Laramide basement deformation in the northern Gallatin Range and southern Bridger Range, southwest Montana by Erick WB Miller A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Erick WB Miller (1987) Abstract: The mechanical response of Archean "basement" rocks in the cores of Laramide uplifts has received experimental attention, but there have been relatively few field studies documenting Laramide basement behavior. The purpose of this study is to field test existing theoretical basement strain models by documenting the geometry and kinematics of deformation in areas of good exposures. Field studies along well exposed Squaw Creek fault and Canyon Mountain anticline, Gallatin Range, and three anticlines of the southern Bridget Range, southwest Montana, were made by comparing foliations, mesoscopic faults, and slickensides found in basement rocks to Laramide features found in the overlying Cambrian strata. The results show that in regions where the angle of discordance between the base of the Cambrian and Archean metamorphic foliation surfaces was low (Bridget Range anticlines and Canyon Mountain anticline), the basement deformed by oblique flexural-slip on preexisting foliation surfaces. Passive-slip was important in regions where Archean folds blocked foliation parallel slip. Large (12 meter thick) internally undeformed blocks indicate break up of the folded layer into macrogranular segments was preferred over coherent deformation. Deformation in bounding shear zones occurred under sub-greenschist conditions. Decreased grain size and increased fluid influx accompanied a transition from mechanical fracturing and frictional sliding to pressure solution slip. These observations indicate a fold strain model and are compatible with the fold-thrust model (Berg, 1962). At Squaw Creek fault in the northwestern Gallatin Range, the angle of discordance between the sedimentary cover and basement foliation was high (80°). The absence of rotated foliation surfaces and a planar upper basement surface indicate a rigid basement response at Squaw Creek. Slickensides indicate left-lateral reverse slip where footwall strain was accommodated by synthetic, foliation-parallel Riedel shears. These observations most closely resemble the thrust-fold model (Erslev, 1986; Stone, 1984), although no force-folding of the sedimentary cover was observed. Integration of this study with other field studies on Laramide basement deformation indicates that folding of the basement occurred by a spectrum of mechanisms ranging from passive-slip to flexural-slip folding to cataclastic flow. These field observations indicate that compressive buckling of the sedimentary cover was accompanied by active basement folding. LARAMIDE BASEMENT DEFORMATION IN THE NORTHERN GALLATIN RANGE AND SOUTHERN BRIDGER RANGE. SOUTHWEST MONTANA by Erick W. B. Miller A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana June, 1987 Archiver ii approval of a thesis submitted by Erick W. B. Miller This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Approved for the College of Graduate Studies -Zr/ Date f "7 Graduate Dean iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master's degree at Montana State University, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable special permission, of without provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for extensive quotation from or reproduction of thesis may be granted by my major professor, the Director of Libraries when, or in his/her absence, by in the opinion of either, the proposed use of the material is for scholarly purposes. the material Signature Date J C > V V ( " Any copying or use of in this thesis for financial gain shall not without my permission. \Y> ^ IkI fi'-f- this be allowed iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost, I would like to thank Dr. David R. Lageson for his guidance and insight into the problems of Laramide basement deformation. Suggestions and constructive criticisms from Dr. David W. Mogk and Dr. James G. Schmitt this thesis. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Chris Schmidt were a great help in the preparation of for showing me the London Hills anticline and taking a genuine interest in this project. Special thanks are extended to Martina Johnson for her patience and hard work as a field assistant. Funding provided by Marathon Oil Company and Tenneco Oil Company supported the field work and facilitated the completion of this Graduate study at Montana State University was supported by a research assistantship and a scholarship from the Billings Geophysical Finally, study. I would like to thank my parents, Howard and Ruth Society. Miller. Without their support, this project would not have been possible. V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page vii LIST OF FIGURES...................... iix ABSTRACT............... ............. xi INTRODUCTION................. ........ I Study Purpose................ Study Area......... Southern Bridget Range.... Northern Gallatin Range... Methods of Investigation..... Geometry................. Kinematics................ Shear Zone Deformation.... Models of Foreland Uplifts Archean Lithology............ STRUCTURAL GEOMETRY Fold Style of Paleozoic Rocks............. . Southern Bridget Range............................] Western Anticlines Paleozoic Geometry.......!*! Central Anticlines Paleozoic Geometry.......... Central and Western Antliness Basement Geometry Planar Structures........................ Linear Structures......................... Eastern Anticline................. ....... Paleozoic Geometry............ ........... Basement Geometry......................... Northern Gallatin Range..........................!! Canyon Mountain Anticline......... ............... . Paleozoic Geometry............. .......... Basement Geometry. Squaw Creek Fault............. ........!!!!!!!!!!!! Paleozoic Geometry........................... Basement Geometry.............................. <0 VO VO Ui .> 4> I-1 LIST OF TABLES...................... 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 23 24 24 25 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS— Cont inued Page MECHANISMS OF LARAMIDE BASEMENT DEFORMATION... Control of Pre-Laramide Foliation..... Fold Kinematics....... ................ Foliation-Parallel Faults....... !! Foliation-Oblique Faults.......... Passive-slip................. Tangential Longitudinal Strain Macrogranular Displacements....... Shear Strain Estimates......... 27 27 29 29 31 32 35 36 38 larAMIDE SHEAR ZONE DEFORMATION Metamorphism..... ......... . Pre-Laramide Mineral Assemblages.....!!!!!!!!!!!! Laramide Mineral Phases: Occurrence.............. Epidote............ .................. Chlorite............................* *...... Quartz........................... !!!!!!!"*"* Sericite........................ .... Actinolite..................... i! Hematite.......................... !!! Calcite............................... Physical Conditions of Deformation............... Mechanisms of Shear Zone Deformation............. Stage I - Unstable Fracturing........ ...... Stage II - Cataclastic Flow................ Stage III -Pressure Solution and Dislocation Processes......................... Other Studies of Laramide Shear Zone Deformation'and* Metamorphism ................... MODELS OF FORELAND UPLIFTS Drape Fold Concept....................... Fold-Thrust Model........................ * Canyon Mountain Anticline.......!!! Bridget Range......................... Thrust-Fold Model................ ] Kinematics of Non-Fold Model— Squaw Creek Spectrum of Deformation......... 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 44 44 44 45 46 46 49 51 53 53 54 55 58 59 61 66 CONCLUSIONS 71 REFERENCES CITED 73 LIST OF TABLES Table I. Basement response in the cores of Laramide folds based ' on detailed field observations............... iix LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. The northern Rocky Mountain foreland.......................... 2 2. Major tectonic elements of the southern Bridget Range and northern Gallatin Range, Montana.......................... 5 Generalized stratigraphic column for the southern Bridget and northern Gallatin Ranges............................. 7 Geologic map of the study area in the southern Bridget Range.................................................... 8 5. Fold geometry of the western anticline, Bridget Range....... 15 6. Fold geometry of the central anticline, Bridget Range....... 16 7. View of the basement core, western anticline, Bridget Range, looking north..................................... 18 View of the eastern segment of the central anticline, Bridget Range, looking northwest......................... 18 Idealized geometric arrangement of basement and sedimentary cover for western and central anticlines................ 19 10. Archean fold axes from the western anticline................ 20 11. Fold geometry of the eastern anticline, Bridget Range....... 21 12. Fold geometry at Canyon Mountain anticline, northeastern Gallatin Range................... 22 13. Aerial photo of Canyon Mountain anticline looking north..... 23 14. Structural geometry along Squaw Creek fault................. 26 15. Average pre-Laramide foliation orientation for the northern Gallatin Range and southern Bridget Range, Montana.............................................. 28 Slickenside lineations measured along foliation-parallel surfaces.... ................................ 30 Oblique flexural-slip mechanism.............. 30 3. 4. 8. 9. 16. 17. ix LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Figure 18. 19. 20. 21. Page b kinematic directions of foliation-oblique mesoscopic faults from the Canyon Mountain, western, and central anticlines.................................. ............. 31 Faults plotted with b-i (angle between b kinematic axis and line of intersection, i, of foliation and fault surfaces) as ordinate; the angle between foliation and fault (G) plotted as abscissa............................ 33 A sheared F2 fold on the east limb, western anticline, Bridget Range................... .......... .............. 34 Cataclastic shear zone bounds meter-scale block of near vertical foliation on west limb of western anticline..... 35 22. Line sketch based on photo mosaic of the western anticline.... 37 23. One meter thick cataclastic shear zone in the western anticline................................................. 39 A brittle, amphibolite layer which accomodated extension due to simple shear by small-scale normal faulting....... 39 A model of basement deformation in regions with a low angle of discordance between the sedimentary cover and basement foliation surfaces............................... 40 Cataclastically deformed epidote in shear zone center and euhedral epidote along zone margin indicate a protracted period of epidote formation.................. ............. 42 Synkinematic quartz precipitation records slip along albite twins in a plagioclase grain.......... 43 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. A A plot of grain size versus distance shows a decrease in grain size with increased distance from the shear zone margin.............. 47 plot of percent matrix versus distance from the shear zone margin shows an increase in matrix with increased distance from the shear zone margin....... ............... 48 30. Zone 2 is characterized by a microbreccia.................... 48 31. The zone 3 mylonite is characterized by anastamosing clay and iron oxide surrounding microlithons of flattened quartz... 50 X LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Figure 32. Page Shortening and transport direction are perpendicular to the fold axis at Canyon Mountain anticline.................. 56 33. Cross section through Canyon Mountain anticline............. 57 34. Shortening directions determined from mesoscopic faults in the western anticline, Bridget Range........ ........ 59 35. Slickenside lineations measured along Squaw Creek fault..... 62 36. Balanced cross section through Squaw Creek which honors the planar upper basement surface observed in the field..... 63 Slickenside lineations measured on northeast trending faults in imbricate slice of Squaw Creek fault................. 65 Detailed field investigations of basement deformation in the cores of Laramide folds show the basement was folded by cataclastic flow, passive-slip, and flexural-slip........ 66 37. 