Effect of the Morin transition upon electron transport in magnesium doped single crystal hematite by Calvin Lee Ransom A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Electrical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Calvin Lee Ransom (1968) Abstract: The effect of the weak ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition on the electron transport properties has been observed in synthetic, . single-crystal, magnesium-doped hematite (nominally 0.5 percent replacement of iron). Separate measurements of the transverse voltage were taken with current flowing along the [111] direction and within the (111) plane. The predominant results are: 1) The activation energy of the transverse voltage is quite different for current flow along the [111] direction and in the (111) plane. The energies are -1.3 and 1.3 ev, respectively. 2) The transverse voltage produced for current flow along the [111] direction is altered as the crystal undergoes the weak ferro- magnetic-antiferromagnetic transition at the Morin temperature (TM), whereas no change is observed at TM for transport in the (111) plane. 3) No normal or anomalous Hall effect is observed for current flow in either the [111] direction or the (111) plane; however, a second order dependence upon the applied magnetic field is observed for the transverse voltage. 4) The data also indicates that the activation energy of the transverse voltage is dependent upon the current density (more properly the applied electric field) within the sample under test. The observed results are interpreted in terms of a model which considers the effect of the magnetic state upon the electron transfer process within the crystal. The electron transfer energy is assumed to be a function of ?, where ? is the angle between the quantization directions (determined by the large internal magnetic fields) of the iron ions between which the electron is assumed to hop. 5) It was also observed that the transverse voltage of the samples studied was dependent on the magnetic structure. The effect is believed to be the result of the sample being an array of resistors in which each resistor is a magnetic domain and within the domain the electrical properties are a function of its magnetic state, EFFECT OF THE MOfiIN TRANSITION UPON ELECTRON TRANSPORT IN MAGNESIUM DOPED SINGLE CRYSTAL HEMATITE by . CALVIN LEE RANSOM A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements" for the degree ' Of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY < in Electrical Engineering Approved: ■R e a d , Major Department JA ^ha i r m a n , Examining Committee MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY.-Bozemail, Montana December,' 1968 iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT I my work. would like to express my appreciation to those who aided in Particular thanks go to Dr. J. P. H a nton, my advisor. I should also like to thank the National Aeronautics and Space Admini­ stration for granting me a fellowship during the 1966- 6? and 196?-68 academic years. ; ^ . : ■ iv - . ;■ : ■ TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter. I II III IV ,' Page Preface , ............. ....... . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . i A. Magnetic Behavior of Hematite.................... B. Charge Transport by Hopping C. Double Exchange ■ . D. A More Detailed Look at the Hopping M e c h a n i s m ........................... The Experiment . Besults • vii 7 ................. 13 .................... ' . 16 .28 37 .............................. ...................................... . . . C o n c l u s i o n ........................................ ... . 4l . 34 Appendix A ................................................. $6 Literature Cited .......................................... 59 V LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. . Page 1. Illustration of a Tvvo-Sublattice S y s t e m ................. 3 2. Crystal Structure of Hematite ........................... 8 3« Magnetic Structure of Hematite . ' ................ 9 4. Possible Morin Transitions 5. Cyclic Chain on which Conduction Occurs by Hopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. ................. . . . . . . . . . . 12 . 14 Coordinates Defining 0 ....................................... 17 - . 7« Coordinates Defining the Rotational Trans­ formation of the S p i n ........... 21 . 8, Symmetric Wave Functions in a Two Dimensional Crystal . . . . . . . . ........................... 24 Sublattice Magnetization Directions' of Hematite 26 9« 10. Illustration of Allowed "Hops" for T •< T^ . . . ................31 1 1 . ' Illustration of Allowed "Hops" for T > T^ .................. 32 12. "Spinn ihg" 3d Wave F u n c t i o n s .................... 13'. 4 c. "Pictorial Hopping" from a 3d- to a 3d^ State 14. Sample -Crystallographic Orientation 15. Basic Experimental Configuration. 16. 17» 18. 19. . 34 . . 35 ■ ...................... 38 • ■ .................... A V as a Function of Temperature for Current Flow .. in the [ 1 1 1 3 Direction • . . ■. . . . '• • A V as' a Function of Temperature for Current, F l o w ' in the (ill) Plane . . . . . . . • . .42 • ^3 A V as 'a- Function of the B a s a l :Plane Magnetic Field Direction . . . . . . . ....................... Effect of the Magnetic Field Strength' upon AV ... 39 4$ . ' . 46 \ vi . LIST OF FIGURES (continued). ' Figure No. 20. ■Hematite M - H. Loops .. Page . •, . .48' 21. Shift of the Morin Transition as a Function of the Magnetic Field . . . . ................. ’ . 50 22. Shift of the Transverse Voltage as a Function of the Applied Magnetic Field ........................... 51 23«. Transverse Voltage as a Function of the Current . Through the S a m p l e .................... ................... '52 24.. The Experimental Configuration ........................... 57 . vii PEEFACE An interesting and as yet little investigated problem is the consideration of c h a r g e ,transport in materials that possess a magnetic state. This thesis considers only a very limited portion of this prob­ lem, but it is hoped that it will, because of the interesting experi­ mental results obtained, provide motivation for more studies in this area. The work begins with a brief discussion of why the magnetic state of a material may affect its conductivity. Terms and concepts which may be unfamiliar to the reader are introduced, affording a glimpse of the overall problem. arate sections, Then, in sep­ these concepts are more completely described and simple models are used to illustrate them. These simple models are shown to apply, to hematite and hence the hypothesis to be tested is formulated. Chapter Two describes the experimental configurations. Three presents and discusses the results of these experiments. The conclusions are summarized in-Chapter Four. Chapter I viii ABSTRACT The effect of the weak f erromagnetic-anti'ferromagnetic transi­ tion on the electron transport properties has been observed' in syn­ thetic, . single-crystal, magnesium-doped hematite (nominally 0.5 percent “"replacement of iron)V " Separate measurements' of"the transverse voltage were taken with current flowing along the [ill] direction and within the (ill) plane. The predominant-results are: 1) The activation energy of the transverse voltage is quite different for current flow along the [ill] direction and-in the (ill) plane. The energies are -1.3 and 1.3 ev, respectively. 2) The transverse voltage produced for current flow along the [ill] direction is altered as the crystal undergoes the weak ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition at the Morin temperature (T^), whereas no change is observed at T^ for transport in the, (ill) plane. 