Vector spaces of countable dimension over algebraic number fields by Leon Eugene Mattics A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Mathematics Montana State University © Copyright by Leon Eugene Mattics (1967) Abstract: An investigation of denumerably infinite dimensional vector spaces over algebraic number fields supplied with non-degenerate Hermitian forms is undertaken. The Hermitian forms are divided into Glasses according to the underlying field automorphisms. If Κ is a field and ς is an automorphism such that(Formula not captured by OCR)then &sigman; is called weakly orthonormal (orthonormal) if and only if every denumerably infinite-dimensional Κ -vector space supplied by a non-degenerate form out of the class of Hermitian forms of ς has a(Formula not captured by OCR) orthogonal basis (an orthonormal basis). A field &Kappa is called weakly orthonormal (orthonormal) if and only if (Formula not captured by OCR) is weakly orthonormal (orthonormal). Finite extensions of orthonormal fields are orthonormal fields. By the Hasse-Minkowski theory of quadratic forms, the algebraic extensions of the rationale which are orthonormal are precisely the non-formally real algebraic extensions. The weakly orthonormal algebraic extensions of the nationals are precisely the algebraic extensions with at most one ordering. Over algebraic extensions of the nationals with precisely one ordering, Sylvester's theorem holds for denumerably infinite-dimensional vector spaces supplied with symmetric non-degenerate bilinear forms; so, such spaces are characterized by a complete set of two cardinal invariants. Let ς be an arbitrary automorphism over algebraic number field Κ with(Formula not captured by OCR) Criteria, depending on the fixed field of ς in Κ and the generator of KL over the fixed field of ς, are given to determine whether or not ς is orthonormal (weakly orthonormal). J VECTOR SPACES OF COUNTABLE DIMENSION OVER ALGEBRAIC NUMBER FIELDS by LEON EUGENE MATTIC S A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of '.DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ‘ in Mathematic s Approved: ead, Major Department _ I-OSS Chairman, Examinini Committee an. Graduate Division ,1 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY ; Bozeman, Montana June, 1967 (ill) ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is deeply indebted to his teacher and thesis advisor, Dre Herbert Gross. (iv) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. II. HI. IV. PAGE INTRODUCTION I ORTHONORMAL FIELDS 5 ORTHONORMAL ALGEBRAIC NUMBER FIELDS 10' HERMITIAN FORMS 22 LITERATURE CITED 30 (v) ABSTRACT ■ An investigation of denumerably infinite dimensional vector spaces over algebraic number fields supplied with non-degenerate Hermitian forms is undertaken. The Hermitian forms are divided into Glasses ac­ cording to the underlying field automorphisms. If K- is a field and CT is an automorphism such that <s" o cr ■= then cs~ is called weakly orthonormal.(orthonormal) if and only if every denumerably in­ finite-dimensional K- -vector space supplied by a non-degenerate form out of the class of Hermitian forms of cr~ has a j=. ortho­ gonal basis (an orthonormal basis). A field K_ is called weakly orthonormal (orthonormal) if and only if " H vl is weakly orthonormal (orthonormal). Finite extensions of orthonormal fields are orthonormal fields. By the Hasse-Minkowski theory of quadratic forms, the algebraic extensions of the rationals which are orthonormal are precisely the nonformally real algebraic extensions. The weakly orthonormal algebraic extensions of the rationals are precisely the algebraic extensions with at most one ordering. Over algebraic extensions of the rationals with precisely one ordering, Sylvester's theorem holds for denumerably infinite-dimensional vector spaces supplied with symmetric non-degenerate bilinear forms; so, such spaces are characterized by a complete set of two cardinal invariants. Let cr*. be an arbitrary automorphism over algebraic number field K. with <5— a <3- -= "!SLx*. . Criteria, depending on the fixed field of in K- and the generator of K- over the fixed field of , are given to determine whether or not cr is orthonormal (weakly orthonormal). CHAPTER,I INTRODUCTION Let VC be a commutative field and cT an automorphism of K- such that the composite map c r <=»<$" is the identity automorphism, \C we shall write ^ VL . If <=*< is any element of a _ ({<1 ,<5^) -vector space (SE, over VL X Xyr--Yf ' . together with a bilinear form H " G X E VA ^ IA 1-1 (x, ^ ) - H on we shall mean a vector space — -z (-C- xZ^) , V ^ 6 K ^ , V y ;N) 6 E ^ (^i v ) . . By such that El, We shall call such a form a Hermitian form over VL with respect to <5~ and denote the class of all such IA by ( 1<L ^<7" *) subspace of VZ with the form ? %>y ( V-% A F ^ x P" » A K- -vector space E is non-degenerate. write W y W - V - I C X j Y s) Two vectors X H L X 1nZN O and Sj ^ together It is easy to show that any defines at least one Hermitian form . (K. ic^) -vector space ( the form |A is a linear If there is no risk of confu­ instead of (,£■ A'). automorphism c$~ with <5~ o d ' =. ILjc over a If F* we shall mean the subspaoe restricted to sion, we shall write £ * H ) is called semisimple if and only if Given (,Ey and call in a space and Y <5 Lr then we shall \\>C\\ the length of the