2.019 Design of Ocean Systems Lecture 7 Seakeeping (III) February 25, 2011 Motions and Wave Loads on a Barge z y B D x L Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. A regular plane progressive incident wave in deep water travels along the x-direction: ηI (x, t) = a cos(ωt − kx) kz ΦI (x, y, z, t) = − ga e sin(ωt − kx) ω To find the wave force and motion of the barge in the vertical direction using longwave and strip theory assumptions. Heave Wave Excitation on a Barge (I) FE3 = FI3 + FD3 Using the strip theory (which is valid for B/L << 1), we have: FE3 = R L/2 −L/2 fE3 (x)dx, FI3 = Froude Krylov force component: fI3 (x) = − = Z = = = In the limit ω → 0: −L/2 fI3 (x)dx, FD3 = B/2 PI (x)nz dy −B/2 B/2 −B/2 (−ρΦt (x, y, z = −D, t)dy Bρgae−kD cos(ωt − kx) = FE3 Z R L/2 Z Z L/2 fE3 (x)dx −L/2 L/2 −L/2 Bρgae−kD cos(ωt − kx)dx µ ¶ kL 2 −kD e cos ωt sin ρgaB k 2 FE3 → ρgaBL cos ωt = ρgη(t)(BL) R L/2 −L/2 fD3 (x)dx Heave Wave Excitation on a Barge (II) Long-wave assumption: wave motion is a flow slowly varying in space and time. The wave diffraction effect is approximated by the added mass effect. fD3 (x, t) ˙ fD3 (x, t) = A2D 33 (x)V (x, t) V (x, t) = = ΦIz (x, z = −D/2, t) gak −kD/2 − e sin(ωt − kx) ω V̇ (x, t) = −gake−kD/2 cos(ωt − kx) V̇ (t) fD3 (x, t) = −gake−kD/2 A2D 33 cos(ωt − kx) FD3 (t) = R L/2 In the limit ω → 0: kL −kD/2 2D f (x, t)dx = −2gae A sin D3 33 2 cos ωt −L/2 FD3 → 0 Heave Wave Excitation on a Barge (III) £ FE3 (t) = FI3 + FD3 = ρgaBe −kD − Froude Krylov Ca ∼ 1.0 100 Added mass Fraude-Krylov Total 50 0 -50 0 1 ¤ ¡ 2 ¢ Added mass effect £ π ¤ 2 = Ca ρ 2 (B/2) , Heave force/wave amplitude A2D 33 −kD/2 gA2D kae 33 2 3 4 Ship length/wavelength Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. k sin kL 2 cos ωt Radiation Force Added mass coefficient: Wave damping coefficient: Radiation force: A33 = R L/2 2D 2D A (x)dx = LA 33 33 −L/2 B33 → 0 with long-wave assumption FR3 = −A33 ζ̈3 (t) = −LA2D 33 ζ̈3 (t) Restoring Force FS3 = −C33 ζ3 (t) = −ρgBLζ3 (t) Equation of Motion (M + A33 )ζ̈3 + Bv ζ̇3 + ρgBLζ3 (t) = FE3 (t) If Bv =0, ζ3 (t) = ζ̄3 cos(ωt) ζ¯3 (ω) = −kD/2 kae [ρgaBe−kD −gA2D ]( k2 ) sin kL 33 2 −ω 2 (M +A33 )+ρgBL In the limit ω → 0: ζ¯3 = ρgBLa −ω 2 (M +A33 )+ρgBL =a ζ3 (t) = a cos ωt = η(x = 0, t) Barge responds to move like a fluid particle in the limit of very long wave. Natural Frequency −ωn2 (M + A33 ) + ρgBL = 0 ωn = ³ ρgBL M +A33 Natural period: ´1/2 = Tn = ³ 2π ωn gB BD+A2D 33 ´1/2 = ³ ´1/2 g D+Ca (π/8)B Tn increases with D and B. For example, for D=20m, B=60m, we have Tn = 13s. Sample Results for Heave Motion Draft: D=12 m Width: B=40 m Natural period: Tn= 11.4 s Bv = 8% critical damping FE3 RAO © Centre for Marine and Petroleum Technology. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. Pitch Motion and Wave Loads on a Barge Wave Excitation: FE5 (t) = = Z h L/2 −L/2 −xfE3 dx ρgBae −kD Added mass and wave damping: A55 = Radiation moment: − gkae R L/2 −L/2 −kD/2 A2D 33 x2 A2D 33 dx , iZ L/2 −L/2 [−x cos(ωt − kx)]dx B55 = 0 as ω → 0 FR5 = −A55 ζ̈5 (t) − B55 ζ̇5 (t) Hydrostatic restoring moment: FS5 = −C55 ζ5 (t) = −[ρg∇(ZB − BG ) + ρg Moment of inertia: I55 = ρDB R L/2 −L/2 R Awp x2 ds]ζ5 (t) x2 dx From the equation of motion for pitch, we can get pitch motion: ζ5 (t) = ζ̄5 sin ωt ζ̄5 a = ..... Sample Results for Pitch Motion Draft: D=12 m Width: B=40 m Bv = 8% critical damping MN/m Pitch moment/wave amplitude 6000 FE5 Added mass Fraude-Krylov Total 4000 2000 0 -7000 0 1 2 3 4 Ship length/wavelength Degrees/m RAO Pitch angle/wave amplitude 0.9 0.6 0.3 0 0 1 2 3 4 Ship length/wavelength Images by MIT OpenCourseWare. Deck elevation at bow: ZD = ζ3 (t) − (L/2)ζ5 (t) + H where H is deck height Bottom elevation at bow: ZB = ζ3 (t) − (L/2)ζ5 (t) − D where D is draft Wave elevation at bow: Zw = η(x = L/2, t) = a cos(ωt − kL/2) If ZD < Zw , wave overtoping occurs; If ZB > Zw , ship bottom is out of water MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 2.019 Design of Ocean Systems Spring 2011 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.