Uniform approximate solutions of differential systems with boundary conditions by Ronald Max Jeppson A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Mathematics Montana State University © Copyright by Ronald Max Jeppson (1981) Abstract: Consider the boundary value problem (formula not captured in OCR) My (formula not captured in OCR) where M and N are constant real n x n matrices such that the n x 2n matrix (M,N) has rank n.(formula not captured in OCR) is continuous on (formula not captured in OCR) with values in (formula not captured in OCR) is a constant real n x 1 vector. Let(formula not captured in OCR) be the set of n x 1 vectors such that each component is a polynomial of degree k or less. Define(formula not captured in OCR) to be the set of vectors (formula not captured in OCR) such the (formula not captured in OCR) Find a (formula not captured in OCR) for each (formula not captured in OCR), such that inf (formula not captured in OCR) The norm (formula not captured in OCR) defined by (formula not captured in OCR) where (formula not captured in OCR) If (formula not captured in OCR) is linear in (formula not captured in OCR) such a (formula not captured in OCR) will exist. Then given y is the unique solution to(formula not captured in OCR) , (formula not captured in OCR) converges uniformly to y, on (formula not captured in OCR) , as(formula not captured in OCR) . If F is nonlinear, let(formula not captured in OCR) , where E is a real constant n x n matrix such that(formula not captured in OCR) and find a (formula not captured in OCR) for each(formula not captured in OCR) , such that (formula not captured in OCR) There exists (formula not captured in OCR) subsequence (formula not captured in OCR) converges uniformly to y, on (formula not captured in OCR) as j, where y is a solution of(formula not captured in OCR) . In some cases (formula not captured in OCR) for a given k, satisfies inf (formula not captured in OCR) (formula not captured in OCR) . The above procedure extends the work of M.S. HenrY, D. Schmidt and K.L. Wiggins. UNIFORM APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS ■ OF DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS WITH BOUNDARY CONDITIONS by. RONALD MAX JEPPSON A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ■ : DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Mathematics Approved: .Chairman, Examinangi Committee Graduate Dean MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana M a y , 1981 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Gary Bo g a r i for his guidance and encouragement throughout my association with him. His. advice has been invaluable. I would also like to thank NORCUS for their financial support during the summer of 1980, which enabled me to make great progress in completing my research. Thanks are due to Kim Hafner for her able interpretation and efficient typing of this manuscript. Finally I would like to thank my wife, Joyce, whose patience and encouragement has provided the primary motivating force throughout my college experience. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER. ' PAGE INTRODUCTION ........................... I. PRELIMINARY RESULTS 1.1 1.2 1.3 .................. Introduction ........................................ Approximation Theory ........................... The Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations. . . I I . MINIMAX APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS OF. LINEAR. DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS WITH BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. .' .................... 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Introduction . . . . . . . . ...................... Homogeneous Boundary Conditions. . . ............. Nonhomogeneous Boundary C o n d i t i o n s ......... . . . . D i s c r e t i z a t i o n ...................................... Examples ...................................... III. APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS' OF NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL : SYSTEMS WITH BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. ; . . . . . ......... 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 IV. I 5 5 5 14 25 25 26 35 38 41 49 Introduction . ................. Existence.of Fixed Points. . . . ............. Convergence of Fixed Points. .' .'.................. Rate of Convergence............. Comparison of SAS and MAS. ......................... Computation, of Fixed P o i n t s ........................ Scalar Examples .. . ................................... E x a m p l e s ...................... .'.............. 49 52 54 58 60 67 72 74 ' RESTRICTED RANGE APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS. WITH BOUNDARY C O N D I T I O N S ......... 78 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 I n t r o d u c t i o n .................... 78 Preliminary R e s ults........... ......................■ 78 Existence of Fixed Points. ........................ 86 Convergence of Fixed Points. ....................... 90 Rate of Convergence................................. 96 Comparison' of RSAS to M A S ......... .. . . . . . . . 102 Computation of Fixed Points. ......................... 102 Scalar E q u a t i o n s ............. ................. .. . 108 Examples .................... 112 V CHAPTER V. PAGE' CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY .............. 116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . .... ............... 117 vi ABSTRACT Consider the boundary value problem (*) y ' = F(t,"y) , t £ [0,t ] , J^(O) + N ^( t ) = b , where. M and N are constant real n x n matrices such that the n x 2n matrix (M,N) has rank n. on [0,t ] x IRn Let with values in . F(t,y) is continuous b is a constant real n x I vector be the set of n x I vectors such that each component is a polynomial of degree k or less. *p such the "p £ Define and Mp(O) + Np(T) = b. k _> n + I , such that inf to be the set of vectors Find a "p^ £ P , for each | |p ’ - F( • ,p) | | = | |Cp^) ' - "F( • te?k The norm g | |* | | is defined by Cg-^ »§2 > * • • ign ) such a p | |"g| | = max t £ [O,t ] max |git) | where l<i<n and g^ E C[.0,x] , I _< i < n. will exist. If F is linear in y , Then given y is the unique solution to (*), "pk converges uniformly to "y, on let f (t ,"y) = F (t ,"f) - E y , where [0,t ] , as k-*». If "f is nonlinear, E is a real constant such that En = 0, and find a "q^ £ P ^ 1 for each k > inf n x n matrix n + I, such that I Iv - f ( • ,^qk) I I = I I Cqk) ' - Eq^ - f ( « Jq^) | |.There exists a ' ^ £Qk-n subsequence ^ of such that *qk(j) converges uni­ formly to "y, on [0,t ] as j-*”, where “y is a solution of (*). cases "qk, for a given k, satisfies F (• ,"qk) I I. inf | |"p' - F( • ,p) | |= In some | |(q^) ' - The above procedure extends the work of M . S . H e n r y , D. Schmidt and K . L . Wiggins. . INTRODUCTION In order to mathematically model many physical problems, differen­ tial equations with initial values or boundary values arise naturally. Since only a small percentage of these problems can be solved in closed form, we will concentrate on finding polynomial approximations to bound­ ary value problems. The general form of the boundary value problem to be considered is: (*) y' = F(t,y ) j t e [0,t ] , My1 (O) + N y 1 (T) = b where M and N are constant real n x n matrices such that the n x 2n matrix (M,N) has rank n. values in IRn. F(t,‘y) is continuous on [0,t ] x b is a constant real n x I vector. If IRn with = {p: "p = T (p^,... >Pn ) , p^ is a polynomial of degree k or less for I <_ ± _< n and Mp(O) + N^( t ) = b} then we will be interested in finding polynomials "pk e which approximate solutions of (*) if any exist. We will be using the uniform type norm given by I If I I = max max If (t)| t £ [0,t ] I <_ i _< n where f = (f^, ... ,f^) T and ’ e C [ 0 ,t ] , I <_■ i j< n. The uniform approximation by polynomials is only one of several possible approaches. In the past, discrete methods were extensively 2 used where values at discrete points were approximated. In recent years other methods such as Chebyshev series [18] and Splines [6, 14] have gained popular strength. Like uniform polynomial approxi­ mations, they approximate the function over the entire interval under consideration. We have settled on the uniform polynomial approximation because of the simplicity of the resulting approximating function. In Chapter I, we will present definitions and theorems that are standard in Approximation Theory and the Theory of Ordinary Differ­ ential Equations. Therefore, the proofs of the theorems will be omitted. In Chapter II, we will consider the case when F(t,y) = A(t)y + if(t) where A(t) is an n x n matrix with components in C[0,t] and f(t) is an n x I vector with components in C[0,f ] . eralize the work of Schmidt and Wiggins The results obtained here genOr [15] and a polynomial p e P ^ such that inf II PePk ' is shown to exist. _»k p e - Ap T f | | = | |(pk )' - Apk - f I I . We will use the terminology in [15] and call such a a minimax approximate solution (MAS) of (*) from P^. shown that if Also, it is "y is a unique solution to (*) and "pk e P ^ is a MAS of (*) for each k ,> n + I , then Iim I|(pk )(l) - y ( i)|I = 0, k->00 ■ i - 0,1. 3 We will determine a rate of convergence similar to that given in [15]. The discretization result presented is basically the same as that given in [15] but is included for completeness. In Chapter III we will deal with cases in which ]?(t,"y) may not be linear in "y. For convenience we will let . f(t,y) = F(t,y) - E y where E is an n x n real matrix such that E n =0. Now consider the boundary value problem (*■*) t = Ey + f(t,y), te[0,T], My*(0) + Ny^(T) = b*. -A ‘ _ i ' If f is nonlinear in y then an MAti of (**) from P cult or impossible to find. k is very often diffi- We therefore turn to another type of uni­ form approximation which was used by Henry and Wiggins [9] in attempt­ ing to approximate second order initial value problems. T ' (p^,...,Pn ) where Let W^={p: j? = p^ is a polynomial of degree k or less, ! _ < ! _ < n}. Using the terminology in [9], we will call a vector polynomial "p^ e P^ a simultaneous approximation substitute (SAS) of degree k if inf Ilv - Z V 1Pk)! I,- Ildk)' - Bfik -£<•,/) II. V E W1 It can be shown that under certain conditions on f , and each k ^ n + I 9 there exists such an SAS. Also, there exists a subsequence { " p ^ ^ 4 of (Pk ^ ssirfl such that Iim I|(^k(j))(i) - f (i) H J ^ 00 where y is a solution of (**) . = 0, i = 0,1, In some cases we can show that an SAS of degree k is also a MAS of degree k. Even if it is not an MAS it will be shown that it is a "good" approximation to the solution y of (**). In Chapter IV, we will generalize the.results of Chapter III by relaxing the conditions on f. In doing so, we must use polynomials which have a restricted range for our approximating set. To do this we must use some results, which are stated at the beginning of Chapter IV, due to Taylor [16] and Taylor and Winter [17] . We can then get the same basic results, except that the rate of convergence is decreased as compared to that obtained in Chapter III. CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY RESULTS 1.1 Introduction. In this chapter we shall discuss some preliminary results from Approximation Theory and the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations. The results in the first section, on Approximation Theory, may be found in [3]. In the second section on Ordinary Differential Equations, the . material is taken from [2, 5, 8, 12, 13]. I •2 Approximation The o r y . Throughout this section X will be a compact metric space. C[X] will denote the Banach space of all real valued continuous functions on X with norm given by Ilfll = sup If(t)I . teX One of the early theorems involved with the approximation of func­ tions is due to K. Weierstrass, called the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem. Theorem 1.1. Let f e C[a,b]; polynomial p such that I If - pII To each e > 0 there corresponds a < e. One proof of the theorem, due to Bernstein, produces a class of polynomials, called Bernstein polynomials, which satisfy the conclusion of the above theorem. These polynomials, however, converge very slowly to the function f and are not of much practical use. In trying to improve our 6 approximating set we might as well consider the "best", possible approxi mating set of polynomials. degree k or less. Pq Let be the set of all polynomials of The best possible case would be to find a polynomial e Q jc such that (1.2.1) . inf I|p - fI I = N p ' - f II . I This brings up the question of existence of such a polynomial. First we will state a rather general existence theorem. Theorem 1.2. A finite-dimensional linear subspace of a normed linear space contains at least one point of minimum distance from a fixed point. Since C[a,b] is a normed linear space and Q k is a finite dimen- sional subspace of C[a,b], then given any f e C[a,b] there esixts a Pq e Q jc that satisfies (1.2.1). From theorem 1.2 we heed not be restricted to polynomials for our approximating set. Consider the set of functions {g^,...,g } each of which is contained in C [ X ] . Let G = span {g^,...,g^}, then G is a finite dimensional subspace of G[X]. Given any f £ C [ X ] , there is a point P q E G which satisfies (1.2.2) inf pEG I Ip - fI I = IIp - fI I. ° n Given any p e G, there exists a vector c e IRn such that p = ^ 1=1 c.g. 1 1 O 7 where c = . T C q = (C q ^ j.•o,Cq ^) » (1.2.3) Inf Therefore, Pq = ^ C0iS i ^or some vector i— I So (1.2.2) is equivalent to I l S c iS1 - fl I - III;, g - f||. <?=# We will call p = n ^ c.g. a generalized polynomial. 