16.540 Spring 2006 PRESSURE FIELDS AND UPSTREAM INFLUENCE 1 PLAN OF THE LECTURE • Pressure fields and streamline curvature – Streamwise and normal pressure gradients – One-dimensional versus multi-dimensional flows • Upstream influence and component coupling – How does the pressure field vary upstream of a fluid component and when does this matter? • Pressure fields and the asymmetry of real fluid motions 2 NORMAL AND STREAMWISE PRESSURE GRADIENTS • • Inviscid flow Streamwise: udu = − dp ρ n n or , u ∂u 1 ∂p = ∂l ρ ∂l l l dl l dα l+ dl • Normal rc u 2 1 ∂p = rc ρ ∂n 3 dl STREAMLINES AND WALL STATIC PRESSURES B Curved wall Pressure A Straight wall D One-dimensional C A D n n C B 4 ONE-DIMENSIONAL AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL DESCRIPTIONS • In a one-dimensional representation of a contraction, the pressure gradient is always negative (or zero) • If adopt a higher fidelity (2D) description, this is not true • Is it possible to have a contraction in which there is no location that has an adverse (non-favorable) pressure gradient? • Why is this important? 5 UPSTREAM INFLUENCE OF FLUID COMPONENTS • • • Approximate equation for the static pressure field 2-D, inviscid, steady flow, constant density Velocity viewed as a uniform mean flow, uX , plus “small” nonuniformities, ux′ ,u y′ : ux = ux + ux′ u y = u y′ • Neglect products of small quantities in momentum equation x - momentum : u 1 ∂p ′ ∂ux′ ∂u ′ + u y′ x = − ∂x ∂y ρ ∂x where p ′ is the departure from uniform static pressure There is no term ux′ ∂u because u is uniform ∂x 6 So, ∂u x′ 1 ∂p ′ =− ∂x ρ ∂x ∂u ′y 1 ∂p ′ =− ux ρ ∂y ∂x ux and Take (a) (b) ∂(a) ∂(b ) , yielding, using continuity + ∂y ∂x ∂ 0 =u ∂x ⎛ ∂u x′ ∂u ′y + ⎜ ∂y ∂ x ⎝ ∇ 2p ′ = 0 ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂ 2 p ′ ∂ 2 p ′⎞ ⎟=− ⎜ 2 + 2 ⎟ ∂ x ρ ∂ y ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ Laplace' s Equation • Famous equation with neat properties • We will apply this to see the upstream influence 7 UPSTREAM INFLUENCE • Important question in internal flow systems– When are components coupled aerodynamcially – When can they be considered independent? • • • Laplace’s equation gives direct and simple qualitative answer Laplace’s equation gives direct and simple quantitative answer First part: - ∇ 2p′ has no intrinsic length scale - If pick a y - length => x - length is set - Consider an "unrolled" annular flow field 8 A DIGRESSION: WHAT DO I MEAN BY “LENGTH SCALE”? • What is an example of an equation with a length scale? • How about the momentum equation for viscous, constant-pressure flow? – This is an idealized example but it does make the point • Does this equation lead to some length scale, i.e. does a length scale naturally arise out of the structure of the equation? • If so, what does it mean physically? ⎛ ∂ 2ux ∂ 2ux ⎞ ∂ux ∂u x ux + uy = ν⎜ 2 + ⎟ ∂x ∂y ∂y 2 ⎠ ⎝ ∂x 9 BACK TO LAPLACE: RELATION OF CIRCUMFERENTIAL AND AXIAL LENGTH SCALES • Consider an “unrolled” annular flow field, mean radius rm • Suppose we have a circumferential length scale rm/n, then the axial length scale (extent of upstream influence) is also rm/n • Circumferential length scale sets the region of upstream