Zero-sequence impedance in single-phase induction motor by H C Chopra A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate Committee in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by H C Chopra (1948) Abstract: The purpose of this project was to bring to light more facts regarding the zero-sequence impedance in single-phase induction motors. It had been observed in the laboratory that while a three- phase induction motor (wye-connected and neutral available) is running at certain speed, if we change the connections such that power is applied between one line terminal and the neutral as shown in Fig. 1, the motor continues to run at one-third the previous speed. This is the customary method of measuring the zero-sequence quantities and forms the basis of this project. In the following pages it has been shown that the zero- sequence impedance definitely exists in the stator circuit, as well as in the rotor circuit of a single phase induction motor. « The value of the. winding pitch is found to affect to certain extent the actual value of the zero-sequence impedance. Z2R 0-8BQBBNCE IMPEDABGB IB SlMGLE-PHASE IBDUCTIOB'MOTOR by 8 * CHOPRA A TBE8I8 Submitted te the Graduate Committee In partial fulfillaeht of the requirements■ " for the degree of ' . ' ' Easter of S e i e n d e .i n rElee.trl^al.;Engineering - . Montana State'College I n Charge of M h J o r W p f k a i r m a n / G n ^ n a t^Corniaittee iontana y 3 7 cJ f P i f 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract 3 Nomenclature 4 History and Introduction 5 Definition of the Zero-Sequence Impedance and the related theory 5 Description of the Equipment ana the Test Procedure 7 Assumptions 12 Mathematical Equations 15 Apparatus Specifications and the Test Data 18 Connections 28 Calculations 43 Summary and Conclusion 47 Reference 48 K! % x x V' X I,' ■ ■>. S= 3 ABSTBAG2 The purpose o f ■this project was to bring to light'more facts regarding the zero-sequence impedance .in single-phase in­ duction motors » Xt -had been observed In the laboratory that while a threephase induction motor (wye-connected and neutral available) is running at certain speed. z if we change the connections such that power is applied between one line' terminal and the. neutral a s shown in Flg» I s the motor continues to run at one-third the previous speed,. This is the customary method of measuring the sere-Seqmeiice quantities and forms the basis of this project.® In the following; pages it has been shown that the: hero-' sequence impedance definitely euis.ts in the stator circuit5 as w e l l as in the rotor circuit of a single.phase induction motor, The value, of the. winding pitch is found to affect to certain extent the actual value of the zero-sequence impedance^ 4 ROMBNCLATmE Meanlne-_______ . . / Superscript ■ Positire-sequeuee - Superscript Regatire-sequince ■ o Superscript Zero-sequence 1 Subscript Stator circuit 2 Subscript. Botor circuit e Subscript, or without any subscript Stator and rotor circuit combined an? bn? en. Subscript GorrespeBding terminal to neutral • S Subscript InduptlTC . ' .lmpedanee measured by single ■ phase- supply 3-0% : Impedance measured by three supply ■ Operator for rotation of vector by 120° S (in equations) Slip S and M South and Sorth pole res­ pectively (in. Winding Diagram) tj_5 tg? tgg X in .Winding Diagram) Starting point of the three phases respectively n Weutral Feint F (in Winding, Diagram) . The factor a s .defined o n . Page 24 . Z m o ^ E Q i m N O E IBPBBAEOE IB EISIORY A m lNm<a)OCl%OB _ . The general concept of -the gero«seqnenc.e ImperJance of a single-phase induction motor% these days^ is that Ittis present only- In the stator.circuit and none I n the rotor oireuit,. 'B h t , the previous, record does-, not shew m u c h work having been done to give'a sufficiently positive, proof to this belief and.