Quantum decimation renormalization group method for one dimensional spin-1/2 systems by Chen Xiyao A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Montana State University © Copyright by Chen Xiyao (1984) Abstract: We have extended both the reliability and the range of application of the decimation renormalization group method for calculating the thermal and magnetic properties of 1-dimensional quantum spin—1/2 systems. Efforts to improve the accuracy include increasing the spatial rescaling, investigating the effect of free versus periodic boundary conditions for each renormalization cluster and varying the iteration procedure. The systems under investigation include (1) spin chains with isotropic Heisenberg as well as Ising-like and XY-like anisotropic exchange in the presence of a longitudinal field, (2) chains with uniform antisymmetric exchange in a longitudinal field, (3) chains with alternating antiferromagnetic interactions in a field, and (4) those with anisotropic interactions in a field with arbitrary direction. The principal calculated results are magnetic and thermal response functions (susceptibility, magnetization and specific heat), which are compared (where possible) with previously published results using other techniques. QUANTUM DECIMATION RENORMALIZATION GROUP METHOD FOR ONE DIMENSIONAL SPIN-1/2 SYSTEMS by Chen Xiyao A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana April 1984 ii APPROVAL of a thesis Chen submitted by Xiyao This thesis has been r e a d b y each m t h e s i s c o m m i t t e e a n d h a s b e e n f o u n d to be regarding content, English usage, format bibliographic style, and c o ns i s t e n c y , and s u b m i s s i o n to the C o l l e g e of G r a d u a t e S t u d i e s ember of t h e satisfactory , citations, is r e a d y f o r Graduate Approved ILr L for the Major C oin m i t t e e Department m Date Approved for the College of Graduate G r a d u a t e ^Dean Studies ii i S T A T E M E N T OF P ERMISSION In p r e s e n t i n g the requirements University, available further for I to referred Zeeb copies that copying in the or 'the of the to exclusive Signature — this /liL__ shall of thesis Montana the State make is allowable 'fair Copyright Law. Requests right of this International, to to r e p r o d u c e in and f r o m distribute by whom as for should 300 I only use' thesis 48106, it Library. with Michigan and at consistent dissertation reproduce rules Microfilms Arbor, f u l f i l l m e n t of Library reproduction format. ' Date of U .S . to U n i v e r s i t y Ann degree the under puposes, copying Road, granted right that in p a r t i a l a doctoral agree scholarly extensive for borrowers agree prescribed this t h e s i s TO USE be North I have and d i s t r i b u t e microfilm and the abstract in any V ACKNOWLEDGMENT I w i s h to express my g r a t i t u d e to P r o f e s s o r Ge o r g e Tuthil I, who suggested and supported the research reported here, for his u n l i m i t e d advice and patient d i s c u s s i o n s during the past three years. He has read and corrected this manuscript, and given detailed comments which were valuable for the p r e p a r a t i o n of the final version. I wis h to thank him sincerely for his help. Sinc e r e thanks also to P r o f e s s o r Wm. K i n n e r s l e y and Dr. X u e y u a n Zh u of the MSU P h y s i c s D e p a r t m e n t . It w o u l d have been impossible to finish so much calculations! work without the programming assistance which they provided at the computer facility at Montana State University. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS . page V I T A ...................................... iv A C K N O W L E D G M E N T .................. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES v ...................... .vi ....................... vii LIST OF T A B L E S ................ x A B S T R A C T .......... * ................... .................... I. I N T R O D U C T I O N ........... ............... i . . . . . xi I II. 2.1 QUANTUM DECIMATION RG 2.2 SPIN CHAINS . . . . . ......... IN A LONGITUDINAL FIELD ... 10 . . . . . .18 2.2.1 Ant i sy mine trie Exchange ' . ................... 18 2.2.2 Alternating Antiferromagne tic Spin Chains Decimation for L = 3,5 and 7 Free-End Cluster Periodic Boundary Condition: . 30 33 the 6-Spin Ring 42 Thermodynamic P r o p e r t i e s ................ ' . . 52 2.3 SPIN CHAINS WITH ARBITRARY FIELD DIRECTION . . . 73 III. DISCUSSION AND S U M M A R Y ......... .. REFERENCES . . .............. 92 98 vii LIST OF FIGURES page 1. Decimation 2. The approximate I —D d e c i m a t i o n ........... 14 3. Specific heat vs temperature for I-D XY model with antisymmetric e x c h a n g e ........... 28 Specific heat vs temperature for I—D Heisenberg chain with various antisymmetric exchanges . . . . 29 4. 5. in I-D with L=2 . ................... .. . Susceptibility vs field at constant temperature . for copper nitrate . . . . . . . . . . 6. Two cluster types for, the alternating spin chain 7. The second iteration approach calculation 11 31 . 34 for free energy 41 8. Bond-moving 9. S p e c i f i c heat vs t e m p e r a t u r e for f e r r o m a g n e t i c Heisenberg chains by decimation using L= 3, 5 and 7 f r e e — end c l u s t e r s ......................... .. . . 59 S p e cific heatvs t e m p e r a t u r e f o r a n t i f e r r o m a g n e t i c isotropic Heisenberg chains by decimation using L= 3 , 5 an d 7 f r e e - e n d c l u s t e r s ................... 60 10. and spin ring decimation . . . . . . . 43 11. Specific heat vs temperature at constant anisotropy y for I s i n g - I i k e spin chains . . . . . . . . . 61 12. Specific heat vs temperature Y for X Y - like spin chains 13. Susceptibility vs temperature for isotropic spin chain with ferromagnetic coupling at constant m a g n e t i c field ........ . . . . . ................ at constant anisotropy . ................... .. 62 63 14. Susceptibility vs temperature for antiferromagnetic i s o t r o p i c spin chain in zero m a g n e t i c f i e l d . 64 15. Susceptibility vs temperature for anti ferromagnetic isotropic spin chain at constant magnetic field . 65 16. Specific heat versus temperaturefor antiferromaghe tic isotropic spin chain at constant m a g n e t i c f i e l d . ........... ...................... 66 vi.ii 17. Susceptibility vs field for a l t e r n a t i n g chain at two different temperatures by L=3 decimation RG 61 \ 18. 19. Susceptibility vs field for a l t e r n a t i n g chain at low temperature by L= 3, 5 and 7 decimation approaches and the iteration method of Eq.(2-3 2) . 68 S u s c e p t i b i l i t y vs field for alternating chain at low temperature by L=3 , 5 and? d e c i m a t i o n approaches and the iteration method of Eq.(2-33) 69 . 20. Susceptibility vs field for a l t e r n a t i n g c hain at kgT/J = O .08 by L=3 decimation with iteration E q . (2— 3 3)and Zeeman terms for the end spins taken w i t h h 1 = i1 and h2 = 0 .......... .................... 70 21. Susceptibility vs field for a l t e r n a t i n g chain at constant temperature by 6-spin ring decimation 71 Energy spectrum of an 6-spin alternating ring as a f u n c t i o n of the m a g n e t i c field . . . . . . . . . 72 Parallel and perpendicular susceptibility vs temperature for antiferromagnetic Ising chain by L= 3 RG . . . . .:...................... ............. 84 The x and z direction susceptibilities vs t e m p e r a t u r e for XY chain by L= 3 R G ............ 85 Susceptibility vs magnetic field for uniform XY chain at temperature tgT/J=0.05 by L - 3 RG . . . . 86 Susceptibility vs magnetic XY chain at temperature 87 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. field for alternating ^ RG . . . 27. Susceptibility vs x-direction field for uniform XY-chain at different temperature using polynomial fit to each 10 a d j a c e n t data p o i n t s ........... 88 28. Eight lowest energy levels of uniform XY cluster four spins as a function of field in the z d i r e c t i o n .................... of 89 29. Eight lowest energy levels of uniform XY cluster of four spins as a function of field in the x d i r e c t i o n .............................................. 90 30. Schematic energy levels of transverse Ising model and its b l o c k QRG ................. 96 ix 31. 32. S c h e m a t i c e n e r g y levels of 2 - s p i n c l u s t e r for the anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain in the l o n g i t u d i n a l field ..................... Schematic energy level structure of odd- and even-spin i s o tropic H e i s e n b e r g s p i n c h a i n . ., 96 . 97 I X LIST OF TABLES page 1. The 8 eigenstates and eigenvalues of a 3-spin c l u s t e r . . . . ....................................... 2. The 4 eigenstates and eigenvalues of a 2-spin c l u s t e r ...................... ..........................16 3. The eigenstates and eigenvalues of spin cluster with antisymmetric e x c h a n g e ..................... . 4. The block sizes for Hfo f°r L=3 , 5 and 5. The eigenstates and eigenvalues of a.2— spin c l u s t e r ......................... ‘................. .. and eigenvalues of . 16 23 7 ............... 37 6. The eigenstates a3-spin ring 7. The dimensions of block size of 6-spin alternating ring Hamiltonian ■......................... . 37 46 47 ABSTRACT We have e x t ended both the r e l i a b i l i t y and the range of a p p l i c a t i o n of the d e c i m a t i o n r e n o r m a l i z a t i o n group method for calculating the thermal and magnetic properties of 1 - d i m e n s i o n a l q u a n t u m s p i n — 1/2 systems. E f f o r t s to i m p r o v e the a c c u r a c y i n c l u d e i n c r e a s i n g the s p a t i a l rescaling, investigating the effect of free versus periodic b o u n d a r y c o n d i t i o n s for each r e n o r m a l i z a t i o n c l u s t e r and v a r y i n g the i t e r a t i o n p r o c e d u r e . The s y s t e m s u n d e r i n v e s t i g a t i o n include (I) spin chains w i t h iso t r o p i c H e i s e n b e r g as well as I s i n g - I i k e and X Y - I i k e a n i s o t r o p i c exchange in the pr.esence of a l o n g i t u d i n a l field, (2) chains with' u n i f o r m antisymmetric exchange in a longitudinal field, (3) c h a i n s with alternating a n t i f e r r o m a g ne tic i n t e r a c t i o n s in a field, and (4) those w i t h a n i s o t r o p i c i n t e r a c t i o n s in a f ield w i t h a r b i t r a r y direction. The p r i n c i p a l c a l c u l a t e d resu l t s are m a g n e t i c and t h e r m a l response functions (susceptibility, magnetization and specific heat), which are compared (where possible) w i t h p r e v i o u s l y p u b l i s h e d results using other techniques. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Interest in one — dimensional the early 1920's, reason and still for this tra c t a b l e than of I -D as those problems, second the i n centive in an examination nature of the of real popular TCNQ, magnetic can be 'tailor-made' the field of organic [1,2,3,4,51, discussion will detailing situations. briefly are important For review systems. have whose conductors exist recent often A found an structure in the laboratory. Also T here several a variety essentially I —D (quasi — are naturally quasi-l-D. theoretical which Now three solutions these p h y sical systems which systems and is real A central of of of experimentalists is effectively ohe dimensional. I- D ) magnets world treatments) and arose in in general , more familiar approximate is that increasing number the are, there exist a number of exact accurate illuminates continues to advance, is that I —D m o d e l s dimensions. In fact (as well (I —D ) magnetism such as TTF- r e v i e w s of I -D m a g n e t i c the curr e n t this only reason these experimental the following developments for the goals of this thesis. 