vector X • (Ey Vi) are orthogonal if and only if • We shall take the usual meanings for orthogonal basis and orthonormal basis. If the (algebraic) dimension of ( E 7 VL) is denumerably infinite, we shall write cltw\£ - ^ o or CGTjLAs)"= of C E A) is at most countable, then we know that £ • If the dimension has an orthogonal 2 basis with respect to H • Attempts to classify spaces ( up to orthogonal automorphism have-, for this reason, been restricted to the cases of finite and denumerable dimensions. Again let cf <r o cT =. every . be an automorphism of a commutative field \<L with We shall say that <f -dimensional semisimple orthonormal basis. field VC If is orthonormal if and only if • \C. -vector space with H 6 has an is orthonormal then we shall say that the is orthonormal (i.ei, 1-4. is orthonormal if and only if. every - dimensional vector space (.E. j §>) over VC with a symmetric bilinear form has an orthonormal basis). normal is and only if every ( E 1W ) with such that We shall say that df* is weakly ortho­ -dimensional semisimple vector space admits of :an orthogonal decomposition, E - F" A has an orthonormal basis and Gr basis (i.e., an orthogonal basis ] with Gr- has a negative orthonormal = for all I). If dL^is weakly orthonormal, then we shall say that \C is weakly orthonormal. In this paper we shall investigate the problem of determining the orthonormal and weakly orthonormal automorphisms of algebraic number fields. , This investigation is initiated in Chapters .11 and III with the study of orthonormal and weakly orthonormal fields. In Chapter III we shall find a surprisingly easy answer (Theorem 3 and Corollary 8) to the classification problem for orthonormal and weakly orthonormal algebraic number fields (a problem proposed by Kaplansky) and we shall even be able to extend the classification, by the Hass e-Minkowski theory of quadratic forms, to all algebraic extensions of the nationals. - 3 In Chapter II we shall show that finite algebraic extensions of orthonormal fields are also, orthonormal fields (Theorem l) by use of the following theorem of Fischer and Gross: Theorem Gi ( » Corollary 4, pp.23Q) real field with char K. "A dimensional Let ^ 2-. be a not formally §i) is an .If ' - K r -vector space with a non-degenerate, sym­ metric bilinear form <j) then ( . E T ^ admits of an ortho- normal basis if and only if there is an linear subspaoe p- of E, such that -dimensional ^jprC F"VC ^ ^ O % . The classification problem (as regards orthonormal and weakly ortho­ normal fields) has a simple answer for large classes of underlying fields. This is best illustrated by a theorem of Kaplansky: Theorem Kr Let ^e a field (char some fixed space , every 2- ) with the property that for -dimensional semisimple vector (EI4^ with <4€ C ;dL has a vector of length Ar i or — 1 IL then KL is a weakly orthonormal field. if K» is not formally real, then K- Further, is an orthonormal field. The proof of the theorem proceeds by inductive construction. A critical role is played by the fact that, under the conditions stated, one can find "enough" subspaces of finite dimension which are spanned by orthogonal bases with all basis vectors of the same length. In Chapter III we shall prove a theorem (Theorem 2) which guarantees the existence of such subspaces in the case of an arbitrary (denumerable) space (Ejtjp) over an algebraic number field* (such as K For special choices of K- not formally real) one obtains an elementary proof for the existence of orthonormal bases; however, the Hasse-Minkowski theory of quadratic forms (see C"il -^or a^1 exposition) yields much stronger results so the usefulness of Theorem 2 will not be demonstrated until the study of arbitrary Hermitian forms is undertaken in Chapter IV. In Chapter IV necessary and sufficient conditions are given to determine whether or not an arbitrary automorphism of an algebraic number field is orthonormal or weakly orthonormal. Several examples are then given to demonstrate the use of this criteria. Notation: In Chapters II and III, we shall study symmetric bilinear forms exclusively. the form Thus, if we write is symmetric. we shall automatically mean that If we write ( E jV^x) we shall mean that H is an arbitrary Hermitian form. If ^i\— E <£; _fS— is an index set and then by the F h tS « By E - E = is a subspace of E we mean that E 6 decomposition of the spaces - we mean that ^ -fc.£ _ A — . E for each a direct sum of isan-orthogonal This and all other vector space notation is consistent w i t h L / O * We shall always denote thefield of rational numbers K ( © ) is a simple algebraicextension K(6) then X of K. by . If with [ K ( 8) I\<3 - Vi has a unique representation as a polynomial in Q degree less than Vl . We denote the degree of this polynomial by All field theoretic notation is consistent with LtO-] . and of . CHAPTER II ORTHONORMAL FIELDS Some examples of orthonormal fields are the complex numbers the algebraic closure of the rationale G) in C. C , and any finite field. All of these fields have the property that the order of the multiplica­ tive group of the field modulo square factors is finite.. Such fields are called Kneser fields and were found to be orthonormal.fields in C.2-1 . It is quite obvious that all finite algebraic extensions of the fields in the examples are also orthonormal fields. In this section