Ve-r\I 1Tm . Exaple 2. Iool's uoyant 3. - 6i rrt - r Il -n f~A S. CotLIl, flaisc~ 4 -rfowz crL\/e- A. 1efgIIAf 7 Eerg 8 I1 9 1inJeal( o0 0lo II. kViler WG$ ajtAJ It Icnla fli) J.CLIreJi vLt A Atv,\1,Cs5L hi 1uAC s SLd e4I)t &) XjASS Jox NJ ra \cxv\ Cccr aLcr\. IQ coo I c3 ; co I Ov Vl Cx vcJ1 1A - 6a it Faur - r rvn n rkc I Z C~el~. Jr SorA k4ar C Se Le 4 rnur 4s; Ae I jovk CAhe­ . l a-, fo k "\3 &t3 /X acijdWI 10I camp&,t & CL I Phy SIC's Conseo, WI, ctjl 1 VL~Y J eai peaIe 26D t 4 f i zZad k. ( rA Cx­ O'L'.4~ h~ 75 \/alk. Lj'r anr , :e a} }e I % kV I5 7c l. OenA crLj ! XA 1IR tiL all 's LZY,,-x'C6rk,\L, (-3 -F-(rnm I?61ce Citl~ h acii GLJ J~ / /IIf2 0x' rq A <z& LOn/(dl'd SJ arey d X jCP -V 1 h --Tt ) (A) Js I U0 D we-f&J' - V-6 IiA K 1.2 Fa : Fl 3 n C f I O/ky K 1i5 lvv e, IK p kna-L al mo bwrel a cc n -v Jb . IAls AT i, 6.,2 2.5 5 1.1 1 2-5 e LaWL ,- - -Tt ,Gat orv 1k rrlp/ FJ/-. 'l- w eArc 4LS l<3A p~rAA "CL 6:-t t3 ', TA I<",/ t , r" kozac, 64 r ar )c faa 10 al itr li, a4J Fkeuxr veIoc, ro rel O oplm the, alor%,_ O mftLsttL v/oLoc 2_ ,rrl 2 calc 6< l c4 4, uo 3~K3 a VenfilI ox~ - lookIs C3(z ( Oc Ir pcLe , lid ,O L· bi)L/ 2e. "vi ' 4t J Aa rjIeAhIcJI/C 4,o ajc S i ona bcIaa\),fSr IIOW J a j k cJQac Dn Supp rb Fhe Us e Of cJ-Kl? 0i fTCI f CbL Fi7. ( sla tt p&Le airKCO orv ar lace rafe. o n~~4r Nd~Ul~a ete Ist W6 L1k .RIaTYL4, S'bI sc·Cu ' a SI pl40E~llcS, ca pJd Irj A Ac4 L Gta)fcAi J Ltcs &Lkr pt >0 6 poo 0X 6e#, L s'r~p'e pptS & - (e5ccL l ruc d$ LS ro oI4n4J 4nJ ae mrmf lzt plt-- -n Iz I>7 -ezIlc-aiaC cr ant fSkp$ tt M r1e S~CI mbWL4,~ LJ ItJ - dldcES M SILPC S15 - Coll hG~~tm,~~ ,~ 5S,,t ,,nlLK RlrL - " (7An u -6 (o aJk>+JL- AI t e i ov · p~SISza ,--A a c,V 1·1·% cxr rnc ~e be-cay- hob t - j J ULciSLA i{ AIraua ,15 rcexal J ttUM ) crt-cfe ~e_ cTiFece acrcrc-r. ct 6,lKLj LI 14c lbEp~Ozncy o . kt cLnckeg ,kJ h6ps - ? k fe/It F nF AluJl prr!J M AAsw or: pr e d. bp,,r' M's. I b66nv Iaw Cf-P61L. Ol.- f ( 6 �7 4J I1 T dz / - o 1Vi1 CLLZ o F2A EqLI11brlWL eJ:, 14w Jo e e 4 fue LeAis )cIO a4 Fe ": ALs4 C, , f VCA-Io a, ju. a la' 1, AycfsLAL eq 3e att kao3 4@e prxssn(c Fr6Levo L k e, tCaJ 4La. - [.t~I - slt L~t ne-la I P4e pC cri A1)i j dlLS I AfL rew0 1 T-;zZ. -Z. ­ zi-.. LL JO cI( V Jl £tvR, evq, equilitrtuL.. . L zsl F IL cl l6ai, o I dJJy- J (up dxJyJz p Lod P 1 ,I Ii I a bO/4MVL I p 4 )0 a. 1Jx Jx 0 y lrerence 1o prurz, 0 - a~p PC - dz _p ale p X dj AmC'-c Sr XlelJL enAl½ t; s app 1 If c~c; Ar Thtc Ol26)L ( ~~C) f y k e 5« I J(l PG - P2 :e: Y nPC ~Lh n N/gcw p 9 8 Cg ~s Pa En -3­ kNM$ , Ap2,e m/, ~lti IaI bzahd1LT d Le 's L 4X ~- orL" Al Ive x , L 1{c Kc 41. lll Frh i/BA ( ) St)d LcL~M (ies 5d iL p) X 16- b° ttar Ok tv- fl,, A eI VCJz<)f s je p QA 10 I Is.YML 4 ALt&If2 r3,~km,) I cC _ L .