The effects of mechanical treatment on the soils and vegetation of a Natrargid-Paleargid complex in Northern Montana by Marie Margaret Boehm A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Soil Science Montana State University © Copyright by Marie Margaret Boehm (1981) Abstract: Three Natrargid soils (Tealette, Elloam and Thoeny) and one Pale-argid soil (Phillips) in northern Blaine County, Montana were characterized and their vegetative productivity was measured with and without mechanical treatment (plowing or chiseling). Four treatments were studied: native vegetation, unplowed (control); native vegetation, plowed (cl930); crested wheatgrass vegetation, plowed (c!940); and native vegetation, chiseled (1972). Plowing was found to be the most effective mechanical treatment. Grass, forb and total productivity increased significantly (p = .01), especially on Elloam and Thoeny, the most extensive soils in the landscape. Favorable response was attributed to increased infiltration of precipitation and spring snow melt due to clubmoss removal and fracturing of the impermeable B horizon, particularly on Elloam and shallow Thoeny soils. The chiseled site showed an increase in total productivity, but the vegetative community was still in a serai stage of secondary succession as indicated by a large proportion of forbs, notably fringed sagewort. Measurements were made only 8 years after treatment with continuous grazing in the interim, so that little successionary progress would be expected. The beneficial effects of plowing were still evident at least 50 years a ter treatment. A long residual effect is expected for these soils in which natric horizon development has ceased due to the dominance of a semiarid climate. The elimination of the prerequisite perched water table prevents the net upward movement of water and the reformation of columnar structure in the B horizon. STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the require ments for an advanced degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by my major professor, or, in his' absence, by the Director of Libraries. It Is understood that any copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date THE EFFECTS OF MECHANICAL TREATMENT ON THE SOILS AND VEGETATION OF A NATRARGID-PAlEARGID COMPLEX IN NORTHERN MONTANA by MARIE MARGARET BOEHM A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Soil Science Approved: Chairperson ^Graduate Committee Uh>vv!L. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana,.. June, 1981 O ill ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the following persons, without whom the study would not have been possible: My major professor. Dr. Larry C. Murin, for his professional perspective, uncanny patience and invaluable guidance in the field. Dr. Theodore Weaver, III and Dr. William Schafer for advice and support as members of my graduate committee. The members of the field crew, especially Glenn Hockett for heading the range crew so capably and Tim Byron for enthusiastic help with pedon sampling. The Bureau of Land Management for generous financial support of the study and BLM soil scientist, Dan Tippy, for field time and useful suggestions. Russell Unruh for access to treatment sites on the Unruh Ranch, historical data and a campsite. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page VITA . . . ............................................... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................................................ LIST OF TABLES . . . ................... ............ .. . . . LIST OF FIGURES........................................ .. . . . A B S T R A C T .............................................. Ii iii vi vLii ix INTRODUCTION.............. I LITERATURE REVIEW. ....................... 2 Mechanical Treatment on of Mechanical Treatment of Grazing on. Treatment of Mechanical Treatment Soil Hydraulic Properties. on Herbage Production. . . Success. . . . . . . . > . on Clubmoss............... LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY. ................................. Glacial History and Paleoecology.................. S o i l s . ..................... Vegetation and Land Use...................................... co vo I'-oo Effect of Influence Influence Influence 10 10 11 15 MATERIALS AND METHODS.............. 18 RESULTS...................................... .. . ............. 28 Soil Characteristics........................................ 28 Effects of Mechanical Treatment on S o i l s ................... Composition of the Plant Community ...................... Effects of Mechanical Treatment onVegetative Productivity . 37 41 43 D I S C U S S I O N ............ Effect of Mechanical Treatment on Herbage Production . . . . Effect of Mechanical Treatment on Plant Composition. . . . . Effect of Mechanical Treatment on. Soils..................... Clay Mineralogy. .......................................... . . Genesis of Natrargids........................................ 56 56 62 63 63 64 CONCLUSIONS. ..................... 71 LITERATURE C I T E D ............................... 72 I 'A: ■ :■ ' V TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd.) Page APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . 79 Appendix I: Soil Profile Descriptions. . . . . . ........... 80 Appendix 2: Physical Data for Each Soil by H o r i z o n ........ 104 Appendix 3: Chemical Data for Each Soil by H o r i z o n ........ 109 Appendix 4: Composition Data from SVIM Transects by Soil and Treatment. ............... .............. ............ .. 115 Appendix 5: Productivity Data from SVIM Estimate and Clip Plots and from Random Clip Plots . . . . . ............. .. 116 Appendix 6: Stepwise Regression Equations for Soil Chemical Data on Productivity...................... 125 Appendix 7: Stepwise Regression Equations for Soil Physical Data on Productivity ............. 127 Appendix 8: Independent Variables Tried in Stepwise Regression Analysis............... 128 Appendix 9: Linriean and Common Plant Names . . . . . . . . . 129 I I I II ■I I I • 'A f f -I) . 'l 7JI vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Page General soil physical characteristics associated with treatment at 1979 and 1980 l o c a t i o n s ................... 31 Summary of analysis of variance showing significantly different variables between 1979 and 1980 locations. . . 34 Summary of analysis of variance showing significantly different variables between soils....................... 35 4 Relative frequency of each soil by t r e a t m e n t .......... 36 5 Summary of analysis of variance showing significantly different variables between treatments .................. 38 Summary of analysis of variance showing significantly different variables between treatments and locations . . 39 Beginning of growing season soil moisture (April 20, 1980) for treatments at the 1979location...................... 40 Frequency of major species, bare ground, gravel, and litter as measured by the SVIM transect and recorded by soil and treatment................ 42 Average coefficients of variability by vegetation type and sampling method................................. 45 Summary of analysis of variance showing significant difference in productivity of major vegetative species by soil and treatment.................................... 46 Summary of analysis of variance for grass, forb, shrub and total production and level of significance for soil and treatment. . . . . ............... ................... 48 Proportion of grass production relative to total produc­ tion for all treatments and soils. ........... .. . . . . 50 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 vii LIST OF TABLES (cont’d.) Table 13 14 Page Regression analysis summary for productivity on site data, comparing significant relationships ’and r values for analysis based on all sites, treated sites and with Tealette e x c l u d e d ............................... .. 51 . Regression analysis for laboratory data by all sites and by treated sites, comparing significant relation­ ships and r values. . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . 53 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 State map showing study site locations.............. . . 19 2 Typical sampling pit showing Thoeny series (left of meter tape) and Phillips series (right of meter tape) . 20 Schematic illustration of experimental design. Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, T35N, R19E, MPM in Blaine County, Montana................. ................ 22 Photograph showing vegetation contrast between native vegetation, implowed (left side) and native vegetation, plowed (right side) at the 1979 sampling location . . . 23 Schematic showing occurrence of Phillips, Thoeny, Elloam.and Tealette soils on the landscape............. 29 X-ray diffraction patterns for Elloam and Phillips, native vegetation, unplowed, 1980 location. Clay frac­ tion (<2 ym) samples were Mg saturated, ethylene glycol solvated. . ................... ......................... 33 Cluster analysis distance matrix based, on total vegeta­ tive productivity, random clipped plot data by soil and treatment 55 3 4 5 6 7 ix ABSTRACT Three Natrargid soils (Tealette, Elloam and Thoeny) and one Paleargid soil (Phillips) in northern Blaine County, Montana were charac­ terized and their vegetative productivity was measured with and without mechanical treatment (plowing or chiseling). Four treatments were studied: native vegetation, unplowed (control); native vegetation, plowed (cl930); crested wheatgrass vegetation, plowed (c!940); and native vegetation, chiseled (1972). Plowing was found to be the most effective mechanical treatment. Grass, forb and total productivity increased significantly (p = .01), especially.on Elloam and Thoeny, the most extensive soils in the land­ scape. Favorable response was attributed to increased infiltration of precipitation and spring snow melt due'to clubmoss removal and frac­ turing of the impermeable B horizon, particularly on Elloam and shallow Thoeny soils. The chiseled site showed an increase in total productivity, but the vegetative community was still in a serai stage of secondary indicated by a large proportion of fdrbs, notably fringed sagewort. Measurements were made only 8 years after treatment with continuous grazing in the interim, so that little successionary progress would be expected.. The beneficial effects of plowing were still evident at least 50 years a ter treatment. A long residual effect is expected for these . soils in which natric horizon development has ceased due to the dominance of a semiarid climate. The elimination of the prerequisite perched water table prevents the net upward movement of water and the reforma­ tion of columnar structure in the B horizon. INTRODUCTION Natrargid soils with slow permeability induced by soil texture and columnar structure occur intermittently in dryland areas of the conti­ nental till plain in northern Montana. Dense clubmoss (Selaginella densa) cover is frequently associated with these soils on heavily grazed rangelands. It reduces effective infiltration of precipitation and competes with preferred species for the limited moisture supply. Historically, management intensity on these soils has been low. Economic factors on private land and public interest in better manage­ ment of publicly owned rangeland has promoted an assessment of their potential productivity and the feasibility of renovation practices to increase their production. A study of these soils in northern Blaine County was undertaken in 1979 as part of Interagency Agreement No. MT950-IA9-1442 between the Bureau of Land Management and Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. 1. The objectives of the study were to: Characterize four major range soils - Phillips (Paleargld); and Thoeny, Elloam and Tealette (Natrargids). 2. Evaluate their potential for forage productivity. 3. Evaluate the effects of two mechanical treatments, plowing and chiseling, on vegetative composition and productivity. LITERATURE REVIEW Mechanical land renovation has been practiced on western rangelands for more than 40 years in efforts to increase soil water storage, reduce runoff, and increase production of desirable forage (Neff, 1973; Branson et al., 1966). Climate, soil, grazing management, vegetation types, implements, and their use.interact to determine treatment success (Branson et al., 1966) . Reports indicate that the most favorable response to mechanical treatments occur in arid and semiarid rangelands (Wight et al., 1978) with medium- to fine-textured soils (Branson et al., 1966). Sites in which soils are saline or sodium dominated tend to respond especially favorably to treatments which reduce run-off, providing a longer time for infiltration (Neff and Wight, 1977). Implements most commonly used to treat rangelands are the moIdboard plow, disc plow, ripper, pitter, chisel and contour furrower. There is consensus in the literature that contour furrowing is the most effective general method of treatment and that plowing tends to have the least long-term effect (Branson et al., 1966; Allmaras et al., 1977; Neff, 1973). Chiseling was only beneficial for treatments which required the fracturing of a "hardpan" layer in the soil to increase water infiltration and storage (Branson et al., 1966). 3 Effect of Mechanical Treatment on Soil Hydraulic Properties Studies on the influences of chiseling and moldboard plowing on hydraulic properties of soils with an impermeable subsurface layer have shown that shallow chiseling improves water intake, soil water storage, and reduces soil water erosion more effectively than moldboard plowing (Lindstrom et al., 1974; Burwell and Larson, 1969; Allmaras et al., 1977; Sommerfeldt and Chang, 1980; Johnson and Moldenhauer, 1979). Burwell and Larson (1969) found that before runoff occurred, up to 50 percent more water infiltrated on chiseled plots than on counter­ parts moldboard plowed to the same depth. During the runoff phase, intake was not affected by tillage treatment when there were no residues on the surface. Water storage increases associated with chiseling have been attributed to improved intake from snowmelt and prevention of run­ off due to the rough, trashy surface and fractured impermeable layer (Alimaras et al.* 1977; Burwell et al., 1968). Improved infiltration due to chiseling reported by Burwell et al. (1968) was inferred either from an increased proportion of large pores and increased permeability of saturated soil cores taken from problem subsurface layers, or when rupture of the problem subsurface layer was verified, even if changes in surface roughness were not great enough to affect surface detention and water intake. According to Allmaras et al. (1977) and Lindstrom et al. (1974) those observations would be insuffi­ 4 cient to indicate any improvement due to chiseling. They propose that increased water holding capacity and greater downward distribution of water due to chiseling cannot be expected if the surface layer remains unchanged or if changes in profile water relations are unaffected by changes in water relations of the treated layer. Allmaras et al. (1977) suggested that the beneficial effects of chiseling are related to increased water intake and redistribution down through the profile due to changed soil hydraulic properties. Reduction in water content of the upper layer of chiseled treatments due to more rapid drainage and redistribution would decrease surface evaporation, which decreases with soil water content (water diffusity), thus enhancing effective soil water storage. Increased hydraulic con­ ductivity at constant water content due to chiseling and increased turbulent drying as the soil porosity is increased are both nullifying influences that must be considered in any net soil water storage projec­ tions. Few researchers have studied the effects of chiseling or plowing on the water relations of sodium dominated soils. Branson et al. (1962) compared contour furrowing, trenching, pitting, plowing and ripping (chiseling) on 20 sites, one of which was a clayey saline-upland range site. They found that storage capacities of mechanically treated soils decreased rapidly during the first 5 years after treatment. Contour furrowing was the only treatment that caused a decrease in salts in the upper portion of the treated soil within that time. They postulated that although chiseling fractured the subsoil, it did not modify the soil surface sufficiently to allow maximum detention and storage of precipitation and snowmelt. Despite its relative inefficiency, chisel­ ing produced to some degree all of the benefits of contour furrowing. For soils with a "hardpan" layer, they concluded that it may be the most mechanically efficient method of improving infiltration and sub­ surface drainage. Plowing did not significantly affect soil hydraulic properties at any of the sites for more than 3 years. Several studies have examined the influence of contour furrowing on water relations of Natrargid soils of mixed prairie rangelands. Increased soil water was the major beneficial effect of all contour furrowing treatments (Branson et al., 1966; Soiseth et al., 1974; Wight et al., 1978; Neff and Wight, 1977). Overwinter recharge increased 157 and 162 percent, respectively (Neff and Wight, 1977), and available soil water, measured as cm-days, increased 36 and 107 percent, respectively (Wight et al., 1978) on treated saline-upland and panspot sites. Enhanced overwinter recharge increased spring available mois­ ture which accounted (r = 0.89) for about 65 percent of increased herbage production in both studies. Branson et al. (1966) reported that even after treatment, panspot soils had lower infiltration rates and soil moisture percentages than saline-upland soils, although some soils that would have been classed as panspot soils before treatment 6 were improved to saline-upland by contour furrowing. However, the fact that many furrowed panspots remained almost barren indicates that they cannot be completely reclaimed by mechanical treatment alone (Branson et al., 1966). Influence of Mechanical Treatment on Herbage Production Branson et al. (1966), in review of the influence of mechanical treatments on herbage production, reported that for panspot and salineupland sites, beneficial biological effects persist for many years after enhanced moisture storage capacities of the soil have decreased. Wight et al. (1978) interpreted Soiseth1s et al. (1974) data to indicate that any beneficial effects of contour furrowing should be autocyclic. As more water enters the soil, salinity decreases and herbage production increases, resulting in increased infiltration and nutrient avail­ ability, which, in turn, favors increased herbage production. In reference to panspot (Solonetzic) range sites. White (1969) observed increased herbage production 11 years after treatment and Soiseth et al. (1974) showed that improved infiltration, reduced sodium hazard and increased herbage production lasted for at least 10 years. Yield responses of panspot range sites to mechanical treatment have varied from O to 100 percent or more (Wight, 1976), Wight et al. (1978) reported increased average herbage production of 165 percent (527 kg/ha) with thickspike-western wheatgrass (Agropyron smith!!) 7 accounting for .64 percent of the increase. species was decreased. Basal cover of all other Rasmussen et al. (1972) and Branson et al. (1966) suggest that yield increases were generally 2.5 times greater on treated than check sites. Significant increases in litter, associated with increased forage production, were reported for all mechanical treatments (Branson et al., 1966). It is generally agreed that re-establishment of major forage species requires about 4 years. Thickspike-western wheatgrass, Nuttall alkaligrass (Distichlis stricta) and, initially, foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum) responded favorably to treatment. (Agropyron cristatum) was generally not affected. Crested wheatgrass Blue grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis), needle-and-thread grass (Stipa comata) , and buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides) decreased on all treatment sites. Clubmoss response varied, tending to decrease with increased intensity of mechanical treatment. Fringed sagewort (Artemesia frigida) and other annual and biennial forbs increased with treatment intensity, but did not exceed 2.5 percent of total vegetation on any of the ungrazed study sites (Dolan and Taylor, 1972; Wight et al., 1978). Influence of Grazing on Treatment Success Restocking mechanically treated areas before forage species have become re-established has been shown to significantly reduce the bene­ ficial effects of treatment. Branson et al. (1966) reported that J 8 infiltration rates on contour furrowed "slick and semi-slick soils" decreased with an increase in grazing intensity. They speculated that this was due to decreased mulch and increase in soil compaction due to trampling. Branson et al. (1966) and Dormaar et al. (1977) found that blue grama grass dominated heavily grazed treatment sites whereas needle-andthread grass eventually dominated ungfazed sites. with grazing intensity. Clubmoss increased Vegetation changes were accompanied by a change in dry matter of the root mass in the top 15 cm of the soil in each study site, which averaged 15 and 24 tons of dry matter on the ungrazed and heavily grazed sites, respectively (Dormaar et al., 1977). These findings concur with those of Smoliak et al. (1976) who also noted an increase in moss phlox (Phlox hoodii) , prickly pear cactus (Opuntia spp.) and fringed sagewort on heavily grazed Stipa-Bouteloua mixed prairie rangelands. Influence of. Mechanical Treatment on Clubmoss Dolan (1966) compiled a comprehensive literature review on the ecological role of clubmoss and its control by mechanical treatment. He concluded that despite its role as a stabilizer against water and wind erosion, "high clubmoss density is inimical to maximum range pro­ duction." Because of its ability to intercept moisture which is then 9 subject to rapid evaporation, it competes with desirable forage species for moisture. Removal of clubmoss competition for water and an increase in available nitrogen resulting from the decomposition of uprooted and buried clubmoss are partially responsible for increased productivity of preferred forage species on mechanically renovated range sites. Dolan and Taylor (1972) observed that although clubmoss was still evident 40 years after mechanical treatment, its basal cover was reduced in proportion to intensity of treatment. Yield and ground cover contrib­ uted by forage species increased, as clubmoss decreased. Since no detri­ mental effects to the sites were observed, in 40 years, renovation would appear to be effective in controlling clubmoss in areas where it is a problem. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY Glacial History and Paleoecolbgy During the Wisconsin age, several major.climatic changes associated with six distinct glacial advances and recessions occurred over the Northern Great Plains, In Montana, only the first two advances extended as far south as the Missouri River, each retreat marked by a deposition of glacial till material (Alden, 1932; Lemke et al., 1965). Meltwaters associated with the recession of the final four glaciations, flowed south to the Milk arid Missouri Rivers, presumably carrying away much of the till. In some areas only a veneer of drift remains to cover the underlying, poorly consolidated Cretaceous shales, siltstories, and sandstones (Alden, 1932; Lemke et al., 1965). Ice-age climate ended around 10,800 years BP (Bryson, 1975). The subsequent temperature trend was one of extensive warming in the mid­ latitudes which culminated in a plateau of maximum warmth around the seventh millenium BP. The thermal maximum was maintained until the fourth millenium BP, after which cooling trends dominated with minor glacial advances around 3000 and 200 years BP (Bray, 1971). Morrison and Frye (1965) have correlated climatic fluctuations during the Quaternary with soil-forming intervals in mid-latitude regions. They indicate that the rate of soil development varied exponentially, probably through several orders of magnitude, attaining greatest intensity during stronger soil-forming intervals of relative 11 erosional stability and accelerated chemical weathering. Their research showed that intense soil-formation occurred during warm interglacial periods, with little pedogenesis during wetter and colder glacial intervals. On the basis of climatic and soil data collected around 50°N lati­ tudes, Bray (1971) concurs.with their findings, but he contends that interglacial periods tended to be wetter, though drier in the.summer, than during the glacial intervals. The researchers do agree that in the Northern Great Plains, a period favoring soil development was initiated by the humid environment associated with glacial melt and was intensi­ fied during the thermal maximum. It has been hypothesized (Morrison and Frye, 1965) that the rate of pedogenic development has been negligible over most of the Northern Great Plains during the past 4,000 years. This would infer that well-developed Natrargid/Paleargid soils in Wisconsin-age glacial till parent material can only be explained with reference to former paleoclimatic conditions. Soils Northern Blaine County is in a soil transition zone of Aridisols and Mollisols developed in glacial till under mixed prairie vegetation. The surface mantle is thin and the underlying Cretaceous Bearpaw Shale is often near the surface (Alden, 1932) . Bearpaw Shale, of the Montana Group of soft grey-black shales, was deposited by marine regression over the Judith River Formation sandstones of the Claggett Sea regres­ 12 sion. It is characteristically a steel or lead grey to black, fissile, clayey shale with numerous limestone and ferruginous concretions and bentonite seams. upper part. A few thin fine-grained sandstones may be found in the Bearpaw Shale is nonresistant forming a subdued topography on the landscape (Veseth and Montagne, 1980). Both the glacial till parent material and the shale are somewhat saline (Lemke et al., 1965). Localized areas of naturally occurring salt-affected soils are common throughout the region. They have distinctive argillic or natric horizons which.are low in soluble salts but contain significant exchangeable sodium. The lower horizons usually contain both appreci­ able soluble salts and exchangeable sodium and magnesium. Within a typical salt-affected landscape, the degree of saliniza­ tion and/or alkalinization of individual pedons varies significantly. The most severely affected soils are panspots, or soils from which the A horizon has been eroded, exposing the columns of the B horizon. They are very sparsely vegetated by halophytes due to unfavorable physical conditions and extremely low water infiltration rates caused by the high exchangeable sodium levels. Panspot soils occur in complex patterns on the landscape with less severely sodium affected and partially leached soils. The presence of an A horizon on these associated soils sufficiently ameliorates unfavor­ able conditions so that mesophytic species can survive. The proportion of mesophytic plants and total vegetative productivity tend to increase 13 as depth to the Impermeable B horizon increases. The partially leached soils, in which the columnar structure has to some extent degraded, do not as severely restrict infiltration or root and water penetration. They are the most productive soils on the landscape. Present views