we shall show that any finite algebraic extension of an orthonormal field is orthonormal. Corollary I : (To definition) then Proof: If a field K* is non-formally real. By the definition of orthonormal there is at least one positive Oa integer K . is an orthonormal field, such that the equation Thus, % X. — has a solution in VC is non-formally real. We shall now list several corollaries of Theorem G. To avoid monotonous repetition of the same sort of argument, we shall only give the proof of Corollary 6. Corollary 2: A field IfC is orthonormal if and only if every semisimple (Vg-dimensional |C -vector space possesses an infinite dimensional totally isotropic subspace. Corollary 3 : A field VC is orthonormal if and only if every semisimple /^-dimensional vector \C. -vector space has a non zero isotropic -SCorollary 4 } Let ^ be an orthonormal field and t.Q of non zero elements of ' Let Then there are elements with such that a SL/ * ' ^ CK^ Let Then there are elements in the sequence and elements in the field l<. with elements «=><•* . • - <=*- *-) that L'? L Z 1_ re- rn ' J x • prove the necessity, the field with o be an in the field ^ with <D such . " L "L - “ ■ ** It remains only to there exists -=^1.) • • - - = ^ vvi in and such that — -j_ , i.e. (/^-dimensional semi simple has an orthogonal basis, say we have that non zero elements We notice immediately that K . is non-formally real, since for the sequence i O each L . ^ . — - I. . \<- -vector space then ^ Since (..Ej <^) is semisimple, Therefore, consider the sequence By hypothesis there are elements H <25.11 * ' ' .U^. j\in the sequence and elements in the field such that We now consider the sequence ^ X. WNJr'!. )' ' ' . in the sequence and The sufficiency follows from corollary 4. i'i.'L -= O be a field then \C is an orthonormal field if and of VC. there are elements Qii Let (j- t * '/0 ^ such that 7 ^<?i q only if for every sequence Proof: . Ck ■ be an orthonormal field and £<3, ^ ^ ^ be a sequence of non zero elements of K. . Corollary 6 : ^ ^ be a sequence in the sequence and elements o f ^ • * in the field Corollary 5 : , . t l\S and elements, of the field . By hypothesis we find * * ' T fWNV^ -7such that ^e''-^C><0 — "I* or ^ evIL ~ " We now have that •s” WVvfJj the non zero vector is isotropici By Corollary 3 the assertion is proved. We shall use the corollaries to obtain the main result of Chapter II,*. Theorem I ; Let VC* be an orthonormal field and extension then V v C©) Proof: Assume CK(.©V. t O - W V . O -dimensional CE, ^ • is orthonormal. Let I1V ^ -vector space. non zero isotropic vector. ICCs'i a simple algebraic Let be an arbitrary We must show that LEj contains a L*^ I. 156 an orthogonal basis of By relabeling the subscripts of the <3 ^ S we decompose (,Ej ^ 1 in the following manner: 1) Split - ;(lEL , <|,) civmE^ 2) - C^o f°r '\jz. I. ♦ Note that E (, , ^ E 1-^j ) with the is semisimple. Split each ( E c ; <|>) into packets: ( £ I 1^ ) - (Lvvl E c^z: m) into packets: C for ^ *> IL » Split each Note that • • ss. ^ (b. with the is semisimple. ( Irvt-I. subscripts) into packets: Iafif) withthe for p F ix an Step I) -I. . Note that ( E i. ^ . . >■* Sl • > ‘ 1S SL | <4 ) . We assert that each vector space ( a non zero vector X semisimple. such that ^ Q tW X V W . E . — 2- . contains 8 - - Suppose that this is not the case. that = W i - IL Then there is a p' "> zL for any non zero vector 1X such in (E. This space is semisimple and it has an orthogonal basis;say Now s “ "^q C U with O, • • « . jf-o = Vvt - -3- . Therefore, K- . T h u s, \<— . O. jv \-i.( u 4 O L ... • <s>^ in K» with •= ° We have i-/^ 4 o • i Z- <L. . such that 3 © O U s . in the such that since ^4"- O has a non zero .'SAy, 4 ^ ~ and contrary to the supposition. . ^ ' . "4"v"^ ^ V ‘U v. zL ‘ O Now ^ A Therefore, for. each vector fo r each ’ A ^ L1W w ^ cV. and by supposition is a sequence of non zero elements in By Corollary 5 there exists <X^ sequence and of . . W X - Q L and thus (E :A C contains an infinite set of linearly independent mutually orthogonal vectors Step 2) ^ ^ ^ Now let L^L""' > that for each ^ remain fixed but vary JL . there exists an infinite set of linearly independent mutually orthogonal vectors such that We have from Step I contained in ( \\£ js.^ w'X *£ W \ "2- • ••s cji ^ We consider the following cases for each 9. . . Case i) For one p , ftp W — O then we are done, since then contains a non zero isotropic vector. Case ii) One of the <Sa p, is such that d B U l Ce. vector and call it Case ill) For every . < Wr2. Choose this * we have that <^6 (U€ft^\\) ^ Wi-Z • method of Step I) on the leading coefficients of Reapply the l\^ ,p, ^ to find a 9 non zero vector X in the space generated by is a subspace of ^ e. t 4> ) We call this vector ^ ) such that ^ (which ^ to( U K U s)^ »^-2. . « Therefore, from Cases i), ii) and iii) either (Ej isotropic vector or .. -Sj has a non zero has an infinite set of mutually ortho­ gonal linearly independent vectors CL with „ Continuing the process (if we don't find a non zero isotropic vector at one step) we find that (.Ej has an infinite set of mutually orthogonal linearly independent vectors < 5 UU; - Q (i.e. we find that ^ ^ But IlU i1W KL ). *2 VA' I. such that Reapplying the method of Step I has a non zero isotropic vector. was arbitrary, therefore the theorem is proved by Corollary 3. Theorem I immediately leads to; Corollary 7 : If Vts is an orthonormal field and extension of Remark; ^ Vs. such -dimensional semisimple tropic vectors and is a finite algebraic , then \<L, is orthonormal. Gross has asked the following question; orthonormal field VL Does there exist an that for any integer Vl > £> there is a K. -vector space |\j< chin F< (^\ with no non zero iso­ ? If the answer is in the negative, then Theorem I has a much simpler proof. CHAPTER III . ORTHONORMAL ALGEBRAIC. NUMBER FIELDS, In chapter II we studied fields in general; in this chapter we turn our attention to algebraic number fields. is a finite algebraic extension of Q If K a perfect field, there is an element O Furthermore, if <& — <Q.