1.050 – Content overview I. Dimensional analysis 1. 2. 1.050 Engineering Mechanics I On monsters, mice and mushrooms Similarity relations: Important engineering tools Lectures 1-3 Sept. II. Stresses and strength 3. 4. Lecture 28 Introduction: Energy bounds in linear elasticity (cont’d) Stresses and equilibrium Strength models (how to design structures, foundations.. against mechanical failure) Lectures 4-15 Sept./Oct. III. Deformation and strain 5. 6. How strain gages work? How to measure deformation in a 3D structure/material? Lectures 16-19 Oct. IV. Elasticity 7. 8. Elasticity model – link stresses and deformation Variational methods in elasticity Lectures 20-31 Oct./Nov. V. How things fail – and how to avoid it 1 9. 10. 11. Elastic instabilities Plasticity (permanent deformation) Fracture mechanics Lectures 32-37 Dec. 2 Outline and goals 1.050 – Content overview I. Dimensional analysis Use concept of concept of convexity to derive conditions that specify the solutions to elasticity problems II. Stresses and strength III. Deformation and strain IV. Elasticity … Lecture 23: Lecture 24: Lecture 25: Lecture 26: Lecture 27: Lecture 28: Lecture 29: … Obtain two approaches: Approach 1: Based on minimizing the potential energy Applications and examples Beam elasticity Applications and examples (beam elasticity) … cont’d and closure Introduction: Energy bounds in linear elasticity (1D system) Introduction: Energy bounds in linear elasticity (1D system), cont’d Generalization to 3D, examples Approach 2: Based on minimizing the complementary energy Last part: Combine the two approaches: Upper/lower bound V. How things fail – and how to avoid it Lectures 32 to 37 3 4 1 Reminder: convexity of a function f (x) Total external work ∂f | (b − a) ≤ f (b) − f (a) ∂x x=a v r v r Wd = ξ ⋅ Fd +ξ d ⋅ R Work done by prescribed forces Displacement s unknown secant f (x) Work done by prescribed displacements, force unknown tangent a x b Free energy and complementary free energy functions ψ i* ,ψ i 5 are convex! 6 Total internal work Combining it… Ni v r v r ! W d = ξ ⋅ F d + ξ d ⋅ R =ψ + ψ * State equations Complementary free energy ψ Ni = * i δi = ψi Free energy ∑δ N i i ∂ψ ∂δ i ∂ψ ( * ∂N i Complementary energy =: ε com δi i =ψ * (N i ) + ψ (δ i ) ) v r ! v r − ψ * − ξ d ⋅ R =ψ − ξ ⋅ F d Solution to elasticity problem 7 Potential energy =: ε pot − ε com = ε pot 8 2 Minimum potential energy approach Example system: 1D truss structure Consider two kinematically admissible (K.A.) displacement fields (1) Rigid boundary 1 N1 N3 N2 δ2 δ1 Approximation to solution (K.A.) 3 2 δ3 ξ0 9 Minimum potential energy approach (2) ξ0 P = ∑ N iδ i (1)-(2) δ2 P δ1 δ3 Actual solution Prescribed force Unknown displacement (2) 2 (ξ0 − δ1 ) 3 4 δ 3 = δ1 + (ξ0 − δ1 ) 3 δ 2 = δ1 + 10 Minimum potential energy approach ε pot (δ i , ξ0 ) = ψ (δ i ) − Pξ0 ≤ ψ (δ i' ) − Pξ0' = ε pot (δ i' , ξ0' ) P (ξ0' − ξ0 ) = ∑ N i (δ i' − δ i ) = ∑ i Convexity: 3 N3 ξ0 Rigid bar ξ0' P = ∑ N iδ i' 2 N2 δ1 P (1) 1 N1 δ1‘ = δ 2‘ = δ 3‘ = ξ0‘ i ∂ψ Ni = ∂δ i ∂ψ ' (δ i − δ i ) ≤ ψ (δ i' ) − ψ (δ i ) ∂δ i P (ξ0' − ξ0 ) ≤ ψ (δ i' ) − ψ (δ i ) ∂ψ ' (δ i − δ i ) ∂δ i Therefore, the actual solution realizes a minimum of the potential energy: ε pot (δ i , ξi ) = min ε pot (δ i' , ξi' ) δ i' K. A. ε pot (δ i , ξ0 ) = ψ (δ i ) − Pξ0 ≤ ψ (δ ) − Pξ = ε pot (δ , ξ ) ' i Potential energy of actual solution is always smaller than the solution to any other displacement field ' 0 ' i ' 011 To find a solution, minimize the potential energy for a selected choice of kinematically admissible displacement fields We have not invoked the EQ conditions! 