atom contribute to ψ? alkali: 1e– ∅ half full band alkaline earth: 2e–∅ full band updated September 19, 20032:22 PM 38 - 4 5.73 Lecture #38 Now take a closer look at ϕ k ( x ) ϕ( x ) = x ϕ k = +∞ x νq ∑ e ikq 1 23 q = −∞ l ν q( x ) ν q ( x ) = ν 0 ( x − ql ) shift x by –ql to get from site q to site 0 ϕ k ( x ) = ∑ e ikq ν 0 ( x − ql ) l q translate entire ϕ by l ϕ k ( x + l ) = ∑ e ikq ν 0 ( x − ql + l ) 14 4244 3 q ν 0 ( x − ( q − 1) ) l l = e ik l ∑ q ( e ik q − ν 0 x − (q − 1)l ( ) 1 l ) re-index summation ϕ k ( x + l ) = e ik l ∑ q e ikq ν 0 ( x − ql ) = e ik ϕ k ( x ) l l translation of plane wave by l implies that it is possible to write ϕ k ( x ) in more general form ϕ k ( x ) = e ikxuk ( x ) where uk ( x + l ) = uk ( x ) Bloch wave function perodicity of l e ikx conveys translational symmetry of plane wave with wavevector k uk ( x ) conveys translational symmetry of lattice with spacing l updated September 19, 20032:22 PM 38 - 5 5.73 Lecture #38 Localized time dependent state : wavepacket We are gong to build intuitive insight by comparison to free particle. Recall free particle: Ψ ( x, t ) = (2 π) −1/ 2 ∫ (k ) e i[ kx − E ( kωt)t / h ] dk g{ envelope of k centered at k 0 Group velocity: motion of stationary phase point (stationary with respect to k near k0) d [kx − Et / h] k = k 0 dk dE t h x center (t ) = dk k 0 0= v center = k0 v center 1 k0 h 2 2 k 2m 2 h k0 = m E= dE dk dE dk d take dt h 1 dE = vG = h dk hk 0 = m k0 free particle relationship between vG and hk,m use this to understand motion in a periodic lattice updated September 19, 20032:22 PM 38 - 6 5.73 Lecture #38 Up to here we have been analyzing the free particle. for 1–D lattice Ψ(t ) = (2 π) −1/ 2 ∫ dkg{ (k )e − iE( k )t / ϕ k h peak at k 0 instead of asking for location of stationary phase point, ask for time dependent overlap of Ψ(t) with specific lattice site νq〉. νq Ψ(t ) = (2 π) −1/ 2 ∫ dk g(k )e i[ kq l because ϕ k = ∞ ∑e ikql − E ( k )t / h ] νq q =−∞ ∞ ikq φ ( x ) = e x | ν same thing as ∑ k q q =−∞ We can use either state vector or wavefunction picture. l and νq picks out only the e ikq term l because νp νq = δ pq recall that x = ql, so we can think of νq Ψ (t ) as function of x, t Overlap of Ψ (t) with particluar lattice site νq . Ψ (t) moves and sequentially overlaps succesive lattice sites. meaningful only for regions of x near ql ν q Ψ(t) = χ ( x ,t) = (2π) −1/2 ∫ dkg ( k)e i [ kx − E( k )t / ] h real part phase factor ask for stationary phase factor (near x = 0, ±l, ±2l, …) with respect to k updated September 19, 20032:22 PM 38 - 7 5.73 Lecture #38 d 0 = [kx − E (k )t / h] dk dE t /h x c (t ) = dk k 0 dx c dE vG = = dt dk 1 Up to here, everything is identical for free particle and motion in a periodic lattice. k0 h E (k ) = E 0 − 2 A cos kl dE dk wavepacket is created centered at k=k0 Now use E×k relationship derived for periodic (tight binding) lattice. = 2 Al sin k 0l k0 vG = 2 Al h sin k 0l quite different from plane wave result hk VG = 0 m Note that vG = 0 when k0 is at bottom (k0 = 0) or top (k0= ±π/l) of band. updated September 19, 20032:22 PM 38 - 8 5.73 Lecture #38 Building of intuition: * vG ∝ A [as | A | increases it becomes easier to take a step] * v G ∝ l (but A ↓ as l ↑) (because tunneling rate decreases as l increases) but if A is kept constant as l increases, each step is longer so velocity will be higher * v G = 0 when k 0 = 0 and when k 0 = ±π / l bottom of band Not a surprise because expect k=0∅v=0 top of band Big surprise. Use concept of ”effective mass” to rationalize. e– cannot move if it is too close to edges of band “Effective Mass:” free k vG = m h 0 vs. vG = lattice 2 Al sin k 0l h 2 Al 2 ≈ hk 0 2 h at small k0l sin k0l ≈ k0l near bottom of band compare the terms and identify reciprocal of the coefficient of hk0: meff = h 2 2 Al 2 at small k 0l * large interaction strength makes meff small * large l makes meff small (large jumps) Next: How do we show that meff increases to ∞ at band edges (k = ±π / l)? updated September 19, 20032:22 PM 38 - 9 5.73 Lecture #38 When k 0 is near ± π k0 = ± l π −ε l sin k 0l = sin ± π − ε l ≈ ±εl l 2 Al 2 Al v G = hk 0 2 sin k 0l ≈ ± hk 0 2 εl h k0 h k0 2 h k0 meff = → ∞ as ε → 0 2 Al 2ε Full band: no e – transport. 1 / 2 Full band: meff 2 h2 = 2 Al 2 (slightly heavier than at bottom of band) Alternative approach to meff: E = p 2 / 2m d 2E 2 dp for free particle −1 =m Use this to define meff E(k) = E 0 − 2 A cos kl E (p) = E 0 − 2 A cos(pl / h) d 2E 2 2 ( ) cos kl = A 2 / l h 2 dp at small kl meff = h cos kl = 1 − 12 (kl) 2 + … 2 2 Al 2 updated September 19, 20032:22 PM