1 MIMO Mesh Systems Kristian Cini and Saviour Zammit, Member, IEEE Abstract— This paper addresses the limited capacity inherent in WMNs due to the wireless nature of the backbone which is often not enough to support accumulated traffic to or from mesh clients in dense application scenarios. A possible key solution is the utilization of MIMO communication links where spectral efficiency enhancement at no additional cost of power or spectrum is possible. MIMO-based WMNs were analyzed using extensive ns-2 simulations where the significant limitations of the ns-2 tool were addressed to setup a framework over which simulations of MIMO WMNs based on IEEE 802.11a/g WLAN technology are supported. Using extensive simulations, MIMObased WMNs were shown to improve the end-to-end throughput, delay and jitter performance using SM and STBC techniques for short and longer link distances respectively. Finally, the additional degrees of freedom introduced by MIMO in the context of network scalability were also addressed using a real-case scenario. It was shown that using STBC, coverage is maximized while servicing a limited number of users using a small number of mesh routers. On the other hand when the number of users requesting service increases, it is shown that scaling the network using SM techniques maximizes the number of users serviced with a particular network topology. Index Terms— MIMO, Network Capacity, WMNs, Ns-2. I. INTRODUCTION M ultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology has emerged as the most significant breakthrough in modern wireless communications. This technology is capable of providing spectral efficiency enhancement in multi-path fading environments at no additional cost of power or spectrum. A more reliable communication can be achieved where bit error rate is reduced by diversity gain using well known techniques such as Space Time Block Coding (STBC). A different line of thought is to exploit multipath to achieve multiplexing gain where it was shown that if the path gains between each antenna element fade independently, then multiple spatial ‘data pipes’ can be utilized to transmit data in parallel thus increasing the data rate linearly with the number of antennas [1]. Due to these attractive features this technology is highly considered to be a viable solution for resolving the bottleneck of traffic capacity in present and K. Cini and S. Zammit are with the Communications and Computer Engineering Department, University of Malta, Imsida, Malta. (e-mail: kcin0001@um.edu.mt, saviour.zammit@um.edu.mt). future Internet intensive wireless networks. The growth of WLANs in the wireless technology market was surprisingly high stimulating researchers to study the possibility of extending the coverage of WLANs from hot spots to hot zones. In particular, wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have emerged in recent years as a major candidate to satisfy such requests. This type of network is a promising technology for numerous applications due to its selforganization and configuration with nodes establishing and maintaining mesh connectivity amongst them offering rich connectivity and reliable coverage. Despite recent advancement in WMNs, many research issues in all layers of the protocol stack are still to be resolved before this type of technology reaches its full potential. In particular, the limited network capacity is often not enough to support accumulated traffic to or from mesh clients in dense application scenarios. A possible key solution for such an issue is boosting capacity by utilizing MIMO communication links. This work addresses these considerations while concentrating on the following aspects: (1) The setting up of a framework over which realistic simulations of WMNs based on IEEE 802.11 technology can be run and provide the capability of supporting distinct MIMO techniques. (2) Perform a comprehensive performance study that shows throughput comparisons of MIMO WMNs with respect to multi-channel multi-radio WMNs. (3) Investigate the advantages of MIMO WMNs in the context of network scalability. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Some related work is presented in section 2 while the simulation framework is described in Section 3. The simulation results comparing multi-channel WMNs with MIMO-based WMNs are presented in Section 4 followed by the respective analysis in Section 5. Finally in Section 6 we conclude our study. II. RELATED WORK The work presented in [2] proposes a novel MIMO mesh network based on SM techniques combined with interference cancellation. Numerical simulations were conducted to 2 compute the channel capacity and validate the proposed MIMO mesh network with a maximum of three antennas per node. It was found that the performance of the link-by-link MIMO network is almost triple of SISO due whilst the proposed MIMO mesh network nearly improved the performance by a factor of four which originates from the additional interference cancellation gain. A theoretical analysis on the per-node capacity of link-by-link MIMO mesh networks was presented in [3] for both chain and grid topologies. Through simulations conducted using the derived analytical work, as expected the network capacity increases with number of antennas per node while the transmission configuration affects the rate of increasing capacity with SNR. Research on applying MIMO on WMNs is still in its infancy and results are still limited. The work presented in [4] resembles mostly to the work conducted in this paper where Wang et al. present a prototype of a planned WMN using a (4x4) grid mesh topology based on typical IEEE 802.11 b/g technology. The results obtained indicate significant throughput improvement where the average throughput improved by more than 80 per cent and nearly 100 per cent for two and four hop transmissions respectively. Furthermore, the delay performance is reduced by approximately 50 to 70 per cent while it is shown that the jitter performance is also improved. The work proposed in this paper outstands from the previous since it utilizes real channel error performance instead of using the typical i.i.d. Rayleigh fading channel. III. NS-2 SIMULATION FRAMEWORK A. Multi-Channel Multi-Radio WMNs Traditional WMNs were based on single-channel singleradio interface nodes which face severe limitations regarding network capacity. One approach to improve the network capacity of a WMN would intuitively be to use multiple radio interfaces. Recently the development of multi-radio WMNs has accelerated due to inexpensive and off-the-shelf IEEE 802.11-based wireless interfaces. Therefore due to these considerations, ns-2 was extended with the aid of the Hyacinth project [6] to support multiple-interfaces tuned to different non-overlapping channels. Moreover, since the typical ad hoc routing protocols supported by ns-2 were designed for single-channel single-interface nodes, the simulator was extended using a manual routing protocol avoiding inadequate routing protocol operation and excessive overhead. B. Channel Modeling According to the current implementation, ns-2 uses the WirelessPhy class primarily to calculate the receiving power Pr, through typical path loss models such as the two-ray channel model. It then compares the received power with the carrier sense threshold (CSTresh_) and if it is less than the latter, it discards the packet since it cannot be sensed. On the other hand, a packet is sensed and possibly received without error if Pr is higher than the receiver threshold sensitivity (RXThresh_). This channel modeling approach attempts to approximate the statistical behavior of the PHY layer at a low run-time computational cost. However such an approach does not faithfully capture the characteristics of a specific transmission or reception at the PHY layer. Therefore, there has been a need to extend ns-2 to simulate more faithfully the packet error probabilities for specific channels and technologies. For the purpose of this study it was opted to extend the Mac-802_11 class in order to take into consideration the actual packet error rate of the channel. In this manner, when the WirelessPhy class acknowledges reception of a packet with the received power larger than RXThresh_, the Mac802_11 class takes into consideration the error probability of the channel. Thus a ChannelModel descendant class was introduced which simulates packet error events. The Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) parameter together with the rate at which the packet was received, are passed as arguments to a function of this class for every packet received. Since the IEEE 802.11a standard uses eight modes in total, ranging from 6 Mbps to 54 Mbps regarding the nominal physical data rate, then the datarate_ parameter, which controls the transmission rate of packets, is used to check in which one of the eight modes the packet was sent. Obviously the higher the mode, the higher the modulation used and thus the higher the probability of error. A table is used to hold the packet error rate values at each SINR for each of the eight modes. Thus, the SINR and the transmission mode calculated in the function are used as vertical and horizontal reference points on the table to derive the packet error rate of the channel. As explained in the next section, a separate error probability table was obtained from the already published work to describe a typical SISO WLAN link and a WLAN link using MIMO technology. TABLE I MIMO MODES WITH THE RESPECTIVE PHY LAYER DATA RATES C. Performance Plots The most promising WMNs application scenarios are neighborhood and community networking together with metropolitan area networks. Therefore, research on the typical channel conditions present for such popular urban scenarios was conducted. For instance in [7] the authors obtain statistical measurements for the r.m.s. delay spread in Austin urban environment where the resulting r.m.s. delay spread was 173ns with the maximum delay spread reached approximately 550ns. Therefore the error performance plots in similar channel conditions for IEEE 802.11a WLAN and MIMO over the same WLAN technology were found from the available published work. These error performance plots are 3 