3) No normal or anomalous Kail effect is observed for current flow in either the . [ill] direction or the (ill) p l a n e ; ho w e v e r , a ' second order dependence upon the applied magnetic field is observed ■ for the transverse voltage. 4) The data also indicates that the activation energy of the transverse voltage is dependent upon the current density (more properly the applied electric, field) within the sample under test. The observed results are interpreted in terms of a model which considers the effect of the magnetic state upon the electron transfer process, within the crystal. The electron transfer energy is assumed to be a- function of 9, where 6 .is the angle between the quantization directions (determined by the large internal magnetic fields) of the iron ions between which the electron is assumed to hop. 5) It was also observed that the transverse voltage of the samples studied was dependent on the magnetic structure. The effect is believed to be the result of the sample, being an array of resistors in • which each resistor is a magnetic domain and within the domain the ' electrical properties are a function of its magnetic state. I INTRODUCTION In considering charge transport in a material that may possess a magnetic state, be it ferromagnetic, 'fe-rrimagnetic, or antiferromagnetic, the question arises, "What will be the effect of the internal magnetic fields, associated with the magnetic state, upon the mobile charges?" If one follows the approach suggested by Weiss in his successful explanation of spontaneous magnetization one would consider the internal magnetic field given by = Ha + XM (I) where H a is the externally applied magnetic field, M is the magneti­ zation of the material under consideration, ori g i n , and T a constant of unknown is the internal magnetic field. This suggests that the L o r e n t z 'force would be of the form F = qv x. (Ha + TM), - neglecting for the moment any possible electric fields, of course, (2) . q and v are, the charge and velocity, respectively, of the mobile charge. In ferromagnetic materials ' : , y T M - is of the order 10 - 10 oe. It would thus seem that such fields cannot be neglected in considering ‘ ;(x) possible Hall effects. This is indeed found to be the case. If the class of materials considered is extended to include anti­ ferromagnetics the magnetic fields now involve an additional term to ^ -2describe the effect at a two-sublattice antiferromagnet. The concept of a sublattice is convenient and appropriate when ■discussing antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism. It is -used to des­ cribe a crystal structure in which layers of atoms all possess a common magnetic orientation= T h u s 6 for example, a two-sublattice antiferro­ magnetic material may be imagined as a structure composed-of alter­ nating layers, each- layer consisting of atoms whose magnetic moments are parallel within a layer but in each layer the magnetic moment is anti­ parallel to the adjacent layers. This.is illustrated in Figure I. In a two-sublattice model sI=nfV sA-i V where w and Hg are the appropriate magnetizations of the two sub- lattices.^'* At this point, the concept of a molecular field begins to cause serious difficulties when describing the motion of a charged particle in the crystal lattice. The fields must vary with position (something not required in the simplest model of a ferromagnet) because there are two sublattices to be considered, .In the simplest approach, that in which the magnetic field within a given sublattice is constant, the Lorentz force acting upon, a charged particle w o u l d .depend upon within which sublattice the. motion occurs. As soon as there is to be transport of'electrons through the alternating sublattices it becomes apparent that the simple model -3- Figure 1» Illustration of a Two-Sublattice System Consisting of Layers of Atoms. Within each layer all of the spins of the atoms are aligned. I n j.M ' postulated is much too s i m p l e . . While it is still clear that the molecular fields may signifi­ cantly affect electron transport in antiferromagnetic materials, the models to be used in such a description now become unclear. A group of materials that may allow these problems to become ten­ able,- although through- a more involved approach, are certain of the 3d ox i d e s . . The 3d oxides consist of materials formed of oxides of the elements having incompletely filled 3d electronic shells. are semiconductors, of-Fe 0 believe Some- of these materials and N i O , for example. There is reason to ( 3) the Jd wave functions in these materials do not overlap or ■ only very weakly overlap, and thus a. type of conduction occurs.,in which the mobile electrons spend most of their time localized on an Fe ion and are best described as being localized. Therefore, the. system is more appropriately described as possessing discrete energy levels, rather than energy bands, at its Fe or Ni host ion. a transfer of the electron from ion to ion. Then conduction occurs by This- type of conduction is frequently referred to as "hopping". Such a transport mechanism is characterized by an- activation energy associated with' the movement of these .self-trapped carriers. Their mobility will be extremely low because they spend most- of-their time trapped on the host ion. 'I. -5H o w ever, if indeed the mobile electrons do spend a significant portion of time at a localized site, it is quite likely that an elec­ tronic polarization of the surrounding neighborhood will result and the mobile electron will, while localized, be required to satisfy H u n d 1s rules« The mobile charge together with its resultant lattice dis- (4 ) tortion is known as a polaron. If the itinerant electron is subject to H u n d is rules, an inter­ esting possibility arises if the material is antiferromagnetic. The stage is then set to satisfy the conditions required of double exchange. Double exchange was first suggested by Zener (5) by Anderson and H a s e g a w a ^ ^ and_de G e n n e s ^ ^ . and later expanded upon Double exchange involves the transfer of an electron from one ion site, to another ion site when the two ions have different quantization directions. The energy re­ quired to transfer the electron is then angularly dependent "upon the relative orientation of the ion sites. This is exactly the case for to occur by hopping, of - F e ^ C y : Conduction is thought the transport of charge occurring among the Fe 3d electrons; it is antiferromagnetic at certain temperatures, thereby magnetically orienting the spins of the Fe ions, but it has the added feature of undergoing a phase transition in which the spins of the Fe ions reorient themselves but no dimensional changes- occur within the crystal. During this transition the material goes from an antiferro­ magnetic to a weakly ferromagnetic state over a temperature of approxi­ mately one degree centigrade. This transition, to be discussed in • “ 6- . ' (8) detail later, is commonly referred •to as the Morin • will be designated as occurring at ' transition and This typically occurs in the range of -10 to -40°G Some conductivity data is available' for hematite, oC -Fe^O^, but most of it has included only studies of polycrystalline materials. Morin's data.^ ^ on sintered hematite doped with titanium "suggests" a change, in the Hall voltage as the temperature of the sample passes through . He stated in that paper that single-crystal data would be forthcoming but to the best of this author1s knowledge it has ■ never been published.