Structural Mechanics 2.080 Recitation 4 Semester Yr Recitation 4 4.1 Find the max. P that this beam can support without yielding. Cross-section h h FBD: Rx = P cos ✓ (4.1) Rz = P sin ✓ MR = P sin ✓L M (x) = 4-1 P sin ✓L(1 x ) l (4.2) Structural Mechanics In general, xx = N A |{z} 2.080 Recitation 4 + axial force In this case: Semester Yr Mz (eqn. 4.47). I} |{z} |{z bending N = P cos ✓ A = h2 h4 12 M (x) = (4.3) I= x ) L P sin ✓L(1 Axial component is constant along length and height, = P cos ✓ (tension). h2 Bending component is maximum tension at x = 0, z = h : 2 = b ) First yield occurs when h4 12 = xx,max xx,max = h 2) P sin ✓L( y: P = = 6P sin ✓L h3 P cos ✓ 6P sin ✓L + h3 h2 L P (cos ✓ + 6 sin ✓ ) = 2 h h yh (4.4) (4.5) y. 2 cos ✓ + 6 sin ✓(L/h) (4.6) * What is the ratio of the 2 stress components? axial bending Example: if ✓ = 45 , L = 20h ! P cos ✓ 1 h cos ✓ h2 = ( )( )( = ) 6P sin ✓L 6 L sin ✓ h3 axial bending = 1 120 4-2 (4.7) Structural Mechanics 4.2 2.080 Recitation 4 Semester Yr Compare the max. shear stress in this beam to the max. tensile stress. Recall that shear stress xz is a parabolic function of z (eqn. 4.55) z2 3V 1 (4.8) (z) = xz 2A (h/2)2 In our case, V = P sin ✓ xz is max at z = 0, constant W.R.T. x ! P L (cos ✓ + 6 sin ✓ ) 2 h h 3 P sin ✓ 3 sin ✓ 2 h2 = = P L 2(cos ✓ + 6 sin ✓L/h) (cos ✓ + 6 sin ✓ ) h2 h xx,max xz xx Same example: xz,max = 3 P sin ✓ 2 h2 = xz xx = 3 ' 0.012 2(1 + 120) 4-3 (4.9) MIT OpenCourseWare 2.080J / 1.573J Structural Mechanics Fall 2013 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: