© 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com articles Zebrafish Clock rhythmic expression reveals independent peripheral circadian oscillators David Whitmore, Nicholas S. Foulkes, Uwe Strähle and Paolo Sassone-Corsi Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, CNRS-INSERM-ULP, 1 rue Laurent Fries, 67404 Illkirch Cédex, C.U. de Strasbourg, France The first two authors contributed equally to this work. © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com Correspondence should be addressed to P.S.-C. (paolosc@igbmc.u-strasbg.fr) The only vertebrate clock gene identified by mutagenesis is mouse Clock, which encodes a bHLH-PAS transcription factor. We have cloned Clock in zebrafish and show that, in contrast to its mouse homologue, it is expressed with a pronounced circadian rhythm in the brain and in two defined pacemaker structures, the eye and the pineal gland. Clock oscillation was also found in other tissues, including kidney and heart. In these tissues, expression of Clock continues to oscillate in vitro. This demonstrates that self-sustaining circadian oscillators exist in several vertebrate organs, as was previously reported for invertebrates. The genes involved in the generation of circadian rhythms are being identified by genetic screens in a variety of organisms, including Drosophila and Neurospora. The first vertebrate circadian clock gene, Clock, was cloned in the mouse via a large-scale mutagenic screen1–3. This gene encodes a protein that is a member of the bHLH-PAS-domain transcription-factor family. A small deletion within the putative transcription activation domain of the CLOCK protein leads to period lengthening, as measured by wheel-running activity, and eventual arrhythmicity in constant darkness1,3. Expression of Clock does not oscillate in the mouse4, a feature expected for a component of a circadian pacemaker5–7. A homolog of Clock (dclock) identified in Drosophila8 does show a circadian oscillation of expression9,10. This Drosophila gene seems to be central for regulating expression of two key clock genes in the fly, timeless (tim) and period (per)8,9. Expression of both tim and per oscillates at the RNA and protein levels11–14. In the same mutant screen that identified dclock, a separate mutation, cyc, was also discovered 15. The CYC (CYCLE) protein, another bHLH-PAS factor, heterodimerizes with dCLOCK and acts as a transcriptional activator. This heterodimer binds to enhancer elements termed E-boxes, which are present in the promoters of the per and tim genes, and thereby activates their transcription8,9,15,16. BMAL1, the mouse homolog of CYC, has been identified as a CLOCK partner by a yeast two-hybrid screen17. Expression of the per gene oscillates in a number of tissues even in vitro, as shown in per-luciferase transgenic Drosophila18. These data demonstrate that many autonomous pacemaker structures exist in Drosophila. The situation may be similar in vertebrates. Three homologs of per have been cloned in the mouse (mper1, 2 and 3), which show circadian rhythms of expression not only in the two defined pacemaker structures, the retina and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)19–21, but also in a number of other tissues4,22–25. However, this per gene oscillation has not been shown in vitro in organ or primary cultures. Therefore, in the animal, it is still not clear whether these oscillations are simply driven from a central master circadian pacemaker, such as nature neuroscience • volume 1 no 8 • december 1998 the SCN. Expression of the per gene has been described in vitro in immortalized cell lines26. Serum treatment followed by starvation induces rhythmic gene expression with timing similar to that reported in vivo in the organs