Benthic invertebrate distribution, abundance, and diversity in Rosebud Creek, Montana by Steven Francis Baril A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Entomology Montana State University © Copyright by Steven Francis Baril (1977) Abstract: Rosebud Creek, Montana, was sampled monthly during 1976 and 1977 to provide baseline data on macroinvertebrate abundance, distribution, and diversity in relation to potential effects from nearby coal development. Introduced substrate in baskets, an Ekman dredge, and a modified Hess sampler were used to sample runs, pools, and riffles, respectively. Faunal variation among sampling stations was due to physical factors including turbidity, water temperature, current velocity, and substrate, and not to impacts from coal mining and combustion. Rosebud Creek supported a diverse bottom fauna with high population numbers and adapted to turbid, silty conditions common in a transition prairie stream; i.e., originating in the mountains then flowing onto the plains. Intact riparian vegetation was presumed important in stream bank stability and in providing an energy source to compensate for limitations imposed on primary production by high turbidity. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require­ ments for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholar­ ly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his absence, by the Director of Libraries. It is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE DISTRIBUTION, ABUNDANCE, AND DIVERSITY IN ROSEBUD CREEK, MONTANA by STEVEN FRANCIS BARIL A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Entomology Approved: Graduate Bean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana October, 1977 iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT The writer wishes to express appreciation to those who helped in this study. As major professor. Dr. Roemhild directed the study, assisted in identification of specimens, and reviewed the paper. Mr. Robert J. Luedtke gave technical advice, assisted in establishing the. field stations and in sampling, carefully reviewed the paper, and gave kind encouragement. Dr. Robert V. Thurston provided support and reviewed the paper. Dr. Norman L. Anderson gave advice and thoroughly reviewed the paper. Rosebud area residents, Mr. Don Polich, Mrs. Patti Kluver» Mr. Wallace McRae, Mr. John Bailey, and their families, provided access to Rosebud Creek. Dr. Saralee Visscher kindly loaned equipment. Mr. Dalton Burkhalter aided in statistical analysis of the data and Dr. John Rumely identified grass specimens. Identifications of specimens were checked by Dr. Oliver S. Flint (Trichoptera), Dr. D.G. Denning (Trichoptera), Dr. Harley P. Brown (Coleoptera), Dr. C. Dennis Hynes (Tipulidae), Dr. Dennis M. Lehmkuhl (Ephemeroptera), Dr. George Roemhild (Hemiptera and Zygoptera), and by theU.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service. The Ms. Sandy Hawk Emery, Kathrin Guderian, Mary Maj, and Cory Sheldon, and Mssrs. Bruce Collins and Joseph Masek assisted in sample sorting. Special thanks are deserved by Cindy, Chris, and Aaron Baril for their patience and support. This research was funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth, Minnesota, Research Grant No. R803950 awarded to the Fisheries Bioassay Laboratory of Montana State University. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page VITA........................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii TABLE OF C O N T E N T S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv LIST OF T A B L E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v LIST OF F I G U R E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii ABSTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA .......................... 9 DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLING STATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................. 21 RESULTS........................................ 24 Macroinvertebrate Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ 24 Macroinvertebrate Wet Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Macroinvertebrate Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Diversity and Redunda ncy . . . . . . . 64 D I S CUSS ION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water C h e m i s t r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Conditions . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Macroinvertebrate Abundance and Composition . . . . . . . . . . . Sampling Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONCLUSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 71 72 79 81 84 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 APPENDIX . 94 V LIST OF TABLES Table 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Page Sampling stations, locations and descriptions, Rosebud Creek, M o n t a n a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Physical measurements of Rosebud Creek sampling. locations in 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Physical measurements of riffle sites on Rosebud Creek in 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Water chemistry, means and ranges (in parentheses), of Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 (collected and determined by the Fisheries Bioassay Laboratory, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, and the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado) , . . . 18 Average total numbers, wet weight, and number of taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Total number of samples from each station by three sampling methods. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Mean total numbers per taxon and average percent of the sample (introduced substrates) for aquatic macroinvertebrates of Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Mean total numbers of aquatic macroinvertebrates per m^ and average percent of the sample. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . 34 Mean wet weight per taxon per introduced substrate sample and average percent of the sample for aquatic macroinvertebrates of Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 vi Table 10. 11. Page 2 Mean wet weight per m per taxon and average percent of the sample for aquatic macroinvertebrates of Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . 39 Checklist and distribution of aquatic macroinver­ tebrates of Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 • . 12. 13. 14. 15. ■ Number of occurrences and average number per occurrence for aquatic macroinvertebrates collected in introduced substrate samplers, Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Number of occurrences and average number per occurrence for aquatic macroinvertebrates collected in Ekman dredge samples, Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to October 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Number of occurrences and average number per occurrence for aquatic macroinvertebrates collected in modified Hess samples. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Mean macroinvertebrate diversity and redundancy per sample. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 ............................... 69 Appendix Tables 16. Mean current velocity 7.5 cm from the substrate and 15 cm upstream of introduced substrate samplers. Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . • 95 17. Adult aquatic insects from near Rosebud Creek, Montana, during 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Monthly mean discharges for Rosebud Creek at the mouth and near Co!strip for water years 1975 and 1976 ............ 11 2. Rosebud Creek benthic invertebrate sampling stations . . . 15 3. Mean number per' sample and range of aquatic macro­ invertebrates, Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 26 Mean wet weight per sample and range of aquatic macroinvertebrates. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 27 Mean number of aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa per sample and range. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 28 Significantly similar station means for average total macroinvertebrates, taxa, and wet weight, NewmanKeuls sequential comparison test, Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Average number of aquatic macroinvertebrates per introduced substrate sample. Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Average wet weight (grams) of aquatic macroinverte­ brates per introduced substrate sample. Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Average number of selected taxa per introduced substrate sample. Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 10. Seasonal variations in mean total numbers of Hydropsyohe sp. B per introduced substrate sample at stations I, 5, and 7, Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to November 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. viii Figure 11. Page Seasonal variations in mean total numbers of Dubiraphia per introduced substrate sample at stations I, 5, and 7, Rosebud Creek, Montana, May T976 to November 1976 . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Seasonal variations in mean total numbers of per introduced substrate sample at stations I, 5, and 6, Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to November 1976 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Total taxa per station and number of taxa collected by each of three sampling methods from Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 minima 12. Choroterpes albiannulata 13. ix ABSTRACT Rosebud Creek, Montana, was sampled monthly during 1976 and 1977 to provide baseline data on macroinvertebrate abundance, distribution, and diversity in relation to potential effects from nearby coal devel­ opment. Introduced substrate in baskets, an Ekman dredge, and a modi­ fied Hess sampler were used to sample runs, pools, and riffles, respectively. Faunal variation among sampling stations was due to physical factors including turbidity, water temperature, current velocity, and substrate, and not to impacts from coal mining and com­ bustion. Rosebud Creek supported a diverse bottom fauna with high population numbers and adapted to turbid, silty conditions common in a transition prairie stream; i .e ., originating in the mountains then flowing onto the plains. Intact riparian vegetation was presumed important in stream bank stability and in providing an energy source to compensate for limita­ tions imposed on primary production by high turbidity. INTRODUCTION Development of large scale coal mining and combustion for elec­ trical generation is underway in eastern Montana. Two 350 megawatt coal-fired generators became operative at Colstrip, Montana, in 1976; two 750 megawatt power plants are in the final planning stages. The Colstrip power complex has potential for massive utilization of, and intense impact on, water resources of southeastern Montana. Conse­ quently, the need to document the status of existing and changes in water quality is important in this region where water resources are limited. Information obtained may be useful for the planning of future power generators elsewhere in the northern Great Plains. Rosebud Creek flows approximately 13 km east of Colstrip and is of interest since it may be a prime recipient of effluents from coal development. Groundwater flows eastward from the mining and power plant area through aquifers that include the coal seam being mined (Montana State Department of Natural Resources 1974) and may carry leachates from mining or combustion spoils. In addition, the prevail­ ing wind direction is southeasterly (Thurston et al. 1976) which may result in the deposition of smokestack emissions in the Rosebud Creek drainage. Finally, Cow Creek, a small, intermittent stream originating in strip-mined areas, may carry effluents by seepage or runoff into Rosebud Creek (Thurston et al. 1976). These factors may result in 2 an influx of complex inorganic salts and trace metals which could alter the composition of the aquatic macroinvertebrate community of Rosebud Creek. A study of the toxic effects of coal and oil shale development to the aquatic biota was started in 1975 (Thurston et a l . 