Passive controls Passive solar heating Direct gain and control of heat flow ­ control of sunlight penetration ­ good thermal quality of window (thermal insulation, thermal bridges) ­ proper orientation ­ other factors Low-E placement for warm climates Low-E placement for cold climates Passive controls Passive solar heating Direct gain and control of heat flow Heat storage wall (transparent insulation) ­ stores heat in wall mass ­ adds to direct gain Image by MIT OCW. Passive controls Passive solar heating Direct gain and control of heat flow Heat storage wall ­ stores heat in wall mass ­ adds to direct gain SUMMER WINTER MASONARY BLACK GLASS Trombe wall Image by MIT OCW. Passive controls Passive solar heating Direct gain and control of heat flow Winter Heat storage wall Greenhouse ­ heat collection during the day ­ buffer during the night Summer Image by MIT OCW. Passive controls Passive solar heating Direct gain and control of heat flow Heat storage wall Greenhouse ­ heat collection during the day ­ buffer during the night ­ design constraints ­ draw-backs Passive controls Passive solar heating Control Potential Zone ­ limit temperature(s) achievable with passive control: Dv x A x η = q x (Ti – To) 30 % 40 % ­ report on psychrometric chart and determine CPZ 15 2 ET 40 0% · SET Image by MIT OCW. 0 SET 3 20 5 · ET 25 ET 20 · · 30 22.3 24.8 27.3°C 40 10 8.5 g/kg 35 · % 10 11.5 50 0 Passive controls Passive solar heating Thermal mass Passive controls Jacobs House II in Wisconsin (Frank Lloyd Wright) Photographs and floor plans removed due to copyright restrictions. Passive controls Theuer House in Phoenix AZ (William Bruder) Photograph and floor plan removed due to copyright restrictions. Passive controls Passive solar heating Thermal mass mass distribution continuous occupation cold or hot-dry climates 35 night ventilation Temperature (oC) specific mass Day Ventilation 30 25 Night Ventilation 20 15 Image by MIT OCW. 2 3 4 5 Date in August 6 7 Outside oT Passive controls Passive solar heating Thermal mass Boundaries of the Control Potential Zone 30 Solid: with 1 m/s velocity Dotted: with 1.5 m/s 25 20 15 Air movement 10 heat dissipation cross-ventilation or fans apparent cooling effect: 5 -10oC 0 Image by MIT OCW. 10 20 Cross-ventilation Two openings dT = 6v - 1.6v2 Stationary warm air One opening 30 40 50 0g/kg Chimney Passive controls Passive solar heating Thermal mass Air movement Fibrous material pad e.g. wood shavings in cheese cloth Evaporative cooling Perforated drip pipe Pump Motor Fan Image by MIT OCW. Sump with float valve for make-up water Thermal balance Equilibrium of heat gains and losses Qi + Qc + Qs + Qv + Qe = 0 Thermal balance Qi + Qc + Qs + Qv + Qe = 0 Qi = internal gain (±) Internal Gains Heat Balance: QF + QV + QS + QI + QE Image by MIT OCW. Thermal balance Qi + Qc + Qs + Qv + Qe = 0 Qi = internal gain (±) Qc = conduction gain (±) Summer Sun Approx. Outside Air O Temp 30 Fabric Gains Heat Balance: QF + QV + QS + QI + QE Image by MIT OCW. Thermal balance Qi + Qc + Qs + Qv + Qe = 0 Qi = internal gain (±) Qc = conduction gain (±) Winter Sun Qs = solar gain (+) Approx. Outside Air O Temp 12 Solar Gains Heat Balance: QF + QV + QS + QI + QE Image by MIT OCW. Thermal balance Qi + Qc + Qs + Qv + Qe = 0 Qi = internal gain (±) Qc = conduction gain (±) Qs = solar gain (+) Qv = ventilation gain (±) Ventilation Gains Heat Balance: QF + QV + QS + QI + QE Image by MIT OCW. Thermal balance Qi + Qc + Qs + Qv + Qe = 0 Qi = internal gain (±) Qc = conduction gain (±) Qs = solar gain (+) Qv = ventilation gain (±) Qe = evaporative loss (-) Evaporative Gains Heat Balance: QF + QV + QS + QI + QE Image by MIT OCW. Thermal balance Qi + Qc + Qs + Qv + Qe = 0 for design project Qi = internal gain (+) = secondary heat sources + primary heating Qc = conduction gain (-) Qs = solar gain (+) Qv = ventilation gain (-) Passive gains/losses (for early March) Qe = evaporative loss (-) ≈ 0 determine active ("primary") heating component in Qi Integrated approach: new classroom at MIT Criteria and risks for site envelope materials … Passive controls, Thermal Balance Reading assignment from Textbook: “Introduction to Architectural Science” by Szokolay: § 1.4 (Intro) + § 1.5.1 - 1.5.2 Additional readings relevant to lecture topics: "How Buildings Work" by Allen: Chap 9 + pp. 73 - 77 in Chap 10 "Heating Cooling Lighting" by Lechner: Chaps 7 + 10