on the genesis of salt-affected or "solonetzic" soils (natric great groups of Alflsols, Mollisols or Aridisols in Soil Taxonomy, 1975) are mainly based on the concepts of "colloidal-chemical exchange" originally outlined by two early Russian workers, Gedroits and Vi l fyams (Tyurin, 1960). Briefly, they postulated that, the evolu­ tion of a solonetzic soil involves cation exchange in which sodium eventually dominates the colloidal system. The soil colloids become highly dispersed and mobile under such conditions, and are carried downward with percolating water or upward from moist subsoil during a dry season. Upon drying, they form a dense, compact and intractable illuvial horizon, in which, after many wetting and drying cycles, columnar structures develop (Tyurin, 1960; Arshad and Pawluk, 1966; Birkeland, 1974). ______ Conditions necessary for the development of solonetzic soil include: I) periods of temporary excessive moisture (Westin, 1953), or 2) "an arid or semiarid climate, 3) an impervious subsoil or hardpan layer, and 4) a temporary abundance of humidity interspersed with dry periods" (de Sigmond, 1938). In the Northern Great Plains, solonetzic 14 complexes are associated with thin glacial till parent material which is somewhat less calcareous than parent material of associated "unaffected" soils, and which is underlain by Cretaceous marine shales which are devoid of lime and which frequently contain appreciable amounts of salts (Kellogg, 1934; MacGregor and Wyatt, 1945; Bentley, and Rost, 1947; Westin, 1953; Bowser et al., 1962; Arshad and Pawluk, 1966). The presence of relatively impermeable strata fairly close to the surface would likely have caused the formation of a perched water table, partic­ ularly in immediate post-glacial times, which provided appropriate con­ ditions for the temporary infusion of salts by capillary moisture towards the surface during periods of low precipitation. The process would have been intensified by the significantly warmer climate that characterized the period of thermal maximum (Arshad and Pawluk, 1966). There is general agreement in the literature that solonetz will only develop in situations where sodium ions moved upward in greater concentration than either magnesium or calcium ions. The sodium ions then competed favorably for positions on the exchange sites. Since salts of calcium and magnesium are generally of lower solubility, they tended to precipitate in the lower solum when the soil dries. Thus, the selective removal of salts resulting from water table influence maintained the exchangeable sodium status in the upper solum. Varia­ tion in the occurrence and fluctuation of temporary and permanent water tables, and variability in the differential removal of sodium ions. 15 produced soils with B horizons varying both chemically and morphologi­ cally (Kellogg, 1934; MacGregor and Wyatt, 1945; Bentley and Rost, 1947; Westin, 1953; Bowser et al., 1962; Arshad and Pawluk, 1966; Rasmussen et al., 1972). Canadian researchers have reported studies on morpho­ logical solonetz in which magnesium is the dominant cation on the B horizon exchange complex (Ellis and Caldwell, 1935; Bentley and Rost, 1947; Bowser et al., 1962). Vegetation and Land Use Vegetation in northern Blaine County is typical of the StipaBouteloua faciation of the mixed prairie association (Coupland, 1961). Dominant species of potential climax communities would include needleand-thread grass, blue grama grass, green needlegrass (Stlpa viridula), western wheatgrass, blackroot sedge (Carex eleocharis), sandberg v. ' bluegrass (Poa secunda), clubmoss, and prickly pear cactus. Introduced species, notably crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum), have become common members of the association. Needle-and-thread grass and western wheatgrass tend to dominate ungrazed sites. As grazing intensity increases, blue grama grass, fringed sagewort, and clubmoss increase considerably (Dormaar et al., 1977). Land use is primarily livestock grazing. Some of the rangeland has been improved by reseeding, fertilizer or mechanical treatments. Where 16 soil conditions are compatible, cereal grains are produced in a dryland crop-fallow rotation. Attempts to homestead in northern Montana were often unsuccessful as many of the early settlers failed in their attempt to dryland farm . wheat. Frequently their farmland was abandoned and allowed to revege­ tate naturally. The restoration of many such disturbed sites was monitored by ecologists who observed that secondary succession proceeded in distinct stages, reculminating in native grassland (Costello, 1944; Hironaka and Tisdale, 1963; Looman, 1963). Their studies indicated that three successions! plant communities preceded the re-establishment of a climax community. The initial stage was characterized by annual forbs, most notably Russian thistle (Salsola kali). Within 3 to 5 years, perennial forbs began to replace Russian thistle and western wheatgrass and blue grama grass were occasionally observed. Gradually, perennial "weeds" were replaced by a short-lived community of perennial grass, as foxtail barley, western wheatgrass and. blue grama grass became dominant. Prickly pear cactus and clubmoss were usually established by the end of this stage. The subsequent transition to native mixed prairie was usually complete within 25 years, characterized by an increasing dominance of blue grama, buffalo, needle-and-thread, and western wheatgrass. population was extremely variable by this stage (Costello, 1944; Hifopaka and Tisdale, 1963; Ldoman, 1963). Forb 17 Transition between stages was generally progressive, unless retarded by severe climatic stress or overgrazing. The frequency of mid-grasses varied with precipitation, being inconspicuous in dry years (Hironaka and Tisdale, 1963). Costello (1944) noted that excessive grazing may maintain the forb stage indefinitely and, further, that overgrazing of the climax community may re-establish the forb community. Overgrazing has been a serious problem on rangelands throughout the Northern Great Plains. Excessive grazing pressure upon natural plant communities is marked by a significant loss of forage species, however, it is the degree of overall environmental deterioration which must be used to measure grazing impact (Daubenmire and Colwell, 1942). In northern Montana, many plant communities are associated with morpho­ logically and/or chemically unpropitious soils and are frequently sub­ jected to climatic stress. Their survival is ensured only by the maintenance of a fragile balance. Edaphic changes and reduced vegeta­ tive cover due to overgrazing at such sites may result in serious ero­ sion and compaction problems that complicate maintenance or restoration of mixed prairie vegetation, thus perpetuating the retrogradational trend (Daubenmire and Colwell, 1942; Smoliak et al., 1972; USDA, 1975; Dormaar et al., 1980). MATERIALS AND METHODS Sites were located 57 km north of Chinook in Blaine County, Montana on land administered by the Bureau of Land Management and on the Russell TJnruh .ranch (Figure I) . The area is located on gently undulating' glacial topography with typical northern mixed prairie vegetation (Coupland, 1961). Parent material is glacial till which varies in thickness from a veneer to greater than I m over a Cretaceous saline, piarine shale. Elevation ranges from 807 to 825 m. Mean annual precipi­ tation is about 30 cm with half falling during May, June, and July. Four majop soils, representing extensive acreages of rangelands in the statq were selected for study. They were identified with the help of Dan Tippy, BLM soil scientist in the Havre Resource Area. the soils were Borollic Natrargids: Tealette, Elloam and Thoeny. fourth soil was Phillips, a Borollic Paleargid. fine-textured families. of depth to the tops Three of The All four soils are in They were identified in the field on the basis of the columnar structure Natrargids with caps of Tealette being 0-3 cm, and Thoeny being 13-23 cm below the surface. columnar structure. The photograph (Figure 2) Phillips soils shows characteristic of Elloam being 3-13 cm, Phillips does not exhibit of the Thoeny and the variation in depth to caps and the abrupt breakdown of columnar structure between Thoeny and Phillips. Field work was undertaken in July 1979 and June 1980. During July 10-13, 1979, three pedons were sampled for each soil representing MECHANICAL TREATMENT SITES KaIispelI Chinook Great Falls Billings Bozeman MONTANA Figure I. State map showing study site locations. 20 Figure 2. Typical sampling pit showing Thoeny series (left of meter tape) and Phillips series (right of meter tape). 21 three treatments: unplowed, native vegetation (NU79); plowed, native vegetation (NP79), and plowed, crested wheatgrass vegetation (CP79). From June 25-29, 1980, three pedons for each soil were sampled on three new treatment sites: unplowed, native vegetation (NU80), plowed, native vegetation (NP80), and chiseled, native vegetation (CH80). This resulted in 24 sites total, including 8 native, unplowed (control) and 8 native, plowed sites if the 1979 and 1980 sites are combined. Figure 3 schematically illustrates the locations of the study sites. Although exact site, history is not documented, Russel Unruh (personal communication, 1979 and 1980), a local rancher who grazes cattle on the study area on BLM land in addition to his own ranch, provided some historical data. The plowed sites were farmed until the 1930's at which time the land reverted to federal ownership under the Bankstead-Jones Act. Some of the abandoned farmland was seeded to crested wheatgrass while the balance gradually revegetated to native species. Boundaries between the plowed and unplowed areas are visually apparent (Figure 4)j grass species being both more abundant and vigorous on the plowed sites, probably due to a reduction in ground cover of clubmoss mats. Unruh noted that the plowed sites were weedy for about 10 to 15 years following abandonment. The chiseled treatments were located on the Unruh Ranch, immediately adjacent to the plowed native and unplowed native sites sampled in 1980. The chiseled sites were 1980 SITES 1 NJ NJ 1979 SITES CHINOOK 57 KM Figure 3. ,_______________, I KM Schematic illustration of experimental design. Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, T35N, Rl9E, MPM in Blaine County, Montana, USA. Treatments: NU = native vegetation, unplowed; NP = native vegetation, plowed; C = crested wheatgrass, plowed; CH = native vegetation, chiseled. Land ownership: LU = public land, administered by Bureau of Land Management; P = private land. 23 Figure 4. Photograph showing vegetation contrast between native vegetation, unplowed (left side) and native vegetation, plowed (right side) at the 1979 sampling location. 24 mechanically treated in 1972 by Unruh using a sheepsfoot chisel. These sites were not seeded after chiseling. Soil sampling pits were selected to represent a pedon typical of each soil by digging exploratory pits in areas representative of the major topographical features. Grave-sized pits were dug to at least 100 cm or-to relatively unaltered parent material. Because of the contiguous association of the four soils, some pits exposed pedons of two soils. In that case each pedon was sampled, one pit representing both soils. Site and soil profile descriptions were recorded using standard field forms developed following Soil Survey Manual (Soil Survey Staff, 1951) guidelines, and processed using the Montana Automated Data Processing System (Decker et al., 1975). pore volumes were estimated visually. Coarse fragments, root and Bulk density was measured for each horizon using the saran-coated clod method (Soil Conservation Service, USDA, 1972). Before sampling, each soil profile, soil pit and associated vegetation, and landscape was photographed. Four-liter soil samples were collected from all sides of the pit for each horizon. In the laboratory, samples were air dried, crushed in a flail-type mill and sieved to remove the greater than 2 mm fraction The fine earth fractions were submitted to the Soil Testing Laboratory at Montana State University where they were subsampled and analyzed for soluble cation content, EC and pH of saturated paste (U. S. Salinity P 25 Laboratory Staff,, 1954), texture (Bouyoucos, 1939), extractable Ca, Mg, Na and K (Chapman, 1965a, 1965b), modified Bray P (Smith et al., 1957), organic matter (Sims and Haby, 1971), and Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe content of Al horizons (Chapman, 1965a, 1965b). . Water retention characteristics were established from 1/3 bar and 15 bar extractions (Soil Conservation Service, USDAv 1972). Soil water content at the beginning of the growing season was determined on 1979 location treatments by sampling each soil with a Giddings probe, incrementally to parent material. Samples were taken to the laboratory, weighed, oven dried and reweighed. Results are presented as percent moisture of a dry weight basis. Vegetation was sampled using the BLM’s point transect SVIM method (BLM Staff, 1978). treatment site. Two 100-hit transects were randomly located on each Plant species at each point was identified concurrently with soil series so that plant data for each soil were recorded separately. At every tenth hit along a transect, species within a 0.18 m 2 (1.92 ft ) hoop were separated into the following categories: 2 western wheatgrass, blackroot sedge, blue grama grass, fringed sagewort, crested wheatgrass, clubmoss, prickly pear cactus, lichen and miscellan, eous grasses, forbs and shrubs = category was recorded. An estimated wet weight for each At 10 of the plots on each transect, vegetation was clipped at ground level, separated by category and weighed. samples were later air dried and reweighed in the laboratory. These 26 In addition to the SVIM transect, ten 0.18 m 2 2 (1.92 ft ) hoops were randomly sampled around the pit by tossing the hoop and clipping where it landed until 10 hoops had been clipped on each soil. For these hoops, vegetation was separated into grasses, forbs arid shrubs. Samples were air dried and weighed in the laboratory. Data related to the effects of mechanical treatment and soil type on herbage production, vegetative composition, the effect of mechanical treatment on soil properties, and to differences between sites were analyzed statistically. The F-test was used to indicate significance of main effects, treatment and soil, at the p = .01 and p = .05 levels. Data were analyzed using the statistical package "Analysis of Variance and Covariance including Repeated Measures" (Jennrich and Sampson, 1979). Vegetation measurements from both the SVIM transect and random clip plot samples were grouped by treatment and by soil. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOV) was used to determine the effect of both groups on productivity. This test was also used to show significance for pro­ ductivity from data for which control site measurements were excluded. Stepwise regression (Jennrich and Sampson, 1979) was used to model productivity. in Appendix 8. Independent variables tried in the regression are listed Results of the regression analysis are presented in v Appendices 6 and 7 and Tables 13 and 14. ' Three regression analyses O 27 were run. Initially, data from all sites were included. For the final two analyses, data from the control sites and from Tealette soils were excluded. Cluster analysis (Jennrich and Sampson, 1979) was run to show groupings based on vegetative total productivity by soil and treatment. The distance matrix is given in Figure 7. RESULTS Soil Characteristics Soil profile descriptions are given in Appendix I, physical and chemical data for each soil by horizon are presented in Appendix 2 and 3, respectively. Figure 5 illustrates the relative horizonation and contiguous occurrence of the four soils in the landscape. Several of the soils at the 1980 location could only be classified as Natrargids because of the Na + Mg > Ca rule. wise have met the required criteria. They would not other­ At site 53, Phillips, chiseled, the clay increase between the A2 horizon and the B21t horizon was insufficient to meet the criteria for Paleargids. as a Haplargid. It was classified As well, chiseled sites 53 (Phillips) and 54 (Thoeny) are in the fine-loamy rather than fine family. Predictable soil patterns were observed within the landscape, with Phillips found on small micro-knolls and Tealette in micro-depressions or panspots. Elloam and Thoeny occupied successively higher positions between Tealette and Phillips. Soils within the complex were distin­ guished on the basis of morphological features. Tealette, Elloam and Thoeny soils are differentiated on A2 horizon thickness over the columnar structured natric horizon. Phillips soils are identified by the presence of a prismatic structured argillic horizon overlain by a thick A horizon (15 to 30 cm). Transition between the soils occurs within a few centimeters (3-5) of horizontal distance. 29 PHILLIPS - THOENY - ELLOAM - TEALETTE COMPLEX UNALTERED SALINE TILL EEARPAW SHALE Figure 5. Schematic showing occurrence of Phillips, Thoeny, Elloam and Tealette soils on the landscape. Subtle surface topography was paralleled by subdued undulation of the upper surface of the B horizon which rose abstrusely from Tealette through Thoeny. Between Thoeny and Phillips the columnar structure of the natric horizon changed very abruptly to the prismatic structure and argillic horizon of Phillips. This degradation lowered the B horizon surface to approximately the level of Elloam. Surface micro-relief is exaggerated by variation in A horizon thick­ ness. Tealette soils characteristically had either very thin (less than 3 cm) or no A horizon. A2 horizons of Elloam and Thoeny ranged in thick­ ness from 3-13 and 13-23 cm, respectively. Phillips had both a darkened, organic enriched Al horizon and an underlying eluviated A2 horizon, which were greater than 23 cm in thickness. Solum thickness, depth to salts, and depth to calcium carbonates are given in Table I. Depth to salts and carbonates tended to parallel solum thickness which generally increased from Tealette to Thoeny and Phillips. Depth to unaltered saline till and the Bearpaw Shale from which it was derived did not vary as sharply as solum thickness. Contact depth changed considerably, however, over the 1.5 km separating 1979 and 1980 locations. Bearpaw Shale was generally observed at greater than 1.5 m and between 0.5 to I.O m for 1979 and 1980 locations, respectively. Shallowest solum development was observed for soils associated with the thinnest till deposits. Table I. Treatment General soil physical characteristics associated with treatment at 1979 and 1980 locations. Soil Solum thickness 1979 1980 Textural class at 80 cm 1979 1980 Depth . to salts 1979 1980 Depth to CaCO^ 1979 . 1980 Available water 1979 1980 -cm/80 cm- Native, unplowed Tealette Elloam Thoeny Phillips 55 .53 62 62 49 32 44 53 CL CL SCL SCL C C C C 13 42 26 55 24 32 41 45 13 27 26 28 Native, plowed Tealette Elloam Thoeny Phillips 35 60 92 74 12 25 60 54 CL CL L SCL C C . CL CL 35 60 90 74 44 40 44 44 19 • 19 33 27 Crested, plowed Tealette Elloam Thoeny Phillips 62 62 67 72 Chiseled Tealette Elloam Thoeny Phillips 62 62 67 72 L CL CL CL 20 27 63 64 . C C CL CL 24 27 32 21 . 47 49 32 38 41 39 35 29 12 16 53 44 54 59 39 37 39 32 40 35 24 23 18 28 30 41 60 64 62 60 56 48 10 15 44 30 51 59 38 44 32 Figure 6 shows the x-ray diffraction pattern for the clay size fraction of each horizon of site 46-Elloam and site 47-Phillips, both native, unplowed, 1980 treatments. The dominant mineral is smectite, with much smaller peaks for illite, kaolinite and quartz. The 18& smec­ tite peak increases markedly at the IIC contact for Elloam, but is almost nonexistent in the A horizons, especially in Phillips. The uniformity of diffraction patterns throughout the profile indicates that the till is largely shale derived. Table 2 summarizes the results of ANOV of soil physical and chemi­ cal variables grouped according to 1979 and 1980 locations. Soils of. the two sites varied significantly for both textural parameters and cation (soluble and extractable) content, despite the fact that they were mapped as the same soils. Sites sampled in 1979 contained more sand and less clay in C horizons than did 1980 location soils; sodium contents were significantly higher throughout the solum, generally by an order of magnitude; and magnesium content was significantly greater. ANOV, with variables grouped by soil (Table 3) showed that sodium, magnesium, EC, and clay content in both B and C horizons tended to decrease from Tealette to Phillips. Bulk density of the B horizon was also significantly different (p = .05). Extent of each soil by treatment site is given in Table 4. Elloam, and to a lesser degree Thoeny, were dominant soils on both landscapes. Tealette and Phillips comprised approximately one-third of the soil ELLOAM PHILLIPS mite Owrti 3.3 * Figure 6. mitt 7.2 * 10 A "18 A 7.2 A X-ray diffraction patterns for Elloam and Phillips, native vegetation, unplowed, 1980 location. Clay fraction (<2 pm) samples were Mg saturated, ethylene glycol solvated. 34 Table 2. Summary of analysis of variance showing significantly differ-: ent variables between 1979 and 1980 locations. Mean Variable 1979 1980 A horizon: , Bulk density (g/cm ) Soluble K (me/100 g) 1.68 1.80 P ~ .01--0.92 0.70 B horizon: Organic matter (%) Extractable Mg (me/100 g) Soluble K (me/100 g) Soluble Mg (me/100 g) Soluble Ca (me/100 g) Silt (%) Soluble Na (me/100 g) 15 bar water (%) C horizon: Cation Exchange Capacity (me/100 g) Soluble K (me/100 g) Soluble Ca (me/100 g) Sand (%) Clay (%) Soluble Na (me/100 g) Sodium Adsorption Ratio A horizon: Organic matter (%) Sodium Adsorption Ratio B horizon: Electrical Conductivity (mmhos) Cation Exchange Capacity (me/100 g) Sodium Adsorption Ratio C horizon: Organic matter (%) Extractable P (me/100 g) Soluble Mg (me/100 g) 1.2 11.6 0.7 3.0 5.2 23.0 28.2 18.7 43.7 2.5 34.6 44.0 30.0 116.3 21.5 . . 1.6 7.7 0.2 1.1 1.3 28.0 6.6 13.2 25.1 0.2 6.6 32.0 42.0 22.2 8.2 ™"™p — .05--1.8 2.9 .2.7 8.7 1.5 31.7 14.9 0.8 23.9 6.9 . 0.6 3.5 26.7 1.0 2.4 10.2 . . 35 Table 3. Summary of analysis of variance showing significantly differ­ ent variables between soils. Variable Mean by soil type Tt . Et Tht .' pt • A horizon: Extractable Na (me/100 g) 11.Ga? B horizon: ^ Bulk density (g/cm ) Extractable Mg (me/100 g) Extractable Na (me/100 g) Clay (%) 1.62a 1.70b 1.72b 1.50c 10.1a 12.5b 9.1a 6.9c . 3.3a 3.4a 2.5b 0.7c 42.0a 43.0a 36.0b 34.0c C horizon: Electrical conductivity (mmhos) 'Extractable Mg (me/100 g) 5.5a 12.3a P= .' A 0.2b 5.5a 12.2a 0.2b 3.6b 8.2b 0.1b 1.4c 8.6b . .01 .01 .05 .01 .01 .01 : .05 4» T = Tealette, E = Elloam, Th = Thdeny, P = Phillips. ^Numbers across rows not followed by the same letter are significantly different by the probability level given in the last column. 36 Table 4. Relative frequency of each soil by treatment. Treatment NUT 1980 NPT CH+ 13 15 12 23. 58 41 43 39 27 14 18 25 26 33 41 35 9 22 17 16 . 10 NU t 1979 NP? T^* 23 15 E* 28 Th^ Pt Soil C+ 4* NU = Native vegetation, unplowed; NP. = Native vegetation. plowed; C = Crested wheatgrass , plowed, ClI = Native vegetation, chiseled = Tealette, E = Elloam, Th = Thoeny, P = Phillips. 37 composition. The 1979 native, unplowed site contained significantly more Phillips than the plowed site, suggesting that it is a better drained landscape. It is located near an old drainage channel where more leaching could carry soluble salts through the profile, resulting in amelioration of the natric horizon. There was a reduction in the number of hits on Tealette on the plowed sites. On the chiseled site, the frequency of Phillips decreased, while Thoeny increased. Effects of Mechanical Treatment on Soils Results for ANOV of chemical properties, showing variables which differed significantly (p = .05) by treatment, are presented in Tables 5 and 6» Statistics presented in Table 5 represent analysis in which control and native, plowed treatments from 1979 and 1980 locations were combined; sites were considered individually for the analysis summarized in Table 6. Analysis combining duplicate treatments were run to show the effect of treatment on soil chemistry. Table 6 shows that most variables which differed significantly by treatment also varied by site location (1979, 1980) (Table 2). It appears that the differences are not entirely due to treatment, but are also a function of differences between locations. The only variable shown in Table 6 which is not attributable to differences between locations is A hori­ zon total N. Beginning of growing season moisture for sites at the 1979 loca­ tion is given in Table 7. Tealette, Elloam and Thoeny all show greater 38. Table 5. Summary of analysis of variance showing significantly differ­ ent variables between treatments. Variable NU t Mean by treatment NP t C+ CHt .05----- — A horizon: Total N (%) Sodium Adsorption Ratio 0.6a” 4.3a 0.9b . 3.2b 0.3ab 14.9c 1.6c 4.0a B horizon: Cation Exchange Capacity (me/100 g) 15 bar water (%) 26.0a 27.2b 39.7b 20.8c 17.7a 17.1b 17.0b 9.0b C horizon: Sodium Adsorption Ratio 16.3a 12.4b 24.6c 6. Od NU = Native vegetation, unplowed; NP = Native vegetation, plowed; C = Crested wheatgrass, plowed; CH = Native vegetation, chiseled. ^Numbers across rows not followed by the same letter are significantly different at the p = .05 level. 39 Table. 6. Summary of analysis of variance showing significantly different variables between treatments and locations. Variable A horizon: Cation Exchange Capacity (me/100 g) Organic matter (%) Extractable Ca (me/100 g) Total N (X) B horizon: Organic matter (X) Extractable Ca (me/100 g) Soluble K (me/100 g) Soluble Mg (me/100 g) Soluble Ca (me/100 g) 15 bar water (X) C horizon: Organic matter (X) Extractable P (me/100 g) Soluble K (me/100 g) Sand (X) Clay (X) Soluble Na (me/100 g) Sodium Adsorption Ratio U utst Mean by site and location NU80t NP79t NPSOt C79t CH80T ---- p - .05---13.4b 7.3a 1.7c 2.0a 7.8c 2.9d 1.0a 0.9ab 13.2b 3.8d 4.9a 1.6c 6.8a* 2.2a 4.0a 1.2a 18.1b 2.9b 10.6b 0.6b 1.3ac 13.4a 1.1a 3.9a 6.5a 21.5a 2.0b 20.5b 0.1b 1.2b 2.1b 14.0b 0.9a 22.5b 0.5b 2.6c 4.2c 17.6c 1.6c 8.5c 0.2b 1.0b I.Od 16.6c 1.3ac 24.Bd 0.6ab 2.5c 4.9c 17.0c 1.4ac 6.8c 0.2a 1.0b 0.9d 9.Od 1.0b 2.4b 0.8b 24.0b 50.0b 29.3b 8.7b 0.8b 4.1a 2.1c 46.0a 27.0a 97.4c 15.8ab 1.4c 3.0c 0.3d 35.0c 42.0c 17.Id 9.0b 0.7ab 2.4b 2.7a 38.0c 33.Od 133.8c 24.7a 0.7ab 2.0b 0.3d 37.0c 34.Od 20.4d 7.0b 0.5a 3.9a 2.8a 46.0a 29.0a 117.8a 24.0a 9.5ab 1.7c 7.0c 0.8ab +NU79 - Native vegetation, unplowed, 1979 location; NP79 * Native vegetation, plowed, 1979 location; C79 - Created wheatgrasa, plowed, 1979 location; NU80 - Native vegetation, unplowed, 1980 location; NP80 - Native vegetation, plowed, 1980 location; CH80 - Native vegetation, chiseled, 1980 location. ^Numbers across rows not followed by the same letter are significantly different at the p - . 0 5 level. 40 Table 7. Soil Beginning of growing season soil moisture (April 20, 1980) for treatmentsi at the 1979 location, Native, unplowed Depth Water cm Tealette I 2-13 13-26 22 12 36-55 7 Elloam 0-11 .11-27 27-42 42-53 53-79 79-88 Thoeny Phillips Native, plowed Depth Water cm I Crested, plowed Depth .Water cm I 0-10 10-19 19-35 . 35-68 22 22 12 10 0-10 11-24 24-43 43-62 20 19 10 8 18 17 8 10 11 11 0-10 10-19 19-36 36-68 68-99 15 15 12 9 10 0-10 10-23 23-43 43-62 18 20 14 9 0-11 11-26 26-36 36-62 16 i3 9 5 0-13 13-33 33-61 61-72 16 13 9 10 0-10 10-23 23-43 43-62 18 20 14 9 0-11 11-28 . 