- ■ In later work, Morin (3) claims no Hall effect should be present. More recent work does predict a Hall effect for polar on m o o t i n 15). W e ’shall now discuss in more detail the magnetic and electrical conduction properties of hematite and how the conduction process may be influenced by the.magnetic state of the material. ’ , ./ t ~7A. Magnetic- Behavior of Hematite The crystal structure of a unit cell of hematite is illustrated in Figure 2. To discuss the magnetic properties of hematite only the orien­ tation of the magnetic moment.of the Fe ions need be known* Figure 3 shows the orientation of these ions' magnetic moment with respect to the crystallographic axis, above and below the Morin temperature. Thus, it becomes apparent that below .T^ the sum of. the magnetic ' moments of the Fe ions within the unit cell completely cancel and the Not so above T^ 5 where there is a net material is, antiferromagnetic. moment, in the (ill) plane, in- the amount of weak ferromagnetic per unit cell. M 4 Mj Sin od (4) is the magnetic moment of one of the .Fe^+ -ions. This ■ canting phenomena is-known as weak ferromagnetism, ocbeing the canting angle Dzialoshinski has shown that a material may exhibit weak ■ ■ferromagnetism under certain symmetry configuration. Hematite satisfies. these requirements. . The energy term Dzialoshinski obtained is of the form %weak = 5 - ^ (5)" where D is a constant vector parallel to the trigonal'axis and M and M -U . '- a. b are the magnetic moments of the two sublattice's, respectively-, . It should . -8- Figure 2. Crystal Structure of o ' -Fe^O^. ^The open^and shaded circles represent ^ C^ and Fe^' I respectively. -9- Projection of Magnetisation onto (111) Plane T > T1 Figure 3. Magnetic Structure of ex' -Fe^O^. magnetization of iron ions. Arrows respresent -IO"- be noted Dzialosbinski stated that this phenomenological theory is possible by symmetry arguments, but-he did not specify its origin. Consideration of spin-orbit coupling and the exchange interaction using the perturbation theory of quantum mechanics will indeed produce such (17) a term'' Artman, Murphy, and Foner considered the temperature dependence of the magnetic dipolar field energy and the fine structure anisotropy energy and were able to show that these energies are very close;.in mag­ nitude but compete for- the directional orientation of the magnetic moment o f ' t h e 'Fe ions within the crystal. Using antiferromagnetic resonance to obtain the constants needed in their theory, they were able to predict quite closely the, ratio., of the. Morin temperature ■to the- Neel temperature, The Neel temperature is the temperature at which the material becomes paramagnetici . There have been a number of studies of -the magnetic properties of h e m atite. 20 ’ 21) Perhaps the most systematic: studies were those of Lin ,■ 1 . -He studied the magnetization, susceptibility arid transition temperature. The last paper (21 ) " dealt with synthetic single; crystals while the others concerned themselves with natural crystals. Because of the difficulties encountered in growing synthetic crystals', most studies ' are on natural crystals. Among 'those studies there is naturally much inconsistancy of the data and it is obviously difficult to make studies of'the effect of doping in such crystals. used-quite extensively. Sintered, crystals have been These are polycrystalline and thus have grain boundaries which have drastic effects on demagnetizing fields in magnetic materials and should be avoided in studying fundamental properties of magnetic materials<unless, of course, one is interested in just such effects. Two types of deviations from the idealized Morin transition do appear in such studies: irIine width". (l) the Morin transition may possess a large The transition occurring over as much as a hO°C range^ ; (2) a shift of the Morin temperature to lower values as the materials are doped (22) < These two effects may occur s i m u l t a n e o u s l y T h i s be­ havior is illustrated in Figure 4. The origin of this modified behavior is not understood. One (23) author ■ has claimed to observe that the widened transition is actually composed of many small shifted transitions, and he suggests that the total response ,is that of many separate regions of the crystal undergoing the normal narrow transitions. This may be imagined much like the-flipping of many domains similar to the Barkhausen jumps observed in ferromagnetic materials. -12- Increasing Magnetization Shifted , Transition Broadened Transition Ideal Transition Figure 4. Possible Morin Transitions, B. Charge Transport Consider a ring containing iron ions in which one ion has a .different charge than the others. Such a structure has the This is illustrated in Figure 5. same energy as one in which the F e 2+ ion is at ■ the jtb site rather than the itb site. 2, This is true even if the Fe causes the adjacent ions to become polarized or shift positions on the ring. . There may exist a barrier which must -be overcome to -move the ■ electron from the Fe2+ site to an' adjacent Fe^+ , thereby shifting t h e '1 Fe site, but the system is the same regardless of the original position of the Fe 2+ ion, assuming steady state conditions. Under proper conditions it would be possible to p r o d u c e 'a holeelectron pair (Fe2+ - Fe^"* ) on a ring originally containing only- Fe^+ ions. Similarly, a hole or an electron could be introduced.by the sub­ stitution of an ion which has one fewer or one more electron, respectively, - 5, than Fe . , If this hole or electron were somehow' moved -many sites from the dopant position, the ion being assumed- stationary■on’ the- chain, then conduction could occur, as outlined above, among the Fe ions,.only. This is precisely how hematite is made 'semi-conducting- — either by doping or by the creation of intrinsic hole-electron pairs at h i g h . temperatures^"*"”"*"2 ^. of approximately 10 10 Pure hematite at room- temperature, has a resistivity ■ ohm-centimeters. ■ The conduction.process is thought ' to occur by a hopping of Jd electrons from Fe ion to Fe ion.- -14- Figure 5« Cyclic Chain on which Conduction Occurs by Hopping. The decision of what dopant to use in obtaining a hole or an ■ ■ electron depends upon three factors-: (I). the easiest to solve is the choice of sign of the carrier., -This involves choosing an atom whose valence is such that when placed in the lattice it produces a l o c a l l y deficient or excess electron. (2) The interstitial atom must be small enough to fit into the lattice without excessive distortion of the lattice dimensions, an extreme case causing so much distortion of.the lattice that the crystal does not "grow". (3) The last factor to be considered is difficult to discuss analytically. . The carrier associated with the dopant must not be so tightly bound to that site that it requires excessive energy to "activate" it. Two elements that have been successfully used to produce conduc­ tion by holes and electrons are magnesium and titanium, respectively. Typical dopings are less than one percent atomic substitution for iron. Successful growth of single crystals large enough to be used expert- • mentally require dopings of less than one-half percent Mg and Ti, in this a u t h o r ’s experience. ohm-centimeter. For such dopings, typical resistivities are 10-100 i - C. Double Exchange-^ ^ ^ 16 - ' • . - The description of double exchange to be presented here will follow that outlined by Anderson arid H a s e g a w a ^ . illustrated in Figure Consider the electron 6 being transferred from ion i to ion j .while subjected to the following constraints: (Cl) The directions’ of "S^ and I?" are fixed (for example, by the . local internal magnetic field in the crystal). (C2) The electron to' be transferred is either on the itb or the jti> ion and while there is subject to H u n d 1s rules. ' To describe the energy associated with- the transfer of the electron from site i to site j the matrix theory of quantum mechanics is used. basis functions are those of the isolated ions. nated by The Tb y are to be desig­ ^d.