ITU stands PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS ( HALLE 4) Stand # 635/767 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Projects presented by ITU & ITU members at ICT4D Halle 4 ITU - ALCATEL (France) ITU Centers of Excellence (CoE) Initiative in Partnership with ALCATEL The Worldwide Center of Excellence Network occupies a unique role in the development of an attractive telecommunication market in each region and the rendering of telecommunication services for the development of the Information Society. Its major role consists in developing and strengthening the capability of all players participating in the evolution of the Telecommunication Sector to generate advanced level policy, regulatory, managerial and technical expertise. In this respect, the main CoE programmes address the most pressing training needs of the executive staff and decision-makers from the concerned organizations. Over the last past years some 3000 people have been trained with a continuous support of ITU/BDT Partners among which the initiative from Alcatel focusing on the Transitional Scenarii towards NGN (New Generation Networks) has highly contributed to create a recognized CoE brand. Thanks to this contribution, a series of advanced tools and models have been outstanding contributions to various dedicated workshops organized by most of the CoEs, generating useful regional benchmarks. Alcatel has also generously provided additional training resources that reflect the experience gained by a number of IP service providers, demonstrating success stories in the Arab and African Regions in particular. ITU - CABLE & WIRELESS (United Kingdom) ITU e-Learning Centers Initiative in Partnership with Cable & Wireless The ITU e-Learning Center uses the Internet to deliver instructor-led online courses, collaborative tools and assessment modules in a more learner-centred environment. Participants are enrolled in virtual classes for specific online courses, and are able to learn remotely, and interact with one another and the instructor, regardless of physical location, provided Internet access is available. The main purpose of establishing the ITU e-Learning Centre is two-fold: to facilitate online skills development and knowledge sharing; and, to promote the e-learning culture itself. Within the framework of its e-Learning Centre and its related activities, ITU is pleased to work in partnership with the Cable and Wireless Virtual Academy (CWVA) in sponsoring degree-oriented learning such as the e-Masters in Communication Management and the e-Masters in Regulation and Policy. WVA also co-sponsors various e-certificates and e-diplomas, and ITU counts the CWVA as one of its most valuable partners in human capacity building. ITU - IIT (Canada) International Institute for Telecommunications (IIT) CoE's Technology awareness programme, TAP ON Telecom* project in partnership with IIT A key objective of the Worldwide Center of Excellence Network is to establish regional mechanisms aimed at strengthening the capacity within each region, to develop high-level know-how and expertise in telecommunication policy, regulatory issues, corporate management and advanced telecommunication technology. The ultimate objective is to better meet some of the priority training and human resource development needs of the telecommunication sector in the concerned regions and assist developing countries in their integration in the Information Society. In this respect, the recent initiative from the International Institute for Telecommunications (Canada) has made it possible to initiate a new phase of the CoE's technology awareness programme. Whilst previous CoE partnerships focus on the creation of a recognizable CoE brand, this recent initiative also focuses on integration and interoperability of the most advanced technologies currently deployed in existing networks, using a comprehensive platform for hands-on training. The TAP ON Telecom project from Montreal based IIT provides Hands-on technical assistance, guidance and training services for ICT project ideation, definition, development, implementation and maintenance made available in Canada (using IIT main lab) and in targeted regions (using mobile lab units). (*) Technical Assistance Program for developing countries, Objectives: Next Generation Telecom Networks ITU - UPU Bhutan Post - Bhutan.Telecom - India Post e-Services through Post Offices in Bhutan International Telecommunication and the Universal Postal Union have initiated a project in Bhutan with the collaboration of Bhutan Post and Bhutan Telecom, for the provision of e-post and delivery of other public services in post offices. The e-post service has been modelled on the pilot project initiated by India Post in four states. The public service provision is based on e-seva - the model championed by the Government of the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. The project has the following components: Introduction of computers in Post Offices; Training of post masters; Development of specialized software to meet local needs, languages and address lack of literacy; Establishing telecom connectivity to remote areas (above 4,500 meters altitude), a network of six VSAT stations with a hub in Thimpu, with access to INSAT satellite, energy sources and training and maintenance provided by the Government of India (Department of Telecommunications); Satellite datacasting by WorldSpace, with four user-groups set up, messages can be addressed to individual WorldSpace receivers, integrated to Simputers; and handheld computers- Simputers with specially developed software, by Encore Software. The project envisages integrating email with post in a way that would greatly improve communications in a country, where because of limited road network, letters can take weeks to reach the recipient. It also envisages Post Office facilities becoming a resource for local extension workers. The project addresses the issue of digital divide in concrete terms. Simputers with software that enables translation into local languages are integrated in order overcome barriers of illiteracy, computer literacy, language and costs. The combination of technologies also addresses the basic issue of infrastructure such as lack of electricity. An important component is expansion of the national telecom network for six extremely remote, high altitude locations. The partners in the project are Bhutan Post, Bhutan Telecom, Government of India, WorldSpace, Encore Software, ITU and UPU. The contributions of UNV and JICA are gratefully acknowledged. ITU - UNEP - GeSI Global e-Sustainability Initiative GeSI, the Global e-sustainability Initiative, is an Initiative of information and communications technology (ICT) companies to improve the global environment and support sustainable development by promoting business practices and technologies that save energy, minimize waste and help bridge the Digital Divide. GeSI is an alliance that is unique in that it involves both telecommunications operators and suppliers. GeSI is supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and has 14 members. GeSI was launched on 5 June 