5.73 Lecture #37 37 - 1 Infinite 1-D Lattice CTDL, pages 1156-1168 LAST TIME: hole ( h + ) vs. e – configurations: l N ( ↔ l2 2 l + 1) − N for N > 2l + 1 2 e rij unchanged [ζ ζ ( NLS ) → −ζ ( NLS ) nl unchanged ] N Hund’s 3rd Rule (Lowest L - S term of l only) E MIN for J = L − S N < 2l + 1 ( 2 l +1) +1 N = 2l + 1 S J= 2 l +1 2 E MIN for J = L + S N > 2l + 1 regular S state: no fine structure inverted Zeeman Effect Wigner-Eckart Theorem used to define gJ EZeeman = −µ0 M J g J Bz equal spacings gJ as L,S,J diagnostic gJ = 1 + Confirm by H J (J + 1) + S(S + 1) − L( L + 1) Zeeman 2J (J + 1) in Slater determinantal basis TODAY: 1. H2+ as example of localization, delocalization, tunneling 2. ∞ secular equation for simplified 1- D lattice 3. eigenvectors by equal probability trick 4. restrict k to k < π l 5. E ( k) = E0 − 2 A cos kl next lecture 6. 7. 8. 9. : 1st Brillouin Zone (all of the allowed states?) Bloch functions ψ k ( x ) = e ikxuk ( x ) wavepackets,motion, group velocity transitions – energy bands and intensity profiles conductivity updated September 19, 2003 @ 2:22 5.73 Lecture #37 37 - 2 Start with H2+ , a lattice with only 2 equivalent sites. qualitative picture: atomic energy levels tunneling between identical localized states slow behind big barrier (small splitting) fast behind small barrier (large splitting) levels → bands, of width related to tunneling rate −R 2 H2+ +R 2 x • ) E(n0+1 2 atoms ∅ 2 states E(n0 ) R >> a0 Elowest = − ℜ 12 and doubly degenerate for exact degeneracy, can choose any linear combination Localized basis set (0) (0) ψ localized = ψ left or ψ right Delocalized basis set (0) (0) ψ delocalized = 2−1/2 ψ left ± ψ right [ ] updated September 19, 2003 @ 2:22 5.73 Lecture #37 37 - 3 If initially in localized state, tunneling rate depends on ( ) * height relative to E(0) of barrier n * width of barrier (0) (0) * size of overlap between exponential tails of ψ left and ψ right clear that tunneling rate (i.e. splitting) increases * as n↑ at constant R (internuclear separation) * as R↓ at constant n E 0 E1 ∆ double degeneracy at R → ∞ R ∆ is tunneling splitting—gets larger as R↓ N ATOMS ALONG A STRAIGHT LINE wide narrow ♦ ♦ N atoms, N states each electronic state of isolated atom becomes band of states for ∞ lattice. Energy width of each band increases as the principal q.n. increases because atomic states require more room: 〈r〉n ∝ a0n2. Tunneling gets faster. Greater sensitivity to world outside one atom. updated September 19, 2003 @ 2:22 5.73 Lecture #37 37 - 4 Simplified Model for ∞ 1–Dimensional Lattice: basis for qualitative insights and early time predictions. 1. Each ion, called q, has one bound state, νq〉 at E0 = 〈νqHνq〉 [diagonal element of H] (actually 2 spin-orbitals) 2. permit orbitals only on adjacent ions to interact [simplifying assumption] like Hückel theory. 3. symmetry: all ions are equally spaced, xq+1 – xq = l, and all adjacent-orbital interaction matrix elements are identical [off-diagonal elements of H] 〈νqHνq+1〉 ≡ −Α (ℑAℑ would increase as l → 0) [reasons for – A sign choice later.] E0 −A so H = −A O O 0 O E0 −A −A O O O 0 tridiagonal infinite matrix since this is infinite, need a trick to diagonalize it. general variational function ϕ = ∞ ∑ cq ν q superposition of AO’s at each site q = −∞ get requirements on cq by plugging this into Schrödinger equation Hϕ = E ϕ left multiply by ν q updated September 19, 2003 @ 2:22 5.73 Lecture #37 37 - 5 q’th position LHS (0…1…0) picks out q-th row of H ν q Hϕ = E ν q ϕ (0…− AE 0 − A…0 ) RHS [ E νq ϕ ∴ ] = E [c ] q [ c−∞ M = − Acq − 1 + E0cq − Acq + 1 M c+∞ ] 0 = cq E0 − E − cq − 1 A − cq + 1 A comes from the assumed simple form of model TRICK: probability of finding e– on each lattice site should be the same for all sites (complex