^ and I d , the d referring to the d electrons of iron, for i . j those of the i — and j - sites, respectively. When the itinerant electron is localized on the i ^ ion it will be assumed that its spin orientation relative to the ion's spin is described, by the hamiltonian ' H = -2 J S v s "i ' (6) where J is the Heisenberg intraexchange integral, S. is the spin of the . "ttl i ~ ion, and "s" is the spin of the electron. Hund's rules reduce.this to. two possible states ■E = + JijSiI. = + J S ' (7) Itinerant Electron Spin of electron Spin of ion Figure 6. Coordinates Defining 0 -18corresponding to whether the electron's spin is parallel, or antiparallel to S While at site j the electron's energy will similarly be given by E = + J IS .[ = + J S (8 ) . What is the sign of-- J? . Hund's rules state that if the electronic shell is less than half full, the next electron added to the atom will "go in" with its spin parallel to the others and antiparallel if the electronic shell is more than half full. Hence', the lowest energy when the shell is l e s s ■than half full would require J to be positive and i f ' more than half full, J must be negative. We shall see later that the sign of J is irrelevant in considering which states will have the lowest energy when the electron is tranferred from one site to the' other. When considering the- electron to be on one site or the other there is no dependence upon the relative orientation of the ion which does not contain the extra electron. Ho w e v e r , if a transfer is made from site A to site B, then t h e .energy associated with this transfer Ep = < Bf Hpl A> (9) must somehow account for the fact that the state given by may not both refer to the- -same.coordinate system. IB^> and [A > Compensation for this may be done in two ways: (1) Transform the energies for site B into 'a coordinate system parallel to A's, or , ' (2) Transform- the transfer matrix elements so they refer -19correctly to the different directions- associatedwith the sites A and B. The latter procedure will be used. ' . For" this, it is necessary to intro­ duce the rotation operator given b y ^ ^ iJ Eu (0 ) = e for a rotation . • ' 0 (10) U by an amount 0 about an axis u. of angular momentum along u, taking -6 = is the component 1. The two possible spin states of the electron when referred to the direction of ponding to 8^ by will be designated a z and /3 ion i are represented by |d^ a/^> and | d /3^ . |d^o)> by cl and /3 . Those corres­ Thus the eigenstates for the electron on and |d , and those on j by . . Inserting the proper discrete values of the allowed angular momentum equation (7) becomes ECdi 0. )'= -J Si = -J S E(di p ) = -J(Si-H) = J(S-H) (11) ' . (12) Similarly, when the electron is at the jtb site E(d . c£z) = J'S. = -J S (13.) E (d .■ /3Z) = J(S .. ) = J(S-H) J ' J+l (i4) i -20The transfer matrix elements, if <a. a <d. « < h / 3 and S^. are parallel, would he I HT I d . O = t (15) I HT I iJ .= t (16) = O (17) — O (18) I3T HT I dj The last two equations simply state that the transfer-, only occurs when the initial and final spin states are the same on the respective ion sites (again, a requirement needed-'to satisfy Hand's rules). ■ Vftiat does the transformation of the transfer matrix elements in­ volve? Consider the coordinate system shown in Figure 7« The' rotation (25) operator takes the form i E u (O) = 6/2 CT e I Cos 6/2 - i where ( 19) U (20 ) C T u Sin 6/2 CTu = 2 Sy (i.e., the Pauli spin matrices have been introduced). For t h e •coordinate system chosen the rotation is about the y axis and hence . o - i (21 ) OV i and. 0 i “ 21- S. lies in the x - z plane Figure 7. Coordinates Defining the Rotational Transform­ ation of the Spin. I —22— Ii o V i = (22 ) \o i/ The spin coordinates now transform as a' a = Cos G/2 /9 = -Sin + Sin 0/2 0/2 a' + Cos 0/2 ( 23) /S' ' ■ ' . (24) This resembles-a rotation of a coordinate system x' - y' through an angle 0 to produce a new.system, x - y, except for the factor of 0/ 2 . This results because the "thing" being transferred has, being an elec­ tron, a spin of one-half; Taking this into account results in an energy matrix as shown below: ( 25). Eigenfunctions a ? I tip a " ' df/B I CL. _ I I -J S^ dp /3 , ‘ 0 dj / . I t Cos 0/2 , 0 I — P' J t Sin 0/2 'I - J(SiU ) ■ 1 -t Sin. 0/2. I t Sin 0 / 2 1 I ■t Cos 0/2 —I ti.a' 1 t Cos 0/2 I -t Sin 0/2, -J S. I a ' t Cos 0/2' I 0 , 0 i j ( s i + i) -23The thing to be noted, in equation (25) is that the off-diagonal elements, i.e. those associated with the transfer of the electron from one site to another, are now angularly dependent upon the relative angular oriention of the sites between which the electron m o v e s . Let us now illustrate h o w these off-diagonal elements may vary with the direction of the electron motion in a crystal, assuming that this motion occurs by a hopping from one site to the next so that the two-ion model may be used. 8. Consider the two-dimensional lattice shown in Figure The arrows indicate the quantization direction of the ions. Suppose, for simplicity, the corresponding wave functions are the same along and symmetrical a b o u t .the x and y axes as illustrated by the fourleaf appearance of the wave functions. If the electron were to go from one ion to the next along the [10] direction then 9 = 0 0 -J S t Cos 0/2 t Sin 0/2 J (S-KL) 0 -t Sin 0/2 t Cos 0/2 t Cos 0/2 -t Sin 0/2 t Sin 0/2 -J S 0 and (25) becomes -J. S t Cos'0/2 0 J (S+l) 0 - 0 J (S+l) t 0 0 t ..0 (26 ) t 0 - JS 0 t 0 J (S+l) I roii Figure 8 . Symmetric Wave Functions in a Two Dimensional Crystal. The arrows represent the magnetic moments of the atoms. I - 25■However, if the electron -transfer, is along the [01] direction then 6 = TT and (25) becomes J- -J S O 0 J (S+l) t Sin tt/2 0 t Cos 7r/2 0 • J (S+l) ' - ■ -t Sin tt/2 t Cos n/2 t Cos tt/2 -t Sin tt/2 -J S 77/2 I t Cos Tr/2 t Sin - J S 0 0 J (S+l) 0 t -t 0 ( 27) L 0 -t -J S 0 t 0 0 J (S+l) ■ J It will be shown in the next section that the expression for charge transport involves the use of off-diagonal elements, which do appear to be different for this simple two-dimensional model. When the unit cells of.'hematite are joined to form a crystal the structure generated is quite similar to that of Figure 8. The Fe ions - •form a two-sublattice structure which is illustrated in Figure 9• Within, each layer of the sublattice the.magnetic moments of the ions are parallel to each other. • For charge transport within the { i l l ) plane, • Q = O both- above and below the Morin t r a n s i t i o n , whereas .current flow along the [ill] direction has. © = IT for T < but 9 = II- 2a for < T ^ ^Neel'' . > a . 'typically of -26- plane t iJ < tm = and I eb I T, Keel are -L (ill) plane Figure 9* T., < T < and Mg lie in (ill) plane Sublattice Magnetization Directions of Hematite. the order of 5°. T h u s , if double ..exchange is to be/a significant factor in discussing the energy of mobile electrons in hematite, then as the temperature is varied through T^ the value of 8 is unchanged for trans­ port within the. (ill) plane and h e n c e ■the. matrix elements dicribing-the system are those shown in equation (26). 