28-55 55-78 22 15 10 12 0-11 11-27 27-53 53-74 74-115 18 17 10 8 10 0-10 10-28 28-53 53-74 74-92 17 17 11 8 9 41 moisture contents beneath the first measured increment on treated sites than on nontreated sites. Moisture contents for Phillips remained con­ stant. Composition of the Plant Community Hits on each SVIM transect were recorded by soil type, providing composition data for each treatment by soil. Raw data from each tran­ sect is given in Appendix 4. Frequency of major species is summarized in Table 8. Western wheat- grass was the dominant species on Tealette soils (except on the chiseled site where fringe sagewort was dominant) and tended to decrease in frequency on other soils. Treatment reduced western wheatgrass on Tealette, but had little effect on its frequency for other soils. Blue grama grass tended to decrease with mechanical treatment. It was hit more often than any other species for all soils and treatments, except crested wheatgrass, plowed, 1979 location. Although frequency decreased at 1980 locations, it was still a dominant species on Elloam, Thoeny and Phillips. . Clubmoss was a major plant component on the control sites. It represented only 1% of hits on Tealette, but averaged 28% of hits on other soils. Frequency of hits on clubmoss was reduced to 5% on plowed sites, and 0% on crested wheatgrass and chiseled sites. 42 Table. 8. Frequency of major species,^ bare ground, gravel, and litter as measured by the SVIM transect and recorded by soil and treatment. Treat. Bare mentT Soil ground Litter Gravel AGSM BOGR GAEL ARFR SEDE Lichen STCO AGCR OPPO KOCR Other - I NU79 T E Th P 35 I 0 0 19 18 2 21 I I 0 0 16 5 0 5 6 33 51 30 5 9 6 5 2 3 0 I 3 26 36 24 6 3 4 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 4 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 I I 0 3 NP79 T E Th P 49 9 4 2 26 33 28 33 I I 0 0 9 5 5 0 2 34 41 40 0 0 0 0 4 5 5 2 0 I I 2 0 2 0 0 I 4 4 4 I I 0 0 2 2 5 17 0 I 0 0 2 0 6 0 C79 T E Th P 23 9 9 12 48 41 38 30 0 2 0 I 11 I 4 0 0 19 18 20 5 I 0 0 I 4 I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 11 8 22 22 2 0 0 0 0 2 I 3 0 3 5 2 NU80 T E Th P 38 9 0 2 24 23 14 13 5 I 0 I 12 10 12 6 I 13 26 25 6 6 4 6 4 11 7 6 0 18 29 37 I 3 I 3 0 I 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 I 0 0 0 I I I 5 2 3 2 NP80 T E Th P 58 16 5 I 29 31 36 41 0 I 0 I 8 5 11 10 0 10 4 8 0 16 0 0 6 11 8 7 0 5 9 9 0 2 2 3 0 4 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 I 2 2 0 3 7 3 0 4 2 4 CH80 T E Th P 10 20 9 37 38 34 44 37 0 0 0 2 12 14 9 9 13 6 10 0 3 6 4 3 16 14 16 5 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 I I 0 0 9 0 0 0 I 0 0 3 2 I 0 3 0 3 4 fVegetation codes given are after USDA and Soil Conservation Service (1976). ^NU79 ■ Native vegetation, unplowed, 1979 location; NP79 ■ Native vegetation, plowed, 1979 location; C79 - Crested wheatgrass, plowed, 1979 location; NU80 - Native vegetation, unplowed, 1980 location; NP80 - Native vegetation, plowed, 1980 location; CH80 - Native vegetation, chiseled, 1980 location. 5T - Tealette, E - Elloam, Th - Thoeny, P - Phillips. 43 For all treatments except chiseled, fringe sagewort averaged 4, 6, 2 and 3% of hits on vegetation for Tealette, Elloam, Thoeny, and Phillips, respectively. It averaged 16, 14, 16, and 5% for the respec­ tive soils on the chiseled site. Excluding the chiseled site, it represented 3% of the hits at the 1979 location compared to 8% for the 1980 location. Blackroot sedge tended to decrease, while needle-and-thread grass tended to increase with mechanical treatment. Blackroot sedge distri­ bution was hot affected by soil type; needle-and-thread grass was associated with only Elloam, Thoeny and Phillips. Bare ground accounted for 35% of hits on Tealette, compared to only 6% on other soils. (Tealette averaged 40% vegetative cover relative to 80% of the other soils.) Frequency of bare ground increased with all treatments, especially chiseling. This was due to reduction, in clubmoss, and to a lesser extent, blue grama grass cover. Nonpersistent litter increased with treatment. This undoubtedly reflects the increase in total productivity of the treated sites and the corresponding reduction in blue grama grass and clubmoss cover. Effects of Mechanical Treatment on Vegetative Productivity Raw productivity data from the SVIM moist estimate and clip plots and the 10 random clip plots are given in Appendix 5. Since SVIM moist and dry weight data represented only two clip plots per treatment site. 44 moist estimate and random clip plot data (6 and 10 samples, respec­ tively) were used in statistical analysis to attain the latgest degrees of freedom. There was some concern that the moist estimate data would contain greater variability than dry weight data. However, M O V showed that coefficients of variability for both productivity measure­ ments were similar (Table 9), Productivity analysis by species was based on estimated data; analysis of total, grass, forb and shrub pro­ ductivity was based on random clip plot data. Table 10 presents the mean values for productivity of seven major plant species by. soil and treatment. Only needle-and-thread grass, blue grama grass and clubmoss production were significantly different by soil. Western wheatgrass and blue grama grass were the most pro­ ductive grasses in the plant community. Western wheatgrass production was greatest on the Tealette native, unplowed treatment. On Tealette and Elloam, its production decreased with treatment, whereas on Thoeny and Phillips, its productivity increased on the native, plowed and chiseled treatments. .. Relative to Tealette, blue grama grass production was greater on the other three soils. Blue grama grass production generally increased on native, plowed sites, but tended to decrease on other treatments (except for the Phillips, chiseled site). Needle-and-thread grass was most productive on Phillips and decreased with treatment. On other soils,, it tended to increase with 45 Table 9. Average coefficients of variability by vegetation type .and sampling method. Vegetation . class . n Random Weight Dry 2 10 . Moist 2 ,' Grass Forb Shrub 29 83 143. Total 34 Estimate moist . Average . 6 V ....- . ... . 52 107 413 54 102 453 35 88 185 43 95 299 59 66 42 50 Table 10. Speciest Summary of analysis of variance showing significant difference in productivity of major vegetative species by soil and treatment. NUT Tealette NP' Cf CH + NUf Elloam NPt Cr or NUr Thoeny NP t Cf OP NUr Phillips NPT Cf CHt kfc/h STCO Oa^ 12 a Oa 0a 0a 105b 41c 20d 0a 135b Oa 79b 56b Oc 151a 112a 22b 157c 90a 157b 28 73 151 269 90 73 168 AGSM 196a BOGR 28 GAEL 57a 6b 0b 17c 73a 17b ARFR 78a 92a 157a 95a 140a 230b 0 0 0 6 OPPO 2766 95 790 118 21c 110a 82b 93b 51c 22c 73ac 112a 246b lie 414d 67 84 241 174 151 67 39d 76a 17b Oc 28b 50a lib lib lib 213ab 347c 34a 392b 34a 728c 179a 157a 39b 571c 0 0 0 22 0 0 358 157 0 0 286b Oc Oc 620a 206b Oc Oc Oc ^2 SKDK 0a 0a 0a 0a 955a 20b Oc 5c 1297a ^NU “ Native vegetation, unplowed; NP ■ Native vegetation, plowed; C “ Created wheatgrass, plowed; CH ■ Native vegetation, chiseled. fVegetation codes given are after USDA and Soil Conservation Service (1976). ^Numbers across rows not followed by the same letter are significantly different at the p - .01 level. 47 with treatment. Blackroot sedge production was similar on control sites for all soils, but decreased on all treatment sites. Fringed sagewort production increased with treatment, especially on chiseled sites. Its productivity was somewhat greater on Thoeny and Phillips than on the other soils. No clubmoss was measured on Tealette. It was ubiquitous on the native, unplowed treatment of the other soils, but was reduced signi­ ficantly by all treatments. ANOV by treatment and soil was run with clubmoss .as a covariate to determine the extent to which treatment effect was related to clubmoss removal. The p values for variables significantly different by treat­ ment tended to increase in this analysis. Table 11 presents an ANOV summary based on random clip plot data for grass, forb, shrub and total production by soil treatment. Grass production increased on plowed sites for all soils except Tealette. Chiseling increased grass production on Elloam, but decreased produc­ tion or had little effect on other soils. Tealette to Phillips for all treatments. Production increased from Its production was lowest on crested wheatgrass treatments and control sites. Compared to control sites, it increased, usually by an order of magnitude on the chiseled treatment site. Shrub production was not significantly different by either soil or treatment. 48 Table 11. Variable Summary of analysis of variance for grass, forb, shrub and total production and level of significance for soil and treatment. . Soil Treatment mean NU+ C+ NP+ CH+ : --- kg/ha--- Soil — Treatment --£ ---- Tealette Elloam Thoeny Phillips 207a 226a 307a 376a 169b 338b 370b 394a 381c 276c 220c 441b 207a 419d 250c 276c .01 .05 Forbs Tealette Elloam Thoeny Phillips 22a 67a 90a 78a 84b 90b 95a IOlb lie 17c 28b Oc 9 Od 291d 241d 15 7d .05 .01 Shrubs Tealette Elloam Thoeny Phillips 2 .7 0 0 22 7 11 50 7. 17 22 7 11 34 0 0 ns ns Total Tealette Elloam Thoeny Phillips 231a 300a 397a 454a 275a 435b 467b. 545b 399b 310a 270c 448c 308c 744c 491d 433a .01 sH O Grass 1"NU = Native vegetation, unplowed; NP = Native vegetation, plowed; C = Crested wheatgrass, plowed; CH = Native vegetation, chiseled. 49 Total production generally increased with treatment. Tealette, Elloam and Thoeny total production was greatest on chiseled treatment; for Phillips it was greatest on the native, plowed treatment. A significant proportion of the increase on chiseled sites was due to forb and shrub production. Sixty-seven percent of production on chiseled soils was due to grass compared to 74% on native, plowed; 81% on native, implowed; and 92% on crested wheatgrass sites (Table 12). However, 33% of the grass production on crested wheatgrass sites was crested wheatgrass, which has limited forage value except during early spring. Elloam and Thoeny responded most favorably to treatment. Seventy-nine percent of production on native, plowed sites on those soils was due to grass production. Appendices 6 and 7 contain correlation matrices and stepwise regression equations for chemical and physical data, respectively, from stepwise regression analysis. Table 13 presents a summary of site characteristics correlated with grass, forb, shrub and total pro­ duction . Removal of the control sites, to eliminate the effects of clubmoss on productivity, increased simple correlation values, but did not change the variables which were well correlated with produc­ tivity. Solum thickness, A and B horizon thickenss, organic matter content of the solum and organic matter content of the A horizon were significantly related to productivity. Excluding Tealette soils from 50 Table 12. Proportion of grass production relative to total production for all treatments and soils. Soil Ntrf Treatment________ NP? ' CH+ • •% Tealette 90 61 95 67 Elloaih 74 79 89 56 Thoeny 76 79 81 51 Phillips 83 72 98 64 +NU = Native vegetation, unplowed; NP = Native vegetation, plowed; C = Crested wheatgrass, plowed; CH = Native vegetation, chiseled. 51 Table. 13. Regression analysis summary for productivity on site data, comparing significant relationships and r values for analysis based on. all sites, treated sites and with Tealette excluded.. Dependent ' variable _________ Independent variable All sites Random Clip Plot Data Treated sites Tealette excluded — -— .Xm--.60 .59 .00 .05 .52 — .63 — .60 -.57 .55 -.73 -.73 -.69 .70 -.82 -.80 — .69 -.67 Extractable phosphorus (ppm) Solum .61 . .28 .21 Organic matter (%) - A Horizon A horizon thickness (cm) Aspect (P) Clubmoss cover, (cm^) .57 .57 -.15 -.29 .60 •59 ' -.21 .31 .42 .40 .53 -.70 .66 .61 .55 .44 .69 .58 .57 .39 .62 .60 -.35 .65 .60 -.05 .61 .55 -.54 .55 .44 ■ .48 .43 -.28 .76 .68 .62 .53 .13 : .36 .30 .31 .17 •-.65 Grass Organic matter.(%) - A Horizon A horizon thickness (cm) Soil type Forbs Aspect (°) Elevation (m) Coarse fragments (%) - C Horizon Total N (X) Shrubs Total .57 .57 . SVIM Moist Estimate Data Grass Forbs .Total . Organic matter (%) - Solum Available water (cm) - Solum Solum thickness (cm) ■ Total N (%) - Solum Organic matter (%) - A Horizon Clubmoss cover (cm^) Solum thickness (cm) B horizon thickness (cm) Soluble K (me/100 g) - Solum A horizon thickness (cm) Clubmoss cover (cm^) . .49 .54 .26 .52 52 regression analysis tended to change the variables which were well correlated and increased clubmoss, Mg and Ca correlations with produc tion. Significant correlation of soil chemical properties to produc­ tivity are summarized in Table 14. Regressions were run with all sites and with control sites excluded, again to remove the effect of clubmoss on production. . Simple correlations based on treated site data increased in value. Results of a cluster analysis are shown in Figure 7. Tealette soils showed a strong tendency to group, as did native, unplowed and crested wheatgrass treatments. . 53 Table 14. Dependent variable Regression analysis for laboratory data by all sites and by treated sites, comparing significant relationships and r values. All sites Independent variable Random Clip Plot Data . Treated sites ----- r Grass % Sand - C horizon % Clay - C horizon Extractable Ca (me/100 g) - B horizon Extractable Mg (me/100 g) - C horizon Electrical Conductivity (mmhos) C horizon .49 -. 48 .39 -.60 -.51 .81 -.75 .64 -.55 -.37 Forbs pH - A horizon Soluble Ca (me/100 g) - B horizon Extractable Ca (me/100 g) - B horizon % Water at saturation - B horizon Cation Exchange Capacity (me/100 g) B horizon Organic matter (%) - A horizon Total N (%) - B horizon Soluble K (me/100 g) - B horizon Soluble Mg (me/100 g) - B horizon Total N (%) - A horizon Sodium Adsorption Ratio - C horizon -.43 -.51 -.34 . — .48. -.48 -.73 -.72 — .68 -.67 -.65 .53 .56 -.43 -.45 .23 -.58 .65 .64 64 -. 60 -.57 / -.59 Soluble Mg (me/100 g) - C horizon Cation Exchange Capacity (me/100 g) C horizon Soluble Ca (me/100 g) - C horizon % Silt - A horizon Extractable Na (me/100 g) - C horizon Soluble Na (me/100 g) - C horizon .59 .55 .72 .68 .60 -.01 .48 . .46 .53 -.59 .57 .54 % Clay - B horizon % Sand - A horizon % Water, at saturation -.25. .13 -.39 -.62 .54 -\54 Shrubs Total (table continued) 54 Table 14. Dependent variable continued . Independent variable SVIM Moist. Estimate Data All sites Treated sites -----r Grass Extractable P (ppm) - C horizon % Silt - A horizon Bulk density (g/cm^) - A horizon — .48 -.48 .46 — .66 -.53 .53 Forbs % Water at saturation - C horizon Extractable Na (me/100 g) - G horizon Extractable Mg (me/100 g) - C horizon Sodium Adsorption Ratio - C horizon B horizon thickness (cm) Extractable Mg (me/100 g) - B horizon Cation Exchange Capacity (me/100 g) ■ C horizon % Clay - B horizon Soluble Na (me/100 g) - C horizon Extractable K (me/100 g) - C horizon Soluble Mg (me/100 g) - C horizon Extractable Mg (me/100 g) - A horizon Cation Exchange Capacity (me/100 g) B horizon -.71 -.57 -.57 -.64 .43 -. 46 -.57 -.73 -.69 , -.68 -.67 -. 66 -.66 -.64 -.42 -.53 .52 -. 44 -.34 -.42 -.62 -.60 .60 -.59 -.58 -.56 Shrubs % Sand T C horizon % Sand - B horizon % Silt - A horizon A horizon thickness (cm) pH - C horizon Organic matter (%) - B horizon .39 .35 -.47 .32 -.41 -.38 .76 .63 -.61 .53 -.52 -.52 Total % Clay - B horizon % Sand - B horizon % Sand - C horizon B horizon thickness (cm) Organic matter (%) - B horizon % Silt - A horizon Extractable Na (me/100 g) - A horizon . % Clay - C horizon A horizon thickness (cm) T-.54 .43 .40 .49 -.44 -.49 -.50 -.41 .47 — .76 .75 .71 .66 -.63 -.62 -.60 -.56 .56 / 55 Site Treatment Soil 2 4 3 5 2 5 5 5 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 5 4 4 5 2 3 5 I 2 6 3 4 I 4 8 I 7 2 7 8 9 O 2 O 5 6 9 6 5 7 9 N U 8 7 8 7 8 O 9 O 9 O N C N N C U P P H 8 O C H 8 O N P 7 9 N U 8 O N U 7 9 N U 8 O N U 7 9 N U 7 9 N P 7 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 O N C C C N P P 8 O N U 8 O N P 8 O C H 7 9 N P T T T T T P T E E T P P T P T T P E P E E T T E h h h h h h I I -4 I I I -+-— I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -t I -- 4— — -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I —4— I I I I I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I i -4— I I I -+I i I I I I I I -H— I I i --+■“— I I i I — HI I i I i i I I I I I i I i — -i I I I — I I I — --- 4 — — — — i I —4 i — —— H--- — -f— i — 4-4 -f-- Figure 7. 8 O C H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cluster analysis distance matrix based on total vegetative productivity, random clipped plot data by soil and treat­ ment. Soil: T = Tealette, E = Elloam, Th = Thoeny, P = Phillips. Treatment: NU = Native vegetation, unplowed; NP = Native vegetation, plowed; C = Crested wheatgrass, plowed; CH = Native vegetation, chiseled. DISCUSSION Effect of Mechanical Treatment on Herbage Production Herbage production generally increased on mechanically treated sites. This is attributed to the removal of clubmoss cover and ensuing increase in infiltration into the mineral soil (A2 horizon) and to the disruption of the columnar structure on Elloam and on Thoeny soils with thin A horizons. The influence of mechanical treatment was quantifiable 50 years lajter, indicating that it is a pragmatic means of increasing forage productivity on these semiarid rangelands. These findings concur with those of White (1969), Dolan and Taylor (1972), Soiseth et al. (1974) and Wight et al. (1978). Plowing was the most beneficial,treatment, improving both quantity and quality of forage production. Fifty years of secondary succession on plowed sites has resulted in a more stable, mature plant community relative to the chiseled sites which were sampled only 8 years after treatment. Chiseling may have produced better results if grazing had been deferred until a sustainable, diverse plant community had developed. Costello (1944) reported that overgrazing disturbed ranges maintains the forb stage of secondary succession indefinitely. Results in Table 11 show a 30% increase in forb production on the chiseled site, which accounts for a considerable portion of the increase in total production over control sites. decreased on chiseled sites. Except on Elloam, grass production 57 Reseeding to crested wheatgrass after plowing increased both total and grass production more than, any other treatment, but the palatability of the forage (33% of the grass was crested wheatgrass) detracts from overall success. Plowing increased grass production on all soils except Tealette. Similar findings were reported by Branson et al. (1966), Rasmussen et al. (1972) and Wight et al. (1978). It is suspected that reduction on Tealette is a measurement rather than a treatment effect. Horse-drawn plows would likely have pulled out of the ground and over panspots rather than through them, dragging surface material collected from the other three soils over the panspots, and depositing an "A horizon” near their periphery. These peripheral areas, which were the most productive portions of Tealette (relative to the center of the pan­ spot) , would, with the benefit of added A horizon material, increase in productivity. Vegetative measurements on these areas would likely have been recorded as Elloam, reducing the proportion of productive Tealette relative to the unpropitious center so that the data would indicate a decrease in grass production on Tealette after treatment. Response of grass productivity to plowing on the other three soils was variable. Relative to control sites, Elloam showed that greatest increase (50%) compared to Thoeny (21%) or Phillips (5%). decreased 18%.) (Tealette That the dominant soils in the landscape— Elloam and Thoeny— showed the most favorable response lends further justification 58 to the use of mechanical treatment for improvement of range pro­ ductivity. Plowing also reduced the disparity in productivity between t h e . Natrargids and the Paleargid soil. On the control sites, grass pro­ duction increased 9% from Tealette to Elloam, 36% from Elloam to Thoeny and 22% from Thoeny to Phillips. On plowed sites, grass pro­ duction increased 100% from Tealette to Elloam, 9% from Elloam to Thoeny, and 6% from Thoeny to Phillips. This suggests that Elloam and Thoeny have nearly the same pro­ ductive potential after treatment as Phillips. Plant production on Phillips is probably optimum for current climatic conditions given the limitations imposed by inherent chemical and physical properties of the soil. Clubmoss removal was beneficial on the Paleargid, but c the effect of disturbance had a larger impact than on the Natrargid soils where the beneficial effect of increased infiltration outweighed the detrimental effects of disturbance. Response to plowing varied between the three Natrargids. Frac­ turing and mixing of the columnar structure occurred only on Elloam, and Thoeny soils with thin Al horizons. However, fracturing is not as necessary on Thoeny, given the thicker A horizon already present. removal of clubmoss and increased infiltration into the A horizon " alone caused a considerable increase in productivity. The 59 Data from both SVIM and random clip plot measurements were used to model productivity. SVIM moist estimate data represents 20 samples for each treatment in which no attempt was made to equitably sample each soil. Since Elloam and Thoeny are the most extensive soils on the landscape, they were sampled more often than Tealette or Phillips. Results from SVIM data best represent productivity characteristic of . each landscape. ■ ' Random clip plot data are based on 10 samples for each soil on each treatment, so it shows productivity relative to soil type. Since the measured extent of Tealette decreased from control to plowed sites, exclusion of control sites from analysis reduced the relative representation of Tealette soils for the SVIM data. If it can be assumed that the decrease is due to an actual reduction in the extent of Tealette as indicated by transect measurement, results will reflect actual post-treatment conditions. It is possible, however, that the proportion of Tealette varied between sites independent of treatment, in which case results of analysis would underestimate the negative relationship between soil chemistry and productivity. Forb, and especially shrub, data are based on a smaller sample size than grass production, since they were not represented in each clip plot due to their clustered distribution and relative scarcity. Results of regression analysis for these groups may therefore be some.what biased. 60 Results of regression analysis with site data (Table 13) show that if all sites are included, production is related to variables which change significantly (p = .05) between locations or soils rather than between treatments. For example, grass and total production were related to thickness and organic matter content of the A horizon (random clip and of the solum (SVIM data)— variables which vary as a function of soil and location. Excluding the control sites from analysis to eliminate the effect of clubmoss increased partial correlation values, especially for variables significantly (p = .05) different by soil. It appears that after treatment has removed clubmoss cover and improved infiltration, production is a function of soil type. Tealette data were excluded from analysis because its productivity is not limited by clubmoss cover but by chemical and physical soil properties. This resulted in a highly negative correlation of club­ moss to production, indicating that clubmoss is a major limiting factor to production on Elloam, Thoeny and Phillips. Again, this suggests that any treatment which removes clubmoss cover will enhance produc­ tivity despite only slight changes in soil chemical or physical prop­ erties, and that changes in soil properties are confounded with club­ moss removal. Regression analysis of laboratory data (Table 14) reinforces findings of regression on site data (Table 13). As above, correlations 61 ■ / ' O are strongest for variables which were significantly different between soils or locations. Exclusion of control site data increased correla­ tion values of productivity to most significant (p = .05) variables. Random clip plot grass production was highly correlated to sand and clay content of the C horizon for treated sites from which clubmoss had been removed. Since both sand content and productivity were greatest at the 1979 location, results show that productivity is correlating to variables associated with the 1979 site. Since corre^ lation values for Mg and electrical conductivity in the C horizon were highest when control sites were included in analysis there may be a relationship between clubmoss removal and leaching of soluble salts. Possibly, removal of clubmoss and fracturing of the the B horizon increased infiltration sufficiently to leach soluble salts through the solum. Table I shows that depth to soluble salts is deeper on treated sites which is supported by chemical Appendix I. To summarize, herbage production is adversely affected by chemical and physical properties inherent in sodium and magnesium dominated systems from which natric horizon development (as exemplified by Tealette) ensues. Secondly, production is limited by clubmoss cover which reduces infiltration and competes successfully for the limited moisture supply in the semiarid environment., Treatment did not I 62 completely ameliorate inherent limitations of the soil system to plant growth. However effects of treatment (e.g., clubmoss removal) which secondarily improve infiltration at least into the A horizon, will increase productivity, and hence stabilize the landscape. (1978) indicated that these effects tend to be autocyclic. Wight et al. Note that grass and total productivity are correlated to organic matter content of the A horizon. Effects of Mechanical Treatment on Plant Composition Removal of clubmoss is the most pronounced change in species composition on treated sites. Blue grama grass and blackroot sedge were also reduced; western wheatgrass was reduced on Tealette, but relatively unaffected on other soils. Fringed sagewort frequency increased significantly (p = .01) after treatment on most sites, especially on the chiseled site. On the chiseled site, it never exceeded 2% of total SVIM transect hits, but represented 40% of hits on vegetation. Dolan and Taylor (1972) and Wight et al. (1978) reported similar increases in fringed sagewort on ungrazed treatment sites. Since the chiseled site was grazed after treatment, some increase in forbs would be expected. With careful grazing management, it could probably be replaced by more favorable forage species. all, treatment had beneficial effects on species composition. Over­ 63 Effect of Mechanical Treatment on Soils Changes in soil chemistry due to treatment were difficult to assess. Chemistry at the two locations was different, masking changes due to treatment. The Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) in the A and C horizon decreased significantly (p = .05) on treated sites (Table 5) as did soluble calcium in the B horizon and soluble sodium in the C horizon (Table 6). This indicates that salts are being leached out of the solum. Whether this is related to clubmoss removal or a fracturing of the impermeable B horizon is somewhat unclear, but it is probably a combination of both factors and depends largely on soil type. Percent organic matter increased in the A horizons of treated sites. It appears that treat­ ment did not dramatically affect soil chemical properties, but increased organic matter indicates that treatment effect was sub­ stantial enough to influence herbage production. Clay Mineralogy X-ray diffraction patterns (Figure 6) show smectite as the