Experiments on the free shear layer between adjacent supersonic streams by Timothy L Brower A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Timothy L Brower (1983) Abstract: A closed-form analytical theory has been developed to predict the flow field of two-dimensional, laminar, non-equilibrium free shear layers, shed from the trailing edge of a thin flat plate serving as a partition separating two dissimilar parallel flows. A Mach 3 supersonic nozzle in combination with either a Mach 1.6 or a Mach 2 supersonic nozzle were used to produce a free shear layer. The investigation was designed to provide experimental evidence by which free shear layer theories may be checked. A comparison of theoretical/experimental mean flow properties in the laminar, non-equilibrium region of the free shear layer were made. The theory showed good agreement qualitatively, but poor agreement quantitatively when compared to experimental data. The theoretically assumed initial velocity profile showed a 35 % difference in thickness compared to the experimental thickness. The theory predicts free shear layer thickness and minimum velocity growth rates that parallel the experimental results, although a quantitative error of between 20-50 % exists. EXPERIMENTS ON TEE FREE SHEAR LAYER BETWEEN ADJACENT SUPERSONIC STREAMS by Timothy L Brower A t h e s i s subm itted in p a r t i a l f u l f i l l m e n t of the r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering MONTANA STATE UNI VE R S I T Y Bozeman, Montana March 1983 m a in l ib . 1439% Ccp-A APPROVAL of a thesis Timothy submitted by L Brower T h i s t h e s i s h a s b e e n r e a d by e a c h m em b er of t h e t h e s i s c o m m i t t e e and h a s b e e n f o u n d t o be s a t i s f a c t o r y r e g a r d i n g content, English usage, form at, c ita tio n s , b ib lio g rap h ic s t y l e , and c o n s i s t e n c y , and i s r e a d y f o r s u b m i s s i o n to the C o l l e g e of G r a d u a t e S t u d i e s . ____ 3//6 / 7 S Date Chairperson, Approved for the Major Graduate Committee Department ____ t / j j / j J . Date Head, Approved 3 Date - ? ? for the College of Major Department Graduate - O Graduate __ Dean Studies iii STATEMENT OF P E R MI S S I O N TO USE In the presenting requirem ents U n iv e rsity , available I to quotations is for from this under thesis degree of accurate Montana sh all the allowable fu lfillm en t at L ibrary rules are that fo r this professor, in his or the is the m a t e r i a l allowed the p artial State make L ibraryi without of it Brief special acknowledgement of made. of m aterial in m aster's th at provided reproduction in a agree P e r m is s io n when, thesis borrowers perm ission, source this opinion for thesis may absence, of thesis my w r i t t e n by either, scholarly in t h is without e x te n s ive from or be granted by my the Director of Libraries the purposes. for q u o ta tio n proposed An y financial permission. use copying gain or shall major of use the of n o t be V ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author contribution Eis to with Anthony the Rompel Harry and Barry committee members Research and for Special c h ild re n for the his machine wind tunnel Glenn for and the McCullough thanks during his his shop their guidance and crew for their m odifications . for their p articip atio n and Bob reviewed U.S. Air in W arrington this Engineering financial V ic to ria encouragement for investigation. and Townes Mechanical U niversity follow ing assistance equipment. Townes, design. The of laboratory the Demetriades, the Williamson construction to investigation. throughout Gordon John indebted this advisor, cooperation expert is the nozzle served as thesis. Department Force of Office Montana of State S cientific assistance. go to his and Skylar this graduate wife for Cindi th e ir program. and his two support and vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page L I S T OF T A B L E S .............................................. ................................................... ..... LIST ,viii OF F I G U R E S ...................................................................................................... i x NOMENCLATURE xiii 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N ............................................................... 2. THEORETI CAL REVI EW 3. EXPERI MENTAL A P P R O A C H ........................................................................... 11 4. EXPERI MENTAL APPARATUS AND P R O C E D U R E ....................... ..... . Wind T u n n e l ...................................................................................... ..... . P i t o t P r o b e ............................ S c h lie re n O p tical System. . . . . . .................................... S t a ti c P re ssu re Probe . . . . .......................................... T o tal T em perature Probe ................................... H ot-F ilm Anemometer ..................... Probe P ositioning ................................................ . . . . . . Data C o l l e c t i o n . . . . . . . .................................................... 2 0 12 12 12 17 17 18 19 19 5. EXPERI MENTAL DES I GN ................................................................................. 23 W i n d T u n n e l M o d i f i c a t i o n ............................................................... 23 Configuration I ........................................................................................ 26 C o n f i g u r a t i o n 1 1 ........................................................................................ 26 C o n f i g u r a t i o n I I I .................................................................................. 2 9 C o n f i g u r a t i o n I V ........................................................................................ 3 1 D iffuser M odification . ............................................................... 35 6. RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 T r a i l i n g Edge B o u n d a r y L a y e r . . . . . . . . . . . 42 F r e e S h e a r L a y e r Me a n F l o w M e a s u r e m e n t s . . . . . 49 T r a n s i t i o n D e t e r m i n a t i o n ............................. 58 C o m p a r i s o n w i t h T h e o r y .......................................................................... 7 1 C o n f i g u r a t i o n I I I ............................................. 72 C o n f i g u r a t i o n I V ........................................................................................ 75 7. C O N C L U S I O N S .................................................... . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . ............................ ..... . . 4 78 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued Page A P P E N D I C E S ......................................................................................................................... 81 AP PENDI X A - Transition AP P ENDI X B - Tunnel AP PENDI X C —Wa v e S t r u c t u r e s .......................................................................... 88 AP PENDI X D - Data Layer R eduction Program ForBoundary P r o f i l e s ..................................................................... 90 - Data Layer Reduction Profiles 93 AP PENDI X E REFERENCES CI TED . Theory Vibration Comparison ........................... 82 ............................................................. 86 Program For Free Shear ......................................................... 96 viii L I S T OF TABLES Page 1. Nozzle configurations 2. Nozzle c o o r d i n a t e s .................................................... ..... 3. Optimum 4. Boundary layer laminar 5. Boundary layer 8/6, 6. Boundary layer and 7. Summar y operating of ...................................................................... conditions region measured edge transition . 34 .............................................. 41 ............................................... 42 v . theory . . 25 . . . . 45 p r o p e r t i e s .................................... 51 determination ............................. 71 ix L I S T OF F I GURES Page 1. Nomenclature 2. FSL development 3 . FSL development 4. 5. 6. and definitions of the r = 0 ........................... 7 r = 6^ = ©2 . . 7 T h e o r e t i c a l FSL d e v e l o p m e n t a t r = I a n d r = . 5 .................................................... ............................................................... 9 at at y ' = 0 and y' = 0 and T h e o r e t i c a l FSL d e v e l o p m e n t v e l o c i t y g r o w t h a t y' = 0 2 major 13 Photograph 8. Pitot 9. S t a t i c p r e s s u r e v. d o w n s t r e a m d i s t a n c e p l o t used to i n t e r p o l a t e unknown p r e s s u r e v a l u e s c l o s e t o t h e T . E ..........................................................................................18 static probe collection wind 10 7. and modified I, . . . . a t r = 0 and minimum . . . ..................................... Diagram of t h e wind t u n n e l showing c o m p o n e n t s ......................................................... of FSL t u n n e l ............................. 14 s c h e m a t i c ..................................... 10. Data 11. Schematic 12. Nomenclature 13. S c h l i e r e n p h o t o g r a p h of C o n f i g u r a t i o n s I I and I I a ................................................................................................................................ 2 8 14. Photograph 15. Schlieren 16. Configuration pieces 'butted' IV s slow -side design. together to form nozzle 17. Photograph Configuration 18. Schlieren of block-diagram tunnel for of of . 22 .................................. 24 F S L ........................................... 27 m odification deflected Configuration Photograph photograph ................................ ..... 15 of of III .................................. Configuration III . . . IV 32 Two . . . . I V ............................... .... Configuration 30 . . . 33 . 33 . 36 X LIST OF FIGURES— Con tinued Page 19. Configuration 20. Configuration 21. Schematic 22. P q v . RMS B . L . t r a n s i t i o n t r a c e Configuration III ............................. 23. of III flow IV uniform ity flow variable uniform ity ................................ 37 . . . . . . . . . 37 d i f f u s e r ..................................... ..... 39 for ........................ 43 P q v . RMS B . L . t r a n s i t i o n t r a c e f o r C o n f i g u r a t i o n I V . . ....................................................................... 24. Experim ental 25. E x p e r i m e n t a l B.L. 5 v. theory . ... ..................................... 46 26. E x p e r i m e n t a l B.L. G v. theory ............................................ 46 27. E x p e r i m e n t a l B. L . comparison to Blasius p r o f i l e ............................................................................................................47 28. G r a p h i c a l c o m p a r i s o n o f t h e o r e t i c a l v. experim ental p r o p e r t ie s e n te r in g the i n te g r a l d e f i n i n g 0 .................................................................................................. . 