Expanding Economic Inequality In the United States -In 2011, Congressional Budget Office reports that top 1% of earners doubled their share of the nation’s income over the last 3 decades; -For lowest fifth of population, their % of the nation’s income declined by 2 to 3 % 1 Increasing Segregation by Income In 2012, the Pew Research Center reported that the percentage of upper income households living in segregated affluent communities doubled between 1980 and 2010, while the share of lower income households living in mostly poor neighborhoods rose from 23 to 28% 2 Changes in Wealth Distribution • Executive Pay has quadrupled since the 70s • In 1975, top .1% of population had 2.5% of national income • In 2008, top .1% had 10.4% of national income 3 Jobs in Manufacturing • In 1960, 1/3 of all laborers were in manufacturing (outside of agriculture); 62% of those jobs were unionized. • In 2010, 1/8 of all laborers were in manufacturing; 13.6% were unionized. -from Bureau of Labor Statistics 4 Increase in Temp Work • 2.7 million workers are temp workers; highest recorded # in U.S. • 1/5th of job growth since recession ended in mid2009 has been in temp sector • Largest growth in temp sector has been in blue collar work; 1 in 20 blue collar workers are temps • Temps generally earn 25% less than permanent workers, have twice the rate of injuries, and less access to benefits, pensions, etc. - From ProPublica based on Labor Dept. stats from June 2013 5 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 21A.461 What is Capitalism? Fall 2013 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.