Surface chemistry model of cobalt-molybdenum catalysts supported on planar [gamma]-Al203 by Timothy Dean Kirkpatrick A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Timothy Dean Kirkpatrick (1986) Abstract: Cobalt-molybdenum catalysts supported on γ-Al2O3 are well known for their success in the hydrotreating of petroleum feedstocks and coal liquifaction products. Their surface structure has been studied by several methods including recent attempts by surface science techniques. Applications of the surface science techniques are limited due to the porosity and insulating character of the γ-Al2O3 supports. This study presents an alternative approach Dy replacing the porous γ-Al2O3 supports with planar γ-Al2O3 grown on aluminum substrates: Preparation of the model catalysts was performed completely in situ. The γ-Al2O3 was prepared by thermally oxidizing the planar, polycrystalline aluminum substrates. The molybdenum and cobalt were vapor deposited to approximately monolayer coverage and subsequently oxidized. The planar model catalysts were characterized by ESCA, SIHS and AES and their surface structure compared to that of industrial catalysts. The ESCA Al 2p band was used to monitor the oxidation of the aluminum. Shifts in the binding energy enabled differentiation between amorphous and crystalline Al2O3. Subsequent deposition and oxidation of molybdenum resulted in broadening and binding energy shifts of the Al 2p and Mo 3d bands suggesting interaction between the molybdenum and the γ-Al2O3. Addition of cobalt onto the molybdenum layer appeared to result in an interactive phase between the cobalt and the molybdenum. The Co 2p band indicated the cobalt was in tetrahedral coordination. Depth profiles, obtained with SIMS, indicated the cobalt was interacting primarily with the molybdenum. When the order of metals deposition was reversed, the cobalt appeared to interact primarily with the γ-Al2O3 in a CoAl2O4 type phase. The AES line scans suggested that both the cobalt and molybdenum were well dispersed as would be characteristic of a uniform monolayer coverage. The findings of this study indicate similarities between the surface structure of the planar model catalysts and the industrial catalysts. SURFACE CHEMISTRY OF MODEL COBALT-MOLYBDENUM CATALYSTS SUPPORTED ON PLANAR Y-Al3O3 by Timothy Dean Kirkpatrick A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY BozemanrMontana June 1986 MAIM LIB. VJ 72 ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Timothy Dean Kirkpatrick This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. 4-j S 6 Date Chairperson,Graduate Committee Approved for the Major Department 6. / m Date 0 , J ^ead,Major Department I Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date Graduate Dean STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this the requirements for University, I agree a thesis in partial fulfillment of master's that the degree Library at Montana State shall make available to borrowers under rules quotations from this are allowable without special thesis of the Library. it Brief permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Permission for reproduction of this professor, or in extensive thesis his/her may be absence, Libraries when, in the opinion of the material is for quotation from or granted by my major by Director of the of either, the proposed use scholarly purposes. Any copying or use of the material in this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signat Date_____ z iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE P A G E .................. ...................... i APPROVAL .......................................... 11 STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO U S E ............ .. . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................... iv LIST OF T A B L E S .................................. .. vi LIST OF FIGURES ... iii . . . ............................. ABST R A C T................ .................... . . . vii ix \ INTRODUCTION.......... ........................... I BACKGROUND............ .. ...................... i Importance of Co-MoZ1Y-Al2D 3 Catalysts.......... 4 Surface Structure of Co-MoZy-Al2O3 Catalysts . . Limitations of the Literature and Experimental Methods . . . . ................................ 6 Planar Model Catalysts as, an Alternative . . . . Application of ESCA in Catalysis Research . . . . 12 14 Application of AES in Catalysis Research . . . . Application of SIMS in Catalysis Research . .. 17 19 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ............................... EXPERIMENTAL . . . . I .......... .............. Sample Handling System ........................ 4 9 22 23 23 Preparation of Planar 1Y-Al2O3 .................. Deposition of Cobalt and Molybdenum............ Oxidation of Cobalt and M o l y b d e n u m ........ .. . ESCA A n a l y s i s .......... ........................ 25 26 29 30 AES A n a l y s i s .......... ........................ SIMS Anal y s i s .......... ...................... . 31 31 V Page 33 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Growth of Y-Al2O g .............................. Co -Mo Zy --A^O3 Model Catalyst ESCA Analysis . . . Deposition and Oxidation of Molybdenum. . . . 33 33 33 Deposition Mo-CoZY-Al3O3 Deposition Deposition 41 48 49 55 and Model and and Oxidation Catalyst Oxidation Oxidation of Cobalt . . . . . . ESCA Analysis . . . of Cobalt ........ of Molybdenum. . . . Co-MoZY-Al3O3 Model Catalyst SIMS Analysis . . . Co-MoZY-Al3O3 Model Catalyst AES Analysis . . . . Comparison of Planar Models to Industrial Catalysts............................ 59 62 65 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . ......................... 70 RECOMMENDATIONS........................ .. 72 . . . . REFERENCES CITED .......................... 74 APPENDICES............ '........................... 78 ' Appendix A- Sample Calculations ................ 79. Appendix B- Peak Binding E n e r g i e s ........ .. 83 Appendix C- X-ray Induced Auger Spectra ........ 86 vi LIST OF TABLES Table I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Page Oxidizing Conditions for the Cobalt and Molybdenum ........................ .... 29 Peak Widths for the Co-Mo/y-Al-O? Model Catalyst ........................ . . . . 38 Peak Areas and Area Ratios for the Co-Mo/y-AlgOg Model Catalyst .......... .... 40 Atomic Concentrations for the Co-Mo/y-AlgOg Model Catalyst .......... . . . . 48 Peak Areas and Area Ratios for the Mo-Co/y-AlgOg Model Catalyst .......... .... 54 Peak Widths for the Mo-CoZy-Al=O^ Model Catalyst ........................ .... 55 Peak Binding Energies for the Co-MoZ1Y-Al2O3 Model C a t a l y s t .......... .... 83 Peak Binding Energies for the Mo-CoZy-Al2O3 Model Catalyst .......... , . . . 84 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. ESCA Al 2p SampleS p e c t r a ..................... 16 2. Sample Handling R o d .......................... 24 3. Al 2p ESCA Spectra Displaying Oxidation of Aluminum Foil ............................... 34 Al 2p ESCA Spectra for the Co-MoZy-Al0O0 Model Catalyst.................... 7 . . . . 35 4. 5. . Mo 3d ESCA Spectra for the Co-MoZy -AI0O0 Model Catalyst After Molybdenum 2 3 Deposition and Molybdenum F o i l ................ 36 6. Mo 3d ESCA Spectra for the Co-MoZY-Al7O0 Model Catalyst After Molybdenum Oxidation and Oxidized Molybdenum F o i l .................... 37 7. O Is ESCA Spectra for the Co-MoZy-Al0O0 Model Catalyst.................... . 3 ........ 39 Co 2p ESCA Spectra for the Co-MoZy-Al0O0 Model Catalyst After Cobalt Deposition 3 , and Cobalt F o i l .............................. 43 Co 2p ESCA Spectra for the Co-MoZy-Al0O0 Model Catalyst After Cobalt Oxidation2 3 and Oxidized Cobalt F o i l ............... 45 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Al 2p ESCA Spectra for the Mo-CoZy-Al0O0 Model Catalyst.................... 7 3 . . . . 50 Co 2p ESCA Spectra for the Mo-CoZy-Al0O0 Model Catalyst After Cobalt Deposition 3 and Cobalt F o i l .............................. 51 O Is ESCA Spectra for the Mo-CoZy-Al0O0 Model Catalyst.................... . 3 ........ 52 Co 2p ESCA Spectra for the Mo-CoZy-Al0O_ Model Catalyst After Cobalt Oxidation2 3 and Oxidized Cobalt F o i l ............... 53 viii Fxqure 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Page Mo 3d ESCA Spectra for the Mo-Co/y-Al^O-, Model Catalyst After Molybdenum 2 3 Deposition and Molybdenum F o i l ................ 56 Mo 3d ESCA Spectra for the Mo-Co/-y-Al„0,. Model Catalyst After Molybdenum Oxidation and Oxidized Molybdenum F o i l .................. 58 SIMS Depth Profiles of the Co-MoZ-Y-Al-O-, Model Catalyst.................... 7 . . . . . 60 SIMS Survey of the Co-Mo/-y-Al-O^ Model Catalyst............ 2 T . . ........... 61 AES Line Scans of the Co-MoZy-Al-OModel Catalyst................2 .3............. 63 SEM Micrograph of the Co-MoZy-Al-OModel Catalyst Surface ........................ 64 O KLL X-ray Induced Auger Spectra of the Co-MoZy-AlgOg Model Catalyst .................. 87 Co LMM X-ray Induced Auger Spectra of the Co-MoZy-Al-O- Model Catalyst and Cobalt Foil . . . ..................................... 88 Mo MNN X-ray Induced Auger Spectra of the Co-MoZy-Al-O- Model Catalyst and Molybdenum Foil . . . ..................................... 89 O KLL X-ray Induced Auger Spectra of the Mo-CoZy-AlgOg Model Catalyst .............. 90 Co LMM X-ray Induced Auger Spectra of the Mo-CoZy-Al-O-, Model Catalyst and Cobalt Foil . . . ............................. . . 