Interaction of resonance radiation with atomic beams by Steven Charles Seitel A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Physics Montana State University © Copyright by Steven Charles Seitel (1972) Abstract: A dual atomic beam device for investigating the resonance transitions in the rare gases is described. The device is useful wherever low beam densities or windowless light paths are desired. A simple model is developed for the frequency distribution of a resonance line excited by electron bombardment in an atomic beam light source. The model is used to interpret the observed absorption and scattering of the 1048 å (3Pi) and 1067. å (3Pi) argon resonance lines. The ratio of the oscillator strengths of these lines is measured by a new method with the result f(1048)/f(1067) = 3.99+0.55 in agreement with values given in the literature, The electron impact excitation functions for these lines are observed for the first time and compared to a recent theoretical treatment. INTERACTION OF RESONANCE RADIATION WITH ATOMIC BEAMS by STEVEN CHARLES SEITEL A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements, for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Physics Approved: Head, M^gof Department 'Cf /I J dto.d&i’ //J/Xscntf Chairman, Examining Committee MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana March, 1972 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Professor David K. Anderson for suggesting this problem, and for his advice and encourage­ ment. I am indebted to Mr. Cecil Badgley and to Mr. Fred Blankenburg for valuable technical assistance. Finally, I wish to thank my charming and capable wife, Delores, for typing this manuscript. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ...................... .. LIST OF FIGURES vi ............................... .. vii Chapter I. II. III. INTRODUCTION .................... I THEORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS LIGHT SOURCE . . . . . ' .......... . ................................. 12 ............................... 15 MONOCHROMATOR SCATTERING BEAM .................. 15 VACUUM S Y S T E M .......... PRESSURE GAUGES PROCEDURE ......... ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS V. 16 . . . . . . . . . OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS IV. 12 16 17 18 . . . . . . . . . . 18 EXCITATION FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 LIGHT SOURCE INTENSITY . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ABSORBED INTENSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 SCATTERED INTENSITY ........................ 27 DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 SPECTRAL SCANS ...................... EXCITATION FUNCTIONS ........................ 30 30 V LIGHT SOURCE INTENSITY ...................... 32 ABLS LINESHAPE ........... . . . . . . . . . 37 ABSORBED INTENSITY .......................... 37 SCATTERED INTENSITY . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . 40 A P P E N D I X ................................................ 43 ........... CONCLUSION . ............... A. ABSORPTION PROFILE OF AN ATOMIC BEAM . . . B. RECOIL-BROADENED EMISSION PROFILE C. COMPUTER PROGRAMS REFERENCES . . . ............. . . . . . ....................... 44 48 SI ES vi LIST OF TABLES Table I. , ' ABLS Intensity Parameters . ............. page 35 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure I. Page Partial Term Diagram.for A r g o n , Showing the First Resonance Lines ................. 4 2. Recoil-Broadened Beam Emission Profile ... 9 3. Equivalent Gaussian Width y vs. Convolution Parameter F .r ................. 11 4. (a) Schematic Diagram of the Apparatus ... (b) Geometry of the Light Source ........... 13 13 5. Spectrum From an Argon Beam, Showing the Ar I and Ar II First Resonance Lines ... 19 6. Spectrum Showing the Argon Resonance Series . 20 7. Electron Impact Excitation Functions for the Argon First Resonance Lines . . . . . . o ABLS Intensity (1048 A) vs. Source Oven. Pressure . . . . . . ............... ... O ABLS Intensity (1067 A) vs. Source Oven Pressure . . . . •......... ................. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Absorption of Argon Resonance Radiation (1048 A) vs. Scattering Oven Pressure . . 22 23 24 26 O Scattered Intensity (1048 A) vs. Scattering Oven Pressure . . . . . . . . . 28 ABLS Lineshape 38 . .................... .. viii ABSTRACT A dual atomic beam device for investigating the resonance transitions in the rare gases is described. The device is useful wherever low beam densities or windowless light paths are desired. A simple model is developed for the frequency distribution of a resonance line excited by electron bombardment in an atomic beam light source. The model is used to interpret the observed absorption and scattering of the 1048 A (1P") and 1067. A (3P") argon resonance lines. The ratio of the oscillator strengths of these lines is measured by a new method with the result f (1048)/ f (1067) = 3.99+0.55 in agreement with values given in the literature. The electron impact excitation functions for these lines are observed for the first time and compared to a. recent theoretical treatment. I. INTRODUCTION