48 29. Configuration . 50 30. Configuration 31. Mach No. v. downstream d istan ce in FSL 32. Velocity v. downstream d istan ce in F S L ..................... 52 33. Reynolds No. in 53 34i C onfiguration I I I ty p ical p ro p ertie s through F S L ............................................................................................ 55 C o n f i g u r a t i o n IV t y p i c a l F S L ................................................... 55 35. 36. 37. Velocity I I I B.L. 43 p r o f i l e s ................................................ III pressure IV p r e s s u r e v. gradients gradients downstream distance properties . . 44 . . . ............................ . . . . . FSL. . . v. y-position in FSL 52 through p l o t v . y - p o s i t i o n i n FSL C o n f i g u r a t i o n .............................................................................. Velocity plot IV . . . . 50 56 Configuration 56 xi LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Page 3 8. h v. ........................... 57 39. S c h l i e r e n p h o t o g r a p h of C o n f i g u r a t i o n I I I t r a n s i t i o n d e t e r m i n a t i o n ................................................................ 60 Edge and p l a n v i e w of a low s p e e d ( incom pressible) mixing la y e r. Scale: s t r e a m w i s e d i m e n s i o n o f p i c t u r e i s 15 c m. . 61 ............................................. 64 40. x for Configurations 41. Configuration III Spectra 42. C o n f i g u r a t i o n IV Spectra 43. Configuration III RMS 44. C o n f i g u r a t i o n IV RMS v . 45. Configuration III 175 46. C o n f i g u r a t i o n IV 17 5 KHz . 47. 48. III v. v. x KHz . and x v . x x . IV . . ........................................................65 ................................................. 66 ...................................................................67 signal ......................... 68 4 . 69 G rap h ic a l r e s u l t s showing C o n f ig u ra tio n I I I h o t - f i l m t r a n s i t i o n a l p o i n t s ................................................ 70 G r a p h i c a l r e s u l t s s h o w i n g C o n f i g u r a t i o n IV h o t - f i l m t r a n s i t i o n a l p o i n t s .................................................... 70 signal v. x v. x . . . 49. T h e o r e t i c a l v . e x p e r i m e n t a l mini mum v e l o c i t y g r o w t h i n F S L o f C o n f i g u r a t i o n I I I .......................................... 73 50. T h e o r e t i c a l v . e x p e r i m e n t a l FSL d e v e l o p m e n t a t x ' = 0 o f C o n f i g u r a t i o n I I I ...............................................74 51. T h e o r e t i c a l v . e x p e r i m e n t a l FSL d e v e l o p m e n t a t x ' = 0 . 0 5 6 and x ' = 0 . 1 1 2 of C o n f i g u r a t i o n I I I ......................................................................................................................... 7 5 52. T h e o r e t i c a l v . e x p e r i m e n t a l mi ni mum v e l o c i t y g r o w t h i n F S L o f C o n f i g u r a t i o n I V ...........................................76 53. T h e o r e t i c a l v . e x p e r i m e n t a l FSL d e v e l o p m e n t a t x ' = O a n d x ' = 0 . 0 5 9 ................................................................ 54. Experimental tr a n s itio n point for C o n f i g u r a t i o n I I I ................................................................................. 84 77 x ii LIST OF FIGURES— Continued Page 55 . 56. 57 . Experimental tr a n s itio n point C o n f i g u r a t i o n IV ............................. Frequency v . in te n s ity accelerometer attached for 85 s p e c t r a from above the t e s t N o n - d i m e n s io n a l graph showing w a v e l e n g t h t o be p r o p o r t i o n a l t h i c k n e s s .................................................... section . . 87 . 89 t h e wave s t r u c t u r e t o t h e FSL Xiii NOMENCLATURE Symbol D e s c r i p t i on DSL : Dividing f : Frequency FSL : Free stream shear h FSL M Ma c h n u m b e r line layer thickness P : Mo me n t u m P0 : Stagnation Ps : Static r : Speed Re : Reynolds Re ' : Unit Re ' : (R ef1 + R e ' 2 ) /2 SWT : Supersonic T : Temperature T0 = Stagnation T.E. : Trailing U : Velocity Us : Velocity x : D i s ta n c e from the T.E. (x p o s i t i v e downstream) : Sa me : Non-dimensional x * x ' thickness ratio /©2 pressure pressure ratio U2 / U J Number Reynolds as Number Wind T u n n e l , Temperature Edge on the DSL x x * x iv NOMENCLATURE— Continue d Symbol : y De s c r i p t i o n Distance normal to y Compressible y ' Non-dimensional y a Deflected of 5 Boundary layer 6 Mo me n t u m thickness P ©i P Density X Non-dimensional ( U^ + U2 ) , a l s o FSL transformed angle y FSL thickness at at T.E. T»E. + e2 s p e e d r a t i o ( U^ ~ U2 ) / w av elen g th in Appendix ( )l : F a s t —s i d e property ( ^2 : Slow-side property ( >e = Free stream property XV ABSTRACT A c l o s e d - f o r m a n a l y t i c a l t h e o r y has been d e ve lope d to p r e d i c t the flow f i e l d of t w o - d i m e n s io n a l , l a m i n a r , nonequilibrium free shear layers, shed from the t r a i l i n g edge of a t h i n f l a t p l a t e s e r v i n g as a p a r t i t i o n s e p a r a t i n g two dissim ilar parallel flows. A Mach 3 s u p e r s o n i c n o z z l e i n c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h e i t h e r a Mach 1.6 or a Mach 2 s u p e r s o n i c nozzle were used to produce a free shear layer. The i n v e s t i g a t i o n was d e s i g n e d t o p r o v i d e e x p e r i m e n t a l e v i d e n c e by w h ic h f r e e shear layer theories may b e c h e c k e d . A c o m p a r i s o n of t h e o r e t i c a l / e x p e r i m e n t a l mean f l o w p r o p e r t i e s in th e l a m i n a r , n o n - e q u i l i b r i u m r e g i o n of th e f r e e s h e a r la y e r were made. The t h e o r y showed good agreem ent q u alitativ ely , but poor agreement q u an titativ ely when compared to e x p e rim e n tal data. The t h e o r e t i c a l l y a s s u m e d in itia l velocity profile showed a 35 % d i f f e r e n c e in th ic k n e s s compared to the e x p e rim e n ta l th ic k n e s s. The theory p red icts f r e e s h e a r l a y e r t h i c kn e s s and minimum velocity growth rates that p arallel the experim ental r e s u l t s , a l t h o u g h a q u a n t i t a t i v e e r r o r of b e t w e e n 2 0 -5 0 % exists. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION An a n a l y t i c a l { 11 ^ to theory predict the non-equilibrium tra ilin g edge separating two shear (FSL) by layer solid I. diagram nozzle applied The theory region Figure and also of I a combination of the p ro files of the two p r o file in trough depth progressively decreases with until the the finally equilibrium ^The References trough as is the coalesce greatest increasing disappears (self-sim ilar) and in at shown in of a 5 and 6. velocity into a single region the the distance the confined diagram Chapters (T.E.), decrease) free nomenclature n o n -e q u ilibrium (velocity term not layer in the non-equilibrium general detail flows The is the from a p a rtitio n The schem atic edge p arallel trough The in to a as flow shear of tra ilin g a profile. free shed flows. the applies the two-dim ensional, serving q u alitativ e F SL . by since by D e m e t r i a d e s layers, p arallel consists the identified plate described Downstream of shear flat is developed field free d issim ilar (n o n - s i m il a r ) Figure a thin walls. been flow laminar, of has is velocity T.E. and downstream profile becomes profile. symbol { } w i l l ’ denote refe re n c e s cited . c i t e d are found fo llo w in g the a p p e n d ic e s. 2 GENERAL TROUGH FREE SHEAR LAYER " I * r 02 ^T02 SLOW-SIDE PARTITION FAST-SIDE pOl • mI NON-EQUILIBRIUM REGION CONFIGURATION TE. IV INITIAL PROFILE EQ U IL IB RIU M /SEL F-SIM IL A R REGION FSL DEVELOPMENT EQUILIBRIUM PROFILE NON-EQUILIBRIUM PROFILE \ x inchlcm) Figure I. Nomenclature l a y e r (FSL). 1.0(2.54) and 2.0(5.08) definitions of the 3 .0(7.62) FSL free shear 3 Two-dimensional injection engines, is system s, as well d e sira b le addressing shear high the have mentioned in shear flows power half closed-form using jets optim ization of and region and jet It so lu tio n s of the free interest has been or n u m e ric a l gas-dynamic mass wakes. a n a ly tic Particular th eo retical in systems non-equilibrium abovei appear laser classical laminar, shown design as to the layers recently for free and methods chemical laser systems„ The State following U niversity provide the A shear in layer the of performed Wind T u n n e l , evidence comparison properties free Supersonic experim ental validated. flow investigation, by be was the Montana designed theories can theoretical/experim ental lam inar, will which at made. n o n - e q u i l ibrum to be mean region of 4 CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL REVIEW Investigation 1879, as Lord other fluid to FSL near-wake initial and a addressed, lim ited velocity an was laminar compressible stream of Denison case where to num erical form In in {6} extended the = 0. solution Kubota method m ixing Denison with velocity in for layer and Baum's the and Dewey {7} the constant with a fin ite mean {3} a assumed Blasius profile a {4}, the {5} flow in far proposed zero a boundary of an air model. analysis to thickness at the are layer developed in itia l flow incompressible results pressure, and solved n e a r —w a k e shear as numerically profiles Chapman's of jets Tollm ien Chapman tem perature in Goldstein be (starting the the predicting 1950 theory for to x early were equations problem. at as Goldstein profiles predict separation. equation. free time 1930 the boundary la y e r had a f i n i t e of integral to Baum point a that noted plate. arb itrary and until distribution a thickness) not U2 = 0) began instabilities differential asym ptotic flat layers noted velocity behind layer At flow sin g u larity used {2} shear but (h alf-jet, the 1931 Rayleigh governing compute free m otions, properties the of a the lim ited momentum momentum- two-dimensional, thickness. Two 5 d ifferent expressions above one I), a and therefore single below the theory by D e m e t r i a d e s without {I }, the boundary parallel velocity dealt {1}, with theory of the were and streams. The shear not layer, (DSL, one Figure represented by is ( G^ on / imposed are constant, that and the that reacting. Prandt I theory the The (0 that the fluid flow Number two As linear p r o file detailed flow by profile exponential. fields two merging jo in in g velocity The the at to have little provides an analytical two the shape said entire the the 62’ com pressibility profiles. solution T .E . of the affect at distance). including re stric tio n s symmetry initial proposed analytical generated FSL profiles to investigation, flow flow be Dem e t r i a d e s ' I, the to (downstream closed-form in the assumed large this a closed-form wake velocity x in superposes lay ers arbitrarily Figure the stream line profiles gives initial in for dividing discontinuities consisting is the used