~e34 Ie/S cta/lr Cuitb rklc II akh.,,,k,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ la teu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7~~~~~,p 2. s IPaI I K2re A - r)1) ml W t, -TZ Z TA O tyo t a -, R 83 4 2aA 4-Li k3 -= - ­ - I­ Rf aaanae i L2'-t V RK T R V coLL M ,solve y "I fr T ts fco~j5ot (, ,cIR. Wean 34 cTc ,I , T6&*Uk ( ,"lrcul pr No, LtWs hAC ?tC-vt f '3 f Ebktl) ,IIKSma brhO 501 4 Ckpcw-wur &Lfl- Olf(e pa TI t-et w aL (vcovli ' speWjl a I; Eul 4K ,k Cral 4- tsb1LJ Act p -f k lley >1^1,. pry cotcAlA~ M4c, rlcl ev uk glc md ,-et at At it QALAncC jan I pEaj 01 3. &-ero/ll; i fi;; P-,I nd vr7 JcP'j LA en��ca3 m Z cJc14- 66X,,,SkZn_ Ik At< criajYtLC proXeV&Q. IIof ta t Lt llexerl fA {k z ptt 14 ae J,4 IDP, plc M 1ab size, nr-lkf tAatI LzC~, 4G 5awz L6 I, [cn pczL~L 19 oI- Rt tn 1 M _ f 7 LLCA , AO AC ~ 2 Ayi ~~~~~~~ 4 e. C~~~~~~~~ kU t wt s Lc~ ca a PF) tR S "J"GC! | s also Md tILOa 51e. wC IL Li -4 n e c4fse , ptac& cocM3L C1 ^ S. ;n A As >}t &Th~aAr bisal )& X zzgcoA ,x blMM jn.s . t } 22, dZ f CA- (A wZ 8r aA,<lO69 1 DL 0 (SD 2 A',, re 54v 6L tI uC pIC~C Sie,.d Jd 6 , lab 9>.1f . aqxpWW 9 o cc37c xI: JI C A l% \J 7L>w (­ 17% (l a>64 (~Cl -F ePL:A exe kc )C, <CA rf h-ac2- MatWnv S d r40 00 &mJ' prie OW5. SCA%r 4 $c 0Mt 141r (4M CJlLCJ 1Tf. <MSaX $ TL A Sp, I)<)~~ID~ Skm ~L Lr 0cj< ,' ufljAV 11Y42 W'd1 pyu ,i 640£ ;4C LtC C2 4EJ LJU.. b IIJ, Tkao bll~d w aSC,le S ;4 w£ a4 2­ 1 K.?. 10 - . Leza c &A ,I/ I- app/I nl K,, bLoldj, LI L<e rc Lr a Akr a waiou t cknJflwcb Jr IAIeA ecr - 7- l oe I reeal ! ~e S6 1Xa , &c4cl'F: e Vp X7"-C Mk ~r v-' pL K A t L "Wo IC 51A 63G !u,( cwg rt-s4-G( , oL , w-,c c ta ,~s {e Ad a2~e 'O oujicOl&-t,,d 3 hp S ILJ lSp , A W C\,. rl su.J4 4 C#LL , L~Tmt/l Iuli IC 1 te 110iue~u. 4 n {1et tA ; A5I4gJV al 6she 4 S( T9Aa« e-t Cmb IS is cL de fc IVr<I\zE's ffu ru oa],( nC{,l a 0.7 q4"ren 4 i(2WL2t S2 cL. tkMa faiR~ 4Lap'~, rt j Ic le 5Lr{ t6y 6. 6O \ \e l AsAIp I]'Le Is, 4a 1 1c)lk rv, All tL~~ ~P ,a h) Ct-e/XPpLth 4,k L Aw6eL PrCL <. ~CL 4u< , -o.yLt4d ctCleA- ff30| - 10. Grrec Nr WL z wr 4fZc aL - 76pedL. 6 I-o.7 e 610 . f s (L.L* ",J. Asng cla 4IdeFfljez --- , t wA A - eTlZ n<engC~ tIaF19t &'SGIa rE z Gn4i ~e&LAVCVLdded ____4 S. - 'v A iweiat s&(i:c\ J e. A~ 6cl t, I<e&r J or esloci ' 4 AcJ alte h4 e _T, rJeI Re,<) fihe nare Ihe e\i ukiru1 6fefa teral Ih cif\ rv AMf3 4o0 l3a I.. 0.2 0., o.6 0o., 1 1,2 U A/ l-e are& 1c T 6afT 6Zapt a,, J ilt /~~&e,7~~ 2.' 46o Ik Ur SuroLt,l CcSIC. c4 t 3 N 1b O- 2. 370 0.'Iq 27o .o10 I tcL UL* te fnovr. S "~ll has) MAXccrFlk) [U pryl Ff-e . 0 rIri cr eIuc,,hI kt e Tl ,tI rp c I.t~c - ,gct ,O­ nr-L" p S-F, I FFvl wo~lt G 'LJellL C4 Sd - tlPb s So;r Ad Hid -7AL-SJJ ,ml4- f7_ EAe-. UA/ a/ i> e 1)'Ll ,,te 4 d ALa Aj ., 4 lu- ( 7-) WZ 'eLczJ ~ _ r Lu e L1rt~el -e I, ­ of · Ifce- J WW 1& CZ" U Prove. S-mJ U l , , c plate-. -ori4 Epsoen rladuxjrecKse tI c, sFwrl Fban bOAt LSFP t iIlL~azg4eilJ pILLtkXI (fC A -V WLl Ll s A L I Jcla L cLe&c4 G A-Pi ro aged I4 AF "L VS J L of I -C_,c , , lt nL N/M K%de~t VV E C LUa Xa I cCALcSwll-lvXL Z. IC on PC}e t fr.,(1eADLC pa /, ~3 ~22 ujv,4tejn (- faze -ti lenve 2­ ljyi ellP·· ub ­ Ox,. rI- I all craI .tD>6Bu ~mk 14ir )CL ilL lecO IIISCOLA A WJ 1&A IA Ar IJTL ­ J~Ak OMi t CIrtar L."n k H /,C 2 I t,u4u,Ho ( s,G od. ~ 11 1A CLr "tZ 1 i 4 In ff- ZJN W I aZ~tI 04/L n�t·-bM et t' St I -V t hSF uio Js4u 44L ae I - prVT.LC L^ 4I;4AC& P 1711 I 35ns .- n, /ILrJ cealfAW4V A J 4a4 tI II's ]z vrr·· t, d' eu"Coj,!