2 Analytic Developments T h e . effective anisotropic I spin-1/2 Heis.enberg spin Hamiltonian chain may be for the written general in terms of Pauli spin operators as ^ = Y, {"J z<Tiz<Ti+ i2„Jx y (oiXcri+1x_<Tiy 0ri+1y)- H z<yiz-Hx<yix} . i (1-1) We c o n s i d e r b i l i n e a r spin couplings', and a s s u m e n e i g h b o r spin i n t e r a c t i o n s nearest- only. The e f fective exchange c o n s t a n t b e t w e e n the Z - c o m p o n e n t s of the spins is J z , and that between x and y components, Jxy“ Ising obtained by putting J xy= O , and the XY-model If J=Jz=Jxy we have putting J z=O. the model is is obtained by isotropic Heisenberg chain. The Ising classical, in the 5^- commute by Lenz with and phase in sense that one solved solution was temperature model all another. in I -D essentially and the H^=O operators This by system Ising complete applied magnetic case as field. in is purely appearing was 1925 in suggested [6]. The a function of both This model has no t r a n s i t i o n at T> 0, but orders s p o n t a n e o u s l y at T=0. In 1944, a very D ) Ising model famous was solution g iven transition at T>0, but his on the thermal complete properties solution, by of the two-dimensional Onsager solution in zero including [7]. He found provided magnetic H z = 0» (2a information field alone. A Is lacking to this 3 day. Fully quantum-mechanical systems, S=I/2 Heisenberg m o d e l ■ are m u c h ■more even the f e r r o m a g n e t i c in I-D. For state c o n sists of all spins such difficult case, parallel as the to solve, J> 0, the ground and is (N+l)-fold d e g e n e r a t e w h e n H=O. In 1930 Bloch i n t r o d u c e d the concept of a spin single wave and overturned deviate Wortis gave spin. exact In 1963 [9], but difficult J < 0, Bethe the energy in three- or more— spin to get. 1931 state eigenfunction for chain. no long-range order the of a wide class quantum a variety spin ground-state of chains. en e r g y In for I- and 1938 so, in this analytic solutions as are case, concerning he the Heisenberg demonstrated model remains even at T=O the key to the of spin chain m o d e l s 2—D systems Hulthen this states and and found the ground- In- doing the Be the Ansatz well and Fu k u d a S= I/ 2 that a the two-spin deviate an Ansatz exists for antiferromagnetic of the eigenstates, antiferromagnetic note the formulated structure [10] . We For of [8], the general as eigenstates state was o b t a i n e d by W o r t i s more that the other than deri v e d the antiferromagnetic m odel [1 1 ] : E = -Ni J I (21n2-l/2) as compared with antiferromagnetic = -0.886NI J I — 0.5 N ground IJ I state. C l o i z e a u x and P e a r s o n derive for Not classical until Neel 1962 did the en e r g y s p e c t r u m des of the 4 lowest excited relation to be h(d(q) = triplet states, finding the dispersion [12]: jt|J sin qal where a is the s e p a r a t i o n b e t w e e n n e a r e s t - n e i g h b o r atoms along the. chain. The I-D spin-1/2 XY model was solved analytically in the 1960's i n d e p e n d e n t l y by Lieb, Schultz and M a t t i s and Katsura obtained [14]. Katsura exact.results transverse magnetic for field, progress Heisenberg-XY linear and the Pfeuty Ising [15] model also in a often described as the simplest solvable quantum mechanical Real [14] [13] model. on the chain general with s p i n -1/2 symmetry Ising- in the XY plane, dates from 196 6 and the w o r k of Yang and Yang, wh o o b t a i n e d a detailed zero temperature solution in terms of anisotropy and m a g n e t i c f i e l d [16] . In 19 80 J o h n s o n and B o n n e r found the elementary thermodynamics zero and very solution of excitations for and. low-temperature the I s i n g - H e i s e n b e r g f e r r o m a g n e t small magnetic this model field [17], A in complete has yet to. be obtained. Numerical Studies As indicated above, the S= I /2 general not available analytic analytic solution for a n i s o t r o p i c H e i s e n b e r g linear .chain is even treatment a complete now. along m a y be not possible. For the the lines There S > I/ 2 of the is e x p e r i m e n t a l spin chain .an Bethe Ansatz interest in a 5 variety sy s t e m S > I/ 2 spin (conta i n i n g ion), the of chains, the N i z+ ion), and s p i n - 5 / 2 sys t e m Bethe Ansatz Heisenberg s.nch effective, spin-1 s p i n - 3/2 sys t e m ( C r 3+ ( M n z+ ion). Eve n for spin 1/2, approach alternating as cannot chain, be whose applied to Hamiltonian the can be written as N/2 : ^ { Jlcr2i-rof2i + J2 ^ i ,?2i+l (1-2) i This is a nearest-neighbor exchange model in which there are two unequal e x c h a n g e const a n t s , IJ i I > IJ 2 ^ say. It is convenient ratio that to a=I define an a l t e r n a t i o n corresponds corresponds to the to the c ase of uniform a = f 2 / ^ I * 80 limit decoupled an d a=0 dimers. Th e a l t e r n a t i n g spin c hain is i m p o r t a n t as well to the theory of spin-Peierls an a n a l y t i c reliable In approach theoretical the finite spin chains, b o u n d a r y conditions. size the N. Bonner Griffiths exactly Numerical thermodynamic quasi— I-D calculations to as finite calculating in organic s. Since is not f e a s i b l e 1 at this time, 1 9 6 0 's independently, referred transitions are.needed. a n.d [19] Fisher developed chain e x t r a p o l a t i o n . the properties with both [18] a periodic This and increasing extrapolations (N —y- 00). are In and, technique of a sequence and s t e a d i l y l im it other involves of small free-end the system t h e n . made to way an this 6 extensive for the T=O uniform By set of results for all H and T, correlation functions same energies procedure, [20], S = I / 2, I, Blote specific magnetization heat isotherms 3/2, 2, up to properties in Real. for I -D copper Sjpa ce nitrate to experiment the [22] for Cu(NO3)2^ . 5 HzO Renormalization [18]. and T=O spin Blote calculated Heisenberg the g round-state Diederix, and the alternating for susceptibility, field 5/2. results obtained obtained [21], vs. compared the experimental chain were chain with accuracy comparable the and some values _e_t _a_l. thermodynamic antiferromagnet [23]. Group. and Qu an turn Renormalization Group (QRG) The renormalization powerful critical and successful phenomena, classical but s y s terns. group approach method in the [24] is modern the most theory of its use has been confined mainly to For example, th e real space renormalization group method pioneered by Niemeijer and van Leeuwen [25] has b een models [26,27] , while widely used s t u dying c l assical that models their l i m i t a t i o n s temperature be ignored and difficulty, in [29], low however, in applied techniques which the [28]. H o w e v e r , as since magnetic systems cannot greater momentum-space n - dimensional vectors spins have phenomena, in successfully models have a for to have spins dimensions. is experienced at been are classical magnetic quantum especially Ising nature very low Considerably in applying 7 RG methods essential quantum reason noncommuting Very tested to recently devi s e d shortly is two first block One by Most RG cases, and only a very of is to a subdivided int o and blocks have 8=1/2) to some is t r u n c a t e d of For T=O cases, been [30,31] Kondb bee n and problem. used for T=O of each each The lattice such that the b l o c k may be block (2Ns levels, 0f levels, and ' coupling between the blocks have transformation of sites number r' basis. of [33,34,35], Ns eigenvectors The basis block is as follows. of c a l c u l a t e d exactly. methods type for T>0 spirit of the block RG eigenvalues The problem theorists approaches few RG the field applied [32]. is familiar kinds models. thereafter The the systems. operators. on quantum method mechanical the ' is written within the truncated the truncated basis need only contain the ground state and dominant set of first excited states. This block QRG method has been exhaustively tested on the transverse [30,36], Fields Ising model, e_t a_l. with [37,38,39] on the I-D a l t e r n a t i n g H e i s e n b e r g in order state as encouraging to investigate used a T=O appro a c h antiferromagnet the nature of the lowest a f u n c t i o n of a l t e r n a t i o n ratio a. fall results QRG calculations naturally odd, (3, 5, 7 and 9), w i t h N%=2 and N s even, 6 or 8). The N s odd calculation means into two The chain excited b lock classes: Ns w i t h Ni=4 (or that one N s~spin 8 block maps into calculation one means renormalized that the Ng^^pin ,site. The block maps renormalized N^/ 2— sp in bloc k. . Fields, ert method and found that unstable fixed independent the uniform point dimers of (o=0) this T=O QRG predicts a (<z=l), is always an while a system is a stable fixed point. an excitation into used the N s odd limit system, N g e V en gap that of Therefore vanishes only in the u n i f o r m l i m i t (no alter n a t i o n ) . They also e x a m i n e d the q u a n t i t a t i v e finite chain energy, the Ni=2, accuracy of this QRG by extrapolation results. For N s=9 RG calculation discrepancy amounting comparing the gives with ground-state a quantitative to 12% in the uniform limit. However, the Ni = 2 RG sequence, N s = 3 , 5, 7 and 9, e x t r a p o l a t e d N s= 00, gives more accurate results. For the N s odd calculation gives a value unreliable gives near results to the excitation gap, that is quantitatively the d imer limit. The N g even c a l c u l a t i o n in very good agreement with the extrapolated curve out to 0 = 0.6 but p r e d i c t s a gap v a n i s h i n g a t q = 0 .9 6 2 rather than The unity. second Q RG method transformation method first from the its classical simplest reviewed of approach in detail temperature heat RG version below, dependence the uniform extended the for quantum decimation by Suzuki and Takano [40,41,42,43]. This spin Suzuki _e^ jiJ.. of the 1—D is seems to be systems. As calculated the internal energy and specific spin models (the isotropic 9 Heisenberg couplings, model thesis decimation readily ferro- an d ant!ferromagnetic and XY-m ode I).. In this the with we HG. applied will be Unlike at finite field. F u r t h e r m o r e concerned exclusively with the block method, temperature and it can be in a m a g n e t i c the d e c i m a t i o n a p p r o a c h is correct in both the dimer and Ising limits. The purpose reliability method. of this and the range thesis of the both the decimation its a c c u r a c y by increasing the length rescaling factor and investigating the effect of conditions. We apply thermodynamic we behavior (I) of uniform, antisymmetric Heisenberg anisotropic decimation properties In p a r t i c u l a r (2) to e x t e n d of application We a t t e m p t to impr o v e boundary is by to various examine the uniform the calculation iteration thermal anisotropic Heisenberg exchange, (3) chains. and Finally, spin chains in a magnetic direction. Wherever possible, with those of other techniques. and we have magnetic chains alternating we techniques. Heisenberg anisotropic extend of chains, with anisotropic this field with compared QRG to arbitrary our results 10 CHAPTER 2.1 Su zuk i decimation and RG [40,41], have nearest-neighbor the interactions method by the spin-1/2 Heisenberg anisotropy. The a simple spin systems . illus t r a t e of proposed for I— D quantum , we treatment (ST) transformation with section ©WANTUK B E CIMATION Kffi Takano - 2 only. reviewing model with In this the ST uni axial reduced Hamiltonian (-ener g y/ kB ^ this model is given by N-I H = 2 ] I K z o i z o i+ 1 z * + ). (2-1) 1 .0 where T is the temperature and kg B o l t z m a n n ' s Here cfjX, <r^ y , and 0 ^z denote the ith site parameters where of The Jz the are e x c hange components of neighboring y components, We the Pauli spin o p e r a t o r s on linear K z an(j K Xy chain with respectively coupling spins , Jxy N sites. The - p J z and, - p J Xy # constant between z that between x and and P= I/ kgx. construct a decimation factor L (see Fig. I) according e xp { A + W constant. I = Tr' e xp { $ } . transformation to the with scale procedure (2-2) 11 Here “/V is H a m i l t o n i a n on the original "Sy is a d e c i m a t e d new lattice spacing a with belonging trace to the (2-1) and ( i.e. r e n o r m a l i z e d ) H a m i l t o n i a n on the lattice of original partial lattice chain). over new spacing La, The all (where a is lattice operation Tr' means spin operators except to take those lattice. L= 2 & A e ^yX yX V X yX yV V A yX yV X Z V X yX yX A yV A yX Z ^yV A yV yV yX A yV A A u W X y" Fig. I. Decimation in one dimension with scale factor L= 2. Crosses denote spin o p e r a t o r s to be e l i m i n a t e d (traced over) by the de c i m a t i o n . Dots denote spin operators to remain after the decimation. Lines denote the interactions between neighboring spins. 