Studies on pinacol chemistry by Dan R Bruss A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Montana State University © Copyright by Dan R Bruss (1985) Abstract: Synthetic methodology employing pinacol chemistry is explored. An investigation of the stereochemical consequences of pinacol formation as related to the method of coupling is presented. Aluminum and titanium-mediated pinacol coupling of alkyl substituted cyclohexanones are shown to exhibit distinct stereoselectivity. It is found that the aluminum procedure produces primarily axial orientation of the alkyl groups, while the titanium coupling prefers equatorial orientation. A rapid method of separation and identification of the resulting diastereomers is discussed. A pronounced alkyl substituent effect on the course of the pinacol rearrangement of cyclohexyl-3-methylcyclohexane-l,l'-diol is noted. While the exact nature of the effect is unknown, MNDO studies indicate that it does not appear to be electronic in nature. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of spiroketones and acid catalyzed rearrangement of spiroalcohols are presented. Rearrangement of spiro-[4,5]-6-methyldecan-6-ol to 9-methyl-Δ4,10-octalin demonstrated the potential utility of this reaction as an entry into decalin based terpenes. STUDIES ON PINACOL CHEMISTRY by Dan R. Bruss A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana August 1985 ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Dan R. Bruss This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Approved for the Major Department Head, Major Department Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a doctoral degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. I further agree that copying of this thesis is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with "fair use" as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for extensive copying or reproduction of this thesis should be referred to University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106, to whom I have granted "the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute copies of the dissertation in and from microfilm and the right to reproduce and distribute by abstract in any format.” Date J ' /^ S S ' I iv Organic chemistry just now is enough to drive one mad. It gives me the impression of a primeval tropical forest, full of the most remarkable things? a monstrous and boundless thicket, with no way of escape, into which one may well dread to enter. — Friedrick Wdhler If I have seen further than other men, it is because I stood on the shoulders of giants. — Isaac Newton V ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Sincere appreciation and gratitude are extended to those who have influenced my life and contributed to my education. Special thanks are extended to Joe Sears for his patience and assistance with the mass spectral analyses; to the staff of the x-ray facility for providing structures; to John Cardellina for taking an interest in my professional development, to Ron Warnet for his encouragement as an educator, chemist, and trail guide; to my advisor Dr. Bradford P. Mundy for his patience and infectious love of chemistry; to my parents for their influence love and encouragement; and to my wife Kathy for her love, companionship, and for not grumbling when I did. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES... ........................................ viii LIST OF FIGURES........................................... x ABSTRACT.... ................................................ 1. INTRODUCTION.......................................... ! 2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.................... Pinacol Coupling................................... Pinacol Rearrangement........................... . Secondary Rearrangements........................... 12 12 44 64 3. EXPERIMENTAL. .......................................... General Preparation of Pinacols.................... Preparation of Isomeric (+)-3-Methylcyclohexyl-3Methylcyclohexane-I,I '-Diols..................... Preparation of Isomeric 4-MethyIeyelohexyl-4Methylcyelohexane-1,1 1-Diols...................... Preparation of Isomeric Cyclohexyl-3-Methylcyclohexanone-1 f1 1-Diols.......................... Preparation of Spiro-[5,5]-6-Oxadecan-7-one,78....... Preparation of Isomeric Cyclohexyl-4-Methylcyclohexane-1,1 '-Diols............................ Preparation of Cyclopentylcyclopentane-I,I '-Diol, 48. Preparation of Spiro-[4,5]-Decan-6-one, 49.......... Preparation of Spiro-[4,5]-6-Methyldecan-6-ol, 66__ Rearrangement of Spiro- [4,5] -6-Methyldecan-6-ol, 6j5.. Preparation of Spiro-[4,5]-I-Methyldecan-l-o1, 75__ Rearrangement of Spiro-[4-5]-I-Methyldecan-1-ol, 75.. Product Ratio Study on the Coupling of R - (+)-Methyleye Iohexanone, I ........................ Preparation of Cyclopentylcyclohexane-I,I-'Diol, _4... Preparation of Isomeric Spiroundecanones _5 and .... Attempted Photopinacolization of R - (+)-3-MethylcycIohexanone, I.......... Solvent Effect Test on Aluminum Coupling of R - (+)-3Methylcyclohexanone, ]_............. Charge Exchange Mass Spectral Analyses of 1,1'Bicycloalkyl Diols................................ Reductive Coupling of Racemic 3-MethyI-CycIohexanone. 73 74 75 77 79 81 82 83 84 84 85 86 87 88 89 89 90 91 91 91 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued Page Semiemperical (MNDO) Studies on Model CarbonylAluminum Complexes................................ 92 Comparison of Radical Anion and Dianion Geometries of the 3-Pentanone-Al Complex Model (46)............. 93 94 Analysis of Carbocation 56 by MNDO..77.............. Analysis of Carbocation 57 by MNDO.................. 95 Preparation of Isomeric Spiro-[5,6]-Methyldocecan7-ones............................................ 96 X-ray Diffractometry on Diol 341..................... 98 X-ray D i f f r a c t o m e t r y on Diol 3_7............... 98 99 MNDO Analysis of Carbocations _58 and 59^............ Lanthanide Induced Shift Study on Spiroketone D ..... 101 SUMMARY.................................................... 102 REFERENCES CITED........................................... 104 APPENDIX................................................... 109 viii LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Distribution of coupling products............... 4 Table 2. Product distribution in the methylcyclohexanone studies................................. ....... 5 ^C-NMR spectra of (+ )-3-methy!cyclohexanone self-coupling products.......................... 16 Physical and spectroscopic data for isomeric 3-methylcyclohexy1-3-methyIeyeIohexane-I ,I 'diols........................................... 17 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 3» 4. 5. ^ C - N M R spectra of 4-methyl cyclohexanone self-coupling products................ 6. I. 8. 9. 21 x -NMR spectra of axial isomer from mixed coupling products of cyclohexanone with (+)-3methy Ieye Iohexanone............................. 29 70 eV electron impact spectra of isomeric 4-me thy Ieye Iohexy I- 4-me thy Icyc Iohexane-1 ,1 'diols.............. 30 Major fragmentations for charge exchange spectra of isomeric 4-methylcyclohexyl-4-methylcyc Iohexane-1 ,1 1-diols....... .................. 34 Brief summary of pinacolrearrangement of 47 CAD spectra of symmetrical diols ^8 and 20. and spiroketones _49 and ElO.......................... 501 70 eV electron impact spectra of spiroketones 5^ and 6^........ 51 Table 12. CAD spectra of spiroketone5^ and 6i..... ........ 52 Table 13. CAD spectrum of unsymmetricaldiol jl............. 53 Table 14. Slopes from the plot of change in shift versus [Eu (fod) 3/D].................................... 62 Table 10. Table 11. ix LIST OF TABLES— continued Page Table 15. MNDO summary of 45.............................. 92 Table 16. MNDO parameters of 45............................ 93 Table 17. MNDO summary of _46........................ 93 Table 18. MNDO parameters of 4j5........................... 94 Table 19. MNDO summary and parameters of_46 anion.......... 94 Table 20. MNDO summary and parameters of 5_6................ 95 Table 21. MNDO summary and parameters of 31_............... 96 Table 22. X-ray data for 34............................... 98 Table 23. X-ray data for 6_................................ 99 Table 24. MNDO summary and parameters of 5j3............... 100 Table 25. MNDO summary and parameters of 59............... 101 X LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure Figure I. 2. Generalized scheme for pinacol chemistry of cyclic ketones............................... 2 Reported stereospecificity in (R) -( + )-3-methylcyclohexanone self-coupling................... 3 Figure 3. Typical naturally occurring spirocompounds.... 5 Figure 4. Cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl diols.............. 6 Figure 5. Ring size effects on the pinacol rearrangement. 7 Figure 6. Cyclohexyl and tetrahydropyranyl tosylates.... 8 Figure 7. Pinacol rearrangement of 21............. ...... 8 Figure 8. Synthesis of karahanaenone.'................... 9 Figure 9. Synthesis of grahamimycin A1 .................. 10 Figure 10. Potential diastereomers from 3-methylcyclohexanone self-coupling.................... 13 Figure 11. Tetrahydroxyadipic acid.................... . 13 Figure 12-. Product ratios for the coupling of (+ )- 3-me thy !cyclohexanone.................. . 17 Figure 13. I^c-NMR spectrum of diequatorial isomer 2 ..... 19 Figure 14. 11 Figure 15. Figure 16. C-NMR spectrum of diequatorial fraction derived from racemic coupling................. 20 The reductive coupling of 4-methylcyclohexanone, 40..................................... ....... 22 Crystal structure of diaxial isomer of .3-methylcyclohexyl-3-methylcyclohexane-l,1 1diol, 34........................ .............. 23 xi LIST OF FIGURES-continued , Figure 17. Crystal structure of diaxial isomer of 4-me thy Ieye Iohexy I- 4-me thy Ieye Iohexane-1,1 1diol, 37...................................... Page 24 Figure 18. Stereo drawings of 3-methyl diaxial, J34........ 26 Figure 19. Stereo drawings of 4-methyl diaxial, 37......... 27 Figure 20. Mixed reductive coupling of 3-methylcyclohexanone, I, with cyclohexanone, 19...... 28 Proposed major cleavage for I,I1-bicycloalkyl diols......................................... 28 Comparison of cis and trans isomers to promote 1,4-H20 elimination........................... 32 Figure 23. General mechanism for reductive coupling...... 36 - Figure 24. ,Proposed mechanism by McMurry to form olefins by reductive coupling......................... 37 Titanium mediated coupling to form diequatorial isomer........................................ 38 Mechanistic rationalization to account for axial-equatorial product formation............ 39 Photochemical reaction of R - (+)-3-methylcyc Iohexanone................................. 40 Figure 28. Proposed dianion induced coupling............. 41 Figure 29. Optimized aluminum-formaldehyde complex by MNDO 42 Figure 30. Initial 3-pentanone-aIuminum model............ 43 Figure 31. Optimized 3-pentanone-aIuminum complex........ 43 Figure 32. Schematic diagram of a tandem mass spectrometer with forward geometry (S = source, E = electron sector, C = collisional chamber, B = magnetic sector, D = d e t e c t o r ) ..................... 46 Effect of product distribution as a function of sulfuric acid concentration................... 48 Figure 21. Figure 22. Figure 25. Figure 26. Figure 27. Figure 33. xi i LIST OF FIGURES-continued Page Figure 34. Possible mechanism of the secondary rearrange­ ment of spiranone _5.......................... 49 Figure 35. Possible products from the rearrangement of 41 55 Figure 36. Model carbocations to determine methyl group influence.................................. 55 Carbocations used to explore stabilizing effect of methyl group..'................... 56 Figure 38. Nonequivalence of alpha protons in 52........ 58 Figure 39. Structure of Eu (fod) 3 ........................ 59 Figure 40. Structural parameters involved in the McConnel!-Robertson equation................. 60 Figure 41. Numbering scheme of unsubstituted spironone 50 63 Figure 42. Rearrangement of 60_.......................... 65 Figure 43. Robinson annulation of 2—methy!cyclohexanone, 63, with MVK, 64............................. 66 Figure 44. Entry to decalin system via spiroketone 49___ 67 Figure 45. Rationalization of cationic rearrangement of 66 •••......................................... 67 Possible use of 69^ to prepare terpene' intermediates................................ 69 Figure 47. Proposed rearrangement of 75................. 70 Figure 48. Attempted rearrangement of spiroalcohol 75.... 70 Figure 49. Mechanism for the Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement............. 70 Figure 50. Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement of 7£.......... 71 Figure 51. Possible macrolide entry via spiroketone 6...''. 72 Figure 37. Figure 46. xiii ABSTRACT Synthetic methodology employing pinacol chemistry is explored. An investigation of the stereochemical consequences of pinacol formation as related to the method of coupling is presented. Aluminum and titanium—mediated pinacol coupling of alkyl substituted cyclohexanones are shown to exhibit distinct stereoselectivity. It is found that the aluminum procedure produces primarily axial orientation of the alkyl groups, while the titanium coupling prefers equatorial orientation. A rapid method of separation and identification of the resulting diastereomers is discussed. A pronounced alkyl substituent effect on the course of the pinacol rearrangement of cyclohexyl3-methylcyclohexane-l,l'-diol is noted. While the exact nature of the effect is unknown, MNDO studies indicate that it does not appear to be electronic in nature. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of spiroketones and acid catalyzed rearrangement of spiroalcohols are presented. Rearrangement of spiro-[4,5]-6-methyldecan-6-ol to 9-methyl-A4,10-octalin demonstrated the potential utility of this reaction as an entry into decalin based terpenes. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A fundamental tenant of organic synthetic methodology is the ability to generate stereoselective formation of carboncarbon bonds which readily allow further transformation. While few processes can approach the general applicability of a paradigm such as the Diels-Alder reaction, any process which generates more complex organic structures in a predictable way is highly desirable. As an outgrowth of the work previously carried out in our laboratory on several aspects of pinacol chemistry, it became evident that this chemistry possessed a number of attributes that could potentially expand its generality. Since the first reported rearrangement of pinacol to pinacolone in the mid-nineteenth century,this reaction has been studied extensively. At the same time, a host of methods have been developed to generate the requisite 1,2-diols. Our principal interest focused on the meta!-mediated reductive coupling of cyclic ketones, followed by mineral acid rearrangement. Figure I summarizes this approach. The rationale was straightforward. Coupling of the ketones afforded conversion from sp^ hybridization to functionalized sp^ centers. Rearrangement of the 1,2-diols would then provide 2 entry into functionalized quaternary centers, often a difficult synthetic task. Once formed, these spiroketones could further be modified or fully transformed. Figure I. Generalized scheme for pinacol chemistry of cyclic ketones. Several methods exist for effecting the reductive coupling of carbonyl compounds by zero or low valent state metals. Traditionally, aluminum amalgam2'3'4 has been employed to generate the 1,2-diols. More recently, McMurry^ has found that TiCl3/K is an effective reducing agent which yields not diols, but alkenes. Shortly after this report, Corey and co-workers6 found that high yields of 1,2-glycols were formed by reacting aldehydes and ketones with a low valent titanium source generated in situ from titanium tetrachloride and magnesium amalgam. 3 Additional reagents have since been examined. Porta and Clerici7 have successfully used the mild reaction conditions of aqueous TiClg to produce diols directly instead of the aforementioned alkenes. Low valent cerium has been shown by Imamota8 to carry out effective coupling, while Cotton et al9 have successfully characterized a tungsten-aIkoxide complex. Two of these procedures, when applied to the same ketone, appeared to have distinctive stereochemical consequences. In 1978, Munoz-Madrid and Pasqual4 reported the formation of a single product, 2_, from the aluminum mediated coupling of (R)-( +)-3-methylcyclohexanone. On the other hand, Kim10 characterized 2 as the sole product when the Corey method was employed to couple the same ketone. These results are summarized in Figure 2. HO OH Figure 2. Reported stereospecificity in (R)-( +)-3-methyl­ cyclohexanone self-coupling. 