~ vlse iPi ~i~, Tke ~o , orcWranw~ ~ - len,~ ~\,t ~kf4-r-, WM 4 Ci7N a_ - 0 r Iwu_ via " r-& I wh~wlc k. ~a- i C-CZ limi~t1 asox L. Tall & I pe/, It d.L p0>6?,,) j r-.eb-e,,L c - epew "I 4 L k lx, /ez~cx C pLg m MI encIn e, -V -fvzro 44efe-1,15 - JV,, I,- l Ie. _4 i c./ 6-plol)4 ) 6 / O"1 12;revit,4) -1 2-- ii CdlI, I < & vAu44Al . pe Ž" I i doL . Fl1w Csa ataO t 1 a r- iLuw3, 5kzLe-. tuP c, ,, - sal H 1~a ra s~ug ,g, h,, Hg£+,^f ,^ o~,~ mtasX tjz X er L/AL-k hkx. bblR IM}1ld 7 l~ ys~c LualrCLY_ VH4J,~ 6Y - a Al 6uWJ Ln ttt> pW ~lc dp' D Ipi &Q_4 MCC,-IZ6WI b <~ r/U3L ,,1| 2 AA F bvofA rAc St cI bI1 eAsx bJL/ ,cn FiLrUc If b. pmyultg .~~~~~ ,ct )tO bR~Uit IAd~m Ji I-fbul4 +-* C4_ LLC· <~ I at, cC. J/R~hC ~R blo~rl911~q~ FIMn Th&EPralr~j~Cu Ie 47~~UjC 8 A&| -7 I!! If I48n's 7~~~~~~~~kjI~~~~~~~~~~ A V_ JJA Ls JFv~LQ@^ 2 i3A- - \, -lI3 ,-, ya c$#J 5(fL /IC2 z v -Vzti O vbZ n L./ -V-1-6 a- K Irx At ' + Adci 1~64 I4i LJCJ, v 4 ~a A Zi ' ~~~~~~~~·^d, I-.4 t" BrAle/ 1 2 L>+'s rC4 . 11,~ J .&W-11Wt -V-ko ­ 40 Z. AL4- , c IsI' O v2N an ,4.1h falVd we_ l{, let,-k- di W+4 B e Equwalsv ctEv LtlC c aservCwZK UVX ctr fa LAe K;i lOLA) t~lbt 2 ; i! Wt4/A g ? 60e 1_)I Z.rI/, Ae3 atld n i go ri - 1t ­ L; {dlrOVI14 c CLjjY\ 62J 6rm" L>a n ccgobbjid-4 t 2AP., / r nlb C Al. )DLruAA Ac, OU 2 _ toR# .TD OOT IA I~ - - - S~~f\K c JIA l Am4,c1 A k';l 1ThJ I----L- I 6jo cam-Sb /- -Pl #,-- - R t CALL Fgo. VP - I XI rkcS6 and I, c"A rd1g cNAcL; ~k a h ,.,.J tjWd f7 E~L6) . 65l ec w'-f n5 CcgRt g&^ak ? . UAC Z-St 6t <Bv eCThc OALLr/c f LP-. 6 c�� & PLi-r d zt r6 (U Ri ; 5 aoC t SD " pILJr?9 &J~ I& lky j~j# eaa ^ lu-aon1- ! P4 I 2 I ~72m~UC is ryvm IC <.UL-( frttu atrU I - Th MaA' I­ -1s It, - I nGa7LA mLe- IA<IL L Be acL 1 RU c6}t e sa - A. e 5"O.-LL Air nftJ (0A)t -vrs7UL3 "z 7 z 7F TOV4 7z­ ,P~it 71 - P ) LO 4 4UtWt( CkL4tLYY Ct C I ej16I LjSc ,-Lltj ct~ ', 4 e12 4 I_ O t 2 Z,^ z tr,2. 1 tSalue, - u4 A n~c~i .vc01, tC r>l' 4 tr 2 ' WA ( a CQj Z) ' 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory Buoyancy-driven flows Consider conservation of mass, whereby the mass flow entering the single zone through the lower window equals that leaving through the upper window: P ,,, C dA, 2 2 APowUflo. A P f lo w P out Al2 ou APinf low i,,Cd A2 1~fkN P n A2P Al'2 APinf low - A22 A ,utflow ,) A Tu! T," [(ou (P, - -Pout (P gZ )- i,)= (Po - - pPingZl)] ,)gz2 = in i-PingZ T T 2 )- (Pou-Pout gZ 2 )] . With the pressure difference calculated, we can now determine the volumetric flow in through the lower window: Vinflow = C [(Pou- tPi )--(Pou ] in)gZ 0.5 = CA, 2 - gz 2 i2 1 Zl Z2 2) Tr,,, 0.5 = CAl 2 TIN "' g(z 2 -z, 1 ( A 0 T) , If z is set to zero and, for simplicity z 2 is defined as z, 1 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory U.5 Vinf low = Cd A1 2 AT 1 T (2 (~, Note that if z equals zero, there is no buoyancy-driven flow, as expected. If Tout = Tin, there is also no flow, again as expected. The above equation is exact. Introducing our first approximation, let T,,,, Note that the temperature difference must be retained. Then A\ r U., AT CdAI inf low 1 2- gzA + L2 :: 05 FI0.5 r0.5 AT ______ = Cd2z - +[LI 2 Al + A CdA 2gz Till AT Till1Z~ ]Y The effective area is sometimes defined with a factor