1=1 For the remainder 11 of this section we will consider generalized polynomials where possible. We now define a condition on a set of functions {g^,«..,g^} which is stronger than linear independence . The condition plays a funda­ mental role in approximation theory. Definition 1.1. A system of functions {g^,...,g } is said to satisfy the Haar condition if each g^ E C [X] and if every set of n A vectors of the form t = (g^(t),...,g^(t)) T is independent. This means that each deterimant 8 IcV (1.2.4) DCt1 'V made up of n distinct points t^,..-.,t is nonzero. • • • W 8 The following useful theorem concerning the Haar condition follows directly from the definition. Theorem 1.3. The system Ig1 ,-••»g } satisfies the Haar condition if and only if no nontrivial generalized polynomial ][]c^g^ has more than n - I roots. We can now state a characterization theorem for systems that satis­ fy the Haar condition, which is called the Alternation Theorem. Theorem 1.4. Let {g^,...,g^} be a system of C[a,b] satisfying the Haar condition, and let Y be any closed subset of [a,b]. a certain generalized polynomial p In order that shall be a best approxima­ tion on Y to a given function f e C[Y] it is necessary and sufficient that the error function r = f - p exhibit on Y at least n +.1 "alterna­ tions" thus: r(t^) = -r(t^_^) = + I|r|I, with t^ < ... < t^ and t^ e Y. Another useful theorem which requires our system to satisfy the Haar condition is known as the Theorem of de La Vallee Poussin. By E(f) we will mean, the infimum of ||p - f || as p ranges over all generalized polynomials P = I > i 8iTheorem 1.5. If p is a generalized polynomial such that f - p assumes alternately positive and negative values at n + I consecutive points t^ of [a,bj, then (1.2.5) E(f) _> min If(t.) - p(t ) I. i 1 . 1 Thus far we have discussed existence and characterization of the 9 best approximation. Now the unicity aspect of the best approximation, will be examined. Theorem 1.6. If the functions g ^ , ...,g^ are continuous on [a,b] and satisfy the Haar condition, then the best approximation of each continuous function by a generalized polynomial ^c^g^ is unique. In order to compare the unique best approximations to other gener­ alized polynomials, we need the Strong Unicity Theorem. Theorem 1.7. Haar condition. Let the set of functions {g^,...,g^} satisfy the Let p^ be the generalized polynomial of best approxi­ mation to a given continuous function f. Then there exists a constant Y > 0 depending on f such that for any generalized polynomial p, ( 1*2. 6) ||f - p| I 2 I If " PqI I + Tl I P0 “ pi I• Suppose we have a system of continuous functions {g^,...,g } which satisfy the Haar condition. For each f £ C[X], let Ff be the unique generalized polynomial of best approximation to f. is a continuous operator. From theorem 1.7, F In fact, from the following theorem, F satis fies a Lipschitz condition at each point. Theorem 1.8. To each f^ there corresponds a number X > 0 such that for all f , (1*2.7) I I FfQ -FfM <_Al |fQ - f I I . Although best approximations are rarely computable analytically, the algorithm of Remes provides a powerful method for their numerical 10 computation. Second Algorithm of R e m e s : We seek a coefficient vector "c* which renders the uniform norm of the function n (1.2.8) r(t) = f(t) c ig .(t) j=l J J a minimum on the interval [a,bj. The set of functions {g^,...,gn } is assumed to satisfy the Haar condition. In. each cycle of this algorithm, we are given an ordered set of n + I points from the preceding cycle: a < t^ < t^... < < b. (In the beginning, this set may be arbitrary.) We now compute a coefficient vector for which max Ir ( t .)I is a minimum. i 1 From theorem 1.4, this can be accomplished by solving the system n (1'2.9) i c & ) + (-1) X = f(t ), i = 0,1,... ,n. j = l JJ Since {g^.... g^} satisfy the Kaar condition the solution will be unique. It then follows that the numbers r(t^) are of equal magnitude but of alternating sign. (tj_^,t^). Hence r(t) possesses a root In addition, let z^ = a and zn + ^ = b., Let in each interval <1 = sgn r(t^). For each i = 0 , 1 , ...,n, select a point y^ in [z^,z^+ ^] where o^r(y) is a m a x i m u m . This determines a "trial" set Iy^.... y ^ } . If Ilrll > ma x ] r ( y ^ ) I, then the definition of ,{y^,«°.»y } must be altered as follows. Let y be a point where Ir ( y ) I is a maximum. Now insert y in its correct position in the set {yQ,...,y }, and then remove a y^ in such a way that the resulting ordered set of values of r still alter­ 11 nates in sign. Now the next cycle begins with {yQ ,...,y^} in place of {t0 ,.... ,tn }. Theorem 1.9. generated The succesive generalized polynomials P ^ = ^ c . g . in the second algorithm converge■uniformly to the best approximation p* according to an inequality of the form (1.2.10) I|pk - p*|I < A0k - where 0 < 0 < I . In most cases, we want to find the best approximation on the clos­ ed interval [a,b] but for practical applications we must settle for the best approximation on a discrete subset Y of [a,b]. We, therefore, need some results on comparing the best approximation on a compact metric space X to the best approximation on a subset Y of X. First, we need the following definition. Definition 1.2. Let X be a compact metric space with metric d . . Let Y be any subset of X. Then the density of Y in X is given by (1.2.11) IY I = max inf d(x,y). x EX ysY We also need a seminorm bn C [X] defined by IIflL (1.2.12) Theorem 1.10. = sup I f ( y) I . . yeY Let {g^,...,g } be any set of continuous functions on the compact metric space X. tive 6 such that Il pll < To each a > I there corresponds a posi­ a IIpMv for all generalized polynomials p = y.c.g. and for all sets Y such that |y | < 6. 12 The following theorem now establishes the relationship between the best approximation on a compact metric space X and best approximations "; on subsets Y . Theorem 1 .11. Let X be a compact metric space and elements of C [X]. Px = ^ p If f possesses a unique generalized polynomial CiSi of best approximation on X, then its best approximations on subsets Y converges to pv as |Y| -> 0. From theorem 1.11 we find that a function f e C[X] can be approxi­ mated on sufficiently dense subsets of X to get an approximation close to the best approximation of f on X. Finally, we turn to finding the rate of convergence of a best ap­ proximation for a given function f e C [ X ] . We will restrict ourselves to the Haar set {l,t,...,tn } on the closed interval [-1,1]. First, we will need the following definition. Definition 1.3. For all 6 ^ 0 ' I Let X be a compact metric space with metric d. the modulus of continuity of f is given by (1.2.13) w ( 6) = sup If(t) - f(s)I. d(t,s) < 8 It should, be noted that if f is uniformly continuous w ( 6 ) t 0 as 6 4-0. Let (1.2.14) E n (f) ■ - i < t < i l£(t>" S c^ 1- 13 Theorem I; 12. (i) If f e C [-1,1] then E r-Cf) < w<Tr/(n + I)), (ii) . En (f) < U / 2 ) k ||f(k)||/[(n + l)(n)...(n - k + 2)] if f^k ^ E C [ - l ,1] and n > k. Since in later chapters we will be interested in the interval [0,t ] instead of [-1,1], we now develqpe a variation of this theorem. f e C [ - l ,1]. Let Then define (1.2.15) , g(t) = f(|t - I) for all t E [0, t] . This gives us a function g e C[0,r]. Let n ■ n ' E (g) = inf , sup |g(t) c t I. n CE 0<t<T i=l ^ (1.2.16) Let p be any polynomial of degree n or less. (1.2.17) Let q(t) = p(it - I). Then q is also a polynomial of degree n or less and sup |f(t) - p(t) I = '■ sup |f(-|t - I) - p(^-t - 1)| = [-1,1] . [0,t ] sup lg(t) - p(t) I . [0, T] This implies that E^(f) = E^(g). (1.2.17) Therefore, < "£<^' Also g .max Ig(I1) - g(t )| = 1V t2lI^ 2 ■ 2 where S1 = - I 1 - I and S0 = — 10 - I. I rl 2 T 2 . max „ If(S) Is1-S2Id-S Therefore, 1 f(s 2)l 'cn|H w (6) Wf ( 14 (1.2.18) w (— 6) = w (S). Combining (1.2.17) and (1.2.18), we get < " g (i S h t ) (1-2-l9) ' ' ZV) Using the same argument we can also get that if g v /e C[0,t ] and n > k (1.2.20) En (b ) < ( ^ ) k | |g( k ) | |/[(n + l)(n)...(n - k + 2)]. Summarizing we get the following. Theorem 1.13. If f e C [0, t ] then (i) En (f) < w(TTr/2(n + !)) (ii) En (f) < ( T V 4 ) k | |f(k) I I/[ (n + I )(n) ... (n - k + 2)] if f^k^ E C[0, T] and n > k. I .3 The Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations We will be considering the following systems (I .3. I) y ’ = A(t)y and y' = A(tXy + f(t) (1.3.2) where A(t) is a continuous n x n matrix on [0, t ] and f(t) is a contin­ uous vector on [0, r]. Theorem 1.14. (1-3.3) The initial value problem (1.3.2) and y(t0 ) = y0 , 0 < tg < T, has a unique solution "y = ^(t) and ^(t) exists on 0 < t ( t . The vector system (1.3.1) can be replaced by a matrix equation, (1.3.4) Y' = A(t)Y, where Y is a matrix with n rows and k columns. The matrix Y = Y(t) is a solution of (1.3.4) if and only if each column of Y(t), when considered a column vector, is a solution of (1.3.1). In the remainder of this section Y(t) will be an n x n matrix in which each column is a linearly independent solution of (1.3.1). This implies that if c is a constant vector (1.3.5) y(t) = YCtJc is a solution of(1.3.1). ten in the form of Infact, (1.3.5) for any solution of (1.3.1) can "c. some constant Viewill call Y(t) be writ­ a fundamental matrix for (1.3.1) or (1.3.4). The fundamental matrix is not unique. Y(O) = I, where . I 0 However, if we require that 00 . . . 0 I0 . . . 0 0 I = 0 0 0 . _ 0 0 0 . . . .1 I _ then we get a unique matrix and it is called the principal matrix for (1.3.1) or (1.3.4). If A is a constant matrix then the principal matrix is given by (1.3.6) Y (t,) = .eAt = I + I] k = I . ■ 16 for all t e [0, t | . We also get that (1-3.7) Y(t + s) = Y(t)Y(s) . for all t, s E [0, t] and. (1.3.8) Y- 1 Ct) = Y(-t) for all t e [0, t ] . If A is a constant matrix such that An = 0 for some positive integer n then the principal matrix is given by' n-1 k k (1.3.9) , Y(t) = 1 + 2 \r- * k=l 1 This means that the components of Y(t) are polynomials of degree n - 1 or less. We will also need to consider the system (1.3.10) (z1)' = -iTA(t), . where A(t) is the same matrix as that in (1.3.1). Again, this vector system can be replaced by a matrix equation (1.3.11) z'=-ZA(t). The matrix Z = Z(t) is a solution of (1.3.11) if and only if each row of Z(t) is a solution of (1.3.10). (1.3.12) If we require that Z(O) = I then Z ( t ) = Y - 1 (t) for all t e [0, t ] where Y(t) is the principal matrix for (1.3.1). A is.a constant matrix, from (1.3.8), we have that (1.3.13) , for all t E [0, t] . Z(t) = Y (— t) If 17 Let us now characterize solutions of (1.3.2). Theorem 1.14., Let X(t) be any fundamental matrix for (1.3.1), then the general solution for (1.3.2) is given by t x(t) = X(t)c + X(t) / 0 (1.3.14) i X ^ (s)f(s)ds, where c is an arbitrary constant vector. If Y(t) is the principal matrix solution for (1.3.1) and A is a constant matrix; then the general solution to (1.3.2) becomes . , (1.3.15) "y(t) = Y(t)‘c + / Y(t - s)f(s)ds. 0 We now turn to considering the systems (1.3.1) and (1.3.2) with boundary conditions (1.3.16) My(O) + Njf(T) = b or (1.3.17) My(O) + Ny(T) = 0 , where M and N are n x n constant matrices such that the n x 2n matrix (1.3.18) . W = (M,N) has rank n. Definition 1.4. The dimension of the solution space of a boundary problem is the index of compatibility.of the problem. A boundary prob­ lem is incompatible if its index of compatibility is zero. 18 Definition 1.5. If Y is any fundamental matrix for the vector . equation (1.3.1) the matrix defined by (1.3.19) D= MY(O) + NY(T) is a characteristic matrix for the boundary problem. With the above definitions we can state the following theorem. Theorem 1.15. If the.boundary problem (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) has a characteristic matrix of rank r, then its index of compatibility is n-r. Another boundary value problem closely related to (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) is given by system (1.3.10) with boundary condition (1.3.20) Pz(O) - Qz(T) = 0. Here P and Q are defined as follows: Let Wj_ be any n x 2n matrix whose rows form a basis for the orthogonal complement of the row space of the matrix W. This implies that WW^ = 0. (1.3.21) W 1 = (P,Q) where P and Q are each n x n matrices. (1.3.20) Let The problem (1.3.10) and is called adjoint to (1.3.1) and (1.3.17). Theorem 1.16. The boundary problem (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) and its adjoint (1.3.10) and (1.3.20) have the same index of compatibility. In order to have an integral representation of a solution to (1.3.2) and (1.3.16) similar to (1.3.14) we will need the concept of the Green's matrix. Definition 1.6. The n x n matrix G(t,s) is said to be a Green's 19 matrix for the system (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) if it has the following properties. (i) The components of G(t,s), regarded as functions of t with s fixed, have continuous first derivatives on [0,s) and (s,t]. At the point t = s, G has an upward jump-discontinuity of "unit" magnitude; (1.3.22) that is G (s+ ,s) - G(s ,s) = 1 . (ii) G is a formal solution of the homogeneous boundary problem (1.3.1) and (1.3.17). G fails "to be a true solution only because of the discontinuity at t = s. (Iii) G is the only n x n matrix with properties (i) and (ii). Theorem 1.17. If the system (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) is incompatible then there exists a unique Green's matrix for the system given by (1.3.23) . G(t,s) = j Y(t)[|t - s|/(t - s)I + D-1AJZ(S), where Y(t) is a fundamental matrix solution for (1.3.1), Z(t) is a matrix solution for (1.3.10), D is the characteristic matrix and (1.3.14) A = MY(O) - N Y ( r ) . It should be noted that if we choose the principal matrix solution for (1.3.1) then our Green's matrix becomes (1.3.25) G(t,s). = jY(t)l It - s|/(t - s)I + D -1 AJY^(S). We can now state the desired theorem. 