Atomic first resonance transitions are of interest for the information they provide about the lowest-lying excited states. The oscillator strengths are intimately related to the lifetimes I and to the small-angle inelastic electron-scattering cross sections. In the rare gases, the resonant transitions occur in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral region 3 where special optical techiques are required. Two types of vacuum ultraviolet light sources have recently been described in the literature: Verkhovtseva, 4 e t . a l ., employ an ultrasonic gas jet excited by a high5 energy electron beam; Govertsen and Anderson use a collimated atomic beam excited by electron bombardment to produce narrow spectral lines. Because of the low atom densities and the ability to operate near threshold energies, the latter source is uniquely suited to an investigation of resonant transitions. A feature common to sources of this type is the presence of "background" atoms in the region where the beam is excited. If these atoms are of the same species as the beam atoms and have large velocity components in the direction of observation, the background emission takes the form of a broad spectral line superimposed upon the narrow ■ 2 beam line.6 The presence of stray atoms is particularly troublesome in the case of resonant transitions; long path lengths and the extremely large resonant cross sections1 result in substantial self-absorption, even if background densities are reduced by efficient pumping techniques. The process of excitation by electron bombardment involves a transfer of momentum from the electron to the excited atom. The spectral line emitted by the beam is broadened as a result. These "recoil-broadening" effects are not well understood. An early analysis (for by 7 Mack and Barkofsky predicts a broadening mechanism which is essentially non-Gaussian in character. A more recent O calculation by Korolyov and Odintsov has yielded theoret­ ical widths for several lines in the singlet spectrum of helium which agree with the observed widths. Details of the broadening mechanism unfortunately are not presented. g Larson and Stanley have observed substantial broadening in He II; they comment that the source profiles were "mainly" Gaussian in character. Recoil-broadening effects should be less important with heavier atoms. In this w o r k , a simple model for the frequency distribution of a resonance line excited by electron bombardment in an atomic beam light source is developed. 3 The model is used to interpret the observed absorption and scattering .of the 1048 A (1P 0 ) and 1067 A (3P 0) fine- structure components of the first resonance transitions in argon (figure I) . A new method for. measuring relative oscillator strengths is used to determine the ratio O O f (1048 A ) / f (1067 A). The electron impact excitation functions for these lines are observed and compared to a recent theoretical calculation. 10 4 ARGON RESONANCE LINES 3 P 54 S —*-3P6 9 3 1 4 3 .8 0 0 CM 1048A I067A FIG. I II. THEORY An optical transition of an atom between an excited state and the ground state is called a resonant transition; the radiation emitted or absorbed in the process is called resonance radiation. If resonance radiation corresponding to a particular transition propa­ gates in the ^-direction from the point of emission x=0 through an absorbing vapor of density n (x), the total intensity' reaching a point x=L is (I) I (L) oc n (O) / dyE (w) exp{-/dxn (x) a (x, co) > The emission profile E (m )is the frequency distribution of the radiation emitted; a (x,co) is the cross section for resonant absorption, or absorption profile, near x* is determined by the distribution of the the velocities 11 E (w) components of of the excited-state atoms near x=0 , and Cr(XirIo) is determined by a similar distribution for groundstate atoms near x, both according to the Doppler relation 12) (U-U0 ) 6 Here W 0 is the separation in angular frequency of the ground and excited states, and c is the speed of light. The distribution of atomic velocities throughout a gas in thermal equilibrium is Maxwellian. The correspond­ ing absorption profile is independent of x: a (w) a exp{- (a^ t0a) 2> , (3) Y W 2. / 2kT c / M The absolute temperature T of the gas and the mass M of an individual atom determine the absorption width y . mann's constant is denoted by k. Boltz­ The oscillator strength f of the resonant transition appears because of the normal­ ization requirement^ (4) / dwc (w) = I V f me2 — 00 where m is the mass and e the charge of an electron. It is shown in Appendix A that an atomic beam produced by effusion through a small aperture and collimated 7 with a circular opening downstream exhibits an absorption profile of the form (3), provided T is interpreted as an effective beam temperature 0. This effective temperature is a measure of the geometric collimation of the beam and is in general less than the temperature of the gas in the source. The absorption width y is correspondingly reduced. The velocity distribution in an atomic beam under- going excitation by electron bombardment is altered by ■ momentum transfer from electron to atom. The beam