expression. The in were of / < of I^), M < x heat 00 ). the pressure flow is is must I. flow equilibrium range ^i lam inar A transfer is be Tq2 ) or everywhere two-dim ensional, homogeneous com puter no restric tio n s assumed laminar, are in distance), (Tq^ / only and shown There (downstream p arallel also field region. The chem ically expression steady code, and and non­ have prepared a by 6 Demetiriade s y, with {I } , inputs provides of P = The non-dim ensional the physical Reynolds mean flow / D2 » r = ^ 2 ^ downstream downstream Number distributions distance distance and the ^Ol ^ x, square of x and an^ x'• 02 x ' is divided in defined by the both as average momentum thickne sses. x ' = x * /p^Re' where P = ©^ distance. the fast just The and of cases r = O and = O (base flow, # is the the the tra ilin g edge. and total and is of the present r = I are shown near-wake) and the momentum-integral TJ s The ( TJ s defined = TJ/ Uj ) p resen t agreem ent solution. compares Kuriki on the from compared the {10} r = I theory using to (wake) with Figure for of and also case. Figure experimental {11} and Number. The from a n d Ba u m and Dewey, uses a {5} . shows (taken r {1}), Chapman Ti g , points also 3. theory Baum's 3 lim iting Denison Kubota Chapm an’s and Mach the from free Tq ^ and 2 (taken of I, U^, 2 and Dem etriades' Denison and D e m e tr ia d e s are of Figure adjacent Figures method {8} in fast-side solution DSL. M ills theory, The (exact) thicknesses The theory in case. numerical = O is the downstream shown tem peratures the y' momentum layers, presents also dim ensional boundary respectfully, Comparisons 2 ©2 a r e slow-side v elo cities T ^ an^ 6 ^ and upstream stream ©2 , + ©2 good num erical from taken by {9}), Sato— G oldstein's {12 I SYMBOL METHOD SOURCE ------------ NUMERICAL DENNISON - BAUM ................. MOMENTUM DEWEY-KUBOTA INTEGRAL (QUADRATIC) T T T T PRESENT THEORY [l] -GOLDSTEIN (INCOMPRESSIBLE) - ALL M 1 r «0 0 6 9 2 (MILLS) O 5 9 (CHAPMAN)__ T PRESENT THEORY Ue-U(O) : MILLS u , - I CHAPMAN u , .1 - O Figure 2. FSL d e v e l o p m e n t and r = O. at y ' = O Figure • SATO-KURIKI, M=O O DEMETRIADES' SERIES 100, M*4 ADEMETRIADES' SERIES 200, M=4 — I------- 1--------- 1_____ I_____ I_____L_ .2 4 .6 .8 I 1.2 x' 3. FSL d e v e l o p m e n t a t and r = I , 6 = 0 . y' = O 8 and 13} shown incompressible in Figures Aside l i t t l e from or no 3 theory as such follow ing two to cases the of ratio A brief at need r this time of shows p ro files in r = I late ra l compressible r y ' layers are shear to validate Dem etriades. to verify ratio ~ I. Dem etriades be the — ) case ratio divided by and is both theory momentum is in by way of of the also two velocity in plotted distance the a The predicts accom plished development Th e U/ (y), the temperature what = of shown by cases, properties the non-dim ensional y theory and/or w ith ( D^ the so lu tio n s .9 and w i l l 4 to lim iting free attem pt and the ( U2 = . 5 U^ ) c a s e . of therefore w ill Figure the flow region .8 example mean presented graphs. (the a c c e ssib le one P and agreement aforem entioned is = The evident. the experiments thickness .5 is n o n -e q u ilibrium The order the data available. using 2 and re a d ily experim ental lam inar, theory. the against defined as r = y' the momentum thicknesses), also FSL = y / ( 0 1 + @2 ) f y = p/pg dy 0 Figure 5 velocity r = .5 shows growth and r the at r y' = 0 case and = 0 progressing = 0 cases. the downstream minimum for r = I, 9 t • .9 9 Figure 4. Theoretical F SL d e v e l o p m e n t at r I and r 10 Figure 5. T h e o r e t i c a l FSL d e v e l o p m e n t v e l o c i t y gr o wt h at y ' = 0. at r = 0 and mi ni mum 11 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH The code, the latter developed flow field equilibrium necessary The Wind at local various mean stream the FSL the such in campus fully layer describes its non­ provide this a Mach of code the and ( i .e * U/U^) the State profiles momentum through the T.E. as well the provided as free M ^ , Re ' ^ > R e ' 2 > U ^ a n d Finally, a Supersonic layer traverses of 3 M ontana supplied furnished and into computer in w ill Boundary as a validity. downstream properties curves which shear V ertical region. references inputs edge ©2 ) • measurements th e o r e tic a l as Montana. properties laminar pre sented on x stations flow flow Transition and free conducted tr a ilin g (0^ {1} experimental were lo cated 2 investigation needed their the thicknesses the of This Bozeman, at Chapter a lam inar experiments U niversity, taken of parameters Tunnel of by D e m e t r i a d e s region. justification FSL portion evidence graphical of the U2 • lim its of comparisons of experim ental p o in ts are 12 CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE W ind T n n n e l The Montana (MSU/ SWT) as continuous The seen is Numbers o 14 5 F o (605 control The of high 336 with are about 18 x (46 optical-quality th ro a t to description of +1 a 8.13 from can be pressures abs. at up and to and +1 autom atically cross cm.) o F from sectional and a upstream A found of of made of the more in area length sid e w alls en tran ce. ( MS U/ S WT) hours area. Rem ovable stretch several fluid. tem peratures or has Tunnel circu it, working mm E g . test section d iffu s e r the for Wind open stagnation at x an the supply the (7.87 is as manually in cm.). glass the and points test in. air Supply located 3.2 in. 4 K). 7 operating controlled console in. as Supersonic 6 and using of set rectangular 3.1 Figures tunnel as R or respectively, U niversity's capable tem peratures, a in flow, MSU/ SWT Mach State nozzle d e ta ile d {14}. P L t ojt P r o b iC The mean used, p ito t flow one probe was m easurem ents. for the the principal Two d i f f e r e n t tra ilin g edge instrum ent pitot boundary in probes layer the were profiles 13 EXHAUST S IL E N CE R PUMPS MOTOR MOTOR CONTROL y -----DESSICANT BED Z / ----- DRYER _. Z / — T H R O T T L E VALVE Z -A IR BELLOWS \ T E S T AREA INLET / / STILLING TANK SUBSONIC D I F F U S E R - Z CONTROL CONSOLE T E S T SECTION Figure 6. (shown as shear Diagram of components . probe layer no. were diam eter 0.004 of to 0.003 measurements o u tside and (spanw ise) rationale response (probe (0.01 (0.008 taken of time using of two a 0.003 cm.) 0.005 probe for with at in. the probes would be (B.L.) outside layer cm.) an a (FSL) initial which to (0.013 free chem ically with tip the an was probe major layer shear (0.02 d ifferen t in. probe Free in. etched other which a pitot 0.008 showing Boundary a pitot with of the 2). cm.). chem ically tunnel 8), no. in. dim ension for Figure with in. were wind taken diam eter flattened in p ro files measurements etched I the was lateral cm.). The was that the too slow and Figure 7. Photograph of modified wind tunnel. 15 PITOT PROBE NO. I .57 Figure 8. Pitot and static probe schematic. 16 not appropriate p ro files. The response time resolution This in is In profile p ito t 0.04 c m. ) where the was less than 200. the actual to account The larger into for p ito t for an to by immersed the outside 15.7 v o lts dynam ically converter. is in discussed a Number low the reading low data were tubes and the of Model flow the before the latter 100 part to and data of this a the < y < diameter of this overestimate curve into {16} was program progressively a bullet-shaped transducer The tim es an (Kulite transducer leads transducer connected Th e A/D c o n v e r t e r in The in to (0 flows to {15 } affect. electrical a m p lified being wall X T E-1-190-5A ). and h a d made computer to pressure tunnel. d. c., reduction attached = 30}. used on p r o b e known Number lateral observed. was Number telescoped encapsulated C o rp ., was A correction Reynolds probes were the based is the Demetriades sizes to Reynolds B .L . dia.) to FSL reduced (probe correction close the a 0.005 probe up afforded interference readings reading. the Semi-conductor was {16}, pressure diam eter housing with Reynolds p ito t incorporated p ito t probe In and / making probe according and pressure pitot half width) varying accordance the than (FSL points flattened adequate B .L . type, data in. more {0.15 where flow many 0.005 by of the considered a study single for was and extending energized damped analog/digital collecting Chapter. process 17 S ch lleren O ^ tleal An 8 - i n c h the quality such as of System portable Schlieren the and flow transition continuous strobe, to investigation. in h eren t detailed bulb, viewing shear flow s, exposures, light other showing using of Schlieren the the flow one speed 13 a spark throughout the differences continuous Figures verify sources, density in to of a high the appear explanation used details Two the was cap ab ilities Photographs to photograph photograph turbulence. illum ination provided System and and spark 15. System is A more given in {14} . Static Pressure Static in. its cm.) 0 .0 1 5 the hole of as that For shown of the in shown 0.10 was the less probe in pitot (0.254 9. probe. 0.35 tip. cm.) in. this region, from Signal with around of one (0,89 cm.) This in. a 0.02 8, d rilled 0.35 interpolated Figure with Figure holes in. than taken in d rille d profiles were were diam eter w ith in edge edge. values downstream as f ir s t tube, cm.) m easurements trailing pressure same (0.038 leading prohibited the in. The measurements diam eter circum feren ce another. from pressure (0.051 three Probe distance downstream the known recording of static values was the 18 I Ps (mm hg) I ~T~ CONFIGURATION Jil IV EXPERIMENTAL I I ESTIMATES (INTERPOLATED) A O 0 SL - A Z Z ^ 3L % T | I Figure T olal 9. I 3 (x) S t a t i c p r e s s u r e v. downstream d i s t a n c e p l o t used to interpolate unknown p r e s s u r e values clo se to the T.E. Temper i i u r£ The total thermocouple connected tunnel. I 2 in. 4 cm. 6 DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE 2 I to The includes originally a PffihA tem perature bead, 0.005 a d ig ital data in. consisted (0.013 tem perature reduction tem perature documented probe in v. in indicator program, Reynolds (17). cm.) of shown in Number a type K diam eter, outside Appendix the E, calibration 19 H o t - F J liI m AniCmomiCtiiCiT A hot-film anemometer indications of provided means to in flow a fluctuations its tip. 0.002 The in. deposited of 0.02 probe was 1213 x the in. in. to amplifier for measurements and 500 limit, and since 300 Zrobe, KHz . KHz , of of x edge of 500 a range heat transfer 0.05 in cm.) dimension glass a Transmetrics used The frequency setting in in was was {18} or The a n ADP with window used between 3 Hz as range and tip rod. series used to ground 6401 and experiment seen from approximately signals.tended also away platinum, Kimax this film temperatu re / veIocity diameter KHz turbulence The wedge combinations. The qualitative double circuit in give a either heating various all way to turbulence. the (0.005 cm. ) connected hot-wire by leading (0.05 to measure consisted 0.02 the used tran sitio n film on a the was an upper between 50 {19}. P o s i t i o n i ng All probes immersed electromechanical section in Figure ceiling of the hollow shaft leads. The v e rtica lly horizontal 7. Four