4 These- results were certainly intriguing. Controlled stereochemical discrimination is a powerful asset in synthesis. This laid the groundwork for a portion of the present study. While earlier works suggested a statistical distribution of products from a mixed reductive coupling, Mundy and co-workers10 demonstrated this not to be the case for various cycloalkanone coupling reactions. These results are summarized in Tables I and 2. Distribution of coupling products. CycIoalkanones C6-C6 C5-C5 C5-C6 C6-C6 14.1 ■ 1.6 4.1 0.6 11.4 0.3 42.0 2.4 18.2 3.8 C5-C5 C5-C7 C7-C7 C5-C5 C5-C7 C7-C7 8.0 ■■ +3.7 4.2 2.9 27.8 4.3 33.9 1.6 10.8 3.7 C 7-C7 8.7 6. 4 C6-C7 C 7-C7 0 1 n cn 16.7 4.7. (Ti C6 + C7 Pinacols 10.2 + 0.4 0 Ol 1 O C5 + C7 c5-c5 U 1 LD O C5 + c6 Alkenes C6-C7 1.8 +1.0 7.2 5.5 4.8 5.9 28.7 6.5 48.8 3.6 (Tl Table I. As mentioned earlier, acid-catalyzed rearrangement of these diols provides direct entry into the spirane skeletons. A growing number of naturally occurring spiro-compounds, several of which are illustrated in Figure 3, has prompted vigorous research in this area.11 5 Table 2. Product distribution in the methy!cyclohexanone studies. AA Olefina AB BB AA Pinacola AB BB 2-Me-Bc + Ab 8.82 +0.16 0.83 0.16 11.82 0.29 59.13 4.36 20.39 1.27 8.01 2.15 3-Me-B + A 2.05 jK) .90 4.74 1.18 1.75 0.76 26.21 2.33 49.61 2.12 15.62 5.54 39.10 +7.51 51.97 11.88 8.93 5.85 4-Me-B + A aIn percent bA = Cyclohexanone cB = Methylcyclohexanone spirolaurenonel^ spirovetivane1^ Chamigrene1^ Acoradiene Figure 3. Typical naturally occurring spirocompounds. 6 Considerable effort has been expended on understanding the pinacol rearrangement in general. Factors such as migratory aptitude of the substituents, diol stereochemistry, reaction media, product and intermediate stability, and ring effects have been studied extensively. Much of this early work has been cogently discussed. The effects of ring size on the course of the pinacol rearrangement have been approached from several points of view. Meerwein17 examined the rearrangement of cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl diols (Figure 4), concluding that ring expansion occurred more readily for the cyclopentyl precursors. HO OH Figure 4. HO OH Cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl diols. Botteron and Wood1 and more recently Mundy and Srinivasa11 examined the ring size effect on the rearrangement of the mixed diol, 4. Srinivasa found the reaction to be highly dependent on temperature and acid concentration. A summary of this and additional mixed diols is shown in Figure 5. Mundy and Srinivasa concluded that the formation of the initial carbocation directed the course of rearrangement. The variability of the product ratio for _4 was thought to be a matter of thermodynamic vs. kinetic control. 7 HO OH HO OH HO OH Figure 5. Ring size effects on the pinacol rearrangement. Kiml^ explored a heteroatom effect on the pinacol rearrangement in diol 21. Solvolysis studies on the tosylates 16 and JL7 (Figure 6) showed a rate retardation of the tetrahydropyranyl system relative to the carbocyclic counterpart. This was attributed to the dipole produced by the oxygen atom which would destabilize the formation of the remote carbocation. Kim expected to see a similar destabilization for only one carbocation. This would have yielded spiroketone 23. Instead, only _22 was formed by rearrangement (Figure 7). Although this illustrates a very definite dipole effect, the source of this specificity has not been resolved. Recently the combination of diol formation by reductive coupling followed by rearrangement has been employed 8 Figure 6. Cyclohexyl and tetrahydropyranyl tosylates. HO OH + HO OH Figure 7. Pinacol rearrangement of 21. synthetically. Chandrasekaran20 prepared the unsymmetrical diol, 2j>, in good yield. The key intermediate was then rearranged via boron trifluoride to yield two ring enlarged ketones which upon hydrogenation gave karahanaenone, constituent of Japanese hop and cypress oil (Figure 8). , a It is 9 interesting to note that the crucial step of this synthesis focused on the pinacol rearrangement. The success of this step hinged on a judicious choice of catalyst. Figure 8. Synthesis of karahanaenone. Similarly, GhiringhelIi2^ opted to utilize the titanium mediated reductive coupling reaction to carry out the critical carbon-carbon bond formation to produce the macrolide antibiotic (+)-grahamimycin A^, 33. This provided a novel and effective method to generate intermediate size rings (Figure 9). 10 Figure 9. Synthesis of grahamimycin A1 , 33. These syntheses illustrate the potential stereochemical ramifications of the reductive coupling and pinacol rearrangement when they are employed. Formation of the diol during the macrolide synthesis yielded four diastereomers in a 1:8:8:1 ratio. Since the glycol was converted to the diketone, this mixture did not present a problem. It can be readily seen, however, that selective formation and separation could play a significant role in other natural product syntheses. While the formation of the two eyeloheptenone isomers in the karahanaenone synthesis were also converted to the same intermediate, here too an understanding of the influence of substituents on the course of the rearrangement might prove vital for approaches to other 11 targets. For these reactions to be useful synthetically with the bicycloalkyl diols, control of the stereochemistry in both diol formation and rearrangement would be pre-eminent. The purpose of this work was to examine the feasibility of moving from paper chemistry to the real world with a view to synthetic applicability. Aspects of each of the three phases illustrated in Figure I were investigated. Our principal concern was to explore the stereochemical consequences of alkyl substituents, and at the same time, examine possible methods to separate and characterize the subtle isomeric mixtures produced by these reactions. Finally, in an attempt to propel this chemistry into a broader perspective, several reactions were explored that might enable radical transformation of the spiro systems. . 12 CHAPTER 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Pinacol Coupling The differences in stereospecificity of pinacol formation as related to the method of coupling of R- (+)-3-methylcyclohexanone, as reported by Munoz-Madrid^ and Kim-*-®, forced us to re-examine these coupling reactions. The 3-methyleyeIohexyI- 3-methylcyclohexane-l,l'-diol system presents an intriguing stereochemical problem. Upon initial inspection, one would expect eight possible diastereomers involved in the reductive coupling since there are four stereo centers in the molecule. f. However, the potential symmetry of the system reduces this number to five, as illustrated in Figure 10. not without precedent in the literature. This situation is Eliel^ points out that careful examination of the 2,3,4,5-tetrahydroxyadipic acids (Figure 11) reveals an analogous reduction in the number of stereoisomers. Here too, four stereocenters yield only five diastereomers. By utilizing optically pure (R)-(+)-3-methylcyclohexanone, the meso compounds are eliminated as possibilities, thereby leaving only three diastereomers that could potentially be formed. 13 We repeated the coupling by the classical aluminum amalgam procedure and indeed found what appeared as a single product. Analysis by packed-column GLC revealed only one peak which, when collected and inspected by proton-NMR, showed two distinct doublets (J = 7 Hz) located at 0.85 and 1.10 ppm. Integration of each doublet confirmed them as two methyl resonances. These data supported the assignment of 3 as the sole product from this reaction. HO OH HO OH HO OH Figure 10. Potential diastereomers from 3-methy!cyclohexanone self-coupling. H0H0H0 HO HO2C Figure 11. Tetrahydroxyadipic acid. CO2H 14 To further convince ourselves that the product was indeed homogeneous and not a mixture, a portion of the crude product was purified by flash chromatography. Utilizing a system employing silica gel as adsorbent and a.50:50 petroleum ether: diethyl ether mixture as solvent, fractions of the eluting diol were collected and analyzed by proton-NMR. To our surprise (and satisfaction), we found three isomeric diols. Although flash chromatography provided us with a new compound, j34, the question of whether or not 3- was indeed a unique compound or simply a mixture of 2 and 34 still needed to be addressed. Separation of the mixture was unambiguousIy achieved with analysis by capillary GC-MS. Utilization of a 30 m Durobond I column, rapid scanning and short inter-scan delays afforded clean separation of three peaks exhibiting characteristic mass ,spectra of the diols. Co-injection with pure sample obtained from flash chromatography identified the isomers in their order of elution. While proton-NMR and GC-MS provided us with valuable information, -^C-NMR turned out to be the most illuminating. Since the routine carbon-NMR spectrum exhibits a chemical shift range which is about twenty times that of proton-NMR, much more subtle differences in chemical shift can be readily observed. Although the aliphatic regions of the carbon spectra were very similar and provided nothing more than a count of carbons, the isolated downfield region involving the carbons bearing the hydroxyl groups (~75-80 ppm) showed some very important 15 differences, confirming that J3 was indeed not a mixture of 2 and 34. These data are summarized in Table 3. With this information in hand we re-examined the titanium mediated coupling of R-(+)-3-methylcyclohexanone. Injection of a sample of the "pure" diol, 2, onto the GC-MS-systemr revealed two isomers. Co-injection with authentic samples and NMR analysis of the flash chromatography purified samples showed the major product as _2 and the minor product as 3. Figure 12 summarizes the results of the two procedures while Table 4 presents the physical and proton-NMR data. To ascertain the ratio of isomers present by the two different coupling methods, each procedure was carried out in triplicate and mass spectral analysis of each sample was performed in triplicate. Results of this study demonstrated ,that the product ratios for both coupling reactions are consistent. Clearly the two coupling processes yielded distinctly different stereoselectivity in a predictable manner. The margin of error encountered by this study is included with the data presented in Figure 12. As mentioned earlier, the reductive coupling of racemic 3-methylcyclohexanone could yield two additional diastereomers. To probe this, self-coupling was carried out by both procedures and the crude product mixtures were analyzed by GC-MS. Both samples yielded data that corresponded in the number of peaks and areas to the results found with (+)-3-methylcyclohexanone. After separation by flash chromatography, a fraction presumed Table 3 CH3 13 C-NMR spectra of (+ )-3-methy!cyclohexanone self-coupling products HO OH CH3 CH3 HO OH HO OH ^'CH3 TCH3 CH3 34 3 3aa 3 ae 3 ee IOO-IOl0C 77-78° 70-71' 77.20 37.09 76.83 76.54 76.38 39.88 39.68 36.97 34.60 31.38 27.57 2 34.66 31.49 30.55 30.32 27.98 27.97 27.60 22.78 22.77 21.74 21.66 21.18 21.22 17.42 17.56 17 [Al-Hg] 16.4 + 1.6 52.7 + 3.6 [Ti] 82.7 + 1.9 17.3 + 1.9 Figure 12. Table 4. 30.9 + 2.0 Product ratios for the coupling of (+)-3-methylcyclohexanone . Physical and spectroscopic data for isomeric 3-methyleyeIohexy1-3-methylcyclohexane-I7I 1-Diols. Diol M.P. (0C) IwH-NMR (Methyl) 1 76-77 0.85 ppm 2 70-71 1.10 ppm -0.85 ppm 100 "1.10 ppm to be pure single diequatorial isomer was analyzed by carbonNMR. Although the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group had a resonance frequency identical to the spectrum obtained from the optically active counterpart, two additional carbon resonances appeared. The differences in frequency from carbons that appeared in the optically pure spectrum were both 5.5 Hz. Since this was a broad-band decoupled spectrum, these could not be construed as carbon-hydrogen couplings. It appeared that a mixture of the two diequatorial isomers was present. This mixture was not separable by the procedures employed for the 18 other mixtures. Figures 13 and 14 show the subtle differences of the two spectra. We next turned our attention to the coupling of 4-methylcyclohexanone, 40. Since our main concern involved exploration of methodology, it was important that other cycloalkanone systems be examined to see if the coupling processes provided us with predictable product differences. As with the R-(+)-3- m ethylcyclohexanone coupling, Warnet2^ found the aluminummediated reaction yielded predominantly the axially oriented products, while the low valent titanium coupling principally generated the equatorialIy oriented compounds. This is sum­ marized in Figure 15, with the I3C-NMR data tabulated in Table 5. The exclusive presence of axially oriented methyl groups in compounds _34 and 37. posed an interesting structural question. Were these groups truly axial or were the rings deformed? Certainly x-ray structure determination would be the most direct probe of this question; and with the recent acquisition of an xray diffractometer such a study was quite feasible. Purified sampl-e-s-of 34 -and 37 were each -dissolved—Tn-Trot---hexane. The solutions were allowed to cool and the hexane evaporated slowly until crystals of each of the compounds were formed. This process allowed formation and selection of single crystals of each to be utilized for the x-ray diffractometer. The crystal of the diaxial isomer of 3-methyIcyclohexy1-3methyIcyclohexane-1,1'-dioI at first appeared to belong to the centrosymmetric triclinic space group. Since the molecule was Figure 13. C-NMR spectrum of diequatorial isomer 2. Figure 14. 13C-NMR spectrum of d!equatorial fraction derived from racemic coupling. Table 5 13C-NMR spectra of 4-methy!cyclohexanone self-coupling products. HO OH HO OH H3Cch3 37 H3 38 4 aa 4 ae 75.82 75.70 CH3 39 4 ee 75.39 75.24 32.36 32.33 30.80 30.85 30.44 30.41 27.07 27.12 26.19 26.21 24.97 25.10 22.32 16.70 CH3 H3C 16.71 22.32 PO H 22 U HO OH HO OH ----- +» M.P. (0C) HOOH 93-94 Figure 15. 104-106 119-120 [Al-Hg] 13 44 43 [Ti] 63 33 4 The reductive coupling of 4-methylcyclohexanone, 40. optically active, this could not be the case. It can be seen, however, that the distinct pseudo-symmetry of _34 could easily give this initial result. Once corrected, the solution of the crystal was obtained by direct methods. an R value of 6.4%. Refinement finally gave The hydrogen atoms, while all were found during the refinement process, were ultimately given assigned values. The computer-generated carbon skeleton, depicted in Figure 16, clearly shows that both methyl groups are in an axial orientation and the cyclohexane ring is not distorted from the chair conformation. The solution for the 4-methyl diaxial compound, 37, was generated from the direct methods program Solve. Again all hydrogens were found and finally given assigned values. structure yielded an R value of 6.4%. The As in the previous structure, the computer generated view of Figure 17 shows true axial orientation and no distortion in either cyclohexane ring. 23 Figure 16. Crystal structure of diaxial isomer of 3-methylcycIohexy1-3-methyIeyeIohexane-I ,I 1-diol, 34. 24 Figure 17. Crystal structure of diaxial isomer of 4-methylcyclohexyl-4-methylcyclohexane-1,I 1-diol, 37. 25 It can be seen from the stereo-drawings in Figures 18 and 19 that the 3-methyl diaxial compound exists in three conformations in the asymmetric unit. Because of the symmetry of 21_, two of the would-be conformations are identical, but since its asymmetric unit contains 1.5 molecules, it is statistically equivalent to the conformations of 34. With the product distribution of the self-coupled products well defined, we next turned our attention to the mixed coupling reactions of cyclohexanone with R-(+)-3-methylcyclohexanone and 4-methylcyclohexanone. This would further test the generality of the stereoselectivity of the reactions and provide us with valuable material for conducting studies on the effect of alkyl substituents in the.course of pinacol rearrangement. Again it was found that the aluminum mediated process yielded considerable axial orientation, while the titanium formed products were predominantly equatorial. tabulated in Figure 20. These results are Table 6 compares the 13C-NMR data of -42 to its corresponding self-coupled products. As a requirement for any further extensions of our work, it became apparent that a rapid method for differentiating isomers was highly desirable. Although carbon NMR proved to be a powerful tool, we turned our attention to mass spectrometry as an alternate rapid method for characterizing 1,2-glycols. Alcohols, particularly tertiary alcohols, typically exhibit rapid loss of water when ionized by the conventional 70 eV accelerating v o l t a g e . T h e !,I'-bicycloalkyl diols 26 Figure 18. Stereo drawings of 3-methyl diaxial, 34. 