METHOD STATEMENT GUIDELINES AND CHECKLIST A method statement details how a work activity or particular element of the activity should be carried out so as to safeguard those Personnel involved in work requiring a "Safe System of Work". A Safe System of Work A safe system of work is a considered method of working that takes proper account of the potential hazards to the Contractor's employees, and to any others having access to the site including employees of Sub-Contractor's, Project Supervisor, Students. Before a safe system is drawn up for a particular operation, the potential hazard should be removed, or reduced to the greatest extent practicable. The following questions should be considered when establishing a "Safe System of Work". Questions 1. What is the task? 2. What hazards will be created by the task? 3. Do any existing systems of work, Approved Codes of Practice HSE Guidance Notes or instructions apply? (see: Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.) 4. Who is going to carry out the task - Contractor, Sub-Contractor, specialists or combination of these? 5. Which persons are required to carry out the work and what will be their individual roles? How will they be consulted? 6. What techniques will be used? 7. Will they need any specialist training? 8. Who will control and supervise the task? 9. What plant will be used? Is this adequate? 10. Are any special tools, equipment or clothing necessary? 11. Does the task require entry into confined spaces or work at height? 12. What precautions (eg electrical isolation, permits to work) are required and who will authorise them? 13. What other precautions should be taken? 14. Will personal protection (eg ear defenders, breathing apparatus, protective clothing) need to be used, and has adequate, up-to-date training in its use been given? Revised Jan 2003 METHOD STATEMENT GUIDELINES AND CHECKLIST (cont.) 15. What is the edge protection? 16. Is the work likely to interfere with other construction operations? 17. How will persons involved, (if out of hearing distance or out of sight of each other), effectively communicate? 18. What specifically is the working platform? 19. Is this platform known to be secure? 20. What is the means of access and is this satisfactory? 21. Is a survey of the area or building necessary? 22. Do services need to be located and/or installed? 23. Will it be necessary to inform other contractors about the work. 24. Should special emergency procedures be instituted eg Emergency Drill, providing Fire Wardens, extra First Aid cover? 25. Are Notification procedures required for completion of high risk activity? 26. Who will need to receive copies of the Safe System of Work? 27. Has the Project Supervisor reviewed the Method Statement and Safe System of Work? Revised Jan 2003