20 Theorem I «18. If the system (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) is incompatible then the unique solution to (1.3.2) and (1.3.16) is given by T (1.3.26) y(t) = Y(t)D ^b + / G(t,s)f(s)ds. 0 Let us now examine the problem of finding a solution to (1.3.2) and (1.3.17) , if there are any, when the system (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) is com­ patible of index r. Let rY (t) be an n x n matrix whose first r columns r. are linearly independent solutions y . , I = 1,2,...,r, of (1.3.1) and I r (1.3.17) . The remaining columns are zero. Let Z(t) be an n x n matrix r_jT whose first r rows are linearly independent solutions z^, i = 1,2, ...,r, of (1.3.10) and (1.3.20). The remaining rows are all zero. The general solution of (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) is given by r y(t) = E ry.(t)c. i=l x where the c.'s are arbitrary constants. I (1.3.27) Theorem 1.19. Whenever (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) is compatible with index of compatibility r the system (1.3.2) and (1.3.17) has a solution if and only if the vector equation .T (1.3.28) ^ ' / rZ(s)f(s)ds = 0 0 is satisfied by the vector f*(t). In finding a solution for (1.3.2) and (1.3.17), we will also need the concept of a Green's matrix. We cannot use the one defined by 21 (1.3.23), however, since D is now singular. We will, therefore, use a generalized Green's matrix. Definition 1.7. Whenever (1.3.28) is satisfied we will call a matrix G(t,s) a generalized Green's matrix for the compatible system (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) if it satisfies the following properties. (i) The components of G(t,s), regarded as functions of t with s fixed, are continuous on [0,s) and (s , t ] . At the point t = s, G has an upward jump-discontinuity of "unit" magnitude; (1.3.29) that is G(s+ ,s) - G(s ,s ) = I. (ii) Every solution of. (1.3.2) and (1.3.17) may be (1.3.30) written in the form • r y(t) = ry.(t)c i-1 ■ T + / G(t,s)f(s)ds. 0 Let Y(t) be the principal matrix solution for the system (1.3.1) arid (1.3.17). Let D be the corresponding characteristic matrix. Definition 1.8. The Moore-Penrose generalized inverse <f> of the real constant n x n matrix D is the unique matrix which satisfies the following properties. (i) D<{)D = D, (ii) (J)D(J) = (J>, (iii) (D<J>)T = d <J), (iv) (<f>D)T = (J)D. . 22 Theorem I »20. A generalized Green's matrix for the compatible system (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) exists and may be written as (1.3.31) G(t,s) — jY(t)[|t - s|/(t - s)I + <t>A] y ""1(s ) where <i> is the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse for D and (1.3.32) A = MY(O) - NY(T). We now have that every solution to (1.3.2) and (1.3.17) can be written in the form (1.3.30) where G(t,s) is the generalized Green's matrix given by (1.3.21). The generalized Green's matrix is not unique. In fact, we have the following theorem. Theorem 1.21. If G^(t,s) is one generalized Green's matrix, then every generalized Green's matrix is of the form (1.3.33) G(t,s) = G 1(I1S) + rY(t)U(s) + V(t)rZ(s), where V(t) and U(t) are n x n real valued matrices each element of which is in C [ 0 , t ] . Furthermore, every matrix of the form (1.3.33) is a gen­ eralized Green's matrix for the compatible system (1.3.1) and (1.3.17). Let B(t) and C(t) be n x n real valued matrices whose components of the first r columns are in C[0,t ] and the remaining columns are zero, with the properties that T ' T /*BT(s ) rY(s)ds = I and / rZ (s)C(s)ds = I , 0 r O . r 23 where is an n x n matrix such that I 0 Lo o. with I an r x r identity matrix. Let (1.3.34) V(t) = ~ / G0 (t,s)C(s)ds 0 and T (1.3.35) U(t) = T T f f BT (r)G O O 0 (r,s)C(s)rz(t)drds - / B T (s)G (s,t)ds . o 0 where G 0(t,s) is the generalized Green's matrix defined by (1.3.31). Then we have the following theorem. Theorem I .22. The matrix G(t,s) = G0 (t,s) + rY(.t)U(s).+ V(t)rZ(s) is the unique generalized Green's matrix for (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) satis­ fying the conditions T (1.3.36) / G(t,s)C(s)ds = 0, 0 t e [0,t ] , ' 24 (1.3.37) / B1 (t)G(t,s)dt = 0, s.e [0,t ], 0 where G^(t,s) is given by (1.3.1), U(t) is given by (1.3.35) and V(t) is given by (1.3.34),. The above, matrix is called the principal generalized Green's matrix for (1.3.1) and (1.3.17). It has many of the same properties as the Green's matrix given in definition 1.6. Theorem 1.23. If G(t,s) is the principal generalized Green's matrix for (1.3.1) and (1.3.17) then the following properties are satisfied. (i) The components of G(t,s), regarded as functions of t with s fixed, have continuous first derivatives on [0,s) and (s ,t ]; At the point t = s, G has an up­ ward jump-discontinuity of "unit” magnitude: that is G(s+ ,s) - G ( s ,s) = I. (ii) For fixed s e (0 ,t) G(t,s) satisfies (1.3.17). (iii) For fixed s e [0,r] G(t,s) satisfies (1.3.38) G t (t,s) = A(t)G(t,s) - C(t)rZ(s)" CHAPTER II MIHIMAX APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS OF LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS WITH BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 2.1. Introduction. Let X be any compact metric space. C[X] will denote the Banach space of all real valued continuous functions on X with norm given by (2.1.1) Ilfll = sup If ( t ) I. . t£X Unless otherwise specified X = [0,T] where T is some positive real num­ ber. The norm then becomes (2.1.2) Ilfll = max |f(t)|. te[0,T] In this chapter we will also be using vectors f =.(f^. •••V where f^ £ C[0,T], i = I ,2,...,n.. Define (2.1.3) If(t)I = max If.(t)I . K K n 1 and (2.1.4) Ilfll= max max If.(t)I t£[0,T] K i < n There should be no confusion between (2.1.2) and (2.1.4) since in the latter case we are dealing with vectors. We also must define a norm on matrices. Let B(t) = (b..(t)) where b . .(t) E C[0,T] , .i = 1 ,2,...,n, j - 1,2,...,n. 1J Define 26 (2.1.5) IIb M = max te[0,T] max ^ IbljCt)! K j < n i'=l In this chapter we will consider finding vector polynomial approxi mations to solutions of the systems: (2 .1 .6) y ' = A(t)y + f(t) J^(O) + Ny(T) = 0 , and y ' = A(t)y + f(t) (2.1.7) My(O) + Ny(T) = b ■A where A(t) is a continuous n x n matrix on [0,T ] , f(t) is a continuous vector on [0,T j , b is a constant vector and M and N are n x n constant matrices such that the n x 2n matrix.W = (M,N) has rank n. 2.2 Homogeneous Boundary Conditions. In this section we will examine vector polynomial approximations to solutions of (2.1.6). W e will assume throughout this section that there exists a unique solution to (2.1.6). Let Pk = {p(t): i = {p(t): p(t) is a polynomial of degree k or less} and p(t) = (p1 (t),...,Pn (t))T such that P1 Ct) e Qfc for = 1 ,2,... ,n and M p 1 (O) + Np(T) = 0 } . We will call ^ max approximate solution (MAS) of (2.1.6) from P^ if e a mini- 27 (2.2.1) Inf I I]?' - A]p - f I I = I IOpk)' - Apk - f I I . ; Theorem 2.1. »k exists a MAS p Proof. If "y is the unique solution of (2.1.6) then there of (2.1.6) from P1 . k Let S = {u(t): .. u(t) = (u (t),...,u (t))T such that n u^(t) E C[0, TJ i = l»2,..,,n and Mu(O) + Nii(T) = 0}. Define the linear operator L by (2.2.2) Lu = u « - Au. Also, define the uniform norm I I• I (2.2.3) by IIu IIl = I ILxfl I. With these definitions, we get I Ii?' .(2.2.4) - Ap - f I I = I !"p - Ap' - y ' t Ayl I = I ILOp - y) II = I Ip - y M l for all P1 . k . Pjc is a finite dimensional subspace of B. exists a "pkE P k By theorem 1.2 there such that inf l.lp - yl L PePk = Ilpk - y| I . ^ We, therefore, get the final result. We will now show that if "pk is a 0 f (2.1.6) from P^ for each 28 ’ k n + I then p (2.1.6). converges uniformly to the unique solution y of It also follows that (p^) converges uniformly to y' on [0, T] In order to establish these results, we prove the following lemma. Lemma 2.1. If y is the unique solution to (2.1.6) and "p^ is a MAS of (2.1.6) from Proof. Since for each k _> n + I, then Iim I I(^k )' - Apk - f | | = 0. k-x» Let E be a constant n x n matrix such that En = 0. y' is the unique solution to (2.1.6) it satisfies the system (2.2.5) 5%t) = Ed(t) + g»(t) . Mu(O) + Nu(T) = 0 where (2.2.6) ^(t) = (A(t) - E)y(t) + ^(t) . . ^ T We have that g = (g^, ...,g ) where g ± E C[0,T] for i = 1,2,... ,n From theorem 1.1, there exist polynomials rk n e ^ such that Iim I Ir^ n - g .I I = 0 k-x” ^ for i = 1 ,2,..., n . (2.2.7) Let.rCk n = (rk n ,...,rk n )^. Iim I Ilck n - "gl.l = 0. k-x» Then 29 At this point we will need to break up the proof into fwo cases as to whether the system (2.2.8) u'(t) = Eu(t) Mut0) + Nu(T).= 0 is compatible or incompatible. Case I. Assume system (2.2.8) is incompatible. Then ^ is the unique, solution to (2.2.5) and there exists a unique Green's matrix G(t,s) such that T. (2.2.9) y(t) = Let, / G(t,s)g(s).ds. 0 . T / G(t,s)rk~n (s)ds. 0 By (1.3.9) and (1.3.15), this implies that the components (2.2.10) wk = polynomials of degree k or less. of w From theorem 1.18,. we get that Mwk (O) + .Nwk (T) = O . Therefore, w e P for k > n + I. We have that w k (t) - y(t) = / G(t,s)["rk n (s) - g(s)jds '■ 0 and ( ^ ( t ) ) ’ - y ’(t) = / G (t,s)i"rk n (s) - g(s)]ds. 0 This implies that (2.2.11) IIwk - ylI < IIrk'n - glI / l|G(.,s)|Ids 0 are 30 and (2.2.12) II(Wk)' - y ’|I < I|rk_n T glI / IIg ( *,s)IIds. o z It now follows from (2.2.7) that (2.2.13) lim| |v$k - ^l I o k-*» and (2.2.14) Iiml |(vSk)' - y'| I = 0. k^o° In order to establish that IK w k )' - Awk fI I approach zero. we need the following relation. (2.2.15) II(Wk )' - Awk - f I I = I I (vSk) ' < I K#")' - Awk - y ' + Ayl I - i 'W + IlAlI Il^k - f l l From (2.2.13) and (2.2.14) we then get that I i m I I(Wk ) ' - Awk - "f 1.1 = 0. k-x” Finally from (2.2.1) we know that (2.2.16) 0 _< I I Cpk ) ' - Apk - fI I _< I I (wk)* - AvSk - f II w h i c h implies, from (2.2.16), that Iim I I Cpk ) ' - Apk - fI k-*» Case I I . I = 0. Assume system (2.2.8) is compatible. Since "y is the unique solution to (2.1.6) there is at least one solution to (2.2.5) namely 'y. This implies, using theorem 1.19, that T (2.2.17) / rZ(s)g(s)ds = 0 , 0 31 where Z(t) is the n x n matrix defined on page 20. Therefore, by theorem 1.20, there exists a generalized Green's matrix G(t,s) such that r T (2.2.18) y(t) = 5 3 ry1 (t)C. + Jf G(t,s)g(s)ds r_j, 1=1 1 O where y^, i = I ^2, . . . ,r, are independent soltuions of (2.2.8) and , i = l,2,...,r, are constants. The first r rows of rZ(t) are independent solutions of (1.3.10) and (1.3.20). Denote them by rz\ i = 1,2,...,r. Without loss of generality, we can assume that T (2.2.19) / r^ ( s ) r^ ( s ) d s = Let, (2 .2 .20) T h e n , define (2 .2 .21) “i.k-n V * > - For k_> n + I, from (1.3.9) and (1.3.13) we get that the components of cfk n are of degree k - n or less. Using (2.2.19), (2.2.20) ana (2.2.21), we get T T / rA s r i k-n M d s - / rS ( s ) r t k-n < s ) - y 1 “l.k-n Zi(s>lds t / 'S(s)f-"(s)ds - E 0 J 1=1 a k_a L »K n / rZT (s)rk"n (s)ds - a j,k-n / rS ( S ) rIf (S)ds Q j 1 32 This implies that T (2 .2 .22) Let, 3. = / rZ(s)qk-n(s)ds O % U rzTj I -for = 0. ± = 1> 2 ,...,r and Y = 1 + E 5J T t i l . 1=1 ' From (2.2.17), (2.2.20) and (2.2.21) we have • T °i,k-n = / - f(s)]ds. This implies that (2.2.23) Ja . I J.)K. u < J l T fX Il Il =&k-h 6. I gl ld£ ^gll for i = 1 ,2,...,r. Therefore, (2.2.24) I Iqk-11 - gll |fk-n _ y a W itl i ,k-n Zi - rn Il x-1 < Ilrk"n - f II + •£ « ir#k"n - il l IItZ1II i=l - iif-"-iii[i + Z 6J i rZ1 Ii I - Yl lrk'n -ill, for k ^ n + I where Y does not depend on k. From (2.2.7) and (22.2.24) 33 we have that (2.2.25) Iim k-^00 I |fk-n - f| I = 0. We can now define r wk(t) = T (2.2.26) T rf,(t)C. + / G(t,s)'qk~n(s)ds. i=l 0 From (1.3.9) we know th^t the components of degree n - I or less, are polynomials of therefore the components of wk (t) are polynomials or degree k or l e s s . A l s o , by definition 1.7 and theorem 1.20, since "qk n satisfies (2.2.22) we have that Mwk (O) +' Nwk (T) = 0. Therefore wk £ P and. we proceed exactly as in Case I . This completes the proof. . We can now state and prove our main result. Theorem 2;2. MS of (2.1.6) from "y is the unique solution to (2.1.6) and "pk is a If k for each k > n + I then — Iim H ( P k )(I) - y ( 1 ) | I = 0, i = 0,1. k-*” P r o o f . Here B(t,s) will be the Unique Green's matrix associated (2.2.26) with the system (2.1.6). k ^ n + I. (2.2.27) Let p k be a MAS of degree k or less for each N e x t , set A k = Cpk )' - A p k . Then y(t) = / 0 B(t,s)f(s)ds, 34 y '(t) - / B (t,s)f(s)ds, O I (t) = f B(t,s)A- (s)ds, P O ^ T ^ and (PkCt))' = / Bt (t,s)Ak(s)ds. This implies that (2.2.28) I Ipk yll < / M B(Vs)M MAv K O - f||d s I I Cpk)' “ Ap^ - f I I / I I B(°,s)I Ids O and (2.2.29) II(Pk )' - . y 'I I < f II B IlCp)' ( ‘,s) I I I |A - Ap f II / II - . From lemma 2.1 we obtain the final result. From (2.2.11), (2.2.30) (2.2.12), (2.2.15), - f I Ids O ,s) I Ids. This completes the proof. (2.2.28), and (2.2.24) we have ll(pk)(i) - y(i)|I < M0 l|rk"n - g I I , i = 0,1. for all k ^ n + I and.some constant M . In lemma 2.1, we choose the rk n 's, i = 1 ,2,'...,n, k ^ n + I , such that (2.2.31) B (• t I I rk n - g II = inf P%-n I IP “ fe. I I • 35 Then from theorem 1.13, Ek - n (gi ) - (7rxZ4 )m I I l/[(k - n + l)(k - n)...(k - n - m + 2)] I for I = 1 , 2 , ...,n and. all k >_ n + m, provided g ^ e C[0,T] fbr each i. This would then give us (2.2.32) I |rk-n for all k_> n + m. < (7TT/4)m ||f( m ) ||/[(k - n + l)(k - n) ... (k-n-nri-2)] Cm [0,TJ i = 1,2,...,n. Provided Using (2.2.6) (2.2.30) and (2.2.32) we then get the following corollary. Corollary 2.1. If the components of A(t) and f(t) are elements of Cm [0,T] there is a constant a independent of k such that (2.2.33) 2.3 I l(pk )(1) - y (i)lI < — , i = 0,1. — m ■ k . Nonhomogeneous Boundary Conditions. In this section we will turn to vector polynomial approximations to solutions of (2.1.7). Again, we will assume that there exists a unique solution to (2.1.7). For i = I ,2,...,n, let ^ ( t ) be a polynomial of degree k g or less such that (2.3.1) where h(t) = (h^(t), . Mh(O) + ..., h (t))^. Nh(T) = b We have assumed (2.1.7) has a unique solution so there exists such a vector h(t) for some kg. (kg could be taken as one since we can always interpolate on the solution to (2.1.7) at the points t = O and t =T). Let y be the unique solution to (2.1.7) and define v(t) = y(t)-h(t). 