27 Figure 19. Stereo drawings of 4-methyl diaxial, 37. 28 HO OH Cv O 1 HO OH ' 19 M.P. Figure 20. 90-91 [Al-Hg] 41 [Ti] 91 86-89 59 9 Mixed reductive coupling of 3-methy!cyclohexanone, with cyclohexanone, 19. I, consistently display major cleavage of the carbon-carbon bond bearing the vicinal hydroxyl groups. mechanistically by Figure 21. This is illustrated Since very little fragmentation occurs prior to this cleavage, the spectra characteristically yield little or no parent ions and only small M-18 and M-36 peaks. This lack of discriminating data rendered EI spectral comparison virtually useless for these molecules. This is illustrated in Table 7 which depicts the prominent masses of the 70 eV EI spectra for the isomeric 4-methylcyclohexyl-4methyIcyclohexane-I,I '-diols. "/ Figure 21. +/H HO'+ HO zZ C I OH A, Z C :0H 0 11 ♦ C 'c I OH Proposed major cleavage for 1,1'-bicycloalkyl diols. Table 6. 13C-NMR spectra of axial isomer from mixed coupling products of cyclohexanone with (+)-3-methylcyclohexaone. HO OH HO OH HO OH 3 a 3 aa 76.58 77.20 20 75.59 76.00 IV VD 37.04 37.09 31.50 31.38 31.15 31.00 30.61 30.90 27.60 25.84 27.57 25.80 21.81 21.69 21.76 21.20 21.18 17.60 17.42 30 Table 7. 70 eV electron impact spectra of isomeric 4-methylcycIohexyI-4-methyIeyeIohexane-I ,I '-diols. Diaxial , 37 M/Z % Base Axial--Equatorial, 38 M/Z , % Base Diequatorial, 39 M/Z % Base 208 3.1 208 2.8 208 7.7 190 4.4 190 4.5 190 5.8 151 5.8 151 6.3 151 10.7 133 2.1 133 3.2 133 2.8 114 9.9 114 10.4 114 10.9 113 100.0 113 100.0 113 100.0 112 40.4 112 49.3 112 39.5 95 58.4 95 61.7 95 46.0 81 9.7 81 8.4 81 7.8 67 8.8 67 14.4 67 9.5 55 15.2 55 26.9 55 6.3 In an attempt to promote less fragmentation, it appeared logical to incorporate chemical ionization as a less harsh method to induce ion formation. Chemical ionization occurs when an ion formed from the reagent gas in the source reacts with the neutral sample molecules.2^ This generally involves exothermic proton or hydride transfer. The excess energy subsequently promotes dissociation of the reactant product (MH+ or [M - H]+) yielding a spectrum that is generally different from the corresponding electron impact process. By choosing a reagent gas with the appropriate Bronsted acidity, or proton affinity. 31 one can in principle control the degree of fragmentation of the sample. In general, the more exothermic the reaction, or the greater the difference in proton affinities of the reagent ion and the sample, the more fragmentation. By using both methane and isobutane, reagent gases with differing proton affinities,26'27 it was hoped that the fragmentation patterns might be altered significantly. We found, however, very little change in the spectra of the diols. Again facile cleavage of the diol carbon—carbon bond dominated the fragmentation pattern. Recently Harrison and Lin26 employed charge exchange mass spectrometry to probe the energy dependence of fragmentation of the stereoisomeric methyleyeIohexanoIs. Charge exchange ionization occurs when the charge of the reagent gas is transferred to the neutral species in the source. This permits a soft ionization process of specific energy which is more precise than simply lowering the ionization potential in the source. While charge exchange techniques have been utilized to construct breakdown diagrams to depict energy dependence of particular fragmentation patterns,28,29- Harrison also found that certain cis-trans epimeric pairs could readily be distinguished from simple observation of the spectra. The loss of water from alkylated eyeIohexanoIs occurs either by a stereospecific cis 1,4 elimination from a boat conformation, or a more general non-specific cleavage.20 Trans 32 1,4-substituted cyclohexanols readily display the 1,4 water loss.30 This is illustrated in Figure 22. Figure 22. Comparison of cis and trans isomers to promote I ,4-H2O elimination. Harrison found that at low charge exchange energies (10-11 eV) the trans isomer exhibited a substantially different [M-H2Oj+ZM+ ratio than the cis, reflecting the cis-1,4 water elimination. negligible. At higher energies, however, the difference was This implied that the highly ordered transition state necessary for the cis water loss quickly gave way to the general non-stereospecific water loss mechanism. The 3-methyIcyclohexanoI epimers were also examined. As might be expected, these compounds did not exhibit the water loss differences as noted in the 4-methyIcyclohexanoI examples. In general Harrison reported identical data for all charge exchange energies investigated. Application of charge exchange mass spectrometry to the I,I'-bicycloalkyI systems seemed to a be a natural extension. 33 With it we had hoped to explore two questions: Could this give us information to differentiate diastereomers and could we, with the proper reagent, examine the energy involved in the facile cleavage of the diols? To explore these questions, three reagent gases, argon, nitrous oxide and carbon disulfide, were utilized. This would permit examination of the energy region from 10 eV-16 eV. Table 8 summarizes the results of the study for the three isomeric 4-methyl eye Iohexy I-4-methy Ieye Iohexane-1,1'-dio Is. As expected, the spectra produced by the charge exchange methods displayed less fragmentation than those produced by 70 eV electron impact. At the same time there were negligible differences between the spectra within a given isomeric series. From the table one can readily see that the more energetic ionizations show very little fragmentation above mass 113. This reinforces the facile cleavage mentioned earlier. Examination of the spectra of the 4-methyIcyclohexylMmethyIeyeIohexane diol series produced by charge exchange with carbon disulfide readily—shows~the-characteristic diol cleavage seen in the electron impact spectra. Although the rupture of the carbon-carbon bond bearing the vicinal hydroxyls appeared to be very facile, we had hoped that at a low charge exchange energy, i.e., carbon disulfide, we would see a significant increase in the [M-H2O]+ and [M-2H20]+ fragments. These 34 Table 8. Major fragmentations for charge exchange spectra of isomeric 4-methylcyclohexyl-4-methylcyclohexane-1-1 diols. Ar Charge Exchange ee 208 (.2) , 190(2.2) , 123(1.1) , 114(3.6) , 113(48.1), 112(30.7) , 109(1.5) , 97(4.8) , 95(100) ea 208(5.2), 190(2.4) , 123(5.3), 114(0.8), 113(11.7), 112(100), 109(7.9), 97(53), 95(25.6) aa 1 208(4.1), 190(1.7), 123(5.3), 114(0.0) , 113(12.1) , 112(100), 109(6.6) , 97(54.0), 95(24.7) N2O/N2 Charge Exchange ee 208(0.8), 190(1.4), 140(1.7), 114(2.8), 113(40.0), 112(100), 97(13.4), 94(14.3) ea 208(0.8), 190(3.5), 140(1.8) , 114(2.5), 113(29.2), 112(100), 97(12.6) , 94(15.4) aa 208(1.1), 190(3.5), 140(1.9), 114(2.6), 113(30.8), 112(100), 97(13.1) , 94(15.8) CS2ZN2 Charge Exchange ee 208(2.7), 190 (-) , 151(2.4), 114(5.3), 113(60.4), 112(100), 95(68.9), 94(14.5) ea 208(2.2), 190(1.7) , 151(3.8), 114(7.0) , 113(74.9), 112(78.9) , 95(100), 94(13.4) aa 208(2.2), 190(2.0) , 151(2.3), 114(6.3), 113(72.5), 112(63.0), 95(100), 94(10.1) I j - I: ; j 35 fragments were minorf at best, so we were unable to draw any conclusions from this portion of the spectrum. Examination of the fragmentation of the daughter ion at mass 113 also reveals loss of water represented by mass 95. In order for the stereospecific loss of water to be a major contributor, it must be able to occur while the ring is yet intact. If the proposed cleavage described in Figure 20 is correct, both rings are indeed still intact, but the carbons bearing the hydroxyls are most likely planar, thereby destroying the stereoselectivity necessary for the cis 1,4-water elimination. Since water loss is prominent in this part of the spectrum, and the fragmentation pattern very similar among the corresponding isomers, we are forced to conclude that it occurs by another route. Although the stereoselectivity of the two different metalmediated coupling reactions suggest the possibility of new synthetic potential for the diols formed by these procedures, the origin of the differences is not well understood. While our main concern involved exploration of the applicability of pinacol chemistry toward synthetic methodology, we were compelled to address some of the mechanistic implications. Typically one reference^! is cited during a discussion of the mechanism of reductive coupling. This classical description requires the formation of a radical anion intermediate as depicted in Figure 23 to accomplish the formation of pinacols. 36 Unfortunately very little work has been conducted to examine this directly. 0" 0 2 CI. 2 HO OH Ii C Figure 23. General mechanism for reductive coupling. Indirect evidence for this has come from work performed by McMurry5 in coupling carbonyl compounds with reduced titanium to yield olefins. McMurry has proposed several mechanisms to account for these results, all of which contain the formation of pinacol dianions prior to the generation of the olefins. The mechanism portrayed in Figure 24 is the one he considers most likely. More recently Dam52 has bolstered this concept by studying benzophenone and cyclohexanone as substrates for low-valent titanium coupling to generate olefins. Dam's study concurs with McMurry: the ketone is first transformed to the radical anion, followed by dimerization to the pinacol dianion and subsequent 37 oxygen abstraction to yield the olefin. The coupling reaction occurs on the active metal surface. Figure 24. Mechansim proposed by McMurry to form olefins by reductive coupling. Although a rigorous study involving the titanium induced pinacolization has not yet been reported, the generalizations from the olefin reaction can be used to explain the results found in the coupling of the alkyl-substituted cyclohexanones. Figure 25 graphically depicts the formation of the predominate diequatorial product produced from the self-coupling of (+)-3methy!cyclohexanone. Formation of the minor product, the 38 axial-equatorial diol, can be rationalized by a "front-to-front" approach. The resulting intermediate undergoes immediate conformational reorganization to minimize the steric congestion. This initially unfavorable approach would also account for the smaller amount of 2 formed. alternate orientation. Figure 26 illustrates this Absence of the diaxial isomer follows the same rationalization. "Back-to-back" coupling would encounter even more steric congestion. The effectiveness of this kind of approach is minimal at best. Careful examination using Dreiding models butresses these assumptions. Figure 25. Titanium mediated coupling to form diequatorial isomer. This particular mechanistic rationale does not account for the results of the aluminum mediated coupling. Based on the data, one would expect the coupling processes to be different. It was first thought that the diequatorial isomers were formed 39 as the result of thermodynamic control, while those compounds with axial methyl groups were driven kinetically. The elevated temperatures and extended reaction times employed for the aluminum coupling would argue against this. Warnet10 subjected the diequatorial isomer, 2, to the conditions of the aluminum procedure for two days at room temperature and found no conversion to 3^ or and only minimal alkene production. This went along with the assertion by McMurry5 that retropinacol condensations do not occur for tertiary alcohols. Figure 26. Mechanistic rationalization to account for axialequatorial product formation. To investigate the influence of solvent we ran the aluminum coupling with refluxing THF. This reaction gave us the same ratios of isomers as found in benzene. In an effort to probe whether or not surface effects or discrete metal complexes were operative, we attempted to carry out a photopinacolization of (R) - (+)-3-methylcyclohexanone to 40 compare the product ratio to those obtained from the metal bound reactions. The photo-induced coupling of ketones is a well- known reaction.33 In the case of benzophenone, such coupling is routinely carried out in sophomore organic labs by subjecting starting material to sunlight for several days.34 Coupling of aliphatic ketones, however, appears not to be as straight­ forward. Some simple aliphatic ketones have been dimerized.33 However, cyclic ketones are reportedly prone to a variety of fragmentations and hydrogenation. Such a side reaction kept us from observing diol formation. Analysis of the reaction mixture after three days of exposure to ultraviolet light yielded 3-methylcyclohexanol, 44, exclusively.35 Figure 27. This is summarized in Figure 27. Photochemical reaction of R-(+)-3-methylcycIohexanone. 41 McMurry et al^ had proposed a dianion intermediate for certain aromatic ketones that undergo the low valent titanium pinacol coupling. MundylO had suggested that since aluminum reactions often undergo two-electron transfer, perhaps the aluminum mediated coupling reaction might proceed by this non­ radical process. Formation of the axial-equatorial isomer by this process is depicted in Figure 28. 3 Figure 28. Proposed dianion induced coupling. Part of the problem with this mechanism involves the geometry of the dianion intermediate. Carbanions are generally considered to assume an sp3 geometry, but the question needed to be asked: Could this be extended to the anions derived from the methyIeyeIohexanones ? To probe this matter further, we employed the semiemperical molecular orbital program MNDO (Modified Neglect of Diatomic Overlap). This method was developed by Dewar et al36 to yield molecular properties which were chemically valuable and yet computationally inexpensive. This has proven to be quite valuable for organic chemists since typical analyses require 42 numbers of atoms that are much too large for them to use ab initio techniques.^7 Average MNDO absolute errors are 9 kcal/mole for heat of formation, 3° for bond angles, 0.025 A for bond lengths, 0.35 D in dipole moments and 0.5 eV for ionization potentials. Using bond lengths and angles typical for simple systems,36 we examined a formaldehyde radical anion complexed with an aluminum ion having a +1 charge. This permitted us to optimize the oxygen-aluminum bond length and examine the geometry about the carbon atom. Figure 29 illustrates the molecular structure of the complex after optimization by MNDO. IBO /,0 HjgSlfo H ^ Figure 29. Optimized aluminum-formaldehyde complex by MNDO, At first glance, the nearly linear aluminum-oxygen-carbon bond may seem surprising, but this is analogous to the situation observed in the complexation of certain lanthanide metals with carbonyl compounds.39 The bond angles about the carbon atom certainly indicate sp2 hybridization, which is quite reasonable for a radical. The oxygen-aluminum bond length is somewhat short,40 but certainly workable. 43 Our next step was to inspect a reasonable model of the cyclohexanone system. For this we chose the 3-pentanone molecule, fixing the geometry to assume a "chair" conformation, as depicted in Figure 30. Al 46 Figure 30. Initial 3-pentanone-aluminum model. To assure that the final geometry about the carbonyl center would not fall into a localized minimum, we allowed the angle to optimize by starting the calculation with the angle at various positions. to 120° (Figure 31). In all cases the final bond angle returned In short, this system behaved as the simpler formaldehyde model. 47 Figure 31. Optimized 3-pentanone-aluminum complex. 44 By adding a second electron to the previously described 3-pentanone system, we were able to investigate its effect on the geometry. To our surprise the final geometry of the dianion was nearly identical to that observed in the radical anion. This would certainly speak against the idea of a dianion intermediate. We were at first skeptical of these results, however, they are not without precedent. Gimarc^ points out that the geometry of related carbonyl systems, while exhibiting a tendency toward a pyramidal shape, has very low inversion barriers, and thus appear planar. In conjunction with the theoretical findings, the selective formation of a dianion among identical reactants seems quite unlikely. For mixed systems, where reactivity can vary between species, the dianion may be more plausible, but since we see the same trends in mixed as well as self-coupling reactions, it appears that an alternate mechanism must be sought. Certainly additional work needs to be done in this area. Pinacol Rearrangement Tandem mass spectrometry, while finding increasing use as a powerful analytical tool in identification of selected targets in complex mixtures, has also been tapped to yield fragmentation maps and secondary ion spectra. Coupling chemical ionization with MS/MS can afford valuable information of gas phase ionic reaction mechanisms. 