38. Xi ABSTRACT The mechanical response of Archean "basement" rocks in the cores of Laramide uplifts has received experimental attention, but there have been relatively few field studies documenting Laramide basement behavior. The purpose of this study is to field test existing theoretical basement strain models by documenting the geometry and kinematics of deformation in areas of good exposures. Field studies along well exposed Squaw Creek fault and Canyon Mountain anticline, Gallatin Range, and three anticlines of the southern Bridget Range, southwest Montana, were made by comparing foliations, mesoscopic faults, and slickensides found in basement rocks to Laramide features found in the overlying Cambrian strata. The results show that in regions where the angle of discordance between the base of the Cambrian and Archean metamorphic foliation surfaces was low (Bridget Range anticlines and Canyon Mountain anticline), the basement deformed by oblique flexural-slip on preexisting foliation surfaces. Passive-slip was important in regions where Archean folds blocked foliation parallel slip. Large (12 meter thick) internally undeformed blocks indicate break up of the folded layer into macrogranular segments was preferred over coherent deformation. Deformation in bounding shear zones occurred under subgreenschist conditions. Decreased grain size and increased fluid influx accompanied a transition from mechanical fracturing and frictional sliding to pressure solution slip. These observations indicate a fold strain model and are compatible with the fold-thrust model (Berg, 1962). At Squaw Creek fault in the northwestern Gallatin Range, the angle of discordance between the sedimentary cover and basement foliation was high (80°). The absence of rotated foliation surfaces and a planar upper basement surface indicate a rigid basement response at Squaw Creek. Slickensides indicate left-lateral reverse slip where footwall strain was accommodated by synthetic, foliation-parallel Riedel shears. These observations most closely resemble the thrust-fold model (Erslev, 1986; Stone, 1984), although no force-folding of the sedimentary cover was observed. Integration of this study with other field studies on Laramide basement deformation indicates that folding of the basement occurred by a spectrum of mechanisms ranging from passive-slip to, flexural-slip folding to cataclastic flow. These field observations indicate that compressive buckling of the sedimentary cover was accompanied by active basement folding. I INTRODUCTION Study Purpose Basement-cored Laramide-style (Figure I). Laramide deformation with intervening in the northern basins Rocky characterize Mountain foreland The question of whether the basement rocks in the cores of uplifts subject of others, 1965; 1986). From fold uplifts deformed in a rigid or non-rigid style has been lively debate for decades (Berg, (e.g. Berg 1962; Prucha the and Steams, 1978; Blackstone, 1981; Brown, 1983; Matthews, experimental 1962) investigations and cursory field and non-fold (Stearns, 1978) strain studies, models for Laramide basement deformation have emerged. In the internally 1986). non—fold model, undeformed, the basement was fault-bound blocks uplifted (Stearns. in 1978; rigid, Erslev, The overlying sedimentary cover is force-folded (drape-folded) over the basement during deformation. In the fold model, the basement behaved as a nonrigid body that deformed internally by cataclastic flow (Chappin and Nelson, (Wagner, (Barnes buckling 1957; 1986; 1983; Hudson, 1955), flexural-slip Schmidt and Garihan, 1983), or by passive-slip folding and Houston, of Cook, the 1970; overlying Spang and sedimentary others, strata 1985). Compressive accompanied basement folding in this model (Berg, 1962; Brown, 1983). active 2 Little Belt Mountains " 47 MONTANA Bridger Gallatin R a n g e ) Ra n ge I—~~— T o b a c c o Root Mountains Study Area B e a r t o o t h Mountains - 45 Mad ison Range* WYOMING ITeton R a n g e Snake W ashakie Range River Plain 100 km Wind River N M o u n ta i n s - 43 Figure I. The northern Rocky Mountain foreland. Crystalline basement rocks are shown in stippled pattern. Inset is study area enlarged in Figure 2. 3 To a large degree, the debate over the fold and non-fold strain models stems from cross section construction techniques that model the basement 1978; due experimentally without referencing field relations Erslev, 1986; Spang and Evans, 1985). To a lesser degree, it is to equivocal exposures which lead to a myriad (for example Elk Mountain, Wyoming: (Stearns, Blackstone, of interpretations 1980 and Matthews, 1986; or Rattlesnake Mountain, Wyoming; Steams. 1971 and Brown, 1984). In either case, inadequate field testing of these models on well exposed basement structures has sustained the controversy. The Bridger and Gallatin Ranges style uplifts cover. with good exposures of basement rocks and sedimentary These structures present an excellent opportunity to field test the fold and non-fold models. not of southwest Montana are Laramide- Differences between the models are found only in the geometric configuration of the basement, the movement history. Therefore, but also in testing the validity of these models requires structural analysis of the geometric and kinematic elements on a mesoscopic constrain and microscopic existing and scale. future These theoretical analyses models will of also basement deformation. During foliation it was recognized that the pre-Laramide attitude has a profound influence on the mechanical role layering. plays this field test, Some foreland workers adamantly maintain that the layering no role in the rocks to be defined as "basement" Matthews, clearly patchwork of 1986). However, this contradicts field evidence. of is an artificial (for definition Rather than having an basement - non-basement regions, it is example, that arbitrary appropriate to 4 consider all the metamorphic and igneous crystalline rocks of the Wyoming Province as "basement". Study Area The Bridget and Gallatin Ranges are located in the northern end of the Archean ranges are Wyoming Province (Engel, 1963)(Figures I and 2). These cored by weakly to well-foliated quartzofeldspathic gneiss, nonconformably overlain by Middle Cambrian sedimentary strata (Figure 3). Southern Bridget Range The Bridget Montana, cored Range, located immediately is an asymmetric, north-trending, the in 1985). the central part of the range, north, (Craiglow, the of from Archean Thus, separates Proterozoic Belt rocks to Helena salient, rocks to the south this zone has been inferred to be south margin of Proterozoic Belt basin and the extension The Ross-Pass fault zone, located metamorphic basement 1986)(Figure 2). Bozeman, east-verging, Precambrian- anticline with the west limb down-dropped by Cenozoic (Figure 2) (Lageson and Zim, in northeast and the north margin thin-skinned thrusting of Laramide basement- involved deformation (Craiglow. 1986, McMannis, 1955). Gravity and seismic reflection data show that the basement of southern Bridget Range has been thrusted 3 - 5 km over the Mountains Basin, producing a basement overhang (Lageson and Zim, Cenozoic the Crazy 1985). extension on the west flank of the range produced a "perched 5 R a rJ o 'r | ~ ~ 5 km m \ Figure 4 ■ VXvXvxrv? % xx Gallatin Range *:$&k r< fS ourdougn I Antic line 45*30- 111* 0 0 ' Figure 2. Major tectonic elements of the southern Bridger Range and northern Gallatin Range, Montana. Am - Archean metamorphic basement rocks; pCb - Precambrian Belt rocks; Pz -Paleozoic rocks; Mz - Mesozoic rocks; Tkf - Tertiary Fort Union Formation; Te - Tertiary extrusive rocks; Ti - Tertiary intrusive rocks; Qt - Quaternary alluvium (compiled from Roberts, 1972; Schmidt and Garihan; 1983; McMannis, 1955) 6 basement wedge" (Lageson and Zim. contains three, developed along anticline (Figure 4). western, north-trending, the central, crest of the 1985). The perched basement-cored larger, basement wedge anticlines Laramide which Bridget Range These folds are designated for reference as the and eastern anticlines (Figures 4). The western and central anticlines have excellent exposures of basement in their cores and were chosen for detailed study of basement behavior. Northern Gallatin Range The Bridget northern Range. trending folds folds are Gallatin Range is located immediately south of It is composed of several en echelon, that verge to the southwest (Figure 2). northwest- Many of these bounded by northwest—striking contraction faults northeast. Much rocks post-date Laramide deformation which 1962) (Figure 2). of the range has been covered by Tertiary (McMannis the and that dip volcanic Chadwick, A Late (?) Cenozoic normal fault truncates the north end of the range. Squaw Creek fault. Sourdough anticline. Canyon Mountain anticline, and Suce Creek fault were selected for study based on exposure quality and structural significance. trending with Squaw Creek fault is a major, northwest- Laramide reverse fault at the northwest corner of good basement exposures along most of its length the range (Figure 2). Sourdough anticline, located in the north-central part of the range, is a large, northwest-trending, basement-cored anticline (Figure 2). A tear fault separates the tightly folded, northwest—trending nose of the fold from the north—trending, east limb (Figure 2). Poor exposures 7 M eters (F eet) Description Massive to th in - b e d d e d , a n d e s itic sa n d s to n e w ith o liv e -g ra y m u d sto n e . T uffaceous s a n d s to n e a n d s h a le m o stly green to brown.________________ li g h t g ra y to olive g ra y s a n d s to n e w ith c o n g lo m e ra te s a n d silts to n es. Z U S (M S ) Colorado Shale 248 (816) S a n d sto n e, g ra y to brown, c liff-fo rm in g . G ray sh a le , s llts to n e s \s a n d s to n e s . S hale b e c o m e s silty a n d sa n d y In K ootenai F o rm a tio n 91 (300) B asaL c o n g lo m e ra te c o n ta in s c h e r t an d sa n d s to n e peb b les. O verlying b ed s __ upper pa r t _____ _ I M orrison F o rm a tio n Swift Fm Rlerdon E S 122 L argely co n c e a le d , soil Is re d a n d g re e n w ith s a n d sto n e le n s e a._____________ 2 4 (80 T S a n d sto n e, g la u c o n itic a n d fo ssillfero u s. ^ L im esto n e a n d c o n c e a le d sh ale. rr r rr r 2 9 ,(9 5 ) (400) 29 (95) 30(100) 43(140) P ip e r Fm Q u e d re n t Se A m sden Fm Madison L im estone /ThrifJe°rkS I 5 " Upper k P O I ■S D IQi __ Jeffe rso n L im estone I (860+) M L argely co n cealed , yellow to brow n so il fo rm e d fro m sh ale.________ 119 (390) L im estone, g ra y to g re e n gray, u n d e rla in by a rg illa c e o u s, silty 61 (200) C ro re C rock Fm P ilgrim Ls 11!-'-T P a rk S hale rrrrr M eagher La L ' I LL L im estone d e n se and fin ely c ry s ta llin e , lig h t to m e d iu m gray, w ith fo ssillfero u s m assiv e a n d b e d d ed a rg illa c e o u s a n d sa n d y lim e sto n e . (60) -I Blgt e u Gneiaa Schtatt 280+ S hale, g r e e n - g r a y an d b a sa l sa n d s to n e w ith d e n se lim e sto n e n e a r m iddle. Light yellow to re d g ra y s a n d s to n e. Thin b ed s o f g ra y l l m e s t o n e l n r e d sh a le a n d silts to n e.________________ limestone._______ _____________ T h in -b e d d e d d o lo m ltlc lim e sto n e , ___underlain by dense_gray _dolomlte,_ lim e s to n e a n d s h a l e /______ ____________ (175) U pper u n it is sh ale, m id d le u n it is ____lim esto n e, B asal g re e n g ra y sh ale. (175) U pper lim e sto n e Is m assiv e a n d d e n se w ith low er edgew ise lim e sto n e 116 \ _ c o n g lo m e ra te a n d lim e sto n e b re c c ia (380) G reen g ray s h a le an d m in o r lim e sto n e 2 0 J [ 6 5 ) G reen g ra y sh a le , a n d lim e sto n e beds. 05)1 Shale, g re e n g ra y an d m in o r lim esto n e. -MtTSL S a n d sto n e w ith c o n g lo m e ra te n e a r base. Figure 3 - Generalized stratigraphic column for the southern Bridget Range and northern Gallatin Range (from Robbins and Erslev, 1986; Richards, 1957; and Elliott and others, 1955). 