of two, as follows: 2A12 A2 Aeff = ]05 A2 + A2 in which case Aeff'= Al = A2 = A if the two windows are equal in area and Vinf/ow = CdAfe dflflol= gZ gz AT] This equation takes a slightly different form when the height is defined in terms of a neutral plane, where the indoor and outdoor pressures are equal: Vinflow = Cd Al [ 2g AhNPL (T - To)/Ti ]0.5 2 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory where Cd = discharge coefficient AhNPL = height from midpoint of lower opening to NPL (m) Cd = 0.40 + 0.0045 [T -To if there is bidirectional flow in a single opening and 0.65 otherwise. However, this form is somewhat difficult to use because the location of the neutral plane must be determined. Comparing expressions above we find that 0.5 Vinflow AT CdAI 2..gz- 1 g = CdA [2 AT gAhNp TLr,,l J0.5 [ ,A2) j AhNPL = Z 1] 1 If there are two windows and they are of equal area, neutral pressure is half-way between the two windows, as intuitively expected. If the lower window is much larger, the neutral-pressure point shifts toward the lower window. If the upper window is larger, the neutral-pressure point shifts upward. The neutral-pressure height is more difficult to determine with multiple openings. 3 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory I or, large upper openings height ndoor, large lower openings tdoor pressure Example Determine the volumetric inflow for the following case: z = 30 °C = 20 °C =3m Aeff = 2 m2 Tin Tout Solution: inflow = CdA·ffX [ ] = 06 ·2*98 9 ' 3 3AT10 Tll303j 1.2 S Note that absolute temperature is required, because the ideal gas law was used to replace densities with temperatures. Wind-driven flows We start with the same expression of conservation of mass as for buoyancy-driven flows. For wind-driven flows, we could choose to let Tin equal Tout, which implies that pin equals pout. Flows are driven by wind and not temperature differences. However, if there are heat sources inside the building, Tin will be higher than Tout and we will therefore retain distinct indoor and outdoor temperatures and densities. 4 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory Poo Cd A 1 2 APi f ' v n = i'd A2 1 2 oflow A1 Poupinflow = A2 Pi,,l AP,tflw A2Atnf/w 1 A ,i,,W [ A2,,,,,~,w I,.fW = A22 Til p+ 2o luvl]ulU O [1 ~ A (Po 2 C ( )Al V eOouxCpl - pi )= h-2 )U > 2Til , Al 2 Cp Pou VW2 p Ivw212] 2 Till If the inflow and outflow windows are at different heights, the wind speed associated with these openings may vary, according to V =VG where vG = gradient or free-stream velocity 8 = gradient or boundary layer height = height exponent With the pressure difference calculated, we can now determine the volumetric flow in through the windward window: Vinfow = C-A 1 inf low = Cd 1 [(Po_/ AFout~ KL iP,,,,pL , P,, 2 l)-C 2p O° v 2 ]] ' U.) = CA CvVwl = C,Alvwl where Cv represents the effectiveness of the opening area 5 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory C, = Cd This expression is exact, within the framework of the model. To simplify, we will equate the indoor and outdoor temperatures and the heights of the windward and leeward openings, such that the