'H o w e v e r , for electron transport along the [ill] direction with T < T ^ 5 6 = II; but for T > T^, 8 = TI - 2a. T h u s , below T^ the energy matrix is that of equation (27) but above T^ it becomes _ -J- S 0 t Sin a t Cos a -t Cos a t Sin a 0 J (S+l) . . (28) t S i n a -t Cos a t cos« a t Sin 0 -JS T h u s , in going from T < T^ 0 to J (S+l) T>T the energy m a t r i x , for current flow in. the [ill] direction, undergoes a change in the two by two ■ submatrices off the main diagonal. If the expression for the charge transport in hematite is dependent upon these off-diagonal elements it appears there may be a change of the transport properties along the [ill] direction at T^ (because the off-diagonal elements change at T^) whereas' for transport along the (ill) plane no change would occur because there is no c h a n g e ,in the corresponding matrix elements a T^. - 28D. A More Detailed Look at the Hopping Mechanism' ' A classical model of hopping, considered on a microscopic- basis, would describe a current as a succession of electron movements (trans­ fers) over a discrete distance (from ion site-to ion site). Thus, in writing an expression for the current as J = . q n v (29) it would seem appropriate to replace the velocity, v, by a term, v = CJ where CxJ a B (30) *a-»B is the probability per unit time ,for transfer from site a to site B, which may be degenerate; i .e .,^ there may be equivalent sites in the crystal, and d^_^g is the vector distance traversed in the transfer. The net current would be the average of all such hops in the crystal; i.e., < 2 I na ^ a-B a->B > (31) all possible transition where n is the number of particles per unit volume at sites equivalent to a.' Using first order time -dependent perturbation theory the transition probability is given by (26 )' - . / . ' CO a~>B ^ 2ir/a where V^a is the matrix element connecting states i.ec,'V^a .= < b | V | at a.y I I | aT> and jbj> (32) ; , and yO ^ is the density of final states b. Thus it becomes apparent how the transfer matrix elements in­ fluence the current in a hopping process. See comments after (25). The above description of current flow is by no means unique. It should be just as valid to use Equation (33) where the quantum ■mechanical equivalent of v is used. (1) This may be done.,in two ways: v = (l/i-ti) [ r, H ] (33) where v is the time rate of change of the position vector, r, and hence is obtained by commuting v with the Hamiltonian. (2) v = (l/m)[ p + q(A / c ) ]. = (l/m)[ (h/i)V where V (34) + q(A/c)] is the gradient operator and A is the m a g n e t i c .vector potential as ’'seen" by the moving charge. If the exact Hamiltonian■can ■ be described and the resulting set of eigenfunctions found, three.descriptions of the -current should be valid. then all The e x a c t •solutions cannot, however, be obtained and must be approximated. This implies t h a t .varying degrees of approximation must be accepted and thus the values of J obtained by -the three approaches outlined above w i l l , in -JO- general, yield different, results. The first approach, considering the probabilities for. an electron"transfer, directly incorporates the concept of hopping- on a microscopic basis and has thus been chosen for the discussion of how current "flows" in such materials. Some of the multiple paths for current flow along the [ill] direction or possible sites for hopping are illustrated.in Figures 10 and 11» For the case T < T^, there are two allowed hopping paths -.- ' (remember we required <d^ 4 ..j Hp | dg /3 > = < dp# j Hpl CL, d]> = 0) as shown by the-dotted lines representing the connecting matrix elements Vp and V^, respectively. For T > T^ there are four possible paths. The only hops consider­ ed are to the nearest neighbor sites in the direction of current flow. ■ ' • . - , A question arises with respect to matrix elements such as V-, V_, and „ Vg. : Are they equal? ■ ■ In the absence of external fields it appears that they are. Consider for the moment the'angular and. time1 dependence of the ■basis functions used to describe the 34 electrons. .This is of the form (G, 0, t) =0(0) (^(0) ° ^ . (3$) -31direction of three fold symmetry in hematite Figure 10. Illustration of Allowed "Hops" for T < The spins of the ions are along the [ill) direction, © being antiparallel to 0. -32flll] dii ection - three fold axis of hematite Figure 11. Illustration of the Allowed "Hops" When T > T, . M The spins of the ions lie in the (ill) plane ajid are canted as shown. Transitions such as Vp , etc., have been omitted to keep the sketch uncluttered. -33but i I cP (0) = e ' Putting E = .. (3o) Hico Q- we obtain i(coet +■ m^0) ^fr = (9 G:e e (37) which represents a wave-like rotation of the wave function about the z-axis with angular frequency CO q A ’ -^ • Sketches of such functions are shown for the various Jd states in Figure 12. The itinerant, electron spends most of its time trapped and only occasionally jumps. Thus, it gets a rather "fuzzy picture" of its neighbor as shown in' Figure IJ which illustrates the possible i V^, and it 4 for a hop from a Jd 5 Jd to a ■' state. Similar sketches can be drawn for the other transitions in the crystal. ' From the symmetry exhibited one expects all hops to ,equi­ valent sites to involve identical matrix elements because of the time average symmetry of the wave functions. What is the difference between the two-sublattice hopping put forth earlier and this seemingly more complicated model? ."Strictly speaking, the two-sublattice model-forbids hopping in the [ill] direction since the matrix elements of V = (3 8 ) connecting antiparallel spin for temperature's above the Morin temperature. The more''detailed model still adheres to this requirement of the transfer matrix elements■but -34- Figure 12. "Spinning" 3d Wave Functions. -35- Figure 13. ’’Pictorial Hopping" from a 3d 4 to a 3d 5 State. -36considers a transfer which has a lateral component, In the absence of external fields the average of such transfers must yield a net trans­ verse component equal to zero. position on the [ill] Thus the charge is transferred from a axis of one unit cell to that of an adjacent unit cell, rather than along.the T h u s , a net current flow along the [ill] [ill] direction at each unit cell. direction is allowed. THE.EXPEEIlffiNT. Single crystals of hematite doped with magnesium w e r e ■grown by the methods outlined by Besser (27) ' .. The doping was one-half percent (nominal) atomic substitution -for iron. Two samples were cut from the same single crystal being separated "by only 12 milli-inches due to kerf loss of the saw blade and approxi­ mately two milli-inches were removed when polishing the surfaces of the crystals. Both samples are regular parallelpipeds with dimensions of 0.050" x 0.050" x 0.150". The orientation of crystal with respect to the rectangular sides of the sample is illustrated in' Figure 14. Silver contacts were applied by evaporation of silver in a vacuum followed by firing at 3 0 0 0C for 20 minutes. square ends were 0.050" in diameter. were 0.010" x 0.050". The contacts on the Those on the rectangular sides The 0.010" width was .chosen to m i n i m i z e •t h e . shorting caused by this contact. Tne contact orientation is illustrated in Figure 15. The i n d u c e d 'voltage was measured while passing a constant current through the sample in t h e .longest direction and measuring the voltage difference produced between the smaller rectangular contacts. The samples were mounted so they could be rotated through 36O 0 while subjected to an external magnetic field and a known' temperature.