12 For a mode I, this in the I —D classical decimation quantum case can be it is system. say the carried out exact ly. How ever impossible to carry d e c i m a t i o n e x a c t l y even in one d i m e n s i o n be c a u s e noncommuting effect of operators First out the of the in the H a m i l t o n i a n . have p r o p o s e d the f o l l o w i n g s i m p l e one-dimensional Ising ST a p p r o x i m a t i o n for the decimation. the full H a m i l t o n i a n is divided into a sum of cluster Hamiltonians Hfoj' /l ' n Y, Hbj • (2-3) j= l Here L Hbj = X! , i= l where ® j,i-1 ,o j ,i) denotes b e t w e e n cr ^ and aj in the c o m m u t a t o r s b e t w e e n clusters, and make the a nearest-neighbor jth cluster. operators the exact interaction We. then ignore referred to d i f f e r e n t decimation within one cluster only: exp{ Ai.+Hfo ’ (T q ,o l ) } = Tr' H b ' (^O » ct"l ) is a interaction between exp { Hfo (OOeOl,*" T l ) ) • renormalized the remaining (2-4) ne a r e s t - n e i g h b o r spins O q and <tl » and Al 13 I is a c o n s t a n t Hbj' and Al* term we »w W#. H a m iI to n i a n independent construct of T 0 and T L . an Then, approximate and- an a p p r o x i m a t e using transformed constant term- A a as foilows N/L “ X! Hbj'(oj,0.3j,L) (2-5) , j= l and Aa = (N/L) Al . This entire procedure (see Fig. 2) can be written as N/L exp {A+ ^ I = Tr' exp{}^ } N/L '= Tr ’ exp{ X Hb j * = j-1 N/L Tr' TI Gxpf Hbj I = TT exp{ Al+Hbj' } = j=l j=l (2 - 6 ) J N/L = exp { NA1 Z l + £ Hbj ' } = exp (A + % } . j=l Two approximations errors nature have made, due to the n o n - c o m m u t a t i v i t y can be examined adjacent clusters only, exp{ been by and both introduce of o p erators. Their considering the case two for which we may write } = exp{Hbl) e xp { H b 2 ) e xp {I / 2 [Hbl ,Hb2l C e xp {Hbl 'I e xp{Hb2'l of = exp{ Hbl '+Hb2 '~l/2 +*.'*} *' [ H b l ' ,Hb2 ■* + '‘ * (2-7) 14 Roughly speaking, truncating these the errors which expressions hav e are introduced opposite C o n s e q u e n t l y they may be e x p e c t e d to cancel, part, since Hb is t r a n s f o r m e d into H b signs. at least, *n (2-7) in after in the decimation. (a) #--- O--- # I (c) •\Ay\y\A/» 4 W AyVfcAAAAA^AAyXA/WXAyXAyV^A/XAAA^V* Fig. 2. The a p p r o x i m a t e o n e - d i m e n s i o n a l d e c i m a t i o n . The original system is divided into a sum of clusters in (a). The decimation is carried out within one cluster shown in (b), to give a new i n t e r a c t i o n w h i c h is d e n o t e d by a wave line in (c ) . F r o m this n e w interaction, the renormalized system (d) is constructed. 15 Applying Hamiltonian the approximation (2-1) we explained above to the can carry out the decimation with L=2. the Hamiltonian of one cluster is H b = K z (oOz<yl z+CTl Zor2 z). + + K xy (<yOxor1x+<y1x o 2x + 0 O yff1 y+<T1 y<r2 y) .= = K z (<yOZ01 z+01 Z02 z) + Kx y /2(0O+arl~+<Tl+<T2-+ ll*c') " (2 - 8 ) Here h.c means Hermitian conjugate 0+ = 0X+i0y Th e and eigenstates Im o~ = > an d and 0*— IoY the . (2-9) eigenvalues Em of the H a m i l t o n i a n Hy can be o b t a i n e d a n a l y t i c a l Iy (see Table I) for the cluster of L+l=3 ^ b ' is of the same for m sites. The transformed Hamiltonian as Eq.(2-8), e.g. Hb' = K z fO 0 zOrZ 2 + Kx y '/2 (0O+<72™+® o "®2 + ) * It has 2). The eigenstates In > and decimation Eq. exptAl) eigenvalues (see Table (2-4) can be written in the form Y t exP t E n fH n X n I = Tr' (n} Y E n' ^jT exp{Em > I m X m I (m) (2 - 1 0 ) <ilm><mli> e x p (Em ^ (m, i) where Ii> 's are all states of the L-I=I intermediate sites. 16 Table I. The eight e i g e n s t a t e s and e i g e n v a l u e s of. a ■three spin cluster |m> i Ittt> 2 !***> 3 a+|tti + It t > + b+ It It > 4 a_ I11 I + It t > + b _ ItIt > 5 a+ II It + t 11> + b+ IIt l> E+ = -Kz + G 6 a _ II It + t 1 1> + b-I It l> E- = - K z - G Em 2KZ I N W II I N I II W 2KZ W *: m 7 1/^T Ittl - ltt> 0 8 I/J T Ilit - t 11> 0 + G . -G G2 == K 2 2 + BKxy2 a+ 2 — 4Kxy^/(8K%y^+E+^) a_2 = 4Kxy2/(8Kxy2+E_2) b + 2 = E + 2 /(8KXy2+ E + 2 ) b_2 = E _ 2 / (8Kxy2+E_2) T able 2. The sp in cluster four e i g e n s t a t e s and e i g e n v a l u e s I n> 4 Eu' I tt> Kz' I ll> KZ I/J T I t l + lt> I/J T Itl - lt> ' Kz '+2KXy -K Z '“ 2Kxy of a two 17 Substituting these eigenstates Table I and 2 into Eq. (2 — 1 0), aI + K z ' we and eigenvalues thus in the obtain = InC exp(2KZ ) + b + 2exp(E+ ) + b _ 2exp(E_) Al - K z ' + 2KXy ' = In 4 + I n { a+2e x p (E+) } + a-2ex p (E - ) ) A1 - K z ' - 2Kx y ' = In 2 . T h e r e f o r e we Hamiltonian find K z' parameters in the transformed Hfo '• = 1/4 xy the ln{ e x p (-Kz ) (cosh G + K z/G sinh G) } = 1/2 ln{ ex p (2 K Z)+ e x p (- K z)(cosh G — K zZ^ sinh G) } - 1/2 in 2 - Kxy . ( 2- 11) the magnitude of . Al = K z ' + 2Kx y ' + In 2 For the error this results neglected in a Kxy' show higher the the by transformations, thermodynamic effects approximations the temperature. calculated are found calculated A Al ~ O( K 4 ) that in K z and K x y * Thus „ at ST also involved in this approximation: A K z» ~ These example properties start at approximation Thermodynamic iterating as of n o n c o m m u t a t i v i t y will the be those found by Bonner and Fisher order be t t e r properties are renormalization from to be fourth becomes dis c n s s e d obtained at high temperature the this below. The approximation in good agreement with and by Katsura. 18 2.2 SPIN CHAINS IN A LONGITUDINAL FIELD The approximate Eq.(2-6); In this quantum section decimation and the next is summarized we will use in this m e t h o d to e x a m i n e a v a r i e t y of spin systems. We will also investigate using the periodic each cluster, is used to outline effects of rather increasing, the than free b o u n d a r y and by varying cal c u l a t e the of the remainder the antisymmetric antiferromagnetic thermodynamic of this chapter boundary exchange, spin chain. conditions, in the a l t e r n a t i n g and as 2.2.1 is Antisynmetric [44,45] a three-component which The In as alternating methods will factors, be tested section, a general in a m a g n e t i c field of studied. Exchange Antisymmetric, interactions for is as follows: The effects of scale iteration of w i t h b oth s y m m e t r i c spin chain. In next direction conditions proper t i e s . well d e c i m a t i o n m e t h o d for spin chains arbitrary factor, iteration procedure this section, we study the I —D model and scale or are of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) the D interaction form D.(SjxSj)* where is constant and Sj and Sj are spins on chaih sites i and j,. T e r m s of this type m a y arise due to spin-orbit structures. Among have commonly Teller been distorted coupling in those materials o b s erved compounds. low-symmetry in which DM are Another magnetic interactions low-dimensional recent example Jahnis the 19 chain-like which polymer poly (cobalt n-butylphosphinate)[46], the symmetric interaction isotropic and antiferromagnetic, weak ferromagnetism. typically (S'S) an order coupling. (that is Sj.Sj) in is while the DM term produces In a given system DM interactions are of magnitude Nonetheless their functions may be significant, via series e x p a n s i o n s weaker than the symmetric effects and are known on the response in detail only [47] v a l i d in the high temperature regime. Betts has pointed out d i r e c t i o n for lattice is one which interaction rotating about all pairs the rotation direction or through plane, the can be the points in the same neighbors, divided and if the into sub lattice s, on one XY) interaction t an- 1(ID I/J) case sub lattice of D. If there a DM that there between about is throtigh 9 0* is also a s y m m e t r i c a l D of the interaction an would the spins, eliminate a the [47,48].. isotropy in the XY- that is w h e r e the a n t i s y m m e t r i c e x c hange constant has only a Z component, in of nearest for spins antisymmetric part In if D^j can be t r a n s f o r m e d into an X Y . i n t e r a c t i o n by the axes ( H e i s en berg that same direction, following mapping D= D z» and that the applied field is the relation: Betts's statement The H a m i l t o n i a n chain with antisymmetric exchange of gives the the spin 20 % = ][ ( - K z S i^ S itlZ - K x y ( S iISitlZfSiySit l F) - i (2-12) - D ( S iX S itlF -SiySitlX) - K S iZ } is in fact equivalent to an a n i s o t r o p i c spin chain with. Hamiltonian W - X t "r Z S 1z S 1H-Iz - * V < S i ’tsl+ ll i s iy s i+1T > " S S 1- ) i . (2-13) where -yjK xy 2+1)2 Kxy' = This In g. about (2-14) can be proved as follows: the Ham iltonian(2-12) the Z axis, Sifl= = CO S one rotates the successive using A S i+!=' - sin A SifIy ' s ifly = sin A S i+!=' f CO S A SifIy ' (2-15) s i+1 Z “ ® i+1 If we fix A by the relation tan A = D/K^y s u b s t i t u t i n g Eq. (2-15) and (2-16) (2-16) into H a m i l t o n i a n (2-12) gives % - X ' - k Z s 1z S 1H-Iz' s I8 s H i 1 '*s i7 s i*iy ’) - i - hS.z } (2-17) 21 Comparing E q 1(2-13) Bot h with Eq. (2-17)» antisymmetric i s o tropic and in the XY-plane. suitable rotation antisymmetric is exchange we have symmetric In the above made is changed Eq.(2-14). in exchanges we the see that are if a X Y - plane, into a symmetric the one. If there exists a t r a n s v e r s e field (i.e in the XY-plane), the isotropy in the X Y - plane symmetric is broken. Thus the m a p p i n g exchange holds only for the l o n g i t u d i n a l to a field case. In this with its s u b s e c t i o n we uncontrolled additional calculate complexity the of test w h e t h e r approximations, antisymmetric specific heat can = Z j the will of the Heisenberg, chain by symmetric the the same results exchange. The reduced Hamiltonian for this case ^ treat exchange. . We decimation R G , and check that we reproduce as with anisotropic the QRG method, is * ™K zCTiZ<ri+lZ ~ K x y U i X o i+lx+<yiy<ri+ly) " i - D ( a ix(ri+1y-ffiy<yi+ 1x) - ha^z here cr= 2S, K z= p j z , Kxy = PJxy. We use decimation ) , (2-18) h=pHz , and P= IZkgT. with scale, factor L= 2 to. calculate the t h e r m o d y n a m i c proper t i e s . The H a m i l t o n i a n of a three spin cluster is H b = - K ztff0Za1 ZH-CT1 Zff2Z) - l/2(Kxy+ i D ) (CT0+CTl~+ffl+<T2 ~ ) " - 1/2 (Kxy_iD) (Ct O-0I ++erl-<T2 + > ~ h(o0 z/2+o1 z+CT2 z/2) . 22 We have used E q .(2— 9) to write O 1 x G2 y-®! and take = iZ2 (ffl+tT2_-CTl_<T2 + ^ » account the fact shared by two n e i g h b o r i n g should be commutes we can included with with that clusters, each solve analytically, as for shown its in each This of the total eigenstates Table Hamiltonian Hfo' is of the same form end spin is half the Z e e m a n term cluster. the Z component easily since 3a. Hamiltonian spin. and The Therefore eigenvalues transformed as Eq.(2-19), but for a two-spin cluster: H b' = - K z 1G 0 zOrZ z " l/2(Kx y *+iD') g o “<*2+ ~ - I/2 (Kxy *-iD')ff0-G2+ ~ h?