16.50 Propulsion Systems Spring 2012 Homework 2: Chemical vs. Electrical Thrusters a) Chemical: We start outside the sphere of influence (SOI) of Earth, and end outside the SOI of Mars, so no “escape” or “capture” οܸ ݏare involved. The whole motion is under the Sun’s influence alone. To enter the transfer orbit: ఓೄ οܸଵ ൌ ݒ െ ݒǡா௧ ൌ ට ಶ ൬ට ଶಾ ಶ ାಾ െ ͳ൰ (1) Known and calculated values: ߤௌ ൌ ͳǤ͵ʹͲʹܧ య ௦మ ݎா ൌ ͳǤͶͻ݉ͳͳܧ ݎெ ൌ ͳǤͷʹ͵ ݎ כா ൌ ʹǤʹͻ݉ͳͳܧ ݒǡா௧ ൌ ʹͻǡͺͲ ݒǡெ௦ ൌ ௦ ʹͶǡͳ͵Ͳ ௦ Substituting values: ଶכଵǤହଶଷ οܸଵ ൌ ʹͻǡͺͲ ቆට ଶǤହଶଷ െ ͳቇ ൌ ʹǡͻͶͷ ௦ To enter circular orbit near Mars: ఓ οܸଶ ൌ ݒǡெ௦ െ ݒ ൌ ට ೄ ൬ͳ െ ට ଶ ቇ ଶǤହଶଷ οܸଶ ൌ ʹͶǡͳ͵Ͳ ቆͳ െ ට ൌ ʹǡͶͻ ଶಶ ಶ ାಾ ಾ ൰ (2) ௦ Total οࢂ: 1 οܸ ൌ οܸଵ οܸଶ ൌ ͷǤͷͶͻ (Chemical) ௦ Transfer duration: The transfer time is ½ the orbital time in the transfer ellipse. ಾ ାಶ ൌ ͳǤͺͺ݉ͳͳܧ ଶ ଵ యȀమ כ ߨʹ כ (3) ଶ ඥ ఓೄ ଶǤଶଷா ʹǤʹ͵ܧ ݏൌ ൌ ʹͷͻ݀ܽݏݕ ଼ସ Semiaxis: ܽ ൌ ο ݐൌ ο ݐൌ ࡹࢇ࢟ ࡹ οೇ ൌ ࢋି െ ߝ (4) ఱǡఱరళ ܯ௬ ൌ ʹͲǡͲͲͲ ൬݁ ିరǡఱబబ ൰ െ ͲǤͲͷ ൌ ͶǡͲ݇݃ b) Electrical: The propulsive οࢂ is now: οܸ ൌ ݒǡா െ ݒǡெ ൌ ʹͻǡͺͲ െ ʹͶǡͳ͵Ͳ ൌ ͷǡͷͲ ௦ (Electric Propulsion) This is only slightly more than the chemical οܸ; for transfers to larger radii, the difference is more noticeable. For optimization of the low-thrust mission, define non-dimensional variables: ߤൌ ெೌ (5) ெబ ݒൌ ο (6) ߣൌ ఈబ ο ଶఎ (7) ߝൌ ெೞೝ ெబ (8) ߙ ൌ ͳͲ ௐ ൌ ͲǤͲͳ ௐ is the specific mass (per unit power) of the power and propulsion equipment. ܽ is the initial acceleration. Combining expressions: ఒ ௩ ߤ ൌ ݁ ି௩ െ െ ߝ (9) To find the best specific impulse ܿ, we have differentiate with respect to ݒ: െ݁ ି௩ ఒ ௩మ ൌͲ 2 ߣ ൌ ݒଶ ݁ ି௩ (10) Substituting values: ߣൌ Ǥଵכହହ ଶכǤ ൌ ͶͲǤ͵ͻܽ For each value of ܽ we then need to solve (by trial and error) the equation: ଶ ͶͲǤ͵ͻܽ ൌ ݒ௧ ݁ ି௩ (11) Once ݒ௧ is known, we calculate: ܿ௧ ൌ ௩ ൌ ହହ ௩ The implied transfer time follows from: షೇ ȟ ݐൌ ఓೝ ሶ ெబ ቆଵି ቇ ൌ ிൗ ൌ ൬ͳ బ ೇ െ ݁ି ൰ ؆ ο ο ݂݅ బ ܿا (12) The power per unit initial mass: ெబ ൌ ிൗ ଶఎ ெబ ൌ బ ଶఎ (13) Finally, the payload mass is: ߤ௬ ൌ ߤ௧ ܯ ൌ ܯ ൬݁ ି௩ െ ఒ ௩ െ ߝ൰ (14) The results are tabulated below for a range of initial accelerations: ܽ ቂ݉ൗ ଶ ቃ ݏ ߣ ݒ௧ ܿ௧ ሾ݉Τݏሿ ȟݐሾ݀ܽݏݕሿ 633.3 322.2 (chem) 152.9 100.3 1E-4 2E-4 4.039E-3 8.078E-3 0.06567 0.09421 86052 60004 4E-4 6E-4 0.01616 0.02423 0.1361 0.1694 41536 33371 ܲ ܹ ܯ௬ ሾ݇݃ሿ ቂ ൗ݇݃ቃ ܯ 6.149 16498 8.572 15486 0.123 0.1714 11.867 14.302 0.2373 0286 14082 13024 We see several important things here: a) For any specific power ܲൗ ܯ ͳͲ ܹൗ݇݃ , the transfer is faster than chemical. b) The payload delivered is 3-4 times greater than with chemical. c) The specific impulse is in the range from 3,400s to 8,700s. 3 ܲሾܹܯሿ d) The required power is from 120-290 KW, possible with large solar arrays. 4 0,72SHQ&RXUVH:DUH KWWSRFZPLWHGX ,QWURGXFWLRQWR3URSXOVLRQ6\VWHPV 6SULQJ )RULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWFLWLQJWKHVHPDWHULDOVRURXU7HUPVRI8VHYLVLWKWWSRFZPLWHGXWHUPV