91 ix ABSTRACT Cobalt-molybdenum catalysts supported on y-Al.O? are well known for their success in the hydrotreating of petroleum feedstocks and coal liquifaction products. Their surface structure has been studied by several methods including recent attempts by surface science techniques. Applications of the surface science techniques are limited due to the porosity and insulating character of the y-Al 0 supports. This study presents an alternative approach^by replacing the porous y-Al 0_ supports with planar y-Al 0 grown on aluminum substrates: 2 3 Preparation of the model catalysts was performed completely in situ. The y-Al_0_ was prepared by thermally oxidizing the planar, polycrystalline aluminum substrates. The molybdenum and cobalt were vapor deposited to approximately monolayer coverage and subsequently oxidized. The planar model catalysts were characterized by ESCA, SIHS and AES and their surface structure compared to that of industrial catalysts. The ESCA Al 2p band was used to monitor the oxidation of the aluminum. Shifts in the binding energy enabled differentiation between amorphous and crystalline Al0O . Subsequent deposition and oxidation of molybdenum resulted in broadening and binding energy shifts of the Al 2p and Mo 3d bands suggesting interaction between the molybdenum and the Y-Al0O3 . Addition of cobalt onto the molybdenum layer appeared to result in an interactive phase between the cobalt and the molybdenum. The Co 2p band indicated the cobalt was in coordination. Depth profiles, obtained with SIMS, indicated the cobalt was interacting primarily with the molybdenum. When the order of metals deposition was reversed, the cobalt appeared to interact primarily with the Y-Al0O in a CoAl 0 type phase. The AES line scans suggested that both the cobalt and molybdenum were well dispersed as would be characteristic of a uniform monolayer coverage. J The findings of this study indicate similarities between the surface structure of the planar model catalysts and the industrial catalysts. J I INTRODUCTION Cobalt-molybdenum catalysts are well on gamma known alumina (Co-Mo/y-AlgO^) for their success in the hydrotreating of petroleum feedstocks and coal liquifaction products. nitrogen These and fuel sources sulfur, contain which environmental standards. must elements, such as be removed to meet The most common catalyst for this purpose is sulfided Co-Mo/y-AlgOg. In the past, manufacture of catalysts, such as Co-Mo/^-AlgOg, has been regarded more successful recipes were acquired by trial and error rather than scientific understanding CU. However, over the more interested in of the as an art in which processes involved past decade scientists have become the design of catalysts with well defined properties. This interest has been spurred application of modern surface to catalysis research. science and other techniques These researcher with the ability to structure and reaction phenomena Improved understanding of and how it relates to by the advent of the the techniques provide the study the catalyst surface on a microscopic level. catalyst surface structure catalytic activity and selectivity will allow for the design of improved catalysts. This idea 2 is particularly enticing since the activity and therefore the surface for the Co-Mo/y-AlgOg catalyst selectivity structure, of this catalyst, and is greatly dependent on the preparation parameters [23. A large volume of research on Co-Mo/y-AlgOg catalysts has been conducted with the its surface structure. as electron goal of trying to characterize Numerous analytical techniques such spectroscopy for chemical Mossbauer emission spectroscopy infrared spectroscopy (ISS), and x-ray these studies. has been While the the (MES), Raman spectroscopy, ion-scattering diffraction successfully debate as to (IR), analysis (ESCA), (XRD) spectroscopy have been employed in application of these techniques demonstrated, structure of the there is still much catalyst and how the structure relates to activity and selectivity. Because the industrially very porous insulators, some science techniques for adsorption phenomena employed. These used Y-Al2O3 supports are of the more powerful surface studying the surface structure and of the techniques catalyst include have secondary not been ion mass spectrometry (STMS), ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). If model Co-MoZy-Al2O3 catalysts planar Y-Al3O3 surface, the surface were supported on a science techniques 3 listed above could be used to investigate their adsorption properties and surface structure. The procedures objective for of this preparing study planar is to model develop the Co-MoZ-Y-Al2O3 catalysts and to study their surface structure to determine if the planar models catalysts. are representative of the industrial 4 BACKGROUND Importance of Co-MoZ-v-Al^Oj Catalysts Coal liqulfaction consist predominantly products and petroleum feedstocks of various hydrocarbons, contain lesser amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen in the form of a variety organic compounds. of these of heteroatoms, particularly sulfur but also The presence and nitrogen, pose several problems. The levels of both sulfur meet EPA emission standards. and nitrogen in fuels must The presence of nitrogen and sulfur in refining feedstocks can refining operations. The also lead to problems in organosulfur content of the feed to a hydrocracker must be reduced to avoid poisoning of the hydrocracking catalyst. Heterocyclic nitrogen containing compounds such as quinolines, strongly basic. These particular concern in pyridines and acridines are strongly basic acid-catalyzed compounds are of reactions, such as catalytic cracking, since they poison the catalysts C33. The removal refining is known sulfur removal is nitrogen removal as and HDS procedures of sulfur as known and nitrogen hydrotreating. More specifically, as hydrodesulfurization (HDS) and hydrodenitrogenation are from fuels in (HDN). The HDN basically catalytic hydrogenations 5 designed to selectively remove sulfur and nitrogen from the various organic compounds and convert them HgS and NHg. In general, a catalyst the rate of a consumed chemical in the is a substance that increases reaction without being appreciably process. The providing an alternate path the reaction to proceed. catalyst does this by of lower activation energy for In the hydrotreating of refinery feedstocks where numerous reactions are possible due to the variety of compounds present, the catalyst must selectively catalyze the desired reaction(s). heterocyclic compound is For example, if HDS of a desired, the catalyst must selectively promote replacement of the sulfur with hydrogen while allowing minimum hydrogenation of the unsaturated aromatics. One of the hydrotreating is more commonly Co-Mo/y-AlgOg. particularly effective for HDS. is prepared by used for catalyst is Industrially, the catalyst the porous y-AlgOg supports with salt solutions of the metals. The metals are calcined to their oxides. impregnating The catalysts Prior to insure proper activity. are usually in the range C23. use, the metals are sulfided to The composition of these catalysts of 3-6 wt% Co and 12-18 wt% Mo The balance of the composition is the support. metal composition ranges These correspond to approximately those required for monolayer coverages. 6 Surface Structure of Co -Mo /y -A1„0j Catalysts Perhaps because removal of sulfur environmental studied of the AlgOg. of their from petroleum importance of more in the selective feedstocksr sulfur hydrotreating Much of the success removal, catalysts and the the most has been Co-MoAy- recent research on this catalyst has focused on the utilization of surface science and other techniques to characterize Despite the number of the catalyst surface structure. these investigations performed, the nature of the surface species on this catalyst is still not fully understood C4, 53. Generally, the role of Co is believed to be that of a promoter promoting while Mo is the active role of Co is not summarized by Massoth C63, been ascribed to (I) an intercalation fully (3) effect The understood. As promoting increase increase in Mo reduction; (4) an the C53. component role of Co has in Mo dispersion; (2) an an increase in Hg mobility; with MoS2; (5) a synergism between MoS2 and CogSg crystallites; (6) a specific kinetic effect; (7) a decrease in surface segregation of deactivation; (8) an increase in mixed sulfide prevention of MoS2 crystallization. may have some influence on phases; and (9) the All of these factors the activity of Co-MoZy-Al2Og catalysts [73. Studies of the surface structure of the catalyst have been conducted with the catalyst in both the oxidic and 7 sulfided states. is the active While form understanding of the the sulfided form of the catalyst used in oxidic hydrotreating, precursor a thorough is important C53. Much of the concern in characterizing the surface structure of the catalyst is in understanding y-AlgOg the interactions between the metals and the support and how these interactive species affect selectivity. Studies of the catalyst in the oxide form may catalyst activity and provide insight into those interactions. Studies on the have identified dimensional oxide numerous compounds cobalt, and/or form species that molybdenum of such CoAl2O4 and Al2(MoO4 )3 C7- 123? the catalyst to date including: include as (I) aluminum. CoMoO4 , three oxygen, Co3O4 , MoO3 , (2) two dimensional species that involve Mo-y-A^Og and Co-Mo interactions E5, 133; and (3) dispersed Co and Mo ions with coordination symmetry dependent on that available on the y-AlgOg surface [5, 11, 133. The discrepancies in the conceptions of the structure of Co-Mo/y-AlgOg catalysts probably result from their great intrinsic structural complexity which may be sensitive to preparation from the parameters, and experimentally studying this catalyst system. difficulty of Such studies should be carried out in situ in order to avoid exposure of the catalyst to the atmosphere [143. 8 Variables in catalyst preparation include calcination conditions, percent metal loading order of metal impregnation. the y-AlgOg support prior the surface structure. and time enhances [113. on the catalyst, and the In addition, the condition of to metals impregnation affects Increased calcination temperature the interaction Percent metal loading has observed species of both Co and between Mo and y-AlgOg a marked affect on the Mo LI, 113. The order of metal impregnation has been shown to affect the interaction of the Co and the Mo phases dehydration-dehydroxyIation of E8, 93. the The y-AlgOg state of support also affects the interactions of Co and Mo [73. As with the oxide exists as to sulfided form. of Mo on the the It form exact is support of the catalyst, controversy chemical makeup of the active widely accepted that the dispersion is very involves monolayer type coverage been proposed to describe high [53. and that it probably Several models have the structure of this monolayer, but its characteristics are still in question: (I) The monolayer model assumes that the Mo monolayer in the calcined catalyst remains essentially intact upon sulfiding, except for replacement of some terminal oxygen anions with sulfur anions [153. The location of Co is somewhat uncertain but it has been proposed that it is located inside the y-AlgOg, thereby stabilizing the monolayer. 9 (2) The intercalation model assumes that Co intercalates into the bulk of MoSg [16]. (3) The contact synergy model supposes that the active phases are present as separate phases of CogSg and MoSg and the promoting effect of Co is suggested to be the result of a contact between these phases Cl?]