shown below using Figures 1 and 2 and were used to build the error performance tables aforementioned. Fig. 1. PER for IEEE 802.11a in NLOS propagation environment. to represent the majority of channel scenarios, the ergodic capacity increases by a factor of 3.75 in the high SNR regime with respect to the SISO case. Thus the resulting average data rates at the physical layer for modes 5 and 7 are taken to be 45 Mbps and 90 Mbps respectively. D. Rate Adaptation All PHY layer standards of IEEE 802.11 WLAN provide multiple transmission modes. To achieve a high performance, these devices need to be capable of dynamically selecting the best mode according to determined channel conditions. Due to lack in implementation complexity and suitability to the demands of this study, the RBAR protocol [13] was chosen as the rate adaptation mechanism. In particular, the RBAR protocol allows easily the manual setting of SNR thresholds by which the MAC dynamically chooses the ideal mode. The operation of RBAR is based upon the receiver choosing the best transmission mode for the transmitter during the RTS/CTS packet exchange. The receiver of the RTS packet selects which transmission mode to be used based on the SNR of the upcoming RTS packet and on a set of SNR thresholds which are calculated on a priori wireless channel model. Therefore, ns-2 was extended to support RBAR by simply modifying some functions of the mac802_11 class. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS A. Multiple – Flow Simulation Fig. 2. MIMO over IEEE 802.11a in NLOS propagation environments. The Packet Error Rate (PER) with SNR for all eight transmission modes of the IEEE 802.11a WLAN were obtained from the work in [8] and are shown in Figure 1. Furthermore, the PER performance for different MIMO transmission modes were obtained from the work reported in [9] and [10] and are shown in Figure 2 and summarized in Table 1. Both these set of data account for a propagation environment having an r.m.s. delay spread of around 250ns while also characterized by Rayleigh fading. The actual data rate achieved by modes 3 and 4 in Table 1 which use MIMO SM technique needs further elaboration. One should note that the rates reported in Table 1 are nominal and are achieved in unrealistic channel conditions where a rich scattering environment is present having negligible spatial correlation. In reality, as well reported in [11] and [12], the ergodic capacity enhancement achieved when using a (4x4) MIMO system is less than 4. Thus using the work reported in [11] and assuming an average correlation of 0.5 being appropriate In this part of the paper, the performance of a typical (3x3) grid WMN will be used to support multiple flows and investigate MIMO performance. Since interference is the major cause for performance degradation in the WMN backbone, a simple fixed channel assignment will be first presented. The twelve orthogonal channels provided by the IEEE 802.11a standard were used to reduce the interference present and create more ‘parallel’ flows. This channel assignment was then used to investigate the performance impact of MIMO technology on multi-radio WMNs using multiple flows. Fig. 3. Static Channel Assignment A simple static channel assignment was utilized to study how MIMO impacts the performance of WMNs when subject 4 to multiple flows interacting in a network characterized by limited interference and channel contention. The static channel assignment utilized is shown in the Figure 3. The assignment was done in such a way that clients connected to mesh routers 0, 2, 6 and 8 and wishing to communicate with the gateway (node 4), need to have packets relayed through mesh routers 1, 5, 3 and 7 respectively using a full duplex communication. Since the bottleneck of network capacity is very likely to consist of links nearer to the gateway, then nodes making up these links are provided more bandwidth using multiple interfaces. Obviously having a dynamic channel assignment algorithm together with adequate routing and load balancing protocols would be ideal for such scenarios but however this is not the scope of this study. TABLE 2 PERCENTAGE GAINS PER FLOW The network configuration shown was used to support ten traffic UDP flows to simulate the performance of the grid WMN using both the typical SISO system and the MIMO system. The data rate for each flow was limited to 4 Mbps whereas simulation time was set to 10s to get better accuracy on results. Since the majority of the traffic is expected to be skewed around the gateway, then nine of the ten UDP flows were set to involve the gateway. The end-to-end average throughput, end-to-end average delay and average jitter were measured and are presented in Table 2. These measurements were taken for two different mesh router separation distances which were set at 100m and 200m. Note that besides SISO and MIMO system using RBAR protocol, the best two MIMO performing modes were also included. Most importantly, Table 2 shows the percentage gain improvement per flow. Utilizing the best two performing MIMO modes, the 100m case SISO was compared with MIMO 