--&oreover certain observations In the lahcratory work did not agree with this conception*. It was w i t h this aim of establishing.'a ..satisfactory interpretation of sero-sequence Impedance pertain-= log to single-phase induction motors* that the wor k of this project has been attempted* Ero m the experimental data and the discussion thera-upoB, It w i l l be seen that th e %ere»sequenee impedance does not consist of that i n the stator circuit only ' hut Is also present in the rotor circuit o f the single-phase induction motor*. OEQDSNOE self-e It seems desirable to- explain the term yEERO-a to make the paper more explanatory in it- . op zEEBsi z m o ^ ^ m ^ c E 1 # # ^ # A m 3 # The term *^Zero-8equencey .owes its origin to the application Of Symmetrical-Components theory to the solution of unbalanced polyphase circuits or balanced circuits with unbalanced terminal conditions* in Electrical Engineering* Without going into much detail* it would suffice to mention a theorm of the ^Symmetrical Components1’ l*e* 11Apy system of u n b a > a m e d 5 three phase currents, or voft^ . a g e s «, whose vector sum Is not zero may be represented by. two symmetrical component systems .and one single phase system which., .have been given the- specific names as .belows 1# Po sitive-sequence component* 2* Begative-sequence component* 3* Zero^seqtaenee component* A system of three symmetrical vectors I s .one in whi c h the three vectors are equal In magnitude and are displaced from each other b y equal angles*0 . Ihe zero-seqnetice component consists of three equal vectors i*e»* of the same'magnitude, a n d in the same direction* • - Also 11' - • ■ . ■has been shown by EeSsers6.Wagpef and: Bvans in their book I1S Z m m i R i a A L o m p o m a M l S 0 that I n symmetrical systems the different sequences do not react upon -each other i*,e*.5 positive^ sequence, currents produce only positive sequence ‘voltages..^ . . Pegative-Sequenee currents produce only negative' sequence volt'a g e s ;and zero-sequence currents produce only zero-sequence volt­ ages* Sow when voltage of a given sequence is applied, to a piece of apparatus* a very definite current of the same, sequence flows and the apparatus is said to -have a definite amount of Impedance to the particular sequence* Ihus the impedance to zero— sequence currents is called the zero-sequence impedance* In a similar manner t h e .positive-sequence .impedance and the ne gative-sequence . impedance are' defined* 7 - Xt had .been observed I n the laboratory Shat while a .threephase induct ion motor, star-connected w i t h its neutral available „ 9 is r u n n i n g i f the connections are changed, such that the power is applied between on© line terminal and Bentral9 as in Fig? I 9 ' the motor continues to r m 9 but,, at one-third the previous speed* then the Question, arose what did make the motor keep rimming? Fr o m "where did it get its torque to continue to run if there are n o 2ero-sequence currents in the rotor circuiti A s Fig* I -ShGWS9 the three phases, of f he stator windings are now in parallel and a single phase supply has been put across its two e n d s 9 one' being the neutral a nd the other being one of the" terminals,,. The three.'phases-'are' 120 degrees apart in space but under these circumstances the same voltage vector i s .across each of those and as such only the zero-sequence currents are' in the circuit* As the motor keeps running*, it shows t h a t :there is current flowing in the rotor circuit* Still sometimes it is argued on the basis, of Fig. I and F i g , la that as t h e three;m.m.fs are- 120 degrees apart and also equal in magnitude9 their sum is. zero* which means there is nothing to. cause the currents to. flow| and therefore zero-sequence impedance does not exist in the rotor circuit.. All this led to the idea of making investigations as to the actual presence of zero-sequence, impedance in the rotor circuit or otherwise to find the cause of the motor having con­ tinued to r u n o 8 On the basis of these observations? many different types of three-phase induction motors were taken to collect sufficient data for the purpose of discussion=, k single-phase winding is considered to be a part of a h imaginary three-phase5 star-con­ nected winding under the conditions of Jhig=. 1» Further it "is known that power taken by the motor under "91Ioeked Botor Iesttf.