influence • Will show this explicitly in two examples: • Upstream influence of a circumferentially periodic non-uniformity • Upstream influence of a radially non-uniform flow 10 y (Circumferential Direction) Uniform flow far upstream (x -∞) Static pressure nonuniformity defined at x = 0 U Background (mean) velocity Components due to nonuniformity W (Blade Spacing) x Flow domain used in estimation of upstream influence region for periodic array (turbine blading); region of interest is x < 0. Figure by MIT OCW. 11 UPSTREAM INFLUENCE OF A CIRCUMFERENTIALLY NONUNIFORM FLOW • • Blade row with blade-to-blade spacing W Whatever the loading distribution (compressor, turbine, pump) the static pressure distribution along x=0 can be written as - p ′(0,y ) = ∞ ∑ (a e 2 πiny / W n ) ; Fourier series n=-∞ - To match this boundary condition, p ′(x,y ) must also be of this y - dependence - Also p ′ (static pressure non- uniformity) must be bounded far upstream - Thus p ′(x,y ) = ∞ ∑ f (x )[a e n 2 πiny / W n ] n=-∞ - Plugging in to Laplace, fn (x ) is found to have the form of exponentials : e 2 πnx/W and e −2 πnx/W 12 • • Physical solutions must be bounded far upstream Thus, only positive exponentials allowed p ′(x,y ) = ∞ ∑e 2π n x / W [a e n 2 πiny / W ] n=-∞ • Lowest harmonic (often, but not always, n=1) has the largest upstream influence 2π n x / W p ′(x,y ) ∝ e [a1e 2 πiny / W + a−1e −2πiny / W ] p ′(x,y ) = p ′(0,y )e 2 π n x / W • Exponential decay Different phenomena have different upstream extents of influence 13 FEATURES OF THE SOLUTION • • We neglected nonlinear terms: are they important over the domain of interest or, more precisely, for the problem of interest? What else did we neglect? • At a distance W/2 upstream the non-uniformity is 0.04 its value at x=0 • Blade spacing length scale is W • Inlet distortion length scale is radius of the compressor – Upstream effects are much stronger • What can we state about applicability and limits of the conclusions from this simple analysis? 14 INSTRUMENTATION FOR TF30 ENGINE TEST Front Bulkhead Rotating Screen High- Pressure Compressor Lab Seal 2A 2B A 2 Station 1 (2 Rows of Static Taps) Fan Low-pressure compressor IGV (STA. 2C) Exhaust Nozzle o o 315 270 90 o 255 o o 108 180 o o 345 o o 185 180o 135 o 140 o 280 o o 80 o 90 o 100 o 270 o 260 225 Station 2A - 44.41 cm (17.48 in) (Fan Inlet) Upstream of IGV Midspan 0 IGV o (23.5 ) 1 2 3 o (39.2 ) 4 5 o o 47 o 62.5 90 o o 90 o 95 o 45 o 190 o o 180 170 o 135 o Station 1.0 (Airflow Metering Station) 250.24 cm (98.52 in.) Upstream of IGV Midspan o 0 o 270 o 242.5 o 225 o 207.5 o o Station A (Behind Rotating Screen Assembly) 83.55 cm (32.90 in.) Upstream of IGV Midspan 332 o 315 o 288 275 o 270 o 350 0 10o 180 165 117.5 o 120 o 152.5 o Station 2 (Fan Inlet) 13.39 cm (5.27 in.) Upstream of IGV Midspan o 90 o 180 o Station 2C (IGV Inlet) *Steady-State Total Temperature o Hi-Response Total Temperature Steady-State Static Pressure Steady-State Total Pressure Pitch-Yaw Pressure Probes Boundary-Layer Yaw Probes Figure by MIT OCW. 15 BULLET NOSE EXTENSION WITH PRESSURE TAPS Sta. 2B static taps located at 22o and 6.17 cm (2.43 in.) upstream of the IGV's Steady-state static