16.50 Propulsion Systems Spring 2012 Homework 5: Thermochemistry Exploration Using CEA Code The CEA output is very detailed and takes a total of 12 pages, so only one case (equilibrium, O/F=2.6) ܲ will be displayed here. The results are for ܲ ൌ Ͳܽ݉ݐǡ ܲ ൌ ͲǤͶܽ ݉ݐቀ ൗܲ ൌ ͳͷቁ, using RP-1 fuel and 02L as oxidizer. 1)For all cases run, we need the “ground jet velocity,”namely, that for ܲ ൌ ͳܽ݉ݐ. The code supplies only the jet velocity (“specific impulse”) for vacuum and for matched conditions, which we will call ܿ ǡ ܿ௧ , respectively. In general: (1) ܨ ൌ ܨ௩ െ ܲ ܣ ܿൌ ி ሶ ܿ ൌ ி ܿכ ܿ௩ െ ೌ ܿ כ ൌ (2) (3) An alternative, more convenient formulation is: ܿൌ ி ሶ ൌ ி ఘ ௨ ܿ ൌ ܿ௩ െ ೌ ఘ ௨ (4) ൌ ܿ௩ െ ࣬ ೌ ቀ ൗெቁ் ௨ (5) All quantities are listed as output. Here, ೌ ൌ ଵ௧ Ǥସ௧ ൌ ʹǤͷ. Notice that the exit velocity ݑ is actually equal to ܿ௧ , and can be read directly from the output. For the Equilibrium case we then find: Table 1: Equilibrium Case ܿ௩ ሾ݉Ȁݏሿ O/F 2 3205.8 2.2 3286.0 2.4 3341.4 2.6 3374.2 2.8 3384.5 ݑ ሾ݉Ȁݏሿ 3030.6 3099.1 3142.3 3161.4 3160.6 ܶ ሾܭሿ 1355.5 1577.5 1810.4 2051.0 2278.1 For the Frozen Flow case (nfz=2, frozen after throat), we find: 1 ܯ ሾ݇݃Ȁ݈݉ሿ 0.02123 0.02265 0.02406 0.02545 0.02677 ܿ ሾ݉Ȁݏሿ 2767.9 2818.9 2843.7 2844.4 (opt) 2824.9 Table 2: Frozen Flow Case ܿ௩ ሾ݉Ȁݏሿ O/F 2 3145.4 2.2 3188.0 2.4 3196.1 2.6 3183.0 2.8 3159.1 ݑ ሾ݉Ȁݏሿ 2891.7 3017.8 3022.7 3008.5 2984.8 ܶ ሾܭሿ 1232.3 1364.2 1451.9 1504.2 1531.8 ܯ ሾ݇݃Ȁ݈݉ሿ 0.02099 0.02209 0.02303 0.02382 0.02450 ܿ ሾ݉Ȁݏሿ 2736.2 2762.7 (opt) 2762.6 2746.7 2723.2 Some observations: a) ሺܿ ሻ௧ is 2844 m/s for equilibrium and 2763 m/s for frozen flow, a difference of 2.8%. For a rocket of large dimensions and this high pressure, the actual performance is likely to be close to equilibrium. b) ሺܱȀܨሻ௧ is about 2.52 for equilibrium, but only 2.3 for frozen flow. This can be understood qualitatively: the reason an optimum exists in any case is the trade-off between higher ܶ at higher ܱȀܨ (closer to stoichiometric), but also higher ܯat higher ܱȀ( ܨless extra ܪଶ around). There is a third effect, though: higher ܱȀܨ, with its higher ܶ , produces more dissociation in the chamber; if the flow is in equilibrium, most of this dissociation is reversed during the expansion, and the corresponding energy is recovered (partially) as kinetic energy. This does not happen in a frozen expansion, and so in the equilibrium case there is more of an incentive to go on to higher ܱȀܨ, as observed. 