/2 Its eigenstatei and eigenvalues Substituting the Ta b l e 3 a and of the are energy), we also require . shown in Table 3b. these e i g e n s t a t e s 3b into Eq. (2-10) (G0 Zi-G2 ?) and e i g e n v a l u e s (but c h a n g i n g the keep the sign that (2 - 2 0 ) a=d to in two spin eigenstates arising from the decimation. consistent 4 In> <n Iexpt-En '} = n=I those Therefore we find 4 exp (Al - Hb') = with InXnI n=l Pn • J ■ (2-21) •i 23 Table 3 a„ E i g e n s t a t e s .and e i g e n v a l u e s cluster with antisymmetric exchange of a Im> m I 11 tt> 2 U*t> three Em . -2^ z-2h -2Kz+2h 3 I/ ■ypl Ittl - a ltt> —h 4 I/ Ilit - a*tll> h 5 ^l+2lb+ |2 lb+ttl + tit + b+*l?t> E l+ 6 j l +2 Ib _ I2 Ib_t tI + tit + b _ * 4 M > El- 7 ^ I+2 Ic+ I2 lc + |it + It I + E2+ 8 1 1+2 Ic _ I2 |c_ii? + ltl + c _ * t W > E2- *: a = (Kxy-iD)2/(Kxy2+D2 ) b+ = -2(Kxy+iD)/(h+E1 + ) b_ = -2(Kxy+iD)/(h+E1_) c+ = 2 (Kxy-ID)/(h-E2 + ) C_ = 2 (K xy- iD) / (h-E2- ) Ei+ = - h /2 + K z + ■y 8 (Kxy2 + D 2)+(h/2 + K z)2 _ = — h/2 + K z - ~\J8 (Kxy2+D 2 ).+ (h/2 + K z)2 E2 + = h/2 + Kz + ^ I 8 (Kxy2+D 2)+(— h/2+Kz>2 E2- = h /2 + K z - I /8 (K x y 2+D2 )+(-h/2+Kz )2 ■ spin 24 T able 3b. The four e i g e n s t a t e s and e i g e n v a l u e s spin cluster with antisymmetric exchange In > I **> I3 > = I / V I4 > = d it> K z - + Z - ^ K x y '2 + D ' 2 *t> K z ' - Z ^ K x y '2 + D ' 2 . + - 4- -» t 1 If 4 CL = N I2 > — K z ’- h ' + If t> I = H Eu' Ii> 2" 6 d = ( K x y - - I D ' ) / ^ IK Xy *2 - D '2 where P i = exp {2Kz+2h} of a + l/(l+2|b+|2) exp{-E1 + } + + I / (1+ 2 |b_!2 ) Cxpt-E1-I P2 » exp{2K z- 2h} + l/(l+2 |c+|2 ) exp{-E2 + } + + I/ (1 + 2 |c-I2 ) exp{-E2_3 Pg = exp{ h } + e xp {-h } P4 = 2|b+ l2 /(l+2lb+l2 ) Bxpt-E1+) + + 2 lb_|2/(1+2 |b_|2) Oxpt-E1,) + + 2| c +I2/(1+2| c +I2 ) e Xpt-E2 +) + + 2 Ic_ I2/(1+2 Ic-I2) Bxpt-E2 -) tW O 25 Solving Eq s.(2-20) and (2-21), we find the p a r a m e t e r s of the renormalized Hamiltonian: A1 = ( In Pl + In ?2 + In Pg + In P4 ) /4 h' = ( In Pl KZ' = ( In Pl + In P2 - In Pg - In P4 ) /4 + I n P2 ) Z2 K x y ' = B(Kxy2- D 2 )/(Kxy2+ D 2) D' = 2BKxyD/(Kxy2+D2) where B =( In P4 - in P 3 )/4 Once we have done the decimation, energy site per of the we can calculate the free system (In Q)/N r e n o r m a l i z a t i o n t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s by,using formula from these the w e l l - k n o w n [25]: (1/N)ln Q n S' A1/2 + (1/2) (2/N) In Q n/2 or, (1/N) In Q n ^ (1/2) ^ (l/-2m )A1_(R(“ ){K,D.h)) (2-22) m=0 We can obtain thereby the specific heat CZ(Nkg) = ( K 2 92/dK2 + 2Kh B 2ZdKdh.+ h2 B2Zdh2 )(In Q ) /N (2-23) 26 the magnetization M = 9/dh (In Q ) /N (2-24) and the susceptibility kB T = d2/9h2 According properties of Kxy ^ + decimation to results chain to those ^xy'= with ' static with parameters thermal ( 1^z ,Kxy ,D, hz } of a c hain w i t h p a r a m e t e r s D'= 0, ca l c u l a t e hz the anti s y m m e t r i c confirm (2-25) to Betts's mapping relation, a spin are e q u i v a l e n t chains (In Q ) /N }. We have specific used heat e x c h a n g e , and { Kz' quantum for the found spin that the this mapping relation. In the XY-case, a chain with { K z=O, Kxy, D/Kxy=l, h z= 0 } is e q u i v a l e n t to a chain w i t h { K z^O, K x y '= ■^2* Kxy' D'=0 , h z = o } . Since k B T / K x y '= (I / ^ 2" )kgT/Kxy° T h e r e f o r e the thermodynamic the D = K xy and properties D'=0 case as a function wil l t e m p e r a t u r e axis. In Fig. 3 heat curve of D Z K xy=I have of temperature different we can see that is scaled that with D' ~ 0 .0 5. The Kat sura's by exact units on the specific a factor result for of from for symmetric e x c h a n g e alone is s h o w n in the same figure. C o m p a r e d to the exact line, the same the L= 2 line has too hig h a m a x i m u m . situation as that Takano and Suzuki have This got is [41]. 27 Fig. 4 shows ferromagnetic has the same anisotropic Fig. 12). chains that with character chains the specific different as without that he at for iso t r o p i c antisymmetric of different antisymmetric exchange XY-Iike exchange (cf. C/NkB 28 OlK-LO D = O cN \ \o.os I O I l_ 0 2 Fig. 3. Temperature dependence of the specific heat of th e I-D XY model with antisymmetric exchange. Solid curves are the pr es e n t resu l t s and dashed curve is the result of Katsura [14] for the case of symmetric exchange alone. C/NK 29 KbTZJ Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of the specific heat of I-D i s o t r o p i c H e i s e n b e r g m o d e l , for vari o u s v a l u e s of the antisymmetric exchange. 30 2.2.2 Altermatimg Amtiferromagmettic Spio Chaims The one-dimensional magnetic antiferromagnetic i n t e r a c t i o n s attention, materials stimulated such as and on systems undergoing Theoretical has largely copper chain attracted by nitrate alternating much experimental Cu(N03 )2 *2.5H2® spin-Peierls treatments with have work on on [23,49,50] transitions focussed recent [4], a model described by a reduced Hamiltonian of the form e— I r\/ = 2^ [ -KlTi, iT i, 2 - K2Ti,2Ti +l ,1 - h<cri,iz+ffi,2z) > (2-26) As d e s c r i b e d above the chain c o n s i s t s of s p i n s - 1/2 linked by isotropic antiferromagnetic ( K l , K 2 ^®^ exchange interactions which alternate in size. For copper nitrate, A j i r o u_t aj.., D i e d e r i x .ejb a%. [23], and B o n n e r and T =-1.29K this m a t e r i a l e^_t s J . [49] [49,53]. The have found a = K 2 / K 1 = 0.27, thermodynamic properties have b e e n found to be rich.in s t r u c t u r e at low t e m p e r a t u r e and in a m a g n e t i c field. For e x a m p l e , low— temperature (shown peaks susceptibility s c h e m a ticallyin Fig. 5) as is at. field H ci and H c2 , which a function characterized arise from of of the field by twin an excitation energy gap. between a nondegenerate singlet ground state and a states. continuum magnetic of field excited depresses and H > H c2 lies within the trip l e t the Fermi gap, level, Increasing the which for H (HeI and for Hcl<H<Hc2 is within 31 0.0/90/ O.//SO/ Fig. 5. Sus ceptibility versus field at constant temperature for copper nitrate, s h o w i n g peak structure near critical fields H cl and Hc2 (from Ref.[23] ). \ 32 the band. The m a x i m a and bottom response. in the d e n s i t y of states of the band then give rise to the double-peaked With increasing temperature the peaks diminish size and merge to form a single broad m a x i m u m No exact analytic approach the H e i s e n b e r g alternating not possible on yet the proved c hain r — Ansatz. treatments are in p a r t i c u l a r approximate. The z e r o — field, been of numerical Bonner Fock using approximation Our purpose proper t i e s , the a method have been results and Barr e^ al.. [23] for rings of and specific heat calculated by Mohan and to Bulaevski based on a Hartree- to calculate static thermodynamic p a r t i c u l a r l y the m a g n e t i c s u s c e p t i b i l i t y , presence of it is exact as [50]. is a decimation method. that due by Duffy of the t h e r m o d y n a m i c susceptibility functions of temperature recent alternating and by D i e d e r i x up to 12 spins. The field d e p e n d e n c e the the investigated by B o n n e r .et: Jil.. [52], and based most antiferromagnet properties, technique it has the properties using extrapolation of exact [50], Therefore finite-temperature have in is presently available for to find a suitable well-known Bethe theoretical [51], at the top magnetic field using the q u a titurn Its main advantages for this problem in the d i m e r l i m i t in (as n o t e d above), are its a c c u r a c y i m p r o v e s as the field s t r e n g t h increases, and it is r a p i d and v e r s a t i l e , a l l o w i n g us to vary H, T and a 33 over a wider range. In order to improve this ■ approximation, we use a sequence and 7) w i t h free b o u n d a r y also use a large of scale factors conditions cluster (L '= 3, 5 on the cluster, (N=6) with periodic and boundary conditons, D e c i m a t i on for L = 3_, 5 and 7 Fre^z End Cluster The basic scale steps of the quantum factor L are first, decimation method to solve for the eigenstates for and eigenvalues, of the H a m i l t o n i a n of an (L + I)- spin f r e e - e n d cluster, renormalized and and . then cluster. case of for to We the carry next two— spin out the describe alternating exact Hamiltonian, decimation within this procedure in detail for one the interactions. In order to keep the a n t i f e r r o m a g n e t i c c h a r a c t e r in the decimation procedure, the c a l c u l a t i n g necessary thermodynamic properties, to study even n u m b e r (even this may not necessary the of spins critical behavior), It is initial that even i n t e ractions, viewpoint may and eigenvalues n oted to allow Hamiltonian the we and we must of 4-, must have if we it w ill consider be for a n i s o t r o p i c alternating spin solve 6- and 8-spin mainly necessary an for the clusters. isotropic from an RG interactions. Thus we also treat easy-axisj and easy-plane For a l t h o u g h it is in each cluster. T h e r e f o r e the scale factor must be 3, 5 or 7, etc., eigenstates for systems. chain each cluster 34 ---- O / AZp- /4, 2 ---- : ----- 1 •- L A-/ 2 I I 2 ■ Q A / V W ) - - - - - O w A A A /0- - - - - C X A A A / X ) - - - - - C A / W \ 0 - 2 / 2 / * ' * ' 2 -cvw -- O W V V O - L-f U Hbz kp------------------------- q/ V \/ \/"\/ V X y f' Fig. 6. includes 2-1-2 \,1O------ o' Two cluster types for the alternating I interaction pairs, I or 2-1-2-1 2, and is either as illustrated of spin chain. the form I- in Fig. 6 . and g ^2 m ay then written as (L-I)/2 H hi = ( -Klz<T2 iZcr2 i+lz ™ i=0 -K lxy/2 (<y2 i+ff2 i+l“ +CT2 i“ ff2 i+i+) 1 + (L-I)/2 + Y, 1 "K 2 za2 i-lz<T2 iz " i=1 - K 2xy / 2 (0 2 i-l+0 2 i_+<T2 i-l_ a 2 i+) } “ L-I - - hI (a o z+aL?) (2-27 a) 35 (L-I)/2 x! Hb 2 - -K 2z<*2iZor2 i + l Z “ i=0 ~K2xy/2 (a2i+a 2 i+ l~+a 2 i~a 2 i+ l + ^ } + (L-I)/2 + 1 _Klz*2i-lZff2iZ - Y, i=1 "K lxy/2 (o2i-l+a2i~+a2i-l~a2i+) 1 ” L-I ^ HtriZ - h2 ( ct0 z+<t l z) i=l (2-27b) Here (2-28) + H-2 = k and ^2/ = Kg/Ki = ct We have found that the above for e nds spins symmetry at the of H bl of next d i v i s i o n of the field each and H b 2 under and 2 , and yields the exact We need the cluster results solve just H^i for diagonalizing the exact Hamiltonian suitable representation. [21] for Bonner is a free-end [52] and 7 and D u f f y for alternating Since I and found written by in a follows closely that chain, cluster. are matrix, The procedure the indices eigenstates [19], B o n n e r and F i s h e r the u n i f o r m and Blote L= 3,5 of the in the dimer limit. H b l « The of terms preserves interchange eigenvalues used by G r i f f i t h s (2-29) (Kz ,KXy = P'Jz ,PJ Xy) [18], and B a r r chain. and Blote [51] The and chain H ^ i and the Z c o m p o n e n t of 36 total spin operator L o2 = Y t a iZ (2-30) i= 0 commute, a convenient choice of basis again the eigenfunctions of a z which the eigenfunctions 2 (L + 1 )x 2(L + I) m a t r i x of <r £ z . in b l o c k function |PZ > are are direct products, of This form yields in w h i c h as the a largest block is and each block corresponds A further reduction introducing a mirror interchanges commutes the with to a single of block ctz. size can be reflection operator R spin We vectors can use at obtained by [21,52], sites i R to introduce and which L - i. R the simple symmetric basis states |P+ Z> = |PZ> + R|PZ> and antisymmetric states lP_z> = IP z > - R | P Z> For L = 3 , 5 and 7, we list all block sizes for in Table 4. We find the eigenfunctions lm> = and ^ eigenvalues ai (m ) Ii> E ffl numerically for the (L+l)-spin cluster. 