■ ■' Because there are .many possible orientations of current .,flow., .voltage measured, and1 magnetic field directions with respect to ., % -38- Figure 14. Sample Crystallographic Orientation. i -39- Constant Current Hematite Sample Differential Voltmeter -- Magnetic Field Figure 15. Variable Temperature Basic Experimental Configuration. -40crystallographic directions these orientations will be shown on each figure where the results are presented and-will- thereafter be referred to by the respective figure n u m b e r . The values of magnetization were obtained using a Foner vibrat- (28 ) ing-sample magnetometer^ . Magnetic, fields were obtained from a Varian 3600 magnet with field dial control of the field magnitude. The data were taken directly using as x - y recorder having such inputs as a voltage proportional to; the angle of the sample- with respect to the applied magnetic field., the temperature of the sample, the magnetization of the sample, and the transverse voltage A V . The values of the magnetization were obtained using a Foner vibrating-sample magnetometer (28) . Magnetic fields were obtained from a Varian 3600 magnet with field dial control of the field magnitude. A more detailed discussion of the experimental configuration and how the experiment was conducted is given in Appendix-A. RESULTS The experiment shown diagrammatically in Figure'15 determines the transverse resistivity, field dependence. temperature, magnetic field and electric That is, the parameters being studied are described by the resistance tensor yQ given by. P x x P Pyx P y y P ZX Xy P P P y z P- zz in which each yO ^ . is a function of temperature, applied magnetic field, magnetic state of the sample, and applied electric field. the experiment is characterized by its terminal behavior, Pyx 1X - Pyy Iy + P ; yz If then z (38) P yz 1z PL&, R] r,. assuming the differential voltmeter has an infinite input impedance. It is, t h e n , yOL that this experiment characterizes, Figures 16 and 17 give cur'rent flow along the [ill] A V . as a function -of temperature .for direction and in the (ill) plane, respectively. Each of the curves may be used to determine the' activation.energy of yQ_ when the current is along the [ill] direction and In the-(ill) T==T T T = T i T] , I I ! U T + : - ..U - L L - H H - L f — -L r p j - H l H - I - L - A R t i t i j ' A . : =ITd -LLU I i' rr~iLi= = I, Li. Sample # jAp- Vu _____ Recorder Y A m p Gain X / /3 Y Data X ^ ^ Y <r~ Bias Current 7 , c‘ Offset At *2 /At T. C. Zero 4 L y— Mult. Null T. C. Date / c / ~ b f' =I=Iit =U-LLM-I=T t t p i i i 1 i -HL LitM it =Il-i'.tbI =H=j_i i t d± |.it I''i:t= tit: I j. .!--IL— U-;_L|-L _j—!--L_Ll-Pl-LL;.-!--l . t p T T . l Z -i- L. LL i ; ' I'';' .1 =L=i±l±iL!=u= i— i I- : I— L * ■r -— !=T-I=Ii f—— ■— i— , — | —I— f—; I -j -j-!...I—j...L._| =:=u:Ll rr ^ u I = M — . I- -" H tt I i t t t j : j i T T r= iI nt it =l ' ' . I = I i u t i t r- I—r - i h __ ______ r-1-pp- i/O - 1 .Li- " r r r r r - , r; -T ! —I ! U-I J— j —i —.J ! I 1'--; j—( j Tj=-H-T H -H -M -U — - H t u :U H = I : t M ' ! T f i T t I t l t t i l t t j =ifI H 4A.Ni,".* ■'* -Ir--I-HTfiTi --—I '1 . |—I—I ~ i-1—[" I —! —1 I—I I i—i—1I—'-"H Tf ITi-L..: - .tftitt IiiSiStr I 'f U L -' -lL nrfri;:.' L,.,-"'1L..', vi'll i — -— - ■- '----- -- — - l i t h"~rri~'ii~I'=—j-r-jH* L i ! : ' 1 I : I i I 1 —H Ti— U ti I u t = L T : Ta'''' - : ' T .on) = ( 5 millivolts/inch) -Ll_ ■— f-•-— r AT L-L I_ •_ _ . ' ' . ■ Transverse Voltage fpri-n-4-1 -:-f- -I" B d ± t i : h : :H i t t n i ' - .... F :% 1 — t-1 —I —r LtfcHUU J H f o U l .U= q : M ~I ! : I I I : I I ; ... -H Ii^utpi=;.'! i —H - H i T nV f HH IH i H - H H i•r f T F r f i - r f u f f Hj=-TLTrrr U T T iUT i TnT i ,T l - u -TJ T T L LTUiT=T 1= = H T i = I i m -J- , 1- I ,-j— T— -L S B-L----r-;— - M - - - = U T T U = H f T * FT L m i- L u . -,u - m - l u - H ui—L.j—l-t-f-r-L LLJ-LH-! t i_I 1 HU m u - - . 6. 6. . = LiLfiS ... --U 4 H f-I-IL _____' __ \ ________ i___r n ; - 1 -________ .. .;=!=f!=i:uHiti-T!-m:a .... I*1"IH-Trv : : . .... ' : , LI I I -L fH -I- I H l H iJ ffi" : I u E-:! LL \-M-1..<—j---I—j —I—L-!.L-I--J--L I—i—!—(.-1—I—I—I-!-.-!—! —1—• — f—I J-H- HT:=! =I==L1'' LH-J-I.. . !-LLj -j-T ff [- "-hf+tl-FTr r -' i 1 H U - E f U u T i f l U T H t i t i L - L - i - --1 f-H-Hr-T-t—r Th H f t rf =IT=T=. TL L L H t H-i 1 TTrtiH. =TC -H- H t i t IH 11 lUmneraturpL-: U t 1 -hi I-IfTjm 'H':j-ffi-;f-ti-m Tti 1 : iitti4 U_L;_ .... " h h l ""r fU ffl =HHHEEfuM -— — • — L — i- LHUHtitiijtiti+= - U L # # i-=ttW m titiu m Figure 16. Temperature Dependence of the Transverse Voltage for Current Flow in the [ill] Direction. i ro 1 -H -rH -'H " r t fft' rc i !'Si - Recorder X A o m Y srn A m p Gain X /O Y /o Data X era You' Bias Current B .vS ryl O Offset At 2 UL 4 T .C. Zero Mult. Null T. C. Date Io/y A i I 1IlliiiFffls iI -f P - T —•—|— j- I', ^ ^. r. '-±u!±bd3±irc::h: .... -I--U-LL.:_!_L_!_‘.J. L-L-I-L-I-U.; -L- -I-U Lu 14-!-U u l X i X i X u ;-.|4 OJ fS . L iU i- S .:;- :: I-—.— I•I h i- 'u O - ^sVT-*— I— rr,' -L;-!UL--LipXI-1- 1OTrrU mm Ui I i L u L i u _i_l {-!-r—I- ; -j—j-1-I-p-j-J-j—1-.:— j— L X f u i h Silii ff $ Sxti 1 |] X r j - u j 1 -LU -l-i ! » I l± n % i X fr" j— -U-Lj x > r-i-i" |- r | m LXLXXLXL TP P I Ti ! x B uXXLXLi—! 1L L - U x X X b X L L — :— ,.:P .u - u -----;— "XL -T- r— I. — i t : ! ! IXIX u X lX X K ur p rsX r r h p - Figure 17. -f—p . ______ _ ' ttt XiTpjxjBH Ip - p - t LLUi i i i l-Tup Li-T-;-' L u i-r[ - H - - K - H - T r X ~[TP~K r rpH X~rT~K j X r iXf xH± ' i x p A l x c L u i L f-I-L f-' BI -t#Fi B h h r X iXf j X x jiiB n r X s LEE -L I —j—j— ■ i — j— L L L lX b P -Lt K - 16.6 :iBix; .,X u hx BBB h rx tx x HXvYiE w ‘ ... ;....— .— j— I— •.— •— i— . •pi — r— .— I— I— j -I--L-L-X i — *— .— •.— -— K f u - r s X x W XL — L X r HXrLLrH- KLlXr'— rI ■ ............. vBui’t , ;X h X X i- H X p t ' TxtrH-LB ; i JbtiLXsIii: - I :.9 " -Ka- -!."Xl ___S i L X i b d -LI "I L.l L L Li-Ur H - X r r J I"i” !![Bt t L t u l l b H t " B *— * — - —: -— u — j— — j— __L Xl-Ut-I ' -L .1 —4— I— I—I—■ —i CH LU' LL- . a s - -LQ ■ o : . f-4-; > - - - \ I— T- !O -• *f~t ‘ — I — -j . -LLLLLj .|._.PL_L !ii-X-L-f-bu-U-u- •H - i X h j X t r P I " LK -L rf—L K"Bxx t,TX hL l L i .L l x n j - p - X b t i B r P O X f-i-Xf-XI XJBtiBi Bh X h P x X x x ,.L u B tL L BiBp W .r - u :L-.:.-,TejnpcraiurJL1U K —i—i—I S i'-Thj--PXr T U r f z r X efK f -W X K S P IP T U X -U-X K K F X ' I II ir 1 ^ -i- Temperature Dependence of the Transverse Voltage for Current Flow in the (ill) P l a n e . plane. These energies are Ea ^111I = Ea Note that these There is • .• _ i .3 ev = • and 1.3 ev, respectively. are determined for a specific current density. a rapid change in Figure 16 but not in Figure I?. A V at the Morin temperature in This is exactly as expected if a double exchange were a significant factor in describing the conduction process. Figure 18 is' a plot of A V for current flow along the [ill] direction and an external magnetic field applied in the (ill) plane. & is the angle between the magnetic field direction and the contacts used to measure A V. The temperature was fixed at 2 5 °C; i.e., T > T^. The results are not as expected in a normal Hall experiment. " The resulting voltage has a 2 0 dependence rather than just Q; i . e . , the re­ sulting transverse voltage is not linear in applied magnetic field but is of second order. Figure 19 to the magnetic The origin of this behavior is not known. shows the effect of rotating the sample with respect field when the magnetic field is in the plane formed by the direction of current flow along the direction- defined, by A V. [ill] direction and the Again, T = 2 5 °C. > T^. H e r e ■the- influence of the large anisotropy confining the.magneti­ zation ■of hematite to the basal plane is evident. ■ • I Figure l8. A V as a Function of the Basal Plane Magnetic Field Direction Recorder X sc- i Y g-j Amp Gain X____ Data X tT/-, Bias Current Offset o.p?o At T-C. Zero Mult Null_____ T-CDate — /£• ; Tj —-'I- Figure 19« Effect of the Magnetic Field Strength upon AV Vsriy^ -47' The anisotropy energy within.the basal plane is very weak,' being . equivalent to tens of oersteds. -The magnetization' is,, h owever, confined' to this plane except for very large, fields, on the order of IO^ o e ^ \ Under such conditions an M-H loop in which H is; applied in a plane containing the Figure. 20(a).