8 i—4 5 °4 7 ’3 0 ’' 110°57'30" Figure 4. Geologic map of the study area in the southern Bridget Range. Location of map shown in Figure 2 . Am - Archean metamorphic basement rocks; Cu - undifferentiated Cambrian rocks; Pzu - undifferentiated Paleozoic rocks; Mzu- undifferentiated Mesozoic rocks, (Geology from McMannis, 1955). limited fault. study of Sourdough anticline to the vicinity of the tear Canyon Mountain anticline and Suce Creek fault are a northwest­ trending, fold-fault pair located at the northeastern corner of the range (Figure 2). Canyon Mountain anticline lies in the hanging wall of Suce end. Creek fault and has good exposures of basement at its northwest 9 Methods of Investigation The methodology used in this field test of Laramide basement strain models involves an analysis of geometric and kinematic elements. Comparisons of pre-Laramide structures in the basement were made Laramide structures in the overlying Phanerozoic section to which fabrics opposed to analyses in the basement result from Archean were then or Proterozoic used Laramide deformation. to evaluate the fold determine deformation These and with as structural non—fold strain models. Geometry To establish basement geometry, the orientation of foliations and lineations were mapped in the field• pre-Laramide These penetrative metamorphic features have been inferred by radiometric age dates (2700 m.y.) grade to have formed during Archean amphibolite to metamorphism (James and Hedge, 1980). granulite The attitude of Cambrian strata was then mapped and used for control of Laramide geometry. Orientations area, lower consistent the of pre-Laramide structures were hemisphere, plotted basement equal stereographic projections and reviewed for a relationship with respect to the Paleozoic Laramide on fabric was established relationship to the overlying from strata. its Thus, geometrical Cambrian strata. Kinematics The fault orientation, offset, and slip direction for each mapped was recorded. mesoscopic These striated and grooved fault surfaces 10 provide a succinct kinematic record of deformation (Price, 1966). fault defines a unique line of slip, an axis of rotation (b Each kinematic axis), and a direction of shortening or extension. The which b kinematic axis (or axis of rotation) is defined as the line lies on the plane of the fault and is perpendicular to the slip direction (Price, 1966). In monoclinic structures, such as the asymmetric, concentric, Laramide folds in Paleozoic strata (Schmidt and Garihan, 1983), the b kinematic direction for the fold is parallel to the fold axis (Wilson. determined circle by 1982, p. 12-15). The fold axis orientation was locating the pole (fold axis or pi pole) to defined by relationship, an established. poles axis to bedding (pi circle). rotation for Laramide of the Based great on this deformation Collective consideration of b kinematic directions Paleozoic folds and slickensided fault surfaces was from documents the kinematics of basement rocks during Laramide deformation. The Cenozoic possibility extension continuously traced Furthermore, as is determined kinematic axis unlikely without will direction that movement on mesoscopic since Paleozoic any disruption be shown in Chapter 3, from faults by the represents folds can extensional mean b faults. kinematic basement faults was subparallel to of the Laramide fold, be the indicating that deformation b of basement rocks and Paleozoic strata was coeval. Influence determined This was of foliation attitude on Laramide basement response was by rotating foliations into their pre—Laramide accomplished by stereographically unfolding the section into a horizontal, pre-Laramide attitude. positions. Phanerozoic The same rotation 11 was performed for the corresponding basement rocks, pre-Laramide orientation. have affected However, placing them in a horizontal Laramide rotations may the basement rocks. Therefore, only the pre-Laramide foliation dip can be known with certainty. For a attitude given was structural domain, the pre-Laramide foliation correlated to Laramide basement response (fold or non­ fold). These correlations provide evidence for the effects of foliation attitude on Laramide deformation. Shear Zone Deformation The microscopic accommodated fluids, has mechanisms received finite strain, by which little attention. made zones. strains However, the and strain rate may have varied within the Laramide structural province. were Laramide Thus, were role of significantly petrographic studies on twenty-five oriented thin sections from Laramide shear Hineralogical and textural observations were used to determine processes of deformation, retrograde mineralization, and temperature Results conditions. pressure and of these investigations were then proximity of the field area to the south margin of the Belt compared to other studies of Laramide shear zones. The basin presented the possibility that the basement rocks were by a Proterozoic greenschist retrograde event. analysis was limited to zones which show kinematic relationship to Laramide deformation. Therefore, a clear affected shear zone geometric and 12 Models of Foreland Uplifts The established evaluate geometric and kinematic relations were the fold and non-fold models for Canyon Mountain Squaw Creek fault and the Bridget Range. basement-cored integrated anticlines with this in Wyoming, used to anticline. Other field investigations of Colorado and New study to establish a mechanical Mexico were framework for basement deformation in the fold model. Archean Lithology and Deformation The predominant Archean lithology in the study area is weakly we^l- foliated, boudins. quartzofeldspathic gneiss. lenses, and quartzofeldspathic thin, gneiss. to Amphibolite is present as foliation-parallel layers within the Quartz and pegmatite dikes cross-cut the quartzofeldspathic gneiss and amphibolite. At least two styles of ductile folding are present in the metamorphic rocks. The first style is characterized isoclinal folds with axial-planar foliation. characterized by open folds. F2. These folds refold isoclinal folds. Wavelengths of Fl and F2 folds range from a centimeters to tens of meters. are present south of Squaw Creek fault in the Gallatin presence to Fl and Archean open few However, tight The second fold style is Therefore, tight to isoclinal folds are designated folds are designated by Archean Open folds on a kilometer River scale Canyon. of these folds was impossible to determine in field area because of Laramide foliation rotation. the 13 STRUCTURAL GEOMETRY As will be shown in this chapter, folding of Mountain basement folding accompanied Paleozoic rocks in the southern Bridger Range and anticline. evidence of basement At Squaw Creek fault, however, Canyon there is no folding. Fold Style of Paleozoic Rocks A is near-cylindrical geometry for the Paleozoic folds indicated by scatter)(Davis, the narrow width of the pi circles 1984)(Figures 5a, 6a, and 6b). investigated (less than 20° In addition, folds in the structurally dominant Meagher Limestone are open and concentric and have broad hinge zones. syncline, Bridget Range (Figure 6). the Interlimb angles range from 90° in the western Range to H O 0, in the central anticline. The Pilgrim Limestone exhibits the same geometry as Meagher Limestone except at Canyon Mountain anticline, Pilgrim Limestone Bridget where is tightly folded with an interlimb angle of the 40°, The Meagher Limestone in this fold is cut by Suce Creek fault and shows an interlimb angle of 100°. Cambrian shales are significantly thickened in the hinge zone of the central anticline, Bridget Range (Figure 6) and are considerably thinned on the overturned, detached limb of Canyon Mountain anticline indicating a similar fold geometry. 14 Southern Bridger Range Western Anticline? Paleozoic Geometry Fold axes of the three anticlines within the "perched wedge" of the Bridget Range trend to the north (Figure 4). axis for Cambrian the western Meagher Limestone bedding, and parallels a south end of the anticline, basement The fold determined from has a shallow plunge to the south the range trend (Figure 5a). The adjacent syncline has fold axis with a similar trend and was used for control of Laramide geometry at the north end of the western anticline (Figure 5b). Central Anticline: Paleozoic Geometry. The central anticline geometrically unique. are two anticlines of the southern Bridger ' Range In the core of an open fold of Meagher Limestone of Flathead Sandstone with the truncated by a high-angle,reverse fault (Figure 6). out into is a thickened section of Wolsey Shale. adjoining limbs The fault The slightly dies skewed orientation between the Meagher fold axis (Figure 6a) and the fold axis from the Flathead Sandstone (Figure 6b) is attributed to a minor detachment occurring in the Wolsey Shale. Central and Western Anticlines: Basement Geometry Planar foliation Structures. surfaces approximately strata coaxial Fold in the with (Figures 5 and 6). axes, western determined and central the fold axes determined This suggests that from basement anticlines, from Archean are Paleozoic metamorphic 15 Western Anticline, Bridger Range Poles to bedding Poles to Iolletlon Figure 5. Fold geometry of the western anticline, Bridget Range. Fold axes determined from Archean metamorphic foliation surfaces are coaxial with fold axes determined from Paleozoic bedding. Equal area, lower hemisphere, stereographic projections, a) Poles to Cambrian Meagher Limestone bedding, b ) Poles to Cambrian Pilgrim Limestone bedding, c) Poles to foliation from upper basement surface indicate conical folding, d-f) Poles to Archean metamorphic foliation. Line A-A' is line of photograph (Figure 7) and line diagram (Figure 22). Contour interval is 0, 5, 10, and 15% per 1% area. Am - Archean metamorphic rocks; Cf Flathead Sandstone; Cw - Wolsey Shale; Cm - Meagher Limestone; Cp Park Shale; Cu - Upper Cambrian undivided; Du - Devonian undivided. 16 CENTRAL ANTICLINE, BRIDGER RANGE Pol es t o b e ddi ng (Cm) • Poles t o b e d d i n g (Cl) __________n = 38 Pol es t o foliation (Am) Pol es to foliation (Am) 2000 m - 1800 m - 1800 m 1700 m - X x \ 0.5 k m Figure 6. Fold geometry of the central anticline, Bridger Range. Fold axes determined from foliation surfaces are coaxial with fold axes of the Paleozoic rocks. A-A' is line of cross section. Equal area, lower hemisphere, stereographic projections. a) Poles to Meagher Limestone bedding. b) Poles to Flathead Sandstone bedding, c) Poles to basement foliation. Solid dots are from stations within 20 m of upper basement surface, d ) Poles to basement foliation. Am - Archean metamorphic rocks; Cf - Flathead Sandstone; Cw - Wolsey Shale; Cm - Meagher Limestone; Pzu - undivided Paleozoic rocks. Contour interval is 0, 5, 10, and 15% per 1% area. 17 foliation surfaces were folded into parallelism with (Figures "fold" 7 and 8). model Schmidt and of Thus, basement Paleozoic bedding the geometry of these anticlines fits the deformation proposed by and Garihan (1983). Field photographs of Berg (1962) these anticlines reveal the folded basement (Figures 7 and 8), Geometric analysis of basement folds suggests that a transition from conical folds to cylindrical folds occurs with increasing distance down section discordance from between the upper basement surface. Archean metamorphic foliation Cambrian Flathead Sandstone is low (10°— 15^). of The angle surfaces of and the The linear intersection the foliation surfaces with the Flathead Sandstone is approximately perpendicular to the Laramide fold axis (Figure 9). special arrangement constant This represents a where the angle of discordance (6 ) will remain throughout cylindrical folding of the Paleozoic cover (Figure 9)(Ramsay, 1967, p. 496). The result is conical folding of the upper basement surface (Figures 5c, 6c, and 9). The loci anticline of poles to foliation at the south end of the are concentrated about a small circle that corresponds to conical fold in the upper basement surface (Figure Sc). is western a The cone axis parallel to the fold axis defined by poles to bedding (Figure 5a). The conical form gives way to cylindrical folding in structurally lower levels zone An to the north (Figures 5d, Se, and 5f). Above and below the of transition the basement and cover rocks deform independently. analogous transition zone has been noted at Big Thompson anticline, Colorado (LeMasurier, 1970) and is discussed in Chapter 5. 18 Figure 7. View of the basement core, western anticline, Bridger Range, looking north. Dark lines show foliation surfaces. Line of photograph is along east half of Line A-A', Figure 5. Line sketch of diagram is shown in Figure 22. Arrow indicates location of Figure 23. Figure 8. View of the eastern segment of the central anticline, Bridget Range, looking northwest. Fold axis parallels top of treeless ridge. Dark lines show foliation surfaces in basement. High angle reverse fault separates folded basement segments on west (left) side of ridge. Cm - Meagher Limestone; Cw - Wolsey Shale; Cf - Flathead Sandstone; Am - Archean metamorphic rocks. 