wind velocities are equal. In this case A. 0.5 lCp 2 CpA inflow = CdAI Cp v (A 2 = C,,AC v where , [ Ae =L C, A2A2 0.5 A, 2] Cd 2C l ­ Finally, if the leeward wind-pressure coefficient is equal in magnitude to the windward coefficient and opposite in sign, C, = CdCp C, equals 0.5 to 0.6 for perpendicular winds and 0.25 - 0.35 for diagonal winds. Combined flows Again, let's start with conservation of mass, this time including both buoyancy and wind terms in the indoor and outdoor pressures. Note 6 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory Po,,, Cd A, Pi"Cd A 2 i P¥oul A21 out\ A 2 inflfow= A Apinf low I T.1 Pin, 2 2 APoultflo w Tl l2 ((1 TI ,,, PAP,,outflow -Po.,gzI )+ 2 , (p) ,, z CPIV1 )- -P = Z Cp2V2 [(A )2/ Till (Phu.-Pn) =(P,,.,-Pn)gz2 z' A2 )1 +1] 1 1 2 [LAYL2:,i2 2 ,,,)+ 1 L 2ILI |.To u2 Al 2 Till+ CP2 V2 ] Note that we have two terms on the right side of the equation: a buoyancy-driven term followed by a wind-driven term. Both are exactly as we calculated earlier. In other words, pressure differences, NOT flows, add. The inflow can be computed as Vinflow = CdAI 2 AT - g(z - z. 2 ~A2 rout) The first term under the radical is what we had before for buoyancy-driven flow and the second is as before for wind-driven flow. If we again set the temperature ratio to one 7 12 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory Vinf low = CAeff gh + CplVI Cj 1 1 1 Ae~J= 1 IA A2 Using an alternative formulation for the wind-driven term we have Vinflow = CdAeftT,, gh+ CplvI2-Cp22 1 The windows must be at different heights for the buoyancy force to work. If, however, the height differential is such that the wind velocities are essentially the same, and if the leeward wind-pressure coefficient is equal in magnitude and opposite and sign to the windward coefficient, iinflow = CdAfft gh + 2C V = CdAf gh + CP Complex building geometries The expressions developed above are adequate for single-zone buildings with no internal obstructions and simple arrangements of windows. For more complex configurations, such computer programs as CONTAM are very useful. CONTAM, freeware from NIST, accounts for forced and natural ventilation, with multiple zones and multiple openings. Infiltration Infiltration is from the combined effect of buoyancy and wind. It can be estimated as an air-change rate on the basis of experience or calculated from leakage areas and the orifice equation, using the crack method: Q = A CAp" where A = effective leakage area of cracks (m 2 ) C = flow coefficient Ap = pressure difference between outside and inside Infiltration in houses from Sherman-Grimsrud model 8 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory The Sherman-Grismrud model, presented in Chapter 26 of the 2001 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, is a version of the crack method that is often used for residential buildings: Q = L (Cs AT + Cw V 2 )0 5 where Q = infiltration rate (L/s) L = effective leakage area (cm 2) Cs = stack coefficient (L2 s 2 cm4' K- l) AT = average indoor-outdoor temperature difference (K) Cw = wind coefficient (L 2 s-4 cm-4 K- 1 m - 2) V = average wind speed