- [ill] direction would be similar to that shown, in But the data of Figure 18 indicates we should be con­ sidering the second order field and hence -more appropriate is the |M| - H loop shown in Figure 2 0 ( b ) » Remembering that the sample consists of many magnetic domains, the results are obvious. When H is along the fill] direction the magnetization is still confined to the (ill) plane but © is randomly oriented in the plane resulting in no net magnetization. As soon as-H is off axis enough, all the domains are aligned.. Thus,-what one observes is the net resistance of many small resistors whose value depends upon its magnetic state. Once, all of the resistors have the same value (the same magnetic .state and o r i e n t a t i o n ) , t h e samplebehaves as a single, resistor (domain). ' This is exactly what is shown in ' Figure 19« The family of curves produced as the magnetic field strength .is varied.also supports this interpretation, of the results. At low fields the •sample is essentially ,demagnetized and hence no variation in A -V is observed; as the field strength is increased the effect.is to align a greater percentage of the domains and hence a greater "sharpness" of change in AV when the magnetization of the sample switches at H^.. -48- 0. = Sin-1 Hc/HA p p l .od Figure 20. Hematite M - H Loops. -49- ' It has been found experimentally that the temperature at which the Morin transition occurs is a function of the applied magnetic field. Increasing the magnetic field lowers This is shown in Figure 21. in a nearly linear relationship. It is thus expected that the change in A V exhibited in Figure 16 should occur at a different temperature as the external magnetic field is changed. The temperature dependence of densities is shown in Figure 23« This is observed i n .Figure 22. A V for three different current Two interesting results a p p e a r : (l) apparently the Morin temperature may be changed by varying the cur­ rent density; (2) the activation e n e r g y ■(or temperature coefficient) is observed to change sign at a certain current density. The first result may be a result of the experimental procedure. The sample has a resistance of about one kilohm. A change of current from 2 to 2.5 milliarnps would result in an additional being d i s sipated.in the sample. 2.25 milliwatts This additional power dissipation could raise the temperature of the sample a few degrees thereby causing an apparent shift in the Morin temperature with increasing- current. It is difficult to imagine any factor attributable to .the experi­ mental techniques used which would produce a change in the slope-of the curves, (i.e., a change in. the activation energy), as 'the current through the- sample is v a r i e d , . It is possible that the change in the slope is a result of the electric field having an effect on the transition probabilities of the hopping electrons. For example, referring to Figure 11, at a given hIEEB !-J- rr VT -"Xhrrv -H--M-I-Ir X- H tXEE hhb x EhEnEbHl -!—I— j— i—f—f- ExbEtrm T Itbxtrb': -RIl-I--H X - H - H - E j-j-n u 1 H I Xl:'XrHitE r b I -I- Date -H 4-1--!_UX V-H : - i_____________ ___ _____ SEfi : m 1 - — — i— i— :— t™j - ^ . H j"•^vj ~^i-X- E--X 4 E T H ' I'r —--I ;-; j p I*.-• -I Sample # Recorder X _ A m p Gain X _ Data X Bias Current Offset At T' ' ■ . E _ t d l p b x S T !- ■ _ _ -I J- I-J--I - i H'-I S d I F i XC I I :bi(zr!:b:|. T i i i « I '"n* ' itixr;z n S t j m X I 1 b- — XI—X n ~-iX r- rri T t J r X ih EEXL . E h p Figure 21. fE Sx X X —r- !; Si +ZXhtjEl: H j f f i x -H-! I-'-! _,_r I I. -L L i X - H - r H iI i X X X ! hX.-L 4 . -X-v XE ' •— j — — T X T — . — i -j .. ■ Z _______________ ■r; S _ n r r r r rh m X l X _ i ;T X i ! ' -j—x-1. I _ .i_r;xrnx T t -H „ ^ t-rr; T t I-h i x ' X -E Shift of the Morin Transition as a Function of the Magnetic Field. X- EEX H t -X H - Ttffl TE " H z z t t r ' lT r r H . II : I 0 1 :z z z z r;“ ; j : • !-j i t i t o = R z H .7-H L - 4- L . z . uJj-.LiL. 1I ' 1+ •—I—!— — I—I — Lt—i--LL-J— 1 1 Li..LH-Zl -IXL —f I * I ‘ r—j j I-L ; Ij.—4 1-P | # # L i ± p zI iH z z d L tL :c±LCn±rlz± no Sample # ) - U /j r. Recorder lffff A m p Gain X /n Y Data X 4,-^ Y AV 3ias Current ->• Offset ______ At T. C. Zero 21. j" Mult.______ Null T .C. Date . j± L d q X ! ± p q Vertical; !-10- mv/in |.J_.L|.— r --I jj t .1-r I x j x j x d i n z z L i LXXZ-xlxxzpLX: -I-U i i , .1 : XUZZLU: 1 —— «—— j— -— —i-— L- i JzzH:i^:uLrc^T±HztL __________ ________________________________ . j— I- j_—. - - j - : - ;- | Zj T I■ t r Li PZtZL''i • -■•j— • Cl U+ : t !— r — * — . --L-.i-jI.--J-!-J-1 -!..I -I I-rr ..... \ -i ; I ; L r r rf riu ry I" -Zj-UffP-1Z.j.p j fZ f f n zjcz;zL Iz p R L j ''H i j f r F Z rrrrrTt'H'I rrr UXH --: •_ i I— •— - •— -— .— -f- — j.— -— i- IiriJjjtL _lL ■j- zHzzt' _TZ|ZZLLiUT -Lr-!-1 - ; ; ! _ _ t j_ I_ . Z ztzizu tzztu|j-L i m m m t j l t t q j i j i i j u B g m _ _ _ _ _ . . . . j I ZEj Z F E _ _ _ ” : r Vi .LffCi ___ ]__;__ j ' ", • . - - " t u 5 " ■' \ _ I ! I • I ' I '! I : I ; Ii?]'-*. ' _____ ; 7 I • .< --nTZj-T" T Z_:^ZUU: | ] j - C | C ^ L U i X Z . r T T r] ' ' ' ' i ’ i"'" ' :I '''' I I ! I ! I ; I I ; ! i .- jA -L'-j-rri IX I-H-HrrXj- - : j— p j i - T • j— |- I - - J - , - . , . . - r - , — . . -, — I - r L f f U f f u c f f z z z ffz z c p z iz iu LULt' ' Zzxz _trzbffr?fi.'p,Z ^ f f E l C p Z B f f Z f f Z f f E —L--LLjJ zz-LLjt f flJ-JXZLL : IXCL.jji : f f I: -Lff-T JiL Z ffiLL-U- H i f f f f I : . . . . . . . p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IT I I ~ p ! '- ! • • ! ’ I - • — I - J 11 E f E i l t T iL ..... -IT.5 - i— I— I - j- ! - j - I - j — ; — r- .-l - f f j - -j- - -ff"j -j— -!f-'-Xi-H TTrTi rfjT — j —I—• j -—, —; — - ' Lu-:-'J T f e H X i lXiI. flJZU'.UZZL E J i t f fll f ZffffCff-TU-L-X -Tb ZCfftffff9,Z3XX -ill - — :— .— L - j— I— j — j— t— j— f f ± j . z f f f f ; Figure 22. X ff= -... ■ Shift of the Transverse Voltage as a Function of the Applied Magnetic Field. j —,—i—I—I—I—‘—i—!—I-.!— ;— -UH - t r - T - 1—!—’—j—j— — 'H -ri-f- c l r n - i Trl-I-: r h _ !i!± n : , i i- l- r i i ! ' • I i i i I I T“r -L -—I—. 1 f —■ —•—r 1— •--"I--•I-y • *—-4- .-I-L - -U-L -H 1 S r i M i R-H-i-i v m - m c r n!-UU P h -jij± H c b ji 'c ^ r W W 5 : i:r m 1 + I J-L L -U -L L i-L.i 1 U-.I — !•—-j i —-—r• I - !-,— T j u — |— i-. ,—L --.— • — I--- — ;— j— .—I— t—! j I 1 I 1 r -I.!-i—i-i—i-L.L-i !U VL v m J H 'UaUirUTH I I . . 1 >- y U L E t!: .M ___— a : : a - H - r i G E T T l U El T T,-TH-:— iTlV ■--r'r - TE .LL . T G T _ -U K T D T — --- ... ]~j I : ,- p |-j—j—; —j —(--I' I iW!~ t-p-j—h-r-j -f; IE : . I- T t r IV IV : r H f li::E jtr C r : '' S -i EjCCl!EEEETTT. j—)-• |- LL iDd -- CT Ll -DLLLl L |-.Li_L :! . h CECCjEEEC T - L g g g — > f - L " .■ A 1L * '. L ; I ■ : ! I ■ I I ! ! : i I ! ! ' i I I !-E1" ^ T t r H : . , ‘ J-- $—-i—C -h-dVT - •— f - j - —I—L- :—|--l I E- I—!—I—*■- ' ; J T c f L t a -1' ""A i ¥ . -L - I t t r t r r ' 'H-!-lTHh|vir±H- C t C t u i T h n i I ^ r n n T t f j E i T t t f E r l T t L T i d : I: . ! ± j u ± ! j ^ T ^ T T r rr TLt In r-, U T — *•— *-- ;— I— L - . |-rr,-:-L- . E G T d .i C——d -I—.—E— V i ; ! I . i : I i I .] I I .-Lu -CiEj-U JuGE L iT l D..! L CD -T , . - T— j ; G E j T T I J E L L c D IT G J T .I - T r t' I i 1 I I I i I--:- - *-- - Cu j f I- ■L-H-L-- --5—| i I*vVl‘V-:— i— —i—j —I — -: L Ti :'!vtU,t;Lu-;:|:x:i C i - r;j= ,::jtl.- n Ci'O Sample # I ^ Recorder Y ^ c, A m p Gain X/0 -.:> Y y /v.r Jata X /Tj Y / ^ Bias Current G—; -- Oftset A t 2 \h T. C. Zero -2_\, ,<■ Mult.______ Null _ 2..5 ~ W ^te - T 6 .6 -______ L L — i z u Iiiii —LulG I I i . T - T T _. -!-U- Ci-LH l U L T L l C l ; U-L-I '' L T - T CtLt .. . L U - L j - U T - I - T - - C - T r i-:-L:t - rH- jr - j-| .•.j U-Lij-!-LLLj-TH —!