37 Table 4. The b l o c k sizes for H bl 0f L = 3 , 5 and 7. Since the b l o c k size for orz<o is the same as that of & z > 0 , we just list that of c z > 0. L = 3 or z 4 |P+_> 2 Ip+4 > Dim. 0 IP+ 2 > IP_ 2 > I 2 |p+ 0> |P_0> 4 2 2 L = 5 orz 6 lr+_> 4 IP + 4 > IP _ |p+6> D im. 2 I 3 8 6 4 > IP 3 > + 2 0 | P _ 2 > 9 |p+ 0> 6 |p_0> 10 10 L = T + I NZ a2 |p+8> D im . Table spin 1 | P + 6> |p_ 4 5 . The f our cI us ter. 4 6> IP 4 > IP _ 4 16 > 12 eigenstates IP + 2 > 28 = Itt> I2 > = l w > I3 > = I / Il ZN I/ .2 It* + *t> 2 It* - *t> E 1 ' = -Klz' e2 ' = E 3 ' = - 2h i ' + 2hi 1 - K i z ' K i z ' E4 ' = Kiz' 0 IP _ 2 > |p+ 0> 2 8 and e i g e n v a l u e s Ein In) I1 > + 4 2 " 2 K i x y ' + Z K i z y ' 38 |p_o> 32 of a two 38 The renormalized Hamiltonian eigenvalues E n' which we ^ » has shown eigenstates |n> and in Table 5. Next we decimate within one cluster Tr' ex p { -Hhl e x p { Ai-Hhl ' } 7 ImXmI Tr I e x p (-Em J m ( Y, a i (m ) Ii > ) ( Yt a j ( m X j l ) (2-31) e XpC-Em J m Here Tr' means intermediate to take the partial trace spins. Here we list the all over all (L— I) situations that will be encountered: Tr' a2 I tAt) <t At I = a ^ l l X l l Tr' a2 I I A l X t A l I = a2 |2X 2 I Tr' a2/2 I t A l + l A t > < t A l + l A t I = a2 | 3 X 3 I Tr' a2 / 2 ItAl-IAtXtAl-IAtI Tr' 1/2 = a2 | 4 X 4 I (a I tAl+tBt>+b I tBl+lAt> ) (a<tAl+lBt I +b < tB 1+ IA t I ) = = (a+b )2 I3 >< 3 I + (a-b)2 | 4 X 4 l Tr' 1/2 (ajtAl— lBt>+bltBl— lAt>)(a<tAl-lBtl +b,< tB I- IAt = (a—b) 2I3 X 3 I + (a+b) 2|4 X 4 I A and B are the c o n f i g u r a t i o n s spins. We of the (L-I)- i n t e r m e d i a t e thereby find 4 4 I n=l InXnI I) = exp CAl-En'} E n=l InXnI Pn 39 By solving these equations, the parameters for the renormalized Hamiltonian H^l' are found to be as follows : ^l =( In Pi + In Hg + In Pg + In P4 ) /4 Kiz' =( In Pi + In P2 - In Pg - In P4 )/4 Klxy' = ( In Pg - In P4 )/4 hi' In Pi - In P2 =( Permuting K 2 z ', indices K 2 x y *» I and and h2' Hamiltonian H ^ j The 2, we for the find the parameters renormalized Aj, cluster renormalized field is thus given by h' = h i ' + hj * • The free energy (In Q)./N = I / (2L) is calculated by iteration: Y 4 !/(Lta) (A 1 +A2 ) (r (m) tK, a ,h }) m=0 We cases, ma y c heck (2-32) the p r o c e d u r e in the dimer for w h i c h the d e c i m a t i o n m e t h o d is exact. The free energy for the isotropically interacting dimers (In Q) / N = 1/2 I n { e xp(K+2h) for the Ising case (In Q) / N = I n { exp (K) cosh h + + e xp (2K) sinh% is + e xp(K-2h) + e x p (K) + + e x p (- 3 K ) } While and Ising h + exp(-2K) } 40 From the heat, 23, free energy, magnetization and that decimations calculate in properties, in the w i t h the a p p e a r a n c e free ene r g y method after spin chain every one and (2- and needs two Since we intend to do no t (i.e. phase expect any transitions there r e m a i n s in the choice of r e s c a l i n g steps. An is shown in Fig. 7 . In one reta i n s can c o n t i n u e as before. time. specific formulas iteration decimation iteration computation using of an order p a r a m e t e r ) considerable freedom scheme, every of the a l t e r n a t i n g chain. singularities calculate differentiation. Eq.2-31 thermal alternative can susceptibility 24 and 25) and numerical Note one needs just Using one this this iteration an a l t e r n a t i n g In' this decimation, iteration way, reducing proc e d u r e , the formula for the free energy becomes (In Q ) /N = I / (L+l) I / {(L+l)/2)2 Al ( R (m){K.a.h}) Z (2-33) m=0 L is still the scale factor, 3, 5 or 7. The r e s u l t s using this alternative method will be discussed below. 41 ---- L s 3 —-SK/VXA/S- — ---- wv/vw>. ^AAAA#— — — — — ---- erw\Av*----JjJLa a —WVWW- — — — — -♦WVNjW— — Fig. 7. Alternative iteration calculation. method fo r — f r e e energy- P.e rjLoj!_i.c Bound a^^ Cond it ions : _thj; 6- Sp in RJ.nx An alternative to using a larger scale factor is to keep the scale factor c o n stant but increase the n u m b e r of spins treated errors which a cluster their once. occur with renormalized with at due free on two in important are cluster. which produce uniform, reliable (Ising) a ring symmetry the w ill Periodic is also (for the However, but vary boundary and have been found classical for reduces operators. not in obtaining process by which the translational interactions), also conditions this problem, dimensional renormalization N/2-fold boundary position to be approach to noncommuting interactions conditions eliminate example This RG results s y s tems. aided for by The the alternating diagonalization of the 42 Hamiltonian time is applies Bonner and For also others, which possible Renormalizing of Fig. reliable 8b , c) to can 3 computer fre e energy we have in but thi s fac t ring be spins interactions, of is the decimated. yi e l d s uniform for the purpose is found nonetheless that it gives results. We next briefly discuss arise a 6- s p i n which the and in chain extrapolations interactions, than alternating reasonable, reduction customarily employ rings.) cluster (see calculating (This to the finite alternating smallest rather simplified. in renormalizing a the ring technical of problems spins. The which general decimation formula is exp{ A 1-Hb , } = Tr' For the free-en d e x p { -Hb } cluster H a m i l t o n i a n H b , has four E n1. After decimations, eigenstates InXnI Pn . unknowns— the n=l This yields four equations three p a r a m e t e r s Kz'. In > and e i g e n v a l u e s InXnI e xp ( Al-En ' n=l Hb': decimated 4 I and the decimation we find 4 Ai (2-34) K x y' and h '' in four constant of the r e n o r m a l i z e d H a m i l t o n i a n 43 Fig. 8. Bond-moving and spin ring decimation. (a) The e n s e m b l e of s i x -spin rings arises from infinite spin chain by bond— moving approximation. (b,c) The spin ring before and after decimation. Note that the s i x - s p i n a l t e r n a t i n g ring t r a n s f o r m s into t h r e e - s p i n uniform ring. (d) The e n s e m b l e of spin ring reverts to spin chain by bond-moving approximation. 44 For H b ' = the three spin ring, - K z ' { (12) + ( 2 3 ) + ( 1 3 ) } - K x y ' { (12)j. + ( 2 3 ) A + ( I S ) jl - h ,{(l)+(2)+(3)l For simplicity we have ( ij ) = (I ) introduced, the symbols O i Z w j = + d . y * j y (2- 3 6 ) = O.Z Using translation In >, eigenstates the (2-3 5 a ) = W iZ0TjZ )x ( i j } Table 6 a. symmetry, and ei g e n v a l u e s E We see characterized one by that kj and w h i c h are listed in are two k2 » which are linear can use the mirror make the e x p a n s i o n c o e f f i c i e n t s real. The resu l t s of this six unknowns additional a first symmetric terms eigenvalues i n t e r a c t i o n t erms and truncated 6b. in general in the decimation procedure, normal at that the order each bilinear coefficients. reflection operator R (see p.3 5) to shown in Table course as complex doublets, One six d i f f e r e n t with eight of The states the combinations procedure are product n‘» there momenta finds RG produces If interaction in the H a m i l t o n i a n , and therefore two in H b ', E q. (2-3-5 a). It is of new approximation, step. determine we these want and interaction the to terms, typically keep just are the longitudinal, field the only i n t e r a c t i o n s w h i c h we 45 can add on tlie u n i f o r m 3- s p i n ring are 3- s p i n terms. Thus we add two three-spin interaction terms to Hfo': Hb' = - K z '{ (12)+(23)+(13) } - K x y '{ (12)A +(23)4. + (IS)4.) - h ' {(l)+(2) + (3)} + T (1 2 3) + + S{ (12)x (3) + (23)a.(l) + (13)j.(2) } Here we use ( ij k) the same symbols as those new of E q . (:2 — 3 6) = O iZajZo^Z (ij)x (k) = ((TiZffjifffiYffjy) The new (2-35b ) eigenstates eigenvalues are are the z same as listed those of Eq.(2-35a) the in Table.6b. For the 6-spin alternating ring H b = - K z {.(12)+(34)+(56) +a [(23) + (45)+(16) ] } ^ K xy { (12 )A + (3 4 )4.+ (56 >4.+a [ (23 )x + (45 )* + (I 6)x ] } - h {(I)+(2 )+(3)+(4)+(5)+(6 )} The original H a m i l t o n i a n m a t r i x is thus 64x64, but can be block-diagonalized by considering rotational, and mirror symmetries. largest block which Phoosing eigenstates translational of o z gives a. is 20x20. Further use of the operators and R reduces the largest submatrix to 5x5 w i t h all entries real (see T a b l e 7). This is then r a p i d l y T (translation) diagonalized numerically. 46 T a b l e 6 . E i g e n s t a t e s and e i g e n v a l u e s of 3 - s p i n r ing Hamiltonian H': (a) c o m p l e x e i g e n v e c t o r s for Eq. (2-35 a) , (b) real eigenvectors for Eq.(2-35 a) and (2-35b). (a) I In > Ittt En > " 3kZ " - S b ' I iii> ~ 3 K Z '+ 3 h ' l , k j> K z ' — h '— 4 K x y ' c o s l . k p K z * + b ’— 4 K X y ' c o s *' = H-spS |4tt+ejit*t+ej2tti> = I/p ^ 1 e jI ( kj = = kj k J 1I l+e j i it i+e j 2 ^* t > e x p {i k j }, 2 Jtj / 3 t e j2 and = e x p { i 2 k jJ » j = 0 , I and 2.) (b ) En En'* In > 11> = 1111> -3Kz'-3h’ -3Kz'+T-3h' I2 > = I I i I > “ 3 K z'+3h' -3Kz'-T+3h' I 3 > = l / ^ / T | I t t + t i t + t t i> K z ,- 4 K x y ' - h ' K z '- 4 K x y '- T + 4 S - h ' K z '+2Kxy'-h' K z ' + 2 K x y ’ — T - 2 S — h.' \A > = H p T I 2 i t t - t i t - t t i> I5 y = H p i |tit-tti> I6> = l / p 3 11 i i + i t i + i i> K z ,- 4 K x y , + h ' K z ,- 4 K x y ,+ T - 4 S + h ' 11 > = H p e 1 2t i i - i t i - i t t > K z'+2Kxy'+h' K z *+ 2 K x y '+ T + 2 S + h ' I8 > = 1 / P ^ |iti-iit> »» » :E * is for Eq. ( 2 - 3 5 a ) and E n 6* 35b ) ( including 3- spin interactions) is for Eq .(2 - 47 T a b l e 7. The d i m e n s i o n s of b l o c k m a t r i c e s of 6 - s p i n a l t e r n a t i n g r ing H a m i l t o n i a n . H e r e w 6 j u s t l i s t t h o s e for non-negative Z c o mponent of total spin. oz 6 4 2 O by <rz I 6 15 20 by T.R I I,I,I,I,I,I Dec..im a tj. on I ,4,5,5 Jgrocedureji 4 „ .3 S u b stitu tin g the eigenstates and eigenvalues of both three spin and six spin ring Hamiltonians into Eq(2- 31) , we get 8 64 Aj - ^ En' I n X n I = In Tr' ^ n=l exp (-Effl ' } ImXm I m=l In the decimation procedure, situations For O2 = Tr' where that need to be (2— 37) there are the following treated: 3 in the decimated ( 3-spin) ring. exp{-Em } I t A t B t C X t A t B t C l I ABC) is any state = exp{-Em ) I l X l I f u n c t i o n of the decimated s p i n s . For crz = I , I1+ = Tr' e x p {-Em I IajlAtBtC + a2 tA4Bt C + a 3 tAtB4C> <a1 4 A t B t C + a 2 t A 4 B t C + a 3 tAtB*C| = e x p {-Em }|aji t t + a 2 t i t + a 3 t t 4 > < a j A t t + a 2 t i t + a 3 t t i | We |5> ca n e x p a n d in Table this 6b: state using basis states: I 3), I 4 > and 48 IaI Itt+a2 t *t+a3 ft 4> = b 3 I 3 > + b4 I 4 > + b 5 I 5 > and find ■ 1I + = ex p {-Em } The we same b,2 3 b 3b4 b 3b 5 I b 3b 4 b 42 b 4b5 I b 3b5 b4b 5 b 52 I situations obtain for a z = — 3 and -I. As a result, find from Eq.(2 — 37) A 1 “ Hb' = In B Here B is a s y m m e t r i c b l o c k - d i a g o n a l i z e d m a t r i x that has the form I 1x1: I, I iix i I I I B = I 3X3 j I I I We can easily take 0 « 0 I the logarithm of the matrix B , log B = U ( log U -lBU ) U-I where U is an orthogonal B ' = U-lBU, 3X3 U-I = U t We find finally that , matrix (2-38) that diagonalizes and B ' diagonal. B: 49 8 En ' I n X n l 1I “ (2-39) = U (log U - 1BU) U-I n= I The left side side is not, in the the we of this Hamiltonian. general the Fortunately, situation— spin chain in large that is diagonal. should have included more original more equation right field, side the If the right interaction terms we have alternating, examined anisotropic a < I , K z = K xy and h> > 0 , and find of Eq.(2-39) is always diagonal. In fact. 8 U (log U-lBU) U-I InXnl Pn n= I where = p 5 and Therefore ring is constant P 7 = P g , corresponding the Hamilton! an consistent with term and five As a consequence that of of the interactions. I N W CO -3 h ' = Pl I N W CO - T + 3 h ' = P2 K z' - T + 4 S - + K z' - T - 2 S + 2KXy ' - h ' = P4 A1 + Kz' + T - 4 S - 4 K xy ' + h ' = P6 Al + K z' + T + 2 S + 2KXy ’ + h' = P7 Al + Al ring 6-spin with a 1 we find: T A1 decimated a 3-spin + Al to E4 '= E 5 ' and 4Kxy ' - h ' = P3 (2-40) 50 Solving this set of equations parameters of the '» T , S ,Kxy ’ and 1. It this a p p r o x i m a t e changes the one, d e c i m a t i o n RG has the ant!ferromagnetic since this renormalized S (see Eq.(2-35t>)) one H b '* chain decimation is into for a scale L=2. 