45 Mbps whereas the 200m case SISO was compared with MIMO 24 Mbps to obtain the percentage gain improvement in both cases. Fig. 4. WMN Topologies with the respective channel assignments. B. Realistic-Case Scenario The results of a realistic-case scenario are presented in this section to outline the high efficiency introduced when using MIMO technology with WMNs. In particular, it is shown that the scalability of the network is aided by the STBC and SM techniques available when using MIMO transmission modes in comparison with the SISO modes. To prove this point, a simple realistic scenario was assumed by considering an urban area, 300m x 300m large, providing broadband support to homogenously spaced users. The area was first assumed to contain a low number of clients requesting service, which is often the case when a new operating service is offered. For this purpose the number of users was initially set to six and later increased to 15 users. For both scenarios, the advantage of using MIMO with respect to SISO was established by measuring the end-to-end throughput provided for each user. The service offered to each user was assumed to be a UDP application streaming CBR traffic at 4 Mbps in the downlink, from the gateway to each of the serviced users. To keep the study simple while providing equal support to users in any location of the area, grid WMNs were considered which are ideal for providing support to square-like areas. Therefore, the topologies used are shown in Figure 4 which consist of two and four mesh routers respectively. In both cases node 0 is the gateway while mesh connectivity is provided using the available non-overlapping channels. Fig. 5. Performance for SISO using the two different topologies Fig. 6. Performance for MIMO using the (2x1) topology 5 For a lightly loaded WMN i.e. having only 6 users requesting service, it was found that the (2x2) topology was needed to provide adequate support for the SISO WMN. This is shown in the Figure 5 where the performance for SISO with the (2x1) topology was compared with the (2x2) grid topology by means of end-to-end throughput measurements for each of the six user flows. The same scenario was then investigated for a WMN using MIMO technology and as shown in Figure 6, all six users are provided with full 4 Mbps support using only the (2x1) topology in comparison with the (2x2) topology necessitated by the SISO WMN. Furthermore, the behavior of three MIMO modes using this topology was investigated when supporting six users spaced in a larger area. The six users were spaced in a similar area having sides 400m long. Thus each router had to support larger link distances in the backbone and possibly even with clients. The resulting behavior for MIMO 18 Mbps and 24 Mbps modes using STBC, and 45 Mbps mode using SM is shown in Figure 7. The STBC modes with the 18 Mbps mode in particular, were found to perform better in larger coverage areas supporting fully the six users. Fig. 7. Performance for MIMO modes in larger coverage area Fig. 8. MIMO performance with the (2x2) topology The same aforementioned area was again considered but increasing the number of clients requesting service to 15. The (2x2) topology was found to be sufficient to support to all 15 users in the MIMO case. The throughput measurements obtained using such a topology are shown in Figure 8 for MIMO using RBAR and the lowest three fixed rate modes. In particular it was found that the MIMO 45 Mbps mode which uses SM is capable of providing support to all 15 users at 4 Mbps. For the SISO case, scaling the network using a (3x3) grid WMN similar to Figure 3 proved to be still insufficient to support this traffic load. However unlike the topologies in Figure 4, the (3x3) WMN had some links contending the same channel and thus the RTS/CTS is typically disabled to appropriately measure the performance in such a topology. Since the RBAR protocol operates using this mechanism, disabling it would also disable this protocol and thus obtaining the performance for SISO would be inappropriate since link adaptation is always used. However intuitively, to provide support for the 15 clients and covering the area uniformly, a (3x3) grid WMN is at least required which would imply higher network planning. V. ANALYSIS OF RESULTS A. MIMO with Multiple Flows Table 2 presents the percentage gain improvement of the best MIMO mode in comparison to SISO. For both scenarios, the performance was clearly enhanced when using MIMO technology. In particular it was noted that MIMO 45 Mbps achieves the best performance at a distance of 100m whereas MIMO 24 Mbps achieves the highest throughputs in the 200m case. Intuitively, this occurs since SM modes obtain the best performance when SNR is relatively high like in the 100m case. On the other hand when channel conditions deteriorate, STBC modes such as MIMO 24 Mbps achieve the best performance since they are capable of providing relatively high throughputs in non-ideal conditions. Using Table 2 again, one can note that the highest gain in throughput was achieved on flows 1 and 3. For the SISO case, flows 1 and 3 are