from which the cell lines were established26. Two central questions emerge from the current situation. Does the Clock gene oscillate in a vertebrate system and, perhaps more importantly, do peripheral tissues in vertebrates really contain self-sustained circadian pacemakers? Results THE ZEBRAFISH CLOCK GENE We studied the expression of the Clock gene in the zebrafish, another vertebrate model system. Strong conservation of the Clock gene sequence between vertebrate species was already suggested by genomic Southern blot analysis using the mouse cDNA probe1. Thus, we initially screened an embryo cDNA library with the mouse Clock probe at low stringency. Following the isolation of a single partial-length clone, we completed the fish Clock cDNA sequence by 3’ RACE PCR. The 894 amino-acid zebrafish CLOCK protein shares 80% identity with mouse CLOCK and 53% identity with dCLOCK (Fig. 1). The strongest conservation among the zebrafish, Drosophila and mouse proteins is at the amino (N) terminus, within the bHLH-PAS DNA binding and protein–protein interaction domain (Fig. 1). In particular, a long region of sequence identity is centered on the PAS B domain. The stretch of 51 amino acids that is deleted from the mouse CLOCK protein in the Clock mutant is also a region of strong homology with zebrafish CLOCK, but is not conserved in the dCLOCK sequence (Fig. 1). Another feature of fish CLOCK is a stretch of 51 residues composed of glutamines interspersed with only 9 leucine or histidine residues (amino acids 825 to 876). This extended glutamine stretch is reminiscent of sequences composing the carboxyl (C)-terminal region of dCLOCK8. RHYTHMIC CLOCK EXPRESSION IN THE EYE AND PINEAL GLAND To explore the pacemaker role of CLOCK in the zebrafish, we initially studied its temporal expression pattern in the adult eye and 701 © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com articles Fishclock mclock dclock 1 60 .........M TSSIDRDDSS IFDGLMEEDE KDKAK....R VSRNRSEKKR RDQFNVLIKE MVFTVSCSKM SSIVDRDDSS IFDGLVEEDD KDKAK....R VSRNKSEKKR RDQFNVLIKE .......... .......... .MDD..ESDD KDDTKSFLCR KSRNLSEKKR RDQFNSLVDD Fishclock mclock dclock 61 120 LGTMLPGNTR KMDKSTILQK SIDFLRKHKE IAAQSESSEI RQDWKPPFLS NEEFTQLMLE LGSMLPGNAR KMDKSTVLQK SIDFLRKHKE TTAQSDASEI RQDWKPTFLS NEEFTQLMLE LSALISTSSR KMDKSTVLKS TIAFLKNHNE ATDRSKVFEI QQDWKPAFLS NDEYTHLMLE Fishclock mclock dclock 121 180 ALDGFFLAIM TDGNIIYVSE SVTSLLEHLP SDLVDQNLLN FLPLGEHSEV YKAL..STHM ALDGFFLAIM TDGSIIYVSE SVTSLLEHLP SDLVDQSIFN FIPEGEHSEV YKIL..STHL SLDGFMMVFS SMGSIFYASE SITSQLGYLP QDLYNMTIYD LAYEMDHEAL LNIFMNPTPV Fishclock mclock dclock 181 240 LEGETLTPDY LKTKNQLEFC CHMLRGTIDP KEPPVYEYVK FIGNFKS... ........LN LESDSLTPEY LKSKNQLEFC CHMLRGTIDP KEPSTYEYVR FIGNFKS... ........LT IEPR...QTD ISSSNQITFY THLRRGGMEK VDANAYELVK FVGYFRNDTN TSTGSSSEVS Fishclock mclock dclock 241 300 TVPNSTRNGF EGVIQRSLRH AFEDRVCFIA TVRLAKPQFI KEMCTVEEPN EEFTSRHSLE SVSTSTHNGF EGTIQRTHRP SYEDRVCFVA TVRLATPQFI KEMCTVEEPN EEFTSRHSLE NGSNGQPAVL PRIFQQNPNA EVDKKLVFVG TGRVQNPQLI REMSIIDPTS NEFTSKHSME Fishclock mclock dclock 301 360 WKFLFLDHRA PPIIGYLPFE VLGTSGYDYY HVDDLETLAK CHEHLMQYGK GKSCYYRFLT WKFLFLDHRA PPIIGYLPFE VLGTSGYDYY HVDDLENLAK CHEHLMQYGK GKSCYYRFLT WKFLFLDHRA PPIIGYMPFE VLGTSGYDYY HFDDLDSIVA CHEELRQTGE GKSCYYRFLT Fishclock mclock dclock 361 420 KGQQWIWLQT HYYITYHQWN SRPEFIVCTH TVVSYAEVRA EQRRE...LG IEESPPEISA KGQQWIWLQT HYYITYHQWN SRPEFIVCTH TVVSYAEVRA ERRRE...LG IEESLPETAA KGQQWIWLQT DYYVSYHQFN SKPDYVVCTH KVVSYAEVLK DSRKEGQKSG NSNSITNNGS Fishclock mclock dclock 421 480 DK...SQDSG SESQLNTSSL KE........ .......ALE RFDHSRTPSA SSRSSRKSSS DK...SQDSG SDNRINTVSL KE........ .......ALE RFDHSPTPSA SSRSSRK.SS SKVIASTGTS SKSASATTTL RDFELSSQNL DSTLLGNSLA SLGTETAATS PAVDSSPMWS Fishclock mclock dclock 481 540 HTAVSDPTST QTK.LQTDRS TPPRQSVSAI EMTSQRR... .........S SISSQSMSSQ HTAVSDPSST PTK.IPTDTS TPPRQHLPAH EKMTQRR... .........S SFSSQSINSQ ASAVQPSGSC QINPLKTSRP ASSYGNISST GISPKAKRKC YFYNNRGNDS DSTSMSTDSV Fishclock mclock dclock 541 600 TTGQTMGTSL VSQPQQPQTL QATVQPVLQF STQMDAMQHL KEQLEQRTRM IEANIQRQQE SVGPSLTQPA MSQAANLPIP QGMSQ..FQF SAQLGAMQHL KDQLEQRTRM IEANIHRQQE TSRQSMMTHV SSQSQRQRSH HREHHRENHH NQSHHHMQQQ QQHQNQ.... .....QQQHQ Fishclock mclock dclock 601 660 ELRQIQDELQ RVQGQGLQMF LQP....... .......SGG GLNLSSVQL. TQS..SSVQT ELRKIQEQLQ MVHGQGLQMF LQQ....... .......SNP GLNFGSVQLS SGN..SNIQQ QHQQLQQQLQ HTVGTPKMVP LLPIASTQIM AGNACQFPQP AYPLASPQLV APTFLEPPQY Fishclock mclock dclock 661 720 AGTLSMQGAV VPTATLQSSL QSTHSSTQHT VTQHPQQTAV QQQNLLRDQT TNLNQQSQRS LTPVNMQGQV VPANQVQSGH IST...GQHM IQQQTLQSTS TQQS....QQ SVMSGHSQQT LTAIPMQ.PV IAPFPVAPVL SPLPVQSQTD MLPDTVVMTP T.QSQLQDQL QRKHDELQKL Fishclock mclock dclock 721 780 THTLQSPQGA LPASLYNTMM ISQPTQANVV QISTSLAQNS STSGAAVDLL TKDPTDYRFP SLPSQTP.ST LTAPLYNTMV ISQPAAGSMV QIPSSMPQN. STQSATVTTF TQDR.QIRFS ILQQQNELRI VSEQLLLSRY TYLQPMMSM. ....GFAPGN MTAAAVGNLG ASGQRGLNFT Fishclock mclock dclock 781 840 ATQQLLTKLV TGPMACGAVM VPTTMFMGQ. ...VVTA... FAPQ.....Q GQPQTISIAQ QGQQLVTKLV TAPVACGAVM VPSTMLMGQ. ...VVTAYPT FATQ.....Q QQAQTLSVTQ GSNAVQPQF. ...NQYGFAL NSEQMLNQQD QQMMMQQQQN LHTQHQHNLQ QQHQSHSQLQ Fishclock mclock dclock 841 900 QPSAQTADQQ THTQAQTQAA ATAQQ...QG QNQAQLTQQQ TQFLQAPRLL HSNQSTQ... QQQQQQQQPP QQQQQQQQSS QEQQLPSVQQ PAQAQLGQPP QQFLQTSRLL HGNPSTQ... QHTQQQHQQQ QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQ LQLQQQNDIL LREDIDDIDA Fishclock mclock dclock 901 960 .LILQAAFPL QQQGTFTT.. .......... .......... .......... .......... .LILSAAFPL .QQSTFPP.. .......... .......... .......... .......... FLNLSPLHSL GSQSTINPFN SSSNNNNQSY NGGSNLNNGN QNNNNRSSNP PQNNNEDSLL Fishclock mclock dclock 961 1020 .......... .......... .......... .........A TQQQQQLHQQ QQQLQQQQQL .......... .......... .......... .........S HHQQHQ.... .......... SCMQMATESS PSINFHMGIS DDGSETQSED NKMMHTSGSN LVQQQQQQQQ QQQILQQHQQ Fishclock mclock dclock 1021 1073 QQQQQQQQQQ LQQQHQQQQQ QLQQQHQQQQ QQLAAHRSDS MTERSNPPPQ *.. .......... .......... ......PQQQ QQLPRHRTDS LTDPSKVQPQ *.. QSNSFFSSNP FLNSQNQNQN QLPNDLEILP YQMSQEQSQN LFNSPHTAPG SSQ pineal gland, structures that rhythmically synthesize melatonin in vitro and under constant darkness27. Using a miniaturized RNAse protection assay (RPA) and a riboprobe generated from the 5’ end of the Clock transcript, we analyzed Clock expression in eyes and 702 bHLH PAS A PAS B Fig. 1. Conservation of zebrafish, mouse and Drosophila CLOCK. The amino-acid sequences of mouse1, Drosophila8 and zebrafish CLOCK are aligned by the program Pileup (GCG). Amino acids in magenta are conserved among all three proteins, and amino acids in cyan are conserved between two proteins, whereas amino acids in black are not conserved. The bHLH, PAS A and PAS B regions are boxed and labeled. The deletion in the mouse CLOCK protein associated with the Clock mutant mouse (∆mClock), and the region truncated from dCLOCK in the Drosophila mutant Jrk (∆dClock), are delineated by dashed arrows. Dots indicate spaces inserted into the sequences to provide optimal alignment. ∆ mClock ∆ dClock pineal glands throughout a light–dark cycle (LD 14:10). In both tissues, we found a robust daily induction of the Clock transcript, with a major peak of expression at the onset of the dark period (Fig. 2a and b). A minor increase was also visible at zeitgeber time nature neuroscience • volume 1 no 8 • december 1998 © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com articles a pineal gland b eye clock clock IRBP c DD © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com IRBP eye clock pineal clock