12 3 Minimum complementary energy approach Conditions for statically admissible (S.A.) N1 + N 2 + N 3 = R Consider two statically admissible force fields 3N1 + N 2 − N 3 = 0 N1' N 3' N 2' N1' , N 2' , N 3' Approximation to solution Still S.A. 1 2 3 N1 N2 N3 δ1 δ2 R (1) ξ0d R ' = ∑ N i'δ i (2) ξ0d R = ∑ N iδ i (1)-(2) ξ0d (R ' − R) = ∑ δ i (N i' − N i ) = ∑ i i R' N1 δ3 ξ 0d Prescribed displacement Unknown force (1) Minimum complementary energy approach (2) N 3 N = 1/12R 1 N2 Actual solution (obtained in lecture 20) Convexity: N 2 = 1/ 3R N 3 = 7 /12R R 13 Minimum complementary energy approach ε com ( N i , R ) = ψ * ( N i ) − ξ0d R ≤ ψ * ( N i' ) − ξ0d R ' = ε com ( N i' , R ' ) Combine: Upper/lower bound Recall that the solution to elasticity problem (change sign) δ i' K. A. ' To find a solution, minimize the complementary energy for a selected choice of statically admissible force fields We have not invoked the kinematics of the problem! (− ε com (N i' , R' )) − ε com (N i , R) = max ' ε pot (δ i , ξi ) = min ε pot (δ i' , ξi' ) ε com ( N i , R ) = min ε com ( N , R ) N i' S. A. − ε com = ε pot N i S. A. Therefore, the actual solution realizes a minimum of the complementary energy: ' i ∂ψ * δi = ∂N i ∂ψ * ' (N i − N i ) ≤ ψ * ( N i' ) − ψ * (N i ) ∂N i ξ0d (R ' − R) ≤ ψ * (N i' ) − ψ * (N i ) ε com ( N i , R ) = ψ * ( N i ) − ξ0d R ≤ ψ * ( N i' ) − ξ0d R ' = ε com ( N i' ,14R ' ) Therefore Complementary energy of actual solution is always smaller than the solution to any other displacement field ∂ψ * (N i ) ' (N i − N i ) ∂N i 15 ⎧ max (− ε com (N i' , R ' ) )⎫ ' ⎪⎪ N i S. A. ⎪⎪ ' ' − ε com (N i' , R ' ) ≤ ⎨ is equal to ⎬ ≤ ε pot (δ i , ξi ) ⎪ min ε (δ ' , ξ ' ) ⎪ i i pot ⎪ ' ⎪⎭ Upper bound Lower bound ⎩ δ i K. A. 16 At the solution to the elasticity problem, the upper and lower bound coincide 4 Approach to approximate/numerical solution of elasticity problems • Minimum potential energy approach: Select a guess for a displacement field; the only condition that must be satisfied is that it is kinematically admissible. In a numerical solution, this displacement field is typically a function of some unknown parameters (a1,a2,…) – Express the potential energy as a function of the unknown parameters a1,a2,… – Minimize the potential energy by finding the appropriate set of parameters (a1,a2,…) for the minimum – generally yields approximate solution – The actual solution is given by the displacement field that yields a total minimum of the potential energy. Otherwise, an approximate solution is obtained • Minimum complementary energy approach: Select a guess for a force field; the only condition that must be satisfied is that it is statically admissible. In a numerical solution, this force field is typically a function of some unknown parameters (b1,b2,…) – Express the complementary energy as a function of the unknown parameters b1,b2,… – Minimize the complementary energy by finding the appropriate set of parameters (b1,b2,…) for the minimum – generally yields approximate solution – The actual solution is given by the force field that yields a total minimum of the complementary energy. Otherwise, an approximate solution is obtained • At the elastic solution, the minimum potential energy approach solution and the negative of the solution of the minimum complementary energy 17 approach coincide 5