=,. _• is almost entirely due to copper losses, increasing as the- square of the current, Hie- iron losses are only- small evenb&t the maxi­ mum voltage employed In this particular test? because the iron saturation takes place much below the normal working value of , the vdltase* Thus the readings of voltage and, current- give the egalValent total impedance of the motor, l»e», the pedance o f the stator and the rotor* im­ Because the current taken b y the motor will (Jepnsnd chiefly on the resistances of the wind­ ings^ & slight lack of symmetry may produce a .considerable i m ­ balance, be equal. the currents taken b y the three phases may hot It is therefore found desirably to employ am,ammeter -and a watt meter in- each line. , fhe single-phase winding is being considered as an imsginary three-phase case, to comply wit h the theory of symmetrical components and under these conditions I^ & Ief- o, whereas wh e n we employ the blocked rotor test on three-phase connections, these conditions are not exactly fulfilled, because I# and I<, are not each equal to zero=* Thne it looked logical to mea­ sure the impedance per phase of the motor b y applying single- 9 phase supply to one of :the phases only? ,which satisfies the -eonait I on . % vs. Ie. a. djk -it was thus observes that the- equivalent Impedance per phase measured. I n 'these two-different'ways was n o t 'necessarily always the s a m e lhese two values differed ■ to a lesser'or a greater degree? d e p e n d i n g ,upon the value' of ,.the ; pitch? full pitch the. two' values being lust the Sbmev for: the sake of comparison.? both the sets of readings are recorded for all the motors* As far a s ’,this project is concerned?, the equivalent impedance Measured by the second method shall be employed i n the calculations^ It may?, however? be noted that the equivalent impedance obtained, by the. three-phase blocked?rotor test? itself is. equal to the positive sequence impedance and. the negative sequence Impedanes.respectively under the -stand­ still conditions? Ipev9 when S. 1» ' :Ihe resistance of the stator windings can be -measured conveniently by. passing small? direct^current through them and then determining the current and voltage» for this set of observations a commercial, potentiometer was used to make the matter easy* - ' 1 It 1 is necessary to find the resistance of the stator circuit to find separate stator impedmice and the rotor impedance from the equiva lent impedance of t h e circuit*. W h e n the M o c k e d Botor Test* is performed on th e 3ame motor- with the connections -as shown..jn .Fig* I? and the current and. voltage readings are recorded;.?."then: the equivalent zerosequence impedance of the motor c a n be calculated* Ihus the . . 3.0 -nLocked Botor Testn was performed under two different conditions o n different motors, (three-phase % star* connected and with the neutral ,arallahle) :. . - The mathematical treatment which Is ..'recorded on pages 15 to 17 also goes to prove the existence of zero^sequence: impedance § both in the stator and the rotor circuit of a ;sliigle-»pha'se in­ duction Tnotgr5 w h e n considered on.the basis of an imaginary three phase= '-It .was-first intended to make calculations for the rotor reactance from the design, data of different motors and compare w i t h :the experimental data, but the design data , Conld not b e procured from the manufacturers, quickly enoughc ■ For every motor'which .had beam picked up for collecting experimental data in connection w t h ,this project,, a set of wind*-/ ing diagrams has been prepared* ■- Qne diagram shows the flow of insta'nteneous current in the stator windings, whe n the connections are as- shown in Big* I, i 6.e,».5 single*phase connections and the other diagram shows the flow of current when the Connections' are normal three-phase star - connections» These diagrams very clearly show how the change in number of. poles takes place, i n ' case of every motor 9. when three-phase star-connections are • changed to those of' .-Figs- I* .' It ma y be .