emission profile differs in form from the absorption cross section as a result. The distribution of atomic recoil momenta along a direction perpendicular to the axis of a perfectly collimated atomic beam (0°K effective temperature) can be calculated from the differential, cross section for inelastic electron scattering. imation in Appendix B. This is done in the first Born approx­ The corresponding emission profile is 15) sin"1 Is| 8 The angular frequency Wm -Co0 corresponds to the maximum recoil velocity commensurate with energy-momentum conser­ vation. The function is strictly zero for values |c|>l (recoil cutoff). If the beam is not perfectly collimated, the emission profile is a convolution of forms (3) and (5); c t n (9/2) (6 ) E(w) can be evaluated numerically with the aid of the first program in Appendix C. The results for several 'F are shown in figure 2 . The parameter T depends through y and upon the atomic properties, the beam temperature, and the incident electron energy E : (7) 9 RECOIL-BROADENED BEAM EMISSION PROFILE r = 0.0459 0.0 FIG. 2 1.0 ' C 2.0 10 For values r>0.4, the emission profile can be represented by a simple Gaussian whose characteristic width Yr depends upon F , as shown in.figure 3. A least-squares comparison between approximate and "exact" curves was made to select the Yr corresponding to each T. 11 EQUIVALENT GAUSSIAN WIDTH Tr L IM IT FIG.3 r III. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS The general features are illustrated in figure 4(a). Resonance radiation from an atomic beam light source analyzed to wavelength by a vacuum monochromator scattered by an atomic beam (C). (A) is (B) and Intensities transmitted and scattered at 90° are detected at (D). LIGHT SOURCE The atomic beam light source described by Govertsen and Anderson.^ parallels their description. (ABLS) has been The following closely The source consists of a focused and collimated atomic beam excited by electron bombardment. The beam originates in an oven equipped with a I imn x 10 mm multichannel aperture of the type described by Larson and Stanley. stacked copper foils 9 12 ' The aperture consists of 40 (16 nun x 3.5 mm x 0.025 mm) into each of which has been etched 40 channels of rectangular cross section (0.25 mm x 0.012 mm). The channels are "aimed" at a geometric focal point in the excitation region 30 mm from the aperture. Such mechanical focusing increases the beam density achievable in the excitation region for a given oven pressure. The transmittance^^ of the aperture is =45%. Stable beam density is achieved by regulating the rate of 13 14 flow into the oven with a Granville-Phillips series 203 variable leak valve. A I mm x 8 mm slit 10 mm downstream in the wall between the oven and excitation chambers colli­ mates the beam. The I mm slit widths are in the direction of the monochromator. The electron gun consists of a tungsten filament and a U-shaped copper anode. The excitation region is within the anode structure and radiation emerges through a small slot in the surface facing the monochromator. The assembly is mounted between the pole pieces of a permanent magnet which provides a field of =600 G to confine the electrons to a narrow sheet. The relationship between atomic beam, electron sheet, and emitted radiation is shown in figure 4 (b). This geometry is selected to allow viewing of the radiation in a direction perpendicular to the major components of the atomic velocities. A tungsten filament can be used to heat the anode before operation; this impedes anode contamination.^ Stable emission current density is achieved with a feedback-type regulator which adjusts filament voltage in response to anode current fluctuations. Anode voltage and emission current are separately adjustable. The electron gun and collimating magnet assembly is mounted on a trans­ 15 fer table which allows precise positioning of the anode in the plane perpendicular to the beam axis. Optimum align­ ment is achieved from outside the vacuum chamber by means of a mechanical feedthrough.■ MONOCHROMATOR The radiant output of the light source is analyzed with a McPherson model 235 half-meter vacuum U.V. scanning monochromator of the Seya-Namioka type. The MgF -coated 2 grating is ruled 600 L/mm and has a first-order dispersion O of 34 A/mm and a resolving power of -25,000. SCATTERING BEAM The scattering beam originates in an oven with a 2 mm x 10 mm multichannel aperture constructed by stacking 80 of the foils described above. An adjustable slit set at 2 mm x 8 mm in the wall between the oven and interaction chambers (8 mm downstream) collimates the beam. Radiation from the monochromator is absorbed in the direction of the 2 mm slit w i dth. The intensity transmitted and that scat­ tered at 90° to the incident and beam directions are observed with Bendix model 4503C channeltrons. Masks are inserted between the detectors and beam to insure that only 16 photons from the interaction region are counted. VACUUM SYSTEM Individually-forepumped NEC oil diffusion pumps using Dow-Corning DC-704 fluid are employed throughout. The chambers containing source- and scattering-beam ovens are jointly evacuated through a tee by a 6-inch pump equipped