. (4). More recently, the Co^Mo-S model has been proposed which suggests that Co exists with Mo as a Co-Mo-S surface phase. This surface phase is suspected to provide the necessary activity [14]. Since the active Co-Mo-S phase was proposed, numerous studies have been performed which support this model C18-21]. The activity for the HDS of thiophene has been shown to be directly related to the amount of Co located in the Co-Mo-S phase [21]. The presence of Co in this phase appears to be enhanced if Mo is amount of Co contained in the impregnated first. Co-Mo-S activity are both maximized when The phase and the HDS the Co/Mo atomic ratio is between 0.5 and 1.0 [21]. Limitations of the Literature and Experimental Methods A variety of aforementioned spectroscopy techniques studies. for chemical have been utilized in the These include electron analysis (ESCA), Mossbauer 10 emission spectroscopy (MES), Raman spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy (IR), ion-scattering spectroscopy (ISS), and x-ray diffraction (XRD). While techniques the to catalysts can success the not in support is a application characterization be denied, surface science techniques system is not free the of the to the porous these Co-MoZ-Y-Al2O3 application of these study of this catalyst significant very of of problems. insulator. The -Y-Al2O3 The insulating characteristics of the support cause electrostatic charging of the sample during many types of surface studies. Electrostatic charging results from the sample surface due to acceptance and emission of ions and/or electrons. This charging problem can make data the analysis extremely difficult. applications of electron charge imbalances in This may explain the lack of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques like Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), electron energy loss electron spectroscopy microscopy (ELS), (SEM scanning or transmission or TEM) and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) to this catalyst system. Because of the porosity no well defined characterized by [223. the surface existing of these catalysts there is which can be precisely surface science techniques Techniques which employ ion beams, such as secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), are not beneficial because 11 the sputter beam size of existing made reasonably smaller than the ion sources can not be particle or pore size of the catalyst. The difficulty techniques to of porous catalysts adsorption and kinetic level. applying studies the may surface explain science the lack of performed on a microscopic The adsorption of nitrous oxide gn the catalyst has been studied with IR E18, 19, 223. However, the primary purpose of these studies was to identify the phases present on the catalyst compounds are surface. more Studies rare. adsorption was used in [233. Again, however, In using actual reactant one such study pyridine conjunction with Raman spectroscopy the thrust of this study was the characterization of the catalyst surface. Some of the more powerful ELS, and UPS, which may be used for adsorption and kinetic studies are difficult to for reasons already techniques may techniques, such as SIMS, utilize with the porous catalysts stated. provide Utilization information atoms on which adsorption occurs adsorption. adsorb on activity. For the example, same as these the surface and the mode of molecular nitrogen surface such of containing sites responsible compounds for HDS Yet, it is known that hydrogen saturation of the aromatic ring occurs whereas for HDS, C-S before bond C-M bond scission for HDN; scission occurs before hydrogen 12 saturation of the double bonds. This suggests a different adsorption phenomena for nitrogen containing compounds than for sulfur compounds. Kinetic studies basically involved on flow Co-MoZY-Al2O3 systems were determined via analyzing reactor. It would reactions as they be on might best be accomplished has been one such the which the mechanisms by to actually study the catalyst surface. This the incorporation of static programmed study have the product streams from the desirable occur SIMS with temperature in catalysts which desorption (TPD). There examined the desorption of hydrogen and thiophene and mixtures of the two under vacuum by TPD C24]. Incorporation provide a means of of static SIMS with TPD may observing reaction intermediates on the catalyst surface. Planar Model Catalysts as an Alternative An alternative Al2O3 catalyst is to approach replace Y-Al2O3 supports with a planar aluminum. thin studying the Co-MoZy- the industrially used porous surface oxide layer grown on As discussed in the previous section, the porosity and insulating characteristics catalysts pose difficulties in the techniques suitable the porous for Y-Al3O3 for supports the of the industrial application of many of catalysis studies. with a Replacing well defined planar 13 surface should eliminate many of these difficulties and provide new avenues by which adsorption and kinetic studies of the catalyst may be performed. aluminum substrates also offers the samples under clean, Utilizing planar the advantage of preparing ultra high vacuum (UHV) conditions. Growth of -Y-Al2O3 extensively studied in different techniques is on bulk aluminum metals has been recent years. provided by A Cocke, summary of et al. [25]. Perhaps the simplest method is the direct thermal oxidation of aluminum metal. This can be accomplished by heating the aluminum to approximately 863 K in the presence of oxygen. The thickness of the oxide layer may be varied depending on the time allowed for oxidation. application performed in this desired to mitigate sample For the type of study, thin oxide layers are charging during the application of the various surface science techniques. The incentive for utilizing planar supports is to provide a means of studying the adsorption and kinetics of hydrotreating reactions on Co-MoZy-Al2O3 microscopic level. order In adsorption and kinetic that the planar representative of catalyst. A to studies model it insure catalysts on a the validity of is necessary to verify catalysts are structurally the surface of the actual industrial clearer picture of the catalyst's surface 14 structure should ambiguities be revealed encountered due when to the elimination of applying surface science techniques to the porous catalysts. Application of ESCA in Catalysis Research Electron spectroscopy powerful technique in for catalysis catalyst's surface chemistry. irradiation of chemical the The is a research for studying the The technique involves the material being monoenergetic x-rays. Typically either rays are used. analysis kinetic Hg studied with Koc of Al Ka x- energies of these x-rays are 1253.6 eV and 1486.6 eV respectively. The impinging x-rays cause the emission of electrons from the sample by the photoelectric effect. These emitted electrons have kinetic energies determined by? KE = hv - BE - 4>s where hv is the photon energy, KE is the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons, the electrons and (j>s is BE the emitted electrons are is spectrometer analyzed Since the spectrometer work are known, this allows energy. tens Since only of Angstroms energy of the work function. The by their kinetic energies. function and the photon energy calculation of the electron binding those electrons which originate within of sufficient energy to be sensitive. binding the sample surface escape with analyzed, the technique is surface 15 The binding energy of the electrons is characteristic of the parent elemental atom from identification which is atom. originated. possible importantly, however, the binding also influenced by the it chemical with ESCA. Thus, More energy of an electron is environment of its parent Chemical environment may include the oxidation state or coordination of the parent atom. phenomena provide in ESCA known information on as the Further details on the theory This gives rise to the chemical catalyst of shifts which may surface chemistry. ESCA may be found in the literature [26-29]. Sample spectra for aluminum, oxidized, are provided in Figure I. the shift in binding the energy of both metallic These spectra display Al 2p electrons upon transition from metallic Al to crystalline Al2O3 . width at half maximum in Figure chemical I, may environment (FWHM) also of The full of the spectra, as displayed provide an and information element. For about the example, an increase in the FWHM of the spectra for a given element may be an indication of the presence of more than one phase containing that element. The intensity of the about the quantity of metal spectra may provide information ions on the catalyst support. The intensity is typically taken as the area under the INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 16 Full Width at Half Maximum ^/Intensity is ^ Area Under Curve _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L_ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I- - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - 84 80 76 72 68 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure I. ESCA Al 2p Sample Spectra (a) metallic; (b) oxidized 64 17 spectral curve. This intensity of a given spectrum may be related to the atomic concentration of that element by the following equation [30]; V s* zlX zsX where Ix is the intensity factor for a given elements present. and Sx is the atomic sensitivity element. The Physical summation is over all Electronics Inc. has compiled atomic sensitivity factors using silver as a standard C303. The intensity ratios atoms to spectra of of the the Support spectra for the metal may provide information about the distribution of the metal atoms. smaller Co/Al intensity ratio for one catalyst relative to another with the same Co Co migration into the Co-containing For example, a loading may be indicating greater support agglomerates lattice or the formation of on the support surface, resulting in less dispersed coverage of the Co. Application of AES in Catalysis Research When an electron inner shells of an may be process. filled by vacancy atom, either The nonradiative, frequently. is formed in one of the such as during photoemission, it a or radiative or nonradiative Auger process, occurs most v/ 18 The Auger process shell vacancy by orbital. This an involves electron the from readjustment filling of an inner a causes less tightly bound the ejection of an electron from the less tightly bound orbital with