struts, the system was were system, horizontally positioning flow provided supported actuating and the actuating tunnel, that in seen above extending vertical probe, the same mechanically the positioning the by an test through transducer enabled in positioned probes plane. adjusted, the of a and wire to move While vertical 20 positioning is was explained fully as automated. follows, taken The from vertical {1} positioning (Section 6.3.6). For t he mean f l o w m e a s u r e m e n t s t he d a t a wer e o b t a i n e d i n t h e f o r m of p r o f i l e s , i . e . t r a v e r s e s a l o n g y a t c o n s t a n t x. T h e SWT e l e c t r o m e c h a n i c a l a c t u a t o r s y s t e m a l l o w e d t h i s t r a v e r s e t o be done fully autom atically. The v e r t i c a l motion is geared to a flywheel with adjustable spoke s p r o tr u d in g from i t s p e ri p h e ry which p e r i o d i c a l l y i n t e r r u p t a p h o t o d e t e c t o r beam, ea ch i n t e r r u p t i o n t r a n s m i t t i n g a n e l e c t r i c r e a d c o m m a n d t o t h e SWT Data System. Ey a d j u s t i n g t h e a n g u l a r s e p a r a t i o n o f t h e s p o k e s a r o u n d t h e f l y w h e e l , a r e a d c omma nd a t each of t he v e r t i c a l s t e p s m e n t i o n e d above is obtained. In a d d i t i o n , and to e n s u r e a d e q u a t e response time for the sensor, the system a u to m a tic a lly produces a pause between sensor arrival a t a hew v e r t i c a l point and the r e a d c ommand a t t h a t p o i n t , the pause being t y p i c a l l y 15 s e c o n d s i n l e n g t h . The use of pitot, provided all the mean theory. In taking positioned = 0) and reading other within probes to this. I) and flow FSL downstream This positive until temperature needed the the the taken negative y at to pitot the probe was total y in probes verify trailing became electronically were to of position positioned FSL p r o f i l e s from total properties v e rtic a lly minimized. were and measurements, 7 mils adjusted was static edge (x pressure = 0 and all relationship increasing x (Figure always. DjsLtjL C o l l e c t i o n The relayed leads signals of the electro n ically outside the by pitot way tunnel and of to static probes the transducer an a m p lifie r. and were its Upon 21 a m p l i f i c a t i o n , the s ig n a l was resistance/capacitance ( E C) unsteadiness, analog (Spectral was in then Dynamics counts Recording S ile n t to 700 available), Corp. and was AS R circu it Mo d e l to to digital SD-133). ( A/ D) The d ig itally displayed on cassettes via computer 5-inch disks via of the transducer before and after converter and output recorded. Instruments (hard an a signal latters a Texas term in a l on th ro u g h dampen was done and an p a sse d copy Intertek also Superbrain microcomputer. The signal frequently, using a linear corresponded regression to pressure P( mm E g ) where A and B were y-intercept were an of input into Appendices D and collection approach Data replaced The E. by h o t-film magnetic tape by a latter time for in the following A being the reduction shown the Type diagram in the sig n als a H o n e y w e l l .7600 analysis. The constants the given in above data probe was arrangement was 10. temperature Digital were count and B the programs transducer 2809 Each slope showing Figure total measurements, + B the is of calibrated wa y: calibration. data was routine. pressure only a n Ome g a series = A * (counts) by stored, counts calculator A block acquired sim ilarly each constants, the in Thermometer. recorded Recorder on and 0.5-inch replayed at POWER SUPPLY SENSING PROBE PITOT/STATIC POWER SUPPLY _____________ I __________ Y-ACTUATOR POSITIONING TRANSDUCER A AMPLIFIER PHOTO DETECTOR/ FLYW HEEL DAMPER A /D CONVERTER ' ELECTRONIC TIM ER Figure 10. Data STORAGE* 5-IN C H DISC collection block-diagram. STORAGE= CASSETTE/ HARD COPY 23 CHAPTER 5 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN TunnjiJL M o d j . f ^ c . a J : . i o n In the dimensional The M S U / S WT DeLaval present parallel joining therefore, s o me (10.2 channel, tunnel's the and 11), tunnel a 4 for in. gate Figure and of 11 creating a ceiling this forming its principal referred axis, to subscripted The 3 nozzle as air on a flat forming with its s l o w —s i d e a Ma c h 3 was The in the upper top of ceiling. channel and (FSL), 7 manually Figure to is its wind machined 3 11. channel consisted s p litte r It in. (Figures Ma c h parallel two stagnation channel the flow. the controlled The plate, of throat shown 3 A 4 a hole stream. two- layer top at a for required. splitting the called the as Ma c h shear was at stream nozzles. and the air positioned surface floor a free the a plate half uniform terminating above second shows contoured and second valve, two form modification tank a a mode, investigation originating provided pressure op eratin g provides to tunnel stagnation into by Nozzle experimental flows cm. ) normal the plate S WT ’ s hereafter properties are "2" . lower channel block for its consisted floor and of half the the flat original s p litte r Ma c h plate 4 4 GATE VALVE DIA. O 2 4 6 8 IO SECONDARY AIR INCH SPLITTER PLATE"^ STAGNATION UPPER (SLOW-SIDE) NOZZLE TANK PRIMARY AIR Figure 11. Schematic of tunnel modification. LOWERz (FAST-SIDE) NOZZLE 25 for its c e ilin g . properties (spanwise) edge are line (T .E.) of Four called These The subscripted at which the fast/slow -side nozzle and flow a two , "I" flows (or . The join is f a s t-s id e ) horizontal the trailing plate. nozzle combinations their channel by the s p litte r "Configurations" sections lov/er. were combinations, used are in this described parameters are in hereafter investigation. the following summarized in Table I . TABLE I. NOZZLE I CONFIGURATIONS. II M1 d e s i g n 3 3 actual 3 3 3 3 Nozzle I co n to u r 3 contour3 design 1.56 1.6 1.47 Mj a c t u a l Nozzle 2 straight contour X1 , i n ( c m ) 1 0 . 4 ( 2 6 . 4 ) 1 0 ( 2 5 . 4 ) Xj , i n ( c m ) 4 . 2 ( 1 0 . 5 ) 3 . 7 ( 9 . 4 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. IIa 2.7 contour3 1.6 1.74 contour 5(12.7) 3.7(9.4) III IV 2.7 2.7 2.65 2.8 contour3 contour3 2.25 1.6 2.15 1.67 contour3 contour3 6.$5(16.9) 6.71(17) 4.8(12.2) 3 .76(9,5) Conventional v e rtic a l mill C o n v e n t i o n a l v e r t i c a l m i l l , m o d i f i e d by hand sanding Numerically controlled mill D i s t a n c e measur ed downstream from noz zl e t h r o a t 26 C o n f j.£ura..t_ion. % Configuration shake-down model slow-side 1.5 with The the overall were to f a s t —s i d e the design tunnel flow problems attributed to the Configu r a t ion ch aracteristics aiding code the A conventional flow II 12) Mg - achieved tap a flow were design at as already and readings observations associated nozzle give measurements pressure above to was a (straight) nozzle quantitative consisted give Mg was used as that of Mach 1.5 of the deflection with the thought that FSL. to be time. 1.5 mill by. slow-side flow. method in the the used The {20} to Configuration, code. nozzle Although the 13. a nozzles. the quality seen in the Figure of coordinates machine achieved, as c a n b e develop contoured computer was to nozzle subsequent was flow a contoured outlined and acceptable this = of provided this generated of 3 flow and was combination, Mach problems to {21} was n o t photograph this Schlieren Figure vertical approximately the flow. straight design coordinates in 7, II designed computer designed static mentioned Configuration nozzle ratio No in Figure non-contoured the ceiling in seen Supersonic choking (defined a was checked^ from a nozzle tunnel. supersonic noted of area ones, was aside confirm angle The in made flow havi ng, an following installed c a n be consisting nozzle flow. I , which of Schlieren Small shock / / EXPANSION FAN / / Re e 2 / / / pO 2 DEFLECTED FREE SHEAR LAYER PARTITION M l l Re SHOCK WAVE Figure 12. Nomenclature for deflected F S L . S) -J Figure 13. Schlieren photograph of Configurations II and IIa. 29 waves emanating form a well ceiling cut downstream of the of and F SL . The throughout bottom to the nozzle assure I a laminar B. L. would (i.e. Using as ^Q^/P^) shock a stated from c m. ) by nozzle problems also which ( a = 0) id e n tif ie d be a Configuration at T.E. bottom in the in l im it a ti o n 5 in. the up s t r e a m mismatched downstream the must was in exist waves arrived are r a t ^c slow-side nozzle was as a it a This Controled on 11 a , the (12.7 c m. ) channel. by Mill, wind Figure that tunnel a 6). ** q I ^ I ratio before diffuser {23}. M2 = 2 . 2 5 a Bridgeport in I>o 2 /f^ I pressure condition, time ratio in thought the theoretical the driving supersonic minimum after shown was swallowed chosen. Numerically as A minimum in at dependence {22}, flow. I>0 2 ^ 1 Special milled moved pressure, the II c m. ) respective to tunnel (1.9 a horizontal seen In tunnel inlet dominate normal III showed pump Originally, achieve be (20.3 choking was in. was the the to III calculations the w ill was Configuration (Pj» to off created along experiment. block Confie u ra t ion loads problem and in. coalesced 0.75 nozzle 8 exhibited able choking C o n fig u ratio n almost distributions being about the under surface reflected FSL Since tunnel in not The T.E. nozzle that the deflected pressure resulted shock through the it channels. upper cantilevered T .E ., static the defined and aluminum from Series conjunction with 30 a CNC B a n d i t nozzle. Table 2 shown in measured cm. ) and 11 Micro-computer, The slow-side and a photograph Figure 4.82 the nozzle in. 14. From (12.2 tra ilin g used coordinates of this nozzle cm.), edge were the used nozzle throat width thickness to was s hown trailin g 3 .1 0 0.015 cm.). Figure 14. are the combination to was contour Photograph of Configuration III. in. in. in is edge (7.87 (0.038 31 Tunne I choking configuration Schlieren plate for and the at no of flow velocity Confi g u r a t ion that the used In as shown pieces mentioned T.E. was butted in th is shown was this added support II. observed. nozzle I % (Figure in sp litte r Configuration was the of The combination 19). 3.71 c m. ) . The a FSL (Numeric-Control) Mill was m illin g nozzle, of the of steel use from of (9.4 c m. ) . the deflection 2. flow From (a), width, of made fashion was the a ffe c t II. Figure nozzle choking the prevented thickness angle was Configuration in the and c a n tile v e r The T.E. steel streamwise provided in. of the for latter The in Table problem for a is II, aluminum machinability are and versus in nozzle cm. ) used Configuration v e r t i c a l description this of together nozzle the (7.87 and noted the of in. however, the 16. measured (0.038 of machine coordinates 3.1 provided t h e , N.C. Figure in photograph as increased throat a redesign steel and to and in d e fle c tio n nozzle 1018 view needed two The from w ith obtained deflection conventional contouring. in 15. within IV was material versus accuracy se v ere IV h o t —r o l l e d nozzle plate emerging Configuration in affect uniformity as a ~ 0 was nozzle splitter the not Figure the cantilever Therefore shows a FSL o f photography thickness quality was 17, throat as A and to before, was 0.015 not corrected about 10 in. degrees 33 FLOW Figure Figure 16. 