36 Then, v '(t) = A(t)v(t) + t-h'(t) + A(t)h(t) + f(t)] and Mv(O) + Nv(t) =0. We then have the system (2.3.2) v »(t) = A(t)v(t) + ^(t) Mv(O) + Nv(T) = 0 where (2.3.3) g(t) = -h'(t) + A(t)h(t) + f^t). For k > kQ let Pk = {|^(t): ^(t) = (^(t)... Pn(t))T, P±(t) e .Qk. for i = 1,2,...,n and Mp(O) + Mp(T) = b}. q We will call a Miniiaax Approximate Solution (MAS) of (2.1.7) from Pfc if (2.3.4) in% IIp1 - Ap - f II = ||(f)' - A f - f II. Theorem 2.3. For k >_ max{k0,n + 1} let f from P, . Let qk(t) = f(t) + h(t). be a MAS of (2.3.2) Then qk is a MAS of.(2.1.7) from V n d IKf)' - A f - f II - II(f)' - A f - f| I. Proof. Let p G P Then let q(t) = p(t) + h(t)^ Since k > k A ~ 0 we have that <1 e We, also, have that (2.3.5) IIq' - Aq - f II = |Ip' + ^ ' - Ap - Ah - f || = I!"p' - Ap - "gl'I. 37 Since p £ we have the last statement in the theorem. Let 'q £ Pj^. Let "p(t)= 'q(t) - h(t). We have that "p £ P^. We then have IICqk)* - A^k - f II = II(Pk)' - Apk - f II < I(p' - Alf - fe| I = II^' Since q - Aq - jf| |. was arbitrary, the proof is complete. Corollary 2.2. (2.3.2) from P^. For each k ^ max {kg,n +1 } let ^pk be a MAS of Let "qk(t) = "pk(t) + h(t) . Then if "y is the unique solution to (2.1.7) Iim I|(qk)(±) - y(i)|I =0, i = 0,1. ■ .k-*= Proof. We have (2.3.6) Ilqk - yl I - H p k - v|| and (2.3.7) IICqk)' - f II = IIC P ^ y From section 2.2 we get our result. Also from section 2.2 and equations (2.3.3), (2.3.6) and (2.3.7) we get the following corollary. Corollary 2.3. If the components of A(t) and f(t) are elements of Cm [0,T] then there is a constant a independent of k such that (2.3.8) Il(qk)(i) - y(i)lI < , i = 0,1. 38 2.4 Discretization & In practice, instead of finding a MAS of (2.1.7) in satisfying A (2.3.4), we find a e satisfying (2.4.1) inf maxlp ,(t)-A(t)p(t)-f*(t) I = max |(^(t))' -A(t)py(t)-f(t) I PEPfc tex ■ teX where X is a closed subset (usually finite) of [0,t ]. The polynomial KsblC P^ is called a discrete minimax approximate solution of (2.1.7) from A Pk. We will show that any discrete MAS is nearly a MAS of X "suffic­ iently dense" in [0,T]. Jk Let p A . ■ be a MAS of (2.1.7) from P . Define the operator L by Lu =u' - Au - f where Lu = ((Lu)^,...,(Lu)n)T. Also, let (2.4.2) <$k = IILpk II ; and (2.4.3) S k,x Theorem 2.4. then 0 < = max I(Lpk)(t)I. t£X X Given E > Q, there is a S > 0 such that if |x| < 6, x Proof. Let E > 0. Let 0 < E^ < £/6^. For each i = 1,2,...,n apply theorem 1.10 to the finite dimensional linear span of {(Lp) "p E P^}. There are B^'s, i = 1,2,... ,n, independent of X such that if |x| < (2.4.4) then II(L])) Il <_ (I + E ) max I(Lp) (t) I, i = 1,2,... ,n, tex . 39 Ip e P,; Set 6 = for all min B . . Then if |x| <? 6 Ki<n (2.4.5) IIL?f| I <_ (I + e^) max max tEX A for. all p E P^. IX I < 6 . I(L^) (t) I KKn 1 Let X be any closed subset of [0,T] such that Then (2.4.6) Sk < IlL^M £ (I + E ) max t£X = (I + ' e 1)6 < (I + max KKn I( L ^ ) , ( t ) I 1 k,X e/6k )6 k,X S k,X / 6k)e e , since it is clear that ^jc x Corollary 2.4. IX I < Given ^k . This completes the proof. E > 0 there is a 6 > 0 such that if 6, then 5k < IlL^ll < 6 k + e, 40 where satisfies (2.4.1). Proof. From theorem 2.4 ■5k < IlLPx11 < 6 k ,x + e ^ 6k + e - Let (2.4.7) where A,x ■ <£* G ^ If - 4 - * and satisfies (2.4.1). is the unique solution to (2.1.7) then there exists a unique Green's matrix B(t,s) associated with the system (2.1.6) and a vector function h which satisfies (2.4.8) u ’(t) = A(t)u(t) Mu(O) + Nu(T) = b. Then (2.4.9) Px (t) = h(t) + for all t £ [0,T] . J B (t,s)(Ak x (s) + f(s))ds For X sufficiently dense in [0,T], corollary 2.4 implies that (2.4.10) IK^)' - - f II < ^ + I. This tjives us that (2.4.11) i-Ak _i _A T IIp x I I < Ilhl I + [Il \ }XlI + IIfl I] / IlB(-,s)| Ids < Ilhll + [6 + I + I|f II] / IIb ( ',s) IIds. Now consider the sequence X |X I ->0 as m "^co. IB 0 of closed subsets of [0,T], where By (2.4.11) the sequence {p^ JL } is uniformly IB— J. 41 bounded over [0,T] and, therefore, has a cluster point if^ e Theorem 2.5. The vector polynomial "q^ is a MAS of (2.1.7) from Proof. Suppose "pk -> as Z By corollary 2.4 I IUp ^ m(Z) as P . Z-***. Since ("p^ )^^ 11->6. *m(Z) Cq^)^\ i = 0,1, as Z*00 we have that Ul(Z) I ILlftj I _ 2.5 This completes the proof. Examples In this section we will look at examples of computing a MAS for (2.1.6) or (2.1.7). The first two are examples using the generalized Green's, matrix while the last uses the standard Green's matrix. the In case of the generalized Green's matrix we will use the principal generalized Green's matrix defined in section 1.3. In all of the examples of this section we used the second algorithm of Remes to compute the best approximation to a vector function f whose components are in C [ 0 ,t ] ■ , by means of generalized polynomials 'q^ = i = l,2,...,n. where p^ is a basis element from It should be noted that this may not be a Haar s et. However, the algorithm of Remes still seems to work. Example 2.1. (2.5.1) for y" + W2y = I, t E [0 ,1 ], y(0) - y ’(0) = 0, y(l) - 2 y '(I) = 0. % 42 Writing this in the form of (2.1.6) we have (2.5.2) ol y -l" y(0) - °l "I O i ’y(i) ‘ O O I— " o ' = + .y' ( ( ) ) . .1 -2. .y'd). . 0 . ■I U 'o I U -u L O (2.5.3) C The system corresponding.to (2.2.8) is -U -f ' u(0)" "0 o' .0 0. V (O ). "o' ' u(l)' + SS -I -2. .Uf(I). ’ .0. The principal matrix for (2.5.3) is given by Y(t) = ! I t 0 I Then the charteristic matrix is. given by I -I' Li -iJ D = which is singular. '■ It can be easily shown, in the case that D is a 2 x 2 real singu­ lar matrix, that the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse for 43 D1I D12 D21 D22 (2.5.4) is given by I a (2.5.5) D11 D21 D12 D22 where (2.5.6) 01 - D ll2 + D 122 + D212 + D 222 - In this case, then, the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse is 4>_ _i f 1 ^ L-i -i. The principal generalized Green's matrix is I - t, 2ts + t — I s < t G(t,9) -t U 2ts + s - 1 s - 11 s > t Referring to (2.2.26), we can obtain a class of polynomials .T T? = (P15P 2). » in Pk , given by P1 (t) = 3^(1 + t) + a^(2 + 2t - 5t^ + 3t^)+ ... O + ak (2(k - 2) + 2(k - 2)t - (2k - l)t Ir + 3 0 and P2 (t) = (P1 U).)' . Now apply L, given .by (2.22), to p in order to obtain a basis for 44 approximation, given by gm (t) = -2(2m + I) + 3m(m + + 7i2 (2(m - I) + 2(m - l)t -(2m + l)t^ + Stflrfl) , m = I , ... ,k - I. The MAS of degree 6 .is given by p^ = ( P ^ P g ) ^ where p*(t) = -0.203361 - 0.203361t + 1.497168t2 + 0.43848813 - 1.63659514 + 0.439024t5 + 0;074637t6 and Pg(C) " (Pg(C))'-The actual solution to (2.5.2) is given by y = (y^,yg) T where y 1 (t) = — r [ Tr - 3ttcosttx - 2simrx] 1 TTj and Y 2 (C) = y'(t). The uniform error is given by I Ip6 - y | I = 0.000718 Example 2.2. (2.5.7) y" = ^ qi1^. y ’ + ty - tln(l + t ) , t e [0,1] y(0) + yT (0) = 1 y ( l ) = ln(2) = 0.69147 - 45 Writing this in.the form of (2.1.7), we have (2.5.8) / y 0 I v' y t - 0 y + I I + tj y -tln(l + t) I I y(0) 0 0 yd) 0 0 y'(0) I 0 y'(i) 0.69147J The system corresponding to (2.2.8) is (2.5.9) 0 I 0 0 I I y(0) 0 0 y(D o 0 0 V(O) I 0 / d ) o The characteristic matrix is given by I I I I which is singular. The principal generalized Green's matrix is given by "I - t 0 .0 I - s_ s < t G(t,s) -t s - t" 0 -s S > t \ T The class of polynomials p = (P11P2 ) in Ffc is given by 46 p^(t) = (t^ - t2 - t + I) + a^(t^ - t2 - 2t + 2) + .. + ak (t - t - (k - 2 ) t + (k - 2)) and P2 (t) = (P1 Ct))' The MAS of degree 6 is given by "p^ = (P1 , P2 )"^ where 6 9 p°(t) = 0.000061 + 0.999939t - 0.499329t + 0.322210t3 - 0.198946t4 + 0.087425t5 - 0.0182124t6 and P2 (.t) = (P1Ct))' T The actual solution to (2.5.8) is given by y = (Y1 )Y2 ) where Y 1 Ct) = ln(l + t) and Y2 (t) ?= (Y1 Ct).)' The uniform error is given by I Ip6 - y | I = 0.000061 Example 2.3. (2.5.10) y" = 2ty/ + 2y, t E [0,1], Y(O) - y'(0) = I, 2y(l) - y'(l) = 0. Writing this in the form of (2.1.7) we have 47 (2.5.11) y y(0) 0 2 -I i O Iw O + I— C 0 i— I Ps -I I____ I 0 y 'd ) . The system corresponding to (2.2.8) is O I-I "u O O ■» "u" y = .u'. 'i u(0) - -i" "0 0 ■ P .u'(0)] 0_ "o' 'u(l) ‘ = + .2 "I V d X .0. The characteristic matrix is given by 1 -I 2 I D J which is nonsingular. The unique Green's matrix is given by I - 2t -2 (2t - l)(s + I) . 2(s + I) G(t,s) 1 “2 Ct + I) (2s. D ( t + I) s > t 2s - I 48 Using (2.2.10), the class of polynomials p = (P11P2 )1 in Pfc is given by P 1 (t) = a2 t 2 + a3 (t3 + -j (t + I)) + ... k I + ak (tK + j ( k - 2 ) (t + I)), and . P2 Cfc) = (P1 Cfc))'• The M S of degree 6 is given by "p6 = (P1 , p2 )T where P1(I) = 1.0001327 + 0.0001327t + 1.0176969t2 - 0.2567417t3 + 1.3785357t4 - 1.1914509t5 + 0.76857213t6 , and P2 Cfc) = (P1 Cfc))' • . The actual solution to (2.5.11) is given by y = (y1 >y2 )T > where y 1(t) = exp(t2 ) and y2(fc) = Y1Cfc)The uniform error is given by I I p 6 - y l I = 0.001404. CHAPTER III APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS WITH BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 3.1 . Introduction In this chapter we will examine vector polynomial approximations to a solution of the system (3.1.1) y' = Ey + f(t,y), t e [0,t ] , My(O) + Ny(T) = b, where E, M, and N are constant real n x n matrices such that En = 0 and the n x 2n matrix (M,N) has rank n. [0,T] x IRn with values in IRn . f (t ,"y) is continuous on b is a constant real vector. All the norms used in this chapter will be the same as those given in Chapter 2, Section I. Throughout this chapter, unlike Chapter 2, we will assume that the system (3.1.2) y' = Ey My(O) + Ny(T) = 0 is incompatible. Then there exists a unique Green's matrix G(t,s) for the system (3.1.2). (3.1.3) ' Let a be a number such that T ; J I|G(* , s ) II ds < :a. ■ 0 Y(t) will represent the principal matrix for the equation (3.1.4) "y' - E^. .. 50 Since En = 0, the components of Y(t) will be polynomials of degree n - I or less. Let D be the corresponding characteristic matrix and define (3.1.5) h(t) = YD-1L. Then the components of. h(t) are polynomials of degree n - I or less and h(t) satisfies (3.1.6) h' = Eh Mh(O) + Nh(T) = b. We will need to define the following sets \ =? {p: p is a polynomial of degree k or less}, = (p: P= (P1 .•••»Pn )T and Pi e Qk , i = 1,2,...,n}, and Pjt = {'p: p's Wjt and Mp(O) + N p 1 (T) = b}. It should be noted that Pjt is not empty for k >_ n - I since h £ P^. Suppose, we have numbers m and R such that If(t/y) I _< m for all t E [0,t ] and I13^ - hi I R. Sjt = Now define the set E Pjt.: A g a i n , Sjt is not empty for k I K p - h|| _< 2mex}. n - I since h £ Sjt* Throughout the remainder of the chapter, for convenience of no­ tation, let (3.1.7) F[y](t) = f(t,y) where F[y] = (F1 [y],...,Fn [y])T . 51 Let p e S^. For k • inf (3,1.8) n + I ||v- F [^J II = I|v - F [p]II 'raW ■ for some V^ £ Q^_n , i = I ,2,...,n . i ='1,2,...,n, is unique. operator Fk : Let V q = (v^,...,v^) and define the F ^ = I I^ - F [3?] is uniformly continuous for F T wk_n •by (3.19) 1.8 From Theorem 1.6 each v ^ , i?| I < 2m(*. Therefore by Theorem is a continuous operator for each k > n + I. For v e W. k-n’ k > n + I , let Define the operator ■q(t) = h(t) + / G(t,s)v(s)ds. 0 by (3.1.10) B kv = q- We know that q(t) = Y(tXc + / Y(t - s)v(s)ds 0 for some constant c. Then q is in W^. It also follows that "q satisfies cf' = Eq + v M^q(O) + Wq(T) = b . Therefore, Iq £ J^. We then have that B ^ is a continuous operator mapping W^_n into V for k ^ n + I. Finally define the operator W * 5 (3.1.11) v - V fV- 52 Since is the composition of continuous operators, is a continuous operator. 3.2 Existence of Fixed Points We will be interested in a polynomial (3.2.1), V "p £ such that = P- Such a p is called a fixed point of T^. _dc' Suppose p E S^ is a fixed point of T^. k-n FkTik - f - " - (V (3.2.2) where k-n Then k-n.T satisfies (3.2.3) inf VEW Ivk - - FjPk k-n for i = 1,2,...,n, (3.2.4) Iv - F1 Ipk ] then inf :I|v - Ffp^J I I = IIv^ n - FfpkTIl VEW1 k-n for k > n + U We also have that ■pk(t) = f^(t) + f G(t,s)v^ n (s)ds. 0 This implies that yk-n(t) = (At))' -eA (3.2.5) Therefore if p (3.2.6) o. is a fixed point of T^, for k _> n + I, then inf I|v - Ffpk ] II = H (pk )' .- Epk - F[pk ] II. VEW1 k-n. We will use the terminology used by Henry and Wiggins [9] and call a fixed point "p^ of T^, for k >_ n ■+ I , a simultaneous approximation 53 substitute of degree k, S A S . Before determining the conditions on to assure the existence of a fixed point we state the Schauder Fixed Point Theorem. Theorem 3.1. Let X be a Banach space. Let S be a compact, convex subset of X and T a continuous map of S into itself. Then T has a fixed point x E X, i . e . , Tx = x. . Theorem 3.2. For fixed k >_ n + I let T^ be defined by (3.1.11). If 2ma jC R then T^ has a fixed point Proof. S^ is a compact convex subset of the Banach space T^ is a continuous map from S^ into c W^. and In order to apply theorem 3.1 it must be shown that T1 (S1 ) c S1 . k k k Let p e S^. If we let v^ = F ^p, then V^, i = 1,2,...,n, satisfies (3.1.8). (3.2.7) = (v^,...,v^)1 where each Let q = T^. ei (t) = v^(t) - F i I-P K t ) , i =• 1,2,.. .,n, ■ and (3.2.8) "e(t) = (e1 (t), Since ^ E S^ we have that II^p - h| I ..., eh (t))T . 