pressure Rotating screen Extra length assembly bullet nose Fan Station 2 instrument plane Two axial rows of static pressure taps. Each row contains 15 pressure taps located at 120o (looking upstream) IGV (STA. 2C) Figure by MIT OCW. 16 VARIATION OF STATIC PRESSURE WITH DISTANCE UPSTREAM OF AXIAL COMPRESSOR [Soeder and Bobula] Static pressure distortion level, |∆p/∆pinlet| Screen Blockage 26.0% 34.6% 49.4% exp[-(x-x2B)/R] 0.8 0.4 Sta. 2B 0 0 Screen 1.0 2.0 3.0 Normalized distance from IGV, x/R Figure by MIT OCW. 17 4 Compressor Compressor Blade-row model L H Inter - Spool gap L 1 -∞ 3 OGV Mean radius r 2 IGV OGV 1 CL Actuator disk model 2 x =0 r H 3 4 x =L r +∞ Two spool arrangement Compressor Coupling in Two Shaft Engine Figure by MIT OCW. [Williams and Ham] 18 Rings of Static Tappings CMS B 2 C 2 Tip radius 15.24 CMS D 2 E 2 F 2 G H 2 Static Tappings J 2.75 I 2.75 0.75 7.5 Eight Airflow Vanes Hub radius 10.41 cms 16 17 18 1 θ 2 15 3 14 4 13 5 12 11 CL Distortion generator Distortion generating blockage (Full annulus blockage of 90o extent) 6 7 10 9 8 Circumferential location of instrumentation, vanes & blockage Duct centerline Scale 5cm Model Test Geometry and Instrumentation Figure by MIT OCW. [Williams and Ham] 19 UPSTREAM DECAY OF STATIC-PRESSURE DISTORTION Experiment Measured CP Ring I 0.4 0.2 Fourier Fit 1.0 CP 0 0.8 Prediction using Ring I as input -0.2 0.6 -0.4 (CP)LOCAL (CP)I Ring D 0.2 Prediction CP 0 -0.2 0.4 0.2 2 6 10 14 18 Angular position 0 B C D E F G H I Axial ring location Figure by MIT OCW. [Williams and Ham] 20 FEATURES OF THE UPSTREAM FLOW FIELD (Low Mach Numbers) • Inlet distortion (non-uniformity with length scale R) • Total pressure constant along streamlines (Bernoulli) 2 • Static pressure obeys Laplace’s equation: ∇ p ′ = 0 1 ∂ 2p ′ rm 2 ∂ 2p ′ + =0 2 2 ∂θ ∂x ; p ′ is static pressure disturbance • No inherent length scale in equation • Length scale set by boundary conditions • If θ - length scale is ~ L then upstream decay of static pressure −2π x / L is like e • Region of influence ~ diameter 21 Tunnel Speed = 147 knots Engine mass flow = 36.1 lb/s/ft2 1 3 5 1 7 9 +30o Incidence = without engine interaction Local total pressure recovery 6 = 0.90 1 = 0.99 7 = 0.86 2 = 0.98 8 = 0.82 3 = 0.96 9 = 0.78 4 = 0.94 0 = 0.74 5 = 0.92 7 Incidence = +35o with engine interaction Short Pitot Intake Effect of Presence of an Engine Figure by MIT OCW. [Hodder] 22 UPSTREAM INFLUENCE OF A RADIALLY NON-UNIFORM ANNULAR FLOW • Again have uniform background flow in x-direction, ux′ ,ur′ << ux • Pressure varies with radius at x=0 (boundary condition) ∂ = 0 ; axisymmetric variation ∂θ ∂( ) 1 ∂p ′ ∂ux′ ux =− ; take ∂x ρ ∂x ∂x 1( ) ∂ ( ) 1 ∂p ′ ∂ur′ ux =− ; take + ∂x ρ ∂r r ∂r ∂ 2 p ′ 1 ∂p ′ ∂ 2 p ′ + + =0 2 2 ∂r r ∂r ∂x ; ∇ 2p ′ = 0 23 ro (outer radius) r u'r Background (mean) velocity U u'x Components due to nonuniformity ri (inner radius) x ∆r Static pressure nonuniformity defined at x = 0 CL Annular flow geometry used in estimation of upstream influence region for axisymmetric flow; region of interest is x < 0. Figure by MIT OCW. 24 • • • Suppose annulus has a high hub/tip radius ratio Length scale of non-uniformities is ∆ r = ro − ri Ratio