-noted that the value of pitch marked on both the diagrams for the same, motor, i s ;thevalue of pitch as in the ease of three-phase winding* fp " tp, tg, t3 in the diagrams represent the starting points of the three phases and n represents the neutral point« The , A s c r i p t i o n of the connections in these winding diagrams is given on page ^8 9 fox ready reference to trace and check the direction of current in the different phases of the windings* The dash <3> stands for the particular coil' and { $ } represents -the end connection between two different eol3s the windings. in one phase of Another point is worth mentioning here* regarding these winding diagrams* I =e»,9 in single-phase connections 9 the amount of current in all the coil arms is the same at all vhe instants, with the result that where in a particular slot tha upper and the lower coil arms carry current in opposite directions* they cancel each other’s effect completely* fhis is true at any Instant* but in the case of three-phase connections* . the picture is a little bit different* because the current In the different phases very differently from instant to instants However* it should be noticed that w h e n the situation is con­ sidered over a certain length of time* the average •net effect of the current flowing in opposite directions in upper and lower coil arms in certain slots* is zero* in tnis ease also* Io ascertain the presence of current in the rotor circuit 9 under the conditions of ?lg. I, w i t h the rotor blocked, the problem was attacked from a different angle 9 f ° f t was planned to measure current and voltage across one of the rotor bars. It came to be noticed that there w a s g u i t e an appreciable amount of current* but the voltage was only a few millivolts. fhe current wave shape showed up very well on the cathode ray. ■;. 12 oscilloscope screen^ but a little ',further working proved ttial there was not power enough i n the. rotor bar circuitf. as to g i v e . " a 1r a w "shape of sufficient amplitude ? o n the G 0 E« oscillograph o'' I n short this part of the -circuit needed power s as well a s volt­ age amplification and-in the absence' of some handy amplifie#^ • under the circumstances3 it was decided to take, pictures of the wave shape on the oscilloscope screen* . Io place the timing wave shape and the one o f rotor bar circuit, together side by side $ an electronic switch w a s used# ■■ A s would be noticed from photographs Io». 2 and Be-* 4 S the 60 cycles timing wave shape is slightly distorted*. ■ ' This was Observed'to be caused by the electronic switch^ but the., rotor , . b a r wave shape- was however not effected in any w a y by it, lhese pictures clearly show that the wave shape of the rotor bar Current under both the conditions, Ioeti9 three-phase and the simple phase is definitely of the fundamental, frequency and that n o third .or fifth harmonics are involved# This Is thus in support of .our- . considering the' vectors of the fundamental frequency* .. A SSUMPTION .. The assumption that the equivalent reactance o f 'the motor consists that of ■stator and the rotor, as equal part., is fairly correct for a n average Slse motor=. The Westinghouse SlecttlC’ Company has some.different values, for the ratio of the statori reactance ah', to- tiie rotor reactance. These, as noted below,, are. taken.from their b o o k ? Factory Testing of- ,Sleetric .Apparatus=#-; . wT&e value of %2. ; 'i ^nd •Zg depend upon the class of the . motor. Glass. A « Motors are normal torque 5. norma I" st a.rting-- cur :eent s ' sauirrel-cage motors and are frequently called general purpose motors Glass -By- Motors are normal, torque 9 low-starting-current ? ;.squirrel-cage motors^ Glass CmjMotors are high starting torque 9 ■low-startlng-curren t g ■ squirrel-cage, motors*,’. motors are high-slip squirrel-cage motors Two and Three Fhase Motors Oiass GlassClass Class Sound' A B G - D ' . Rotbr- '-" %2_ 8 ^ S:l£ wwaiii-rmn This assumption-of allocating the reactance in ,equal part, to -.both the stator and the rotor can further be extended to apply to the. component parts (positive sequence^ the negative sequence and the zero-sequence ) equally well as to the equivalent impedance o’ For. this purpose,," the actual measured value of the zero-sequence impedance .will "he employed. ■ The winding diagrams of. the different motors, under the two different -conditions that are being considered in this proIect, show