49 45 A variety of mass spectrometer geometries has been assembled to carry out the tandem experiment.^3 Figure 32 illustrates a generic configuration employing a forward geometry double focusing instrument. Primary ions are generated in the ion source, either by conventional electron ionization or chemical ionization techniques. The ion of interest is then filtered out by the first mass analyzer. As this ion enters the field—free region between the analyzers, it undergoes secondary fragmentation by colliding with a neutral gas. This process is termed collisional activation or collisional-induced dissociation. The second analyzer then scans the mass region of the daughter ion to yield its spectrum. With this type of geometry, several scanning techniques are available, depending on how the accelerating voltage, magnetic sector and electric sector are varied. A very popular linked scan method, called the B/E scan,43 is performed by maintaining a constant acceleration voltage while scanning the two sectors such that the ratio B/E remains constant. This type of scan gives daughter ion spectra for a given parent ion. The pinacol rearrangement, because of its ionic nature, is quite amenable to study in the gas phase by tandem mass spectro­ metry.44 Cooks and Glish43 first demonstrated by chemical ionization that the spectrum of the [MH-H20]+ daughter ion of pinacol corresponded to the spectrum of protonated pinacolone. Shortly thereafter Maquestiau and co-workers46 provided evidence that the spectrum of the [MHHE^O]+ daughter ion of protonated 46 D Figure 32. Schematic diagram of a tandem mass spectrometer with forward geometry (S = source, E = electron sector, C = collisional chamber, B = magnetic sector, D = detector). eye Iopen ty lcycl open tane-1,1'-dio 1, 48, correlated well with that derived from the CAD spectrum produced by the protonated spiranone 49. Both of these studies provided valuable insight into the relationship between the gas phase and solution mechanisms of the pinacol rearrangement. With this information in hand, we felt compelled to explore the possibility of utilizing tandem mass spectrometry as a possible rapid analytical tool in determining product ratios of mixed diol rearrangements and, at the same time, attempt to compare gas phase distribution to the product ratios found by carrying out the reaction in solution under standard conditions. Srinivasa^ systematically explored the effect of reaction conditions on the course of pinacol rearrangement of the unsymmetrical glycol, eye Iopenty I-eye Iohexane-1,11-d io 1, 4y in acidic media. his work. Table 9 and Figure 33 summarize the findings of Clearly, increasing the concentration of water and 47 temperature promoted increase of the spiranone, 6, while concentrated sulfuric acid at 0° showed a marked increase in the other spiranone, _5. Refluxing and j5 individually in 25% H2SO4, only spiranone 5^ yielded quantitative conversion to 6. In a similar experiment 5 was reacted with 92% sulfuric acid at 0° but no conversion occurred. Srinivasa and Mundy47 proposed a mechanistic rationalization to account for observed secondary rearrangement, which is depicted by Figure 34. These results clearly showed that the spiroketone, jj, is more stable at . higher temperatures, while the 5-7 spiranone predominates only at 0° in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid. This would indicate a thermodynamic preference for the 6,6 ring system. Table 9. Brief Summary of Pinacol Rearrangement of 4. Conditions Product Composition (in %) 6 5 7 25% H2SO4 7.0 0.8 ■ 92.4 96°, 25% HzSO4 50.0 6.6 43.5 0°, 100% H2SO4 31.8 68.2 0°, 20.9 10.9 0°, 92% H2SO4 — 68.2 This work provided impetus for exploring this particular system in the gas phase by tandem mass spectrometry. As a preliminary study, two symmetrical systems were analyzed as a check. Both the eye Iopen ty Ieye lopentane-l,l'-diol, j48 and the . O---O-- O- 5+6 Q 50- q Figure 33. ...-.. y Effect of product distribution as a function of sulfuric acid concentration.47 49 Figure 34. Possible mechanism of the secondary rearrangement of spiranone 5. eye Iohexy Ieye Iohexane-1,1'~dio I, 20, and their corresponding pinacol rearrangement products were ionized by isobutane, the appropriate ions focused and then fragmented with low energy collisional activated dissociation, and analyzed using the conventional B/E scanning procedure. The spectra of the [MH- H2O]+ and their corresponding protonated spiroketones are summarized in Table 10. Authentic samples of the two spiroketones 5 and 6 were synthesized and purified along with a sample of their diol precursor, 4. These were then analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry using the same conditions for Cl, CAD and scanning procedure. Comparison of the two spiroketone spectra as tabulated in Table 11 reveal overall similarities. regions about mass 111 and 125 differ markedly. However, the These same differences occur in the spectra generated from a conventional 70 eV electron ionization experiment. illustrated in Table 12. This is graphically 50 Table 10. CAD spectra of symmetrical diols ^8 and ZO and spiroketones 49 and 50. 48 49 20 50 M/Z % Base M/Z % Base M/Z % Base M/Z 137 136 135 134 133 124 123 122 121 111 HO 109 108 107 95 93 91 85 81 79 0.78 0.53 100.00 2.19 0.84 1.69 6.88 0.38 0.38 7.19 1.25 0.91 0.41 0.50 0.31 0.25 0.22 0.22 0.13 0.13 0.13 137 136 135 134 133 125 124 123 122 121 119 117 112 111 HO 109 108 107 95 93 91 85 81 79 0.27 ' 1.47 100.00 0.91 0.55 0.34 1.38 166 165 164 163 162 161 152 151 150 149 147 145 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 125 124 123 122 121 119 111 HO 109 108 99 97 95 91 82 80 78 1.80 3.08 2.20 100.00 .10.40 2.60 2.92 5.20 2.44 2.32 1.40 1.08 1.36 2.40 14.00 1.72 2.40 1.12 1.56 2.56 2.16 1.00 1.36 1.08 1.16 1.16 0.80 1.52 0.88 3.08 1.32 1.16 1.20 1.28 0.60 0.76 166 165 164 163 162 161 152 151 150 149 148 147 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 112 111 HO 109 107 99 97 68 68 2.82 0.25 0.34 0.34 0.20 0.80 13.65 1.41 0.89 0.65 0.47 0.41 0.32 0.32 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.20 95 91 82 . 80 % Base 3.82 6.76 4.12 100.00 11.47 ■1.56 3.88 3.09 1.09 2.62 1.18 2.24 3.82 6.76 19.41 2.41 2.06 1.65 2.00 2.47 4.41 3.88 1.56 1.00 1.09 0.74 0.88 1.00 0.79 0.56 1.35 0.82 3.74 0.79 1.06 0.62 0.79 0.56 51 Table 11. 70 eV electron impact spectra of spiroketones 5 and 6. 5 M/Z 166 148 125 124 123 119 111 HO 109 98 97 95 82 81 80 79 69 68 67 6 % Base M/Z 37.1 166 148 125 124 123 122 111 HO 109 29.2 54.4 5.0 18.7 11.4 2.8 8.2 7.5 15.2 11.1 ■ 70.1 41.3 38.0 30.2 20.3 14.9 23.1 100.0 98 97 96 95 82 81 80 79 69 68 67 % Base 38.9 10.8 15.1 21.1 8.5 25.9 100.0 7.8 17.9 35.8 9.2 15.3 29.0 25.0 62.1 9.6 18.2 10.7 23.6 79.2 Having a set of discriminating data in hand, we embarked on an analysis of the unsymmetrical eye Iopenty Ieye Iohexane-1,11diol. From the comparison of the resultant data as displayed in Table 13 to that of the two spiranones, it is clear that the diol spectrum more closely resembles the spectrum of the unsymmetrical spiroketone than that of the spiro-[5,5]-undecan6-one. Although we had hoped to establish a quantitative relationship between the gas phase data, such a marker eluded us, and we had to settle for a qualitative analysis. 52 CAD spectra of spifoketones 6 and 6. 5 M/Z % Base M/Z % Base 152 151 150 149' 148 147 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 131 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 112 111 HO 109 108 107 105 99 3.62 4.77 2.85 100.00 3.92 1.03 0.33 1.92 5.54 0.79 1.01 0.36 1.15 0.30 0.65 4.00 4.77 4.08 2.08 0.88 0.45 0.67 6.71 14.62 1.02 1.05 0.81 0.69 0.45 0.90 0.89 0.52 0.39 0.59 0.38 0.48 0.92 0.28 0.64 0.37 0.31 0.46 152 151 150 149 148 147 139 138 137 136 135 133 126 125 124 123 122 121 119 111 HO 109 108 107 0.33 0.34 3.61 100.00 2.13 0.29 0.27 0.73 0.60 0.14 0.20 0.13 0.68 4.07 0.64 2.96 0.25 0.16 0.15 0.25 0.62 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.49 0.13 0.10 0.17 0.30 0.15 0.11 98 97 96 95 93 91 86 84 82 80 78 67 99 ; 98 97 95 86 82 67 53 Table 13. CAD spectrum of unsymmetrical diol 4. 4 M/Z % Base M/Z % Base 152. 151 150 149 148 147 139 138 137 136 135 133 125 124 123 122 121 120 0.62 2.00 0.94 100.00 4.54 0.69 0.38 1.00 4.69 0.20 0.25 0.22 1.92 0.93 1.00 0.42 0.58 0.12 , 119 112 111 HO 109 108 107 105 99 0.35 0.15 6.20 0.47 0.28 0.26 0.28 0.13 0.58 0.28 0.22 0.35 0.23 0.15 0.12 0.31 0.25 0.12 0.12 98 97 96 95 93 91 86 82 78 67 The relationship between the gas phase and solution data is not surprising. Since reactions that occur readily both in solution and the gas phase generally display minor solvent e f f e c t s , one would expect to see a similarity in product distribution for the two conditions. Again, although a quantitative spiroketone product ratio was not established in the gas phase, the fact that an overall similarity between the mixed diol and the unsymmetrical spiroketone existed indicates the fast forming spiranone predominates in both types of chemistry. For the pinacol rearrangement of !,I'-bicycloalkyl diols to be synthetically useful, it became evident that structural 54 effects other thah ring size needed to be studied as directing influences. We chose to examine the influence of alkyl substituents on the course of the rearrangement. Our previous work on the coupling of mixed cyclohexanones indicated that the stereoselectively formed products of these reactions would be excellent preliminary systems for study. Analysis of the rearrangement of 41 quickly reveals another potentially difficult stereochemical problem. graphically illustrates this. Figure 35 We felt several aspects of this particular rearrangement needed to be probed: Would there be a preference for certain diastereomers formed; could the preference, if found, be traced to electronic or steric effects; finally, could we develop a method to differentiate rapidly the products formed? As a point of departure we examined the electronic effects of the system with the use of MNDO. If the methyl group exerted an effect in stabilizing the cationic intermediates, it would be expressed in a difference in their respective heats of formation. We utilized the model cations 5j5 and 57 shown in Figure 36 as a first approximation, since they could be computed relatively quickly and, if the methyl group did stabilize the carbocation, its effect would most likely be greatest when closest to the charge. It should also be noted that use of the charged species without consideration for counter ions or solvent shell was justified since the pinacol rearrangement 55 readily occurs in the gas phase in a manner similar to its solution counterpart. Figure 35. Possible products from the rearrangement of 41. 'CH H1CH3C OH CH3 ,CH H3CH3C HO CH3 57 Figure 36. Model carbocations to determine methyl group influence. Comparison of the two cations showed that carbocation, _57 with its methyl group nearer to the charge, did exhibit distinct 56 stabilization. Cation 57 yielded a heat of formation 7 Kcal/mole more than _56. Assuming that the differences in entropy between the two systems were negligible, it is possible to approximate the ratio of the two products at equilibrium. This approximation shows a distinct preference for carbocation 57. Since this system did exhibit a difference in energy between the two models, we next analyzed models that would mimic differences elicited by a methyl group beta to the charged center. Figure 37 shows the models utilized for this. Figure 37. Carbocations used to explore stabilizing effect of methyl group. Although the MNDO work showed a slight stabilization for the carbocation in which the methyl group was in closer proximity to the charge, there was no clear-cut preference. In a strange way this was probably advantageous, since it eliminated any predetermined bias prior to analysis. The rearrangement of 41 was then carried out under standard conditions and analyzed by capillary GC-MS. Along with a fraction presumed to be the alkene, the crude product mixture 57 showed the presence of four compounds, each possessing parent ions and fragmentation patterns consistent with the isomeric spiroketones. statistical. The distribution of these spiranones was not Based on the order of elution, the percent ratio was 7:12:38:43. Had the ketones been formed with equal facility, one would have expected twenty-five percent for each. Rapid, clean separation of the spiroketones proved to be elusive. Collection of three of these ketones was accomplished by preparative GLC. Analysis of these compounds revealed disappointing spectra. Since the carbonyl group was the only functionality in any of the compounds, each displayed a broad complicated methylene envelope between I and 2 parts per million in the proton-NMR spectrum. The only readily distinguishable features were the resonances corresponding to the protons alpha to the carbonyl and the methyl doublets. From this we were confident that at least one of the compounds could be structurally elucidated. Geminal protons near a chiral center, particularly those alpha to that center, often exhibit different chemical shifts. Since they experience different environments they are indeed diastereotopic. Spiroketone 5j2 as depicted in Figure 38 should be the most easily recognizable by this phenomenon, unless the alpha protons were fortuitously equivalent. While all the isomers possess chiral centers, only 52 had a reasonable chance of being confirmed by this technique. The 58 others would exhibit differences imbedded in the methylene envelope. Figure 38. Nonequivalence of alpha protons in 52. Only one compound presented itself as a likely candidate. In a decoupling experiment the alpha proton centered at 2.58 ppm was irradiated, which resulted in the collapse of the signal at 2.18 ppm to a broad singlet. Irradiation at 2.18 ppm caused the signal at 2.58 ppm to collapse to a doublet (J = 10 Hz). This implies that the downfield signal is coupled to a single adjacent proton at a large dihedral angle. The upfield resonance is consistent with interaction with a single vicinal proton in an axial-equatoriaI like fashion. Although the decoupling experiments did not reveal a direct relationship between the methyl group and adjacent methine proton, the experiment yielded consistent data to assign spiroketone C as 52. The decoupling experiments performed on the other two compounds yielded no conclusive data. It seemed appropriate, at this juncture, to expand chemically the spectra of these compounds by utilizing a lanthanide shift reagent. These 59 reagents have been used extensively^/50 j_n organic structure elucidation since they were introduced in 1969.51 A number of these shift reagents have been employed, but probably the most commonly used is Eu(fod)3 , illustrated in Figure 39. Figure 39. Structure of Eu(fod)3. (R = CF3CF3CF^") The lanthanide reagents act as Lewis acids and complex with an electron pair donor of the substrate. The complex exhibits resonances shifted from the original spectrum. The basis for this induced shift is considered to be a pseudocontact interaction, expressed by the McConnel!-Robertson equation (Figure 40). The line defining the distance between the proton and the lanthanide ion (r), along with the angle (6) between the donor-lanthanide bond and r, define the variables necessary to calculate the induced shift (v). 60 A v = K(3cos2 e-l) /r3 Figure 40. Structural parameters involved in the McConnellRobertson equation. As one incrementally adds more lanthanide reagent, the resonances continue to shift proportionally. Done correctly, the experiment should yield linear relationships for each of the shifted resonance frequencies. Analysis of the data can yield several types of information. Decoupling experiments performed on the chemically expanded spectra often provide structural relationships that were unavailable when signals were hopelessly overlapped in the original. It is also possible to discern relative stereo­ chemistry and perform conformational analysis based on the induced shifts. The latter two applications are carried out by comparing the observed lanthanide induced shifts to idealized shifts calculated from the McConneII-Robertson equation. The computer program PDIGM^2 is a convenient method employed to carry out the comparison. Searching a spherical region at specified 61 incremental lanthanide-donor distances, the program calculates the orientation which best correlates with the experimental induced shift values. The coordinates and the calculated agreement factor (R) which compares the experimental shift with the McConnel!