2) For ைி ൌ ʹǤ, equilibrium, we read off ܶ ൌ ͵ͶǤʹ ܭand, at the throat, ߛ ൌ ͳǤͳ͵ͶͲǡ ࣧ ൌ ͲǤͲʹ͵ͺʹ݇݃Ȁ݈݉Ǥ Using these as constants, we can calculate: ംశభ ଶ మሺംషభሻ ൌ ͲǤ͵ͷͶ Ȟ ൌ ξߛ ቀ ቁ ఊାଵ ଼Ǥଷଵସ ܬ ൌ ͵ͶͻǤͲ ൗ݇݃ ܭ כ ܴൌ Ǥଶଷ଼ଶ ܿ כൌ ඥோ் ൌ ͳͺʹǤʹ (6) (7) (8) CEA: 1793.8 m/s ം For the exit Mach number, we use ൌ ቀͳ ఊିଵ ଶ ംషభ ܯ ቁ , ଶ ܲ ൌ Ͳܽ݉ݐǡ ܲ ൌ ͲǤͶܽ݉ݐ. Therefore: ܯ ൌ ͵ǤͷͶ͵ (CEA: 3.536) For exit temperature: ܶ ൌ ் ംషభ మ ெ మ ଵା ൌ ͳͻͻܭ (9) (CEA: 2051K) 2 ംషభ ଶ ം ቈቀ ቁ ఊିଵ or ܯ ൌ ඨ െ ͳ, where For area ratio: ംషభ ൌ ംశభ ଵା మ ெమ మሺംషభሻ ଵ ቆ ംశభ ቇ ெ ൌ ʹͳǤ͵ (10) మ (CEA: 20.67) For exit velocity (or matched specific impulse): ݑ ൌ ܯ ඥߛܴܶ ൌ ͵ͳͶͻ݉Ȁݏ (CEA: 3162 m/s) (11) For vacuum specific impulse: ܿ௩ ൌ ݑ ೌ כ ܿ బ ൌ ͵͵Ͳ െ ଵ ൈ ʹͳǤ͵ ൈ ͳͺʹǤʹ ൌ ʹͺͳ݉Ȁݏ (12) (CEA: 2844 m/s) The simple model agrees to better than 5% in all the important quantities with the full equilibrium model. But you need hindsight in the choices of ߛ and ܯ. ଷଶ௫ 3) Atom conservation: The reactants are ܪܥଵǤଽହ ܱܺଶ , and imposing ܱȀ ܨൌ ʹǤ, ଵଶାଵǤଽହ ൌ ʹǤ ՜ ݔൌ ͳǤͳ͵ͷ. Since the total quantity is arbitrary, only relative atomic amounts matter. We have then in the reactants: ಹ ଵǤଽହ ൌ ൌ ͲǤͳͷ ଵଶ బ ଵǤଵଷହൈଷଶ ൌ ൌ ͵ǤͲʹ ଵଶ (13) (14) For the products we read for this case the mole fractions at exit: ݕை ൌ ͲǤʹͶͲ ݕைమ ൌ ͲǤʹͶͳͻ ݕுమ ൌ ͲǤͲͻͳͺ ݕுమ ை ൌ ͲǤͶͲͲ ݕு ൌ ͲǤͲͲͳͳ ݕைு ൌ ͲǤͲͲͲ With very minor amounts of other molecules. Thus, the mass fractions at exit are: ಹ ൌ బ ൌ ௬ಹమ ൈଶା௬ಹమೀ ൈଶା௬ಹ ൈଵା௬ೀಹൈଵ ൌ ͲǤͳʹ ௬ೀ ൈଵଶା௬ೀమ ൈଵଶ ௬ೀ ൈଵା௬ೀమ ൈଷଶା௬ಹమೀ ൈଵା௬ೀಹ ൈଵ ௬ೀ ൈଵଶା௬ೀమ ൈଷଶ (compare to 0.165) ൌ ͵ǤͲʹͺ (compare to 3.027) Entropy conservation: Since ܶ ൌ ʹͲͷͳܭ, we need to extrapolate slightly from the given table of standard molar entropies; we get: ι ݏǁ ை ൌ ʹͷͻǤͺ כ 3 ι ݏǁ ை ൌ ͵ͳͲǤͻ͵ మ ݏǁ ுι మ ൌ ͳͺͻǤ͵ʹ ݏǁ ுι మை ൌ כ כ ʹǤͲͶ כ Then, for each molecule ࢙ ൌ ݏǁ ι െ ݈࣬݊ܲ ሺܽ݉ݐሻ ൌ ݏǁ ι െ ݈࣬݊ሺݕ ܲ ሺܽ݉ݐሻሻ. This gives: כ ݏǁ ைమ ൌ ͵͵ͲǤ͵ͷ כ ݏǁ ுమ ൌ ʹͳǤͻ כ ݏǁ ுమை ൌ ʹͺͳǤʹ כ ݏǁ ை ൌ ʹͺǤ͵ Finally, the specific entropy (per unit mass) is: σ ௬ ௦ ܵ ൌ σ ௬ ெǁ ൌ σ ௬ ௦ ഥ ெ ǁ4 ഥ ൌ ͲǤͲʹͷͶͷ Using ܯ ܵ ൌ ͳͳǡʹ͵Ͳ (15) (CEA) and the four mole fractions ሺܱܥǡ ܱܥଶ ǡ ܪଶ ǡ ܪଶ ܱሻ, this gives: כ Compared to ܵ ൌ ܵ ൌ ͳͳǡͲͺ from כ CEA. This is a bit high, not clear why. 4 5 0,72SHQ&RXUVH:DUH KWWSRFZPLWHGX ,QWURGXFWLRQWR3URSXOVLRQ6\VWHPV 6SULQJ )RULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWFLWLQJWKHVHPDWHULDOVRURXU7HUPVRI8VHYLVLWKWWSRFZPLWHGXWHUPV