amplitudes might differ but probabilities will be constant) let cq = e ikql 2 cq = 1 for all q This choice of cq is a good guess that is consistent with expectation of equal probabilities on each lattice site. is distance between adjacent atoms q is integer ql is the coordinate of the q-th site: looks like eikx plane wave k is of dimension l–1 problem reduces to finding allowed values of k. l periodicity of lattice provides the important result that if k is replaced by k′ , where k′ = k + 2π l , the wavefunction does not change (translational symmetry) updated September 19, 2003 @ 2:22 5.73 Lecture #37 37 - 6 cq′ = e ik ′q = e l 2π ql ikql + i l i 2 πq = e ikq e{ = cq l =1 Since all distinguishable ϕ may be generated by choosing k in the interval − π l ≤k< π l , restrict k to this range: called “First Brillouin zone”. Return to question about what happens when k is not in 1st Brillouin Zone next time [get another part of the band structure using qualitative perturbation theory rather than a matrix diagonalization calculation]. Plug cq = e ikql into Schrödinger Equation 0 = cq ( E0 − E ) − A(cq +1 + cq −1 ) ik q +1 l ik q −1 l 0 = e ikql ( E0 − E ) − A(e ( ) + e ( ) ) divide by e ikq and rearrange l − ik ] E = E0 − A[1 e ik42 + e4 3 l 2 cos kl l This is the condition on E,k that must be satisfied for all eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger equation E = E0 − 2 A cos kl updated September 19, 2003 @ 2:22 5.73 Lecture #37 37 - 7 E varies continuously over finite interval E0 ± 2 A E(k) E0 + 2 A E0 — E0 − 2 A −π l 0 +π l k The choice ν q H ν q +1 = − A leads to minimum E at k = 0. Are these all of the allowed energy levels that arise from a single orbital at each lattice site? Apparently not — see next time. Only half of the states. [One orbital per atom → two spin-orbitals per atom. Antisymmetrization gives another separate band.] Could repeat calculation for a higher energy state at each site. Would get a broader band centered at higher energy. updated September 19, 2003 @ 2:22 5.73 Lecture #37 37 - 8 closer look at spatial form of ϕ k ( x ) ≡ x ϕ k ϕ k ( x) = x ϕ k = +∞ ∑ e ikq x νq 123 l q =−∞ νq ( x) goal is to replace infinite sum by single term: This is called a Bloch function 6 474 8 ϕ k ( x ) ~ e ikxuk ( x ) show that: periodicity of lattice plane wave (Free particle) begin by requiring that ϕ k ( x) = ∞ ∑ q =−∞ e ikql νq ( x) Translational symmetry imposes a relationship between νq(x) and ν0 each νq(x) is localized at site q. ν q ( x ) = ν 0 ( x − ql ) ϕ k( x ) = ∑ e ν0 ( x − ql) ∞ ikql q = −∞ ϕ k( x + l ) = x + l − ql ) ∑ e ikq ν10 (4 4244 3 ∞ shift x by –ql to get from site q to site 0 l q = −∞ = e ik l ( ( )) =ν 0 x − q −1 l ik( q − 1) ν 0 ( x − (q − 1)l ) ∑ e l updated September 19, 2003 @ 2:22 5.73 Lecture #37 37 - 9 re-index sum (replace q–1 by q) ϕ k( x + l ) = e ϕ k( x ) ikl translation by l! This form of φ k has all of the symmetry properties we will need. This form is sufficient to satisfy the symmetry requirements (boundary conditions). This means, instead of writing ϕ k ( x ) as sum over atom - localized ν q ( x )’s, it is possible to write ϕ k ( x ) as product of 2 factors ϕ k ( x ) = e ikxuk ( x ) 1st factor conveys translational symmetry of a plane wave with wavevector k, 2nd factor builds in translational symmetry of lattice with spacing l. This is a more general expression that incorporates all of the properties of the original definition of ϕk(x) as a sum over localized orbitals. u k ( x + l ) = uk ( x ) note that [ ] ϕ k ( x + l ) = e ikx e ik uk ( x + l ) = e ik e ikxuk ( x ) l l = e ik ϕ k ( x ) l as required. Note also that ℑϕk(x + nl)ℑ2 = ℑϕk(x)ℑ2 implies that, as required, e– has equal probability of being found on each site. updated September 19, 2003 @ 2:22