— Trtt “u _ [_ I_ I - T t i c b u T u L 'c H c j i t i i m i D c d T l j J T C i ± D -'J-L-L CZI ,T T Figure 23. T H -U 4 —I—I— j—I—-I—}—I—*—j—4—I —f - i—;—t —I—j—-U j- I I , : ............ JEjCD - ™ a rT T T C T C ■— ! 1"# '- , - L. 1- L U lG T E G J ■ .L h T . GL H -IT D : =C T H Li..'-.: j-j... -S h c u m .jr T rc q : . T Eu '-TThrt i-H i j , . H : -L i T C d H ^ ^ C C T Transverse Voltage as a Function of the Current Through the Sample. Etr' ' E tS I I V rui - i 53 - value of electric field conduction by the transition indicated by Vj may-be occurring but the electric field strength may not be sufficient to produce a significant contribution from V^. electric field the contribution from Upon increasing the may. become appreciable= The result is'an increase in the number of possible hopping sites' available for the conduction process, ’ ( R ) Holstein and Friedman ^ mention that the Hall mobility, yLtg, is given by Zu H = c/H c rX / where the conductivity tensor tensor. c r XX = CT is C /B M x y z xx.,■ M (39) the inverse of the resistivity They further state that mobility along the primary direction of current flow, /06 -• -EZlcrP , is predominantly of the activation form e z while the transverse mobility, f-T^ ^ may vary as l/T and hence the Hall mobility may exhibit a negative activation energy, Equation 39 would- allow both ylX and f^-xx varJr as e and under proper conditions- the ratio would produce a negative tem­ perature coefficient. The above discussion is not intended to be rigorous but only to ■give a plausible explanation of. .the.factors that would contribute to- an electric field dependent temperature coefficient for a material in which conduction occurs by hopping. CONCLUSIONS This work was intended to be an experimental study to see if materials possessing a magnetic state have electrical conductivity properties which are influenced by the magnetic properties of the m a t erial« Hematite was chosen for the study because of its precisely defined transition (Worin transition) in which it goes from a weak ferromagnetic to an antiferromagnetic state. This is believed to be the first study of this kind undertaken using single crystals. The results indicate that the electrical properties'are altered at the Morin transition for current flow in the Qlll] direction but do not change when the 'current flows within the (ill) p l a n e . These results are interpreted as being a consequence of double exchange The data also indicates that the conduction process, which occurs by hopping, is not linearly dependent upon the electric field ■ applied to the sample. this behavior using A plausible explanation is put forth to explain concepts related to conduction by hopping. It also appears that even though the sample is a single crystal its conductivity is affected by the domain structure of the sample. Further studies certainly seem appropriate. Perhaps most in­ teresting would be a theoretical study in which an attempt is.made to determine why there is no linear Hall effect but only a second order dependence upon the applied magnetic field. . I - 55 - ' . Also of interest would be 'calculations for', the' temperature ' x :'rV dependence of the electrical conduction, in the various directions within the crystal. There is more need for experimental studies both to more com­ pletely characterize the conductivity tensor and to observe the effects of other dopants. A study correlating the resistance and domain structure could also prove useful I APPENDIX A DlSCEIPTION OE THE EXPERIMENT: The experimental configuration used to measure the transverse voltage of the sample is shown in more detail in Figure 24. The. temperature of the sample is determined ."by the use of a thermistor. The thermistor is a YSI-Components precision thermistor # 44005 having a 25° C value of 3000 ohms. The temperature is determined by passing 100 microamps through it and measuring the voltage .produced by the use of a differential amplifier. The output of this- amplifier supplies the x-axis input for a Mosley model 135A x-y recorder. This is the source of the temperature scale for Figures l 6 , 17, and 23. . Knowing the current through the the r m i s t o r , the amplifier gain and having a calibration of the resistance vs temperature of the thermistor enables one to determine the temperature of the thermistor. ■ To obtain a voltage proportional to the angle of the sample holder with respect to the applied magnetic field direction, a potentiometer was connected to the sample rod. This voltage supplies the input to the x-y recorder to provide the 9 values in Figures 18 and 19. The transverse voltage is obtained by the use of a differential voltmeter which- supplies the input to the y-axis. of the x-y recorder. This provides the y-axis readings on Figures l 6 , 17, 18, 19, 22, and 23. The differential voltmenter consists of an integrated circuit operational amplifier produced by Fairchild ( # yuA 709 )■ It. is used in a single ---- - V V — ended non-inverting mode as shown below: ^ (3m . R‘ i - Leads for current sources and — differential voltmeter 57 - P Sample Holder Dewar-filled with acetone to which dry ice is added to lower the temperature of the sample Magnet pole piec Enlarged viewapproximately 3 times actual size Thermistor Tygon tubing. ,Sample holder Sample holder mide Dewar wall Soldering iron Hematite sample Printed circuit board on which sample is mounted and leads for sample attached Figure 2h. The Experimental Configuration. In this mode and for the values of the gain obtained (' 3 and 10 ) the. amplifier has a worst case input impedance of approximately fifty megohms. A typical run in which the temperature, of the sample is varied is carried out as follows: The value of the current through the sample is chosen as are the magnetic field strength and direction. Dry ice is then- added to the acetone in the dewar until the lowest temperature desired is obtained. The system is then allowed to "warm-up" by itself.and it is during this time that the' data is obtained. A typical warm-up rate is approximately one degree centigrade every three m i n u t e s . It was found, during the initial experiments, that because, of the small diameter of the dewar in the region containing the hematite sample that the temperature would fluctuate quite rapidly. Adding the Tygon tubing and a soldering iron operating at a low temperature, as illustrated in Figure 2k, caused a small stream of bubbles to pass upward through the dewar stem and had the effect of keeping the liquid stirred and at a more uniform temperature. ’ ' . - 59 - LITERATUBE CITED ■ 1. E, M. Pugh and N. Hostoker, E e v s « Modern P h y s » 25, 151, 2. A. H. M o r rish 1 "The Physical Principles of Magnetism," John. Wiley- & Sons, Inc., (1955), New York. Chapter 8 . 3. F» Jo Morin, "Semiconductors", Edited by N. B. H a nnay 1 Eeinhold Publishing Corporation, (1959), New York. 4. T. Holstein, Ann. 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The phrase "double exchange" was originally coined by Zener^ ^ to refer to+the'transfer of an electron from one Na ion to the adjacent Na ion as- the transfer of an electron, say, from the left,Na atom to the central Cl ion simultaneously with the+transfer of an' electron from the central Cl ion to the right N=I ion, i.e. the system before the transfer consists of Na Cl Na and' ,^ \ after the transfer consists of Na Cl Na. Anderson and Hasegawa^ later relaxed the definition to include a simple transfer of an electron between two ions, for example, before the transfer Mn Mn and after the transfer Mn Mn . Thesis, University of Minnesota. 9 t I l^^^Ransoni, G. L. R174 Effect of the Morin cop.2 transition upon electron ^liransport in magnesium ^^■^^doped single crystal hematite. H a M e AN o ADDHtas =%s fsMi