with a cryogenic baffle. A 2-inch pump directly evacuates the scattering chamber, and the monochromator is equipped with a 4-inch pump and Granville-Phillips cryosorb cold trap. PRESSURE GAUGES Ion gauges of the inverted Bayard-Alpert type are used to monitor background pressures in the vacuum chambers. Source- and scattering-oven pressures in the range 0-1 Torr are measured with a type 77 MKS Baratron pressure metter with type 77H-1 capacitance sensor. Source oven pressures above I Torr are inferred from the background pressure in the excitation chamber, which is observed to be a linear function of source pressure below 10 Torr. 17 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS For source oven pressures in the range I to 10 T o r r , the corresponding range of beam, densities in the excitation region is estimated to be IO12- I O 13 per c m 3. The cross section of the electron sheet is approximately 0.1 mm x IO mm for anode voltages of 0-300 V; these dimensions were obtained by observing the blackening of the anode surface struck by the electrons. The maximum emission current obtainable at any voltage is determined by space-charge limitation; at 150 V a stable current of 10 mA can be main­ tained. The maximum spread in electron energies is esti­ mated to be ±10 ev. Scattering oven pressures in the range 0-1 Torr correspond■to estimated beam densities in the interaction region of IO11- I O 12 per cm 3. The detectors have an electron gain of 10 7 and a dark noise <5 counts/minute when operated at. 3000 V. ° IF The detection efficiency is =10% at 1000 A. IV. PROCEDURE The experimental investigation was conducted in the following five stages. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS Preliminary experiments were performed to select resonant transitions suitable for detailed investigation and to determine optimum operating conditions. The spectrum from an argon beam excited in the ABLS was examined in the ■ O range 700-1100 A for several source oven pressures, anode voltages and currents, and monochromator slit widths. figures 5 and 6 . See The reduced efficiency of the monochromO ator grating at wavelengths below 800 A limited observed O intensities. The Ar I resonance lines at 1048 A (1P 0) and O 1067 A (3P°) were well-resolved with 300 y slits. The intensities of these lines were compared to the intensities O of the. ion O (Ar II) lines at 920 A and 932 A for several source oven pressures. The Ar I lines were found to be significantly self-reversed at source oven pressures above 0.I Torr. EXCITATION FUNCTIONS The electron impact excitation functions for the ARGON FIG. IO ro •o ARGON SOURCE PRESSURE 0.4 TORR ELECTRON ENERGY-IOOeV(AV=ISO) SLITS SOyu CD CO tD LO CVi CM CO CO FIG. 6 WAVELENGTH (A) 21 Ar I resonance lines were studied by observing the intensity of the light source as a function of anode voltage electron energy) (hence for a source oven pressure of 0.1 Torr and an emission current of I mA. This current was the largest that could be maintained over the entire voltage range. low oven pressure was chosen to avoid self-reversal. results are presented in figure 7. The The The error bars corre­ spond to 10% fluctuations in the anode current caused by poor filament regulation. The observed threshold was at an anode voltage of 63 V, corresponding to a space-charge barrier in the electron gun of about 51 ev. was evident for voltages below threshold. 17 Some emission From t h i s , the spread in electron energies was estimated to be ±10 ev. LIGHT SOURCE INTENSITY The intensity of the Ar I resonance lines was observed as a function of source oven pressure at an anode voltage of 150 V and an emission current of 10 mA. Three separate measurements were made of the intensity at each pressure. The mean values are plotted in figures 8 and 9. The standard deviation in each mean is in all cases less than 3% of the mean value, averaging less than 1%. ARGON EXCITATION FUNCTIONS m 0.6 - THEORY 0.2 — EXPERIMENT 9 1 0 4 8 A 20 40 60 80 P O 1067 A IOO 120 ELECTRON ENERGY IN EV ABOVE THRESHOLD 23 LIGHT SOURCE INTENSITY IN T E N S IT Y (ARBITRARY) (1 0 4 8 A) FIG. 8 • EXPERIMENT — BEST FIT SOURCE OVEN PR ESSU R E (TORR) 24 LIGHT SOURCE IN T E N S IT Y (1 0 6 7 A ) EXPERIMENT BEST FIT SOURCE OVEN PRESSURE (TORR) 25 ABSORBED INTENSITY Argon resonance radiation from the monochromator was partially absorbed by a beam of argon atoms in the scatter­ ing chamber. The intensity of radiation transmitted was measured as a function of scattering oven pressure for several source oven pressures, were 150 V and 10 mA. more times. The electron beam parameters Each measurement was made three or The standard deviation in each mean was always less than 13% of the mean v a l u e , averaging less than 3%. The absorption A, defined as"^ (8) a _ i_■ Transmitted Intensity Incident Intensity O is shown in figure 10 for the 1048 A line. The ratio of the initial slopes of the transmitted O O intensity curves for the 1048 A and 1067 A lines was measured as a function of source oven pressure and extraprolated to zero pressure. From this ratio, the ratio of the absorption coefficients and hence of the oscillator strengths was determined to be