1976). As a sub-project of this study, a one-year survey of the aquatic macroinver­ tebrate fauna of Rosebud Creek was begun in 1976 with the objective of providing baseline data on existing macroinvertebrate abundance and distribution. This data will also provide information for current taxonomic studies and give a description of the fauna of a southeastern Montana prairie stream. Very little is known concerning the benthic invertebrate fauna of prairie streams in southeastern Montana. Recently, interest in these streams has grown due to proposed use of water resources for coal development. Preliminary results from an invertebrate study on the Powder River indicate low population numbers (Rehwinkel et al. 1976). Work by Newell (1976) on the Yellowstone River and by Gore (1975) on the Tongue River provide information on the composition and abundance of benthic invertebrates. The benthic fauna of Sarpy Creek, a small ephemeral stream, has also been surveyed (Clancy 1977). Literature on the physical and biological characteristics of prairie streams is limited. Traditionally, streams of the mid- continent (Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota) have been considered typical 3 of the prairie. Jewell (1927) described the aquatic biology of the prairie and presented a description of a typical prairie stream. McCoy and Hales (1974) surveyed the physical, chemical, and biological char­ acteristics of eight eastern South Dakota streams. Limnology of major lakes and drainages was summarized for the mid-continent states by Carlander et a l . (1963) and for Minnesota and the Dakotas by Eddy (1963). Limnology of these regions may be similar in many respects to that of eastern Montana due to similar topographies and climates. Basic techniques for stream surveys have been presented by Cairns and Dickson (1971) and Cummins (1962). These researchers recommended that similar habitats with respect to substrate, current velocity, depth, width, and bank cover be sampled at each station. Hence, sample variability is reduced by standardizing these variables and fewer samples give reliable results (Dickson et a l . 1971). In addition, Cummins (1962) suggested that faunal surveys should include year-round sampling of all habitat types. The use of introduced artificial substrates in stream surveys reduces sample variability by providing a uniform sample size and similar substrate for colonization by aquatic invertebrates. They reduce the subjectivity involved in selecting similar habitats and in the amount of sampling effort involved at each station (Crossman and Cairns 1974). Several types of samplers have been developed ranging from the "brush box" sampler of Scott (1958) and the hardboard 4 multi plates (Hester and Dendy 1962) to the limestone and spherical por­ celain filled barbecue baskets of Mason et al. (1967). Moon (1940) imbedded gravel-filled trays into the substrate for later removal and enumeration of colonized organisms. Stanford and Reed (1974) buried samplers in the natural substrate and concluded that this technique probably gives optimum quantitative results. This conclusion is sup­ ported by Coleman and Hynes (1970) who found that 80% of the organisms collected were deeper than 7.5 cm in the substrate. Mason et al. (1973) suspended samplers in the water column of the Ohio River and found that depth of placement and length of exposure time influenced species diversity, composition, and total numbers. Thus, consistent sampler installation with regard to physical variables is necessary to make benthic sample comparisons between stations in stream surveys. Several workers have compared the efficiencies of artificial substrate samplers with conventional sampling methods. Anderson and Mason (1968) found that suspended samplers collected greater numbers and variety than a Peterson dredge but were not efficient in collection of burrowing invertebrates including oligochaetes, burrowing mayflies, and molluscs. Mason et a l . (1973) found that limestone-filled baskets collected a greater variety and number of aquatic invertebrates than the hardboard multiplates of Hester and Dendy (1962). Crossman and Cairns (1974), in placing artificial substrates on the stream bottom, collected a more diverse fauna than conventional Surber or kick screen 5 samplers. Floating samplers tended to be selectively colonized by beetles, mayflies, and caddisflies. Changes in benthic community structure due to stress, and the presence or absence of indicator organisms are used to aid in the classification of stream health. maggots {Eristalis Certain organisms, e.g., rattail spp.), sludgeworms {Chironomus tentans) , (Tubifex tubifex) , and bloodworms are tolerant of organic enrichment and may reach high population numbers (Bartsch 1948). Conversely, many intolerant organisms, including certain stoneflies, mayflies, and caddisfl ies, may be conspicuously absent. The addition of toxic wastes, i .e ., certain metals, acids, and salts, usually affects all species and causes an overall decrease in the number of benthic organisms (,'Surber 1,953). When using indicator organisms to classify streams, the relative abundance of all species collected should be considered because toler­ ant forms often inhabit unpolluted waters in low numbers (Gaufin and TarzwelI 1952). Indicator organisms should be recognized at the species level since a single genus may tolerate a variety of conditions (Patrick 1949). Diversity indices based on information theory have enjoyed pop­ ularity in the past few decades as a tool to summarize data concerning the aquatic biota. Patten (1962) used a formula derived from infor­ mation theory (Shannon 1948) to measure species diversity (H) of marine phytoplankton. He concluded that Shannon's formula permitted .6 summarization of large amounts of data concerning numbers and kinds of organisms and reflected the distribution of individuals among the species. Two components are inherent to Shannon's formula: species richness and evenness of distribution of individuals among the species (Lloyd and Ghelardi 1964); both of these components can influence H. Despite the development of other indices (Simpson 1949, Margalef 1957), the Shannon Index has been the most widely used in aquatic work. The use of diversity indices to summarize faunal changes result­ ing from pollution or other stress has been recommended. Wilhm and Dorris (1966) correlated low benthic invertebrate diversity with enrichment from a sewage effluent. Wilhm (1970) surveyed several streams subject to various industrial or urban impacts and concluded that H was a reasonable measure to describe benthic communities; values of less than I indicated communities under pollutional stress and values of 3 to 4 were found in streams of high water quality. Cairns and Dickson (1971) summarized that stress to a stream lowers inverte­ brate diversity; conversely, clean streams supported diverse, more stable faunas. Ransom and Prophet (1974) used the Shannon Index to describe benthic invertebrate diversity and generalized on water quality from these observations. It has been proposed that highly diverse communities are more stable than less diverse ones (Elton 1958, Odum 1971). This concept may be related to a function (S = Zpi- log p^) proposed to, measure 7 community stability in terms of energy passing through trophic levels (MacArthur 1955); hence stability was related to the number of links in the food web. This function resembles the Shannon equation for diversity with the exception that units of energy are replaced by numbers and species. The concept of community diversity and diversity-stability has been criticized. Sager and Hasler (1969) stated that the indices are insensitive to rare species which may be biologically important. Hurlbert (1971) called species diversity a non-concept without biolog­ ical relevance whose use should be at least restricted to measuring species richness and evenness. cized, however. These two components have been criti­ Low numbers of individuals evenly distributed among a few taxa can result in high diversity and the term evenness may be misleading since most communities are dominated by a few successful species at each trophic level (Hocutt 1975). Goodman (1975) reviewed the stability-diversity theory and concluded that there was no scien­ tific proof yet to support this concept. The inherent physical nature of a stream influences the faunal composition and should be at least qualitatively evaluated in stream surveys. Substrate may be the most important factor affecting inver­ tebrate distribution and standing crop (Pennak 1971). Larger substrate sizes and bedrock have been shown to support a greater standing crop and different species composition than finer substrates (Pennak and 8 Van Gerpen 1947, Barber and Kevern 1973). However, certain insects may preferentially select habitats on the basis of small substrate particles (Cummins and Lauff 1969). Substrate composition is often related to the sorting action of current (Macan 1961); however, current velocity itself may influence invertebrate distributions. Dodds and Hisaw (1925a) noted that certain caddisflies were selective to current velocity in their choice of habitat. larva, Simuliwn o m a t u m The distribution of the blackfly Mg., is related to current speed (Phillipson 1956) and the distribution of net spinning caddisflies is influenced by current velocity (Edington 1968). Temperature influences the range of aquatic insects by limiting the success of sensitive stages or by influencing emergence (Macan I960). Dodds and Hisaw (1925b) related the altitudinal zonation of aquatic insects to gradations in water temperature. Other physical factors including stream width and vegetation affect invertebrate distributions. Narrow streams generally support a less diverse fauna (Pennak 1971), and riparian vegetation influences water temperature and primary production by shading, is an energy source, and provides oviposition sites for certain aquatic organisms. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA Rosebud Creek originates on the east slope of the Wolf Mountains in Bighorn County, Montana, then flows northeast for approximately 370 stream kilometers before joining the Yellowstone River near Rosebud, Montana. The total area drained is near 3,372 km . (U.S. Geological Survey 1975). A sparsely populated alluvial plain about 0.8 km wide supports the agriculturally oriented domiciles. Alfalfa, wild hay, and grains are cultivated and livestock are pastured on the flood plain and the stream provides water for irrigation and livestock. Near the headwaters Rosebud Creek flows through the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation and past the town of Busby, Montana. Riparian vegetation consists of mixed grasses, boxelder (Acer negundo L.), green ash {Prunus sp.), rose {Fraxinus pennsylvanioa (Rosa spp.), willow (Shepherdia sp.). arundinacea L.), prairie cordgrass brome (Salix Marsh), chokecherry spp.), and buffaloberry Grasses include reed canarygrass (Bromus inermis (Pkalaris (Spartina peotinata Leys.), and American bulrush Link.), smooth (Scirpus amevioanus Pers.), all.rhizomatous in character and especially important in streambank stability. Streamside vegetation is generally intact providing good wildlife habitat and aiding in soil stabilization. The shallow valley of Rosebud Creek is cut in sedimentary layers of the tertiary period. Relief is composed mainly of strata from the pal eocene epoch, specifically sandstones, shales, and coal of the Fort 10 Union formation which erode at moderate rates. Coal outcrops have burned in the middle and upper Rosebud drainage and have metamorphically altered adjacent layers producing red to lavender beds of highly fractured cl inker often incorrectly called scoria (Renick 1929). This material is highly resistant to weathering and forms much of the sub­ stratum of Rosebud Creek. Alluvial soils of the floodplain and adjacent low terraces gen­ erally consist of Havre and Glendive loams, Harlem silty clay loams, and aerie fluvaquents. These form deep, calcareous soils of good water-holding capacity subject to moderate erosion. Areas of moder­ ately saline soil are present along the floodplain (L. Daniels, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, personal communication). Mean monthly flows for Rosebud Creek during water years 1975 and 1976 are shown in Figure I. Rapid fluctuations in discharge can occur during spring and summer rainfall. The mean annual flow is 35.8 cfs; mean flow for March, the month of maximum flow, is 84.3 cfs, and the mean flow for September, the month of minimum flow, is 6.4 cfs. There are records of approximately 3000 cfs in March and periods of no.flow occur in dry years (U.S Geological Survey 1975). Water temperatures in July and August range from 21°C to the maximum on record of 26.7°C. Minimum temperatures are freezing for many days during winter months (Aagaard 1969) and the stream is frozen over from December to mid-February. DISCHARGE, CUBIC FE E T PER SECOND Figure I. Monthly mean discharge for Rosebud Creek at the mouth and near Colstrip for water years 1975 and 1976a (U.S. Geological Survey 1975). . 