Steel Building material of the 20th century Outstanding structural properties Higher buildings Longer spans Slender constructions Photographs removed due to copyright restrictions: Vogesen School, Basel (CH) (Diener&Diener, 1994) Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (Labrouste, 1875) Menier Chocolate Factory, France (Saulnier, 1872) Steel Building material of the 20th century Outstanding structural properties Higher buildings Longer spans Slender constructions Glazed buildings Photographs removed due to copyright restrictions: Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago (Mies van der Rohe 1940) Farnworth House, Plano (USA) (Mies van der Rohe, 1945) Steel Building material of the 20th century Outstanding structural properties Higher buildings Longer spans Slender constructions Glazed buildings Photographs removed due to copyright restrictions: Glass skyscraper, Chicago (project) (Mies van der Rohe, 1922) Crystal Palace, Universal Exhibition (Paxton, 1851) Steel Building material of the 20th century Outstanding structural properties Higher buildings Longer spans Slender constructions Photographs removed due to copyright restrictions: Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao (Gehry, 1997) Glazed buildings Prefabrication Orthogonal assembly but free "veil" form Steel Frames with cantilevering beams Image by MIT OCW. Image by MIT OCW. Steel Frames with cantilevering beams with continuous columns Image by MIT OCW. Image by MIT OCW. Steel Frames with cantilevering beams with continuous columns two-way frames Image by MIT OCW. Photograph removed due to copyright restrictions: Tea House, Vienna (Marterer, 1998) D6 D7 b a Image by MIT OCW. Steel Issue of fire-protection Heat affects steel’s load-carrying ability Strategy depends on ­ Building use ­ Occupancy ­ Space heating ­ Number of storeys Protection measures ­ Oversizing ­ Intumescent paint ­ Concrete cladding or filling Image by MIT OCW. Steel 1/10 Trusses for extreme spans Senior citizen’s home by MVRDV (1997) Depth of beam h (m) 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1/12 1/15 1/18 1/24 1/36 Span 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1(m) Element (loadbearing) Span 1(m) h*/l -10 m 6-15 m 1/18 - 1/36 1/15 - 1/24 Castellated beam ( ) 8-20 m 10-25 m Lattice beam 1/12 - 1/18 1/10 - 1/15 Roof purlin ( ) Floor beam ( ) Image by MIT OCW. Steel Diagonals and diamonds Ornamental quality Form directly related to structure Photographs removed due to copyright restrictions: Faculty of Law, Cambridge (UK) (Foster, 1995) Mediathek, Japan (Ito, 2001) Swiss Re Tower, London (Foster, 2000) Steel Diagonals and diamonds Ornamental quality Form directly related to structure Photographs removed due to copyright restrictions: Sabolovka Radio Mast, London (Suchov, 1919) Prada Epicenter Store, Tokyo (Herzog&DeMeuron, 2001) Swiss Re Tower, London (Foster, 2000) Steel Canopy Independent structure Space generator Photographs removed due to copyright restrictions: Hall of Labor, Turin (Nervi, 1961) Stansted Airport, London (Foster, 1991) Steel Folding of metal for reinforcement Aluminum-based loadbearing constructions (Jean Prouvé) Photographs removed due to copyright restrictions: Méridienne de l’Observatiore, Paris (Prouvé, 1951) Centenaire de l’Aluminium, Paris (Prouvé, 1954) Steel Main reference for lecture contents: “Constructing Architecture” by Deplazes: pp. 113-138 Additional readings relevant to lecture topics: "Fundamentals of Building Construction" by Allen & "Building Construction Illustrated" by Ching & Adams chapters on steel