19 The geometry of the upper basement surface is equivocal in central anticline (Figure 6c, solid dots). levels, the loci of the However, at lower stuctural poles to foliation fall along a great circle indicating a cylindrical geometry (Figures 6c, contour lines and 6d). Figure 9. Idealized geometric arrangement of basement and sedimentary cover for western and central anticlines, f - fold axis to cylindrical fold in Cambrian rocks; h - hingeline to conical fold in upper basement surface; f ^ “ fold axis to cylindrical fold in lower basement; gamma - angle of discordance between Cambrian Flathead Sandstone and basement foliation surfaces; Note intersection of upper basement surface (stippled pattern) with base of Cambrian rocks is perpendicular to Laramide fold axis (modified from Ramsay, 1967). the Linear Structures. The fold axes of Archean Fl and F2 folds western are plotted in Figure 10. Archean folds were coaxial in their pre-Laramide hingelines angle anticline should between the If the Fl F2 then the be distributed around a small circle such that the Archean fold hinges and remained constant (Ramsay, 1967, p. 463). the position, and from Laramide However, fold axis fold axes show a wide scatter with a maximum which is subparallel to the Laramide fold axis (Figure 10). I) a non-coaxial Variation from the maximum indicates arrangement prior to Laramide deformation or rotation of macrogranular blocks (Chapter 3) either: 2) Laramide about axes oblique to the 20 Laramide fold axis. large number The former interpretation is favored based on the of fault rotation axes that parallel the Laramide fold axis (Chapter 3). Figure 10. Archean fold axes from the western anticline. Data are from the same domain as Figure 5d. Crosses - tight to isoclinal Fl folds; Solid dots - open F2 folds. Eastern Anticline Paleozoic parallels the Geometry. The fold axis of the trend of the central anticline, eastern but has anticline a moderate plunge to the south (Figure 11a). Basement Geometry. Poor exposures of basement rocks in the core of the eastern anticline make determination of geometry equivocal. plot of poles to foliation show two, north-striking populations anticline non-rigid, The (Figure 11b). The steeply Laramide dipping, geometry of the A eastern may be interpreted as either undeformed rigid basement or as folded basement where the crest of the fold is not exposed. latter interpretation is favored in view of the similar of this anticline to the central and western anticlines. lithology 21 Ea ste rn Anticline , Bridger Range n = 30 P o l e s to be d d in g (Cm) P o l e s to f o lia tio n (Am) Figure 11. Fold geometry of the eastern anticline, Bridger Range. Equal area, lower hemisphere, stereographic projections, a) Poles to Meagher Limestone bedding, b) Poles to basement foliation surfaces. Am - Archean metamorphic rocks; Cf - Flathead Sandstone; Cw - Wolsey Shale; Cm - Meagher Limestone; Pzu - undifferentiated Paleozoic rocks. Contour interval is 0, 5, 10, and 15% per 1% area. Northern Gallatin Range Canyon Mountain Anticline Paleozoic hanging Geometry. wall of Suce Creek fault Creek fault where basement (Roberts, strikes Canyon Mountain anticline lies and verges to the southwest. has a minimum stratigraphic displacement of 1273 rocks are thrusted over Cretaceous Kootenai 1972) northwest The fault has a moderate dip to the (305; 45 NE). The fold axis for on Suce meters Formation northeast Canyon the and Mountain 22 anticline, parallel southwest defined to the by the Flathead Sandstone, map trace of Suce Creek fault trends (Figure limb of Canyon Mountain anticline is vertical to and contains shale units northwest, 12a). The overturned that are noticeably thinned. P o l e s t o b e d d i n g (Cf) a. 0.5 km CANYON MOUNTAIN ANTICLINE, GALLATIN RANGE n=70 P o l e s t o f o l ia t io n (Am) b. Figure 12. Fold geometry at Canyon Mountain anticline, northeastern Gallatin Range. Location shown in Figure 2. Fold axes determined from basement foliation surfaces are coaxial with fold axes determined from Paleozoic bedding surfaces. Equal area, lower hemisphere, stereographic projections. a) Poles to Flathead Sandstone bedding, b) Poles to basement foliation surfaces. Contour interval is 0, 5, 10, and 15% per 1% area. Am - Archean metamorphic rocks; Cf - Flathead sandstone; Cw Wolsey Shale; Cm - Meagher Limestone; Pzu - undifferentiated Paleozoic rocks. 23 Basement Geometry. foliation surfaces Paleozoic fold The fold axis determined from at Canyon Mountain anticline is coaxial axis (Figure 12b) . This relationship with the indicates the basement at Canyon Mountain anticline was also folded into with the aerial overlying Paleozoic rocks. photograph amphibolite 13). basement of parallelism This can be clearly seen Canyon Mountain anticline where a exposures precluded detailed an distinctive layer folds conformably with the overlying strata Partial in investigation (Figure of fold geometry for the upper basement surface. Figure 13. Aerial photo of Canyon Mountain anticline looking north. Prominent ridge in background is Mississippian Madison Group Limestone on the northeast limb of the fold. A prominent amphibolite layer strikes northeast in the nose of the fold. The and loci of poles to foliation surfaces in the central, Canyon Mountain anticlines show a wider dispersion about circle than was recognized in the Paleozoic rocks. that western, the pi Ramsay (1967) noted the symmetry of the final product of deformation is a combination of the kinematic and original fabrics. Therefore, the final product 24 generally represents a lower order of symmetry. The scatter of poles to foliation is explained by two episodes of superimposed, Archean folding overprinted by Laramide folding (Figure 10). Squaw Creek Fault Paleozoic Geometry. Squaw fault, located northwestern Gallatin Creek fault, but dips more steeply (314; 80 NE) (Figure 14). volcanic rocks Range, Creek the has a northwest-trend similar cover the central portion of the fault and into two exposed segments. is designated the "northwest displacement Cretaceous Imbricate the to Suce Tertiary divide it The southeastern portion is referred to as "Timber Butte segment" and the longer, fault in northwest exposure of segment". Minimum the stratigraphic of 1455 meters is evidenced by basement rocks placed over Colorado faulting Group rocks (McMannis and Chadwick, 1964). in the hanging wall takes up displacement at the fault is southeast end of the northwest segment (Figure 14). The geometry of Paleozoic rocks at Squaw characterized by planar, shallow-dipping strata. Creek fault is comprised of planar, numerous exception echelon Creek north to shallowly-dipping strata, geometry are two folds in Mississippian strata, fault outlier (Figure 14c, small, 14). open circles). cut by The only northwest-trending, truncated obliquely of shallow dipping Cambrian rocks. from the hanging wall. basement The footwall of Squaw to northeast-trending faults (Figure this Creek by With the exception en Squaw of an Paleozoic rocks are absent The Flathead Sandstone, which overlies exposed in the imbricate slice, is planar and subhorizontal (Figure 25 14b). in Immediately adjacent to the fault, disharmonic folds are present the Meagher Limestone indicating a minor detachment in the Wolsey Shale. Basement Geometry. Basement geometry in the Squaw Creek area is in marked contrast to the configuration identified in the southern Bridget and northeastern Gallatin Ranges. foliation with (northwest a steep The geometry is dip and either segment)(Figures 14a, 14d, north to characterized by northeast strike and 14e) or northwest strike (Timber Butte segment)(Figure 14c, solid circles). Absence of rotated foliations and the contact indicate behaved in a rigid manner. Squaw that basement in the vicinity of Creek fault and different pre-Laramide following chapter. planar Flathead-Archean Squaw Creek The contrast between basement behavior other structures in the study area results foliation attitudes, as discussed in fault at from the 26 Squaw Creek Fault Pzu mmm n=36 Figure 14. Structural geometry along Squaw Creek fault. Location shown in Figure 2. With the exception of two folds in the Timber Butte segment. Paleozoic strata are planar. Equal area, lower hemisphere, stereographic projections, a) Poles to foliation, b) Poles to Flathead Sandstone bedding c) Open circles - Fold axes to Mississippian strata; solid dots - poles to Archean metamorphic foliation. d and e) Poles to basement foliation. Am - Archean metamorphic rocks. Cm - Middle Cambrian rocks; Pzu - undifferentiated Paleozoic rocks; Mzu undifferentiated Mesozoic rocks. Contour interval is 0, 5. 10, and 15% per 1% area (geology from McMannis and Chadwick, 1964). 27 MECHANISMS OF LARAMIDE BASEMENT DEFORMATION Control of Pre-Laramide Foliation The orientation of foliation surfaces exerted a fundamental control on basement response to Laramide deformation Except at Squaw Creek, into in the Restoration of foliation surfaces to their pre-Laramide orientation subhorizontal attitude (Figure 15). Creek fault, however, yields a The pre-Laramide dip ranges from 10° in the western anticline to 24° at Canyon Mountain Squaw area. Frecambrian foliation surfaces have been folded parallelism with the overlying Paleozoic strata. folded study anticline. At Laramide basement folding was absent and the restored foliation dips 70o-80° (Figure 15). In regions surfaces where folds developed, provided a path of low shear the subhorizontal strength. As the foliation kinematic indicators presented later in this chapter suggest, the subhorizontal foliation by surfaces allowed the basement to shorten flexural-slip folding along foliation-parallel surfaces. Correlation of shallow-dipping, pre-Laramide surfaces with Laramide folds indicates that orientation of foliation controlled the response. anticline (Figure Application of this axiom to the poorly exposed basement Sourdough explains the presence of the tear fault along its east 2). This trending segment trending, east fault separates of the the anticline from limb (Figures 2 and 15). tightly the folded, openly limb northwest­ folded, north­ Rotation of foliation into 28 their pre-Laramide orientation indicates a subhorizontal attitude in the core of the fold and a near vertical attitude along the east limb. Thus, to the fault is attributed to differential shortening due a structural transition within the basement. Figure 15. Average pre-Laramide foliation orientation for the northern Gallatin Range and southern Bridget Range, Montana. Subhorizontal foliation surfaces correspond to regions of folded basement. 29 Fold Kinematics Slickensided displacements, and striated rotations and folding. In this section, provide fault surfaces distortions reflect of basement rocks 1964). oblique, with lesser amounts of passive-slip (Donath and Passive-slip foliation—parallel basement during analysis of these mesoscopic subfabrics will evidence that the basement deformed predominantly by flexural-slip blocks the Parker, occurred in regions where Archean folds glide indicate planes. Large, a significant internally amount of blocked undeformed, deformation accomplished by macrogranular rotation and translation. was These elements of deformation are considered in detail below. Foliation-Parallel Faults Slickenside surfaces striations their fold axes (Figure about the 16). Laramide folding circle of the fold, shear Symmetry of these slickensides of overlying strata. for In the ideal concert case and Parker, these anticlines for slickenside lineations lie on the pi perpendicular to the fold axis (Figure 16, circles)(Donath lineations foliation-parallel Laramide axis of rotation indicates they formed in cylindrical, flexural-slip folds, great on from the western and Canyon Mountain anticlines are symmetric about with measured 1964). However, plunge more steeply than dashed slickenside the case in 16). Therefore, a component of simple shear occurred between foliation surfaces, the direction of pre-Laramide foliation dip (Figures ideal parallel to the fold axis. 15 This mechanism of folding and has 30 been termed oblique flexural-slip (Ramsay, flexural-slip layers folds 1967)(Figure 17). have been documented in other cases are inclined to the bulk strain axes (Ramsay, Oblique where 1967, p. rock 396; Wilson, 1982, p. 19). Figure 16. Slickenside lineations measured along foliation-parallel surfaces, a) Western anticline, from same domain as figure 5d. b) Western anticline, from same domain as figure Se. c) Canyon Mountain anticline. Open circles are Paleozoic fold axes. Solid circles are basement fold axes. Contours are 0, 5, 10, and 15 % per I % area. * OBUOUE FLEXURAL SUP Figure 17. The oblique flexural slip mechanism, a) Pre-Laramide foliation surfaces have a shallow dip. b) Oblique flexural slip results in a component of simple shear parallel to the fold axis (Modified from Ramsay, 1967, p. 396). 