dominant mineral in all horizons of the Elloam and Phillips pedons studied. It appears to become less prevalent with soil formation, as evidenced by the smaller, diffuse peaks for the A and B horizons. This concurs with findings of Klages and Southard (1968) for Thoeny and Phillips soils developed in Bearpaw Shale-derived till. They f. 64 proposed that changes occur in clay mineralogy during the formation of a natric horizon. Whittig (1959) and St. A m a u d and Mortland (1963) suggest that highly alkaline conditions during solonization would be conducive to solubilization of silica and alumina. These soluble con­ stituents leaching down into zones of higher electrolyte content may have combined with soluble bases to form mixed layer minerals containing smectite and illite. Whittig (1959) and Klages and Southard (1968) found that the 18& peak was virtually absent in the A horizon. Klages and Southard (1968) suggest that it was replaced by a mineral so disordered in the C-axis that no basal reflections resulted. As Figure 6 illustrates, there is a subdued 18& peak for the A horizon of the Elloam selected for study. The 18& peak for the Phillips Al was obscure. The nature of the 18& peaks in the A horizons corresponds to the relative degree of weathering associated with each soil. In Phillips, the diffuse A horizon 18& peak is in agreement with the presence of skeletans coating B horizon prisms, and the total lack of columnar structure Genesis of Natrargids Intense pedogenesis was probably initiated 8,000 to 9,000 years ago following the end of Ice Age climate during a subsequent period of higher temperature and humidity than dominate today (Morrison and 65 Frye, 1965). Because several minor eroslonal phases have since occurred, it is only possible to speculate about surface conditions during immediate post-glacial times. Meltwaters from the final four glacial advances, flowing south to the Missouri River likely carried away much of earlier till deposits so depth to Bearpaw Shale was probably not markedly different than at present. The author hypothesizes that the shallow impermeable shale and humid environment resulted in a perched water table. Because of high salt content in the shale and shale-derived till, the ground water contained appreciable soluble salts. Following the influx of melt­ water, the environment became increasingly arid, and capillary rise of water toward the soil surface resulted in the precipitation of soluble salts at the upper boundary of the capillary fringe. This accumula­ tion of salts initiated the development of a natric horizon as the cation exchange complex was dominated by sodium and magnesium. Natrargid development followed a pathway similar to that described by Gedroits and Vil1yams in Tyurin et al. (1960) under similar envi­ ronmental conditions. Morrison arid Frye (1965) postulate that post-glacial climate ended 4,000 years ago as semiarid conditions became prevalent. As precipitation decreased and evapotranspiration increased, the perched water table was no longer present, preventing further "solonizstion." Net downward movement of water would affect the equilibrium between 66 solution and adsorbed cations. Ca and Mg (divalent cations) would gradually replace Na on the B horizon exchange complex and the natric horizon would begin to degrade. It is suspected that the effects of mechanical treatment on such relict Natrargids are essentially irreversi­ ble and accelerate degradational processes which would otherwise require considerable time. Why predictable patterns of four contiguous, but distinct, soils have developed on a relatively homogeneous landscape (in terms of parent material) is difficult to understand. Although the number of profiles examined was too small to make a definitive statement about this phenomenon, it was observed that solum thickness (which is generally proportional to depth to Bearpaw Shale) is deepest under Phillips and shallowest1under Tealette (Table I). Further, texture at an arbitrarily selected depth of 80 cm tends to be heavier under Tealette and Elloam than Thoeny or Phillips (Table I). I speculate that Phillips .and Thoeny are developed on slightly higher and better drained micro-positions than Elloam and Tealette. Again, although too few soils were map the topography of the shale contact depth, the boundary is not level, but is irregular (undulating) and I suspect that Tealette and Elloam developed on slight rises and Thoeny and Phillips developed over slight troughs. Thus, shale surface topography would be the opposite of surface topography. 67 If Tealette and Elloam developed in shallower till deposits, i development of the natric horizon may have been more intense since the water table would have been nearer to the surface. Development of the natric horizon of Thoeny and the argillic horizon of Phillips provided a slowly permeable subsurface layer so that infiltrating water would flow laterally onto the B horizon surface of Elloam and Tealette where it would accumulate and evaporate, leaving precipitated soluble salts behind. Net salt transport would be out of Thoeny-Phillips and into the Elloam-Tealette system. Removal of salts would improve conditions for plant growth on Phillips and Thoeny. As a thicker plant community became established, a stable, organically enriched A horizon would develop. Conversely, continual infusion of salts into Elloam, and particularly Tealette, would perpetuate poor conditions for plant growth. These soils would be subject to erosion (wind and water) which further exaggerates the surface topography, culminating in pan­ spot soils (Teaiette). Addition of wind-blown material to the entire landscape should also be considered. Vegetation established on Phillips and Thoeny would tend to hold these soils in place whereas Elloam and Tealette would not receive major additions of surface material. Mechanical treatments which improve drainage on the other soils and reduce the amount of lateral flow onto the panspots may accelerate the degradation of the Tealette natric horizon, but under present climatic conditions, I postulate that Tealette will require extensive I 68 periods of time or mechanical treatment which causes the addition of A horizon material from the surrounding landscape and fractures the impermeable B horizon to significantly alter existing propitious con­ ditions . . Although soils of the 1979 study location are deeper to shale contact they contain significantly more sodium and magnesium than soils at the 1980 location. This is likely due to an inherent difference in the initial content of the shale at respective sites. However, high soluble salt content of the solum could also be related to the thick­ ness of respective till deposits. Till, being unconsolidated, would expose more surface area to soil water than shale and hence release more soluble salts. Given the same moisture regime (i.e., water table perched at the shale contact) and rate of upward capillary flow at the two locations, fewer soluble salts in shallow till deposits would be concentrated at the capillary fringe than in deeper till deposits, simply due to absolute differences in salt content. Capillary infusion of salts on shallow till deposits would eventually.decrease while remaining at the initial rate on the deeper till soils. In the amount of time expired since the development of the Natrargids has ceased and their degradation begun, assuming that the volume of percolating water has been similar on both sites, more salts would remain in soils on the 1979 than 1980 sites. Further, the.1980 sites occupy a slightly lower 69 landscape position (807 m compared to 825 m) so that the volume of spring meltwater may be greater resulting in a greater leaching potential. Discussion of the genesis of these soils so far has been in line with the classical theory of Gedroits and Vilfyams as described by Tyurin et al. (1960) for the formation of solonetz and solodized solonetz. The data suggest an alternative hypothesis— that soil forma­ tion is ongoing under present climatic conditions in the absence of a water table or capillary fringe. The apparently random occurrence of the "panspots" (Tealette) on the landscape and the difference in clay and sodium contents of the Tealette and Elloam soils as compared to Thoeny and Phillips soils (Table 3) suggest that these soils are not in fact "relict" soilsi but are actively differentiating under the present climate. I hypothesize that the B horizon clay and sodium contents of the Tealette and Elloam soils are increasing as a result of lateral movement of water into the panspot soils from the surrounding soils. This water movement occurs due to a matric potential gradient resulting from reduced infiltration into the pans and the fact that the more clay rich and silty parispot soils are "drier" at the same water percentage. The hypothetical genesis process is outlined as follows: Initial condition: An undulating till plain; the till is saline and of relatively uniform texture. . 70 Stage I: Under evapotranspirative demand the soils dry, and salty spots appear because of topography or slight differ­ ences in clay or salt contents. In the salty spots, vege­ tative productivity is limited and clay formation is accelerated in the higher pH, sodium-rich environment. Stage II: The salty spots.suffer wind erosion as a result of their lesser vegetative cover, some of this windblown material is caught by the thicker vegetation on the less salty soils. This, plus leaching, initiates the forma­ tion of. A horizons on the less salty spots. Stage III: The processes begun in earlier stages become autocyclic . Increased organic matter and A horizon thick­ ness increases infiltration on the less salty spots. The B horizons of these soils are wetter than those of the salty soils and water, carrying silica and sodium, moves from these soils into the developing panspot soils. In the B horizons of the panspots, clay formation in place is enhanced due to the relatively high pH and sodium contents. With reduced infiltration due to puddling of the surface of the panspots, the panspots receive more water from lateral movement as a result of metric and osmotic potential gradients than from downward infiltration. Stage IV: As we view the landscape today, the Phillips soils are developing in the direction of thicker A horizons, increased organic matter and lower salt contents. The panspot (Tealette) soils are developing in the direction of increased sodium, increased clay content (interstratified smectites), high bulk density, and higher electrical conductivity. The x-ray diffraction patterns (Figure 6) support the concept of increased clay formation in place in the Tealette B2t horizons (Klages and Southard, 1968). The Phillips soils were at one point saline but were probably never solonetz. The Thoeny may ultimately become solodized-splonetz while the Elloam and Tealette soils are developing greater solonetz properties under present conditions. CONCLUSIONS A Natrargid-Palea^gid soil complex was characterized in northern Blaine County, Montana. Three Natrargid (Tealette, Elloam and Thoeny) soils and one Paleargid (Phillips) soil were examined. Herbage pro­ duction was measured for each soil with and. without mechanical treat­ ment: plowing or chiseling. 1. Mechanical treatment Findings of the study showed that: increased grass, forb and total productivity, particularly on Elloam and Thoeny soils. 2. Mechanical treatment had a long residual effect. . Increases in productivity were still significant (p = .01) at least 50 years after treatment. 3. The significant reduction (p = .01) in clubmoss cover by mechanical treatment was highly correlated to herbage production on treated sites. 4. The productivity of undesirable forbs, particularly fringed sagewort, increased on treated sites, especially the chiseled site. This is an effect associated with disturbance due to mechanical treat­ ment which can become a problem unless careful grazing management is practiced. LITERATURE CITED 73 Alden, W. C. 1932. The physiography and glacial geology of eastern Montana and adjacent areas. U. S. Department of the Interior, Geol. Survey Prof. Paper no. 174, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. Allmaras, R. R., R. W. Rickman, L. G. Ekin, and B. A. Kimball. 1977. Chiseling influence on soil hydraulic properties. . Soil Sci. Sco. Am. J. 41:796-803. Arshad, M. A., and S. Pawluk. 1966. 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T A B L E : P R t C I P I T A T I IN! PERMcARILTTfI PHYSIOGRAPHf: vegetation: PARENT MATERIAL: PARENT MAT,RIAL! COUNTY! BLAINE CLASS: NEARLY LEVEL annual: DEGREES F ANNUAL: DEGREES F DEPTH! CM . 0 33 CM. LEVEL OR UNDULATING UPLANDS G R A S S E S ANC F O R B S AN D SH R U B S HIGHLY WEATHERED UNCONSGtlOATEO MINERAL SEDIMENTS C A L C A R E O U S S H AL c HIGHLY WEATHERED NIXED LITHOLOGY M O N T H SA MP L E D : JULY ASPECT! SOUTH winter: DEGREES F winter: DEGREES F k i n o : n c WA TER TABLE U P P E R : o o o CM L O W E R : 0 0 « STONINESS I CLASS G L A C I A L TILL HCRlZCN I I E L E V A T I O N ! 08 07 METE RS RING: PLANE SUMMER! DEGREES F SUMMER! DEGREES F month: CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS! PROFILE DESCRIPTION D6 CM. ( O 2 I N .) BROWN ClOYR 5/3) E X T E R I O R $ SANDY CLAY LOAM I DARK BROWN Cl OYR 3 / 3) EXTERIOR MOIST I WEAK VERY FINE GRANULAR STRUCTURE I LOOSE LO OSE , NONSTICKY , NONFLASTIC I MANY FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I MANY FINE IRREGULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS CHCD I ABRUPT SM OOTH BOUNDARY 6 - 11 C M . C 2 4 I N .) 3 4 0 WN LlCVR 5/3) E X T E R I O R I SANDY CLAY LOAM I DARK BROWN ClOYR 3 / 3) EXTERIOR MOIST I MODERATE FINE PLATV STRUCTURE I SOFT , VERY FRIABLt , SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC I PANT FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON ; COMMON TO MANY FINE C MEDIUM IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PORES , MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I COMMON DISTINCT OARK B R O W N Cl O Y R 3/3) M O I S T CLAY SKINS CN PEO FACES I NONCA LCAREOUS CHCD I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY 11 - 28 C M . C 4 - 11 I N .) HRUWN C l 1 VP 4/3) EXTERIOR I CLAY LOAM ; DARK BROWN ClOYR 3/i) EXTERIOR MUIST J M O C E R ATE TC S T R O N G ME C l U P P R I S M A T I C STRUCTURE I VtRY HARD , FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC i MANY FINE ROOTS "ETWEEN FEOS i COMMON M N E C MEDIUM VCIO INTERSTITIAL PORES , MANY r IN E IRREGULAR ANO TUBULAR PORES I MANY PROMINENT D A R K B R O W N Cl OTR MOIST C L A Y SK I N S ON PfO F A C E S i N O N C A L C AR E O U S CHCD I ABRUPT SMOCTH I*O U N U AR Y • ZS - 55 C M . C 11 22 I N .) LIGHT BROW NIS H GRAY C2.5Y 6/2) EXTERIOR L2 .5Y 4/2) EXTtRICR MO IST i MODERATE SOFT , VERY FRIABLE , VERY STICKY KOOTS BETWEEN PEOS • MANY FINE C O M M O N TO MA NY FINE VESICULAR PORES C2.5 Y 4/2) MOIST CLAY SKINS CN FED FACES FRAGMENTS >2 M M j FEW TO C O M M O N SOFT MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT C H C D CONTINUOUS 3 / 3) ; CLAY LOAM % D A R K G R A Y I S H BRCWN MEDIUM PRISMATIC STRUCTURE J , VERY PLASTIC I MANY FINE IR RE GUL AR AN D T U B U L A R PCRES , I COMMON FAINT D A R K G R A Y I S H BRCWN I CCPPON MIXED SECIMfNTARY FI NE SALT CRYS TAL S I I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNCARY 55 - 91 C * . C 2 2 - 36 I N . ) GRAYISH BROWN C2 .5Y 5/2) E X T E R I O R i C L AY LOA" | D A R K G R A Y I S H BRQWN C2.5V 4/2) EXTERIOR MO IST I FEW FINE PROMINENT Y E L L O W I S H B R O W N Cl OVR 5/6) EXTERIOR MOTTLES I MODERATE MEDIUM S U B A N G U L AR B L O C K V STRUCTURE I V E RY HA RO , FRIABLE , STICKY PLASTIC S COMMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON i C O M M O N FjNE I R R E G U L A R AN O T U B U L A R PORES , MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I FE W FAIN T DARK GRAYISH BROWN C2.5V 4 / 2) MOIST CLAY SKINS ON PEO FA C E S I COMMON MIXED SEDIMENTARY FRAGMENTS >2 MM I C O M M O N TO MANY SOFT FINE I MEDIUM SALT CR YS T A L S I MODERAT EL Y EFFERVESCENT CHCD CONTINUOUS I CL EAR SMCCTH BOUNDARY 91 - 1 3 4 C M . C 36 - 5 3 I N . ) LI GHT B R O W N I S H G R AY C2 .5 V 6/2) EXlERICR I SANDY LCAM I DARK G R A Y I S H BRCWN C2.5Y 4/2) EXT=RlCR MOIST ; F t w TO C O M M O N FI NE DISTINCT Y E L L O W I S H t* H O W N C l C f R 5/ 6) E X T E R I O R MOTTLES i WEAK MEDIUM SUttANGUDR JLUCKY STRUCTURE I SOFT > FRIABLE , STICKY PLASTIC FEW FI NE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON J MANY FINE IRREGULAR PO RES FEW FA I N T DARK GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 4/2) MOIST CLAY SKINS T H R O U G H O U T T H E S OIL FEW M I X E D S t O I M E N T A R Y FRAGMENTS >2 M" ; FE W SOFT FINE G Y P S U M CR YSTALS MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I AB RUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY 91 - 1 3 4 C M . ( 3 6 Si I N . ) GRAVISH BROWN C2 .5V 5/ 2) E X T E R I O R I C L A Y L O AM D A R K G R A Y I S H BR OWN C2 .5Y 4 / 2) E X T E R I O R MCIST I MASSIVE I hH Ar Rk Du , VERY FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC i COMMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I MANY FINE IRREGULAR PORES I FEW SOFT VE RY FINE GYPSUM CRYSTALS I M1NCALCARE0US i NOT R E A C H E D BO UN D A R Y U NP LOWED,NATIVE VEGETATION 81 !SOIL Si9 I c H IHOEKf SVRVl V SA-HLE NO.! LOCATION! S3--TJ5N-R19E CLASSIFICATION! bobollic natrargid. S I TE N U . ! 79 22 SLCPC: ;u AI R T l N P t k A T U R c SCIL T E N P C R A T U R E UA Tt R TA ll:! PPECIPITATIJN! FtRPEAdIUTfl FHYSIOGRAPHf: V t G E T A T IC M PARENT MATERIAL! PARENT -ATEAIALt S7 9NT 22 fine, nontmokillomtiC COUNTY! DLAINE CL AS S! ANNUAL! DEGREES ANNUAL! DEGREES DEPTH! C«. V3 C C F . ELEVATION! OBOT METERS KIND! SUPPER! DEGREES F S U P P E R ! 65 D E G R E E S F PONTHl CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS! F F LEVEL OR UNDULATING UPLANDS G R A S S E S ANO F O R B S AND SH RUPS HIbHLY PtATHEREO G L A C I A L TILL FIXED LITHOLOGY HIGHLY WEATHEREU C A L C A R E O U S SHALE M O N T H S A P P L E D ! J U LY ASPECT! NORTHkEST W I N T E R ! TO D E GR EES F WINTER! DEGREES F KZNOI N O W A T E R TAftLE UPPER: CF LOWER! STONINESS: CF class UNCONSOLIDATED MINERAL SEDIMENTS M J R T / IN FRCFILE DESCRIPTION A O il C M . ( O 4 IN.) Y E L L O k I S H BR O W N Cl CYR 5/4) E XTERICR I LOAF I O K . Y E L L C W I SF B R O W N C l O Y R 3/4) EXTERIOR FO IST I FEk TO C O M M O N FINE PROMINENT BROWNISH YEllOk ClOYR 6/ 1) EXTERIOR MOTTLES i M O C E R AT E TC S T R O N G F I N E PLATT STRUCTURE I SOFT VFRY FRIABLE , SLIGHTLY STICKY SLIGHTLY PLASTIC I CONMCN FINE ROOTS THROUCHOUT HORIZON I MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I COPPON FIXED LITHOLOGY FRAGMENTS >2 MP I NONCALCAREOUS (FCl) I ABRUPT SNOCTH ROUNOARt I 21T Il - 2 6 C M . C 4 - I ? I N . ) BROWN CIOYR 4/3) EXTERICR I SANDY CLAY LOAM I O A R K BR O W N Cl OVR 3/3) EXTERIOR MO IST I MODERATE TC STRONG MEDIUM COLU MNA R STRUCTURE I VERY HARO , VERY FIRM , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC I COMMON FINE RJDTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I RANV PROMINENT DARK BROWN ClOTR 3/3) M O I S T CLAY SKINS ON PEO FACES I NONCALCAREOUS CHCD i ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY • B 26 36 C M . C 10 - 1 4 I N . ) BROWN ClOYR 4/3) EXTERIOR I SANDY CLAY IOAN I DARK BROWN U O V R 3/3) EXTERIOR "O IST J MOCERATE MECIUM S U B & N G U L AR B L O C K Y STRUCTURE I VERY HARU , FIRM , VERY STICKY , VE RY P L A S T I C I EW FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON { COMMON FINE IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PORES , MANY FINE VESICULAR PQRES I MANY PROMINENT DARK BROWN ClOYR 3/3) MO I S T C U T SK I N S ON PEO FACE S I FEW SOFT FINE SALT C R Y S T A L S I M O D E R A T E L Y EFFfcRVE S C E N T C H C l ) CONTINUOUS I CLEAR SMOCTH BOUNDARY • 2 ? T CA k YCACS 36 - 6 2 C M . v 14 — 2 4 I N . ) G R A V I S M -XRO w N C2 .5V 5/ 2) E X T E R I C R I SA NOT Cl AY L O A M | DARK G R A Y I S H BR CW N < 2 . ?Y 4/2) CXTEPICK MO IST I WfcAK CCARSE SUBAkGULAR PlOCKY STRUCTURE SLIGHTLY HARO , LO OSE , NONSTiCKY , N Q N P L A S T IC I C O M M C N FINE ROJTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON J MANY FINE IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PORES , ■ANv MINE VtSICUlAR PORES I FEW TO C O M M O N SOFT FINE SALT CRYSTALS % MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT C H C D CONTINUOUS I CLEAR WAVY BOUNDARY C ICACS 62 92 C M . C 24 - 36 I N . ) GRAYISH BROWN C 2 . 5 Y 5/ 2) E X T E R I O R | SA NDY Cl AV LO AN I DARK GRAYISH BRCWN C2 .5Y 4/2) EXTtRICR MO IST I WEAK MEDIUM SUB A N G U L A R B l O C K Y STRUCTURE VERY HARO , VERY FRIABLE , SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC < CONMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I MANY FINE IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PORES , MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I COMPON FINE I MEUIUM SALT CRYSTALS I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT C H C D CONTINUOUS I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY 2CS 92 - 1 5 5 C M . C 36 - 6 1 I N . ) GRAYISH BROWN C2 .5V 5 / 2 ) E X T E R I O R I CLAY I V OK GRAY ISH BROWN <2.«V EXTERIOR MQiS T I COMMON FINE PROMINENT YELLOWISH BROWN U O Y R 5 / 1) EXTERIOR MOTTLES I MODERATE FINE SU B A N G U L A R B L O C K V STRUCTURE I VERY HARD • VERY FRIABLE # STICKY , PLASTIC I FEW ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N TC M A N Y FINE IRREGULAR PORES I FEW MIXED LITHOLOGY FRAGMENTS > 2 CR I F E W TC C O M M C N SOFT FINE SALT CRYS TAL S , F E W TO C O M M O N SOFT FINE M A S S E S OF L I M E I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT C H C D CONTINUOUS I NOT R E A C H E D B O U N D A R Y 12 C Rf-PRKS I NATIVE VEGETATION 3/2) 82 tsriL .SL-iitsi ie n m t SUkVtT Sl-VLi SO.: LL1C A T I O eIt S 3 * - T 3 5 N - R I 9t ClASSlFICHUNt S I TE N C . : 79 23 SL OPE: Vlt COUNTTt ILAINE class: annual: annual: PARrNT "/THTALt 11 BOROLLIC NATRARCID. FINE MONTHORILUWITIC AIR ThwPt^ATUSE S C I L T : "P R A T U R E N A I H TA?L tt PRlL I P I T A T U n : PEkMEAZILITVt PHVSICCPAPMV: V t L 1- T a T I C N J S,,M depth : jJJ CM. OfGRtts r OEGRtt S t cm . ELEVATION! 0807 PETERS : SUPPER: DE GREE S F S U M M E R : 73 D E G R E E S F PUMPS CONTROL SE CTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS: kino M O N T H S A M P L E D : JULV aspect: NORTHWEST WINTER: DEGREES F WINTER: DEGREES F KINO: NC W A T E R TABLE UPPERS CM LOWER: stoniness G R A S S E S AND F U R R S A N D SHRU PS HIGHLV WEATHERED G L A C I A L T I LL m i x e d L It h o l o g v a n d c a l c a r e o u s s h a l e HOPIZCN PROFILE DESCRIPTION A 2 I 2 CM. L CI IN.) LI GHT G R A V CSV7/2) EXTERIOR I LOAM EXTERIOR MOIST I MASSIVE t SOFT SLIGHTLV PLASTIC i FEW FINE ROOTS FI.«E I R R E G U L A R ANC T U BU LAR PQRLS $ FiJ NIXcU L ITHOLOGV FRAGMENTS >2 C M I b ZlT 2 - 13 C M . ( I 5 IN.) LIGHT P R O W N I S H G R A Y C 2 . 5 Y 6/2) E X T E R I O R i ClAY I OARK GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 4/2) E X T E R I O R MOIST J M O D E R A T E TO S T R O N G F I N E subangular blockv STRUCTURE I HARO . VE»V FRIABLE , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC I COMMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON { MANY FINE IRREGULAR ANO TUBULAR PORES , KANT FINE VESICULAR PORES I COMMON FA INT DARK GRAY ISH BROWN < 2 . SV A/2) MOIST C l A V SK INS O N PE D F A C E S I NJNCALCARfOUS (HCL) I .ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY it i> - 36 C M . C b - IA I N . ) L I G H T 0 R U W N l SM G R A f ( 2 . 5 V 6 / 2 ) E X T E R I O R t CLAV I D A R K G R A Y I S H BROWN 1 2 . SV H f I) f X T . R I O R "OIST I CUMkON FI NE DISTINCT BROWNISH YELLOW (I J VR 6 / 6 ) F X T c R I C P. MOTTLES i MODERATE FI NE PRISMATIC STRUCTURE AN C MOVXATt FINE SUBANGULAk BLOCKV { HARO » FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC i CUMPON FJNE ROCTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I COMMON FINE I R R E G U L A R A N O TIiyULAP PQRFS , MANY FI NE VESICULAR PORES I FEW FA INT U A R X G R A Y I S H PR JWN (2.5V 4/2) MOIST Cl AV SKINS ON PEO F A C E S I COMMON SUFT FIKF GYPSUM CRYSTALS I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS ; CLfAk SMOOTH BOUNDARY I GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 5/2) • VERY FRIABLE , STICKY , THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N TO M A N Y MA NY FINE VESICULAR PORES I N C N C A LC AR E O U S (HCL) CONTINUOUS . 36 - 55 C M . ( 1 4 2 2 I N.) GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 5/2) t XTtRICR I C L AY LOAM I D A R K G R A Y I S H BR OWN (2.5V 4/2) c X T ‘ RICR MOIST I FEW TO COMMON FINE DISTINCT iT . Y E L L O W I S H P R C W N O O V R 6/4) EXTERIOR MOTTLES I WEAK MEDIUM S U 3 A ,G ULAR B L O C K V STRUCTURE I VERY HARO , FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC FE W T O C O M M J N FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C C M M O N TO M A N Y FINE IRRFGULAP ANC TUBULAR PORES , MANY FI NE VESICULAR POKES I COMMON FAINT DARK G R A Y ISH BROWN (2.5V 4/2) MOIST CLAt SKINS ON PEO FACE S I COMMON SOFT FI NE GTPSUM CRYSTALS I POOERATElt EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I CLEAR SMOOTH POUNOARt C 55 84 C M . C 22 - 33 IN.) GRAYISH BPJWN (2 .5V 5/2) EXTERIOR J CLAY LOAM $ DARK GRAY ISH BROWN (2 .5Y 4/2) EXTERIOR MO IST I FEW TO C O M M O N FINE DISTINCT BROWNISH VELLUW U O t R 6/6) EXTERIOR MEDIUM MOTTLES 5 WE AK S U3 A N G U l AR B L O C K V STRUCTURE i VERY HARO , FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC FEw FI NE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N TO M A N Y F I N E IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PO RES I PMNT FINE VESICULAR PORES M O O E K A T t L V E F F E R V E S C E N T (H CL) CONTINUOUS i CLEAR SMOOTH B O U N C AR Y C 04 - 1 1 5 C M . ( 2 5 4 5 I N .) LIGHT BROW NIS H GRAY (2.5V 6/ 2) EXTERIOR $ CLAY LOAM I V OK G R A Y I S H BR C W N ( 2 . SV 3/2) EXTE RIO R MO IST I F E W TO C O M M O N FINE DISTINCT BROWNISH YELlUW (IUYR 6/8) EXTERIOR MOTTLES i MODERATE FINE S t I h A NG U LA R B L O C K Y STRUCTURE I VERY HARJ , VERY FIRN , VE RY ST ICKY , VERY PLASTIC I C O M M O N TO M A N Y F I N E ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N TO M A N Y FI NE VOlO INTERSTITIAL PORES , MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I COMMON SOFT FINE L MEDIUM GYPSUM CRYSTALS I M O O E K A T L L Y E F F E R V E S C E N T (H CL) CONTINUOUS I NOT REACHED BOUNDARY remarks: CM : CLASS U N P L H p t O , NATIVE V EG ETATION I 83 IS O l L SCRIES* SUF V i V S A M P L E NO . LOCATION: classification : S I Tt N O . : 19 >4 slope: ui» IIP T E N P t T A T U R F SCIL T C P f R A T U R E W A T E R TA9LE: precipitation: permeability: PPYSICGR A0H T : VE Ot t a t i c n : P A R E ni m a t e r i a l : S34-T 35 N-R14E BOROLLIC NATRARCIDt FINE, HONTMORILLOhITIC C O U N T V* P L A I N E CLASS* ANNUAL* DEGREES F ANNUAL* OEGRttS F DE PTH I C R. 53 u C P . ELEVATION: 08U7 RETERS KI ND* SUPRER * DEGREES F S U M M E R * 68 D E G R E E S F HOATH * CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS* LE VfL OR U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S G R A S S E S A N D F O R B S AN D SHRU BS HIGHLY WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL MI A E U L I T H O L O G Y AN O C A L C A R E O U S SHALE M O N T H S A M P L E D * JULY ASPECT* NORTHWEST WINTERS DEGREES F WINTER* DEGREES F KINDS NO W A T E R TABLE UPPERS CR LO WERS S TONINESS S CLASS PRCFILE DESCRIPTION J Al C M . < O 4 IN.) L I G H T B R O W N I S H G R A Y < 2 . SY 6 / 2 ) I X T E R I O R | LOAP I d a r k GRAYISH BROWN 1 2 . SY 4 / 2 ) E X T E R I O R MOIST I MODERATE FINE PLATT STRUCTURE I LOOS t , LOOSE , SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC I PANT FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HUPIZON i MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES J NTNCALCARtOUS (HCl) % ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY if CU 11 - 27 C l . C 4 - 11 I N . ) CARX GRAYISH BROWN < 2 . SV 4 / 2 ) E X T E R I O R I CLAY I V QK G R A Y I S H BR OWN < 2 . SY 3/2) E X T E R I C R -O IST I M O D E R A T E TO ST R O N G M E O I U N C O L U M N A R STR U C T UPf I VERY PARC , VE Y F I R M , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC C O M B T N c INfc ROOTS BETWEEN PtDS I MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES MANY VfcRY P R O M I N E N T V Cf G R A Y I S H B R O W N ( 2 . 