an energy equal to the difference and final states. transition. in For total energies of the initial example, The initial state consider has the KLL Auger a hole in the K shell, while the final state has two vacancies in the L shell. Similar to ESCA, the ejected Auger electrons can be analyzed by their kinetic energies. of characteristic these atoms. few electrons are The kinetic energies of their parent Again, only those electrons that originate within a Angstroms suffering loss. of the A sample thorough utilized in, and the theory surface review escape of the without equipment of, AES is provided by Carlson [263. The Auger process impinging electron or studied. Its may photon applicability be initiated beam in on by the material being catalysis research stems from the fact that electron beams may be utilized. x-rays, an electron beam By moving the finely surface of the catalyst, can be focused either an Unlike focused on a small area. electron beam about the the spatial distribution of metal atoms on the support may be studied. In addition, the use 19 of an electron beam allows for high resolution photography of the sample surface. Auger electron spectroscopy elemental identification, although ESCA and AES are efforts . When source in ejected employed a AES, photon shifts Auger this beam in electrons also in for study where both would be a duplication of is the used as the excitation kinetic which environment of the element may a provides energies depend on be observed. the Of the chemical The direction of these chemical shifts parallel those observed in ESCA. Application of SIMS in Catalysis Research Surface analysis by SIMS bombarding the surface of the high energy ions. As a is material result accomplished by being studied with of these high energy ions striking the sample surface, particles are removed from the surface, some of which are negative ions. These ions in the are form of positive and passed through a mass spectrometer where they are separated on the basis of their mass-to-charge ratio and subsequently detected. The technique is surface sensitive in that only those ions which originate within the surface escape the solid for first few Angstroms of the analysis. However, by 20 continuous bombardment of the ions one digs deeper into sample with the high energy the solid, thereby revealing the composition beneath the surface. Secondary ion mass spectrometry analyses are commonly referred to as being either Operation in the static mode of the sample surface. static (SSIMS) or dynamic. provides for a lesser erosion The erosion rate may be controlled by varying the incident ion beam current. Further details on the theory of SIMS may be found in the literature [31, 323. Secondary ion mass spectrometry technique in catalysis research. to probe into the bulk species as attainable. a function of into the solid are This procedure is known as depth profiling and atoms and the support. Since on the support surface. valuable Owing to its capability depth on is a of the sample, the concentration of may provide information SSIMS is is interactions between the metal typically preferred to the coverage of metal atoms around a monolayer quantity, avoid rapid destruction of the Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis might also be employed in depth profiling studies to examine the chemical environment of the metal atoms present beneath the surface. Similar to the electron the ion beam can be focused thus allowing examination metal ions on the support. beams employed in AES, on a given area of the sample, of the lateral distribution of 21 Similar to ESCA, SIMS may be used to characterize the chemical structure of a catalyst ions removed from the surface may ions or clusters of ions. unsupported catalyst, bulk the The secondary be in the form of single By comparing the SIMS spectra of compounds secondary surface. with ion SIMS clusters spectra observed of the may be identified as originating from a given chemical species. A review of these and other applications of SIMS in catalysis research is provided by Brown and Vickerman [333. : 22 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of this research are essentially two­ Development experimental fold; 1. of the preparation of the planar model catalysts. procedures for This includes preparation of the planar 1Y-Al2O3 by following the works of other researchers and developing a suitable technique for impregnating the planar supports with the Co and Mo. 2. Characterization of the surface structure of the planar model catalysts with ESCA, findings catalysts. with published SIMS and AES and comparing the observations on the industrial 23 EXPERIMENTAL Sample Handling System The samples were associated with the consisted of chamber. a ESCA main in the equipment. analysis These two chambers Oxidation of the samples chamber. prepared vacuum system This vacuum system chamber and a preparation were sealed from one another. was performed in the preparation Vapor deposition of the Co and Mo was performed in the analysis chamber. The sample handling rod, for transport of the shown samples in Figure 2, allowed from the preparation chamber to the analysis chamber without exposure to the atmosphere. Titanium (Ti) foil was employed 7mm X 7mm X Imm aluminum folding the Ti foil over rod contained electrical allowing for resistive as the sample holder. The coupons the were edges leads of the aluminum. to heating. held in place by the sample The holder Thus, the sample holder served as a heater for the aluminum. A thermocouple attached to the underside of the Ti foil was used to monitor the sample temperature. thermocouple actually measured the sample itself, an the Since the Ti temperature and not infrared pyrometer was also employed to monitor the surface temperature of the samples. CONDUCTING WIRES TO TITANIUM FOIL - - - - - - THERMOCOUPLE LEADS TO UNDERSIDE OF TITANIUM FOIL Figure 2. Sample Handling Rod 25 Preparation of the Planar v-Al^Oj Preparation of the planar model catalysts followed the works of Merrill C343 for the development of a y-AlgOg surface layer. placing pure Prior to pblycrystalline polished to remove remove residual performed with aluminum surface samples were mechanically imperfections organics. alumina in vacuum, the 99.999%+ Mechanical powders. and cleaned to polishing was Cleaning was performed ultrasonically with acetone followed by methanol. Once placed in the and sputter cleaned with or subsurface adsorbed vacuum. the samples were annealed ions to remove any surface argon oxygen ESCA powders on the surface. any and survey remaining AlgOg scans were used to verify completion of the in situ cleaning. Oxidation of the aluminum exposing the samples to a for 0.5 hr at 823 The K. mixture accomplished via -4 of Og/HgO at 10 torr Al 2p peak binding energy was used to monitor the oxidation band displays distinct very was process. shifts Since the Al 2p upon transition from pure aluminum to amorphous AlgOg and finally to crystalline AlgO3 , it was possible crystalline AlgOg. to verify the presence of This was confirmed by comparison of the various Al 2p band binding energies with values reported in the literature [253. The experimental conditions assured that the crystalline AlgOg formed was y-AlgOg. 26 Thin oxide layers were desired to charging problems in the ensuing studies. depth of secondary electrons approximately 20A, the presence of avoid Since the escape analyzed a sample by ESCA is small Al 2p band for pure aluminum provided a rough idea of the oxide thickness. Deposition of Cobalt and Molybdenum Deposition of the Co and Mo on the -Y-Al2O3 was attempted via two techniques. The first technique was the industrially wetness used incipient technique. This technique required removal of the oxidized samples from the vacuum and immersing them in an aqueous solution of cobalt nitrate or ammonia hepta molybdate. several drawbacks. was solution It concentration monolayer coverage of difficult required the This technique posed metals to to provide on determine the the desired the sample surface. Some of the samples did not wet very well which resulted in agglomeration of the Co and/or Mo atoms on the sample surface as verified by Auger line analysis. The other technique evaporation of the Co and was accomplished by pure Co or Mo the vacuum Mo passing filament chamber. utilized direct physical on the sample surface. electrical positioned This was This current through a close to the sample in technique proved superior to incipient wetness in that more even surface coverage of the 27 metals was obtained. deposition was In ■ addition, done in situ, the, physical vapor whereas incipient wetness required removal of the samples from the vacuum. Two planar model the physical vapor catalysts deposition were prepared, utilizing technique. The difference between the two samples was the order of metals deposition. As previously mentioned, ■coverage of both the.Co desired. and Mo approximately monolayer on the sample surface was Two methods were employed to monitor the amount of metals deposition. The first method utilized a quartz crystal oscillator (QCO) positioned the vacuum chamber. sample and the QCO, close to the sample in As the metals evaporated onto both the the The frequency drop of the frequency of the QCO decreased. QCO was related to the thickness of the deposited layer by the following equations [35]; d = CA/(pnWA )]1/3, AF = dCp where; d = thickness monolayer - cm A = molecular weight of metal - g/mol p = density of metal - g/cm3 n = number of atoms in a molecule Wa = Avogadro's number C = 56,497,175 Cm2Zgsec for 5 MHz quartz crystal AF = frequency drop of QCO A sample calculation utilizing this equation is provided in Appendix A. 28 The close proximity of the hot Co and Mo filaments to the QCO tended to Therefore, ESCA Catalysis increase peak its areas Research) were evaporation to provide an surface concentrations. frequency due to heating. (see also Application determined approximation of of ESCA in after each the Co and Mo In order to implement this method, the planar model catalysts were assumed to have a layered type structure as shown below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Al This is an example of • Since the Mo deposited directly onto the Al-O 1.91A, the average thickness be 2.0A. Considering electrons to be 20A, structure are 'seen' by the bond distance is approximately of each layer was assumed to escape depth of the secondary approximately the 10 spectrometer. layers of the For the above example, the ratio of the Mo 3d peak area to the sum of the areas of the Al 2p, 0 Is and Mo 3d peaks (corrected with sensitivity factors) should equal 0.1 for a monolayer of Mo atoms. A sample calculation is provided in Appendix A. 29 This calculation typically showed monolayer of Co or Mo monitored by the QCO. had For lightly sputtered with been that more than one deposited while being those cases, the samples were Ar+ until the ESCA area ratios indicated monolayer coverage of the metals. Oxidation of Cobalt and Molybdenum Following deposition metals were oxidized. For of each of the metals, the example, on the Co -Mo Zy -AI2O^ (Mo deposited first) planar model, the Mo was deposited and oxidized followed by layer. metals The are deposition oxidizing shown in and conditions Table I. oxidation for of the Co oxidation These conditions were determined by trial and error. and the Co 2p or Mo ESCA spectra was obtained. 