17. C o n f i g u r a t i o n IV s I o w - s i d e d e s i g n . Two p i e c e s ' b u t t e d ' t o g e t h e r t o form n o z z l e . Photograph of Configuration IV. 34 TABLE 2 . NOZZLE COORDINATES. MACB = 1 . 6 (Configurations II, IIa , I V) MACH = 2 . 2 5 (Configuration III) X(inch) Y( i n c h ) X( i n c h ) Y( i n c h ) 0.0000 0.6805 0.8880 1.0546 1.1526 1.2547 1.4253 1.5865 1.6775 1.8853 2.0942 2.4740 2.8414 3.2729 3 .7 1 1 7 0.3500 0.2571 0.2298 0.2081 0.1954 0.1822 0.1607 0 .1 4 1 1 0.1303 0.1069 0.0852 0.0512 0.0263 0.0076 0.0000 0.0000 0.5222 0.6402 0.7571 0.8269 0.9019 0.9769 1 .1 0 1 8 1.1687 1.3457 1.6859 2.2734 3.0805 4.8184 5.3578 0.8786 0.7239 0.6889 0.6544 0.6339 0.6120 0.5902 0.5543 0.5354 0.4867 0.3991 0.2703 0.1392 0.0068 0.0000 35 was present* A deflected well defined the T.E. shock to respectively, Configuration, provided stated for an in the assumption just As shown The in the theory in of is exit Figure {23} in the plane the after plot that the of velocity the this no way as The only 8 measured shock/expans ion. to is of parameters th ick n ess assumption from since, locally. is a tu n n e l in a. governing regard this of experiment this a exhibits extending resulting properties s a me a, photograph flow be versus valid. again The within I % 20. arrangement show that was experimented Experimental the diffuser with evidence plays an and early on diffuser important role choking. solid-block varying respect Therefore, Schlieren theoretical 35, shows fan c e i l i n g The the investigation. changes. plate in Figure diffuser Various with address the expansion continuing the positive Modificalion tunnel placed in 2, distance in Diffuser 18. T.E. in uniformity shown Figure only the downstream as in the obstacle with and seen considered before and f lo o r Chapter FSL wave the as FSL, to This combinations stagnation proved a variable attached diffusers to the time diffuser ceiling were and on hand. the flow pressure and consuming was of designed the They was were observed temperature and using tunnel by tedious. a hinged a spring Figure 18. Schlieren photograph of Configuration I V. FLOW ACROSS NOZZLE EXITS CEILING OF TUNNEL . -------------- O,O— CEn_,NG 0 F TUNNEL B L CEILING / OF TUNNEL 'CEILING OF TUNNEL B.L. plane of interest O O O O O O O O O O O O g O =SS^-TS -I O O O O O 2r O y O I(CM) O O SLOW-SIDE BL ON TE. Ih O Z te5 Z FAST-SIDE BL ON TE. b f - A 7 lr -o ~ ° ~ O O O -Ih O O O O FLOOR OF TUNNEL O O Z I r --------------------- o T T C ? ------------- i I (cm) SLOW-SIDE B L ON TE. LE-_ U 03cm X FFLOOR OF TUNNEL ~ 19. CT- O0 - TUNNEL SOO 600 700 VELOCITY (M/S) Configuration uniformity. B.L. OFLOOR OF _L Figure O O O O O O O O O BL • FLOOR OF TUNNEL 500 O-r, -O FAST-SIDE B.L. ON TE. VELOCITY III flow Figure 20. (M /S ) Configuration uniformity. IV f l o w 38 assembly, varied in (lowered The Figure and diffuser a straight bottom the tunnel ceiling far as might use flow, the noted the tunnel. possible, be of flow of and thus that a modified quality. as hindered The seen the in 21. raised) final was of seen by variable one of combination, diffuser variable The block of photographs process. in Figure to was diffusion the did diagnostic Figures the 14 21, floor to the raised as area. It diffuser block was struts. attached diffuser increasing diffuser immersion attached the diffuser actuator diffuser maximizing bottom the sketched variable further diffusion The area by not help the probes into the and 15, also WIRE HOLE THROUGH TUNNEL CEILING SPRING / STRUT HINGE VARIABLE DIFFUSER FINAL POSITION POSSIBLE "VARIABLE" POSITION FLOW TUNNEL FLAT BOTTOM DIFFUSER Figure 21. Schematic of variable diffuser FLOOR TUNNEL TEST S E C TIO N 40 CHAPTER 6 RESULTS General In which {1} , the Demetriades theory summarized as could A large 2; A laminar X ( U2 - U 2 / U J + U 2 ) 3. 4. B .L . shed A long laminar FSL. A flow field coming the side nozzle off above in the quality verified. which is conditions combinations phase 1, of judgements far from T.E., Configurations shakedown be desirable The conditions conditions at are follows: I. With discusses the were from the that of wake flows. T. E. the a, deflection of the FSL 0. as guidelines, were 11 tried and as IIa and III and noted were experiment, made various in used where diagnostic fast/slowChapter only 5. as overall a flow expertise wa s acquired. In Configurations conditions These optimum function along Si were of with the the A further reached before conditions, four tunnel any as discussion of the optimum measurements shown desireable choking I V, in Table conditions problem optimum operating were 3, taken. were listed mentioned in conditions a above, Chapter is given 41 in { I }, where a theoretical approach to a laminar FSL is pre s e n te d . TABLE 3 . OPTIMUM OPERATING CO ND ITI O NS . Configuration p Ol P 02 T 01 ( mm Hg ) (mm H g ) 0 ■ T02 The < R> three required to compares the tra ilin g edge momentum thicknesses second the FSL of theory B .L . section the tran sitio n laminar the flow above an The on in the stream the region As n o t e d im portant last section of {1}. data. in of mean in in this provided First, the B.L. edge quality. properties of Determination the Chapter experimental curves the flow. role section tra ilin g flow of param eters fourth the discussion free theoretical presented a the the provides addresses comparison corresponding codes and adjacent play and experimental section exists. o u tlin e theory to focuses development. graphical the IV 460 130 580 se ctio n s verify and Configuration 425 170 605 next The III 2, the FSL all by which three of th e o r e tic a l chapter data in gives points the a and computer 42 T railin g Ed^e Boundary; L a ^ e r A laminar ,important flow> T.E. in in the {1}, for 23, The and from limit TABLE 4 . can is that where B.L . Fast-side S I ow-side boundary and B .L . As th e tran sitio n to intensity in Figures lim its tabulated at discussed wide-band IV a p p e a r of the in Table 22 flow 4. The begins. III Configuration P Q 2 ( m m Hg ) Pg^fmm Hg ) boundary layer layer P q 2 ( mm the wall from free stream comparisons the (0) thickness from Hg ) is where profiles, actual and velocity. of 80-200 mean, f l o w of momentum distance IV 300-500 upstream the and the 100-200 identify 24) in detect 300-600 just the laminar BOUNDARY LAYER LAMINAR REGION. PQ^Cmm Hg ) point To a s s u r e to separation Configuration T .E . v ita lly varied. Pq versus are was was p ressu re survey T.E. placed used III lam inar the FSL. was be resulting the from pressure Configurations resulting lower anemometer h o t —f i l m turbulence. shed a laminar stagnation the signal being attaining a hot-film and and B.L . B.L . T.E., (8) B .L. experimental differs and a to The as profiles B .L. at used defined velocity The were thicknesses. hereafter the taken that by I % (Figure momentum 43 ' r I I CONFIGURATION III FAST-SI DE UPPER B.L. AT TE. SLOW SIDE UPPER ftL. AT TJ NOISE ZERO SIGNAL LOWER R U AT TE. LOWER 8.L. AT T E. R.M.S SIGNAL INTENSITY 200 300 4 0 0 SOO 600 (MM HG) Figure 22. 2 00 300 Pqz (MM HG) 400 P q v . RMS B . L . t r a n s i t i o n Configuration I I I . CONFIGURATION IV FAST-SPE LOWER R L . / AT TE. 900 trace for SLOW-SIDE UPPER B.L. AT TE NOISE ZERO SIGNAL —v UPPER R L . AT TE. LOWER B L AT T E . RMS. SIGNAL INTENSITY 200 (MM HG) Figure 23 (MM P q v . RMS B . L . t r a n s i t i o n C o n f i g u r a t i o n I V. 250 300 HG) trace for 44 "i I SLOW-SIDE M=I.6 7 % =130 mm Hg TE' .24 I SLOW-SIDE M=2.I5 P0=ITO mm Hg rTTTTnrrrm^ V r~ ~1 T TE. ; y (CM) .16 .08 0 FAST-SIDE M= 2.80 P =425 mm Hg FAST-SI DE M= 2.65 P =4 6 0 mm Hg T? j j j j , h .24 y (CM) .16 • • .08 — • • • • • . 0 0 . • ' 200 , 400 I 600 • D VELOCITY Figure 24. — Experimental B.L. I 200 ( M/ S) profiles. I 400 I 600 45 thicknesses to are presented 26. Low's theory Low's in Table theory developed TABLE 5 . is by 8/0 2.80 2.65 2.15 1.67 an also extension BI a s i n s , as of Blasius' pressure of consistency agreement 8/6 error. in with values This the {25} 8/0 T his each thicknesses were theoretical answer to parameters B .L . unexpected curve this B.L. almost 0 27), came for 5) when from. the (Figure but the B.L. s a me Figure = 2.8 p / p e TJ/ Ue ( l - U / U e ) at not the On 27) shows only fair it 28 are B.L. dy since worst question did to zero unexpected, the with incidence, showed raised identical d istrib u tio n CO G = / 0 % ERROR 8.1 4.1 10.8 12.1 was p r o f ile s contradiction. defining {25}. findings, (Table and THEORY zero result result (Figure curve in theory experimental non-dim ensional theoretical plate, 25 incompressible ( t h e ory) B .L . v e l o c i t y theory Figures MEASURED V. flat theory. for the presented incompressible the in plate 14.42 13.83 12.09 10.76 of gradient, flat appear 15.59 14.42 13.55 12.24 that the 5 and (measured) A comparision the compressible, BOUNDARY LAYER 5 / 0 , MACH NO. the {24} 12 % of why match the and momentum theory that provides plotted an the TE MOMENTUM THICKNESS VS. STAGNATION PRESSURE TE. BOUNDARY LAYER THICKNESS VS STAGNATION PRESSURE LOW'S THEORY LOW'S THEORY* M=2.80 M-265 • M.2 80 • M-2 65 I M-2.15 A M -1 .67 (MM HG) P0 (MM HG) Figure 25. Experimental theory. B. L . 6 v. Figure 26. Experimental theory. B. L . 6 v. 47 a *A A * • M = 2 .8 0 \ E X P O N E N T IA L A M = I.6 7 UZUe = l- E X P ( - y /6 ) B L A S IU S -F L A T PLATE THEORY d p /d x = O Figure 27. Experimental B.L . comparison to Blasius profile. A iPZpe E X P E R IM E N T A L A U ZU e (I-U Z U e) E X P E R IM E N T A L • ^ Z p e UZUe (I-UZUe) P Z p e (C RO CC O R E L A T IO N ) U Z U e (I-U Z U e ) [ B L A S I U S ] / Figure 28. p Z p e U ZU e (I-U Z U e) G r a p h i c a l c o m p a r i s o n of t h e o r e t i c a l e n t e r i n g t he i n t e g r a n d of 0. v. experimental properties 49 Only one shown B.L . was in Figure compared 27. (p/P@U/Ug(l-U/Ug) the range that from to 6 does along not the 8) Fre^e^ S h ^ a r Number, both (Figures the also / in 0.004(probe according to and or 0 to and This the in result of (0.18 c m. ) (seen theory to = 18}. thick Probe since and (0.01 This exist nozzle. disparity, in. the being investigation. cause 4, suggests a diverging 0.004 d i a .) from curve. each theoretical curve gradients this was y/6 of The L o w / B l a s i u s 30) in. the the occured 29 a n d available of the pressure 0.07 under outside a possible stream properties velocity and cm. ) is the O. D. a region {15}. the 29 in Figures f a s t —s i d e and 30), underexpans ion experimental data. (edge Reynolds c o n fig u ra tio n s in range consistency Lj iy e i r . a n d Myzin FjLow M e y y u r e m y n y y graphically flow the under present typically uncertainty Free are probe {0.07(B.L. area has for Figures was was smallest of account conditions B. L. effect the the are are to = ©(theoretical). FSL i n interference the they a cancellation also In values 12 ©(experimental) Both Notice curve. experimental due the is in 31, properties) Number Table 32 6 and are and 33. such as summarized also Even though was not fully results show good consistency believed to for d e ta ile d channel not Ma c h the expanded compromise and the "Q-XXW \ \ \ ^ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N K \ \ > x : EXPANSION % ASURFACE - I MEASURED along fsl O ON THIS SURFACE A \ \X x L ALONG f I FSL A • O T H lS MEASURED ESTIMATED SHOCK THEORETICAL M-1.6 NOZZLE / ASYMPTOTE SURFACE ON THIS SURFACE I FROM M«3 NOZZLE AREA RATIO z I I THEORETICAL M -3 NOZZLE ASYMPTOTE. THEORETICAL M - Z Z S NOZZLE ASYMPTOTE \ THEORETICAL M -3 NOZZLE ASYMPTOTE DISTANCE FROM M=3 THROAT (INCH) Figure 29 Configuration gradients. III pressure iO DISTANCE FROM Figure 30 M -3 20 THROAT Configuration gradient s . 