31 Foliation-Oblique Faults A discontinuous system of mesoscopic, present in the basement of the western, anticlines, b foliation-oblique faults central, kinematic directions for these and Canyon b kinematic directions of foliation-oblique mesoscopic the a) Canyon Mountain b) western and c) central Open circle is Paleozoic fold axis. Solid circle is axis. Contour intervals are 0, 5, 10, and 15 % per I Z Seventy-seven plotted role. to The the foliation oblique faults from the western anticline to distinguish show fault geometries angle between fracture and foliation acute angle between foliation intersection (Price, faults 18). n»77 ns 49 were Mountain fault sets parallel the Laramide fold axis, indicating coeval movement (Figure Figure 18. faults from anticlines. basement fold area. is the b kinematic 1966)(Figure 19). are distinguished by this plot. and their kinematic is shown in relation axis and fracture- Three categories of Contraction faults (group primarily dip slip motion and make an angle between 30o-50° I) with 32 the foliation surface. form III Extension faults (group II), an angle of 70o-90° with the adjacent foliation faults adjacent roles dip-slip, surface. are primarily strike-slip and form a high angle foliation in also surface. passive-slip These faults serve folding and with specific accommodating Group the kinematic bending strain (tangential longitudinal strain), as discussed below. Passive-slip. regions the Contractional faults (group I)(Figure 19) where pre-Laramide foliation attitude was at a high shearing stress imposed by interfolial slip. As form in angle to flexural-slip folding progressed, shear stress on foliation surfaces was relieved interfolial slip and the maximum principle stress direction by became foliation-parallel (Parker and Donath, 1964; Price, 1966). Most contractions! faults adjacent foliation surface. predicted by form a 35° to 45° angle with Insight into deviation from the 30° value Mohr-Coulomb fracture theory is provided by triaxial compression tests performed on anisotropic rocks (Donath, 1964). tests demonstrate the These that for anisotropy orientations of 45°-75° to the maximum principle stress, the resulting shear fracture occurs at 45° to the maximum principle stress. maximum principle Therefore, in stress, regions For orientations less than 45° to the fracture follows the the anisotropy. where interfolial slip was impeded by Archean folds, the resulting fault occurred most frequently at 45° with respect to the adjacent foliation surface. Where the foliation was oriented at an angle less than 45°, layer-parallel slip occurred. 33 Figure 19. Faults plotted with bci (angle between b kinematic axis and line of intersection, i, of foliation and fault surfaces) as ordinate; the angle between foliation and fault (6) plotted as abscissa. Number of fault-foliation intersections is plotted at the top (after Price, 1966). 34 Passive-slip faults were recognized in the field by offset Fl F2 fold hinges. Mesoscopic faults with offset of several centimeters shear limbs and hinges of small F2 folds (Figure 20). folds buttressed and Larger Fl and F2 interfolial slip similar to the smaller folds, the resulting shear surfaces are wide zones of cataclasis (Figure but 21). Figure 20. A sheared F2 fold on the east limb the western anticline, Bridger Range. View is looking north. The fold blocked layer-parallel shear and resulted in a passive-slip fault (designated by arrow) that offsets the backlimb. Fault forms a 45° angle with the adjacent foliation. 35 Figure 21. Cataclastic shear zone bounds meter-scale block of near vertical foliation on west limb of western anticline. View is looking north. Shear zone is parallel to underlying foliation. Flexing of foliation surfaces in the upper block indicates transport is towards the fold hinge (right). Shear zone is interpreted as a passive slip surface which offsets foliation disrupted by Archean folding. Foliation surfaces in the upper block have no kinematic role in the deformation and indicate macrogranular deformation. Relationship of this shear zone to the anticline is shown in figure 22. Tangential Longitudinal Strain Buckling of a nonstratified sheet will result in strains which have their principle axes oriented tangentially and perpendicular folded layer (Ramsay. 1967, p. 397). to the These strains are extensional on the outer surface of the layer and contractional on the inner surface. 36 Between zero the regions of contraction and extension tangential longitudinal strain surface" (Ramsay, 1967, p. 398). were known as lies a the "finite of neutral A few of the contraction faults that not associated with shortening in regions of Archean folding interpreted as accommodating inner arc shortening. explained into surface in the next section, However, as will be thick mechanical units tend rigid body segments with no internal are strain. Thus, to break there are comparatively few contraction faults related to inner arc shortening. Normal faults (group II)(Figure 19) form in response to tangential longitudinal most strain frequently greatest. above the neutral surface. along the hinge zone where Normal faults outer strain is These faults are interpreted to be instrumental in the break up of the buckled layer into macrogranular blocks. (group arc occur III) bound macrogranular blocks Strike-slip faults where they accommodate shear, oblique to the axial plane. Macrogranular Displacements Macrogranular displacements are indicated where large, undeformed blocks have been passively rotated and internally translated along cataclastic shear zones (Figures 21, 22, and 23). deformation is large wavelength, Fl and F2 folds within the controlled contributed and blocks blocks. the leucocratic II) seen in undisrupted, In some cases, thickness minerals and the wavelength of the block absence of to the unstratified response. fractures Absence of internal (Figure discrete of 22). mica these Abundance layers Extensional faults as well as shear faults (group III) folds bound of also (group these 37 —Compositional foliation » ■ 1 — Cataclsatlc shear zone well-foliated, blotite-garnet gneiss location of Figure.21N Figure 22. Line sketch based on photo mosaic of the western anticline. View is looking north. Line of drawing is A-A1 in Figure 5. Right side of sketch is shown in Figure 7. Heavy lines are cataclastic shear zones. Thin lines are foliation surfaces. Note development of cataclastic shear zones in regions of Archean folding. Folds inhibit slip along foliation surfaces and result in large blocks which are internally undeformed (blocks indicated by arrows). Cataclastic shear zones are narrow (<5 centimeters) or absent in well foliated garnetamphibolite gneisses and schists on east limb of fold. Numbers are slip estimates based on thicknesses and dip of mechanical foliation units. These foliated observations on indicate a centimeter scale, that although in places the the basement lithologic was foliation played no mechanical role in the deformation. Apparently, break-up and extension of these mechanically thick units into macrogranular segments was preferred over coherent tangential longitudinal strain. deformation with large amounts of 38 Shear Strain Estimates A variety of small-scale structures reflect accommodated in large cataclastic shear zones. a ductility contrast material and is present between the shear strain In several shear zones, cataclastically rigid feldspar and amphibolite layers. deformed Shear strain was accommodated in these layers by normal and contraction faults, boudins, were and brittle initially available to folds (Figure 24). parallel compute to Because the deformed layers shear zone walls, the amount of brittle strain there from is their no method deformation (Ramsay, 1980; 1983). However, surface of the strain accommodated by slip (s) a folded layer of thickness (t) along the outer can be computed based on limb dip (a)(in radians) by the relationship; s = ta (Ramsay, 1967, p. 393). This relationship also explains the absence of thick shear zones characterized in well-foliated rocks. Where by well-foliated biotite gneiss, the cataclastic basement such as on the is east limb of the western anticline (Figure 22), slip surfaces occur at 10-20 centimeter intervals. limb dip of 60° Slip estimates based on the maximum show 9 centimeters of slip (Figure 22). observed Thus, with closely spaced foliation surfaces underwent small amounts of spaced over a large number of slip surfaces. provided slip Biotite on these surfaces discrete layers of low cohesive strength which acted as surfaces during deformation. rocks slip 39 Figure 23. anticline, anticline, of Figure 7 One meter thick cataclastic shear zone in the western View is looking east, into the axial plane of the western Shear zone is shown by arrow on the left side (west) side Note man for scale. Figure 24. A brittle, amphibolite layer which accommodated extension due to simple shear by small-scale normal faulting. A contraction fault, on the left side, formed in response to shortening. Both fault sets are synthetic and indicate dextral slip along the shear zone. Zone is located on the west limb of the western anticline. View is looking north, parallel to the fold axis. 40 Zones of cataclasis, amounts of shear mechanically range to thick, on the other hand, strain accompanying macrogranular unstratified units. from 5 - 1 2 meters (Figure 22). are indicative of large movement Thicknesses of these 22). The units Slip calculations indicate 7 meters of slip has occurred along the boundaries of these (Figure of mechanics of deformation in these shear up blocks zones is presented in Chapter 4. The kinematic elements of deformation for the flexural-slip model" angle are of strata is deformation summarized discordance in an idealized Laramide anticline between foliation surfaces low (Figure 25). accomplished by In Chapter 5, passive-slip the and where the relative is shown to "fold the overlying amount of increase in compositionally isotropic rocks. m ecrogranuler blocks blollte-rlch, C ataclaatlc shear zones bound m acrogranular blocks Inner 46* arc strain ____ s u r f a c e foliation-parallsl acta a s gl i de plane well f o l i a t e d approx Im ate units homogeneous simple s h ear faults offset glide plane blocks Figure 25. A model of basement deformation in regions with a low angle of discordance between the sedimentary cover and basement foliation surfaces. Al LARAMIDE SHEAR ZONE DEFORMATION Shear zones are loosely defined as narrow, characterized by large amounts of deformation zones represent discrete strain Laramide basement shortening. of shear (Ramsay, discontinuities These accommodated Mesoscopic and microscopic observations in a near-surface (< hydrothermal zones 1980). that zones reveal characteristics of brittle and deformation where sub-parallel 2km), brittle-ductile sub-greenschist played a critical role. environment Deformational mechanisms show a transition from mechanical fracturing to pressure solution decreasing grain size. Retrograde metamorphism was with deformation- enhanced . Metamorphism Pre-Laramide Mineral Assemblages The pre-Laramide mineral assemblages chosen detailed petrographic study are typical of almandine metamorphism (Turner, metamorphism have been identified in the northern Gallatin Range (May, 1986), rocks 1968). Rocks zone, for indicative of although none were examined in this study. of the western assemblage: feldspar. sillmanite zone Quartzofeldspathic the central and western anticlines are characterized by assemblage A n ^ + K-feldspar + biotite + quartz. and amphibolite-facies anticlines, basic rocks are At Canyon Mountain characterized by ferrohastingsite + An30 + quartz + biotite + garnet + In thin sections of rocks the unaffected by the K- Laramide 42 deformation, the pre-Laramide assemblages possess smooth, slightly curved grain boundaries and polygonal arcs around small scale F2 folds, indicating that mineral forming reactions were arrested close to occurs as a common reequilibration product of equilibrium. Laramide Mineral Phases: Epidote. tectonically Epidote deformed Occurrence plagioclase. Its presence in shear zones, characterized by alternating episodes of dilation and shearing, suggest it formed over a protracted period of deformation (Figure 26). Figure 26. Cataclastically deformed epidote in shear zone center, and euhedral epidote along zone margin indicate a protracted period of epidote formation. Note preferred growth of epidote perpendicular to the zone wall. Shear zone from which this sample was obtained offsets an F2 fold hinge in the central anticline. 