3d spectra indicated incomplete of the The samples were oxidized oxidation of the If the Co or Mo, this process was repeated with increased temperature and/,or oxygen pressure. Table I. Oxidizing Conditions for the Cobalt and Molybdenum Temperature O2ZH2O Pressure Planar Model Metal (K) (Torr) IO^ Co -Mo Zy -AI0O, M o -Co Zy -AI0O, Z Js Mo 773-853 Co Co Mo Time (hr) 773-833 0.5 130.0 150.0 500.0 160.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.17 843-863 853 20.0 400.0 0.25 0.50 30 ESCA Analysis The ESCA analyses of performed by spectrometer a the planar model catalysts were Leybold-Hereaeus (L-H EAlD. (KE=12$3.6 eV) x-rays photoelectron Non-monochromatized were All ESCA data was obtained x-ray used Mg Kot as the radiation source. with the pressure in the vacuum chamber at 10 ® torr or lower. As described in the discussion on sample preparation, ESCA data was collected at each step in preparation of the planar models. Al The Al 2p, 2s, 0 Is, Mo 3d and Co 2p spectra were all recorded as applicable. and Co LMM x-ray as applicable. pure Mo and In Auger spectra were also recorded addition, Mo foils, both obtained for reference. The with an Co induced analog and The 0 KLL, Mo MNN 3d metallic ESCA digital and Co 2p spectra of and oxidized, were data was recorded both recorder. The latter was performed by a Tektronix computer, and stored on a magnetic disc. The ESCA data was analyzed computer program developed by Montana State University Physics provided the capability to with the aid of a special XEROX and modified by the Department. smooth This program the data and obtain the kinetic energy locations of the peak areas and FMHM of spectra were obtained with the the peaks. In addition, the 31 program. The program shake up satellites was from also the used parent to deconvolute the peaks in the Co 2p spectra. Auger Analysis The Auger line analyses Electronics (PHI 595) scanning with the PHI 595 model. was only Since the PHI were done by a Physical Auger microprobe. Analysis performed on the Co-MoZ-y-A^O^ 595 was associated with a different vacuum system, the sample was briefly exposed to atmosphere for transport to the PHI 595. The line analyses 1000 X. The pressure or lower. were in The electron obtained at a resolution of -9 the vacuum chamber was 10 torr beam beam current was 0.2 pA. voltage was 5.0 KeV and the This beam current provided for a beam diameter of approximately 7000A. The Auger data was disc with the use of a recorded DEC computer programs, developed were used to smooth the digitally on a magnetic PDP 11/04 computer. Special by Physical Electronics Inc., data and account for topographical effects on the sample surface. SIMS Analysis The Hereaeus SIMS analyses secondary ion were mass performed spectrometer by a Leybold- (L-H SSB/10) 32 employing a quadrapole mass filter. only performed on the The SIMS analysis was Co-Mo/y—AlgOg model catalyst. analysis was done in the PHI 595 vacuum system. The Argon ions (Ar+ ) were used for the primary ion beam. The depth profiles of were obtained at four surface. The primary pressure in backfilling the with the elements different ion argon locations energy chamber was was 3.0 gas. (Al, 0, Co, Mo) 2.8 X The on the sample kV. 10 depth The base torr before profiles were obtained with a noble gas pressure of 2.0 X 10 8 torr. ion beam was rastered over an area of 0.25 mm2. The The ion 2 beam current was approximately 20pA/cm . Survey scans were, also bottom of the craters left from primary ion energy and chamber those employed for the depth rastered over a smaller crater edges. obtained area with SIMS at the the depth profiling. The pressures were the same as profiles. The ion beam was to minimize effects from the The survey scans covered 0-150 amu. 33 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Growth of v-AlnOj The Al 2p bands in Figure energy shifts observed during exposure to 10 -6 torr O2 additional band appeared indicating the display the binding oxidation and at formation 3 673 2.9 of After additional exposure to of the Al. K for 0.33 After hr, an eV higher binding energy an amorphous IO-6 torr oxide layer. O2 and 823 K for 0.33 hr, the oxide band shifted 3.8 eV higher than that for metallic Al, indicating the formation of crystalline Al3O3. These values are consistent with Al 2p binding energy ranges reported in the literature C253. C0-M0/V-AI2O3 Model Catalyst ESCA Analysis Deposition and Oxidation and Mo 3d spectra of provided in Figures the 4-6. of of the Al 2p Numerical deposition of the Mo. higher binding energy line The Al 2p Co-MoZy-Al2O3 planar model are binding energies are tabulated in energy Molybdenum: values of the peak Appendix B. The binding decreased 0.6 eV following The Mo 3d band is also at a slightly compared to the pure metallic Mo band. The FWHM of the spectra are provided in Table 2. the Mo spectra, the FWHM is taken over the entire Mo 3d For INTENSITY ( arbitrary units) 34 BINDING ENERGY (e V) Figure 3. Al 2p ESCA Spectra Displaying Oxidation of Aluminum Foil (a) cleaned aluminum foil; (b) after exposure to 10 6 torr 0„, 673 K, 0.33 hr; 6 (c ) after additional exposure to 10 torr O2 , 873 K, 0.33 hr +* — INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 35 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 4. Al 2p ESCA Spectra for the Co-MoZ^-Al2O3 Model Catalyst (a) aluminum foil oxidized 10 torr O ZH2O, 823 K, 0.5 hr; (b) after Mo deposition; (c) after Mo oxidation; (d) after Co deposition; (e) after Co oxidation 36 INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 227,8 230,9 240 236 Figure 5. 232 228 224 BINDING ENERGY (eV) 220 Mo 3d ESCA Spectra for the Co-MoZ-Y-Al-O- Model Catalyst After MolyBdenum Deposition and for Molybdenum Foil (a) pure cleaned Mo foil; (b) deposited Mo layer INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 3 7 241 Figure 6. 237 233 229 225 BINDING ENERGY (eV) 221 Mo 3d ESCA Spectra for the Co-Mo/f-Al-O? Model Catalyst After MolyDdenum Oxidation and for Oxidized Molybdenum Foil (a) oxidized Mo layer; (b) oxidized Mo layer after Co deposition; (c) oxidized Mo layer after Co oxidation; (d) oxidized pure Mo foil 38 band. Initially, the amount of Mo deposited was greater than a monolayer. The FWHM of the Mo 3d band was 4.75 eV. After sputtering to remove the excess Mo, the FWHM of the Mo 3d band increased to 5.00 eV. Table 2. Peak Widths* (eV) for the Co-MoZy-Al7O1 Model Catalyst z J _L Al 2p IAl Oxidized I 2.19 IMo Deposited 2.21 IMo Oxidized I 2.40 ICo Deposited I 2.10 ICo Oxidized 2.42 IMo Metal I ICo Metal ICo Metal IOxidized I 0 Is I 3.08 I 2.65 I 3.06 I 2.47 I 2.94 —* — — — — — Mo 3d1 Co ____ 2p-, o_L J /,Z — 5.00 6.50 7.00 5.63 4.75 — — — — — — — — 4.38 4.81 — — — 2.50 3.75 —- — — I I I I I I I I * Full Widths at Half Maximum 1 Taken Over Entire Mo 3d Band Mo may sharing the terminal oxygens have the net effect of be partially oxidized by the of decreasing O The W Y-Al2O3. interaction between the NJ Mo and indicate -k 1 > H These observations This would the oxidation state of the Al, resulting in a shift to lower binding energy of the Al 2p band. The 0 Is spectra shown in supportive of an oxygen-sharing interaction. Figure 7 are The decreased binding energy of the 0 Is band following deposition of the Mo indicates an environment [36]. increase in the valency of the oxygen 39 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 7. O Is ESCA Spectra for the Co-MoZx-Al2O3 Model Catalyst (a) oxidized Al foil; (b) after Mo deposition; (c) after Mo oxidation; (d) after Co deposition (e) after Co oxidation 40 Oxidation of the Mo shift of the Al 2p band b&C). However, the of the band increased suggesting between the intensity ratios of the ESCA 3. not result in an additional binding energy (see Fig. 4, curves FHHM enhanced interaction did Mo and Y-Al2O3. The spectra are provided in Table The Mo/Al intensity ratio decreased following oxidation of the Mo. Assuming spectra equally, movement of Mo this into the additional oxygen affects both observation the subsurface may be attributed to sites of the Y-a^20S lattice due to counter diffusion of the Mo4n and Al+3 ions. This also suggests increased interaction between the Mo and Y-Al2O3 , although, the possibility of some MoO3 evaporation can not be excluded since MoO3 evaporates at 973 K and one atmosphere pressure. Table 3. Peak Areas and Area Ratios for the Co -Mo Zy -AI7O Model Catalyst I I Normalized Peak Areas* I (IO3) Al 2p IO Is IMo 3d ICo 2p IAl Oxidized 134.7 142.2 I———— I———— IMo Deposited 116.5 120.2 15.53 I--IMo Oxidized 120.0 130.6 13.99 I———— ICo Deposited 116.4 121.9 12.98 16.24 ICo Oxidized 113.4 124.9 13.60 13.24 A I I I I I I I I Peak Area | Ratios Mo/Al ICo/All ———— 0.336 0.200 0.182 10.3821 0.259 10.2431 Area under the peak is divided by the sensitivity factors (S) obtained from reference 30. 4.5 5Al 2p = O*11' 5O Is = °-63' 3Mo 3d = 1-2, 3Co 2p These sensitivity factors were determined using a double pass, cylindrical mirror analyzer. It was assumed they are accurate for the hemispherical analyzer used in this study. 