1974 NEAR MOUTH NEAR COLSTRIP O N D J F M A M J J A S O N DJ F M A M J J MONTH a 1976 data are provisional and subject to change AS 12 The headwaters of Rosebud Creek are erosional in nature due to the steep gradient (4.8 m/km) and a riffle-pool system exists that is similar to a mountain stream. On leaving the mountains near Busby, Montana, and flowing onto the plains; however, the gradient decreases (2.5 m/km) and the stream becomes depositional in nature. Long, slow reaches with sand or gravel bottoms predominate and silted areas are common. Turbidity and suspended sediments also increase downstream. The last 80 km of Rosebud Creek could be called a transition prairie stream. A typical prairie stream has been described as having high turbidity and being depositional in nature. Rapid fluctuations in discharge result in removal of humus or organic material from the I substrate which is generally unstable and composed of shifting clay, sand, or gravel. In addition, streamside vegetation is sparse (Jewell 1927). Carlander et al. (1963) described a true prairie stream as being nearly devoid of benthic life and having substrates practically free of organic deposits. Certain of these criteria, notably, high turbidity, areas of shifting substrate, and rapid fluctuations in dis­ charge, are true of Rosebud Creek. However, the banks are heavily vegetated, there are extensive organic deposits in the substrate, and a moderately diverse benthic fauna with high population numbers exists. Consequently, Rosebud Creek would not be called a typical prairie stream according to either of the classifications given above. DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLING STATIONS Seven benthic invertebrate sampling stations were established in February 1976 and numbered consecutively upstream (Table I and Figure 2). Selection was made on the basis of concurrent chemical studies (Thurston et a l . 1976), physical similarity, access, and potential for evaluating impacts from coal development. An attempt was made to include three habitat types (riffles, runs, and pools) at each station. Station I is downstream from direct effluents from coal develop­ ment. Stations 2 through 5 are within the projected plume fallout area from generator stack emissions. In addition, stations 3 and 4 bracket Cow Creek to evaluate potential effluents from that source. As a con­ trol, station 6 was established upstream from the plume fallout area. Rosebud Creek, at station 7, is similar in nature to a mountain stream; this aided in describing the composition and distribution of benthic invertebrates. In addition to other physical parameters (Table 2), a subjective evaluation of the predominant substrate type at each station was made utilizing the classification of Cummins (1962). Station I is unique in having a substrate of washed rubble and boulder from Yellowstone allu­ vium and a riffle-pool habitat caused by an increase in gradient as Rosebud Creek enters the Yellowstone Valley. Typical substrate at station 2 consists of flocculent clay or silt with gravel common only I Table I. Sampling stations, locations and descriptions. Rosebud Creek, Montana. Station Elevation (meters) Kilometers from Yellowston R. Legal Description I 756 0.7 NE1/4 Sec 21 R42E T6N U.S.G.S. gauging Station near 1-90 2 814 15.4 SWl/4 Sec 30 R43E T4N Polich ranch 3 869 29.7 NEl/4 Sec 5 R43E TIN Kluver ranch, 480 m downstream of Cow Creek 4 869 30.0 SE1/4 Sec 5 R43E TIN Kluver ranch, 680 m upstream of Cow Creek 5 896 36.8 NWl/4 Sec 34 R42E TIN W. McRae ranch 6 960 51.4 SWl/4 Sec Bailey ranch, border of N. Cheyenne Reservation 7 1195 85.8 NWl/4 Sec 29 R39E T6S 8 R41E T2S Description Near Kirby at Highway 314 culvert 15 Reservation Spring Cr Indian Cr K ilom eters Figure 2. Rosebud Creek benthic invertebrate sampling stations Table 2. Physical measurements of Rosebud Creek sampling locations in 1976. Station I Mean width (meters) Mean depth (meters) Valley gradient (m/km to next site) Stream gradient (m/km to next site) Mean turbidity (nephelometric units) Temperature, °C Mean Aug. max. Mean Aug. min. Mean Oct. max. Mean Oct. min. 7.5 0.4 2.46 1.32 11.4 3 4 5 6 7 5.0 0.7 2.38 4.2 5.5 0.8 6.1 0.6 2.5 0.4 2.39 3.6 0.7 2.39 2.74 4.80 1.09 0.99 0.99 1.01 1.60 9.5 4.9 4.7 . 4.5 4.9 2 0.6 23.4 19.3 4.1 20.4 3.7 2.1 2.8 Substrate3 40,60,0,0,0 0,40,10,10,40 10,60,10,20,0 Vegetationb 0,1,99 73,5,22 18,5,77 2o.o 19.5 17.4 22.0 0,70,0,20,10 10,50,20,20,0 6,4,90 ^Composition (percent) in the following sequence: rubble, gravel, sand, silt, clay ^Composition (percent) in the following sequence: trees, shrubs, grass 18,20,62 5.5 15.9 5.2 3.5 30,30,30,10,0 13,41,46 10,40,30,20,0 28,33,39 ; 17 in meanders at the valley edge. Stations 3, 4, and 5 have long mean­ dering stretches with slow current velocity and a substratum of gravel, sand, and silt. Station 6, in addition to long, slow stretches, has sections of clean, rubble-bottomed, riffles alternating with sandbottomed pools. The substrate at station 7 consists mainly of gravel and rubble in riffles and sand in pools. Shallow riffles for bottom sampling were not common at stations 2 through 5; however, riffle sampling sites were established at stations I, 3, 5, 6, and 7; physical parameters are given in Table 3. The riffle at station 3, due to depth, was sampled only during periods of low flow. Table 3. Physical measurements of riffle sites on Rosebud Creek in 1976. Station I 3 5 6 7 Mean current velocity (m/sec) 0.52 0.35 0.39 0.51 0.46 Mean depth (m) 0.18 0.31 0.16 0.17 0.09 rubble, boulder rubble gravel rubble rubble Substrate As shown in Table 4, Rosebud Creek waters are alkaline with a very basic pH and a high concentration of electrolytes. The water is a hard, bicarbonate-sulfate-magnesium type and unique due to the higher Table 4. Water chemistry, means and ranges (in parentheses), of Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977 (collected and determined by the Fisheries Bioassay Laboratory, Montana State University, Bozeman, . Montana, and the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado). I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.45 (8.12-8.80) 8.49 (8.17-8.81) 8.49 (8.09-8.70) 8.51 (8.08-8.76) 8.52 (8.17-8.91) 8.47 ' (8.12-8.85) 8.47 (8.15-8.81) Spec. Cond. (mmhos) 1364 (558-1798) 1282 (539-1531) 1281 (856-1496) 1274 (967-1437) 1241 (954-1435) 1164 (978-1325) 911 (846-979) Alkalinity (mg/1 CaCO3) 409 (215-687) 396 (225-682) 398 (421-659) 402 (426-654) 412 (435-626) 383 (400-481) 267 (10.1-1494.0) 99 (9.8-459.0) 100 (10.8-463.0) 154 (7.7-629.0) 129 (5.4-573.0) 26 (6.3-68.0) Station pH 534 Susp. solids (7.9-4308.0) (mg/1) 404 • (426-659) Diss. solids (mg/1) 965 (431-1367) 878 (697-1335) 845 (610-980) 316 (591-1000) 814 (586-1080) 744 (598-960) 572 (500-780) Diss. oxygen (mg/1) 9.8 (7.4-12.1) 9.8 . (6.9-12.3) 9.6 (6.7-11.6) 9.8 (7.0-12.3) 9.6 (7.1-12.4) 9.7 (7.3-12.9) 11.2 (9.2-12.2) Ca2+(mg/I) 84.3 (45 -150) 82.8 (37-140) 88.4 (56-140) 90.4 (56-140) 89.3 (56-140) 87.4 (55-130) 100.3 (75-110) NOg (mg/1) 0.18 (0.14-0.21) 0.13 (0.12-0.13) 0.09 (0.08-0.09) 0.08 (0.06-0.10) 0.05 (0.05-0.05) 0.05 (0.05-0.05) — P03_4 (mg/1) 0.53 (0.02-5.00) 0.25 (0.02-1.70) 0.14 (0.02-0.40) 0.12 (0.02-0.30) 0.13 (0.02-0.30) 0.16 (0.02-0.75) 0.09 (0.04-0.15) 336 (250-405). 325 (180-375) 336 (204-540) ■ 270 (155-400) 151 (110-260) So” (mg/1) 404 (160-605) 358 ■ (160-515) Cl' (mg/1) 8,2 (2.1-28.0) 5.8 (2.7-10.0) 5.2 (2.8-8.0) 5.1 (3.0-8.0) 5.0 (3.0-8.5) 5.0 (3.0-11.0) 3.4 (I.5-7.0) As (ug/1) 2.7 (1.1-9.5) 1.77. (1:0-3.6) 1.64 (0.9-3.2) 1.92 (0.4-4.4) 1.95 (0.6-5.2) 1.3 (0.9-2.4) Cu (mg/1) 0.007 (0.005-0.010) 2.64 (I.0-8.4) 0.015 (0.003-0.074) 0.012 (0.003^0.046) 0.010 (0.003-0.059) 0:008 (0.003-0.027) 0.008 (0.003-0.043) 0.005 (0.003-0.006) Dissolved Fe (mg/1) 0.04 (0.01-0.11) 0.04 (0.01-0.13) 0.06 (0.01-0.16) 0.06 (0.01-0.18) 0.05 (0.01-0.13) 0.03 0.04 ' (0.01-0.10) •• (0.02-0.05) Table 4 (continued) 3 4 5 Station I 2 Undissolved Fe (mg/1) 6.88' (0.25-44.0) 2.97 (0.24-17.0) 1.34 (0.16-4.3) 1.26 (0.20-3.7) 1.88 (0.18-7.6) L94 (0.20-7.6) 0.52 (0.23-1.1) Hg (ug/1) 1.68 (0.07-10.3) 1.75 (0.12-9.4) 3.08 (0.05-16.0) 2.40 (0.05-18.3) 1.65 (0.10-15.0) 1.07 (0.05-9.0) 0.36 (0.05-0.29) K (mg/1) 13.3 (7.4-23.0) 13.2 (8.5-23.0) 13.0 (7.8-22.0) 12.9 (7.7-22.0) 12.7 (7.6-21.0) 11.9 (7.3-19.0) 7.0 (5.0-9.2) Mg .(mg/1). 115 (30-190) no (30-190) 117 (69-170) 116 (79-170) 112 (86-180) 108 (78-160) 67 (61-74) Mn (mg/1) 0.014 (0.001-0.05) 0.036 (0.001-0.32) 0.014 (0.001-0.05) 0.012 (0.001-0.05) 0.016 (0.001-0.05) 0.020 (0.001-0.056) 0.028 (0.003-0.05) Na (mg/1) 166 (60-740) 80 (45-100) 66 (58-85) 53 (44-66) 22 (17-25) Ni (mg/1) 0.004 (0.003-0.005) 0.005 (0.003-0.011) 0.007 (0.005-0.030) 0.008 (0.003-0.040) 0.005 (0.002-0.010) 0.006 ■ (0.002-0.020) 0.005 (0.005-0.005)- Se (ug/1) 0.48 (0.3-0.8) 0.49. (0.3-0.7) 0.43 (0.3-0.6) 0.49 (0.3-0.6) 0.43 (0.03-0.7) Zn (mg/1) 0.012 (0.001-0.032) 0.012 (0.001-0.050) 0.045 (0.001-0.380) . .0.011 (0.001-0.048) 0.014 (0.001-0.090) . 72 (45-90) 71 . (43-87) 6 0.51 . (0.4-0.7) 0.007 (0.001-0.017) 7 0.44 (0.3-0.5) 0.011 (0.001-0.034)■ 20 concentration of magnesium than calcium. ration throughout the year. Dissolved oxygen is near satu­ MATERIALS AND METHODS Sampling was initiated in March 1976, using a modified Hess • sampler (Waters and Knapp 1961) and an Ekmandredge to sample and pools, respectively. riffles Introduced substrate in baskets was used to sample deep, hard bottom runs, a common habitat of Rosebud Creek. Baskets, constructed from 1.27 cm hardware cloth, had dimensions of 15 x 15 x 30 cm and were filled with 40 pieces of hand-sorted cl inker measuring 5 to 3 cm along the longest axis. At each station two samplers were anchored on the bottom at similar depth and current velocity and allowed to colonize for 6 weeks initially. Samples were then collected monthly; the procedure involved placing a nylon dip net (I mm mesh ) immediately downstream to catch organisms dislodged as the sampler was lifted. Debris on the anchoring stake or basket handle was discarded but that clinging to the sampler was collected. Sub­ strate was removed and scrubbed with a brush. Foreach sample, current velocity 15 cm in front of the basket was determined using a Gurley (Model 625-F) current meter and depth was recorded. A subjective eval­ uation was made concerning the amount of sediment and debris in the sampler. Baskets were sampled monthly from May to November 1976, and in March 1977. Due to continuous ice cover the samplers were removed from December 1976 to February 1977. Two 0.023 m ? Ekman dredge samples were taken at each station 2 during March, June, August, and October 1976. Two 0.093 m Hess 22 samples were taken at stations I, 5, 6, and 7 in March, June, August, and November 1976, and in February and March 1977. Samples were col- . Iected at station 3 in August and November 1976 and March 1977, using a modified Hess sampler. Qualitative samples were collected at various locations at each station using a dip net. All samples were preserved initially in 10% formal in. Samples were later screened through a No. 30 U.S.A. Standard sieve and organisms were hand-sorted and stored in 70% ethanol. Inver­ tebrates were identified to genus or species where feasible and possible using keys by Brown (1972), Edmunds et al. (1976), Gaufin et al. (1972), Jensen (1966), Johannsen (1934,1935), Needham and Westfall.