5 V 3/2) MO IS T CL AY SK INS O N PfcO F A C E S I NONCALCAREOUS (MCL) i ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY i t “ 2 ? T CA 27 - 4 2 C M . ( 1 1 17 I N .) LIGH T B R O W N I S H GR AY (2 .5 V 6/ 2) E X T E R I O R 5 CLAT LOAM | DARK GRAYISH BRCWN ( 2 . SY 4/2) E XTERICR MO IST I M O D E R A T E TO ST R O N G M E D I U M P R I S M A T I C S T R U C TURfc A N D PUDfcRATE T O S T R O N G MEDIUM SUPANGULAR BLOCKY I VERY HARD , ViRY FIRM » VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC ; CORPCN FINE ROOTS BETWEEN PtOS I MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I MANY PROMINENT OARX GRAYISH UROWN ( 2 . SY 4/2) MOIST C L A Y S K I N S ON P E O F A C E S I MO J i k ATELY EF FERVESCENT VH C l ) CONTINUOUS i CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY B 3C 'CS 4 2 - S3 C M . ( 1 7 21 I N .) GRAYISH CROAN ( 2 . SY S/2) EXTERIOR I CLAY LOAM ; V OK G R A Y I S H BR OW N 1 2 . ST J/2) E X T E R I O R MOIST I MODERATE -fcOIUM P R I S M A T I C STRUCTURE AN D P-JOERATE -EDIUH SUBANGUlAR PLOCKY | VERY HARD , VERY FIRM , VERY STICKY , VtRY PLASTIC I COMMON FINE RO OTS BETWEEN PEOS S MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES * MANY PROMINENT V DK G R A Y I S H BROWN L2.S Y 3 / 2 J MO IST CLAY SKINS CN PED FACES i MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCl) CONTINUOUS i CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY Si - 79 C M . ( 2 1 il I N . ) G U V I Stl B R O W N ( 2 . SY S/2) EXTERIOR i ClAV ICAM { DARK GRAY ISH BROWN ( 2 . SV 4 / 2 ) E XTf cRI Ok -OIST ; MODERATE FJNE t MEDIUM SUfiANCULAR BL OCKV STRUCTURE S PARC • VERY FRIABLE , VfcRY S T I C K Y , VERY PLASTIC 5 COM-ON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON i -AM FINE VESICULAR FORES MANY SOFT FINE C MECIUM CVPSUM C R Y S T U S J MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) BOUNDARY CONTINUOUS i G R A D U A L WAVY Z C 'CS 79 - IJS CM. ( 3 1 S3 IN.) GR A YY SM B R O W N ( 2 . SY S / 2 ) E X T E R I O R i C L AY LOAM ; DARK GR AYISH BROWN ( 2 . SY 4/ 2) E X T E R I O R MO IST ; WEAK FINE C MEDIUM SU BANGULAR BLOCKY STRUCTURE * VE RV H A R D , VERY FRIABLE VE RY ST ICKY , VERY PLASTIC F E W r INfc KUOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON 5 MANY FI NE VESICULAR PORES I FEW TO CDMPDN SOFT FIN? GYPSUM CRYSTALS MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCl) CONTINUOUS j N U l R E A C H E D B U U N C AR Y . U N P L J k E U fNATIVE VEGETATION I 84 •I S C I l S t R I c SX Sl R V J V SAFP LE NO.! LOCATION: S34-T JS N- F19 E CLiSSlFZClTMNI BOROLLIC HA TR ARCID, PI HB1 M O M M O R I L L G M I T I C S I T t N U . ! 79 25 SLOPLI Vll AIR TE PP fA A T U R C SCIl TcPP E R A TUd E W A T E T TAl L U PRECIPITATION! PERPEAuUTTV: PHVSICOAPHV I VEGETATION! PA RENT " A T E XTA L! COUNTVI BLAINE CLASS! ANNUAL! DEGREES ANNUAL! DEGREES DE PTH! CP. CiO CP. GRASSES AND FQRBS AND SHRUBS HIGHLY WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL MI X E D L J T H O L O G V AN D C A L C A R E O U S SHALE HORIZON A IP ELEVATION! 08C7 METERS KIND: SUMMER! DEGREES F SUMMER! DEGREES F MONTH! CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS! M O N T H S A M P L E D ! JULV ASPECT! NORTHWEST WINTER! DEGREES F WINTER! DEGREES F KIND! NC W A T E R T A E L f UPPER! CM LOWE R! STONINESS! CLASS PROFILE DESCRIPTION JI? C M . C O A IN.) BROWN (IOVR A/J) EXTcRICR I CLAY LOAM ; DARK BROWN ClOVR 3/3) EXTERIOR MO IST J M O C E R AT I FINE PLATV STRUCTURE I SOFT LOOS * , STICKY , PLASTIC I C O M M O N TO M A N Y f I N E RO OTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON { COPMON FINE IR REGtlAR AND T U E t L A R PO RES COMMON FiNE VESICULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS (H Cl) ABRUPT SMOOTH POUNUAP Y iU - 1 9 C M . C A 7 I N .) BROWN (I)YR A/3) EXTERIOR J CLAY I DARK GRAYISH BROWN ClOYR 4/2) EXTERIOR MOIST I MODERATE FINE SUBANGUlAR BLOCKY STRUCTURE I VERY HARU , VERY FRIABLE , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC I COMMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N TO M A N Y F I N E IRREGULAR ANO TUBULAk PORES , C O M M O N FINE VESICULAR PORES I MANY LIiTINCT DARK GRAYISH BROWN LlOYR A / 2) HOIST CLAY SKINS T H R O U G H O U T THE SOIL NONCALCARtOUS (HCL) I AB RUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY . 13 - 36 C M . ( 7 - IA IN.) SHOWN UOYR A/3) E XTERICR I CLAY i DARK GRAYISH BROWN EXTERIOR MOIST J MdCtRATE FINE PRISMATIC STRUCTURE FINE SUB A N G U L A R B L O C K V ; HaRO , VERY FRIABLE , VE RY VERY PLASTIC i COPMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHCUT HORIZON I FINE IRREGULAR /NO TUBULAR FO RES , C C M M O K TO M A N Y F I N E PORES e FEW FAINT nap* GRAYISH PROWN UOYR 4/2) MO IST CL AY T H R O U G H O U T T HE S C lL I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCl) CONTINUOUS SMOOTH BOUNDARY Cl OYR 4/2) AND MO DE RAT E STICKY , FE W T O COMM ON VESICULAR SK INS J CL EAR ) CM. ( c I N .) DARK G R A Y I S H B R O W N ( 2 . SV 4/2) EXTERIOR I CLAY LOAM I V OK G R A Y I S H B R O W N (2 .5V 3/2) E X T t R I C R MOIST I MODERATE FINE G MEDIUM S U B A N G U L AR B L O C K Y STRUCTURE : HARO , FRIAPLE . VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC I COMMON F I NE RCCTS THROUGHOUT HORIZCN J C O M M O N TC M A N Y FINE I R R E G U L A R AN D T U B U L A R PORES , C O M M O N TO M A N Y F I N E VESICULAR PORES I C Q M M 1J I. S O F T VERY FINE M A S S E S OF L I P E I M O D E R A T E L Y E F F E R V E S C E N T (HCL) COVTlNUOUS I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY CM. C C IN .J DARK GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 4/2) EXTE®ICR i CLAY LOAM I V DK G R A Y I S H B R C W N ( ? . 5 V ) / ?) E X T E R I O R MOIST I MODERATE MEClUM SUBANGULAR BLOCKV STRUCTURE i HARO , VERY FRIABLE , SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC ; CUMPCN FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I COPMON MNE I R R E G U L A R ANL T U B U L A R PORES . C C M M O N TO M A N Y F I N E VESICULAR PORES i COMkCN MIXED L ITHCLCGV FRAGMENTS >2 CM 5 COMMON SCFT FINE GYPSUM CRYSTALS . COMMON SOFT FINE M A S S E S OF L I Mf ; M(Jl)F R A T E L Y E F F C R V t S C F N T ( H C L ) CONTINUOUS i CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY ZCftCi RCw ARKj ! ) CM. C O I N .) V OK GRAYISH QROwN (2.5V 3/2) EXTERIOR I CLAY LOAM AN D SA NDY LO AM g V UK GRAYISH HROWN ( 2 . SV 3 / 2) E X T E R I O R MOIST J COMMON FINE PROMINENT YELLOWISH IROWN LifYR 5/6) E X T E R I O R POTTLES i COMPCN FINE DISTINCT YELLOWISH BROWN U J V R 5/0) EXTERIOR MOTTLES J MODERATE MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCKY STRUCTURE I VERY HARO , VERY FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC i FEW FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON 5 FEW TO COPPQN FINE IR RE GUL AR AN D T U B U L A R PORES , C O M M O N TO MA NY FI NE VESICULAR PORES I C O M M O N TO MANY SOFT FINE GYPSUM CRYSTALS , COMMON SOFT FINE M I S S E S OF LI ME j M O D E R A T E L Y E F F E R V E S C E N T (H CL) CONTINUCUS I NCT R E AC HED BOUNDARY PLOWED. NATIVE V EG ETATION 85 TEALETTfc ISOlL S c M t S I SL'RVCY S A * » L E NO, LOCATION* CLASSlfICATI I M SITfc N O . I Tl ? 6 SlOPlI 11 A I R TfcMPfcQAlViE S O I L T f P t QATUTfc WA T E R TA 'i; I PRECIPITATilN: PEkPfcAeiLITT I PPYSIGOPAPHT: vegetation: PARENT "ATERTfl: S79PT BOROLLIC RATRARGiD, FINE, MONTHORILLORITIC COUNTY* 3LAINE class: ANNUAL! DEGREES ANNUAL! OEGRPfcS LfcPTH I CP. I 3j C P . ELEVATION! B 0 8 0 7 MfcTfcBS KIkOl P p SUMMER! DEGREES P S U M M E R ! Tl D E G R E E S F month: COkTROL SECTION LIMITS — DRAINAGE CLASS! M O N T H S A M P L E D ! J U LY ASPECT! NORTHWEST WINTER! DECREES P WINTER: DEGREES F KIND: NC WA TE R TABLE UPPER: cm lower: G R A S S c S A N D F U R B S A N D SrtRUBS HIGHLY WEATHERED GL A C I A L TILL MI XE D L I T H O L O G Y AK O C A L C A R E O U S SHAL E PROFILE DESCRIPTION IP O 11 C M . C O Y I N .) En OWN CnVR 4/3) EXTERIOR I CLAY LOAM i DARK BROWN U O Y R 3/3) EXTERIOR MOIST I MODERATE M E D I U M S U B A N G U L AR B L O C R Y STRUCTURE WEAK FINE PLATV | VERY HARO , FIRM , VERY STICKY , Vfc*Y P L A S T I C I C O M M O N FI NE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I PINY IkREDULAR ANO TUBULAR PORES , C O M M O N FINE VESICULAR PORES I NONCALCARtOUS (HCL) I AB RUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY Zll IJ - 1 9 C M . < 4 7 IN.) BROWN ( I •YR 4 / 3 ) E X T E k l C R I CLAY I DARK GRAYISH BROWN UOVR 4 / 2) EXTERIOR MO IST I M O D E R A T E TC ST R O N G F I N E L M E D I U M SUB A N G U L A R BLOCKV STRUCTURE I VtRY HARD , FRIABLE , VERY STICKY , VEKV PLASTIC I C J M M „iN F I N E ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C G P P O N TO M A N Y FINE IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PORES , C O M M O N TC MANY PINE VESICULAR PORES MANY DISTINCT DARK GRAYISH BROWN Ll CYR 4/2) NOIST C L A Y SKINS I H R O U G M O U T TH E S O I L I NONCALCAREOUS (M CL) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY P ZJ T CA C 1C' CP STONINESS I CLASS HORIZON A 26 SAY- T3SN-R19E I IV JS C b . ( 7 - 14 I N .) GROWN ClOYk 4/3) EXTERIOR I CLAY i DARK GRAYISH BROWN U O V R 4/2) EXTERIOR MO IST I MODERATE MEDIUM S l iB A NG U LAR B l O C K V STRUCTURE I V=RY HARO , FIRM , VERY STICK! , VERY PLASTIC I C O M M O N FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N T O MAI.Y F I N E IRREGULAR ANC TUBULAR PORES , C O M M O N TO MA NY FI NE VESICULAR PORES I C O M M O N DISTINCT MOIST CLAY SKINS T H R O U G H O U T THE SOIL I NGNCALCAREOtS (HCL) I CLEIR S M O O T H b OU N P A RY . 35 - 6 8 C M . C 1 4 - 27 I N . ) UARK GRAYISH BROWN UOYR 4/2) EXTERIOR U j VQ 1 / 2 ) L XT E R I C R MOIST I MODERATE HARP , FPIABLE , VERY STICKY • VERY THROUGHOUT HORIZON S C Q P M O N TC M A NY FINE C O M M O N TO R A N Y FI NE VESICULAR PORES GYPSU*, C R Y S T A L S I NONCALCARfcCUS (HCL) I CLAY I V OK G R A Y I S H BROWN MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCKY STRUCTURE PLASTIC I F E W FINE ROCTS I R R E G U L A R AN D T U B U L A R PORES • i FE W TO C O M M O N SOFT VEPV FINE I AB RUPT SPOCTH BOUNDARY I C ZC'CS 68 - 1 0 9 C R . C 27 - 4 j I N . ) C A t K G R A Y I S H R R J W N ( 2 . SY 4 / 2 ) E X T E R I O R i C L AY LO AM I V OK G R A Y I S H B R C W N (2.5V J / Z ) EX Tf cR IC R MOIST I FE W TO C O M M O N DISTINCT Y E L L C W I S H BROWN UJYR 5 / 8 ) EX Tf cR lC R MOTTLES T MODERATE VtRY FINE I FI NE ANGULAR BLOCKV STRUCTURE I SLIGHTLY HARD , VERY FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC I FEW FINE RLCTS THROUGHOUT HQRIZCN I C O M M O N TO M I N T F I N E IR P tG U L AR A N O T U B U L i R PORES , C O M M O N TO MANY F I NE VESICULAR PORES I COMMON MIXED LITMCLUGY FRAGMENTS >2 C M I COMMON TC MANY SOFT FINE GYPSUM CRYSTALS { NGNCALCAREOUS CHCD I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY • C 3CACS IO V - 1 4 0 C M . ( 4 2 55 IN.) V OK GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 3/2) EXTERIOR J CLAY LOAM J V OK G R A Y I S H B R O W N 1 2 . SY 3/2) E X T E R I O R MO IST I FEW FINE DISTINCT YELLOWISH BROWN ClOVR 5/6) EXTERIOR MOTTLES I MODERATE FINE I MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCKY STRUCTURE I SLIGHTLY HAPO . F P I A BL E , S T I C K Y , PLASTIC J FEW FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I CO M M O N TO MANY FINE IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PO RES , C O M M O N TO MiNY FI NE VESICULAR PORES I C C M P O N TO MA NY SO FT VE RT FINE GYPSUM CRYSTALS I NONCALCARfcCUS (HCL) I NOT REACHED BOUNDARY . RtNARKS: PLOWED. NATIVE VEG ET AT IO N 86 PHILLIPS SClL SC BIESJ SLRVtT S R -PLP NO* t S79RT LOCATION: S14-TJ5N-H19E CUSSIFICeriUN! BOtOLLIC PALEARC1D, FINE, HCUTMORILiXJN ITI C S I T E N O . I 7) H SLCPi: on AIR T E M P E R A T U R E S m TEMPERATURE W A T E R TAfcLEI PRECIPITATION! PERMLAJJILITf I PEYSIOORAPHft VEGtTATICtI P A R E N T •«A T t R I A L I COUNTY! M A I N E CLASS! ANNUAL! DEGREES ANNUAL: DEGREES depth: C M. 0 30 C M. F F IP ELEVATION! 0807 METERS R IA OI SUMMER: DEGREES F SUMMER: DEGREES F NCNTHI COATROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS! M O N T H S A M P L E D ! JULY ASPECT! NORTHWEST WINTER! DEGREES F WINTER! DEGREES F KINDI NC W A T E R TA BL E UPPER! CM LOWER! G R A S S E S AtO F O R K S ANO SHRU BS HIGHLY WEATHERED G L A C I A L TILL MIXED LITHOLOGY PROFILE DESCRIPTION : Il C M . ( O A IN.) BROWN Il-JVR S / 3 ) E A T E R I O R I SA N D Y L O A M j V OR G R A Y I S H BROWNO O Y R 3/2) EXTERIOR MOIST J WEAK FINE GRANULAR STRUCTURE AND WEAK FI NE PLATT $ SLIGHTLY HARD , LO OSE , NONSTICKY , NQNP L AST IC I MANY FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON | C O M M O N TO M A N Y F I N E IR RE GUL AR AN D T U B U L A R PORES , C O M M O N TO M A NY FINE VESICULAR PORES I N Q N C a LCARE O U S (HCL) { ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY H 21T 11 27 C M . C 4 11 I N . ) BROWN U O Y R 4/3) EATtRICR I SANDY CLAYLOAM , DARK BROWN U O Y R 3/3) EXTERIOR POIST * STRONG U N t PRISMATIC STRUCTURE I VERY HARD , V E RY FIRM , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC J COMMON FINE ROOTS BETWEEN PEOS I C O M M O N TO MA NY FINE I R R E G U L A R ANO T U B U L A R PCRES , C O M M O N TO M A N Y FINE VESICULAR PORES I MANY PROMINENT Ci RK BR OW N UJYR 3/3) MOIST C L A Y SK I N S . ON ME D F A C E S i FEW MIXED LITHOLCGY FRAGMENTS >2 C M I NUNCALCAREOUS (HCL) I ABRUMT SMCCTH BOUNDARY b 27 - 53 C M . C 11 - 2 1 I N . ) CLAY LOAI MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC STRUCTURE t HARD , FIRM VERY ST ICKY , VERY PLASTIC I COMMON FINE ROOTS BETWEEN PEOS I MANY UNE I R R E G U L A R ANC T U BU LAR PORES , C O M M C N TO M A N Y F I N E VESICULAR PORtS ! CO-MON PROMINENT V OK G R A Y I S H BR O W N (1 0VR 3/2) MOIST C L AY SKIN S ON PEO F A C E S J MA NY SOFT FINE t PEOlUM M I SS ES OF LI ME i MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I CLEAR WAVY BOUNDARY b 22C1 BH 53 - 74 C M . ( U - 29 IN.) C R A Y I SM d R O U t UtiYR 5/2) EXTERIOR I CLAV LOAM UOfR 3/2) E X T c R i C R MOIST ; MODERATE MEDIUM ST RUCTURE J VERY HARD , FRIABLE , STICKY , ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I COMMON TO MANY FINE PORES , MANY FINE VESICULAR MORES I FEW MO IST CLAY SKINS ON PtD FA C E S I COMMON SOFT MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS ! CLEAR IC ACS 74 - 1 1 5 C M . ( 2S - 45 It.) DARK G R A Y I S H B R O W N (2.5V 4/2) EXTERIOR I SANDY CLAY LOAN I V OK GRAY ISH HROWN (2.5V 3/2) E X T E R I O R MOIST I STRONG MEOlLM ANGULAR BLOCKV STRUCTURE I HARO » VERY FRIABLE , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC ! F E W F I NE ROClS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M C N TO MANY FINE IRREGULAR AND TUdULAR PORES , C O M M O N TO M A N Y F I N E VESICULAR PORES I C O M M O N TD MANY SOFT VERY FINE GYPSUM CRYSTALS , COMMON SOFT FINE -ASSES OF LIME I VIOLENTLY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY C ZCtCS H S - 150 CM . ( 45 - 59 IN.) V OK G R A Y I S H B R O W N (2.5V 3/2) EX TE R I O R J SANDY LCAM I V DK G R A Y I S H B R C W N (2 .5Y 3/2) E X T k R J C R MOIST I COMMON MEDIUM PROMINENT YELLOWISH BROWN UOYR 5/0) E X T C R I C R eO l S T POTTLES I MODERATE FI NE I P E DI UP ANGULAR BLOCKV STRUCTURE I HARD , LOOSE , STICKY , PLASTIC I COMMON FINE IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PORES , COMPCN FINE VESICULAR PORES i COMMON SOFT FINE GYPSUN CRYSTALS , FEW SOFT VERY FINE OXIDES i -OOERATtLV EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUCUS I NOT R E A C H E D B O U N D A R Y PLOWED NATIVE VEG ET AT IO N , J V OK G R A Y I S H B R O W N SUB A N G U L A R BL C C K V MLASTIC I COMMON FINE I R R E G U L A R AND TUBU LAR FAINT DA RK B R O W N U O Y R 3/3) FINE M A S S E S OF L I M E I SMOOTH BOUNDARY C REMARKS: CF STOtINESSI CLASS HORTZOt A 27 SOIL Sc Ufc s* S U R V L T S A M P L E NO IOCAIIUNt C L A S S 1» I C A H O N t S I Tt N O * S 7 1 1 4 SL OPE: u A I R T f c M P iR A TU nf SClL T L T e RA TU Rf N AT L U T A C H t PR EC IPIT ATI ON i Pt R * C IL IT Tt PhTSIOUVAPHT : V t Gt T A T l L M PA R t N T OTcRIrftt IHOfNT 28 S3*-iJ5N-R19E BOROLLIC MATRARCi d , PINE, MONTMORILLONITI c C O U N T Tl B l A I NC CL ASSt ANNUAL* OfCRBES ANNUAL! OtGRtES IlF-PTHt CM. C T O CM . F F G R A S S E S AND F Q R b S AND SH RUBS HIGHLT WEATHERED G L A C I A L TILL Ml X F O L I T H O L O G T ANC C A L C A R E O U S SH AL E HCRIfTN « IP L L eVA T I O N t 0 8 07 M E T E R S KI ND* SUMMER* DEGREES F S U M M E R * 61 D E G R E E S F MONTH* CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS: M O N T H S A M P L E D : JULY ASPECT* NORTHWEST WINTER: DEGREES F WINTER* DEGREES F KINO* NO W A T E R TABLE UPPER* CM LOWERS STONINESS * CLASS PROFILE DESCRIPTION •’ 13 Cl. C S S I N .) BROWN CICTR 5/J) E XTERICP i SANOT LOAM ; DARK BROWN ClOTR 3/3) LXTtkJOR MO IST J WEAK FINE GRANULAR STRUCTURE AND WE AK FI NE PL ATT i LOOSE , LOOSE , NONSTICKT , NONPLASTIC I FEW TO C O M M O N BINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HCR U C N I PANT FINE I R R E G U L A R ANC T U BU LAR PJRES , MANT FINE VESICULAR POREt $ NONCAICAREOUS (MCL) I *» ®UPT SNOOTH BOUNDARY L- U l H - 33 C M . < S1 3 I N .) BROWN CIOYR 4/A) EX Tt R I C R J CLAT LOAM i DARK BRQWN Cl OYR 3/3) iXTtRIOR MUIST J STRONG MlCjUM COLUMNAR STRUCTURE I V F R T HA RO , V eR T F l R , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC i COMMON FINE FOOTS THROUGH UT HORIZON I C O M M O N TO M A N Y FjNE I R R E G U L A R AND T U B U L A R PORES • C O M M J N TM M A N Y FINE VESICULAR PORtS i MANY VERY PROMINENT DARK BRCWN <1'Y. j / j ) MOIST CLAY SKINS T H R O U G H O U T TH E S O j l J NONCAICAREOUS (HCL) I ' O R U P T SMGUTit B O U N D A R Y B 2 : 1 CA 33 - o l C M . C 12 - 24 I N .) .-jR J W N UOTR 4 / j ) E XTERICR : CLAY LOAM ; DARK BRCWN (10YR 3/3) c XTB RI' JR MiJIST J STRONG MEClUM PRISMATIC STRUCTURE i VERY HARO , FIR" 1 VfRf STICKY , VERY PLASTIC t COMMON FINE RO OTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON { MANY FINE C MEDIUM I R R E G U L A R ANO T U B U L A R PORES , C O M M O N TQ M A N Y FINE VESICULAR PORES I COMMON DISTINCT DA RK BR OWN UOYR 3/3) MJIST CLAY SKJNS CN P E O F A C E S ; MANY SOFT MEDIUM M A S S E S OF L I M l i VIOLENTLY EFFERVESCENT IHCU CONTINUOUS J CLEAR SMOOTH I1JtINO AR Y a sc * 61 - 92 C M . 4 24 36 I N .) GRAYISH BROWN C2.5Y S/2) E X T E R I O R I C L A Y LOAM J DARK GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 4/ 2) E X T E R I O R MO IST I MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC STRUCTURE t V E R Y MA RO . FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC I F E W TO C O M M O N FINE ROOTS ; COMMON THROUGHOUT HORIZON FINE I R R E G U L A R AKO T U B U L A R PO RES • MANY FIMF VESICULAR SOFT PORcS S COMMON M A S S E S OF L I R E c INE I V U L rNTLt EFFERVESCENT (HCL) SMOOTH B O U N C AR Y CONTINUOUS : CLEAR • L icics 92 - 1 2 5 C M . ( 36 - 4 9 I N . ) V DK G R A Y I S H B R O W N (2 .5V J/2) E X T E R I O R * LOAM I V OK G R A Y I S H BR OW N a n g u l a r HLOCKY "EfIUM MOIST I MODERATE STRUCTURE (2 .5 V 3/2) LXTtRICR SLIGHTLY HARD , VE RY F R IA BLE , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC I TL* TO COMMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I MANY FINE IRREGULAR ANO TUBULAR PORES , C O M M O N TO MA NY FINE VESICULAR PORES S FEW MI X E D L I T H O L O G Y F R A G M E N T S >2 C M ; C O M M O N S O FT FINE GYPSUM CRYSTALS COMMON SOFT I IN E M A S S E S Of L l M f % M O D E R A T E L Y E F F E R V E S C E N T (H Cl) CONTINUOUS J GKiDUAL SMOOTH BOUNDARY 1 25 - 1 6 0 C M . ( 4 5 63 I N.) G R A V I SM B R O W N (2.5V 5/ 2) E X T t R I C R I (L AY LOAM % V OK G R A Y I S H BR OWN ANGULAR BlOCKY U'.5 V 3 / 2 ) fcXTE R I CR MOIST 5 MOCERATt FINE C ME D I U M , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC I COMMON STRUCTURE $ SOFT , LOUSE I C O M M O N TO M A N Y F I N E FINE RUCTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I R R E GUL AR AN D TU B U L A R PQRtS ■ C O M M O N TO MA NY FINE VESICULAR PORES I >2 M M I COMMON S O FT VE RY FINE HMY MIXED LIThCLOGY FRAGMENTS i M OOi R A TE L Y E F F E R V E S C E N T ( M C L ) CONTINUOUS I NCT R E AC HED GYPSUM CRYSTALS PUJNOARY N 1- -A0KSt PLJW=O NATIVE VEG ET AT IO N 88 SCIL ScttIESS SURfcf S f P L F LOCA TIO N ! ThOCNf NO. I CLASSIFrC^TIQM SlTt N O . $ H 2 9 SLCPcS : I? A I R T E RPC R A T U R E SCIL T t R P ^ R A T U R C WATtt TA cLcS precipitation: PCRPtAOlLTTfS P t - T S I O G R f Hf I V C O t TATJ'iNS P SR t NT < AT L RT«»LS S79MT S J*-T J5N-R I 9E BORnLLICNATRARCID, FINE, HU iTMORILLOUITIC CTJNTfS CLASS: ANNUALS ANNUAL! DEPTHS ; 31 CR. PLAIN: OCGR CCS OEGR CFS Cl. CLCVATinRt C 807 RETCRS RIRDS SUPRERZ D E GR E E S F SUPRERt 64 D E GRE ES F WORTHS CORTROL SECT IO N LIRITS DRAINAGE CLASS: F F IP STORIRESSS GRASSES ANU *-0R9S ANO SHRUdS NlGHLf W EA TH ER ED GLACIAL TILL R U E O LI THl LO Cf HURIZON A PRCFILE ) 11 CR. C 9 GRAfl SH RROWN ( 2. Sf IXTtRIOP ROIST i V cRf FINE PLATf J PUT FINE PJCTS IBRfGlJLAP A *|0 TUHULAR n )n c a l c a r :c u s cmcl) RO NT H SARPLFOt ASPECTS RORTHWEST WINTERS DEGRE ES F WINTERS D E GRE ES F RI NO S AC WATER TAELE UPPERS CP LOWERS description 4 IN.) 5/2) EXTERIOR ; CLAf j OARR C R AfISM EROWN C2.5T 4/2) WcAR PEOIUR S U b A N G U U R BLOCRf STRUCTURE ANO WEAR VERf HARO , FIRR , VERf STICRf , VERf PLASTIC I THROUGH Ol T HORI/ CN I CC PPOR TC RANT FINE POBCS , C O RP O N TO PAN f FINE VE SI CUL AR PORES S C O M INUOUS S ABRUPT SROCTH B O UN D AR Y D H CP. C 4 T IN.) GBAflSH HRIWfI U.Sf 5/2) EXTERIOR J ClAf LOAP I OLIVE GR AY C5Y4/2) CXTEUUR HOIST I STRUNG PECIUP C O L U P N AR STRUCTURE J VERY HARD MRP , VERY STICKY VERY PLASTIC S PANf FINE ROOTS PETWE CN PEOS I CO PRON TO PART FINE IRREGULAR ANC TUBULAR PORES , CON "UN TU RA NT FINE VESICULAR P OR ES S HANt PROMINENT OLIVE GRAY C5T4/2) HUIST CLAf SKINS ON Pf O FACES S NChC AL CAR EO US CHCD SMOOTH COUN OAR f i?T b Cl 1D 1« 45 CR. C 7 lb IN.) GRAYISH JROWN 1 2 . Sf 5/2) EX TERIOR i CLAf LOAN ; OLIVE GRAY CSY4/2) EX TERIOR RUlST ; STRONG RECIUR PRISMATIC STRUCTURE S PARO , FIkP , VERY SI ICRf I VERY PLASTIC I CO PPON FINE ROOTS rfETWctN PEOS i CU RHON FjNE IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PO RE S , COH**GN TU MANY FINE VE SICULAR PORES S C GP POK DIST IN CT CLIVE GRAY LSfA/*) HOIST CLAY SKINS ON PEO FACES S C O PP O N SIlTSTOhE FRAGMENTS >2 PM J M O U E R A U L t EFFER VES CEN T (HCL) CO NT IN U CU S S CLEAR SMOOTH I )U N )AR Y 43 67 CR. C l t 26 IN.) CLAY UlAH I MO DERATE PECIUP PR IS MAT IC STR IC TUR E S STICKY • PLAS TIC ; CO MMON FINE ROOTS B E TWE EN PEOS IRREGULAR AND TUBU LAR PORES , C O MMO N FINE VESICULAR VI OLENTLY EFFtfRVeSCtNT LHCD CO NT IN U O U S , CLEAR SMOOTH HARO • FIRM S CG MRON FINE PORES I BO UNCARf . C !DCS 67 - 195 CM. C 26 41 IN.) LLAf S MODERATE mECIUM ANGULAR HLOCKt ST RU CTURE J HARO , FR IA B L 1 STICKY . PDSTIC i FEW FINE ROOTS THROUG HO UT HORIZON } C OM MON TO MANY t INC IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR PQRtS , C O MM O N FINE VES IC ULA R PORES I COMMON SCFT VERY FINE CfPSLP CR YSTALS S V I OL EN TL Y EF FE RVESCENT (HCL) CONTIN UOU S S C LE AR SMOOTH BOUNDARY C tests :J5 - 1 30 CR. L 41 - 51 I N . ) LIGHT B RO WNI SH GRAY ( 2. Sf 6/2) EXTERIOR I CLAf LOAM I GRAYI SH BROWN (2.5' 5 / 2 ) EXTe RIC R MOIST } MO DERATE FINE t MEDIUM ANGULAR BLCCKf jTkUCTURt { HARD , FRIABLE , STICKY . PLAST IC t COMMO N TO PANt EU F IRREGULAR ANO TUBUL Ak PORES , C OM MON FINE VESICULAR PORES CJHPO N M IXE D L IT HC lO Gf FR AGMEN TS >2 PR I C CP PON SOFT VERY FINE C fPS UM CRYS TAL S % MO DER AT E LY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CO NT INU OU S S NCT REACHED :OUN JAHY KlV-SYKi: CF CLASS PL H E 0. CRF STCP WHE AT GR AS S S 89 ISCIl SiRJrSl SURVlY <(" PL: LOCATION: PhIllIFS NO.I CLASSIFICATION! S M M BORO LLIC PALEARG ID. FINE. MG NTMORILLONIT1C S I T E A O . ! 79 3? SLOPE! U Il R T l - P i w a i U R l SCIl T E w P - R A T U R 1 WATtR TAtlcl COUNTY! CLASS: AN.UAL: ANNUAL: OiPTHl FRECiPITAT IJNI FtRhEAcJILITY! PHYSIOGRAPHY I VtGETATTON: c.»: cm. PAR[.,T MTcTItU BlAILE OlGRttS OfcGRtcS CP. F F IP ELEVATION! 0807 PETERS KIAOl SUPMEtt DEGR EE S F SUMMER! 55 OfGR Ef S F POKTHt CUATROL SECT IO N U M T S DRAINAGE CL AS S : MO NT H SAMPLED: JULY ASPEC T! NORTHWEST WINTE R! DEGREES F WINTE R! DEGREES F KI ND ! AQ WATER TABLE U PP ERS CM LOWER: CM S T Oh IN ES S I CLASS H A S S E S AAO FURRS H IGH LY WEA THE Rt O PIXfn LI THO LO GY ANO SHRURS S L AC IAL TILL I i L R W 1A A 30 Si*-! J M - RISE PRCFILE -j - i'j CR. C CG AA Vlb M HRQWN (V.5Y (Z.5Y 4/j) EXTtRICk P JUERATE VERY FINE SLI GHT LY PLASTIC J C OMM ON TO PANY UNE VESICULAR PORES I D ES CRI PT ION A IN.) S/2) EXT ER IOR ! SANDY LCAP { DAR K GRAYI SH BRCWh •OIST I M O DE RA TE FjAE G R AA U L A R STRUCTURE ANC PLITY I SOFT , VERY FRIABLE , SLIGHTLY STICKY MAAY FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT H O RI Z O N I IRREGULAR Ihp TUBUL AR PORES , MANY FINE NO NC AL C I R EC U S (HCL) i ABRUPT SM OOTH BOUNDARY IJ 16 CM. I 4 6 IN.) LIGHT O RO WhI SH GRAY ( 2. SY 6/2) EX TERIOR S SANCV CLAY LOA M | .JARX G RA YI S H BRlWN (2.5V 4/2) E X TE RI OR PCIST ; MODE RA TE PEOIUP PRI S-A Tj C STAUCTUkF AND MO DERATE FjNE PLATY I L O OS E , LGCSE STICKY , "LASTIC I PAAV FIAE RO OT S ThRCUGHCLT HORI ZO N J O M M U N JO P a HV FINE IRREGULAR AND TUBUL AR PORES , C O M M O N TC M A NY FINE VL SICULAR PORES I COMMON PjXEO L j TH O L O CY FRAGMENTS >2 PM J N G N C A L C ARCOUS (HCL) { ABRUPT SM OOTH DCUNOARY b 217 B 227 16 28 CM. ( 6 11 IN.) UARK GRAY ISH FROWN (Z.5V 4/2) EXTE RI OR J CLAY LOAN ; V OK G R A Y I S H BROWN L ’.SY 3/2) CX TtRICR MOIST J S T RON G FINE L MEDIUM P R IS MA TI C ST RUCTURE VERY HARD , FRIABLE , VERY STICKY » VER Y PLASTIC J MANY FINE ROOTS RETW FkN PfcCS J CO MPCN TO MANY FINE IRREGULAR ANO T U BUL AR PORES COMWIIN TO MANY FJhE VESICULAR P O RE S J MANY VERY PR OPINEhT V OK G RA YIS H BROWN C.bV j/2) MOIST CLAY SKINS THROUGHOUT THE SCIL I C OM MON MIXED L IT HO L OG Y F RA GM EN TS >2 MP ; NUNC A LC AR EOUS (HCL) ; C L EA R SMOCTH bOUNUARY Cl Zo 53 CP. ( Il 21 IN.) C 0 AfISH MROWN (2.5V 5/2) EXTERIOR i CLAY LCAM j DARK G R AY I S H BROWN (2.5V 4/2) EXT ERI CP J STRCAG FINfc I ME DIUM PRISMATIC ST RU CT U R E I HAR D , FRIABLE VERY STICKY , VERY STICKY J C OM MON TO PAAY FIhfc ROOTS B ET WE EN PEOS i COMMON TO MANY UhE IRREGULAR AND T U BUL AR PORES C OMM JN TO MANY FINE VfcSjCULAP PORES i C OM MON DISTINCT DARK G RA YIS H O ROW N C 2.5V 4/2 ) MOIST CLAY SKINS ON PED FA CE S I C OM MO N TO MANY SOfc I FINE L PlCIUM P AS SES OF LIME ; V I OL E N T LY EF FE RV E SC E N T (HCL) C ON TI N UO US J CLEAR SMOOTH BO UNDARY b 3C a >3 72 CM. ( 2 1 2 B IN.) LIGHT B RO WN I SH GRAY (2.5V 6/2) EXTERIOR I SAhCY CLAY LOAM J G R A Y I S H BROWN C2.5Y 5/2) EXTfcRICR MUIST I MO DERATE MfcOjUM PRI SM ATI C STR UC TUR E I HARO , FPIABLt , VfcRY STICKY , VfcRY PLASTIC i COMMON FINE RO OT S THRUUUh OUT H U R I/UN i CO MMON FINE IRREGULAR AhO TUBULAR POKES , C i w -ON TO MA NY FIAfc VfcSlCULAR PORES ; FfcW MIXED L I TH O L O GY F R AG ME NT S >2 PM i FEW TO COMM-JA SOFT FINE MA SSES CF LIPE I VIO LEN TL Y EF FER VE S CE NT (HCL) C O NT I N U OU S S CLEAR SMOOTH BQUNCARV . C IOCS 72 - I 23 CM. ( 29 48 IN.) GRAYibIl JKOWN (2.5V 5/2) EXTERIOR % CLAY LOAM ; OLIVE G R AY (5V4/2) EXTE RIO R MOIST ; FEW FINE D I ST I N C T OLIVE YELLOW (2.5V 6/8) EXTERIOR MOIST MQTTLfcS 5 MODERATE MEDIUM S L BIAGULAR BL OCKY ST RUCTURE SOFT , VERY FRIABLE , VfcRY ST ICKY , VERY PLASTIC I FEW FINE ROUTS T HRO UG HOU T HORIZON ; C OM MON FINE IRREGULAR AND T U BUL AR PORES , C OM MJ N 73 "ANY FINE VESICULAR P O RE S I FfcW MIXED L I TH OL OG Y F R AG ME NT S I 90 SOIL StRItSt SURVtf S A R dLE NO.t LOCATION! CL A SS IFI CAT ION S SITE N O . S 79 11 SLOPES C U AIP TENPfRATURE SOIL TENPfRATURF HATER TABLES precipitation: PERPta j i l i t t : PHYSIOGRA PHY ! VEGETATION S PARENT MATERIAL: TEALE TIE S79PT S34-T35N -A1 9E BOftOLLIC H A T l A i n i P ; PD TI COUN TY: BLAINE CLASS! ANNUAL! D EG RE ES F annual: D EG RE E S f depth: CM. 13) C . IP B ZlT e ZZT CA O 8" 7 Nt TERS SUMMER! DEGREES F SUMMER! 