CREB Fig. 2. Expression of the zebrafish Clock gene oscillates in pacemaker structures. (a) RNAse protection analysis of Clock, IRBP and CREB expression in zebrafish eye RNA samples. Fish were maintained under a 14:10 light:dark cycle and killed at the indicated zeitgeber times (ZT). The bar above demonstrates light (white) and dark (black) periods. tRNA serves as a negative control reaction (t). Clock expression shows a major peak at the beginning of the night and also a minor increase at ZT 4. IRBP oscillates out of phase with the Clock transcript. Expression of CREB is stable throughout the cycle. (b) RNAse protection analysis of Clock and IRBP expression in the pineal gland. The pattern of expression of both genes is equivalent to that in the eye. Expression of CREB did not oscillate (data not shown). (c) Clock expression in the eye and pineal gland continues to oscillate during two days under constant darkness. The gray and black bar above represents constant darkness (DD), with gray the subjective day and black the subjective night. CREB expression did not oscillate through the period of the experiment (data not shown). Each experiment was repeated four times, and representative autoradiographs are shown. (For quantitative data, see Fig. 4b.) (ZT) 4 in the eye (where ZT 0 corresponds to lights on, local clock time, and ZT 14 is lights off) (Fig. 2a). The Clock rhythm also persisted for at least two cycles under constant darkness (Fig. 2c), demonstrating that it was not directly light driven. We also tested expression of interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) and CRE binding protein (CREB) (Fig. 2a and b). IRBP is involved in the regeneration of photopigment, and its expression is higher at midday than at midnight in the zebrafish retina28. CREB is a constitutively expressed transcriptional activator of the cAMP signal-transduction pathway29,30. Consistently, in both the eye and pineal gland samples, IRBP had a clear pattern of diurnal expression, completely out of phase with that found for Clock, whereas CREB expression did not significantly oscillate throughout the 24-hour cycle (Fig. 2a and b). These results confirm that the rhythm of Clock expression does not reflect a global oscillation of gene expression. CLOCK OSCILLATION IN THE BRAIN To determine whether Clock expression oscillates in other tissues, we analyzed the expression of Clock during the day-night cycle in the zebrafish brain (Fig. 3). In the whole brain, we observed a significant oscillation in Clock expression, similar in timing and amplitude to that in the pineal gland and the eye. This rhythmic expression persisted under constant darkness (Fig. 3a). In the brain, as for the eye, the second, low-amplitude increase in Clock expression at ZT 4 was visible (compare Figs 2a and 3a). Thus the daily profile of Clock expression in zebrafish is similar to that reported in Drosophila9, in that there are two peaks of expression, although the peaks are reported to be of equal amplitude nature neuroscience • volume 1 no 8 • december 1998 in the fly8,9. Using in situ hybridization analysis on serial brain cross sections with an antisense Clock probe, in the periventricular gray layer of the optic tectum, we observed a Clock-positive signal at ZT 15, which was significantly reduced at ZT 3 (Fig. 3b). This Clock expression was confirmed by RNAse protection assays from dissected optic tecta (Fig. 3c). Additional analysis in the telencephalon and hindbrain also revealed a day–night oscillation (Fig. 3c), demonstrating that Clock is rhythmically expressed throughout the brain. Differential expression of the Clock and mper genes in various regions of the brain has already been shown in the mouse4,23,24. Furthermore, day–night