measured at local weather station (m/s) The stack coefficient depends solely on house height, in stories, and the wind coefficient is a function of height and the extent to which the building is sheltered. Example Estimate the infiltration at design conditions for a two-story house in Boston. The house has an effective leakage area of 500 cm 2 , a volume of 340 m 3 , and is surrounded by a thick hedge (shielding class 3). Solution: Under winter design conditions: To = -13 C, V = 8 m/s, Ti = 22 °C. From Tables 7 and 9 from Chapter 26 of the 2001 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, Cs = 0.000290 and Cw = 0.000231. Q = L (Cs AT + Cw, V2) 5 = 500 (0.000290 x (22 - (-13)) + 0.00231 x 82)05 = 79 L/s = 284 m3 /h Air change rate = 284 / 340 = 0.84 ACH. Air exchange method for houses: extremely low low normal high extremely high - 0.1 ACH (air change rate per hour) 0.5 ACH 1 ACH 2 ACH 3 ACH 9 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory Combined Energy and Ventilation Analysis Consider what is usually of more interest than airflow: indoor temperature. What happened when we open the windows, with a given indoor heat load? Nature adjusts: * * Indoor pressure to conserve mass Indoor temperature to conserve energy. Let's look at the two conservation laws: Q= PC CpVnfflow (Tin -,,u ) ± Vinflow =d I- Aet fAT gh + UA, (T,,, - Tt ) w Substituting for Vinflow in the first equation yields a cubic equation in AT. Q = p,CpCdAcf/[ gh APw+] UiA, (T,, -To,, Solve for the temperature difference, then substitute and solve for the flow. Alternatively, solve the following equation for the flow and then substitute to obtain the temperature difference. +APwj Either way, recognize that cubic equations have three solutions, more than one of which may be physically realizable. One such case concerns a wind that opposes the flow direction established by buoyancy-driven flows. One solution has a relatively high indoor temperature and a net flow out of the top window. Another has a lower temperature, smaller buoyancy force, and flow out the lower window. The time history of the flows determines which solution is present under given conditions. An interesting discussion is found in Li et al., Building andEnvironment 36(2001):851-58. One way of looking at multiple solutions is shown below. This figure graphs the conservation-of-mass relations for various wind speeds and the conservation of energy relations. Intersection points indicate that both conservation laws are satisfied. 10 4.411 Building Technology Laboratory Volumetric flows n2............... ........ ...... . .. . · 2 1 o 25 ) 0 v=O - v=0.3 v=0.6 v=0.9 i v=1.2 - v=1.5 ~i.i v=-0.3 v=-0.6 -1 -.-... v=-0.9 V-- -2 1 .-'i v=-1.5 - -3 1 - del T,oC- 11 . qq iZkm I TrCI-c 1-.e)L F(LRJ tr cctC s 1iLJ6cc ng 1) t ov d R 7 pr'>x tcq- colt X t}13 rr4 - CA ;- , 12 - ALTftAVc f , I . i PC-m W usI at , c i VI" Cc Vr% ' SA, lleeIA:-L"L L2. K CAta ~~ ~eL ,J AA I 2 If j,,L , .,%,'-- 6 C,2 ece c7 a,(,4 Lu I /-'\Pz .i r i, b,3 L eCL Ak v ! IAJA 6 art. 1c? 4 I A g 7V, Ct ,,h L o '-l " .Wj4 a, L 1W- L'3 12-0 -~eQ A, frie4Mu4·U A 6`1 t& C2G4 K LrOA l~ cf, epn>AL6& ~&-,n /p C 07 if, cl - ,--iv CP p A-C r MyCa& - c, f~ , hi' I'Ac- vh r- Atf, 'fo f t - ?"