(1955), Pennak (1953), Roemhild (1975,1976), Ross (1944), and Usinger (1971). Speciments were sent to experts for confirmation of identifications. To aid in identifications,, emerging adult insects were collected and some naiads were reared. Wet weight of the collections was determined with a Mettler Type B5 analytical balance and following the procedure of Slack et aI . (1973). Species diversity was calculated using the Simpson Index (Simpson 1949), the Margalef Index (Margalef 1957), and the Shannon Index (Patten 1962) modified by Hamilton (1975). Calculations were performed using the Montana State University Sigma 7 computer. In August 1976, stream width and thalweg depth at each station were recorded at 10 locations 50 m apart. In addition, a subjective 23 evaluation was made concerning substrate and riparian vegetation com­ position at each location. At the riffle sites, depth and current velocity 5 cm from the substrate was recorded at 30 cm intervals along transects spaced 2 m apart. Water samples were collected in October and November 1976 and February 1977 for turbidity analysis. Determinations were made using a nephelometric turbidimeter (HF Instruments, Model DRT 200) and follow­ ing the procedure given by the American Public Health Association (1976). Continuous recording 15-day Ryan thermographs were placed at stations I, 3, 5, and 7 during August and October 1976. RESULTS Aquatic macroinvertebrate abundance in terms of total numbers of individuals, wet weight, and number of taxa is shown in Table 5 and Figures 3, 4, and 5. Analysis of variance of these parameters showed that means were significantly different (a = .01) in all cases. Sig­ nificantly similar means were grouped according to the Newman-Keuls sequential comparison test (Figure 6). Results from modified Hess samples for station 3 were not considered by this test due to the small sample size. The total number of samples collected by each sampling method is given in Table 6. Pool habitats in Rosebud Creek supported a smaller standing crop 2 than riffles. Average wet weight per m was 10.8 g in riffles and 2.9 g in pools. The mean number of individuals per m2 was 6007 in riffles and 4993 in pools; close agreement here is due tothe abundance of low-mass individuals; e.g,., Chironomidae and Oligochaeta, in pools. Macroinvertebrate Numbers Results indicate that invertebrate numbers are generally greater at stations 5, 6, and 7 relative to stations 2, 3, and 4. Station I normally has higher numbers than stations 2, 3, and 4. Introduced Substrate Samplers Analysis of introduced substrate samples gave results (Table 5) consistent with the trends mentioned above. Average,number of 25 Table 5. Average total numbers, wet weight, and number of taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. Introduced Substrates3 Ekman , Dredge0 Modified Hessb I 2 3 . 4 5 6 7 1090 830 994 953 1633 1317 1029 4402 2077 4779 4876 7664 3073 8076 6852 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.92 3.25 1.72 1.84 2.75 2.29 3.17 2.20 1.98 0.95 3.23 2.07 1.03 8.74 Stati on Average Total Numbers Average Wet Weight (grams) 5278 2081 8690 7134 12.49 6.24 2.15 9.15 24.11 Average Total Vaxa 6.5 20.9 I 7.1 16.3 2 5.6 19.0 3 8.8 18.9 4 10.5 5 22.4 5.8 6 23.9 22.9 . 5.4 7 a average total numbers and wet weight per sample 2 b average total numbers and wet weight per m 15.4 ' 13.5 • ) 10.7 18.6 19.1 26 Figure 3. Mean number per sample and range of aquatic macroinvertebrates, Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. 3783 3498 INTRODUCED SUBSTRATES IOOO EKMAN DREDGE 400 200 & NUMBER OF INVERTEBRATES PER SAMPLE AND RANGE 2000 MODIFIED HESS 2000 IOOO 2 a 3 4 5 SAMPLING STATIONS 6 7 27 Figure 4. Mean wet weight per sample and range of aquatic macroinvertebrates. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. IOMASS PER SAMPLE AND RANGE (GRAMS INTRODUCED SUBSTRATE 8.81 %68 802 EKMAN DREDGE ti- -Q- -B6.47 MODlFlED HESS SS CD -BS A M P L IN G S T A T IO N S LJ 28 Figure . Mean number of aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa per sample and range, Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. MEAN NUMBER OF TAXA PER SAMPLE AND RANGE INTRODUCED SUBSTRATE EKMAN DREDGE IO MODIFIED HESS 20 • I 2 3 4 S A M P L IN G 5 S T A T IO N S 6 7 29 Figure 6. Significantly similar station means3 for average total macroinvertebrates, taxa, and wet weight, Newman-Keuls sequential comparison test. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. I IN T R O D U C E D 2 SAMPLING STATIONS 3 4 5 6 7 SUBSTRATE: M A C R O IN V E R T E B R A T E S W ET W E IG H T — TAXA EKM AN DREDGE: M A C R O IN V E R T E B R A T E S W ET W E IG H T — TAXA M O D IF IE D HESS: \ \ M A C R O IN V E R T E B R A T E S \ \ W ET W E IG H T \ \ TAXA X x \ \ a Significantly similar stations connected by a bar or denoted by bars on similar levels. 30 macroinvertebrates per sampler was greatest at stations 5 and 6 and lowest at station 2. 7. Numerical abundance was similar at stations I and Likewise, stations 3 and 4 were similar and supported low numbers of individuals. Table 6. Total number of samples from each station by three sampling methods. Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. Station I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduced Substrates 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 O 6 O 12 12 12 Ekman Dredge Modified Hess Average total numbers per taxon and relative average percent of the total sample is presented in Table 7 and Figure 7. Trichoptera, comprised mainly of Hydropsychidae, were the most common invertebrates at most stations, constituting from 22 (station 3) to 55 (station 5) percent of the total sample. stations; Cheumatopsyohe lasia Cheumatopsyahe spp. were abundant at all (Ross), adults of which were commonly collected at all stations, was probably the dominant species. Hydropsyohe stations. and 4. A spp. complex of at least 4 species was abundant at most Lower numbers of Trichoptera were present at stations 2, 3, Diptera, particularly Chironomidae, were the next most abundant ‘ Table 7. Mean total numbers per taxon and average percent of the sample6 (introduced substrates) for aquatic macroinvertebrates*3 of Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977. Introduced substrates: Odon./ Station Ephem. Zygop. Plecop. Trich.. Coleop. Dipt. Oli go. Mollusc. Hemip . 587.1 (53.9) 66.8 (6.1) 331.8 (30.4) 12.7 (1.2) 2.3 (0.2) 0.2 (<0.1) I 85 . (7.8) 3.1 (0.3) 2 65.3 (7.8) 0.5 (<o.i) 0.5 (<0.1) 363.8 (43.9) 22.2 (2.7) 349.5 (42.1) 2.4 (0.3) 17.3 (2.1) 8.1 (1.0) 3 191.7 (19.3) 0.5 (<0.1) 0.6 (0.1) 214.5 (21.6) 35.2 (3.5) 539.9 (54.3) 4.7 (0.5) 1.2 (0.1) 4.4 (0.4) 4 . 161.7 (17.0) 1.1 (0.1) 0.6 (0.1) 394.1 (41.4) 51.6 (5.4) 328.7 (34.5) 5.5 (0.6) 3.4 (0.4) 4.1 (0.4) 5 203.3 (12.5) 1.5 (0.1) 0.1 (<0.1) 902.3 (55.3) 77.1 (4.7) 430.5 (26.4) 3.1 0.7 (0.2) . (<o.i) 6.1 (0.4) 6 185.2 (14.1) 7.7 (0.6) 1.3 (0.1) 521.0 (39.6) 79.4 (6.0) 496.2 (37.7) 18.7 (1.4) 0.6 (<0.1) 4.5 (0.3) 7 82.9 (8.1) 1.5 (0.1) 13.8 (1.3) 506.4 (49.2) 15.1 (1.5) 377.9 (36.7) 26.7 (2.6) 2.6 (0.3) 0.7 (0.1) ain parentheses ^Ephem = Ephemeroptera, Odon = Odonata, Zygop = Zygoptera, Plecop = Plecoptera, Coleop = Coleoptera, Dipt = Diptera, Oligo = Oligochaeta3 Mollusc = Mollusca, Hemip = Hemiptera. 32 Figure 7. Average number of aquatic macroinvertebrates per introduced substrate sample. Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977. NUMBER PER INTRODUCED SUBSTRATE ------------Trichoptera ------------Diptera -------------Ephemeroptera ------------Coleoptera SAM PLING STATIONS 33 taxon; highest numbers were collected at stations 3 and 6; fewer were present at stations I, 2, and 4. stations 3 and 4 where Ephemeroptera were most common at Choroterpes albiannulata was. the major species. Coleoptera appeared to increase in numbers from station 2 through 6, then declined at station 7. Plecoptera were uncommon in basket samples and were numerous only at station 7. Molluscs were most abundant at stations 2, 6, and 7, and Hemiptera were most common in the mid-Rosebud (stations 2 through 6). Oligochaeta appeared to increase in abundance progressively upstream. Ekman Dredge Samples Mean numbers of aquatic macroinvertebrates collected with an Ekman dredge from pools are given in Table 5. Macroinvertebrate popu2 lations per m were most dense at stations 5 and 7 while stations 2 and 6 supported the lowest numbers. Stations 3 and 4 supported similar populations. Average total number per taxon is presented in Table 8. Diptera were most prevalent comprising 50 to 84 percent of the total sample; numbers were highest at stations 5 and 7 and lowest at station 2. Oligochaetes, the next most common group, were found in high concen­ trations at stations I and 7; stations 5 and 6 supported lower numbers. Molluscs were collected in significant numbers only at stations 2, 3, and 4. Coleoptera, particularly Diibiraphia minima, comprised a. large Table 8. Station i 2 CU i 3 4 rce? 5 JLU 6 Ephem. 5.4 (<0.1) 21.5 (i.o) 59.2 (1.2) 182.9 (3V7) 204.4 (2.7) 37.7 (1.2) 30.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hemip . 37.7 (0.9) 0.0 5.4 (0.1) 5.4 (0.1) 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.3 0.0 11 CU Moll us. 10.8 (0.2) 53.8 (2.6) 48.4 (1.0) 43.0 (0.9) 0.0 I I I I II Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il '■'— ' - I I C M II •II O i l -— -II CU • C O M oil11 r-sii iiii Il Il 1.8 2908.8 760.4 615.1 1.8 (42.5) (11.1) (9.0) (<o.i) (o.i) to to 3 362.3 77.1 2505.3 1.8 3.6 =C (47.5) (<0.1) (0.1) (6.9) (1.5) -o 5 294.1 0.0 350.6 125.5 0.0 (16.9) (6.0) (14.1) ii• 6 1246.4 16.1 2308.9 626.8 96.8 iOO (14.3) (0.2) (26.6) (7.2) (0.1) s: 7 581.9 107.6 32.3 4616.9 275.3 (0.5) (64.7) (3.9) (8.2) (0.1) BEphem=Ephemeroptera, Odon=Odonata, Zygop=Zygoptera, Coleop=Coleoptera, Dipt=Diptera, Oligo=Oligochaeta, °in parentheses. Il ^ - I l O O II •11 r — Il C M Il '— 'll Il Il Dipt. PT igo. 2178.9 1124.4 (49.5) (25.6) 1129.8 344.3 (54.4) (16.6) 3190.3 780.1 (66.8) (16.3) 2905.2 699.4 (59.6) (14.3) 5901.9 247.5 (77.0) (3.2) 2577.0 145.3 (83.9) (4.7) 5896.5 1721.6 -— 'l l Coleop. 963.0 (21.9) 419.6 (20.2) 651.0 (13.6) 850.0 (17.4) 672.5 (8.8) 123.7 (4.0) 289.0 IsO Il • Il C O M Il Il Il sd-i •ili Il ii Il Il I! Il Il Il Il Il Il Il • II i l BI BI BI I Trich. 69.9 (1.6) 86.1 (4.1) 32.3 (0.7) 129.1 (2.6) 602.6 (7.9) 150.6 (4.9) 116.8 Plecop. • 0.0 O ^— Odon./ Zyqop. 10.8 (0.2) 16.1 (0.8) 5.38 (0.1) 32.3 (0.7) 10.8 (0.1) 32.3 (1.1) 6.1 61 nBI sd-ii91 • O B l " — Il BI BI BI BI Al BI BI BI BI BI 7 Mean total numbers of aquatic macroinvertebrates9 per and average percent of the s a m p l e , b Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. 2185.2 348.8 5.4 1.8 (31.9) (5.1) (0.1) (0.1) 2248.8 39.5 17.9 5.4 (42.6) (0.7) (0.3) (0.1) 1163.0 128.2 0.0 7.2 (55.9) (6.2) (0.3) 4321.0 117.5 0.9 9.0 (49.7) ( 1 . 4 ) (<o.i) (0.1) 1311.8 278.0 14.3 0.0 (18.4) (3.9) (0.2) Plecop=PTecoptera, Trich=Trichoptera, Mqllus-MolIusca, Hemip=Hemiptera. 