oscillations of expression have been reported for mper1, 2 and 3 in the SCN4,22–25,31, and for mper1 in the pars tuberalis and Purkinje neurons of the cerebellum4,23. CLOCK OSCILLATION IN PERIPHERAL TISSUES The oscillation in Clock expression observed in the brain prompted us to explore expression of Clock in different zebrafish organs (Fig. 4). In the kidney, spleen and heart, Clock expression oscillated with a timing similar to that in the eyes, pineal gland and brain (Fig. 4a). The magnitude of this oscillation varied between tissues, with the greatest in the eye and no significant day-night difference in the testis (Fig. 4b). The oscillatory Clock expression was consistent with the existence of endogenous, self-sustaining oscillators in the different fish organs. To test this hypothesis, we dissected heart and kidney, tissues showing significant Clock oscillation, and placed them in organ culture. They were incubated for two to three days under constant darkness, during which the hearts continued to beat. The oscillation of Clock expression 703 © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com articles a brain b ZT5 ZT3 ZT clock CREB c © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com DD clock clock telencephalon optic tectum hindbrain Fig. 3. Clock expression oscillates in the zebrafish brain. (a) RNAse protection analysis of Clock expression in whole brain RNA. Upper panels, fish were maintained under a 14:10 light:dark cycle and killed at the indicated times. Clock expression peaks at the beginning of the night and shows a minor increase at ZT 4. Expression of CREB is stable throughout the cycle. Lower panel, Clock expression continues to oscillate on the second day under constant darkness. (b) In situ hybridization analysis of Clock expression in cross sections through the diencephalon, which includes the optic tectum. Strong hybridization with the Clock antisense probe is visible over the periventricular layer of the optic tectum at ZT 15 but not at ZT 3. Hybridization with a sense control probe produced no significant signals (data not shown). (c) RNAse protection analysis of Clock expression in dissected telencephalon, optic tectum and hindbrain. Each experiment was repeated five times, and representative autoradiographs are shown. (For quantitation, see Fig. 4b.) indeed persisted in vitro, for two complete cycles in the case of the heart and three cycles for the kidney (Fig. 4c–e). These data directly support the existence of independent endogenous circadian oscillators. The peak of Clock expression seemed to be shifted relative to the in vivo profile in the kidney, whereas for the heart, in vitro and in vivo expression patterns were equivalent. The phase difference in the kidney was already present within the first cycle in culture and may reflect a tissue-specific phase shift of the oscillator produced by the dissection or culture conditions. Discussion Here we show that the expression of the Clock gene in the zebrafish oscillates with a robust day–night rhythm, which persists in constant darkness. Two modes of action were initially proposed for CLOCK in the mouse1,32. In one model, Clock would oscillate functionally and be involved in a transcription–translation feedback loop, in which it would regulate its own level of expression across the circadian cycle. In the second model, Clock was proposed to act as a master regulator of pacemaker function, controlling the expression of other pacemaker genes, but did not need to oscillate itself1,32. Data from the mouse tend to support the second model, in which CLOCK functions as a constitutively expressed activator 4. However, the data presented here in zebrafish, as well as those from Drosophila, tend to support the first