41 The Mo 3d band became quite broad with three distinct peaks as shown in Figure prior to higher oxidation, binding 6. the Compared entire energy. This envelope is increased oxidation state of the Mo. indicates the presence of more the Mo. to the Mo 3d band is expected shifted to due to the The shape of the band than one oxidation state of The Mo6+, Mo5+ and Mo4+ oxidation states of Mo may all be present. It is not clear the Mo is due whether to the incomplete oxidation of interaction with the -Y-Al2O3. As evidenced by the changes in the intensity ratios, there strong interaction between the Mo and -Y-Al2O3. is Furthermore, it band that a bulk phase of Al3O3 surface, as this would of the Mo 3d band [37]. MoO3 Mo 3d spectra of the is obvious from the Mo 3d is not forming on the y- result in a resolved doublet Preliminary experiments indicated difficulty in oxidizing Mo to Mo This is evidenced by Al 2p bands and the Mo/Al under vacuum conditions. multi-peak characteristic of the oxidized Mo foil shown in Figure 6. Preliminary experiments also indicated that oxidation of Mo containing samples under atmospheric pressure was more complete. Deposition and deposition of the Co, shape but the entire Oxidation the band Mo of Cobalt; Following 3d band maintained the same shifted to a lower binding 42 energy. This might be attributed to an oxygen-sharing interaction between the Co and Mo, resulting in a decreased oxidation of the Mo. s The Co 2p spectra of the Co layer deposited on the Co-Mo/y-AlgOg model catalyst and pure Figure 8. The binding higher and the FWHM energy is Co foil are shown in of greater the Co 2p3/2 band is (see Table 2) compared to the Co foil. The 0 Is band also shifted to a lower binding energy Fig. (see 7, curves support an oxygen-sharing c&d). These observations interaction between the Co and Mo. The Al 2p band shifted to a lower binding energy and narrowed upon Co deposition. It is suspected that this is due to a shielding effect by the Co layer. A greater fraction of the detected Al 2p electrons are from the Al-Mo interactive species. Since temperature during the and Al as a result of expected to be the evaporation, Co minimal lattice which some may of at the have was at room interaction of the Co migration into the Al lattice is this previously stated, it appeared the Mo layer, sample point. However, as that following oxidation of Mo left migrated into the y-AlgO^ some exposed y-AlgOg for interaction with the Co. After oxidation of the Co layer, the Mo 3d band returned to its more characteristic doublet form with the INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 43 792,9 778,5 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Ficrure 8. Co 2p ESCA Spectra for the Co-Mo/y-Al-Og Model Catalyst After CobaItjDeposition and for Cobalt Foil (a) pure cleaned Co foil; (b) deposited Co layer 44 Mo 3d5/2 binding energy equal to 233.0 expected Mo 3d5/2 binding energy for doublet is fairly broad and not eV. This is the Mo6+ [37]. The Mo 3d well resolved, which is attributed to the presence of more than one Mo6+-Containing phase [38]. It is difficult with ESCA different Mo6+ compounds, such their Mo 3d same [53. band binding Considering to as MoO3 and CoMoO4 , because energies the distinguish between are approximately the difficulty in oxidizing the Mo layer prior to Co deposition (see Table I), it is suspected that the more complete oxidation of the Co layer is Mo. due An increase in to the of the Mo after oxidation interaction of the Co with the Mo/Al intensity and a decrease in the CoZAl intensity ratio was observed (see Table 3), which indicates migration layer. of This may also some Co indicate into or through the Mo interaction of the Co with the Mo. The Co 2p spectra of oxidized oxidized Co layer are shown in pure Co foil and the Figure 9. The Co 2p spectra of oxidized Co contain several features useful in analysis. The spin orbit splitting of (AE) and the shake up difference satellite at the between higher Co 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 levels the 2p3^2 level and its binding energy (AS) can provide information on the oxidation state and coordination of the Co [393. INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 45 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 9. Co 2p ESCA Spectra for the Co-Mo/y-Al.O? Model Catalyst After CobaItjOxidation and for Oxidized Cobalt Foil (a) oxidized Co layer; (b) oxidized pure Co foil 46 For paramagnetic been found to be cobaltous (Co approximately diamagnetic cobaltic (Co3+) approximately 15 eV C393. been found to be 6.2 eV 2+ ) 16 compounds compounds AE has eV, and whereas for Co metal AE is The AS of the Co 2p3/2 level has for CoMoO4 (Co octahedral) and 5.1 eV for CoAlgO4 (Co tetrahedral) [53. It is also known that Co3+ displays a much weaker satellite intensity relative to Co3+ E393. Therefore, the intensity relative to the intensity of the of the satellite entire Co 2p3/2 band may provide an indication of the Co oxidation state. Analysis of the Co 2p reveals AE to be 15.4 eV this, the presence of 3+ Co ) is possible. band (see both for the oxidized Co foil Fig. 9, curve b). CoO However, (Co2+) Based on and Co3O4 (Co2+r comparing the satellite intensity of the oxidized Co foil to those in Co 2p spectra of CoO and Co3O4 obtained by Stoch and Ungier [363 suggests the presence of Co3O4 . In addition, the oxidized Co foil appeared black in color which suggests Co3O4 . The AS of the Co 2p3/2 model catalyst is 5.2 eV and a). These values indicate tetrahedral Coordination, Co3+ can not be discounted. band of the Co-MoZy-Al2O3 AE is 15.7 (see Fig. 9, curve predominantly although the Co presence ions in of some 47 The absolute binding energies of the Co 2p3/2 band for Co compounds decrease in the order C o A ^ O 4)CoMoO4>Co304 C2, 53. The Co 2p3^2 band binding energy of the Co-MoZy-AlgO3 model catalyst oxidized Co foil. presence of This either might predominantly present as a CoAl2O4 type phase. greater could be CoAl2O4 Considering the AS, it the SIMS depth is an or be than that of the indication of the CoMoO4 surmised type phases. that the Co is tetrahedralIy coordinated Co However, profiles (see as 2+ in the Mo 3d spectra and later discussion) indicated there was interaction of the Co with the Mo. Further substantiating speculation of interaction between the Co and Mo are the atomic surface concentrations of the elements shown interpreted as the spectrometer. Table amount of Of particular the Mo concentration concentration in These values may be each element 'seen' by the importance is the increase in coupled following 4. with a oxidation Assuming the additional oxygen decrease of the in the Co Co layer. affected both equally, this can only be explained by movement of Co into or through the Mo layer. The Al 2p band binding to approximately the same the Mo layer. These interaction between energy and its FWHM increased values as following oxidation of observations the Co and may be an indication of y-Al-O?. While species 48 identification based on these data may be the Al indicating 2p band is not possible, a reduction of the shielding effect caused by the deposited Co layer due to migration of Co into the y-AlgO^. intensity ratio, completely Considering the decrease in the Co/Al some through of the the Mo Co layer, may have allowing for migrated direct interaction with the Y-Al2O3. Table 4. Atomic Surface Concentrations for the Co-MoZy-Al2O3 Model Catalyst I I L Mo Deposited I I Mo Oxidized I I Co Deposited I I I . Co Oxidized I Al Oxidized Al 0.45 0.39 0.37 0.34 0.30 * Calculated by C 0 I I 0.55 I 0.48 I 0.56 I 0.46 I 0.55 Mo Co I I I I I I I I I 0.13 I I 0.07 - L — 0.13 0.07 0.06 0.08 — — — —- — — — — — = -------11^ sX Mo-CoZv-Al2O3 Model Catalyst ESCA Analysis The ESCA intensity deposition of the Mo was the signal pre-amplifier. data for this sample following hampered due to difficulties with This explains the substantially smaller peak areas following deposition Table 5. Because of the caused by this equipment noise This difficulty did not in the spectra, which was malfunction, peak areas following deposition hinder binding energies of the FWHM. of the Mo shown in the accuracy of the of the Mo is questionable. determination of the peak 49 Deposition and Oxidation spectra of the Mo-CoZ^-Al2Og 10. Numerical values of binding energy again, is peak Al 2p are shown in Figure binding energies are The Al 2p band shifted to a lower following probably The Cobalt: catalyst the tabulated in Appendix B. of deposition due to the of Co the Co. This, interacting with the surface oxygens of the iY-Al2Og. The higher Co 2p3^2 band binding foil energy relative binding energy of the 0 12, support an to Is Co band, oxygen-sharing and the decreased shown in Figures 11 and interaction of the Co with the 1Y-Al2O3 . Oxidation of the Co resulted Co/Al intensity ratio as shown could be attributable to into the Al3O3 two lattice, crystallites on the binding energy is or Al3O3 greater of Fig. 9, curve a). The AS is. 4.9 CoAl3O4 . the eV Based on migration of Co into lattice. Table 5. (2) the surface. that which This decrease formation of Co3O4 The Co 2p3/2 band for the oxidized Co In fact, it is higher than the Co-MoZ-Y-Al2O3 This a decrease of the factors; (I) migration of Co than foil as shown in Figure 13. binding energy in in model catalyst (see suggests the presence of CoAl3O4 . also supports the presence of these observations, there was probably the tetrahedral sites of the -Y-Al3O3 However, the AE is only 15.5 eV suggesting the INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 50 84 80 76 72 68 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 10. 64 Al 2p ESCA Spectra for the Mo-CoZY-Al2O3 Model Catalyst (a) aluminum foil oxidized 10 torr 0 /HO, 823 K, 0.5 hr; (b) after^Co deposition; (c ) after Co oxidation; (d) after Mo deposition; (e) after Mo oxidation INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 51 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Ficrure 11. Co 2p ESCA Spectra for the Mo -Co Zy -AI-O^ Model Catalyst After Cobalt Deposition and for Cobalt Foil (a) deposited Co layer; (b) cleaned pure Co foil INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 52 542 538 534 530 526 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 12. 522 O Is ESCA Spectra for the Mo-CoZ1Y-Al2O3 Model Catalyst (a) oxidized Al foil; (b) after Co deposition; (c) after Co oxidation; (d) after Mo deposition; (e) after Mo oxidation 53 INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 782,9 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 13. Co 2p ESCA Spectra for the Mo-CoZ-Y-Al7O1 Model Catalyst After Cobalt Oxidatiori and for Oxidized Cobalt Foil (a) oxidized pure Co foil; (b) oxidized Co layer; (c) oxidized Co layer after Mo deposition; (d) oxidized Co layer after Mo oxidation 54 presence of some Co3+. It appears that oxidation of the Co resulted in the formation of both CoAl2O4 and Co2O4 . The Al 2p band binding energy increased to just below that for Y-Al2O3. A slight occurred as shown in Table enhanced interaction 6. between broadening of the band also The increased FWHM suggests the Co and Y-Al2O3. The increased binding energy of the Al 2p band may be explained by migration of Co ions into the tetrahedral sites of the Y-Al3O3 lattice, thus forcing more octahedral sites. greater when the of the Al ions into the The binding energy of Al 2p electrons is Al ions are in octahedral coordination [403. Table 5. Peak Areas and Area Ratios for the Mo-CoZY-Al2O3 Model Catalyst I Normalized Peak Areas* J_________ (103) IAl 2p I 0 Is IMo 3d ICo 2p IAl Oxidized 130.5 I 39.4 I———— I———— 15.87 ICo Deposited 116.1 I 19.4 I-- — I--17.13 ICo Oxidized 135.6 I 51.1 IMo Deposited I 2.8 I 4.6 10.69 10.49 IMo Oxidized 188.3 1132.0 19.50 18.13 I I Peak Area | I Ratios I I MoZAl ICo/All I--- I I — — 10.3651 I -— — 10.2001 I I 0.246 10.1751 I 0.108 10.0921 Area under the peak is divided by the sensitivity factors (S ) obtained from reference 30. 