43 Chlorite. replaces Chlorite hornblende, is garnet the most abundant and plagioclase. Laramide phase Only minor amounts chlorite are associated with reequilibration of plagioclase, is found biotite with and epidote and quartz. The formation hornblende occurred extensively along of where chlorite and of it from foliation-parallel shear zones. Figure 27. Synkinematic quartz precipitation records slip along albite twins in a plagioclase grain. Horizontal shearing of plagioclase grain post dates slip along twins. Thin section is from the margin of a I meter wide cataclastic shear zone in the western anticline. Quartz. Quartz occurs as vein filling material and as anhedral blebs and stringers related to reequilibration of plagioclase, biotite, and hornblende. microfractures 27) . Syntectonic quartz vein filling occurs in which predate and postdate zones of cataclasis numerous (Figure 44 Sericite. of a secondary alteration product plagicclase and is conspicuously absent on most K-feldspar grains. Much of the Sericite was found as sericite appears as disseminated flecks encased in plagioclase grains, or as stringers forming preferentially along albite twins. Actinolite. randomly Actinolite occurs as minute, oriented occurrence is crystals that restricted to undeformed, elongate, post-date shear zones deformation. that truncate and Its offset veins of euhedral epidote. Hematite. Hematite was identified in the field on slip surfaces. microcracks slickensided In thin section, hematite occurs as opaque blebs along and microfaults. It is often associated with chloritized biotite. Calcite Calcite occurs as euhedral vein filling which cross-cuts all other microfaults and veins. Physical Conditions of Deformation Although epidote, actinolite, greenschist assemblage not identified (Turner, of deformation were epidote suggests ambient conditions. present, the (albite + actinolite + epidote + chlorite) was 1968). fluid of chlorite facies. temperatures were Ambient are This mineralogy indicates conditions sub-greenschist maximum lithostatic pressure gradient and conditions However, considerably were presence hotter characterized by of than a of 670 bars (based on an average geobaric 0.3 kilobars/ kilometer and 2 kilometers of Phanerozoic 45 overburden) and geothermal a rock temperature of 80°centigrade (based on a gradient Investigations into of 40°centigrade/kilometer)(Best, the lower stability limit of natural occurrences, epidote, 1972). conditions of formation in iron-rich basalts oxidizing conditions (Seki, would based This temperature on fugacity 1982). on indicates the minimum temperature of formation is approximately 200°C at 670 bars (Seki, based high only 1972). increase the A decrease in minimum is that, possess iron or temperature of oxygen epidote stability (Liou, 1972). Mechanisms of Shear Zone Deformation On a microscopic scale, shear zones show characteristics of brittle and brittle-ductile deformation. In brittle deformation, rupture is a spontaneous event marked by a rapid decrease in stress that accompanies fracturing (Paterson, 1978). marked In the rock record, brittle processes are by unstable fractures that cut across grain boundaries 1984). These rock. Internally, deformation, fractures (Mitra, shear off polycrystalline fragments of these indicating aggregates show that stresses were no sign relieved of wall ductile instantaneously (Mitra. 1984). The heterogeneous rocks resulted in during mineralogy of the quartzofeldspathic brittle and ductile processes operating concurrently some stages of deformation. characterized by basement stable Mitra, fractures 1984). These brittle-ductile that end Strain at (Paterson, 1979; surrounding grains occurs by ductile processes of grain zones are boundaries accommodation in the either , cataclastic 46 flow, dislocation gliding, or diffusion (Mitra, 1984). In with Chapter 3 (Figure 22), increasing progressive This strain. shear zone width was shown to increase Thus, an individual deformation from the outer to process shear inner zone zone records (Mitra, 1978). involves work hardening of the fracture zone continued shearing incorporates fresh wall rock (Mitra, following discussion records the sequence of such 1978). Mesoscopically, a single The deformation 1across narrow zone of intense deformation based on mineralogical and criteria. that a textural shear zone is comprised of an intricate, anastamosing system of these zones. Stage I - Unstable Fracturing The brittle initial processes characteristic stages of deformation are marked along shear zone walls. zone margin, wall. Unstable predominantly fracturing was and is seen in numerous fractures that cut across grain boundaries (Patterson, the by 1978). Lenticular rock fragments, parallel to suggest that sliding occurred parallel to the Further fracturing and wear due to frictional sliding zone is inferred by a progressive decrease in grain size with distance from the zone margin (Figure increases (Figure 29; 28; zone I). As the percentage of matrix zones 1-2), a transition from unstable to stable fracturing occurs. Stage II - Cataclastic flow. The microbreccia Grains in inner zone is and cataclasite, the characterized by distinct separated by narrow zones of microbreccias and cataclasites (Higgins, zones of mylonite. 1971) are Wl subangular and appear to float in the matrix porphyroclasts zone was provide (Figure Angular evidence that the majority of strain accommodated by cataclastic flow along glide matrix (Mitra, 1984). 30). in bands in this the Thus, frictional wear was less important at this stage. Plagioclase and provide grains show intense sercitic and epidotic evidence for compared to the zone margin. increased permeability and alteration metasomatism This chemical alteration may have lowered the structural integrity of the grains and enhanced further deformation (White, 1975). * s Querlz • * Plagloclaae 1.0 - zone t zone 2 zone 3 0.8 - S 06 - 0.4 02 1.5 D i s t a n c e lcm | Figure 28. A plot of grain size versus distance shows a decrease in grain size with increased distance from the shear zone margin. Zones I, 2, and 3 correspond to deformational stages discussed in the text (after Mitra, 1984). 48 • « Matri x ■■ G ra in s i z e f r a c t i o n > 0 16 mm t so- Figure 29. A plot of percent matrix versus distance from the shear zone margin shows an increase in matrix with increased distance from the shear zone margin (after Mitra, 1984). Figure 30. Zone 2 is characterized by a microbreccia. Angular fragments indicate the matrix yielded by cataclastic flow. Note stable fracturing of grain (arrow) in center of photomicrograph . 49 With necessary decreasing grain size, an increase in applied for further fracturing. metallurgical stress was This relationship is known in the literature as the Hall-Fetch relationship and was first applied to geological situations by Mitra (1978): C f = G 0 + K / d (" 1/2) Where is dislocation The the applied stress, O0 is the stress from friction pile ups, Hall-Fetch stress, (Mitra, 1978). K is a material constant and d is relationship continued grain indicates that for a size reduction results in within the fault zone (Mitra, 1978, 1984). due grain constant strain Eventually, to size. applied hardening a minimum grain size will be reached that is inversely proportional to the square of the applied stress. A transition then occurs where further grain deformation is inferred to occur by chemical processes (Mitra, 1984). Stage III - Pressure Solution and Dislocation Processes The inner-zone mylonite has a well-developed, characterized clay secondary foliation by flattened quartz grains in an anstamosing and hematite (Figure 31). This zone is deficient in more constituents such as residues of clay and hematite. minerals indicates deformation in this zone occurred, by pressure overgrowths solution quartz, (Ramsay, matrix but shows an The 1980; increase relative Elliott, in abundances of mobile insoluble of these to some degree, 1973). Absence suggests the dissolved material moved into regions of of low pressure in neighboring cracks and is now preserved as syntectonic vein 50 filling (Figure 27). subgrains oriented Larger, parallel flattened quartz grains show to the shear zone walls. low-angle Thus, some internal strain was also accommodated by dislocation processes. Figure 31. The zone 3 mylonite is characterized by anastamosing clay and iron oxide surrounding microlithons of flattened quartz. Photo taken in plane light. The decrease deformation, in grain size during stages I and accompanied by 2 (Figure 30) an increase in diffusional processes in zone 3, is in accordance with the diffusional flow law (Elliott, 1973). As fault development progressed to zone 3 deformation, of saturated transition matrix from (Figure frictional sliding processes. Similar transitions rocks in limestone 29) is inferred to and Mitra, 1986). have along microcracks percent induced to a diffusion have been noted in crystalline basement the internal regions of thrust belts (Mitra, thrust a high 1978) sheets in the external part of the foreland and in (Wojtal 51 Other Studies of Laramide Shear Zone Deformation and Metamorphism A very small body of knowledge exists overprinting of Precambrian assemblages. greenschist thrusting Canyon overprint of in along Laramide Bruhn and Beck (1983) noted a shear zones associated quartz-monzonite gneiss of Complex concerning the the Ogden thrust. with Sevier-style Precambrian Farmington retrograde assemblage The identified was epidote, chlorite, stilpnomelane, and sericite. textures and Mineral of these rocks are similar to those identified in this include pulverized and sheared epidote study and streaked out and chloritization phyllosilicates along fault surfaces. Hoppin accompanied (1970) noted deformation that in epidotization Laramide shear zones which bound the northwest flank of the Bighorn Range. The protolith in this region was a biotite-quartz-oligioclase gneiss. Intensity of alteration increased with proximity to the shear zones. In the Wind River Range, Wyoming , Mitra and Frost (1983) proposed deformation in Laramide shear zones occurred under zeolite conditions (I kilobar; 150° centigrade), with only small amounts of fluid present in the system. Their proposed conditions of deformation were based on the phengitic growth of mica along shear zones in the Flathead Sandstone. Mitra thrust, kilobars (1984) an concluded that deformation along the imbricate splay of the Wind River thrust, and Deformational 250°centigrade mechanisms based on White occurred palinspastic show a transition from brittle Rock at 4 restoration. to brittle- 52 ductile The processes and an increase in diffusional processes with textures study. fluid of these zones are similar to those identified However, in this in the White Rock thrust zone, only minor amounts of were present and the transition from brittle to deformation is attributed to large strains (Mitra, retrograde time. mineralization in the shear zones brittle-ductile 1984). of Significant the Bridget and Gallatin Ranges indicate the transition from brittle to brittle-ductile processes occurred in response to fluid influx. and temperature conditions are similar shear zones of southwest Montana, Range allowed conditions of only a minimum deformation Although the pressure to those identified in Laramide absence of fluids in the Wind of mineral reequilibration. noted in this study related to those along the Ogden thrust and appear more Bighorn Range. River Thus, closely 53 MODELS OF FORELAND UPLIFTS Drape fold (Stearns, 1978), fold-thrust (Berg, 1962; 1983), and thrust-fold models (Stone, 1984; Erslev, 1986) Brown, have emerged as interpretive models for the geometry and origin of foreland uplifts. Interpretations based on detailed field work in this and other studies (Erslev, 1986) indicate the thrust-fold model has applications to non­ fold structures such as Squaw Creek fault. In regions where the sedimentary cover is folded and the basement­ sedimentary investigators nonconformity is available for direct model). The mobile basement is compatible with the fold-thrust model (Berg, 1962). Canyon to specific have recognized a mobile basement (fold observation, Mountain anticline examples kinematic relations. the of and the Bridget Range the fold-thrust model based This and other field studies are on shown geometric be and indicate folding of basement is accomplished by a spectrum of mechanisms ranging from flexural-slip to passive-slip to cataclastic-flow. Drape Fold Concept Drape folds or force folds are defined as folds where the geometry of the strata is imposed by a lower forcing member (Stearns, 1978). its classic form, the sedimentary strata are passively steps defined by differential uplift of basement blocks. draped In over The basement behaves rigidly and undergoes primarily vertical uplift with some minor rotation of blocks (Stearns, 1978; Prucha and others, 1965). 