~ ^ Definition I ; Let N and § (M,vvt - 2.* with of Q then because K. such that then (o") — K - Q is (Q) „ C5>(_0) . ITl be two positive integers then we define ^ 3 VzV4r-V<lV H - 3 ' H > I- j - S ( U - - I ) -V I. Theorem 2 ; Let be a finite algebraic extension of the rationale with CG^C©) . — VX . Let VA be an arbitrary posi­ tive integer then any semisimple Q / S'”)-vector space of dimension at least ^ ( W , contains M linearly inde­ pendent mutually orthogonal vectors of the same length. Furthermore, the proof of the theorem will show that we may select the VA mutually orthogonal vectors such that their lengths are not zero. Before proving this theorem, we list several lemmas. If |” I©V is a finite algebraic extension of — YX , then any element i tation as a polynomial in & with coefficients in Q . of C with has a unique represen­ of degree less than or equal to VX — {L Weldenote by the degree of this polynomial. Lemma I: Let Q C be a finite algebraic extension, of Q L Q C © V . Q l - VX . If and Q - B t* c- Q Ce) with Q vvx Al O 11 and VY\■< V\ then there is O i) Q i e ' t - Q C m 3) C t- * O , If w\ and O vvt = Z j Thus, the coefficients "2- C J for ^7 G We take the first terms of each polynomial in C^ . Lemma 2 ; . p > 0 ; • are polynomials in efficients of the same sign as A ^ , - <s> — p i -£ ifI'X w>-: a <D O we take 0 - ^ . Q If VVX > O then we set p* P pyV _m • ; Iw% ^•E CVu G c •=: 5 - a. 'u ( © ~ p-V- p 1) s S such that Vn _ — 2) Proof of Lemma I: in p p p with leading co­ large enough so that are dominate. Then for such Further, » i.e. we set . Let Q (.Q n) be an algebraic extension of <Q Let Q ^ » » t^SL, be elements of f o r each i ( i t . b^x Furthermore, assume that O i uyrk^ O Sv^YV b SX<^yx with VjQlGx)! <j^ —Y\ • Lo") such that C-tP-') and • ( I t L t A-j and that . for I t L , ^ t ; then there exists 0 <£ (^ (©*) such that I) Proof of Lemma 2: ■=. Q L o ) , Z T t f c 1C U W - G ^ j- C Lfct O V Z - T J l 3) s W ^ vvk ^ We set © 5 1^VV — ©-pas for all L ^ in the proof of Lemma I. follows from that proof that we merely have to choose It is, of course, essential that JL< O O , p all S t e j . It large enough. - 12 Definition 2 » Let be a finite algebraic extension of CQteY. Q 3 . Let X e Q t e xI , be an integer such that that X C> I <IA. has an induced degree with » and let VVl Then we shall say , (denoted ~ if and only if there is an element =Y <= Q ) such that rT v v ^ . Remark: Lemma 3 : We note that X Let Q may admit various induced degrees.. ( O') be a finite extension of the rationale with ~ either Vl y I.. If X^ y Q>(.©\ with - Y l - I L or ^ ^ o We may have - V l - 2L. Proof of Lemma 3: We can always achieve this by multiplying X suitable power of O by a . We now state a theorem proved by Minkowski (See C"IfJ * p. 433). Theorem M ; Given rationale 0 ^ - 0 , Io 4 O » that the form - V - V O C « &■ 4-0 * <2.4 O 4 such 4 is indefi­ nite, then the form has a non-trivial zero in the rationale. We now use Theorem M and the proceeding lemmas to complete the proof of Theorem 2» Proof of the Theorem; If Irl — 3- then by Theorem M ^(VA1yL'') is indeed sufficient, so let us assume that Yi > •!. . (E; IcX , ujIifsgov* is semisimple, so it has an orthogonal basis with 4 O . Therefore, by multiplying our basis vectors by suitable scalars I ^ — 3 G. Q we have by Lemma 3 that for each L . Call this new basis : ^ l. In") ( <2 ^ Xe )• “ IJ We note that: From this we deduce that at least one of the following cases must hold: Case I) There are at least Z - ' ^ ^€[^3 ^ Case 2) ^ ^ - V X - I. vectors in the basis whose lengths have a degree in © There are at least 2.,>!v •. *W over Q i of v\ - I. . jL vectors in the basis < L -6.^UjlIv^ wllose lengths have a degree in £=► over <Q of \r\— 2. . From this we may deduce that at least one of the four following cases must hold: Case la) There are at least zT vectors G. in the basis i "[g ^3 < I* ^UXlI-Vvllose lenBtI1S (as minimal polynomials in © degree r\«=l. and positive leading coefficients. ) have ArVX-3 Case lb) There are at least 4" » V\ vectors in the basis ^ ^ ^ . ^ ( V X 1VO) whose lengths have degree — 3- and negative leading co efficients. A Xa Case 2a) There are. at least •M vectors in the basis whose lengths have degree ^ and positive leading co efficients. Mvx--IVjS Case 2b) There are at least 4- ^ G ^3^A •K vectors in the basis w^lose lengths have degree r\- %. and negative leading coefficients. Assume that Case la) holds; b = = is I E lI l 5 =ay then we may choose vectors out of the i. 4, such ‘"at a L|n_1><3 . 