4.5 1.2, SCo 2p 0.63, SMo 3d 0.11, S0 Is Al 2p These sensitivity factors were determined using a double pass, cylindrical mirror analyzer. It was assumed they are accurate for the hemispherical analyzer used in this study. 55 Deposition and Oxidation of Molybdenum: The Mo 3d spectrum, recorded following deposition of the Mo, is shown in Figure 14. The higher Mo 3d band binding energy and the greater FWHM, relative to pure oxidation of the deposited Mo of the Al 2p and Co Mo foil, indicate partial layer. The binding energies bands decreased, suggesting ^^2/2 oxygen-sharing interactions between both elements and the Mo. Table 6. Peak Widths* (eV) for the Mo-CoZy-Al0O-, Model Catalyst ^ J __________ I I 1 — 1 — Q -------— I Mo 3d1 I I I I I 5.50 I I 5.00 I I 4.75 I I CN I O Is I 2.69 I 2.58 I 2.69 I 3.25 I 2.61 C U I Al 2 d IAl Oxidized I 2.36 ICo Deposited 2.33 ICo Oxidized I 2.49 IMo Deposited 2.63 IMo Oxidized I 2.39 IMo Metal ICo Metal ICo Metal IOxidized j/2— t 3.13 4.04 7.50 3.27 2.50 3.75 I I Full Widths at Half Maximum Taken Over Entire Mo 3d Band The Co 2p spectrum particular, indicates a and Mo. (see strong This is evidenced Fig. due to interaction c), in interaction between the Co of the Co 2p3/2 band. new peak suggests substantial reduction CoAl2O4 curve by the appearance of a new peak on the low binding energy side Since the Co in 13, This of some of the Co. is nonreducible, this is probably between the Mo and the Co that was retained on the surface as Co3O4 following oxidation of the INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 56 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 14. Mo 3d Spectra for the M o -Co Zy -AI7OModel Catalyst After Molybdenum 2 3 Deposition and for Molybdenum Foil (a) deposited Mo layer; (b) pure cleaned Mo foil 57 Co layer. The suggested is plausible, interaction between the Mo and Al provided that resulted in penetration of sites in the Y-Al2O3 oxidation some lattice, of the Co layer of the Co into subsurface thus leaving surface sites available for interaction with the Mo. Following oxidation of the band binding energy increased Co oxidation and the b&d). FWHM Mo layer, the Co 2p3y2 to slightly above that after decreased (see Fig. 13, curves The AE increased to 15.9 eV while the AS remained at 4.9 eV. There was ratio and an also increase a decrease in the Co/Al intensity in the satellite intensity ratio. These observations indicate an increase in the CoAl2O4 type phase. The Co that lattice may have had previously situated in the Y-Al2O3 diffused leaving surface sites deeper available into for the lattice, thus any Co^ that was retained on the surface prior to Mo oxidation [83. Considering the interaction of the Co Co 2p with data, the it Mo appears was reduced at the expense of an increase in the CoAl2O4 type phase. as shown in Figure 15, the compared to the Co-MoZY-Al2O3 curve a) prior to Co Mo that the However, did oxidize more readily model catalyst (see Fig. 6, deposition which may be attributable to some interaction with the Co. The direction of shifts in the x-ray induced O KLL, Mo MNN and Co LMM Auger spectra paralleled the related ESCA INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 58 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 15. Mo 3d ESCA Spectra for the Mo-Co/y-Al-O- Model Catalyst After MolyDdenum Oxidation and for Oxidized Molybdenum Foil (a) oxidized Mo layer; (b) oxidized pure Mo foil 59 binding energy shifts. While these spectra were omitted from the discussion of the ESCA analysis, they are provided in Appendix C. Co-Mo/v-Al^Oj Model Catalyst SIMS Analysis Depth profiles of the Al, 0, Co and Mo, obtained with SIMS are shown in Figure 16. increased at the onset of the intensity steadily decreased The layer. It is not contamination, on top from otherwise observed in the Mo the beginning. suggest of, believed ion intensity analysis, while the Co together, these two observations Co was maintained Mo+ or an Coupled that some of the together that ion with, the Mo this was due to surface increase, similar to that ion intensity, would have been observed in the Co+ ion intensity. The Co+ ion intensity decreased more rapidly than the Mo+ ion intensity. some Co remaining This on top indicates of the that, in addition to Mo layer, some Co was dispersed in the Mo layer. The retention of Co, either on top of, the or together with Mo layer strengthens the speculation of a Co-Mo interactive species. A SIMS survey scan taken at depth profiling craters is indicates the presence of the bottom of one of the shown both in Co Figure 17. The data and Mo, which supports the Co-AlgOg and Mo-AlgO3 interactions suggested by the ION INTENSITY (c/s) 60 Figure 16. SIMS Depth Profiles of the Co-Mo/^-AlgOg Model Catalyst ION INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 61 43 54 59 70 ATOMIC MASS UNITS Figure 17. SIMS Survey of the Co-Mo/^-Al_0_ Model Catalyst ^ ^ 62 ESCA results. However, ionization effects to the this contribution observation can of matrix not be ruled out. Co-Mo/-V-Al^O-J Model Catalyst AES Analysis The AES line scans for provided in Figure 18. to determine whether The or the Al, 0, Co, and Mo are purpose of the line scans was not there was formation of bulk phases, such as MoO^ or Co^O^, on the surface. The line coverage of scans both indicate the Co fairly homogeneous surface and Mo. intensity, and the corresponding at 40 microns due was to decrease in Co increase in Mo intensity agglomeration imbedded Al2O3 particle from sample 0 line scans also display The of Mo around an polishing. The Al and an increase in intensity at this same location. The presence of small microcrystallites can not be ruled out based on these data. Recalling the Co 2p spectra of this sample, of the Cd3O^, was indicated. 100 microns across the presence some Co3+, possibly as Since the line analysis traversed sample, small crystallites may not have been detectable. An electron micrograph of the sample surface is shown in Figure 19. This micrograph, obtained at a magnification of 1000X, is the same obtained. area from which the line scans were The surface of the sample appears fairly smooth. 6 3 MICRONS Ficrure 18. AES Line Scans of the Co-Mo/"y-Al^Og Model Catalyst (a) aluminum; (b) molybdenum; (c ) oxygen; (d) cobalt 6 4 <— 5 4- 4 <— 3 4- 2 4— Figure 19. I SEM Micrograph of the Co -Mo Zy -AI9O Model Catalyst Surface Note: This micrograph is from the same area in which the AES line scans were performed. The 5 dark lines are carbon burns from the electron beam. Line #2 is where the data in Figure 18 was obtained. The white patches are imbedded alumina polishing powders. 65 The white patches in the micrograph are the Al^O^ polishing powders imbedded in the horizontally through surface. The dark lines running the micrograph resulting from the AES line scans. are carbon burns The line labeled number 2 is where the data in Figure 18 was obtained. Comparison of Planar Models to Industrial Catalysts The literature on studies of the surface structure of the calcined industrial Co-Mo/^-AlgOg Depending on the preparation techniques employed in catalysts is vast. parameters and the analytical the studies, a variety of surface species have been identified. Since study is to determine planar model catalysts are structurally similar comparison of the if to the the was performed on industrial findings literature is appropriate. the the purpose of this of this study Co-Mo/y-AlgO^ results with a the Since a more complete analyses model discussion is directed towards that sample. applicable, the ESCA catalysts, for catalyst, the However, where the Mo-Co/y-AlgOg model catalyst are utilized. Recalling the ESCA results of the Co-MoZ1Y-A^Og model catalyst after oxidation of the Mo layer, it appears that there is strong interaction between the Mo ions and the Y-AlgOg. This interaction is suspected to be the result of the Mo ions interacting with the terminal oxygens of the Y-AlgOg. It is widely believed on the industrial catalysts I 66 that the Mo is highly dispersed over the -Y-Al2O3 support in essentially a monolayer [6]. differ from bulk MoO3 . Rather, interact with the support the Mo in tetrahedral This monolayer is believed to the Mo is thought to forming a surface molybdate with or octahedral surroundings [113. While determination of the Mo coordination was not possible with the techniques employed in this study, the AES line scans indicated the Mo was well dispersed on the surface as in monolayer type coverage. The Co in the Co-MoZy-Al2O3 planar model appeared to be distributed throughout the Mo layer. Based on the SIMS depth profiling, the majority of the Co was retained on top of, or together with the between the Co and Mo. the presence of Co Mo layer suggesting interaction The enhanced oxidation of the Mo in and the ESCA intensity ratios further indicated interaction between the Co and Mo, although the SIMS surveys and ESCA results indicated some interaction of the Co with the Y-Al2O3 . The Co 2p3/2 band binding energy of the Co-MoZy-Al2O3 model catalyst is between that of the oxidized Co foil and the Mo-CoZy-Al2O3 model catalyst. predominant Co species for tetrahedrally coordinated Co the predominant Co 2+ species the Assigning Co3O^ as the oxidized Co foil and , in a CoAl2O4 type phase, as in the Mo-CoZy-Al2O3 model 67 catalyst, It might be binding energy of the assumed that Co-Mo/7-A ^ O g the Co ^ ^ / 2 band model catalyst is the result of a Co-Mo interactive species. The assignment of the Co as CoAlgO^ in the Mo-Co/y-AlgOg model catalyst would seem valid since, in the absence of an underlying Mo diffuse into the -y-AlgOg layer the Co might more freely lattice E83. Contrary to this speculation, studies on the industrial catalysts indicate a greater tendency for directly to Y-Al2O3 the Co3O4 formation