f (1048)/ f (1067) = 3.99±0.55. The uncertainty quoted is three times the rms deviation as A B S O R P T IO N 26 ABSORPTION ( 1 0 4 8 A) SCATTERING 0 « EXPT SOURCE PRESS. THEORY n, 0.09 T 0.17 0.55 1.04 0.08 0.25 0.90 2 OVEN PRESSURE (TORR) 27 determined by a least squares fit. with the value obtained by Lawrence lifetime measurements, Geiger loss spectroscopy, and Lewis broadening studies. gives 4.08. Geiger 19 20 This is in agreement 18 (3.86) from direct (3.96) from electron energy (4.4) from resonance- The Hartree-Fock calculation of Knox 19 21 reports that H. Schmoranzer has measured the ratio directly and found it to be 4.01. SCATTERED INTENSITY The fluorescent intensity was observed at 90° to the direction of incident radiation as a function of 0 scattering oven pressure. The 1048 A results for several source oven pressures are presented in figure 11. The intensity scattered to the detector with no beam present in the chamber is due to background gas and is normalized to unity. Typical error bars, corresponding to the /N statistical uncertainty, are indicated at the peak of the lowest source pressure curve. Because observed scattered intensities were low O (-30 photons/minute for the 1048 A line), long counting periods were required. An attempt was made to achieve maximum stability of the light source. The anode was preheated at pressures below 5x10“ 7 Torr before the light 0 .0 fig . Il 0.1 0 .2 0 .3 SCATTERING OVEN PRESSURE (TORR) 29 source was operated. Stable beam pressures were achieved 15 minutes after adjusting the leak valves. The filament regulator maintained a constant emission current. The maximum drift in radiant output under these conditions was 10% per hour. This was compensated for by monitoring the light source intensity with no scattering beam present at frequent intervals. V. DISCUSSION SPECTRAL SCANS The spin-orbit interaction of the argon excited states is sufficiently large to establish intermediate coupling. 22 Consequently all J=I levels of the p 5s and p 5d excited state configurations will contain a 1P" component and will make dipole transitions to the 1S o ground state. There are two such levels in each p 5s configuration and three in each p sd. This shows clearly in figures 5 and 6 . O O The lines at 894 A (3d) and 843 A (4d) are mostly triplet and are not strongly excited at 150 V. EXCITATION FUNCTIONS The electron impact excitation functions for the Ar I resonance lines apparently have not previously been studied experimentally. A theoretical calculation has recently been made by Sawada, Purcell, and G r e e n . T h e y employed a phenomenologically-determined independent particle model of the atom and a distorted-wave approxima­ tion to the resultant scattering potential. The formalism included the effects of electron exhange in the singlet excitation but made t h e .simplifying assumption of purely LS-coupled atomic wave functions. 31 In figure 7 , the singlet curve is normalized to the data at 138 ev. The theory correctly predicts that the O 1067 A excitation function will decay with increasing energy O more rapidly than the 1048 A function. Beyond this, there is little agreement. The discrepancy occurs in part because the argon atom is not LS coupled. O The relative intensity of 1067 A radiation above 50 ev due to singlet-triplet mixing can be estimated as follows. The wave function is written as the sum of pure. Russell-Saunders triplet and singlet contributions: (9) ip(10 67 A) = aip(3P°) + IBiM2P 0) . i i The intermediate coupling constants a and 8 are determined from the ratio of the lifetimes, hence of the oscillator strengths ,^ with the result a = 0 ,893, 8=0.451. ratio of intensities at high energy is observed ratio is =2, The expected (a/8)2-4, The O Preferential population of the 1067 A state by cascading from higher excited states may account for the remaining emission. The exchange contribution to the singlet curve 32 aPPears as a spike 2-3 ev wide at low energy. The large O initial slope of the 1048 A function is consistent with such a spike. LIGHT SOURCE INTENSITY Interpreting the beam-pressure dependence of the ABLS intensity (figures 8 and 9) in terms of expression (I) requires a detailed knowledge of the density and velocity distributions throughout the excitation chamber. A treat­ able model consists of a sharply-defined beam of uniform density superimposed upon a fully-thermal!zed background gas = The predicted intensity of resonance radiation originating in such a light source is (10) I (n ) =C n / d w [E I Here n Ij (w) +~E I P (w) Jexp{-n 2 is proportional to beam density Ia (w) +§a 1 1 P (to) J } 2 (hence source pressure), 3 is the ratio of beam density to background density, and a is the ratio of background path length to beam path length. E^ (to) and a ^ (to) are profiles representing emission 33 and absorption, respectively, by"beam atoms; E (to) and 2 (w) are similar background profiles. The absorption profile ct (w) of the atomic beam in the case of a J=I-KT=O resonant transition is (cu) = j [ct (m - m h )+a (co)+a (ti+tuH )] (11 ) where My is the Zeeman splitting of the excited state in the field of the collimating magnet. The functions ct (m - m h ), et c . , are calculated for the reduced beam temperature from (3), in It is convenient to regard the parameter y appearing (3) as the "width" y j of (m ) . Since most of the back­ ground absorption occurs away from the magnetic field, O^(M) is a simple Gaussian of width y '. 