2. The and Hamiltonian characteristics: ferromagnetic factor renormalized an(j ^he h '. In s u m m a r y , following gives the constant order of are magnitude 3-spin always than interaction smaller the one by terms , T more and two than spin \ interaction therefore From terms, reasonable chain can be after d e c i m a t i o n , we We can turn bond-moving repeating grow slowly to truncate with field. It is the 3-spin terms. the viewpoint of bond-moving approximation [54], a 6-spin ring spin and considered moving to come bonds. from When we an complete one get an e n s e m b l e of isolated 3- s p i n rings. it b a c k into a spin chain a second time procedure procedure one a gain develops by applying (1/6) Fig. 8). the free en e r g y I / (2m) A 1 (R (m ) {K.a,h } ) m= 0 i the (see formula (In Q ) /N ^ infinite By 51 Th.e rm.odjrnjim^.c We have introduced above the approximate decimation procedure for L = 3, 5 and 7 free— end spin clusters and for the N = 6 ring. The results of the speci f i c heat susceptibility calculations in a variety of cases are inFig. appropriate with 9 t h r o u g h 22, w here the finite — chain In heats Fig. 9 are for u n i f o r m field. The extrapolations plotted results of L = 3, are s u c c e s s i v e l y estimates, with respective 5.1% and 3.6%. The quantitatively appear to be T I / 2. In the calculation chain namely decimation, closer the better heat resu l t s this in zero f r e e — end cluster to the B o n n e r - F i s h e r important region is not specific coupling at kgT/J = 1.0 of resu l t s successive a s p e cific but 7 deviations to an temperature gives and low-temperature accurate, but converging ferromagnet, of Ref.[18,5 7], ferromagnetic 5 shown they are c o m p a r e d iso t r o p i c H e i s e n b e r g decimation 8.2%, the and of the I-D falling to kj}T/J>1.0 than those case not approximations feature the are zero the as r ing by L = 7 open at the lower temperatures. The same coupling, deviation case is from larger comparison, shown in the finite for Fig. 10. antiferromagnetic At - chain extrapolations than for ferromagnetic temperature region yields best agreement. the isotropic ( k g 1 .0) the At exchange. ring At * *® the is in every the calculation low-temperatures higher again there is 52 a p p arent c o n v e r g e n c e linear behavior spectrum opposed C(T). (The is p r o p o r t i o n a l to involving show of of the f r e e - e n d clus t e r results to a k2 in finite the to m o m e n t u m ferromagnetic numbers exponential antiferromagnetic of spins, behavior of k for case.) of C(T) small k, as Approximations course, for energy will always sufficiently low tempera ture. Fig. 11 s h o w s the specific heat for different a n i s o t r o p y factors y = J xy / j z = i.o, 0 .5 and 0 in the case of easy-axis (Ising-Iike) antiferromagnetic used, namely behavior of Heisenberg chains. the L = S ferromagnetic A single RG tec h n i q u e has b e e A free — end cluster method. The. thermal the pure Ising chain is of course either ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic is known excited that there exists an energy state for all y <I [17,55 ,56], in the ferromagnetic Our approach, however, Fig. evidence 12 the same for interactions. It gap to the first which vanishes as 1-y case and with an essential ( ~ exp(-cst./*y I -y ) ) for T to show and ant ! f e r r o m a g n e t i c is not sufficiently singularity couplings. sensitive at low of these effects. displays the specific heats for e a s y - p l a n e (XY-Iike) chains w i t h y = I, 2 and ” , A gain the L = 5 freeend clus t e r a p p r o a c h has been used, and we r e m a r k that pure XY chains have the coupling. the same There s p e c i f i c heat for either is no energy gap for either the sign of ferro- 53 or the zero no antiferromagnetic in p o w e r clear fashion. susceptibility than those methods. Fo r for differ from 3 % , and those same for coupling the finite for trend the is finite are however, (see an d Fig. the RG gives general more chain The close 13), the to the same chain with zer o field at k g T / J = 1.0 (N= 8 ring) p r e d i c t i o n s heat, in isotropic be same by ~ by ~ 8% (see Fig. the as m a y calculations, surprisingly obtained by Heisenberg Fig. specific 14. heat in (L=3 o p e n chain) chain case, are the apparent antiferromagnetic 10 too, specific s u s c e p t i b i l i t y RG r e s u l t s Fig. Here results instance, ferromagnetic The so tha t C- s h o u l d a p p r o a c h indication of the detailed I o w - T behavior. The accurate law case, s e e n by situation where the those of the 9). Heisenberg comparing occurs in the susceptibilities the infinite system [14]. We als o f i n d tha t for thermodynamic accurate similar that the convergence than for H=O for the values find properties than those to in that nonzero the finite chain T his d e c i m a t i o n RG field are more s i t u a t i o n is a l s o extrapolations, where w i t h N is apprec i a b l y more rapid in a field [18]. Su s c e p t i b i l i t y versus applied they are 8- spin finite in in z e r o field. ferromagnetic of the r e s u l t s of the ring Heisenberg field in close [18], also are t emperature chain displayed agreement w i t h shown. for curves several in Fig. 13. We the results for 1 54 field Fig. The susceptibility for the 1 5 . At uniform the versus antiferromagnetic critical field value zero-temperature m a g n e t i z a t i o n appears t e m pe r a t u r e to d i v e r g e saturates) as T -£> 0, w h i l e for both in accordance wit h [18], Fo r fields, temperature allow for limit, detailed view indicates the The magnetic of correct specific field H=O RG the included means of for 9- vs. For H greater be noted between agr e e m e n t the is poorer. 10-spin critical two In o ver t hose results the improvement for over fact specific those that in curves are the chain case. Th e in Fig. at 14 constant are The is e a s i l y seen. difference although the curves calculations.) field little for pronounced H<4 can the shoulder to be s p u r i o u s . results h eat, in zero field, finite generally s h o w n in Fig. (The d i s p l a y e d particular of not of R e f . [ 1 8] f o r H/J = 0 a n d methods, at T = 0.3 and H = 3 is t h o u g h t The it increasing L. in the h i g h - f i e l d cas e than the the larger field provided temperature comparison. improved agreement in calculated these the a n t i f e r r o m a g n e t and the do in situation 16. E x a c t f i n i t e - c h a i n r e s u l t s 5 are s hown the k nown behavior results trend w i t h heat for the extrapolation the is should approach a finite zero- bu t reliable constant H / J = 4 (for w h i c h approaches zero, small chain at field for susceptibility and of the f i n i t e — f i e l d appear the to be related couplings — to both 55 transverse rapidly absent. to that for is the than each decrease speaking the term, the In the for the coupling case, than the the the the accurate the Zeeman exchange fields. exchange, and is field always it d e c r e a s e s of more field ferromagnetic division faster more when rather the r e n o r m a l i z e d any smaller renormalize cases iteration on e n ds. — the antiferromagnetic dependent always in other hand, with cluster Zeeman longitudinal zero On the increases while and chains, at a rate terms at constants Relatively the larger the RG results. AJ. t^er na_t_inj| antiferrom agnetic chain We with turn alternating method is e x a c t results of next lead couplings. to dimer expect n itrate, for we case the the decimation a n d the u n i f o r m reliability have chain in the case calculated 0=0.27, field antiferromagnet the q u a n t u m limit, greater the s canning to Since properties, susceptibilities copper attention in the us magnetic our the corresponding at constant gives peaks to temperature k g T / J = 0.05. The upper L = 3 open critical respectively. (2.54) of chain fields While reference method the 49, t h a n the q u o t e d v a l u e H c j_ / J j latter the = 2,1, agre e s lower lower and and closely critical (1.675) b y a b o u t at 25% with field is ( s e e Fig. result higher 17). 56 Increasing resu l t s s h o w n the b l o c k 10% in reaching excess extrapolation. increases the We of can peak a value tha t also structure We second 29). have also found iteration that becomes Here the method as is only finite the obscure chain block and a size third the origin of which will be we still results have of susceptibility by (Eq,(2 — 33)) use for spins at the ends The They field falls at L = 7 w h i c h by the below. clusters. terms 7 gives critical given see (middle) peak becomes apparent, discussed to L = 5 and in Fig. 18. The l ower as L increases, about size this the based division of each cluster procedure are the same character as those using on of the Z e e m a n shownin of Fig. 18, large-cell of H cl vs. 1/L, Fig. 19. but the is clearer than that by the first. We are able to carry out [56] free-end given by Eq.(2- peak s t r u c t u r e by the second i t e r a t i o n m e t h o d extrapolation the a linear giving H ci = 1.61 in the limit. We have repeated the above computation with L= 3 freeend clusters neighboring this approximation was dividing c l u s t e r s -- about 1.8 — f ield without the a slight found temperature, out that Zeeman is we l ower terms between let h 1 =% &n d h.2 = 0 . In critical field appears at improvement — , but no upper critical to H/ J = 2.8. At slightly ^cBT/J=O .0 8, The upper critical field higher appears 57 at about 2.7 (Fig. 20). However magnetization still does not It is apparent for that the end spins has the last instance iteration step (H / J > 2.3) , at the ferromagnetic. field until ferromagnetic. at the at last the ef.fect on the h2 = 0) and we found the have that iteration same of the Zeeman term the as ground checked in high ground iterations, rate results. does state the upper critical field In the field state is the magnetic the is coupling no longer is shifted or to a value. In Fig. 19 we c o n s i d e r e d the field terms k = ^1I + h 2 , Hence first fields Thus the magnetization is not saturated, in other words larger treatment With successive decreases constant, the a marked step at h igh saturate. (&i=h, by even the f o l l o w i n g for the end spins: and h 2 / hi = a. only part of field hi that applies takes part in d i v i s i o n of the iteration. to the end spins Therefore in the n ext is f e r r o m a g n e t i c state iteration we will leave a larger field term Rh = h 2 + h'. Thus we can keep the ground state during successive iterations ,and the magnetization will be saturated. To improved summarize, upper by taking h2/hi=a (Fig. 19) we find an c r i tical f ield value, while by taking 58 ^ 2 / hi =O (Fig. 2 0) we ' get a better lowercritical field value. I I ; entire Z e e m a n The problem course absent with periodic fact that the critical field alternating are temperature of at the broad low finite ring of single iteration) crossing field points values, corresponds finite to probable w hile the that which the first the middle the results number are obscured, correspond to two only critical is of a c c urate see lower for the middle peak attribute the (since last l ower peak. and This fields. state to a level critical level crossing only . a s difficulty intermediate limit. peaks for the infinite the an upper to the l a r g e - r i n g leaving of the applied appe a r s causes to to the use applies ground and the again spectrum this intermediate as and merge as a function of and of that in size energy increase with the block size until, they can we speaking effect, the We A third six spins the a more diminish show determine block extrapolating 21. maximum. in Fig. 22. Roughly spins susceptibilities Fig. peaks We end chain along several different temperature, blocks. alternating field gives The s h o w n in rises a single appears ring value. the boundary conditions. We find in antiferromagnetic isotherms form 6 — spin for two peaks a for It is would chain, that Fig. 9. V a r i a t i o n of specific heat w i t h t e m p e r a t u r e for ferromagnetic Heisenberg chains by decimation using L= 3, S and 7 f r e e - e n d c l u s t e r (solid line), and 6 -spin ring (dashed line). C o m p a r i s o n is m ade with the n u m e r i c a l extrapolations of Ref.[18] (dotted line). 