supports formation has been observed with as 2 extent wt%. However, dependent on the mode temperature. catalyst the of The fact indicates most Co attributed to the differences planar models and the CS, Co 123. is added This Co3O4 Co concentrations as low of Co3O4 formation is addition and the calcination that of when the the Co in industrial Mo-CoZy-Al2O3 is CoAl2O4 model may be preparation between the catalysts. The Co 2p spectra of the Mo-CoZy-Al2O3 model catalyst did indicate 3+ the presence of some Co prior to oxidation of the Mo layer. The suggestion of a Co-Mo interactive phase on the Co-MoZy-Al2O3 model catalyst CoMoO4 is actually forming on is the indicated tetrahedral coordination in CoMoO4 is octahedral). not meant to imply that model catalyst. of The AS the Co^+ ions (Co^+ The majority of the Co 2+ ions in 68 the Co-Mo/y-AlgOg coordinated in a ESCA data also Co-Mo catalyst may interactive indicated and the y-AlgOg, tetrahedralIy model some Co tetrahedralIy phase. The SIMS and interaction between the Co This interaction coordinated be 2+ might be in the form of situated in the y-AlgOg lattice in a CoAlgO^ type phase. In addition, the presence 3+ of some Co in the Co-Mo/y-AlgO^ planar model is not discounted based on the small crystallites of ESCA data. Cd3O4 on the This may be due to surface, or from the presence of Co^+ in the Co-Mo interactive phase. Numerous investigators have suggested the presence of Co-Mo interactive species on catalysts CS, 8, 13, 20, 413. the bilayer is present although the presence not excluded. as CoAl3O4 . calcined industrial Gajardo et. al. C133 reports the presence of a Co-Mo bilayer retained on top of the the in which some of the Co is Mo layer. They suggest the Co in as Co 3+ in octahedral surroundings, of octahedralIy coordinated Co^+ is The remaining Co is dispersed in the Y-Al3O3 Okamoto et. al. C413 propose a similar bilayer structure with some Co situated on top of the Mo layer. The Co-Mo interactive species proposed by Chin and Hercules C53 is somewhat different than the bilayer models. They propose the existence with the Co of predominantly a Co-Mo interaction species present as tetrahedralIy 69 coordinated Co 2+ . The key difference in their structure is the tetrahedralIy coordinated Co 2+ is primarily contained in the Co-Mo interaction phase, not as CoAl2 . It is not helpful to speculate further, based on the data of this study, on the nature of the Co species in the Co-MoZ1Y-Al2O3 model catalyst. For example, determination of whether the tetrahedralIy coordinated Co CoAl2O4 or as a Co-Mo interactive accomplished by reducing the 2+ is present as species might be model catalyst under hydrogen and examining the Co 2p ESCA spectra. Since CoAl2O4 is not reducible, this may reveal the extent of CoAl2O4 formation. This is, in fact, how Chin and Hercules determined the Co 2+ in their catalyst was tetrahedralIy coordinated in the 3+ Co-Mo interactive phase. The presence of Co as Co3O4 could be verified by x-ray diffraction 181. / SUMMARY AMD CONCLUSIONS The objective of this techniques for preparing -Y-Al2O3 catalysts and study was to establish the planar model cobalt-molybdenum on compare the industrially used catalysts. their surface structure to The salient findings of this study are as follows: 1. Growth of -Y-Al2O3 on planar aluminum was successfully demonstrated via direct thermal oxidation. 2. Physical vapor deposition of the cobalt and molybdenum on the planar Y-Al2O3 was superior to the industrially used incipient wetness technique for these samples. Physical vapor deposition provided for more even surface coverage of the metals and enabled complete in situ preparation of the planar model catalysts. 3. Similar to the calcined industrial catalysts, the molybdenum deposited directly onto the planar Y-Al3O^ appeared to be well dispersed, as in monolayer coverage, and interacting with the Y-Al2O3 . 4. When cobalt was deposited on top of the molybdenum layer, the cobalt appeared to be in tetrahedral coordination and to interact primarily with the molybdenum. While more data is needed to 71 characterize the nature of the Co species, this observation is similar to those made on the calcined, industrial catalysts. 5. While based on more limited data, there appeared to be less interaction between the cobalt and molybdenum when cobalt deposition preceded molybdenum. In this case, the Co appeared to exist primarily as CoAl2O4 . 7.2 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the experience gained from this experimental work and the literature review, the following recommendations are provided for future work: 1. The STMS and AES analysis of the Co-Mo/y-AlgOg model catalyst provided valuable information about the metal dispersion and interaction between the metals. These same analyses should be performed on the Mo-CoZ-Y-AlgOg model catalyst to provide information about the effect of metals impregnation order on the surface structure of the model catalysts. 2. While ESCA is a powerful technique for providing information about the chemical environment of atoms on the surface, future studies should incorporate a wider variety of instruments and experimental , techniques in order to strengthen the findings. Examining changes in the Co 2p ESCA spectra under a ’ reducing environment would be of great value in cobalt species identification, since CoAlgO4 is non reducible. X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and Mossbauer spectroscopy are among the proven techniques for elucidating information ' | 73 about the chemical environment of atoms on the surface in studies on the industrial catalysts=. 3. 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A = 95.94 g/mol; p = 10.2 g/cm3 ; n = I Na = 6.023 X IO23 d = [95.94/(10.2 X I X 6.023 X 1023)]1/3 = 2.5 X 10~8 cm AF = 2.5 X IO"8 X 56,497,175 X 10.2 = 14.4 Hz Therefore, when one monolayer of molybdenum atoms has been deposited on the planar model catalyst, the frequency of the QCO should have decreased 14.40 Hz. 81 This is an example calculation for determining the surface coverage of the cobalt and molybdenum via the ESCA peak areas. This example is for molybdenum deposited onto the Y-Al2Og. The equation ESCA peak area is; C relating "X. 3C = -----x EIx ZSx atomic concentration to the ,.where; Ix = peak area Sx = sensitivity factor The planar model catalysts were assumed to have a layered structure as shown below; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The following assumptions were made: 1. Average thickness of each layer equalled 2.0 A. 2. Escape depth of secondary electrons equalled 20 A and therefore, 10 layers are 'seen' by the spectrometer. Considering these assumptions, C„ should equal 0.10 for a monolayer of Md atoms on the Y-AT2Og surface. 82 ■ After deposition of the Mo on the Co -Mo Zy -AI7O- model catalyst, the ESCA peak areas for each of the elements present were; Mo 3d - 6.64 X 103‘; 0 Is = 1.93 X IO4 Al 2p = 2.20 X IO3 The atomic sensitivity factors for these elements, as provided by the Handbook of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy [30], are; Mo 3d "Mo 1.2; Al 2p — 0.11; 0 Is 0.63 6.64X10 /I.2 6.64X10 /1.2 + 2.20X10/0.11 + I.93X104/0„63 0.13 83 APPENDIX B ESCA Peak Binding Energies TABLE 7. ESCA Peak Binding Energies (eV) for the Co-MoZ-Y-Al2 O 3 Model Catayst Co 2p,I /Z Mo 3d-, , Mo 3d,3 /,o Z .. J /L SS1 CO_2p-j J/Z SS2 Al 2p 0 Is Al Oxidized 76.07 532.28 Mo Deposited 75.56 531.65 231.07 Mo Oxidized 75.56 531.62 A A Co Deposited 75.11 531.06 A A Co Oxidized 75.40 531.23 236.17 233.00 797.41 230.97 227.84 — — — — -----— — — — — 777.90 — 780.65 787.00 —- — — — Co Metal — — Co Metal Oxidized — — Mo Metal Mo Metal Oxidized . ry — 227.92 A A — — — — — -----— — — — 793.50 — 778.50 — — — 792.95 — — 796.05 803.00 804.75 1 Shake up satellite on high binding energy side of Co 2p1/2 band ^ Shake up satellite on high binding energy side of Co 2p3/2 band The Mo 3d bands displayed more than two peaks 781.79 786.98 ESCA Peak Binding Energies (eV) for the Mo-CoZ-Y-Al2 O 3 Model Catalyst Mo 3dc Mo 3d.. D /6 3/2 n 0 to p TABLE 8. SS1 SS2 Co 2p J/Z 0 Is Al Oxidized 76.19 532.48 — — Co Deposited 75.12 531.25 —- -- Co Oxidized 76.02 532.15 —- — 798.08 803.75 782.54 787.45 Mo Deposited 75.20 531.40 231.40 228.30 796.75 802.50 781.00 786.50 Mo Oxidized 74.70 532.18 237.50 234.60 798.75 804.25 782.86 787.80 230.97 227.84 — — — — — — — ——— — 777.90 —- — j Al 2p J-/z. — — — —- 793.50 — 778.40 — Mo Metal -- Mo Metal Oxidized —- — Co Metal — — — — 792.95 Co Metal Oxidized — — — — 796.05 — — A A 804.75 N -K 1 Shake up satellite on high binding energy side of Co 2p,/9 band Shake up satellite on high binding energy side of Co 2p3/2 band The Mo 3d bands displayed more than two peaks 780.65 787.00 86 APPENDIX C X-ray Induced Auger Spectra INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 8 7 756 752 748 744 740 736 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 20. O KLL Auger Spectra for the Co-MoZ^-Al2O3 Model Catalyst (a) oxidized Al foil; (b) after Mo deposition; (c) after Mo oxidation; (d ) after Co deposition; (e) after Co oxidation INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 88 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 21. Co LMM Auger Spectra for the Co- Mo/y-Al-Og Model Catalyst and Cobalt FGil (a) pure cleaned Co foil; (b) Co foil oxidized; (c) deposited Co layer; (d) oxidized Co layer INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 89 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Ficrure 22. Mo MNN Auger Spectra for the Co-MoZ-y-Al^O^ Model Catalyst and MolybdenumzFoil (a) deposited Mo layer; (b) oxidized Mo layer; (c ) oxidized Mo layer after Co deposition; (d) oxidized Mo layer after Co oxidation; (e) pure cleaned Mo foil; (f) oxidized Mo foil INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 9 0 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Ficrure 23. 0 KLL Auger Spectra for the M o -Co /y -AI^O^ Model Catalyst (a) oxidized Al foil; (b) after Co deposition; (c ) after Co oxidation; (d) after Mo oxidation INTENSITY (arbitrary units) 91 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 24. Co LMM Auger Spectra for the Mo- CoZ-Y-Al7O- Model Catalyst and Cobalt FOil (a) pure cleaned Co foil; (b) Co foil oxidized; (c) deposited Co layer; (d) oxidized Co layer MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES stks N378.K637 RU Surface chemistry model of cobalt-molybd 3 1762 00513611 2 N3 7 8 Kirk p a t r i c k , T i m o t h y D. K637 Surface chemistry of model cohalt-molybdenum con.2 DATE ISSUED TO R378 K& 3 7 con .2