that .with the single phase connections in some eases, the Effective, a mpere’turns which produce the flux, are consider- 14 ably reduce# when t&e meter is throws over to the single^phase 'cGnBeetions^' ■Frdm- this it can be reasoned that the reactance P B T t .of Sero-Seqnence impedance is affected t o - a ■certain extent^ ©h this basis certain factor isferlsed which takes care of the .change Sn-. the effective ampere turns and the change in the number of poles with the change of the connections to single phase. This helps os to find the aero-sequence impedance straight off from the positive sequence impedance* These values are com­ pared with the ones obtained b y other methods* Shls factor is found purely by physical .reasonings, based o n the study of the winding diagrams of the particular motors on which experimental data has been collected*. This factor whe n attached t o the reactance part of the positive sequence Impedance component* gives the .reactance part of the aero-sequence Impe^ dance of the motor ? as shown below* The- value of the factor depends mostly on the value of the pitch* Ihus F .a ( S ^ ^ ^ S c a ^ e r e ^ ^ ^ S p e r ^ ^ S H l o T ^ p o l e s J r n l - p h a s e The factor is observed to apply in cert a i n eases fairly welly a n d the results obtained In this w a y are compared wi t h the ones obtained by other methods. 15 M/? THE M t ) Tltn L EQ U flT lQ N Q. HHON TRcM THE Wt THEQZiy Va n vtn = .SYMME m e pI. -+" Kxm ^ Va >i ----- O/ -h — T ql y, Z y/ , z” Z ’ /94f VWHeflE RF S P T C T ' V E L Y H E aP T ZV E -S T eU E N C E j INJ) a Tnyyi ± = 3 Ii cJS 2 + S in c e THE Z 3 ( 1 CYm = -L ( T a m 3 THUS • Vfxil SE Q U E N C E THE ZZVir T D /f N C E . -L J 3 T ^ + c k l Cr x ) JLl ±x ( z ++ = P O S / T I V t - SE Q OE H e F , T H f I o v r y + * 1Ay1 -fT' T ci x) FROM T-///9 T. -------( l ) ( 1 CUyy + 1 A y l^ 1 C y y ) - = /Vf /V 7"^- -ex>■» Z u THt X E PC - -zVVm 7Cyl = O T -an Z COZ>7 = 3 Ta~ = T ra ^ EG UftTZCN NO: I NE z ~+z c) 3 Vg >, 04 U) (Z^ Z"+ Z") FROM E Q U A T IO N HftVE /VO.- Z /T FO L L O W S r~ j a - J-CLy I* ^•(Xyi THAT.. Vam ft NS) THftT z-%- Z-^ z" VZm= Va^ Z T l z" z>z° Z Z = Z++Z+ / /4A/J) - Vam Z ' z° Xa n Z Z ++ z + z a Qovz OF SE THE Wf NEGLECT E X C IT IN G , THE C IR C U IT, CONDUCTANCE FOR THE ftnp MO M E N T , THE THE S U S ^ EP TftN C E T Q U flT ZO N NO: Z 16 Sy P K t S E H T£Z> •.V4/V ae THE P o siT rvtz-S E E lO E rJC E OP TftB L.e MOTOR TH£ /?-vj) Z/V^ IlV iP E D P N C E \n H E N C lK C o rr PKE S H O W /V P U 'G f t r t V E E QUftE //V E K X p ., SEQUENCE O N D E ft COMPONENTS S T ftN D S T IL L C ONDITIONS S-T -t 'fZ, 4 Zz Z % v " =. WHEN AnD T J *■i T1A-Joct f - )T J ^z) S- I = (^l+ ^ l ) + J ( f t I E X i. Z+ : Now z~ = Z,'" — (^f + j x i) 4- *• Ji = An d = (^-f^ ^2.) -h f ( Z EftO - S E Q U E N C E the PPL QUE NC y the S ftM E THE SOME HS + J ( * • t-Xz) S - I w h e n ^ a l t h o u g h THE COMPONENT C O N D ITIO N S , COM PONENTS, PPE Q U IT E D lP P E k E N r IN ABSOLUTE L y D IE F E R E N T PLUS UE P lT C H i V ft L th e CP CEft. T f t / n o r YET TT Po S r T / VE - S E Q U E N t £ SE Q U E N C E ON --- + J x z Zr S THE N IN lIN f9 T iE C ftO S E T H E ! ft NoT ftNj) THE UP Cr N D IT IO N S , AS IS D'ft Q P A m S ft L SO IS THE SET rs P E S U L T OE N E C E S S ftftrty N E G ftT rvE - Z E P o - SE. Q U E N C E ftN D EPOM ft ft. E C o P tL N IS PPoDUCt D E E S N D iN Q C LE ftP TH ftT ft C H lE tL y THE MADE STuDy POft T H /S PROJECT. NOW S i t i Gi L E CON S lD E ftIN C i PHASE THE SLPPL y STftN D S T/L L A P P L IE D to C o n D /T /O N , o n e o e Vv I T H THE THE PHASES ONty^ 17 W£ HfiVE La>i \-$~t C OfYl Pf i H IrMG, THE E Q O f i 7~f OfV S , (&) 3 (z+ + z-+ z°) = Bvr W £ HHVE S E E fif THHT Z = Z */Y2> (3) UV£ HfiVE. Ze) fir — S T/ffi/D S T f E L ._ (3-^. 2(3-,» Z,) >Z" = 3 (,.,Z,) 0,1 ,4/VJ Otf r///5 ZEAO- Z \f/9Lt/£ O STAIfifED 0 S EQ O E fifC E CofifD/T/OfifS OE \ = CAfif Im PE D A f i f CE F f Q ! , 3 2 (s-^-Ze) SE AS COfVl P A A E J) fiHEfiS O A E D \ f i f f TH THE UNDER THE VALUE APPAPtAl1US . cpF,CIPICAY11 KS I. YBST DATA Induction Kotor Ihree phase> star Connected Volts 220. Cycles 60 Amps 2.7 No-Load Speed 36OO H . F . 3/4 Cell Pitch . 