35 portion of the benthic population in pools and were common at stations I through 5. Trichoptera were found in highest numbers at station 5. Other taxa were uncommon and Plecoptera were absent from Ekman. dredge samples. Modified Hess Samples Macroinvertebrates were most abundant at station 6 and least numerous at station 5 (Table 5). population densities. Stations I and 7 were similar in Average total numbers per taxon and relative percent of the total sample are presented in Table 8. Diptera were numerically the most abundant taxon collected by this method and high­ est numbers were present at station 6. Trichoptera, the next most numerous taxon, were most common at station 7 and least at stations 3 and 5. Taxa were often found in low numbers at station 5. Macroinvertebrate Wet Weight Wet weight usually reflected numbers of individuals; however, certain species contributed disproportionately to the sample weight. For example, at station 2 numerous Mollusca, Ambrysus mormon, and Hydropsychidae, due to the size of these organisms, resulted in high average wet weight per introduced substrate sample even though numbers were low. Although general trends for distribution of wet weight were not evident, station 7 consistently supported high biomass. 36 Introduced Substrate Samples Wet weights (Table 5) were greatest at station 2 and lowest at station 3. Wet weight per sample was also high at stations 5 and 7. Average wet weight and percent of the total sample for certain taxa are presented in Table 9 and Figure 8. Trichoptera comprised the majority of most samples; however, in contrast to numbers, weight was low at station 6 and high at station 2 indicating differences in aver­ age larval size, state of development, or species composition. Wet weight per sample for Odonata and Zygoptera appeared to increase pro­ gressively upstream to station 6. Ephemeroptera biomass was low at station 2 and high at stations 3 through 6 due mainly to large numbers of Choroterpes albiannulata and Baetis spp: Wet weights for Diptera were relatively high at all stations, especially 3 and 6. Coleoptera biomass was higher at stations 5 and 6 and Plecoptera comprised a "measurable" portion of the wet weight only at stations 6 and 7. Ekrnan Dredge Samples P Macroinvertebrate wet weight per m was greatest at station 7 (Table 5). ent. All other stations were lower and not significantly differ Average wet weight and relative percent of the total sample for certain taxa is given in Table 10. Diptera and Oligochaeta consti­ tuted the majority of the total wet weight; Diptepa biomass was high at stations 5 and 7 and Oligochaeta at stations I and 7. Table 9. Mean wet weight3 per taxon per introduced substrate sample and average . percent*3 of the sample for aquatic macroinvertebratesc of Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977. Station Ephem. Odon./ Zygop. Plecop. 0.15 (7.6) 0.04 (1.8) 0.07 (2.1) 0.05 (1.7) 0.23 (13.6) I 2 3 4 .5 6 7 Trich. Coleop. Dipt. Oligo. Moll us. Hemip. 1.26 (65.4) 0.05 (2.4) 0.40 (21.1) <0.01 (0.2) 0.03 <0.01 (<0.1) <0.01 (0.1) 1.95 (60.0) 0.03 (0.8) 0.54 (16.8) <0.01 (<0.1) 0.28 0.06 (3.6) <0.01 0.50 (29.3) 0.03 (1.5) 0.74 (43.3) <0.01 (<0.1) 0.03 (<o.i) (2.0) 0.12 (6.7) 0.27 (14.6) 0.11 (5.9) <0.01 (0.1) 0.65 (35.3) 0.04 (2.2) 0.46 (24.7) <0.01 (0.1) 0.25 (13.5) 0.06 (3.3) 0.26 (9.5) 0.22 (8.0) <0.01 (0.1) 1.51 (54.9) 0.14 (4.9) 0.43 (15.5) <0.01 (<0.1) 0.01 (0.3) 0.18 (6.5) 0.37 (16.0) 0.01 0.35 (15.4). (0.5) 0.58 (25.3) 0.14 (5.9) 0.67 (29.4) <0.01 (0.1) 0.03 (1.3) 0.12 (5.4) 0.08 (2.4) 2.26 (71.2) 0.04 (1.3) 0.37 (11.5) 0.01 (0.2) 0.05 (1.7) 0.01 (0.4) " 0.11 (3.6) 0.23 (7.4) 0.00 (1.5) (8.7) 0.32 (9.7) ^in grams bin parentheses cEphem = Ephemeroptera, Odon = Odonata, Zygop = Zygotpera, Plecop = Plecoptera, Trich = Trichoptera, Coleop = Coleoptera, Dipt = Diptera, Oligo = Oligochaeta, Mollus - Mollusca, Hemip = Hemiptera. 38 Average wet weight (grams) of aquatic macroinvertebrates per introduced substrate sample. Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977. Trichoptera Diptera Ephemeroptera Coleoptera I 20 - 0.60 0.20 0.00 -g' A V E R A G E W E T WEIGHT (GRAMS) PER INTRODUCED S U B S T R A T E Figure 8. SAMPLING STATIONS Table 10. Station I Mean wet weight per m per taxon and average percent of the sample3 for aquatic macroinvertebrates^ of Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. Ephem. 0.0 Odon./ Zygop. 0.06 Plecop. 0.0 (2.9) '2 3 4 5 0.02 0.55 (0.8) (28.1) 0.03 0.02 (2:8) (2.2) 0.28 (8.7) 0.05 0.52 (2.6) 6 0.05 (4.8) 7 . I 3 0.01 (0.1) 0.88 (7.0) 1.64 (26.1) 5 6 7 0.34 (16.1) 0.99 (10.8) 0.56 (2.3) 0.0 0.0 0.0 (16.1) 0.19 (9.1) . 0.51 (49.7) 0.01 (<0.1) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Trich. 0.18 (8.4) 0.17 Coleop. 0.12 Dipt. 0.53 (24.3) 0.45 (8.7) (6.3) (22.6) 0.69 0.13 (13.4) 0.22 0.33 (34.1) 0.23 (7.2) 1.12 (54.2) 0.18 (18.0) 5.20 0.0 0.28 (12.8) (21.6) (6.9) 0.43 (20.6) 0.16 (15.9) 0.65 (8.4) 0.18 0.05 9.03 0.33 (72.3) (2.6) 0.65 (8.9) (5.3) 0.05 (0.6) 0.24 (1.9) 0.07 (1.1) 0.0 0.03 (0.2) 0.06 0.92 (10.1) 1.40 0.07 3.89 0.03 (0.4) 0.04 (1.8) 0.23 (0.8) (42.7) (2.5) 0.07 (5.8) (0.3) 16.85 (69.8) 0.16 (0.7) (i.o) 0.0 (10.3) 0.60 (27.9) Oligo. 1.10 (50.1) 0.28 (14.2) 0.35 (36.3) 0.35 (10.9) 0.09 (4.4) 0.06 Mol I us. Hemip. 0.01 0.03 (<0.1) 0.38 (1.2) 0.0 (19.1) 0.09 0.0 0.01 (1.1) 0.01 (0.3) 0.0 0.0 0.0 (9.5) 0.87 (27.0) (6:3) 1.37 0.30 (67.9) (17.9) (3.9) 1.13 (9.0) 2.03 0.33 0.22 (1.7) 1.64 (26.1) 0.0 (2.7) 0.01 (32.4) (0.2) 1.05 (49.2) 2.77 (30,4) 4.47 (18.5) 0.05 (2.4) 0.04 (0.4) 0.14 (0.6) 0.0 0.28 0.0 0.07 (0.6) 0.13 (2.1) 0.04 (1.7) 0.16 (0.7) 0.0 (1.2) ain parentheses ^3Ephem = Ephemeroptera, Odon = Odonata, Zygop = Zygoptera, Plecop = Plecoptera, Trich = Trichoptera, Coleop = Coleoptera, Dipt = Diptera, Oligo = Oligochaeta, Mollus = Mollusca, Hemip = Hemiptera. 40 Modified Hess Samples 2 Macroinvertebrate wet weight per m for modified Hess samples was highest at station 7 followed by station I (Table 5); the lowest average wet weight was found at station 5. Average wet weight and percent of the total sample for certain taxa is presented in .Table 10. The largest portion of most samples was comprised of Trichoptera with the exception of stations 3 and 5 where total numbers were also low. Wet weights for many taxa were low at station 5. Macroinvertebrate Distribution A checklist of total taxa collected from Rosebud Creek and their respective distributions with regard to sampling stations is given in Table 11. The number of occurrences and average number per occurrence for individual taxa is listed for each sampling method in Tables 12, 13, and 14. Average numerical abundance per introduced substrate sampler for common macroinvertebrates is shown in Figure 9. Average numbers and occurrences often tended to be lowest at station 2, then increased progressively upstream, often declining at station 7. Numbers were usually greater at station I relative to station 2. Organisms with this pattern of distribution included gravastella, Trioorythodes minutus, Baetis Stenelmis Oregonensis 3 Heliohus Striatus 3 Other macroinvertebrates; e.g., sp. B, and Lepto-phlebia Eydroptila spp., Eeptagenia elegantula. Choroterpesalbiannulata 3 Braahyptera 41 Table 11. Checklist and distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates of Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. I Ephemeroptera Ephemeridae Ephoron album (Say) Heptageniidae Heptagenia elegantula (Eaton) Heptagenia sp. A Stenonema termination (Walsh) Rhithrogena sp. Baetidae Baetis sp. A Baetis sp. B Centroptilum sp. Pseudocloeon sp. Callibaetis sp. Isonyehia sieea (Walsh) Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes albiannulata McDunn. Leptophlebia gravastella (Eaton) Traverella albertana (McDunnough) Ephemerellidae Ephemerella inermis Eaton Caenidae Caenis sp. Tricorythidae Trieorythodes minutus Traver Odonata Gomphidae Gomphus sp. A Gomphus S p . B Ophiogomphus sp. (near severus) Libellulidae Sympetrum sp. Zygoptera Calopterygidae Hetaerina amerieana (Fabricius) 2 3 4 5 6 7 42 Table 11 (continued) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X Zygoptera (continued) Coenagrionidae Amphagrion abbreviatum (Selys) Argia fumipennis-violaoea (Hagen) Enallagma sp. X X X X. X Plecoptera Nemouridae Braohyptera Nemoura sp. Capnia sp. sp. (prob. fosketti} ■ X X X X Perlodidae Isoperla patrioia X Prison X X X Hemiptera Corixidae Palmaoorixa gilleti Triohooorixa sp. Abbott X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Naucoridae Ambrysus mormon Montandon X X Megaloptera Sialidae Sialis Sp. Trichoptera Psychomyiidae Polyoentropus oinereus ? X Hydropsychidae Hydropsyohe bronta Ross ■Hydropsyohe sp. A Hydropsyohe sp. B Hydropsyohe sp. C Cheumatopsyohe spp. Hydroptilidae Hydroptila sp. A Hydroptila sp..B ■ Mayatriohia sp. Ithytriohia sp. Phryganeidae Ptilostomis sp. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I. X ' X 43 Table 11 (continued) Trichoptera (continued) Limnephilidae Limnephilus sp. Onocosmoeous sp. Andbolia sp. Leptoceridae Oecetis avara (Banks) Triaenodes sp. (near tarda) Neetopsyehe Sp. [Leptoeella) I 2 3 4 5 6 ,7 X X- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Brachycentridae Braehyeentrus sp. Lepidoptera Pyralidae ' Cataelysta X sp. Coleoptera Dytiscidae Liodessus affinis (Say) Hydrophilidae Helophorus spp. Dryopidae Heliehus striatus LeConte Heliehus suturalis LeConte X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ETmidae Stenelmis oregonensis Dubiraphia minima Mieroeylloepus pusillus (LeConte) Optioservus divergens (LeConte) Diptera Tipulidae Tipula spp. Holorusia sp. Ormosia spp. Dieranota spp. Limnophila {Eloeophilq) Hexatoma [Erioeera) sp. X X X X X X X X sp. X X X X :X X X X 44 Table 11 (continued) 1 Diptera (continued) Psychodidae Pevicoma sp. A Peviaoma sp. B Psyahoda sp. Culicidae Chaobovus sp. Simuliidae Simutiim spp. Chironomidae Heleidae Palpomyia spp. Dasyhelea spp. Stratiomyidae Tabanidae Chvysops spp. Tabanus sp. Dolichopodidae Eydvophovus sp. Empididae sp. A sp. B 2 3 4 5 6 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. X X X X X X X X Turbellaria Nematomorpha X Oligochaeta X Hirudinea Glossiphoniidae X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Amphipoda Talitridae Eyalella azteoa Acari (Saussure) X X X X X X X X X X X X X 45 Table 11 (continued) Basommatophora Physidae Physa spp. Lymnaeidae Lymnaea sp. Ancylidae Ferr-issia sp. Planorbidae Gyraulus sp. 1 2 3 X X X 4 X 5 X X 6 X 7 X X X X Heterodonta Sphaeriidae Sphaerium sp. Pisidium sp. Eulamellibranchia Unionidae Total taxa X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 60 42 50 50 60 59 60 Table 12. Number of occurrences9 and average number per occurrenceb for aquatic macroinvertebrates collected in introduced substrate samplers, Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977. Sampling Stations 5 4 I 2 3 11(3) 3(3) 2(1) -- 7(2) 13(5) —— KD 6 7 15(15) -— T 12(13) — 1(3) 13(6) — —— — 7(24) 10(50) 2(6) 6(12) —— — 1(1) 15(31) -1(5) —— — 15(84) 9(9) 6(3) 7(9) KD 1(2) —— — — — 10(5) Ephemeroptera Heptageniidae E e p t a g e n i a elegantula E e p t a g e n i a sp. A S t e n o n e m a termination R i t h r o g e n a sp. (Eaton) (Walsh) — — — 13(7) — — — Baetidae B aetis sp. A B a e t i s sp. B C e n troptilim sp. P s e u d o e l o e o n sp. Cdllibaetis sp. I s o n y e h i a sicca 6(24) 7(11) 1(4) K D K D KD 5(19) 9(6) — 3(2) — — 8(32) 10(4) 3(1) 3(17) — — 6(36) 8(3) 3(2) 4(7) — — 8(29) 11(18) 2(4) 5(23) McDunn. 13(46) 3(12) (Eaton) 15(54) KD 15(138) 6(3) 15(114) 5(4) 15(118) 3(13) (Walsh) — — Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes a l b i a n n u l a t a Leptop h l e b i a gravas t e l l a Ephemerel Iidae E p h e m e r e l l a inermis Eaton —- — KD 2(1) — - 12(17) 6(2) 13(28) 12(27) 11(43) 12(45) 15(38) KD 7(1) — 2.(1) 7(2) — 4(2) 6(3) 1(1) 1(1) 10(2) 9(1) Caenidae sp. 'Iricorythidae Caenis Trieorythodes minutus Traver ' Odonata Gomphidae Gomphus sp. A Gomphus sp. B Ophiogomphus sp, UD — (near severus) KD . 