2 The geometry of the system is such that the axis of the collimating field is contained in the plane defined by the normal to the monochromator grating and the optical axis of the system. Consequently, the ir-polarized (AMj=O) component is substantially attenuated at the grating. Zeeman This effect is accounted for in the theory by writing the beam emission profile as 34 (12) (w) = .^Q IE (M-Uh )+GE(W)+E (m + o)h )] where the "grating factor" G is less than I. The component functions E (to-w^) , etc., have in general the form (6). For the experimental conditions of .figures 8 and 9, the convo­ lution parameter has the value T=O.46, and the components can be approximated by equivalent Gaussians as discussed in Chapter II. The equivalent width of a component is the "width" Y 1 °f E (to) . The background emission profile (to) is similar in form to E^ (to) except that the functions E((o-(oH ) , etc., axe calculated for the actual temperature of the background gas. The intensity curve (10) was evaluated numerically for the argon resonance lines with parameters estimated from the experimental geometry and operating conditions. parameters appear under "best guess" in Table I . These Agreement between the calculated curves and the experimental data was poor. The model as formulated does not adequately describe the relevant velocity and density distributions. The shape of (10) is sensitive to the various line- 35 TABLE I Parameter Best Guess Best Fit 3 Density Ratio 16 2 a Path Length Ratio 64.4 G Grating Factor . § V ^ D V yD y ;/ y d Y / YD y V yd + 0.55 0.55 + (1048 A) 0.251 0.251+ (1067 A) 0.320 0.320+ Beam Emission Width 0.14 0.2 Beam Absorption Width 0.1 0.1-0.16* * Background Emission Width I I Background Absorption Width I 0 .6 .Zeeman Splitting +These parameters are non-adjustable. § 64.4 Y q = Room Temperature Doppler Width 2 .OSSx IO 10 radians/second. *See text. (HWl/e) = 36 widths and to the density ratio 6 . A computer search was made to find a set of parameters which characterize the observed behavior. These "best fit" parameters appear in Table I 7 and the corresponding curves are plotted with the experimental data in figures 8 and 9. The normalization is chosen to make the low-pressure slopes agree. Functions of this form can be generated with the aid of the second program in Appendix C. With the "best fit" parameters, the intensity curve is not sensitive to values of y' within the indicated limits. i Taken at the center of its range, the value Y 1=O. 13y _. (Yn-'is the argon room-temperature Doppler width) indicates a beam absorption width about 30% greater than that estimated from the geometric collimation of the beam; this indicates partial decollimation due to the anode structure. The beam emission width Y 1 is greater than the absorption width by about 15%. This is in agreement with the predicted recoil broadening. The values Y 1=O-G y t. and 8=2 are reasonable in that the 2 D background gas is not fully thermalized but is partially directed along the axis of the beam, at least near the excitation region. Substantial absorption width and density variations exist throughout the chamber as a result. quently these parameters represent averages Conse­ Iin the sense of 37 expression (I)J over the entire chamber. ABLS LINESHAPE The predicted distribution in frequency of a resonance line excited in the model ABLS is given by the integrand of expression (10). This distribution is plotted O for the 1048 A line for several source oven pressures in figure 12. For pressures <0.1 T o r r , beam atom contributions to the total emitted intensity are dominant. The relative contribution due to background emission increases with pressure, causing the distribution to "widen" in the sense that the intensity is increasingly concentrated in the wings For pressures >2 To r r , beam atom contributions are neglig­ ible . ABSORBED INTENSITY If I(n^,w) is the intensity per unit frequency of resonance radiation entering the scattering chamber, then the intensity I (n^ ,nz ,to) reaching the detector isI (13) I (n ,n ,w) = I (n ,w)exp{-n a (a>) } . I 2 I .23 ABLS LINESHAPE K u )) 2 TORR (SOURCE OVEN PRESSURE) FIG. 12 U)/% 39 Here is proportional to the pressure in the scattering The absorption profile a (w) is a Gaussian beam oven. 3 whose width y ^ is regarded as an average over the entire chamber. The total transmitted intensity is found by integrating (13) over all frequencies. The absorption A is found from equation (8 ) and is plotted with the experimental data in figure 10. source pressure curve The lowest (Uj= .08)corresponds to Y g= O .65 and is normalized to the data at a point near the knee. ; The remaining curves are generated by varying n . The param­ eters n^ increase at about the same rate as the correspond-, ing source pressures, except for the extreme high-pressure ■ curve (n^ = 8) ., Deviations at high pressures are to be expected, since at a source pressure -4 Torr the mean free path of an argon atom in the oven becomes comparable to the narrow dimension of a collimator channel. Under these conditions, simple molecular effusion does not occur but rather a turbulent hydrodynamic flow, with the result that the "effective" source area increases.