1:-5l L-C ^ rn' 3- N . Call the subspace generated by these vectors 4_«. L* 4^" ^ . Note that atl orthogonal basis and that (Fj By Lemma 2 we may change to a new generator 0 with and each ^ L for each with L ^ with is semisimple of .G?l®V such that ! . < ( . * ^ vi"3. . We divide the basis ^ ^ t i V y t i L , S4 ^ 2-, 2, , ^ ^ C,M "cVa w ^ vA into 4" v 43 ■ exist rationale, % ^ +<u . * * 4 ^ <2. * disjoint packets For each packet, by Theorem M, there * not a11 zero 8Uch ^ that - I- 4 - I L ^ vi: Then we define. -V. “ zi ^ ^ ck", . v"^r. ?.* for each I-= X1 1 4-^ ^ ^ ^ ^ independent vectors. I ^ I. < ^ is a set of mutually orthogonal linearly Define ^ basis • e to 1)6 t^e space generated by Then Also for each ^ ( n _1_-1 and V \ ^ > ’ O with with -H . 4 Then ^ ^ is semisimple with orthogonal we have that for yL ^ (k. < n - IL . Now we try to continue the process. Suppose we have already found vector spaces p c p > «A— V<- and VA — Vt--VIL has the following properties: L) dxvwv F vx_^ = Ar CFvi. Vx-VU1 .M has an orthogonal basis •vx-v a) \\U •\\— v and lFn-%. I )4^^ is semisimple. 4 (.V1 T 1I "> L lA 4' -A '0 i i- Z" ^ Li © ^ iJ -uuv VNs-v Vu U 6 ^or (-I I- such that: .A (y\-A L^A * (A , , ■ - 15 - b) X; > O for all ^ ; r\— , c) C ■ > O I for all Assumlng that ^ V'x— IL t V^-V-sI t M , (L - and v^-Vd- « . < y\ , we shall construct the same properties as F 1 h-w. . W e F vxw^ w i t h study first the Case IaA). Suppose there exists a set t u j 1.1 (2.-LH such that C V \- XC - L ^ . i. < V r l v i H for all L wxYi-VI - W ^^ with 1.1 VvV1 fi. «- \/\ A (Vt-\6and v 4- ^ ' * Kl . Then select any A v^ » M. of the U- 'S » tA say 1_1 IL ^ and let them generate the r~ r a . - vc- I. has the required properties; A A_ C .n _y.. i. . 4.(.a -v -1\ , 'kl), If not Case IaA)„ then Case IaB). Since we shall worry only about the coefficients C. C Vl- V^- fixed) we shall put C , : ^sC. U I A - VL- I. u . ,^ Vi--O- Clearly either (I) more than or exactly one half of the C ^ 1S are greater than or equal to A ^ (II) more than or exactly one half of the to - K - K ; (1 1 L C > S or are less than or equal 4 4'"'",' S. M I ; Without loss of generality, assume that (I) holds. I ^ (and hence the corresponding Xv>-K. ^ C 1 ^ II 1 u-K S We relabel the ), so that * 4: C- (.^UA-VC-Xu ') /%_ Since we are not in case la), and since 2. . ^ . V lv'"‘‘" :L\ N I w u ^ IO- - M ArVvx- Id-there are at least %.0,Ac greater than C.^ t - Ui-i)^. the one above, relabeling CN * Ni of the which are strictly Thus, we may construct a subsequence of is necessary (and hence the corresponding - 16 LA ^ 1 S )j such that: • • 1 - c i» ■ - By the Archimedian Property of the rationale, we choose a positive rational p such that: W Now let O - B G / p then the .2-0 O i e ) (=QCS1)= Q i S ' ) ' ) .. 1"-*-1-'.N Vi5 " ' " c to 0.^0 - in & We have 2 : ^W-\<_ " ^ A ;^ X U V W - Z c . .Q 1 j<.v\*vc We now form five-tuples of elements of. % ^ A 20» ^ in the following special way. A (Vt-V-• For each with 1.6. L ^ ^;*4 .A-Cna -V--IlA 1S with 4 " 4r U l7,* U i^ 4'4- X< • . , -V-*L «W we choose four distinct 4 vX ^ t. Q.O ‘ 4" ‘H ; in this way. we divide. Ju.} u mutually disjoint packets call them £ o .^ U - k -i S W U iiW = x 4-4«. . , 2: -v*c . . p c.-p^v ” ^V-V.'!. u1 1 jA H - V - - 1L. vith C . ^ P w ' ^ Vx-X^ ay our construction. f P vx"11 Avx-^^- and c Lk f “" V So we now have that: > O P vx- ^ --11-«=f O , ; ^ into ^ L1 ^ u L I. v t^ c-Z. j U CAr Ii Now (iu.i\=i\. , ( ! < - ( : < Ar), ^ ^ I -17Therefore4 by Theorem M the quadratic form t-o has a non-trivial zero in the rationale; say f tV-/ g. ^ ^ -6-4" ^ Let O v. =; "% c^- , ' then we have that ^ a ^ < P - V ^ =- < C ^ + J T ^ U c ^l We define XI1= cV. U . ^ [J. ? *■ L' 4-i. 4r«4- /, independent vectors out of ^ 6 e-vL for each Z . Then ^ and Pkx" ^V - is a mutually orthogonal set of linearly 4 t-A \\VA^\\ crrcvZ . + V %- p N . . 5>^ ;-CVN-V-1 V U 6 = 4with "I 4=. C *h •4 'N and d • - - 5^ N , ., 4 ZI <=<~., C . , . LD Changing back to the generator & -6= 1 ^6 of QtE^) we have that VN-I IlU-W -0T-^21 ^n-G L *■ vv-v. » Define ‘ ' ^ to be p have cl,• -> o *- \ llu.ll= -©yN - * . ^ 4r ?^iri-\<. for all £. I . *a ^ ; ^ 2Z ^ Ll G jf i ^w-Vc-I. by our induction assumption c) Therefore ZL A e j +- JEL. <j..Gij" Xl^ i.+ 4- +v^ "-"'I » X > 4-VM-V--1.') ^ 4 ^rCvN-16,-<\ • ^n\ .M^ into 4" packets of i , ^,xtNA- + We have; tin.IAuX-VtrvW- 4V'tAc)+t 'SlXiSj + 2 1 , VN-Vu--J A " ’ ^ vn-V--IL Nowcv,.v solution >o ■N . 1 We finally s p l i t l u j d .. .. 6 1 , ( i "'MiXvt7^'1 ' / for 1-t t 6.4- "so by Theorem M there is a \ ^ i.&) we in t^e rationale to the equation - 18 — I - X' e-! -*< then *=2 V t*\— I « u \ . i v « r X 1S ^ + z m with V>X . • > O >. -».-i i "-a _ Denote the space generated by theftA.S t v, .... 