3(1) — -- -3(1) Table 12 (continued) I. Odonata (continued) Libellulidae S y m p e t r i m sp. 3 2 1(1) - 5(3) — - Sampling Stations 4 5 -- — — 6 -- Zygoptera Calopterygidae Eetaer-Lna a m e r i c a n a (Fabricius) 1(2) Coenagrionidae A m p h a g r i o n abbreviation (Selys) A r g i a fwnipennis-violacea- (Hagen) E n a l l a g m a sp. 1(3) 6(2) 4(3) K D 2(1) 1(1) K D 4(3) K D 4(2) 2(2) K D K D -M n 2(2) 3(2) 3(2) 4(2) — — — - - 7(7) 4(1) 3(1) 4(5) KD 5(2) Plecoptera Nemouridae Braehyptera sp, (prob. fosketti) — Perlodidae I s o perla p a t r i a i a 2(1) Prison 10(21 ) Hemiptera Corixidae P a l m a e o r i x a gilleti T r i ehoeorixa sp. Abbott — — — 2(1) KT) 2(4) K D Naucoridae A m b rysus m o r m o n Megalpptera Sialidae Sialis sp. 10(12) Montandon — 9(7) — 6(10) — 9(9) — — — .K D 7(9) 7(1) KD 5(1) Table 12 (continued) I 2 Sampling Stations 3 4 5 6 7 KD 3 CD . 7(7) 9(3) 15(37) 13(5) KD 15(197) Trichoptera Psychomyiidae Polyoentvopus oineveus ? Hydropsychidae Hydvopsyohe bvontd RoSS Hydvopsyohe sp. A Hydvopsyohe sp. B Hydvopsyche sp. C Cheumatopsyehe spp. , Hydroptilidae Hydvoptila sp. A Hydvoptila sp. B Mayatviohia Sp . Ithytviohia Sp . 13(136) 9(20) 11(155) 7(11) 13(234) 4(24) 4(5) KD 7(13) 9(10) 11(5) 10(3) 10(9) 14(123) 12(52) — — — — 15(196) 15(62) 3(7) 7(3) — — — — KD 3(4) 3(2) 6(3) 11(4) 13(18) 13(43) — — 15(177) 15(14) 13(26) 15(125) — — 15(609) 4(6) KD KD 6(4) 5(5) KD 2(1) KD 5(4) — — — — 15(390) 15(193) 10(17) 5(18) 2(1) 3(5) 14(58) — — — — Phryganeidae Ptilostomis sp. 1(3) Limnephilidae Limnephilus sp. Onoeosmoeous sp. Anabolia sp. Leptoceridae Oeoetis avava (Banks) Tviaenodes sp. (near tavda) Neotopsyche sp. [Leptocella) Brachycentrfdae Bvaohyoentvus S p . KD KD — ---- . 2(2) — 1(4) — — — - - -- 9(14) 1(2) 8(8) 8(4) 11(28) 12(24) — KD 10(5) — —F 1(1) — 2(6) 3(5) — 8(5) 9(6) — — — — — — 2(2) 2(2) 7(1) 6(211) 6(237) 6(130) — . 3(3) 2(2) 2(2) 2(1) 3(2) 6(6) 2(1) 13(7) 1(4) 9(12) 9(1) 6(29) 14(22) — — 2(2) Table 12 (continued) Sampl I 2 Coleoptera Dytiscidae Liodessus affinis (Say) Hydrophilidae Uetoiphorus sp. Dryopidae Uetiohus striatus LeConte Uetiohus suturatis LeConte Elmidae Stenetmis.oregonensis Dubiraphia minima Miorooyttoepus pusittus (LeConte) Optioservus diver gens (LeConte) 1(1) KD 2(2) 5(4) Stations 4 5 6 7 — KD — 2(1) - - 4(3) 4(3) — 8(29) 11(11) 13(39) 9(10) 8(3) 12(17) 11(10) 10(6) 13(27) 10(17) 12(22) 13(25) 7(15) -- 7(14) 1(1) 14(31) 13(11) 15(32) 13(50) 13(17) 11(21) KD " Diptera Tipulidae Tiputa [lamato.tiputa) spp. Uotorusia sp. ■ Ormosia spp. Dioranotg spp. Lirmophita (Etoeophita) sp. Uexatoma (Eriooera) sp. Psychodidae Feriooma sp. A PerioOma sp. B Simuliidae Simutium spp. Chironomidae 7(6) — 7(1) 11(8) 10(4) 10(5) ^ CD “ ' KD -- 1(1) 2(4) . 4(2) 3(5) — — 1(1) 8(11) — 1(1) — ■— — — 10(217) 14(304) 15(390) 13(165) 15(63) 15(147) — 14(238) 15(104) 3(1) — 3(2) —- 8(3) 1(1) — .— ■ mm -- — 15(246) 15(173) 5(1) 2(1) » 1(1) KD 14(281) 9(9) 15(228) 15(363) Table 12 (continued) Diptera (continued) Heleidae P a l p o m y i a spp. D a s y helea spp. Stratiomyidae Tabanidae C k r y sops spp. Dolichopodidae H ydrophorus sp. Empididae sp. A sp. B Turbellaria 2 3 1(2) 2(3) 3(2) — — — — — ■ —. «■ ■ — ■ *. KD — — Nernatomorpha 10) Oligochaeta 10(17) HirudTnea Glossiphoniidae Sampling Stations .4 .5 I — — 3(1) — — 6 6(2) MO MO 11(5) — — 7 5(4) 1(44) MO KD _ _ M D 6(2) 1(6) 8(5) 2(1) 5(3) 1(1) 7(7) 2(8) 6(3) 3(2) -- 2(4) 5(4) 6(19) 3(6) — -- MO — "- — 11(6) 12(8) 11(4) 14(20) — -- 8(5) KD — -“ 8(4) 4(1) 13(31) — Malacostraca Amphipoda Talitridae H y a l e l l a a z teca Acari (Saussure) 5(2) :- 3(4) -“ MO 2(3) — — 3(1) . M2). 3(4) . 3(1) 2(0 2(1) Table 12 (continued) Basommatophora Physidae Physa spp. Lymnaeidae Lyrmaea sp. Ancylidae Ferrissia sp. Sampling Stations 4 5 I 2 3 8(4) 12(21) 4(3) 4(1) KD — — -- 1(1) 2(1) -— 6 7 6(1) 4(2) 8(3) — KD KD — — — -- 5(3) 3(2) 7(7) 1(1) 2(2) 1(3) — Heterodonta Sphaeriidae Sphaerivm spp. adash indicates absence from samples ^in parentheses Table 13. Number of occurrences3 and average number per occurrence*3 for aquatic macroinvertebrates collected in Ekman dredge samples, RoSebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to October 1976. I 2 Sampling Stations 3 4 5 6 7 1(2) — — Ephemeroptera Heptageniidae (Eaton). E e y t a g e n i a elegantula - 1(1) — Baetidae B a etis sp. B CentroptiZion 1(1) KD - - sp. Leptophlebiidae C horoterpes a l biannulata — — —— KD — 2(6) McDunn. — 3(2) 2(2) 1(3) Caenidae Caenis S p . Tricorythidae — - - Traver T r i o o r y t h o d e s m i n utus K D 1(1) — 1(1) 1(1) 2(1) KD — — “ KD 2(2) 3(8) 6(6) 2(2) 3(1) ■ 1(2) 4(1) KD —— — Odonata Gomphidae Gomphus sp. A Ophiog o m p h u s sp. (near severus). — — ---- — — — — -- 1(1) —— -- —— — —•— —— — r Zygoptera Coenagrionidae A r g i a fumip e n n i s - v i o Z a o e a E n a Z Z a g m a sp. (Hagen) — Hemiptera Corixidae P a l m a o o r i x a giZZeti T r i o h o o o r i x a spp. Abbott 1(1) 2(3) KD - —— — -- —— 1(1) —— . K D . Table 13 (continued) Megaloptera Sialidae Sialis sp. Sampling Stations 4 5 2 3 - -- — — KD -- — — KD — — K U 3(2) 4(2) — I - 6 7 -- — KD — —— — — — ——— Trichoptera Psychomyiidae P o l ycentvopus eineveus ? Hydropsychidae E ydvopsyehe b v o n t a Hydvopsyehe sp. A Hydvopsyehe sp. B Cheumatopsyehe spp. RoSS Hydroptilidae Hydvop t i l a sp. A Limnephilidae Lirmephilus sp. Leptoceridae Oeeetis a v a v a (Banks) N eetopsyehe [Leptoeella) 2(1) 2(3) 3(1) 5(2) — — — — 1(2) — -- — sp. — __ 1(1) 2(1) 5(2) 7(10) KD 2(12) 2(5) 2(2) 1(1) —— 1(4) 1(1) 2(1) — KD KD — —- — — 2(1) 3(4) —— —— — — 2(3) 3(3) 4(2) 1(1) 1(3) .1(1) 8(15) 2(2) .3(3) 7(21) 3(1) 5(3) 8(13) 3(2) 3(1) 7(2) 1(3) 7(7) Brachycentridae Bvaehy c e n t v u s sp. Coleoptera Elmidae S t e n elmis o vegonensis Dubivgphia minima Mievoeylleopus pusillus (LeConte) 2(2). KD 8(21) • 6(12) 4(2) 3(1) Table 13 (continued) Sampling Stations I 3 2 4 5 6 1(1) 1(3) 4(3) 1(2) - - — - 7 Diptera Tipulidae O r mosia spp. D i o r a n o t a spp. _ _ — Psychodidae P s y c h o d a $p. Simuliidae S i m u l i u m spp. Chironomidae Heleidae P a l p o m y i a spp. Tabanidae Chrysops spp. Empididae sp. B - “ 3(3) — , % KU — 1(7) 8(61) 1(3) 8(42) 4(2) 8(132) 1(1) 8(48) 1(11) 7(134) 5(3) 4(2) 5(19) 4(40) 6(4) 3(31) 2(4) 1(1) -- 2(2) 1(1) 8(6) 7(4) - - 1(1) — 8(26) H y a l e l l a a zteea Basommatophora Physidae P h y s a spp. — — 7(9) — 8(18) — 8(16) KU (Saussure) — ' 10) — I\ U Hirudinea Glossiphoniidae MalacostracaAmphipoda Talitridae - 3(2) 8(24) ~~ Ol igochaeta - 2(4) 8(48) — Turbellaria — — — — — 2(2) 2(2) — 7(40) — — — - - Table 13 (continued) Sampling Stations 4 5 I 2 Sphaevium sp. Pisidiim sp. 2(2) 1(2) — 3(2) 3(2) Eulamellibranchia Unionidae KD — — 3 6 7 Heterodonta Sphaeriidae adash indicates absence from samples ^in parentheses 2(1) 2(2) ---- 1(1) — ---- — KD — Table 14. Number of occurrences3 and average number per occurrence^ for aquatic macroinvertebrates collected in modified Hess samples, Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. 1 Sampling Stations 3 5 6 Ephemeroptera Ephemeridae Ephoron album (Say) 2(2) Heptageniidae (Eaton) Eeptagenla eleganula 1(4) 1(1) 2(42) 9(8) 3(8) 2(5) 2(1) KD — — 7 — 3(1) 3(3) 2(11) 12(39) 4(13) 12(35) Baetidae Baetie sp. A Baetis sp. B Pseudocloeon sp. Leptophlebiidae Choroterpes albiannulata McDunn. Leptophlebiagravastella (Eaton) Traverellaalbertana (McDunnough) 11(42) 1(2) 1(1) 2(2) 5(270) KD § 11(25) KD 12(45) 2(4) __ Caenidae Caenis sp. Tricorythidae — — Triaorythodes minutus Traver 7(6) 3(9) 2(1) KD Odonata Gomphidae Ophiogomphus sp. (near severus) — 4(3) Coenagrionidae Enallagma sp. (Fabricius) 11(28) 1(3) 10(21) 5(2) — 7(1) . — — — — KD — — — — — — — — 1(2) Zygoptera Calopterygidae Hetaerina ameriaana — Table 14 (continued) Sampling Stations 5 6 I 3 1(2) 2(1) Plecoptera Nemouridae Nemouva sp. Bvaohypteva Capnia sp. sp. (prob. fosketti) — 3(3) HD HD 8(4) Perlodidae Isopevla patvioia Prison - - — — 5(1) — — — — — HD 2(1) 2(2) Hemiptera Corixidae Palmaoovixa gilleti Abbott Naucoridae Ambvysus movmon Montandon 2(4) 3(3) Megaloptera Sialidae Sialis sp. Trichoptera Hydropsychidae Hydvopsyohe bvonta Ross Hydvopsyche sp. A Hydvopsyohe sp. B Hydvopsyohe sp. C Cheumatopsyohe spp. Hydroptilidae Hydvoptila sp. A Hydvoptila sp. B Mayatviohia sp. 7 1(3) 12(71) 3(10) 11(105) 2(6) 12(84) 4(3) 2(2) 3(8) 4(4) 2(1) 7(4) 12(36) — — — — — — 6(25) 6(4) 3(2) 2(8) — — 2(1) — 6(5) 10(3) 3(2) 12(162) 10(34) 12(149) 12(231) HD 9(24) 3(1) 1(15) 11(32) HU) 1(1) 1(1) Table 14 (continued) I Trichoptera (continued) Limnephilidae LvmnephiVus sp. Onocosmoeous sp. Leptoceridae OeeetLs avara (Banks) Neetopsyehe sp. (LeptoeelZa) Brachycentridae Braehyeentrus sp. 3 Sampling Stations 5 6 __ — — -- 5(2) 2(1) — KD 7 KD ■ — 1(2) 2(4) — 4(6) 1(1) 1(2) —— 4(30) — 4(7) 3(8) 7(4) 5(4) — — — — Lepidoptera Pyralidae Cataelysta sp. Coleoptera Dryopidae EelLehus strLatus LeConte KD 1(2) Elmidae StenelmLs oregonensLs DubLraphLa mLnLma MLcrooylloepus pusLllus (LeConte) OptLoservus dLvergens (LeConte) 8(15) 5(5) 8(3) 11(64) 2(3) 3(5) --- _ — — 9(9) 3(4) 4(13) 12(33) 10(4) 8(2) 10(4) 12(8) 12(14) 8(31) — 4(3) —— —— 1(2) KD —— —— —— 4(4) —- 7(7) -- 7(6) 11(4) — 2(2) Diptera Tipulidae TLpula (YamatotLpula) spp. EolorusLa sp. OrmosLa spp. DLeranota sop. LLrmophLla (EloeophLla) sp. Ku 5(4) — 4(4) ■ —— . 3(3) Table 14 (continued) I Diptera (continued) Culicidae Chaoborus sp. Simuliidae SimuZium spp. Chironomidae Heleidae Fdlpomyia spp. Tabanidae Chrysops spp. Tdbanus sp. Empididae sp. A sp. B 3 Sampling Stations 5 6 7 1(1) 12(51) 12(150) 4(225) 5(66) 11(63) 12(44) 12(132) 12(253) 8(6) 12(108) 7(2) 8(13) 6(4) 4(2) KD KD — — — — KD 3(1) 3(2) — — 2(4) 1(4) 5(9) 2(2) 7(2) 3(2) —— 2(4) .3(4) 6(6) — Nematomorpha KD — — —“ -- Oligochaeta 11(35) 4(6) 10(13) 12(26) 1(1) 2(1) 2(2) 2(1) Turbellaria 9(16) 5(1) Amphipoda Talitridae HyaZeZZa azteoa' Acari Basommatophora Physidae Physa spp. (Saussure) ' 1(1) -- -- ' 2(1) Table 14 (continued) I 3 Sampling Stations 5 6 Basommatophora (continued) Ancylidae Fevrissia sp. „ 7 1(2) Heterodonta Sphaeriidae Sphaevium sp. Pisidivm sp. adash indicates absence from samples ^in parentheses 3(2) 1(10) - K D 4(3) 1(5) 61 AVERAGE NUMBER OF MACROINVERTEBRATES PER SAMPLE Figure 9. Average number of selected taxa per introduced substrate sample. Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to March 1977. -- S le n e lm ls o re gon ensis --- O u b ira p h la m in im a --- M lcro c y llo e p u s pusIllu s --- HeUchus s tr/o tu e ---O a e tis sp B -- B o e tis sp. A -- T rlc o ry th o d e s m /nutus -- H e p ta g e n la e le g o n tv la --- H yd rcpsych e sp. B --- C h o ro te rp e s ep. --- B rochyce ntrus sp - — H y d ro p e y c h e b r o n ta S A M P L IN G S T A T IO N S 62 AVERAGE NUMBER OF MACROINVERTEBRATES PER SAMPLE Figure 9. continued: --- Is o p tr la p o t r id a -- O e c o lla o v o ro --- Hydropaycho sp. A --- H y d ro p tH o ap A --- P a oudoclooon sp. -- L e p to p h le b io g ro v o s to llo --- Ambryoua m orm on -- Hoctopaycho app. --- C houm otopsycho -- Sfmullum spp app . ggg S A M P L IN G S T A T IO N S 63 sp., Ambrysus mormon^ Simulium spp. , and Sphaerium , appeared to be most abundant in the mid-Rosebud and did not increase in. numbers pro­ gressively upstream. Pseudocloeon Hydropsyche sp. A, Cheumatopsyche spp., arid sp., common in Rosebud Creek, were most abundant at station 5. , Restricted distribution patterns were evident in less common taxa (Table 11). Optiaservus divergens and absent from stations I through 4. rarely and only at stations 3 and 5. was common only at station 7 Ephoron album Caenis was collected spp. was common at station 7, rare at station I, and absent from intervening stations. albertana Traverella was collected only once at station I although it was found to be abundant in the Yellowstone River in this vicinity (Newell 1976). Sialis sp. was collected in silted substratum at stations 6 and 7 but absent from stations I through 5. Holorusia and 7. sp., and Periaoma Limnophila Certain Tipulidae; e.g., Tipula spp., sp., were collected only at stations 5,6, spp. was collected only at station 7; however, this