^ Thus the beam collimation varies with pressure, and the assumption of constant path ratio a and density ratio 8 must be abandoned. At high scattering beam pressures, the experimental absorption saturates at a value which depends upon the 40 source pressure. This result is correctly predicted by the theory and corresponds to the broadening of the ABLS lineshape discussed above; as the intensity shifts away from the central frequency, it has a smaller probability of being absorbed in the scattering chamber. SCATTERED INTENSITY Because of the large experimental uncertainties, a detailed extension of the theory to the case of resonant scattering has not been made. The general features of figure 11 are consistent with the model. The intensity of scattered radiation peaks as a function of scattering oven pressure. The decrease at higher pressure is due to the attenuation of the scattered radiation in the background gas before reaching the detector. Resonant excitation is most efficient for low source pressures. to a favorable overlap between the This corresponds (narrow) ABLS lineshape and the scattering beam absorption profile. As the line- shape widens with source pressure, the overlap decreases and so also does the excitation efficiency. CONCLUSION The atomic beam is a useful tool for examining the 41 resonance transitions in the rare gases; it meets the requirements of low density and windowless light paths. An atomic beam light source of the type described can be represented by a simple two-component model. (beam and background) The model parameters can be used to calculate roughly the effects of recoil broadening and to predict the frequency distribution of a resonance line excited in the light source. This capability is important when direct interferometric examination of the lineshape is not possible (as in the vacuum ultraviolet). The recoil-broadening analysis suggests an important experiment. Momentum transfer effects should be greater g with lighter atoms. Korolyov and Odintsov predict that the widths of all lines arising from resonant levels will vary approximately as the inverse of the electron velocity. They observed a strong energy dependence in the width of the O 5016 A line (S1P ->21S ) in helium but were not equipped to O investigate the 584 A resonance line directly. A systematic study of the recoil broadening of this line 25 as a function of energy is indicated. 2g Anderson has observed anomalous behavior in the Hanle effect in xenon which he attributes to the Gaussian profile of the resonance lamps. The scattered intensity 42 measurements suggest the possibility of observing the Hanle effect for the case of narrow linewidth excitation. Such an experiment would be most efficient at low beam densities and would require sensitive low-noise detection systems. APPENDIX A. ABSORPTION PROFILE OF- AN ATOMIC BEAM Consider an atomic beam formed by effusion through an ideal aperture in the wall of an enclosure or oven containing a gas of atoms in thermal equilibrium. The aperture is sufficiently small that the Maxwellian distri­ bution of atomic velocities within the oven is not altered by the effusion process. spherical coordinates The polar axis. 2 of a set of (r,9 ,([>) with origin at the aperture is defined by the outward normal to the aperture. The probability that an atom will be effused into a velocity range dv about a particular velocity v is, by a simple statistical mechanical argument, p (v) dv £( M ) 2vcos 0exp {-^srJdv TT v2kT 2kT (Al)' dv = v 2sin0dvd0d<f> . Here M is the mass of an atom, T the absolute temperature of the gas in the o v e n , and k is Boltzmann's constant. The projection vx of v along a particular direction & perpendic­ ular to the polar axis is vsin0cos<j> if the azimuth cf> is measured from £. This constraint may be used to write p (v)dv in terms of v^, v, and 0 : 45 (A2) P(»)d» - Il5Hr) 2 v 2sin6cos6 ✓ exp{-$ T ^ dvx dvd6 sin2 6- (vx/v) The probability P ^vx^ dvx an effused atom will have a velocity component v^ in the range dvx is found by integrat­ ing (A2) over all allowable v and 9. Suppose the atomic beam is collimated by a plane circular opening normal to and centered on the polar axis at some distance downstream from the oven. The maximum angle that an effused atom can make with the polar axis and still pass through the opening is 60 . Then in the region on the downstream side of the opening. fl(^) re. ■!rt p tv Xld v X Jc ^ecose, sin26-(vx/v) 2 x (A3) c = vx/sin8 o , d = sin- 1 (vx/v) The lower limit on the 6-integration is required by the definition of v / and the lower limit on the v-integration 46 is prescribed by system geometry. (A4) P tV dvX = After some work. sin2 00- l (---- * L _ ) 2exp{ /? 