'T h M R - V 1- V c properties a“d ' • ■b-wri, L) and tL j with basis . JCt^ ^ by F n . ^ L satisfies with j O 1_ in lieu of k- . By this construction we have proved the theorem for Case la). The proofs for Cases lb), 2a) and 2b) are nearly the same, word for word, and are omitted here. Remark: This concludes the proof of the theorem. A theorem of the same nature as Theorem 2 can he derived from the results of the Hasse-Minkowski theory. With Theorem 2 we could . classify all orthonormal and weakly orthonormal algebraic number fields. However, we shall use the results of the Hasse-Minkowski theory to classify all orthondrmal and weakly orthonormal algebraic extensions of the rationale Q . An element of a field is said to be totally positive if and only if it is positive under every ordering of the field. Under this definition, all non-zero elements of a not formally real field are totally positive. It can be shown that a non zero element of a field is totally positive if and only if it is a sum of squares. Lemma 4: If a field (<(_ is weakly orthonormal then \<£. admits at most one ordering. Proof: Let ex' be an arbitrary element of either the equation X -R zL ^ then for some integer or ^ - 19 has a solution in Theorem Jii . Thus, either <=< or - of is a sum of squares. The weakly orthonormal algebraic extensions of the rational a are precisely those algebraic extensions of the rationale which have at most one ordering. Proof; By Lemma 4, the only algebraic extensions of the rationale.which ' are weakly orthonormal are those which have at most one ordering. K. be an algebraic extension of the rationale at most one ordering. First suppose that a result of Siegel ( "3 » Satz I, p.-^259) there are (S ^ such that z E 2 ^ ^ — — 6- « simple four-dimensional space over ^ ^ and ^ = t Ue^W K such that K_ Then F , 14. C «=.4- . 3^ ^ admits is not formally real. Let (F^ . Let By ^ ecV 2. } <=<*3 be an arbitrary semihas an orthogonal basis Now the field is not formally real, thus every five-dimensional quadratic form in five variables with coefficients has a in non trivial zero in . Q C ^ ii -• -•; ^ by the results of the Hasse-Minkowski theory. 1^ . i. ^ sf has a non trivial zero in Q (cy^ ^ Thus, either the vector space (Fj an isotropic vector in which case (F, so also a vector of length -'I-. we may choose In -= orthonormal. Thus the quadratic form and so in 'has a vector of length - <L or contains a. hyperbolic plane and Therefore, since (F, was arbitrary, in Theorem K of Chapter I to show that Now suppose that fC is weakly {<C admits exactly one ordering. Let (Fj4) again be an arbitrary semisimple four-dimensional vector space with ortho­ gonal basis £&ij) in ^ i. ^ 4nd , 1.-4: t 4 . Now every element is either a sum of squares or its negative is the sum of squares. 20 - . K n Thus, for each L , there are or — ' • p such that either p. Ve now observe that either the quadratic form or the quadratic form ia indefinite at every archimedian completion of the global field Q iCcYlii* * f **l % l )' ^ 9' and so at least one of the forms has a non trivial, zero in. ( cY 1 li * * 'j0 ^. Pzi) and. !so in V^, . Hence, by the same argument as for the not formally real case, every semisimple four-dimensional space over f<L contains a vector of length in Theorem K Corollary J3: to show that tL 1C. or — <L , so we can take Yl 4r is weakly orthonormal. The orthonormal algebraic extension fields of the rationals are precisely the not formally real ones. Proof; Use Theorem 5» Theorem G and Corollary I. Remark: Let K. be a formally real algebraic extension of the rational numbers with exactly one ordering. simple vector space over \C « so E Let (,Ej^ By Theorem 5, admits an orthogonal decomposition, has an orthonormal basis and Le a E -dimensional semi­ l<- is weakly orthonormal, C "= E.-" » where E v* has a negative orthonormal basis# Ve shall show that Sylvester's theorem holds in this case (See L.83 j Theorem 2.2, p.S2$.). E-.- Indeed, if ET <S E as the sum then every vector E+ 1 E: P -= If the dimension of *t- GL E. admits of two decompositions with <3^ and G € T- ~~ were less than the dimension of p then there is at least one non zero vector X e in E A E positive and negative length, a contradiction. EX and EL can be written are unique ■( t ; • would therefore be of Thus, the dimensions of and E l are not) and so we see that the two - 21 (cardinal) numbers are a complete set of invariants for,non-degenerate C^o -dimensional forms over \<L . Remark; Ve end this chapter by indicating an example of an extension field of the Gaussian numbers Consider the polynomial ring QC-J-I?') which is not orthonormal. CvFT?^ L X 0 ,X 1 ( X Q * * * * • 3 It is easy to show by induction that the quadratic form - i t < Y K-''-v has no non trivial zero for any IAZ-CL in Q Thus, the vector space_(_E ^ Q ('F2 ') C x o , X CG ^ ^ — in IV *• I C X j r' ‘ * ’ "I over the quotient field of with orthogonal basis X fore, the quotient field of .C p C orthonormal. C X o ,Vs ^\ i has no orthonormal basis. U L X c>4 ‘3 is not There­ CHAPTER IT HERMITIAH FORMS Let K be a commutative field and let <T~ such that cr* o cr = Let be the fixed field of cr If (E" ^vV) is a semisimple H (K then E be an automorphism of JC in K- » - dimensional vector space with has an orthogonal basis CfS d ^ > -v. • Now for any X £ E .» by the definition of a Hermitian form, H(1XjX) “ H (.X,Ys) where <5^" ( HCvkj E- V — H L X jx \ • Thus, the lengths of all basis vectors 6 *^ of are in the. fixed field K d- . By restricting the scalars of the fixed K c-T we may induce a vector space (EL^H) that E is a -vector space with X ^ EE with X. <5 K i5- > and the form U - bilinear form. Transition from If E to in the natural way if and only if X is a symmetric non-degenerate to K <2 > G gives us E back again. X cs- . K d- is an orthonormal field then basis and so ( E j I-Vv) E f jr > VHs) has an orthonormal has an orthonormal basis; weakly orthonormal, then ( E j V-V) has a Jr ± , - likewise, if K ts- is IL orthogonal