64 DEGREES F MONTH! CONTROL SECTION LI MITS DRAINAGE CLASS! ■ONTH SAMPLED! JULY ASPECT! ACRThHtST WINTER! DEGREES F WINTER: DEGREES F v INO! Hf WATER T A ’ IE UPPER! CM LOWER! STONINESSt CLASS GRASS ES AND FURtiS AND SHRUBS HIGHLY W EA TH ER ED GLACIAL TILL MIKEH LITHOLOGY HORIZON A ELEVATION! KlNCt PROFILE D E SC R I P TI O N 10 CM. C O 4 IN.) G RA YiS H B R OWN ( Z . SY S/Z) EX TFRIC* I CLAY LOAw J OARK GRAY IS H D»CWN CZ.5Y 4/2) EXTERIOR MOIST J MODERATE ME DIUM S UB ASS UL AR BlCCKV STRUCTURE AMD WEAK VERY FINE PLATY J HAR O , VERY FR IAPlE , STICKY , dLASTIC t C OMM ON FINE ROOTS THROUG HO UT HCRIZ OA I COMMO N TO "ANY FINE IRREGULAR AND TUPULAR PORES , CO-MON TO MANY FINE VE SICULAR PORES I FEW MIXED LI TH OLO GY F R AG ME NT S >2 C; NCNCAlCA RE OUS (HCL) S ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY O 10 - 2 4 C M . I * - 9 I N . ) JRAY TSH B R O W N ( Z. SV 5 / 2 ) E X T E R I O R J t ATE R I OP. MOIST I -OOtRATE FINE FINE SUBANGULAR BLOCKY | VERY HARD VERY P L A S T I C i FINE ROOTS BETWEEN IRREGULAR AND T U B U L A R MORES , COMMON PROMINENT DARK GR AY ISH BROWN (Z.5V 4/2) NODE Ft TFLV E F F E R V E S C E N T (H C L ) CONTINUOUS CLAY J CARK G R A Y I S H GROWN (2.5V 4/2) PRIS-ATIC STRUCTURE A k C M Q O e PAT'' , =RlABlE , VERY STICKY , PEOS I COMMON TO MANY F I N e FINE VESICULAR PORES S MANY -OIST CLAY SKINS T H R O U G H O U T THE S C l L i S CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY . 24 - 4 3 C M . I 9 - 17 I N . ) OLIVE GRAY ( 5 Y 5 / 2 ) E X TE RIO R | CLAY ; OARK GR AY ISH BROW N (2.5V 4/2) EXTERIOR MOIST S FEW FINE FAINT YE LL OWI SH BROWN (I)YR 5/E) EXTERIOR MOTTLES I MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC STRUCTURE J VERY HARD , FR IAPLE VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC I FEH FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I COMMON FINE IRREGULAR AND TUBULAR MORES , C O M M C k TC M A N Y = I N E VESICULAR dURES i COMMON DISTINCT DARK GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 4 / 2) MOIST CLAY SKINS UN d EQ FA C E S I MIXED LITHOLOGY FRAGMENTS >2 MM J F E H TO C O M M O N SOFT FINE M A S S E S OF LIME ; V I O L E N T L Y E F F E R V E S C E N T (HCL) CONTINUOUS i CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY , 43 - 62 CM. ( 1 7 24 IN.) GRAYISH UROWM ( 2 . 5 Y 5/2) E X T E R I O R j CtAV ; CARk (LAVISH GROWN (2.5V 4/<) EXTS Rl OR MOIST J MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC STRUCTURE I EXTREMELY HARO , VfRY FIRM , VERY STICKY , V£RT PlAiTIC J COMMON FINE ROOTS BETWEEN PtOS I C O M M O N TP MANY F I Nt I R R E G U L A R A N O TUBULAR PORES « C O M M O N TO MANY FINE VcSICULAC PORES ; FE 4 D I S T I N C T OARK G R AY ISH BROWN (2.5V 4/2) MQIST CLAY SKINS CN PED FA CE S I F[« MIKED LITH OLO GY FRAGMENTS >2 -M ; COM-T, SOFT M M MASS=* O= II*E , F E W S IFT VfJY FIhE OXIDES I V I O L E N T L Y = F F F » Vf SC C k T ( h C L ) CCkTINUCVS I CLEA® WAVY BOUkOAPY . 62 95 CM. ( 2 4 37 IN.) LIGHT BRO WNI SH GRAY ( 2 . SY 6/2) EX TERIOR ; C2.5V 3/2) EX TERIOR MOIST I -DD=PATE HARO • VERY FRIAfti , SLIGHTLY STICKY p INc R OOT S THROUG HOU T HORIZ ON i COM-O N I CO COMMON MMON TO "ANY FINE VE SI CULAR d OR c S (HCL) C JNT IN UOU S CLEAR SMOOTH ° OUNOARY ZCACS LI. AM i V OK GRAYI SH BROWN “f C tVM ANGUl AV BLOCKY STRUCTURE t SLIGHTLY P L AS TI C I F=W FJV IRd EGULAR AND TUFUlAR PCRrS J VI OL ENTLY EF=ERVESCEkT 95 - 125 CM. ( 3 7 49 IN.) LIGHT BRJWNT Sh GRAY ( 2. SY 6/2) EXTERIOR i SiNUY CLAY LOAM ; OA?K GRAY ISH -N JWN 1 2. 5Y 4/2) EXTERIOR -JIST , MODERATE MECIU ANGUlAV PLOCK Y STRUCTURE I HARD , =RIABLl , St ICKY , PLAS TI C I Ffw FINE ROOTS T h R O U M O U T h .IRIZON I COMMON FIki IRREGULAR ANtf TUBULAR MORES I CO MMON TU MANY FINE VES IC ULA R POKES I MANY SOFT FINE G Y dSUN C RY STA LS , FLW SOFT FINE MiSSES OF I IME i MODERA TE LY EFFEt-VE SCEN t (HCL) CO NTI N UO US i NOT R E AC H E D POUNOiRY PLOWED. C R E S T c P WHE iT uR AS S 91 sou series: ELlOAM SURVEY SAMPLE MO.: LOCATION: SJ4-T3SN -K1 9E CLA SS I FI CA T IO N: BOeOLLIC I A T M C I D ; F I M S79MT SITE NO.I T9 32 SLOPE: OlY AIR TE MPERATURE SOIL TE MPERATURE MATER TABLFI precipitation: permeability: physiography: vegetation: PARENT MATERIAL: ELEVATION: 0807 METfPS KINCt summer: degrees f SUMMER* 63 DEG Rc FS F MONTH: CONTR OL SECTION LIMITS drainage class: county : BLAINE CLASS: annual: annual: depth: 030 degrees f DEGRE ES CM. F CM. IP B 2 1T MO NT H SAMPLED! JULY ASPECT: AORTPWEST WINTER! DEGREES F WINT ER : OEGRfFS F KINDI NC WATER TABLE upper: C" l o w e r : c* STONINESS: CLASS HIGHLY WtA THE Rt O CA LCA k lU US SHAIF GLACIAL TILL AND C A L C A R E O U S HORIZ ON A 32 SANctSTONE PROFILE DESCRI PT ION J 10 CM. C O A IN.) LIGHT BROW NIS H GRA T (f.SY 6/2) EXTERIOR % LOA N I OARK G»AVlSH BRCWN C2.9Y 4/2) EXTE RIO R MOIST S MODERATE "t UIUM SU BA AG U L A n BLCCKY STRJCTUK* ; LOOSE , VE RY FRIABLE , SLIGHTLY STICK Y , SLIGHTLY *L AST IC t MANY FINE ROOTS THROUGH OU T H O RI Z O N ; C O 1I T M -•IN= !!TEGULAR ANC TUBULAR PORES , C DP POM TC MANY HNE VESICULAR PuRS : M UN CAL CA RI OU S (HCL) S ABRUPT SMCCTH BCUN OA RY . U - 2 * CM. ( 4 9 IN.J G R A T T S *• I1K JWM (2 . SY 5 / 2 ) E X I t R I O M J C L A Y I',** i D A R K G R A Y I S H B e CNN ( 2 . >Y 4 / 2 ) ' XTE R I O R MOIST I WEAK t INC PRISMATIC STRUCTURE ANO MOOc R A I C ME DIUM i U P A N G U l AR B L C C K Y i Vt SY H A R C . FRUPLF , VE?Y STICKY VERY P L A S T I C S COMMON FINE ROOTS Be T w E E N e F P S J C O M M O N FINt I R P - G U L A P A M ) T U P U L AR PORES i C O M M O N TO "ANY FINE V=SICULAR PORES I MANY PRO*INENT D A R K G R A Y I S H P ‘ O W N U .GV 4 / 2 ) e OT ST CLAY SKINS TH RO U G H O U T THE S O K I NONCALCAPEOUS (HCL) , ABRUPT SMOOTH BCUNDAe Y , B 22T CA B SC A A3 62 C«. ( 1 7 2A IN.) LIGHT BRO WNI SH GRAY ( 2 . SV S/2) EXTERIOR I CLAY LCAI GRAYI SH BROWN (2.SV 5/2) EXT ERI OR "PIST ; WltK FINf PRlS-AUC STPUCURr AND MODS RATF MEDIU M SUPANGUlAn BLOCKY J VlRT HARO , FRIABtc , STICKY , PLASTIC J C OMM ON FINE ROOTS - r TWfEN PfOS i COMMON TO -ANY FfNf IRREGULAR ANO TUBUL AR PORlS . C O MM O N TO -ANY c INE Vc SICUlte PCerS I COMMO N MI XED L IT HU LO G Y F R AG M E N T S >2 MM $ COMMON SOFT FINE MASSES HF LIME , CO MMON SOFT VCRY FI n E rXlOlS I V I DL EN TL Y EFc E R V F S C E M ChCL ) ClMT JNUOUS t C U AR S-OClH BO UNDARY C ICACS 62 - 1 1 2 CM. C Z A 44 I N . ) L I G H T C 1UWNl S M G R A Y C 2 . S Y 6/2) c XItRIOR I CLfT LOA% G R A Y I SE B R O W K C2.SV S/2) EXTERIOR MUIST i COMMON FINt FAJMl CLIVE YFLlGw ( 2 . Si 6 / 0 UXTSRtOR MOTTLES t MODERATE FINE I MFCIUM A N G U U R BLOCKV STRUCTURE i VERY H A R P , FRIABLF , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC I -EW TC C O M M C K FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON i C O m h O N TO M A k Y FJk£ T k R E G U l A P AMJ T U B U L A R PORES . C O M M O N TO MANY FINE "f S I C U l A P PORtS i :OMNON S ‘»C I VERY FINE GYPSUM CRYSTALS « CUP-CN SOFT c INc I MEDIUM MASS ES UF LIMF ; V I O L c NT LY C F F F R V E S C l N l CHCD CONTINUOUS I CLEAR SMOOTH B O U N D IRY C 2CAC3 11 2 - I J S C M . C A A - S 3 IN. ) L I G H T B R '.'WNISH G R A Y ( 3 . SY 6/2) .XT ERICR I CLAY LGAM i G R A Y I S H PRlWk ,/2) c XTc RI OR MOIST : C O M M O N TL MANY I!NE t M E D I U M P R t M T N E M tRDANlSM V E L L O V CI UV R 6/6) t XllRIOR MOTTlL S i POOERATl FINE I -IDlUM I N G U L AR - L O C K V STRUCTURE i HARO , FR I A eL t , ST J C K Y , PLASTIC i ccW FlNf ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I CL MM ON FINE Tc Pc GULAR AND TUPUlAP PLRfS . CU MN-JN TC -A*: v r INE VESICULAR eOR:< t C3M-0K MIXc O LITHOLCGY FRAGMENTS >2 MM , CO N p n s MIXED LITHOLOGY FRAGPUkTS >2 C M ; CUPPON ,JFT FlNt L M E D I U M M A S S E S OF LIMf , F l W TC C O M M O k SOFT V E R f FJkF 'JX T J F S I M O D = R A T E l Y UF F E R V E S C c NT U l C D CONTINUOUS i N O T RE A C H E C B O U N D A R Y 23 A3 C . I 9 - .1? IN.) LIGHT PRCWNl SM G PA Y (2. SY 6/2) EX TERIOR i CL A Y LOAP 5 CR ATI SE PKQWN ( 2. ST 5/2) = XTERIOR NUI ST i MOOERATc MEDIUM SU PA PG U LA R BLCCKY STRUCTURE J (ARC , FRlABLf , VERY STICKY , VERY P L AS T I C I COPMCN FINE ROJTS AETWE tN PEO S I COM-O N IJ PAHY FINE IR REGULAR BND TUBULAR PORES , C OMM ON TO MANY FINE VESICULAR POkES I CO MMON DISTINCT G RA YIS H B ROW N ( 2 . SY 5/2 ) MOIST CLA Y SKINS ON PEO FA CE S I C C PM O N SOFT r INE MASSE S OF LIME I MODERAT EL Y EFFE RV ESC EN T (HCL) CO NT INU OU S I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY REMARK S: P L U W E O . CRt ST EO MHF AT Gk AS S 92 SOIL SE RI ESt S U R V E Y S A M L E NO. LOCATION! CLASSIFICATION! T E A L E TTE SOflMT SM-S3J-T16N-RI9E B O R O L L IC N A T R A R G I O S I S I T E N O . ! 80 45 SLOPE! Oil AIP TE MP ERA TU RE SOIL T E M P E R A T U R E WATER TABLE! PRECIPITATION! permeability* PHYSIOGRAPHY! MICRORELIEF! VEGETATION! PARENT MATERIAL! COUNTY! BLAINE CLASS! NEARLY LEVEL ANNUAL! DEGREES F ANNUAL I DEGREES F DEPTH* CM . CM. PARENT MATERIAL! PARTLY WEATHERED C A L C A R E O U S SHALE B 2 21T ELEVATION! 807 KETERS KINO! PLANE SUMMER! DEGREES F S U M M E R * 18 D E G R E E S c MONTH! CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS* L E V E L OR U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S ON SLOPE G R A S S E S AND FORBS ANO SHRUBS PARTLY WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL IGNEOUS, META MOR PH IC AND SEDIMENTARY M O N T H SA MP L E D * JUNE ASPECT* SOUTH WINTER* DEGREES F WINTER: DEGREES F KIND* NO WA TE R TABLE UPPER! CM LOWER! profile description O 4 CM. C O 2 IN.) PALE BROWN UOVR 6/3) C R US HED I CLAY LOAM I LIGHT GRAY <2.5v 7/2) CRUSHED DRY I WEAK FINE PLATl MOIST STRUCTURE PA RT ING TO STRONG VERY FINE GRANULAR MOIST I SOFT , VERY FRIABLE • SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC I CO M M O N TO MANY FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS (Md) CONTINUOUS NEUT RAL PM- 6.9 (P M METER) | ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY 4 - 2 4 CM. ( 2 - 9 IN.) OK. Y E L L O W I S H B R O W N Uf l Y R 4/4) C R U S H E D I CLAY LOAM | DARK G R A Y I S H BROWN (2 .5 V 4/2) C R U S H E D DRY * MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO M O D E R A T E TO S T R O N G M E D I U M AN G U L A R B I UCKY MOIST I HARD , FIRM , VERY STICKY , VERY PLASTIC I C O MM ON TO MANY FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON J COMMON FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES , COMMON FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS (MCL) CONTINUOUS I N E U T R A L P M - 7.1 (PH METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY B KA 24 - 4 9 CM. ( 9 - 19 IN.) Y E L L O W I S H B R O W N ( IflVR 5 / 4 ) C R U S H E D I C L A Y I DARK G R A Y I S H BR O W N (2 . 5 Y 4/2) CRUSHED DRY I MODERATE MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCK! MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO MODERATE FINE ANGULAR BLOCK! MOIST I SLIGHTLY HARD , FRIABLE » STICKY , PLASTIC I MANY FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I COMMON FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES , COMMON FINE VESICULAR PORES I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCl) CONTINUOUS I M O DE RAT EL Y ALKA LIN E P M - 8.4 (PM METER) I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY C ICA 4 9 - 76 C M . ( 1 9 30 I N . ) BROWN ( IflYR 5 / 3 ) C R U S H E D I CLAY | DARK GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 4/2) CRUSHED DRY I VERY WEAK MEDIUM SUBANGULAR BLOCKV MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO MASSIVE I HARD , VERY FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC I FEW FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON | COMMON FINE VESICULAR PORES I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT ( M d ) CONTINUOUS I M O D E R A T E L Y AL K A L I N E P M - 8.3 (PH METER) I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY C 2CA 76 - 104 C M . ( 3 0 41 I N . ) Y E L L O W I S H B R O W N (IflVR 5 / 6 ) C R U S H E D I CLAY | LIGHT B R O W N I S H G R AY (2 . 5 V 6/2) CRUSHED DRY I MA SS IVE MOIST I HARO . VERY FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC I FEW FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON ; COMMON FINE VESICULAR PORES I MI LD LY EFFE RVE SC ENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I STRONGLY ALKALINE P M - 8.6 (PM ME TE R) I NOT REAC HED BOUNDARY REMARKS! C" STONINESS* CLASS MARINE HORIZON A 45 FINE N A T I V E U N P L OW E D 1 9 8 0 Columnar caps were evident near the surface beneath a very shallow Ag horizon. Small pieces of coal and Iron nodules and stains were observed In the C horizons. The C2 horizon was a mixture of glacial till and the underlying shale. I 93 SO IL SERIES! ELLOAM SURVEY SAMPLE NO.I LOCATION! SM-SJ3-T36N-R19E CLASSIFICATION! BOROLLIC NATRARtIOSl S I T E N O . ! 60 46 SLOPE I Oil AIR TE MP ERA TU RE SOIL T E M P E R A T U R E A E R TABLE! PRECIPITATION! PERNE ABILITY! PHYSIOGRAPHY! MICRORELIEF! VEGETATION! PARENT MATERIAL! N A R E N T NA T C R I A L I SSOMT 46 FINE COUNTY! BLAINE CLASS! NEARLY LEVEL ANNUAL! DEGREES F ANNUAL! DEGREES F DEPTH! CM. CM. ELEVATION! 807 NCTKRS KINOI PLANE SUNNEKI OESAEES F S U N N E A I 1» D E G R E E S C NONTHI CONTROL SECTION U N I T S DRAINAGE CLASSI L E V E L OR U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S O N SLOPE GR AS SES AND FORBS AN O SHRUBS PARTLY WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL IGNEOUS, MET AM OR PHI C AND SEDIMENTARY NARTLT WEATHERED CALC ARE OU S SHALE M O N T H SA NN L E O I JUNE asnecti east WINTER! WINTERI KlNOl NO UNNERI DEGREES F DEGREES F WATER TAOLE CR LOWERl NARINE HORIZON NROFILE OESCRINTION A I R 2 T Il C M . ( 3 4 IN.) LIGHT OROWNISH GRAT (IOTA A/2) CRUSHED I I DARK GRATISH GROWN C l O T R */») CRUSHED ORT I WEAK • FINE NlATT MOIST STRUCTURE I SOFT , VERT N R I A O L E , SLIGHTLT STICKT , SLIGHTLT NLASTIC I C O M M O N TO MANT FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I CO M M O N TO NANT FINE VESICULAR FORES COMMON TO MANT FINE TUOUlAR FORES I NONCAL CAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS RSRUNT SMOOTH OOUNOART S ZT Il - 2 7 C M . C 4 - Il I N . ) OK. T E L L O W I S H G R O W N C l S T R 4 / 4 ) C R U S H E D I ClAT I GRATISH GROWN C2.JT S/2) CRUSHED ORT I MODERATE MEDIUR NRISMATIC MOIST STRUCTURE F A R T I N G TO MODERATE MEDIUM ANGULAR OLOCKT MOIST I HARO . FIRM , STICKT , NLASTIC I MANT FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I COMMON FINE VESICULAR FORES , C O M M O N TO N A N T FINE VOIO IN TE RST IT IAL FORES I NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I STRONGLT ALKALINE NH- O S C N H M E TE R) I CLEAR SMOOTH OOUNOART O 3CA 2T - 32 C M . C 11 - 1 3 I N . ) GROWN ClOTR 4/3) CRUSHED I CLAT I GR AT ISH GROWN ( 2 . S T S / 2 ) C R U S H E D ORT STRONG MEDIUM AN G U L A R OlOCKT MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO STRONG FINE ANGULAR OLOCKT MOIST I HARO , VERT FRIAOLE . STICKT , PLASTIC I EW F I * ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I F E W TO C O M M O N FINE VESICULAR FORES , C O M M O N TO MANT F I NE T U O U l AR F O R E S I N I LO LT E F F E R V E S C E N T (HCl) CONTINUOUS I STRONGLT ALKALINE NH- 0.4 INH METER) I CLEAR SMOOTH OOUMOART C IlC ICA 2CA REMARKS! CN STONINESS: CLASS HLiSMBFii: 32 - A S C M . C l ) 24 IN.) T E l L O W I S H G R O W N (!!!IR S / 4 ) C R U S H E D I ClAT I GRATISH CRUSHED ORT I MASSIVE MOIST I HARO , FIRM , FEW F I W ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N TO MANV FORES I N O O E R A TE LT E F F E R V E S C E N T ( H C L ) CONTINUOUS I (NH METER) I CLEAR SMOOTH OOUNDARV GROWN ( 2 . ST 5/2) STICRT , ELASTIC I FINE VESICULAR M O O E R R T E L T A L K A L I N E N H - 0.4 A S - 11 2 C M . ( 2 4 44 IN.) OLIVE (ST4/3) CRUSHED I ClAT I DARK GRATISH GROWN ( 2 . SE 4 / 2 ) C R U S H E D O R T MASSIVE MOIST I VERT HARO . VERT FIRM , STICKT , NLASTIC I FEW FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I COMMON FINE VESICULAR FORES I MILOLT EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I STRONGLT ALKALINE FM- 0.5 (FM METER) NOT R E A C H E D O O U N O A R T N A TI VE U N N L O W E O ISOO Very strong profile deve lopeent with very abrupt boundary between the I and Bgt horizon. Threadlike nodules of CaCOj and CaSO^ were observed In the P . M . , as well Iron staining, especially In voids associated w l th small CF. The 11 Cg horizon Is a mixture of glacial till and shale material. I I SOIL S t RI ESl S U R V E Y S A M P L E NO. LOCATION! CLASSIFICATIONS S I T E N O . I 80 AT SLOPES Oil AIR TE M P E R A T U R E SOIL TE M P E R A T U R E WATER TABLES PRECIPITATIONS PERMEABILITY! PHYSIOGRAPHY! MICRORELIEFS VEGETATIONS PARENT MATERIALS PARENT MATERIALS PHILLIPS SBOMT SW-SEC33-T3AN-R19E BOROLLIC HAPLARGIOSl FINE COUNTY! BLAINE CLASS! NEARLY LEVEL ANNUALS DEGREES F ANNUALS DEGREES F DEPTHS CM. CM. L E V E L OR U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S ON SLOPE GR A S S E S AND FORBS A N D SHRUBS PARTLY WEATHERED GLACIAL I I G N E O U S , M E T A M O R P H I C A N D SEOl M E N T A R Y PARTLY WEATHERED CALCARE OU S SHALE I B ZiT B ZZCA B 3CA C I R EM ARKS! M O N T H SAMP LED ! JUNE ASPECTS EAST WINTERS O E G R r ES F WINTERS DEGREES F KINDS WATER TABLE UPPERS CM LOWERS STONINESSS CLASS MARINE HORIZON A ELEVATIONS 807 METERS KINDS PLANE SUMMERS DEGREES F S U M M E R S I* d e g r e e s c MONTHS CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DR AINAGE CLASS! PROFILE DESCRIPTION O 11 CM . ( O ♦ IN.) YELLOWISH BROWN ClOVR S/4) CRUSHED I CLAY LOAN S GRAYISH BROWN C l O Y R 5/2) C R U S H E D DRY I WEAK COARSE PLATV MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO STRONG FINE GRANULAR MOIST J SOFT , VERY FRIABLE , SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC I MANY FINE L MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON | COMMON TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES , C O M M O N TO MANY FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I NEUTRAL PM- T.O C P H METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY Il Zl CM . C 4 8 IN.) OK. YE LL OWI SH BR O W N ClOYR 4/4) C R U S H E D I CLAY LOAM ClOVR 4/2) CRUSHED ORY I WEAK MEDIUM PRISMATIC PA RT ING TO STRONG MEDIUM AN GU LAR BL OC KV MOIST J STICKY , PLASTIC I MANY FINE L MEDIUM ROOTS CO MM ON TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES , COMMON NONC ALCA RE OUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I N E U T R A L P H - 7. G SMOOTH BOUNDARY I DARK G R A Y I S H PROwN MOIST STRUCTURE SLIGHTLY HARD , FRIABLE THROUGHOUT HORIZON | FINE TUBULAR PORES I (PH METER) I ABRUPT Zl 45 CM. ( 8 - IB IN.) BROWN ClOYR 4/3) CRUSHED I CLAY | DARKG R AY ISH BROWN (2.SV 4/Z)CRUSHED ORY I STRONG M E DI UM A N GU LAR BLOCKV MOIS T STRUCTURE I SLIGHTLY HARD . FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC I FEW FINE TO COARSE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON CO MM ON TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I M O DE RAT EL Y E F F E R V E S C E N T (HCL) CONTINUOUS I M O D E R A T E L Y AL KALINE PM- 7.9 (PH METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY 45 - 5 3 C M . ( 1 8 Zl I N . ) OLIVEGR A Y (5V4/Z) CR USHED J CLAY S G R A Y I S H BROWN (Z.SV5/2) CRUSHED STRONG MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCKV MOIST STRUCTURE I HARO , FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC I FEW FINE TO COARSEROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON | C O M M O N TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I VIOLENTLY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I MO DE R A T E L Y ALKALINE PM- 8.1 (PM METER) I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY DRY 53 - 9 7 C M . ( Zl - 38 I N . ) DARK OLIVE G R A Y ( 5 V 3 / Z ) C R U S H E D I CLAY I DARK GR AYISH B R O W N (Z.5Y 4/2) CRUSHED DRY I WEAK MEDIUM SUBANGULAR BLOCKY MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO MASSIVE MOIST I VERY HARD • FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC I F E W FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON | C O M M O N TO MANY F I NE VESICULAR PORES I VIOLENTLY EF FE RVE SC ENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I M O D E R A T E L Y A L K A L I N E P H - 8.2 (PH METER) I NOT RE AC HED BOUNDARY NATIVE UN PL OWE O 1980 Best structural development and arglllans were observed between 21 and 45 cm In the B22tca. It was difficult to discern the contact between the glacial till material and the underlying shale, but it appeared that the Cl horizon, and possibly the B3ca horizon, contained some shale. Remanents of columns were observed on the B2It horizon. Salt nodules and iron mottles were evident in the Cjca horizon. Soft coal fragments were observed in the B3ca and Clea horizons. 95 SOIL SCRICSt THOENY SURVEY SRNRLI NO. S LOCATION: $V-SCC33-T36W-R1»E CLASSIFICATIONS BOROLLIC NATRARGIOSS SBOMT S I T E N O . I SO 48 SLOPES Oil AIR TE MP ERA TU RE SOIL T E M P E R A T U R E WATER TABLES PRECIPITATIONS PtRNEABILITVS PHYSIOGRAPHY S NICRORCLIEFt VEGETATIONS PARENT MATERIALS CO UN TY! BLAINE CLASS: NEARLY LEVEL ANNUALS DEGREES F ANNUALS DEGREES F DEPTHS CM. CM. PARENT MATERIALS PARTLY WEATHERED C A L C A R E O U S SHALE A B B C I 2 21T 3CAT KA REMARKS! ELEVATIONS 807 METERS KINDS PLANE SUMMERS DEGREES F S U M M E R S 19 D E G R E E S C MONTHS CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS: L E V E L OR U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S O N SLOPE G R A S S E S AND FORBS AND SHRUBS PARTLY WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL IGNEOUS, MET AM ORPHIC ANO SE DI MEN TA RY MONT H SAMPLED! JUNE ASPECTS EAST WINTERS DEGREES F WINTERS DEGREES F KINDS NO WATE R TABLE UPPERS CM LOWERS C" STONINESSS CLASS MARINE HORIZON A 48 FINE PROFILE DESCRIPTION O 6 CM. < O 2 IN.) DARK B R O W N ClOYR 3/3) C R U S H E D | CLAY | DARK G R AY ISH BR O W N U O Y R 4/2) C R U S H E D ORY I MO DERATE MEDIUM PLATV MOIST STRUCTURE PA RT ING TO STRONG FINE GRANULAR MOIST I SOFT , VERY FRIABLE , SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC I COMMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I CO MM ON TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I N O NCALCAREOUS CHCU CONTINUOUS N E U T R A L PH- 4.6 ( P H M E TE R) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY 6 18 CM. C 2 7 IN.) BROWN ClOYR S/3) CR US HED I CL AY L O A M I PALE e R O W N C l O V R 6 / 3) C R U S H E D DRY MODERATE TO STRONG MEDIUM PLATY MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO WEAK T O MODERATE FINE GRANULAR MOIST I SOFT , VERY F R I A B L E , SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC I F E W TO C O M M O N FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES , FEW TO C O M M O N FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS (HCl) CONTINUOUS I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY 18 32 CM. C T 13 IN.) BROWN UOYR 4/3) CR USHED I CLAY | DARK GR AY ISH BROWN ClOYR 4/2) CRUSHED DRY I STRONG MEDIUM ANGULAR BlOCKY MOIST STRUCTURE I HARD , FIRM STICKY , P L AS TIC I CO MM ON TO MANY FI NE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES , MANY FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I MILDLY A L KA LIN E PM- 7.4 (PM ME T E R ) < ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY 32 44 CM. ( 1 3 17 IN.) BROWN ClOYR 4/3) CRUSHED I STRONG MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCKY VERY ST I C K Y , VERY PLASTIC MODE RAT EL Y E F F E R V E S C E N T (HCL) (PM ME T E R ) I ABRUPT SMOOTH CLAY I GRAYISH BROWN (2.9V 5/ 2) MOIST STRUCTURE I VERY H A R D , I C O M M O N TO MANY FTNE VESICULAR CONTINUOUS T MODERATELY ALKALINE PMBOUNDARY C R U S H E D DRY FIRM , PORES S 8.1 t < , ; 44 97 C M . ( 1 7 38 I N . ) V DK G R A Y I S H B R O W N UOVR 3/2) CR US H E D I CLAY I DARK G R A Y I S H B R O W N ( 2 . SV 4/2) CRUSHED DRY I MASSIVE MOIST I VERY HARD , VERY FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC I CO M M O N TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I M O D E R A T E L Y A L K A L I N E P M - 8. 0 (PH ME T E R ) I NOT REACHED BOUNDARY N A T I V E P L O W E D 1980 Columnar structure Is very strongly expressed. Very thin (0.5cm) but distinct natric horizon above caps. Root penetration below 32 cm was prohibited by extremely hard consistence. Salt nodules, coal and shale fragments were observed in the Clca horizon. 96 SOIL SE RIES: THOEWf SURVEf SAMPLE NO.I LOCATION! SM-SEC 33-T36N-R19E CLASSIFICATION: BOROLLIC NATRARGIOSl S I T E N O . : 80 49 slope: on AIR T E MP ERA TU RE SOIL T E M P E R A T U R E HATER TABLE: PRECIPITATION: PERMEABILIT?: PHfSIOGRAPH?: VEGETATION: PARENT MATERIAL: PARENT MATERIAL: A B B B C 49 FINE COUNT?: BLAINE CLASS: NEARLf LEVEL annual: degrees F annual: degrees f depth: CM. CM. elevation kind: : bo ? meters plane SUMMER: DEGREES F SUMMER: 18 DE GR EES C month: CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS: L E V E L OR U N D U L A T I N G UPLA NDS G R A S S E S AND FORMS AND SHRUBS PARTLf WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL IGNEOUS, NET AM ORPHIC AND SEOIMENTARf PARTLf WEATHERED C A LC ARE OU S SHALE HORIZON A SBOMT M O N T H SA MP LED : JUNE ASPECT: EAST WINTER: DEGREES F winter: degrees f KINO: NO WATE R TABLE UPPER: CM LOWER: CM STON INE SST CLASS MARINE PROFILE DESCRIPTION I 2 ZlT 22T 3CA ICA REMARKS: iSSgMiSPS BlSKSPBiia 23 - 4 4 C M . ( 9 IT IN.) OK. T E L L O W I S H BR O W N ClOfR 4/4) C R U S H E D I CLAT LOAM I BROWN ClOfR 5/3) CRUSHED DRT I MODERATE MEDIUM COLUMNAR MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO STRONG MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCK? MOIST I SLIGHTLf HARD , FRIABLE , STICK? PLASTIC I CO M M O N TO MAN? FI NE I ME D I U M ROOTS THROUGHOUT HO RI ZON I COMMON FINE VESICULAR PORES , CO M M O N TO MANf FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I Ml LO LT ALKALINE PH- 7.6 (PH METER) S ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUMDART . 44 - 5 3 CM. ( I T - 21 I N . ) D K • T E L L O W I S H BR OW N ClOTR 3/4) C R U S H E D I CLAT I DARK BROWN ClOTR 3 / 3) CR USHED DRf I MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO STRONG MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCK? I HARD , FIRM , VERf STICK? , VERf PL AS TIC I FEW COARSE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N TO MAN? FINE VESICULAR PORES • CO MM ON TO MAN? FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I MO D E RATELT ALKALINE PH- 8.3 (P H METER) I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY 53 - 60 CM. ( 2 1 24 IN.) V OK G R A f I S H B R O W N OOTR 3/2) C R U S H E D I C L AY L O A M I DARK GR Af ISH BROWN (2 .5 ? 