GENERAL RISK ASSESSMENT & HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Job title Task being assessed Location Risk assessment reference: Assessors Name Assessors signature Date of assessment Proposed Review Date List the key elements of the task;(Consider Who, What, Where, When and How in relation to the work being carried out): Authorised by (Manager) Print Name Date Risk Level Severity? See risk assessment guidance notes Likelihood? No of Persons affected Frequency of task Hazards Identified (What has the potential to cause harm?) Existing control measures verified in place Is the risk adequately controlled? Additional control measures / monitoring required? How will this hazard be monitored to ensure control is maintained? Conclusions Risk Assessmernt reference Risks requiring action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Recommendations Priority RISK ASSESSMENT IMPLEMENTATION TRACKER Assessment Reference No: Recom . No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Manager: Agreed action Target Date Action By Completion Date Signed RISK ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE NOTES The level of risk depends on a combination of the probability of harm and the severity of harm. The table below demonstrates the assessment of risk: Likelihood of harm x Severity of harm = Level of risk (Risk levels: 1-2 = Low (L) / 3-6 = Medium (M) / 8-9 = High / 12-16 = Intolerable) Likelihood of harm The severity of harm Very unlikely 1 Slight 1 e.g. Nuisance, irritation, temporary ill health Moderate 2 e.g. Medical Attention with several days off work Major 3 e.g. Long term Injury or Illness Extreme 4 e.g. Kill or Permanently Maim Unlikely 2 Likely 3 Very likely 4 LOW =1 LOW =2 MEDIUM =3 MEDIUM =4 LOW =2 MEDIUM =4 MEDIUM =6 HIGH =8 MEDIUM =3 MEDIUM =6 HIGH =9 INTOLERABLE =12 MEDIUM =4 HIGH =8 INTOLERABLE =12 INTOLERABLE =16 To use the Risk Assessment Form: 1 Identify the Task/Activity 2 Identify those likely to be at risk (tick as appropriate) 3 Identify the hazard and the risks that might result from the hazard (there may be more than one risk resulting from a hazard). 4 Assess the initial risk (before any safety control measures are applied): Likelihood x Severity=Risk Level (R). 5 List the safety control measures in place or that need to be applied to reduce the identified risks. Is the ris adequately controlled? 6 Assess the remaining risk level once additional control measures are applied. 7 The task activity must not proceed if the remaining risk level is High or Intolerable. RISK LEVEL TRIVIAL The risk is so small that no control measures or records are needed LOW (1-2) Control measures are not necessarily needed Consider better solutions that don’t cause extra costs The situation should be monitored to keep the risk under control Control measures should be taken to reduce the risk. A suitable timescale can be planned for implementing the controls The cost-effectiveness of the control measures should be carefully considered If very harmful consequences are foreseeable (such as serious injury or fire in a production facility) the probability of the event should be re-examined more thoroughly. Work should not be started until the risk has been reduced. Considerable resources may be needed to reduce the risk. Where work is in progress, urgent action should be taken to reduce the risk. MEDIUM (3-6) HIGH (8-9) INTOLERABLE (12-16) Work should not be started or continued until the risk has been reduced – regardless of the cost of the control measures.