basis. We have proved Theorem 4: Let K- be a commutative field and <r* such that l) 2) . Then if the fixed field of 6 " ef* n ' 0 <£"-=- HL an automorphism of in K is orthonormal then is orthonormal. if the fixed field of <3"" in K- is weakly orthonormal, then kT" is weakly orthonormal. We now turn our attention to the problem of determining the orthonormal and weakly orthonormal automorphisms of an algebraic number field. - 23 In Example 2 below we shall show that an algebraic number field may admit an orthonormal automorphism' and an automorphism whose square is the identity automorphism, but which is not even weakly orthonormal. This example indicates that not only the field, but the individual automorphisms of the field must be taken into consideration. Thus, it seems more pro­ fitable to give a classification criteria which can be applied to special cases. Theorem 5 and Corollary 9 below will give necessary and sufficient conditions for classifying an automorphism over an algebraic number field. Lemma 5.: K- be an algebraic field and cf Let such that <5“ o <5“ - "IL in IC then either l) exists O, Proof: If K tf- G. . V L tfT ^ . over Theorem 5.: or 2) K tf- K c5- I — and Q C ICrf- Hence, C. VL \ But both ^ X b V © K- and there KL- „ VL- with and so and <5"(O') -V-© are in ItC 3.. Thus, is the minimal monic polynomial of K tf-O Let tC be an algebraic number field and of K such that < 5"O & if and only if either ^ ^=. K — VLtf- and- positive element of Proof: ICrf. is the fixed field of <5" " Kl V ‘S'i X 4- <£"(&)' & X a - If such that K L tf- ( KL then C VLL- Q * 3 0 « an automorphism of f<. =L ^ . an automorphism Then 0 " ■is orthonormal K tf- is orthonormal o r ■there is is a square root of a totally K 16- « Ve first prove the sufficiency. If VL is orthonormal then we - 24 are done "by Theorem 4. of any element „o*« v/here „ X <5~ So suppose .. K. t, » is of the form H ^ Then the norm ^ .°v ■” . W e have by hypothesis that ^ ^ c -Ksr is totally positive in * Now let .(,Ej vector space with be an arbitrary semisimple |V^ -dimensional R (.\<L , . We want to show that C E ) VA^ has an orthonormal basis and we shall do this by the methods used by Fischer and Gross in the proof of Theorem I ( 2 » pp. 287- 288). .shall show first that hyperbolic planes. of E" _. ? (E for .L t: p ±, Let . Suppose that . X. C the assertion. N o w ^.<2^ — Suppose, l\£n \\ is the smallest integer such that p ^ CT X where -v- <s, O . <2 ^ Since C vrt €= E ? and such that generate a hyperbolic plane in and is semisimple, O El ^ . » Hence , «e^ and and this may be used as the desired, -V - i - Q Suppose. U €. dimensional subspace of 3— Ep H assume without loss of generality that <2 ^ - 0 then there is 'y G: E ^ Case 2) such that then we have proved ; Rp EL If we can find a hyperbolic plane, such that ■y be a fixed but arbitrary basis S are hyperbolic planes, and <2 ^ where • L. p ;y» 4 - E Z , Case l) has an orthogonal decomposition into j Suppose that we have found i We b !<.52vXi scalars of Let K-X € generated by C. ^ be the one­ , then * f~" to E „ . where p" is semisimple. we define the vector space R Restricting the with symmetric - 25 f orm. - U • Using Theorem 2 of Chapter III we find five mutually orthogonal}linearly independent vectors ^ 1 P (and thus in We multiply p by ) 11^ tIl- such that K . Since ^ ^ ^^ ^ <s^ ( ^ = W in -'it* O . is the additive inverse of a totally positive element, the quadratic form +- has a non trivial zero in call this zero, *-■<&:$ xg- VC ^ by the Hasse-Minkowski theory. Cvl or, linearly independent, then ^ % • -= X <£ P such that hyperbolic plane in length; CaJ and EL*" basis with . ^ l/V <£: P But ^ has an orthonormal basis and E - . EE. Now X. and generate a \\ UU \V ^ ^ EL Then ^ E ^ ] is a basis of the scalars of K ^ r then (E“ is a vector space over ^ VAI __ ■ . - Hence, t- — E L E. has a negative orthonormal . and > H — X » each L , We restrict ourselves to ^ EL' W = We note that Let Then define ^ ^ is totally positive by hypothesis. EL „ EL ^ has an orthonormal basis. each L .. form is semisimple so there We shall now complete the proof of the IE H • such that be the negative orthonormal basis of y\ (— By Case I and Case 2 we have shown that sufficiency by showing that where -f- -=V5. ^ Q ^ will generate the hyperbolic plane cA w Ia are and a hyperbolic plane contains a vector of any thus, there is which is desired. where p H (Xj j ^ 3j <=r'^ is a non zero isotropic vector in F is Since We shall 2"^A ^ j # with non-degenerate bilinear V-\ is symmetric. Now. the - 26 length of every non zero vector in (,k: , ^ is totally positive; thus , by the Hass e-Minkowski theory, every five-dimensional semisimple E. subspace of ' has a vector of length of E to find a subspace 1% where the E,p Suppose we have been able » such that Efp - Or are four-dimensional vector spaces with orthonormal bases and such that integer such that , say » ^ for SL ^ is not in C ET ^ « ; Let V\ be the smallest if we can find a space of dimension four with an orthonormal basis such that T A - (g: ^ P i - (3-^ Jk. ^ Gr. © orthonormal basis. How let then we have shown that (^Vj Since U basis then E p1" — has an EL ^ [\ is totally positive, then }U ^ ^ IcL4^ c^> is a symmetric bilinear X1 be ^ with UU =• W V has an orthogonal • the one-dimensional subspace of Vy * . Now W E A_ is semi simple and the lengths, of all non zero vectors in V v/ 'are totally positive. Thus, we can find three mutually orthogonal, linearly independent vectors V V in WV^W. ^ W » V. 2* such that AV U ^ U ,. W ~ U U^W , Thus, the subspace G - V z ^ V 3 v V^. 