4 / 2) C R US HED DRT I MODERATE MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCK? MOIST STRUCTURE SLIGHTLf HARO , FRIABLE , STICK? • PL ASTIC I FEW COARSE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I CO M M O N TO MAN? FINE VESICULAR PORES , COMMON FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES I MlLOLT EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I STRONGLf ALKALINE PM- 8.5 (PM M E TE R) I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNOARf 6 0 - 9 8 CM. ( 24 - 39 I N . ) DARK G R A T I SH B R O W N (10TR 4/2) C R U S H E D I CRUSHED DRf I MASSIVE I SLIGHTLY HARD FEW FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (MCL) CONTINUOUS (PM ME T E R ) I NOT REACHED B O U N DAR Y I I I I CLAY LOAN I GRAYISH BROWN ( 2 . 5 ? 5/2) , FRIABLE • STICKY , PLASTIC I MANY FINE TUBULAR PORES I I s t r o n g l y ALKALINE P H - 8.6 P L O W E D N A TI VE 1980 Very strongly expressed columnar and prismatic structures developed under a prominent, thick A2 horizon in which fine vesicular structure was observed. A few fine salt nodules were present in the B22t horizon, increasing to common and medium/fine in the B3ca and Clca horizons. Roots are distributed throughout the soil, but most common between peds. Soft coal fragments were common in the Clca horizon. 97 SOIL SCRIES I SU RV Ef SARFLE NO*I LOCATIONS CLASSIFICATIONS FHILLIFS SBONT S N - S3 3-T I t N - R l t t BOR O L L I C H A F U R O i O S l FINE S I T E N O * S IO SO SLOFES OlS AIR T E MF ERA TU RE SOIL TEMPERATURE MATER TABLES PRECIPITATIONS FERMEABILITVS FHTSIOGRAFHVS VEGETATIONS PARENT MATERIALS COUNTfS BLAINE CLASSS NEARLf LEVEL ANNUALS DEGREES F ANNUALS DEGREES F DEPTHS CM. CM. PARENT MATERIALS FARTLf WEATHERED CALCAREOUS SHALE ELEVATIONS 807 HBTfctS KINDS PLANE SUMNERS DEGREES F SUMNERS IS DEGREES C MONTHS CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASSS L E V E L OR U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S GRASSES ANO FORBS AND SHRUBS PARTLY WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL I G N E O U S * N E T A M O R P H I C AND S E O I N E N T ARf I ST ONINESSI CLASS MARINE HORIZON A M O N T H S A N F L E D t JUNE ASPECTS EAST WINTERS DEGREES F WINTERS DEGREES F KINOl N O WA TE R TABLE UPPERS CM LOWERS PROFILE DESCRIPTION 0 - 1 5 CM. < O6 IN. ) T E L L O W I S H B R O W N C l OQ T R S / 4 ) C R U S H E D I SANOT LOAM I BROWN ClOTR ORT I WEAK TO MO DE RAT E FINE GRANULAR MOIST STRUCTURE I VERT FR IABLE * SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC I COMMON FINE C MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON % COMMON TO MANY FINE PORES . COMMON FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS CHCD SLIGHTLY ACIO PH- 6.4 CPH ME T E R ) I ABRUPT SMOOTH B O UN DAR Y 5/3) CRUSHED SOFT * T O MANY VESICULAR CONTINUOUS 15 - Z S C M . C t IO I N . ) BROWN ClOfA 5/3) CRUSHED I SANDY C L A Y L O AM I PALE BR O W N ClOVR 6/3) CRUSHED DRV I WEAK COARSE PlATf MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO M O D E R A T E T O S T R O N G FINE PLATf I SOFT , VERY FRIABLE * SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC I C O M M O N TO M A NY FINE I M E DI UM RO O T S THROUGHOUT HORIlON CO MM ON TO MA NY FI N E VESICULAR PORES I N O NCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS NEUTRAL PM- 7.1 CPH ME TE R) I ABRUPT WAVY BOUNDARY . ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY ( 2 1 - 5/2) 41 IN.) nr, 000(041(1* A L K 4 U N C 0(040*51 " I I PORES I . 44 - 5 4 C M . C 1 7 21 I N . ) V OK G R A Y I S H B R O W N ClOYR 3/2) CRUSHED »4 - 1 0 4 C O . I T o P H - I.) ( P H O ( K O ) I o , = , HOT 0 ( 4 0 * 0 6000040* , L a 'V" PLOVEO NATIVE 1460 *2 la thick and ahoaa plaly atructure. There was very little evidence of even degraded columnar a t ructure, but prlametlc development uaa atrong. Salt nodulee were c o m m in the 63 horlton, and present In the Cl horizon. Coal fragments were also obvious In the Clca. 98 S O I L SEft ICSt ELLOAft SOftVET SAftPLE N O . I L O C A TIO ft t Sft-SCC33-T34W-ftiS€ CLASSIFICATION! BO ft OLL IC NATftAftGIOSl SMftT S I T E N O . I B O SI SLOPES Oil A l * TEftPEftATUftE S O I L TEftPEftATUftE WATEft T A B L E S PRECIPITATIONS PEftftEABILITTS PMTSIOGftAPHTS MXCftOftELIEPS VEGETATIONS P A R E N T N A TE ftI AL S IE NT M A T E R I A L S COUNTTs BLAINE CLASS! NEAftLT L E V E L ANNUALS OC Gf t E E S F ANNUALS DEGREES F DEPTHS CU. CU. A • B C C ELEVATIONS 807 MTTEAS KINDS PLANE SUftMEftS DEGREES F S U MN ERS IB D E G R E E S C MONTHS CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASSS L E V E L Oft U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S O N SLOPE GRASSES AND FORBS A N O SHRUBS PAftTLT W E A T H E R E D GLACIAL TILL I G N E O U S . ME TANOftPHIC AND S t O I N E N T A R T PAftTLT W E A T H E R E D CALCAREOUS SHALE M O N T H S A M P L E OS JU NE ASPECTS EAST WINTERS DEGREES F WINTERS DEGREES F KINDS NO WA T E R TABLE UPPERS CM LOWERS PROFILE DESCRIPTION D S CM. C O Z IN.) TE LL O W I S M BR OW N Cl Q T R S/4) C R U S H E D | SANOT LOAM | L I G H T B R O W N I S H GftAT ( Z . S T CRUSHED ORT I WEAK FINE GRANULAR MOIST STRUCTURE I SOFT , VEftT F R I A B L E , SLIGHTLT STICK? . SLIGHTL? PLASTIC I CO MM ON T O MAN? FINE G M E D I U M R O O T S THROUGHOUT HORIZON S CO MM ON TO MAN? FINE VESICULAR PORES . COMMON FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCAftEOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS S L I G H T LT A C I O PM- 6.3 CPH METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNOAftT 2 ZT 3CA ICA 2CA R E M A R K SI CM STONINESS! CLASS MARINE HORIZON A Si FINE S T CM. C 2 3 IN.) L I G H T GftAT CIQVft 7 / 2 ) C R U S H E D I SANOV LOAM Oft? I W E A K FINE i ME DI UM PLATT HOIST VEftT FftI A B L E , SLIGHTLY STICK? , SLIGHTLY FINE G M E D I U M R O O T S THROUGHOUT HORIZON I PORES , C O M M O N FINE. TUBULAR PORES I SLIGHTLY ACIO PM- 6.4 CPM METER) I ABRUPT 6/ 1) I I L I G H T GftAV C 2 . 3 T 7 / 2 ) C R U S H E D STRUCTURE I SOFT , PLASTIC I C O M M O N TO MANY COMMON TO MAN? FINE VESICULAR NONCALCAftEOUS CHCD CONTINUOUS S M O O T H B O UN OAf tT I 7 1 6 CM. C 3 6 IN.) BROWN UOTft 4/3) CRUSHED I CLAY I DARK GRAYISH BROWN ClQTft 4 / 2 ) C R U S H E D OftT I S T R O N G M E D I U M C O L U M N A R MOIST STRUCTURE I SLIGHTLY HARO . FRIABLE . STICKY , PLASTIC I C O M M O N TO MAN? FINE G M E D I U M RO O T S BETWEEN PEDS I C O M M O N TO M A N Y FI NE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES . COMMON TO MAN? FINE VESICULAR PORES I NO NC AL CA RE OU S CHCD CONTINUOUS MILDLY ALKALINE PH- T B CPH METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY 16 - 25 CM. C 6 - 10 I N . ) YELLOWISH BROWN ClOYR 5/4) CLAY | BROWN Cl Q T R 4/ 3) CR U S H E D ORY I STRONG MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCK? HOIST STRUCTURE I SLIGHTLY HARD , FRIABLE • STICKY . PLASTIC I C O M M O N TO M A NY FINE G M E D I U M R O O T S THROUGHOUT HORIZON COMMON TO MAN? FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES , C O M M O N TO M A N ? FINE VESICULAR PORES I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT C H C D CONTINUOUS I MOOEftATELV A L K A L I N E P H - B. 4 ( P M M E T E R ) I CLEAR SMOOTH BOUN DAR Y . 25 - 57 CM. C 10 - 2 2 I N . ) BROWN ClQTft 4 / 3 ) C R U S H E D I MASSIVE MOIST I HARD , ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I VIOLENTLY EFFERVESCENT (MCI) (PM ME T E R ) I ABRUPT SMOOTH ClAV I GRAYISH BROWN (2.5? 5/2) CRUSHED OR? FIRM . STICK? . PLASTIC I FEW MEDIUM C O M M O N TO MA N? F I NE VESICULAR PORES I CONTINUOUS I MODE R A T E L ? A L K A L I N E P M - 6.3 BOUNDARY 57 - 1 0 2 C M . C 22 - 4 0 I N . ) DARK BROWN ClOYR 3/3) C R U S H E D I CLAT I DARK G R A Y I S H B R O W N ( 2 . SY 4/2) CRUSHED ORT I MA SSIVE HOIST I VERT HARO . VERY FIRM , STICK? , PLASTIC I FEW FINE G MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N T O MAN? FINE VESICULAR PORES , MAN? FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I MILDLY ALKALINE PM- T B (PM METER) NOT R E AC HED B O U N DAR Y . I J I I PLOWED NATIVE 1*00 Cepe on columnar structure are not as hard In dry conalatance am the unplowed site; they are distinct, however. A distinct band of accimilated salts at 57 cm may Indicate the top of the capillary fringe. 99 TEALiTTE SQlL SERIES* SBOMT SURVEY SAMPLE NO.I LOCATIONS SM - S E C 3 9 - T S A N - R I BE CLASSIFICATIONS B O R O L L I C N A T R A R G IDS I S I T E N O . S 8 0 SZ SLOPES Oil AIR TE MP ERA TU RE SOIL TEMPERATURE WATER TABLES PRECIPITATIONS PERMEABILITY! PHYSIOGRAPHY! MICRORELIEF! VEGETATIONS PARENT MATERIALS COUNTY! BLAINE CLASS! NEARLY LEVEL ANNUAL! DEGREES F ANNUAL: DEGREES F DEPTH! CM. CM. PARENT MATERIALS PARTLY WEATHERED C A LC ARE OU S SHALE HORIZON A 2 SZ FINE ELEVATION! 807 METERS KINO: PLANE SUMMER! DEGREES F S U M M E R S 18 D E G R E E S C MONTHS CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS! L E V E L OR U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S ON SLOPE GRASSES AND FORBS AND SHRUBS PARTLY WEATHERED GLACIAL TILL IGNEOUS, MET AMOR PHI C AND S E D I M E N T A R Y M O N T H SA MPLED! JUNE ASPECT! EAST WINTER! DEGREES F WINTER! DEGREES F KINDS NO WATER TABLE UPPER* CM LOWERS MARINE PROFILE DESCRIPTION O 4 CM. C O Z IN.) LIGHT GRAY OOVR 7/2) C R U S H E D I LOAN I LIGHT GRAY (2.5 V 7/2) CR US HED ORV WEAK COARSE PLATV MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO W E A K FINE PLATY MOIST I SOFT , VERY FRIABLE • SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC COMMON TO MANY FINE G MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N T O MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES , C O M M O N TO MANY FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I SLIGHTLY ACIO PH- 6.5 (P H METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY B ZT 4 - 12 CM. < 2 5 IN.) OARK BR O W N (10VR 3/3) C R U S H E D I CLAY I DARK GRAYISH BROW N (10V R4/2) CRUSHED DRY I STRONG ' MEDIUM COLUMNAR MOIST STRUCTURE I HARD • FIRM • STICKY t PLASTIC I C O M M O N TQ MANY FINE L M E D I U M RO O T S BETWEEN PEOS I C O M M O N TO MANY F I NE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES • COMMON TO MANY FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I M I L D L Y A L K A L I N E P M - 7.5 (P M M E T E R ) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BO UN DAR Y C ICA 12 - S I C M . ( 5 - 22 I N . ) BROWN ClOYR 5/3) CRUSHED I CLAY f GRAYISH BROWN (2.5V 5/2) CRUSHED ORV MASSIVE MOIST I VERY HARD , VERY F R M , STICKY , PLASTIC I COMMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON | C O M M O N TO MANY F I N E TUBULAR PORES I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS ! MODE RAT EL Y A L K A L I N E PH - 6.2 (PM METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY C ZCA REMARKS* CM STONINESS! CLASS 57 - 9 7 C M . ( 2 2 38 I N .) DARK B R O W N (10VR 3/3) C R U S H E D I CLAY I DARK GRAYISH BROW N (2.5V 4/2) CRUSHED DRY I MASSIVE MOIST I VERY HARD , VERY F I RM • STICKY , PLASTIC I COMMON FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON | C O M M O N T O MANY FINE TUBULAR PORES I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I MILDLY ALKALINE PH- 7.7 (P H METER) < NOT R E A C H E D BO UNDARY Plowing has damaged, but not destroyed the caps and upper portion of the columns in the B2t. Many, very fine threadlike nodules characterize the C2ca horizon. No coal fragments or iron staining was observed. I I t 100 soil seams PHILLIPS SUFVET SAMPLE N O . > LOCATIONS SW-SEC32-T36N-Al9 E CLASSIFICATIONS B O R O L L IC H A P L A R C I O S I S I T E N O . S 80 5 3 SLOPES Oil AIR TE MP ERA TU RE SOIL T E M P E R A T U R E WATER TABLES PRECIPITATIONS P E R M E A B ILITTS PHTSIOGRAPHTS MICRORELIEF S VEGETATIONS PARENT MATERIALS ENT MATERIALS SBOMT 53 FINE-LOAMT CO UN TTS SEE REMARKS CLASSs NEARLT LEVEL ANNUAL S DEGREES F ANNUALS DEGREES F DEPTHS CM. CM. ELEVATIONS 807 I M K R S KINDS PLANE SUMMERS DEGREES F SUMMERS 17 DE GREES C MONTHS CONTROL SECTION LIMITS D R A I N A G E C L AS SS M O N T H SA M P L E D S JUNE ASPECTS EAST WINTERS DEGREES F WINTERS DEGREES F KINDS NO WATER TABLE UPPERS CM LOWERS L E V E L OR U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S ON SLOPE G R A S S E S AND FORBS AND SHRUBS PARTLT WEATHERED GL AC IAL TILL I G N E O U S , M E T A M O R P H I C A N D S E D I M E N T AR T PARTLf WEATHERED C A L C A R E O U S SHALE HORIZON MARINE PROFILE DESCRIPTION O 8 CM. ( O 3 IN.) OK. T E L L O W I S H B R O W N C l O T R 4/5) CR U S H E D I LOAM | GRATISH BROWN CRUSHED ORT $ WEAK COARSE PLATT MOIST STRUCTURE PARTING TO PORES I (PM ME TE R) A B B C 2 ZT 3CA ICA REMARKS! CP STONINESS S CLASS NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNOART 8 - 15 CM. ( 3 6 IN.) OK. T E L L O W I S H B R O W N U O T R 4/4) CRUSHED DRT I WEAK COARSE PLATT MOIST PLATT I SOFT , VERT FRIABLE C O M M O N TO MA NY FINE 4 MEDIUM ROOTS FINE VESICULAR PORES • COMMON NONCALCAREOUS (HCl) CONTINUOUS I ABRUPT WAVT BOUNDARY S SLIGHTLY AClD I LOAM I BROWN STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO , SLIGHTLY STICKT , THROUGHOUT HORIZON | TO MANY F I N E TUBULAR SLIGHTLY AClD P H - 6. 3 15 - 30 C M . ( 6 - 12 IN.) OK. Y E L L O W I S H B R O W N C l O Y R 3/4) C R U S H E D I CLAY LOAN CRUSHED DRY I MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC MOIST STRONG MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCKT MOIST I HARD , PLASTIC t CO M M O N FINE ROOTS BETWEEN PEOS I VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES , C O M M O N TO M A NY FINE MO NCALCARE OUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I N E U T R A L PH- 6.9 SMOOTH BOUNDARY . UOTR WEAK 5/2) PM - 6.3 UOTR 5/3) CRUSHED WEAK FINE SLIGHTLY PLASTIC C O M M O N T O MANY PORES I (PH METER) I I BROWN STRUCTURE FIRM , COMMON FINE VESICULAR (PH ME TE R) I (10VR 4/3) P A R T I N G TO STICKY , PORES J I CLEAR 30 6 4 C M . ( 12 - 25 I N . ) BROWN (IOYR 4/3) CRUSHED I CLAY LOAM ; GRAYISH BROWN (10YR 5/2) CRUSHED DRY I WEAK FINE 4 MEDIUM PRISMATIC MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO MODERATE MEDIUM ANGULAR BlOCKY I HARD , FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC FEW MEDIUM 4 COARSE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I F E W TO C O M M O N FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES , FE W TO C O M M O N FINE VESICULAR PORES I MILDLY E F F E R V E S C E N T (HCL) CONTINUOUS I MODE RAT EL Y AL KALINE PM- 8. 3 (P M METER) CLEAR SMOOTH BOUNDARY 64 - 96 CM. C 2 5 - 38 I N . ) BROWN ClOTR 4/3) CRUSHED I CLAY LOAM | L I G H T B R O W N I S H G R A Y ( 2 . Sf 6/2) CRUSHED DRY I WEAK VERY FINE 4 FINE AN GU LAR BLOCKT MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO M A S S I V E I VERY HARO • VERY FIRM , STICKY • PLASTIC T FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O MM ON FINE VESICULAR PORFS < MODE RAT EL Y E F F E R V E S C E N T (HCL) CONTINUOUS I STRONGLY ALKALINE P M - 8.7 CPH ME TER) I NOT REACHED BO UNDARY CM IS LED 1980 Chiseling created a microtopography with 10 cm of relief between ridges and furrews. This caused variation in the thickness of the Al horlzont(Ie) ridge O -8cm, furrow 0-6 cm). There were very few, very fine salt nodules in the Clca in contrast to the accumulation at other sites. FEW I I 101 SOIL SERIES: TMOENf SURVEY SAMPLE NO.I LOCATION! SE-SECJ2-T36N-R19E CLASSIFICATION! ROROLLlC NAJRARGIOS{ SRONT S I T E NO. I IO 54 SLOPE! Oil AIR TENPERATURE SOIL TEMPERATURE MATER TABLE! PRECIPITATION! PERMEABILITY: COUNTY: BLAINE CLASS! NEARLY LEVEL ANNUAL: DEGREES F annual: degrees f DEPTH! CM. CM. ph y s i o g r a p h y : L E V E L OR U N D U L A T I N G U P L A N D S ON SLOPE GRASSES AND FORBS AND SHRUBS PARTLY WEATHERED GL AC IAL TILL I G N E O U S , N E T A N O R f H l C AND S E D I M E N T A R Y MICRORELIEF: VEGETATION! PARENT MATERIAL: PARENT MATERIAL! PARTLY WEATHERED CA LC A R E O U S SHALE 94 FINE-LOANf ELEVATION: 807 KETCTS KINO* PLANE SUMNER: DEGREES F S U MN ER! 17 D E G R E E S C MONTH* CONTROL SECTION LIMITS DRAINAGE CLASS* MONTH SAMPLED! JUNE ASPECT! EAST WINTER* DEGREES F WINTER* DEGREES F KIND: NO WA T E R TABLE UPPER! CM LOWER* MARINE HORIZON PROFILE DESCRIPTION A I 7C M . < O 3 IN.) OK. Y E L L O W I S H BROW N (10YR 3/4) C R U S H E D * LOAN | BROWN ClOYR 5/3) CRUSHED DRY I WEAK CO AR SE PLATf MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO MODERATE MEDIUM GRANULAR J SOFT , VERY FRIABLE , SLIGHTLY STICKY , SLIGHTLY PLASTIC J CO M M O N TO MANY FI NE L MEDIUM RO OT S THROUGHOUT HORIZON CO M M O N TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES , F E W FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCRREOUS (HCl) CONTINUOUS I N E U T R A L P H - 6.6 C P H M E T E R ) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY A 2 7 20 C M . ( 3 PALE B R O W N ClOYR 6/3) CRUSHED ORY I WEAK FINE PLATY MOIST CO M M O N TO MANY FINE L VESICULAR PORES • CHCD CONTINUOUS I B 21T 20 44CM. C 8 17 IN .) OK. Y E L L O W I S H B R O W N C l O Y R »/4) CRUSHED I CLAY LOAM I BROWN ClOYR 4/3) CR US HED DRY I STRONG MEDIUM COLUMNAR MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO STRONG MEDIUM AN GU LAR BL OC KY MOIST T HARD , FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC I COMMON FINE L ME DI UM ROOTS BETWEEN PEDS * F E W TO C O M M O N FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES • C O M M O N TO M A N Y FINE VESICULAR PORES S NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I M O DE RAT EL Y ALKALINE PM- 7.9 CP H METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY B 22T 44 - 6 3 C M . C 17 - 2 5 I N . ) YELLOWISH BROWN ClOVR 5/5) CR US HED i CLAY LO AM j BROWN ClOYR 5/3) CRUSHED DRY I MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC MOIST STRUCTURE PA RT ING TO MODERATE MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCKY MOIST I VERY HARD • FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC COMMON FINE I ME D I U M ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I COMMON FINE VOID I N T E R S T I T I A L PORES , C O M M O N T O M A N Y Fl NE VESICULAR PORES I MILDLY E F F E RVE SC ENT (HCL) DISCONTINUOUS I STRONGLY ALKALINE P M - 8. 7 (PH METER) I CL E A R SMOOTH BOUNDARY C ICA REMARKS* CM STONINESS* CLASS B- I IN.) CRUSHED I LOAM J LIGHT BROWNISH GRAY ClOVR 6/2) COARSE PLATf MOIST STRUCTURE P A R T I N G TO WEAK *' S O F T , FRIABLE , STICKY , PLASTIC I MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I MANY FINE CO M M O N TO MANY FINE TUBULAR PORES I NONCALCAREOUS N E U T R A L PH- 7 . 3 C P H M E T E R ) ; ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY 63 - 1 0 3 C M . C 25 - 41 IN.) BROWN ClOYR 5/3) CRUSHED I CLAY LOAN ORY ; MASSIVE MOIST I VERY HARD , FEW FINE ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I PORES I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT C H C D CPH ME TER) I NOT RE AC HED BOUNDARY } GRAYISH BROWN (2.5f 5/2) CRUSHED VERY FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC I C O M M O N TO MANY FINE VESICULAR CONTINUOUS t M O D E R A T E L Y AL KA LIN E PM- 8.4 CHISLED Chiseling has created micro relief which varies the thickness of the Al and A2 hori z o n s . Ridge: Al la O-lOcm, A2 is 10-32 cm. Furrow: Al is 0-7 cm, A2 is 7-20 cm. The expression of strong columnar structure has not been affected by chiseling. "Ihe re is a change along the pit as the Thoeny soil meets Phillips and the columns abrupt Iv degrade to prismatic structure. Salt nodules are common below 60 cm, although they arc not evident in the adjacent Phillips profile. At 85 cm, many fine platy shale fragments were observed, although the contact with underlying ahale was not reached. T 102 SOIL SEHtESI ELLOM S U H V E T SHHFlE HO.I LOCHTIONt SE-SECIi-HHN-HlVE CLHSSIFICHTIONI HOHOLLIC NHTHlHtIOSI S I T E N O . I HO SS SlOFEl tit HIH TE MF EHHTUHE SOIL TE M F E H H T U H E VHTEH THHlEl FHECIFITHTIONI F E H M E H S ILITTI FMTSIOtHHFMTI NICROHtLIEFl VtGETHTIONI FHRENT MHTEHIHlI FtHENT MtTEHIHlI ElEVHTIONI 807 NFTTHS NINOt FLlNE SUMMER: DEGREES F SUMFERI IT DEGREES C MONTH: CONTROL SECTION LIMITS OHHINHGE CLHSSI L E V E L OH U N O U L H T l N t U F l H N O S ON SlOFE G R H S S E S HNO F O R M S HN O SHRUBS FHHTLT VEHTMEHEO GL HC ItL TILL IGNEOUS. N E T t M O R F H I C HNO SE O I M E N T H R T FHHTLT VEHTNEHEO CH LC H H E O U S SHHlE M O N T H StMFLEOl JUNE HSFECTI EtST vintehi DEGREES F VINTERI DEGREES f NINOl NO VH TE H THBLE UFFEHI CM LOVEHl CM STONINESSI CLtSS MHHINE F R O F I L E O E S C R T F T IO N I FINE TUBULtR FORES FM- S.l (FM METER) I H Z B IT B SS FINE COUNTTI BLHIMC ClHSSI NElllT LEVEL HNNUHL I DEGREES F HNNUHL I DEGREES F OEFiMI CM. CM. HOHIiON H SHOHT 3CH I NONCHLCtRFOUS (HCL) HBRUFT SMOOTH BOUNOHRT (IOTR t/I) CRUSHED OHT . VEHT FHIHHLE , FINE ( ME DI UM ROOTS C O M M O N TO MtNT CONTINUOUS I STHONGLT HCIO 1 0 - IS C M . C 4 - 6 IN.) DARK B R O U N U O T R 3/1) CRUSHED I ClAT LOAN I BROWN ClOTR 5/3) CRUSHED DRT MODERATE MEDIUM COLUMNAR HOIST STRUCTURE I S L I G H T IT H A R D , FRIABLE STICKT , ELASTIC I CO M M O N TO MANT FINE L M E DI UM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON COMMON TO MANT FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL FORES # COMMON FINE VESICULAR FORES t NONCALCAREOUS (HCL) CONTINUOUS I N E U T R A L R H - 7.0 ( R H M E T E R ) I ABRUFT SMOOTH BOUNDARY . 1 5 - Z T C M . C 6 - 11 I N . ) TELLOWISH BROWN ClOTR 5/4) CRUSHED I CLAT LOAM I DARK G R A Y I S H BROW N ClOTR CRUSHED ORT J MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC MOIST STRUCTURE F A R T I N G TO STRONG MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCKT MOIST I HARD , FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC I CO MM ON TO MA NY FINE I ME DI UM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HO RI ZON I COMMON FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES , C O M M O N TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES MILDLY EFFERVESCENT (MCI) CO NT I N U O U S I MODERATELY ALKALINE FH- 8.4 (FM ME TE R) ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY C ICA 27 - 5 4 C M . C U 21 IN.) BROWN ClOTR 4/3) CR US HED I CLAY LOAM I GRAYISH BROWN ClOTR 5/ 2) CRUSHED ORT I WEAK FINE ANGULAR BLOCKT MOIST STRUCTURE ANO MA SS IVE 8 VERY H A RD , VERY FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC I FEW FINE L MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I CO M M O N TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I VIOLENTLY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS % M O Of RAT El V AL KA LIN E P M - 8.4 (PH METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY C ZCA C 22 - 35 I N . ) 55 - S B C M . 5/3) CR USHED { CLAT I BROWN ClOVR I VERT HARO , FIRM MASSIVE MOIST FINE I MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON PORES I MO DE R A T E L Y EF F E R V E S C E N T (MCI) I NOT REACHED BO UN DAR Y (PM METER) REMARKS! CHISLEO I , I 4/2) I I GR AYISH BROWN C l O T R 5 / 2 ) C R U S H E D ORV I . STICKY • PLASTIC I FEW I C O MM ON TO MANY FINE VESICULAR CONTINUOUS I STRONGLY ALKALINE P H - 8.9 1 The microrelief created by chiseling caused the thickness of the Al horizon to vary, being thickest under the ridges. Columnar structure is Intact, not affected by the treatment although the underlying prisms were not as strongly expressed as at the other treatment sites. 103 SOIL SEiItSI TEUEITE SUivEf SANfLE NO.I LOCATION: SC-SEC32-TJ6N-AI9E CLASSIFICATIONS BOiOLLIC NATiAiCIOSl $10*1 FINE SITE NO.I 80 S* SlOfEI Oil AIi TENfEiATUiE SOIL TENfEiATUiE WATEi TABLE: fAECIfITATION! fEiNEABILITfl COUNTV I BLAINE CLASS: NEAiLV LEVEL ANNUAL I OEGiEES F ANNUUI OEGiEES F OEfTHl CM. CM. fMVSIOCiAfMfI LEVEL Oi UNDULATING UfLANOS ON SLOfE GiASSES AND FOiBS ANO SHiUBS FAiTLV WEATMEiEO GLACIAL TILL IGNEOUS, NETANOifMIC AND SEDINENTiIV MICiOiELIEKI VEGETATION: FAiENT MATEiI All FARENT NATEiIALt fAiTlV WEATNEiEO CALCAREOUS SHALE ELEVATIONS 807 ME ttRS KIND: PLANE SUNNEAi OEGiEES F SUNNFtg 1 7 DEGREES C MONTH: CONTROL SECTION LIMITS OiAINAGE CLASS! fiofile DESCRIPTION FM- 6.5 CFH METER) • B ZT 3CA ♦ - 10 CM. C 2 ♦ IN.) DARK BROWN ClOVR 3/3) CRUS HED I CLAV LOAN STRONG MEDIUM COLUMNAR MOIST STRUCTURE FRISfATIC I SLIGHTLY HARO , FRIABLE , COMMON TO MANY FtNE I MEDIUM ROOTS BETWEEN VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES , C O M M O N TO MANY N O NCA L CAREOUS (MCL) CONTINUOUS I NEUTRAL SMOOTH BOUNDARY I SLIGHTLY ACIO I BROWN C l O V R 4 / 3 ) C R U S H E D ORV F A R T I N G TO MODERATE MEDIUM STICKY , PLASTIC I FTOS I FEW TO COMMON FINE FINE VESICULAR PORES I F M - 7.1 C F H M E T F R ) | ABRUPT IO - 2 0 C M . C 4 8 IN.) YELLOWISH BROWN ClOVR 5/4) CR US HED I CLAY I PALF RROwN ClOfR 6/3) CRUSHED DRV I MODERATE MEDIUM PRISMATIC MOIST STRUCTURE PARTING TO STRONG MEDIUM ANGULAR BLOCKV MOIST I HARO • FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC I MANY FINE L MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O MM ON TO MANY FINE VOID INTERSTITIAL PORES , C O M M O N T O MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I NILOLV EFFERVESCENT C H C D CONTINUOUS I STRONGLY ALKALINE FH- 8.5 CfM METER) ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY C ICA 20 57 CM. C 8 22 IN.) BROWN (IOVR 4/3) CRUSHED I CLAY LOAM I GRAYISH BROWN C2.5V 5/2) CRUSHED DRV I WEAK FINE ANGULAR BLOCKV MOIST STRUCTURE PA RT ING TO MASSIVE MOIST I VERY HARD , VERY FIRM , STICKY , PLASTIC I FEW MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON I C O M M O N TO M A N Y FI NE VESICULAR PORES I VIOLENTLY EFFERVESCENT (HCL) CONTINUOUS I MO DE RAT EL Y AL KA LIN E PM- 8.3 CFH METER) I ABRUPT SMOOTH BOUNDARY C ZCA 57 90 CM. C 22 35 I N .) DARK Br o w n ClOVR 3/3) CRUSHED I CLAY LOAM I GRAYISH BROWN C2.5V 5/2) CR U S H E D DRY I MASSIVE MOIST I VERY HARD , VERY F I R M , STICKY , PLASTIC I FEW MEDIUM ROOTS THROUGHOUT HORIZON | COM-ON TO MANY FINE VESICULAR PORES I MODERATELY EFFERVESCENT C H C D CONTINUOUS I STRONGLY ALKALINE PH- 8.5 ( P H M E T E R ) I NOT R E A C H E D B O U N D A R Y REMARKS: CM STONIMESSI CLASS MARINE HORIZON B MO NT H SAMfLEOI JUNE ASfECTI EAST WINTERS DEGREES F VINTEiI DEGREES F KINDI NO WATER TABLE UFfEiI CM LOWERS CHILSED Columns and underlying prismatic structure appear to be part IalIv destroyed by the treatment. Chiseling mixed sufficient OM Into the A2 and upper B2t that the B horizon Is darker than any of the other Tealettes have been. The zone of salt accumulation begins at W cm, and nodules are common below that depth. I I SOIL TREATMENT HORIZON TEXTURE SILT CLAY ..... ) COARSE FRAGMENTS (Z) BULK DENSITY (g/cm3) THICKNESS (cm) NU5 Al A2 B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 44.3 43.7 45.4 54.8 44.6 43.6 56.1 8.7 8.5 16.6 15.5 12.2 6.6 15.1 18.8 25.6 18.6 23.7 22.8 16.9 25.7 50 50 40 38 40 52 36 16 28 24 26 28 32 28 34 22 36 36 32 16 36 .0 .0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.29 1.54 1.57 1.61 1.68 1.68 1.62 6 5 17 27 36 43 13 TH* NU A2 B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 32.7 44.4 34.4 43.7 44.2 45.9 4.5 19.9 13.0 9.4 9.6 18.6 12.2 25.3 19.9 18.7 20.6 27.3 50 52 60 62 58 36 34 18 12 16 18 22 16 30 28 22 24 42 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.49 1.82 1.56 1.78 1.75 1.88 11 15 10 26 30 63 it NU A2 B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 32.7 45.5 45.5 54.8 54.9 44.7 6.5 22.8 20.0 15.4 16.3 16.0 17.6 30.5 30.3 24.3 25.2 25.4 45 32 30 35 37 35 41 26 26 28 26 28 14 42 44 37 37 37 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.63 1.61 1.67 1.76 1.60 1.69 2 11 23 19 29 31 E+ NU Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 33.1 45.7 45.0 45.3 54.9 54.5 6.6 26.4 15.5 14.4 14.2 13.8 22.0 35.8 27.9 27.6 25.1 27.0 47 37 33 35 37 35 34 22 28 28 26 30 19 41 39 37 37 35 .0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.57 1.74 1.61 1.78 1.75 1.55 11 16 15 11 26 56 Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C21 C22 34.8 45.2 45.1 55.1 54.1 44.0 43.3 15.3 17.2 16.1 15.0 10.9 9.9 13.3 29.4 31.9 33.9 29.5 24.1 19.7 14.9 35 31 29 37 42 44 66 28 24 30 24 29 29 18 37 45 41 39 29 27 16 1.0 .0 .0 .0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.67 1.73 1.66 1.64 1.75 2.82 1.88 10 9 17 11 44 29 25 E NP5 I PHYSICAL DATA FOR EACH SOIL BY HORIZON P+ APPENDIX 2: 1979 DATA WATER AT t SAT. WILT FIELD1" SAND (..... ..... % ___ ...... ) (.... SOIL TREATMENT HORIZON SAT (.... WATER AT WILT FIELD ....... ) SAND (.... TEXTURE SILT CLAY ....) COARSE FRAGMENTS (Z) BULK DENSITY (g/cm3) THICKNESS (cm) NP Al B21 B22 Cl C2 C3 44.2 45.5 55.3 55.2 54.5 45.0 19.5 17.6 16.0 8.3 17.0 18.1 27.4 34.9 32.6 28.4 25.6 26.6 38 33 28 32 43 37 28 24 28 26 21 27 34 43 44 42 36 36 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.68 1.63 1.57 1.68 1.68 1.62 10 9 16 33 41 31 P NP Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 43.4 54.4 54.7 45.4 45.0 55.3 9.9 17.9 18.7 19.8 17.3 19.4 19.8 26.6 27.9 — — — 50 48 38 40 57 61 13 20 22 26 19 23 37 32 40 34 24 16 .0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.39 1.55 1.69 1.68 1.70 1.67 11 16 26 21 41 35 TH NP Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 32.7 44.3 55.0 56.0 46.9 55.3 5.6 19.3 17.6 21.8 21.4 11.4 _ — — — 27.3 24.1 54 42 44 37 34 36 32 26 22 29 32 26 14 32 34 34 34 38 2.0 .0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.64 1.75 1.66 1.77 1.60 1.58 13 20 28 31 33 35 TH CS Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 44.9 55.6 45.6 56.8 67.1 55.7 13.2 17.1 15.4 15.3 16.4 14.2 30.9 33.4 28.1 31.2 30.9 27.0 38 36 38 36 32 43 26 22 22 24 26 22 36 42 40 40 42 35 .0 .0 .0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.72 1.71 1.83 1.82 1.79 1.74 10 8 27 22 38 25 P C Al 33.5 33.7 45.0 54.6 44.0 44.3 55.2 7.0 11.1 16.5 13.2 10.2 11.5 11.6 20.0 24.6 30.6 25.9 24.6 23.5 28.5 52 46 40 40 48 42 40 30 26 22 26 26 24 28 18 28 38 34 26 34 32 .0 .0 .0 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 1.45 1.48 1.62 1.64 1.60 2.58 1.58 10 6 12 25 19 51 37 Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 105 T SOIL TREATMENT HORIZON WATER AT SAT WILT FIELD (.... .... % .... ....... ) SAND (.... TEXTURE SILT CLAY .....) COARSE FRAGMENTS (Z) BULK DENSITY (g/cm3) THICKNESS (cm) T C Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 44.9 46.2 56.4 54.9 44.2 55.2 14.5 21.4 18.1 18.6 6.3 8.1 31.4 35.8 32.7 37.3 22.1 24.2 40 32 38 37 43 45 30 22 22 22 36 26 30 46 40 41 21 29 .0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 1.56 1.63 1.77 1.84 1.50 1.70 10 14 19 19 33 30 E C Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 32.8 45.6 45.6 54.4 54.9 55.8 3.7 13.7 13.6 12.1 12.4 13.7 10.7 34.4 32.0 24.7 26.4 27.3 51 35 33 33 36 35 34 26 30 34 31 32 15 39 37 33 33 33 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.50 1.69 1.63 1.68 1.67 1.68 10 13 20 19 50 23 1980 DATA NU A2 B21 B3 Cl C2 40.0 40.7 53.8 53.8 52.6 6.7 11.5 15.6 16.3 24.6 18.9 24.3 29.5 28.4 29.4 37 33 29 23 25 37 30 25 25 29 26 37 46 52 46 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.46 1.60 1.52 1.73 1.69 4 20 25 27 32 E NU Al B2 B3 Cl C2 52.3 54.0 50.9 49.4 51.1 14.2 17.1 15.1 12.6 13.1 26.5 31.2 28.3 24.3 24.9 25 25 23 25 29 33 27 33 31 24 42 46 44 44 47 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.29 1.69 1.58 1.60 1.46 7 16 5 33 50 P NU Al B21 B22 B3 Cl 33.9 41.8 48.9 52.4 56.0 8.9 11.1 15.9 28.2 19.7 18.6 21.3 27.7 25.9 26.8 37 33 27 25 21 35 31 25 25 25 28 36 48 50 54 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.40 1.44 1.54 1.56 1.52 11 10 24 8 57 106 T SOIL TH TH P TREATMENT NU NP NP HORIZON SAT (...... WATER AT WILT TEXTURE SILT CLAY COARSE FRAGMENTS BULK THICKNESS DENSITY (gm/cm3) (an) FIELD ....... ) SAND (.... 