2001 during the World Environment Day in Turin, Italy. As a collective voice, the members of the GeSI will inform the public of its voluntary role in lowering the impact of development, and enjoy the rewards of promoting technology that fosters sustainable development. GeSI members aim to: Create an open and global forum for improving and promoting products, services and access to ICT for the benefit of human development and a sustainable environment. Stimulate international and multi-stakeholder co-operation for the ICT sector. Gradually adopt a full Corporate Social Responsibility Agenda, starting from environmental issues. Encourage companies in developing countries to join and share benefits of the initiative. Promote and support partner regional initiatives and liase with other international activities. Promote and support greater awareness, accountability and transparency. Principles: ICT industry can make a key contribution for the benefit of economic and social development and a sustainable environment. Co-operation is a key success factor Continuous improvement of corporate environmental and social performance Our products and services can offer environmental and social benefits Objectives: Create an open & global forum for reporting and actively promoting ICT solutions; Initiate multi-stakeholder ICT partnerships with regional and international organizations; Foster a culture of innovation for ICT solutions contributing to sustainable development; Attract new members from all parts of the world to share and increase the benefits of GeSI. ITU- WISeKey( Switzerland) e-Security Projects in Partnership with WISeKey ( Switzerland) To leverage the potentials of the Internet Protocol (IP) networks in the delivery of critical services, security and trust play an important role. This project demonstrates security and trust solutions undertaken with the collaboration of industry partners to the benefit of developing countries. It also gives delegates the opportunity to use these solutions through the Secure e-Government Center. The centre will present some successful e-service projects from ITU Member countries. Some examples are Angola, Cambodia, Mali, Mauritius, Peru, Senegal, Turkey and the World e-Trust MoU. ITU- Kyrgyrz Republic- Mali- Georgia- Paraguay- Bulgaria- Swisscom e-Applications and e-Services In several sectors (Agriculture, Health, Education and Government Services), ICTs have the potential to bring direct benefits to the citizens, businesses and governments. These projects are examples of how ICTs are being used as a tool to facilitate entry into the information society for the population of developing countries. They demonstrate how rural farmers in Kyrgyz Republic can benefit from ICTs through e-agriculture, students in rural Mali can use the Internet to better communicate and access knowledge and governments can increase efficiency in providing services to citizens and businesses through e-government applications. ITU- ATCB- ETA(Ethiopia)- UNESCO Adaptive Technology Centre for the Blind (ATCB) Adaptive Technology Centre for the Blind (ATCB) was established in 1999 with the prime objective of promoting the transfer of Braille computing technology into Ethiopia. The Centre plans to achieve the accessibility of ICT to the blind and visually impaired. Following the request of ATCB to ITU at the AFRICAN TELECOM 2001, and the directives given by the BDT Director to The Regional Office for Africa to play a constructive role in order to empower ATCB, in view of ARTICLE 1, 6d of the Union’s constitution “. to promote the extension of the benefits of the new telecommunication technologies to all the world’s inhabitants” also reaffirming ITU's commitment to 'Helping all of the world's people to communicate', this year's theme for World Telecommunication Day, The Regional Office for Africa discussed with ATCB officials to clearly identify a project that would enhance ICT usage by the blind. Consequently, a project was envisaged in which ITU played a pivotal role contributing $ 11,000 for the purchase of necessary equipment and the partner UNESCO contributing $ 8,000 for training. The project was successfully completed and inaugurated on April 4, 2003. Since this project is launched, 16 blind students out of 20 registered graduated and training for another 20 is going on. ITU - RUSSIAN FEDERATION Fighting HIV/AIDS, TUBERCULOSIS and MALARIA, using Info-communication Technologies, in Partnership with the Ministry of Communication & Information of Russia, JSC Vitanet, TANA group and Russian Space Communication Corporation (RSCC) The project proposes a development of four-level system: Mobile telemedecine laboratories (MTL) based on KAMAZ cars which are able to get over toughest road obstacles, with low-dose digital x-ray equipment and other digital diagnostic equipment made in Russia helping to reveal persons with tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS, with satellite communication station to transmit and receive the medical data using Russian geostationary satellites, with telemedecine equipment, with life-support system and autonomic system allowing to provide all necessaries for the equipment; hospitals located in countries equipped with telemedicine consultation office to provide support for MTLs; national hospitals equipped with telemedecine office to provide service in complicated cases and control of medical care in whole; large foreign medical centres to provide consultation service in extremely complex cases, to teach local medical staff and to provide courses for improving the medical staff qualification. Telemedecine equipment of MTL can be also used as an information centre to provide a distant training on social and other issues. The telemedecine network is able to work autonomously and to be adapted to conditions of the country and to be adapted as the country and population size requires. ITU- MOROCCO- UNESCO- WORLD BANK- Distance Learning Project in Morocco Distance training of trainers through interactive TV in Morocco Formation à distance des éducateurs par la télévision interactive In partnership with UNESCO, the World Bank and the Ministry of Education of Morocco, a concrete live example of an efficient use of multi media to develop teachers/educators distance training through various information and communication technologies, including satellite/PC/TV... Objectif : Former à distance les éducateurs du cycle primaire et secondaire à partir du Centre de présentation de Rabat sur les méthodes pédagogiques et sur les contenus (formation complémentaire). Quinze (15) sites distants sont programmés pour la phase pilote, avec un objectif d'aller au-delà de 100 sites distants à l'avenir. La particularité de ces sites est ce qu'ils se trouvent dans des zones rurales. La technologie utilisée est celle d'un réseau VSAT doublé d'un réseau Intranet. Ainsi l'image, le son et les données sont utilisés dans l'interactivité. Ce réseau pourra être utilisé par d'autres utilisateurs, où on pourra mettre en oeuvre d'autres e-Applications en dehors de l'e-Education. Réception provisoire de la première tranche du réseau : 1er décembre 2003