1 has an orthonormal basis. E_ . be an arbitrary four-dimensional vector space over LA ^ We let CL. Assume, without loss of generality, that with an orthonormal basis (the form form). T- - N V 3U - W U 5 U generated by is orthogonally is omorphic to Hence, G - has an orthonormal basis. is the Hence, , so <5 (_V Grpjy.-^. desired and so Fr ~~ has an orthonormal basis. This concludes the proof of the sufficiency. i » - 27 It remains to prove the necessity* normal . If, <S“ *= orthonormal. ^ If Now let £ basis and where VC be a with the form then by definition then K s-('I’o1^ •=- VC. So suppose <5“ there exist. cV iu ^ rr — •'i all Hence, ^ <* • Cv^ ^ "2:C • and \fa! .,IaA <A K s^ 5 each €2 . . ^ supplied ^ is an orthogonal Since CS- is orthonormal in VC for some \ O is l<_— \< , such that But. H for some.. XT™ ^ Sndy by Lemma 5, -vector space with basis 14 C ClCjts-). such that VA CG.^ \<L ~ VC VCtf. <== \<C C K G VCs-. is ortho- = TT^- l u J" 0, Thus, we have that •2. u y . •=• o 5 < ' Now. if is not positive under some ordering of Kg- the above equation can have no solution. (We can assume that K c- is formally real, for if not, then C\ Ck.totally positive in is totally positive to start with.) » which was to be shown. So we must have This concludes the proof of Theorem 5« Remark; We have seen by the proof of Theorem 5 that'the property *there are X 1 ^ * "■ * , in the field K- such that — — CL- in the case of classifying orthonormal algebraic number fields is equiva­ lent in the classification of arbitrary automorphisms <£~ ( GTo ^ to the property 'there exist, y ^X ^ ^ in the field such that We see by the proof of Theorem 5.that*we may state the following corollary; ^ * - 28 Corollary Let K- be an algebraic number field and <s~ morphism of CT such that G** <9 S' K. an auto­ -= Then . is weakly orthonormal if and only if either \<L weakly orthonormal or there is K — <$- is and is a square root of a totally positive element in K cj- „ We shall end this paper with several examples illustrating the above classification criteria. Example I: Consider the field,. morphisms of ant^ K-<5- " which sends - Q The four auto­ ( 3 lla < 3 ( 3" ^ ( vTS? ^ ( } , into - and has fixed field ^ <5^ which sends <p By Theorem 5» ^ • But, since 2 » "I *and sTT* into -r ' S Note that ^"■2. * ^ 3 an^ K- vpT1 into - 'fT*. and has fixed field which sends KLiTt = ( ' T T ) . are - lL ^ K (3 into ~4 7 ' ; •=: <5”^ ^ <5^ ■=. <S^ o ~ ° is not even weakly orthonormal. and are totally positive elements, by Theorem 5 are all orthonormal. essentially only three distinct Thus, over this field, there are -dimensional semisimple vector space with non symmetric Hermitian forms. (Each of these admit of an orthonormal basis.) Example 2i VL are Consider \C ~ (.vfl? ) (,\[- X*') . The automorphisms of - 29 ^ K- K ± 5 . 1^ O . xfi? -*» - >/a? vTT — (S) (vl-i1 5 — > _ 'i-1. •= . ^ a - : ^ - s% ; O 1 - > --TZ > ^ Note that: 'F£ © <5^_ — ^ © <5^ — C vj ( J zJ 'i - Q c n n , » <5^ — 'Ily^ - <S^ © 6 ^ c5^ is an orthonormal'field by Theorem J0. <3^_ is orthonormal by either Theorem 4 or Theorem 5» <5"g is not even weakly orthonormal by Theorem 5 and Corollary 9„ CT^ is orthonormal by Theorem 5® Example Q ('Pl? ^ The field has one weakly orthonormal automorphism which is not orthonormal and one orthonormal automorphism ( S L vc.') » Example 4: Let \< be a splitting field of Galois group G(K-I q n) is of order 6. that 31. ^ is orthonormal, roots of — 3 in — 3 are not of order 2 in the Galois group so there Q (3 phisms are weakly orthonormal® The three automorphisms which . q ^ and have fixed Hence, by Theorem 4, these automor­ The square roots which give \<i xwhen adjoined to the fixed fields are all of the form orthonormal The The two automorphisms which move all three move exactly two conjugates are of order 2 in G ( K \ the fixed field; . Corollary 8 of Chapter III gives are no Hermitian forms connected to them® fields isomorphic to over G) 3 vP with % in thus, by Theorem 5, these three automorphisms are not * LITERATURE -CITED L. E. Dickson,■Theory of Numbers Vola II 1 Chelsea, New York, (1952) 2. R. Fischer and H. Gross. 'Quadratic Forms and Linear Topologies II', Math. Ann. 1£2, (1964), 296-325» 2» Jacobson, Lectures in Abstract Algebra Vol. II 1 Van Nostrand, Prince ton, (195 3)« [J+\ N 1 Jacobson, Lectures in Abstract Algebra Vol. III. Van Nostrand, Princeton, [51 I. Kaplansky, 'Forms in Infinite Dimensional Spaces'. Annais Acad, Eras. Ci XXII. (1950), ; " S, Lang, Algebra. Addison-Wesley, Reading, (1965). Lfl 0. T 1 O'Meara, Introduction to Quadratic Forms. Academic Press, New York, (1963). LCl L. J. Savage, 'The Application of Vectoral Methods to Metric Geometry', Duke Math. J 1 13, (1946), 521-528. [9I G* L. Siegel, 'Darstellung total Posxtiver Zahlen durch Quadrate', Math, Zeitschr1 11. (l92l), 246-275, . Lid L. van der Waerden, Algebra I, Springer-Verlag, .Berlin-GottigenHeidelberg, (1959)» ■ 3 1762 I66I0995 6 * If? MA34 c o p . 2 I M at t i c V e c t c o u n t a o v e r a f i e l d s s , L . o r s p b le d lg e b r S a i a . c e s o f m e n s io n i c numbej /y C Oye,. y-