30 IV p r e s s u r e 51 Table 6. BOUNDARY LAYER AND EDGE P R O P E R T I E S . Configuration O^ ©2 (cm.) ( cm.) III Configuration .0123 .0152 .0120 .0125 U^ h i g h U j I ow Uj a v g ( cm/s ) ( cm/s ) (cm/s) 65700 65050 65300 63400 62000 62700 U2 h i g h U 2 I ow U2 a v g ( cm/s ) (cm/s) (cm/s) 58800 57650 58300 52100 50000 51400 Rej ' Re j ' Re j ' high low avg ( c m ^) (cm I ) ( c m- 1 ) 40000 37400 38900 53200 50800 51800 Rej' Rej' Re j ' high low avg ( c m- ?-) ( c m - *) (cm 1 ) 21700 20600 21100 20800 20300 20500 high low avg 2.93 2.87 2.90 2.81 2.70 2.76 Mj h i g h M2 I OW Mj a v g 2.34 2.25 2.29 1.93 1.76 1.87 Mj Mj Mj IV r C O N F IG U R A T IO N » F A S T -S ID E O S L O W -S ID E I III 3- 620 - A * U, OU2 a O 3- 540 O - - • I- 500 I (m .) . 4 D O W N S TR E AM Figure 31. Ma c h No . distance (cml DISTAN C E v. in • • - I (m.) 2 3 -J-----------------------------1-------------------------1---------------- 1_____ ___________ 2 (x ) 4 DO W NSTREAM Figure • I 6 downstream FSL. • I C J ----------------------- 1____ ,_________ I 2 O S L O W -S ID E O • IV O F A S T -S ID E IV • U2 - O * u, - M ACH NO. C O N F IG U R A T IO N » * CONFIGURATION III; CONFIGURATION (M/S) 580 A a A V E L O C IT Y I- * & A ■— I---------- 32. Velocity distance (cm.) 6 D IS T A N C E v. in (« ) downstream FSL. 53 CONFIGURATION IV • SLOW-SIDE a CONFIGURATION III FAST-SIDE • SLOW-SIDE * FAST-SIDE O ESTIMATES 4 (cm.) 6 DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE (*) Figure 33. Reynolds No . v . downstream distance in FSL. 54 Figures static 34 pressure the FSL. The the consistency trough in in latter the 95 % o f tank. a pitot in the total due Reference detail to results the of seen x total temperature •* ■ 0 2 ^ 0 1 ^ This taking through the stagnation FSL velocity is the profiles defined point as as on was the in the the the free on s l o w —s i d e . in were being stagnation regarding tunnel facility . accounted in The for depth two free so that the heat equal air by stream connecting flowing the P q^ nozzle. the FSL, stream the evidence not measurements shown x in Figure fast-side and T. E. the are existed decrease (h ) distance, plots the expected. pipe through trough at wind secondary slow-side h versus % from the the th ick n ess and p l o t t e d in be n o n -in su la te d to this values phenomena place tank measured experimental would stream transfer The to, s y s t e m a t i c a l l y as taken measurements temperature 95 % f o r temperature, s h o w n on t h e s e profile. wall shows total profiles pressure temperature increasing I - pressure static {17} was typical pressure factor trough with and total recovery The 35 noteworthy the the and in were taken Figures 36 38. measured from and 37, The FSL t h i c k n e s s in the where the velocity velocity, and a FSL, between differs corresponding by I point 55 O TOTAL TEMPERATURE A STATIC PRESSURE • PITOT PRESSURE Ps (MM HG) P0 (MMHG) - 180 -140 -IOO y - POSITION (CM) Figure 34. Configuration FSL . III typical properties I I ' I CONFIGURATION IV P5IMM HG) yPglMM HG) tO10r) / / 590 r220 21 ------ - 180 - • • e • * O A 580 A I O TOTAL TEMPERATURE a STATIC PRESSURE • PITOT PRESSURE o o o o A A through A A A A * * * O O O O 57 - 140 560 550 • - IOO 540 • it Figure 36. -.3 Configuration FSL. e • -.2 M O y- POSITION (CM) IV t y p i c a l • .1 properties through 56 700 600 • Q # * S , 500 VELOCITY Y (M /S) » A • Of ? * ^ &$ Y A Q Y A * SHEAR LAYER PROFILES " VELOCITY VS. y POSITION M=2.I5 400 M=ZBO TE. — 300- I »- SYMBOL 200 - ICO %-POSITION (IN) • 30 A O 2.0 1.0 + 0.5 T 0.0 I I -.3 I ______ 36. I >• ° -I O .1 y-POSITION (CM) I -H0 A 3 % ■ O I I I I .2 V e l o c i t y v . y - p o s i t ion Configuration III. ? <n o Figure -.2 I plot in FSL I A » O • V1 o « V E L O C IT Y - . O O - O - O i s i s ■ (m /s) • O • O • O A • A “ • A 400 • « CONFIGURATION ■ e * A * h 6 • _ SYMBOL # A f o i -.3 i -.2 i T . .I i O y - P O S IT IO N Figure 37. " A M =2.65' 200 IV M=I 67 i -I .2 ,-P O SITIO N (in. 0°5 1.0 2 .0 3 .0 I .3 (c m ) V e l o c i t y v . y - p o s i t i on C o n f i g u r a t i o n I V. plot in F SL 57 xT V ( . i O • o o O O O O i, .4-. O r ------------------------ 1------------------------ - • h(cm) 4) • e \ XT # I CONFIGURATION IV • -EXPERIMENTAL FSL !-EXPERIMENTAL B.L. h 7 TE. % ---------------------- --- rI - I CONFIGURATION III O -EXPERIMENTAL FSL A-EXPERIMENTAL B.L. i I i 0 I 2 in. 3 --------------------1--------------------- 1-------------------- 1--------------4 cm. 6 DISTANCE Figure 38. h v . x along FS L DOWNSTREAM for (x) Configurations III and I V. 58 Tr a n o n Determination The determination necessity in, t h i s v e r if ie d is A ctually, of only itself tran sitio n versus said laminar might 38, that a III tran sitio n is for Configuration the T.E. for downstream The was FSL of the second the would and a result. a ways be in were a being region. point, but region be to used for locating the used much in this in Using (4.6 III and 1.5 will used decrease Schlieren in in. in of the Arrows, is than plot seen thickness in for method, it appears downstream of the (3.8 The denoted for rapidly slope FSL this cm. ) I V. be the thickness Turbulence more behavior; change I V. profiles, plotted. change photography. FSL, will which layer in. method a laminar point velocity 1.8 T.E, at was theory lam inar a totally can Configuration Schlieren spread flow shear slope FSL the of point below. tran sitio n al show Configurations mean the occur these therefore indicate Figure of distance the growth, not from detailed the spread in a variety five downstream to are are from since Transition point, First, does gradually There investigation, tran sitio n a p p lic ab le turbulence. sim plicity. the investigation, t r a n s i t i o n manifests one of cm. ) downstream tran sitio n by of distance xj,. transition determination Since tran sitio n density gradients photographs T. E. of tends to across the continuous and 59 spark exposures contrast can be due seen Schlieren 1.5 Yf oul d to in the decrease Schlieren photography in. (3.8 exhibit cm.) a of loss density photographs. locates fo r of black-white gradients. Figures x-j, a s 2.3 in. C o n f i g u r a t io n s 18 This and 39. (5.8 c m. ) and I I I and IV respectively. The la s t tran sitio n traverses various of point was through gave hot-film the in s ta b ilitie s As to an has been early from as Konrad pairing the following layers the T. E. and a brief taken at proceeding Before in A low {26}) ways. she d manifests presenting discussion in order from of to give low speed can be speed a flows, good these by in to this of a is vortex vorticies wave. Sato Figure picture related p artitio n into sinusoidal photograph a of a in stab ility ) itself (pairing) creates provides and are (Kelvin-Helmho.lz direction phenomena at the anemometer signal, w i t h a FSL i s amalgamation observed, 1956. hot-film hot-film indications, instability downstream determ ining results. boundary The of information. associated the This The beginning in sta b ility structure. a FSL. transition two created. in the ways qualitative transition the credibility three by x-positions, downstream (T.E.), the This {19} 40 this as (taken vortex experiment in k * Figure 39. Schlieren Sp a r k and photograph continuous * . & t „ %JL* of C o n f i g u r a t i o n I I I t r a n s i t i o n d e t e r m i n a t i o n . e x p o s u r e above and b e l ow r e s p e c t f u l l y . Figure 40. Edge a nd p l a n v i e w s of a l ow s p e e d s h o w i n g wa ve s t r u c t u r e ( t a k e n f r o m d i m e n s i o n o f p i c t u r e i s 15 c m. ( i n c o m p r e s s i b l e ) mixing l a y e r {22}). Scale: streamwise 62 1. Schlieren 39, photographs, show t r a c e s p articu la rly 2. Hot-film studies and 42) for as transition Making use structure of the F irst, attached to a above the at component of region o u t p u t ) of at that shows the point this at the gave set region. these waves. be 131 the (Figures FSL free KHz a n d 9 3 with This KHz peak increasing x in. concerning ways to this wave judge where was 3 4 0 0 A RMS and taken, The as RMS to signal shown signal therefore, stream) a a RMS voltm eter intensity in Figures measures traversing one of q u a lita tiv e was 43 the from a t r a n s it io n a l in d ic a tio n of activity. peak p o s i t i o n RMS p l o t (frequency the s t r u c t u r e respectively. different signal flow, (free laminar/transitional to frequency to x values. the (FSL), Second, in of and was. trace succeeding a c ti v it y III 18 frequency of information three hot-film and lam inar in versus Hewlett-Packard y-position a .c. and thought point versus 44 was cause a frequency IV Figures tran sitio n al (thought decreased resulted transition peak at Configurations systematically the intensity a boundary) in in w a v e —l i k e a possible of reveal seen t h i s not!cable B addresses stream the of Appendix 41 as was vs. ( ma xi mum noted a spectrum intensity). Figures corresponding and intensity x-values. wideband was 41 taken and 42 63 Third, succeeding and of x-positions three plotted at the 175 KH z downstream versus c a n be y —p o s i t i o n seen which Us e in at Figures 45 is ju stifie d the in applied. (3.3 cm. ) not for respectively. mean Table portion was mid-point of As begins This was flow, transition Transition flow intensity. increasing determining laminar dispersion magnitudes stated from the graphs therefore {27}, noting with denotes in a the in are the decrease onset which chosen for of the the point. of summarized peak tran sitio n spectral is relative and 48. The transitional above 47 o scillatio n intensity theory the x in F ig u res for turbulence. of of versus criterio n point in signal 46. All a a Schlieren gave and transition hot-film points methods that are since the where the 7. determination was of the the The observed FSL w a s above important only results beyond Configuration 2.0 III region suggest in. and (5.1 that cm. ) and laminar 1.3 Configuration in. I V, INTENSITY NOISE CONFIGURATION f (KHZ) Figure 41. Configuration III spectra v. X. INTENSITY NOISE f (K HZ) Figure 42. Configuration IV spectra v. x. CONFIGURATION III NOISE O 0.5 1.0 15 2.0 25 2.75 3.0 3.25 3.5 3.75 4.0 DOWNSTREAM Figure 43. Configuration III RMS v . x . DISTANCE (IN.) I I I i I I I I CONFIGURATION IV rms NOISE _____ I_____ I_____ i_____ i O Figure 44. 0.5 i i i i 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE Configuration IV RMS v . x . . (IN .) CONFIGURATION 175 KHZ III NOISE O 0.5 Figure 45. 