! -I AX - ;7 (O)e Po ,cI �7�e�,u. dLc~~wCL e' e E&m? pke, C. IY f fplI 64 f pa, - Pp Rt 1P - "d . - Xou~-l7c . SD ?vsp0P,"I p:- P'½ Wt n. a)e r4 . /0,t -P i' J )r,"" - (Z- K 2 I,L. rL, c(a-A. 64'(_7 ke ") ARo Catpae PS~~ () -L~e, Flz c 1oL Adi, Paoj-ta P P6 1i V:3lpa - AP ) 6JQ1 IA, , > LAJi I (,z f" Ri' ,zz< rjl ,t0 10.1 Z 7 r,. -A pir Z& Aj,, .I pc I % (P tP"* tQ CO -fL Pr_ - (hIt-Ap-) IKo ,i 41srt ePw_.e 2 t" I L_ 4~c IL Lt ' ezc ,I e- 4U 1 T, aece LI T>Izt RFll j-r c'f 'Il /t. in A ,> 6n lt) -k 'T qe_- PC IL­ gos I Ca 51xpj - 1,6Le'"h fe C. )h I z- f" 3 If v-c 67A4 c Z' C-AJ ( 67V L-,u- 1-0 6< -I2117 -l T FpE A 1CHIMW UV 6L".5 Ljex"" iou~4;ts . l BA A 1 i4 JFo -W,: AIcl A Vl O ?r;'; A CL = 2- \f-, I \f dO~?,- 23 _ 2. f Axs) L~4J-drA AZPO &i_ 2ZP,' J -/P fv Cdz X Jpo IZ H,>} A p '2-~ Pa 2 6, 7- st 3 fc A~?,-= ?A22 &', f _ CX 2 '3s 24 pII- 1 P, - ( F>- + Cr -a 2Z act fr? f6-f13 Pc ~ 2 Z F13- - -Al 2 CLJ 7 A2 2 A7Z 2 'P13 Co Ie en P. IA - A.Z ? 3 A' 2 j p rcrs 2 ( AZEA@Z?) - 7-CA 2 ? 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G , 1J 3 , al/17/, ) I/ #1 - 2 CC., Cz42 <VA z+ 7~~ f-j (f 2~~ Cj Aa(A~i " -j- A- C (f,. - I A, Ci C.;4~,. c~~ Y A-t Al F2 ThL 23 t (iceae c2 oI- cjI 0-3~ m, ' tx ?h"IaluMMnS)~LI I cf- tr.FK, 2~~ Ic 2. I VIEC' 3 - v owe", 4 7 Altl ~L 6r a, I rQ A Ar: CdjI-, Vz A1 2o/ IWK A N) Ja) p7/i 7/0/ - A,- 2AZ A A S ?, 1 PC A ,eWz f I c,) - A -n~ C 2.'T C2j + Io Cc6,+ ( - pt C, (2 ' _iA ) 2z Z4 N) 1210( S j t -~) C + Ci) /x Cd - Ai cd CoCiX+ ( + Pr 2 C2oC612 ~ A (cc1 ICW;( - (,-1i(S ic- CCAJa - Ccli z/ c6uvJEC A1 Cd - I 6~~C~o~ wJ Ij C 1.4 C6,, c, o 1 C.JZ 1i/ W-) cJ j - _ . L4 3cj 3 /z L td il ( I*I I&,P~ L qae- o &l o-46 rcAot Caotse VL -41 { 2/22/C - VrL>O (f m b L i lly) ~~CL ~L sA___ _ pp 287- 21 / i Li J:2 \lA> ( A 4 I C p CL L- j ~1. >1 A 4 3x. Ir -) ay 1 -5,\ r1o ~t(e e7 - o ) f c~ e\,bPa yx IC,,)na /PCkPC &i - e Li it A ai IV2omar$z�uc� -- C)) 'PLILIVZ-I/x + (joLV AX) ~ .1aL / a 0 f LVdC I "leH NeA PRa oF h FlV3L~rA , XrZ41 e~Lj aFre4 any\A sxcey &X £P S, ( Viazoo CvZmJ - AX A/ jjw,,LL- mame,,,L" d/Q5GLvf) piA4 z/AY I D 4 V ,n&~~9~6~ l s (y) _ _~/y' 6 mxotif (,pLs) Cle 5;( pu-\V tiJI y - ( z, x 64 I-'- &/ (T.,< LS's &Y 'A~ K- 6,wy /N; Wc e Surfct ~~t 4 te- e At ( x e-ew~lh e-- *; re X 1 voeu;lul- _C ) (Gx -1 LX & ~eccd1 Ktc II ,EJ,,L (.Pu) tAx k . ( (' tLA- 4 j ay (P L- tr tsx w & y- 66xy t P- c c-~e ) (p ct - ) p 1 , dt L J(e 1 D ( ai dt- A dt Foii 6 ( LAl A ( v ILTRCZ~ /- /h, I"y _,p 269& .qf ( : a)· t b Yx 'cclX w7tcL'V 1 cL4 Ak TL - y .x -1 pi -I 7 ) t .JW4glL G 3 'Ca4, L -reIled b f-L P aRj fe d'o'nd v4VC, 4 ic R6a ITCC,) -PA SYx - f p " /12 bx //--- ( t 6j" - S<lw 4^ I[4rlc L5 A Z I 6C I4\ () 3 ,a x ax Tab rwbn a 'A - 5 44<<n i44-/A M l&pZjrf "t -o ­ ( as­ ay e ( > UXIJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i~~n6X c>l~>ldI -P 2;4 I x° h ( Ztlt T[4. t -c ,l, ,o -iR\ I,/ bn A y .tM -gko aA~ \~onpz~s, A , )CV&-A s/X a -, NeA 1 a0 A 8, eq, axv±v'/ , 4 -aj uw SA nQe41L r229 d Lk a./X* K 1-U ~ ~~E3 -[ +e al" - -9 cL Cernl, Lr 'fL ,• - ,P a% (Y ARleac , ,szt C33cC) 0) fo -4 tJvL u a �p/uu. f7 8tx C-zAse ~, - ~ 2v -r lo& x cl ckC C37C4 CD ", 2u U Jo u IS tv Alp ateJ IrlJISIcl 1 ,s, jd U- u 3?