hypothesis10. The Clock gene in zebrafish seems to oscillate similarly to canonical clock genes in Drosophila and Neurospora6. CLOCK heterodimerizes with its protein partner BMAL1 in Drosophila and mouse and activates the promoters of other clock genes (mper 1 in mouse and per and tim in Drosophila)8,9,15–17. In Drosophila, the Per and Tim proteins feed back to inhibit their own expression11,33. Furthermore, this Per–Tim feedback is 704 thought to be mediated through a direct interaction with CLOCK and BMAL19, possibly disrupting this heterodimer and consequently causing loss of transcriptional activation. The demonstration of Clock mRNA oscillations in zebrafish raises the possibility that the Clock promoter is also a target of Per–Tim regulatory feedback. Data from Drosophila, where Clock also oscillates, support this hypothesis10. However, Drosophila Per and Tim have been proposed to activate the Clock promoter10. It is not yet known whether this is also true for zebrafish. Whereas our initial studies focused on tissues known to contain circadian pacemakers, namely the pineal gland and the eye, analysis of other tissues, such as the heart and kidney, also revealed an oscillation in Clock. Similar oscillations occur for mper 1,2 and 3 in the mouse testis, skeletal muscle and liver25. The existence of molecular oscillations in vertebrate tissues in vivo is not surprising, as many tissues undergo dramatic daily changes in their physiology, and a number of genes are rhythmically expressed, for example, the PARleucine-zipper transcription factors DBP, TEF34 and the gluconeogenic liver enzyme tyrosine aminotransferase 35 . Circadian gene expression has even been described in immortalized fibroblast and hepatocyte cell lines26. However, this expression pattern is only found after transient treatment of the cells with high serum concentrations and subsequent incubation in serum-free medium26. Because the oscillations are not detected under steady-state culture conditions, it has been suggested that serum treatment either synchronizes single-cell independent oscillators or activates a ‘dormant’ circadian oscillator26. To resolve this point, single-cell measurements of gene expression will be required 26. Using zebrafish Clock as a marker, we provide evidence for nature neuroscience • volume 1 no 8 • december 1998 © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com articles ZT a b n=4 OD clock n=5 n=4 kidney Pineal clock © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com n=5 Spleen Kidney Testis Heart Brain heart in vitro d heart n=5 testis Eye n=5 n=3 Day 1 Day 2 spleen kidney in vitro c Day 1 Day 2 clock CREB clock e n=6 CREB Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 OD n=7 clock OD value Kidney Heart Fig. 4. Clock expression in different zebrafish organs demonstrates the existence of independent circadian oscillators. (a) RNAse protection analysis of Clock expression in the kidney, testis, heart and spleen from fish maintained on a 14:10 light:dark cycle. In all organs, Clock mRNA oscillates with a peak at ZT 15. (b) Mean Clock expression (optical density, OD) in different organs, with standard error. Equal loading was confirmed using CREB as an internal standard. By unpaired Student’s t-test, differences between ZT3 and ZT15 expression were significant for kidney, heart and brain, (p < 0.001); eye and pineal, (p < 0.005) and spleen (p < 0.05), whereas for testis, the difference was not significant (p = 0.68). Clock expression cannot be compared between organs because the amount of RNA assayed was different in each case. (c) Two independent experiments showing oscillating Clock expression in the kidney in organ culture in constant darkness. CREB expression did not oscillate during the