starved by other flows contending the same channels due to the known unfairness issues of the IEEE 802.11 MAC which often favors the shortest paths in multihop networks. By means of MIMO, these flows are supplied with higher support achieving very large gains. Finally note that for an AP-AP distance of 100m, the network was capable of providing 4 Mbps support to all of the 10 flows using MIMO whereas for the 200m case, few flows were provided with this support. This occurs since at these distances, STBC modes are only the only practically but do not have enough capacity to support this much traffic. The only flow which was not enhanced is flow 7 which is also the only flow fully supported by 4 Mbps with SISO WMN. Again from Table 2, a consistent gain is noted ranging approximately between 50 and 90 per cent for the 100m case and between 20 and 65 per cent for the 200m case. It is evident that when the channel conditions permit such as in the 100m case, the MIMO 45 Mbps mode obtains better delay gain performance than the MIMO 24 Mbps mode owing to a significantly higher data rate available. Similarly to the gain in delay, a consistent improvement in jitter was achieved between 40 and 75 6 percent for the 100m case and between 20 and 65 per cent for the 200m case owing to the same aforementioned reasons. B. Scalability of WMNs It was found that for the 6 user scenario, the SISO network needed 4 mesh router arranged in a (2x2) topology. A simple WMN using 2 MIMO mesh routers was found to be enough to support all users at 4 Mbps. For the SISO network, high degradation in throughput was measured with only 2 routers since each router needs to provide a maximum of 150m of coverage, causing the SNR to lower with an inherent increase in channel errors. With MIMO 18 Mbps and 24 Mbps STBC modes, full support is provided to the 6 users whereas a slight degradation in throughput was measured with the MIMO 45 Mbps mode. An important consideration is that even a range longer than 150m can be supported using these STBC modes which make use of diversity gain to combat fading in the low SNR regime. The possibility that broadband service requests increase was then investigated by assuming an increase from 6 to 15 users in the same area. It was also found that severe performance degradation is present when using the same topologies servicing 15 users. It is of particular interest to note that if one uses the same topologies, 12 out of 15 users are serviced with a higher throughput using SISO than using the MIMO WMN since the SISO WMN uses 4 mesh routers communicating with multiple channels in full-duplex and thus dividing the load approximately by the four whilst servicing a shorter coverage range. On the other hand for the MIMO WMN with 2 routers, the load on each router is too high resulting in severe performance degradation. To provide adequate support, the network has to be scaled up by dividing the load amongst a higher number of mesh routers. In fact it was found that using the (2x2) topology is enough to service 15 users using MIMO. Most importantly it was found that the MIMO 45 Mbps mode using SM, was the only mode which is capable of supporting all 15 users. This is because the STBC modes do not offer enough capacity to support the total requested load. In fact, one can easily note that the 18 Mbps and 24 Mbps STBC modes are capable of supporting a maximum of 12 users due to the limited data rate. Therefore, this highlights another fundamental point regarding network scalability using MIMO. The network can be scaled gradually by increasing the number of mesh routers causing the coverage range per mesh router to reduce. This reduction in coverage brings about an improvement in SNR which allows the system to utilize higher MIMO SM modes providing higher data rates and maximizing the number of users serviced. This model consisted in using published error performance plots to simulate MIMO characteristic features efficiently and realistically in selected outdoor macrocell environments. By means of extensive simulations, considerable end-to-end throughput enhancement, and a reduction in average delay and jitter was measured when using MIMO WMNs. Using such a technology appropriately, higher service support can be provided to clients with increased throughput while meeting more efficiently Qos requirements demanded by today’s applications. Furthermore, it was noted that for moderate mesh router link distances, the SM MIMO modes perform best whilst for longer distance links, STBC MIMO modes achieve the best performance due to the availability of diversity gain. Finally a simple realistic scenario was presented which highlighted how MIMO SM and STBC techniques aid in the scalability of WMNs. It was highlighted that when WMNs are lightly loaded, the STBC modes can be utilized to maximize coverage using a minimal number of mesh routers. On the other hand given a number of mesh routers, the SM modes can be utilized to maximize the number of users serviced. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] VI. 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