60 KbT/J Fig. 10. V a r i a t i o n of s p e c i f i c h e a t w i t h t e m p e r a t u r e for a n t ! f e r r o m a g n e t i c isotropic H e isenberg chains by d e c i m a t i o n u s i n g L= 3 , 5 and 7 f r e e - e n d c l u s t e r s (s o l i d line), and 6& pin ring ( d a s h e d line). C o m p a r i s o n is m a d e w i t h the predictions of Bonner and Fisher [18] (dotted line). 61 \£ 0.3 K bTZJ z Fig. 11. Specific heat versus t e m p e r a t u r e at cons ant a n i s o t r o p y y for I s i n g - I i k e spin chains (L= 5 free end clusters). F and AF denote the spin chains with ferro- and antiferromagnetic couplings. 62 F r*i KbT/ JXY Fig. 12. S p e c i f i c a n i s o t r o p y y for clusters) . h e a t v e r s u s t e m p e r a t u r e at c o n s t a n t XY-Iike s p i n c h a i n s (L= 5 f r e e - e n d 63 KbTZJ Fig. 13. S u s c e p t i b i l i t y of i s o t r o p i c spin chain with f e r r o m a g n e t i c c o u p l i n g a I c o n s t a n t m a g n e t i c field. S o l i d lines: L= 3 d e c i m a t i o n R G , d a s h e d lines: e x a c t 8 - s p i n rin g results of Ref.[18]. 64 0.08 0.06 ” 0 0.04 0.02 KbTZJ Fig. 14. Susceptibility of antiferromagnetic isotropic spin chain in zero magnetic field. Shown are for comparison are results by L= 3, 5 d e c i m a t i o n RG (solid lines), and from Ref.[18] the exact 4- and 10-spin ring calculations (dashed lines) and the e s t i m a t e d l i m i t i n g curve by finite chain extrapolation (dotted line). 65 Fig. 15. Susceptibility versus temperature for a n t iferromagnetic isotropic spin chain at constant magnetic field. C/NK 66 KeT/J Fig. 1 6 . S p e c i f i c heat ver s u s temperature for antiferromagnetic isotropic spin chain at constant magnetic field. Solid lines: L= 5 decimation R G , dashed lines: 9- and 1 0 - s p i n ring r e s u l t s for H / J = 5 and the d o t t e d line: estimated limiting line for H / J=O from Ref.[18]. 67 * X 0.05 0-6 0.24 /I Hz/T Fig* 17. S u s c e p t i b i l i t y of the a l t e r n a t i n g li n e a r chain wit h a l t e r n a t i n g ratio a = 0 .2 7 as a f u n c t i o n of field for two different temperatures. Solid lines: L= 3 decimation RG1 dashed lines: of Ref.[50]. 68 HzAJ Fig. 18. S u s c e p t i b i l i t y of the a l t e r n a t i n g linear chain with a=0.27, versus f i e l d at c o n s t a n t temperature k g T /J = O .0 5. L= 3 , 5 and 7 d e c i m a t i o n a p p r o a c h e s are shown, using the iteration method of Eq.(2-32). 69 — 3 0.6 HzAJ Fig. 19. Susceptibility of the alternating chain with a = 0 .2 7, versus field at constant t emperature kgT/ J = O .0 5 . L = 3 , 5 and 7 d e c i m a t i o n approaches are shown, using the iteration method of Eq.(2-33). 70 Fig. 20. S u s c e p t i b i l i t y of the a l t e r n a t i n g linear chain wit h a = 0.27 versus field for kB T /j = 0 .0 8. L= 3 d e c i m a t i o n with iteration Eq. (2-3 3) and Zeeman terms for the end spins taken with hj-jj an(j J^ = O. 71 HzAJ Fig. 21. S u s c e p t i b i l i t y of the a l t e r n a t i n g linear chain with a=0.27 versus field at constant temperature, using 6spin ring decimation. 72 0.27 m L-ZlzotsWoi- Fig. 22. Energy s p e c t r u m of an a l t e r n a t i n g spins as a function of the magnetic field. ring of six 73 2.3 DECIMATION FOR CHAINS WITH ARBITRARY FIELD DIRECTION Since it- may be d i f f i c u l t in a n 'e xp e r i m e n t to align the m a g n e t i c field e x a c t l y along a definite crystal axis, it is i m p o r t a n t on the magnetic calculations chains to learn the effect of a t r a n s v e r s e field and have response. finite been Until chain primarily now, quantum extrapolations concerned with for the I-D spin case of a longitudinal field — that is, with the field along axis case) perpendicular (Ising case). Bonner perpendicular spins, and magnetic using and or and Fi s h e r susceptibility Ta k a n o exponents and systems. In have [41] longitudinal easy an easy plane (XY the T= 0 calculated for finite Suzuki for a bond-moving 3-D [18] to an chains have and RG of up to 10 discussed transverse the fields scheme to extend I-D RG m e t h o d s to 2 — the following section we present an e x t e n s i o n of the d e c i m a t i o n RG m e t h o d w h i c h a l l o w s us to c a lculate thermodynamic field oriented If there are both X and Z c o m p o n e n t s the Hamiltonian. more in the of total The spin, case. calculation difficult Eq .(2-34) The of a and we of the field, a z, no longer commutes with for larger sized clusters therefore extend the quantum d e c i m a t i o n RG w i t h L = 3 f r e e - e n d c l u sters field p r e sence in an arbitrary direction. the Z component becomes properties decimation transformation to the general is still that of 74 exp { - H b ' } = T r ' e xp t where Hfe is the Hamiltonian and solving for (2-34) of four-spin cluster and Hfo' is the renormalized Hamiltonian begin by } of two-spin the eigenstates and cluster. We again eigenvalues of Hfo H ^ 1^ Z Z£z.s.£AS p_luj:_t_e_r. The renormalized Hamiltonian of two-spins is now H.b' = - K z 'O0 2ffL z “ Exy/2 ~ h z' (o0 z+crL z) " (<70+<yL' +a0”ffL+ > " h x /2 (®0+ + o 0~ + a L+ + ffL-) w h e r e E q .(2- 9) has been used. There we must breaks treat. the to allow though at a result First, symmetry from the beginning we expect are two p r o b l e m s the viewpoint of the EG in XY-plane. As a consequence, for a n i s o t r o p i c the couplings we have (2-41 a) that the h x we need in the X Y - plane, even isotropic renormalized interactions. Hamiltonian of As two spins to be of the form: H b ' = - K z 'OQ 2ffL z ~ D x 'crOxc Lx “ Dy' QrOycLy “ V J = (ffOz+cLz> - hx ' ( orox+cLX^ - K 1O q Zo l Z - DS '7 2 (cro + o L- + OQ-oL+) - - BA' / 2 (cQ +cL++ff 0_CL- ^ " h z' (cyOZ+cL Z) “ “ h x /2 (oo++® 0 *"+ c L + + c L " ) (2-41b) 75 We have introduced DS = (Dx+Dy )/2 and and have used relation crO xffL x - arO ycrL y Second, eigenstates we DA = (Dx-Dy )/2 (2-9) to get ( <r0 +ffL + + ff0 '‘ffL ~ = cannot and in )/2 general eigenvalues analytically. Instead we (2-42) choose of solve for the Hamiltonian four (2 - 4 1 b ) the following basis set, II > = It t> I2 > = U t > (2-43) I3 > = I t O 14 > = U O , and write Hamiltonian I -K1- 21V I (2- 41b) as K' "hX f Hb ' = I I 'hX r .- 2 D S ’ * " h x' -2DA in terms of six -Hx' -Hx' - 2D S ' K' -hx' independent matrix -2DA' I -HV I "hx' I K'+2h z ' (2-44) I elements. We identify the renormalized pa r am eters by comparing direct Iy with that of the this form decimated Hamiltonian. -iE-ill cluster. The spins with anisotropic will original and alternating Hamiltonian couplings is for four 76 H b = -Ki(croZffl Z+ <y2 Zor3 Z) “ D S l/2 (Q-Q+<T1 ""+ <T2 +ff3 ~ + h • c } ^ - DAi / 2 (ffO+0'l++CT2+ff3+ + h -c) - K201ZtT2 z ~ - D S 2/2 (cri+ a'2— + a l -ff2 + ) " D A 2/2 ( (Tl+ » 2 ++<rl""ff2 " > - h z ( o l z+ a 2 z) - hx /2 ((rl++(T2++ll«c > " - hzl((TOz+CT3 z) - hxl/2 (<rO++ff3++ h -c) (2-45) We have a l l o w e d the fields on the end spins to he dif f e r e n t from those on intermediate Using the following basis > = 1111> 2> = II It > 1 spins. 3> = III ;> 4> = t t 44> 5> = It 11> 6> = It lt> 7> = It 1 1> 8> It 11> = (2-46) 9> = t It t > 1 0 > = tilt) 11 > = t It l> 12 > = t Il l> 13 >= 1111 > 14 >= 1111 > 1 5 > = lit l> 16 >= 1 1 1 1> j !| 77 we deve lop the 16x16 computer, matrix and diagonalize of the H a m i l t o n i a n it to get (2-45) by- 16 eigenstates Im > and eigenenergies E (m) , with 16 Im > = ^ v (m,n) In> (2-47) n=l To decimate one calculates the partial ex p{ .A i - H b '(K',DS',DA ',h z ',hx '> > = trace < (2-48) e x p { -nt (K ,DS,DA,a,hz ,hx ) } = Tr' In the left side of Eq. (2-4 8) , Hfo' is 4x4 s y m m e t r i c m a t r i x that has the form E q .(2 -44 ) . In the right side of Eq. (2 - 4 8 ) e_ H i s a 16x16 m a t r i x of the for m 16 exp{ -H^ ] = ^ e xp { -Em ) I m X m I m= I The trace Tr' operation then has the form I aj tA t+ a2 ^A t+ 33 tA l + a4 IAi > < tA t+a2 I At +a3 tA I.+34 I Al 4 = ( Z 4 ai I i > ) ( Y. i=l I aj < j I ) = J= I a, 2 a I a aI »2 a I a a 22 a2 a 2 a3 a 2 a 2 j a I ag 1 a I a 4 4 3 a 3 a3 2 a 3 a 4 a I a 4 2 a 4 a3 a 4 a4 2 a I = 78 the where IA > r e p r e s e n t s I I >, mi d d l e spins, and vectors of Eq(2-43). any I 2 >, configuration I3> Accordingly and I4> of are the the we find for right two basis side of Eq. (2-48) a (I ,m) a (5 ,m) a (6 ,m) a (7 ,m) | a (5 ,m) a (2 ,m ) a (8 ,m)a (9 ,m) I a (6 ,m) a (8 ,m) a (3 ,m)a (I 0 ,m) I a (7 ,m) a (9 ,m) a (I 0 ,m) a (4 ,m ) I 16 T i ' e x p {-Hfo } e xp{-Em } m= I (2-49) Here the m a t r i x expan's ion elements coefficients c a n be e x p r e s s e d in.terms v(i.j): a (I ,m)=v^(l,m)+v^(2,m)+v^(9,m)+v^(10,m) a (2,m)= V ^ (5,m)+ v ^ (6,m) + v ^(13,m)+ v ^ (14,m) a(3,m)=:v2(3,m)+v2(4,m)+v2(ll,m)+v2(12,m) a(4,m)=v2(7,m)+v2(8,m)+v2(15,m)+v2(16,m) a(5,m)=v(l,m)v(5,m)+v(2,m)v(6,m)+v(9,m)v(13,m)+ + v (1 0 , m ) v ( 14 ,m) a(6,m)=v(l,m)v(3,m)+v(2,m)v(4,m)+v(9,m)v(ll,m)+ +v (1 0 ,m)v(1 2 ,m) a(7,m)=v(l,m)v(7,m)+v(2,m)v(8,m)+v(9,m)v(15,m)+ + v (10 , m) v ( 1 6 , m ) a(8,m)=v(5,m)v(3,m)+v(6,m)v(4,m)+v(13,m)v(ll,m)+ +v(14,m)v(12,m) of the a(9,m)=v(5,m)v(7»m)+v(6,m)v(8,m)+v(13,m)v(15,m)+ + v (14 ,m) v( 1 6 ,m) a(10,m)=v(3,m)v(7,m)+v(4,m)v(8,m)+v(ll,m)v(15,m)+ +v(12,m)v(16,m) Substituting E q .(2-49) I 1 6 A ^ - H b ' = I n / into Eq.(2-48) a (I , m ) a (5 , m ) y i e l ds a ( 6 , m ) a ( 7 , m) I e ~ E m m = I I I a ( 5 , m ) a ( 2 , m) a ( 8 , m) a ( 9 , m) a ( 6 , m) a ( 8 , m) a (3 , m ) a ( 1 0 , m) a (7 , m ) a ( 9 , m ) a ( 1 0 , m) I I I I = B I I I a (4 , m) I ( 2 - 5 0 ) We have formula taken the logarithm of the symmetric matrix by Eq.(2 — 38). Since the has form Eq.(2-43), it has zero trace. and we ma y find d i r e c t l y the s p i n - i n d e p e n d e n t term w h i c h arises from renormalization: A1 = We then e x a m i n e matrix) (2-51) (1/4) Tr B the m a t r i x B -(1/4)(T r B )I (I is a 4x4 unit which has six independent elements I A(I) A M ) AU) A (5 ) I B - (1/4)(Tr B )I = I I I I I AM) A (2 ) A ( 6) A M ) AU) A ( 6) A (2) AM) A (5 ) AU) A (4) A (3) I I I I 80 From Eq s.(2 44,50,51 and 5 2) we find the renormalized parameters : K' = - A (2) OS ' = A ( 6) /2 DA' = A (5 ) / 2 hz ' = [A(I)+ A (2)]/2 h x' Il (2- 53) ■St < The r m o d y n a m i c calculations: The free energy c a l c u l a t e d using the r e s c a l i n g approach the perpendicular susceptibilities parallel 25). As and a check on our susceptibility Heisenberg chain d irections, direction for and (the approach, the by isotropic apply i n g have curve found is we the the no of E q .