of ∂ 2p ′ ∆r 1 ∂p ′ to is << 1 rm ∂r 2 r ∂r ∂ 2p ′ ∂ 2p ′ Reduces to + ≅0 ∂r 2 ∂x 2 Solution is p ′ ∝ exp (−π x / ∆r ) Can extend to compresible flow using Prandtl- Glauert transformation : x → x 1− M 2 25 INTERACTION LENGTH, L, FOR FLOW NONUNIFORMITIES 2π Unwrapped compressor L L Tip L 0 Circumferential distortion ~ Diameter Hub Radial Distortion ~ Span Figure by MIT OCW. Blade-to-Blade Nonuniformities ~ Gap (Chord) 26 INTERACTION BETWEEN COMPONENTS SCREEN AND CONTRACTION x Flow W1 Uniform screen W2 y Downstream (2) Upstream (1) Figure by MIT OCW. 27 PRESSURE FIELD AT DIFFERENT AXIAL STATIONS Top of duct p(x,y) - p 1 ρu 2 x2 2 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 Bottom of duct Flow Figure by MIT OCW. 28 WHAT DO WE EXPECT THE INTERACTION TO DO? • What effect does a screen have on a non-uniform flow? • How would you characterize the attributes of a screen? 29 WHAT DO WE EXPECT THE INTERACTION TO DO? • What effect does a screen have on a non-uniform flow? • How would you characterize the attributes of a screen? • In regions in which the velocity is high what is the local pressure drop through the screen? • Where are the regions (across the channel) in which the velocity is high? 30 IMPACT ON DOWNSTREAM CONDITIONS 1.25 Downstream velocity Screen-contraction spacing = 0 0.5 0.25 0.125 ux ux2 1.0 0.75 0.5 pt - ptcenterline 1 ρux2 2 2 Downstream stagnation pressure Screen-contraction spacing = 0 0.25 0.125 0.0 -0.4 -0.2 0.5 0.25 0.0 0.2 0.4 y / W2 Figure by MIT OCW. 31 WHAT IS THE EFFECT OF A SCREEN ON A NONUNIFORM UPSTREAM FLOW? y Screen Region I W Region II 0 x Streamline Figure by MIT OCW. 32 DOES THIS EFFECT DEPEND ON THE SCREEN CHARACTERISTICS? HOW? • Does the pressure field upstream of the screen depend on the pressure drop through the screen? • What are the features of the upstream pressure field • For a given far upstream flow non-uniformity, would we get a more uniform velocity downstream if the pressure drop increased? • How do we connect the pressure field to the velocity non-uniformity? - Upstream? - Downstream? - Upstream to downstream? 33 EFFECT OF SCREEN PRESSURE DROP ON DOWNSTREAM VELOCITY (I) 1.0 Data reported by Taylor and Batchelor (1949) Data of Davis (1957) 0.5 Calculation based on η = 0 (axial flow downstream of screen) u'xd ( ,y) u'xu(- ,y) 0.0 -0.5 Screen pressure 10 drop coefficient, K 0 Calculation based on η given by Eq. (12.2.18) (refraction by screen) Figure by MIT OCW. 34 EFFECT OF SCREEN PRESSURE DROP ON DOWNSTREAM VELOCITY (II) Low Pressure Drop Screen High Pressure Drop Screen 1.5 Velocity / mean velocity 1.25 1.0 0.75 0.5 0.25 Upstream velocity Measurements Calculation 0 -0.5 Downstream velocity 0 Distance / channel width 0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 Distance / channel width Figure by MIT OCW. Low pressure drop screen High pressure drop screen 35 REGION OF INFLUENCE OF SCREEN [K is screen pressure drop] 1.0 0.5 K=1 uxk(x,y) uxk( ,y) K=2 K=5 K=3 K = 10 0.0 -1.5 0.0 kx/W 1.5 -0.5 Figure by MIT OCW. 36 Pressure coefficient, Cp A MORE COMPLICATED (OR IS IT?) EXAMPLE: STATIC PRESSURE FIELD UPSTREAM OF A COMPRESSOR STATOR/STRUT GEOMETRY [The figure shows only one section (one “wavelength”) of a periodic geometry] 0.2 Analysis Measurements 0.0 -0.2 10 30 50 0 25 50 75 Circumferential distance (% strut gap) 100 Figure by MIT OCW. 37 WHAT ARE THE FEATURES OF THIS PRESSURE FIELD? (Location is 0.5 of a stator chord upstream of the stator leading edge) • The figure shows a section of a periodic geometry. The geometry is repeated (on both sides) to simulate a full annulus with, say, twelve struts and 72 blades • There is a large length-scale non-uniformity • There are smaller length scale “bumps” on this • How would we explain the features of this pressure field? 38 Inflow & Outflow to Fluid Devices Asymmetry of Real Fluid Motion • Examples we looked at had fundamental asymmetry (inflow to inlet: streamlines entered from all directions - however outflow of ejector: parallel jet exited in direction of exit nozzle) • Different streamlines configuration associated with inflow or exit flow! Note: asymmetry was implicit in control volume treatment • Cause for asymmetry no-slip condition at solid surface, feature of all real fluids! • For high Re-flow: u ∂u 1 ∂p =− ∂x ρ ∂x du = − dp ρu so for same ∆p, higher u yields smaller ∆u 39 Boundary Layer Subjected to Pressure Rise • Same ∆p in free-stream as in BL • Fluid in BL retarded by viscous forces (a) to (b) to (c) • For same pressure rise, BL suffers larger drop in velocity than fluid outside BL flow will eventually separate Separation streamline (a) • (b) (c) The ∆p at which ∆u is driven to 0 in BL is less than that which freestream can attain 40 Contrast Between Inflow to, Outflow from, Pipe • Inflow: – favorable pressure gradient from 1 to 2 (acceleration of fluid in BL) – at 2 have region of low pressure (streamline curvature) ② – from 2 to 3 static pressure rises again, BUT outside boundary layer (BL) some streamline convergence, so severity of adverse pressure gradient ③ ① lessened – adverse pressure gradient mild enough to avoid separation For high Re, BL thin streamlines for flow into pipe will follow geometry 41 Contrast Between Inflow & Outflow of Pipe • How about outflow of pipe: – will outflow have also this streamline configuration? – why or why not? What are pressure gradients driving the outflow pattern? • Asymmetry in streamline configuration due to viscosity • Motions are not reversible in thermodynamic and kinematic sense External Flow Example: thin wing: Kutta-Joukowski condition Internal Flow Example: flow leaving straight nozzle, parallel to nozzle axis Good assumptions for describing real flow 42 Example: Flow Through a Bent Tube • Freely rotating bent tube, constant area A, volume rate of flow Q • Flow entering at center 0 and exiting through bent part • What is rotation rate Ω ? • What happens if there is inflow instead of outflow through bent Figure by MIT OCW. tube? • Does it rotate? Why or why not? 43 FLOW INTO (a) AND OUT OF (b) A PIPE IN A QUIESCENT FLUID u=0 p = p∞ Outflow velocity Inflow velocity Pipe Pipe (a) Inflow (b) Outflow Figure by MIT OCW. 44 INFLOW FROM A QUIESCENT FLUID INTO A PIPE: FLOW NEAR THE PIPE ENTRANCE ② ③ ① 45 EXIT FLOW FROM A SUBSONIC NOZZLE WITH PRESSURE INSIDE THE JET HIGHER THAN pambient phigh Uniform p? pambient Figure by MIT OCW. 46