2m« < R. Therefore (3.2.9) Ue. II = IIv. - F1HftII . < IiF.tp]II < m, i = 1,2,...,n. This implies that (3.2.10) Ile| I < m. Set, 54 Then (3.2.11) q(t) = h(t) + / G(t,'s)v0 (s)ds O h(t) + / G(t,s)[e(s) + Ffpj(S)Jds. O and (3.2.12) .Ilq- hi I < [ I l-el I + I I F fp] I I] / I |G(- ,s)| Ids ■ O < 2ma. Therefore q e 3.3 and this completes the proof. Convergence of Fixed Points .i, For each k n + I let p e . be a fixed point of T^. vk-f0 will prove that there is a subsequence of {p ^ ' to a function y where y is a solution of (3.1.1). We that converges In fact, it will be shown that the' first derivatives of the subsequence of polynomials converge to "y'. Lemma 3.1. of Tfc. (3.3.1) In this direction we first prove the following lemma. For each k _> n + 'I let p e Let ^k (t) = C p tCt)/ - E ^ ( t ) - F[pk ](t), t e [0,T], then Iim ||e || = 0. k-*= k Proof. Let (3.3.2) be a fixed point t ' n - d k)’ - Kpk 55 where Vk"- - (Vk-".... »k-")T . Since p is a fixed point of (3.3.3) inf we have Jlv - F [ p ] M Ivk' " - F1Iifk J l l , i - vE<W Now e^ = (e^ ^,...,e^ which gives us from (3.3.1) and (3.3.2) that . (3.3.4) e i>k = v f n - F. [^k ], i = 1 ,2,... ,n. From theorem 1.1.3 T TT- (3.3.5) where H e i j k II < W ljkO j p f - ) , (3.3.6) ■k modulus of continuity of F\[p ] for i = 1 ,2,...,n k^°^ and k > n + I. i = 1,2,...,n, We have that |vk-n(t)| < !IfjlI1 Pc] (t) I + lvk"n(t) - Fi(PkKt) I... .< m + ,Ilvk"11 - Fi [pk ]|| . < m + I IF1 Cpk ] I I for all t e [0,TJ and k > n + I. ■— , < 2m, i = ■ -v Since p E 1,2, ...,n,- S1 it follows that k . .iv . (3.3.7) lpk (t)| < 2 m a for all t E |0,t J and k > n + I. "/ We also have that (Tfk)' - Ifk-" + Eif. So. (3.3.8) I(pk (t))' I < Ivk "(C)I + <. 2m + IEpk (C)I I Ie I I 2 met = 2m(a IJe II + I) 56 for all t B [0,t ] and k ^ n 4- I . Therefore, from (3.3.7) and (3.3.8), and {("p^)' }]c_n + 2. are uniformly bounded on the sequences Using the mean value theorem we get that for t,s e [0,t ] Pi(t) - P^(&) k ----£-■_ ----- ^ CPiCt1 k))' , i = 1,2,.... ,n, * k > n + I, ■■ where t is between s and t for each i and k. i ,K Therefore , Ipk Ct) - pk (s)| £ max ^lCp1Ctlik) )'I,...,l(p^(tn k ))'|}lt-s| for t,s E [0,t ] and k (3.3.9) n + I. This, then gives us lpk (t) --pk (s)| < 2m(aj|E| I + l)|t - s| for all t,s E [0,T ] and k ^ n + I. ■ Therefore the sequence Cpk }°?_ ,, ^-n+-L is equicontinuous on [0, t.]. Let .£ > 0. Since f(t ,"y) is uniformly continuous on compact sets, for t ,s £ [0,T], we have IF1Ipk Ht) - Fi^ kKs)! < £, i = l,2,...,n, whenever max{ 11 - s|, ! ^ ( t ) - pk (s) I} < S1 .. ' for some S^, i = I ,2,...,n, k^> n + I. I-Pk Ct) ~ "pk (s ) I < 5 and k 2 u + I . (3.3.10) ■■■ whenever 11 - s I < 6.#for some S'- i = 1,2,... ,n A S^ = min{ S^} 5^} for i = 1 ,2,... ,n. Let lFi [Pk ](t) “ F1 [pk ](s)| < £, i > A whenever From (3.3.9) it follows that |t - s| < S^^ k. 2 u + I. Then 1,2,...,n A We then have, that w^ Jc(^1 ) < e . 57 i = I ,2,...,n, independent of k. Let K be large enough so that T TT < .min k - n - K K n for k > K. r i idi j This implies that (3.3.11) for i = 1,2,.. ., n and; a ll for i = 1 ,2,... ,n and k k > K. K. From (3.3.5) Therefore we get that Ne. || <e II e' I| < e for a ll k > K which completes the proof. Theorem 3.3. and 2ma . -ik If p e is a fixed point of T^ for each k > n + I R then there exists a function ^y, whose components are in C 1 IOjT] and a subsequence {■pk ^^}^._1 of {"pk }k_n+1 such that (3.3.12) Iim I|(pk(j))(i) - y (i) 0, i = 0,1, Moreover y is a solution to system (3.1.1) Proof. From. (3.3.7) and (3.3.9) the sequence {"pk } equicontinuous and uniformly bounded on [0,T]. there is a subsequence {pk ^ ^ } . _ - is By Ascoli's theorem such that " p ^ ^ ^ t ) ^(t) uniformly J 1 on [0,T] for some y. Using (3.3.1) we have that - K#k(J) + ik(J) + #r5 kU)] for all j . (3.3.13) From lemma 3.1 it follows that CPkcj0(P)/ - uniformly on [0,T] as j . Ey(t) + F[y](t) Since ^ k C ^ is a fixed point of T , .. for k( 58 each j we have ■pk(:l)(t) = h(t) + § G(t ,s) [Cp c^(S))' - E p k(j)(s)]ds O Then Iim ^ k(j)(t) = h(t) + Iim 4-K» 4-Ho J J e G(t,s) [(^kc j)(s))' - E R C(d)(s)]dS J■ - q which implies that T ■y(t) = h(t) + jf G(t,s)#[-y].(s)ds. Then y _» O exists and y is a solution to (3.1.1). that Cpk ^d\ t ) / ^ From (3.3.13) we get y^(t) uniformly on [0,T ] as j •*”' . This completes the proof of the theorem. 3.4 Rate of Convergence We will how investigate the rate of convergence of a sequence of fixed points defined in section 3.2. Here it is assumed that we have a sequence of f ixed points {"pk } ^ _ ^ ^ such that ^pk ^ uniformly on [0,T ] where ^ is a solution to (3.1.1). A l s o , f must satisfy the conditions A in section 3.1 with the additional condition tht (3.4.1) lf(t,y^) - f(t,y2 ) I < K | Iy1 - for some constant K, whenever We will also assume that 2 mot Theorem 3.4. ||h -r "y^M II, .2m a, i = 1,2, and t e [0, r] . R. For f* = (f^ ,...,fn )T , if f^(t,pk ) e Cm [0, t ] , i = I, 2,...,n, k > n + I, and K a < I, then there is a constant 8, independent 59 of k, such that (3.4.2) IK p k)(±) - y(±)lI < -|, i = 0 ,1 . Proof. ■ Since y is a solution to (3.1.1), we have y(t) = h(t) + / G(t,s)F.[yj (s)ds ^ ^ ^ where, again, F[y](t) = f (t,y). ■AV Also, since p is a fixed point of I k we have T •pk (t) = h(t) + / G(t,s)[ (Pk (S)/ - LrPk (S)jds 0 for all k > n + I. Therefore, " T Pk (t) - y(t) = / G(t,s)[(pk (s)y - Epk(s) - F[y](s)]ds. ■ 0 Then . (3.4.3) IIpk - y I I ^ oil I(pky - Epk - p[y] || I a I I ( pk ) - Epk - F[ pk ] I I + a| I F [ pkj < a I I ( p k / - Epk - Ffpk j I I + oKllpk for all k n + I. (3.4.4) Also , (I - (XK) I Ipk - 'y I I _< a| Ie^l I where ' "^k = Cpk) - Epk - Ftpk]. Since Ka < I, we have that (3.4.5) ; for all k > n + I . Since Iltk -yll I T ^ I I i k II - F[y] I I - y|| 60 a -L ^ Ey + F[y] and (Ik)' = ^k + £^k - F[|k] we have that (3.4.6) ,ukv II(Ik) ' - y' II < M t M + IlElI Mlk -til IefcII + [IIE II + + K IIpk - || | II "pk - y| I a < IUkIl + [11E II + KJ IIikII J»k-n V Then v k-n (Pk) K] - Eplf z k-n k-nvT (v^ . ,...,V^ ) where ^nf r-*k ■, ,■ Il.v - FiIpiv]II = IIvk n - FiIpt v]M i = 1,2 ,..., I 'k-n From theorem 1.13, since fi (t,"pk ) E Cm [0,T] for i = 1 ,2,...,n and k ^ n + I , we have that (3.4.7) < - ^ , I = l, 2 ,...,n, k Let 0 = mg.x Qi . Then vk"n " F i Ipk M I for some constants 0. (3.4.8) k Let B = max{- 3.5 0a I - aK' 9(1 + a I|E| I) I -otK } and this completes the proof. Comparison of Sa S and IlAS In order to accomplish a comparison of the SAS of degree k to the MAS of degree k we can only consider a special case of (1.3.1), of the 61 type (3.5.1) y^(t) = f(t,y,...,y^n 1^), t e [0,T], Y, 1)(0) + dij y ( I = 1 ,2 ,... .,n, j=l where f is a continuous real valued scalar function on [0 ,t | x Ifin and C/j, d^j, and Let = {p: are real constants for i = 1 ,2 ,...,n and j = 1 ,2 ,... ,n p E Qk and V, ci^.p^ 1^(O) + d ^ p ^ i 1 ,2 ,...,n}• 1^(T) = b± . Then a IiAS of degree k; for this problem, would be a polynomial q E Qk such that (3.5.2) inf : VEQ^ I Iv^nV - f(« ,v ,...,v ^ n 1^-) I I = I lq^n^ - f (• ,q, . . . ,q^n 1^) I I An SAS. of degree k, for this problem, would be a polynomial p E Q s u c h .that (3.5.3) inf ||v - f(- ......P^n 1^) I I-II vE<5k-n - f(* ,p,.. .,P^n 1^) I I . In order to use the theory of the previous sections, (3.5.1) will be rewritten as 62 y ? y' Cl I 0 O-.-.. 0 0 0 0 I 0 0' 0 ... “ y -0 “ 0 y' + C21 C22 C 2n " y( 0 ) “ 0 \ l =? • 0 ... 0 % 0 M 0 O O 0 . ■ f(t,y,...,y^n ^12 ' ' " dIn d21 d22 * * * d 2n 'y(T) " V y' (t ) b2 • cIn 0 % O C11 C12 C y C n -i) C y(n_2) C ■ • • 4 S • • • • (n- 1 ) Cnl Cn 2 * * " Cnn I (0) which is in the form of (3.1.1). dnl dn 2 dnn b y (”- N T ) n We will make all assumptions set forth in sections 3.1 to 3.4 including (3.4.1) and 2 m a R. Let P£ = {p: p = (p,p',...,p(*~l))T, p E Qfc and Mp(O) + Np(T) = b } . Then (3.5.2) becomes equivalent to finding a vector polynomial such that (,3.5.5) inf ||v' - Ev - F[v] v e ^k • I I = I I (qk )' - Eqk - F[qk ] | | E 63 where Fly](t) = f (t,y). If f is nonlinear we no longer have a guarantee, as in chapter II, that such a polynomial exists. Let W; {p: p = (p,p' ,Pcn" 15)1 , P £ Qk >. Then (3.5.3) becomes equivalent to finding a pfc£ (3.5.6) inf Iv - F [pk ] II = I I-(Pk )V such that “ Epk - Ffpk ] I I . V EM k-n Let S1 = Cp E P': k k Ilp - hI I < — manner as T 1 in section 3.2, k ■ guaranteed a fixed point p Tf in the same 2 ma} and define k Then for each k > n + I we are £ of T^ and this point satisfies (3.5.6). Let pk be an SAS of (3.5.4) and let vk-n Then vk"n (vk-». inf ..., v Ilv-F (Pk )' - Epk . k-n.T , ) where lpk ] I I = I Ivk n - F lpk ]'I I, i = 1 ,2 ,.. .,n. 7:Qk-n ,.^k1 ^ r . « 1 k-n But F 1 [p ] = 0 for i = I ,2 ,...,n - I and v^ 0 for i = I ,2 ,...,n-l. j>k From Theorem 1.7 there is.a constant Y dependent oh F^[p ] such that for any v £ Q 1 k-n (3.5.7) Iv - Fn [pk ] I I Theorem 3.5. If KOi Y, then p Proof. > k-n Ivi ,- F fp ]|| + n For fixed k > n + I let p Yllv - v k-n, „ ' be an SAS for (3.5.4). is a MAS of (3.5.4) from S^. Let “p e S^ . Then p (P,P'," , , P ^ where 64 P e Qk.. Let, v = p ’ - Ep. Then v = (0,0,...,0,vn )T, where = p^n ^ . Iltk" " - ^ll - This implies that llvk-n - » II, n n k-n lVk-11 - F[pk]II - Ilvrn - F rtKJII and -Iv- Ftpk ] |. |= Ilvn - Fn I^k ].II. Therefore, (3.5.7) II* - II > II^k"" - r[fl Il +Yl lvk‘“ - vl I We have that T J G(t,s)vk n (s)ds 0 _ik PttCt) = h(t) + and p(t) = h(t) + / G(t,s)v(s)ds. 0 Then, Upk - P i I < (3.5.8) k-n ot|rvk-n - fiI Ivk'n - v||.> I ||#k - H i . From (3.5.7) and (3.5.8) we get (3.5.9) IIv - Ffpk I I Iif-' lvk"n - FtPk JlI + I > i Y IIvk"11 - vl I > I ivk“ n - F[pki 11 + 11 I i k - i i I . We also have that (3.5.10) I|v - F[pk ] Il < I|v - Ffi?]II + I|F[pk ] - F [ p ] I| 65 £ IIv - F[p] II + K| Iplc -.p| I. Then from (3.5.9) and (3.5.10) it follows that Hv- t it ] II + K| |p - pk |I > Itfk-n - Ffpk] II + X I|pk - f| | or (-^ “ K) IIpk - pl I <. H v - F[p] N - I | ^ n - F[fk]I I. Since — K ^ 0, we have 0 < IIv - F(pJI l - I |vk'n - Flpk]11 „r (3.5.11) II(Pk)' - E^k -FfpkJlI < ||^’ - -F[^]|I. S i n c e w a s an arbitrary element from S^, our theorem is proved. iIr Theorem 3.5 tells us that p is the "best" approximation out of the set S^, not necessarily the "best" out of P^. The only thing that holds us back in the proof of the theorem 3.5 is equation (3.5.10). In order for I I F [ Pk ] “ F [ i>] I I < K| Ipk - "pi I we must have the IIpk - h|| < 2ma and Ifp - h|I X 2ma . The latter case only holds if "p e S^. Corollary 3.1. For fixed k n + I let ^k be an SAS for (3.5.4). If (3.5.12) . IfUit1) - f(t^2)| < Kl It1 - y2 ll, for some constant K, for a l l ^y2 and t E [0,T] and Kd j< Y , then pk is a MAS of (3.5.4) from PV. Instead of imposing the uniform Lipschitz condition of corollary 66 3.1 we could also place extra conditions on ^(tfy). If it Is assumed that If(tj'y) I £ m for all y and t £ [0, T] then the condition that 2m(X _< R is no longer needed and we have the following corollary to theorem 3.5. Corollary 3.2. If |f(t,y)l < For fixed I O n + I let *pk be an SAS for (3.5.4). m for all "y and t £ [0,T] and Ka < y, then *pk is a MS of (3.5.4) from P^. Proof. Suppose for some "p £ (3.5.13) II"^* - - F [p] II I|(pk)' - Epk - F[pk]||. By (3.5.6) is follows that 11 Cpk)' - Epk.- Ffpk]II <. IIftpk]II £ m. Then from (3.5.13) (3.5.14) IIp^ - E'pl I _< m + IIFtp*] II < 2m . Since ^ £ P^ we have that p(t) = h(t) + / O G(t, s ) f p ,(s) - EpXs)]ds which implies that I - h | I < 2ma. Therefore p" £ S^ and by theorem 3.5 (3.5.14) I !"p' - Ep - F[p] I I _> I ICpk)' - Epk - F["pk ] I |. From (3.5.13) and (3.5.14) we get equality and thus completes the proof. 67 3.6 Computation of Fixed Points We now turn to the task of computing a fixed point of T^. Through­ out this section k ^ n + I will be fixed and all of the conditions stated in sections 3.1 and 3.2 will be assumed. Let *p^ be any polynomial in (this may be taken as It), and define Pmfl = TfcPm , m = 0,1,2...... From the proof of theorem 3.2 p^ e sk for each m. the sequence {"p } n has a cluster point *p e S1 . m m=u . K. Therefore there as 3 "^00* with exists a subsequence {Pm (j)^j=i such that respect to the norm Since Sfc is compact, IIe II. The remainder of this section will be devoted to proving that p is a fixed point of Tk . Let \ (3-6 -2 > * Pitl - e Pb+ ! • m " °>1'2 ...... Then vm - (Vliii,... ,Vnim)1 where (3.6.3) inf I|v - Fi Ipm J 11 = Ilvi m - F 1 IPm I 11> i = 1 , 2 .... . v6V n m= ' 0 ,1 ,2 ,... . Here, again, f(t,"y) = "FfyjCt) = (F 1 [y’] (t) ,... ,Fn [y] ( t » T . Theorem 1.4 guarantees the existence of extremal sets X. = {t, . ,..., i,m l,l,m' ’ t, , } for i = I ,2,...,n and m = k-n+ 2 ,i,m 0,1,2,... . We know that the sequences {X^ m }m_Q are contained in the compact set [0,T]^ n+^ for 68 i = 1 ,2 ,.».»n, and therefore have cluster points X i = 1,2,...,n« i = {t. ,, I ,i ,tk-n+2,i}’ Without loss of generality it will be assumed that all p and X^, subsequences from {PnJf^ 0 and {X^ that converge to i=l,2,...,n, involve the same indices. These subsequences will be denoted by {Pm(j)}j=1 and 1 = .... n ‘ Let (3.6.4) = vm - F[pm ] = P ’4.1 - ^-Pm*! “ F [ p J , m ■ 0,1,2,..., e We have that e (3.6.5) ^l,m'"''=n,m) A * Let I — and define (3.6o6) e = u - F["p] = p*’ - E p -- F^ftP] where e = (e^,...,e^) . Theorem 3.6. t£+1 For t (3.6.7) Bi (t^ 1 ) = ^ E X^, if ^ then p is a fixed point of T^. Proof. Let (3.6.8) t = Tp- Let (3.6.9) Then v = . (V 1 ,...,vn )T where v = q' - Eq. - n + I, I = 1,2, ...,n . i ? 69 inf I Iv - F [p] II = IIv . - F . [p]I I, I = 1 ,2 , ...,n. : Let (3.6.10) Then . 4 = v - F[p] = f ’ - Eq - F[p], I = ,Jtt O O OO and {x 1 >in(j)>j=1. i = l,2,...,n We have subsequences such that pm ( j j* p and x^, i = l» 2 ,.<.,n, as j ^ 00 . ^ From theorem 1.4 (3.6.11) ei,m(j)(t£ >i,m(j)) = ' ei,m(j)(tZ + l si,m(j)) = - for Z = I , ...,k - n + I, i = I ,2,...,n and j = 1,2,.,. . lleI jffi(J )11 From theorem 1.8 we have that (3.6.12) H v i - Vi j m u j N < A i (P)IlFi ^ for i = 1,2,...,n and j = 1,2,... . - F 1 [Pm u j N I Therefore for i = 1,2,...,n, I = 1 ,2 ,...,k - n + 2 and j = 1 ,2 ,... we have (3.6.13) leisniOJ(tZjijiiiOJ) - I 1( ^ ji)I — lvi,m( j)^t-2.,i,m( j)^ + V i^t^,i,m( j) 1 - FilPm(j)K%i)l + |Fi[Pm(j)H%i) " FilPm(j)HtZ 1>Hl(j))l ±1 h -''i.mtj)11 +.IIfJpI <a + ^Cp))IIfiIpJ - F1ItmcjjJlI . +lr1l‘’BU)l<tZil) - Fi^U)l(tZll>m(j))l . Since each F i and V i is. continuous and the family {F[p m^^]}^_1 is equicontinuous we have that (3.6.13) Iim U i i m a j Ctejlimcjj) - I 1W for i = 1,2,...,n and £. = 1 ,2,...,k - n + 2. il)! - 0 Using the same type of in­ equalities as (3.6.13) it follows that (3.6.14) Iim I|e i,m(j) j-XX> i I I , i **" 1 ,2 ,». .,n. Therefore $ (3.6.15) e.