1/2 Pole Pitch No. of Slots 24 (Stator) LINL \OLTS Table III Table II Table I Z./'vevcfTT LINE. VOLTS Zj = R"+ J -------------- , I H CO ZO 2,<5 35 H-J 34.05 35 21.25 +J 19.35 + J /6 92 41 26. 3 H- J 2 7.73 45 22 9 H J<2 6.^5 40 13.26 + J <5.36 IOO 26. /5 4 J 26 3 5o 21.9 + J 25.7 10 21.57 +J /4-955 /40 26 /9 H-J 25-S 60 2 3 .6 5 +J 2 4 9 go Zl- 6 3 + J /4-6/ 2g./ H- J 26.05 10 22.75 +JZ4-5 90 20. 8 2 + J 14-67 30. 3-h J 25.2 30 2 Z ,9 -hJ Z4 -Z, IOO 20.43 -hj /j.9& 90 23.25 Hj 23.5 ZO /3.05 4 J 18-15 30 • I 160. ZOO 2 7.6 : L ___ I T 19 I. b. The following set of observations was taken on the above motor, but with the rotor removed and the stator circuit hav­ ing been connected as In Fig. I. Table IV LINE VOLTS Z s„= IO / 4- 66 -I-J /0.38 15 /4-44 Zo /4 64 + J / 3. 95 30 14-73 + J lo.y 4o /4 g3 // 6 8 /0.76 I. c • A cathode ray oscilloscope was connected across one of * the rotor bars and the wave shape was observed, with two dif­ ferent connections, i.e., first, with connections as shown In Fig. I, and second, with the normal three-phase connections. The photographs of, the different wave-shapes that were observed are attached herewith on page 20 PHOTOUhAPh MO. I ROTOh BAR CURRENT WAVE-ShAPB Connections as in Fig. I. 21 PHOTOGBA P H NO. 2 COMPARISON OF WAVE-SHAPE PHOTOGRAPH NO. I W I T H 60 CYCLES WAVE-SHAPE (1) Top W a v e Shape 60 cycles timing wave (2) Lower W a v e Shape Rotor-bar current w ith single phase connections i 22 ROTOB B AB CUBBENT WA V E- SH AP E Connections Three Phase 23 COMPARISON OF WAVE-SHAPE PHOTOGRAPH NO. 3 W I T H 60 CYCLES WAVE-SHAPE (1) Top.Wave Shape Rotor bar current connections (2) Lower F a v e Shape 60 cycle timing wave 2. Induction Kotor Three Phase, Star Connected Cycles 60 Volts 220. Amps. 3.2 No-Load Speed 900 H.P. 1/2 Coil Pitch s I No. of Slots 48 (Stator) ■ LI NE VOLTS z° = Table VII Table VI Table V un£ R*+ J vMrs 34>Z€ " 15 4.63 + J 7-55 7 .4 4 ZO 4.76 + J 7.59 25 4.G 2. +J 7. 36 5 . 0 g + J 7 . 21 50 4-4 + J 7 01 GO 5 - 2 ' + J 7.o7 35 4 . 3 6 + J 6.97 70 5 J S + J 40 4 41 +J A 9/ 3 5 7 + J 5 .5 9 2 20 5 .IZ G 3-3 6 + J 5 . 3 o 2 3c 5.15 + J IO 3.3 9 9 + J 5 - 6 5 5 4-0 5 . 0 6 + J 7 .2 5 15 3 .3 8 7+ J 5 - 6 7 5o ZO 3 .5 4 9 + J 5 .5 6 2 23 3 .5 Z 5 + J 5 .4 3 • H-Ze - 8 .0 4 4 I LlHE VOLTS Re + J * c + J 7 . 1Z -! ■ j 4 3I Induction Motor Three Phase, Star Connected Cycles 6C Volts 220. H.P. 2 No-Load Speed (Variable) No. of Slots 36 (Stator) Coil Pitch • Acps 2.8 (Variable) Coil Pitch - I Table X Table IX Table VIII — . UNF V O t r s zf = Ll NF VOLTS 10 9 - 9 2 5 + J /5. 4 6 Lo 15 8- 6 ( 4 0 20 ' 25 . / Xd + J 14.13 3 , Re + J * e Ll NF VOLTS 9. I Z + J L 7.1 20 7-35 + J 1 6 -3 8 J 1641 30 7 .8 J 15-56 40 7. 6 1 + J 50 7.4 Z S + J >3.57 CO 7. 6 -h J ' 3 . 5 8 .5 + 8-4 + J II. 8 8 CO '•»8,. 4 1 + € .9 6 + J (2.33 80 8-28 -+J 8 .2 5 + J '4 99 35 6 . 8 7 +Jtl-IS I OO 4 0 7 .0 3 5 + J '0.59 n o 8. 5 4 6 - 3 9 /20 8 -8 2 -5 + J '3.31 56 _______ _______ + J 10' C Z ,-^ z e = = + J / 4 . 1G ■ 13. 8 — + J 16.05 '4 .57 f ro vi # 3. (Continued) Coil Pitch « 2/3 Table XI Line volts Ze0= Table XII UNE V O L T S JX° 3 Table XIII Ze = Rg +J LINE VOLTS i f Zf = \ + J x e Z 5 '7 6 + J 0 30 8.OZ-hJ /8-74 /5 7.4 4 5. 5$ + JO 4o S- 6Z + J 15.9 ZO 7-G J i-J /3./3 6 5 . 5 5 + JO 50 S - 6 7 + J 14.5 30 7 '4 8 + J 10.95 6 5 * 4 3 + JC 70 9. Z + J 12. 8 40 7. 0 3 + J 3 . S 5 SC $.9 4 5 6.16 no 9.7 > J W 92 3 85 +Jf/.S . 150 _____I + J IZ .5 Z 5 0 -h J 1 4 . 9 Z + J S 6 . 3 5 + J 5 5 £-43 Gz S 4 4 + J S- 3 5 - In this motor the ends of all the coils have been brought out and are arranged on a circular board to facilitate the study of induction motor winding in the laboratory. ** ' This proved very handy for the purpose of this particular project, in obtaining dif­ ferent coil pitch values on the same machine. On this machine the toil pitch values tried, are I and 2/3# 2. 4. Induction Motor Three Phase Cycles 60 Volts 220— 440. H.P. 10 No-Load Speed 1800 No. of Slots 48 (Stator) Coil Pitch « 3/4 Table XIV UNE VOLTS Amps 26/13 Z° - R0+ J %° Table XV LJA/£1^0^75 3_^Ze= Table XVI R^+JX-e U/V£ VOZ.73 Zc- Io ZJI + J'.758 IO '.Z5 4 / '.57 O. G9 + J 0 - 5 6 S ZO 1.7 3 5 + J Z Z9 ZO A/3 f //'57 S' 0 63 3o / 4 97+ JZ 5 30 /.09/4 II.Z 0. 