-Robertson derived values are then output. Typically the agreement factor is used as a negative screening parameter. Values of R < 0.10 are generally considered unreasonable. The lanthanide-oxygen distance for carbonyls is in the neighborhood of 2 .3A .39 An additional feature of PDIGM is its auto assignment capability. Unknown protons can be entered by their shift values and these are then arranged to give the best agreement factor. This can be useful for structures in which decoupling experiments are inconclusive. The LSR experiment on the methyl-substituted spiranone D was carried out by adding incremental amounts of solid Eu(fod) 3 until one equivalent was introduced. After addition of approximately 0.3 equivalents of the shift reagent, thirteen distinguishable peaks were observed in the spectrum. experiments were carried out on subsequent additions. Decoupling Certain decoupling patterns were observed, but those protons coupled to the key structural features could not be traced. As a result, it was hoped that the auto assignment function of PDIGM would show a distinct structural preference for the experimental data. The induced shifts are listed in Table 14. 62 Table 14. Slopes from the plot of change in shift versus tEu(fod)3/d ] Peak Integration I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 IH IH IH IH . IH IH IH 3H IH IH 3H IH IH IH IH 3H Slope Correlation Coefficient 6.24 5.83 5.53 4.94 4.07 3.89 3.32 2.98 2.71 2.65 1.86 1.67 1.17 0.90 0.75 0.61 .992 .990 .992 .995 .992 .992 .990 .985 .993 .985 .989 .983 .990 .982 .992 .990 Dreiding-derived coordinates of the unsubstituted spiranone^S were then input to the empirical force field program ■ MMl in an effort to yield an optimum geometry. Molecular mechanics is not a. true quantum-mechanical approximation. Instead it considers the total molecular energy (E) to be a summation of four empirical force constants: stretching; bending; torsional and van der Waal. The idealized constants were obtained experimentalIy for small molecules. The program then attempts to minimize the strain energy of the molecule under consideration by optimizing the geometry. The energy deviation of the real molecule from the idealized system is called the steric energy. 63 The advantage of molecular mechanics is speed. For nearly all of the molecules we have considered (typically 20-40 atoms) the computation time is only several minutes. In addition, final geometries are quite good, but this is restricted to those functional groups for which constants are defined. problems with this method, however. There are If the initial geometry is near a localized potential energy well, it will settle there and not find the true minimum. can often rectify this. Perturbation of the initial geometry Secondly, those properties that rely heavily on electronic effects are not appropriate for molecular mechanics. Once the geometry was optimized for j50, MMl was used to optimize structures and provide coordinates for 52, 53, 54^ and 55 by replacing the appropriate hydrogen with methyl groups (Figure 41). These values, along with the induced shifts, were used in PDIGM. The protons alpha to the carbonyl and the methyl protons were assigned their respective shifts while the remainder were input to be auto-assigned. 54 55 53 Figure 41. Numbering scheme of unsubstituted spiroketone 50. 64 Only one of the structures yielded an agreement factor less than 0.10. This occurred at a base-lanthanide distance of 1.84 O O A which is approximately 0.5 A too short. Based on these results, the PDIGM program was inadequate in providing insight into the structure of the second major rearrangement product of 41. It appears that an alternate method must be employed. Analysis by two-dimensional NMR might prove useful. Alternatively, production of a suitable crystalline derivative might allow structure determination by x-ray diffractometry. Secondary Rearrangements If the spiranones generated from the rearrangement of bicycloalkyl diols were to be of general synthetic utility, they needed to be extended into other systems. To test this, we embarked on an exploration of secondary rearrangements to probe their potential utility. Krapcho5^ demonstrated that the tosyl spiranone, 6£, could be rearranged quantitatively to a mixture of unsaturated decalins (Figure 42). The decalin ring system is the backbone for a variety of isoprenoid natural p r o d u c t s . F a c i l e entry into this system has long been a challenge for synthetic organic chemists. While Krapcho's conversion is high yield, it lacks an angular methyl group, one of the hallmarks for many of the related terpenes. A classic approach to this family involves incorporation of the well-known Robinson annulation5^ reaction. This involves 65 1,4-Michael addition of cyclohexanone to a vinyl ketone or related Mannich base. If 2-methyIeyeIohexanone is employed, and the experimental conditions such that the thermodynamic enolate is formed, introduction of the angular methyl group is readily achieved (Figure 43). This reaction offers tremendous flexibility and has been incorporated as a key step in a number of terpene syntheses.57-59 Other methods of entry, however, may be more advantageous. To compensate for the deficiency of the Krapcho rearrangement, we looked to the spiroketones as an alternative. It appeared that alkylation of the readily available spiranone, 49, could be a simple, effective method of providing an intermediate that would overcome the deficiency to produce a structure with the strategic angular methyl group (Figure 44). The spiroalcohol J56 was produced cleanly and then stirred in benzene with a trace of p-toluenesulfonic acid used to catalyze the rearrangement. Workup yielded two products, the desired decalin 67 and an elimination product 68 in a 2:1 ratio. Characterization of these products was readily accomplished by proton-NMR. Compound 68 showed the characteristic resonance 66 of an allylic methyl group doublet at 1.61 ppm (j = 2.1 Hz), while j67 exhibited the expected sharp methyl singlet at 1.04 ppm. Mechanistic rationalization of these products is shown by Figure 45. Figure 43. Robinson annulation of 2-methy!cyclohexanone, 63, with MVK, 64. Although the conditions for this reaction were not optimized, the distinct preference for 61_ was very encouraging. Fadel and Salaun^O have recently obtained in high yield by reacting methyI-1-methyIeyeIopentyIcarboxylate with the 67 diGrignard of 1,4-dibromobutane followed by rearrangement with FeCl3 . Figure 45. Rationalization of cationic rearrangement of 66. 68 Extension of this rearrangement to the mixed diol j69 (Figure 46) may increase its applicability. From the previously described work on the electronic effect of a methyl group alpha to the charge, it is not unreasonable to predict the formation of the spiranone 70. Alkylation followed by rearrangement could lead to any of three products, all of which would be useful as a terpene intermediate. With these results in hand, we were anxious to attempt the rearrangement of the isomeric spiroketone 74. Alkylation and rearrangement of this compound promised to yield [5-4-0] bicyclo product, 76^.29 Analysis shows that, if formed, it might prove to be a novel precursor for a number of unusual sesquiterpenes. To our consternation the attempted rearrangement of the spiroalcohol 7j5 yielded only the elimination product T7 (Figure 47). As an alternate method, stannic chloride was employed as a catalyst to induce rearrangement. was formed (Figure 48). Again only one product, 77, Although frustrating, the exclusive elimination product is not an unreasonable result. Typically the conversion of a C q to a C7 ring system is energetically less favorable than other ring expansions.61 We simultaneously became interested in exploring the feasibility of the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation-^1 to enhance the versatility of the spiranone products. This reaction involves conversion of ketones by peracids to esters (Figure 49). The salient aspect of this transformation is that the stereochemical 69 integrity about the original carbonyl is preserved. Typically the group which better stabilizes a carbocation will migrate. Figure 46. Possible use of j59 to prepare terpene intermediates. Figure 48. Attempted rearrangement of spiroalcohol 75. Rx R ^ O -tJ -C -F f Cro . R-CO3H -- ► V 6 R R7 x On-H - R-O-C-R II 0 Figure 49. Mechanism for the Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement. 71 Spiroketone 74 was chosen as a model to test the migrating ability of the spiro ring juncture (Figure 50). The reaction was carried out using m-chloroperbenzoic acid as the peracid. Analysis by GC-MS showed two peaks: one corresponding to starting material (60%); the other exhibiting a molecular ion consistent with a lactone (40%). The proton-NMR of the new product possessed a resonance frequency of 2.21 ppm as its most downfield signal, which is consistent with structure 7J3. gated carbon-NMR experiment buttressed our analysis. A The spectrum from this experiment yielded two singlets: one at 216 ppm (the carbonyl carbon); the other at 81 ppm which is consistent with a quaternary center bonded to an oxygen atom. Figure 50. Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement of 74. This simple experiment opens many new avenues to investigate. For example, hydrolysis of the lactone, 79, followed by dehydration and ozonolysis would yield molecules which could be reformed by c* - w coupling. A number of these large ring systems are precursors for macrolide antibiotics. Figure 51 illustrates how the mixed diol 4 might prove to be an entry into patulolide A, jSO,^4 and unsaturated lactone 81, respective bacterial and fungal metabolites. 72 O O 80 Figure 51. Possible macrolide entry via spiroketone 6. 73 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL % - N M R and -^C-NMR spectra were obtained on a Bruker 250 MHz spectrophotometer equipped with an ASPECT 2000 data processing system. Deuterochloroform was used as a solvent and as an internal standard. Chemical shifts were reported in parts per million relative to TMS. GLC-MS analyses were conducted on a VG MM16 mass spectrometer interfaced with a Varian Model 3700 gas chromatograph equipped with a 30 m DB-I capillary column. Accurate mass measurements were obtained on a VG 7070E mass spectrometer. X-ray crystallographic data were obtained by a Nicolet R3mE diffractometer and processed by direct methods using Solve or Rant. Specific rotation was obtained on a Perkin Elmer 241MC polarimeter measured with the-D line of sodium through a I dm cell. Semiempirical quantum mechanical calculations were performed with the program MNDO residing on a Honeywell CP6 computer. were computed using the program M M I. uncorrected. ketyl. Force field calculations All melting points are Dry THF was prepared by distillation from benzyl Dry benzene was prepared by distillation from LiAlH4- The purity of (+) -3-methylcyclohexanone (Aldrich) .was 98%. Unless otherwise specified, commonly needed reagents were used as received. 74 General Preparation of Pinacols Two general methods were employed to prepare the diols. Method A: Dry THF (20 mL), distilled from benzyl ketyl immediately prior to use, was added to 1.8 g (6.4 mmol) HgCl2 and 5.8 g (0.24 mol) Mg. The mixture was stirred under Ar for 30 minutes, after which time the THF was withdrawn through a serum cap. .The amalgam was washed three times with 20 mL portions of dry THF, maintaining the mixture under Ar. To the amalgam was added 250 mL of dry THF and the mixture cooled by means of a dry ice-isopropanol bath. Titanium tetrachloride (13 mL) was slowly added via syringe to the cooled solution, being careful to keep the mixture from rising above -10°C. To the resulting yellow-green solution was added dropwise the ketone (or 3:1 ketone mixture) totaling 80 mmol in 10 mL of solution. reaction was then cooled by an ice bath. The Once the gelatinous suspension turned dark purple in color, the reaction was allowed to stir for an additional two hours, after which time the reaction was quenched with 25 mL of saturated potassium carbonate, followed by 50 mL of diethyl ether. The reaction was filtered and the filtrate extracted with 3-50 mL aliquots of ether. The combined organics were washed with saturated brine, dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate and the solvents stripped. Purification of products was accomplished by flash chromatography utilizing a silica gel column and petroleum ether-diethyl ether as a solvent system. 75 Method B: Dry benzene, freshly distilled from lithium aluminum hydride, was added to 0.28 g HgCl2 (0.10 mmol) and 0.56 g (22 mmol) Al powder. After refluxing the mixture for 30 minutes to form the amalgam, 22 mmol ketone dissolved in 5 mL benzene were added and the mixture allowed to reflux overnight. The reaction was quenched with 5 mL H2O, filtered through High-flo Supercel and extracted with three 15 mL portions of ether. The combined organics were dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate, filtered, and the solvents evaporated. Preparation of Isomeric (+)-3-MethyIeyeIohexyI-3-Methylcyclohexane- !,I1-Diols____________________________________________ (a) [Al-Hg] Procedure: (R) - (+) -3-Methylcyclohexanone (5.0 g, 45 mmol) was added to a refluxing mixture containing Al (1.1 g, 47 mmol) and HgCl2 (0.54 g, 2 mmol) in 25 mL of benzene. The mixture was refluxed overnight, and subsequently quenched with 5 mL of H2O. After stirring for 10-15 minutes, the reaction mixture was filtered, and the filtrate extracted with three portions of ether. The combined extracts were dried (MgSo4), filtered and the solvent stripped to give the crude reaction product. Column chromatography yielded three diols. Analysis by GC-MS showed the diols present in the following percentages: 2 (16.4%), 3 (52.7%), 34 (30.9%) 76 diequatoriaI 2 1H-NMR: 1.28-1.80 (18H, m); 0.88-0.90 (6H, d, J = 6 Hz) 13C-NMR: 76.39, 39.68, 34.66, 30.32, 27.97, 22.76, 21.66 MS: 226 (M+), 208 (M+ - 18), 190, 165, 139, 113 (base), 95, 69, 55 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C14H26O2 : found: [a ]D = -3.6° M.P. 226.1931 226.1936 (ethanol) = 77-78° equatorial-axial 3 1H-NMR: 1.22-1.79 (18H, m); 1.09-1.12 (3H, d, J = 7 Hz); 0.85 — 0.88 (3H, d, J = 6 Hz) 13C-NMR: 76.83, 76.53, 39.86, 36.97, 34.60, 31.49, 31.25, 30.55, 27.98, 27.61, 22.78, 21.74, 21.22, 17.56 MS: 226 (M+), 208 (M+ - 18), 190, 165, 139, 113 (base), 95, 69, 55 Analysis (HRMS): CalculatedforC14H26O2 : found: 226.1931 226.1935 [a ]D = +1.25 (ethanol) M.P. = 70-71° diaxial 34 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: 1.41-182 (18H, m); 1.10-1.13 (6H, d, J = 7 Hz) 37.09, 31.38, 27.57, 21.18, 17.42 77 MS: 226 (M+), 208 (M+ - 18), 190, 165, 139, 113 (base), 95, 69, 55 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C14H26O2 : found: 226.1932 226.1923 [ a ]D = +6.7 (ethanol) M.P. = 100-101° (b) [Mg-Hg]/TiCl4 Procedure: Magnesium (2.9 g, 0.12 Mol) and HgCl2 (0.88 g, 3.2 mmol) were added to a flask containing dry THF and the contents placed under an Ar atmosphere. After cooling with a dry ice/isopropanol bath, TiCl4 (6.6 mL, 60 mmol) was slowly added via syringe. After the addition had been completed and the reaction subsided, (R)-( + )-3-methylcyclohexanone (4.5 g, 40 mmol) in 10 mL THF was added. The reaction mixture was allowed to stir for 3 hours at 0°C, and worked up as in the general procedure. The reaction yielded 3.6 g of crude product. Analysis by GC-MS showed only two diols present in the ratio 82.7:17.3. Isolation, characterization by NMR and co­ injection conclusively showed the diols to be 2 and 3^ respectively. Preparation of Isomeric 4-MethyleyeIohexyI-4-Methylcyclohexane1,1'-Diols_________________________________ ■ .