(t. ,) = -§.(t... ,) " + - I l S 4 II 1,1' ~iK^1+1,1' - " cI l for Z = 1,2,... ,k - n +, I and i = 1,2,... ,n We have that A ( tZll) ■ ei(tz) ’ V tZll) - F1(P) - P1(tZll) + F1I?! (3.6.16) F1(tZ ll) - P1(tZ ll) = 6Z tZll) - cZ tZll) 1» 71 for i = 1,2,...,n and 1,2,...,k -h + 2 . By (3.6.7) and theorem 1.5 it follows that (3.6.17) I I Since e^(t^ ^) = + 2 mini B 1 (t^ ^ ) I, i = 1 ,2 ,...,n. I I e^|| for t = 1 ,2 ,...,k - n + 2 and i = 1 ,2 ,...,n, which means (3.6.18) Ie i ( ^ i ) I X Ie1 ( ^ 1) I , 1 , 2 , . . . . ,k n + 2 , i = 1 ,2 ,...,n. This implies that (3.6.19) sgn(Vi ( I ^ i ) - Ui O t ^ i)) = sgn(et (t£ ± )) for Z = 1 , 2 , . ..^k - n + 2 and i = 1,2,...,n, Therefore v (t) - u (t) I I has k - n + I zero's on [0, T] for i .= 1 ,2,...,n. We know that a polynomial of degree k - n or less for each I. u. will also be a I polynomial of degree k - n or less since by (3.6.2) v uniformly as j oo for each i. i = 1,2,...,n. Then "u(t) E v(t). is . . ,^u i,m(j) -I i Therefore, v^(t) - u^(t) E 0 for This gives us that p is a fixed point of T^ a.nd thus completes the proof. V OO It should be noted that if the sequence {p } „ is such that m m =0 Pm uniformly as m-»<» then (3.6.7) is always satisfied and the theorem would hold. 72 3.7 Scalar Equations In this section we will consider second order differential equations with boundary conditions, of the type y"(t) = f(t,y,y'), t e [0 ,t ], (3"7»1) (3.7.2) C 11^(O) + c 12y ' (0) + d^^y(T) + d 12y'(T) = . c 21y( 0 ) + c22y (0 ) + d21y(x) + d 22y'(x) = bg and (3*7.3) y"(t) = g(t,y), t E [0,x] with, boundary conditions (3.7.2). We could write (3.7.1), (3.7.2) and (3.7.3) in system form. i 0 y(t) I 0 y(t) = 0 y'(t) (3.7.5) + . C11 C12 C21 922 0 y'(t) y( 0 ) " + y'( 0 ) 0 'y(t) ' I f(t,y,y') dIl d12 y(T) d21 d22 y'(T) y'(t) . b2 . 0 y(t) = " b i" + . 0 0 y'(t) g(t,y) and apply the theorems of the previous sections. Part of the hypothesis of these theorems involve computing the Green's matrix G(t,s) and finding a number a (3.7.7) satisfying (3.1.3) where llG(*,s)|| = max : t£[0,T] n max T i J^l |G. .( t,s ) |. 73 Using this matrix norm some relitively simple when the requirements that examples may be eliminated 2 m a < R or KOt < I or ROt < y are checked. Instead, we can deal directly with (3.7.1), (3.7.2) or (3.7.3), (3.7.2). Let d^ = (1,0,...,0)^ and d^ = (0,...,0,1)^ be n x I vectors. Then define a Green's function H(t,s) for the problem (3.7.8.) y"(t) = 0 cIiy(O) + ci2iy'(0) + dliy(T) + d12y'(T) = 0 c 2iy (°) + c 22y< + d 21y ^ T^ + d 22y '(^) = 0 by letting (3.7.9) H(t,s) = d^ G(t,s)d^. We can use the same conditions and same proofs that were used in pre­ vious theorems except in computing ct our norm becomes (3.7.10) M ti(.,s )| I = max |H(t,s)j. t e[0, T] In the case of (3.7.1.), , T (3.7.11) (3.7.2) we require a to be a constant such that T x max.< / ||H(* ,s ) I Ids,. / I |H ( • ,s)I 1O . 0 Ids / < «. ? On the other hand if we are interested in (3.7.3), (3.7.2) then the constant a would be choosen such that (3.7.12) / 0 I |H(- ,s)| Ids _< ct. 74 3.8 Examples In all of the examples of this section we used the algorithm pre­ sented in section 3.6.. In using that algorithm we also need to use the second algorithm of Remes in order to compute a best approximation. In order to determine that a given SAS of degree k is also a MAS or degree k, a strong unicity constant y must be calculated. The following theorem, due to A.K. Cline [4], allows us to calculate a suitable y rather easily. Theorem 3.7. that E = {t j } Let. G = span{l,t,...,tn *}, I = [0, t ] and suppose is an extremal set for f - p^, where f e C [ 0 , t ] and Py is the best approximation from G to f . For i = 1,2,...,n + I, define q± e G by q± (tj) = sgn[f(t^) - p 0 (t^)], j = l,...,n + I, j # i. Then y of the strong unicity theorem may be choosen to be Y max IIq.II -I Ki<n+1 All of the following examples satisfy the conditions given in theorem 3.2 except for example 3.4. The function f (t,y) in example 3.4 is not continuous for all y. Examples 3.1. y" + cos y = 0 , t E [0 ,1 j, y( 0 ) = y(l) = 0 . We have that If(t,y)I ^ I for all y and t E [0,1]. Therefore, the 75 conditions of theorem 3.2 are satisfied. Also, K = I and a = 1/8 so that K a < I, and the conditions of theorem 3.4 are satisfied. An SAS of degree 4 is P4(t) = 0.4979086t - 0.5004810t2 + 0.0051449t3 - 0.0025724t4 . In this case Y = 1/3 which implies that K a a MAS of degree 4. < Y . Therefore p^ is also We cannot find a solution in closed form for com- . parison purposes, however, using Picard's iteration it can be shown that the error is no larger than 0.018. Example 3.2. y" = y + I, t £ [0 ,1 ], y( 0 ) = y(l) = 0 . Let R = 1/3, then If(t,y) I _< 4/3 for all We have that K = I I Iyl I and a = 1/8, so again K a 1/3 and t e <1. [0 ,1 ]. An SAS of degree 6 is given by P 6 (t) = -0.4621172t + 0.4999997t 2 - 0.0770121t3 + 0.0416238t4 - 0.0037412t5 + 0.001247It6 . Again we have that Y a MAS of degree 6 . = 1/3 so that K ot < Y < I. Therefore p^ is The actual solution is given by y(t) = -g-qry Cet + e 1 t) - I and the error is given by I IP6 - yI I = .00000010. 76 Example 3.3. y" = 2y3 , t £ [0 ,1 ], y(0) = 1/3, y(l) = 1/4. We have that h(t) = 1/3 - 1/12 t. for all Ily - h| I £ 1/10 and t s implies that K a < I. If R = 1/10 then |f(t,y)| [0,1]. Also, K = 1.13 and < 2(13/30)3 a = 1/8 which An SAS of degree 6 is P 6 (t) = 0.33333330 - 0.IllllllSt + 0.03703509t2 - 0.01231023t3 +0.0039594914 - 0.00107261t5 + 0.00016611t6 . In this case we are not guaranteed that p^ is an MAS. However the actual solution is y(t) = l/(t f 3) which gives us a uniform error of I Ip6 - y | I = .00000003. This indicates that it is a very good approximation anyway. Example 3.4. -t 2 2 y"(t) = - 2e t (I + In yZ (t)), t e [0 ,1], y(0) = I, y(l) = e-1 = 0,3678794. Even though the continuity condition is not satisfied, the algorithm still converges and a SAS of degree 7 is given by P 7 (t) = I + 0.0000087t - 0.9998033t2 - 0.0035580t3 + 0.51411l7t4 - 0.0l49510t5 - 0.1883l62t 6 + 0.0603874J . 77 The actual solution is y(t) = e and the uniform error is I Ip7 - y | I = .00000304. Example 3.4 indicates that the results of Chapter III are not sharp. It may be that, in general, f (t,y) need not be continuous for all y in R. However, at this point such a relaxation of the hypothesis in that direction has not been achieved. CHAPTER IV RESTRICTED RANGE APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS WITH BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 4.1 Introduction In this chapter we will generalize the results of Chapter III. In order to accomplish this we will have to consider approximating polynomials with, restricted r a nges.. Before we get into the main results of the chapter we will need some results on restricted range approxi­ mations due to G. D. Taylor [16]. These preliminary results were not stated in Chapter I since they are only used in Chapter IV. We will also be using all of the material in Chapter I. 4.2 Preliminary Results Let X be any compact subset of [0,f] containing at least n + I points. Let C[X] denote the Banach space of all real-valued contin­ uous functions defined on X with norm I If I I an n dimensional Haar subspace of C [0 ,T ]. = max |f(t)|. Let G be teX Let {g^,...,g^} be a basis for G. Fix two extended real-valued functions. £ and u defined on X 79 subject to the restrictions: (i) Z may take (ii) u may take (iii) on the value - 00, but never + 00. on the value + °° , but never - 00. a,= (t: f(t) = - ” } and X+ m = {t: u(t) = + «-} are open subsets of X. (iv) (v) Z is continuous on X ~ Xjm00 and u is continuous on X X^co. Z< u for all t E X. Now define the set V by V = {p e G: Z(t) < p(t) < u(t) for all t e X}. It will be assumed that V has more than one element, which may put additional conditions on £ and u. Let f B C [ X ] . Then p E V is said to be the best approximation to f from V if (4.2.1) Theorem 4.1. inf I Iq - f I I = IIp - f ||. qev . Given V as above and f £ C[X] then there exists p - £ V satisfying (4.2.1). Fix f. £ C[X] and let p £ V. Then define X +1 = {t £ X:. f(t) - p(t) =||f - p||} X _1 = {t E X : f(t) - p(t) =-||f - X+2 = {t e X: p(t) = X _2 = {t E X: p(t) = u(t)} Z (t)} ^p = X+1 u X+2 u X-1 u X-2 • p| I} 80 These will be called "critical" points. We will now state two characterization theorems. If (X+1 U x+ 2 ) n(X _1 U X_2 ) Theorem 4.2. $ 0 then p is a best approximation to f. This condition does not occur in the most interesting case, namely when l(t) f(t) u(t) for all t e X. A more important theorem is the following. Theorem 4.3. Let f E C [ X ] , p £ V and suppose (x+1 U (4.2.2) x + 2 ) n (x_1 u x_2 ) = 0 . Then p is a best approximation to f if and only if there are. n + 1 consecutive points o(t^) = (-1) i+1 < t 2 < ... < tfi+^ in X O(t^) where satisfying a(t) = -I if t E X _1 u X _2 and a(t) = +1 if t £ - X 1 U X+ 2 In this case if f E C [ X ] , f £ V and Z(t) j< f(t) u(t) for all t £ X, Then condition (4.2.2) is satisfied. It should also be mentioned that (X+1 u x+2)n (X_1 u x_2) = If (X+1 n X _ 1 )£ 0 then f = p. (4.2.3) ' (x+1 n x_L) u (x+1 n X_2 ) u (X+2 n X _ 1) So if we use the requirement that (X+1 n X_2 ) u (X+2 n X _ 1) = 0 we will be including all f £ C[X] such that £ (t) f (t) u(t) for all t £ [0,T] or f = p, p £ V. Several important theorems similar to those in section 1.2 will now be listed. 3 81 Theorem 4.4. Let f e C[X] and let p be a best approximation to f and suppose (X+1 n X_2 ) u (X_1 n X+ 2 ) = 0 then p is unique. Define E ( f ) = inf ||f - p | I for f B C[X], then PEV Theorem 4.5. If q E V and f - q assumes alternately positive and negative values at n + I consecutive points t^ of X, then (4.2.4) E(f) > min If(t ) - q(t.)I• i Theorem 4.6. Let f B C[X] and p be a best approximation to f and suppose (4.2.3) is satisfied. Then there exists a constant Y > 0, depending on f , such that for any q B V (4.2.5) H f - qll _> Ilf ~ pll + y l l p - qll. Let f E C[Xj and p be a best approximation to f from V. (4.2.3) is satisfied, then we call f admissible. If We can then define the operator Ff £ V to be the unique best approximation to f from V. Theorem 4.7. To each admissible f^ E C[X] there corresponds a number y > 0 such that for all admissible f , (4.2.6) IIFf0 - F f M < Yllf 0 - fit. G. D. Taylor and :M. J . Winter [17] developed the following algorithm and theorem for calculating the best restricted range approximations. We will assume that f E C[X] , f 0 V and l(t) f(t) O u ( t ) for 82 . all t EX. 1 t2 ^ Let g^,...,gn be a basis for G. Choose points tj < 1 ^ t^n+! X so that f cannot be interpolated by a linear ' ' 1 1 I combination of the g ± ' s on t = {t^, -t^.}. Solve n .. . 53 C g (t ) + (""1)^0 = f(t ), j = 1,2,... ,n + I. i=l -Va -J Irri J (4.2.7) Since {g^,...,g },is a Haar set we get a unique solution which I we denote by l ..., Cn+^. Let P1 = E If IIf - and. e1 = IC ^ I. C1 B1 II = and £(t) p^(t) u(t) for all t e X I then p =? p*, the best restricted approximation and we stop the iteration. Let If this is not the case then we proceed as follows: = max (p*(t) - u(t)), tex = max tex (Z(t) p^(t)). Let In case of equality, we let Y be the largest of {E^,M^,m^}. be the first largest member of the triple. If j Ilf - p^l I; if Y'*" = M"*". choose s such that p^(s) - u(s) = Y^; if 1 y 1 = m 9 = E = Iif - p"*"II. - e* and choose s E X such that 1 If(s) - p (s)| = 1 choose s such that Z(s) - p (s) = Y . } by { t p ..., t^+ ^} where t Replace t^ for all i except 83 one, namely Iq , and at that one (4.2.8) Sgn*(f(t) - p(t)) = s. Define I +1 if p(t) = f (t) = l(t) , I -I if p(t) = f(t) = u(t), \ sgn(f(t) for p £ U and t - p(t)) Otherwise, I Then one replaces t. by s so that 1O e X. sgn*(f(tj) - P 1Ct^)) = (-l) 1+ 1sgn*(f(tj) - P 1CtJ)), i = 1 ,2 ,...,n+ 1 . We now partition {1, sets. if ..., n+1} into at most three disjoint sub­ We will let i e Y1 = E 1 , i0 e U2 if i f iQ . Y1 = M1 if or iQ For iQ , we will let iQ e L2 if Y1 = m1. e The iteration is continued by solving the system (4.2.9) JT Cj 8j(tJ) + ( - D 1C ^ 1 = f(tj), i e Y2 , 53 C^g (t^) = u(tj), i E U2 , j=l J 3 2 1 ^ 53 j=l C^gXtJ) = J J j- £(t?), i e L2 A 2 for (C^, ..., Cn+^ } where the latter equations are retained only if U 2 ^ 0 or L 2 f 0. Let 2 2 ...>Cn + ^ be the desired soltuions which exists by the Haar condition, and let 84 >2" g cA a"d*2 -X+i1If I |f - p^l I = then p 2 and Z(t) p^(t) u(t) for all t e X is the desired best restricted approximation. the iteration is continued. Suppose this is the case. If not, Then con­ tinuing by induction, we have at the Icth step a given set of points {t^,...,t^+ ^} with t^ < t^ < ••• < and t^i e X for i = 1 ,2 ,...,n+L, three pair wise disjoint (some possibly empty) sets Y^, P k = n + 1 }, a polynomial and Ljt whose union is n k 52 C . g J=I J J k and a real number C ,v such that n"ri (4.2.10) Cj Bj<^> + (- 1)lcn+l - « ❖ ■ 1 6 J=I n Cjgj(tj) - u(C^), I £ Ufc, J=I I) C ^ .( t j) - 'I = Lk- By the Haar condition this system has a solution. Also, we have that (4.2.11) sgn*(f(tj) - pk (t^)) = (-l) 1_ 1sgn*(f(tk ) - pk (tk )) i = 1 ,2 ,...,n+ 1 . 