4.461: Building Technology 1 Professor John E. Fernandez Part I: Sustainable Design Part II: Case Study Part III: Architecture These notes are a test. FALL TERM 2004 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING: MIT Sustainable Design 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS Part I: Sustainable Design • Context: Space and Time Boundaries are drawn such that one captures adequate time and space to allow for a net positive effect from the process and product of the built project. • Priority: Dual Beneficiaries Design within these time and space boundaries fulfills the needs of both the present and future generations. Project Spatial Project Area TIME TIME Past Future Period of Direct Influence COPYRIGHT JOHN E. FERNANDEZ: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY GROUP: MIT 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS Part I: Sustainable Design Context Space Sustainable design requires a reconsideration of the spatial boundaries (and scales) that one addresses in assessing the impact of the work. Consideration is given to the ecology and environment of each: • • • • Global Regional Urban Building Image courtesy of NASA Image courtesy of MassGIS. COPYRIGHT JOHN E. FERNANDEZ: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY GROUP: MIT 4.461 CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS Sustainable Design Part I: Sustainable Design Context Time Sustainable design requires the reconsideration of the span of time in which one is assessing the impact of the work. Building Lifetime: 50 years • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Site Lifetime: eternal COPYRIGHT JOHN E. FERNANDEZ: BUILDING TECHNOLOGY GROUP: MIT 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS Part I: Sustainable Design Project Spatial Project Area Past Generation Future Generation TIME TIME Past Future Period of Direct Influence Period of Indirect Influence 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS Part II: Case Study Construction Energy (MJ/m2) On-site equipment use 20 Equip. & materials trans. Worker transportation 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ave. 14 15 Ave. Structural Assembly Construction Energy: Wood Structural Assemblies Image by MIT OCW. 3.0 Construction Emissions (Kg/m2) Using LCA, the following is a comparison of structural materials for on-site construction of an assembly. Construction energy and grreenhouse gas emissions were examined in five general categories: 1. Transportation of the construction crew to and from the site. 2. Transportation of materials to the site 3. Transportation of equipment to and from the site. 4. Use of on-site equipment. 5. Supporting processes, such as from-work and temporary heating. On-site equipment use 3.5 Equip. & materials trans. Worker transportation 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Structural Assembly Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Wood Structural Assemblies Image by MIT OCW. 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS On-site equipment use Equip. & materials trans. 15 Worker transportation 10 5 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Ave. 27 Ave. Structural Assembly Construction Energy: Steel Structural Assemblies Image by MIT OCW. 3.0 Construction Emissions (Kg/m2) Case Study Construction Energy (MJ/m2) 20 On-site equipment use 2.5 Equip. & materials trans. Worker transportation 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Structural Assembly Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Steel Structural Assemblies Image by MIT OCW. 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS On-site equipment use Equip. & materials trans. Worker transportation 100 80 60 40 20 0 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Ave. Structural Assembly Construction Energy: Concrete Structural Assemblies Image by MIT OCW. On-site equipment use Construction Emissions (Kg/m2) Case Study Construction Energy (MJ/m2) 120 25 Equip. & materials trans. Worker transportation 20 15 10 5 0 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Ave. Structural Assembly Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Concrete Structural Assemblies Image by MIT OCW. 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS Worker Transportation Energy (%) 90 Case Study Steel 6 80 Concrete 7 10 11 70 1 2 3 5 4 60 28 29 26 27 50 12 40 19 8 9 Wood 18 36 30 31 37 34 6 13 7 24 25 21 30 35 22 20 23 20 32 14 10 33 38 15 39 0 0 20 40 60 80 Construction Energy Image by MIT OCW. 100 120 140 (MJ/m2) Worker Transportation/Construction Energy Steel Worker Transportation Greenhouse Gases (%) 90 17 80 1 2 70 60 26 27 50 13 12 40 24 25 21 30 20 Concrete 54 Wood 28 29 18 36 34 30 31 37 35 20 15 14 10 32 33 38 39 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Construction Energy (Kg/m2) Image by MIT OCW. Worker Transportation/Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS 30 Construction Energy (%) Case Study 25 20 Concrete 15 31 33 Wood 10 35 36 32 34 6 37 28 1 5 11 2 17 0 3 0 19 10 16 200 8 400 600 Steel 18 800 1000 Initial Embodied Energy (MJ/m2) Image by MIT OCW. Construction/Embodied Energy (excluding Worker Transportation) Construction Emissions (%) 30 25 Concrete 20 31 33 15 32 36 35 Wood 10 6 34 1 5 37 28 Steel 2 11 3 19 10 18 17 16 0 0 8 50 100 150 200 250 Initial Embodied Greenhouse Gases (Kg/m2) Image by MIT OCW. Construction/Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions (excluding Worker Transportation) 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS 30 Construction Energy (%) Case Study 25 Concrete 31 20 32 Wood 36 35 1 15 33 6 11 28 37 32 10 2 3 5 10 17 16 19 Steel 8 18 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Initial Embodied Energy (MJ/m2) Image by MIT OCW. Construction/Embodied Energy (including Worker Transportation) Construction Emissions (%) 30 25 31 Concrete 33 20 1 36 32 34 6 15 28 35 37 11 10 Wood 2 3 10 17 5 16 19 18 Steel 8 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Initial Embodied Greenhouse Gases (Kg/m2) Image by MIT OCW. Construction/Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions (including Worker Transportation) 4.461 Sustainable Design CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS 80 70 Construction Energy (MJ/m2) Case Study On-site equipment use 60 Equip. & materials trans. Worker transportation 50 40 30 20 Wood Steel 10 0 Average Construction Energy for Wood, Steel, and Concrete Assemblies Image by MIT OCW. 14 Construction Greenhouse Gases (Kg/m2) Transportation - of workers and equipment - to and from the site represents the largest proportion of construction energy use for every material. Concrete Concrete 12 On-site equipment use Equip. & materials trans. 10 Worker transportation 8 6 4 2 Wood Steel 0 Image by MIT OCW. Average Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Wood, Steel, and Concrete Assemblies