(a) [Al-Hg] Procedure: 4-MethyleyeIohexanone (4.5 g, 40 mmol) was treated in the same way as previously described. Workup afforded 3.8 g of 78 crude reaction product, which contained three diols in a ratio of 11.9:43.9:44.2 percent. Column chromatography yielded the isomerically pure diols subsequently characterized as 39/ 38 and 37 respectively. diequatorial 39 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: MS: 1.69-1.24 (18H, m) : 0.89-0.88 (6H, d, J = 4.6 Hz) 75.24, 32.33, 30.85, 30.41, 22.32 208 (M+ - 18), 190 (M+ - 36), 168, 151, 133, 123, 113 (base) 112, 95, 81, 67, 55 Analysis (HRMS) : calculated for C14H2^ : 208.1826 found: 208.1834 M.P. = 93-94° axial-equatorial 38 1H-MNR: 13C-NMR: 1.91-1.31 (18H, m) , 0.94-0.91 (6H, d, J = 7) 75.70, 75.39, 32.36, 30.80, 30.44, 22.32, 27.12, 26.21, 25.10, 16.71 MS: 208 (M+ - 18), 190 (M+ - 36), 169, 162, 151, 133, 123, 113 (base), 112, 105, 95, 81, 67, 55 Analysis (HRMS): M.P. = 104-106° calculated for C14H 24O: 208.1825 found: 208.1843 79 diaxial 37 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: MS: 1.91-1.31 (18H, m) , 0.94-0.91 (6H, d, J = 7) 75.84, 27.07, 26.19, 24.97, 16.70 208 (M+ - 18), 190 (M+ - 36), 169, 162, 151, 133, 123, 113 (base), 112, 105, 95, 81, 67, 55 Analysis (HRMS) : calculated for 208.1826 found: 208.1836 M.P. = 119-120° (b) [Mg-Hg]/TiCl^ Procedure: Coupling was accomplished using the general procedure with the following reagents: 4-methylcyclohexanone (4.5 g, 40 mmol); magnesium (2.9 g, 0.12 mol).; HgCl2 (0.88 g, 3.2 mmol); TiCl4 (6.6 mL, 60 mmol). The reaction was quenched with 10 mL of saturated K2CC^, filtered, and the filtrate extracted with diethyl ether. The combined extracts were dried, filtered, washed with brine and evaporated to yield 3.78 g of crude product. Analysis by GC-MS showed three diols present in the ratio 63:33:4 percent. Characterization by 1H-NMR and co­ injection on GC-MS showed the diols to be 39_r 38^ and 37 respectively. Preparation of Isomeric Cyclohexyl-3-Methylcyclohexanone-l,I 1Diols_________________________________________________________ .(a) [Al-Hg] Procedure: To a refluxing mixture containing Al (1.1 g, 40 mmol) and HgCl2 (0.54 g, 2.0 mmol) in benzene was added a solution of 2.9 80 g (30 mmol) cyclohexanone and 1.1 g (10 mmol) hexanone in 5 mL benzene. (+)-3-methy!cyclo­ After refluxing for 12 hours, the mixture was quenched with 5 mL H^O, filtered, and the filtrate extracted with three portions of diethyl ether. The combined extracts yielded 3.78 g of crude reaction product. Separation by flash chromatography yielded, along with the expected ' homogeneously coupled products, two mixed diols 41 and _42. Relative percentages of these two diols based on GC-MS analysis were 41:59 percent. equatorial 41 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: 1.77-1.32 (19H, m); 0.88-0.86 (3H, d, J = 6 Hz) 76.55, 75.58, 39.59, 34.65, 30.79, 30.71, 30.30, 25.84, 22.71, 21.75, 21.66 MS: 176 (M+ - 18), 167, 151, 137, 123, 113 (base), 112, 99, 98, 95, 81, 69, 67, 55, 42, 41 Analysis (HRMS) : calculated for C13H2z^O2: found: 212.1766 212.1770 [a]D = -2.2 (ethanol) M.P. = 90-91° axial 42 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: 1.95-1.33 (19H, m); 1.11-1.08 (3H, d, J = 7) 76.54, 76.00, 37.04, 31.49, 31.15, 31.02, 30.91, 27.59, 25.78, 21.81, 21.76, 21.20, 17.62 81 MS: 194 (M+ - 18) , 176, 167, 151, 128, 123, 113 (base), 112, 99, 98, 95, 81, 69, 67, 55, 43, 41 Analysis (HRMS) : calculated for C13H2^ 2 : found: 212.1767 212.1771 M.P. = 86-89° (b) [Mg-Hg]/TiCl^ Procedure: Following the general procedure, the following quantities of reagents were utilized: 2.9 g (30 mmol) cyclohexanone? 1.1 g (10 mmol) (+)-3-methylcyclohexanone; 6.6 mL (60 mmol) titanium tetrachloride; 2.9 g (0.12 mol); 0.88 g (3.2 mmol) HgCl2Workup afforded 3.6 g crude product. Analysis by capillary GC- MS confirmed the presence of two diols, 4JL and 42 in a ratio of 91:9. Preparation of Spiro-[5,5]-6-Oxadecan-7-one, 78 Spiro-[4,5]— decan-2-one (470 mg, 3.1 mmol) was dissolved in . 30 mL CH2C12 at 0°c. To this was added 0.26 g (3.1 mmol) NaHCOg and the system purged with argon. M-chloroperbenzoic acid (0.59 g, 3.4 mmol) dissolved in CH2Cl2 was added dropwise via syringe to the stirred solution. The mixture was allowed to stir overnight at room temperature. The reaction mixture was then quenched with Na2S2Og and washed with 5% NaHCOg. The organic layer was dried, filtered and the solvent evaporated to yield 460 mg crude product. Analysis by GC-MS showed only two peaks: unreacted starting material (41%) and the spirolactone (59%). 82 spirolactone 78 1H-NMR: 2.49-2.43 (2H, t, J = 7); 1.84-1.65 (8H, m); 1.58-1.39 (6H, m) 13C-NMR: 171.24 (s)/ 82.96 (s) , 37.43 (t) , 32.55 (t) , 29.55 (t), 25.40 (t), 21.71 (t), 16.13 (t) MS: 168 (M+), 125, 112, 97, 83, 81, 67, 55 Analysis (HRMS) : ■ calculated for C1QH-LgO2 ^ 168.1154 found: 168.1152 Preparation of Isomeric CycIohexy1-4-Methylcyclohexane-II 1-Didls_______________________________ (a) [Al-Hg] Procedure: Cyclohexanone ((2.9 g, 30 mmol) and 4-methyIcyclohexanone (1.12 g, 10 mmol) dissolved in 5 mL dry benzene were introduced, via syringe, to a refluxing mixture of Al (1.07 g, 40 mmol) and HgCl2 (0.54 g, 2.0 mmol) in 30 mL dry benzene. Reaction and workup followed as described in the general procedure. Flash chromatography yielded two mixed diols 82^ and _83 along with the corresponding homogeneous diols. Analysis of GC-MS showed their relative percentages as 41:59. equatorial 82 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: 1.68-1.25 (19H, m), 0.90-0.88 (3H, d, J = 5.1) 76.82, 76.72, 32.35, 30.83, 30.73, 30.42, 25.89, 22.32, 21.80 83 MS: 194 (M+ - 18), 176, 151, 137, 113 (base), 112, 99, 98, 95, 81, 67, 55, 43, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C13h 220: 194.1624 found: 194.1647 M.P. = 88-90° axial 83 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: MS: 1.79-1.10 (19H, m); 0.93-0.90 (3H, d, J = 7.1) 75.74, 75.65, 32.33, 30.40, 27.08, 26.17, 24.95, 16.69 194 (M+ - 18), 176, 168, 151, 137, 113 (base), 112, 99, 98, 95, 81, 69, 67, 55, 43, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for Gi3H2^C= 194.1626 found: 194.1638 M.P. = 96-99° Preparation of Cyclopentylcyclopentane-I,I 1-Diol (48) By the general titanium preparation of pinacols, 4j8 was prepared using the following reagents: eyelopentanone (6.7 g, 80 mmol); magnesium (5.67 g, 0.24 mol); mercuric chloride (1.76 g, 6.4 mmol); titanium tetrachloride (13.2 mL, 120 mmol). workup, 6.2 g of crude product was obtained. Analysis by GC-MS showed only one product which was confirmed as with previously prepared authentic samples. 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: 1.98-1.56 (16H, m) 80.07, 36.41, 24.83 After by comparison 84 MS: 152 (M+ - 18) , 135, 123, 111, 96, 95, 85 (base) , 84, 67, 55, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for c i o h 18°2: found: 170.1313 170.1310 Preparation of Spiro-[4,5]-Decan-6-one, 49 To 100 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid stirred at 0° were added 2 grams (12 mmol) of 48. The mixture was stirred at 0° for two hours, followed by quenching over ice. The organics were extracted with three portions of diethyl ether, washed with saturated sodium bicarbonate, followed by brine and dried with magnesium sulfate. crude (77%). Evaporation of the solvent yielded 1.55 g of Analysis by GC-MS showed only one product identified as 49. 1H-NMR: 2.39-2.34 (2H, t, J - 6.5); 2.04-1.99 (2H, m) ; 1.791.33 (12H, m) 13C-NMR: MS: 56.82, 39.89, 39.36, 35.41, 27.27, 25.16, 22.79 152 (M+), 134, 124, 123, 111, 108, 95, 93, 91, 82, 81, 79, 77, 67 (base), 55, 53, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for Cio^l60: 152.1199 Found: 152.1200 Preparation of Spiro-[4,5]-6-Methyldecan-6-ol, J56 To 100 mL of dry THF, at 0° and under an argon atmosphere, were added 13 mmol of 1.4 M methyl lithium. While still at 0°, 85 1.4 g (10 mmol) of _49 were slowly added via syringe through the serum cap. The reaction was allowed to come to room temperature and stirred overnight. The reaction was guenched with 5 mL water, and the organics extracted with ether. The dried (magnesium sulfate) ether fraction yielded 1.14 grams of crude product, which upon analysis by GC-MS showed only one product identified as 66. 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: 1.82-1.22 (16H, m); 1.13 (3H, s) 74.05, 50.80, 38.16, 35.68, 34.40, 33.02, 26.17, 26.02, 24.39, 22.64, 22.12 MS: 168 (M+), 153, 150, 135, 121, 108, 93, 71 (base), 67, 58, 55, 43, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C11H 2QO: 168.1518 found: 168.1516 Rearrangement of Spiro- [4,5] -6-Methyldecan-6-^ol, ^6 To 15 mL of dry benzene were added 150 mg spiranol j[6 and a trace of tosic acid. The solution was allowed to stir at room temperature for 14 hours. Analysis by GC-MS revealed low conversion, so the reaction was continued under reflux for an additional 6 hours. The reaction was then quenched with sodium bicarbonate solution and extracted with ether. The organic fraction yielded 140 mg crude product which contained two products, 67 and 68 in a ratio of 67:33. 86 9 - m e t h y l - '^^-octalin 1H-NMR: 13C-NMR: 5.27 (1H, brs; 2.16-1.12 (14H, m); 1.04 (3H, s) 143.87, 119.28, 42.23, 40.11, 34.81, 32.69, 28.58, 25.98, 24.37, 22.48, 19.08 MS: 150 (M+), 135 (base), 121, 109, 108, 107, 93, 91, 82, 79, 77, 67, 55, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C11Hlg: found: 150.1408 150.1407 spiro-[4,5]-6-methyl-6-decene, 68 1H-NMR: 5.35 (1H, br s); 192-1.89 (2H, br s); 1.61-1.60 (3H, d, J = 3); 1.68-1.28 (14H, m) MS: 150 (M+), 135, 121, 109, 108, 107, 93 (base), 91, 79, 77, 68, 67, 55, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C11Hlg: found: 150.1409 150.1410 Preparation of Spiro-[4,5]-I-Methyldecan-1-ol, 75, To 100 mL dry THF, at 0° and under an argon atmosphere, were added 13 ,mmol of 1.4 M methyl lithium. While still at 0°, 1.50 g of spiranone _74 were slowly added via syringe through the serum cap. The reaction was allowed to come to room temperature and stirred overnight. The reaction was quenched with 5 mL water, and the organics extracted with ether. The dried I 87 (magnesium sulfate) ether fraction yielded 1.34 g crude product, which yielded a single product identified as 75. spiro-[4,5]-1-methyldecan-l-ol, 75 13C-NMR: 76.51, 48.55, 39.57, 32.98, 32.66, 31.54, 27.74, 24.82, 24.27, 23.50, 20.47 MS: 168 (M+), 153, 150, 135, 125, 120, 108 (base), 107, 94, 93, 80, 78, 71, 67, 58, 55, 43, 4.1 ■ Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C11H2OOi= 168.1511 found: 168.1512 Rearrangement of Spiro-[4,5]-1-Methyldecan-l-ol, 75 Method A: To 20 mL of dry benzene were added 150 mg spiranol 18 and a trace of tosic acid. then quenched. The solution was refluxed for 12 hours and Extraction with ether yielded 1.44 g crude which upon analysis showed a single product, 77. spiro- [4,5] -1-methyl-A1-decene, 77 1H-NMR: 5.24 (1H, br s); 2.15-2.13 (2H, m) ; 1.75-1.17 (12H, m), 1.58-1.57 (3H, d, J = 1.6) MS: 150 (M+), 135, 121, 107 (base), 94, 93, 91, 81, 80, 79, 77, 55, 53, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C11H1O= 150.1409 found: 150.1393 I, 88 Method B : To 20 mL of methylene chloride and a trace of stannic chloride at room temperature and under an argon atmosphere, were added 140 mg of the spiranol 75.. The reaction was stirred overnight, quenched with water and extracted with ether. The combined organic fractions were dried with anhydrous magnesium sulfate, and the solvent stripped leaving 130 mg crude product. Analysis showed one product, identified as 77. Product Ratio Study on the Coupling of R - (+)-3Methylcyclohexanone, I Reactions were carried out in triplicate in accordance with the general coupling procedures. used for Method A were as follows: Quantities of reagents 1.25 g (11 mmol) R - (+)-3- methyIcyclohexanone; 0.14 (0.05 mmol) mercuric chloride; 0.28 g aluminum powder (11 mmol). After workup the reactions yielded 1.1 g, 1.0 g and 1.2 g crude product respectively which were analyzed by GC-MS to yield integrated peak areas of the background subtracted spectra. Method B was carried out with the following reagent quantities: 0.22 (0.8 mmol) mercuric chloride; 0.72 g (30 mmol) magnesium powder; 1.6 mL titanium tetrachloride; 1.1 g (10 mmol) R - (+)-3-methylcyclohexanone. Workup afforded 1.1 g, 0.96 g and 1.0 g crude product which again were analyzed (in triplicate) by GC-MS to obtain product ratios based on integrated peak areas. 89 Preparation of CyclopentyIcyclohexane-I,I1-Diol, 4 Mixed coupling of eyelopentanone and cyclohexanone was carried out by the general procedure utilizing low valent titanium. Quantities of reagents employed were: cyclohexanone (5.8 g, 60 mmol); eyelopentanone (1.68 g, 20 mmol); mercuric chloride (1.76 g, 6.4 mmol); titanium tetrachloride (13.2 mL, 120 mmol); magnesium (5.76 g, 0.24 mol). g crude product. chromatography. The mixed diol _4 was purified by flash Coinjection with authentic sample yielded only one peak on GC-MS. 13C-NMR: MS: Workup afforded 7.10 Pertinent spectral data follow. 87.71, 74.98, 34.81, 25.78, 24.29, 21.65 166 (M+ - 18), 148, 137, 123, 111, 99 (base), 98, 85, 84, 81, 67, 55, 41 Preparation of Isomeric Spiroundecanones 5_ and 6^ To 20 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid stirred at 0° were added 230 mg (1.74 mmol) eyelopentyIcyclohexane-I ,I '-diol, _4. The mixture was stirred at 0° for 2 hours, then quenched by slowly dropping onto ice. The organics were extracted with three portions of diethyl ether and washed with bicarbonate followed by brine. The combined organics were dried with anhydrous magnesium sulfate, filtered and the solvent removed by rotary-evaporation to yield 230 mg of crude product. Samples of the purified spiranones were prepared by GLC (20 ft, 1/4 in 0V17) and characterized by GC-MS. 90 spiro- [4-6] -undecan^6-one, _5 MS: 166 (M+) , 148, 135, 125, 109, 95, 80, 67 (base), 55, 4.1 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C 11HlgO: 166.1350 found: 166.1354 spiro- [5-5] -undecan-7-one, 6^ MS: 166 (M + ) , 151, 148, 137, 133, 124, 122, 111 (base), 109, 97, 95, 81, 67, 55, 53, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C11HlgO: 166.1355 found: 166.1356 Attempted Photopinacolization of R- (+)-3-Methylcyc Iohexanone, JL A solution of 150 mL dry isopropanol (freshly distilled from lime) and 3 g (27 mmol) of R- (+)-3-methylcyclohexanone was irradiated with a 500 watt Hanovia lamp for 64 hours. was taken to maintain the temperature at 55-60°. Care At the end of the reaction time the mixture was analyzed by GC-MS. Only two compounds were found: 14% starting material and 86% 3-methylcyclohexanol, 44.^ Solvent Effect Test on Aluminum Coupling of R-(+)-3Methylcyclohexanone, _1 To a refluxing mixture containing 0.56 g (24 mmol) Al and 0.27 g (1.0 mmol) HgCl2 in dry THE were added 2.5 g (23 mmol) (R)-(+)-3-methylcyclohexanone. The mixture was refluxed 91 overnight, after which time it was quenched with 3 mL of water. The reaction mixture was then filtered and the filtrate extracted with diethyl ether. The organics were dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate, filtered and the solvent evaporated. I, 2 and 3, Analysis by capillary GC-MS revealed three, dioIs,, in a percent ratio of 17.4:53.5:29.1. Charge Exchange Mass Spectral Analyses of 1,1'-Bicycloalkyl Diols______________ Electron impact (70 eV) mass spectra were obtained on a VG7070 mass spectrometer with a source temperature of 100° and ion source pressure 0.2 torr. Samples were introduced from the interfaced Varian 3700 capillary chromatograph. Reagent gas mixtures were prepared by pressure and oscilloscope height measurements. The charge exchange reagent ions utilized were [CS2]+ (10.2 eV) , [N2O]+ (12.9 eV) and [Ar]+ (15.8 eV) . The method of production of these ions followed the procedures of Harrison et al.16,17 All spectra obtained were background subtracted. Reductive Coupling of Racemic 3-Methyl-Cyclohexanone Following the general procedure of the aluminum mediated reductive coupling, the following quantities of reagents were used: aluminum (0.56 g, 22 mmol); mercuric chloride (0.28 g, 0.10 mmol); 3-methylcyclohexanone (2.5 g, 22 mmol). The reaction mixture was refluxed overnight and subsequently quenched with 5 mL of water. After filtration and extraction. 