85 If I If - pk| t E X, then p k I = = |C^+ ^| and f(t) is the desired best restricted approximation, p*, and we terminated the iteration. follows: Let If p = I |f - p ^ | I - e^, k k = max (£(t) - p (t)). Let teX In case of equality, we let y m triple. p^(t) < u(t) for all t y k ^ p*, we proceed as = max (p^(t) - u(t)) and teX be the largest of {E ,M ,in }. be the first largest member of the If yk = E^ choose s e X such that I |f - p^|I = |f(s) - pk ( s ) I ; if y k = Mk choose s such that pk (s) - u(s) = yk ; if Y = m choose s such that l(s) - p (s) = Y . Replace {tk ,...,tk^^} by {tk + 1 , ...,tk^ } where t^ 1 = tk for all i k+1 except one and that one t, = s. Make this replacement so that 0 sgn*(f(tk + 1 ) - pk (tk+1)) = (-l)i+ 1sgn*(f(tk+1) - pk (tk +1)), i = 1,2,... ,n+1. kk+l Define pairwise disjoint, sets Y^+ ^, and union is {!,...,n + 1}) by i £ {!,...,n + 1} is to be in Yk + i > uk+1 or Lk+1 according as i £ Y fc, Ufc or Lk respectively k k+1 k +1 for any i such that t^ £ {t^ , ...,tn+^ } . : For the new point k+1 k k Ir k t^ we say iQ £ Y k , Uk or L k according as Y = E , M or m respectively. Then solve (4.2.12) C f 18jC t f 1).+ C - D 1C f 1 fCtfS, I e Yfcfl., 86 C - SjU - , U(ti >’ 1 E Uk + 1 > J=I k+l S i C ' f 1) (tr'). I: By the Haar condition there is a unique solution 5^ 0. if By assumption V ^ 0 implies that ,..., ^ 0 . Since, k if Y^+ ^ = 0, then p would meet every p £ V at least n times which is impossible. Let -,k+l 1 V ' ,,k+l k+l L r C i 84 and e j=l J J Theorem 4.8. Assume that the iteration does not terminate after a finite number of steps. r k 00 polynomials {p Then the sequence of constructed converges uniformly to the best restricted approximation p* to f and e^ t e* = Ilf - p*I I. 4.3 Existence of Fixed Points We will, again, consider the system (4.3.1) y* = E y + f(t,y), t e [0,T], My(O) + N y (t ) = b, where E, M and N are constant n x n matricies such that En = 0 and the n x 2n matrix (M,N) has rank h. b is a constant n x I vector. 87 £(t,y) is continuous on [0,t ] x lR n with values i n IRn . We will assume, throughout this chapter, that the system (4.3.2) "y' = Ey My(Q) + N y ( t ) = 0 is incompatible. As before, this implies the existence of a unique Green's matrix"G(t;s). Let Y(t) be the principal matrix solution for (4.3.3) 'y' = Ey and D the characteristic matrix for (4.3.2). (4.3.4) Define h(t) - Y(t)D~ 1b. . ^ The components of h are polynomials of degree n - I or less, and •A h satisfies (4.3.5) -4». . Jfc, h = Eh Mii(O) + N^(T) = "b. We now develope notation for various sets which will be used throughout the reaminder of the chapter. The first three are as follows: Qjc “ {p: P is a polynomial of degree k or less}* Wk t5 Jp:. P = (P 1 ,..-,Pn )1 , P 1 e Qk > I < i < n}, Pk = {p: p £ Wjc and Mp(O) + Np(T) = b}. and For k >_ n - I, Pjc is not empty since h £ Pk . Let. <j)(t) be a 88 scalar real valued continuous function on [0,T] such that .<j>(t) > 0 on [0,T] and T (4.3.6) / ||G(° ,s)||^(s)ds _< I. 0 Also, there exists a number R > 0 such that (4.3.7) for I l"y lf(t,y)| < (J)(t)R - h| I < R and 0 < t < t . Then define three additional sets, as follows: e Qk and |p(t) I <_ Vfc = {p: p (j)(t)R for all t e Uk = .{p: P = (P11- - ^ P n )1 , P 1 e V ^ 1 I < i < n}, [0,t ] } , and Sk = {p: p e and I Ip - h | I < R}. Again, it should be observed that, for k _> n - I, Sk is not empty since h E Sk . For p £ Sk we have that |f(t,"p)| _< ^( t ) R for all t E [0,T]. V Therefore, if we use Vrk as our approximating set for f(t,p) then all of the theorems of section 4.2 apply. Also, throughout the remainder of the chapter, let (4.3.8) F [ y ] (t) = f(t,y). Let "p E s . (4.3.9) Then for k > n + I inf N v - F [p] VEV 1 1 k-n II = ||v - F_. [p] 1 x II 89 for some v± £ V ^ , I •_< i <_ n, where "Ffy] = (F 1 [yj,... ,Fn [y] )T From theorem 4.4 each v^, I i and define the operator F fc: n, is unique. Sfc -> Uk_n by = (V1 ,...,v^) Let = "Vq . Since F[y] is uniformly continuous on compact sets, theorem 4.7 implies that F^ is a continuous operator. Fbr v e let *q(t) = h(t) + / G(t,s)v(s)ds 0 and define the operator ^ that by = "q. We. have that q e is a continuous linear operator from define the operator Tfc: -> Pfc by T^p = ^k ( ^ p ) . the composition of continuous operators, call any fixed point of into P^. so Finally, Since Tfc is is continuous. We will a restricted simulaneous approximation substitute of degree k, USAS. Theorem 4.9. For fixed k ^ n + I the operator has a fixed . . ->>k point p . Proof. We will, again, use theorem 3.1. We already have that S^ is a compact convex set of the Banach space Wk and Tk is a continuous operator from Sk into Wk , We, therefore, only need to show that Tk (Sk ) c Let "p 6 Sfc. Iv (t) I Let Fjjp = "v^ = (V1 ,... >vn )^* We have that cj)(t)R for I X i < n and all t e [0 ,t ] . that |yy(t) I _< <j)(t)R for all t £ [0,T ]. . T q*(t) = h(t) + / G(t,s)v^(s)ds. This implies Let q = Tj^p. Then 90 Therefore (4.3.10) lt(t> - ti(t)|< / 0 < ||G(.,s)|I Ivn (S)Ids u T / I |G(.,s ) I I O(S)RdS 0 £ R, t e [0,t ]. Then I Iq - h| I < _ R which gives us that "q e and thus completes our proof. If "p^ is a fixed point of T^ we, therefore, have that Tp^ = p^ and (4.3.11) inf | |v - Ffpk ] M = IICpk )' - E$k - F[pk ] I I. v EU, k-n 4.4 Convergence of Fixed points For each k _> n + I let pk £ be a fixed point of T^. We will show that there is a subsequence of {pk }^_n + ^ that con­ verges to a function y which is a solution of (4.3.1). Also it will be shown that the first derivatives of the subsequence converge to ■y'. Before establishing these results we prove the following lemma. Lemma 4.1. of Tfc. (4.4.1) For each k X n + I let "pkrE be a fixed point Let l k (t) = Cpk Ct)/ - Efk (t) - Fifk ](t), t £ then Iim RrXJO ItkU =0 [0,T ] , 91 Proof. Let (4.4.2) . ($ky -s.k-n where v point of k—n (v 'I - k - n sT ) . k > n + I, Since p is a fixed we have that (4.4.3) inf veV, k-n ^ Now e^ = (e^ U v - Fi [pK] 11 = I l v f ri 1 ^) I, I < i “ < 8 Qk_n, I (4.4.5) „ rAk, ~ y p j* 1 i 1 i n- i ^ n, such that I Iv inf - F f p kJI I = IIq fn - YSQk-n Let (4-4.6) F f t kJ I I, I < I ' = q f n - F.[$kJ, I < i < n. From theorem 1.13 we have (4.4.?) IU ljkII < WijkOk^), I < i < n, k > n + I. where Wi k(6) is the modulus of continuity of FiIpkJ for I <_ i <_ and k n + I. We have for each I _< i _< n and k (4.4.8) n. “ which gives us from (4.4.1) and (4.4.2) that k-n e. , = y i,k -i kt-n - F. fp*]'! 1 T e (4.4.4) Let 1 n + I that Ivfn(t)| < IFiIpkJ(t) I + |vfn(t) - FiItkKt)! < Kt)R + IIVkr-11- FiIpkJlI <1 Ul Ir + I IF1IpkJ 11 < 2R||<|)| I < n. 92 for all t £ [0,TJ. Then (4.4.9) ltk-n(t) I < 2 I|(()| |R, t e [0,T], k ^ n + I. Since "p^ e S^, we also have that (4.4.10) lpk(t) | £ R + I|h| I, t E [o,T], k _> n + I. ' ■ Then from (4.4.2), (4.4.9) and (4.4.10) we. get that (4.4.11) l(pk(t))' I < |Epk(t)| + Itk-nCt)! < IIe II[R + IIhl I] + 2 1|(j)IIr , t s [0,t ], k > n + I. From the mean value theorem and (4.4.11) we have (4.4.12) lpk(t) - pk(s)| < [IlEllCR +. I|h| I) + 2| I(J)IlR] |t - s| for all t, s E [0, T] and k_> n + I. Equations (4.4.10) and (4.4.12) k 00 establishes that the family {p }jc_n+^ is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous on [0,T]. Given £ > 0 such that ^(t)R - £ >^ 0 for t £ [0, T]. Let (4,4,13:> ^ = ' 2(E + R| |(J)| I)* Since (J)(t) > 0 for t £ [0,t ], we know that 0 < X < 1/2. is uniformly continuous on compact sets. k F[y](t) Therefore for each I i _< n, n + I and t,s E [0,t ] lFi[pk](t) - F1ItkKs)! < (r - L I)£/2 whenever max{It - s|, lpk(t) - pk(s)I} < 6. for some I I , I —< i —< n. Also, from (4.4.12) we know that Ipk(^t) - pk(s) I < ^1 whenever 93 It - s| < Let 6^ for some 6^, I _< i _< n, k n + I and t,s E [0 , T]. = min{ 6^, 6^} for each I <_ i _< n, then (4.4.14) whenever lF1[pk](t) " FiCpkJ(S)I < ( y ^ ) e/ 2 It - si < 6 for I i n, k > ^ n + l and t,s, £ [0, T]. This implies that (4.4.15) ^ independent of k. Zn Let ( _ L _ ) e /2} I < i _< n, be large enough so that TTT/(k - n) X , min {6.} for k > K 1 . I 1 (4.4.16) From (4.4.7) and (4.4.15) we then have i,k < w — i,k (ir™~r) k - n l w I lke6I j for each I <_ i _< h- a.nd k 2 maxiK^, n + 1}. Let ge (t) = ^(t)R - E ^ 0. For each k ^ n + I let k-n. (t) be a polynomial of degree k - n or less such that (4.4.17) inf Jlv - g-I I II 11 ~ gg I I - ^Qk-n There exists a number (4.4.18) for all k such that I IsjTn - g£| I < e/ 2 maxfKg, n + 1}. Let K = Qax(Ki )Kg*^ + 1} and for 94 the remainder of the proof assume k > K. For each k ^ K and I _< i (4.4.19) Then r^ n let r^~n(t) = As^~n(t) + (I - X)q^~n(t). £ ^k-n ^or ^ ^ — n» ^ >_.K. From (4.4.18) we have for t £ [0,T] that g£ (t) - £/2 < s£'n (t) < g£ (t) + e/ 2 , which leads to (4.4.20) *(t)R - I e < S£~n(t) < 4»(t)R - e/2. Also, from (4.4.6) and (4.4.16) we have for t £ [0,T] and I _< i _< n that • Fi IPk K t ) ~ (y^-%-) e/2 < qj"n (t) < F.[pk ](t) + ( y - L ^ ) E/2, which implies that (4.4.21) - (Rt)R - (--L-) e/2 < qk"n(t) < *(t)R + (y-^-j) e/2.. Then using (4.4.19), (4.4.20) and (4.4.21) we have that A(CKt)R - §£) + (I - A) H ( t ) R - (y-^-)e/2] < rk"n (t) and X(CKt)R - E/2) + (I - X)[<Kt)R + (j-^-y)E/2] > rk _ n (t), for all t £ [0,T] , I <_ i _< n and k K. This gives us the following bounds for rk n . (4.4.22) 2A(<j)(t)R - £) - *(t)R < rk _ n (t) < *(t)R for all t £ [0,TJ, I i n and k X > 0, (4.4.22) implies that (4.4.23) Irk'n(t)| < *(t)R K. Since <j>(t)R - E ^ O and S>5 Therefore, r^~n e V1 for each ]>i ■~<* i —< n and k —> K i k —n We also have, for t e [0,t ], I (4.4.24) i h and k ^ K, that Ir^~n(t) - F1Cpk](t)I = |Xsk" n(t) + (I - X)qk" n(t) - F.[pk ](t)|. < X|sk~n(t) - F.[pk]( t) | + (I - X)Iqk— n(t) - F1Cpk] (t)I < 'M'sk" n(t) - SeCt)I + XI8eCt) - F1CpkK t)! + (I. - X)| Iej, k l I < X | + X[|<J)(t)R - F.[pk ](t)| + £] + ( I - x X r ^ - T ) eZZ < X e + X [2RII(J)I I +e] = 2X(e + Rl l<j)l I) = E. Then we have that (4.4.25) I|rk n - F1Cpk]II < E for each I < i < n and k > K. Since r^-n £ V1 and k > K it follows from (4.4.3) that for each I < i < n 96 Z (4.4.26) O £ Iiv£"n - FiIpkJII < IIrk-n - Ff[fk]II < e for each I <_ i < n and k £ K. Therefore Ilvk - Ffpk JlI < E for all k £ K and this completes our proof. We can now establish the main result of this chapter. THEOREM 4.10. If pk £ is a fixed point of T^ for each k £ n + I then there exists a function y, whose components are in C [0,TJ, and a subsequence {p vJy}j=1 of {p }k_n+1 such that (4.4.27) Iim I I (pk ^ ^ ) ^ ^ II ~ = 0, i = 0,1. Moreover y is a solution to (4.3.1). Proof. In light of lemma 4.1, the proof follows exactly the same as theorem 3.3. 4.5 Rate of Convergence We will now investigate the rate of convergence of a sequence of fixed points defined, in section 4.3. Here it will be assumed that we have a sequence of fixed points {pk }” +i such that "pk->- y uniformly on [0,T J , where y is a solution to (4.3.1). Also, we assume that f satisfies the conditions in section 4.3 as well as the condition (4-5.1) I f ( ^ y 1) - f(t,y2 )| O K l I y 1 - t 2 ll, for some constant K, whenever Let Ol be a number such that I Ih - "y^||.£ R, i = 1,2, and t £ [0,T]. 97 T (4.5.2) / I|G(- ,s)| Ids _< ct. Theorem l < i < n , 4.11. For? = (f^, f^)^, if fi (t,pk ) £ Cm [0,T], k > n + I, 4)(t) £ Cm [0,T j for m > 2 and KB < I, then there is a constant B, independent of k, such that (4.5.3) ||c%k)(i) - Proof. <_JL_ , i = o ,I. Since ^ is a solution to (4.3.1) we have, ^ T y(t) = h(t) + / G(t,s)F[y](s) where ?[y] (t) = £(t ,y1). Also, since pk is a fixed points of Tfc, we have T h(t) + / G(t,s)[ ($k (s)) "Pk (C) = for all k n + I. - E$k (s)]ds 0 Therefore I Ipk - yl I < CtIKpk)' - Epk - F[y]| I (4.5.4) £ a I I (Pk)' - Epk + aKl Ipk - y| | for all k > n + I . (4.5.5) Then (I - O(K)IItk - yl I I a Mek I I where ®k = (Pk)' Since K ot< I we have that (4.5.6) We also have that y = Ey + F[y] “ E Pk “ F tPk ] • - F[pk] I I 98 and (Pk)' = ek + Epk - F[fk]. Therefore II(Pk)' - y' 11 < IItkII + IlElI Ilf - ^ll + Kllf y 11 which implies that I 1(f)' (4.5.7) - Y yI I <P L For k + a ll^J 1I He, ||. 1 - oik J k n + I let S k"n = d k y - 4 k. Then V k n = (vk n , ..., Vk n )T where each v , I < i < n, I n i — — satisfies (4.4.3). Given any £ > 0 such that <|)(t)R - e v 0, let S£ (t) be the polynomial of degree k - n or less which satisfies (4.4.17) where g£ (t). = <|>(t) ~ G • Let qk n (t) be a polynomial of degree k - n or less which satisfies (4.4.5), I <_ i <_ n and k ^ n + I. that f ( t , f ) = F [ f ] (t) £ Cm [0,T], for each k 4>(t) E Cm [0,T]. n + I, and From theorem 1.13, there exist constants I < i < n + I , such that for all k (4.5.8) I < i < n, and (4.5.9) Suppose IlSk- - ^ l l 1 n + I 99 Let Bf. = max {B }. Then for all k KKnH-I (4.5 .10) k and (4.5 . 11) Let X Ilqlrn - F±[pk ]I I < — -L i k k m - I , I —< i —< n. for m > 2 arid k > 2. Then (4.5 .12) I-Xk For !k- >_ -g— we h a v e B q X Thus B0km_1 - km-1 - l' k E/2, which implies that B^k™ _< km £ /2. £/2k\ B q or B q (k"1" 1 - I) < e/2km and (4.5 .13) $ E/2 tT T F j 6/2 for It ^ max{— — j 2}. (4.5.14) r£~n (t) = + (I - X k )qJ"n (t), I < i < n, k > n+1 100 From the proof of lemma 4 . I,we I <, i <, n and k and k > max{- (4.5.15) >_ max{— know 2, n + 1} . that * r - k. n for each We also have that for I < i < n 2, n + 1} lr^~n(t) - Fi ^ kJCt) I = l \ s ^ n(t) + (I - \ ) q ^ ( t ) - F1I l k] (t) I y < \ l s k" n(t) - F1I t kJCt) I + (I - Xk)lqk' n(t). - F1IpkJCt) I I xk I I sE n ~ SeU +Xkl8e(t) - F1IpkJCt)! + U - Xk)llqk-n - F1ItkJlI < \ l lsk"n -fell + \[2| I^l Ir + ej + (I - xk ) l U i " 11 " Fi[pk ]ll i ^ 5 +^ [2|,*m r + e] + ( i - ? t> 5 < -^rr [2B0 + 2 11*1 IR + e]. k 101 Therefore, I I r^~n (4.5.16) - F. fg t] ||'< _ 1 _ _ [2B() + 2| |<H Ir + 2B0 for I <. i _< n and k >^.max{-^-, 2, n + 1}. I i £] Since f^-n £ n for n and k >_ max{— — , 2, n + 1} we have that (4.5.17) I Iv^Tn - F1Ipk] I I < ~ T [2BQ H- 2| |<j>| Ir +.e] K and hence (4.5.18) I I t fcI I [2B0 + 2 I |<j)I Ir- + < £] . k for all k 2 max{— , 2, n + 1}. Then from (4.5.6) and (4.5.7) we get that (4.5.19) I Ip - yl I < - i= r [r^K][2B0 + ZlIfIlR + £] k and (4.5.20) II(Pk )' - ( y O l I [V ^ e 11H Z B 0 + 2|| iH Ir + E], k for all k 2 max{--- , 2, n + I). e I I (pky - y ^I I for I k max{— Let 0= max{ k I |pk 2, n + 1}. Then let 6 = max{ [r -j a^ ] [2BQ + 2 ||<J)||r + £], Then I ICpk) ( i) - ^ ( D j I < - y| | , i = 0 ,!, k for all k > I and this completes our proof. ^ b q + 2||<MI+e],0} 102 4.6 Comparison of RSAS to MAS. The RS a S of degree k can also be compared with the MAS of degree k. In fact, the entire discussion follows in the exact same manner as for the S A S . In theorem 3.5 we simply make the assumption (4.5.1), replace SAS with RSAS and change the definition of S, to & Sk = {P £ Pk : I IP " hi I < R}. Likewise corollaries similar to corollaries 3.1 and 3.2 hold under the appropriate changes. 