genus is abundant further upstream in Rosebud Creek. rare; however, nymphs of a winter stonefly, Plecoptera were Braahyptera spp., were present at stations I through 6 possibly corresponding to adult Braahyptera fosketti collected in March, 1976. . Isoperla patricia was present in greatest numbers at station 7 and was absent from stations I, 2, and 4. Certain taxa were collected only from the unique \ 64 habitat present at station I; e .g ., Cataotysta sp., and Sympetvum Isonyohtd S-Looa3 Hydvopsyche sp. C, sp. A temporal pattern of emergence appeared to be present for cer­ tain taxa. minima Population cycles for Hydvopsyohe sp. B and Duhivaphia reached numerical peaks during different months depending on the station (altitude) (Figures 10 and 11). Chovotevpes albiannulata In contrast, numbers of appeared to peak bimodally and simultaneously at all stations (Figure 12). Diversity and Redundancy A total of 92 taxa were collected in Rosebud Creek. Stations I, 5, 6, and 7 had similar numbers of species although the composition varied. Fewer taxa were found at stations 2, 3, and 4 (Figure 13). Average species diversity and redundancy per sample is presented in Table 15. Introduced Substrate Samples The average number of taxa per sampler (Table 5) is highest at stations 5, 6, and 7 in concordance with trends for average numbers . and biomass. Ekman Dredge Samples The average number of taxa in pools was highest at stations 4 and 5 and lowest at stations 6 and 7, a condition contradictory to 65 Figure 10. Seasonal variations in mean total numbers of sp. B per introduced substrate sample at stations I, 5, and 7, Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to November 1976. Hydropsyche AVERAGE NUMBER PER SAMPLER STATION I STATION 5 STATION 7 MONTH 66 Figure 11. Seasonal variations in mean total numbers of per introduced substrate sample at stations I, 5, and 7, Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to November 1976. Dubiraphia minima 67 AVERAGE NUMBER PER SAMPLER STATION I STATION 5 STATION 7 MONTH 67 Figure 12. Seasonal variations in mean total numbers of per introduced substrate sample at stations I, 5, and 6, Rosebud Creek, Montana, May 1976 to November 1976. Choroterpes aibiannuiata --------- STATION I --------- STATION 5 ---------STATION 6 CE 200 MONTH Figure 13. Total number of taxa per station and number of taxa collected by each of three sampling methods from Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. TO TAL OTAL NUMBER OF IN T R O D U C E D SUBSTRATE M O D IF IE D HESS SAMPLING STATIONS 69 Table 15. Station I 2 Mean macroinvertebrate diversity and redundancy per sample, Rosebud Creek, Montana, March 1976 to March 1977. Shannon's Index Margalef Index Simpson Index Redundancy "Si 5 6 ^^7 2.20 2.30 2.42 2.40 2.61 2.55 2.95 . 2.37 2.70 2.72 2.95 3.40 3.22 0.21 0.36 0.32 0.31 0.33 0.30 0.25 0.47 0.46 ■ 0.49 0.46 0.46 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.66 1 .81 1.73 2.11 1.92 1.30 1.11 1.28 1 .64 1.11 1 .85 2.05 1.25 0.87 0.42 0.38 0.37 0.31 0.41 0.53 0.58 0.47 0.55 0.36 0.42 0.49 0.66 0.58 I 3 5 6 7 2.48 1.90 1.99 2.82 2.43 2.36 2.26 1.91 2.79 2.84 0.28 0.38 0.39 0.21 0.26 0.41 0.57 0.48 0.35 0.44 TJ (S) O CU CU ° CU C7> TJ CU s_ TJ C CO UJ 2 .89 0.36 ■ 0 .48 in <S) CU ZC "O CU £ TJ s: 70 results from introduced substrate and modified Hess samples. Station 3 was also low for average number of taxa per sample. Modified Hess Samples Average number of taxa per sample was highest at stations I , 6, and 7 (Table 5). Lowest numbers of taxa were found at station station 3 was also low in comparison to stations 6 and 7. Si DISCUSSION Basic information concerning the composition of the macroinver­ tebrate community of Rosebud Creek in terms of distribution, diversity, and abundance was gathered during this study. Longitudinal variations in the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna are, at this time, attributable to influences from the intrinsic physical-chemical nature of Rosebud Creek and to impacts from domestic and agricultural practices. Vari­ ations' in.the benthis community among sampling stations are not due to effluents from coal mining or combustion. Water Chemistry Concentrations of selected metals in Rosebud Creek (Table 4) are generally below criterion levels recommended by the U.S. Environ­ mental Protection Agency (1976). Average copper and zinc concentra­ tions are highest at stations 3 and 4 but probably do not present a threat to the benthic fauna. Present levels are far less than the TLgQ values (14 day) presented by Nehring (1976) for californica copper on or Ephemerella grandis Ephemerella suhvaria Pteronarays or the 48-hr TL^ determined for (Warnick and Bell 1969). Average total mercury was generally low but sporadic influxes , occurred which exceeded the criterion concentration of 0.05 pg/l total mercury recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (1976). Aquatic insects vary widely in their sensitivities to mercury but present concentrations in Rosebud Creek (Table 4) are less than the 72 2.0 mg/1 and 33.5 mg/I toxic concentrations (96-hr TLm ) of mercury (HgClg) for Ephemerella suhvaria Warnick and Bel I (1969). and Aeroneuria lyeorias given by Although 96 hour tests are not representative of stream conditions, present mercury concentrations will probably haveno apparent influence on the macroinvertebrate fauna at this time. Physical Conditions Physical conditions of Rosebud Creek are typical of eastern Montana transition prairie streams; i .e ., originating in the mountains then flowing onto the plains. Notable conditions include extreme turbidity, high suspended load, and warm water temperatures all of which increase progressively downstream. These factors, and indirect effects from low stream gradient, influence the abundance and distri­ bution of the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna. Turbidity Rosebud Creek is extremely turbid even during low flows, partic­ ularly at stations I and 2 (Table 13). Turbidity results, in a tra­ ditional sense, from suspended particles or dissolved inorganic or organic substances. Measured by the nephelometric method turbidity is a gross reference to non-filterable colloidal or dissolved substances; however, high turbidity,,by any sense, causes a decrease in euphotic zone depth due to light extinction and a consequential reduction in primary production (Bartsch 1959). Production from photosynthesis is 73 exceeded by respiration in most temperate streams; hence, alTochthanous material is an important source of energy (Boling et al. 1975). The turbid state of Rosebud Creek may result in allochthanous detritus becoming more significant as an energy source. It is conceivable that the benthic community may be composed of organisms utilizing primarily detrital food sources. Many benthic insects are opportunists using existing food supplies (Cummins et al. 1966). For example, Hydro- psychidae and Simuliidae, both common in Rosebud Creek, are omnivorous collectors filtering fine particles from the water column (Ross 1944). Leptophlebiidae, the dominant mayfly family encountered, are also omnivores and detritivores (Berner 1959) and the larvae and adults of Elmidae ingest decaying wood and encrusting algae (Brown 1972). Temperature Extreme summer water temperatures occur in Rosebud Creek and influence the distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates. Dodds and Hisaw (1925b) concluded temperature to be the main climatic cause for . altitudinal zonation of aquatic organisms. Altitudinal distribution of Plecoptera is due to the maximum water temperature the nymphs can tol­ erate (Knight and Gaufin 1966). Of four taxa of Plecoptera collected from Rosebud Creek, two were collected only at station 7 and patrioia Isoperla . was common only at stations 6 and 7. This distribution is probably due to cooler summer water temperatures near the headwaters. .CL 74 Braohyptera sp., collected at stations I through 6, undergoes rapid development during fall and winter and emerges during late winter or early spring. Naiads of Braahyptera undergo summer diapause to escape warm water temperatures at that time (Harper and Hynes 1970). In addition, water temperature is a factor in timing the emergence of aquatic insects (Nebeker 1971) and may cause the apparent temporal patterns of emergence in Hydropsyohe sp. B and Dubiraphia minima (Figures 10 and 11). Substrate, Current Velocity, and Gradient A complex interaction among stream gradient, discharge, sus­ pended load, and current velocity exists which influences the quality of the benthic habitat. The longitudinal profile or gradient of most streams is typically concave, decreasing downstream (Mackin 1948) and is usually accompanied by a downstream reduction in substrate size (Leopold and Maddock 1953). Headwaters typically have boulder or gravel substrates and steep slopes; downstream the size of bed material is smaller and sand may be common. predominate. Near the mouth silt or clay may This generalized description of stream substrate applies well to conditions found in Rosebud Creek. Near the headwaters gravel and cobble substrates are common; sand and gravel bed material is more abundant downstream as the slope decreases. At station 2, long, deep reaches with flocculent clay or silt bottoms are prevalent. At 75 station I the slope increases as Rosebud Creek approaches the Yellow­ stone River and there is a corresponding increase in pool-riffle peri­ odicity with rubble and boulder substratum in the riffles. Riffles are uncommon at stations 2, 3, and 4 due to the low stream gradient. Two consequences of reduced gradient include diminished overall current velocity (Reid 1961) and lowered carrying capacity which > results in deposition of part of the suspended load (Morisawa 1968).; The ultimate factor influencing sediment transport relates to the supplied load; i.e ., input from erosion. ; If supplied load exceeds > ' I competence or capacity then deposition or change in stream morphology will occur. In Rosebud Creek the increasing sediment load downstream . coupled with low gradient (stations 2 through 5) results in deposition of sediments on the substratum. Substrate conditions, i .e ., size and degree of sedimentation, have been termed the most important single factor influencing macro­ invertebrate habitat quality (Pennak 1971). Large substrates such as rubble and cobble support larger invertebrate populations than sand and gravel (Pennak and Van Gerpen 1947). Riffles composed of stable ' substrates are the most productive type of bottom in streams (Patrick 1949). Consequently, a longitudinal decrease in substrate size and frequency of riffles as occurs in Rosebud Creek will result in lower macroinvertebrate production and standing crop downstream. 76 Deposition of inorganic sediment can turn otherwise suitable substrate into poor macroinvertebrate habitat (Cordone and Kelley 1961). Stable substrates are covered and, more important, interstitial spaces in the substrate where much of the secondary production occurs are filled. Many aquatic organisms seek refuge from swift current and the abrasive effect of bed load by inhabiting spaces between or under rocks. Further, much of the secondary production in streams occurs deep within the substratum. Coleman and Hynes (1970) found, in Canada, that 83 percent of the benthic community lived below 5 cm in the substrate. Poole and Stewart (1976) reported that 33.6 percent of the total number of organisms were deeper than 10 cm in the bed of a Texas river. It is evident that occlusion of interstitial spaces with inorganic sediment will eliminate habitat and decrease diversity a n d . secondary production. Conversely, deposition of organic sediments at slow current velocities may increase benthic production (Ruttner 1952). Also, at slow current speeds gravel and sand substrates become more stable and create an enriched environment suitable for many invertebrates. In Rosebud Creek, the predominant long reaches with slow current veloci­ ties ranging from approximately 0. to 0.6 m/sec support productive bottom faunas, e.g., Oligochaeta and Chironomidae, dependent on allochthanous detritus. 