(2-3 3) and have Eq. (2 - calculated in dependence as by in both oh Fig. Z the and found that at low n e a r I y the same as the increas i n g temperature temperature f o u r — spin 14). The the RG curve approaches bu t RG [18]. our L=3 RG result chain result. X field result was also c o m p a r e d w i t h the finite chain data We have the antiferromagnetic field same is W is ith the N extrapolation much more rapidly. For those of the Ising case, Katsura susceptibility susceptibility, we have compared our results with [14, 5 9 ] (see is of course i.e. for the Fig. 23). Our parallel exact. For the p e r p e n d i c u l a r transverse Ising chain, our 81 result has the right c h a r a c t e r i s t i c temperature is somewhat larger features, than but at low Katsura's exact expression. For the XY-chain case, direction is calculation. the correct good for Katsura's is the compared The RG in k g T / J ) 1.0. susceptibility exact results are has chain in it perpendicular and parallel vs field been bur closely calculated approximates shown susceptibilities. shown in Fig. 24 for which in In the case ( %z Fig. 25 and an d 26. For the alternating case the maxima for there appear as well or branches, is evident shif t e d from cases. Therefore the gap that have a temperature we the in both responses, to should those higher field of %% • ^ double exist susceptibilities single see of the and a number of narrow but distinct peaks, as c o m p a r e d w i t h arises should # x are of ^x ^* ^iave the d o u b l e — pe a k e d str u c t u r e but no the susceptibilities a l t e r n a t i n g XY chain, iso t r o p i c is we must distinguish between and X - d i r e c t ions, as from comparison. and alternating XY — chains, in the Z- deviation X-direction, for exact the agreement result.Also the available Katsura's substantial fact For the anisotropic case, the uniform with temperature, In 6— spin finite result for field in the Z- Fig. 24 result curve at low our peak that only. only In a single only in alternating of u n i f o r m Fig. peak 27, peak chains at higher appears. We 82 conclude from that the the effect similar peaks of finite at low clusters. temperature We note serious apparently problem at problem the for spurious the higher /^x shows that branches calculation temperature of constitute at low tem p e r a t u r e . kB x=0.08 or 0.4, functions of- field. We seq u e n c e s are except area, close nearly points fixed at switching RG. aech have will, step that the br a n c h in space under -that region The found in parameter points singular decimation render stable together separated mad e the we have checked the iteration sequence for the free energy calculation and the lowest energy very a still p e r s i s t s to some degree. To shed some light on this problem, branch arise behavior. These Even small of the flow approximations in the the are branch area is of a the commutators) the effect the system from one RG trajectory, to another, the results the to widely diagram have In initially move (neglected iteration iteration areas. which iteration^ is, the levels as of and unstable. If the s i n g u l a r area is small, we may s m o o t h the data by fitting polynomial 0.08 and a of low 0.4, each groups moderate we of 10 number degree. show that this procedure reduces adjacent points to a For the t e m p e r a t u r e s kgj= o .0 5, in Fig. adjacent of 27 points the the results with a cubic. sizes of fitting We can see of the. branches, but 83 cannot remove The been them, lo w e s t displayed energy as levels functions of of u n i f o r m field W i t h the field along the Z axis (Fig. linear point functions occurs correspond roughly (see Fig. 29), second h. The first at H/ J = O.61 and susceptibility first of to the picture. the ground state at H/J=2.5, levels the first When in Fig. 28 have and 2 8), the levels ground state and last maxima nonlinear functions the are crossing in peaks to higher the the X-axis of h. The point appears H / J=0.97 and displacing 29. second at H / J = I .61. These the field is along are crossing XY-chain field. the 84 0.24 O. 12 Fig. 2 3 . Susceptibility versus temperatu refer antiferromagnetic Ising chain: the parallel susceptibility l i n e s by L= 3 RG and by K a t s u r a [14] are s a m e , the perpendicular susceptibility lines by L=3 RG and by Katsura are different. 85 0.09 KbTZJ Fig. 24. S u s c e p t i b i l i t y versus t e m p e r a t u r e for XY chain. S o l i d line: line by L= 3 RG in x d i r e c t i o n f i e l d , line by L=3 RG in z direction field, dashed line: Kat sura's perpendicular susceptibility line [14] a = i. X , Fig. 25. Susceptibility vs. magnetic field for uniform XY chain at temperature k g T = 0 .05. ^fx is susceptibility in x direction and ^ ^ is that in the z direction, both by L = 3 R G . 87 Fig. 26 . S u s c e p t i b i l i t y v e r s u s m a g n e t i c f i e l d f o r alternating XY c h a i n a - 0 .3 at t e m p e r a t u r e k y T / J = 0 . 0 5 X x is susceptibility in x direction, and X z Is that in z direction, both by L = 3 R G . 88 o.os ~D X 0 1 2 3 H / J Fig. 27. S u s c e p t i b i l i t y versus x - d i r e c t i o n field for uniform XY-chain at different temperature using polynomial fit to each 10 adjacent data points. OO VO F i g . 28. Eight of four spins lowest energy levels of uniform XY cluster as a function of field in the z direction. O o Fig. 29. spins as Eight lowest energy levels of uniform XY cluster a function of field in the x direction. of 4 91 CHAPTER 3 DISCUSSION AMD S U M A R T We have extended the quantum exp{ A1 -Hb I j = Tr' to variety magnetic point of and three exp { -H], } chains, thermal of view carrying spin decimation R G : in response types of (3-1) order to functions. situations c a lculate From both a technical are encountered in out the RG method: (1) For simple cases, the exact eigenfunctions and e i g e n v a l u e s of both Hj,' and Hfo m a y be found analy t i c a l l y , for instance in longitudinal the case field, of the using a Heisenberg 3-spin chain cluster. in The renormalization transformations may then be found in closed form. (2) H jj' may can be written cluster and have eigenfunctions in closed 6-spin ring form (as cases), and eigenvalues which in but the general the eigenfunctions eigenvalues of Hfo must be found numerically. procedure (3) cannot be f re e-end The and decimation is carried out by computer. If the found eigenfunctions analytically, ar b i t r a r y field), and eigenvalues (for example, we mus t of Hfo' the Heisenberg chain with choose a suitable basis in w h i c h to r e p r e s e n t H^,. The r.h.s of Eq.(3-1) must 92 then be expressed and the f orm suit case, with unknowns. out. We The the same as that of the l.h.s, can be performed. sides of Eg.(3-1) number decimation general The main of must be independent (Eq.(3— I)) can c l u sters are the increasing in this between operators ignored. When approximation accuracy at low we approach as carried referred better, temperature. is that non­ to neighboring the size in the We have of spatial in which comparison with finite of sense a of performed scale factors L= 3 , 5 and 7) and have noted a clear i m p r o v e m e n t are the terms then be increase becomes RG calculations using a sequence cases of situations. approximation commutators cluster both form can see that the decimation QRG is flexible and can very zero same decimation procedure In any same in the ( in those chain extrapolations possible. For the ring d e c i m a t i o n case, approximation is applied, after a b o n d - m o v i n g type of which all commutators are a c c o u n t e d for. C o m p a r i n g the results o b t a i n e d by N= 6 spin ring (same we decimation and those number find Fig. the ring also the gives decimation for the temperature region L g T / D O . S calculations 9 and 10). For decimation those of spins) found by L= 5 free — end to be alternating better chain critical found by free-end decimation. more a c c urate case, f ield (see the ring values than 93 The free energy procedure. We have (blocking methods) The second a used uniform iteration. two different Its into an iteration is d e s i g n e d interactions, alternating principal decimation techniques thermodynamic properties. (Eq.(2— 33)) alternating chain iterating the to c a l culate approach for chains with is found by a d vantage since one is specifically it converts by the redu c e d second computer time. As do all real-space renormalization the decimation QRG attempts to extract infinite this sy s t e m respect it extrapolation approach technique from is of those of analogous the to date, process c a l c ulations. reasonably large its results as a standard Nevertheless, (~1 0-12 it can be provided spins) for of an clusters. is c o n s i d e r e d to be the mos t accurate available methods, the properties finite-sized to finite-chain group In of direct The latter numerical it can be extended to chains, comparison size-limited, and we have when such as used appropriate. in the cases in w h i c h the field d i r e c t i o n is not longi t u d i n a l . In such instances is particularly useful, the in comparing chain decimation QRG results and L= 3 R G ) we accurate. The account the eigenfunctions for see the same that the QRG si m p l e finite cluster but (say 4-spin in general chain c a l c u l a t i o n eigenvalues, as well. size the QRG since is more takes into uses th e 94 The other main advantage of the decimation QRG method is that its accuracy improves in the presence field. QRG Thus the decimation calculating magnetic properties The decimation QRG is a logical subject limitations and technical problems, to a for number of which we discuss next. the scale, factor L i m p roves the accuracy. At low t e m p e r a t u r e , h o w e v e r , of data choice in nonzero field. is In g e n e r a l , i ncreasing of a magnetic (L= 3, 5 and 7) are not the thr.ee sets s u f f i c i e n t even for a rough extrapolation. A more numerical appear serious derivatives to be difficulty is the fact of the free energy at.low unstable in certain temperature circumstances these regimes the results depend strongly on the successive this behavior trajectories 'closely has near iteration, estimate, effect At is evaluated. to the points fact in so that any small on the exact although we shifts due (the neglect whose temperature. energy such effect approximation net as being packed', a large sy s t e m the free each from results. of certain size know at high and that change The then, the involves are an at each- difficult the lower to the renormalized one RG t r a j e c t o r y to another, can be very irregular at low RG in p a r a m e t e r s QRG is true space commutators) effect In interpret the parameter that it is larger iteration, We field. — in the at which chain the particularly points alternating that temperature. and the 95 Since fact tha t these the approximation, difficulties decimation we next appear QRG discuss is to be a suitable for the zero the possibility of applying The block QRG temperature case, since p r e s e r v e s the ground and the l o w e s t e x c i t e d states system. However extending problem. simplest quantum is it of the the block QRG to high field cases other than the Ising chain in t r a n s v e r s e field difficult to the high— temperature a block QRG (see Chapter I) at high field. more related The transverse model and is the Ising only is still a chain spin chain is the that has b een t r e a t e d by the b l o c k QRG in a m a g n e t i c field. This is beca u s e at any field s t r e n g t h the lo w e s t en e r g y levels two-spin cluster spin (see Fig. of the energy uses the will Heisenberg level levels each structure of even and cross to the energy 30).On the other hand, anisotropic has an energy the can map a single odd say). Therefore to build a suitable On the contrary, the as the (see Fig. field the is the energy levels mapping a single longitudinal is difficult spin b l o c k QRG, other Fig. 32, spin of the t w o - s p i n cluster chain , in which levels of field to map to 31). If one en e r g y levels increased (see are too complex relation for all field ranges. d e c i m a t i o n QRG can eas i l y treat the f ield cases, but it does not w o r k wel l at low t e m p e r a t u r e since the it does not preserve, system [42]. in general, the ground state of 96 E E truncation Fig. 30. Schematic energy levels of transverse Ising model and its b l o c k QRG, (a) for 2- s p i n cluster, (b) for one spin. Fig. 31. Schematic energy levels of 2-spin cluster for the a n i s o t r o p i c H e i s e n b e r g spin chain in the l o n g i t u d i n a l field: I. for the i s otropic H e i s e n b e r g spin chain, 2 . for the XY-Iike spin chain, 3. for the Ising-Iike spin chain. (/> w Ti lO t e t M - H - OQ B e> ' to O B w B to * CO O M-CJ-W to O 1/1 E £■ * -Cl fcr H- O 9 B to H* 5 =2 9 O - p « W OQ M> O Hi M n> < o> I H"d M H - HB M . B Vi (o) O Hh «■* O M H O ►d 4X H - IO (Z)) REFERENCES 99 REFERENCES [ 1] M . 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We assume that the he I is smooth function of L : he I= ao+ai/L+a2^k^* Thus a 0 ls th e estimated L=00 lower critical feild. 103 [59] In order to compare our results with Katsura's results, we should change the unit as follows: The Hamiltonian that Katsura used is ^K = -(1/2) Compared with the Hamiltonian that Bonner used we got 1 K=J b , 2m=gp and where the quantities Kat s u r a . [57], J K X B / (4Nm2 >=J b X B / [ (g P )2 n ^ > that have sub K are used by J MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 1762 10005433 5 D378 Ck2 cop.2