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.75 3 0 3.25 3.5 3.75 4.0 DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE (IN.) Configuration III 175 KHz. signal v . x . CONFIGURATION NOISE O 0.5 1.0 DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE Figure 46. Configuration IV 175 KHz. (IN ) signal v. x . IV CONFIGURATION IV HOT-FILM INTENSITY VS. DOWNSTREAM DISTANCE * RMS SIGNAL * 175 KHZ SIGNAL O 130 KHZ SIGNAL INTENSITY SLOW SlOE (orbilrory units) 14 INTENSITY (ARBITRARY 12 UNITS) IO O • 175 KHZ SIGNAL . A RMS SIGNAL O 93 KHZ SIGNAL ' IO (CM) 4 (IN) X-DISTANCE DOWNSTREAM DOWNSTREAM Figure 47. G r a p h i c a l r e s u l t s showing Configuration III hot-film transition points. Figure 48. DISTANCE U) G r a p h i c a l r e s u l t s showing C o n f i g u r a t i o n IV h o t - f i l m transition points. 71 TABLE 7 . SUMMARY OF TR A N S IT I O N P O I N T S . Configuration Me t h o d xT i n . h v . x S c h l i e r e n Pho t o s RMS v . x RMS P e a k S p e c t r u m v . x 175 KBz. s i g n a l v . x Average Comparison The needed The Configuration (cm.) in . X rji I . 8 (4.6) 1.8 (4:6) 2.0 (5.1) 1.8 (4.4) 2.3 (5.7) 2.0 (5.1) IV (cm.) 1 . 5 (3.8) 1.5 (3.8) .7 ( 1 . 8 ) 1.0 (2.5) I . 8 (4.6) 1.3 (3.3) w.i.th T h e o r y previous as inputs graphical development curves III experimental into the present computer that increasing downstream generated results by of the a ll theparam eters code comparisons with were sections provided follow detail distance. computer Configuration { I }. the FSL The code III in and solid and the IV are s u p e r i m p o se d . Configuration Figure x-position found in pronounced prediction 49 IJI shows the proceeding the cusp deviation at x' = minimum velocity downstream. of the from 0 .1 1 2 The trough the (x minimum (y' theoretical = 1 .0 growth in.). = 0). each velocity Notice laminar This at is is the growth 1.0 in. 72 before the suggests x = 1.0 transition that laminar in. 50 the and at in. 0.112). = experimental the at the T.E. a point use T.E. the of points in Table exsists 51 show progressing at obtained of d if f e r e n t the the at the development to x' just firs t x = 1. 0 = 0 of the upstream of FSL t r a v e r s e Chapter probes result x = 0 and downstream T.E. p ito t This FSL a point in 7. between consistency taken downstream two only the points just given and Note B .L . and flow Figures beginning (x ' point 5 discusses for these two measurements . C o n f J - J j u r a.I:. i o n Figure IV 52 shows configuration. already 7, two At reached tran sitio n Figure 53 shows corresponding x' to = minimum 0. 3 the sets x —p o s i t i o n s the (x the the velocity minimum asymptote. in rapidly, = 0 and As in.) FSL d e v e l o p m e n t x ' = 0 and velocity therefore, x = .5 at x ' = 0.059. growth noted only will these be of this ratio has in Table the firs t compared. x-positions 73 C O N F IG U R A T IO N U g /U , III ASYMPTOTE r = .893 D E M E T R IA D E S ' L A M IN A R F S L M1= 2.9 THEORY Figure 49. Theoretical v. experimental minimum velocity growth in FSL of Configuration III. CONFIGURATION III DEMETRIADES FSL THEORY • F S L - EXPERIMENTAL a BLASIUS T.E. B. L. EXPERIMENTAL SLOW-SIDE FAST-SIDE Figure 50. Theoretical v. experimental FSL development at x ' = 0 of Configuration III. 75 x' " 0 . 0 5 6 *'■ 0.112 Figure 51. Theoretical x ' = 0.056 v . e x p e r i m e n t a l FSL d e v e l o p m e n t a t and x ' = 0.112 of C o n f i g u r a t i o n 76 C O N FIG U R A TIO N IV U m in./U U g /U l ASYMPTOTE P= .96 D EM ETR IA D E S L A M IN A R THEORY — = .983 Figure 52. Theoretical v . experimental minimum velocity growth in FSL of Configuration IV. 77 DEMETRIADES FSL THEORY CONFIGURATION IV _ • F S L -EXPERIMENTAL A T E. B.L. EXPERIMENTAL - BLASIUS Figure 53. Theoretical v . experimental x ' = 0 and x ' = 0 . 0 5 9 . FSL d e v e l o p m e n t at CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS The the conclusions FSL region Configuration < I in. shows for good III 1. uses theory Figures show at that the 2. profile was The range the T .E . is re s tric tio n FSL r e g i o n I V. The in 1.5 the theory of in. for range 0 < x Demetriades following statments. shown in the exponential 52. and initial FSL The profiles be the arbitrarily in the to in profiles (x' = 0) considerably difference show choice the to in that define exponential theory. exponential chosen is figures than seen x = 0 The a better profile B. L. at profile proceeding would used profile Experimental exponential. that Demetriades in itia l simplify the velocity algebra equations. places not < be velocity governing x in agreement 3 5 %. {1} < obtained poor Profile theory 0 results but and currently in the an the qualitatively, the in itia l states of in on measured v e lo c i ty than Blasius profile and 50 the thickness the the will 27, thicker the in agreement as taken based Configuration quantitatively The are met restric tio n s in this on the experiment flow. was that One the 79 pressure Figures 3, was 29 and theory shows FSL in initial its also 51 53), and The the The experimental this 5. The this h theory width (Figures 50, 51 in at its laminar of the range of in and of in the 53). The (Figure Figures 50, considerably, x (far velocity x (h) portion comparisons large investigation shows parallel An e r r o r for from the profile laminar not and thickness T. E. ) is flow was not in sufficient velocity the experimental between results 20-50 % e x is ts to this verify results^ required experimental to match theoretical curve experimental the shown point in growth The Figure horizontally in the factor that points to the moving the 49, to rates qualitatively. quantitatively experimental/theoretical by the right, is is 2. expression: * . 9 — = x / p nRe’ x' where K = 2 is error of point were the shown statement. that The was the differs that shape important. This in experimental states in itia l growth stages although theory the little confirms 38 a n d constant. 30. The experiment 4. everywhere required. between 20-30 matched experimental to point An e r r o r % exists the of if. theoretical vertically 50 % i s the seen. An experimental curve downward. by moving 80 6. Waves in the FSL Chapter 6 and address the were also seen to exist in Appendix presence of C. waves as The or discussed theory their does effect in not on the flow. 7. The theory of downstream Demetriades distance x ' where Re' average is average unit Number Reynolds is the non-dimensioning the downstream lim iting = 0, near-wake closely + looked (r at. In Re ' ( s I o w - s i d e ) } / 2 Re ' ( f a s t - s i d e ) will {Re'(fast-side) this case fraction it of flow. In found that U2 ) / 2 , b u t study .53 + is the a in not unit U1 . wave the the = wake, Number. obvious distance and Re ' r = 1> In since the Reynolds speed was obvious incompressible, Brown not in until the wake) are near-wake, and = 0. Roshko flows = In this govern necessarily turbulent Re' that Number wo uld argument choice Obviously, Re'(slow-side) in tu itiv e ly The = {Re'(fast-side) R e '(fa s t-s id e ). govern. 0}/2 sim ilar the non-dimensional as: Reynolds cases the = x * / PRe' the unit defines the {28} ( U^ + under 81 APPEND ICES 82 APPENDIX A T R A N S IT I O N THEORY COMPARISON The of la tte r transition and portion as 2.0 in. IV r e s p e c t f u l l y . these two known about appear a {29}. in The FSL equilibrium agreement be region. to this C o n fig u ratio n III not in equilibrium FSL theoretical wake p o s itio n speculative of curve Configuration This IV experimental suggested 2.0 in., The curve X this in and Brower {1} point from was in point that it Figure the above shear the layer seen fall on was 0.06 either. on transition in 36 the so The the for Figure predictive is showed Figure expected. As FSL from 54, to the in measured f a llin g approach aI . present point, was could the not applicable successful. falls clearly should not theoretical proved and the is mini mum et. occuring Since III l it tl e transition {(U^-Uj) / ( U ^ + l ^ ) } experim ental drawn a onset compare on Demetriades 54); region, curve. the Continuing the was tran sitio n with based before by to since A theory transition (Figure distance a advantageous satisfied theory the Configurations a theory, FSLs . with identifies for Demetriades transition the to proposed dealt 6 in. w o u l d be in to was theory 1. 3 points transition needing Chapter and It tran sitio n conditions of 55, curves. already in a 83 transitional combined allowed state B.L.'s for distance in. this flow. past case. th eo retical curves (increase before h) the (8^ + 82) at lam inar finite in before the An T. E. the Of T. E. This T.E. point suggest transition would that set the larger h itself, falling the in. FSL of than tra n sitio n manifest experimental would was course to meant the the h needs a about 1.3 below the must grow 84 FSL A S Y M P T O T IC FOR A I WAKE A S Y M P T O T IC FO R A - O SPECULATIVE CONFIG URATIO N DATUM Figure 54. III Experimental transition point for Configuration III. 85 FSL A SYM PTO TIC FOR A I WAKE A S Y M P T O T IC FOR A - O CONFIGURATION IV DATUM SPE C U LA T IV E I l l i Figure 55. Experimental transition point for Configuration IV. 86 AP P ENDI X B TUNNEL VI BR AT I ON The wave attributed tend 1. 2. to structures to tunnel invalidate vibration. this observations any movement of An as the accelerometer 0 < f the wind intensity The in to plate was be a bar T.E. MB 3 0 3 , placed (Figure with about of the did c o u l d he observations not indicate 56) frequency above operating. natural is following flow p late. No. was activity fundamental s p litte r plate < 5 0 KHz) spectrum a decrease of splitter (Model tunnel The in the statem ent. M icroscopic range 3. seen to e x is t The that 42 KHz, constant of section frequency versus indicated frequency. the assuming cross test resulted increasing frequency the response cantilevered the section. s p litte r 87 INTENSITY NOISE NOT APPLICABLE FREQUENCY Figure 56. Frequency v . in te n s ity accelerometer attached section. (KHZ) s p e c t r a from above the t e s t APPENDIX C WAVE STRUCTURES During the reasonable lifetim e that it of travels a wave at structure some constant average ( U^ + U2 ) / 2 . Then passing any station x would be invariant frequency is observed constant, but the increasing x past Therefore, to speed, The keep As Figure h 57 to lam inar the = frequency) mechanism width. in f the frequency region governing valid, increase increases the the the wave wave would speed seem near the (f ) of the if X rem ained to Xf length length wave decrease (Figures equation X increases it 41 for and 42). = u (u = wave must is h, proportionately increase. the as FSL show n giving: X = 1 .4 h "1X u s e d h e r e i s t h e w a v e l e n g t h o f t h e w a v e , confused w ith the n o n -d im e n sio n a l speed r a t i o U0 ) . <U 1 " U 2 ) / ( U 1 Not to be 89 T T A 1 .0 - CONFIGURATION III # CONFIGURATION IV A-jM .8 - .6 - .4 - 2 - .2 .3 .4 .5 % Figure 57. N o n - d i m e n s i o n a l g r a p h s h o w i n g t h e wave s t r u c t u r e w a v e l e n g t h t o be p r o p o r t i o n a l t o t h e F SL t h i c k n e s s . 