54 Critics of geometrically Restoration leads to overlaps the drape fold concept point to a disregard for (Stone, 1984). basement block uplifts to their pre-Laramide position feasible of major basement configuration gaps (for cross sections with vertical faults) a or (for cross sections with fleur-de-lis faults). . Furthermore, stratal transferred basemen^ the length along blocks. which bounds the hanging detachments between the wall cutoffs sedimentary must strata Several researchers have noted that major be and basement detachments of this type do not exist (Hodgson, 1965; Blackstone, 1980; Stone, 1984; Schmidt and Carihan, 1983). deficiencies, the drape-fold concept was popular In spite of these among some geologists for over a decade. COCORP Deep seismic surveys largely dispelled crustal, moderate the drape-fold seismic reflection profiling show faults which maintain dips down to the brittle-ductile transition, indicating uplifts form in response to horizontal compression (Brewer and 1981; model. Brewer and others, 1983). Furthermore, oil and gas the others, drilling has penetrated through basement overhangs into overturned Phanerozoic rocks as predicted by the fold-thrust model or thrust-fold model (Cries, 1983). Fold-Thrust Model The basement fold-thrust model is characterized by active folding and deformational overlying sequence sedimentary begins with strata (Berg, development of 1962). an of the The asymmetric, basement-cored anticline with a minor forelimb fault in the sedimentary 55 strata. hinge, Progressive followed 1962). Some by folding results in faulting of rotation and overturning of the The result is a classic, model is compression. the forelimb (Berg, compatible with a region Earthquake focal studies from Andes (a modern the "mountain front" overhang where basement rocks lie over younger sediments (Brown, in synclinal thinning may occur on this limb from shearing along fault zone. the the analogue to 1983). Dynamically, undergoing horizontal basement-involved regions Laramide-style deformation) indicate a region undergoing horizontal compression and corroborate the fold-thrust Canyon model Mountain (Jordan and others, anticline and the 1983). Field Bridget Range evidence indicate from these structures are compatible with the fold-thrust model. Canyon Mountain Anticline Schmidt Mountain and Garihan (1983) suggested a kinematic model for Canyon anticline that invokes preexisting normal fault. from However, mesoscopic fault data indicate mesoscopic southwest (Figure along a shortening directions, determined using the method of 32a). Allmendinger Slickenside lineations, fault surfaces parallel to Suce Creek (1986), measured fault, show transport and predominantly dip-slip movement (Figure motion is not compatible preexisting normal fault, northeast-southwest Mountain with east-west shortening along south32b). on a where a large component of sinistral slip is expected (Schmidt and Garihan, Canyon shortening northeast-southwest shortening in the core of Canyon Mountain anticline This east-west shortening. anticline 1985). However, it is compatible with The coaxial shortening directions of and Suce Creek fault suggest thrusting 56 accompanied basement folding. A series of interbasement faults parallel Suce Creek thrust and indicate that some shortening was accommodated by axial-planar faulting in the core of the anticline. cataclastic shear zones and, These faults occur as narrow (10 cm), in places, bring up chloritized horses of amphibolite. In the center of the anticline, level, they occur faults intersect offset them, at a structurally deeper as foliation-parallel shear shear surfaces related to zones. basement Where these folding, they suggesting basement folding preceded faulting. n.30 Figure 32. Shortening and transport direction are perpendicular to the fold axis at Canyon Mountain anticline. Equal area, lower hemisphere, stereographic projections, a) shortening directions based on mesoscopic faults and b) transport direction based on slickenside lineations measured along Suce Creek fault. Contour interval is 0, 5, 10, and 15 % per I % area. These kinematic Northeast-southwest subhorizontal elements reveal the following movement shortening foliation resulted in flexural-slip surfaces. anticline became asymmetric, With continued verging to the southwest. history. folding folding, of the When the fold approached an interlimb angle of 100° (determined from the curved upper basement surface which can be continuously traced), shortening was 57 accommodated Cambrian by axial planar sliding. Suce Creek thrust formed along shales in response to crowding in the footwall cut down-section, syncline and possibly becoming foliation parallel at depth. C enter HiM Anticline C enyen Mouniein Anticline 200Om IOOOm Bd— ■•1000m - -2000 m - -ZOOOm Figure 33. Cross section through Canyon Mountain anticline. Line of section is shown in Figure 2. Pl and P2 are pin points from Center Hill anticline and Fleshman Creek syncline respectively (Figure 2). Rd is regional dip that top of basement line length is restored to. Ku Upper Cretaceous; Kl - Lower Cretaceous; J - Jurassic; Pz - Paleozoic; Am - Archean metamorphic rocks. 58 A by cross section through Canyon Mountain anticline was modeling the basement as blocks which are capable foliation-parallel the Phanerozoic shear (Figure 33). sediments, of undergoing In addition to the geometry of the cross section is constrained by: I) flexural slip folding of basement rocks, and, constructed 2) foliation—parallel faults 3) subhorizontal pre-Laramide foliation attitude. The basement is restorable in line length and area along a regional dip of 7° 36, The Rd). regional dip may reflect uplift due to (Figure post-Laramide volcanism or rotation along a master fault. Bridget Range Seismic dipping profiles basement across the southern Bridget faults subparallel to the Range axial plane Laramide Bridget Range anticline (Lageson and Zim, 1985). ate believed shear zones direction to be analogous to the found for at Canyon development of show An the Bridget Range the cataclastic east—west is of These faults foliation—parallel, Mountain. west­ shortening inferred from mesoscopic fault strain data from the western anticline (Figure 34). shortening thrusts, all direction axial planar and folded basement of the western and central anticlines are characteristics (Berg, perpendicular to the range trend, A 1962; that are compatible with Brown, 1983) and the fold-thrust model support its application to the Bridget Range anticline as proposed by Lageson and Zim (1985). 59 Figure 34. Shortening directions determined from mesoscopic faults in the western anticline, Bridget Range. Thrust-Fold Model . Recent workers have attempted to reconcile the ': ; - rigid basement rheology used by Stearns (1978) in a geometrically feasible manner that is dynamically others, compatible 1985; suggested Erslev, that the hanging wall planes, justified cross basement orientation with compression 1985, 1986; Stone. 1984). between a listric geometry for basement and footwall curved faults. and fault Balanced 1968) could be constructed by moving along an axis of rotation a (Spang Erslev (1985, 1986) as well as field observations of (Dahlstrom. blocks horizontal variation in stratal tilt blocks, sections with minimum of internal into their deformation. the pre-Laramide The restored basement would show no overlaps or gaps and have a flat, upper surface. Kinematically, hanging wall the overlying strata are force-folded around tip and cutoff to produce an anticline (Erslev, the 1986). The extra strata length along the hanging wall cutoff is brought in by 60 a basement-sedimentary contact detachment (Robbins and Erslev. Synclinal rotation folding of on the thefootwall is accomplished by break hangingwall tip to form a basement 1986). off wedge and (Erslev, 1986). Stone (1984) originally coined this sequence of development thrust-fold model. Its original form is based on a development inferred for the Pryor Mountains the sequence by Blackstone of (1940). Stone's (1984) version differs from Erslev (1986) in that the synclinal folding is accomplished by imbrication of the footwall. The thrust-fold model described by Erslev (1986) and Stone (1984) suffer the same shortcomings as the drape fold model by an upper-basement surface detachment. Canyon necessitating An application of this model to Mountain anticline by Robbins and Erslev (1986) invokes rigid basement blocks that are rotated along semicircular faults (Robbins and Erslev, 1986). A significant Cambrian-basement detachment forced folding of the sedimentary strata. that allowed Field observations indicate the basement is folded along foliation surfaces and that no major detachment is present. In order for a cross section to be correct, it must not only be geometrically restorable but must also honor all field relations (Elliott, 1983). Therefore, application of the thrust-fold model to Canyon Mountain anticline is not justified by this study. However, model, it by discarding the thrust-fold may be applied where field observations indicate a basement surface (e.g. Application the force-fold part of Forellen fault, Teton Range, Erslev, planar, 1986). of the modified thrust-fold model to Squaw Creek fault justified by the presence of a planar upper basement surface. is 61 Kinematics of Non-Fold Model — Squaw Creek Fault Squaw that Creek fault was interpreted as a preexisting, formed (Schmidt initially and shortening, Garihan, in response to rifting 1983). Later, In Flathead normal these Sandstone faulting distinctive faults, basin Laramide Schmidt northwest-trending Hinch Creek, Mammoth, and Bismark displacement differences and marker units in the basement between indicate occurred prior to Flathead deposition. the that Absence marker units at Squaw Creek precludes conclusive lineations, However, of evidence slickenside measured during this investigation, indicate a significant of compatible trending, Belt reverse slip. for reactivation of a preexisting normal fault. component the east-west slip with other faults in the Montana foreland (e.g. faults). during the fault underwent left-lateral, and Garihan (1983) correlated this of normal fault left-lateral with reverse slip east-west fault, (Figure shortening and 35). on a This movement high-angle confirms the earlier is northwest­ observations of Schmidt and Garihan (1983). A cross section was constructed using the method of Erslev (1986) (Figure 36). dip of 80°, The cross section is constrained by: I) a surface fault 2) minimum stratigraphic displacement of 1273 planar basement surface indicated by the imbricate slice, wall dip of 20°, and 5) a footwall dip of 10°. calculate to be a zone 3) 4) a hanging These data were used to an axis of rotation which was used to graphically fault curvature (Erslev, 1986). inferred meters, determine The region where the fault flattens is of cataclastic deformation (Erslev, 62 1986). Rotation imbrication and of footwall minor strata detachments occurred in the through footwall Paleozoic shales. Disharmonic folding in the Cambrian Meagher Limestone above Flathead-basement this geometry. hanging force wall contact However. was identified in the field no major detachments folded. This cross section perpendicular to the fault trend. (Figure and are strata are truncated by Squaw Creek 36) the planar fault was justifies involved, rather and than constructed Because material was moving into and out of the plane of the cross section, the plane strain assumption may not be valid (Elliott. 1983). Figure 35. Slickenside lineations measured along Squaw Creek Great circle shows fault orientation. Contour interval is 0 , 5 , and 10 % per I % area. 63 4000m - 3000m - 2000m - 1000m - - 1000m _ -2000m - -3000m 2 km Figure 36. Balanced cross section through Squaw Creek which honors the planar upper basement surface observed in the field. Lower diagram shows restored basement which conserves area. The line of section is shown in Figure 14. 