23.9 24.3 25.6 28.4 29 29 21 21 27 27 29 24 44 44 50 55 0 0 0 0 1.42 1.69 1.67 1.64 0 0 0 1.43 1.71 1.71 X .... ) (%) 46.9 50.5 50.0 57.0 Al A2 B21 B22 B3 Cl 34.4 26.0 41.5 51.5 48.6 46.2 6.1 5.0 13.0 19.3 18.7 14.9 12.8 9.9 21.6 29.1 26.7 25.3 51 53 21 33 37 43 28 44 44 24 24 22 21 35 35 43 39 35 0 0 1.66 1.68 0 1.65 Al A2 B2 B3 Cl 33.2 24.3 35.2 43.5 47.8 5.7 .59 12.8 16.8 16.2 12.0 11.5 23.0 30.2 26.8 53 53 45 37 41 28 26 24 26 20 19 21 31 37 39 0 0 0 0 0 .99 1.59 1.71 1.69 1.71 6 14 12 53 7 21 21 9 7 30 15 10 19 10 36 E NP B2 B3 Cl C2 61.3 61.2 49.2 47.6 20.4 21.7 15.7 16.1 33.5 32.7 27.3 26.1 27 25 27 29 24 26 28 28 49 49 45 43 0 0 0 0 1.71 1.55 1.72 1.72 9 9 32 33 T NP A2 B2 Cl C2 27.4 55.2 51.1 74.3 8.0 20.2 18.4 15.8 20.8 33.6 29.3 25.8 35 29 29 31 42 24 24 26 23 47 47 43 0 0 0 0 1.46 1.70 1.69 1.73 4 45 33 Al A2 B2 B3 Cl 43.0 27.6 34.5 32.2 34.3 11.5 6.7 10.3 9.3 9.4 24.2 16.9 20.2 19.9 20.7 31 48 42 40 40 26 30 27 31 31 43 22 31 29 29 0 0 0 0 0 1.41 1.41 1.61 1.60 1.53 9 15 34 54 P CH5 8 6 107 Al B21 B22 Cl 15.2 16.4 17.1 19.9 SOIL TREATMENT HORIZON TH CH Al A2 B21 B22 Cl 28.4 21.3 37.6 46.5 34.8 5.8 4.5 11.6 13.9 9.8 15.6 12.5 23.8 28.8 19.3 49 47 43 42 41 30 34 26 23 26 21 19 31 35 33 .0 .0 .0 .0 E CH Al A2 B2 B3 Cl C2 35.9 28.3 41.0 50.8 47.1 54.3 7.8 6.5 14.1 16.9 13.4 20.5 18.6 27.6 27.3 23.3 51 43 35 37 31 29 30 36 26 24 30 28 19 21 39 39 39 43 SAT (.... WATER AT WILT FIELD SAND (.... TEXTURE SILT CLAY .... ) COARSE FRAGMENTS os) BULK THICKNESS DfiNSITY (gm/ cm3) (cm) .0 1.51 1.59 1.77 1.62 1.57 10 22 24 19 27 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.41 1.46 1.75 1.65 1.83 1.80 6 4 5 12 28 63 t SAT - Saturation , WILT = Wilting point , FIELD = Field capacity NU - Native vegetation, unplowed; NP - Native vegetation, plowed; C - Crested wheatgrass vegetation, plowed, CH - Native vegetation, chiseled 108 ^ P - Phillips, TH - Thoeny, T - Tealette, E - Elloam 1979 DATA SOIL TREATMENT HOR- SAR IZON CEC CA EXTRACTABLE NA MG K CA SOLUBLE MG NA (.. NPt NP Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C21 C22 1.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 7.0 5.0 13.0 Al B21 B22 Cl C3 6.0 8.0 14.0 11.0 13.0 11.0 Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 Al B21 B22 B3 Cl Cl NP NP Cl 10.4 16.6 31.4 35.8 32.4 36.4 24.6 K ...) BRAY P ppm TOTAL ORGANIC N MATTER ppm (Z) pH EC mmhos/cm 11.2 15.1 11.8 11.8 8.2 7.9 3.3 .3 .4 .6 1.2 1.4 2.8 2.4 1.2 .8 .7 .6 .4 .6 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 43 10 48 51 39 22 22 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2 .9 .7 .5 .6 .4 .1 7.4 7.7 6.5 8.3 8.2 8.0 8.5 8.5 2.0 1.0 5.0 7.2 13.8 32.0 52.0 80.0 44.0 9.2 15.1 16.7 15.1 10.5 20.7 2.1 4.3 6.0 6.4 5.7 8.3 .9 .7 .6 .5 .4 .5 .0 .0 .0 .2 .2 .1 .0 .0 .0 .2 .2 .1 .0 .1 .2 .4 .4 .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ,0 36 12 64 51 31 26 90 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 1.3 .9 .6 .7 .4 7.3 8.1 8.3 8.3 7.9 7.9 4.0 1.2 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 9.0 12.0 14.0 18.0 8.4 25.4 35.8 27.4 68.0 90.0 5.3 11.5 11.2 14.4 16.1 13.5 .0 .6 1.4 3.8 8.8 8.1 .7 .7 .4 .5 .5 .7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .3 .3 .0 .0 .1 .1 .4 .6 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 10 0 48 33 40 HO 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 1.1 .8 .5 .4 1.4 6.8 7.6 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 1.0 6.5 8.0 3.0 3.5 5.0 2.0 15.0 23.0 30.0 24.0 15.0 5.2 5.3 34.2 29.4 25.0 62.0 1.6 6.0 9.8 13.5 13.8 16.7 .2 .6 6.2 7.2 6.5 2.9 .7 .0 .5 .5 .6 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .2 .0 .1 .1 .3 .5 .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 8 13 6 57 57 80 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 .9 .4 .3 .3 .3 6.4 7.6 8.4 8.7 8.6 8.3 6.5 4.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 5.0 6.5 5 S H X I I I cn 0 H s 1 H N B H O VO SOIL TREATMENT HOR- SAR IZON CEC CA EXTRACTABLE MG NA (.... K CA /IOOg.. SOLUBLE MG NA K ....) BRAY P ppm TOTAL N ppm ORGANIC MATTER (%) pH EC mmhos/cm NUt Al A2 B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 6.0 7.1 10.9 10.9 11.1 10.0 18.0 6.2 6.8 16.2 33.0 33.6 17.4 22.8 2.0 3.3 6.9 9.8 9.2 5.3 9.5 .0 .1 .5 .5 1.6 1.7 6.9 .7 .8 1.0 .6 .5 .4 .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 30 10 13 0 24 33 68 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.5 1.5 1.2 .8 .5 .3 .5 6.6 6.4 7.0 7.8 8.1 8.2 7.9 8.0 7.0 9.0 5.5 .0 7.5 5.0 TH NU A2 B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 4.0 15.0 23.0 21.0 18.0 15.0 2.4 3.8 27.4 27.4 27.4 30.4 1.6 11.8 14.8 11.8 11.2 16.4 .3 4.8 4.0 5.0 4.0 6.2 .5 1.1 .7 .5 .5 .8 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .1 .1 .0 .2 .0 .1 .4 .3 .2 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 36 17 27 37 36 26 90 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 .9 .8 .4 .3 .6 5.6 7.4 8.5 8.6 8.5 8.2 7.5 6.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 T NU A2 B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 9.0 8.0 9.0 8.0 10.0 13.0 3.0 13.0 38.8 37.6 38.8 74.0 4.6 10.2 11.5 12.5 12.8 10.2 .8 4.6 4.6 3.4 5.7 4.1 .6 .9 .9 .7 .7 .7 .0 .0 .0 .1 .2 .2 .0 .0 .1 .1 .2 .2 .0 .1 .2 .2 .3 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 40 23 87 56 43 33 90 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 1.5 1.3 .5 .5 .5 6.4 7.6 8.3 8.0 8.0 7.9 9.0 7.5 7.5 7.0 8.0 8.0 E NU A2 B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 2.0 9.0 11.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 4.4 20.6 40.0 34.6 37.0 78.0 2.6 12.8 12.8 12.1 13.8 12.5 .2 2.6 3.8 4.6 5.3 6.2 .5 .9 .6 .7 .6 .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .2 .0 .1 .1 .2 .4 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 39 9 15 30 45 37 HO 0 0 0 0 0 2.2 1.5 1.1 .8 .7 .7 6.4 7.3 8.2 8.4 8.1 8.1 5.0 4.5 7.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 no P SOIL TREATMENT HOR- SAR IZON CEC CA EXTRACTABLE NA MG K CA SOLUBLE MG NA K (.... ) BRAY P ppm TOTAL ORGANIC N MATTER ppm (%) PH EC mmhos/cm M- p U TH C C E C 1.0 5.0 11.0 28.0 15.0 16.0 8.0 11.4 30.8 31.4 28.4 56.0 9.5 13.5 13.1 11.8 12.1 9.8 .4 1.2 2.9 5.3 7.7 6.5 1.2 .8 .5 .6 .7 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .2 .0 .0 .1 .4 .4 .5 Al A2 B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 14.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 8.0 9.0 12.0 7.0 12.0 15.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 6.2 9.4 30.8 30.4 21.4 32.0 27.8 9.6 35.2 37.0 29.8 29.4 35.8 3.3 5.6 10.5 8.2 4.9 8.2 5.9 5.3 7.9 12.1 11.8 8.9 7.2 .0 .3 .8 .9 2.4 1.6 2.9 1.6 4.0 6.2 8.6 6.2 6.2 .9 .9 .9 .6 .6 .6 .8 .9 .7 .6 .6 .4 .4 .1 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .1 .0 .1 .1 .1 .3 .4 Al B21 B22 B3 Cl C2 11.0 11.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 18.0 4.0 21.8 31.0 31.0 31.0 40.0 3.0 13.5 12.1 9.8 11.5 8.9 .5 3.6 4.8 4.0 5.3 5.9 .5 .6 .5 .4 .4 .5 .0 .0 .0 .1 .1 .2 .0 .0 .1 .2 .2 .2 .0 .1 .2 .4 .4 .6 O 51 O O O 24 41 28 O 22 O 24 O O 36 19 O 12 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 80 0 0 0 0 0 1.7 .9 .4 4.0 .5 .5 6.8 7.5 8.2 8.5 8.0 8.0 9.5 9.5 8.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 5 61 33 74 37 15 27 25 27 18 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 HO 0 0 0 0 0 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.4 .7 .9 .9 1.7 1.4 1.0 .7 .9 .7 7.1 6.6 7.8 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.5 7.3 8.0 8.3 8.4 8.1 8.0 8.0 3.5 5.5 6.5 5.0 4.0 2.5 1.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 4.5 41 19 21 13 12 13 10 O 0 0 O O 1.5 1.3 1.1 .7 .5 .5 6.7 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3 1.0 8.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 111 T Al B2 I B22 B3 Cl C2 1980 DATA SOIL TREATMENT T E TH TH NU NU NU NP CEC EXTRACTABLE SOLUBLE CA NA MG K CA MG NA (.................. me/IOOg................. . AZ BZl B3 Cl CZ 1.0 4.3 5.6 10.5 10.9 11.3 7.2 23.9 6.0 29.1 24.0 32.2 44.0 26.5 40.0 3.1 5.6 10.2 11.1 9.2 .9 1.9 3.8 5.9 5.9 Al BZ B3 Cl CZ 0.5 5.9 9.1 13.2 21.4 22.2 26.5 24.3 23.0 30.0 16.0 40.0 42.0 52.0 30.0 6.2 12.5 11.8 12.1 13.8 Al BZl BZZ B3 Cl .4 .8 1.3 3.1 5.2 17.0 20.0 29.6 30.4 36.1 7.2 12.0 46.0 56.0 40.0 Al BZl BZZ Cl .7 2.9 4.1 6.9 24.8 33.5 28.7 36.5 Al AZ BZl BZZ B3 Cl .7 1.6 9.8 9.8 8.7 11.9 .6 .4 .6 .6 .5 .1 .0 .2 .5 .3 .1 .0 .2 .5 .3 .4 .3 1.1 1.8 1.6 .1 2.6 3.5 6.6 1.0 1.5 .2 .5 .0 .4 .1 .4 1.1 .4 1.3 .1 .1 .2 1.8 3.5 .1 .3 .8 3.6 1.0 3.1 3.6 6.6 7.5 6.6 .1 .2 .6 .4 1.9 1.0 .7 .7 .5 .5 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 12.0 24.0 52.0 44.0 5.6 6.2 7.9 9.2 .3 .8 1.5 2.4 1.5 .9 .6 .6 .1 .1 .1 10.4 4.0 11.3 3.2 20.9 6.6 29.1 10.0 26.5 13.0 27.4 22.0 2.6 2.4 7.5 10.5 9.5 9.2 .1 .2 3.1 4.3 4.3 4.3 .8 .5 .9 1.2 1.0 .9 BRAY P ppm .0 .0 61 Z9 .0 UU .0 .0 Z5 TOTAL ORGANIC N MATTER ppm (Z) EC mmhos/cm 41 900 800 800 500 400 .0 61 33 39 31 30 1600 900 700 400 400 .0 .1 .1 .1 .4 .0 0 0 0 0 51 1400 17 19 Z5 ZZ 1100 .0 .2 .2 .4 0 0 0 0 Z5 .2 .0 .1 .0 .0 1400 IZOO 700 600 2.9 2.3 1.3 8.1 .5 .9 .9 1.1 8.0 1.0 .1 .0 .0 .1 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .1 .1 .1 .1 .0 .3 .6 .5 .9 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 7 1000 3.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 6.3 6.5 7.6 8.3 8.5 .7 6 1300 700 800 .0 .0 .0 .0 IZ IZ 13 10 11 17 800 600 500 800 800 Z.Z 1.5 .9 6.9 7.1 8.4 8.3 4.3 .8 8.6 2.8 3.6 7.5 8.5 1.0 1.0 8.6 2.1 .8 .9 8.4 8.5 7.9 7.3 2.9 2.4 1.5 7.0 7.0 7.9 .5 .3 1.0 8.1 .8 1.1 8.2 1.0 6.6 1.6 1.6 7.4 8.6 1.0 1.0 2.1 .4 .8 .2 .8 1.5 2.3 2.4 112 P NU HOR- SAR IZON SOIL TREATMENT HOR- SAR IZON CEC CA EXTRACTABLE NA MG K CA SOLUBLE MG NA BRAY K (..... P NP Al P ) B2 B3 Cl 1.4 2.9 6.7 10.2 10.4 9.6 11.3 19.6 26.5 24.8 4.0 4.0 7.4 15.0 34.0 2.1 2.6 4.6 7.2 7.2 .1 .4 1.7 2.8 3.0 .8 .6 .8 1.1 .8 .0 .0 .0 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .2 .5 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Al TOTAL N ORGANIC MATTER (%) pH EC mmhos/cm ppm ppm 27 9 13 14 1300 800 800 900 800 2.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.8 6.4 7.1 7.7 8.5 8.3 .5 .2 .6 1.4 1.6 7 E NP B2 B3 Cl C2 6.7 6.3 7.1 8.2 30.9 30.9 23.5 22.6 10.0 32.0 40.0 64.0 11.5 14.4 13.8 12.5 3.0 3.5 3.7 4.2 .7 .8 .6 .4 .1 .1 .2 1.1 .1 .2 .5 1.2 .4 .6 .9 1.9 .0 .0 .0 .0 11 27 44 37 900 1000 400 400 1.9 1.9 .9 .7 7.8 8.4 8.3 7.8 1.0 2.4 3.7 9.0 T NP Al BI 3.6 7.5 6.6 7.7 9.1 28.3 26.5 72.4 3.6 10.0 40.0 15.0 3.6 11.5 14.4 11.1 .6 2.6 3.8 9.4 .5 .7 .6 1.3 .1 .1 .3 1.7 .1 .1 .5 2.4 .2 .4 .9 2.8 .0 .0 .0 .5 39 15 43 33 900 900 600 400 1.8 1.6 1.1 .7 6.5 7.5 8.2 8.7 1.1 1.0 3.4 4.9 .2 .5 1.7 5.1 7.4 13.0 10.9 17.4 17.8 16.1 5.6 3.8 8.0 30.0 32.0 2.5 1.9 4.3 5.9 7.2 .1 .1 .4 .9 1.7 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.0 .9 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .1 .1 .2 .1 .I .0 .0 .0 37 20 20 22 13 2100 900 800 700 500 3.5 1.8 1.3 1.0 .7 6.3 6.3 6.9 8.3 8.7 1.6 .4 .3 .7 1.0 1.1 10.6 B21 14.5 B22 21.7 Cl 3.9 19.1 18.3 18.7 26.1 18.7 4.0 2.8 5.0 10.2 38.0 2.2 1.9 5.6 8.5 5.6 .1 1.0 4.4 7.1 .8 .8 .5 1.0 1.2 .9 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .1 .2 .0 .0 .2 .6 2.0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 19 15 12 17 17 1000 500 700 700 600 2.3 .9 1.1 .9 ,8 6.6 7.3 7.9 8.7 8.4 .4 .4 1.8 4.3 .8 Cl Cl P CH^ Al Al BI B3 Cl TH CH Al Al SOIL TREATMENT HOR- SAR IZON CEC CA EXTRACTABLE NA MG K CA SOLUBLE MG NA K (---- BRAY P ppm TOTAL N ppm ORGANIC MATTER (%) PH EC mmhos/cm E CH Al A2 B2 B3 Cl C2 1.6 3.7 7.4 6.8 8.6 10.8 17.8 10.4 23.0 28.7 21.7 24.4 3.2 3.0 6.8 30.0 36.0 30.0 2.6 3.0 9.8 11.8 13.8 15.1 .3 .4 3.0 3.7 3.7 4.3 .4 .5 .2 .4 .4 .4 .1 .0 .0 .1 .4 .1 .1 .1 .0 .2 .9 .3 .i .i .2 .7 1.5 1.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 99 62 18 25 19 30 1900 1100 800 900 400 400 4.2 2.3 1.4 1.6 .5 .5 5.1 5.6 7.0 8.4 8.4 8.9 .9 .7 .6 2.8 4.6 3.4 T CU A2 B2 B3 Cl C2 2.7 7.3 13.5 7.9 17.4 13.0 23.9 27.8 20.0 21.3 6.8 7.2 30.0 52.0 34.0 3.9 10.2 15.4 11.5 13.1 .5 2.1 3.5 3.3 4.0 .6 .5 .5 .4 .4 .2 .0 .2 .9 .4 .2 .1 .4 1.4 .8 .2 .3 1.7 1.7 3.0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 86 42 36 30 29 1400 1100 1100 500 500 3.0 1.8 1.7 .6 .6 6.5 7.1 8.5 8.3 8.5 1.2 1.2 2.2 6.4 3.7 t E - Elloam . T - Tealette, P » Phillips, TH ■■ Thoeny NP - Native vegetation. plowed , NU - Native vegetation , unplowed CH - Native vegetation, chiseled C - Crested vheatgrass vegetation, plowed 3 I I T E TH P NP79* T E TH P C79 T E TH P NU80? T E TH P NP80* T E TH P CH80* 38 23 3 I 3 I I I 20 83 21 16 I 3 I I 15 6 5 9 2 7 13 4 6 I 6 40 24 49 5 11 3 9 2 88 32 20 2 3 LICHEN GRAVEL 15 21 I 35 : OTHER 33 I PERSISTANT LITTER NONPERSISTi LITTER ^ BARE GROUNl TREATMENT NU79* E 5s TH5 PS I I i I I ... I 3 32 17 40 6 4 2 5 3 12 4 I 4 I I 6 II I II I 4 I 9 I 11 3 2 i3 I I I I 2 2 5 4 8 I I 2 I 2 3 t 13 18 13 13 28 20 3 29 I 8 24 16 44 15 13 2 3 2 2 27 79 52 34 15 48 17 12 I 5 3 3 14 30 57 43 I 2 16 74 69 50 4 i 4 3 I I 2 I I 6 37 25 23 6 7 2 2 6 4 5 2 2 9 22 8 10 I 28 36 22 2 4 6 4 9 18 7 4 31 14 16 2 5 4 I 3 7 2 2 I 3 8 6 35 31 25 I 4 2 3 4 12 10 3 3 23 9 6 40 44 24 I 6 4 I 3 5 3 7 14 15 5 15 7 3 2 3 9 15 6 2 7 9 3 6 14 16 I 12 16 17 2 14 6 3 30 26 21 2 I I 2 2 5 I I 2 3 I I I 2 2 I I 6 12 5 2 2 4 2 3 I 3 I 3 2 ^Four letter plant symbols are given Ir I U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (1976). NU79 - Native vegetation, unplowed, 1979 location; NP79 - Native vegetation, plowed. 1979 location; C79 - Crested wheatgrass vegetation, 1979 location; NU80 - Native vegetation, unplowed, 1980 location; NP80 - Native vegetation, plowed, 1980 location; CH80 - Native vegetation, chiseled, 1980 location 5T - Tealette, E - Elloam, TH - Thoeny, P - Phillips I COMPOSITION DATA FROM SVIM TRANSECTS BY SOIL AND TREATMENT I T? APPENDIX 4: H 116 APPENDIX 5: PRODUCTIVITY DATA FROM SVIM ESTIMATE AND CLIP PLOTS AND FROM RANDOM CLIP PLOTS Key to Appendix 5 t Four letter plant symbols given in U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (1976). * tT = Tealette, E = Elloam, TH = Thoney, P = Phillips § NU79 = Native NP79 = Native C79 = Crested NU80 = Native NP80 = Native CH80 = Native vegetation, unplowed, 1979 location vegetation, plowed, 1979 location wheatgrass vegetation, 1979 location vegetation, unplowed, 1980 location vegetation, plowed, 1980 location vegetation, chiseled, 1980 location # 117 MOIST ESTIMATE DATA (SVIM) SOIL TREAT­ MENT T * NU795 E ^ NU79 TH* NU79 P * NU79 T E TH P T E TH P NP? 9s NP79 NP 79 NP79 C79 5 C79 C79 C79 GRASS+ FORB+ SHRUB+ AGSff AGSP+BOGr+ CAEL+ ARFlf SEDE+ L i m - OPPO+ MISC. MISC. MISC. AGCR+ EN+ GRASS FORB SHRUB (.............. g/m2 ............... ) (.... cm2 ....... g/m2....... ) 7 5 12 9 6 9 16 7 11 6 8 4 21 10 11 11 6 9 4 6 2 5 6 8 7 12 16 12 6 5 11 2 6 12 12 20 8 8 12 8 9 11 12 24 12 26 2 21 18 13 14 13 24 7 10 11 16 2 3 2 2 3 8 3 3 2 2 4 16 I 2 I 5 3 10 5 4 I 3 3 3 2 5 4 2 2 4 I 5 I 6 6 I 5 3 11 40 30 2 2 I 6 2 I 50 2 5 8 10 2 I 6 I 2 4 I I 15 I I I I I 3 I 4 5 7 2 2 2 5 I 6 5 2 I 2 I I I 4 I 2 3 I I I I I 2 I 3 I 5 2 2 3 2 3 I 260 200 50 210 230 260 230 260 140 100 240 140 160 140 9 4 10 25 2 5 4 5 I 2 S 6 5 I I 41 350 2 80 40 3 I 4 I 10 14 9 5 I 9 5 I 2 2 2 70 18 I 7 3 I 3 4 4 6 6 35 5 3 2 2 3 10 20 3 I I I 2 I I 2 I I 4 2 I I 6 2 I 2 2 2 I 6 I 2 2 4 I 3 I I I 30 2 40 6 6 2 5 4 8 16 2 I 2 I 2 2 2 I 2 5 4 I 50 2 11 2 3 7 2 6 2 10 3 15 I 15 18 11 3 7 2 I 2 2 I 9 I I I 13 I 2 I 4 I I I 3 4 9 I I I I 5 I 15 15 1 12 3 3 4 9 7 9 20 4 4 2 3 I 2 13 I 12 118 SOIL TREATNENT T E P TH NUSO5 NUSO NUSO NUSO GRASS FORB SHRUB AGSM AGSP BOGR GAEL ARFR SEDE LICH- OPPO MI SC. MISC. MISC. AGCR EN GRASS FORB SHRUB . g/m2 .... (— ....) (... . cm2 ••••) (... 3 8 9 8 I 12 5 15 7 4 9 5 12 15 11 7 8 3 2 TH P E T P TH E T NP80S 9 6 9 9 14 8 NPSO 7 NPSO 12 16 9 7 ii 10 10 10 11 NPSO CHSO5 CHSO CHSO CHSO 4 2 3 6 18 25 10 8 4 5 16 6 8 5 12 9 8 13 7 7 I i i 9 i i 50 6 I 3 9 I 8 5 3 12 8 7 4 4 4 4 2 3 2 I I I 11 I 9 4 2 5 2 5 5 i 3 i 2 3 2 2 4 4 5 2 I I 5 13 6 I 3 2 I 2 2 5 22 3 6 5 I 4 2 2 2 I 3 3 3 I I I I 11 I 6 2 2 2 I 5 4 4 I 4 4 10 I I 21 4 4 I 15 11 2 2 3 3 6 5 8 2 4 I 250 140 240 240 4 I I I I 2 4 I 3 3 2 2 I I 5 I 5 3 2 2 2 22 5 3 7 6 5 9 8 5 6 I 5 20 3 I 4 I I 2 2 I I I I I 3 2 2 I 5 3 2 3 I 9 I I I I 2 6 9 11 5 14 12 21 2 2 2 9 9 I 2 3 I 12 2 5 3 3 4 4 I 15 11 2 4 5 2 2 2 3 I I 2 3 4 I I 4 2 3 8 3 2 I I I I 3 3 210 2 70 5 2 2 140 3 9 I 5 I I I 3 2 100 4 4 4 4 8 16 8 I 5 50 3 I I 2 5 3 10 I 5 10 I 2 22 5 6 12 11 5 14 12 21 4 4 2 I I I 8 4 3 7 I 11 2 3 I 240 24 20 4 210 260 80 40 6 5 3 2 3 12 2 2 5 6 5 I 2 5 7 i 4 3 5 7 I i i 3 2 10 6 2 I I I 2 I 3 119 DRY WEIGHED DATA SOIL TREATMENT T NU79 E NU79 TH NU79 P NU79 T E NP79 NP79 TH NP79 P NP79 T C79 E C79 TH C79 P C79 T NU80 E NU80 P NU80 TH NU80 TH NP80 P NP 80 E NP80 T NP80 P CH80 TH CH80 E CH80 T CH80 (SVIM) GRASS FORB SHRUB AGSM AGSP BOGR GAEL ARFR SEDE LICH- OPPO MISC. MISC. MISC. AGCR EN GRASS FORB SHRUB ....) (.... cm^ ....) (....... g/m2 .. . g/-2 .... (.... 8 2 3 3 4 3 3 5 6 3 5 5 I 7 6 8 5 4 9 7 12 12 11 14 3 3 6 3 6 5 2 6 6 7 10 7 7 5 8 5 4 6 4 3 3 6 2 2 4 I i 2 4 3 I 3 3 3 I I 3 3 15 13 3 28 3 3 3 4 i i 3 4 3 I I 3 3 15 13 3 28 3 I 4 4 2 8 I I I 4 2 8 7 9 12 10 3 3 2 2 2 4 3 I 2 I I 2 I 2 5 5 3 5 4 7 I 2 2 3 I 3 2 I 3 3 4 I 2 3 4 3 2 2 2 4 I 2 5 I I I I 2 4 3 I 2 I I 6 3 3 I I I I 2 5 5 3 5 4 7 I 2 2 3 3 I 11 3 3 I I I 4 7 3 5 I I 5 3 3 I I 120 MOIST WEIGHED DATA (S V IM ) SOIL TREATMENT GRASS FORB SHRUB AGSM AGSP BOCR GAEL AR (.... T NU79 E NU79 TH NU79 P NU79 6 14 5 7 ) (... =-2 • g /" 2 4 2 6 12 I T NP79 E NP79 TH NP79 P NP79 T E C79 C79 TH C79 P C79 T NU80 E NU80 P NU80 TH NU80 TH NP80 4 2 I I 4 6 I 2 8 3 5 9 3 8 7 9 6 2 6 8 2 13 14 11 12 7 11 11 12 19 16 22 23 5 14 20 12 4 6 12 9 12 7 5 11 11 12 OPPO M ISC . MISC . M ISC . AGCR GRASS FORB ^sijrub . . . ) ( ................. ....) 2 6 I 2 3 I 4 9 3 8 7 I 6 6 2 4 5 7 28 8 2 68 8 2 6 9 7 5 6 I 1 5 7 28 2 8 68 5 12 6 2 I 2 2 6 4 9 9 12 2 17 16 16 23 6 21 5 4 10 7 3 6 4 4 7 2 5 2 5 3 4 4 3 5 7 6 10 7 3 4 3 5 5 3 3 8 21 6 I 2 I I 2 6 4 5 4 4 7 2 5 2 1 2 7 2 3 1 2 2 8 P NP80 E NP80 T NP80 P CH80 TH CH80 E CH80 T CH80 14 14 15 13 8 4 5 3 5 4 5 2 4 8 5 9 5 9 6 I 4 10 11 10 9 11 19 22 17 12 11 9 3 3 10 5 5 4 2 2 2 3 3 2 I 3 I 4 IO 11 8 8 10 19 18 15 12 8 6 3 I 3 I 1 I I 3 2 3 121 RANDOM CLIP PLOT DATA SOIL T TREATMENT NU79 GRASS <...... 4 3 U E NU79 TH NU79 P NU79 T NP79 NP79 3 4 4 5 2 2 4 5 4 3 5 5 4 2 5 4 4 4 S 4 3 7 4 4 4 4 3 4 6 6 4 8 5 7 4 7 7 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 9 5 5 6 6 7 9 4 6 6 FORB SHRUB 6 I I 2 I 9 I I 2 I I I I I I 2 I 2 8 3 2 2 2 I I I 6 I I I 2 3 2 2 I 122 SOIL TH TREATMENT NP79 GRASS FORfl (.... g/m2 ....... ) SHRUB 7 5 6 I 8 9 8 3 I 2 P NP79 5 5 9 8 8 7 3 3 6 I 8 I I 5 6 9 7 2 I 4 8 T C79 4 I 7 8 9 4 7 6 I 6 9 E C79 I I I I 9 I 6 2 I 9 I I 3 8 6 TH C79 I I I 1 7 3 3 2 I 9 4 7 C79 7 8 8 9 3 3 7 5 6 8 8 I I I 123 SOIL TREATMENT T NU80 E P NU80 NU80 TH NU80 TH NP80 P E NP80 NP80 GRASS <. . . . . 5 2 3 2 3 3 2 4 I 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 5 6 5 4 5 6 5 8 7 9 7 6 8 3 5 6 5 6 7 5 4 4 7 6 6 9 4 3 4 5 6 3 8 8 7 3 6 7 9 3 5 6 6 4 3 4 5 5 2 5 FORB 2 I SHRUB ..... ) i I 2 I I 2 2 3 3 I 2 2 2 3 2 3 7 2 I 2 2 2 2 2 4 I 3 2 5 2 I I 3 2 3 2 I 7 I 3 3 I 3 I 3 2 3 2 6 6 2 I 4 I 3 4 2 5 124 SOIL TREATMENT E NP80 T NP80 P CH80 TH CH80 E CH80 CH80 g/tn 2 Total+ Total* Grass' Multiple R2 F Data with All Sites Included P = 14.34 - .18(0 horizon available water (%)) - .67(0 horizon extractable P (me/IOOg)) + .18(0 horizon 15 bar water) .76 8.45 P = 5.15 - .94(A horizon extractable Na (me/lOOg)) + .19(A horizon extractable P (me/100g)) + .05(8 horizon cation exchange capacity (me/lOOg)) - .45(0 horizon extractable Mg (me/IOOg)) .92 18.90 P = 59.32 - 3.49(8 horizon electrical conductivity (mmhos/cm)) - 6.69(8 horizon organic matter (%)) + .35(8 horizon extractable Ca (me/100g)) - 4.48(8 horizon soluble K (me/100g)) - .90(8 horizon clay (%)) .90 15.36 P = 19.34 - 3.26(8 horizon organic matter (%)) - 1.06(8 horizon extractable Na (me/100g)) - 1.90(0 horizon extractable P (me/lOOg)) + 1.28(0 horizon soluble K (me/lOOg)) + .10 (A horizon Sodium Adsorption Ratio) .92 17.58 P = 6.10 + .31(A horizon cation exchange capacity (me/100g)) - .70(A horizon extractable Na (me/100g)) + .10(A horizon sand (%)) - .22(8 horizon clay (%)) + .10( B horizon 15 bar water) .98 36.56 P = -1.07 + .14(0 horizon sand (%)) .81 24.10 Data with Control Sites Excluded Total+ Grass+ STEPWISE REGRESSION EQUATIONS FOR SOIL CHEMICAL DATA ON PRODUCTIVITY Grass+ Equation APPENDIX 6: Dependent Variable Productivity (P) Dependent Variable Productivity (P) Total Equation F P = 124.65 - .79(A horizon extactable Ca (me/lOOg)) - 7.36 (B horizon pH) + .45(B horizon cation exchange capacity (me/100g)) - 17.84(B horizon organic matter (%)) - .98 (B horizon clay (%)) Grass* Multiple .94 77.67 .99 89.61 P = 20.07 - 1.03(B horizon extractable Na (me/lOOg)) - 6.76 (B horizon total N (ppm)) - 2.95(C horizon extractable P (me/100g)) + .60(C horizon total N (ppm) + .08(0 hor­ izon clay (%)) tRandom clip plot data ^SVIM moist estimate data 126 Multiple Dependent Variable Productivity (P) R2 F Data with All Sites Included P = 4.70 + .00(A horizon organic matter (Z)) .57 10.78 Grass'*" P = 2.4 + .04 (solum thickness (cm)) .63 14.39 Total^ P - 248.46 - .03(clubmoss cover (cm2)) - .03(elevation (m)) + .26(solum thickness (cm)) .74 8.47 P = 2.25 + .00(organic matter (Z) in solum) + .09(C/N in solum) .79 17.43 Grass^ Data with Tealette Soils Excluded Total"*" P = 8.80 - .01(aspect) - .01(clubmoss cover (cm2)) .70 7.26 Grass"*" P - 2.45 + .90(soil type) + 1.74(A horizon coarse fragment content (%)) + .00(solum extractable Na (me/IOOg)) .82 9.88 P = 12.82 - .06(clubmoss cover (cm^)) + .15(solum thickness (cm)) - 1.71(C horizon coarse fragment content (%)) .80 8.52 P » 6.53 + .00(solum extractable Na me/100g)) + .49(avail­ able water (Z) in solum) . 66 5.92 Total^ Grass^ Data with Control Sites Excluded Total+ P = 5.02 + .00(A horizon organic matter (Z)) .60 8.07 Grass"*" P = 2.44 + .04(solum thickness (cm)) .69 12.86 Total^ P - 5.78 - .03(aspect) + .30(solum thickness (cm)) .84 15.65 Grass^ P - 2.60 - .00(organic matter (Z) in solum) + .08(C/N in solum) .79 10.63 'Random clip plot data SVIM moist estimate data STEPWISE REGRESSION EQUATIONS FOR SOIL PHYSICAL DATA ON PRODUCTIVITY Total"*" APPENDIX 7: g/m2 Equation 128 APPENDIX 8: INDEPENDENT VARIABLES TRIED IN STEPWISE REGRESSION ANALYSIS PHYSICAL VARIABLES Aspect Slope (%) Elevation (m) A horizon thickness (cm) B horizon thickness (cm) Solum thickness (cm) Coarse fragments in A horizon (Z) Coarse fragments in B horizon (Z) Coarse fragments in C horizon (Z) Calcium in the solum (me/lOOg) Magnesium in the solum (me.lOOg) Sodium in the solum (me/lOOg) Potassium in the solum (me/lOOg) Nitrogen in the solum (me/lOOg) Phosphorus in the solum (me/lOOg) Organic matter content of A horizon (Z) Organic matter content of the solum (Z) Available water in the solum (cm) CHEMICAL VARIABLES For one A,B and C horizon for each soil: Electical conductivity (mmhos/cm) PH Cation Exchange Capacity (me/lOOg) Bulk density (g/cnw) Organic matter (Z) Water at saturation ( Z ) Extractable calcium (me/lOOg) Extractable magnesium (me/lOOg) Extractable potassium (me/lOOg) Extractable sodium (me/lOOg) Bray phosphorus (ppm) Soluble potassium (me/lOOg) Soluble magnesium (me/lOOg) Soluble calcium (me/lOOg) Total nitrogen (ppm) Sand (Z) Silt (Z) ClAy (Z) Water content at 15 bars Water content at 1/3 bar Horizon thickness (cm) Sodium Adsorption Ratio 129 APPENDIX 9: LINNEAN and common plant names Agropyron cristatum Crested wheatgrass Agropyron smithii Thickspike western wheatgrass Artemesia frigida Fringed sagewort Bouteloua gracilis Blue grama grass Buchloe dactyloides . Buffalo grass Carex eleocharis Blackroot sedge Distichlis stricta Nuttal alkaligrass Hordeum jubotum Foxtail barley Oppuntia spp. Prickly pear cactus Phlox hoodii Moss phlox. Poa secunda Sandberg bluegrass Salsola kali Russian thistle Selaginella densa Clubmoss Stipa comata Needle-and-thread grass Stipa viridula Green needlegrass . MONTANA STATE U NIVERSITY L IBR AR IES stks N37B.B634@Theses The effects of mechanical treatment on t . .IllIilIillI 3 1762 00169441 1 N378 B63k cop. 2 B o e h m , Marie M The effects of m e c h a n i ­ cal t r e a t m e n t on the soils a nd v e g e t a t i o n ... ISSUED TO DATE a wcma .. V/<SjPlt s > <!c p ~ .. ..- ^ ip "