90 APPENDIX D DATA REDUCTION PROGRAM FOR BOUNDARY LAYER P R O F IL E S LIST 10 REM LAST UPDATED: 1-30-83 20 REM *»*86*6»466*#*BOUNDARY-LAYER PROGRAM*****&*******8* 30 REM 40 REM PROGRAM TO CALCULATE MEAN FLOW PROPERTIES OF A BOUNDARY LAYER 50 REM WITH ASSUMED STATIC PRESSURE AND TOTAL TEMPERATURE 51 REM 52 REM A CORRECTION IS USED FOR POINTS THAT HAVE A REYNOLDS 53 REM NUMBER BASED ON PROBE DIA. LESS THAN 200. 54 REM 60 DIM Y l ( 4 4 0 ) , YY( 4 4 0 ) ,MACH(440) ,PO( 4 4 0 ) , P02( 4 ^ 0 ) ,U(4 4 0 ), P l (4 4 0 ), P (440) 70 DIM TS( 4 4 0 ) ,D( 4 4 0 ) ,YTILL(440) 80 REM 90 PRINT "WHAT IS FILE FOR PITOT DATA" 100 INPUT FlO HO PRINT "WHAT IS STATIC PRESSURE" 120 INPUT Pl 130 PRINT "WHAT IS TOTAL TEMP" 140 INPUT TO 150 PRINT "FOR LOW RE PITOT CORRECTION: WHAT ARE CALIBRATION POINTS" 160 PRINT "Y=A+BX+CX''2+DX''-3+EX''4+F)(A5" 170 PRINT " i . e . I . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 , O WOULD BE INPUT FOR NO CORRECTION" 180 INPUT Z 1,Z2,Z 3,Z4,Z5,Z6 190 K=O 200 K=I 210 PRINT "OUTPUT FILE NAME FOR VELOCITY V. DIST" 220 INPUT V* 230 PRINT "OUTPUT FILE NAME FOR DIMENSIONLESS GROUP" 240 INPUT WS 250 OPEN ,0",#2,V S 260 OPEN "0".#3,WS 270 OPEN " ! " , D l l FlS 280 REM 290 REM 300 REM ************* NOMENCLATURE *********************** 310 REM H=HEADER NO. 320 REM x=distance from t r a il in g edge 330 REM PO=STAGNATION PRESSURE 340 REM TOI =STAGNAt I ON TEMP 350 REM . Al=CAL CONSTANT (SLOPE) OF PITOT PRESSURE 360 REM A2= " " (INTERCEPT) OF PITOT PRESSURE 370 REM Cl= " " (SLOPE) OF Y-POSITION 380 REM C2= “ " (INTERCEPT) OF Y-POSITION 390 REM N=NO. OF POINTS IN PROFILE 400 REM Yl=Y-POSITION IN COUNTS 410 REM YY=Y-POSITION IN CM 420 REM P02=STAGNATI0N PRESSURE IN MM HG 430 REM U=VELOCITY IN CM/S 440 REM Pl=STATIC PRESSURE IN MM HG 450 REM TS=STATIc TEMPERATURE IN DEG R 460 REM D=DENSIty IN GM/CM''3 ' 470 REM YTI LL=NON-DIMENSI ONAL 480 REM RENUM=UNIT REYNOLDS NUMBER 490 INPUTDl, H ,X, PO,TOl, A l, A2,C l , C2.N 500 REM 510 REM 520 PRINT 530 PRINT 540 PRINT "********************************" 550 PRINT "********************************" 91 560 PRINT " B . L . DATA FOR RUN NO.";H 570 PRINT "*#***$***$$C**#****#$*#*{[A##o$$([" 580 PRINT 590 PRINT 600 FOR I=I TO N 610 INPUT#1,Y1( I ) 1PO(I) 620 YY(I)=ABS<.00254*(C l#Y1( I >+02)) 630 NEXT I 640 PRINT 650 PRINT 660 PRINT "***********#$##****#'' 670 PRINT 680 PRINT "ASSUME STATIC PRESSURE = CONSTANT =";P1 690 PRINT "ASSUME TOTAL TEMPERATURE = CONSTANT = " ; TO 700 PRINT * 710 PRINT »# 8 6 $ 8 8 8 8 8 6" 720 PRINT "Y (CM) " , "PO (MM HG)" , "PS (MM HG) ", "TSTATI C (R) " 730 PRINT "POINT 740 PRINT " . "VEL <CM/SEC> " ," MACH #" 750 REM NEWTON-RAPHSON METHOD TO SOLVE RAYLEIGH'S FORMULA 760 REM FOR MACH NO. GIVEN P1/P02 RATIO 770 REM 780 FOR I=I TO N 790 J=O 800 P 0 2 ( I ) =Al#P0( I ) +A2 810 REM IF Pl P02 SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THE CALIBRATION 820 IF (P 1 /P 0 2 (I> ) > .9999 GOTO 1150 830 IF (P 1 /P 0 2 ( I )) > .5283 GOTO 950 840 M=I.3 850 F=( ( ( I; 16667*M-'2-. 1 6 6 6 6 7 ) '2 .5 ) / ( 1. 2#M"'2) ^ (+3.5) ) - ( P l / P 0 2 ( I ) ) 860 DF1=3.08164*M"2* ( I . 16667*M''2 - . 166667)"'1.5 870 DF2=3.69 797*(I . 16667*M '2-.166667)"2.5 BBO DF=(DFl-DF2>/M'-8 890 DELTA=F/DF 900 M=ABS(M-DELTA) 910 IF ABS (DELTA)<=.0001 GOTO 930 920 GOTO 850 930 MACH(I)=M 940 GOTO 980 950 MACH ( I >= ( ( (P02 ( I ) / P l ) ' v. 2857-1) *5) 5 960 REM 970 REM 980 REM CALCULATION OF LOCAL TEMP USING MACH NO. AND TOl 990 TS( I ) =TO/( I + . 2*MACH( I ) A2) 1000 REM 1010 REM 1020 REM CALCULATION OF VELOCITY USING SP OF SOUND AND MACH NO. (CM/SEC) 1030 U ( I ) =1494*SQR(TS(I)) AMACH(I) 1040 REM 1050 REM 1060 REM CALCULATION OF DENSITY <GM/CM/;3> 1070 D ( I ) = . 000836AP1/TS <I > 1080 IF (J) =1 GOTO 1150 1090 VIS=( . 7*TS <I >/311) * 1 . 7498E-07 1100 RE=U(I)*D(I ) * . 0 1 / (VIS6981) . . 1110 IF (RE) > 200 GOTO 1150 1120 P02 ( I ) =P02 (J ) / (Z1+Z2BRE+Z3ARE 2+Z4*RE''3+Z50RE/'4+Z6*RE/'5) 92 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200 1210 J =I GOTO 820 PRINT I . YY( I ) , P02<I >. P l f TS(I) PRINT , . U ( I ) f MACH(I) PRINT # 2 . Y Y (I),U (I) NEXT I PRINT PRINT REM TE IS THE FREE STREAM TEMPERATURE 1220 REM 1230 1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 1380 1390 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 Ok DE IS THE FREE STREAM DENSITY REM UE IS THE FREE STREAM VELOCITY REM THETA IS THE MOMENTUM THICKNESS REM THETA WILL BE AN INPUT INTO SHEAR PROGRAM REM TE=O DE=O UE=O THETA=O' YTILL(O)=O YY(O)=O FOR I=I TO 10 TE=(.1*TS(N+1-I)+TE) UE=( . I $U <N+1- 1) +UE > DE=( . I 8D(N+I - I ) +DE) NEXT I FOR I=I TO N THETA=THETA+D ( I ) »U ( I >* <I-U ( I >/UE) * (YY(I) -YY ( I - D ) YTILL ( I ) =YTfLL ( I - I ) + (D <I ) /DB) * (YY ( I ) -YY ( I - D ) NEXT I THETA=THETA/(DE*UE) FOR I=I TO N YT=YTILL(I)/THETA UT=Ud ) /UE PRINT #3,UT.YT NEXT I REM CALCULATION OF VISCOSITY (GM*SEC/CM-'2> USING SWT-TR-Bl-Ol VIS=( . 7STE/31I ) * 1 .7498E—07 REM UNIT REYNOLDS NO. /C M RNUMl=<UE*DE>/ (VIS*9BD PRINT PRINT PRINT “MOMENTUM THICKNESS (THETA)=";THETA:" (CM)" PRINT "UNIT REYNOLDS NO. = RNUMl; " (/CM)" END 93 APPENDIX E DATA REDUCTION PROGRAM FOR FREE SHEAR LAYER P R O F IL E S LIST 10 REM UPDATED LAST 1-23-83 11 REM *******SHEAR2*$**#** 12 REM THIS PROGRAM HAS INPUTS OF PITOT PRESSURE, STATIC PRESSURE AND 13 REM TOTAL TEMPERATURE. THESE INPUTS ARE IN THE FORM OF PROFILES. 14 REM THE PROGRAM THEN USES THESE PROFILES TO CALCULATE MEAN FLOW 15 REM PROPERTIES ACROSS THE SHEAR LAYER. OUTPUTS ARE IN THE FORM 16 REM OF HARD COPY AND INTERNALLY SAVED NON-DIMENSIONAL FILES 17 REM USED AT A LATER TIME. 18 REM 19 REM 20 DIM YK 300) , YY(300) , MACH (300) , PO (300) , P02 (300). U <300 >. P K 300) .P t 300) 30 DIM TS( 3 0 0 ).D ( 3 0 0 ),T 0 4 <300), T (300).T 0 3 (300), UT<300) ,YTILL(300) 40 REM 50 REM 60 PRINT “WHAT ARE FILES PDATAXXXX,SDATAXXXX, TDATAXXXX,TOl" 70 INPUT FlS I BO INPUT F2S 90 INPUT F3S 1 0 0 INPUT TOl HO DUMPl=TOl 120 OPEN “ I " ,# 1 ,F 1 $ 130 OPEN " I “ ,#2,F 2$ 140 OPEN " I “ ,#3.F3S 150 REM H HEADER NO. 160 REM X=DISTANCE FROM TRAILING EDGE 170 REM PO=STAGNATI ON PRESSURE 180 REM TOI =STAGNAt I ON TEMP; ASSUMED 190 REM Al=CAL CONSTANT (SLOPE) OF PITOT PRESSURE 200 REM A2= (INTERCEPT) OF PITOT PRESSURE 210 REM BI = (SLOPE) OF STATIC PRESSURE 220 REM (INTERCEPT) OF STATIC PRESSURE 82= 230 REM Cl = (SLOPE) OF Y-POSITION 240 REM C2(INTERCEPT) OF Y-POSITI ON 250 REM REMEMBER THAT TO ACCOUNT FOR ANGLE OFF T.E. THIS INTERCEPT 260 REM MUST BE CHANGED PROCEEDING DOWNSTREAM AS: 270 REM NEW "b" = OLD "b" * NEW "COUNTS" / OLD "COUNTS" 280 REM Dl=CAL CONSTANT (SLOPE) OF TOTAL TEMPERATURE 290 REM D2= “ " (INTERCEPT) OF TOTAL TEMPERATURE 300 REM N=NO. OF POINTS IN PROFILE 310 REM THETAl=MOMENTUM THICKNESS OF FAST-SIDE AT T.E. 320 REM THETA2=M0MENTUM THICKNESS OF SLOW-SIDE AT T.E. 330 INPUT#I . H ,X, PO,TOl, A l, A2,C l , C 2,N,THETAl, THETA2 340 I NPUT#2, HH, XX, PPO. TTOI , BI , B2 350 INPUT#3,HHH,XXX, PPPO,TTTOl, D l, D2 360 REM 370 REM 380 PRINT 390 PRINT 400 PRINT "#****$*#*#*#******#*****$*$**8*#" 410 PRINT "*&8*#*8*****&&8*&8&8&****$a*8*@8" 420 PRINT " DATA FOR RUN NO."jH 430 PRINT "&#8&**&8*&**&88***8&&888p8888888" 440 PRINT 450 PRINT 460 FOR I=I TO N 470 INPUT#1, Y l ( I ) , P O ( I ) 480 INPUT#2, Y2, P d ) 490 INPUT03,Y3.T (I) 94 500 YY <I ) =. 002546 (Cl SYl ( I >■«-C2> 310 NEXT I 520 PRINT 530 PRINT 540 PRINT 550 PRINT 560 PRINT 570 PRINT "0 S $ 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 $M 580 PRINT 590 PRINT "POINT 0 " , "Y <CM>" , "PO (MM H G )"."PS (MM H G ) “TSTATI C (R)“ 600 PRINT " ","TTOTAL (R)","VEL (CM/S)" , "MACH #" 610 REM NEWTON-RAPHSON METHOD TO SOLVE RAYLEIGH'S FORMULA 620 REM FOR MACH NO. GIVEN P1/P02 RATIO 630 REM 640 FOR I=I TO N 650 P02(I)=A1*P0(I)+A2 660 P l (I)=B1*P(I)+B2 670 IF ( P I ( I ) /PQ2( I )) > .5283 GOTO 790 680 M=I . 3 690 F=< ( ( I . 16667*M '2-.1 6 6 6 6 7 ) '2 .5 ) / < 1. 28MA2 ) ^ ( + 3 .5 ) ) - ( P l ( I >/PQ2( I )> 700 DFl=3.08164*M-'-28(l. 16667*M''2-. 166667)^1.5 710 DF2=3.69797* ( I . 166678M''2-. 166667) A2 . 5 720 DF=(DF1-DF2)/MA8 • 730 DELTA=F/DF 740 M=ABS(M-DELTA) 750 IF ABS (DELTA)< = .OOOl GOTO 770 760 GOTO 690 770 MACH(I)=M 780 GOTO 820 790 MACH <I ) = < ( (P02( I >/ P l ( I ) ) ^ . 2857-1> 8 3 ) 5 800 REM 810 REM CALCULATION OF TOTAL TEMP 820 REM CALCULATION OF LOCAL TEMP USING MACH NO. AND TOl 830. REM CALCULATION OF VELOCITY USING SP OF SOUND AND MACH NO. 840 REM CALCULATION OF DENSITY (GMZCMaS) 850 REM CALCULATION OF VISCOSITY (GM8SEC/CMA2) 860 REM CALCULATION OF REYNOLDS NO. BASED ON .013 CM-DIA THERMOCOUPLE 870 TOl=DUMPl 880 T03( I ) =DI *T( I >+D2+460 890 TSS=TOl/ ( I + . 28MACH( I ) A2> 900 UU=I 494*SQR(TSS)SMACH(I) 910 DD=.000836&P1( I ) /TSS 920 VIS=( . 7#TSS/311 ) 8 1 .7498E-07 930 RED=UU*DD*.013/(VIS8981) 940 DUMP=.9151+.0004799*REDA. 5 - 2 . 302E-058RED 950 T02= (T03<I ; -TSS)/DUMP+TSS 960 IF ABS (T02-T01) <= .0 5 GOTO 990 970 T01=T02 980 GOTO 890 990 T0 4 ( I ) =T02 1000 U(I)=UU 1010 TS(I)=TSS 1020 D(I)=DD 1030 PRINT I . Y Y (I),P 0 2 ( I ) . P l ( I ) ,T S(I) 1040 PRINT ,TOA(I),U(I),MACH(I) 1050 NEXT I 1060 REM 1070 REM 1080 REM TEl IS THE FAST-SIDE FREE STREAM TEMPERATURE 1090 REM TE2 IS THE SLOW-SIDE FREE STREAM TEMPERATURE 1100 REM DEl IS THE FAST-SIDE FREE STREAM DENSITY 1110 REM DE2 IS THE SLOW-SIDE FREE STREAM DENSITY 1120 REM UEl IS THE FAST-SIDE FREE STREAM VELOCITY 1130 REM UE2 IS THE SLOW-SIDE FREE STREAM VELOCITY 1140 TEl=OsTE2=0 1150 DEl=OsDE2=0 95 1160 1170 I 130 1190 1200 1210 1220 1230 UEl=0sUE2=0 YT=O .CLOSE #1 FOR I=I TO 10 TE!=< .I #TS<N*1—I ) *TE1) TE2=( . I 8TS( I ) +TE2) DE1=(.1*D<N+1-I)+DE1) DE2= <. I 6D ( I >•*-DE2) 1240 LIE I = ( . I #U <N+1 —I ) -e-ljEl) 1250 1260 1270 .1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 1380 1390 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1590 1600 1610 1620 1630 I 640 1650 1660 1670 1680 1690 1700 1710 Ok UE2=(.1*U(I)+UE2) NEXT I REM REM CALCULATION OF VISCOSITY (GM*SEC/CM^2) USING SWT-TR-Bl-Ol V IS l= <.7*TE1/ 3 1 1 ) #1.7498E-07 VIS2=(.7*TE2/311)*1.7498E-07 REM CALCULATION OF UNIT REYNOLDS NO./CM ON FAST-SIDE RNUMl= <UE1*DE1> / (VIS I »981) REM CALCULATION OF UNIT REYNOLDS NO../CM ON SLOW SIDE RNUM2=<UE24DE2>/ <VIS2#981> PRINT PRINT "REV = "RNUM1;" /CM" PRINT "RE2'= ";RNUM2s" /CM" XP=(X #2.54>/(<(RNUM1+RNUM2)/2 )& (THETA1+THETA2)^2) PRINT "X'= ";XP REM FIND WHERE U(MIN) IS FOR J=I TO N-I IF (YY(J)) < ABS(YY(J + l >) GOTO 1440 NEXT J M=J REM REM CALCULATION OF. DIMENSIONLESS PARAMETER GROUP PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT PRINT "OUTPUT FILENAME FOR DIMENSIONLESS GROUP" INPUT W$ OPEN "0".#1.W$ DUMPS=YY(M+l) YY(M+l)=O FOR I = I TO M YT=YT+(D(M +l-I) /DE2)6 ( ABStYY(M + l-I>>-ABS(YY(M+2-I>>) YTILL(I)=YT/(THETAI +THETA2) UT( I >=UlM + l-I) /UEl PRINT #1,U T (I ) . YTILL(I) NEXT I YY(M+l)=DUMPS YT=O: YY(M-I)=O FOR I=M TO N YT=YT+(D(I)/ DEl ) > (YY( I ) -YY( I —I )) YTILL(I)=YT/(THETA1+THETA2) UT(I)=U(I)ZUEl PRINT # 1 , UT(I), YTILL(I) NEXT I . END 96 REFERENCES CI TED 97 RE FERENCES CITED 1. D e m e t r i a d e s , A. a n d B r o w e r , T. L . , " E x p e r i m e n t a l S t u d y of a C om pressible Free Shear Layer", MSU/ SWT R e p o r t TR 8 2 - 0 5 , Montana State U niversity, Bozeman, MT December 1982. 2. R ayleigh, Lord, "On the I n s t a b il it y of Jets", P r o c e e d i n g s .of. t h e L o n d o n Ma t h e m a t i c a l S o c i e t y , X, 1 87 9 , p p . 4 - 1 3 . 3. Goldstein, S., Boundary Layer C a mb r i d g e P h i l . 4. 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