culture period. The OD values are plotted for each band in the three-day experiment. (d) Oscillating Clock expression in the heart in organ culture over two days in constant darkness. (e) Quantitation of Clock expression in vitro. Mean trough and peak Clock levels (OD) in the kidney and heart with standard error. CREB is used as an internal standard. By unpaired Student’s t-test, differences between trough and peak expression were significant for kidney (p < 0.0001) and heart (p < 0.005). self-sustained independent circadian oscillators in vertebrate organs in primary culture. The relative contribution of central versus peripheral pacemakers to the rhythmic physiology of these organs in the fish is not yet clear. It is possible that each organ pacemaker controls all rhythmic outputs within that structure, and central pacemakers nature neuroscience • volume 1 no 8 • december 1998 exist to coordinate each of these separate peripheral tissue pacemakers. The nature of these synchronizing or internal entraining signals is not known, but a good candidate might be pineal melatonin, released into the blood stream under the regulation of a master clock36. The widespread description of cryptochrome photopigments in many mouse tissues, however, raises the interest705 © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com articles © 1998 Nature America Inc. • http://neurosci.nature.com ing possibility that a master clock is not even necessary for entrainment, with each tissue being directly responsive to light37. The classical view of vertebrates has been that a small number of master oscillators, pineal gland, retina and SCN, control all aspects of rhythmic physiology 38. Our data in zebrafish add to the growing evidence that individual tissues also generate their own rhythms. Methods CLONING AND SEQUENCING. An oligo-dT-primed zebrafish embryo cDNA library (18–40 hours) prepared in lambda ZapII was plated and replica lifted on nitrocellulose, according to standard protocols. As a probe, the PAS B region of the mouse Clock cDNA was amplified by RT-PCR from mouse eye RNA1. The PCR fragment was labeled with [α32P]dCTP by random hexamer priming (Multiprime labelling kit, Amersham) and then hybridized with the nitrocellulose filters in a 6x SSC, 5x Denhardt’s solution with 1% SDS and 0.1 µg/µl denatured salmon sperm DNA solution at 50°C. A single positive clone was purified, the insert excized in vivo (Stratagene) and then sequenced using Taq DNA polymerase and a cycle sequencing system (Big Dye Terminator, Applied Biosystems). Sequencing reactions were analyzed on a 373 DNA sequencing machine (Applied Biosystems). 3’ rapid amplification of cDNA ends ( 3’ RACE) PCR was done using a Marathon cDNA synthesis kit and klentaq DNA polymerase according to manufacturers instructions (Clontech). Sequence analysis was done with the University of Wisconsin GCG computer package. FISH. Zebrafish were raised from our own stocks and kept at 29°C. They were fed twice daily and maintained under a 14-hour day, 10-hour night cycle, or under constant darkness. Adult fish (4 months old) were killed by rapid emersion in chilled water and then decapitation. Dissections were done under PBS using microdissection tools and a dissection microscope. Care of fish and all procedures were in full compliance with institutional guidelines for animal experimentation. RNA ANALYSIS. Mini-scale RNA extractions from zebrafish tissues were done with an acid-phenol method39. A miniaturized RPA was developed for assaying Clock transcript expression in less than 1 µg total RNA. The assay was based upon standard protocols 40 but adapted for 10-µl hybridization volumes in micro-eppendorf tubes, with all incubations done in a PCR thermal cycler. Protected