92 2-1 g of crude product were obtained. Analysis by GC-MS revealed three diols, which when co-injected with authentic samples, corresponded to 2^, _3 and 3jl. No meso products could be isolated. Semiemperical (MNDO) Studies on Model Carbonyl-Aluminum Complexes______________ The geometry and bond lengths involving the formaldehyde radical anion complexed with aluminum (net charge = 0) were calculated using the semiemperical quantum mechanical method MNDO.36 Standard parameters were employed for bond lengths and bond angles. models. Torsional angles were derived from Dreiding All parameters remained fixed unless marked by an asterisk (*). Only final non-hydrogen values are listed here. Final cartesian coordinates for all atoms are listed in the Appendix. Numbering of the atoms corresponds to the structure presented below. Table 15. MNDO Summary of 45. H 45 Heat of Formation: -32.94450 I cal/mol Atom # 1 2 3 4 5 Net Atomic Charge 6.3892 3.9953 0.9535 0.9535 2.7085 93 Table 16. Atom Number (I) I 2 3 4 5 6 MNDO parameters of 45. Atomic Number Bond Length (Angstroms) J :I 99 8 6 I I 13 — — Bond Angle (Degrees) K :J: I — 1.2500 1.2993* 1.0954* 1.0954* 1.6056* — W- _ — — — 90.000 120.661* 120.660* 174.567* Twist Angle (Degrees) L:K:J:I J K I 2 3 3 2 I 2 2 3 — — — 90.000 -90,000 90.138* L — I I 4 Comparison of Radical Anion and Dianion Geometries of the 3Pentanone-Al Complex Model, 46. a) Analysis of 46^ was carried out utilizing MNDO. The net charge of the model radical anion aluminum system was assumed to be zero. Structural parameters are standard or previously optimized unless marked with an asterisk. Pertinent final parameters are presented below while all final cartesian coordinates are listed in the Appendix. Table 17. MNDO Summary of 46. J80 / . 0 111/1"; " 120 46 Heat of formation: -32.94450 Kcal/mole Atom # 3 4 7 Net Electron Density 4.0404 6.3606 2.7023 94 Table 18. Atom Number (I) MNDO parameters of 46. Atomic Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bond Length (Angstroms) J :I 6 6 6 8 6 6 13 b) Bond Angle (Degrees) K: J: I — 1.5400 1.5400 1.2800 1.5400 1.5400 1.6050 Twist Angle (Degrees) L:K:J:I J — 125.713* 122.536* 114.100 114.100 179.273* — 121.981* -60.000 60.000 15.812* K L - - I — I 2 3 2 3 5 4 2 3 3 I I 2 2 The basic structure and parameters of 46^ were employed to examine the geometry of its dianion (net charge = -I). As before, pertinent final data are presented below with final coordinates listed in the Appendix. Table 19. MNDO summary and parameters of _46 anion. Heat of formation: -34.08047 Kcal/mole Atom Number (I) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Atomic Number 6 6 6 8 6 6 13 Atom # Net Electron Density 3 4 7 4.5020 6.2303 3.1777 ■ Bond Length (Angstroms) J :I 1.5400 1.5400 1.2800 1.5400 1.5400 1.6050 Bond Angle (Degrees) K: J: I — 126.104* 122.569*. 114.100 114.100 180.122* Twist Angle (Degrees) L:K:J:I J I 2 122.159 * 3 -60.000 3 60.000 5 -12.399* 4 — — Analysis of Carbocation _56 by MNDO Bond lengths and angles of the model system 56 were assigned standard values as described previously. The bond K L - I 2 2 3 3 - I I 2 2 95 between the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group and the carbon bearing the charge was optimized. Final pertinent parameters are listed below while all cartesian coordinates are listed in the appendix. Table 20. MNDO summary and parameters of 56. H3C-- < /CH3 H3C OH CH3 56 Heat of formation: 200.16798 Kcal/mol Atom Number (I) Atomic Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 Bond Length (Angstroms) J :I Bond Angle (Degrees) K: J: I 1.5400 1.6441* 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.3900 120.000 114.100 114.100 . 120.000 • 114.100 114.00 — Twist Angle (Degrees) L:K:J:I J — — 120.000 -120.000 70.000 10.000 .000 K I 2 3 3 2 6 3 L — I 2 2 3 2 2 — - I I 5 3 I Analysis of Carbocation _57 by MNDO Standard bond lengths and angles were employed for initial parameters of the model system 5^7 to facilitate calculations by MNDO. 57. Torsional angles were calculated from a Dreiding model of The bond length between the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group and the carbon bearing the charge was optimized as in model 56^ for consistency. follow. Final carbon skeleton parameters The cartesian coordinates of the complete system are tabulated in the Appendix. 96 Table 21. MNDO summary and parameters of 57. H3C 3 H3Cy HO CH 3 Heat of formation: 193.41493 Kcal/mole Atom Number (I) Atomic Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 Bond Length (Angstroms) J :I 1.5400 1.5909* 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.3900 Bond Angle (Degrees) K: J: I — — — 120.000 114.100 114.100 120.000 114.100 114.100 Twist Angle (Degrees) L:K:J:I J K L — ----- — — — 25.000 -90.000 70.000 10.000 • 160.000 I 2 3 3 2 6 3 — — I 2 2 3 2 2 — I I 5 3 I Preparation of Isomeric Spiro-[5,6]-Methyldocecan-7-ones To 20 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid was slowly added 200 mg of eye Iohexy I- 3-m ethy Ieye Iohexane-1,11-dio 1, 41, at 0°C. The mixture was stirred for two hours at this temperature and poured over ice. The organics were extracted with 3 portions of ether, washed with saturated sodium bicarbonate and brine. The combined organic layer was dried over anhydrous magnesium sulfate. Evaporation of the ether yielded 160 mg of crude product. Analysis by GC-MS revealed four peaks corresponding to ketones 84% in a relative percent ratio of 7:12:38:43 and an alkene fraction (16%). 97 spiroketone A MS: 195 (M+ + I), 1 9 4 (M+), 176, 161, 151, 138, 125 (base), 95, 812, 67, 55, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C13H22O: 194.1671 found: 194.1666 spiroketone B 1H-NMR: 2.47-2.42 (2H, m) ; 2.05-1.96 (2H, m); 1.67-1.16 (15H, m); 0.83-0.81 (3H, d, J = 5.9 Hz) MS: 195 (M+ + I), 194 (M+), 176, 172, 161, 151, 148, 139, 123, 95, 94, 81 (base), 67, 55, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C13H22O: 194.1671 found: 194.1658 spiroketone C, 52^ 1H-NMR: 2.63-2.54 (IH m) ; 2.18-2.12 (m, 1H); 1.91-1.09 (19H, m) ; 0.98-0.95 (3H,.d, J = 5 Hz) MS: 195 (M+ + I), 194 (M + ), 176, 161, 151, 133, 126, 121, 112, 109, 95, 94, 93, 81 (base), 67, 55, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C13H22O: 194.1671 found: 194.1678 spiroketone D 1H-NMR: 2.51-2.48 (2H, m); 1.76-1.13 (19H, m); 0.86-0.84 (3H, d, J = 6.4) 98 MS: 195 (M+ + I), 194 (M + ), 176, 161, 151, 138, 125, 123, 121, 108, 95 (base), 81, 67, 55, 41 Analysis (HRMS): calculated for C^gH220: 194.1671 found: 194.1678 X-ray Diffractometry on Diol 34 Suitable white plates were grown from hexane by slow evaporation. A crystal approximately 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.04 mm was mounted on a glass fiber and the cell constants were obtained. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full matrix least squares. Final atomic coordinates, bond lengths and angles and temperature factors are tabulated in the Appendix. Table 22. X-ray data for 34. a = 10.453(3)A b = 10.616(3)A C = 11.057(3)A = 97.47(3)° = 104.23(3)° = 118.77(3)° V = Z = 3 Dc = 1.131 g/cm3 X = 0.71069A = 0.68 cm"--*T = 24°C F(OOO) = 377.96 997.6(10)A3 R = 0.0640 X-ray Diffractometry on Diol 37 White platelets crystalized from hexane by slow evaporation were used for analysis. A crystal approximately 0.8 x 0.4 x 99 0.04 mm was mounted on a glass fiber and the cell constants were obtained. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full matrix least squares. Final atomic coordinates, bond lengths and angles and temperature factors are tabulated in the Appendix. Table 23. X-ray data for 6. a = 10.352(2)A b = 19.010(6)A C = 11.114 (3)A = 90.000° = 109.01(2)° = 90.000° V = Z = 6 Dc = 1.089 X = 0.71069A = 0.66 cm"I T = 24°C F(OOO) = 755.92 R = 0.0638 2067.9(8)A3 Lanthanide Induced Shift Study on Spiroketone D A solution of 1.6 mg (0.0075 mMol) of spiroketone D in CDClg was placed in an NMR tube. Eu(fod) g. was added in increments of approximately 0.1 equivalents until one equivalent was added. After each addition, the proton-NMR spectrum was obtained and decoupling experiments were performed. The chemical shifts and changes in chemical shift were recorded for each [Eu(fod)3]/D ratio. Linear least squares slopes and correlation coefficients were obtained by a calculator program for each discernable shift. computer program PDIGM. This data was utilized with the 100 MNDO Analysis of Carbocations 5J3 and 59 Standard bond lengths and angles were input to facilitate optimization. models. Torsional angles were calculated from Dreiding The bond between the carbocation center and the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group was used as the optimization parameter. Final values associated with- the corresponding carbon skeletons are reproduced below, while the cartesian coordinates are listed in the Appendix. Table 24. MNDO summary and parameters of 58 58 Heat of Formation: Atom Number (I) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Atomic Number 6 6 6 6 ' 6 6 6 8 Bond Length (Angstroms) J :I 1.5161* 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.3900 163.38693 Kcal/mol Bond Angle (Degrees) K: J: I — 114.100 114.100 114.100 120.000 114.100 114.100 Twist Angle (Degrees) L:K:J:I J K L — — — — 180.000 180.000 180.000 180.000 60.000 I 2 3 4 I 6 2 - - I 2 3 2 I I I 2 3 2 6 101 Table 25. MNDO summary and parameters of 59. H HO H 59 Heat ■of Formation: Atom Number (I) Atomic Number I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 Bond Length (Angstroms) J: I 1.5165* 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.5400 1.3900 V 163.09367 Kcal/mol Bond Angle (Degrees) K: J: I — 120.100 114.100 114.100 114.000 114.100 114.100 Twist Angle (Degrees) L:K:J:I J K L — ----— 180.000 180.000 180.000 180.000 60.000 I 2 3 4 I 6 I - - I 2 3 2 I 2 — I 2 3 2 3 102 CHAPTER 4 SUMMARY This work has clearly demonstrated—that -the-method o f --- — pinacol coupling influences the stereochemistry of the products formed. Of the systems examined, coupling by aluminum amalgam consistently yielded predominately axial orientation of the alkyl substituents while coupling by low^valent titanium demonstrated preference for equatorial orientation. Separation of the closely related isomeric mixtures was achieved with a simple flash chromatography system, permitting preparative purification for further work. While both of the developments may help to bring this methodology into synthetic focus, considerable work needs yet to be done to capitalize on these coupling techniques for natural product synthesis. In particular, a clear understanding of the mechanistic differences of the aluminum and titanium coupling reactions needs to be addressed. While formation of radical anions on a titanium surface is consistent with the products observed by this reaction, the results of the aluminum process are poorly understood. Isolation and characterization of the metal complexes would most likely prove helpful in analyzing these mechanisms. 103 There appears to be a pronounced alkyl group effect on the course of pinacol rearrangement of bicycloalkyl diols, since the product ratio for the rearrangement of statistical. was far from Characterization of d2 as one of the two major products buttressed the MNDO model study finding which indicated that electronic effects from the alkyl group would play a minor role in influencing product formation. Unambiguous characterization and rapid separation of the remaining products need to be accomplished so that the specific nature of the alkyl influence might be understood. At the same time, a study involving the influence of acid type on the distribution of products may help fine-tune the manipulation of product ratios. The successful secondary rearrangements carried out on the spiroketones will hopefully extend this chemistry into other areas of interest. This, coupled with the stereo-consequences of the coupling reactions and the alkyl group influence, exhibited in the course of the pinacol rearrangement, should lay the groundwork for product control. If achieved, the synthetic utility of pinacol chemistry as a whole would be greatly enhanced. 104 LITERATURE CITED 105 I. R. Fittig, Ann. Chem., H O , 17 (1859) ; R. Fitticr, Ann. Chem,, 114, 54 (1860). ---- 2. R.D. Sands and D.G. Botteron, J. Org. Chem., 28, 2690 (1963) . ------------ — 3. D.G. Botteron and G. Wood, J_r Org. Chem., 30, 3871 (1965) . 4. F . Munoz-Madrid and J. Pasqual, An. Quim., 74, 1270 (1978) 5. J.E. McMurry and M.P. Fleming, J. Org. Chem., 41, 896 (1976); J.E. Mc M U r r y , M.P. Fleming, K.L. Kees and L.R. Krepski, J. Org. Chem., 43, 3255 (1978). 6. E.J. Corey, R.L. Danheiser and S. Chandrasekaran, J. Org. Chem., 41, 260 (1976). — 7. A. Clerici and 0. Porta, J. Org. Chem., 5 0 , 76 (1985); A. Clerici and 0. Porta, J. Org. Chem., 47, 2852 (1982); A. Clerici and O. 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I . 7. 25954 41 5 5 7 47 ATOM NUMBER I I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o ” 1' I I I 2 13 14 I 5 I 6 .17 _ y X .00000 ...." ' 1 . 5 4 0 0 0 2.44745 3.31737 2.25010 ...... . 8 2 3 6 6 4.40956 -.30145 -.30145 -.30145 ..... 1.75788 I .76703 2.92736 .... .... 2 . 4 4 5 2 0 .94468 .3931 3 .29552 _ . , C O O R D I N A T E S ____ .00000 I .00000' “ '.OOOOO I =00000 : -.91321 ; 1.21743 i........... ' 1 . 3 5 4 3 8 -2.05637 I ' .92876 -.92876 .00000 -.95419 .94830 ' 1.05054 : 2.11155 .... 1.46798 2.25982 .41578 ; ’ ... .ooooo ; ----- 1.24424 1.46261 2.16648 2.73049 1.73890 .53622 C *2 Z p O ....... - 1 . 0 7 2 4 4 -.53201 -.53868 3.03508 ’ - .... 1 . 5 3 1 2 8 3.83205 2.24487 2.44576 Z I ... Ill 56 • ATOM NUMBER I COORDINATES X I .00000 1.54000 2.36205 3.28518 3.28518 2.29245 3.75282 1,54700 -.30145 -.30145 -.30145 2.27605 1.63001 4.23585 3.69828 4,15289 2.60750 3.90085 3.88929 3.88929 2.60750 3,90085 .93138 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I O I I I 2 I 3 14 15 I 6 I 7 I 8 19 20 21 22 23 57 Y .00000 .00000 1.42384 1.61698 1.61698 -1.32355 -1.14534 2.54979 —. 3 6 6 8 0 1,05615 -.68935 -1.85492 - 1o 9 3 6 6 6 -.51117 -.73279 -2.17559 1.76375 2.51688 .68372 .68372 1,76375 2.51688 2.53408 Z . .00000 .00000 .00000 -1.21743 I .21743 -.23159 -.68676 .00000 I ,00776 -.18623 -.82154 .74738 -.88447 ,09139 - I . 7201 1 -.82645 2.08932 .98914 I .28874 -1.28874 -2.08932 -^98914 -.71812 • ATOM NUMBER I X I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I O I I I 2 13 I 4 I 5 I 6 17 I 8 I 9 20 21 22 23 .00000 1,54000 2.33547 1.54652 2.64989 2,24034 3.76140 3.65184 -.30145 -.30145 - . 3 0 1 45 I .77086 1.89160 3.89574 4.18374 4.12200 I .67127 3.35475 3.10827 1.15721 .73828 2.28078 3.70159 COORDINATES Y .00000 .00000 1.37780 2.55941 1.92238 -1.29346 -1.15029 1.27318 -,36680 1,05615 -.68935 -1.56324 -2.08769 -.31481 -1.01306 -2.15775 2.24290 2.77079 1.07326 2.19971 2.78156 3.39085 .94162 Z .00000 .00000 .00000 -.59410 I .40576 . ; 45615 .'64976 -.43397 I .00776 -.18623 -.82154 1.42970 -.24283 1.37427 - i 37190 .95958 I ,83071 I .24968 I .96242 - I .57392 .13965 “- . 6 9 6 9 2 -1.31856 U£90U 62E19" 0282t°2. -S S 6 9 9 ° - ^ 55698°- OQOCO0 -9Z8Z60T 9Z826° 9Z8 26 * 9Z826 ° 68668° I68668°I"52-5 96°-£Z8£0°£ -ococo0— 92826° 92826°- 00000 EZ8E0°E 06EE2* 2 ° 9282#^92826°928 26 ° t' 92826°' 9 2 82 6 “'f S8 860 ° t 00000 ° 00000 ° to-rf9*— LOl 19 58298 L 58298° I 2 2 9 ES 255E9' 92505' 92505' -9oco-s^r - OOOCO0— 00CC0* 00GC0° OOOCO0 OOOCO0— 8 E 52 I ° I 89EEE"I 000CC" QOOC0° 8 9 2 LS0 L82025 °2-SZO 2-5^2-8Z025°2552 92 °55292°"65E 20 °Z— 89522*5 89522*5 28299*5 “2 O E 9 0 20E90 °5 58226° L 58226°L 55108*-85295*ESS9l°Z88829°-EES SS"0"5— E E 9 18 °E 65982*2 659 15 0 L -OOGCC-- 11890°I ° 92826°92826° 92826°.92826° 00000°. 92826° 92826°- . 00000 85955 58955°- 00255.°9 8256 * £ 9 £256 ° £ _08515*5 ° ° ° ° 2 E986 ° E 85822 L 85822 00022 -E9l iii _ 2505° L 00000 00000 ° - 5 2 E L E° 5 26589*8 26551*2 609 LS * L 92505°L . I 1 5S2L8 29880 2 5 S LOE *2 8 E 52 L ° °. 28986*8 22985 25589 ° Z- 58955 55698° 58860°I 00000 L0LL9*5 8 2 9 8 ° L58298*152596° 99SUE°E 99S0£°£ 68668°L .68668°L 92826"92826°- 00000 2 2 8 2 0 °E ° 92826° 92826°92826° 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 62£19°- -!StiFT ° 00000 * ° -02 il6 L 8I 2L 91 5L 51 2I LL 01 "6 “ 8 2 9 b 5 E 2 ■r HSGWAN — WOTV- -S^l-VWT-crHXKTO- 00000 EZ 82 -!I02 6L 21 9 I 5 I 5 L El 2L LI 0L 6 8 2 • T5 £ 1 H3SWAN " WOl V " S i I VN TOSO- O T ZTT 113 MMl Coordinates -JLl-NAL-A JUlMI-C— C-OOR-OINA T-ES -AM-O-8 OND EO-A-TO M -T A BL-EATOM X -0.63580 0.82882 -0.98173 0.36798 -C-C—31--------- = 2 -, 9-9-36 6 — 0 .-1 90-83- 0 .-1 3 1 23— C< 4 ) -2.51771 la 5 9 4 6 0 0.52060 C< 5 ) -1.5021 4 2.11987 -0.50204 C( 6) -0.59254 1.04074 -1.06226 -C <— 7 )— 0 „ 2 8 2 4 3- 0.1 4314—- 0 . - 1 7 0 1 6 __ C( 8) 1.30656 0.97555 0.63023 C( 9 ) 2.55392 1.30379 - 0 . I 9532 C(IO) 3.35821 0.02461 -0.48530 -C -U J L L -Z U S O Z -Q -U -U L 7 6 Q — 0 . - 5 3 6 3 5 __ C d 2) 1.07142 -0.83912 -1.07688 H( 13 ) -0.05806 -1.55039 I . I 2377 H( I 4) -0.68210 -0.10794 1.78660 -H-U-SJl - - U -9 4 1 6 2 - 1 . 6 1 - 9 91-^ 0 .5 2 6 1 -7 — H( 1 6 ) -2.45745 -1.65476 1.12348 H( 1 7 ) -3.27917 0.23676 -0.93155 H(Ig) -3.94933 -0.00772 0.64615 -H U 9 L — Z .4 4 - 8 2 6 - L U 0 -4 4 6 — 1 ,-5 4 2 4 -1 ___ H( 2 0 ) - 3 „ 36033 2.30535 0.57226 H( 2 T ) -2.02526 2.51853 -1=38284 H( 2 2 ) -0.90307 2.95690 -0.12113 -O C2-3 JA824T— 0 .-7 8 4 9 3 - - 2 = 4 2 6 7 -2 H( 2 4 ) 1.66901 0.44050 I .51968 H( 2 5 ) 0.83974 1.88454 1.03242 H ( 26) 2.21691 1=79351 -1.12171 H( 27) 3.19075 2.05066 0.30741 H( 2 8 ) 4.13139 -0.13356 0.28377 H( 2 9 ) 3.91053 0.1 5043 -1=43052 -HX 3 0 L —2 .3 2 2 9 3 , - - I . 