64 Two distinct styles of deformation along Squaw Creek reflected in the strike-slip component. Squaw Creek extension fault is exploited steep-dipping, Laramide foliation zones In the Timber Butte parallel. Apparently, was also Proterozoic to localized along this discrete Slickensided fault surfaces are conspicuously in wall hanging and support a rigid shortening is accommodated along a discrete the Shear strain, related to discontinuity. the are domain. of low cohesive strength parallel northwest-trending foliation. shortening, fault basement model absent in which fault zone (Erslev, 1986). In the footwall, however, two northwest-trending folds in Mississippian strata are truncated obliquely by the fault (Figure 14c). The variable explained by a response of the basement and Paleozoic strata detachment in the Paleozoic shales. The Cambrian shales acted as a zone of detachment and distributed left-lateral, reverse- slip movement of the basement into a wide zone of left-lateral, shear in the upper Paleozoic rocks. in development Extension series is of two, simple This imposed shear strain resulted en echelon folds in Mississippian strata. occurred parallel to the fold axis and was manifested of mesoscopic normal faults. A minor detachment, as a such as the one proposed for this model, is exposed in the Cambrian Uolsey Shale in the central anticline. A In different this domain, Mesoscopic, show occur basement response occurred in the northwest segment. the foliation has a northeast strike and steep dip. northeast-trending, basement faults parallel foliation and predominantly primarily in strike-slip motion (Figure 37). These the exposed basement of the imbricate faults wedge and 65 indicate a controlled 1982). model where strain was accommodated by The foliation, by synthetic analogous to Riedel shear northeast-trending basement faults faults may be shears (Wilson, mesoscopic reflections of the northeast-trending, map-scale faults in the footwall (Figure 14). These faults also show synthetic, left-lateral shear similar to the model of Riedel (1929). In summary, upper basement deformation listric at faults. strata, and the rigid, surface, Squaw hanging wall and Creek absence of major lineations, shears folding evidence occurred response Squaw Creek is most closely modeled model (Stone, sedimentary 1984). detachment However, to the body translations at parallel provide the invalidates fault rocks, detachments occurred by rigid Slickenside Riedel basement of plane. along Mississippian significant The the basement thrust-fold absence of any major force-fold indicate rotation that by planar, deformation basement­ for the overlying sediments. Figure 37. Slickenside lineations measured on northeast trending faults in imbricate slice of Squaw Creek fault. Great circles show mean fault orientations. Contour interval is 0, 5 and 10% per 1% area. 66 Spectrum of Deformation Detailed where the field investigations overlying of basement deformation sedimentary cover (Figure is 38)(Table I). folded, basement folding The spectrum of mechanisms that include flexural slip, in document basement areas active folds by passive slip, a and cataclastic flow as mechanical end members. P a s s iv e - s lip Niclmtafrto Uotfl NM # • Coed Mtn . WV F h f Bqfnom Are*. BlQhom Renpe. WY Cevwn Qulch Area. Ramoerl Range. CO Fountain Creek Flexure. Rampart Range. CO C anyon M ountain A nticline I Fra C riatobal R an g e .NM T obacco Root Mina., Ruby R angeiM T • London HHa Anticline. MT / C a ta c la s tic flow F lexural-slip Rigid body rotatio n and translation Figure 38. Detailed field investigations of basement deformation in the cores of Laramide folds show the basement was folded by cataclastic flow, passive-slip, and flexural—slip. A continuous transition exists between rigid body response and passive-slip which depends on the scale of observation. Sources and a description of each study is given in Table I. 67 Passive-slip where folding and cataclastic flow are limited to lithologic layering played no role in the deformation. indicated by mechanisms 1986; the (Table I) (Barnes and Houston, Hudson, cataclastic this predominance of igneous rocks 1955). The transition deforming 1970; from Chapin is provided by two studies This is by and these Nelson, passive-slip folding flow occurs with increased fold curvature. transition rocks of Evidence the Fountain to for Creek flexure in the Rampart Range of Colorado (Hudson, 1955; Blanton, 1975). In a tightly folded region of Fountain Creek occurred cover by intense crushing (Hudson, was characterized 1955). by open folds, movement flexure, deformation Where basement sedimentary deformation accommodated by 1955)(Table I). observations has since been destroyed by highway construction. The along fractures and the outcrop where minor Hudson faults (1955) was (Hudson, made these In a later investigation. Blanton (1975) described numerous low angle faults at a structurally construction. In deeper the level that were Cavern Fountain Creek flexure. regional folding occurred exposed by the Gulch area immediately north Blanton (1975) also recognized by blocks (Figure 38) (Table I). highway of that the broad, displacements of fault-bounded basement Thus, a transition from passive-slip to cataclastic flow occurs with increased fold curvature. The western anticline. Canyon Mountain anticline, and Big Thompson anticline in combination 1970). Big distributive the of Front Range of Colorado flexural-slip and Thompson anticline displacement along contain passive-slip evidence folding deformed primarily by preexisting of a (LeMasurier, "small fractures'* with scale minor 68 Table I. Basement response in the cores of Laramide folds detailed filed observations. based on Source Location Lithology Response Fra Cristobal Range, NM Granite Cataclastic flow along closely spaced fractures London Hills, anticline, MT Quartzofeldspathic gneiss, amphibolite Flexural-slip along compositional layering Wagner (1957) Tobacco Root Mtns., Ruby Range, MT Quartzofeldspathic gneiss, marble, schist Flexural—slip along compositional layering Schmidt and Garihan (1983) Sheephead Mtn., WY Quartzofeldspathic gneiss Rigid body, SE portion shows mobile response along closely spaced fractures Banks (1969) Coad Mtn., WY Granitic augen gneiss Passive—slip along axial planar fractures Barnes and Houston (1970) Five Springs Area,NW flank. Big Horn Range, WY Biotite-quartzoligioclase gneiss Block tilting and rotation along closely spaced fract­ ures with reverse displace­ ment Hoppin (1970) Nacimiento Uplift, NM Quartz monzonite Passive slip folding by shear along closely spaced fractures Big Thompson Anticline, Front Range, CO Mica schist, feldspathic quartzite, aplite, pegma­ tite Small scale distributive LeMasurier displacement along pre(1970) existing fractures with minor flexural-slip adjacent to bounding fault Fountain Creek Flexure, Rampart Range, CO Granite Intense crushing in tightly Hudson (1955) folded region, fracturing and and minor faulting where folds are open Cavern Gulch, Rampart Range, CO Granite Chapin and Nelson (1986) Open regional folds occur by fault bounded blocks Woodward and others (1972) Blanton (1975) 69 foliation parallel (LeMasurier, primarily slip occurring adjacent the bounding fault 1970). The western anticline, on the other hand, deformed by flexural- slip; regions of Archean folding. parallel to faulting passive—slip, in however, passive-slip was important in Canyon Mountain anticline shows foliation- in the core indicating some shortening occurred addition to flexural—slip folding. by Compositional layering played some role in deformation in each of these structures. Big Thompson anticline, are Colorado and Sheephead Mountain, Wyoming commonly referenced as examples where the basement deformed rigid body basement (Matthews, 1986)(Table south, The a aforementioned mobile response at Big Thompson anticline is compatible with Berg's fold-thrust model (LeMasurier, 1970). I). as However, eight kilometers to the in a structurally lower level of the fold, bounded by high angle reverse faults, and others, anticline 1965). in three large blocks, accommodated deformation (Prucha Sheephead Mountain is similar to the Big Thompson this respect. No significant rotations of Precambrian fabric were noted in the core of the fold or along the moderately (30°) dipping west southeast limb limb, (Banks. fractured 1969). basement fractured Madison Limestone (Banks, rigid basement However, along gneiss is 1969). the overlain overturned by equally Both examples of supposed actually indicate a mobile basement response in the vicinity of the curved, basement nonconformity. A Figure rigid 38 body response is shown as a deformational end member with Squaw Creek fault as an example. Cavern Gulch area (Blanton, passive—slip. Squaw The deformation in at 1975) occurred by rigid body movements and Creek fault and the Cavern Gulch area illustrate 70 that a continuum exists between slip folding. The rigid body deformation and distinction is a matter of scale of passive- observation (Woodward, 1986). The mechanics of deformation in the transition zone between folded and unfolded basement remains a mystery. cylindrical folding, shown in the A transition from conical to western anticline (Figure indicates that a zone exists close to the upper basement surface deformation underlying is independent basement. of the rocks and foliation-parallel shear disengages the lower basement from this zone. In the study area, whereas, faulting Paleozoic where and well—developed Apparently overlying 5), foliation surfaces allowed the lower basement to fold, in the Big Thompson area the lower basement deformed by block faulting. In models conclusion, test of the validity of the fold and examining field relations indicates that non-fold active basement folding of the upper basement surface accompanied compressive buckling of by a overlying basement sedimentary occurred by rocks (Berg, a spectrum of 1962). Folding mechanisms. A of transition the from passive-slip to cataclastic flow occurs with increased deformation in mechanically isotropic to flexural-slip folding rocks. A transition from passive-slip occurs with an increased number of fortuitously oriented foliation surfaces. The non-fold model (Erslev, 1986; Stone, 1984) is valid in regions shortened by faulting with no folding of overlying sedimentary strata. the 71 CONCLUSIONS 1. Laramide Basement Geometry - Canyon Mountain anticline and the anticlines of the Bridget Range have folded basement in their cores. transition increased from conical folding to cylindrical distance anticline. from folding occurs the upper basement surface in at A with least one Squaw Creek fault has a planar upper basement surface and an absence of rotated foliations. 2. Kinematics between the of Basement Deformation - Cambrian Flathead Sandstone The angle and of discordance basement foliation surfaces exerted a fundamental control over the basement response. regions the where basement the angle of discordance was high (Squaw Creek deformed by rigid body movements. Where the In fault), angle of discordance was low, folding of the basement occurred. Basement folding occurred primarily by oblique flexural-slip along preexisting foliation surfaces. folding folded Passive-slip blocked was predominant over regions foliation-parallel glide planes. layer into large (5 - 12 m), preferred in where Break Archean of the internally undeformed blocks was coherent deformation with large amounts of up tangential longitudinal strain. 3. Shear Zone Deformation - temperature and pressure Shear zones were characterized by minimum conditions of 200°C and 670 bars. cataclastic shear zones bound macrogranular blocks where large of shear strain were accommodated. Thick amounts Deformation in these zones occurred 72 by brittle and brittle-ductile processes. With decreased grain size and increased fluid influx, a transition from mechanical fracturing and frictional sliding to pressure solution glide occurred. Metamorphism was deformation-enhanced and occurred under saturated conditions. 4. Models Bridget of Foreland Uplifts - The folded basement of the southern Range and northeastern Gallatin Range is compatible fold-thrust model (Berg, 1962). with the Squaw Creek is most closely modeled by the thrust-fold model (Stone, 1984; Erslev, 1986), although there is no indication of force folding in the overlying strata. deformational mechanisms found in other basement-cored indicates the basement folds by a spectrum of foliation orientation, Comparisons with mechanisms. anticlines Lithology, and fold curvature are the predominant factors in determining whether flexural-slip, passive-slip, or cataclastic flow will predominate. and force accompanies folds Folded basement and an absence of major strongly suggest that active folding of overlying Paleozoic strata. detachments basement , folding 73 REFERENCES CITED Allmendingert R.W., 1986, Tectonic development, southeastern border of the Puna Plateau, northwestern Argentine Andes: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 97, p. 1070 - 1082. 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