4.7 Computation of Fixed Points We now turn to the task of computing a fixed point for T^. Let "Pq be any element of S^ for fixed k ^ n + I (this may be taken to be h). Define (4-7-1) Pntti= Tv pm We know that Pm e m = 0, I, ... . for each m _> 0. Since S^ is compact, the sequence {pm }m_Q has a cluster point p £ S^. Therefore, there exists a subsequence {pm ^ ^ } j _ ^ such that P ^ j) "y P uni­ formly on [0,T] as j ■*” . We now proceed to show that "p is a fixed point of T^. Let (4.7.2) -x . V m for each m > 0. — Then v (4.7.3) Pi, m “ Epm+1 = (V1 ,..., v ). where l,m* ’ n,m inf I|v - F [p ] vEV. 1 m k-n llvi,m - 11’ 103 . I ^ i ^ n, m 2 0. Define the following sets for each I < i < n and m > 0: Y ^ m= it E [6,T J : FJ^JCt) - v1$m(t) = JlF1 ^ m ] - V ijJ I ) , Yi{*= {t e [0,T]: F1 I t J C t) - V ljJ t ) Y+2m= {t E [O'?]= V ljfflCt) = -4>(t)R}, Yif= V ijmCt) = 4>(t)R) {t £ [0,T]; =^IlF1ItJ - V ljJ I ) , and Y1 »m = Y i f U Y i f U 'Y ^ ,m -I p +1 +2 u Y ^ ,m -2 A l s o , since (4.7.4) . If 1 Ip ii1](t)I < <f>(t)R for all t B [0,t] , I _< i"_< n and m (4.7.5) for I u Y ^ m) D ( Y ^ m i t E Y 1 ’m -I 0. n and m U Y1 -2 0. and a. i,m Then define We have that U Y ^ m) m (t) = -I if (t) = +1 if t e Y ^ m U Y * ’m for each I _< i <_ n and m _> 0. By theorem 4.3, there exists k - n + 2. consecutive points *1,1,0. < *2,i,m < -• < Vn.i.rn in Yp ,m ^tisfying . 104 (4.7.6) for each I _< i _< n, m and m > 0 let X 1 ^ 0 and I <^ £ _< k-n + 2. = {tl ^± >m,..., For each I i The sequence (X1 m }m_Q is contained in the compact set [0,T]^ n+^ for each 1\< i j< n. Therefore they have cluster points X t^_n+2 £/ > I i n. = {t^ .,•••> Without loss of generality we can assume that all subsequences from (Pffi)m-Q and (x ^ m ^m=o that converge to "p and X 1 , I < i < n, involve the same indices. CO In that case OO let ^Pm (J))jz=i and (X i m(j)^j=l t^ie subsequences such that ^m(j) -yP and X i , m ( j ) ^ X i» I < i < n, as j -> =. Let (4.7.7) £m (t) = ^ m (t) - F t f j C t ) - T where e* = (e, ,...,e ) . m l,m* * n,m' (4.7.8) - =Pm H t t ) - iN Also let Ti(t) = p'(t) - Ep(t) and : (4.7.9) . «j(t) = u(t) - F[p] (t) = P #(t) - E^(t) - f[£](t) where "e = (B1 ,...,e )^. 1’ *n m K t) n 105 Theorem 4.12 • I£ £or each tZ1V t*!,! = Xl> 1 < 1 < "• I _< I X k-n+1, we have (4.7.10) eIttZ 1P ■ "eIctZ-H1P - then p is a fixed point of T^. Proof. Let (4.7.11) <-v and (4.7.12) v = q< - Ef .. Also, let (4.7.13) 5=v= t [ t \ q ‘ - Eq - FfpJ where & = (e^,... ,e^)T . For each I <_ i _< n define the following sets: Y^1 = {t e f0,T ]:, F1(PJCt) - ViCt) M f 1 Ip J - v ^ ] } , Y^1 = {t e [0,t ]: F1IpJCt) - V1Ct) -I Y+2 = {t e [0,t ]: V1 Ct) = -<Kt)R}, Y^2 = {t e [0,x]: V 1 Ct) = <j)Ct)R} and Yi - 4 u u, U Y -I U Y - 2* If 1 Ip "] - V 1 11}, 106 A g a i n , we have that .(Y^1 U Y^2) n (Y^1 (4.7.14) for each I < i < n. — — and ^ ( t ) U Y^2 ) " «< Then define o.(t) = -I if t E Y i 1 U Y in I - 1 - 2 = +1 if t £ Y ^ 1 U Y ^ 2 , I _< i n. If we then proceed in the same manner as the proof of theorem 3.6 we find that Fi^pm( j ) ^ t-^,i,m( j)^ v i,m( j)^tZ,i,m( j)^ ">‘Fi^p ^ t£,i^ as j -Xe, for each I ^ 2 ^ k-rri-2 and I <_ I established that , .x I I x Ne. | | e. I I as n. jxoo vI^t^ , i^ It can also be for each I % < i < n. — — Therefore, we have the following convergence relationships for each I < I <, n, as j-x» : Yi,m(j) ^ Yi -2 Y^»m( and Yi,m(j) -2 p . Y^1, Y ^ ) x Y^, Y^, yi > This implies p r JL+] (4.7.15) for each I a i(t4 i ) = (-1J i 1 < ^ < k-h+2, ff1CtI n. We have that for each I <_ i _< n and I ^ (4.7.16) I ^ k-n+2 U1(tZ il) " V1(tZ il) = [^[Pl (tZ fl) - V1(tZ ll)] - [F1 If] (tZ ll) - U 1 (tZ ll)] = ® i (tZ, i } * G i C = Z , i>' Since we have assumed (4.7.10) hold, theorem 4.6 gives us that (4.7.17) IIf .[ft - V1 II > IF1 I f t ( ^ ii) - U1( ^ il)I, I for each I < i < n. — — k-n+2, We know that t » .£ S x Y i 1 I < Z < k-n+2, p’ — — * 107 I _< i < n, so t ^ ± E Y^1 U Y^2 or any given i Case I. and i £ U Y^2 for £. Assume t» -^1. £=- Y ^ U u Y (4.7.18) F1 Ep] (4.7.19) vi(tZ i) = ""^(tZ i)R* This implies that (-tI fi') - V i (tZ il) = IlFi Ip] - V 1 II If the former condition holds then from (4.7.17) FiCPKtZli) - Vi(tZ il) > Ip1 ["PKtZil) " P1(tZ il)I which implies that U1(t^ 1) - Vj,(t^ ^ 0. If the latter condition holds then ‘ vIttZ 1V ■ uV tZ 1V 4Zt ttZ 1V liSince v^^ j) - l^ ^ as j "^co we know that I Uj^t) I _< <J)(t)R for all t e [ 0 , t ] and I <_ i _< n. We also know that for each I <_ I <_ n U1 is a polynomial of degree k-n or less. Therefore, we again have fhat: U1( I ^ 1) - V1(t^ 1) > 0. Case II. Assume tZ 1 e (4.7.20) u Y^2. This implies that Fi CpKtZ,!) - V tZj l ) -I If1I pI - V1I or (4.7.21) V1(t^ j^) = 4)(t^ 1)R. I f (4.7.20) Holds, then from (4.7.17) we have IF1Ip K tz j i ) - V 1(Cfcji)I > IF1A ( t Zi l ) - U1( t Zj l )I which implies that u ^ t^ 1) - v1(t£ ^) < 0. If (4.7.21) holds. 108 then Ui (t£ , i ) " vI ctZ , ! 5 = ui CtZ,i5 - ^ ctZ , i 5R < 0' Therefore, for all I < Z — i i Yj-l U Y+2 we have that (4.7.22) < k-n+2 and I < i < n such that t» . B — — ' Z,i U1 ( ^ 1 ) - V i ( ^ fi) > 0 . If t^ i e y Y^ for all I ^ Z ^ k-n+2 and I < i < n, then (4.7.23) u I ctZ , ! 5 " vI ctZ , ! 5 i °- From (4.7.15) we then have that for each I <_ i <_ n, u^(t) - v^(t) has k-n+1 zero's in [0,T]. Since degree k-n or less for I <_ I < i ( n. i and v^ are polynomials of n, we have that u^(t) = v ^ ( t ) , Therefore ti(t) = v(t) which implies that p" is a fixed point of T^ and our proof is complete. It should be mentioned, as it was in chapter III, that if P^ 4.8 as m -»co then condition (4.7.10) is always satisfied. Scalar Equations As in Chapter I I I , we can simplify the hypothesis of the pro­ ceeding theorems by considering second order differential equations with boundary conditions. Here a Green's function H(t,s), defined by (3.7.9) , will be used instead of a G r e e n ’s matrix. relatively simple calculation for T j" I |H(» ,s) I I(j)(s)ds 0 This allows a 109 or T / I IHfX1,s) I |c()(s)ds. O t In many cases, when dealing with second order scalar equations, the hypothesis, needed to include vector systems, are too stringent.There are theorems that can be proven which hold only for second order equations with various restrictions on the boundary conditions. In the process of finding an R SAS, one such case will be included and the remainder of this section will be devoted to that case. We will be considering the problem (4.8.1) y"(t). = f (t,y), t £ [0,t ], y(0) = a, y(r) = b , where f(t,y) is a continuous real-valued function on [ 0 , t ] x a, b are constants. The G r e e n ’s function, H(t,s), associated with the problem (4.8.2) IR and y ”(t) = g(t), t 6 LO1T], y(0) = 0 = y(T). is given by I ^s(t - 1). s < t, H(t,s) = I I Y"t(s -T) . s > t, HO The scalar "version" of (4.3.5) takes- the form (4.8.3) h(t) = (■£-=-S-)t + a. I Then h" = 0, h(0) =a and h ( T ) = b . . We will also assume that there exists a positive continuous real-valued function <Kt) on [0, t ] such that T (4.8.4) - / H(t,s)<J)(s)ds I 0 for all t E [0,T ] . Also, there exists an K > 0 such that 0 ^(t)R when I Iy - h| I <C R and y(t) , ■ ■ . ' 1 Z h(t) for all t e [0,?]. f(t,y) iAs -' before we will need to define sets of polynomials as follows: | I '' .! = {p: p is a polynomial of degree k or less}, Pk = {p: P E Qk and p(0) = a, p(x) = b}, Vfc = {p: p e Qk and O X Sfc = {p: P E Pk , ' | p(t) _< <j)(t)R for t e [0,t ] }. and I Ip - h| I £ R and p(t) < h(t) for t e [0, t]}• We have that h £ Sk for all k ^ I. If p £ Sk , then N p - hI I j< R and p(t) j< h(t) for all t e [0,T]. Therefore, 0 f (t,p) £ (j)(t)R for t e [0,t ] and we can apply the theorems of section 4,2, provided V. is our approximating set. ■ KLet p £ S, . k (4.8.5) Then for k > 3 — inf M v - F[p] II = | Iv - F[p] I I ^k-2 for some v £ • From theorem 4.4 v is unique. Define the I Ill Ffc: operator for k > 3, by FfcP = v. Since F[y](t) = f(t,y) is uniformly continuous on compact sets, theorem 4.7 implies that F, is a continuous operator. For v e V, „ let I q(t) = h(t) + / H(t,s)v(s)ds 0 and define the operator by = q. We have that q B is a continuous linear operator from T^: Sjt-+ Pjt by TjtP = ^jc(FjtP). to P^. P^, so 0^ Finally define Since Tjt is the composition of continuous operators, Tjt is continuous. Theorem 4.13. For fixed k ^ 3 the operator T^ has a fixed point Pjt. Proof. We will, again, use theorem 3.1. We already have that Sjt is a compact convex subset of the Banach space Qjt and Tjt is a con­ tinuous operator from S1 into k W Q1 . 'k W e must show that c V Let p E Sjt- t E Pk1c Then F^p = “ where 0 v(t) [O.T] and inf Let q - T , p . I Iv P Ilv- F[p]I I . Then K and q E - F[p]I I = T q(t) = h(t) + / H(t,s)v(s)ds 0 . Also, q"(t) = v(t) > 0 ^ (t)R for all 112 for t £ [0,T]. q(t) Since q(0) = a and q(T) = h(t) for all t £ [0,Tj. (4.8.6) b , this implies that We also get that |q(t) - h(t)| < / |H(t,s)||v(s)|ds 0 T . = - / H(t,s)v(s)ds 0 T ~ / H(t,s)<j>(s)Rds 0 <K for all t £ [0,T] . Therefore q £ S, and our proof is complete. K We have that, if p^ is a fixed point of inf I Iv - F [p, ] I I = I Ip" then - F[p ] I I . V=Vk-2 We can also prove the lemma and theorems corresponding to each of the lemma's and theorems given previously in chapter IV. However, the statements and proofs follow in the same manner and therefore will not be included. 4.9 Examples This section will be devoted to examples that illustrate the theory developed in the current chapter. Examples 4.1 and 4.2 satis­ fy the requirements of section 4.3 but not those of Chapter III. 113 Example 4.3 is one which does not satisfy the conditions of section 4.3, and therefore, does not satisfy those of Chapter III, but is an example of a second order equation that meets the requirements of section 4.8. Section 4.7 was used to compute the following examples; Example 4.1. y"(t) = -r |-T y 2 (t), t e [0,1], y(0) = I, y(l) = 1/2. 9 Here, we will let <f>(t) == — — -- which satisfies (4.3.6) and (4.3.7) with R = 1/2. From (4,5,1) and (4.5,2) we see that K = 6 and a = 1/8, which ensures that Ka •< I . An RSAS of degree 6 is P6(C) = I - 1.0000996t + 0.9975879t2 - 0.9501808t3 + 0.744l602t4 - 0.3774842t5 + 0.08601653t6. The actual solution is y(t) ’TTT and the uniform error is Ilp6 - y | I =: 0.00006400. . Example 4.2. y"(t) = e ' V c t ) , t £ [0 , 1], y(0.) = I, y(l) = e = 2.7182818. We will let <}>(t) = y Also, (5/4 + e)2e ^ and R = a = 1/8 so that Kex <1. 1.25, An RSAS of degree then K = 7. is 5/2 given by P7(C) = I + t + 0.4999994t2 + 0.1666799c3 + 0.0415913C4 + 0.0085200t5 + 0.0011602t6 + 0.0003310t 1. + 2e. 114 The actual solution is y(t) = Bt . and the uniform error is IIp 7 - ylI = .00000003. Example 4.3. y" = I y 2 , t £ [0 ,1 J, y(0) = 4, y(l) = I. In this case h(t) = 4 - 3t. Let <f>(t) = 8. and R = 3. If I Iy - h| I <_ 3 and y(t) <_ h(t) for all f t E [0,1] then .. ‘ -2 < y(t) < 4 for t E [0,1]. This implies that f(t,y) = 3/2y2 < 24 = <l>(t )R. Therefore 0 < f (t,.y) < * ( t ) R whenever I|y - h | I R and y(t) £ h(t) for all t E (j)(t) = 8 we have that _ Jr H(t,s) (j) (s)ds = I. 0 An RSAS of degree 7 is given by . [0,1]. Also if 115 P7 Ct) = 4 - 8.0004l6t + 11.985416t2 - 15.574462t3 + 16.923827t - 13.440560t5 + 6.482342t6 - 1.376148t7 The actual solution is y (t) = — --- (2 + 2t) and the Uniform error is I Ip7 - y l I = 0.00020819. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS . In dealing with linear systems of differential equations with boundare conditions, w e have shown that if a unique solution "y exists, then there is a sequence of M A S ’s which converge uniformly to "y„ Also, the sequence of derivatives of the MAS's converge uniformly to "y'. When con­ sidering a system of nonlinear differential equations with boundary con­ ditions, assuming certain conditions on the system are satisfied, it has been shown that a subsequence of S A S ’s or RSAS's converge to a solution "y. Again, the derivatives of the subsequence converge to "y'. The examples indicate that.S A S 's and RSAS's are very good approximations in themselves and in some cases are in fact MAS's. More work, however, needs to be done on determining, when an SAS or RSAS is ah MAS and under what conditions we actually get convergence of the sequence of S A S 's or RSAS's instead of a subsequence. It would, also, be interesting to use other known theorems, on the existence of solutions of boundary value problems, in attempting to prove theorems concerning the existence of an ■. -SAS or an R S A S . found in [7], Of particular interest, to the auth o r , are those theorems Finally, as was mentioned in section 4,8, there may be many theorems concerning second order scalar equations which are not covered by theorems dealing with systems. These types of problems would be very worthrwhile pursuing, since they are important in many areas of application. BIBLIOGRAPHY ' 1. ' Allinger, G.; and M. Henry. 1"Approximate Solutions of Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments". SIAM J. N u m e r . AnAl. . 13(1976).: . 412-426. . .. " r ' 2. Bradley, John S . . "Generalized Green's Matrices for Compatible Differential Systems". Michigan Math. J . 13(1966): 97-108. 3. Cheney, E . W . Introduction to Approximation Theory. New York. 1966. McGraw-Hill, - ' 4. Cline, A. K. 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