2kTsin26 0 -------}dv 2kTsin260 . x The factor sin20o appearing in the normalization is the probability that an effused atom will pass through the collimating aperture. The "effective" beam temperature 0 is defined by Tsin2Q0', and is related to the oven temperature T by (AS) c = / I = n&r • C is called the geometric collimation of the beam. For sufficiently small Q 0 , C-l/Q0 . The beam absorption profile obtained from (A4) according to (2 ) is 47 cr(co) ^ e x p {Y 0.) z ) , Y CA6) Y _ Wo. /2kTsin280.i c v M ' which is a Gaussian with a characteristic width y , called the "width" of the absorption profile. \ B. RECOIL-BROADENED EMISSION PROFILE Consider a beam of atoms moving in the 2-direction (only!) which undergoes bombardment by electrons of mass m incident along After an inelastic collision causing an excitation to an optical state of energy hw, the atom will in general exhibit a momentum component along the S - axis. The distribution of atomic recoil momenta along x is clearly the same as the distribution of electronic recoil momenta along - S . The angular distribution p (6 ,<j>) of inelastically scattered electrons is given in the first Born approximation to the differential cross section: (BI) 27 p(8,*)d0 = do = --- — ---si n 2 (8/ 2) where the polar angle 8 is measured from f , and the azimuth (p from S. If the change in kinetic energy of the atom is neglected, the energy balance gives (B2) ^ ( P 2 t- P 2 1 ) = hw. 49 where p Q and are the constant magnitudes of the initial and final electronic momenta, respectively. Thus the dis­ tribution of scattered momenta p is (B3) p (p)dp « 6 (p-p^ )p (8 ,<f))dpdft = 6 (p-p^ ) dpd6d(f) . The constraint px = psinBcosej) can be used to eliminate <J> in favor of px with the result (B4) p(p)dp cc 6 (p-p P- — d p d 6dpx . izSin2G- (PxZp) 2 The desired distribution p(px )dpx is achieved by integrating over all allowable p , 6 . The p-integration is immediate; the 6-integration is not: 'Tr-g p(Px )dpx « dp JdB(B5) : Q t n (B/2) . 1S l n 2 6 - (px / p g = sin- 1 Ip x Z p 1 I )2 50 The limits are occasioned by the fact that only angles 6 1$ 6<Tr-0 1 can contribute to a particular p^, where p'=p sin6 1. X I The absolute value signs are added to insure symmetry of the function about p^=0. The corresponding emission profile is given by equation (5). C: COMPUTER. P R O GRAMS I REM: BA SI C PROGRAM CALCULATES RECOIL-BROADENED 2 REM: BEAM E M IS SI O N P R O F I L E ( R B S H P E ) 10G = .03 I IN =• 0228/G 12PRIN T"G ='UG I S P R I N T nX 1S " P C X ) " • 3 0 FORX= I • 0 2 T O I • 0 6 STEP* 0 2 40P=0 5 0 F O R Y = - • 9 9 TO ®9 9 STEP* 0 2 60A =(X -Y )/G 7 0 F l =EXPC - A*A ) 77 Z= AB SC Y) 8 0L=ATNC Z / S Q R C 1 - Y * Y ) ) 9 0 U = 3 . I Al 6 - L 10 0 D=C U - L ) / 1 0 0 1201=0 I 3 0 F O R T = L + DTOU-DSTEPD 1 4 0 F 2 = S I N C T) I 5 0 F 3 = I-COSC T) I 6 0 I = I + D * C F 2 / F 3 ) / SQRCF 2 * F 2 - Y * Y ) I 70NEXTT 180P = P + .02*F 1*I 190NEXTY 200PRIN TX/P 210NEXTX 999END 1 52 I REM: BASIC PROGRAM CALCULATES ABLS I MTEMSI TT ( L S I 'MT) 10DIMEC 3 ) » FC 3 ) j>GC 3 ) 20A 1=64.4 30B1.= 2 40G= o 5 5 50G1= • 2 6062=1 70G3=eI 8 0G4=» 6 90 S 1 =» 1 7 9 5 / 3 . 4 1 0 0 1 0 = 1 /1 .36806E-02 I I 0 FORPI = « 0 5 T 0 I • 4 S T E P . 0 5 I 20N1=S1*P1 I 30J=0 I 40FORX=0TO2STEPl/350 150E 4=EX P(-C X /G 4)t2)/G 4 I 6 0 FORI = I T03 170Y = X -.502+ .251*i 180ECI ) = E X P ( - ( Y / G l ) t 2 ) / G l 190FC I ) = EXPC-C Y / G 2 ) t 2 ) / G 2 20.0GC D = EXPC -C Y / G 3 ) f 2 ) / G 3 SI 0MEXTI 220E 1 = CEC I ) + G*EC 2 ) + EC 3 ) ) / C 2+G) 2 3 0 E 2 = ( FC I ) + G*FC 2 ) + FC 3 ) ) / C 2+G) 240E3= C GC I ) + GC 2 ) +GC 3) ) / 3 2 5 0 J = J + I 0 * ( i M 1 / 3 5 0 >*C E1 + E 2 / B 1 )*EXPC - M D C E3+C A l / B l ) * E 4 ) ) 260MEXTX 270PRINTP1> J 280MEXTP1 290EMD 53 I REMJ BASIC PROGRAM CALCULATES ABLS L I MESHAPE ( L S H P E ) 10DIMEC 3)> FC 3>»G< 3 ) 20A1 = 64» 4 3 0 B 1 =2 4 0 G = . 55 50G1 = o 2 60G2=I 70G3=. I 8 0 GA=o6 90S 1=«1795/3® 4 100 10 = 1 / 1 . 3 6 8 0 6 E -0 2 I 1 0 P l = o 55 120N1=S1*P1 I 30J=0 I 4 0 FORX = 2* I TO 2 • 5 S T E P . I I 50E4=EXP<-CX/G4)»2 ) /G 4 I 60FORI = I TO 3 I 70Y = X ~ .5 0 2 + o 251*1 18 0EC I )=E XP ( -C Y /G 1 ) t 2 > / G l 190FC I ) =E X P ( -C Y / G 2 ) r 2 ) / G 2 2 0 0 G C I ) = EXPC-C Y / G 3 ) » 2 ) / G 3 2 10NEXTI 22 0E 1 = CEC I ) + G*E( 2 ) + E( 3 ) ) / ( 2+G) 2 3 0 E 2 = ( F( 1) + G*F( 2 ) + FC 3 ) ) / ( 2+G) 240E3= C GC l.)+GC 2 ) + GC 3 ) ) / 3 2 5 0 J = J + I 0 * ( N 1 / 3 5 0 ) * C E 1 + E 2 / B 1 ) * E X P C ~M1*CE3+C A l / B l ) * E 4 ) ) 260PRIMTX.» J 270NEXTX 290END 54 IREM: BASIC PROGRAM CALCULATES TRANSMITTED 2REM: INTENSITY AND ABSORPTION < TRIMT) 10DIMEC 3), FC 3)>G< 3) 20A1=64.4 30B1 -2 40G= o55 50GI= o2 60G2=1 70G3=•I 80G4=o 6 8 5G5 = . 65 90S!=.1795/3»4 9552=7/.19 10010=1/1»36806E”02 I I0P1 = •55 I20NI= Sl*P1 I27F0RP2=.ITOl STEP®I I29N2=S2*P2 I30J=0 I35Jl = 0 I40FORX=0TO2STEPl/350 I50E4=EXP(-CX/G4)t 2)/G4 I 60FORI = IT03 I70Y=X-» 502+» 251*1 180EC D = E X P C -CY/G1) t 2>/Gl 190FC I )= EXPC-C Y/G2)t 2>/G2 200GC D = E X P C -C Y/G3) t 2)/G3 210NEXTI 220E1 = C EC I )+G*EC 2) + EC 3) )/C 2+G) 230E2=C FC I )+G*FC 2) + FC 3) )/C 2+G,) 240E3=CGC I)+ GC2)+GC3))/3 245J2=10*CNI/350)*CE1 + E2/B1)*EXPC-N1*CE3+C Al/Bl)*E4)) 250J=J+J2 260E5=EXPC-CX/G5)t 2)/G5 280J1=J1+J2*EXPC -N2*ES) 290NEXTX 300PRINTP2,JT,1-J1/J 3 10NEXTP2 320END REFERENCES REFERENCES 1. 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