631 + J O . 6 8 7 50 1.413 t J 40 /.03 '3.9 0 . 6 39 +J 0.6&I Go /.4 2.3+ J 4.4/ 50 1.0 78 -I- J /£.45 O. 6 3 7+J 0.693 So /.4/5 4 J a.46. Go 1 . 0 % 7 - h J 1.94 18.5 0.645 4 J 0 6&7 30 /.4' 4/2.475 lo /-063 3-Z 0-699+ 4-3 J O.S'ZS t J 0.66 3 Z.42. J /.33 + J 1.948 A 93 4j/. 92 V 28 C oa /,v / c r/o/v s__ D/ 1SH — ’ RE P f i E S E f v r s COIL REPRESENTS END COMMA FI Q 3.U F/6 J.& PHASE PHASE I. t (— — 2. t2 C O N N E C TfO/\ " 3 - 3 , 4 - V , 16- 16, 1 5 - 1 5 , 1 4 - 1 4 , 1 3- 1 3— n 3-*>,I O - I o ' , n - n ytZ-l2,?A-Z'\, 2.1-Z?),ZZ-Il, ,Zl-Zl---- PHfISE FIQ 3. t 3 - ^ l 7 - i 7 /1 » 8 - / 8 , » 3 - l 9 ^ 2 0 - 2 0 /, 5 ? - 6 , 7 - 7 , 5 - 5 ----- »->l /I D 4. b i, PHHSE t(— *“ l - l ' , Z - 2 , 3 - 3 , I Z - I Z r I I - U , I O- I O , 1 9 -1 9 ', Z O - P o ' j Z I - Z I , , 3 0 - 3 0 , 2 9 - 2 9 , 2 8 - 2 8 ------- ► n PHASE 2. n - ^ 4-4,5 -5', 6-€, 15'-15,14-14,13- i3rzz-2Z'Z3-z^ , Z 4 - z 4 y PHASE 3. t 3— *- 7 - 7 , ' 8 , Zi-Zl', 33 —3 3 , 3 2 3 2 , 3 » - 3» — — S - a ' , ' g ' /S , / 7 / 7 , / 6 - / 6 , 2 5 -2 5,26-26^ 3 6 - 3 6 , 3 5 - 3 5 , 3 4 - 3 4 ----- F / G . 5. a A/vz) / ^ /G 5- 6 PPASE I. t,— *-l-l',Z-2' 8- S,l'-1,13-13',14-14,Z0-Z0,19' 13,25-25' yZG-Ze' 32- 3Z, 31' 31------- 29 FIG S.^ ,4/VO F/C, 5. & Ph a s e z . (Co n t d ) t z— ^ 3 3 - 3 % , 1 6 - 1 6, PH/)SE 3, 34-3V, 28-^6 ,zv-z?,zi-zi'za-za^ 15-15,§-S,tO-lo',4r'-4,3-3 ------- - n t3 *- 5- 5^ G-G,tl-lZ,n~n,l7-nf ,l&-l&/,Z^/-Z^,Z3,-Z3f , 2 9 - 2 3':, 3 0- 3 o ' 3 6 - 3 6 , 3 5 - 3 5 --------- n FIG 6. Q-,,AHD FIG> 6 . & PHASE I. t,-- ^ H f z,2 - 2 Z, 8-8,7- 7, / 3 - / 3 ' , IA-MjZO-IOfI^-IS, , 2 5 - 2 5 Z 2 6 —2 6 , 3 2 - 3 2 , 3 1- 3 1, 3 7 - 3 7 ' 3 8 - 3 8 ' , 4 4 - 4 4 , 4 3 - 4 3 ------- - n PHASE 2. fc2 - 4 5 - 4 5 ' 4 6 - 4 6 ' , 4 0^-40, 3 9 - 3 9 , 33-33' 3 4 -3 4 ' , 2 8 - 2 8 , 2 7 - 2 7 , 2 / - 2 l ' 2 2 - 2 2 ' /6- / 6, 15-15, 9 - 3 , , 10-10 , 4 — 4 , 3 —3 ------ *-71 PHASE 3. t, * - 5 - 5 , 6 - 6 Z / 2-/2 , 2 3 - 2 3 , 2 3 - 2 9' 3 o - 3 o ' /S-/<S, 2 4 - 2 4 , 3 6 - 36, 35-35, 4 /-4 ^ , 4 2-42 , 4 8 - 4 8 ,4 7 - 4 7 — FIG 7. a A/vj? F / G PHASE I 7. 6 t f— *- M , 2 - 2 , 3 - 3 , 4 - 4 , / 6 - / 6 , / 5 - / 5 , / 4 - / 4 , / 3- / 3, , 25-25Z , 2 6 - 2 6 ' 2 7*-2 7 ^ 2 8 - 2 8 ' , 4 0 - 4 0 , 3 3 - 3 9 , ) 3 8 - 3 8 , 3 7 - 3 7 ' ------- «►n 30 F /0,___7. A / I r / D f / 6 y. A P"A?F Z (c'orvr o ) t , ----- ~ 9-3, !O-ta', H-n', iz-iz', Z4~ Z^, ZZ-ZZ7 , Z / - <?/, 3 j - 33 , 3 4 - 3 4 , 35-35' 36-36,4 8 - 4 6, i 4 7— 47, 4 6 — 4 6 1 46 — 4 7 --- / PH4 5 f 3 / / , I , PHf SE HLt-sfL t t ,C 1 /IHD 1 3 L .~ , / t'J-lj', 'Z-'8-1 !S-'S’Z-O Zo\ , 30 - 3 0 . Z 9 - 2 9 , A , * 4 / - 4 f , 4 Z - 4 2 . 4 3 - 4 3 , 4 4 - 4 4, 3 Z - 3 2 i 3 / - 3% Z, ANj) PHASE Po I n r . / Z - ?, 7 - 7, 6 ~ C /V/- r«f , 5 - 5 -- s r^/ir/N G RES Pf C T/Vf L Y, /I,VS Zl Po/A/r o f HE PKL Sf/v P5 PHfiC L THt 31 ] a Ofl = M.M.F QG =M M-F OC DUETO DUETO = M-M-Zr DUE TO C U R R E N T IN OCl F I G . I C U R R E N T I N OC- FIGr.I C UR.R B N T FIG La. I N OC FIG.I i 32 FIGJ 'i r r M Z W ^ V V n n ^ A y v W h 13 © ® *3 PITC H I ® ® 7 CONNECTIONS I-+ > F I G d J r I SC ® © 3? ® ® ® ® S 27 , 50 , 29 1 2 ® ® 3'' 32' 3 ® ,5 33' n 4 ® ® 34' 28 ® 5 6 ® 30®® . t, /m ® 2'® ® 8 30 ® ® 24' s '® ® 3 2 9 ® 0 23' 28 ® ® 22Z POLES NO 4'® ® IO FORMED t 5 ® ® H 27 ® ® 2i 26 @ ® ® 18 9 ®® ^ 2) ® “ PITCH l6 ' ' 15 21 ® 14 I 0 20 13 ® ® f9 Z / f2 ® ® 12 I' ® ® 17 io' ® ® 8% ® 14 15 'c CONNECTIONS / - ? = f FfG 4 a i. 3 © ® 4 ® ® »o ^ I 28 ® ® 2Z / IO PITCH CONNECTIONS 3*? PITCH = / (m l CONNECTIONS 3-f ) FfG 50 . . (sftV S s N PiTCH CONNECTIONS = I (full) FfG 5.& /-/ I PITCH= I(full) CONNECTIONS Z ~ f FIG 6.a 40 .® © Q © 33 ^'®^3or © © /4 0 © © © 25 CONNECTIONS i-4> P I T C H = I (“ 'LL) R G G.& I__ I /6 47 4 8 , z 3 @ 0 ® ,© © ® © © V □ ../'",I" " " " A ' ' , 6 0© C O N N E C T IO N S PITCH = f FIG 7a l-j> 42 38 ® ® 4 ® ® '3 r\ I 37 ® ® z8 36 © ® 27 PITCH C O N N E C T IO N S = FlGTfe 2>-j> 43 CALCULATIONS MOTOR NO. I = PITCH z _ Z cJ T/lh/fva THE JHE STfiTCn CO/VI P O N E N T S AND SE 3 (i- <^> ^ (j T= 14-65 /1 ^ 3 ( z i . 9 t J Z 5 - 7 ) - Z ( 2 6 - n + J 2'S' 8) = /33?.