products were resolved on denaturing 8 M urea and 6% polyacrylamide minigels. The Clock probe was generated from the original 2.1 kb pBluescript cDNA clone by deleting an internal HincII restriction fragment, linearizing with XbaI and then transcribing a [α32P]UTP-labeled 400-nucleotide riboprobe with T7 RNA polymerase (Promega). The probe extends over the PAS A and bHLH domains of CLOCK. Zebrafish CREB was isolated from the oligo-dTprimed embryo cDNA library by screening at low stringency with a mouse cDNA probe29. The predicted amino-acid sequence is 95% identical to that of mouse CREB. A 260-nucleotide [α32P]UTP-labeled riboprobe was transcribed from a XhoI-linearized plasmid template by T3 RNA polymerase (Promega); this probe straddles the P-box region of CREB. Zebrafish IRBP cDNA was amplified by RT-PCR from daytime eye RNA using amplimers designed from the published sequence data28. After subcloning in pAdvantage (Clontech), the plasmid was linearized in the polylinker, and T7 RNA polymerase was used to generate a 260nucleotide antisense riboprobe extending over the 5’ end of the IRBP transcript. In RNAse protection assays, 100 ng (pineal glands) or 500 ng (eye and brain) of total RNA was assayed. A pool of RNA for each point was prepared from 6 fish (50 fish for the pineal glands). RNAse protection assay autoradiographs were scanned on an Imaging Densitometer (Biorad) and quantified using Molecular Analyst software (Biorad). IN VITRO ORGAN CULTURE. For in vitro organ cultures, freshly dissected tissue was placed in modified 199 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 2 mM glutamine, and with gentamycin, streptamycin and penicillin. Cultures were maintained for two days in constant darkness in a 5% CO2 incubator at 24°C with a single change of medium. Organs were dissected from fish between ZT 9 and ZT 12 and placed directly in culture in constant darkness. Time point were taken first at ZT 21 on the 706 same day and subsequently every six hours during the following days. Tissue was removed from the cultures, and RNA was extracted directly. IN SITU HYBRIDIZATION. In situ hybridization with a 2.1-kb, [35S]ATPαSlabeled antisense probe for the zebrafish Clock cDNA was done as described41. Sections of brain were prepared by embedding the fresh tissue in OCT, freezing on dry ice and then cutting 14-µm serial cross sections on a cryostat. Hybridized sections were exposed overnight on X-OMAT X-ray films (Kodak) or dipped in photo-emulsion and developed after three to four days. Acknowledgements We thank Joseph S. Takahashi, Nicolas Cermakian, Dario De Cesare, Lucia Monaco, Jean-Marie Garnier, Pilar Garcia-Villalba and Patrick Blader for discussions, advice and gifts of materials. We also acknowledge the technical assistance of Estelle Heitz, as well as Dominique Biellman, Odile Nkundwa, Nadine Fisher, Serge Vicaire and Frank Ruffenach. D.W. was supported by an EEC TMR fellowship. Our studies are funded by grants from CNRS, INSERM, CHUR, Rhône-Poulenc Rorer (Bioavenir), Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale and Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer (P. S.-C.). RECEIVED 21 AUGUST: ACCEPTED 24 OCTOBER 1998 1. King, D. P. et al. Positional cloning of the mouse circadian clock gene. Cell 89, 641–653 (1997). 2. Antoch, M. P. et al. Functional identification of the mouse circadian Clock gene by transgenic BAC rescue. Cell 89, 655–667 (1997). 3. Vitaterna, M. H. et al. Mutagenesis and mapping of a mouse gene, Clock, essential for circadian behavior. Science 264, 719–725 (1994). 4. Sun, Z. S. et al. RIGUI, a putative mammalian ortholog of the Drosophila period gene. Cell 90, 1003–1011 (1997). 5. Sassone-Corsi, P. 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