6 7 1 .1 6 - 0.45750 . H( 3 1 ) 2.92947 -2.01649 - I . I 2821 H( 32) -1.72512 -1.30713 H( 3 3 ) -0=43263 -2.05988 ■ H I; -hiun 114 MMl Coordinates (continued) C( C( Ii -Ci- -3-XC( C( Ii C ( 6) -C C -Z )- C< 8) C( 9 ) C(IO) _C U - U C U 2) H U 3) H U 4) —H U - 5 ) — H( 1 6 ) H (IZ ), H U 8) -H U -S O H( 2 0 ) H( 2 1 ) H( 2 2 ) —O C 2 3 ) H( 2 4 ) H( 2 5 ) H( 26) H ( 2 Z) H ( 2 8) H( 2 9 ) _H ( 3 0 ) _ H( 3 1 ) H( 3 2 ) H( 3 3 ) TYPE C I) ( I ) ( 14) ( I ) < n < 3> -- ^ I v--( I) ( P ( 1) BOUND TO ATOMS 2f Zz I 3z 14 I ^ 3, 15, 16 -•2# 4 z - - I Z z - —18 3» 19» 5z 20 4-#6>— -21 z 22 5, 23, „ Zz I , — . — — 8 f —- I 2 7, 9, 25 24, 8z 26, 2Z I Oz 9z Ilz 28z 29 (-40- - 10, —12 z— - 3 0 , - - 3 1 ( I) Zz Ilz 32, 33 ( 5) I f ( 5) I / _ ( - 5 1 —— 2 z — ( 5) 2z ( 5) 3z ( 5) 3z —(... 5 )__ 4 »( 5) ( 5) ( 5) 7} ( 5) ( 5) ( 5) ( 5) ( 5) ( 5) . ( 51. ( 5) ( 5) ( 5) 4, 5, 5, 6, 8 z 8 f 9, 9, 10, I Qz IIZ IIZ 1 2, 12, 115 34 Atomic coordinates cl CxlO ) and isotropic thermaI parameters (S"1"xlO3 ) X C(Ia) C C2a) C C3a) C C4a) C C5a) C C6a) C C7a) Oa Hoa C(Ib) C (2b) C (3b) C (4b) C (5b) C C6b) C C7b) Ob Hob C(Ic) C (6c) C (5c) C C4c) C C3c) C C2c) C (7c) Oc Hoc C(Id) C(6d) C(Sd) C(4d> C (3d) C (2d) C C7d) Od Hod C(Ie) C(6e> C (Se) C (4e) C (3e) C (2e) C (7e) 1355 -218(6) -376(7) 1025(7) 2556(6) 2708(6) -563(9) 1642(4) 845(45) 1394(5) 2906(6) 3174(8) 3025(7) 1472(8) 1297(8) 2251(10) 128(5) -419(62) 8647(5) 10245(6) 10346(7) 9123(8) 7476(7) 7379(6) 6982(8) 8503(2) 9529(27) 8541(5) 7078(7) 6819(7) 6876(8) 8399(6) 8728(5) 9735(7) 9832(5) 10680(45) 5412(6) 4476(6) 4923(10) 5004(7) 6142(7) 5742(6) 7826(7) y 7623 7149(6) 6956(7). 835517) 8690(7) 8947(6) 5497(8) 6418(2) 5476(30) 7925(5) 8209(7) 8697(8) 10025(7) 9735(8) 9349(6) 7427(9) 6668(4) 6076(57) 2375(5) 2778(7) 3031(8) 1699(9) 1276(7) 1101(6) 2310(7) 3643(4) 4215(51) 2010(5) 1861(7) 1373(8) -32(8) 207(5) 721(5) 1195(7) 3400(4) 3246(64) 5187(6) 3993(7) 4346(8) 5781(6) 7091(6) 6734(5) 7628(7) Z 9396 8438(5) 7020(6) -6856(7) 7760(7) 9186(5) 6330(7) 9185(4) 9220(54) 10833(5) 11795(5) 13235(6) 13575(7) 12692(7) 11260(7) 13770(7) 10938(4) 10040(16) 10587(5) I 1532(5) 12957(6) 13123(7) 12304(6) 10881(6) 12761(7) 10886(4) 10850(57) 9119(5) 8228(6) 6769(7) 6384(7) 7201(5) 8693(5) 6819(6) 9041(4) 9138(58) 10771(6) 11325(6) 12737(8) 13321(6) 12947(5) 11491(5) 13698(6) LI 47(3) * 52(3)* 70(3)* -7-2(4)* 72(3)* 52(3)* 88(4)* 62(2)* 75(2) 46(3)* 55(3)* 74(4)* 76(4)* 71(4)* 71(4)* 86(5)* 54(2)* 75(2) 38(2)* 55 (3) * 68(4)* 79(4)* 57(3)* 59(3)* 73(4) * 53(2)* 75(2) 39(2)* 66(3) * 73(4)* 75(4)* 53(3)* 41(2)* 65(3)* 54(2) * 75 (2) 42(3) * 43(3)* 74(5)* 56(3)* 53(3)* 44(3)* 65(3)* 116 Atomic Coordinates (continued) _ 5401(4) 4478(34) 4793(7) 61 14(7) 5696(7) 4242(7). 2959(7) 3323(5) 5762(8) 4593(2) 5600(22) Bond lengths C (la)- C (2a) C (la)-Oa C (2a)-C (3a) , C (3a)-C (7a) C (5a)-C (6a) C (lb)- C (2b) C(Ib)-Ob C (3b)- C (4b) C (4b)- C (5b) Ob-Hob C(Ic)-C(2c) C(Ic)-C(Id) C (5c)- C (4c) C (3c)- C (2c) Oc-Hoc C (Id)- C (2d) C (6d)—C (5d) C (4d)—C (3d) C (3d)- C (7d) C (Ie)-C (6e) C(Ie)-Oe C (6e)- C (Se) C (4e)- C (3e) C (3e)—C (7e) C (If) - C (2f) C(If)-Of C (3f)- C (4f) C (4f);—C (5f) Of-Hof 1.513(7) 1.452(6) 1.512(10) 1.532(13) I, 519(1 I) 1.533(9) 1.402(8) 1.502(14) 1.531 (12) 0.960(22) 1.515(9) 1.582(9) I.454(11) I.532(11) 0. 960(36) I.506(10) I.543(11) 1.503 (11) I. 492(10) 1.498(10) I.463(10) I.455(11) 1.524(9) 1.519(10) 1.556(10) 1.428(9) 1.500(12) 1.514(10) 0.960(32) 11042(4) 11029(60) 9240(5) 8780(6) 7229(6) 6680(7) 7051(5) 8558(5) 6569(6) 8973(4) 9443(48) 52(2)* 75 (2) 37(3)* 47(3)* 47(3)* 71(4)* 59(3)* 5.4 (3) * 75(4)* 51(2)* 75(2) r» (S) C(Ia)-C(6a) C(Ia)-C(Ib) C (3 a )—C (4 a ) C (4a)-C (5a) Oa-Hoa C (lb)- C (6b) C (2b)- C (3b) C (3b)- C (7b) C (5b)-C (6b) C(Ic)-C(6c) C(Ic)-Oc C (6c)—C (5c) C (4c)- C (3c) C (3c)- C (7c) C(Id)-C(6d) C(Id)-Od C(Sd)-CC4d) C (3d)- C (2d) Od-Hod C(Ie)-C(2e) C (Ie)- C (If) C (Se)- C (4e) C (3e)- C (2e) Oe-Hoe C (If)- C (6f) C (2f)—C (3f) O Q 6956(5) 6919(69) 4614(6) 5674(7) 5180(7) 5030(8) 3873(7) 4384(7) 3773(8) 3109(4) 3477(62) O Q **+» Oe Hoe C (If) C(2f) C(3f) C (4 f) C(5f) C (6 f) C (7 f) Of Hof C (5f)—C (6f) 1.538(7) 1.566(8) I. 579(10) 1.503(11) 0.960(35) I.583(11) I.520(10) 1.528(12) 1.525(12) I.550(9) 1.431(8) 1.532(10) I. 539(12) 1.503(14) I.523(10) I.478(7) I.531(14) 1.563(9) 0.960(64) 1.559(10) I.589(10) 1.529(13) 1.506(9) 0.960(48) 1.519(11) 1.597(10) I. 512(13) 1.551(9) 117 Bond angles C (2a)-C Cla)-C (6a) C (6 a )—C (la) -Oa C (6 a ) — C ( l a ) — C (lb) C (la)-C (2a) -C (3a) C (2a) —C (3a) -C (7a) C (3a)-C (4a)-C (5a) C (la)-C (6a)-C (5a) C (la)- C (lb)- C (2b) C (2b)- C (lb)- C (6b) C (2b)- C (lb)-Ob C (lb)- C (2b)- C (3b) C (2b)- C (3b)- C (7b) C (3b)- C (4b)- C (5b) C (lb)- C (6b)- C (5b) C (6c)—C(Ic)-C(2c) C (2c)-C(Ic)-Oc C (2c)-C(Ic)-C(Id) C(Ic)-C(6c)- C (5c) C (5c)-C (4c)-C (3c) C (4c)- C (3c)- C (7c) C(Ic)-C(2c)- C (3c) C(Ic)-C(Id)-C (6d) C (6d)- C (Id)- C (2d) C (6d)- C (Id)-Od C(Id) —C (6d)- C (5d) C (5d)—C (4d)—C (3d) C (4d)- C (3d)- C (7d) C (Id)- C (2d)- C (3d) C (6e) -C (Ie) -C (2e) C (2e)-C(Ie)-Oe C (2e) -C (Ie)-C (I f) C(Ie)-C(6e)- C (Se) C (Se)- C (4e)- C (3e) C (4e) —C (3e) —C (7e.) C (Ie) —C (2e) -C (3e) C(Ie)- C d f)-C(2f) C(2f)-C(If)-C (6f) C(2f)-C(If)-Of C(If) —C (2f)- C (3f) J C(2f)-C(Sf)-C (7f) C (3f)- C (4f)- C (5f) CClf )-C(6f)-C(Sf) c'J) 112.3(4)C (2a)- C (la)-Oa 104. 3 (4) C (2a)-C (la)-C (lb) 112.9(3) Oa-C (la) -C (Ib ) 116.6(5)C (2a)- C (3a)- C (4a) 114.5(7)C (4a)- C (3a)- C (7a) 110.3(6)C (4a)- C (5a)- C (6a) 111.8(4)C (la)-Oa-Hoa 111.2(5)C(Ia)-C(Ib)-C(6b) 107. 3 (5) C(Ia)-C(Ib) -Ob IOS.6(5)C (6b)-C(Ib)-Ob 116.3(7)C (2b)- C (3b)- C (4b) 114.7(5)C (4b )- C (3b)- C (7 b ) 111.3(5)C (4b)- C (5b)- C (6b) 112.4(7)CClb)-Ob-Ho b 107.9(5)C (6c)- C (Ic)-Oc 107.0(5)C (6c)-C(Ic)-C(Id) 113.7(4) Oc-C(Ic)-C(Id) 112.4(6)C (6c)- C (5c)- C (4c) 112.6(8)C (4c)- C (3c)- C (2c) 115. 4 (6) C (2c) -C (3c) -C (7c) 117. 8(4)C(Ic)-Oc-Hoc 109.8(S)1C(Ic)-C(Id)-C(2d) 113.8 (4) C(Ic)-C(Id) -Od 104.0(5)C (2d)- C (Id)-Od 112.8(7)C(6d)- C (5d)- C (4d) 110.6(5)C (4d)- C (3d)- C (2d) 113. I (6) C (2d)- C (3d)- C (7d) 115.0(5)C (Id)-Od-Hod 110.3(6) C (6e)-C (Ie)-Oe 104.5(4)C (6e)-C(Ie)-C(If) 110.9(6)'Oe-C(Ie)-C(If) 117.8 (5),C (6e) -C (Se) -C C4e) 110.3 (7): C (4e) -C (Se) -C (2e) 111.7 (6) C C2e) -C (Se) -C (7e) 116.7(6)C(Ie) —Oe-Hoe 108.2(4)C ( I e ) - C d f )-C(6f) 111.5(6) C ( I e ) - C d f )-0f 111.0(6)C (6f)-C(If)-Of 112.4(4) C (2f)- C (3f)- C (4f) 113.0(7)C (4f)- C (3f)- C (7f) 112. I (7)C(4f)-C(Sf)-C(6f) 114. 3(6)C (If)-Of-Hof 109.9(3) 111.0(4) 106.I (3) 111.0(5) I 10.4(7) 113.8(7) 114.5(31) 111.7(5) 109.I (4) 108.8(6) I 12. 0(7) 113.2(8) 110.9(7) 100.4(27) 107.8(4) 110.9(5) 109.3(5) 110.6(5) 107.4(6) 112.7(7) 85.2(33) I 14.5(5) 104.7(4) 109.2(5) I 12.9(7) 111.9(6) 112.9(4) 105.7(34) 109.6(6) 112.8(4) 108.4(6) 111.5(8) 111.4(4) 113.5(6) 111.8(39) 109.8(6) 108.5(6) 107.8(4) 111.2 (6 ) I 13.6(5) 109.9(4) 96. I (37) 118 A n isotropic thermal parameters Un C(Ia) C (2a) C (3a) C (4a) C(5a) C (6a) C (7a) • Oa C(Ib) C (2b) C (3b) C (4b) C(Sb) C (6b) C (7b) Ob C(Ic) C (6c) C(Sc) C (4c) C (3c) C (2c) C (7c) Oc C(Id) C (6d) C(Sd) C (4d) C (3d) C (2d) C(7d) Od C(Ie) C (6e) C(Se) C (4e) C (3e) C(2e) C (7e) Oe C(If) C(2f) C (3f) C (4f) C(Sf) C(6f) C(7f) Of 49(3) 41 (3) 54(3) 76(4) 40(3) 55(3) 90(5) 59(3) 39(3) 53(3) 75(4) 57(4) 87(5) 73(4) ■ 120(6) 55(3) 21 (2) 50(3) 61 (4) 82 (4) 80(4) 39(3) . 80(4) 70(3) 24(2) 53(3) 45(3) 79(4) 48(3) 38(3) 77(4) 43(2) 27(3) 38(3) 91 (6) 64(3) 72(4) 36(3) 62(4) 51 (2) 42(3) 63(4) 44(3) 68(4) 56(3) 72(4) 88(5) 37(2) U22 38(3) 47(3) 63(4) 63(4) 63(4) 45(3) 79(5) 36(2) 28(2) 67(3) 111(5) 72(4) 85(4) 49(3) 109(5) 37(2) 28(2) 69(4) 114(5) 133(6) 55(3) 41 (3) 70(4) 50(2) 33(2) .66(4) 87(5) 74(4) 30 (3) 33(2) 64(4) 46 (2) 27(3) 49(3) 66(5) 61 (3) 42(3) 53(3) 71 (4) 67(3) 54(3) 40 (3) 59(4) 98(5) 66(4) 41 (3) 106(5) 56(2) U33 68(4) 59(4) 7414) 93(5) 111(5) 52(3) 67(4) 80 (3) 80 (4) 62(4) 49 (4) 65(4) 87(5) 106(5) 63(4) 66(3) 59(3) 63(4) 50(4) 63(4) 67(4) 93(4) 84(5) 70 (3) 50(3) 72(4) 80 (5) 65(4) 65(4) 56 (3) 65(4) 72(3) ■ 76(4) 45(4) 86(6) 47(3) 53(3) 46(3) 54(4) 64(3) 25(3) 48(4) 44(4) 66(4) 45(3) 63(4) 61 (4) 54(3) (S2XlO3) U23 22(2) 8(3) 16(3) 41 (4) 47(4) 17(2) 11 (4) 3(2) I I (2) 10(3) 4(3) -6(3) 35(4) 22(3) 34(4) 22(2) 13(2) 33(3) 34(3) 50 (4) 30 (3) 18(3) 28(3) 28 (2X 20(2) 20 (3) 27(4) 9(3) -0(2) 20 (2) 15(3) 22(2) 13(3) 10(3) 34(4) 17(3) 11(2) I (2) 15(3) 29 (2) 15(2) 26 (3) 28(3) 24(3) 7(3) 26(3) 44(4) 6(2) U 13 33(3) 6(2) 0(3) 43(4) 41 (3) 22(3) 23(4) 15(2) 25(3) 14(3) 10(3) 14(3) 49(4) 52(4) 32(4) 32 (2) 6(2) 31 (3) 29(3) 42(3) 50(3) 34(3) 46(4) . 42(2) 10(2) 17(3) 6(3) 19(3) 15(3) 9(2) 31 (3) 21 (2) 22(3) 20 (3) 44(5) 21 (3) 35 (3) 6(2) 15(3) 33 (2) 16(2) 24(3) 29(3) 48(3) 14(3) 45(3) 29 (3) 10(2) The anisotropic temperature factor exponent takes the form:'. -2^(h^a*^U1 ^ + ... + 2hka*b*U^0 ) ' U 12 26(2) 24(2) __ 27(3) 38(3) 15(3) 21 (3) 31 (4) 25(2) 24(2) 49(3) 69(4) 20 (3) 68(4) 35(3) 83(5) 14(2) 11(2) 34(3) 54(4) 75(4) 44(3) 15(2) 42(4) 45(2) 8(2) 28(3) 38(3) 41 (4) 16(2) 23(2) 43(3) 20(2) 15(2) 22 (3) 48(4) 35(3) 31 (3) 33(2) 35 (3) 41(2) 28 (3) 29(3) 22(3) 46(4) 31 (3) 30 (3) 66(4) 25(2) 119 H-Atom coo r d inates (xlO^) and thermaL parameters (.SjSclO'*) X H(2aa) H (2ab) H (3a) H <4aa) H(4ab) H(Saa) H(Sab) H (6aa) H(6ab) H (7aa) H (7ab) H (7ac) H(2ba) H (2bb) H (3b) H (4ba) H (4bb) H(Sba) H(Sbb) H (6ba) H (6bb) H(7ba) H (7bb) H(7bc) H (6ca) H (6cb) H(Sca) H(Scb) H (4ea) H(4cb> H (3c) H (2ca) H(2cb) H (7ca) H (7eb) H (7cc) H C6da) H (6db) H(Sda) H(Sdb) -445 -979 -1335 940 983 2662 3380 3673 2712 —740 -1436 367 3764 2899 4240 3081 3866 1438 630 302 2113 2556 1156 2461 11 053 10397 10234 I 1344 9242 9233 6735 6402 7392 6884 5995 7750 6191 7170 7616 5815 Y 7896 6206 6888. 9213 8143 7856 9576 9071 9843 5419 4656 5500 8980 7295 9021 10220 I0884 10622 8915 9148 10192 6709 6943 7832 3681 1971 3862 3253 874 1883 347 959 217 2245 2024 3323 1126 2815 2181 1168 Z 8695 8503 6594 7059 5972 7503 7674 9689 9476 5422 6418 6718 11629 I 1623 13685 14465 13475 12908 12831 10735 11118 13684 13289 14674 11450 11295 13210 13499 12865 14026 12405 10387 10586 13595 12142 12837 8390 8429 6578 6263 isotropic Li 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75 (2) . 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 120 H-Atom Coordinates (continued) H(4da> H(4db) H (3d) H(2da) H (2db) H (7da) H (7db) H (7dc) H (6ea) H (6eb) H (5ea) H(Seb) H (4ea) H(4eb) H (3e) H(2ea) H (2eb) H (7 ea) H C7eb) H (7ec) H (2 fa ) H (2 fb) H(3f) H (4fa) H C4 fb) H(Sfa) H(Sfb) H (6fa) H (6 fb) H C7 fa ) H C7 fb) H(7fc) 6769 6035 8292 9781 8020 9539 10674 9851 4533 3416 4170 5930 5347 3986 6034 4828 6602 8509 8038 7995 5602 6732 6014 4686 6032 2860 3830 5352 3598 3821 2839 3765 -248 -865 -755 1019 -120 745 1315 2160 3137 3734 3529 4482 6007 5632 7924 6765 7502 8546 6878 7800 6960 6375 6462 4006 4358 2815 2059 3373 2524 6591 4844 5893 5481 6512 7022 9159 - 8919 5930 7377 6904 11027 I0978 12954 13100 14255 12995 13200 I I 125 11325 13545 13411 14613 9079 9153 7035 5747 7007 6703 6698 8882 8766 7090 6472 . 5725 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) '75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75 (2) 75(2) 75(2) 75(2) 121 Atomic coordinates 37 thermaI parameters X C CI) C (2) C (3) C (4) C (5) C (6) C (7) C(S) C (9) C(IO) C(Il) C (12) M (I) M (2) Ox CI) Ox (2) C (13) C (14) C C15) C C16) C C17) C C18) M (3) Ox (3) 5538(4) 4377(5) 4888(6) 5933(6) 7089(5) 6590(4) 5024(4) 4241(4) 3788(5) 4961(6) 5680(5) 6172(4) 5291(6) • 5916(6) 6152(3) 4047(3) 359(4) -250(4) 377(4) 316(4) 971(5) 331(4) -1137 1765 CxlO4') and )2 , 3 , isotropic - ■ Y 8697(2) 8493(3) 8288(3) 7689(3) 7889(2) 8105(2) 8904(2) 8323(2) 8515(3) 8759(3) 9363(3) 9167(2) 6987(3) 8162(3) 9326(2) 9 4 6 6 CI) 178(2) 899(2) 1240(2) 776(3) 69(3) -285(2) 698 315 542(5) —646(5) -1749(4) -1381(5) -200(5) 888(4) '1657(4) 2053(4) 3177(5) 4333(5) 3920(5) 2810(4) -1247(5) 4969(5) 270(3) 1216(3) 650(3) 758(4) 2056(5) 3150(4) 3051(4) I760(4) 3195 742 ' 5 0 (2 )* 78(3)+ I05(3)* 83(3)* 6 6 (2 )* 50(2)* 46(2)* 51(2)* 74(3)* 91(3)* 95(3)* 69(2)* ■119(3)* 123(3)* 98(2)* " 78(2)* 39(2)* 52(2)* 64(2)* 64(2)* 67(2)* 54(2)* 90* 58* * E q u ivalent isotropic U defined as one third of the trace of the orthogonalised U tensor ij 122 Bond lengths (8) C d ) -C (2) 1.523(7) C d ) -C (7) 1.552(8) C (2)-C (3) 1.537(9) C (4)-C (5) 1.513(7) C (5)-C (6) __-.1.520(8) . C (7)-C (12) ' I. 524(6)" " C (8)-C (9) 1.517(8) C ( I O ) - C d I) 1.516(9) 1.529(9) C (11)-C C12) 0.771(4) O x (2)- H (52) C (13)-C (18) I.526(7) C (13)- C (13a) 1.554(7) I.522(8) C (15)- C (16) C (16)- M (3) 1.528(6) O x (3)- H (53) 0.747(1) Bond angles C (2)-C (I)-C (6) C (6) -C <I)-C (7) C (6)-C (I)-Ox (I) C (I)-C (2) -C (3) C (3)-C (4)-C (5) C (5) -C (4) -M <I) C(I)-C(6)- C (5) C (I>-C (7) -C <12) C d ) -C (7) -Ox (2) C (12)-C (7)-Ox (2) C (8)- C (9)- C (10) C (9) -C(IO)-M(Z) C ( I O ) - C d I)-C(12) C (I)-Ox (I)-H (51) C (14)-C (13)-C (18) C (18)-C (13)-Ox (3) C (18)- C '(13)-C (13a) C (13)-C (14)-C (15) C (15)-C (16)-C (17) C (17)-C (16)-M (3) C(IS)-C (18)-C (17) C(I) —C (6) C d ) -Ox (I) C (3)- C (4) C (4)- M (I) C (7)-C (8) “ C (7)—O x (2) C (9)- C (10) C (10)- M (2) Ox(I)-H(Sl) C (13)-C (14) C (13)- O x (3) C (14)-C (15) C (16)-C (17) C (17)-C (18) 1.524(6) 1.431 (6) I.530(8) 1.518(8) ■ 1.516(7) 1.444(5) I.529(7) 1.520(8) 0.681(4) 1.528(6) 1.449(5) I.524(7) 1.524(7) I.531(7) (°) 109. 3(4) C (2) - C d ) -U (7) 112.7(4) C (2)- C (I)- O x (I) 109.8 (4) C (7)- C (I)-Ox (I) 112.4(4) C (2)- C (3)- C (4) I09. 7 (4) C (3) -C (4) -M (I) 112.5 (4) 0(4) -C (5) -C (6) 113.4(4) C C I)- C (7)- C (8) 112.4(4) C (8)- C (7)- C (12) 107.4(3) C ( S ) - C (7)- O x (2) 108.3(3) C (7)- C (8)- C (9) 113.2(5) C (9)- C (10)- C (11) 112.7(5) C(Il)-C(IO)-M(2) 112.7(4) C (7)- C (12)- C d I) 118.0(4) C (7)- O x (2)- H (52) 109.7(4) C (14)- C (13)-Ux (3) 109.I (3) C (14)- C (13)- C (13a) 112.I (4) O x (3)- C (13)- C (13a) 113.3(3) C (14)- C (15)- C (16) 108. 5 (4), C (15) -C (16) -M (3) I 12. 5 (4): C (16) -C (17) -C (18) 113. I (4) C (13) -Ox (3) -H (53) i 112.5(4) 107.9(4) 104.4(3) 111.7(4) I 12.6(5) 112.6(4) 113.7(3) 109.7(4) 104.8(3) 113.7(4) 107.9(4) 113.4(5) I 12.9(4) 104.6(4) 105.3(3) 112.3(4) 108.I (4) 113.5(4) 112.3(3) 112.8(3) HO. I (2) A n isotropic thermaI parameters ' U22 U33 47 (3) 70 (4) 109(5) 93(4) 68(4) 44(3) 40(3) 47(3) 79(4) I 12(5) 108(5) 66(3) 103(5) 127(5) I 16(3) 82(2) 34(3) 56(3) 69(4) 58(3) 74(4) 63(3) 80 40 42(3) 104(5) 149(6) 104(4) 58(3) 52(3) 34(3) 51 (3) 79(4) 99(5) 95(4) 57(3) I 16(5) 159(6) ■59(2) 56(2) 39 (3) 44(3) 53(3) 78(4) 68(4) 46(3) 120 60 70 (3) 54(3) 53(4) 55(4) 80 (4) 55(3) 69(3) 53(3) 78(4) 81 (4) 87(4) 93(4) I 19(5) 71 (4) 163(4) 116(3) 46(3) 61 (3) 70(4) 54(3) 56(3) 54(3) 76 75 U23 13(3) 20 (3) 17(4) 6 (3) 10(3) -3(2) 13(2) 6 (2) 16(3) -17(4) -38(4) -14(3) -54(4) 23(4) 32(2) 32(2) 0 (2) -3(3) -13(3) -20(3) 0 (3) I (3) -10 -9 U 13 29(3) 12(3) 23(4) 29(3) 34(3) 17(2) 25(3) 16(2) 45 (3) 56(4) 40 (4) 35(3) 11 (4) 14(4) 106(3) 62(2) 16(2) 24(3) 24(3) 15(3) 18(3) 22(3) 35 19 The anisotropic temperature factor exponent takes the forms ? 7 "7 -2- Ch"a*"-IJ11 + + 2hka*b*U10) U 12 9(2) 40 (3) 60 (4) 38(4) 19(3) 5(2) 7(2) -7(2) 2(3) -10(4) -17(4) -16(3) -13(4) 10(5) 10(2) 24(2) —4 (2) 4(2) -I (3) -7(3) -0(3) 2(2) —0 -3 123 C(I) C (2) 0(3) 0(4) 0(5) 0(6) 0(7) 0(8) 0(9) 0(10) 0(11) 0(12) M CI) M (2) Ox (I) Ox (2) 0(13) 0(14) 0(15) 0(16) 0(17) 0(18) M (3) Ox (3) uH (S-zXlO3 ) 124 H-Atom coordinates (x IO4 ) and thermaI parameters cR^xlO') X H CSa) H C2b) H C3a) H (3b) H(4) H(Sa) H(Sb) H (6a) H (6b) H(Sa) H(Sb) H (9a) H (9b) H(IO) H(Ha) H(Ilb) H (12a) H (12b) H(Ia) H(Ib) H(Ic) H (2c) H (2d) H (2e) H(Sl) H (52) H (14a) H (14b) H(ISa) H(ISb) H (16) H (17a) H (17b) H(ISa) H(ISb) H (3c) H (3d) H (Se) H (S3) 3897 3765 5307 4124 630 I 7688 7581 6184 7360 3445 4817 3128 3372 4606 5057 6455 6848 6575 • 4572 4923 5973 6629 6309 5412 6743 4393 -1213 -103 -106 1317 818 1925 867 —601 826 -I 129 -1707 -1488 2192 Y 8099 8885 '8691 8139 7624 7492 8276 7703 8260 8215 7915 8888 8109 8923 9751 9500 8803 9576 6881 7012 6624 8342 7961 7808 9295 9725 844 1205 1669 1345 996 143 -238 -398 -710 400 493 1153 -3 Z -451 -904 -1989 -2454 -2061 63 -400 I 145 1582 1347 2273 2927 3413 4979 3670 4626 3081 2568 -2020 -560 -1076 5689 4377 5243 130 881 602 128 2075 2170 3939 3183 3698 1663 1742 3892 2417 3304 986 isotropic U 102 102 133 133 95 82 82 65 65 64 64 96 96 105 I 19 I 19 89 89 140 140 140 149 149 149 47 65 66 66 82 82 73 88 88 72 72 106 106 106 72 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 762 10005047 3 D378 B838 Bruss, Dan R Studies on rinacol chemistry cop.2 date .. f -i~ 4 - i .I D378 B838 cop.2