+;/^. / * , + J * + * F ) H 60 3 T J H,t> g - Z6-13 T J Z5 ■S TO SE > f THE Z L fiO -S tR V E N C E 4- J.X( ° = KfiSfS , Wf //V fP E D A N CE _ i, 4 »4 -3 -5 +J 7. /?ZVD g 7 ^ -hj 7 4 8 I value \ - V MezisuRf1D 5 7 XJ /4-955 VEfLOE Re T OH I = = SuHED PARATE L F = zz HI Z M E /! X- Hf i V£ 44 MOTOk HO. 2 P'TCW = I Z Z = 3 3 ( 4 - 4 + J 7-01} - = 3.06 — v\ Ahd Motor ho . 3 Zj ( 3 -^ z (5 . 3.3 93 + J 5 - 6 5 5 G+J7-Z5J measured value 5 . O G T *T 1 . 2 . 5 = 0 9 3 3 + J 2.-6 3 = I t , = 4-57 F = I = 3 ( i-<f> Z c ) - Z ( - 3 ( 7 S f T j 1 4 - 5 7 ) - 2 -(6 -4 8 + J '4-69) = 6 - 3 7 + J 13.33 Ze ^ \ 0 y o 7 .4 5 x I 2 •4 6 6 T J 4 - S 3 Z ^ e) 6 ’ 53 — pitch a; + J 5 - oG > / Z° = c) ^ = = I, = 2 .4 6 6 F = I € . 9 G -HJ 12-33 = 2 - Z 8 + J f4-83 x 1 = % .Z 8-tJ 14-69 Z = Z° measured value M O TO R (Co NO, n t q ) Z, = 4-57 + J &'IG NOW F on 4/vj Z PITCH= 4d = Z.3S+J 6,16 *L, - 4 5"7 A -O o Z = 3 (^i3 (7 0 3-^/9.^5) (9 6 7 ^ Jf 3.75 + J c «55 c) N U J fiS U R a o S-S 8 + J p 0 Z - U f iL U C 8-674 Ji4-f7*o 3.674J0 0 Z:,1 — -4-57 + J o d An O Mo t o r n o , -4 / +0! F J 0 P itch = i Z = 0( Z e) — 2 (3— 7, - 0. 4 9 Zt ) - 3 (i o o i + J i - 5 3 ) - Z ( F 4 i 3 + J Z-4Z) _ 0 - 4 4 7 -F J 0 - ^ 5 46 M o T O fi no. 4 (co/vrs) IJ Z 0= C) Z 0 - A 4/3 - 1-413 Z,0= and x ° l= O '631 + J O ' £ 6 7 + J Z . 4 2 » - L + O- J &07 0.49+JC.345 o - H / - f J o. 3 4 3 m e * so* £ d v /u - u a 47 AmmABY m D oQNcmsrm it s h o n M be stated here that .the -field a f M Y esti^atioh o f this project is- limited to the -standstill eond it ions c Gnly~»: The careful examination <f the calculations..shows that in some eases# the. directly.-measured, value of zefolsequehce? compares very, closely to the one. obtained-by ;the method ex­ plained under the, heading "Mathematical Equations" and one thing however is absolutely -clear from ou r data and the calculations thereupon# that the value of winding -pitch ,definitely comes into the picture as far- as the actual amount of zero-sequence v Impedance of the motor concerned*. -. Some of the self-evident points in-' this connection are noted belowy . 1» ' Eero^sequenee impedance is present in'the rotors of. - most single-phase-induction motors, ■ ' The Winding pitch affects, the amount of zero-sequence impedance.* 3* Eor 2/3 pitch there is no zero-sequ'ence reactance’in either-' stator or rotor* The zero-sequence'impedance for this condition consists.of stator resistance- ,only* 4v ■ A W y e -connected three-phase motor having 2/3 pitch W i t h ' - q -its three terminals connected to form -one line -connecfibn and. its neutral t h e d t h e r ^ A l l not ti . torque* - o n single-phase*. It develops no -' To - Zero-sequence impedance- at -standstill for full pitch motor is# according to. test resu l t s , essentially equal to the- 48 standstill positive-»«*and standstill negative— sequence impedance* •A study.of current distribution charts would indicate that.this is to be expected* . 6p • I t appears that positive-* negative+-* and zero-sequence impedance for use i n the equations developed in this thesis refers ■ to value measured 'with three-phase current* 7-* In contrast, with the statement above the positive-* and negative—sequence values of impedance to be used in the conventional two-phase-symmetrical component theory refer to values obtained by actual single-phase measurement* 8, ' lhe zero-sequence current-in the rotor at standstill is of fundamental frequency* The flux distribution in space around the periphery of the rotor is a third harmonic of the fundamental* ' .I 49 BEFEEBMQB. I cl Sjnmnetrieal Components (a Pook) ) C= F, W ag n e r and Eo .P 0 Bvansl9 IIcSrawrEill -Book Company*' Ine01* Bew I o r k s 1933» ■ ' .■■■■'. ' /2=. . .Induction- Motors .on Unbalanced Boltages5 S 0 P» See d and. ;--E 0 J >0 W 0 Koopman0. Transactions s Volume 55s Bovember_s I9369 pages .1206.^13!O ... 3» Split-phase Starting o f .Three-Phase Motorss G. F. Tracyj and W*. 1». Wysss AlEB Transactionss Vol '54s October, 1935? -v , . p a g w ,1069^72^ . " . ' 5V FacteiyTesting of .Electric Apparatus (a handbook) 5 Westlnghouse Bleetrie and Bannfaetnring Company? East Pittsbnrggh9/ MONTANA STATF iiiutvcbcttv, -__ J i/b 2 10013327 N378 __ 045z uop. it. Chopra, H 4 C . single-phase induction motor N37& 045% Cop. 2 34370