77 Sedimentation and a decrease in overall substrate size probably results in lower benthic diversity and population numbers at stations 2, 3, and 4 due to occlusion of interstitial spaces and decrease in habitat variety. Lower diversities, in comparison to other sampling sites, were found at stations 2, 3, and 4 with introduced substrate samplers, at stations 3 and 5 with modified WaterlSr round samplers, and at station 3 using an Ekman dredge. Introduced substrates showed low numbers at stations 2, 3, and 4 which, although variables of substrate and current are accounted for, may be due to low populations of benthic macroinvertebrates in these sections of Rosebud Creek. Substrate conditions at the point of sampling influence results from modified Hess and Ekman dredge samplers. fles in Rosebud location. The infrequence of rif­ Creek at many stations precludes a choice of sampling For example, the existing riffle at station 5 consists of unstable gravel which may be the cause for low standing crop, numbers, and diversity from modified Hess samples taken at this station. Con­ versely, introduced substrates showed station 5 to have a high popu­ lation and diversity relative to other sampling sites. Low numbers, standing crop, and diversity encountered in Ekman dredge samples can likewise be attributed to the influence of sand substratum common in pools at station 6. Sand supports notoriously small populations of benthic invertebrates due to its unstable, grind­ ing, nature and lack of available food. 78 Current Velocity Many stream dwelling aquatic organisms are morphologically or behavioralIy adapted to. select habitats on the basis of current velocity. In streams, rapid flowing portions are usually more produc­ tive in terms of benthic invertebrates than lentic stretches with the same substrate. Long, slow stretches in Rosebud Creek may reduce numbers or eliminate various species. For example, Hydropsychidae, encountered in lower numbers at stations 2, 3, and 4, are generally found in rapid portions of streams and depend on current for proper functioning of their nets (Ross 1944). Elmidae, known to inhabit rapidly flowing portions of streams (Brown 1972), were found in lower numbers at stations 2, 3, and 4. mormon, Chor o t e r p e s a l b i a n n u t a t a and Amb r y s u s both abundant at stations 2, 3, and 4, are tolerant of slow ■ flowing situations (Edmunds et al. 1976, Roemhild 1976). Current velocity may influence the distribution of these and other taxa (Figures 9 and 10) but probably has a more profound effect by influ­ encing substration composition. The tendency for various taxa to be low in abundance at stations 2, 3, and 4 is influenced by any one or a combination of the physical conditions imposed by extreme turbidity, sediment deposition, substrate size, slow current velocity, and high temperature in Rosebud Creek. Certain of these conditions culminate at station 2 (low gradient, silted substratum, and slow current velocity) and impose unfavorable 79 conditions for many macroinvertebrates. Conversely, Upstream sections, because of increased gradient, and decreased turbity and temperature, support more productive macroinvertebrate populations. Macroinvertebrate Abundance and Composition The benthic fauna of Rosebud Creek is similar in composition to that found in Sarpy Creek, approximately 40 km west (Clancy 1977). The Yellowstone River, in this area, and the Powder River support faunas similar to Rosebud Creek and also decrease in diversity down­ stream (Newell 1976, Rehwinkel et al. 1976). Despite an extreme environment. Rosebud Creek supports a sur­ prisingly abundant and diverse fauna that is adapted to the prevailing conditions. In terms of numbers of benthic invertebrates, it could be described as a rich stream. Very little quantitative data exists on comparable streams in eastern Montana; however, population estimates of 4993 and 6007 invertebrates per m 2 from pools and riffles, respec­ tively, in Rosebud Creek are greater than the average 2809 inverteO brates per m for the middle Yellowstone River (Thurston et a l . 1975). In comparison with a typical western Montana mountain trout stream of similar size, Roemhild (1971) collected data showing the West Fork of the Gallatin River and its tributaries to average 1877 invertebrates per m 2 . 80 Among important conditions conducive to high population numbers of benthic macroinvertebrates in Rosebud Creek is the intact riparian vegetation which keeps the stream within its banks preventing extreme erosion, scouring, siltation. In addition, this vegetation provides an important energy source, a prime factor determining microdistribu­ tion of aquatic organisms (Egglishaw 1964), and significant in Rosebud Creek where turbidity limits primary production. Many of the commonly encountered macroinvertebrates of Rosebud Creek are adapted to live in turbid, s i l t laden, or slow flowing habi­ ta ts. Chewnatopsyche spp. is reported to be tolerant of a wide range of ecological conditions; Cheimatopsyehe la sia is commonly found in heavily silted streams. Trieovythodes minutus, Caenis s p ., Choroterpes a lb i- annulata, Leptophlebia g ra va stella and Isonychia sieea occur in silted or slow flowing streams (Edmunds et a l . 1976). M icroeylloepuspusillus is tolerant of siltation and turbidity (Brown 1972). Is o p e r la p a trie ia inhabits prairie streams that originate in the mountains (Ricker 1946). Dubiraphia minima, collected abundantly from pools and r i f f l e s , can be classified as tolerant of siltation and slow current velocity. Taxa that are numerically most abundant in the mid-Rosebud are, interest­ ingly, those thay may have wide tolerances to ecological conditions, e . g . , Simulium spp., Choroterpes albiannulata, Sphaerium spp., and Ambrysus mormon. As a generalization, aquatic invertebrates present in 81 large numbers in Rosebud Creek could be classed as tolerant of turbid, sil ty conditions. Sampling Considerations To describe accurately the aquatic fauna, i t is necessary to sample as many habitat types as possible. Benthic organisms select habitat on the basis of various physical and chemical conditions, i .e ., substrate, current velocity, depth, dissolved oxygen, temperature, etc. Three habitat types including r i f f l e s ; pools, and long, gravel bottomed runs were sampled semi-quantitatively during this study. Analysis of results indicated that species composition varied with habitat and sampling device. Modified Hess and Ekman dredge samplers collected 62 and 46 percent of the total taxa found, respectively. Introduced sub­ strates were most efficient in collection of numbers and taxa; 89 per­ cent of the total taxa collected including 22 not collected by other methods was found in introduced substrate samples. Certain organisms, e . g . , Ephoron album and Cataolysta sp„, were collected in modified Hess samples but absent from other methods. Chironomidae and Oligochaeta composed the majority of the pool fauna; Trichoptera, Diptera, and Ephemeroptera predominated in r if f le s and in introduced substrate samples. The long, hard bottomed runs that are the most common habitat in Rosebud Creek were efficiently sampled by introduced substrates. 82 Variables of sample size, substrate, and current velocity were con­ trolled to some degree making quantitative comparisons between stations more valid than with conventional grab type samplers. In addition, the proficiency for collecting the endemic taxa was remarkable. However, because introduced substrates offer an ideal habitat for selective colonization by certain macroinvertebrates, they did not represent the existing standing crop, population numbers, or distribution of indi­ viduals among the species. For example, they may be attractive for colonization by various organisms that prefer clean substrates exposed' to the current; e . g . , ' Simuliidae, Hydropsychidae and Baetidae. Yet, because the samplers rest on the substrate, a degree of sedimentation occurs and invertebrates including Chironomidae, Oligochaeta, Odonata, and Sphaeriidae that dwell in fine substrates also colonize the samplers. For these reasons the number of taxa collected and their distributions among sampling stations were representative of the faunal composition and conditions at the sampling sites. To assess population numbers and standing crop, i t would be necessary to sample and analyze cores of existing substrate at each station. Year round sampling is necessary to describe macroinvertebrate distribution and abundance. Benthic organisms vary in population num­ bers from week to week depending on details of lif e histories (Pehnak and Van Gerpeq 1947). In Rosebud Creek, for example, Braohyptera spp. 83 is present in winter and spring but not summer samples. Various taxa, i . e . , S-imuli-um spp, and Choroterpes albiannulata exhibit tremendous peaks in population numbers and form a substantial portion of the standing crop at that time. Their numbers may be an insignificant por­ tion of,the total aquatic population at other phases of the l i f e cycle (egg and adult). Life histories also influence accuracy of macroinver­ tebrate identification. Early instars are often d if fic u lt to identify and collection of later stages is needed for accurate identification in many cases. CONCLUSIONS 1. Longitudinal variations’j'in abundance, distribution, and r composition of the benthic invertebrate fauna in Rosebud Creek are attributed to the intrinsic physical-chemical characteristics of the stream; i .e ., temperature, turbidity, substrate, and current velocity, and not to influences from coal mining and combustion. 2. Common macroinvertebrates of Rosebud Creek are adapted to the conditions of a transition prairie stream; i.e., high turbidity, slow current velocity, warm summer water temperature, and silted sub­ stratum; however, these conditions caused decreased numbers and diversity at downstream stations (2-4). 3. High turbidity probably interferes with primary production in Rosebud Creek making allochthanous detritus important as a food source for the benthic community. 4.. Intact riparian vegetation, particularly grasses, stabilizes the banks of Rosebud Creek and prevents serious erosion, sedimentation, and the consequential unproductive, shifting substrate common in many prairie streams. 5. Rosebud Creek supports high numbers of benthic invertebrates in comparison with some other Montana streams. 6. Introduced substrate samplers were efficient in sampling the long, slow runs common in Rosebud Creek. LITERATURE CITED LITERATURE CITED Aagaard, F. C. 1969. 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Ephemeroptera Baetidae Baetis (near propinquus) Leptophlebiidae Chovotevpes atbiannutata' Mcdunnough Odonata Gomphidae Gomphus ext'evnus Hagen Libellulidae Sympetvum oecidentale Walker Zygoptera Coenagrionidae Avgia fumipennis-violaoea Isahnura pevparva (Selys) (Hagen) Calopterygidae Hetaevina amevioana (Fabricius) Hemiptera Gerridae Gevvis vemiges Say Veliidae Rhagovelia distinata Champion Trichoptera Hydropsychidae Hydvopsyohe bvonta Ross Hydvopsyohe sepavata Banks Avotopsyohe sp. Cheumatopsyohe lasia Ross Cheumatopsyohe analis (Banks) Cheumatopsyohe oampyla Ross Psychomyiidae . Polyoentvopus oineveus Hagen Leptoceridae Oeoetis avava (Banks) . Leptooella albida Leptooella (near oandida) Brachycentridae 'Bvaohyoentvus ocoidentalis Banks 97 Table 17 (continued) Plecoptera Nemouridae Braahypteva fosketti Ricker Perlodidae Isopevla patviaia Prison Diptera Tabanidae Chvysops pvacl-ivts Osten Sacken MONTANA N3T8 B238 cop.2 DATE Baril, Steven F Benthic invertebrate distribution, abundance and diversity ... ISSUED T O QjUjjUbfa-Ulji. o m a u B M t f /2/27f