( 1 3 ­ jc, ace 6 t-4 P OW ft)7 )X e-f I13�,f A00 /// ' '.5 2. 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X Vr & pe cU1 , L 4 L C4c k4 (tzc4 Ac N-I iaccuia4 6i '~ w-,; A cj /z fpcziP Re, 'Af. ts & ctS kr L4,Uo h JII : I c 7 U at y m/s ­ I, 5 10- mz/N tPi 1Lt f', hl Ike L"I~~~i, i m (J~~~~P~~ R I - - '?238 AI r Aek LLXld Ikd v,,r, ----f -- --- Xf ~ Aw L ,/ 'See a 1. Mo_ 'ItpCw * LLc u" IAv r 4aracjC4 e44I1 t3s , JtzPt ItM3 nuA djes 771 's 1( tkr-e t Iir 'kh(cLr p4 JL a air vji core eqaI 6 aA f C n mCzLcI tL tc ~c, 1 6fsv-mVIOJi flvtl~ nn Jbovn OL dG~Ca~L~e end r cru- htLtLC"- of 4ke- 1lDL AlJliv 7i? aS e4xala 'sake reh~t~ I tMlx ri c' ec CU ~CC 7 I-e- I 11 I CY\ :. :)~ ( r4eLnJ C\4 J lr{ >+ Lnfeol ~4L of Ju4 xt 1ne divRe~, 7 dCa4a G nthar n n jclje Is 4ercalk,,+ r rivu:>"Lz 3 f ctL lJ (t Lzo , ;tt, - Vaie o v o mz~h(A IP\ *, OvekesfZl ir z lar Iatwj ceoi ,1e cl rcft "6AtVme;1. ie,,r. #Ims -cxlleJ f Lde 2 ­ e r)s bma4n Icyl 1t IlCLb bl-fa le X the coae At er ef,,IA 212-9140 fl e Flm-3 Joe4il 1 W,6 " Lb Yno-re_ a 10 CJ SlL&Lre iC S~~C~L~1 Jet centreline Virtu origi x VAo - k , ~Qc7/rA PoLL.Vcre 1, e f1 cl d,' v 5W _r/at is ;jj eompkCe-e Lenr j Jefl6A O {ci: Jpe J lvLce p'r a!f sh~~~plS, , leI114 t . xl6, - 10 elm4aLen 6 I A1d c e3 * MI-AinA ICX cenrt4lle elo( 4 2. CoracterIs.. he 4A 0m Je rl h n f e_ rF1 · 1~~. p j* cv rfl"ei Un' e s5p/: ue,,0Ioc LU, 071­ e~rmsvmpluT~Af l1ee eqL(A ctecr.a"e4 u'eloc-i I I 06 Te I1eA oF the.,~. o. n ~,n 1e oK, f , rea hcAWS l $a -o1, MezI 1o, I n, r· I k1 - ,e. O adI~ 1$ 1 +,,)A. . eg 614 ~ I is asso" a~eCL W4 jp~,n" ('u e 5LI4 X g & C . 41( L ±eas ped Sqlte oar clr-e Iglt CT~w A 3 . A-is5wmye tc /,l~ 4 Is Jl ReUe Jee -- i, "-i~ t ~trl Ellz j&e ­ V15c4" "Tr4 SLar 6e Lew r 3ear P-A91M r'%kt '16 raW 1h 4k Lc, Fe X\1 II qp6* ce a g r -lek preJm'nao+ Tll 1)nA*, SIM5 Lt6* Ib; e 6 0ng L the i5reJ £Jxher le fJI, celcJ iAk ,st f lj or 3-b , 6 L e e4 10o 4. qt.kucLA i Maf­ llG4eLfr I OK X( rwf '4. Iec~ Thecvtj I A Rgetl \. ' reo 1,,m sjorA Cbrt aier ar I Um Ot 2 ('to0 5 Suvrms ,f n- , rexg &M wc3b-- (3-bA A $151nntmmen 5?lai e pc4lAh cawfix- l I L je~cttl' I oIl 0 sJG core CfeCll fd- -------- leA. 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( d, ,lyo~~ d p dVof <s 2/2cr \nlJgo&IIt I~bE calm4 Ve f wJ 44 " ( 0/ mc, mi r ja )Y it LOJea~ cl& 4f-nDe-r; Ce 1; o. 02 E. l£ lk P L c iriar& &rr arm Re, ctl it 'i rtLCe,- 4io tI C Xc do - ransition He = x Iv 1 i0 3 2 4 6 8104 4 b6BlU 2 Re = Uoddv D vlU OV 16 leJ I PA-9/0 VI (/I) Exc;ple t..I A A ,-- L -Si A Racvt LA , , C I rc i 1 '4 & 445 C ee. b Ads, teak irese ap" kleJ K 3 AO c, S mcl 1 I- A4 , ,LfefJ of Tv / : o.6L r ro r ,2z 0.6,_ 2/9/o - I b - C-A Ii,Ae. \IOIe- i d I</ 1>/cIi) TUD kV Thke IL 6 Us ox fA I Co (AD 0 J'e. m11 eoji ( t1 lepol5 Ccht Wl,chOr &crete F FK1J 1O R !Aer) 6 co Urr 'A Uo X 1oWI0 , 0 6 U ot - affeJ w, rey I I r kerT 14t I r;ac Aft je rC l11, (Q t- 3. o0 Is F. Re iI o. J o. RI eal( lvrib&L4 IL !k , V 7 hI -CI A.5 16 \Z/A 4 !,!$ \,rvY/f es 4cs i - h L edt ,5fDcoe.